The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 17, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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LESSONS FROM THE STORM. THIS mil HI RRU'INn RKV, HR. IITHOIYT TOPIC AT THIIITI. The Rlrmrnla nt l*ro"|ierlt Mn> Mill) llrnimf Timer ( llnirtir* linn—The Vielowa Element Whlrh Atuntfraleil Itaelf In GnlvrM.m, Ks. let* In 111 tltlre, Hr Declared. ■l.iroiiub Hell" In Mmannah In Dp - alray Everything Good In It ir Given Hip tlppurlunlly—.The II- V|r<l Victim* tin bit* of llualneaa ili ii anil I ttlaena In IHarrgardlng Hip sal.both and Enconmaing Vio lation of l.nw Ifippplr trlllplard. The Texas hurrtoanp furnished a topic for Rev. Buscora Anthony at Trinity Church lae* night. The preacher did no undertuke 10 hold that Galveston was vis ited with a calamity because of Its wick edness. but drew a more general lesson, applicable to Savannah a* well as other cities, lie began by referring to the floral In the days of Noah, which overspread the whole earth and destroyed all Its In baMtams. with the exception of one fam ily. because of the wtckednees of the peo ple. and gave a brief descriptive picture o' Galveston, surrounded by jt water ami fanned by the hreeies by means of which the ships came to Its harbors and furnish ed the commerce which gave wealth and employment to Its cltlxens. Yet these very agencies, he pointed out. which were the life of the city and furnished Its prop perlty. were made the ugencles of Its de struction and disaster. The calamity, Ilrv. Mr Anthony said. Is the greatest of its kind this country has ever known, exceeding even that of the Johnstown flood. It has touched the heart of the people throughout the entire land and has shown the philanthropy of the age .lt has proven conclusively that whatever else the age may be It Is a phil anthropic one such as the world has never I efor, known Krom this Mr Anthony deduced the comment that ph lanthropy Is the product of a Christian civilization, ami yet m.inv men. who will respond to a cry of dlatrta*. such as that sent up from Galveston, give nothing to support the foundations of this civilization which lias produced this spirit and contribute nothing to the mntntenan e of the various agencies by which this spirit Is maintain ed. Mr Anthonv discussed the appearance of the ghoulish eletneWt In Galveston which, in the midst of scenes of suffering and death r ibbed and mutilated the dead and showed no regard for the living Such an element, he said, exists in every city. It Is found almost . n Irely In the cities where It becomes aggregated. I'nder or dinary circumstance* Its manifestations are repressed, but when the strong arm of the law becomes palspd It asserts It self This split! was most fully m mlfest eel In Paris during the French revolution when the elements of lawlessness reveled In a carnival of crime. This same ele ment, he declared. - tself In such a repulsive manner in Gal veston. exists In Savant ah and every • ther elty and only awaits opportunity to manifest Its* If There Is enough he'.l here m Pnv.innah," he declared, "to wipeout everything good that exlsie. If It ehould ever tie given the opportunity." The remedy for this evil. Mr Anthony held. Is to bring the vicious element In touch with the churches. If brought un der better Influences the evil could be cor rected Mr. Anthony discussed the conditions pievslllng In Savannah with the conctu t ii' M matters are at present the vt. ton# element Is on the Increase, and that It Is becoming !e- subject to moral sod re’iglous InfUien The mnln reason for this state of affnlrs, he hotd to be the prevalent disregard on Ihe part of many leading cltlxens for moral and religious obligations. Too many leading men he • I't'lgred. -ire openly leading vicious livr* nd sitting a bad example to others less prosperous, and less well known. The open dlsr* card for Ih. Sabbath, an*l the gen* ral violation of Sunday laws In which irrom.nent cltlxens lake the lead he instanced as on, of the means by which ihe moral sentiment of the community Is I graded. We I known businessmen open ly go on Ashing and shotting excursions, go boating, play galf and Indulge In other amusement* on the Sabbath. On the other hand, many business men show their con - tempi for the Sabbath by going to their office* and transacting business, on Sunday anil reuniting their employe* to do like wise, "While the business men may be play ing golf or shooting on Sunday." said Mr. Anthony, "the poorer classes are hang ing around the low saloons The example of the one encourages Ihe other to disre gard the Sabbath and Ihe tendency of the whole Is to an Increase In viciousness and lawlessness on the part of the population. In setting such examples business men and leading cltlsens are simply laying trains of dynamite to he exploded under neath their children and grandchildren. When the time comes that the law shall fall In Its efTect an*! wbh the church no longer able to hold these- elements In con trol then the storm will hurst and the fa tal results of such disregard of moral ob ligations will be realised." Advocating the observance of law an I order. Rev. Mr Anthony said. Is not one of the principal duties of inc pulpit. Fir- Hole had mod that he would as soon be lieve that the north star placed M th< heavens for fishermen to guide their lit tle hoata hy as that the gospel was ir • i st el to make law possible It should not be necessary for the pulpit to urge the enforcement of law. It was higher duties to perform. Men hnvo their mein* of obtaining warning- of approaching storm*. Mr. An thony sold, and so there are warning* of the approach of the *;orm of God's wrath. The atorm of O/tlvceton, with It* loss of 6.W lives, will he as nothing to the storm which will one day strike the rarih when mountain* crumble nnd continent* will be wiped out in a single breath Fair warn ing ha* been given time nnd ngaln of thl* storm, and If men do not fake heed they will have only themselves to Marne If they lose earth and heaven as well. THF. I. PI P CAPT. W . A. M tHNK.A. Tribute to III* Memory hr Benwforl’a < onledrrate Veteran*. The Pmmetto Poet of Port Royal prints the following tribute to Capt. W. N. Rarnes, who died In thl* city about ten day* ago: The new* of the death of thl* popular cltlxen of the Rluffton section, which oc curred in Savannah, on the sth. was re ceived with sincere regret by his miny friend* in fhl* section. At the early uge of 13 year* he was a member of the La fayette Artillery. Capt. John T. Katin (ESTOP** ' + Indigestion, <erer from stomach III# B ITTEB b The four of a square meal F Uneeda M i Quartet I Unoeda Jlnjer Wayfer Uneeda Milk Biscuit paux of Charleston, and participated In several of the bloody contests of the lute war. He was fully Imbued with military ardor, and took great Interest In such matters, being for years captain of the Heaufort District Troop He was much esteemed by hi* comrade* of Camp Beau foci. I'. C V.. of which he wis a mem ber. He was always n most antic nt Democrat, and was a valuable ally For many yea it* he had been i trial Justice for his section. He had been for some time o sufferer from dropsy, ami had been operated upon in Savannah Two weeks before hts death, feeling better, he re turned to his farm on the Okatle, Be coming worse, h. went tin k to Sivunnah. on the slh. and tiled at the residence of hi* sister Mrs K C. Zlttrauer. Caps. Rarnes was H year* of age, und had no other near relative save hi* sister. The remains were Interred at Honaventure. "Tribute of Respect of Camp Beaufort, f. C. V "Whereas. It has pleased the Supreme Commander of the Universe to call to Fame's Eternal Camping Ground Ihe soul of our esteemed cotnrndt. IV. N. Barnes, therefore, tie It "Resolved, That In the death of Com rade W N. Barnes. Camp Beaufort. I’. C. V., Joses a valued member, nnd the state i true, loyal and faithful son. “Resolved. That the idjutunl transmit * copy at this preamble and these resolu tions to the sister of our departed com rade, ' Resolved. That ci blank page In our minute book lie dedicated So the memory of Comrade Hornes." A BLIND MAT IT El HOPE. Prefers the lludaun to the Hhlae. Fascinated In TV eatuilnutrr Tbhry. From the London Mall One of the most unique, certainly one of the most strangely striking, tours ever made Is that of Mr Martin, a blind teach er In the School for the Blind nt Loul*- v!He, Ky. who has Just finished a "sight seeing trip 111 England and Germany. For eye* he had a guide companion, but the blind tourist'* vivid narration of 111* experiences showed that the guide was little more than a living tndex of Ihe sight*, the blind man reslly saw them In the way mi Intelligent sightseer should view things, for himself. •"Yen, I traveled all the way from Louis ville, Ky.. to see Europe I think I'vc ■lone It pretty well, and I'm going back to-morrow morning," he added with a beaming eountenance; "Just delighted with Ihe trip ” It gave one pause to think of that long dark voyage ncro.-s the rolling Atlantic — on n slow eld boat, as It happened, econ omy being an object—to make the ac quaintance. always In the blackness of night, of anew continent. Its life, its monuments, and It* landmarks He had been out shoiHiing. for It wis hi* last afternoon In Ixmton I-a den with small parcel*, he was led Into th room by the guide, through whose eves with what success I was eurlou* to ..aim —he had been endeavoring to realise the sights of the metropolis. "In addition to seeing Isindon I ran over to Germany." the blind tourist ex plained. "had a pleasant little stay In Frankfort, railed down the Rhine and stopped at Cologne Cos 'have a look at the cathedral. The Rhine v. the Hudson. "The Rhine is very beautiful." 1 re marked, wondering "bit he would *•) "Yes, but It iloesn't come up to our Hudson You see. the Hudson 1* on more magnificent scale altogether It broaden* out into great sheets of water, with the mountain* rising snr-r from in shore. And then the Cat*kll!!" For ten minute* h<* descanted eloquently on the superiority of the Hudson eorr.cry ts that of the Rhine. But I wanted his Impression* of I/>n don and turned the conversation with a query a* to where he had been since he came to town. "Everywhere, except on the roof*." was the laughing reply. I gazed with admiring Interest nt th" quiet, clean-shaven, robust man of forty, with hi* thin sandy hair and his sad pale, sightless eyes who oat liefore me sipping hi* tea. and calmly talking of having "done" hi* London Jar more thoroughly perhaps than one In thousand English men. He was full of his subject. What had he not "seen" durln* those busy memo, nt bis weeks’ Museum*, park*, picture galleries, churches, *he river from Green wich to Hampton Court. Kpplng Forest, the slum* of Whitechapel, the squares and lordly mansion* of Mavfalr. the law Courts, the House* of Parliament, th- Tower, Hampfteid Heath and Kew Oor den*. the City and the sutiur’i* Not i place of Interest that I could suggest had hem omitted from his Itinerary save— the Twopenny Tube' and then, as he ex plained. they h id that In America Most Impressed With the Abbey. "" I asked. "Impressed you most of all*" He threw hi* hesd bark and reflected for fully a minute liefore he replied, a* If the question had rather taken him hy surprise. Then W said. "I think West minster Abbey. It I* no! so Imposing a* Cologne Cathedral, hut the historical as sociation* fascinated me I went three times to the Abbey. Ye*. Westminster Abbey alone was worth Ihe trip.” "And after that’" "After that. I think Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens." I was *o taken abaek by this reply that 1 could only (*k Inanely enough. "Wat the twtel playing?" "No but those lovely open, almost ru ral. spares, right In the henrt of the blg gom city In the world, with their ere fully tended flower beds, the trees and JOe bird* the sparkling Serpentine, the rider* In the Row the crush of carriage*, nnd the promenader*. rich and poor, fashion able society folk and 'dead beats.’ make a wonderful picture" "You spoke of the slums How did they strike vou as compared with your How - ary. for example” "Ye#, I have done the Bowery, and I THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1000. should say. Judging from the outside merely, that your East Bide slum* are rather worse. We could beat them, though, down In Coney Island, where we h ive some very tough niggers In White - chapel there were several pretty lively ’Brraps' going on. and I just kept in the middle of the loud for fear a brick or something ehould hit me" 'You walked about a good deal. I gather?" "Why. mostly. One day I walked to Epplng Forest and hack again. It took us a little over three hours to get to t'hlng fo-d " "There you would see"—l Insensibly fell Into hi* trick of phrase as to what he had "seen"—"the ancient and royal game of golf’" • ' Well, no; w< didn't strike the golfer*, but there was lot* of cricket, and we watched the games for awhile Then we made a big round, admired the beauties of the forest anil walked back to town by a different route. It was all very en joyable. As to walking. I preferred going about a* much as possible on foot 1 lik ed to mix with the people, hear their piss ing remark*, study the shop windows, no tice all the pretty dresses of the ladles, and the out of the men * clothe* " "Bay." he explained here, a* a point which had escaped him till now. "how do your number* of Parliament dress’" "Juat like ordinary mortals, more or less.” “Well, t have observed that all your lawyer* wear wig* and gown*, and I thought your legislators might do so. too I visited the Parliament building*, but the vacation had bigun and I missed hearing a debate.” "Tell me what rise Interested you most." How Hr haw ilir Tatlunat Gallery Picture*. "I liked the pictures in ihe National Gal lery. which I visited twice It was very interesting to stand In front of a master piece hy Turner or Reynolds. Rapha-I or Rubens, and hear the people round m" discussing it, *<>me foolishly and flippant ly. tome learnedly and reverently, otter* critically. A parson would come along and explain It to a group of schoolboy*, then two painter* would start arguing about It* technique, till In the ml I seemed quite familiar with th. picture I spent hours, too. In the British and South Ken ilngton museums." "80. on the whole, you have felt quite at home In London?" "If Itte had only been a little more plentiful In the hot weather! Why. In America we have Ice funds for distribut ing It to the poor, and It I* nil made from distilled water But I'll tell you on.- thins—you've got better pollre than either Germany or America. The London poll * man I* tnory polite and better In formed He will not only answer you ci villy. but will take the trouble to tell you whit 1* worth seeing In Ihe neigh borhood But. say. ran you understand an omnibus .Inver when he talk* to you?" "Sometime# " "That's one of the things that beat me I felt Just real proud of myself to-day when I made out a few words of what one of them was saying " We discussed many other matters—cy cling and motlng. the Iniquities of scorch ing the rule of the road, smoking and drinking habit*, the prlxe rtng-"If Fitx slmmons meets Jeffries," he said. "Jeff will win; I've seen him box.")—and, fin ally. the turf. "There's one thing I regret." said the blind American, "and that'a not seeing the Derby. Kentucky I* a great horse hrecdlng country, ns you know, and we'ra rnthet proud of having raise.! Tod Sloan. Yes. it would have done me good to ee Tod ride past Ihe post on a Derby win ner .’’ During the conversation the guide a modest. Intelligent young fellow, hardly lni.rvene.l and when he did it was with a commonplace remark Hl* eye* had served for both throughout the trip. Yet. somehow. I left with the Impression thar it was the. blind man who had seen most of London To Brnnaivlrk and Hetaen gt.OO via the I’lant 9y stem, Sunday. In addition to the Charleston flunday excursions, the Plant System are selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Holiday* only, at rate of SI.OO for the round trip. Trains leave al 2.10 a- rn. and 6 Su a. ro —ad. ■ m * A Delicious Smoke. The Herbert Spencer ts an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of till* fine tobacco: It is evhtlarallng and delicious. Bee that the name of Herbert Spencer U on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none ur* genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by th* box of 50 Conchas at $3.50, and Perfectoe. $4 50 al L4p|*nan Brow, whole sale druggist*. Barnard and Congress streets, ot this eii —ad. p. p. r . a wonderful medicine; It gives an appetite. It Invigorates and strength en*. P P- P. cure* rheumatism and all paint In th# side, back and shoulders, knee*, hip* wrists and Joints. P. P p. cure* syphilis in all It* various stages, old ulcers, sores ami kidney complaint P P. P. cure* tatarrah. ecaema. erysipelas. •It skin disease* and mercurial poteonlng. P. P. P. cure* dyspepsia, chronic female complaint* and broken-down constitution and kies of manhood. P. P- P- the best blood purifier of Ihe age, ha* made more permanent cures than all other blood rem *dle# Ltppnian Rroa., sole proprietors. Bavannah. Ga —*d "Graytiewrii t a family medicine with us." *a;d * prominent bnahles) man yea leiuay 'M> wife takes It, and I notice at,, is enjoying beMar health than for years. The children keep well by taking It. ' Graybeard may be obtained at all drug •tores or write to us for It. Reepess Drug Cos,, sole preps . Bavannah, Ga.- ad A High-Oredr Institution for ladle* Shorter College. Kona, Ga. Write tar catalogue—ad. PETITION FOB Hit Olll'OH ATIOV PETITION FOB INCORPORATION Noil.# of Intention to a|piv for railroad charter After four weeks' notice by pub lication pursuant to Bectlon* 2159 el *e j qultur of the existing Code of Georgia •rod the amendments thereto, the under signed will tile. In the nfli .• of Ihe Becre tar. of Btate, a petition for th* incoriHira- Clon of a railroad corporation, of w-hlch the following Is a copy: Btate of Georgia. Chatham County To the Honorable, the Secretary of Btate for the state of Geor gia The petition of Wm W Gordon, Belrne Gordon. W W Gordon, Jr . U A. Gor don. J H Kinxle, W G Harrison. It C. Ilnrrlsoti. It Hunter. Thom.t* Hunter. H M Peek, W y Hughe* and Joseph A Isogan all of Bav inn.ih. Go., respectful ly show* First That they desire to form a rail road corporation pursuant to Ihe provis ions of the Aet of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved Dec 17. 1592. Laws I 1392. pages 37 el seq and the amendment* | thereto. Second That Ihe name of th* company whl h they desire to have Incorporated will be the. "SAVANNAH WHARF AND TERMI NAL RAILWAY COMPANY " (There being no existing railway eor j ioration of that name In the state of , Georgia i Third That the said railroad will be located entirely within the limits of Chat ham county. In salt! state, ami Its length a* near a# ran be estimated, will b* one mile miming from the | track of the Central of Georgia . Railway Company. on 10l i number eighteen of estate of D La- I mar. on the west side of Randolph street. [ In the elty of Savannah, to the tracks of the Savannah. Florida and Western Rail way Company, heated east of the Bilbo i canal, In said county and stale, together I with the necessary switches and spur tracks, so a* to facilitate the transaction of business of railroad * ,*mpanics with each other, and with the property In said -lty. county and*state known as the Gor* i don wharf The general direction of said road will !>e easterly and westerly, ami It will run i from 10l number eighteen of estate of D letmar to the wharves of the Plant Sys tem of Railways, and It will connect the River street trick of the Central of Geor gia Railway Company with th. track* of the Savannah, Florida and Western Rail way Company. Fourth That the amount of proposed capital stock of *nld company will be twenty thousand (13'PiO) dollars, but the privilege la desired of Increasing the same to two hundred thousand (tldti.tKXn dollars divided Into shares of one hundred (SluOi dollars each All of said slock to be com mon stock of equal dignity. Fifth That petitioners desire to he In corporated a* aforesaid for the period of one hundred (l<b years Sixth Thai the principal office of the proposed corporation I# to be located In ihe city of Savannah. Chatham county. Georgia Seventh That the petitioners do Intend In good faith to go forward without de lay. to secure subscriptions to th. capi tal stock, construct, equip, maintain and operate ..aUt railroad Eighth. That petitioners have given four weeks' notice of their Intention to apply for a charter by the publication of this petition. In one of the newspaper* In which the sheriff * advertisements are published in said county; once a week for four weeks, before the filing of this peti tion Ninth. That your petitioner* have an nexed hereto an affidavit made hy three of the person* forming said company; that the names subscribed hereto are the gen uine signature* of the person* named In the petition, a* required by law. and that ihe fa,-4# *ioi*iS ill thl* petition are true, to the best of their knowledge. Informa tion and b* lief. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they may be Incorporated under the law* of thl* stale, and that a certificate of In corpofatloo •>* homed to them under the great seal of the slate as provided by law WM W GORDON. Ry Wm. W Gorton. Jr.. Attorney In Fact. RF.IRNE GORDON. WM. W GORDON, JR.. G A GORDON. J H KINZIR. W G HARRISON, R. C HARRISON. It HUNTER. TIfOMAH HUNTER. II M PEEK. W Q HUGHES, JOS A LOGAN GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- To the Suprriot Court of said county: The petition of Henry Ohiver, Thomas Young, Thomos W Williams, Rol*rt l Drayton. Daniel Jenkins and Charles Squire, all of #ahl county, shows that pe titioners and such other* as they may de sire to associate with them, desire to be ln< orimrated for the period of twenty year*, with privilege of renewal, under the name and style of "The Evening Call Aid and Social Club." the place of busi ness to be Savannah. Oa They desire to be Incorporated for mutual benefit, pro le lion ami enjoyment of the member* of said cluti. and not for pecuniary gain Wherefore petitioner* pray that the) may lie Incorporated a* aforesaid, with privi lege of buying and selling real and per gonal property, with power to assess and collect due*, line* or other obligation* Im posed upon member* under the rule* of said elub, to pay death benefits, sink ben efits to member*. |** such by-laws a# may tie consistent and proper, and gener ally to have all power* ami privilege* al lowed corporations by law WM H BOYD. Attorney for Petitioner* Original filed In Office Be pi. IS, 1901) JAMES L MURPHY. Deputy Clerk. 8 C.. C C. i IF TOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed elation* ry and blank books from Morning Nawa, Savannah, Qa. CLASSIFIED AUVtRfISEMENTS* MtRSOMAIa "REMODELING BALK," A RARE chance in secure a birthday, engagement and wedding present at very low Diet; solid gold watch, lady's vise, was now $7 *5. B W Hnymond w itch, wo II now In; Mi. patent lever silver watch. Hr, plain gold wrddlng ring*. $1 50 ami up, dlammid ring, so $75, now ssl; handsome cluster ring, lady's slse. was sl2 now $5 25; mall tn!er* ptotnptly filled. Fegeaw 2k sii*t Proughiou Hair. Jewelry and Bhay- Ing fluiqdy House. ~ "STAFF OF LIFE' BRAIN BREAD recommended by physician*, crimp ami Vienna kvivc*. )<akc.t twice a day. tnv twn-potmO Vienna an excellent loaf far sandwich*#. "Derat's" Variety Bakery. IX* East Broughton street. T SHOULD BEK MU.LKR 8 FDKNl ture, newest st)hs for tieslriaun. dining room. ii lor. In oak. walnut ami mahog any; Miller's prices and terms aro rea simahlr. 207 Broughton, west. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy, It's rich and pure, try It II m FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last C. P Miller. Agent U SHOULD SEE MILLER'S NEW • tylea In carpets, malting, window ehmlro. art squares, rugs, luce curtains, etc.; Miller'* price* and term* are reasonable 297 Broughton, west FINE r.AMB AT "RA bar's," every day. best of all other m als In mark*! IF ITS HUGS TOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper loom McGill!*, KIMBALL’S ANTI-It HE U M A TT C rings; thousand* using them and all ben efited Gardner's Haxaar. agt SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, ladies' aize. at $X J. W. Teeple. *1 4* BUYS NICE UATTAN liucRKHS, ladies' size. large assortment of rockers, couches and eaty chair* C. P. Miller. Agent. OCT IST I WILL MOVE TO ill WEST Broughton. Ring up Su'd If you want to have your fumlmire moved or packed fur shipment or storage. I guarantee prices Ihe same as I do the work that's given to m* A H Grinin. 31$ Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order, M'OILLir LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. V SHOULD SEE MILLER'S OFFICE desks, office table#, office chairs, office malting, offlew shades. C. P. Millet. Agent FIXIRAI, DESIGNS. PALMS AND CUT flowers. a( Gardner's Bazaar, agent fer or!* 'big's Nursery U WILL SX)N MOVE AND U WILL certainly need anim-lhlng In iny line; U will save money by trading with me t\ P Miller, Agent M'dtt.l.m BELLI) SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna pattern* (or 99 Mats "GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN, $1 At Gardner's IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF" Stiff*) A Freeman have a .-tardlng offer of $1 .bub for every safe of their tnak" flint doe* not preserve It* eonteni* One safe was In burning debrl* 11* hour* When taken out. the hose tied to l.e turned on It When opened, not a page aa a ell*, colored, not a reiewd leit. not a dollar d v stroied If you want aecurlty. buy a Stlffi-ll A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, Agent. M'OILLIS IS CHEAP ON BUGS. NETS lore curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, picture*, stove*, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description “SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* for sale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insurance gasoline alove. t' SHOULD SEND YOUR ORDERS for tuning and repairing piano* and or gan* 1.. W P Manning, with C P Mil ler. Agent, prompt attention to out-of town order* C. P Miller. Agent. MOrLLIS MOVES. PACKS SHIPS and stores pianos amt furnltura; best work only; no "Chawp-John" prices—do "Cheap- John" Jobs IT SHOULD SEE MILLER'S STOVES and ranges, the best makes at reasonable prices C. P. Miller, Agent "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARB. " la a specialty with M dllde ~TF SHOULD SEND ME YOUR OR derwfor upholstering parlor and dining room furniture In bather, silk and other fab rics. In th* heat m.inner; curled hair, moss and cotton mattresses renovated, all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed U P Miller. Agent PULLEY BELTS. 23U, BUCKLES IOC; aluminum shirt set. 10c, at Gardner's Ba zaar WHEN TOU. SEE M OtI.LIS SIXTY- Inch 99 rent* ruga, you will buy them. Juat can't help It; will sell In say quan tity. ~ OLD NEWSPAPERS. MO for B ceota. al BuMnsoe O til re Morning New# OKIIUAL HOW AP.E YOUR FKKT? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call en me and I will gtva you relief, I cur* Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all disease* of the feet without pain; charges reasonable, can glva th* licet reference* In th* city; pa tients treated at residences; prders can he left as Livingston's drug More, Hull •nd Congrea* (greets; telephone MS Lem Davie, enrgenn chlronodl’t HELP WAATISO—MALK. WANTED. TWO OOOD CYLINDER prrsrtibn. The Foot* A Davits Cos. At ■anla. Ga. WANTED." ONE FIRBT- -CLABH while barlier; gotel l*sy anil permanent leislilotl Aiflili I" TV Da ■ ~FU ■"WXWWK TWIRTT Sckh- CXti jienters. with tools. $2.25 so $2.50 |ier day; long Job; prompt pay; government • on tract. tawrd $3 50 |e-r week. Bee William Huber, for further Information. No. 317 West Ray street. Jacksonville, Fls. MU!.I* WAATKIL-rKMALE. ■^wXNTsrrr^^NCErArrßST^cLA?rs cook, also rhombcrmakl that understands all kinds housework. Kimball House Pearson. Oa. "WANTED. A COMPETENT HOURS and chambermaid. Apply 10H Drayton •trcel. ¥ANt El > you no" LAifiiT Tt JRBRVE In our drug store for two week* for good salary. Apply'between * and 10. Monday morning, to Jones' Pharmacy. Bull street, opposite Theater. AUBNT* WANTED. "S2T : <T^r7jATLY^ABTL5 r TiiADE^BY our live agent#, men or women, nailing our latest novelty, camialgn waterproof neck tie*. Goods entirely new and petent.-d Agents delighted. Hales unlimited What others do. you can to Time Is short. Writs to-day and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed best seller. Address, with stamp. M A M Manufacturing Com pany. Itept C. Hprtngfleld. Mas*. " 1 ■ HOltr.i WAITED. V TWfb*TOKY"“’ HOUSE WANTED (with lawn or garden preferred). In good loraiion. Address Good Tenant, this oflice ROOMS WASTED. WANTED. TWO CLEAN, NICELY furnished room* for light housekeeping by couple without children Mini be north of Gaston street, between Hull and Barnard street Address Box 194. city noann wanted. " wanted. board~~for uouple Oct I. between Liberty and Og.ethorpe avenue. A her corn and Harnard. state terms, must be reasonable. Address "J. ,8. H.," cars Nt*t W A *TE I*— MIICK I.L A fgOCk WANTED THIRTY TO FIFTY-HORSE holb r locomotive style preferred P. O. Box 7! ~W ANTED. fo~ Itl Y STANDARD g rog* Shay tram engine; * Inch face win els. 13 lo 1* lon, in good running or der Parks. Luckle A Cos., I’emlarvla. Ga IF YOU WANT HOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy; It's rich, pur and whole Mime. IF YOU W ANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dire, ,mi, manure, ere., free at charge Just al elty limits, hauling over hard road, wrc* or telephone Brown Pro*, coiner Anderson and East Broad streets. KOR RENT—ROOMS. LARGE FRONT ROOMS NICELY furnished, all conveniences, location de sirable Perry. K„ 2nd from Hull. "NB’EJ.V FURNISHED FRONT ROOM aI mi boll room, convenient to car# nnd depots, all convenience*. 317 C'h.irlion. east FOR RENT. SEVERAL GENTLEMEN can secure pleasant rooms, neatly fur ill*tied and kepi, convenient to bath, with private family UK* Liberty, went THREE VERY DIISI BAIH.E ROOMS with every modern convenience, for light housekeeping for couple without chil dren furnished or unfurnished, reasona ble. 3ti Halieraham, near Broughton ~3 CHARLTON STREET. WEST, COR n-r I till, iwo l„aotlful front room*, fur nished or unfurntohgd. CONNECTING Ro. i.MS. FURNISHED suitable for l.ghf hou-ekeeping, centrally locale.l snl home comforts, 2>* Esl Broughton, Ft. ATS FOR RIOT. FLAT. BIX CONNECTING ROOMS, wtih bath, firm floor. Lyons block, suita ble for any pu pose John Lyon*. Ft. AT FOUR ItooMS TO COUPLE from Oct I. unfnrntshtd or partially fur tilabed. 120 Duffy, east Apply 302 Hull ! ire*t. FOR RENT * THAT DESIRABLE tint of three . onm Mug re'izt end prl | vale twth. 3 Charltaan street, went. FOR RKNI —IIOI ftk TThTrent'next rvTthe corner of Congress and Montgomery street*. : threcuuory brick house First elan condl 't .ti Apply lo J 11. Helmken. Whitaker I uni Liberty streets ! THAT DESIRABLE HOUSE. NO. *ls 1 Joins street, cast, ronnvalel throughout. Apply W A. Ptgman'g drug more, Aber corn FOR RENT. DESIRABLE BRICK house*, number *U ami ♦"> Huntingdon, east; newly i.upercl and r*f#ilr*l. all mudam Imprniemcnl* Apply to E C Way. Bell Telephone. 1370 FOR RENT. RESIDENCE i lIOL lon street, west, seven room*; all con venience* newly pu|>er*d and painted. $22 per month, lease for one year Apply lo J T Shuptrtn*. corner Congre** and Jef frtann street*. FOR RENT TO AN ACi’Ef’TAIILK party, niv resilience, northea-t corner First and Drayton mrect-) Apply C. W tlowaid. No 3U2 Ray mreet. east. FOR RENT. 315 HALL. EAST AND I*I Halieraham, X rootle each end hot and cold water, beat of lm illtb*. ini media to possession Apply W. W. Swlnton, 209 Eighth street, east FOR RENT. 1014 JEFFERSON. NEW Iv repaired; ai! convenience#; also iurlor flai; inquire 1012 Jefferson. Foil BENT TH AT DESIRABLE REv idence 20i Park avenue, ivest. with all modern Improvement*, possession given Oct I Apply 8 Deulach, It Hull atreet. west. THUNDERBOLT C6MMo bTo U 8 house ample ground*, mo*! desirably sit uated. Inquire 211 Bryan *treei. east FOR RENT COMFORTABLE MOUSE No 217 Wildburg si reel east, between Aberrorn and IJncoln. first-class ordr and condition; every convenience. Right rent to right tenant blaiate Hilnmnn Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR BENT, COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 215 Wablbiirg Mreet. emu, between Abercorn and Lincoln; iierfcct corvlltlnn; newly papered, hot ,ind cold water; every convenience 9>tate H.ilotnou Cohen, West Broad and Broughton street*. ~FOR RENT. HOUSE ON BOLTON near Lincoln. *lx room* and bath Apply KM Pork avenue, east FOR MI,VY—STORES. FOR RENT. STORK. 115 H ROUGH trgi atreet, east, isioeesalon linrrw Jlately ilio tevaral deot-abl# resldencea snl flat*. Apply a Wylly, 12 Bryan a!reel, oast. "SMALL STORKS FOR RENT, LOCAT cd on State and President *tre* t. In rear of Whitfield ftuildtng; splendid stand for small business. Apply W. M A W K. Coney. Foil HEAT—Miat El.I. A % Plot 9. TtTb RENT, LARGE GROUND WITH big stable on lluntltigdon street, east of Price I D. La Roche FOR SALE-REAL K9T4TK. TURPENTINE. WE HAVE A GOOD location for large operator. Gifford Com pany, Jacksonville. GOOD STRAWBERRY FARM ~IN Hlllstiorough county. Fin., SSOO, 'six room house, seventeen acre* land, near ship ping point. Box 142. Tampa. Fla. "FOR KALE. A FINE BACK BOX TUB lientltie farm, on line niliroiid. new 20- barrel *llll. plenty shack* ami other build ing#. private *!dlng a-rop yearly. 11 virgin crota. plenty tlmlier, paid for. to cut 15 crop*; full equipped, and at work will *dl now or after gathering scrape and dtp. Addre*# C. R 0.. Tlfton, Ga. ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK WILL buy nl * lot* on Eleventh nnd Twelfth treei*. nenr West Brood. Savannah Real Entale Exchange. A HOME WITHOUT .'A-tit two dollar |#r wetk will buy one. Havamuih Real Estate Exchange. FOR BALK. A LOT FOR TWO Hl'N dred dollar*. ea*y term*, on Ninth strne*. near Ea*t Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Dorset!. FOR HALE. THOSE 1 ,OTB O N NI NTH atreet. near East Broad, bav# only been •old to nmroltt** parti**, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy The term* are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In th# vicinity. C H Dorset!. FOR HALE. 10.178 ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at S3W each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrangs to get a homa built C H Dorset!. FOR RALE IiOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at 120 aach: twenty-live dollars rash, and aa*y monthly payment* C, H Doreett, RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTS for sale all ov*r the city. Robert H Taxm. real aatata dealer. No. 7 York atreet. weal. —-JR. . 1 Pl.t Mill Ml MODERN PLUMBING IT WILL BE to your inter**! to let me give you all es timate on your plumbing new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa I am a practical plumber No gu** work to endanger your life, Wlgglnc. phone 107. Oeorgta or ML KOVCATItJf At, r school on Momlay. Oct 1. at * Taylor •tree!, west, second door from Bull street. •OM SALL-atiaLlU.iokAk.UVg. WITCHMAZKLI THERE 18 WITCID haael and wlt.iihaael One is mode to eurw. the <uh*r is nude to a *!K put a iof I# of ours by the side of on. of Iha other kind, We give you all the quality and all ihe quantity that your mogey en llllea you to—a pint for a quarter ivr*— a Drug Btcr a, Ibnry and Ab'rcurn. Whit aker anil Taylor FOR SALE CHEAP. HoHSKMHOINO shop; gust trade established; giod reas on for aeillng out. Address Yomnn, tbtg olllce. FOR SALE'SAW MILL 12 MILES from Savannah, capacity 30 M.. with tim ber bird*, linear right*. I, com,it Ives, trim road, big carrier-, mule*, blacksmith shop, tools, etc Aptdy to W W Almar. COWS FOR SALE. IF YOU W ANT A g and milk . t,w reasonable, I can supply you Call 171 West ftaundary. ASH AND CYPRESS I.UMBER TOR •al* -150.0H1 feei of esh suitable for wheel wrights carriage maker# ear works and Inlei lor hone* ttnUh Al*o cypress lutnbev of all sizes We lull resumed cutting etir famous brand* of cjpir e shingles and wIM soon have a full line ,-f them for sals. Val# Royal Manufacturing Company. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED f**i hiving rich, pure milk, try It; you Will be plea-til. LOST tilt rue AD. LUST MASONIC JEWEL INSCRIP tIon "P M Cha* E Fulton " Liberal re ward If returned to J K Fulton A Son ~la IST l MIIHKLLA. CORNER RAY and Hull. Return to K G Black S Bryan, <ast. MUAIiUMIL PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS WITH good board; reasonable rate* Tattnall, third front Liberty OOOD HOARD, NICE ROOMS, SPLEN dhI location: horn* comforts; r, asotiab!e rales, at .322 Harris street, cast. HIKtUXAIbuIt. "'HAVE YOEK with German ready-mixed paint, enttr* satisfaction guaranteed Adams Paint Company. WANT IT ONE THoESAND HUN gry people at the Bnuthem Grocery Com l*any. 11$ llarnatd street WE HELL SEWER PIPE, ELUB pl|o\ Ore clay, Ore brick at lowest prices. Adams Paint (‘omp.iny. lot Congress, west. MORE THAN UNS HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard ea~h at the Southern Grocery Company, lit Mirtuinl atreet GYPSINE IB THE BEST WALL EIN- Ish made Adams Paint Cos , Savannah agent*, lht Congress, west. REDUCE YOUR IRVING EXPENSES by Investing your ti*ul-'*arnel hard cash with the Southern Grocery Uiunpany, 114 Barnard street. MBCiAl* IAUS9. I NITKH HTATKH MARAhAI/B HAMS. Th<- t’nlted Hr a tea of Amfrloi, Enatern DlvWion. Southern IMutrtet of Georgia HV virtu* (it an or*l*r of aal*. out of t(v I’nlted State# Dlatrlct Court for the Southern DtatrM of (irartla, nti th* *l*lh duv of September. 1900. noth’* )• htrffef iivm Hint I "ID sell ot publics a union, for .-**l\. sos Monday, th* aeven lr*nth da> of Ssii’fmlrr, !••. at 11 off-look * ns In from of th* s'siatom 11 min* In Savannah. Go . nt th* *ult of Mliklh’lon A <’o vrraua Hark "Carl von UoMts," and nt th* ault of Hsiuth Atlantte Totaln*f I'ompatty. vermis hark “Carl von Dob#tn,” th* *a..l hark "Oatl von loh*ln," h*r host*. 1.1. kl*. apparel. sind fnrnttur*. na h* now ll* In th* port of Ilrunawlck, t}*oria I'urrha*** paylntt for paper* ami r*v*nua Mania JOHN M HA ft NEB. f It Marshal, hv CHAIII.R* J WHITES, Deputy. Crwvaft A Whft field, Huuatsy A Alisov, liitrrisrsl A MeMrtfn, Prootoca for Idhellanta ■ I’ ItOTKKR. NOTICE Tfl DKIITsiHH ANO CRED ITORS fIBORGIA, CHATHAM COCNTT—No th'* la h*r*hy Klvrn to ull |* nuina hav- Ihk demoml* akalnrt William F. Dunn, lot* nf raid county. d*> *a*il. to pr***nt rh*ni to m*. properly mad* out. within th* ttm* pr*A*rll*d by law. *o to ahow their character and amosmt: and all per aon* lns|*t*t*d lo *ald <l*c*a*d ar* re i|Utr*d lo mak* Immediate ptvmnt to me. UHK ANNE DUNN, Executrix. Kavannah, Oa.. Kept. S. 1900. rnoroiAU ivamkd. C B ENGINEER OFFICE. Savannah, da , B*pt 11. I9< H*al*d proposal* for htilldlnif tralnltiK dyk**. Savannah rlv*r. rw *r AunueMo. <l.s. will be received hero until I! noon (Eakteffi atandard time) Oct. IS. 19*. and then publicly opened. In formation furnished on application Caa *lu E. Gillette Cap!.. Knar* BRHNNAN BROS, WHOLESALE Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc 1M SAY StkLEI. Wool 1 etepkeo* a *. SEED RYE. GEORGIA HEED RYE. SOUTHERN HEED RYE. TEXAS RED R P. OATS. IIAY, GRAIN. FLOUR. FEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CHEESE, BEANS. PEAS. W. I). HIM KINS & CO, Ct"£ YOUISELFI t'* mg W fee U>,s*ttal liecharr**, IntamwatteiM, (mature* er akerattaoi •f Mf*n rouabrsa**. raiuieee. aad aet astria !'>' twiwaeo*. WaM hr Deagtrtaaa, JOHN C. BLUER, _DKALLAI aaa— Italnta. OR# ana UUua. troah, Dooea, Blind*, •nd Hulldeiw' Suppikta. **l*so mad Dacota, dee Wall Paper. Forolgo and KomtMh Cemants. Ume Plaalee and Hair. Sola Agent foe Ahesftne Cold Water Patwl. (0 Coogroaa street, west, and D K 4. Julias •trot (goat. DONNELLY DRUG C 0„ savannah, oa. DRUGS. SEEDS, ETC. Mall order* solicited. Bell phon* < 7g P. 8 -Sand (or free rumple V. 8 P. Dy*p*p*la Cure. OLD NEWSPAPERS M 0 for H cento, at Daatneaa OOc* Morning Nigs 3