The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 15, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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had an effect on business. T t:\%s STORM (AUBED IIBDirTIOS |> IT* VtH ME. 0, ..nation lnpnf* •* by the Or 4i*r for •• Sirikr of the Antlirncltc | Miners—Better Dlstrlhut lon ll Hrrrlianillsr Reported In the H r> l mill Sou lll—lotion llcncln-.l Sfcr Highest rrlre In Ten Iran, Ontlon 4.00*9* Alan Advanced. *;.• York. Bepl. 14. R. O. Dun's v ,, ~fc!y Review of Trade to-morrow will Tne tropical storm tha devastated tlir coast, almost wiping out the city of ,;,t)veton. and doing damage tn other j,,.* of the Country, caused ri.lurlton In , volume of btmlnese In thr South, an t rulroais In the clulf reUm have iwolu j, v not shown their maximum losses of ,imines ns yet; hut even afttr such a iinstrophe a recuperative power Is shown. ~ An added cause of hesitation In business „i t ie order for a strike of the anthracite c, .1 miners*. From many quarters of the West and thenst a better distribution of met , ..mils - Is reportad In Jobbing and retail les. I’rle* #of staple commodities are h . ier for the week, hoisted by the sharp r in cotton, lull tn munufactured prod -ts thero Is little change, though steady res**** of tnwlness at he current level !• allsfactory. .'.ion ck*sed last w- hJ( at the highest I eln ten years and n large short lnter , was awaiting reaction. Instead there < min news of the disaster In Texas, and sensational reports that n million bales i l been destroyed. At the New York 1 tiungo trading was far In excess of all t i vloua records, and prices rose by 1. Is. Subsequently there were less ex • rated reports from the South. but the r nket failed to respond and middling up lands advanced to 11 cents. T:e rise In the raw material caused • ,rp advances In eotton goods. In one • k standard brown sheetings rose from 1C to> cents, wide bleached sheetings frum 'll to 21 cents, standard brown drills T m S.fi7 to 5.4a cents and staple glng • from SCO to 5..V> cents. Buyers who hate been delaying for- weeks are anxious • -cure liberal supplies, both Instant sr t distant. Failures for the week were IK* In the Id Stales, against 14k last year, and hi in Canada, against X! last year. DYAAMITK Mt *T NIC t *ED. Trouble 4\ Itti \ itldostn's Artesian Melt—Other \rw. v iMost.i. Oa.. Bv>e. ll—The men. who I , charge of the work on the new ar t in well, have been having a great < of trouble this week, and it looks now dynamite would have to he used to ... ; them out of it In order to complete ! : ir work they hn*l to put tn an eight plpe, which was to act as a curbing tot th* tycll. This pipe was lowered. Imt <■ n It reached the stratum of rock. K-> (i tie low ihe surface, It refused to go i -tier and efforts / v*etc mode to drive 1' ■ rough the rockf which Is only aliout net through. A powerful |*riesute *e- put upon the pipe and II ntove.l an f or so. becoming wedged there. Then. • . <l<kl*l<il to withdraw It. hut It rr • I to come out. Thirty tons of prea >va* use<l to pull It out. but the pipe ■ k. and part of it still remains In the •<ii The contractors have < ter Sled to p i pound or so of dynamite ttixler th : s nod ttilts Increase the slse of the Tie* |> that everything wilt I ,1 ht tn the next few days, but they In, ,) a great deal of trouble thkt *'k. A wru* orstinixM here tbl* week • l* he Jonex mill jxml. u couple >f t twt- the city, for the of I K it (ifnl mnkinjr a rcaort thrr.' Ti* mpany |*i compos# <1 of M*avr*. \V. I*r, J. T. Kol*crtj, C. It. Awhley. J XV Bentley ami J. 11. Jones. They ex t m.ike it fin* fishing reserve there. • * a i.*i probable that the atr*et ear • s 9 will he ext t'tuU I *o that place. The • • trio line toukl no there anj return * v te.y of the Btrickland Cotton Mill*. making n very fine hell line. • • I-. C. SolomiX) •lleil here yeater '*'• after a wrlous lUin-*- of aevernl v She w** the wife of Coronor Bol ' *n. nrxl ha I rek)e<! in this county • il thlrty-dlve >ear*. (hough ahe wn a r l ive of South Carolina. Her remain* "•re earrle.l | 0 the OKI Ke.]|an.| di*tri t t morning for burial. TO tUVBKTIME THR Ftfß. laldoatn Arriinulnu for Rumr Flar Attraction*. Valdosta. Qa.. Sept. 14.—The large od v‘ Hiring mutter for the Mato fair has ftr rived op,! „ fioif (I,>xrn nu n will be put 111 the Held next week distributing It In ■ very nook an<l corner of thl* ami adjoin. * r, K states. The matter consist* of many novelt|p In the any of advertising and It 11l attract much attention. Manager Moore relumed from New York t'>-day at noon, having gone there to con tii t for some special attractions for the lilr lie made aevrral contract* for some - • llrot feature* and found Mr T C. advance agent for Hoatork’a Milway attractions here on hi* return. wilrocl „ also made with him. thua f‘curing a very large array of Midway 1' ture* during tin eomlm: fair. r I*. M. Childress of the Keystone iv ultry farm haa been put In charge of the poultri exhibit, which la to he on. of the very Interesting* features of the fib Mr. Childress ex|>ci ta to make an ' ‘titrate display of. hla fowls nt Macon .uul Atlanta, and will bring the full ex bibite from those ettlea to the fair here. 1 1 -Idea securing a large number of poul try exhlblta front otlier aecltona. He al ready haa aasunin. ee of a great variety <>f exhltilta, and that feature will be verv "ttractive for lovera of line fowls of all klnda. TEAC'IIIIRA lAIHIUTKIM. 'I nllahaaare Puts Ip Her fI.UOO In tlie Cnpltnl liace. Tallahassee. Kin.. Sept. 14.—The Sgptem l‘r examinations closed lust Saturday 1 itfht, and the Grading Committee. Profs. W, Demllly and J. F. Montgomery and Mies Clara Felkel, completed their work : i Thursday with the follow* result*: There were seven white teachers, of v -i h tbraeracelyedflrst-gradecertificates, ‘“f.c second grade and one third gra.le, Twenty negroes entered the examlnu seventeen of wbom passed, as fol ‘ : Five received second grade certill ’ • - twelve third-grade certificates, and ! ' ■ fulled to pass. ‘Jalnesvllle has n new corporation, the * ‘until Hardware and Seed Company, 1 h a capital of fcO.ttUO. to buy and sell h I I'd ware, seeds, etc. 1 iton was selling In Tallahassee st 10*4 :oi rents on Thursday. ! be 11.000 re.julreil to place Tallahassee ! ’i <h>- race a. a candidate for the capital ' b of Florida was put up to-day hy the ‘ > ’ ih essee Capital le ague. 'tt-rie Cltlltlren llnrnetl to Death. Huntsville. Ala.. Sipt. 14.—Three negro r •i'd.-ti w. re burned to death In their om<- last night at the Bradford Place, toree miles from the city. The mother was fhur h and had left her four children •e-ked In the bourn, THE DEAD AT HITCHCOCK. (Contlnurrl from First Page.) The family of C. W. Young, wife, two son* and two iktuishters. Mury Montrlotsii. Palmero, wife anl *even children. T. W. OVonnor. Mm:>r* of two famlhe* of Alvin, who wr. vleltina th* Young family. S* vi n unklenttflel fMind on prairie, sup- Pom| to be from Oalveston. ®®°r‘* of the dead from Oalveton are yet unburled, a* the bodh* are too l>dly (K*omt*o*e4i 10 haul urwl tner* I* too mu< li water on the prairie to admit of di*uin graves. f*TI 1 M>r.ll M t l.i r%lt V Rt lsG. l.nlMir U til lie Imported fo < lean t p (Ifllrmlus, Austin. Tex.. Sept 14.—From early morn* ing until fur In tin- afternoon Gov*. Sk\\- t* to<d.iy wa* In with relief committee* from various i>otnt* along the storm swept coast. Among the first com mitt* i* to arrive was one from (laiveston. comprising M isr. Skinrn r, Ooree and Spencer. These gci**|.mn consulted at length whh Gov. Sayers, going into all the de tails of the relief work being done at Galveston, the prospects for the future and th* lmn> Hat* prtMpt demands. Asa renult of this eonfeienee ll was de chhsl that the state adjutant general. Gen. Scurry, ehould be lft tn command of the city, whi h is still to be considered umler military rule, and that he was to have the exclusive control, noi only of the l*at ruling of the city, but of the sanitary forces engage*! tn cleaning the city. It was decided alo instead of looking to the tailoring jM-ople of Galvston f*r work in tills * m rgency that an lni|ortAt tlon of outside laborers to the numb, r of 2,0<)0 should tie m;4le to conduct the fan itary work while the |>eopla of Galveston w*ere given an opporiunlty of looking aft er their own losses and rebuilding thtdr own property without giving any time to ihe city at large. A LI9T OF 2,701 DBU). Ilcllevnl tlir dumber Will fin Over thr llatlnintf* of .".IMfO. Houston, T* x . Bcpt. H —The Post to-day pr.nts a list of 2.701 names of the Oalves ton dead, compil'd from various sources, but believe I to be authentic. There w 4 re hundreds of bodies burned, burled at sea and in the sand, of which no Identification wjs passlbl- . There were other hundreds who w re burled on the b*ach of the mainland, few cf whom have been Identified. There arc many bodies still In the ruins of Galveston and scat* ur*d along the beach of the mainland and In the marshes, where they wore thrown by the water. Borne of these t>od!es have bet n s-nt twenty mil* s Inland along small water court** by the rush of high wa ter* Taking all things Into consideration, thert* s errs to In* no lwger any doubt that the number of dead will reach lie yond ih- estimate of S.hiiO which has been made by Mayor J< m, Maj. R. Q. Lowe and other reliable citizens of Galveston. M IH l KHMBLS Willi: LOST. T. saa Sturm Was Still I’laylnw Hav oc ns It Went to Sea. St. Johns. N. F.. Sept. It.—Tales of wide spread .b i-iructlon wrought by yesterday 1 * gale continue to pour In. Six vessels were wrecked near St. Pierre un.l six In Placentia bay. It Is also reported that four were lost In Re news harbor, two In the straits of Belle Isle and four near Cape llonavlsta. tuber ports of the island have yet to be heard from, the telegraph wire* to re mote point* being down. Thus far four tee-u lives are known to nave been lost. nHTHI CTIOA AT KKAIIHOOKB. Twenty-one People Were Drownetl in Tlint I.title I’lnrr. Houston. Tex.. Sept. 14.—A dispatch from .Seabrooke, Tex., says; It is no use to send 4>apers here to sell as there are but few people left and they are starving for food and need clothes to put on. Thirty-three out of thirty-four houses art- now flat un dent (lie hill, floated away, and twenty- OflO people were drowned In this little place. The distress la appalling. (Signed) R. H. Laraber. U.ILYF.WTOV* DKATH BIST. Smiles of Ollier* Him l.oat 1 lielr l.lve* in flic Storm. Houston. Tex.. Sept. 14-Fol owing I* an additional Hat of Galveston's dead: Andrew. Mr* A. and family. Bell. Al-Xrftider. wife, two sons and daughter. Poe 1© ker, Charles. Hen ei. Mrs Lucy. Brook*. J. T. Bland. Mis. and seven Children (colored) Bell. Henry. Ilat.k rs. Mis Charbs. IPach. Miss Nina, of Victoria. Ihedenker, H-. father, brother and ais t. r-H - aw Pajmrd. Mrs. Brown. Winnie M. 11. < ker. John, wife and daughters.-Mae and Vida Bell. w. Mr *>d Mrs. J, and daugh ter. Cl off-e. Mrs acd child. Christian. John. . ampbel . Wdl Cutty. Mrs. Martha J . and Miss Ixtulxa Ctirv.n. Mt., wife and daughter. Cart ell, , wife and daughter, of Orsn^e. Crawford. Rayburn. Cars- n. Frank C. Clinton. Mrs, Mary and children. George A.. Horace, Lee W. Joseph. IS.. Willie 8.. and Freddie. Dannie. Mr. and Mrs. Day. Willie. Dtinnln, Mr*, llowstd C . and three children. IMik-. Henry and family Day. Alfr-d. found In a trse. Darfo, Mr. and Mrs. two daughters. Dammlll. W D., and wife (colored). Dunham. George R. and wife. Dunham. George R . Jr., and two chil dren. Donnelly. Nick. Ducos. Madeline and Octavla. Davis. Mis- I'roma. Drew;), 11 A., Mrs. and two sons. Dowl‘-s. Samuel wife nrvl one child. Davis. Mrs. Mary and children. Carrie, Alice, LlasJc oral Kddle. Kvans. Mrs. Kale and two children. Fatkenharge. George and wife. Forget, Julius. Frellher. Mrs Krill. Frau. Mrs. August and daughter. Faby. C 8.. wife and two children. Fo-ter, Mrs. August. Frelsc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M Foroush. John and Freddie. Fret well. J Mr*- •*' **>* Foster, Mr*. 8. F. ... Fsrber, Miss Nannie of Buldvan s I*l - "'rank Anton, wife and two daughters. Gall, a A. and wife. Gibson. Prof, and family. Gentry, Charlotte, (colored). THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1000. Duffy's Whiskey Coughs. Cold., Bronchilu, Asthma, Coir --imps ion. Malaria. Fever*. Chill* and Dyspepsia of whatever lorn?, quickly cured by taking Duffy'* Mall. A tablc.ipoonful in fla** of water three timc a day. Yoaacn* N V. ll : K tlsxTi.ruKN I have liad ir rvous dyapeptiiw fo ■ *ver ten year?* i wan so wegk 1 could hariljr wulk and night after night could not sleep. 1 v*as discouraged, and 1 took my case in my own hands, saying nothing t* anyone a id !•' au using 1s it IT* ‘w Pure Mull Wlitshey. i nave t:*k*n the bottle of it I have net N e;i S4 well iu years us I am at the present tim* and my appetite is } | -ndtd 1 feel 1 can never >ay enough in prais* of Huffy‘a l*uv* 'l*ii V% ailskry. l take it In h t watt r nearly every morning before br*akfast When 1 started taUing It 1 only weighed seventy five ptmntfs and at pre%4*nt I weigh one hundred and live pounds. Very truly ) ours.MAHut*EniTx I*. tIKKVKHT, No. 2 Curly t: Place. Yonkers, N. Y, All druggists and growers. 91 00 a bottle look sen* free i.ct the genuine - refuse substitutes they are dangerous. *>ver T.uuo doctors prescribe Duffy s l*ure yat DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO.. Rocbcuttr. N. Y. Gonxilr*. Arwlrcw, wife n*t daugliter r,ullne. Ora hum, Mr*. 11. and baby. (iarnell, Robert F.— lilb.on, Mary 0. tlu'ib'i. Col. of Victoria. U.-orge, 11. K., and f unity. Grey. H. K n<l family. Gray. ItatMlotph, four children and sit ter-ln-lnw. Uaroakll. Auguxt. Hoband, Mr*. James, lilggni*. Mrs. ltll<let*mn<t. Fred. Harris, Rebecca. 41uut-ell. Mi**** Maggie nd Emma. Halixe. alsier, Mr*. Captain. Huebener. Mr* A. abd boy. H. Hon. Willie O. Hunter, Georg*, tluusinger. George. Johnston. Mrs. Johnston, Mr*. W. J. J'fT’rbrook. Mr. and Mrs August Johnson. Mrs, C. H Jones, J. 11, and wife. JtK'gcr. Walter 11. Johnson. V. B. John-on. tMln. wife and child. Kuhn*. Mrs. KU tn and two children. King, Mrs. Karvel, Mrs. Jack, and four children. Konstant<>i<olos. F. Kreywell. David, and daughter. Kels. L . wife and four children. Dnwron, Charles, wife and child. I. Alfred, mother and sister-in law. • Da key. Mrs., father and mother. Drwls, Agnes. Lewis, Marla. l.eyl, William, g ar.dmother and sister la mmen. Virgil l.lo>d. Buck. Ludwig. Albert, pilnter. i.siiatl, H J. I-nlwtt. L ulsa. C. and sister. Nellie E Lackey and children. Leon and Pearl. Little, Mis J. A. I,e|*eh*ar, J. H., wife and three chtl dr n I anahsn. Laura. Fran I*. Terrence, ami Cloud children of John. Luca. Mrs. J Lthe. Mr*. Mnry. lam F. A., fotir son* and one daugh ter. and colored nurse, levy, Mias, of Houston, legate. Louis wife and eon. Legate. Mrs. P., two aons and two ‘laiivhters Legal*. Christian. M .nliy, Joe. mother and two niece*. Manley. Mrs. H. It. Miller Mrs. and live children, colored. Martin. Henmar and part of family. McGulne. John. McPherson. Robert, colored. McNeill, Mis* J. and Mis* Mary. Morris. Harry, wife and three children. Murl, Annie and Murine. Murortt. Miss Pauline. McVay. Mrs. E. C. Mulsbcrger. Tony and wife. Nelson. Mrs. tiral daughter. Ohlaen. Mr. and Mrs. (>j*tHrnrm, Albert L. and wife. O'Cnnnelly, Miss Mamie. I lerron, Mias Mary ami Oliva. Piersoa. Frank. Pell, Mrs. Park. Mrs. and two daughter*, l'lner, Mr*. Ella. Powers, Mrs. ami child. Palmer, Mrs. Mae. and six-year-old son Lev. Patterson. Florence. Prue-mlth. Mrs F. ami three ehlMren Roehmn William F.. and two children, llavey. and family. Itnmiolph. K-llth. Kof ntaTg. and baby. Rurebmond. Prof. W. F. and two chil dren. Roe, K . colored. Reuter. Otto. Reuter. 11. Y. Reiser. Henry, wife and three children. Relsel. Mm. Lula and children, Ray nml Edna. Roberts, Herbert V. Rh*vles. Miss Ella, trained nurse. Rose, C M. Ituhler. Frank. Mrs. K., Albert. Rrngrn, John P. Rutter. IL. wife and flve children. Schultz. Chert**. SK>tt, Annie. Bhnw. Frank Schultz. Charles C. S hultz. Fre.l end wife. Smith. Mr*. Ella and baby, colored. Scull. Mrs. Mary. Scuttle. It., wife ond two children. Simpson, W. It., and chlklren, James and Berry. Sargent Thomas, Arthur and Allen. Bllke. Mrs. Blndeylce. H L.. wife and three chil dren. Blewart. Mr*. I>ter. Btandford. Sits. Emm*. Bch irtz Marie. Maggie and Willie. Sawyer, Dr. J. R. Belden*tuckcr John. Schrader. Mary. Summers. Miss Sarah, of Cadlng, Ky. Smith. Jacob (unaccounted for). Spann. J C.. wife and daughter. Turner. Mrs. Rtaevant. Jordon. Thurman. Mrs. ■ Troetntan. Mrs. E. and three children. Tnytr, Verma and M. C. I'nger, Mrs. K. and flve children. Van Llew. Mollle. Vnn lluren, Herman, wife and thrte children. William*. Samuel (colored). Williams, Mrs. E. C. Colored). Williams. Samuel (colored). Woodrow. Matilda. Warren, Celia. , Waring. Mr*., of Chicago Colored)., August. Jr., and wife nnd two children. Weinberg. Otto, wife and flve children Walker. 1-ouls D. Matkir* Mr# F. S'anl-y, Arthur nnd fie rn ■. Walll*. Lee, wife, mother, four ehll dren and a little orphan girl who lived formerly at Palestine. Watkins. Stan: y. and Ar-hor. Wright. Jennl- T and Lulu. Wa!k*r. Joe. WIIII inv', Ito*anns, (e dorrd). Win burg. Mrs. F. A. and Frit*. Yaeger, WlMtom. Ual-eston. Tex.. Sept. 14.—The follow In* Is on additional list of dead not here tofore sen* out: Allison, B. U., family of ulna Antonevlch. Pinkie. John and grand mother. Augustlal. P and wife. Allen. K. B. nml wife. B*>unl*ui. Mrs. 1.. A. Boedecker, Charles and gramlchtld. Blum. Mr. and Mr*. Isaac. Blum Mr*. Sylvan. Harry. Mr*. M K. Ml-e M. E.. Miss V., Janus IX, K.. L ami H. Bereckman, E*lw.ird. Miss Louis, daugh ter. Bell. Clare rue, ami mother Buckner, Mr. and Mr#,. Frits, two chil dren. Bentson. T. Bergeron, Mr#., and four children. Banncval, Mis. Anton*-, and two chil dren. Rrtirmun. T M Brown. A.lolph, wife, son and daughter, ciupp. Mrs. Charles p. Crawley, Miss, and Nellie, Lee, Lottie, Lillie ami Mary. Cook, William. Cook, Mr*. Bcott ar.d four children, t'arsen. Mrs. Cupps, Charles, wife and six children. Curtail, wife nml daughter. Catltun, Charles, wife and boy. Cruts. Ju k Ckary. Dan nnd three children Coililard. Alex.. Nice. Mary Bray and tine.* chl'dten • Duett. Mis- M Dawler, Mrs. Bam and one child. Davis. Mrs. Tom. Dorrln. Mrs. C. and sis children. Elsi*. Mt*. John ami two children. K-kert, Chath-s. Edwards. A It. C. ard family. E. Iman. Paul, w.fe and baby. Falk, Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Kale, three children. Katie, J* neb- in *1 Charles. Kuger, Frank. Uuhimnn, Thco , Mis -Beattie nml Will iam. father and br.rther of Clarence. OllrMin, Mary C. H. H Hegman. l-ilnar-J. wife and two children. Ilerr. Leonard, wife and two chlklren Hay man, John A., wife and four chil dren. Irvin. Joseph. Johnson. H. P. nnd J. K., Rillch, lost off barge James Howard. Kind*. Joseph. Nelson, Alma end Loris. Kltnpan, Paul a(l>l Mrs. Keefe. T J., ivlfe ami daughter. Kalb, August, wife and mo(herln-law. Kalb. C. L. ami child. Kaltf. Mr*. John and four children. Kellogg, of Tichenoor*' Place, and whole family. Kaiser, Lout*, wife ami three children. Klnrfadcr, wife and chllJ. Kelly, Florence uml Tilley. Ktrky. George, wife am] three chlklren Lindner. Mr*. I-oulse and five children. Levy, Maj. W. T.. wife utsl three chil dren. Lucas, four chlklren of Mrs. J. Loosing. Mrs Horace. McUwnn. John I!., Jr. Massey. Tom, Mollle, Orln. King. Martyr. Mt*. It Mott, Mrs. Frank. Martin, Jim and three unknown. Mareorburro, entire family, wife and four chlldr* n Mlil-r, Joe. wife nnd -ne child. Meyer. Joe. family of two. McGovern, J.ime, John, nnd two children. Menard, Miss Msry. Mellor, Koln-rt, and wife MeVey. Mrs. J W., ami Ml*s lajrralne. Morton. Mrs. Agne*. and Henry. Nick, Oyst<-rman. rntlre family. Oplllz. Anita. O'K*efc Mrs. C. J . nnd son. Olson. Thomas R.. and wife. Olson. Sieve and Charley. Provort. James, wife nnd two children. Ptolomey. wife and four children. Pllpt. Hermann. Pott ff. Charles, wife and flve children. Phelps. Ruth and Ruby. Pckllnge. Mra and mother Pinto, Mrs. Tuny and three children. P*-co. Ic-on. wife and four children. Quarrovlch. ■ Rummeiln. Ed nnd John Ragan. If. J. wife and f.uir chlklren. It ilclgh. Mist NelMe and Ml*s Willie. Ruehrmand, E.. wife and two children. Uiamsnti. Mrs. Radford, Mattie. Claude and J. A., col oreds Richardson. William. Rltler. Mrs William Ittescl. L.. wife and two children. Schuler. A., wife and flve ehlldrcn. Btcger. J.. wife and two children. Smith, E. P.. wife and four children. St-lzas, Mrs. C. 8. 8-nott. Maggie. Slockelrth, Mr*. Pet*-r anil children. Willie. Julius, Fred, Mate I and Johnnie. Tuckett. Walter, wife and chlklren. End r. Mr. ami Mrs. E. and three chil dren. Weiss. Oscar, wife and flve children. Woodwni*l. E. C.. Jr. Wlll'.im*. Rosanna. Walters. F. A . wife and four ehlldrrn Woods. Julia, uml son Frank (colored). Wlcke, Mr*. Wegner. Fritz, and wife. Zlppel. J. M., wife and five children. Zumbog. Gus. wife and five children. TO RELIEVE THE tm’KMMI. I’orclun Vpiri'ln P.*riiilll.*H (o Curry rrnplr I’rotn (islrr.lon. sVashl(i|t(on. . 14 —Grn. BpauMinit. nrllnz Brfrrt.irjr of ihe Trr*ury, (*>ok lur thrr mnuum to-*!,iy for |hr r.llrf of ih* <lllrr##r*l clllzro* of <lalv**#ion by ar ronßlm; for Ih'ir iransportatlon by for rißH vrssrl* (o N*w Orlran# or othrr Gulf ports. Thr law provblru thoi Aiwrlrin vruM'ls only cun carry passenger# 9>e lw.*n American purl*, but ilurlnu present conditions Iho Treasury De|>.irlm* nt will remit ih< penalties 10 which foreign ves sels would bo liable for Ihe relief of Gal veston. police to t osnum tb. AVnlfcer of (lie #( Be #)• Gulves. ton Will lle Rebuilt. New York. B<-pt. ll.—Chief of Police Devrry has lusuol a request to ail Ihe members of the force to contribute. A. F. Walker, chairman of Ihe board of director# of the Atcnlson, Tojieka and Santa Fe Hallroud, sukl to-*lay tluit Ihe company’s lo* due to the Galveston hur ricane would not exceed SIOO,OOO. Mr. Walker was confklent of the future of Galveston a# a shipping port. He was not ns gloomy as some of those who liad •poken on the suhjeel. On the eontraey he was of (he opinion that the city would be extensively rebuilt, and (hat business would be resumed on practically the old line# within a very few months. "Then I* no doubt.” he said, "that o*l - has received a serious blow, but no one believe* that ii will be ruined for ever by R. When the wreckage h.t > Is •it cb >r**l away, ttx di a l burlnl, <9*.- etrecta cleaned and an estimate of the actual toss sustained carefully made, the mrrehonts of th.- fury will k>.e no time In getting lo work and restoring the city to its normal condition. They will re build quickly, for the site cannot be sur *jfc “Strong and hearty boy, is it,{? S : > and no paln7 Thai’s good /'' 5 The joy of a new arrival in the family is usu- - 1, jjH gZ ally overcast by the shadow of the pain and dlv 8l C* comfort the. •}-. *mt nioth-f tnc-.t 1. . \ . , J"-S' "w If she knew of nnd tiled ** Mfh HLR S k'v //" ' /* 5* FRIEND," this would be all dispelled. Tell v\\X ,-A sfc <5 yourfriends nfiout it,as being a simple liniment, V. tn, . Hs exclusively for external use, that relaxes the v2V\. "\' JS JS muscles so that pain and suffering are unknown. \ 4 f j. _j iftii |w tiutst p** l m r-ertf* of frkf. • I .OO P**f V MMr MctWU KmM*' - -*. • McttNr. . 5, passed a- a Gulf port. There are natural advantages, and there Is also the fact ttiai It has oo.ld commercial tacking. It k* imoerattve that wc have a port on (he Ou.f; the extrnl of chipping there |. • ■■iiitsls It. In spite of the nay in whi b the city I* han*llcap|Msl by her low posi tion, she offers the best site, anil It stands to reason that the city will be rebuilt.'• IIRIVtMHK RUHBfQ % Ft Al. Hopes In Send gl.tam <<> Galveston by Tii-sluht. * Brunswick. Ga.. B*pt. 14—Brunswick I* responding to th* cal} of Galveston for aid, and Indications |<oinl lo a large sum being realized. The City Council has do nated girt), and voluntary subscriptions have com* In to run the total up to near* ly MW. To-night a citizen*' me* ting wa* held in uspoh-c to n call front Mayor Atklto- n Many ladles and gi-nik-nun alien 1.-d. Mayor Atkinson pr*-sl*led and C. W. Di m ing was made secretary. Addresses were ilellvervil by Mayor Atkinson, Dr. J.*A Butt*, kalnln P.i01.-ton ami F. E Twit ty. Committees of la*ll*s und senllemen wen- nanre*l to the city amt turn uv* r the funds collecte.l to Mayor Atkin son a* custodian. It Is hoped lo send tl.vot) by to-morrow night < ll till.l.M OV* I.AHUB FI MX City's T.ilnl Subserlptlon imssnti lo >l*ire Tlinti gr,,IHKI. Charleston. 8. C.. 8--pt. 14 —The Ways ami Means Committee of ihe (Tty Council met to-day. ami appropriated 11.00 to bo sent to the relief of Galveston sufferers Many contributions were made to the va rious fills I- being raised in the city. Near ly all of It)-- churches anti Sunday Schools will take up collections* for the sufferer- Sunday. Charleston's total contribution now exceeds 45,(M). and the work 1# only well begun. • ( ntlmllci. sr ml Ptisil., Chicago. Kept. It.—On order of Arch bishop Fehan. of ChMigo yesterday. Esth er Barry, ehancellor of (he Arehdlo to-night sent a check of ll.iui la Bishop Gallagher of Galveston to lie use*! for the sufferers*. The Archtdshop ah *r dered that n collection be taken up Sun day at all the masses In all th* Catholic churches In the archdkM-ese. The pastors will make a special appeal for funds nml contributions amounting to tIO.OW are an tlclpated. Vltax Fund Kroni Mt. l-nnls. 8t Isoils. Sept. 14.—8 t. Is iil*an* are re sponding generously tn app als for old the Texas storm stiff.-r. is mid contribu tions are pouring Into the relief commit tees of the different organisation- at a wonderful rale. Loral cash sul'Script ion to date amount to between lIHU.I and $15,- 000. At a meeting of the Merchants’ Ex change to-day SIXOOO was subscribed Money Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Bept. 14—Up to the ck>s* of laislnes# yesterday $1.154 liad been con tributed to the Galveston relief fuial by the cittzena of this city. Of this amount fU.iyn has already been sent to the Gov ernor of Texas. * lllg gul*sertpttfn From Tampa. Tampa. Fla., Bept. II The Citizen* Re lief Committee wired $_- <oo to the Gal veston sufferer# to-day. This amount sic* collected hy public subscription. The City Council voted s.> to-night. T> pnitrapbers Sent RXO. New York. B*-pt. It—The Executive Committee of New York Typographical Union No last night telegraphed $260 to Galveston Union No. 2!> for the relief of the of the union. Will grad gItVMMt. Chicago. Bept. It.—The Chicago Clear ing House Association will send slo.osl fn the relief of the sufferers on the Clulf const. Inn Francisco Responds. San Francisco, Bept. 14. —ln three days nearly s*.*#*) has been collected for the Galveston sufferers. Till) MAh YI LLE MATTER*. A 4'nn versotlon Part . —^Subscription* Galveston. Thomasvllle. (Is., B*-| L 14 —Mrs. B. D. Fudge, proprietress of the Ho e| Brighton gave a converaatton isirty to a large nuntler of her friends last evening, com pllmentary to Ml** Gertrude Brown, a very attractive young lady from Decatur. Oa After the conversations, the ladles and gentlemen were *c| a rated, and the gwitlimrn asked to write out a descrip tion of the dress of the lady to whom he talked. These descriptions were very nmusing Fred IX Dlsmukc earrled off the prize for the best des*rlptlon. Subset Ip'l n* for the I'orm sufferers In Tesas are being taken here hy all the hanks In the chy. The Populist* Of Thomas and fhe neigh boring counties will hove a big rally on Bc|o. 2$ at**l 29, In Paradise Park. In this .•tty. Col. Traylor, candidate for Governor of Georgia and Congressman M W. How ard of Alabama will be present and make speeches. Full baskets will be brought and big dinner* enjoyed. The postal authorities have completed all arrangements to establish a mall route over the new Tlfton. Thomaavll’c and Gulf Railroad, ond deliver mall at all the atotlons on the line. t mif. salon t lears Simmons. Bt. Liuls. Mo., Bept. 14.—Henry Briton, who G tn custody awuHlng requisition )* pern lo ba tolwn la Maos City, la .'•* stand trl.l for allegcl mur*ler. this aftermsin confessed to Copt. Reynold* at th<- Four Courts, that It was he who robbed the saf. In a merointlls establishmeni at Civile,dale. Mis* This taofesrion Will Clear the nam* of George Simmons, u young mao of Ciydeodale. who h *•< less accused of the crime, and Who wo* rom |>elled |o leave the home of his childhood because of the shame that had eom* to hla family through his supposed felony. Aalilostn’s Galveston Fund, Valdosta. Oa.. B<pt. 14—In a little while to-day iilmmU $W> a* raped for the suf ferers from the Galvesron storm, nnd as much more will be add'd to the list. Tile list, will temaln op n here for several day* and lists have been sent out from here to the ad)o!nlng towns, giving an opportunity to all who desire to *ub acrlbe to th* fm and tiled at Fltsgeral.l. Thomasvllle, Ga.. Sept. 14.—tiles Eva Morehouse, a young lady of this city, died suddenly In Kltsg* raid this morning She was sick only about three-quarters of .in hour. Mis# Morehouse was a sister of Ward ond William Morehouse of Bavan neh. L* There Istnly ONE POND'S EXTRACT and everybody- know* Its parity, H I [p |3 itrrngth srd errst mcdkitul vtlut. Don'! tike the weak, walery Pc H 9 Witch Haiti preparations represented to be "Ihe fame ss“ POND'S r ■ U EXTRACT. They generally contain ” wood alcohol.** which Irrlfln B ■ the ik>n. and, taken internally. It a deadly poiton. L - i lirt POND’S rXTKACT, *l*l only in tralcJ In h'ltt nxpftm. [f/J i ohhktt i)f :\n i 4 n\iuai:i. Ilr N Mnklnu n Trl| lo V:irn|*r With mi % i*l Giu‘4*t\Klown . 14.—A f4H>f ‘ enliillvr of fh rre.-.q, on hoar Dn#; lo- Jy thr Cumml Un mutwr i’ampiiniii fl's'in N n York h>u<l<l to .1. J. c\ l'M a number of relating to th* - in kl* ftftainut him m N**w VorK n- read them ami aal*l: "It !*• rkl< tiloiM to *iy lhai my Aghtn with* > uml MfAViy am faki^.” Corhvii iin.i Mnrtfimt Cornell, Ihe wor** Uk>4i .1 am ".Mr. ami Mi>. Martin." Ifr moilier wo with her on.! Corlull ott ui>!<s| a ni itcroaTm. cum run w i:%r% rr.. Two of %iiu;n*lii IVrra l!av niril Tli*lr 4 InlniM. U ushhiKioii, 8. pt. 14 —The result tf the noli4*t* arm out a few days ago by he Hiata lvparimeni of ih<* 4leah of Au- KUttfua I** r . a i.aturnllY.i l American *D lxt n. at I‘u**blo. Mrxhro, wltlkxif h'avlnx a will, war* th‘ tiling with Btite 1 kpari mmt of t'Litimi iirt>n ihv t.-nal** f iwo )iih, William ami Alixuat iVrta, living in N*w UrJ in- Put of th** If< ly thr* rider lVr**i v. m half ini re- 1 In an onyx mi no of great value. Umi lik \ merli U. Par If, 8 it. 14—The Gram! Hare of the N.itUii’ at Vine nn a wax imdny won by Arri- I $ Gff.t firltaln* 41*rmafy, Italy. Austria, Hu glum an I Holland ftlao com l ted, eaeh country brlrß repre-t-ntetl by (hr* m*n. Oteper, Mi'K.ii lain! ami liarik • r coiiHtttuteil tin* American team. The dla'ancc wa 1.390 mefe.a Unlii-r Ileal *lelV*r<la. Philadelphia, ftepl. 14 —Peter Maher of (his city 4 omfiifu ly oulc astl Jim Jff for4l of Cullforiila in two rounds of wh-ii w*i4 to have t*en n alx-round fight lo nlghl. The referee efopiHtl the bout VrMi|s to !• lo \\ nl. Hong Kong. Sept. 14.—Ordera have been ihsit* >1 for th* Tiilrd lirlgii lo lo proceed lo Wtl*llal-VVci immediately. % TMAITIIH POH ItOVB. Ilualelnn \ nnee llenerteil for the l.ovr of m I' 11 11$ I 00. Fr*m the New York World. Ban Pranciaco. Chi.. Bept. 7.—Nlnefy nine years in a military prison—lt might JuM aa well be eternlly—and for what? In he abttlract, for ih* fouleaf of crime* —dcrtcrtlon to the enemy, linptou* defiance of Ihe ll.ig. ihe alaughter of form* r tom radea. Individually, for the dusky light of a pair of black eyes In a tropic glade, for Ihe c!a*p of a pair of tawny armr*. for the Ik Utah cooing of u Filipino maid—coo ing more t'Otoiil thro thunder of cannon or shouting of comrades. Alcatrna—rh<> very name of ihe rocky Islet that sentinel# the tkdtlen Gate is eloquent of hatch. Iron rule, of blasted iioite. of Ilf*' given over to despair. Penned In his s*a-girt prison, despised ty hi* Jailers am) loath'd even hy his fel low-prisoners, Henry Van* will grow gray -If h d*s s mu kill ltlm**df tliat WHlchliig the whliu fog* roll In over the shoulders uf Mount Tsmalitais. listening 10 the screams of the blown atsi griy gulls 1 1stt flaunt their freedom Over ihe Ist.-tun of Han Francisco Bay and musing on the light o' love that lured hint away from duty, away from country, away from maulnasl. Into the enervating Jungle of Ihe Isla de Luzon For ninety-nine years? Oh. no! Thu Is a grim Action of Ihe military code. It Is merely un expression of finality ll Is as changeless as|>als'a aelf. "For life” would hold out a pmeiiect of com mutation. "For nlnciy-nine years" mean* that lor Henry Vance there shall Is- no omnium lion, no forgivenesa, no mercy. 11 mo,il.# "abandon hope.” The sentence lt*elf Is technically ■ com mutation, for Vane* was condemned by the court-martial that tried him at Ma nila to die n traitor's death—to he tdlnd foliled and shot down by his betrayed comrades with as little compunction as If he had been a dog. That wa* military Justice, as sanctioned hy every sentiment of Ihe soldier, and every tradition since flrst Ihe narions fought. But republics are sensitive alsruf such thing*. Free peoples have small liking for the litter ways of military Justice, even when the crime of crimes Is In que*tlon. And so William McKinley, commander- In-chlef of Ihe army of Ihe United Htatea. to sfmre the feeling* of Ihe public, re solved lo commute Henry Vance's a*n- Icncr to Imprisonment for ninety-nine years In the fortress of Alcatraz. Commute? "To put something less se ver >- In place of." cay# the dictionary. If a life on Alcatrai. therefote. be In truth "less severe” than a wlft and pain less nnd all-extinguishing hall of lead in ihe body Henry Vance has cause to is* graieful. Put he does not think *O, and tin re !e no soldier but would cry In his place, "Bparc me from such mercy 1" Let ll Ih* proclaimed broadcast that Henry Vance, the central figure In the blackest page tn uur war In the Philip pine*. I not an American. It I, piilful enough lo confess that hit mother w, but he was torn In the City of Mexico of a Bistnlsh father, and In t’ula both he and his father fought on the BpaoLlt aide. Strange,' ruHcn. crosa-br. cl, without u country ami without a conscience, who would tremble In ecstasy ot the .sound of tie nitlfii! music and yet could st ilt a comrace In th# hark wi It ait compunction wh*> was a coward among m- n and yet could love a woman to tin point of death and madness and everla-itng ruin—lt was ■in unhappy chance that he was ever ad mit ted to rnllatinent under the Btar* und Hi’Les. H, want to the Philippine* with the Twenty-third a* a musician No lighting man wa* he. but the skirl of innrtlul mush* eat flu* to his blood, and he loved lo employ It lo Are the blood of oilier* less ~übtle than he—real lighting tmn of untnlxed blood, to whom the flag meant r vrrylhlng. Rieds cr bras*—lt was all the same to him. He SOU Id make them talk ond shout ond scold and weep. With hi# music be could lash the soldier boy* Into dancing or lighting or drinking, and like the god Pan he to k a dlabodcal delight In exer cising Ills power. In Manila he pi ked up an old violin. Under hla hand.* It developed a voice of magic. Now It would soli Ike a lon* Iv child, now It would go Into the raptures of a moth*r or u lover. At such tlnn# the taciturn bandman's lean, swarthy far- would glow with an Insplrotlon that germed now demoniac and rn w celestial. His wondering comrades no longer call> and him "greuaer," but they shivered a little, as at sem* thing btyond their romprrhensk’U. When the regimen's, sadly depleted by wound* tuuJ akkuess and (pgdPvnA jrtli r* organized anil recruited the half-bfar enilHic*! In Uie Thirty-seventh K* gin ♦ • \ o ani ih ami I* . !' p£.f*4nl In cl* an of Ihe hand. Il- wa- known 1 ih*H t*ue throughout t•* army He hi' won admit* re. I ut not one frk nd. He dv no! cue for friends l or a man whi ev. k* 1 ►uch frenztr of cino’tiiti hi otii riH hla own huhlta w**r ahniemh iik ll* dtank on*y to pie*in th(rf. h no, ihe Infam u- native dlatilt> ten M< it wr* ‘k* the mind- of man, American mI Ji tj, he w. # mver known f tou* h lik took hnt a languid In th flghitt k, ven when hU r**.matit wax eor eeried Al tale- of r he woul* am iii Ms ahou >h raw!! Indlff* renc* When thi hold: r* h *i|. ’l lnvt*ctlvea the har.maing rn* my and a’ uft'*l l>oaa of (heir own valor and thnatu of horrtbl rapttMl!*, he more chan on gave nffinta* t y curling hla lip In a c.*n! mpiudu mile. It wraa noilc*d that he made friend?* ea# II) with Ihe peaceable native*—th* "ami goa. M lut which natives wet,, friendly an* which unfriendly? Na bne kmw Van** aimed mi.t 4 <>nfM n’ relilloti* will !ltm all. Th-r* w.o n roc - kin*hip. IP underatood them ml they und* r food him When he vlrlihl th*- native people h (heir homea—oml Im* went where no *>the? man In hla uniform dunM venture—he of ten look hla violin with him. Ami ther were dark eyre that glowed to the inu*l he made and tnwny firm?* Itiat towe In the half lights of the BiyitnkHli fiweai On© day ihe principal onwiclM of (hi Thirl) -aeventh \ oliiite'ra waa rnlaaln* Wa * he diunk'' Vniwe never itrank. Kill ed? There hod been no engagement. Cap tured? No Filipino would moleat him— hla fiddle wee a imaapori. The ofli'HH wire | rplexed; the mec growled el the crippling of thi regiment* Inukl. M-irchlng hail hcom*- a w*-*rlfee of the fleah with ni> Ven -e a* the hed o' the inualclAna. They all * uriwd him foi a "gre.iaer.** hut wUhixi he <1 ty will- Um regiment. Then Uima glories whlaper* hrnt am* rig the Vance Hud o awi-et heart, a lithe Filipino girl, with iimhiclout eye* and mouth, who lived lr. th* heart of the aecret cokHiy and waa I*mk*d ti(M>n by h* r couni rym* n much aa F!or.i YlacDonnld wa looked upon by the Jacobite* of th* Uighiufida. The we* k after Vance** diaappearancNi umiMiil activity and Intelligence were In fuaed Into the enemy*# morementi. Amer- I-an wagon tralna anil e**< rt pnrtlcM were attacked and plundered. Several Amert *-n xohllera wer* m?veral other* wre cleverly teiptured. There waa a Mir and ah.iking fwether at brigade hundquarfer*. What bail woke up lh' Flllptnoe? Where had they g.lined their accurate advance Information of American plane? How had they u> pilreU auddeniy a truly American daeh end d*ur fwliH-HF intcod of th- qulck>burning, fu ll ic courage that apringM from Asiatic fa talism? For a long Interval It was a mystery. Then, by devious way*, r nne atort>*s from the enemy's lines. The Flllplnoe werw leO t> a stranger an American* mun of de- lslM ami perception, a marvelous player on wiring* <1 Instruments, tw loved of ihe istirlof maiden. His name was Vance—Mu J. Vance. Maj. Vance! There wa* something epl:* about the h*>wl of con tempt ttous rage that rose up fr4>m the Amerh .m Itnen when th* n ws fl* w this way amt that the author of American reverses, the slayer of Anvr* ban soldiers, the s* timer of the .\meri oan flag, was the in losing fiddler, ''greas er." rcnegsili ■. "Major" Vane**, fonuuth! The ofll'trs did not howl. Their rags was of the white, ley kind, too biting for word*. ilh. for the fiance lo put a bullet Into Vance—or. better still, to take him alive! Kvcry man In Ihe army would have given his hot** of promotion for It. Hut for a time ll was decreed that the nrud dan's gr>HeM|ue military career should continue unchecked. He was to run to the end of Ills tether, lie was to fill th** cup of ret ribution till It overltowfd. And every time he won success against A merit an troops the hurl of It to his be trayed oAlters and comrades w o like *ho twlsilng of a bayonet In it wouiwl. They caught him at length—and there was something almost solemn aisntt tlm rejoicing that day. Only the iron habit of military discipline permitted him to ha carried alive before his Judges. Th* court*m.irtlal was swift, cold, Im placable; the sentewsr—death. Aral death wmild have fallen aa swiftly as the sentence of It If ll h*l been In the Kngilsh army, or the French or the Ger man or any other army In the world, ex cept perhaps the Swiss. Thin republican Jealousy which has hern spoken of the dislike of Ihe mill -I,try Ideal 4nd illstrust of tribunals not responsible to the jeoj>le—made It neces sary to refer the to the President, and the President, ref*’ring It to hi* trained Intuition of popular sentiment, de ckled that the renegade musician must not b© shot. It was a severe Mow to the soldier* and officers In the Philippine*, llode Justice was 1 1 in cheated of It* rightful sacfl- Dce. fleluetantly they packed th** hopelass wretch on board the transput!. Tliomaa. hourxl for Ban Francisco. There were thlrty-Otte other prisoner* on board. Throughout the voyage not one of them spoke to lilm. Neither did <uta of the guards nor uny living sinner on board that Mg ship. Add now he who computed the crime or crimes Is on Alcatrai. facing the emp ty, 11 mm in tie re* 1 years, perhais* tortured with virions of tawny arms thrown about mother's neck In the half-light of tha Philippine forest. Mberiitau and ateven*a. In his ateber In the Hue *l thigneux Mr. t. Giiu*lns Is flnkshlng the meiiat- Hon of his friend, ftob**rt Louis Bieven .(X), uj be cast in brociae for the caiha disl of St. Giles In Edinburgh, says Har per’s Baiar. Above and below the hg ur will be prayer, which bo wrote hUpaelf. "I love to think that that beautiful prayer will be prsetmtl In broiis*- In a Ciithedral." Mr. Bt. Oeudeite said to me He told thi* an*<Jot# of a f..5.-nig l>etweii the great writer and Gen. Bhermsn when the former waa al rei*ly Id and the latter was old. and hod forgotten or lost all Inter eel In every thing bill his battles. "Gen. Sherman*" wild Mr. ot. Gauden* lo him. "Robert Lous* Stevenson would Ilk© to make your acquaintance." "Ro>ett Louis Stevenson?" said the oUI general. "Who Is he? One of ray men?" Mr. St. Gauden* explained. The grant writer came aid was Introduced. "Oh. yes. Mr. Stevenson," said the general. "W'cre you one of my men?" A third time this happened. And then the general really weeing the sympathetic young writer, began to talk of his bat tles, and In live minutes more the two men were down on the floor with maps, following excite Uy the ok! c.impiigna. —ffuptrinttmdam of Schools Hoonc, of Cincinnati, hits determined to clear the Bch-xri* of the charts showing the dUeao ed condition f tht body coujm and by the use of alcohol. He says tlwffthi charts were drawn from extraordinary examples, and (fqpytx ut)l Ktfilt lo Itov puplly. 5