The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 15, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. llalTa (rmi Dlrovrf. Ons small bottl* of Hall* Crll W*- rovery curn all kidney and bladder troubles. rmoves grt\ \. curr diabetta. seminal tnDsions. <ak and imc backs, rtioumidti: and all lrr> gul irl.l* of the fcldn#\ s an l bladder in both m n and Women, regulate* bl id b r trouble* in chil dren ir not gold * yui Wiii be sent m> mall on receipt of 12 one tn i \v r; * • ' and will vure any caae above mentioned In K \\ Hall, sole manufacturer. P. O. Ho* i n, 81. Lout* Mo 8-til for u*t!- motiM* Hold by ill druggUtt and Solo* not Cos., Savannah. Qi. Read Thla. t>T. n W H ,11. Bt. B uK MO.: pear Blr*~Plca*a ship m** three do*en Hal * vl Pie every b\ flrt express. 1 have aotd over one jeroa* \* rive- perfect sat l-factirn ar and I nr‘mm- iid It to m >' customer*. Your* trulv II r r.RnVFB. Prop Ann M " opoly Drug Store. Ocala Fla . Per is , IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. M;ni AM) VIEW* or THE DAY 1% TWO ATATW. Landlrr at Bnsc renee* |||r—Cntr Thlrt in Jail nt Albnn y— % tin nta'a Public *m‘lmm|* Overrronileil-iult tgnlnaf Southern— o| titn liiir < ottnn *llll* Will Not t lior—vuull Found In Ornnur ( ouat). I In. Pmlilbll lon ( onventlon ll* Id nt Ocnln—Otlirr Florida \*n*. Another d.imaffe utt ha* brew filed at McDonough on u count of the t’amp Or* **k wreck It I* the • ult of Mm. Nellie <* Barclay, who wu* th* wife of William A Barclay. It Is for s•*.*•** Mr Barclay ivae the conductor in charge of the train that was destroyed. linn klnttlllr'a Depot. llawkinsvtlle New* and Dispatch: We unlcr*ianl the df*|>ot matter for Hawkins* vlil* will com#* up for final decision by the rallrM4l commission on the 2&th. The HouUurn Is exp> • ted an normmi to build lb* tra k to a ill* l.uni yard*, oral will make xhibli to show how little huafnesM It flora .it thl* place. But llaw klnsvllb will l** at the bearing and will bav a few figures of Its own. Hitt Du > nt lanmirnillt. Tue*s.ln> was a r*l l*at* r day In Gwtn> nett. politically rt iking. Gov. t’.iralhr was at 1-owren* • v lib*. un<t made an ex cellent speech, which a*emeil to |>U-n>e ail |M>litlcal faciioiiM. including the negro. Th- Court House was crowded to Its ful* capMt ity. lion. F. C. Tale was th* r** by app>it>tment also, but he yielded to Oov. Cainker. Hon. Dili <'tifton of Darien spent the day there, lb -aid that he ww* on his way home from Maine, where n* bad been for hts health. Thr j U 111 >ot Close. Columhu* lOmpilrer-Bun: Columbus cot ton cityle* were very much int* r* v* e ter lay In the r* |n,rt that a number of the Augusta mills wnil<l close down, owing to the hich price of cotton and the fa t that I the dry koh!s market tia*l not responded to the liwiei-e n the price of the raw *taH* • • • Columbu* mill* will not * aa*e unless col lull shou.d g* very much higher then at present. An Enqulrcr. Fun man a nurnhr of the lo< al mill ptople yesterday and they *al.t that the r*olumlus factories weie not con templating shutting down. Kalltans Ilridttr Burned. Nunxlv r <1 train northbound a> the Central Railroad du- at Aim rlrus 1 *4 p m . a four hour* late Wednesday. The bridge spanning tin- Klnchafoonee cree-k, four mllrt south of Hmithvtlb . tin , *• burned almost cosnph tely down I tut for th<- warning of a ii.gio. who flagged the train, tunny lives would have hwti k>-t Th bridge forrs ha<l hcn making ll>alro nti ths bridge, and tu rs burning "■ old crosstles. thi< flame* of which rmtaht the htl tg. and spread rapidly The passengers were transferred to number r. and brought aafely, arriving at 5:15 p. nt Atlanta selmol* Overcrow tied. Despite th efforts of the Board of 13.1- ucatlon to aupply all appll inia with scats thera at 111 temaln 499 children who can not necure admission to the public schools of Atlanta In the tllr.r High Re hunt there are Maty-four ptiplla who cannot he supplied with seat- In nil porta of th< city are pupils who have been i*su<s! tick ets of admission and who have purchased books and made all preparation to at tend the schools, hut when thi y mads ap plication for admission they were turned and wn because tliere were no Mats for them The Board of Education and the •uiwiintrndent of the school* hav. been holdlm: dally meeting- lor the port *o*l* of relieving fh** ttu(lon. But lh*y ran do nothin*. n* then- l* no room. All th* radt# niv |)ractl< ally fllh-d. I'ln i* tlnit far thr Full. Maron IYJr graph: Tho ation* are that another big oat crop will he planted thla fall, eonie of the f.irm* rn nlreaily turnel their attention to prewiring th land- A large area of wheat will a I*o la* planted, primarily for the pprtnic harveat, aiMl secondarily as winter pasturage for and cant**. It having been found that growing wheat make* aJmcwt a good gr.xlnK a* 4arlo> and that th* grazing do** not Injure the yield of the grain. Turnip*, a r rot a, let t uce. cabbage and the like are being planted for the winter gar den*. th** K*a*on* *• far being quite tloua. Mu. h fin* hay I* tieing aaved. the grass having flourinhod thla year a* ha* aeldom l*un Its privilege on Georg 1.1 farms. Tomllnitnn Wit* %e|til tteil. Th# caae of Warden A J Tomlinson, of the- llartow convict amp. against whom the grand Jury found a true bill for In voluntary manalaughter, tried In the City Court, ended at CartelMVllbr Wednesday afternoon. nft**r occupying two day#. A verdict of acquittal wo* rendered. The bar of Cedar town volunteered to defend t'apt Tomllrtaon. and four lawyers front that (town came ov. r to a**t**t J'xtgc Neil, two of th**m making p erhe* In the ra#e Itii k-ton. the leK h county criminal rent to the camp. dl***l after a whipping administer* and by Tomlinson several wo k* ago. but there were other causes to con* tribute to hi* death, and the popular aen tlruent has exonerated Tomlinson front banx finuMrn < npfnred. Colli# Gaul den, the young Worth coun . flan who. with J W. Lainler, stole seven teen h*Al of attic recently and sold th*m to Mr H II Nelms of Hast Dougherty, la a prisoner In Dougherty county Jail. Lunirr. after being Hrre#t*l and confess ing hi# crlmr. eacape<l from the county sheriff who had him In charge, hnd when run dowii by ira k hounds wti fmin*l dead at the *nd of a logging chain, hav ing committed suicide rather than face the consequence# of hie crime The offi cers hav* been doing their best to locate Cnulden. who fled from Worth county Im medlntely after the crime Wednesday be was "aptuted In HheKmin, and the author it lea here were notified Deputy Sheriff William Godwin went after the prisoner, and he was brought to Albany Wednes day afternoon The officer who arrested Gaulden in hell man received a reward of FLORIDA. Key West Inter Ocean: Reports from up the reef state the beacon marking the Hen and t hicken* 8no), the Bahia Honda 1m ticoti aiml the on* on tig Key bay are total wre.-ks. The beacon on the Hast Wash worn* n Shoal I* also badly damaged. Will He n IIIk t rop. Tampa Time*: A G Liles of Braid#n town Is on n visit to thla city He is or dering orange U>xe* ard oih r < railr.: ma terial preparatory to *trt;ig In on ih<* shlpplng % *eas<n He report* a *Pendhl • rop of grM|M* fruit and oram > and i*a>s that hie neighborhood is enjoying a sea son of great prosperity The >rang* and grape fruit yield this year wll. Ik some thing handsome. Mretina ul tli* vjmni of Florida. The Presbyterian Synod of Florida will meet In the Palatka Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, Nov 6. Ik*). It will remain in **•? on through the remainder of the week. The Synod conslot* of all the min it**ri* and •#. ruling • ider from each Pres byterian * nun h iit the .-•*• •* of Florida, which comprise* ils* three Prrsbyterie* of Florida. Bunanro and Sr Johns. This b !y has never assembled in Palatka be fore. New Transpor ration tompanv. Palatka Advcrtl-er: Capt J F*. Luca* this weak organise*! the Ht. John*. Ock lawnha Hlver and ihaia Trans|>->rtatlan Company officer* for same being duly elected The near line will hr |*jt in •*- eratlon on n* xt Monday, th EuUll.i ply ing between Jo-k onvll.e and \V* laka. at which |M>mt freight atwl passengera will t* tnin-l rr- l to tho sttwmera Melanism and Alligator to l*e tr.uupxlHl to Sliver Spring* It Is claimed xlstlng freight rates will Im* redlHoal I*o |m-i %-it. by this route. Tbrc* trips week will be inaJc. > Man Drowned. Wiley Daniels, son of 8. Daniels, a far mer living near Mascotte. left home n few days ago. going lo Arcadia to look for work. l.u-t Monday his father received a telegram from that place, stating that tle boy was drowned on Hunday. The re mains were forwarded, arriving on the morning train <* Wednesday, and were at on • removed to Empire Cemetery f<*r Interment. The young man was 30 year* old. and an only non. Prohibition 4 nnvfntlos. A convention of th- Prohibition pnrtv was lyld nt Ocala Wednesday evening Rev. J. A. Board of Melrose was chosen chairman, and E. L. Ferran of Eustls se,*- retary. Th* following pr s|d**n4|al elector* were selected. John C. Pepper of Punta flordft. A. R. Moore of Merritt. Francis Trucbkxxl of Brakfentown, C. 11. Nash of Hanford. An executive committee P r four years was appointed, consisting of Dr. A L. Iftar. Dave Stevens. W. C. Hull of Ocala. J. P. Smith of Hruklentowp. and \V. 1.. Ferran of Eustls The greeting of the Women's Christian Temperan**** Fnlon of Hanford. Alice C. Brown presi dent. ui received by telegraph. Mmiild 4.0 4o (isht-Ntnn. Jacksonville Metro poll*: The Jackson ville Auxiliary Sanitary Association has ha ! for many year* over liO.fluh. a part of over 'M* whU h was sent to this city In 1188. There Is n general opinion pre vailing that Mum* of this money. of r mntning in the bank, should he sent to Oahrt-rt on. When the yellow fever scourge of IHKX thr w a gloom over this tv the generous |eople of the nation re * ponded promptly at the call for aid. The grand total of cash received fmm all sources reached 1k1.k7.f1. In addition to *his, IH.di) In supplies w*re received, sent In donations reaching 84.718.78. Of this amount the storm-stricken city of Galveston cetifrlbutdJl,B'A This am>unt was In excess of •*frlbutlone received from Atlanta arl many rdher larger cities in the South. Galveston, ns the records will show, excelled in Its generosity mM of the cities in the T’nlon. the Inhatdtants of which are from two to six times greater than Galveston The newspapers, ehurche* and cltlgen* generally responded nobly, and now that death and deva.*atlon have ilmost wlpol the hospitable Texas city from the face of the earth. Jacksonville should not hesitate In Its humanity. The sentiment of the public la that substan tial relief be sent nt once. Found n *kill and Money. Orlando Star: It Is not every d.y that n man can go hog hunting In Grange coun ty and pick up s?.!** and a human skull n*ar th*- public road Itut C (’. Iloberson of th*- l*k- Kalrvlew community, four ml es north of Orlando, made such a find last Bunday whllo hunting hrgs. The news whs brought t* this city by John lvy, a well k*-wf citizen of that com munity. It seems that Mr. flolterson found the skull lu a thick*t at th*' old Char* Icy Hu*- pac * above l ake Fatrview. lie was chasing the hogs and did n* stop to examine the ghastly find Two boys fol lowing him *.w the >kull and stopped. They fcut**l one I ones, a son* and $2 00 In silver coins, th* latest *lte being Ml There Is .* rumor to the effect that the boys toi k th* money and left the skull for Mr. Iloberson, who returned and took It home with him. There Is no clue to the kkntlty or the color of the man whoa# skull was found, .and nobody seems to kne w nn> thing ah ut any mysterious dls appe.trnn* a of anybody from that neigh borhood at any time In the past. The skull was nur the mil toad and within a few yards of the public road. The coin bear ing date of I*9l would l**a*l to the suppo sition that th- man died sine that date. Who lie was. wlun e he came and w hither he g >lng will probably re main in deepenl mystery. It It I Iron and liltt* a HmiUrupt. Bcpt 14 David J) the l*nltMl Htofes Court here yesterday. Ills liabllliie* are estimated at SST7.7*6 lie ha# no a#* ts Mr. Mackey was formerly a Western railroad king and was owner of the following road*; Kvansvllle ami Terre IlHiite, Kvansvllle and Indlanaimll*. IVoria. Decatur an*l Kvansvllle. St Ishils. luisvlUe and Evansville, known is the “Air Dint,” and the Evansville and Klch mond. Mon n Itlg Itnee. I,nl*n. Bcpt. 14 —At Doncaster yester day the Corporation selling himlKap plate for Ihree-y* ar-olds ami upward# was won by Itemberm*-. rlll#n by lllghy. who also. **i Tin Soldier, sled for first place In the race for th* Rous plate. Ml|'ll 1 1 t IMM Mf J the outward sign, at once and quickly hrlng, alout a ihurmtah and permanent euro of every portion of lhe ldy nßccled.and all Ibis l done lo uch a way that the patient doe, not need to Isolate him •elf or give up Ms bu!no*s. nor doe, he uHor for tho balance cf his life from salivation or any other reflex action of administered drugs. The patient li simply made acain a perfivtlv well, sound man. with all danger of transmitting tho dlsa-sse removed. Dr. Hathaway also treats with the same guarantee of success, laws of Manly Vigor, and other chronic diseases of men. Including all Kidney and t'nnary snd Sexual disorders. Varicocele. Strict rx 01 Dr llsthawsy'snew sixty-four page book, treating fully of *ll the % diseases which he treats and telling of his method, together with a \ great deal of valuable Information which wilt help anyone to ex amine his own condition, will be sent FREE on application, at 3 ItEWTOH HATHAWAY.*.!), will also carefully prepared wlf-examination blanks. Lou*ultatlon and advice free at oflioe or by mall. and. N6WTON HATHAWAY, *9. O- Office hour*-9 lo 12 m . 2 to 5 and 7 to |r. H#tiTW ft C. 25 "A" Bryan street, Cavannab, Os. 9 p. m. Sunday 30 a. m to 1 p. na THE MORNING NEWS: SATEKDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1000. Satisfaction is unusual with “ Fivc-Ccnt cigar smokers.” but it has been the every day experience of hundreds of thou sands of men who have smoked Old Virginia Cheroots during the last thirty years, because they arc just as good now—in fact, better than when they were first made. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked This year. Ask roor own dealer. Price. 3 for 5 cents. DAHIEMTEM till JFt T. C'oinnttsalonrra Want to Remove Telephone Poles. Innen, On ,8* pt 13.—A rcaolutlon pass el by the Board of rounty < at S t- r r. ' ' P * • very strongly ojf*eed by the parties who are materially Interested The resolution orders the removal of all telephone lln-w from the shell road This rs*l leads from Darien lo the Ridge, neurly four mile* out. The Ridge |s a popular suburb where many of those who do bestiie** here re *kle, the year around, and several private telephone lines are in opera:lon. The o>m mine toners claim that (omplalnta have reached them from |wopi- who canstanily travel tho ro;sl that th* telephone wires ore a menace to life on account of their .lability to l* struck by lightning In all probability the order of the com mlaskmer* will be restated by those whose Urns now parallel the road. Rev. Francis McFullough. pastor of the Darien and Rldg* M. th -t: t ('hurche*. Is attending th* district donferenca of the Church at Jesup. The hciivb rain of the HSMin fell here this afternoon. Tlm* steamer Hc*le failed to make her regular trips f*eiw*en I>arlen and Bruns wick for three days this week on amount of repairs. UFA I FORTH < ON\ 1C TH. Ireaeice 4f White Man on f'halu unnx aa I niivunl Hluht. Beaufort. H Kept. 14.—Corporal Clark of the penitentiary guards came here yes terday for tho purpose of conducting the convicts from this county, sentenced at •he recent term of the Court of General Session* to Columbia. One while man. John Horton, was con victed of assault with a pistol and sen tenced to nine months on she county chalngang. The presen t 0 f a white m m on the chalngang In Beaufort county I* a very rare occurrence. Horton entered the store of a prominent cltlxen and deliber ately opened fir** on him. the proprietor retreating to an apartment tn the rear and the won Id-he murderer was disarmed by several bystanders. THREW VITH4H. IN HFH FACE. 4 onng \\ onion's F}ea aid Fare Kn tlrely lie si ro> •<!. Van Wert. 0.. Kept. 14 As Mis* Alice Hammel stepped out of her home yester day someone threw vitriol In her face. Both her eyes ware destro>ed and her face arid arms badly burned. The vitriol throw* r dropped the phial that had con tained the a id and n bottle of chloro f*rm In the street and th*’*** gave a clew that b-d to the arrest of Mrs. John Van Blew, wife of the cashier of the Van \V rt First Nathmal Hank. She waived examination and gave bond of $lO ran for epiwwrance. Miss Hammel was deputy rietk of Van Blew when the latter was county clerk. f* %M I*ll LET U \* M prRKiISBD. sn*n tlnnsl DnrSMrnt W ith liefer rnr# to I'.mp* i-*r W tllfani. Berlin. H.—Tho l.Mpklc Tngrblatt unnonnccß that a pamphlet with Ih. .*n .allonal till** "My rWiitl.'tiß wlih Emperor William II.” by Count..* Emily Kllia t...lh W.ilel-llrri.l, th- rtlvorord wlf. of Count Hrrman Wod.l. ha. la.n i-ontl.i at t<\ by Ih. Latlpalc p>llo- on th. Rroumt of In, maj<—Th. pnmphMt |Mir|M->rt..l to mik. r.vrlatlon. r.itar.lln* th. Itr.yfu. afTair and th. murder of Kin* Humbert. f.nrdnnr I linrara Ant kn.talnrd. Albany. N Y.. Sept. U Uw. Rooevelt made known yesterday hi. <l.- t.lon In the matter of the eharar* aß.ln.t Col. A.a Bird C.nrdner of New York county. The Governor hi id that the c hary-- were not .u.talned by the evidence produced and dismissed them. Indoraod llraineralle Tlekst. Chicago. Sept. H.—The American Anll- Tru.i l.aaue, with headuuorter. In t'hl eaßO. yesterday ls.iie.l a public B'Mres. officially Indorsing \S J Bryan for Bre hl.-nt a (.I Adi ti E Stev. nson for Vice Hr..blent, and ideilsthK them the active support of th. league. —John Voted, a eiloon-keeper of New I Albany. Ind.. had the reputaihw of Itemis vastly methodical in all hi. action*, ile nas taken *l"k n few day. ns.> atal w is Informed that he hud only ■ few hour* U. live Mr. Vo*el • out of l<ed quick ly. went to the telephone and called up a friend, to whom he R .ve most minute |n stnletlona aa to the comma funeral Then h. rolled up hi. bartender nn.l save *lm llnr complete direction, rex irdlua hl husl nenai ntt.iirs Ail this hnvln* licen atiend ( -.1 |*. he went to bed ugalit and na. dead In forty minute.. REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. CONDITION OF GBNERAL TRADE im riag tiik parr mkkk. Ilrtlrr Chiming. Xadr In \e*rly All ,H* MnrUrlte Cotton Atlvonrr. *ttmr|il>—Hank ri.nrlng. thnn tin Inrrraar of Over gt l.tawt.ttfMt Above Name ttrrk l.nt Sear—V|ilrit. Tar. lirntlnr I'lrnt at !Wr Hid—l.oral aad TelrKranblt- M.rkrt., The MorntnK Newg Ofllee. Friday. 8-pt It. Btrrngth has hern and In the local marktl* durltiK the po.t >k Advance* were Mor.d in the cotton market, and the volume or buelne*. on the spot vat ffoed, am. .untinx to 3,861 bales upland and 7.’ am Irland, and a.914 upland*, and 141 ecu Inland *o far tht* aea.on The hank clearlnue fur the week ending to-day how an Increaec of H.lXS.onn over the ■ ame week laJ y<ar. Thl* howlng I* explained by the continued good volume • t buMne* at eteadlly advancing prlcet for all the leading product* The tur|e ntlne market took o turn up ward during the early part of th* week, and ftave promise for a time of *kv *cr*te ink prl et. Thl* *u due to a sudden spurt In the .lemand, which brought the entire buying element, both foreign and domestic. Into the market about the same time. 11. Ing quick to tumble to what was In store (or the market factors did not fall to run prices up ns high as condi tion* warranted. The closing to-day Is tlrm nt Si cents hid. with factors not dis pos'd to sell at this prion. On last Friday the opening wa# Arm at 344, cents, and the closing same day unchanged. Buyers were Inquiring for stuff early on Monday, ihe effect of which was to carry the price to So at the open ing. and to 35V* bid at the closing, with a disposition on the part of factor* to hold. On Tuesday 35% cents wa* |>ald, and at the closing same day the market reached 5 cents. Th* strengih which had carried the price up prevailed until after Wed nesday's opening, when It was seen that a weakness hod developed which threat . n-d to a- pres* prices. The closing on this day wis 35% and 3* cent*. with mot. If noi all, the business on a basis of Ihe Inside price. Thursday the market r malned firm at 35%. The opening to-day (Friday) was firm at 35 cents bid. and the closing him and unchanged. The fact that the receipts have been considerably less for the pest lew days than th' y were prevl .usly, has Imparted Strength to the mrket, and It seems that faetrrs will le slow In srlltng at the price hid At the closing to-day there was is. Inclination on their part to let go. Pcs Ider the baser receipts there was a norm reported in Sou the r A Alabama which H seined, was lo prevail In a rich section of the naval stoies pr.sludng Ih*li. Experiences with storms in the tur- I inline country hr. tofore hav.- proven that Ihcy can work enormous damage and delay to producer* The following resumo will show the tone and quotation* of the markets for the wttk: COTTOR. Thrnuahout the week the tendency In the . oiton market wa* to advance. In response to a drop of Jlftitu |lnt. In the future, mnrket to-day. tiler, wa. a de ellne. Offering* continue In fair vol ume. The following were the official ,not quo tations st the close of the market at the Cotton Eaehange to-day: ' [This ; L<ast | day. | year. doo-l middling Id’* I* Mhkldng lldS low middling |WH |Wk Good ordinary j.... (AH Market easy: sales. HO. | Cp- Sea Receipts of Cotton— land l.'kl Receipts past week ;W.115 S2 Same week last year Jt.*7 371 Particular* of Receipt*— c-ntrsl of Georgia IA.A7!* 3 ft.. F and W. Railway 5.3*7 17 Charleston and Savannah j 3.321 Itlver steamers i 253; Seaboard Air Elne *.5tK; 2 Export*— Export. p*.t Week | 7,Nd *32 Sam. week last year '13,473 250 Movement— To New York I.2** To Haldmore ....! 57. Stoi k on hand and ship* |43.15.i 1.333 Same day last year ,51.061; IM Savannah Receipts, Export* and Stocks: Received this day 7.35* Received .am. day last year 7.0*1 Sam. day before last 3,325 Itee.tved |K.t week S*i.3f9 Received-since Sept. 1. Id* 67.516 VI ! .im. tlm. last year M S!** Export* Hast Week- Export* thi* day. coastwise 1,664 Export* past week, coastwise x. 366 Exports past week, rontlnent Non. Exports past week. France None Ex|io.-te past week. Great Britain. Non. Total .xports past week 3.3X6 Exports Since Sept. 1. 1900— To Great Britain None To France Non. To the None Total foreign Non. Total consiwise 16.277 To'al exports 16.377 Exports Sim. T;m. East Yrar— ' To Great Britain None To France None To the continent 6.550 Total foreign 5550 Total eoo*twi*e 23 4At Total expert* 26.035 Stock on hand thi* day 60 391 Stock on hand same day la*t year 43.46* Receipts and Stocks at All Potts— Receipts this day 13.44! This day last year 25.17! This day year before last 33 lot Receipt* past week *3,307 Sam. days lasi year *3,307 Total receipts since Sep*. I. 1*99 .... 131*14 Same time last yesr 3*l 083 Same time year before laet 376,950 Stock at all ports to-day 137.985 Slock same day last year 609,715 4K4 IM.VMI t'OTTOT. Reports from the sea Island cotton growing section continue tb Indicate that the outlook for a big crop this season 1* anything but favorable. There seems to be a disposition to hold for higher prices, and Ihe . fiances are anything short o( fancy prices, will not bring the cotton to market. The fact that receipt* ore light ha* noi enabled factors to establish a trading b*Ms. However, these prices nre quoted Fancy Florida* > . ./. Kxir* cholc* to fancy* Georgia* It* 1 . ■ ' The receipt* were 131 big*, against 1.361 l*f year. The sales were 72, against 527 last year. w _ of . j,; M Receipt* this week 3: Exports past week ttj. Domestic | tx; ;.Vi Receipt* this season | 4X2 I,KK) Exports this season | 4IC di'M Domesttc .... ...... i tsx ai Block on hand I.JXD 1.422 Charleston. 8 r 8e,,( u-Sea Island cotton; Receipts, jg; stock, thl. Dally movement* at other port*— Galveston—Stock, ls.oo;. New Orleans—Weak mldddng. lie; net receipt*. 2.371; gio /*. 2,274: sales, 3f*>; stock. 25,9511. 67 bll-—Quiet; middling. lhSc; net re ceipts, 64. gross, 64, sales, 100; stock. 657 Charleston-Nominal; middling. lo%c asked; net rtcripta, 1.941; gross, 1.941; stock. 4.434. Wilmington—Firm, middling. W4,e; net receipts, 2.138; gross, 2.43 v stock. 2.051. Norfolk Firm; middling, lu’sc; net re ceipts, 1,102; gross. 1.102; silts, 254. stock. *.222. Halllmore—Nominal: middling. 11c; net >• •Ipte, 150; gross. 1.8*0; slock. I.o*l. New York Quiet; middling, 10%c. cross, l.yi; sales. 125; stock, 20.90 ft. Boston—Quiet; milling, lie; gross, 37* rhiladelphta -Qutet; middling. He; net receipts, 25; gross, 25; stock. 1,472. Dally movements at in|prlor towns— Augusta-Dull; middling. l%c; net re ceipts. 3.002; grcSs, 3,003; sales, 730, llcek 12.:d7. Memphis—Firm: middling, 11c; net re ceipts, £62; gross, 652. sales 625; stock, 7.- 017 • fit. louls—Steady; middling. 10 T 4c; net reeelpts. 37; grese. 347: sheck. 6.522. Cincinnati—^Quiet; middling, ioqc. net re ceipts. 394; gross. 394; stock, 7.407. Houston—Steady; middling. 10<jc; net re e. lots, 5.310. gross. 6,310. sales. 475; stock. 14.*'2 l.oulsvllle— Weekly firm, middling. 10 7 c; net receipts, 128; gross, 124; stock. 107. Exports of cotton this day— Mobile—Coastwi-e. 360. davannah—'<wstw|s,, 1.V04 Charleston—Coastwise, 1.150 Wllmlngion—To the continent, 6.300, coastwise, 3. Norfolk—Coastwise, 61. Halllmore—To the continent. 600, coast wise, 1.200 Boston- To Great Britain, 2.774. Portland Coastwise. 43 Total foreign exivorts from all port* thl* day: To Great Britain, 3.974; to the conti nent. 6.400. Yota! foreign exports ftom all ports thus far this w<ek: To Great Britain. 20.9*6; to France, 943: to the continent. 15.32*. Total foreign exports slnee Bi>t 1, 1900 To Great Britain. 30.620; to France, 943. to the continent, 21,164 New York, Sept 14 —Cotton spot closed quiet. 1 c decline; middling upland*. 10%'; middling gulf. 11c; sales. 125 tulles. Charleston. 8 C., B<-pt 14.—Cotton nomi nal; middling. ln% asked. COTTON FI Tl RES. The 4 losing steady at a Isim of 24'i 30 Faints. New York. Sept. 14—Cotton futures opened feverishly Irregular. Price* on the first call showed a decline of 64115 points on the near position*, while Ihe later months were 2 points lower to 1 point higher. A good deal of long cotton was for sale and within the next few minute* prices showed a further loss of 7 points. There w is a partial reaction on covering, but again the market become very weak. The decline of 7-32d in spot* and 6-64d to 12*4-4d al Liverpool was greater than ex pected. Public supiairt, heretofore, al ways ready to take advantage of breaks, failed to materialise. The n.-ar position* were particularly weak In liquidation of long ac.-ounts was ihe order of the day From Ihe closing figures of yesterday Sep tember broke 25 points; October 26 fganls. and January. March and May. 31 points At one time October had special support In Ihe wav of heavy buying by Liverpool, hut this was finolly withdrawn. In a gen eral way the market was gravitating to wards a more normal condition and while still extremely sensitive was less spasmod ic (han at any time within the past ten day*. The decline was arrested sev , r,tl times by profit taking and ihe mar ket was also helped by reiwirt* that the cioth market* were showing new signs of life. Hplnner*. however, were still show ing a retreating front, being without or der* to Justify them In pnylng current price*. Crop accounts were still conflict ing It was reported thnt roln were In lerferlng w-tth cotton picking east of the Ml*sl*sl|>p) valley, particularly In the 2\i lantlc males. The movement of cotton was very quiet, hut rather ahead o* cal culations. Texas storm ri|a>rt failed n lie a factor. The market closed steady In lone, hut nt about the lowest level of the day. a net loss of 24 to 30 points. The failure of a small New Orleans house whs a disturbing factor In the late market. FH 4 Tt 1T11156 l\ FI TI RES. New York. Sept. 14.—Cotton future, open ed Irregular and closed steady at the de cline. 3’rlcca aw follows: i >pcn. High 1.. ■ .. . January ' 9si | 993 ; |g'| *. Februury 9 92 992 970 | 9.65 March | 993 | 993 963 j 966 April ; 9*B | .... I .... 966 .May |9 *5 990 j 9.63 | 9.66 June | 987 | 9 67 j 9 66 | 9 67% July j 9.84 984| 9 68 9.64 August j .... | .... | .... | .... Seplemlwr ... 10 10 10.22 I 10.05 jlO 00 October 10.13 10.24 995 V 997 November 9 91 lo.rtl 97! I 977 I Secern her | 9.90 j994j961 j 9 66 Liverpool. Sept. 14.—The cotton market 1. calm* r to-day A d-ellne wa. can.*-.| bv dl-atl olntlrg N'. York advice* and .ale* for S 'itemher and October delivery here purchi.e* of actual cotton In Amorica. Liverpool. Sept 14. 4 p m —Colton. .|BW very limited business and price* lower. American middling fair. 7 15-32d; good mid dling, 7 7-32d; middling. 7 5-32d: low mid dling. 7 1-22d; g'K*l ordinary. 6VI: ordi nary, 6 5-Ukl. The sole, of the day wre 3ona hales, of which 500 were for specula tion and export, and Included 1,400 bales, American; receipts, none. Future* opened steady and closed barely steady: American middling low mU|.' dllng clause. September 7.12d r||er.: Sepeml>er-Oc4ot>rr. 6. , '8't6 ft9d buyers; 0.- tober-November. buyers- No. vemher-I>ec ml>er. s.S6ftSo7d sellers: 11,-. cemher-January. S.JId sellers. January- February. 52M sellers: Fehrmry-Mar h 5 254)5 26.1 buyers: Mareh-Aprll. LMd sail ers ; April May. 5.22R5 23i4 huyers, M iy- June. 5.21d buyers: June-July. 5.19<i.' ynd buyers; July-August. 5 New Orleans. Sept. 14.—C’otton futures e|osed barely steady. September 10*4*1138 February 9403955 October ...*.773 973 March .. 9 s<>'i9 November 9 51@ 953 April 9.51hc 57 December .9 Wh 9.51 May 9.52419.54 January ... 9.49 fl 9.50 | COTTON LETTER*. New Tork. Sept. 14—Murphy A Cos say: Th* reactionary movement that d*. veffiped Jutt before the close yesterday, wa* continued this morning, and at one lime 111* level declined about 6c s bale from lhe highest of the eeneon With the commission house* and conservative operators opposed to purchase* as they have been for two days, the demand slackened materially, and an attempt on the part of holders to sell, found Mill* * tpport as compared with the recent ag gressive buying. Liverpool table* reported the same re actionary tendency In that market, a oon di'lon to be expected after the develop ments of the past two week*. An In trease In Ihe movement of cotton had con. Bhlerable effect upon foreigner*, anti the first t Heels of the Neill estimate had dl*- Mppt tred. In a score of year* the trace has not seen such a violent rupture, and with the crop still to be marketed, the advance was considered 100 rapid to he maintained Liverpool declined. Sto 12 points, carrying the level hack to that of Wedne clay. With port receipts fStl mutnl at l'.tmo halts, the largest total of the Mason, ami many offer* of cot ton by Southern holder*, the local mar k. t fo koc .l Liverpool and declined 4 to 15 point* at the opening. Liter the mar kei recovered partly with January, selling back to 9.92 c. and October to 10.Wc. New York, Kept. 14 Hubbard Bros A Cos. sty: Liverpool opened this morning 7-2.'d lower for spots and 3 to 4 point* for futures and continued Its downward course, closing harv-ly steady at 135* points tie. line on 8 ptember-October snd 6 to * point* on Ihe rest of the month. Our mar k'd opened 20 point* lower on September and 3 to 9 point* on the rest of the months, and has since fluctuated within n radius of sto 6 points. The only feature in the market has been the heavy buying of October* by Liverpool. The market Is resuming a more natural tone and Is not os nervous and excited as It ha* been for the iwst ten days. The tkop movement still continues very Itghl. but outside spec ulation does not set m to coroe Into the market, ond It need* a net* set of buy er* to make It go higher. WEEKLY LOTTO* REPORTS. Comparative cotton statement. New York. Sept. 14, for the week ending to day: Net receipts at all I'nlted States fiorts week *3.307 Net receipts at all I'nlted States ports during same week last year 164.394 Total raoetpu to tht* dale 134.814 Total receipt* to came date last year 2*1.033 Export* for the week 37.231 Kxpoit* for same week laat year ... *9.895 Total export* to thl* date 63.631 Tot tl ex|*>rl* to gone- date !a*t year. 115.356 stock at all I'nlted State* port* ...157,945 Stock at all I’nlted Stotes port* for same time lost year 518.761 Stock at all Interior towns 66.975 St >rk at all interior townsjtame time last year R.o Stock at Liverpool 171.600 Stock at Liverpool same time last year ,*> Stock of American afloat for Great Britain 31.000 Stork of American all at for Great Britain same time last year 32.000 Comparative statement of net receipt* it all Ihe ports during the week ending Friday evening. Sept. 14. 19(4). and during Ihe same week last year. jl90(Ml 1*99-00 Galveston .j 5.756 51.543 New Orleans | 11.56* 31.884 Mobile | 1.951 8 3*6 Savannah ..! 36.357; 35,31* Charleston ! 5.249 13.613 IVl.mlngton 14.821 10 961 Norfolk | 6.2P1 4.306 Baltimore j 146*1 364 New York | l.* I.EO Ros'on | *4O Philadelphia j 166 45* Port Royal, | | Ponaarola j | 4.93* Brunswick j i Newport V*i | | 100 Pori Arthur j | "Total •! Comparative statement of net receipts at all the port*, from Sept 1, 19(41. 40 Friday evening Sept 14. 1900. and from Sept. 1. 1499. to Friday. Sept 15. 1*99 R'- elpt* Since Sep; 1. 1900-01 1*99-00 ■ ialveaion .... ‘ \ 16.237 95.0*7 New Orleans 1 15,623 52.725 Mobile | 3,4.9* 12.225 Savannah j 57.316 61.182 Charleston | 7.734 21 "At Wilmington ..j 22.174 15,<5)7 Norfolk | 10,277 *.55* Baltimore | 239: I.o*l New York j l.mj 3.127 Hotdon j 25! 1.325 Philadelphia j' 386 9St Pensacola ..j.. j 7.360 Newport New* j j 10| To la Stock of cotton at all port* Friday, Sept ll mo. and on the same day of ilte w eek last year. Pori*— - • 1900-01. 1*99-40. New Orleans 9t.9W 136.817 Mobile 5.5*7 15.117 Galveston Ut.oUJ 45.62* Savannah 5A.391 61.525 Charleston 4.*26 21.123 Wilmington 2.051 jj OtO Norfolk 8.222 16.t*i0 New York 34,96 166.496 Other Ports 21.071 9.727 Total 157.965 616.761 MOVKHKXT INTO HltillT. New Orleans. Sept. 14.—Secretary Hes ter's Cotton Exchange statement Issued to-ilay show* the amount of cotton brought In to *!gh for the week ending to-day I* 137.582, against 224.(101 for the seven days ending Sept. 14 lust year. The statement show* receipts at all United Stale* ports since Sept. 1, 151.611, against 2Td.99ft last year: overland acroes the Mississippi. Ohio and Potomac riv er* to Northern mills and Canada. 5.168, against 18.279 last year: Interior stocks In excess of those held St the I-lose of the commercial year*. 32 730. against 49.029 last year; Southern mill takings. 55.708. at ilnat 59.757 U*< year. The total takings of American mills North and South and ('a ns* ln. thus for for th* season have been 0>69 bales, against 106.416 last year. Since the r|nee of the commercial year stocks at American ports and the twenty nine leading Southern Interior centers have been Increased 105.206 hales, against , an Increase for the same period last sea j son of 170.273. HUH 1.0*9 4 ISINUb SI FPI.Y. New Orleans. Sept M-—Secretary Hes ter's statement of the world s visible *up : illy of cotton shows the total visible ts ' 979.630. against 905,639 lasi week. Of this the total of American co’ton Is .%kiS3n, afalnst 2.061.140 last year, and of all oth ! • r kinds. Including Egypt, Hraxll. India. .>r . 433 000. ugalust 564.(60 last year Of (he world's visible supply as above there Is now afloat and held In Great Britain and continental Europe 473.<Mi hales, against 1.408 <661 last year; In Egypt. Si (in. 1 gainst 30.000 last year; In India. 289.000, against 370,1*10 last year, and In the I'nlte-J State*. 2X7.000, against 837.000 last year. WEEKLY COTTON STATISTICS. Liverpool, Sept. 14—Following are the w-eklv rotton statistics: Total sales of all kinds. 42•*> bales; total sales of Amer ican. 19<> hales; English spinners tak ings. 4,.<66* hales: total expoti. t.nou hales; Import of all kind*. . hales; Import Ame 1 lean. 4.(60 hues; stock of all kinds. 17100 hales; stock American. llo.Ofln l-alee; quantity afloat, all kinds. 45.000 lal s. quantity ifloat. American. 31.000 hales Total rales on speculation. 2.M0 bal s; total *o'es to exporters. 500. DRY' 00006. New York. Sept 14-Still more huvers than sellers of staple cotton goods Sel lers generally refuse to quota prices for gls 10 be made and are stiff at ad vanced prices for spot goods In brown and coarse colored cottons Low scads bleached frequently t*c higher. Print cloth* have sold at Ic tor regular* and at 4%e for 3344 Inch 64 aquare*. p-0,. In good demand Rome staples „ V - per yard. Demand for lln. and price* unchanged. Burlap? r. *'* buyers, scarce and near supply. t 1 14AVAI. STOMP.*. Friday 5..,* BPIRITB TERPENTINE —Th. line market riosed firm to-dav n bid. Until the middle of the wee moved upward, reaching 36 cents , TJ nesduy. hut a reaction set in u. . ** slack In Ihe demand came The receipts of turpentine t or t . Were 7.565. against 6,060 last yea exports 12,6*1. against |.Ku for t , week last year. The expom w , V* Y'ork. 614; interior. 3.16 ft. Hull Iy. 'J ** nes. 3.1100; Bristol. 3.212. and'm',* 1.292. I ' n,| w ROSINS —The rosin mnrket ht fairly firm position all wk with , mand satisfactory. I and above *1 5 cents oft to-dsy. and H and 1,1 changed. A Uft| The receipts of rosins for the w 33.617. against M.3l last year and . p-irt* 24.277. against 9.7*2 last ~, r **' export* went to New York lit, * phis 309. Balllmote * 4*5. Inte, , r . 1.35*. Harhurg 5.40). Sbnrpnc, , , Janeiro 3(00. an*l Hamlair* t Quotations—At the close of t. ... to-day the following quotation- ’ ** letlm-d at Ihe Board of Trade * t>u “ Spirit* Turpentine—Firm , lt . , with sale* of 173 cask*. ““ bl 4 liosln* firm; sales. 6 044 *• B - c K 1 „ D 135 K K 1 i M F 1 N 0 1 50 W fl •• 1 to w w Bame week ll year— Spirits Turpentine—Firm • . . sale* 10 cask*. “Mi Rosin—Firm; sales, 949 h.t-re! A. R. C 95 1 „ „ r> 95 K . e i m F 1 on N G 1 10 Wo H 130 W W Receipts Past Reek. I'Splrlts liost x Receipts past week ~ 7 Same week last year . . . Exports la*t week Same week last year ... Movement— New York | 6; t I.*, Philadelphia \..| j* Halllmore j(v lnterlor j 3 ],* Hull | Marburg j ; lt ,. Sharpness j 3.0)' Rio de Janeiro j j,*i Bristol 121; Hamburg ; 1.2 c tgj Total i 12.681 I.rr Receipts and Mocks. Receipts, shipments and stocks fr-m April 1. 1*99 to date, and to the corrr. spending date of last year: 1900-lWi Pplrlts Itisn Stock April 1. 1900 2.15 CIC >4 Received thl* week 7.555 3.417 Bectlved previously 306 84* 441.15! Total 216.6 iii 41453 Export*— Foreign 133.449 741.7* New Y'ork I*oß9 C'A Coastwise and Interior 25.094 17131 Total 176.622 444 Stock on hand this day .... 39 978 iXS 1*99-1900 Stock on hand April 1, 1900 .. 3 • Hi* Rc<lved thl* week *.■'• 3>J4 Received previously 199.177 S)V 775 Total 3**23 641.01] Exports— Foreign 117.166 K3 i ‘3 New York 23.6r>: 101. M Coa*twie and Interior 20.5*7 113.S Total I*l.* '44* Stock on hand 27.46.3 .2.51 Charleston. 8 C.. Sept 1.-Turpentut*i nothing doing. Ro*ln quiet and utvhia*- ed. Wilmington. N C , Sept lA—Spirit< tar pentlne dull and unchanged Receipt* !* cast's. RoMn otMidri ll.UOB: J turprntln#. $1 KM6I2 1A; re<**lrt.<. 5T* Tar. $1 4A. rwlpti, $7 N*w Orl*n*. BTt. 14.— I^ 0 * 3 * .133 mAnriAl.. MONET—The demand keeps fairly as with the siipply. HANK CI.BARINOR—The hank <-tw inge during the past week were f . ' against *2.643.15*. for the cort-e, '-* i ierlod last yesir. and 2.374.651.95 for tss * >-orre.ponllng period of I*9B. i Clenrlngs by Days- Saturday JI.MMB* W. lneeday 1 3,4 a Thurwlsy l.fl**.*” Friday I.l*-' 0 Total FOREIGN EXCHANGE-Mm-Vet weak Commercial demand. R **• sixty day*. 54 61\; ninety day*. ** '**• francs, i’srls and Havre, sixty 5 21V Swiss, sixty days. 5.24 V mat** sixty days. M 16-MF: ninety and twv 9B W DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Sttath: banks are buying at 6* discount and sell ing a* follow* 525 anal under, 10c ir. mlum; 525 to 550. 15c premium. 5 to I * jo.- premium; U*d to law. 35■ pnsnuitn; IM and over par. Check* must awrsge * to get th* 1 par rote. BECERITIER—The market 1* very Inf tlve. ecarcely anything doing Quotwlot* are rathrr nominal Slocks. Bid. Alt Augusta and Savannah R R . ; Atlanta and Weal Point .Ut 1# do 6 per cent, certincatea lu> M* Augusta Factory *® JJ Cttlxen* Bank ’3 U * Chatham Bank 1W u * Chatham HE.*!. Cos.. A Wa do do B 46 *■ Engle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos W& “ 53dIson Electric Ilium S'* l Knlerprlse Mfg. Cos “ “ Germania Bank 12-' -J Georgia & Alabama - Georgia Railroad, .ommoo -*® Granltevlll* Mfg. Cos I®° “ J P. King Mfg. Cos ® Langley Mfg Cos JJI V, Merchants National Bank Y ' * ’ * National Bank of Savannah I*' ]■ Oglethorpe Savings and Trust ...K l * _ t People's Saving- and lawn ...■ 1“' Southwestern Railroad Cp ' Savannah Gas Light Cos ;* Southern Bank Savannah Bank and Trust Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusts * Savannah Brewing K 1 , Bonds. BUI ** Char.. Col. A Aug Ist la. 1* Atlanta city 4*. 1922 J” 4 - Augusta city 4*. 1927 ... •o *H. 1* f i,6 Ala Mid ss. Ind'd 192*. M * N Augusts Factory. 6 percent.. lES * Brunswick snd Western 4s. 19* a C R. R A Banking collatsral *• *8 C of O Ist ss. 50-year gold. 19* 1 F. A A is C. of O. con. ss. 1945 M. * N *}, C. of O. Ist income*. 1945 r i, do 3d Incomes. 1945 , do 51 Incomes, 1945 * C of 01. (M O. * A. Div.) 5k „ C. of O (Eaton Branch). *B. 193*. H t * D ” JJ City A Suburban R. R. Wi T*. **