The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 16, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 in * * * &9ciety IVopit an* Mill coming this my aji-!-, i- the - lev*! I t*hm in ha- It. aml It la hard to believe that *o man) nr< hi town, for liouim** arc darkened and abut ters drawn c #e, .. 1 hour pie \atl. The erstwhile sum in* r girl li* In her chrysalid atate, i.tly fast eeleep. t> emerge In a it w weeks, a gorg* <>ua sii. r t>utterfly. And yet thl may he lees so than ai|x ara. If <*nr Is to credit the gos sip about i(wn. Two girl". one who had been away all summer and on* wlio ha 1 . i day. Bald the one who had not to rhe one who had. “Well, >ou h.tvo been home nearly a wek and this is the dr*i glimpse I have had of you. Hut I #up y><*** you are reMin* up after sn h gay summer " “fleMlng' e.t 1 the other with a weary sigh. "1 * sure you. I haven't had a minute to br< ithe in. Just wait till ] get the*** hook and eyes,—yes. small eiae. please then w* II go home toother and I'll tell you aii about it. 1 know I ni poeslllvely turning gra> with worry and work" “Why, what i the trouble* ' qwe l-*1 the aympatheth ll*t‘ti r,tF ilu > w-nt out togeiher. "('lothri. my dear, clothe*. clothes.*' In truth this l* the burning queetlon of the hour: l* lot he*. Not to be absorbed In doth* s Just now Is to be less than human and wholly out of fashion. The latest thing In stocks and tie-, the alee of a sleeve or tbo hang of a skirt, the |osaitlc departure of the shirt-waist, it Is upon su.h momentous matters as these that the brain of woman Is busy You meet her on the street with that far away look In her eyis. born of Ia tea and ruffles, or that glorified cxpr*?sion which comes with tho possession of a perfect gown, fresh from the tailor. Within the unrevealing walls of house* but lately re opened. who shall -ay what bright scene* are passing, where beauty In gay raiment flaunts herself before the critical eye of mother and slater, and even brother. For. he It understood, brother, too. not above a mild InteicM In the lovely winter trousseau. U Initial*.l into the mysteries of trylng-on. and his f v ora bio comment Is awalied anxiously. Th* mooted ques tion as n* whither wotimn *lre*s - for Momin to envy or mart to admit* seems we \er to be decided, but sur* ly to sain both en*is la to reach the very pinnacle of suc cess. and that other people's brother* are never half a* faatidioua as one’s own Is a well-known fa t. Ho man is not without bis society uses even at this dull season, and in having learned how to properly ad mire a becoming gown he may fitsi •■'ome profit a few weak* hence. afi*r the gate ties are on. when h* i- kadlna a <S* rmnn or taking nomebody elsc'a i-t- r in to din ner. Mr*. K Josephine Newell has sent out cards to the wedding reception of her daughter. Josephine, to Mr. Dean <Tark. Thursday. September 2P. from h un til o'clock The wedding ceremony will tak* place at half aev**n, at tin* home of'the bride's mother, mo iniv drai sir*et, Baltimore Maryland, and will N* a very quiet afT lr, only relatives and intimate friend* t* Ing Invite*!. Mr ami Mrs. Hauers and the Miss-** Hauers hve •lose.l their summer home at St. Catherine's, and after spemlmg the past week in town, left l*st night to visit Mr and Mrs. J. Flora nee Mints at Rook wood. Ml** May dußlgnon. who hn be* n n * of the giasln In i house party at ia*k** George. 1- now In Baltimore county, Mary land, visiting Mr- N H. Mrrrymatt. who Is entertaining number of young people at her h-pliable horn** M-- I>*owni Oahbett and Mrs. M-rrymm's sister. Miss Nanni* M tT sky of Ptatee *oro, tin are also among the guest*. Mis* Anna Merryman wdl spend next winter In Ba v annul). Mrs. Frank B. Screven ind Mrs. John lan ell are pending this month nt their country p. *•. Mai bone, in Bartow coun ty. They will be joined shortly by Mrs. Robert L. Mercer. Mrs Malcolm Maclean an ! Mis- Marlon Maclean returned from Cherry Hill and sailed for New York y*terday. Miss Marion Mo- ban I* on her way to Northampton. Mass., to resume her stud ies at Colkg*. Mr*. Maclean will spend a few wetka In New York before her re turn. Mrs. Cope. Mrs. James H Hunter. Miss Julia and Master George Hunter left M-<nday for Mill* rton. N Y., to spend tha f ill months In the Buk*hlte Hills They will be J in* and about Oct. 24 by Mrs Harris Cope and \9*>i*r tleotge Co***- wh* are now visiting Mt Mills In Griffin Mrs. C. F. Moeea, who returned to the stats from Canada with Mr a Short tinv ago. Is now visiting friends in New York, and will not he h-*me before the middle of October. Mr*. Sneed and Master IVrclval M ♦* ate spending a few w. eks In Atlanta since leaving look out mountain and e*ieot to return to Bavannwh within the n* xt fortnight. Ml** Martha O Backus reached home Filday by th* Kansas city, after a very enjoyable autnnv r in N* w York and New Jersey Mrs Ormond B Strong expects to re turn Krbkay Irom High-atvl.-. N. <’ . *i>4 will stay with her mother. Mrs. William B!c|s until the first of October. Mr Strong will not icturn until tha Utter |art of the month. The regular W*dnea lay af* rnoon tea*, which have helped to m ik- summer In Bluffton so * njoyable. are over for th* season, and H iv innah p ople are prepar ing to r'ose their horn--, to return to the city or to go North for the fall months Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Harrison sailed last night for New York from wit* re they will probably go to Canada to stay for two or thre* weeks at North Hatley. Mrs I*. As on Waring, Master Alston and Master Charles Waring will return h.<me this w*k fr. m Blue Ridgn riumvnlt. Mr tin ) Mrs George J Ml Is after pending some w-rks at Bara toga are now in New York Mrs Henry l*. Htv*ns and her chil dren at guests of Mr . Chamber* In Orflifi I*r R ilsfon Uatfimnre. Mr William Latt(more nr and Mrs K I* Laltl m re. who hnv* be*n spending the auimri* r In Fur !*-. arrived In N* w York last wc< k on tin Meriu from Narls Thy will *ill fr in New York for Bavan nah on the Kansas City, Tuesday. Mr* Horace A. Crana has left Ralula and will spend the latt* r part of the sea son In Ashevtlb* Mi. t*iln*v Brubbs. who has been stay ins at Hf-.*hln ;* N f\. rn> st of the sum mer. will l* *ve lu* -Uy for New Haven t- e'it.r the Si). Hie id ectemillc depart ment at Yale. Misd Manu Kollcck aud MUs Janie Kol lock have gone to North Georgia to stay s.-veral week*. Mr and .Mr* lunwoly Jones of At lama hav *i. out cards to the wedding of their daughter, l .innlo Adeline to Mr Malcolm t'uiitiingham The cen-mony will take pl-tr* T*' lay, Hept. 25, at the Cen tral It. shyu r ian Church In Atlanta Miss Ho . Suilpan has returned home aftw a visit to frlen I* at Cape May and .* -hort >tay in New York. Mr fvtwar l Demere left a few da>s .ig" for Bdtimoro to be present at the niarrlage f Miss J*'-ephin* N* well at i Mr Clark It#fore returning. Mr I>in re will go to New York for a short visit. Mr and Mr*. IMwurd Frost aft**r an enjoyable summer n th* mountains of N>rth Carolina, are at home again. Mr Gordon Haines left last night for Athens to enter tin: freshman < laa* at the I nlversfty Mr rge J Atkins of Bayonne. N J . Is the gue-t of Mr. Dan V Hopj>* Mr Hop)a* will leave thla w*ek to reMirne hts studies at Co.umbla College in New Y’ork Mr Chorlea Dixon came In from Ro*e *lew during the week and spent several days is town. Mr. J M. I.ang returned Monday from New York, after a delightful summer In Canada Mr* Lang and Master Mercer Ling will not return until later In the s* ason. Mi Wlllm Henry Bchley Is sp*-ndtng .-••nie time with Mrs. Schley at Ashe ville. Minn Fannie Meldrlm Is visiting Mrs. II C. White In Athens. Mrs Garmany returned Tuesday with Mr George I, Garmany from Nc* York, where sh has t-en staying since her ar rival some necks *<<> (mm Euro|>e. Mrs A B. Hull left Tuesday to visit In Florence. Mr and Mr* E. T. Comer are at Su wannee Springs. Mrs W. W. Owens. who i*m< over bom RlufT'on and s|ient thn past week In town. returncl yesterday. Mr. A I* Adair. Jr., and Mr, Is E. ((rant nf Atlanta passed through Savan nah during the week on their way to New York Mr. and Mrs. W. Trerholm Hopkins nnd little Miss Anne Mr Henry Hopkins have returned to the city from Isle o( Hope Miss Rosa W.set berry and Mis- May V* t•d he try left Monday to visit Mi- P W Meldrtm (or a few days at White Sul phur Springs They will then go to Ath en.-. where Miss Woodherry Rill resume her work at the Buoy t'ohls. Ml- May Woodberry, who graduated thle year t the High School, will enter the senior class. Mr and Mrs. G*-orge Cosens and Mlsa Eleanor Co* ns returned In the first part of the Reek from Isle of Hope, where thev have been staying since the early' summer. Miss Idly Anderson aspects to leave In a Reek or two for a visit to New York. Mr. and Mrs. George Schley have re turned from a stay of a month at Warm Springs. Master William Garrard was ho.-t at a party Friday 111 Hluffton. as pleasant an ilTulr as happy young peo|ile enjoying the lust of a good time could make It. Mr. nnd Mrs. KB*ln Harsons have re turned fr,.m a six weeks' trip to Europe, and ore now in N*w York. Mu* Corticllu Lei S[snt the pas! week In town, and has now gone to Brevard, where she will remain until the first of October. Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer, Master Georg, and Master Uniter Mercer re In town ugaln, after a pleasant summer at Montgomery. Mrs Abram Minis ami Miss Minis have left Magnolia, wnd are now staying a*. Jackson. N. >1 . tn the White Mountains. Mrs N A. I’ape and Mist Nina Tape, who have hid a delightful summer at various resorts In New York stale, have gone to Hoiat >ga for the real of gep'.em ber. Miss Minna Wilkins left a few days ago for North Carolines to attend col lege there during the coming winter. Mr and Mis. H. Habersham City, who are In Germantown for a few days before their return, were guests Friday evening at a tew given In their honor by Mist Hut*ton. Hr. and Mrs Prtpps ami Mr. ami Mrs. Charles I In-on of < 'oalesvtlW, were unwng those present. Miss l-lna Huger come to the city from BlufTton during the week, and. after a very short stay, left for Clarksville to visit the Mlstes Thomas at Gutnas. Mr Julian Schley has returned home after n stay at Highland Falls with Mrs. ftchley, and a short visit to Sarabwa Mr M Kay Hearing, who Is to enter college thle year at Liwrencevllle, will go North In a few days with hi# father. Mr W. H. I'earing. Mr. John M.tlioch returned during the week from his summer abroad Mrs Matloch will not be homa until later In the autumn. Mr It M Hull returned Monday from a month's stay at the North. Mr. John Stoddard has gone to New York. Miss Eflle Rloodworth returned Friday from the North. Mr Ben Yancey ts visiting his parents at hta former home In Home. Oa. Hr Is. C Wilson will return In a day or two from Tennessee. Mies Eugenie Kstlll has returned home from Washington. H C., after spending two months In Virginia and Tennessee Mrs J. I’. Merrlhew Is ihe guest of Mrs. Edward C. Smith In Griffin. Mrs. George B Maher and the Misses Maher returned n ftv •lays ago after e month's visit to Washington Mlse Jennie Bobbitt o( Washington, a* comiwnled Mrs Maher and will be her guest for several weeks. Mr and Mrs Iksvld Wells are now In I’hlladelphla, after a visit to Atlantic City. Mr Kdwyn E. Woodhams organist and choir master fi. John's Church, returned Saturday morning. Mrs Elisa belli Haslam. Mrs J. H Haslam Mlsse* Regina and Mary, and Master Harry Haslam. left for New York 'i uefdey Thai r :il -j-ml the fail month* in Vermont, amt *lo not expect to return to ffavnnnah lief, re the middle of o-tober, Mr. nnd Mrs. II F. Tr tin have return ed from White Cliff Springs, Tenn. The following notice Is from the Augus ta Chronicle of Thursday: "The marriage of Miss Bessie Marsh to Mr. A. K F Muslin, which took place yesterday morning ■ 9 o'clock at the resilience of the brides mother. Mrs Margaret Marsh, is an event of much Imeteet to the many friends of the con tracting parties. The hallway and parlors wire elaborately decorated with many floral otr.ann.ui3, graceful trailing bam- THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16/1900. 14 Broughton Street, West. Ladle's’ F"urnishings. This Is the Season of the Year When We Take (ircat Pleasure in Show ing Our New Goods. Percales, Outings, Flannels, Flannelettes for House Gowns, Short Skirts, Long Skirts. House furnishings. Draperies, Art Satins, Denims, Tapestries, Cur* taining in Swisses, Lace and Figured Muslins, Lace and Net Panels for Glass Doors. hoo wi>r, ini.fully fw>to<jpfd In v,ry I'oni'* place Uelween the lon* wln fjow. In the from iarlor an Improvis ed altar formed by a profusion of ,lately palm* and fern. Interperaed with the 111 k* rlr.c lluhl of waxen candles in crystal Here ihe happy cou ple eloo.l during Ihe Impressive ceremony, which was by Kev. H. C. Christian. Mies Marsh was very becom ingly Kowned In a handsome blue cloth, lallor-made. A dark blue straw' hat with roseiles of taffeta of the same shade com pleted this very stylish costume. Bhe < ar rll a bunch of Nephetos buds tied with Willie satin ribbon The bride was attend ed by her sister. Miss l.llllan Marsh, who wore a dainty creation of white organdie elalauai. ly trimmed In lace and satin rlb lon. After the leremony conuratulatlons and hearty (rood wishes wiere exteisied hy Ihe friends and relatives present. Mr and Mra Muslin left (or Asheville, where they will stay for a few weeks before *o tntf to their home In Kavannah Miss Marsh was one of Augusta's most ad mired votimr women, iswseestnit rare In telbs nial allalnmems and a Winning dis position ami irentio womanly qualities. Mr Muslin l prominent In Ihe business world of Huwittnah. Iresldes tvlnic a sts'lal fa* vorite. This impular cou|de enter marrb-d life under ro'K-t favorabl. ausjilots. and Ihe bes; wi-hes of many follow them In ihelr hew life.” Miss Hosa Mav Adams of Ouyton Is the guest of Miss Frances Harmon. Miss Erna Schuster and Miss Elspeth Bchusler who have la*, n North for two or three months, returned home Friday. Mr John Fursc of the T’nlted States navy is In the cl-y on leave of ahsetica. and Is staying with hts parent. Mr Handolph Kenan, who has been In Asheville during: part of the hot weather. Is at home again. Mr. and Mr*. Charles F. (Srwham sailed for Hammer* Tuesday Irom where they will (o to Scranton, Pa They will be ab sent several w*eks at th* North Mr. and Mr* C W. W**< ar* guest* of Mrs. J.weph B. P'raacr tn Hlnesvlllo. Mrs John J. Evans and Mr* Merkle. who have l *n visiting friends In Augusta returned home a few day* ago. Mis* Komle Riley Is visiting Miss Alma Jeter In Thomaavllls. Lr. ami Mr*. W. K. Filch and fsiqlty reurned twrme ye-ierday. I>r. Pitch hes been liking a course al th<- New Tork foot (jrnduale School and Hospital Mr*. Klteh has l>een spending the summer In th* North Carolina mountains. The marriage of Mbs Annl* Oordoti Allen md Mr James Tinsley Bmlth will lake place Tuesday, Oct. I. *t the home of Mr. and Mrs Charles It. Wood on Charlton street. There will be no cards, only the relatives and Intimate friends be ing invited. Miss A. M Barnard I* at Lsrekhuret. N. y„ where she will remain until late In September. On her return she will be ac oompsnled hy Mias I*ura Carney Mrs le C Hank* left last night to visit Mr snd Mrs Hugh C. Hanks In New York Mr and Mr* J R. Saussy. Mite* Hattie Saussy. and Mr. J. R Saussy, Jr., have returned home from a trip to White Sul phur Springs Mis* I.ury Saussy I* al home again af ter spending several weeks at Whit* Sul phur Springs. Mr. Branch nf Sewanee. Tenn . Is vis iting Mr Pan Hull. The wedding of Ml** Robena Wilson and Mr n. Raymond Foils was very quietly celebrated at the Puffy Street Baptist Church Wednesday at noon. Rev. Robert Van Deventer performed th* ceremony, at which only th* family of th* bride and Intimate friend* of the bride and groom were prsent Ml* Ev*l>n Hotchkiss was lb* bride's only attendant, and Mr W. P:. Wilson ws* best msn Mr and Mrs Folt* r* at h me to their friends at !X Mont gomery strent. Mrs John D. Twiggs and Ml# Jennie May left Tuesday for New York. Mis* Minnie Schley Nichols will return this week from t-oulslana. where she hw been etwv In* all summer with Mr and Mrs Frank P. P*vt* at Morgan City. Mrs H H. M -Kee Is visiting Mrs. Ar nold Broyles In Atlanta Mr*. J. S W r ood. the Misses Wood snd 2? BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, mUrt' St. Julian and Whitaker Streets. We are noted for selling good goods cheap and in this advertisement we quote prices that will sustain and pro mote that reputation. Turkey Keaaher Duter Mf Whtk Broom*. Urge *)*• *** French H*lr Rl loc ladles' White I.lnen Collar* 9* Ladle*' Satin Pulley Belt* **o Featherstitch Braid*, white and col ored * Sc. Black Sewing Silk, a *pool Black Buttonhole Twl*t, ■ spool lc Safety Pint, a paper *!c Steel Hair I'lna, 2 package* for lo Baiting Cotton, large spools (MIMtMg - 10 Masters Irvin and Ruiford Wood ore at home again. Mr amt Mrs. H. P. Smart and the .Misses Smart, who have been spending Ihe summer at Lake Oeorge, are now In New York. Mr*. Lawn Ferst Is expected home to day from Bchroon lake. Mies Merle Cheatham will leave Wed nesday to pursue her studies at Con verse College. Spartanburg. Mrs George A Hudson has returned from White Hptings. Miss Phllln Acosta of Fernandtna, I* the guest of the Misses Coburn. Mire Margaret Connor I* expected home texlay from Blowing Hock Miss Rtelia Bailey left yesterday for Georgetown. P. C., where she attends the Visitation Convent. Miss Anna Harmon, who has been sum mering at Chautauqua and leak* G*org*. will probably return to Savannah this week. Mrs Julius Perllnkrl and Miss Euclle Perllnski have returned home after a stay at Lithla Bprlngs-wnd a visit to Mr. and Mr*. Louis Pchtiul In Atlanta. Mis# Florence Schaeffer left a few day* ago for Charlotte. N. C.. where she will attend Elixajretb College during the com ing winter. Mrs. Ixixarus Mohr. Miss Rita and Miss P>lna Mohr huv* returned home after spending th* summer nt Blue Mountain, Md Mis* Blanch* Mohr did not return with her mother, hut went to Hi Lout* to visit her cousin, Miss Blanche Mohr, t whose wedding she will be maid of honor. Mies Mamie and MBs Bessie Coburn, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. M P. Coburn. In Adalrsvllie, are at homo again. Misses Maml* Gleason. Norma O'Con nor. Gertrud* Lyons, Mnmt* K*ho*. Mary Crohnn. Winnie Moran, snd Masters John Gleason. Wslter Lyons. Frank Crohan. Walter Hulllvan and P'rank Kehoe. en joyed a moonlight lally-ho ride to Thun derbolt on P'rlday evening Mr and Mrs. P. F. Gleason chaperoned the merry par ty Mrs Grant ham I Taggart and Mis* Tagg.trt reached home Tuesday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. George T. Painter tn Munury. Pa. Mr*. D. XI. P'.irmer has returned from Catooen Springs, where she has been attending several weeks. Miss Reltla Boatwright, who has been visiting her *l*t*s. Mr*. Clancy, on Ogle thorpe avenue hu* returned lo her home In lvlgefteid, 8. C. Mrs. W. K Mathews and daughter, an I Mrs. C. E Pupon, left last week for Asheville, where they will spend several weeks. Mrs A. W. Jackson and Miss Mnmle Jackson have returned to the city from White Bluff. Miss Nellie O'Brien and Miss Bessie Gallagher will return this week from a very delightful visit to New York. Xlr. and Mrs. H H Levy and their family are expected home this week, after a pleasant summer tn the moutitalna of Maryland. Miss Ellxabeth O'NelH and Mr John t'lancey were quietly married at ihe Ca thedral Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mr and Mr* Clancey are now at home to their friend# at President and Haber sham streets. Xtr M A. O'Brien and Mlssee Margaret and Annie O'Brien, who have been in Asheville all summer, will return In a few day*. Xlr. p'rank Gallagher, formerly of Sa vannah. but now of New Tork. is mak ing a short stay In town. Mrs Thomas Halllgan and Masters Thomas and Richard Halllgan will re turn Tuesday from New York. Miss May Cash. Miss Mary Kehoe. Miss Susie Brook*, and Mis* Kilty Prooser. form a party of young people, who will return this week to Washington, G* . to resume their studies at St. Joseph's Aeademy. A wedding of Interest to many people In Savannah was that nf Mlsr Elmo Gar net! and Xlr. James PL Ellis, who were married In Philadelphia on the <th of Sep tember The bride has many friends In Gentlemen's Satin Shield Bow* Tc Gentlemen'* Satin Band Ron Mr Gentlemen'* YVhlta Lawn Full Dress Band Bowa jr Colored Sateen Windsor Tie* 5c Oentlemen'* Four-In-Hand and Teck 8 rf lc Fancy Tbllet Soap*. 3 cake* In hoi, a box 5c Damask Towel*, with red border, hemmed, ready for uae 5c White Pearl Dre* Buttons, a doxen lc ] IQ Broughton Street, VA/e-st. Hr id hi tvciv U. l Ni Us l foil. Here at All Times, Quick Moving Prices. That demonstrate our policy of NOT how much can we obtain, BUT how reasonable can we sell. New Dress Goods /iwaitlno Your inspection FOR WALKING SKIRTS. 38-inch Fancy Brocaded Mohairs. An exquisite collection of plaid back 40c value 29c goods for walking and rainv-day skirts, 38-inch Silk Mixed Plaids, 1 *" , black ’ n * v J b,ue ’ mixed - and 40-inch Cheviots, checks and 39 ,f dark S re -'’’ bro ''; n ’ l castor L and fawn figures f v worth faces, with plaid backs in harmonizing 38-inch Solid Color Henriettas. J 50c colors - r must be Beei L t i ° appreciated. c , . , . . .. c ... prices from $1.65 to 53.50 56-inch extra heavy Kersey Suiting, in castor, brown, blue and steel, heavy Complete stock of Linings, Findings enough to be made without lining, an d Dress Trimmings 79c; value SI.OO. TO MATCH OUR GOODS. SILKS Housefurnishings. Ready-to-Wear Dept. P'ull width All Bilk Salln Duchos*. j M.| n rh Extra Heavy Full Bleach Batin . . . 75c; worth $1 ,25. Iwmask IV. value Toe Is showing early ideas for h Ex’ra Heavy All 811 k P*au de :; . lnch 81 ,, ch , d Barnsley Damask. fall Wearing in 81.25: worth $2.00. Bhort Rc.,7air Suits and 10 pieces Figured Fin* French Black *.. va|u , K-fMlkeJ UllkJ Velour Batin Duchess*, handsome da- kf ■*• , sign*. Extra I-arc* and Heavy All Linen \\' IL-s r| (y WL'|t*tC worth 00 Huck Towels 10c; value 16c "Y Ct Il\l 11 OIVII l O Fine 81.. k Taffeta Silk, pure dye. a Imllitlnn French FUnn*ls. handmme 1j np n f T inches wide. patterns, double f01d...124c; value 300 I,ew nne OI i^aaies slo °- ““ N " Block him 1 m no_. , , - U-4 California Blankets. _ . _ _ DSc; value sl-23. ieoo; vaiu* ai# $4.50; worth $6.5a Our Miiherr Denoflmi is Mi Sois Mi ikii] is lor lots com. Savannah, and Mr. PLII* Is well known here, having lived In this city for a num ber of year*. Mr* William vrittbelson and hr daugh ter, Xlr* R. U Foster, of Paricn, ar* In Bavannah for a short visit. Mis* Emm* Meyer ami Xlls* Nellie Walsh and Mis* Gallagher will return horn* this week from a pleasant summer In New York Ml** Annl* Harl* entertained very pleas anlly Weln*aday evening. Among th*a present were Mr*. Colson. Misses Alice Moran. Iren* Savarese. Xlaml* Downey, Madalln* Havar***, Cecilia Williams, and Messrs. James Lyons. P'. Marie, Albert Smith, John McCullough, Horace Brook*. Lawrence Kelly, C. Wilkinson and Jame* H. Harie. Mrs W. H. Dormer. Sr., and Mra. J. A. Galiaher. after spending Ihe past two month* in North Georgia, have returned home. Among th* pi.asnnt affairs n*xl w*ek al Asheville will be a mountain party to morrow evening in honor of Mrs S. liouiK and Mrs. George Ma*tlek of Savannah. Among the other guests will Is- Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell of Nebra*ka. Mr. and Mr*, ttarco of New York. Mr and Mrs. Cum ing* of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Gragg of Asheville, Xliss Annie liaiipt, Ml** Reed, Judge Reed, Dr. Reed of Rlltmore, Mr. W. II dllngton and Xlr. Bartlett. Xlr*. Geo. Fawcett and children return ed home last week after a two-months' •lay In the mountains of North Caro lina. Mrs Xf. L. Parker ha* returned from Asheville. Xlls* Leslie Floyd entertained last Thursday evening wllh a lawn parly In honor of Xlls* Blrda Clark of Osteen, Fla Those present were ills* Viola Sholter, Miss Gertrude Monro*. Ml** Ruby Hhot ler. Mis* Sadi* Edwards, Xlls* Fannie Clark. Miss Judith Raby. Mis* Clyde Bhorman, Mis* C. Clark. Mis* Stella Snor ter. Xlls* Emma Knbv, Mis* Vldorlne Bhorman, Miss Ine* Hammond. Mr. Rob ert Cron*n. Mr. Charles Falk. Mr Edwaids. Xir. Burk Ruston. Mr lial Shor mun, Mr. Leslie Clark and Mr. Faletus Munster. Mr Henry Lehwald returned yesterday from a trip to New York. Mi*. M. A Bolt* an I arandson, A. R. P'awcett, Jr., returned home after spend ing Ihe summer In Asheville, Waynesvllle and Hendersonville. Xlls* Nellie Doom r left during the week for a vllt to St. Leo, Fla. After a delightful trip to the Catskills. New York city and Washington. D. C , Mis* Xlattle Bell* Bullard ha* gone to Winston-Salem. N C., where she enter* a* a Junior at Ba>m College. She will tie missed very much by her many friend*, who w*!sh for her every success. • Mis* Annie Dehele left y*t*rday on th* Kansas City lo Join Xlls* Katie Mclner tey In New York. Mr*. J T. Shuptrtr.e and Mies Jartla Shtiptrlne went up to Atlanta l ist night, where they will be Joined by Mies Kula Shupfrlne, who ha* been spehdlnr the aummer In the West They will remain In Atlanta until <Vt. 1. ills* Gertie r. while ha* returned from Aahevllle. N. C.. where *he haa been (pending the eummer. She vlelte.l friend* In Columbia on her w.iy home. Mr*. J. W. Asplnwall and two children have returned home, afier (pending six week* at Three Spring*. Tenn.. and Ashe ville. N. C. PRIMITIVE HIIIIK* OF COt'RTINO. The Way Innn* Hottentots, f.unheal llraai, and the Youthful I>> ah Try In Wln n Wife. Among the land Dyak* no youth dare venture to pay addressee to a maiden un le* he can throw at her feet a netful of skulls. It being nereaaary for him to prove hi* prow. sa by kilting a few men. women or children. Among these tribes, the lover offer* the maiden of hi* choice some betel nut*. If *he accept*, h* I* happy, but If •he refuse* and say*. Be good enough to blow up tha Are." It meant that he I* dis missed. Sometime* the courting I* carried on through n medium of a sort of Jew a harp. •** bonding It to the other, asking questions and returning answer*. When ii young Hottentot goes courting, to render himself more attractive, he paints hi* nose, cheek# and forehead with soot. Among some tribes of Madagascar, tha boy* decorate their long locks with I leave*, flower* and teat her* “only In or-1 dcr lo plc.ise ihe women.’* The nailvce of New Britain him ken some of ihelr teeth imd knock out other*, knowing that otherwise they run She risk of being re fused hy the ones of ihelr choice on ac count of ugliness. A woman In that beau tiful land won I*l 'scorn lo accept Ihe ad dress** of otu- |iosct*tr.g while teeth. Ilk* a dog or a pig.'' A girl who has arrived at a marriageable age ha* her teeth filed. Th* beaux of /.amliesl fll the middle teeth In th# upper Jaw Into the form of a swallow's tall. In one province of Tas mania. a rebellion nearly broke out when order* were once issued forbidding Ihe use of ochre and grease, for th# young m*n feared th* loss of favor In the eye* of their country-women. Among the Guarayo*. th# suitor, when courting, keep* for day* elo-e to he cabin of the mistress of his heart, being palntwl from head to foot, and nrincl with his buttle club. The Meloncslan women do the eourllns- When a girl like* a man she tells hi* sister, and gives h*r a ring of airing. Ihe *j:rr say* to her brother, ''Broth r. I have good news for you. A woman loves you.” If willing tn go on with the affair, through the e|srer. an appointment Is m<l.. and the following dialogue ink'*, pi ice: The man says, ''You like me proper?” “Tee. | like you proper, with my hear- Inside " I'nwllltng to give himself away rashly, he aeks. "Now. you like me?” "1 like you altogether. Your skin good Th girl, anxious to clinch the mailer, ask* when they are to be married Tli* man say*. “To-morrow. |f you like " There is mo. k fight when they ten their relatives, and everything I* an tiled In Maori;.ind. the girl generally begins the courting The love-token whl.-h the Slrl throws at the feet of her lover |* i little bit ot iLx made into a eort of htilf knot. “Yes Is signified by pulling the knot tlghi. “No." by leaving the matn monlol iiodm* alone. If you wish to cure scrofula or salt rheum permanently, take Hood s Sarsa parilla It expel* all Impurities from the blocd- ad. % Amokr, The Herbert Bpenoer Is an elegant cigar and la truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fume* of this fine tobacco; It la exhilarating and delicious. See that the name of Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which non* are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigar* are only •old cy the box of 50. Conchas at s,t ,> ,„ (1 Peilecto*. 54 50 at Uppman Bros whole sale druggist*. Boinard and Congress streets, of this city -*d. di(!d r en's School hose. 8c; worth 15c. Chiimeo's School Uiieiios. 60c; worth 65c Children's illMkerMs. 4c; worth 10c. TWO 1111*11 REALTIES. I.erely tlarrhlnneas of Dow nahtra nnd the Equally Handsome Jolla Marlowe. When Julia Marlowe was in London a few seasons ago and attending s gar : n party, she had the unique experience of meeting a woman, who. feature I * f*s ture. Was so exactly the counterpart vfl her own fair self, that she confessed that Rhe might have greeted the lovely Mar chioness of Hownshlre a* her own twin slater. It is true that both the charms * n- 'r. ss ami the equally lovable Mar hlen rs . e Irish women, but theie the rel■ - tlonelilp ends, while the resemblance can readily be traced In their photograph*, a resemblance made all the stronger by the fuel that In h.ght. Wright, an-l .clortng there Is scarcely any difference between them. Jul n- Ml*s Mulowe Is considered ore of Ihe most delightful women on the stars to-day. her doubt,, the Man hkine*-. l*n gardtd as a leading belle and beaut) la The Mirrhloncs* of Downshlre. emart English society, and what I* ,v '* more to her credit, she I* ape- altar * sweet and accomplished woman be!' 1 ™ her marriage *he was Miss Hit- sra daughter of the Karl of Llstowel md h her marriage to the eighth Karl of Down* • hire, the Irish beauty, whore l* 11 ' -ul " lude In a single seg*on hed won her stf'* spread f ime. became one of the r! 'h' sf ‘f Irish iiecresseH. second only to n* ' ' !l Marchlonea* of Londonderry. •- * genuine daughter of Krln. this ” ‘ . and lilted woman ptefera her lil*h to those her husband owne In Kn- 11 '• ond. true to the traditions of her ah* Is n wonderful hor-awnma'i H- 1 * tie 5-yrar-old son. the Viscount IP ‘ borough, ha* been taught to mi l-' l*iny under her own eye. herd et I dir* lion , Coming herself of iiih peopl* the Mnrchtone**' proudesi t,a-. '* 1 * her husband* famllv seitled In I " a* long ago as 1573. and that her b ' grow up lo he genuine lrlahm-n. N“* 1 then ahe leaves her favorite County Down for a glimpse of the season, and she Is not alone conrpl ' ■ In the Mayfair drawing room* ' r beauty, but also for the fa< i t ,,; '' rarely or never wear* Jewel* " , wealth of rich hair end faultier* nnd .irm*. this beautiful woman ' ' l ( ‘, # n mote llatiering Impiesidn with |t x-oenmoupla, e 'pearl*, diamonds, ei _ her sister peeresses find abaolutel) re •ary to their pride and good Icokw