The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS. lIAVK HOI m: IN %TI.%NT %. ( hHlrmnn lulliacwow IIfIM-h** Cirr- U In* %\lll Mr KMNHI. Simkri. lo Hr "••Hi l* ***•> u llr—Mr. <lNllluvtn "h>* Mr Mill Not Hr n wndlltr for Ihr *e*aM*. Jntliii’ Mai Uti %uala I'redlda thr Klrnlou of llratt. Atlanta I*l. 13 Th** State D*moratk fcrudquartrr a* re co-tluy In Hoorn 112 of thr ksmlmll Huuhs Chairman ilußutnon of ihr Scat* Com uk In hUK< lo*<lh> H* *lll ifNiul a* much linu* an f*o##ll>l* In Atlanta t.ntil after thr l**tlon. bxti durinif hli n> Vl< Chairman Brown \%tli lt**k efter thr affair*. Thr room hi brn IHird up *lth chair*. lv.-k*. miu) other furniture and th Dm rii.4 of ih* will t*. wrlcomr ahrn rvt r they ronu tu Aflant • All Um nr-.* .-.'jry Information r* to the t m* jnun will be fui nlshrd tlie different oun* lie#. 3 Mr duUnnon I* confident that th ma jority of the I+mM r.K# in Georgia thin year will 1 Irtvon 35.W0 and 4*M*** >!• yiild conei<lrruble tnfter* #* w beitiK #h<>wn In the coming ©lection and h- Nlleved all ft ood liriTUK MIH would fto to the poll# on election day and < a#t their lollott for the Democratic candidate-', both stale and national. No list of speakers ha# een prepare! by Ihe Stilt* Commit!** Chairman dulJt non eald yesterday the untl*# would be allowed to #k for Ih* #p-.ikei# wanted, and thru th- #pak*r# wouM la requested by th** committee to a##l#t tin countie# making th* 1 request Twenty-two count!*'* so far have report'd to th ommlttee that there will la opposition t< the Democratic ticket, it Jr* very likely that i>*ak*r* will be #rivt to each of Ih©#* counties. Cam paign llteralur* will also be rent where It Ik needed Air. linen Not n < nml Itlft te. Mr diißifncci ha# b**n Invited to rn*k several apeectia* lit thl# Mate, and also In Florida In Florida there are many He publlcan#. and Mr duHlgnon n speeches will be In the Interest of the national ticket The headquarter* In the Kimball House will b* kpt op<ti until aft* r the election In Octob* r When the Slat* Committee m t in At lanta Tuesday, there wa# considerable talk f Hon Fleming dullign n. chairman of the c tnmitae lf*tn* a ..initiate for the h*nat In ifcC. to *uc *rd Senator A. S. Cay. A number of politician* w* re die* cussing the probability of Mr duliignon*# candidacy and It Is believed by many of hi* friend# that he will be in th rave Mr dulltgnon wua asked to-day If h* would run for the Senate. ll* appeared surprised at the question and replied: “I have red the slightest Id* i of beilUJ a Candida!.- for tl. Senate 1 have heard of no opposition to Senator Clay further than that Gov. Candler would probably run agalnM him. but I am not sure about tMa. I arm-un •• I at one time that I would run for th Senate If the party de clared a*Nin< the coinage of silver at ]ft to ]. but that wa* four year# ago I wl#h >ou wou (I say for m< that I am not a can ji late for th* I ’nit and State* Senate and that I do not Intend to be one ” Helleve* Hr>n %VIII Win. Judge Hal L*wl* of the Supreme Court, who nominated W J Mryar. for th* pres idency In th.- I>omocratio c onvention held tu Cblcfigo In HR*, said yt*4erda> that he belle veil l try an would win this y. ar Judge Lawl* h* just returned from on extended trip • hroufrh tn North. .nl he said that everywhere the rational • ampdign was th* chief topic of < nversatlofi “It I my opinlot;." said Judge I*wls. •that Hrv.m will win He ha# a stSettdid chano*, and I believe tlwt h- will carry m anaj rlty of *h‘ states It 1- the general b lief In *h No*th. Ilrxatt I* on vrv hody'* tongue nnl ev*-rybody seam# to be rallying to hi* support.” ATL iNT % H AII.HOAII MI INILB. Another Inlnnetlon Auntnnt Unr of tlir Mrerf < ar < wmpnnlea. Atlanta. S*|d 11—A new Injunction suit was filed to-day against the Atlanta llap td Transit Company The Georgia Itall road ami I tanking Company I# the ietl ttoner at *1 mak* # the old Georgia. Caro lina atid N*rth* rn Itailroa*! now the Sea board Air Idrx Company, defendant with the Transit company. This Injunctlort I# nlm. .1 at the rapid transit line to De catur. A few- day?- ago President Simmon# plat ed that bis line had lea*el a tlme-sille strrt -h of ihe old Seaboard track and would equip It electrically, make connec tion# and run through car* to Meca.ur within * few week- The temporary re straining order h ud by Judg* butup kin to-da) will stop the work at I* a#t un til Sept when th* matter l# set for a hearing. According to th* petition, this trans ferred property was to 1m- used for rail road and tor no other puriKMiea. There Is. th* rtdor* an objection to the equip ment of the road with electrical appar atus now being done by th*- Kapni Tran sit Company on it* line from Atlanta to Decatur. ST It A W IIOIUI MAN UtltKM’W). Hr Will Hr llrfnrnrri • ttlnntn nnd I’runiTit'll. Atlanta. Kept. U—John T Garner, one of the mi*n wanted in this city for ulleg* and forgery In connection with the recent j at taw-ball bond swlndk, unearthed hen , by John Corrigan, assistant 10 Solicitor Black. ha- been arrested In Htrm nnharn Already this bond business ha a time ted the attention of the county him id • well ait the City Court of Atlanta In several care* bonds signed by Hame* and <Ear ner have been ordered forfeited, and the fw-rsoni* accused striated, and new lotvl* given. In two or three casts the bonds of pkilntiffs in the JuaUce of the peace court* havt been eent bark with Instruc tion* that they must bo strengthened be cause thi* names of the*#* men appeared upon them Garner will be brought hack and prosecuted ULYNIt llbthK H ITS UHU OISK. lairir Memberahlp Kwrolled at Urri. las l.aat Itlglit. Brunswick. Ga.. Sept. IS.—The Glynn County Democratic Club was organised here tonight with Owen Johnston presi dent Kdwln Brobston vice president. C. W Inmlng secretary, and I) W. Krauss treasurer. A large membership was enrolled and a cowmltt* *n membership appointed, con sisting of O. YV. Cline. J M Bloorlworth and 8 F. Memory. The club la pledged 10 Bryan and Hlevenson and all Democratic nominees, and active work on this line will commence Immediately. f Mffoit ll>Hc llor tietl. Daw-on. Ga.. Kept. IS—Sir. Henry I.e*'* cotton house, about tight miles north of Dawson, was burned last night, togethsr with eight bales of cotton In the seed. The loss wis about f*nh. with no Insurant* The lire ts thought to have originated from negroes* smoking tilmit the house. •TOPS Tilt f Ml t; tfl %Ml UOItKS OFF thi: < oi.ii. laxative Urom • > Quinine Tabid* cure a o* In one day. No cure, no pay, Price ft cents.—ad. Constipation nra<lsch,btllonnMf. heartburn. Indt- Station, and all llrer Ilia are cured by Hood’s Pills Sold by all druggists. tS cents. ' G ATIIKHINO or THU Tl UMI Developed llmt There Are K.mhi In tin n fa. <>f ihr Family. Phlladrdphla. Sept. 13 Tylers from ev ery section of the country are here at tending the annual family reunion Among the prominent p< rwais of that nm* here are Gov J Hog.- Tyler of Virginia. I*rof Henry M Tyler of Sindh C Urge. North ampton, Ma*#.. and lTof. Churl*-# M Ty ier of Cornell I nlversNy. This In the first reunion attendetl In number# by th* Southern Tyler#, from which branch came President Tyler. A was h*dd at which It develop ed that then were I<VjQU d**-''endnnts of thi original Tyler#, who lar.doi in Virginia In Is3& and that there were three great brn< hr one In Ma.-f>achu#u#s. one in New J* r#ey and I’enmylvania and one In Virginia. Memorial rcsoluthaw were passed in honor of Twenty-five Tyler# who died eim-e th*- last reunion. The secretary un ftounnil that fifty new ni< mtere had been enrolled. The fallowing officer# were elected l*rof. Chart* * M Tyler of Corm 11. |re*|- dent. Got Tyler of Virginia, first vice president; Henry It Tyler of I'hlladdphl.i. *•- oiwl vice president, and John J Tyler f I'hll odelphta. |at roo \\ I. Tyl**r Itrlgham w~ii# ('ontinued as secretary and historian. To-day the Tyler# visited Atlantic City l*ltr.*lDt:NT IN AT t %NTON. He and Mrm. McKinley Will Hrmaln There Sometime, Canton, ft . Sept U President and Mrs Mcßlniey arrived In Canton shortly before ft o'clock this evening in u #i** tal train from Somerset. They have no definlta plans, but expect to remain here for some time. There was no demonstration here, hut at various points along the line the Presi dent was cheered. During the stop at Johnstown someone In the crowd tAilled out: ‘ Major, what are you going to do with us the next four years?” The President smiled and replied: "It Is more Important Just now to know wlisl you are going lo do with me the next four yearsT" We are going to stand by you.” wa* the rejoinder, and ihe crowd shouted Its approval cf this hist remark. MAM FAI TANARUS! HtCStf OF JHASIO. Held Heetlng at l.onluv I lie and Fleeted Officer*. Louisville Ky.. Sept. IS.—The manufac turer# of jean# clothing of the Bouth and West held their regular annual meeting here to-day. liepreaentative manufactur ers from Knoxville, Chattanougu, Nash ville. Cleveland #nd Hweetwaier. Tenn.. were present, together with other# from Henderson Louisville. Evansville. New Albany Carthage, Mo., and Maryville. Tenn Annual report* were read and at the • lection of officer# H. W. Barrett was re elec#*d president and Peyton N. Clarke secretary. The following hoard of direc tor# was elected: J A Meßsiden Knox ville; \\ M Hchant. Kvan-vllle; O. A Itobtnaon, H. D. Whitney, and F. A. Carter. Hweetwaier. Tenn. FlltF AT %\ 111 II; NPHINQI. * IVoti'l anl Several Hiislneas llon#e# Consumed. J**per. Fla , Sept 13.—Big fire occurre-1 In White Spring# this morning. Th*- Till man House, and the business hotisew of John Huberts, Pritchard St Long. Stewart A Tillman, were burned out. The fire wa# arrested at F A Edward* A Son's atore Mr Nat Adam* lost hi* cotton ware h use. with several carload# of hay, and other feeds and cotton which had be- n purchased for two or three days. I have been unable to ascertain If there wa any 1 n*uranee, except the Tillman Hotel. Ft*ION IN COLORADO. lie tunern t Named .lumen 11. Orniau for Governor. I>*nver. Col.. Sept. 13.—Fusion of the Democratic, Silver Republican and Popu list iwrlt* * was accomplished mi 3:45 o'clock thta morning when the Democratic Stab* Convention adjourn* and after l>eing In continuous session since 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon. Jurne# It. Orman of Pueblo county. Dem ocrat. w# nominated for Governor. Fu sion w.ia also accompl shed on presidential electors. DKTVCf TKII IN Hl# CHINK. Turner Killed Clley and Tried to t oneral the llody. Columbia. 8 C.. Sept 17 Jefferson Tur ner shot and killed Newton Clley In a cot ton field near the town of to day. lie dragged the body of hi# victim to a creek and was endeavoring to conceal it when detected He find to the wood* Officers with bloodhounds are pursuing him HKIM HLK AY HIA Hl* IN HAINK. I'lurnllty ’Not Math Inereased t> l.ate He turns. I. wDton. Me , Kept. 11—Ueturns re ceived from all but two of the 521 cities, towns Mini plantations in the state show the following vote for Governor: Hill tHep). 73 1M; Lord iLnu. 39,111; Rogers. (Pro), 1.107; L<rtnotid, (Socialist). ft*s. Re publican plurality. 33.745. t iihcrult) Foot Hall Team. Athens, Ga.. Sept. 13.—The advance squad of the University football eleven arrived In the city to-day ami began prac tloe at onoe. Ten men turned otrt for practice. The new roach Is K. K. Jones of Princeton, who was captain of Prince ton's second eleven last year. He t'ornrs highly recommended The captain of the Georg.• eam Is Frank K MePufoheon. who played well last year Indications point to one of the strongest teams that Georgia has put out In years. Auuustn's (•nlxesfon Fund. Augusta. Ga.. Sept. 13.—A public meet ing ailed to-day In contribute for the nllef of the Galv.*t.n sufferer, had only a small attendance. but about SCD> ha, al ready N n -üb r!t>. and. ami the Hat, ura to remain open In dtflrrcnt |>arts of th, city until 10-.norrow ai 6 o'clock |> m. Mi aii to day * m.filni on I W. K. Alexander la treaMirer of the fund Cnlaaiba. l)fmnrr,lß, Columbus. Ga . tk pt II —The Bryan and Stevenson Club held a rouelnir meettn* to nlaht. w hich w ad.lrraanl hy Hon 110 n-l C. Irfvy. Ca|>t. Gilbert mil other, Th*. i luh now ha, nearly I.VH member,. Pres Men i Gilbert announced that Henatoi Clay an.l ConKrcman Adamson would address the club Sept, 27. THE MOKNIIsG NEWS: Fill DAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 11)00. DANt.I ltOt * t HE IP Hill: IIIN". Cheap Material and t roilr %laiufae arr t omhiur to t aa#r %reldrat. From the New Orleans Times-Democrat ‘Home reatrlc.ons ought to bt placed on the sale of cheap hr* arm# In this cour try," said a New orb an# hardware deal er. "Here I* pistol that was wtH ni* the other day a# a simple." he continued opening hi# h*k and taking out a five c ham he ted revolver. This thing retail# a* fl I* and must ne* * fsartty b made in the roughest |o#a4ble manner, fr m the crud •-*t p asib material The nice adjustm n tnli#pei*abie to the resistance of ga* ex pansion and powder shock 1# altoget *r out of the iu*stton. and the weapon i mo*, ati'l more liable to blow up • vet y tlrn** It 1# tired "For the las? two or three years the n*M*pap*-r report# *f such accidents hav* hen steadily <*n the Increase and Hie 4Use |.- to b* foUL i Itl the g T W I g *■'• of exactly this kind of rattle-trap. Of course no sensible white man would dream •►f handling one of th- thing#, but they are great *e |*r among negro # an i boys For ?l *.*. a dark* can buy a |4ato and a round of ammunlth n and turn hlm self Into a perambulating Infernal ma chine There ought to b a law against putting *uch deadly rubbish into Ignorant hands. "An Impression somehow prevail# " th* dealer went on “that moat cheap phrtols ate made In |t latum, and ‘Helglan pis tols' Is a fort of generic term for tha' class of a. m# It Is a great mUtak* Bel gium I* the one country In the world where the government teats and stamp every wearwn turned out by a prlv.v* factory If one of tbelr maker# sold such a pistol as this, he wouM be fined L" for each offense, and hi* entire st # k would be confiscated. The next time h* tried It he would go to prison for five year# Every pistol made in Belgium 1- fired twice with double charge# at th government proving grounds, and tbi metal used Is subjected to th* severest te#*# The same thing Is done with shot gun# and th'-re are fewer accPlants fr>in explosions In that country than anywhere else on earth A free-born American man ufacturer would resent such a law as a gross Invasion of his private right# 1 m going to suggest a motto to thl# parti** ular firm—'lf# an 111 pIGot that blow# no body up.’ " WdltPMni on Rhlrt W'bUl. From the tmulevllle Courier Journal A Connecticut Homan writes that "when mon have their so-rulled shirt waists ma'l" to. nt nr l know how to dress underneath th*> rhlrt walm. there ran hr no oh)e - tlon to Ihr rhlrt waiat man; hut thrv • ton't. Woman wrtir at Inart Ihrnn gai mnnH under thnir rhlrt waists " Ir that really a fanf What am they? If It should It# required that a man w* ir a—. a— ami a— under hlr rhlrt wtnr'. thnn tho rhlrt wnlrl man will go before hn hnr fairly arrived Th Bril Prrtrriprloa far Malaria, Chills and Favrr. la a pottle of Grove's Tartrlnrr Chill Tonic. It ia almply Iron and qulnlna In a tasteless form No cur# —no pay I’ric* no —ad mutL :MITATIOMV BARROI'R.—The relatlvnr and frlnnda of Mr. and Mrs. Robrrl T. Barbour are respectfully Invited lo attend thn funnral of the formnr from hla lain realdonro. tit Hall street, nart, thir afternoon at 4:30 o''-lock. ' 1 ' MKKTntM. WOODMEN or TUB WORLD. MISTLETOE CAMP NO 4 The regular monthly meeting wlil be hi Id thin (Friday) rvrntnfr at 3 .10 o'clock sharp All mrmberr are requeued to at tend. nr matters of grave Importance will tv brought before the meeting. By order W R HEWLETT. C. C. It J. STEWART. Senary. • FECIAL NOTICES. nmn for SCHOOI. nl'PFl.iKn. Bids for school supplies for one year will be received at the office of the Super tntcdent of Schools till noon Hept £!. There ruppller consist of Stationery. Ilourn Supplies. Printing. W ad and Coal. Btuvee and Stove Repairs Duplicate blanks and other Information may be ob tained at the office of the Sutn-nntendent of Schools. CONGREGATION MICKY A ISM AMI Servicer will be held at the Temp e, Mon terey square. Friday Sept. 14. *3O p. m. M PIIAGEK. Secretary. NOTICE. All peracnr are hereby cautioned ayriinst harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British steamship, Mae. onomo, Mann, master, from New York, ar no debts of their contracting will be paid by master, own* r or by W W. WILSON. Agent, Consignee NOTICE. Neither the mauler nor consignee* of the HrttDh meamshlp Lahuun. Gardner, master, will be responsible for any debt* contracted by crew of raid vcrrel. J F. MINIS A CO.. Consignee*. OF IXTEEEf l Columbia. H C. Bepl. 12, ISOO. Hon T. H. McMillan. Treasurer, Savannah, Ua,: Dear Sir—l beg leave lo herein ac knowledge receipt of check for the full amount of the certlflcate held by the late Albert Anderson In The Anvil, and I trurt that your order will at all times meet with that suer err ll merits Thanking you for your promptness In the settlement of this claim, 1 beg to remain, yours truly. WM. T AYCOCK. Administrator. The Anvil la a national Insurance order, with the home office In Savannah. Ga Those who have carefully examined the cerlltlcate Issued by The Anvil pronounce ll one of the most complete and perfect certificate* of protection In existence. This accounts for the rapid growth of the order, having Issued Its first certlflcate May M. I9ui. and Its 3.070 Sept 11. 1960. The creation of a reserve fund In accord ance with fixed ru es and conditions, pre cludes any and all doubt of their being able to carry out their agreement. Their plan, with the strong personality of the gentlemen who are Ira officers entitles It to the confidence and the patronage of the Insuring public. The motto of The Anvil Is "Prompt Payment" of all claims. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Sept *. wm A vacancy having occurred In the office of messenger of Council, caused by the death of the late Meam-nger John Harri son. and In accordance with u resolution n.lopied In Council Hypt 3th. Han notice 1- her. by given that an election will be had at the next regular meeting of Coun cil. lo be held of) Hie 13th Inst, at R p. to., to fill the unexpired term all applications to Ih filed with the Clerk of Council a| <a- before 12 m of the 19th Inst. Bond of typo) required; names of Isasiamen must accompany the application. WM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. One of our cilenia has placed In our band* 333.00) to loan on good Savannah real eatala at reasonable rales of UHaraai BECKETT * BECKETT. U IToaidani aWoat, east. SPECIAL NOTICES. LEV AVS TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS. Mo-*DI NN ER—4Sc. Dinner 1 to 3 and ft to 9. Friday. B<pt. 11 , Claret Wins. sour. Crab Chowder. FISH. Cutlets of Grouper. Tomato Sauce. I'Otatoe- ala BoullatA Sliced Tomiitots, Gut rn dives. Chow Chow. Mi\< 1 Dickies. ENT HERS Green Turtl* Stew. English Bread Fritters. Wine Sauce. BOILED. Fresh Fulton Markt t Corn Beet and Cattail* ROASTED. Prime Ribs of Beef, Yorkshire Budding. VEGETABLES. Mashed I'ota oe#. Arpsr.igti# Cr* im Sauce Htewed Tomato s. Hie*-. Candled Yams. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pear Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Ora ker#. S tgo Pudding Huuce. Drip Coffee. LEVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. KATII ,%L OF tiLONtd % It %II.U 41 CO Savannah Ga.. Sept ••cube r 1. IKM Interest at the rate of per cent., be .ng 33i SO dollars on each bond of a thou# and dollar#, ha# b* en declared payable > tolar Ist, IMP. on the First Preference Income Bonds *f the Central of Georgia Hallway Company, and will be pak) on presentation of tlte i*on*i# on md after that date to the Guaranty Trust Company of New York or lo the Cltlaens Bank of rkivannah No Interest 1# payable on the Hefvmd Preference Ituxane Bond* or th- Thlfd Preference Income Bonds By ortler of the Board of Directors. T. M CI'X'NIN<;MA M Trc.urer NOTICE OK cor MITM£H*Mir. Th un.irrtigii. '1 have Hit. day form'd copartnership for tha purpose of con lir.ulnc and csrryln* on the business of Wilder A Cos . taking o-sr th- assets and assuming th- Hstd ltlcs of Joseph I. Wilder. dr.arsed, Isirly doing I uslnc.s und-r the firm name of Wilder & Cos The llrm name will remain unchanged and ihe business will be conducted for u* by Win W. Williamson as manager OEORdIA TAtiE WILDER. ANNE I’AOK ANDERSON. Savannah. Oa . Sept. 12. li si 111 i*s. Georgia Cann Svrup In bottle*. Ha* the ftiivor of that fresh from the cane. Maple Syrup In half-gallon an I quart tin*. Made from tap Ideal Table Drip Syrup, of delightful flavor and soul by the gallon, S'rawberry and Raspberry Syrup* for flavoring. —at— A. M & C. W. WESTS. MARK APPLE, ,*WO West nroughton street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Agent for following manufacturers. make your selection fiom them; Mayer. Columbus, Buckeye. Ftaxler. Cortland. Waterloo. Watertown. Weat eott. Hock Hill. Old Hickory. Mllburn sod Florence Farm Wagons. Full find oinplete line of Harness. Sad dler. Lap Robe*, etc. Kelley Springfield Rubber Tires put on a l ehort notice. TO THOAH AFFLICTED W ITH HHBt • MATI9M. I have been a sufTerer for thirteen year* of Ihlr ilreaded disease, have vis ited the Hot Spring* of Arkansas, and been treated by physicians all over ttw- South. only obtaining letnpor.try relief. Mr Ben. Smith of Sandersville. Ga., ad vised me to try the waters of Suwanee Spring*. Fla., and II afford* me pleasure to stale that after remaining there for two months.' drinking of and bathing in Its witters, I have obtained n |**rm.inenl cure. T W JACKSON. Sandersville. Ga. All you can drink for 5c at Livingston'*. Mi l MLI IHR iII.ST UINGKJt At.K. The best Is the Whaoler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from ins caUbralad Crxmiac Opriugs of that city. TUsaa spilt.g* are the property of Wheeler A Cos., btnoa no other Ginger Ale manufac turer In Ireland baa those waters but themselves Tbe Wheeler Ginger Ale te made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are: one Is deleterious—the other Is a tonic. For Healthfulnese and Purity Ihe cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfaat Ulnger Ale le tbe best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, ■ole Southern Agents. Savannah. Oa. WE fill AND SELL HEAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on same at & per cent, and collect rente Represent The Travel ere' Insurance On., accident and liability departments. Represent the New- Yotk Underwriters Kir* In* agency Represent Ihe Greenwich Fire In* Cos Represent the Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Cos. All busi ness entrusted to us will be appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful at tsntton. No 27 Bay street, east. Tele phone MS W. C. FRIPP A CO. ytM V AMI HK-PHCH3BU BRICK, Wc manufacture and •* 11 all kinds of tarn y and n-pressed br ck pavl g and bul.dlnx bricks Our emmon b l k ar the lest for bulhdng pu po e, b lug larger than other kilns m ilt and cheap ,r See sample- and prices savannah BUILDING SUPPLY CO, Congres* and Drayton at re ts ISb MAI TO CLEAN (.Aitl'LT'k. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up, - an I taken are of for the aumnier Is to turn the Job over to the Dletrlct M-ea.-ng r and Delivery Cos. telephone 7, or call at 31! Montgomery •t ee., and they will make you an *at mete on the cost of the work Prloea rwtaonable. They also pack, move and Olore furniture and pianos C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt and Mgr. RtATTHEhhES, MATTRUHEB. Have your mattresses and f.alheis ren ovated by our tnedlcaleJ steam process < before a change In weather takes place. (The only plant In Savannah I D over- i cornea all Impurities und renews life and volume In all bedding material. Price* on renovation of fe-atherw is follows: In-. I* 33 AO. Imlslers 11. pillows iix- Colton, inoas and bdlr mittresses made to order Fine 1 work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTKKBS AND RENO VATING rn., Bell phone 1136. 331 Drayton aireet. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Savannah. Ga . Sept 4. woo Bid* will be received at thla office until 13 o'clork m Friday. Sept Tl, i*n. for furnishing the Police Iwpartment with winter uniforms, aoor ling to speelfl. a llons to be seen al the pollee barrack*. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. .WM. P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. | Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CIGARROS. You will find them on sal© everywhere. IN EXCELLENT SHAPE -FOR- Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, Phone 383. AMLSKMKNTS. gAWANNAH r.inArgß. Saturday sSSL 15. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE By Local Talent, For the Benefit wn ira Admission 50c. gAVANNAH TjdaATiß. 5 Nights, commencing Monday. Sept. ft. ROBS* >H THEATER CO., presenting "THE RED CROSS NURSE ” l*adiH> frr Monday night with every land 30c ticket. Matinee*, commencing Tuesday. BUSINESS NOTICES. Kvryboly like* good coffee, but It's hard to get. Good one time and |or the next. Isn’t that your experience? True lovers of good coffee will put up with almost any sort of a m< al mu long aw the coffee Is good Poor coffee will spoil un otherwise Irreproachable dinner. And breakfast without good coffee Is i.ot to be thought of. * We make It a particular point to hove only tlie b*st of each grade of coffe,. Try us once on coffee and you'll want more. JOHN T. EVANS A CO. Congr. * an.l Barnard slreeie. I Phones No. awl. ■FECIAL NOMLEA. MOSItL'ITOBA will not trouble you If you use RHUOMt SHEET. It tea pleasant perfume. MEI.DP.RM A ts u toilet powder that Instantly dis pels thr disagreeable odor* arising from perspiration. OLD HTYLE COLD CHEAM gl* quiet, relief for sun burns and akin troubles. AOLOMONg CO. LKTT’ OfSCOL'NT NOTICE. OV WILL IAAR TEN M B CENT. My paying your bill* on we be lure tbe ISIh lust. H. H LEVY A HO. NOTICE. CUy of Savannah, Office Fire Department, Savannah. Ga., Sept. 1. pjrvt Proposals for furnishing the Fire De partment with winter uniform* will be re. calved al the offiee of the undersigned until 12 o'clork m of Saturday. Sept 22. IBP) Specifications will he furnt*h>d upon apply ailon al the office of the Fire I>e partment, corner of Indian and West Broad streets any day between the hours of 9 a. m and 3 p m All ppoio-al* must he aeal-d and ad dressed to the Committee -at Fir Uniform* to be delivered f o. b In £a vtinnah on or before Oct. 15, ltsxi The committee res* rve the right to reject any and all proposals or to award the contract In part or as a whole. J' IHN B M 49IHRE, SupL 1111)9 U ANTED. Office Director of Public Works. Savan nah. Oa , Sept. . IM> Bids will be re celved at thiw office until Saturday. Sept. IS, 19*10. nt 12 o'clock noon, ctly time, for the privilege of assorting garbage pip f,, r •11 material*, auch as rags. pipe-, tm cans, glass tnd nil sulatlanc# noi of frr. terllxing value. All bids to he made kho| lor one year. Envelopes to be marked •*Hkls for assorting garbage." The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened In the presence of bid ders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. BIfIJNKSS NOT I CM. We roast daily all grades of COFFEE HENRY SOLOMON & SON, lln> and Jefft-rson Streets. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is better organised than ever be fore. Watches repaired by incom petent workman can be mH*le to go right. Now Is a good tim*' to g**t ready for correct time during the busy season, when time counts. _ THEVS BROS. FOR RENT, - from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply Tbe Clallam Heal Estate and Im provement Company, 1* RRYAN STREET, EAST. f tom Piste. For sals, s Forssltb Nswspapsr Koldsr will fold sboK Z, ik It Is In good offtor Erics too It cost originally Si.ioo. but *• h * v X, UM for It ,ul want tha room li oecuplaa. II will ba an lnvaluabl# adjunct to any nowspapar uAot. Addrrsa MORNING NEWS, ■avaanab. Ga. SiiiiiH CAPITAL, Amounts of hanks, marcharts. rorivtra ilons and tndlvtauals aullutsiL Ravings D*partro*n(. Interest paid quarterly. Rafety Doses and Storage Vsulia for rent. Collections mads on all points at rea ronabia rales Drafts aold on all tha chief dtlaa of the world Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vies President. W F. McCACEEY. Cashier THE GEORGIA STATE ! BLILOINti AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. i & PER CENT. p*r annum allowed on deposit*, aitndrawable on demand. Inter : e credited quarterly. t PER CENT, per annum allowed on depoaits ol even hundreds, withdtawabla at annual perlcjs GEO W TIEDEMAN. President B. H. LEVY. Vice President. E. W HE 1.1. Secretary. C O ANDERSON jk Treasurer OFFICE. IB YORK STREET. WEST. aI'ECIAn tUTRkb LARGE \\ AIIKIIUt HE AND OF FICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on Weal Broad, r.ow occu pied by the SaVanrmh Carriage and Wagon Cos As they will up business In the city on June I. 1 of fer I; for rent from that dale M. P. SMART IIOMM KUtl I'KU By the American Bonding and Truat i otr.pany of lialtlmore We are author ised to exacut. locally (Inim diately upon application*. all to:. Is in judicial pro c. din#, In either the state or Unli-d Put' r urta and of atlminiairatora an i DBARINO & HI'LL. Amnia T-ii. SI Provllenf rtul I'n* •I'WBtKK tPHiIU, HOTEL, Mwaee, Fla. Slnutnl on the t anks of the nuwanee river ntmaic unequaled. No inaUrla. No moaoul toe, < oni nlshi, Most hrslthful ami delimit tut resort In the Pomh. Water cures ever, known illeeaac Hoard flu per week Special rate for t nmmrrrlal men of tt per day, which transfer Ta Lie and accommoda tinns airtcily fl rate Was For Illustrated uam pblet address buwanee Sprin*, Cos . fcuwanee I Nprlh*s,F la. A.NUKEW HA.NLtV, M*r. Cence beta ten our SCHOOL SHOES and other shoes sold at same price is—that our "CROWN" are worth more than they cost. 1.48 SCHOOL SHOES boys that stay together, 10| | m all over XX / f|r and v'' N cO<“d ' DON’T much. g St , FOOTCOV£M/tS*>* AOnM/MX is the kind you find here, and here only. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R. DILLON, President. e Cashier. C T. ELMS. BARRON CARTER, Vice President. Aset. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased lo receive the account* of Merchants. Firm*. Individuals, Uar.kx and Corporations. Liberal favor* extended. I nsurpassed collection futilities, insur ing prompt returns SEPAhATESAVINGS DEPARTMENT IXTKKRftT < i.v o\ di:ponit. Safely Deposit noxra and Vault* fot rfn * Corrf.flpondpnce nolle tied ThTCitizefis Bank UA SAVANNA3L CAPITAL. $500.00a rrsu,..,. - wtaoai Bankas* ■aalaeie, Solicit, Aaaoaata Oi ladlvldoala, Ntrekaata, Raaka aad *tk*> Borpo eaUtaa. Collectltiaa kaallsd with safety, aad dispatch. , ** ,r ee4 oaaeponaded qaarteely allewe* an depoells la aar Saving* Dryerlaeat. •afety Uapoalt Bases aad Storage Taalts. EEANTLET A DENMARK. Fees! gent, lilf.Lß B. LANE, Vlee Proaldeat. GEORGE. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. DORDOI L. GROOVER, Aaat. tackle*. SOUTHERN BANK of the Plate of Georgia. Capital EduW Surplus and undivided profit* DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF OEOROIA. tiuiarwr facillliw tot tianaactlng a ' .diet al Banking b.slnese. Collecltuns made on all points a-iwsaibl>' through banks and naakars. Accounts al tiauka, B.nkri. jici.nsid* and others soli.tied Sale Deposli Boiei for rent. Department of Savings, Intertai pay* 6- quarterly. 4 Sells Sterling Exchange on London “ and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A crane. Vice President JAMES PfT.t.tVAN Cashier DIRECTOR*: J.So FLANNERY. WM. W. OOHPON E A WEIL W W. GORDON. Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. I.EK ROY MYERS JOSEPH FFIRST H. P SMART. CHARLES KbU* EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBT. THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga. Capital Undivided |>roflls *“•'** ThL bank offers Its service* to corpurs* tloua. merchants and in llvldual* Has suihorlfy to act as executor. a* s * mlntalrator, guardian, etc Iseuta drefie on the principal dtlee • Great Britain and Ireland and on the Cent! neat. . Inter, er raid or compounded quarterly on depjalla In the Savings Departm*'*” R.if tv Boxes for rent HFINRY BLIJN. President. OEO. W TIEDEMAN Vloe President- J >IIN M HOGAN, Cashier WAI TER F. HOGAN. Aas f Caehler 1 ' ' " No 1640. Charter*!. I**- THE— His Nil it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. EOyOJ. SURPLUS. I***® 4 t'NITED STATES DEPOSITOR!- J A. G. CARSON. I‘re-ideil. BKHtNE GORDON, Vic# Prceldcni W. M. DAVANT. caahlrr. Account* of l ank# and banker*. n *‘ ehania and eorporailona received ui‘ the moat favorable terms cooaletant * safe and conetrratlv* banking.