The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 17, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 fHofniiuj |Ctto£ liumiig hew* Handing feaivannah. NonOAV, SEPTEMBER IT. IWW. Registered at the Pos:offloa In Savannah The MidtNINU NEWS i# published every ia> tn it • year, and u served to nttbiKTibet in the city, or sent by iua.. ei 7vc a month gs l lor six months, and 00 for oi.i > r The MoHNINU NEWS, by mall, six time* a week (Without Sunday unuen three month*, $1 w . six mofitus ♦s•<s*. one year K <o. The WEEKLY NEWS. 1 issues • week, end Thuituay, by mad. one year. |l-. bubscriptions joya'ole in advance. Re- Knit by poaiul onkt, chick or registered letter. Currency ecut by mad a', risk o! gender*. Traneicnt advert ..aments, other than e; el cOturmi. local or readu g not. amusement* and caeap or want column la cents u line Fourteen line* of agate type- equal to one ln h square in depth * Is the standard of tin* * urumni Contra* slid die - unt made known oil appii* ration at Uj>ir<f* olli **, Orders for delivery of the MORNING New* to tlllur n-sktriae or pa of tueiiirw may be made by pot*l • erd or through telephone No 210 Any irregular ity In dclHery should be Immediately f** |k>ril to lire oflice of pubip a lion. Letters und telegram* should be ad ciitMtu "Burning news, aavatuuh. Ue EABTF#RN OFFICE. 23 Park Row. New Hork city. II C. Faulkner. Manager. LNDII 1U m ADVERTISEMENTS. Xhliiary-Tht Hibernian Society Special Not!* •*#— Um><Ym*nt. PlAitfr, Andrew Hanley Company . House and Hon-. Painting. Bavannnh HulMlnx Sup piv CWniMiny; T. K Murphy of Macon, lia.. In Verse A hour Huwan** Springs; KiMlrr to the Public. Solomonn Company; Ship Nolle* . Htrahsn \ <V, Consignee*. L<ivitn' Table d'Hote. Busin#**# Notkr*—Harvard Herr, nt Hick*' Restaurant. B bool Hooke, at Be •lll'e Niwii Depot, Pr. George M. Hor ton'e Hot urn to the city. Ht< amehlp Schedules— Merchants' find klii! rf’ Transportation Company. Black and Tan. "th American Porter"— Anh* u* r-Bu> h Hrt win* Association. Biscuit#. Kl-’.—l’ntfdu Hlecult, Etc. Poatum Food Coffee—Postum Company. Washing Powder—Pen rltne. Get Our Prl cc* on Stove* and Ranges— !.**• timers’a. Notice*—Petition for Incorporation of the Eve ing Call, Aid and Hoc lot Club. Hr mly— French Colony Brandy. Llpp tnon Bros. Medi U—Dr. Hothaway Company; Caeto- Ha; Hae'*ttfr’e Hiom.tch Hitter*; Wo man'* Friend; IM’ Pill*; lloreford e A Id Phosphate. Cheap Column Advertlacme nte— Help \V*ntf*l. Employment Wanted; For Kent. dF>rSal**. Lout personal; Mft*< **llnenu# The Weather. Th* Indication* for <Georgia to-day are Tor fair weather cooler In ior them and central portion*, winds tecomlng frreh northerly, arid for Eastern Florida, show rf with Viiri i!*l> win 1- PractScnlly all of the lift* Insurance held In at th* tlm* of the storm was carried In thirty-three companies, one-half of th* total I* in* in three co*n pifil<M of New York. Th*- aggrtgatr of life Insurance losses. 1t is estimated, will approximate s]o,<t#.(*x* The gfenera! belief la that the componbs will arrange to re lieve distress by making payments promptly. It I* one*- m*re announced that M laboft is coming to this country during •S' appro tchlr c winter, to J* lure of) the 3>r* fus so Event* have m v and -o rap ily th* past year and a lailf that the American people have about for gotten what th* Preyfu- raw wa all ut>out. and have lost Interest In It. la lari has lost hu o;t>rt unity for making tn)lU‘> out of it here. That cotton is again king Is shown by tha as port For the v. n months ending July 31. 1900, the ripjriailon of cotton nm 'M ttJ to *7. while of hr* al a<uff> tl* t * al during the earn. |* rlod was F.&vgd * Provision* were the next badP.g Item on th list, with a total of about s&,(s■ Mtst !• m than breadstuff*. With th# increased value of cotton. It 1* probabb that the "king' will, during the text f*w month* show a slid greater lead *vtr his naareM ompetltor# New Yorker* hiugh when Englishmen {nnarntly usk if Ban Francisco Is not a ttuburh of Chicago. hut It appears that worn** New Yorker *t *>t much better informal with reipet to the g*#*grwphy of their own country than the English an* n are. The other day a New Yoth l>ank<r h* id up no Austin check for th rution that Austin It in Texas, ut*l a storm fuel re,-unity visited Texas und se riously damaged Qalveatoti. lie thought that Austin was so near Galveston that If the latter were damaged the form* r i trust aisto be. The e'ui ireaaurer of Alabama report* t.iat there wa JVMv.4 In cm<h in tb* Iriiumry on Auk 31 lart. uK'tltut on an. fault dale lour yearn. ko. Thi* ex hibit." ny* the Utrmtrifhinu New*. ">um| Gov. JohnMon* administration a* a bualneaellku and wlee on*, a* far a* the final- es of the atatc are concerned. The Governor I* entitled to all of the pr e lhal would te* brrtowed by a cor potation on u ■ neral rnanairer of It* at la.r* who. npi t> re liirK from otllce, show* that hi bat •eitnlnlaier- I tot* Income and expenditure l that ■ r|tr t’lon In *u. hll manner a* to leave a hamlaotnt lialanu n lialel ltepobl in.- writ Populist? have effected tt lii- on In Alabama ny which they hot*.- to i jpiut- me .‘.lie of three congrc.-r tonal ii .lrMt, the I’l'irth. Fifth and Seventh. Tin- Fourth la now tepr- wind l.\ a Re publican. who got tn uti a oontrtt tle tlikd on |Mrtl*an line*, nhu* tie other two are reprtarntial by Drmoenib The liadon.*!- 1 ouut on Demo r.nic faetlonol dlfleretioe* helping them Into a poaulon where they can find around lor conreata tie for* the Hour- Ir. th. event of failure nf the pole Me inwrt • (he Democratic •hate OohiinlMia |* trvlnir to patch up the • fa * t tone 1 difference* w.lhlu tn i-arty, wr ia a to pratatni • toi.d trout to tha u mu.j Ulli NOT %HIIITV %TKf Why it that the *'oal min ofer*tors will i t attempt to s tie by arbltratU>n I t .* Ir difference# with the miners of the ] mthr *. u. *o*i! region ' Is it because th demands of the mint rs ur* **> • -xorbitant it. at they do n t htlkve then 1 any po-- ■lbiilty of r ichttig ii agreemnt, or t** It that they i-r* f* r th< msi.i to bt i ll* Ia coup * •> nvaiths * Th* pfic** of coal h* already begun to ! idvanc* Winter is approaching fu*t It j will b* only . f* w weeks* before p*opl in the Northern Hit* will rcqulri fin# 1 for cunfort. Th* poor ! the y t cltte* j annot afford to pay <xct* prl* • • for • ual. It c In sumnicf and coal in winter !*r two i;rei niH.e ltb Th* * wa.- a (gn at flit it N#w York lam summer be • a Use the price of !• •■ wa i alu* I ly a trust I'nHs.t th* coal s’rik* i Mtticl : P edily the pn t of coal it* the North Atlantic title.-, wl l t>e marly *b‘ubk what It l- now That m- an ti.t many |*ui people- will ha\ to uf! r from .old. And whil* the poor of th* cities will b ruttering from oil th- min* rs will h** uff ring for I read. Th* y have on > about 91 od.uto In t .-ir treasury* That amount whi n<t support t.’w *trlkr* v'y l*ng it i- th** ui.<i#r>tandirtg that thn number that will go out to-day. together with tho**- who have already gone out. wbl up- I r xtmat* Ho.tMh It I*- estimated that If ti strike last.- two months tlwir loss In win:* - will it fuMy $> oO.a#* it 1 idattd that the etrlkc cau*•*.- the H* publican campaign managers great un i j lie i No oflr would b Slirpri •*1 if It HiouM b* urag, • 1 into |m lit 1* . Th* He puldh at probably will tt kavor to create Mi-- Impr*-salon that th*- liemocmt* en couraged the strike, though h re 1m no • vldtn e that tii had anything to *io with It Tfu Hemocrui* may u- th* >tat*ment of grtevanc-s. which the min er* tnak**, in their argument* against trust.- If then should such violence a# would necessitate the railing out of tr<*p* th** governtmnt-by-lnjunctlon -,u- ton might • m* t*i the frtait an 1 play an iirt in tti* campaign. It Is :-af- t* say. however, that neither th l**mocrata nor the* Republicans had an>- tbing to da with bringing about the •mke. THE *%\% rU.UIITTO. The raw palmetto, or "sahal *rrrulal;," ns th** m lentiMfc rail it. Is InJlg* imu-* to the soil of Houfh Carolina, Georgia, Fior i-l, Alabama. Misat Ifh>l and IsOiitlana. in th- tide-water sevtlon* and Jusl h. - yond It I** an - xtrem*d\ hardy and vigor ous growth. One*? It# roots are mt In u * >ll they ran bv rmov*d only by th* most Industrious and thorough grubbing In v ry many place# the palmetto t* ■■ril cover* whole "flat*'* of many aor*-# with an iilmoftt Imi a##abl- barrier of tangled undergrowth. I’ntll within the very recent |w#t the **w i*.i,m* Mu ha# be#n looked upm n- an mimlGyat- and nubance The com of deal - ing an a rv of bifid of th-- growth wy* often much gnatcr than the price of a doxrn cr# In th- rough. last-ly. how • ver. th* plant ha# been receiving more consideration. It ha** been dlmovered that th- mw patmetto Is both it source of health and of w-alth, and th- proba bilities ar*- that at a day not far In th** future It will la* aiding; largely to Ihe proatperlty of those *>**ctlon# which for merly cut It down and cast It Into the Mr** The medicinal prop*rtlc# f II have he* n foun-l very v iluabb* In the treatment of kWln* y nnd oth er Troubles, and various proprietary rn -di does manufai tur* and from the raw pal m*tto are now rinding their way Into the markets. Th* mot* arc rl h In tannic a-id. Sev eral factories for extracting The acid are rilread> In opnation In Florida. anl oth ers ur* projected. Leather tanned with add from the palmetto I- said to bo equal if not wiirltir to the he<*i oak- or hem lo*k-t.nn*d Stock. A# the palm*tto cost# hardly more than the gathering, ad 1 from It * ai be yrodu ed at I* i# coat than from any other source. The marktl for It ther-fore. 1# safe For manufacturing htich article* a# baskets, mats. hats, etc., *t would M-*rti that there ought to be a grut fl.l-l for tho palmetto. It wuh ex tensively made use of during the Mar of S- eftnton by the womefi of the B>uth In rnaklng such article*, and It 1# safe to ay that thousand* of ihe article* ma I. h* n arc In aervtceabl condition to-day, so durable 1* the material one of Ti e nu st Important uses for which the **uw pulrne to • %al hi-, how ♦ v r. Is th- in.iking of puie-r. In larlou* part-- t,( AMa, it l# . and. i-.iper ha* been n>.ide from this stoc k f r many year nnl so ch-aply that not * v-n our wood pulp l-aix-r ha# been able io compete with tt. I-ately a factory for making paper from th* aw pilmno ha# been #tuhll*h*tl at B-nsacola. and It# product I* said to be v< ry gmtl In quality and strong in tex ture. There i* u great and Increasing de mand for a satisfactory sulw*ttiute for wo <i-pulp In paper making The forest# are being rapidly denuded, without ade -plat- Hirp* f r th ir reproduction Idug l iken It* sides, the wood-pulp business l# now ontrollcd by a gigantic trust, which l- In a |hw It lon to consumers at will. The palm* tto flat# would furnish at Inexhaustlbl- 1 •uiply of paper took, since -o long hm the roots are In the gumnd .he top# will l*c* abundantly r produced , The toi* may he cut off every %ear with j the |K>#itlve .* siiranc*- ha another full {• i | will be forthcoming the i* xt * i eon. Harvesting ialmetto for pa|>er man- ufacture ilia a deatroy the reproduc- It k atoclt Mr. John tt Stephen* of Jack- Honvllle I* authority for the Htatemcnt that the mw tulmetto will make the •flneat and teat p urr In th< world ” Tha 1 tie It it’ true. *>■ ought to have imp. i mil., si many part* o! South U'orgia and Florida within a few >•< ar The Republican r<i< pipers art- discov ering all sort* of terrible thing* uliout Webeter flavin that they never auspeeted him lo be capable of until he left their parly find became n Dt mo ral. One of the Inteat thlnm they ar. charging him wtlh ie n violation of tot neutrality lowa of the I'nllad Stater. The wtory la that while he wax luntesaot aeerc’ary of the Interior he endeavored to ruiae recruits for Ihe Iloera, tio said recruit* lo be shipp'd lo South Africa t* miner*. Mr Davit. according lo the narrative, wui lo re • Ive "a large aitm of money from the Uoerw " If thla eon of thlnir keep* uti the Republican p iper* will proll*hiy dun-over after a while that Mr Uuvle la really none other uum Jack ihe lllpper, and IWot he war lurmeujf a n..m tad of the iiehy if a*; Utica. THE MORNING NEWS: MON DAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1000. Till: i' %iimi:*T VUHTH. ' Gradually tiw daring ♦ xpl r. r* nr* clo img in upon th- calfh* North Pol* Ei * *m>u year.- ago OreeU >* *tiiri'd the t*nM*l m .te* nag writhln I:”* statute mile* of W' I degrtc* i.orth latitude, or th* north mag* •. p-it*. Five >. r- ago Nan-en i Nor w v an. bettered this rec rd. reducing the *h-tar.c< lo lift over mil*s And now th- luk% and Abruui bar * * rinu ftcn mil* > N yotkl Nansen’* r*aord leaving a f only -4! stalul* i!.i • • b. iw- < n th- m• *t hu-.-*.-ful i-’ltr -xpiorcr who has returned to €lvlllg*t '*n lid the objr tof his greatest -l* lr it may !<*• that *!h rs huv* rduc* and this dls* tun *• un*l hav* i * vt*r r-t um<i to til of it There i* 11 - ra\- An*it l>r In tat, who n.a\ have tra'*r.-* I the pok ; but th* probabilities are that his dl**~ *i*rt. lyu i'-iti lost tu the world by his death The yotint? Italian luk* deTV.- credit not only for f uving t*.i h*l the farth*-t t orth, I nit for having u .-inplish*-l bis f-at In a shorter :-pa-* of tlm* than hts heretofor* Is en onsum*d by simikir *x- P lit ion j He w * gone from ChrUtUitua Norway, not quit* lift* * n months. It may be hml*J. therefore, that h- ma-lea *laMh" f-r th* |kl iiihl .uTOitip.lHiitd a n-arrr approach to It than any of tho#* who have ii**re rri*r b isurely and pretentiously ulout the task. Whether tl* young Italian has barned finything not brretofor* known with r * * t to th* fro*- n region ha- not yet 1*1(1 * rtain--1. but it i not the belief of other * xplou rs that he has. Th* y l>oinl out that t.ot u gr-at deal of addi tional geographical, a dronomhkl or m* - tM>rok>uk al f*ii ts are likely t< t pl< k* and up within a distan t of nineteen miles Th* t* for* th \ think that th* slim of Abrusxi** achtevcmeni will Is those nine tier ukiitionu) inlies traversed. At uli events, the Inik* has shown that the limit of north* rn exploration has not y**t Is en reached If h** coukl In a "dash" go beyond Nans- n. -tn* i-*l\ * 1.-- an with equal pluck and better prepara tion, go L yond hint Alnruxsi's vessel was not Miit*l to her wAk an wall ns was that *f Natisen, and sufT* r**l con m*l rabl* damag* Th** outtit of tlie men was nut p* rft ct. as a penalty for which Ahmsxt him*- If lost several of hi* fin vet from fre* xlng. Taking advantage of the experience of this expedition, th** next *n- t** -ill north may be able to penetrate till further into the froxen regions, and liotiit th* way f*r final uncovering of tt.- se*rcts of the pole Itself Hut. lifter all. If th* po’ sh uM !• *llcovered, and it rhoubi !*♦• foun-l whether there was an ojcn sea about It, would the knowledge he worth th. many lives and the millions of money that have been expended upon th* search? THE UIIMT.H 4TION OF HPirCS. When the average din- r shakes th** |ep per bottle over his roast and potatoes, he litl9 knows what It is that he I# sprin kling upon his food If*- takes it. upon faith, to be pep|er. and Indeed thero ts som* ixpper In it, but there Is much be sides of which h know* nothing, Ingr* dlents which add waight and volume, hut tot merit Th- New York Commercial quote* a well known dealer in spice* in I'm city a* .'vtng that In the orv artlch of pepper, ndulteratHsn has gone so far that the consumer can now buy a pound of what purports to b- pepper—ground, parked In a n-at tin box und lai*eied— h-si|* r than the wnob sal dealer could buy the pure, unground t* pper If he should purchase th* whoW* *!< k in the country. And the same thing applies to about every epic,* or "seasoning" tn the list Th r<* Is, therefore, little emourage m* nt for th* whoh saler to be honest in hi* selling of apices, for If h*- sells the rial and unaduHeratxl spices his |rlce** must Ih* much higher than those* by dealeta In the adult* rated articles—o much higher that th* average purchaser will not buy from him. This condition has t*en brought about by the combination of cupidity oti the pari of un.* rupulous ileal* rr* aal Ih- de mand for cheaper prices on the part of - onsumer*. Food articles an* adulterated in ord* r to undersell comr** titor*-. and the adulteration i* * neouraged by th* natural wish of purchasers to buy where they . an get what they w.n at tho least price And tho practice of adulterating runs pretty nearly through the witol* * atalogue ..f food products—flour, coffee, vinegar, lard, butter, tea. etc. It m.i% Ih* (hat rainy of the adulterant# used are not harmful t* th- human sys tem It ha* been claimed that such I# the* a-* In the matter of a number of adul t*-rat ban*. The probabilities are that many prens We*uld continue t* buy ih* oh- ap it article# own if th* y knew they were more or 10.-;- udulU toted Ole* margarine was once #<dd un-in V th* fraudubtU name --f butter. That ha* bun stopp-d, and it now goe# und* r -t# real name But |m opb rontinu* to buy nnd t It. and the pro duction and •'o.iMimptlon of !i ar- In .j. HSlng yonicthtng similar might trans pire If ..dulte: at* and spleen, for In* ance. wre forced t*> .all under their true -dor# Then, however, it would I* a matt* r of cho- with the purchasers, while those who desired th pure articles would have the assursne* of being ahle to get what they wanted Bur*- food )-gi#latl n. mean while. 1* surrounded by many difficulties. Once more then- t* promise (hit pro fessional base ball I# to be r* form* -I The ?ronv*e, by the way, I* a hardy annual, nnd blooms every year between season# for ill i .n\tr%K E. side- the *vil of rowdy *-m on the field, which lia-* di#gtiM**l many iM-rscm# with th* yarn*. !h evil of buying nnd setllng players, as II they were so many dray horse*, ha.** been ln [ . lud*l in the list of thing* to Ih- reform .d. It may l**‘ ii*iu!>'* , -l. by the wuv. thit I uny radical and |ermneni impr<iveme!it In th* way tti* game !* conduct* i will h* i made i 10. - h# it r mains in Bi iiai*9 ..f prof-es.- ionale. whose only interest in 1# < enter* 1 I-i the money t. !•• m ♦.** ou* -f j . In the |m* tli* pe.ple loved t i gam** beesuss It ww o tine athletic #p*rt. Now they no longer cure for It bemuse loth gum* and management hiv- degen ! - nte*! under the influence of ihe commer . lalism Into whi*h !# >*li hu# -irlft*G. During th** course .if hi# sja-ech at (\v luinbus. O . on Friday, Mr Brvun said, with referenc** to the presidential term I “On** term t* long enough If * man doe# 1 he ought to. oi 1 if h Ai*-?. not it ;i* too long." It was mriKM**d m* kn# i ago that in hi# letter of a epfance Mr ' woukl d* lore in favor of one i term in tne White llou#- Th** expres sion quoted %v.>md i-M-rn to ludleute that l> *ouau ior (h rutuur. Hypnotism Is playing a part lr> |ollll< s t Knglsh. ltd Ir Tat* a Democrat, th* other day wa* booked for a Joint de* biu with a Hepubltoan orator. l>t Tate had ti* f a-i. and made a strong argu ment for lit van When it com* th turn f th Republican to #|>eak he dumfound . i his | arty fr-en*h? by declaring that his •v- had been opened t the cnomaltie* *f the j-ins of ih** Republic on*, and that ir would herveforth use an of hi# in fl t* • e ugain.-t M Kirlr.. After th n. t - r Tat* • Imlttcd that h hid pr ri i fpnothm upon his opt** nent and ux.*’stc*l t*> him what h- hou-d .*\ The f 1 aiotTiit enjoyed th- aitua'l >n. but the • ?.• r 1 %.w * i not. A hiilfai i** i*i r-c.ntb I Agul luil i> urge# hi' t * wrer* to liol l*u!. sine-* tl • An •"ai - r* *at th* •ii of their i--our* • > and i •v * r* eivr l rf inforc * - nti for many in n*l .” Kvlkntly th Filip m* badcr is In king In information with r* sj •< t to th- re sour* e* of the Arm i. ad.' ■ i:vt*o> %i.. —When Senator Frye was a? itinge !• !.ak* * natu ap,r- • i him and • 1 Mr Frv**. 1 am i>uxx * I t know whvthci I sh ild call you Mr Fry*-, or .'•nit r r S- mi' r Fry* " '‘Well," i pi!* I Mr Fr>*. if I was in Washington to lay my fri>nd* pr*hably would eoy, ‘Good i j i P her* 1 1 111 h a 4**od -is anything " William K Bittner of Carnegie, !*a., anted n tn I h* suae ht w- an inch under six* The young man wrot* to Fresldent M Kink y, • king for executive Interference in the matter With character!*!!* dbr*garl for the r- gulatlot - Mr. McKinley sent mi- h w*r-i to th* recruiting sergeant as ma<l that person r. all* that young Itlttner wa> just tall en oigh to Ih- admitted. Fraul* in ItafT. ntx of Vienna, who re • * ntly arrlv* 1 mi Paris * n route to Calais, ir i* nds to swim a*r*? th- -*hnn 1 to 1 lo ver m■- soon as there may t* favorable w--.ither. She tw not to b** followed irroM 1* any h at. nn-i says that .-‘he must reiich th* English .#*•* or drown If sue • *Mi I sh** will go to C >nHtilin i*le and duplkat* Ird Byron's famous swimming l*.n an in- xi lu Nt w York, where she In let,-Is to swim from th*- Battery around fliufeti hlarxi and back - Congressman Eddy of Minn- snta has been iimpatgninjc down In Oklahoma. Th s Is how n free md-casy *-litor in Gar ik 1 * unty talk** about th** Northern visi tor "As an orator h- !•* a flat failure; a*- a logician he is a flzzle, and as spell binder he Is a red balloon, with a hole l*un ted in It. He Is cold, raw, unr< *Yiil. egotistical, and. although probably not a fool, talked as though he thought he was talking to a lot of them.' —Miss Edith Hope Ogden, the young eculptres.s. who won the competition for th* bronze tablet to Ih* pr*-*rr.ted to the !* team ship 8t l*nu!. hi - tint 1 that ple**e f work, and It Is now being -ast in bronze ai 8t Haul. Minn The tnbkt rep resents a finely executed design In low re lief of the battl*-shlp off the ■ of Porto HI •. beneath which Is the |*‘genl of th* ship's history. The design Is surrounded by a border decoration, significant of vic tory. In artistic nautical design lxird I'lifferln has the r-potation of being one of the finest linguists in the Fnlted Kingdom This facility for acquir ing Inngu *ges has leen of Infinite service o him as ambassador at four European ohrts When h. was governor general of Canada quarter of a century ago he Visited McGill College, Montreal, nnd w~ greeted by the students In four address--* English, French, Latin and Greek. With out u moment's hesitation laird Dufferln replied to each address in succession -n the language in which It was couched. BRIGHT HIT*. —Familiar —Sea Captalts—'"Look, gnutk men' Ther*-’# a whale'" Forty Male P.<s-enger#—"Look# like the ll#h that got uvav from mo last umnt"-Nw York W ekly. —Mon* Imaginotlvn Mr. Gooph—"Have you "The Travels of Huron Munchau -*n’?" Bookseller—'*No, But we have T •*• M*agc# of Li Jlung t'hsiig.' Balii more Amerb in —"Som** folks." raid T'ltcle Eben, "im gtne# *l# y drwrve* *r--llt foh Win* **oti- G.nted, In spit*- *> imverty. when <le real troof | *tat l*-y’d rather loaf dan work an' Htrn money Washington Kt ir. 1 —Evld* nc<? of Poverty,—Abner—Deacon Dollar# was a poor man when you kn w him first, wasn't he? Amos Poor as a * hurch mou#* In them day# h*- believe*! tn the text about the* camel an' th* needle's eye.—Puck —••Of course. Susan. If you intend to get mirrbd. that I- your own hu#lncM*." tid the mistress to the *-ok. "youmustn’t f*r#**t that marriage l# u very serious matter " "Ye*, ma'am, I know it Is some lime." remarked the d* mestK 1 . "but may b I'll have better luck than you did."— Tit-liits ( I Mill.Vl OMHK.TT. The Raltlmor* Bun (Dem ) says: "Whit ha# President M Kitdvy done (o turn against him so many thousand* of his fellow elttsen* who ikied In hi# election? He h?s frampf-d the constitution an-l th* ihe Declaration'of Ind- pc k n l*n ♦ under fool and turned hi* back u|n>n the tradi tions of the republic. If*- ha- Involved the . ouniry In foreign • ntungb-mcnfs frtim which it will !*•• difficult to withdraw. If* ha# Inaugurated a war of conquest U|*on an Inoffensive people which has slreidv ontlnu-d year and a half without re ult# nml which bid# fair to continue In definitely. To maintain ♦hi - unjust war th* people of th- I’nlte*! State# are comielled to provide men an l money and to pay war taxes when ther- should b* j* .*•' And Anally, under this administration and largely by virtue of law passed since Mr. V • Kin ley lc< m* President, trust# have gr*atly multiplied and have flourished." The Phtl idelphla Times (Ind > says: "It wa# political blundering that led Engl ind Into the Month African war. and she ha* sore need for liberal statesmanship to get her out of It. There I* opportunity to mak* the war of ultimate aivant gc to South Africa bus it I* not conceivable ♦ hut this (mu be done by a policy of un relenting suppression that will muk* ev ■ry Afrikander in th* colonies a foe* to !i It tail rule Th* Richmond Dispatch (Dem) says: "Mr. Croker h.'S made another het of o to Fd "00 that Bryan anl Stevenson %% 111 be elected over McKinley und Roose velt if ho win*-and he say# he expects to do so—he will l*e richer by—no ur* nt sum for him, to be sure, though It will pay for two or three tolerably fast horses." - t I • IV 400 great prevalence of strike They don’t #• **n altogether congruous with the ram p.ilgn shlbbolfCh of The Full Dinner l*wll " The Nashvlile Amers'.m says: "The brotherhood of m/in is being finely exhib ited by the universal response to Ihe cry of stricken TVx # Aftsr all U said, this ts ,a good okl world." *llst ft l eit for m W HMNII. \ story is told of C mllni! Gibljons of Bahlmore .*nl Archbishop Ryan of Hhll adtdphlu r* w irding an in* blent thsl tiok place while Uuy were enjoying a day At the sea hor* tog* 'her during a recent h* **d .'l4*ll. says ihi Saturday Evening Host They hid run down to Atlantic % ty and on arriving made themselves Known to non*, but went to u bath in g hOUse incog in th- c-hapelets bathing suits •r* ltrnlshe*| hapless strang* rs. th*y soon issued forth, with i< sh.(*elcKi* straw hat tt* l t ghtl *i*wn tip- n the ii< .el of each. If i* to ti% that they dll not lock dtgniiied a Is their wont when tluy officiate .it -me high service, but thefr nJoym*ni of th* situation was not a whi* th* b % on that n ount B> in o-kl c* it - th* efrli-gs of the Car dinal's h.t w.i. ml, an*i tl. Archbishop tu kid at Hi** uptncs* of it. "Any on- can ••* you nr© a Cardinal!" h* said. "And any on. . in tell you arc in Ar*h tbshop !•■* ou>. her* you arc bathing in n i it* pi ■ *1 *• '■ rctorteil the Ciirdlnal tiro* ing th* sentence In a splutter, for if hat monu nt a big breaker * aught him full In tho 1 or But not an observer took fh m for odh r Cardinal or An hb .-hop. In spite of their **h t >-I*>* ooMunt* , how-ver, ther- w . sevfii- thing distingue In the app- ir.tti * of th- two m* n—*om* thlm: In their faces* or m t -.f .r ih:ti mark- 1 th-m ns being per- Miii!- of standing, nnd *> It lMtp|H>ncd that -tn- of tho*.* In th throng that hu.ldl*d .-long the beach gazed ut them with mild curiosity. One homelike rminfrvw imm, evidently *'n h**r Ar t seashore visit, wits esiM.killy lnt**r*'.>te*l in watching the two m* n. %%h* were enjoying themselves with constantly increasing sayety. An l ut length 'h** dignitaries heard h r say - rill, ally to h* r hu l ar-l In wh it rhe thought a s if* aside "Well, the old man. he looks kinder thin ami peaked, but the old wom.i ' f m to me she's quite hearty nnd strong!" I ureil lit lll** S|irrt*ele It Is quits conceivable, say* the Golden Penny, that certain admirer' of Rudyard Kip ltig have #<-* n "ghost."" after no-*- turnal perusal of Ids weird storks, hut probably f* w* folk have heard. In con nectlon with Rudyar 1 Kipling's early ilfe. thit to he haunt* ! by * t rrlbl# ap imrltlon. which took 'h* f-*rm >f grnnd trofher’s ghtist, wa-* almost the constant horror of hln * xlstrnce as a hoy. fine day th<* ','giiardisn of hi* youthful years" discover* i him In th** garth* dancing wi| ll> r >un*l a "mall tree and soundly l>* labor ng it with a stick In r. ply to her anxious Inquiry i* to the rea-no for his string*- • induct young Ktpllr.g Manured t*er with painful - irnst ness that he was trying to thrash hia grandmother, who was forever appearing before him In an awful shape. Th* irou bl* was evidently a real on** to him The good woman tmk Hudvard's place and Rudyard assumed th** role of th* bush. He saw no mor** gh -tly grand mothers, that day at l**at. Still as tlm* went on this habit of see. Ing apparition* developed In the boy, who complained again and again of string* A gut* s being seated in chairs or stand ing before him Eventually nn oculist was consulted, who recommended a particular kind >f Spectacbs, With the result that the |*- parlvlon* were effectually banished from his pr* ** nee. %Vh> Me Wanted The |unrter. A tattered and torn. re.l-f.iel -’ranger #lou<-hed up to me on Front street th* other evening, say# •• writer in th* Wor cester Spy. Before h* opened hi# mouth I kn* w that it war "touch" but 1 couktn't get iwny and hud (o hear him out. S iv. voting felle r If 1 wa# ter ted yer that I wanted a quarter tr ger u squatr m* * I you’d think I tvnntui the morirj t* r buy rum with, wouldn’t yer?" That’s just whst I thought ami Ix inform"! him n*l started to pass on. "Anl If l w.# t*r Ite frank nnd tell yer that I want*#! th* quarter •< buy whi-k\ with you’d toll in* that you didn't care to encourage th* drink habit I suppose"*'* he broke in. I again answered him tn th iAirmailvc and started to mov* on. "Atil If I told yer that I wanted thit quarter to buy food for u starvin' wife un*l twenty small children you'd put no *bwn us a liar, wouldn't yer'"’ Aguin I Mild yf. and ug iln trl*l t> get pn#t him • Well young feller, I want that quar ter ter iiir*- a truckman to ak* my moth • r-ln-low trunk lown to the d* jot. Do I get It?" I wm phased for oner, and hefor** 1 knew it had dug into my jeans and di— covered a lon** nickel. 1 compromis'd with him for that amount, and sent him on his way rejoicing. F>% trr tie % fleet ti f Inn. A young man who#** buttered suit cas* was red and pink and yellow with tbe la bels of European hotels boarded a street car y* **rdnv and -aid to the conductor I go six block- How much?" "Oh, only a nickel." the conductor answered, sav# the Philadelphia Record. But the young man handed over 15 cents saying: "Buy yourself .i glas# of be* r nl a * lc:r on m**." The* conductor gave thank# for th* tip and added "Jam back from Europe, hey?" and to hi# Interrogation the young man nodd* and assent. Out on the hack plat form afterwar*! the conductor des**rlbed the • p smle to a eoupb- of passengers. "H< asked me what the i r** was for six block-." he said "and then he gave m* i tip. It wa* t case of fake ab-.nt-mlnd ••due#.' H* ha# Ju#t fe(um*#l from Eu rope, where you pay by th*- distance on rhe street car# and where \ou tip *h. onduefors. und he pret* nd**l to for:* t li* wasn't In Europe still. He thought l'l question him about hi# rand net .iiml I would hav* t 0,., if th* trick w i-n'l nn *d one to m* H**re a lin N* w York, especially In New York. fhl- season of the refiirnlng European tonrbts. you nr. constantly running up against people who forg* t and work Europ* m customs on you They do it #o you'll know they have been abroad." * qi'iiuinu. "(doin’ the whole wav. mister*" in quired the passenger With the green neck tie, s he took out hi# snuffbox, prepara tory to settling him.*df for a cross-ex iminstlon, any# len*l*n Anew.r* Th** party interroga)e*l eyed him atten tively. then replied ••.No; | get out * th> third station. I uni going to collect #om- mon v due t me for grocerb # euppll* ! You see, 1 am <i whoh - ib* groc* r The business urn* left me by my father I m msrri and *, | have five children. The elk#t b 12 y* it. k!. lam exactly twelve years n*l nln* months married 1 bv* jn us* ml-detach *d house, rented at CH. My wlf* j* fu.r, *nl weigh *w* I\*' -ton* She wa# i .1* rvma‘d befoiv 1 married her, nnd ha !>* ti VMiclnaied twice. My bank Nog i> w'r*n I wI- iduoiUii at u pu)- llc school." Th* man In ihe green necktie had u dls •atlsfled k*ok i# he !ni|uir*<l: "What lld your great-wraialf.ither do for a living?" Opinion. anti * arn*#Gy they had argued in the grocery about th* way in which th*- world would be destroyed, say# the In dianapolis Hun. For four long weary hour* these resident# of Biwvllle had set forth their theories. And finally they hud x#ke*| the opinion of ok) At*** Hartley, who. among them all. had alon** remain##! silent Taking hi# pipe from his lips for one brief moment, h** answer* 1 *Tt win probably b* talked to death ’* Without u word the Jebotef> U#i the way to th< ctdi-i barrel. Abe bringing up ylht rear. ITEM?* OF ITTEHEAT. A railr ad employe running on a line In th*- W*it was r*cently noGfled to *tip smokii g cl* are tits or give up ids Job lie confldenlially remarked to friend: "This road's getting too dainty aitogeth* r Next thing 1 know the company may fire mu f- r not putting my hand before my mouth wlm n I yawn " A home for oid horse* that have given faithful m rvkv all their useful day* and a cemetery f t th#m in I all oth-'r anl mai that hav* U-eti faithful tompnnlon" o man rc th* institutions advocated In patr>|d)l* t I * tied bv Dr II H Kane, a wall know o hors-man and a member of th* S 1* (’ A of Brooklyn. —While P* r tn*lP r was giving her a sever*- i* -fuig Han:.ah Hemphill, a deaf niut- of Lna. ter, la. aged K year*. Mi . 1 rdy t*. a. t#d her power of s|h -. h and I* ti - :* ain so loudly that sh* dr* w a < r w i Tin beating was promptly d**eortinu I un I tin* girl continued to talk in h | :i 1> intelligible manner. —What w i I appear to be rather an untie - # ar\ am logy wa* published by a M nil editor last week In this fashion: W. * x f• . td t-> have a death and mar riage to pubdsh this week, but a violent storm pr vent* the w dding and the *!**• - tor being -i* k him#-if the l atnnt ree v - r-d, und we are accordingly cheat- I out of both " —A martyr to rheumatism, Chris Out- Ictte of Menominee. Mich, tried all sorts of remedies in vuin Th* other day he wl lowe*l himself to t** burled in wet Mind as a pan * *ea 11 isrlsted his wif* in digging a trench. tw>k off all his doth* ing and was covirt-l up to tti* hln At the i* qu* *-1 of n* ighlsors a police .fl! • r took the mnn from what In a short tlm* wou *1 have iieen his gravt. H* Is now in m help! e*s c< Hulition a- i result of hi# wild i xp rum nt —ln It dl i a curious railway accident <>4' urr*-l Ut-ly Whl * a train was in Hux.nil station a t-rrlfl storm began, and. though the brak* w*t ap|*lk 1 in the van oi l on the engine, the force of the wind was uch that the train was driven along fh Ih - Th* * ngln* dashed through ih* buffer Mup at the end of the line and trav|*d along lUnit #ix kngths of rail laid end t< *nd without flshplate fasten ings After leaving these rails the engine plowed along th* embankment and then am- to a standstill Farmers in th. \i dnity of Kimball. S I'., are ton.-d ierabl> worked up over ti* nr •ss of an xj*. rini- tit successful ly carried out by t*n** of thc-lr number. O \ Crown, who ih** m-ar the Hljnii hills M' Cr vvn I-**, un- oiivlnc*.! that hi* land was suitable for growing broom > orn. a crop which h id hitherto been un known in that auction. He plants 1 broom in In ti patch of twelve a< re* and will have a cr p of alM*it six ton*, liroom corn m worth about* a ten and Mr. Crown i> r- * iving many * ongratulation*. —‘ In sev of th* Western Kansas town# along the t'nlon Pacific a curious •tght Is pr* s* nt* and to the traveler." says th- Kansas City Journal "Th*- scarcity <>• ears has caused th** wh-at elevators to overflow, and some of the buyers have mad*- huge pi I* of grain on the ground along th* railroad tracks At on** place tie eVvafor man hi procured . -mall ire i- tent. Th- e nter po!** is stundtng *♦ t In th- mi-idk of mountain of wheat, ari-i the - anvas Is on th** ground ready to 1* hoisted In ease of rain." —Ell Gallic id. who owns 1,000 acres of *til near Indian ll*l. a-IJoining th* Unit*--d S alts naval orinince proving ground** n SufTolk county. New York, has enjoined tic Inspector of or*lnance from firing sh* Its across the farm and ti *m dumping chemicals In the water and klllin.; the fish The farmer s vs that his iif* Is in nntant danger, owing to the xplo*lon of big .“hells **n his land, and that his house has he* n .* hak* n nearly to pier* s i* I his wife's n- rvou- system shat • r* I bv terrific explosions. The farm was pureha#-! u f* w v*rt ago for SIO,OOO ami It Is #aid th* governm*nt offered sl.*i,uuo, hut the owner r* fuses to sell. A i-aiishioner of Wembley. England 1 ut I to (hit an Inscription on a tonne stone over thJ* grave f hk* father, but .-for* doing *o Mihmltte-I a draft of i to th** r* - t*r. who Is th** custodian of h** i'urlol ground. The rector 4it once t*xg * x • ptlon to in* statement that the dea l mm h i*l dl-d on th* ground rhiit Christ trlumphel uv* r death. He would allow *he wad "departed this life, entered Into rest " etc ; hilt to say that any one tn i Christian bnl v* r died would Im* als-* As hi- bis nop refuses to revert* this curious de lrlon, It stands, un-l the I-* rson who made it will tiow have n - pfvirtunky to revise the burial offl-e of hi- - hurch. th** title of which is 1 Th* crd.r of th- Burial of the Dead." Walker F. Cutting of BaMwinsvlli*, Miss., i# not n man to h* u -rried by trlfl. H- was rkllng homeward on n Holton ami Maine express train the other evening. -n*l the night being ho: went out on the r*ar platform. tils hat was blown off t' I In attempting to recover it he lost his balance anil fell from the train, whl. i tv is traveling forty miles an hour. A p ♦tiger Haw him full, hut hefor. th* .-n --:i* #er coukl h • notified th.* train had •ached Baklwlnsvlile Th. engine was a’ n.-- -1* ta 'h- and and sent down the r< I io rirg in th*- body. Th*- rrcwr shortly -w Cutting walking quietly along the ro k still smoking th. cigar which w ■"'••••• Wi •- * . w : . i hi t Hobied -iff He w,s uninjured. He hid r evered hU out too. -Thr - Kirc of l.iy-m fnlarvl" |. | n Ifofiolultt wlih his wife, having srnverj on the hark Ceylon . a vleii for the heno !l of th. heilth of her mnje.ty. ,h~ 'Jnrrn. sitys ih. Honolulu B(.rr The Kina Is c.pi Jf! B|s ni ,r. rv. II known „ ■hl|>muter for marly fifty y„ rg Kf>r |ho '•**' f - w , >"■<*• he h mul. hie honte on I.avsin Irlaml. where he looks ,-ifter the later. St. of H... kfel.l * Cos., owner* ~f >h. M.irvl In the l.w.llns of v. I. , rn , iher. for fertiliser Since his t ,kln* up r. - len. .. on Uynn the < aptaln has hoen a11,.1 kin* of .he 1,1., „,i t ,y th< „,. wh „ knowr him a he ts in supreme authority on the Httl, tel,., from which Hawaii |..,„ enre.i so much ur-pr.sliieln(T fertlllt er Capr Bpenrer ilve. | n .-omforuhle four room cotia*e on laiy* n |s|, n ,| whl h h. ays. Ia very nice little , , aw wllh a rllmr*. i hit enoier than Hotlolu hi There ar. thr,e other white men on Ihe tel iml. a lima a . erp. nier an.l an rn ':r* '‘ r Thlrtv Japurtes. laborers, C.ipi Soenc. r an.l Mrs gpencer make up the r - of the [Kipulatlon There is nothhiK for th* kins' 10 <lo hut to see that the hips Ha -kf<M *• i’o sen.l from Honolulu i* lii.oleal with all p>,lMr 4ltpa!rh, atal " 'h. mrt l.rok afr. r the supplies sent I" him l.aysan Islnnrl Is üboul einhl mi.e- in elreumferene. h was quit, no nhabltetl ihoueh ferule unrll the hoole o' It ,wall foun-l that ther. wo*e K( kkl fer tillrer In Ito soil, ami then workmen were •i" there, anrl the vessels heitun to rail ■" I h'k' >wav as miirh of the Islanrl aa they roirhl carry. This was ten years aco 0.l In--- then many ship loarls of Vtuano h ive one to Honolulu trim l.iysan Ini: the past two years l.Onn tons hav.- t-'O shippts) There are no courts no )i ye. no iwllee on I. Islan,|-only op* B,n or. who Is muster Just as If h- wer. on a ship, a state of affairs to which he is quite accustomes) in rl f.. w V. ars the fertlllier will all Is gone from l>r- in Thrn It will he rjoserteri, the '■*. horn.- of rapt will fall t n ruins and the l.lrds will have the little • all to themselves .train. It Is ,-„n. mat.,l that there Is eno-uth fertilizer left for two or firee years more, of the tpiali tj us-.i ,n th- past rapt. Mperhrer aay th.,t there may Ut erval deal ruure of yjitlertor (lade. 1 The Quakers Are Honest People. §The Quaker Hmi Toole la not only , ble*sl purther. but . Blood maker Bale. Weak an,l l>.. bllltated p.op ~ who have not sir*n S t., nor Mood It act, ~ a tonic. It rntuM>*. (trencth and tone to th nervots. system It Is a OM.Uclna for weak women It ts , purely vegetable medicine aral con t, taken by th* most dellcata. Kidney r> eases. Rheumatism nnd all diseases of th Blood. Stomach and nerves soon sue. uu. to Its wonderful effects upon the human system Thousands of people to loeoncu t room mend It. I'rtce tl 00. Qt'AKER VAIN Hal>M Is th* m*d! that Ihe Quaker Poolor made all of >, wonderful quo k curoe with. It's a t.-w and wotsterfu! medicine tor Net., a Tootnachs Backache. Rheums, - Mpralne. Vain In Bowels, tn fact, all ~j , can be relict,d by It. Vrtco ik and a QU AK EH WHITE WONDER SOAP. . meditated soap for the ekta. scalp and complexion Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HKALdNO MAUVE, a *<.- table ointment for the cur* of tetter, -o terna and eruption# of the skit, ,-rl Ilk a box. for fki.E bt *ti. nnrantftTß WATCH EVENTS IN CHINA. Ira ran do It, too, vrltb •Alialartlo* If you rnnit RAND-McNALLY ■III lUi OF THE WORLD. 91 COLORED MAPS. 97 PAGES OF READING MATTER. And you'll hav® tt ready for ALL OTH ER WARS if thry lake place snystieri else OaN THIS BIG EARTH. A Big Little Thing (onifiilfnt in filer and arrnnsr. neat. Will hrlp t nil ihr nlrh*a tn >* r k*K rn pit Ira I kntmlnlKc. Will takr lull n *in ill I ■pun* on your di-ik ' <ir fttarlf. Ilul %UI ihui* nltal yon This Dollar Atlas CONTAINS MATS of every State, Territory, <"on ttn-nt. Canadian Province. Foel.n Coun try, Our Now Foe -sions, Mexico, Cen tral America, etc. All from new plates, handsomely en iravfd and printed PRINTED MATTER relating to His lory. Area. Phyalcal Features, Forestry, Climate. Ajrrt ulture Uv>- Stork. Fish eries. Manufacture-. f’usmt'Tce. Minerals, Pepulailons, Hallways, Dt-gal Govern ment, Education, Politics, etc. It seems small, but will show what you are looking for. und Ita convenient sis* Is one of Its strongest points. The Dollar Atlas is Sold Everywhere for sl, But If You Are a Subscriber to the Morning News the cost to you will be only 40c The Atlas Is now on sale at the Busi ness Office of the Morning Nows. If At las Is to be mailed add 10 cents for poet making 50 cents for tti Alias de livered. MORNING NEWS. Savannah, Ga. ■■III ||kjut 'M fl -Ok a ' LIPPMSN BROS.. Proprietors. Officials. Llppsitn’s Block. IAVANHH. k* Empty Hogsheads. \ I", unity Muluases llogslarsda *°* sole by C. M. GILBERT & CO M Morphine end Whiskrv hb Its treated withont t<' ess.sirvESs.'K: