The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 ROBBED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. BoijOMONft* mil <; tori: ami %a nd HIM ftTlHtl IIIIOKI > ivro. The ft* f#• fIMMI mmh llrler In ftol mom* Rlflril mul *l3t In < mmh ami fterernl llnndreal Dollar* In Noir anil hark* Taken-Buraiar l Hole In tkr l.ln-* lioor. Torweil Ike Kr> on Hie Inside anil Ural Out Throauli 4 nature** l ane, * nrrylnu Ihe ftrafe 10% U Ith If lan I n|eed. % I>#**it l*e|le % round the ftfore When It Waft I .altered— % utile .lob nt the %dim* 'lore. Tun f,.|, 1 r* Mktl* ■* were committed |n Baranvuib yeftieidny. The Kolotnoni V>m|* ' e ilrua eiore at H mel ('<rntcr*'M* utr*-* - ittd the Ad tvni I’tint r.-mpar' **? N. 101 a*reel w*-t. werr burn r x! In I r<i *| itavliKht Holomona* store* wan entered by th front door oti CortKt* -x street, between 1 30 ond 'j <Vt|. k it f>m** when there Ij* m eon tlnuou* flow of pedestrian*, and when •treet i r arc |> every few ruinut* Ib**hl< - thta. th* re |* a clear view of tue door fr*u the market, in which pob***- J* stationed, mul (h*- dnor ran be aim* from • r<v,** the street, where ther. la a fruit rf it -I whl h w.m open it th. time. There i* nl*o a fruit stand built aacalnat the Itirnanl street aide *f c■• store, onl the proprietor and hi- a**U*t anta. t the time the rohtierv was com muted, w • ra within a few feet of the door On Hundays it I' customary to * !• the store between 1 and .‘5 o lo< k Fr*m the exposed oonditin of th- |la**e, that any one would or could enter It unobserved has never been th uht f. so It if not custom iry to take any unusual ur*)ii lions in the w.iv f di-i*-uiK of th* cash or even of clo-simur the .if*. in whl b ar* kept the mu * y and lb* ilooks The key to tlw front door whi< it t> usuu ly the first locked. Is urnr rally I*-ft lr the lork on the inside. in* ,1 rK out through 11 side d*u on Barnard stree t Vest* rdav the store was c.os 4 as usual at 1 oY • k A f* w minute - to fore 2 a little girl who . tiled 10 have a prescrip tion filled foil-1 th* front door open, though th*r* was *o on* |n-d-b Hhe call* 1 th att*niloi. of on- of tlie fruit dealers t 1 th* matier an-i he in turn notifi* I .1 >r>*lu t r rfa tifd'ev car Th* polbman stationed in the mark*! was eal-ed, and ih* H*viver> vv.i- it once r*- |x>r *l to th* b irr • k- When the c lerk whose business I* was to oj n the -tor at 3 o'c.ock letum- I. he t*!eihoned ih Bui! ond Fharlt *n streets stor*. jn*f Mr 1 A Solomon* and Mr Max Wolff w* r notifle.J that th*> w*-r* want-d at th* Comer* •- s'teei store An xamlnatioo of the door ahow* 1 that the thief lul l grained an entrain e by ut tu.K wjtli a kI im cutter, a hole in fh* alass pane of the door. *• few Inches from the lock und hacl then r*-ach*d through the oprntng and unlo. ke*l the door. On* ** in side the thl*f look nil *h*- mon- > In the cash register. about s.** which b* Ing ui lo* k**l he had ir tr athie in sc "tiring. and also secured the * ntirc contents of the lock t*>x of the ~?e In which. t**M*- about IPO. titer# w.i* a nu/norr .f checkw and other j.i|ter* amounting t proha hi >. SMO. though until the cash Is made up to day It Will he im|rO*sl!te to t * the e*a-t amount The thief t r *ok the box with him. prying It from it - wo cln niche in the stf* by means of a large s< rew driver, which was found on the floor. He then made his escape tnrough the rear into Congress street lane, unlocking one door or gat* with a key that b* found hang ing n* ar the - if* , and opening the oilier by unscrewing th* hasp that held it. H* left absolute 1 ? no tra-e nor clue to his Identity except the scr**w driver The Adams paint store is supposed to have been entered t*efor*- the drug store The thbf opened t way for himself by breaking the lock fastening the Iron grating of th** cclUtr entrance on the 81 Julian side of the hulldms. From the cellar he w*nl to th* flrsi flo.r and into the office. Ther# he first ai fempted to get into th* sjf* by uns* rew log the ornamental tps *>f the hinges, hut b>l gone on with th* work only it short time when he evidently gave tip th* plan as being too difficult, and without doing any further damage, so far ns could I** ascertain**!, made hi* wty out of the building, on th* Ht. Julian *iW\ hv un screwing lb* catch of the lock Kver^ thing points to th- fact that both jobs were don** ly the same person, or persons In fact there 1?* strong evblenc that the screwdriver that was used In the drugstore job and the ginse-cuttcr that was used -m the door were taken from the paint store. The handle of the screw driver found in th* drugstore Is* almost ld**n*i* *1 with that of another tol found In the office of th*- paint store last night clot-** to the safe where it had been taken from h work bench, in the paint store, also, wer* a numler of glass cut ters In an unlocked sh*>w cn**e whhin easy r#*.h of th* thief. ha*l he cared to take one. As the number that were In stock flat unlay when the store w 1 dosed is not known, it was impossible by counting them :o tell if any were missing. While tae robberies are admitted to !*■ of an un--<>mmnnlv l.tring kinl, It is thought that they were n*a done by pro fessionals. Ivvtdem c of this |s shown in the paint store rase, as no crack-man **uM **vrr have .1 i**rnpie*i to enter a sate by merely loosening the hinges. The detective- were put in possession of ail the Information obtainable, hut have secure*! no clew to the robbers. FI U:iMI. OF T. K. IIV IN. Decesteed \\ n lorntcrly a Well- Known llu*ine* Man. The funeral of the late T. K Hvan took place yesterday miwrnlng fr>m the Cathe dral of Ht. John th* Baptist, the services being conducted by Rev. Father Hennes sey. The interment was In the Cathedral Cemetery. The detest and was form* rly a well-known business man her**. He engage*! In the grain business loth in Charleston an*l Savannah prior lo th*- war and made it handsome fortun* After the war h *\m tinurd In the grain busln* s.s for ti lime und then removed to N* w York. wh re h** engaged In the ott>it business ttnd waa very successful for many years. I'nfnrmimf. speculation, however, dlssl* pate*) his fortune and he returned to Ha'i Art Of -lx yetr- ago in reduced circumstance*, sine*- which rime he had lived very *iuietly. The dectnsed was known here ns an excellent business man and was of a generous and charitable na ture Best*!* s a widow, he leaaves eever nl children. One son Mr. or-a Ryan Is a deputy sheriff of the City Court, while tin other son. Frank Ryan, rewldes in Galves ton. CtiNPIdIAT OF THU FISKS. Players Arc Not Flensed Wltli the High Grass. The golf links have n*t been cleared of the high grae- that makes It impossible to p'.ay with any satisfaction. The golfers ar* fast returning to th*- city, and the weather, late In the afternoon. Is now cool enough for them to play The links. In their present condition though, make play almost impcaslhle, and some of the golfl acs art beginning to r-xnplatn. Saturday there were several on the course, but they did noi have any v**Vy pleasing sport. Balls are |<>st in the high grass, and, when found, it In a difficult nrnur 10 U* th* club* profisjrJy. FINK 1% flTt: % MYMIt* ROVRV, Half a Pnien llnli*" of I nttnn Hum aged. Fire broke out lnit * o’clork last night | in the hold of the British steamship ltoxby, loading *otton at war* house No 1. Ocean Steamship whaeves By the quick work i of *h* fire department, which turned out in response to art alarm from th* box t the w rehotLs*. the blase was promptly got under control. Policeman lauhrup turned in the alarm. There are about J.ffW bale* of cotton In the lioxby. It I* not helpv -I that more than half ft dosen Imlr■> w* r* d.image*) The fire was not und* r dangerous head way at any stage. ,m •! within half an hour fl*r ihe (In mcfi urriv* and they had it under control. |l**w it started s •ms t* be unknown The bale* damng* and were amidships, and easily accessible, so that the work of ex tinguishing was more • --tally done Notwithstanding the f• * that the fir* department had rough road to go over in reaching the -hip. good timr u- m i le The steamship ompany Im> i private road connecting the new war* lewis, dis trict with the other part of its property, and which 1* used only ty th* fire de partment. That no more cotton wa* lam gei will be good r*w- for the owners Th* high and advancing prlc* s for the staple just now Is on in enttve to use even greater pr#N-a in ton igah’“t fir* s It I* not known who th- exporters of the damaged cotton are. The -tc.tnnr is consigned to A F Churchill. On the return from the fire the large engine from No 3 station. In attemntlng fa avoid lotity pin . In th* road got stu< k In a w rs. bog •* s air* ly that th* thrr* big hors* ?* atta* died to th* roa* hine , >ul l not budge her A- h fli 1 r -rt o i • ♦ was rtgg* *1 ur and attached in n Its'O motive, it railway trick being close by T-h* big Iron horse* lifted th* fir** machine 4 11 of the mud In a jiffs uud th* fir. nun from No 5 w* re sent on their way rejoic ing. with a now yarn to tell to their frl* nds. IV I I/I* III: Itl'.l.F. Vt:i> TO-DAY. Three nf 'I >on* Fellow I onaptrntors nn Now t#o J T. Hammond, II IJ Watts and C*. J Phillips, three of the urn t conspira tor* in the c*l* *r !*d Tv son conspiracy ise, which rou“*d so much ln:*r*st throughout the state lasi spring, wid he released from Phut hum county jail to ny hy I'nlted States Commissioner J F. Lewi*, having completed their terms of mi months ea*h. th* sentences |rn js*s♦l by Jielgc Speer for their part In the conepric> business There l also a fine of tIOH each, but th** iti* n having made uppll* at lon with th* prescribed affidavits u to their inability to pav. and having *erv-l th** additional month require*! because of their inability to pay. their petition fir r lea . will be granted As they were dlnwrd five ilay* off i-a h month for good behavior the additional month required for non-pay ment of fh** fine brought the exact time served up to six months. The departure of Hammond. Watts and Phildp* will leave- J 8. Wheeler, Jr., the only one of the hunch of conspirators who were allowed to serve their terms here re maining in Chatham County Jail. Wheeler hi- . twelve-months’ sentence to serve. T I. Hicks and J. M Harrell, who only had four-month s’ sentence*, were released “ome time since. I A Ty*.n, the head of the conspira cy. Is serving a Aye-years’ sentence In ihe Nashville penitentiary while J. II nnd W. K. Hutchison are spending term* of eighteen months at the same resort Tyson and the two Hutchison* were regarded as the principal-* in the affair, while th** other* appeared to have been merely their dupe*, tools und employes. They were for the most pari Ignorant countrymen who were easily led Into a scheme which promised a great *lo/| for nothing, hut from which, as u matter of fact, they go* very little returns, the chief result to them being th** disgrace of the trial and the terms of Im prisonment whl h followed. Tyson an*l his associate*, ns the evidence show* I, l i*l a well organised conspiracy with headquarters at tilenwnod in Mont gomery county, to which and *ihr nclgh lorlng points they had order* of goods shipped from firms an i manufacturers all ov#r the country, varhnis firm names be in* used and no payment* ever b Ing mode *xr*p when it w is Intend'd to dup the victim into tilling a larger order. Ty son proved to be an xc* e lingly nervy and resourceful fellow, and there was s.rnie difficulty In bringing him and his associate* to the bar of Justice. Kv**n there a bold fight was put up, occupying the court for several day*, but when the evidence was all In. th#* conspirators weakened and pleading guilty thr. * thern #•* lies on the mercy of the court. Honiir.i) thi: hi:i> not m vy. Three White Men Will He Tried This Hum Ins. A desperate trio of while men were arre*ted early yesterday morning by Pa trolmen II room and Jernlganat Broad and Liberty Mr‘U. They are IVter Hu ll* ••, A Owen and Wlille Hudroe. They til he#*r had reputation an.l .ire said to have practically terrorlid a tiutnU r f men on the western ride of th* city. prin cipally saloon keeper?* and "rt'ihhoT men. An hour or two before they were ar resteil they had * round of **r#d hots’* on A. Mlcholiskl anil walked off. refusing to pay for them An hour later they re turned and ord* red another round, and when the man demurred about serving them, f* frrrlng to hi* earlier experience, they jump and on him Patrolmen llroom and Jernigam who were near the *<. n. on poured three of the men, hut two oth er* escaped. Om of i h* m* Broom rhaad down IJberty str*t. firing four shot?* at him a* he ran. The man dr* vs his pistol and w is on the point of firing at the offi cer. when a hullet hy Jernigan caused him to change hi* mind and. turning, he •nanagtd to make his escape. It I* said that thi* practice of heating •*mall dealers out of various commodities Is habitually pra*tlced hy the gang, and that they have thus fur enjoyed an Im munity fr*m arrest and punishment only hy the terror that they Inspire hy their threats. TKIHT.II %TI lIK mi.l, lIIC.II. fair Weather nnl looter In Yorth Part of *lhl•• Predicted To-ta>. Th* state weather forecast for to-day is for cooler In the north and central por tion* of the state For to-mor-ow the predictions are for fair weather, wind* be coming fresh north. The maximum temperature yesterday was *7 degrees and the minimum 73. giv ing a mean of WV which Is 3 degree* above the normal *The rainfall war to Inch Lnnrhrnn Is not complete without a bottle of HI.\CK AND TAN-‘The American Porter”—product of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Asa'n that rivals and excel* th* Ittai LugUfh Porter, Stout or *all and air. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1900. BANKS' BIG CLEARINGS. •>l*l.hi him*:*** ki*<* i>ni -1 tki> •>%**** iii*hi:m. Iliic Hr*|tlrr.l llnth llrrr In thr Interior (nr llnn.lllnu * nl—One (lank *lil|.|.e.l om In < iinßlr| llnnk* Week. I.enraln * 111 Herelve (I.I.IMHI.IHIU I*.* rr (nr Till- < roll Tlinn II IM.I (r (he -no lienee There Mill Be I'lerli n(> In ihe I uulr> —Mi nnn*h'• I'rreenlm.e nt the I ntlon leeel|.l --l I niMMiall) Fsrae. Th. unuruiill) l*r*e eleartn* houre rr -111 mn (nr l* w. eh over (7.>'.*. have It- ti the of eon*, lerahle eommeiit ,inr.nx huiinri* men It n ihe ftrai lime that Kiiannah return* ha\r reached thi - liniir* f r any one —k at,d the fart they how an ineria*. ot over M.W.W over (hr letum* f r the film neek Un well a th- fa-i that thl* fVsure • hould have la 1 *!, rea-hed thu early in th. r. i, on. IM. eaueed . rur nrlae. p\en anu.iiK the moneyed men. A well known hank, r who wa* a*ked atioul Ih. matter yesterday. *atd lhal l.e had h*en hlmeelf eurprUed at the eUe -f the Hamel! rhown, hut raid they were *ll* • lUihle of . Xplaiiatlnn 'The higher pi . . * of colt* n md naval *tore* and the laiK> proportion of the receipt* odmtrut i thl* port thu* early In the *.-a*on ae. I ount in part for the Increased amount* own liy the cl.urln* houe report*." he ■PI "Another tlilnu which account* for i lire- proportion of th* tncrea** • the lira, sum* of money now heln* sent out h ihe city hank* lo their correspondent* In the (ountry. The cotton < ro|> In thl* slate I* comtiw In very rapidly and with the hint! t ide which h.l* l*n reached i large amount of money la required in ih country to handle It "ur t.ank alone ent <ut |7'l*<*D to country hank* last w* k and other hank*, of course, sent out lar* amount*. A good feature about thl* busi ly. * |* that the country hankw. which formerly obtained their money direct from N. w York, are now obialnln* It .here A noth, r reason for the Incrcar-d . I*ar- Ins- I* the general pro*p*rtty In business circles.** The hanker was reminded that the com men ial line* had not reported any *u< h Ki. a! activity In bu*lne* during Ihe last w# t*k. . • The activity In romrner. tal line* have not I*, n fell to any Kreit enteni locally u.- yet." replied th. banker, "but II will !.* All ihe indication* polm to one of th* best business season* for Savannah Itii,t *he ha* ever enjovol The Increased prh C of cotton will turn (rom lie - ~.iia.i | 0 s2iouti.OMi more in thl* state than is usually received for Ihe staple, (leor g|a will raise her 1.000.0 W 'oaks of cotton and man Thl* mean* an Immense umount of money to l- turned l.sose lr. ih.- state at preaent prliv* and naturally u k.*sl part of it whl And ll way to da vannah. "11. tier still. Savannah will handle a l.irg* r pro port lon of the crop this year than ever before. Her reeeiid* lo .late Indicate till*, l—lng nearly one-half the roc. Ipl* of a.I the port* combined. The S-u Surd nod ih* Southern Hallway* ar* hrttizimt eotuai lo Savannah from sec tion* which were formerly tributary lo other i*.rts. and this Is only the begin ning of 1 big business from these sources Savannah l*' '.ear handled an Increased IK-ri.-ntaKe of the cr-ip a compared with other port*, hut till* >iar she will do even better The money and the facilities are here to handle It and the railroads arc ready and willing to brum II "i .alveaton's misfortune w ill heneflt u* very *!iehtly. If any. In this respect, how ever. t.alvesion will lie haulllnc cotton again Inside of si* week* and the diver sion from lhal port this season will not be a* great as appearance# would seem to warrant. New Orleans will be the chief g .lner by ony loss of Galveston, however, though it may make a favorable situation for our rallro.iil to e.imiiete for ooiton In debatable Western territory "With naval stores ond cotton both bringing the highest price* In years, on.l a fair yield of tioih In the territory trib utary to Savannah the |eop|e In this ter ritory will necessarily have more money in spend and 11 will be very natural for them lo spend a good part of II and Ihe various line* of business In Savannah cannot full lo reap Ihe advantage " Il Is n very pleasant prospect which the banker holds out end with the bank* al ready’handling money In much larger amount than In fohmer years, and the con ditions being a* Slated, there seems lo I-* no reason why the prediction should not lie fulfllletl to the letter THR Al THOR OF “IN HIM ftTF'-PA.** Will l , reach to Ihr First Prethjlr rinn I hare It Nov. I**. Htvinnuh will have a distinguished vis itor on Nov. 11, In the person of Dev Fharles 11. BheUVm, the author of the Widely rend "In Ills Btcra." an*! he edi tor (or M time of the Topeka Journal. th*' experiment of running a newspap* r as Christ woui*l have lone. Rev. Mr. Bhe|(lon‘s visit Is male at the request oi Rev. Arthur J Smith of the First Fres hyterlan Churrh. whose pulpit he will oct upy on ihe morning of the lath. Mr Bhvldon would accept no payment for h)** services, nor would he allow an admission fee nbe charged H* would receive only his actual expenses ( the city, and en tertainment during his stay Mr. RheMon's name Is well known here hrough his look. "In His Bteps>" which has not only been widely read, but has furnished material for dtscusdon and de bate |n i number **f fh* religious organi sations His coming will l*e lo*k*Ki for ward with a great *leal of Interest and pb’ttsure. Anyone who cares to share in the ex- Itenses of Mr Bhe|*lon‘s trip can *lo so by setHlitig their rontributl**ns to Mr S P. Qu.trtermiin. tr*asurer of the First Pres byterian <*hur’h. Rev. Mr. Hmlth upon whose request nnd urgent nppeat Mr. Hheldon consente*! to vnuke th<- trip, will <*ail for Bavannan W*Hlties*lay on thr- Ka ■ i?- CTty. II % N MIN H % NT's TO FIGHT. He flaw f ome tn \rrnnsr a Boat With Tiimni) 4 oreoran. Jack Hanlon wants to meet Tommy rori-ornn again. Last spring the two men met. and the referee' announced it a draw llmilon thought nt the time that lie got the worst of the decision, and now he wants to take t’orcoran on again. He said right after the bout that he wanted to me* t For vran again, and Corcoran promptly replt**l that lie was ready. Han lon mmh dime from Philadelphia to ar range . fight. Corcoran is t t k Tommy Williams nn •be latter of this month, nnd this engagement will prevent his moling Han lon right away. Hanlon Is prepared for this difficulty, and he announces that he wants to meet the winner In* the Corco ran-William bout, but that he prefers It to be Corcoran Funeral nf Joatnh 1.. Unlthonr. The funeral of the late Josiah L Wal tbour will take pMce from tha family res idence. No. 311 Hall street, east, at 4 o'clock this afternoon The Interment will be la Euurci Urovt Cemcitry, FBI %TI\ Y% %• 111 % TMKMF.. Hrv. K 4. F. ( nnk HnlU Thai Purrnia Wf If to • tl 111 mi. Rrv Kd F (*.>k o< ' ii|ir<l hi* pulpit at Wrrlry Monumenul Oiurrh ycairntay for thr Aral nnr in arvcral u**k 4 Hr Bad l #>n rtOfrnt Da hi vacutloii, fthich among thr nvuintainr of North I'lrolina It was (hr time enjoy*d ly the la‘tor in the wtl lr (hat inspirrd tin* Horning hfrinon. in which w#rt fipoiand rd the km n-* trai are to le lAn from communion with nature At th** night aervhe Rrv. Mr. Cook a|**kr on *’Rdvcatlon.** Thr mihject wax a tiiruly one, in \lrw of thr r<-opening of the school-a uod a m(ul th* thought that la given to It by parent* and young prop*- Thr imMde rxprWKd rr grrt that. Iwrauao of thl* to-ing Ihr ae n wtien (he aitrixlancr nt ,*rrvloe* in amall, ihr ccnsr* gallon to hear (hr *er m ftf wra* net an large a* he had hop <1 to ad irra* I>w idling flrpt U{ on the general propo sition of the great hr nr fit* that arc de rived by th** educat'd and thr fr*rn Inatiuctlon and the !• %cl i mrnt of hi*' mind. Mr. lYok tiitnrd t< a conaidrr ntion of the roc ological r* axon* that should induce parent* to *- • ar* - ■ fully to the rducaGon of th .r children. Through out he ujsrd ''hoy.*’ though making It • I arly understi o*l ih*( what he -aid of hoyr was equally lu** of girls. It is th* duty >f parent*, the jsi-tor |e tdared, lo rdiicat* - their lilldren. The ability t i grasp with perfect und* rstand ing the problems of lif* and r*al>x*“ from It Its great***! Meanings can com** only with education, and no parents should b* - lerrllct to thr duty that plainly point* (wnrd th** Instru lion of their children Duty (o sack!' drmapdr t<.H, that chil dren should hr du*ntrd. .Hid parents should b* arrful to discharge this fluty. 4Mil> b> it- means can the degradation that r*nch** dorr I y upon the realm* of I wer inlm.i t* 1* avoided, while crime* flue to • hildr* n of durkn* s, ignorance and depravity < n only be kept down by lllM*ral instrurtion In th*.-** things that are higher and t tt*r than thr conai inl reeking to do wrong to fellow turn If not their duty to their children then their duty to anxiety, and ihe stale should |n du* • pa mils to give every herd to the in* ntal tr lining *f their children. Posterity makes i demand upon parent*. Th* weal of those t> com** after in the grand a -heme of eternity w ill be a growth of thr seed plant**<l by predecessor* In the minds of those for whose trend of thoughts and ideas they are responsible. NY* only upon one's son. hut upon the son of that son will demands by society he made, and for the bet ferment arid programs of the world they must he met Parent* should educate ihelr children because every child Is an immortal soul, and a soul that Is to live forever should eneer upon is existence with the basis of the best on that can be given. In this prefatory stme time ts followed by the soul's appearance Ik*fore Its Maker should be grafted th* thoughts tha* will tit II lies I for that great Presence and car ry It through eternity with the advantages ha* will doubtless obtain hereafter us a result of care, rather than neglect, in this • xlstence of the powers ;n<l capabilities that are bestowed by God and lelgned by Him for improvement. Hoys are owed sound and healthful bodies, active and wtdl-stored minds, and clear conscience*, and parents should lend every endeavor to the payment of the deb*. Education of the mind now walks hand In hand with the training of the body, and the dav of the palefaced s holir ha* pass-d To-day it Is the strong-ltmb ed. athletic scholar who ha* the advun'age In the race of life, und who merits at) I gains th* approbation und support of his fellows The very high***# development of mind that parents can bestow is due their chil dren. for the power to think strong!v und clearly means success, in (hr Idea of sue ce*.* thai is common!v accepted and ren ders on* capable of aiding others to *he greatest degree. Ideas rule the work!, and the proper ideas -an only be evolved by mind- tba hnv# b*en (ruined. In the old days In the S*urh, shiration. |K>sslWy. was a luxury, to le desire*! nnd attained on * M those able (o lnitiige In • hlngs be\ond th** reach of their bs for tunate fellow Now education !e a necessity Carefully trained minds and carefully trained hand* are ihe only factors in success, and those who have not the one or the other sort of training are re!, gated to the rear. The • h.mge in condltln hn* b**n vest This !h a period of infinite preparation for all professions and trad*** Men are met ev ery day by examining boards that test their knowledge or fliness before they are admitted Into the select o|r les of those who have stoo<| ih** ordeal that has been *et up by laws ns necessary for th** pro tection of society from practices that ore damaging when unsuprart’d by the ad vantage of sperla! education. This Is true with physicians, lawyers, teacher* and preachers, and more und more Is con stantly demanded of the men who are to occupy jmsitlons of responsibility. I’ cnnlarllv sneaking, elucatl n Is ot greater value to m*n now than ever be fore. but be value Is not to b- const lereu In mon* v alone for th* r**ju rim**nt of the h >ur Is for young men of knrHing and • rained mird* to carry on th** scheme of advancement nnd Improvement that has been mark'd out for th** nge. Parent** and young peojd the pastor continued, are often care! s about this matter of educg'bm They are not suf ficiently alive to Its necessity. Some men declaie that thev or too poor ta send Ihelr sons to college, but Mr <Yok said that, had he a son. he would sink t* bread and wut r rither than deprive the Isay of the coll*glate Instruction to which his conscience would tell lilm he was en title*! Th** future advantages of **!uca lion f r children are greater tl un present ones of gi*od 1 vlng. (’hrtst should be in education, nni a boy's conscience should l* k pt clean anil 1 right The patent Influence of tellgion sh>uld lea part of education. .ml those schools should be sought that are likely to produce aw 11-rotindel graduate, one who may a bl* nsHik to the state After the sermon. Mr <vok stit**d that th* day's collections would i* devoted to tho aWI of a Methodist pastor Itl tla Ives ton He told of the pr tbablc distress in whl'h the minister finis himself, giving, is an example, his own experlen* *•** in Brunswick, when that clt> wa- visit***! b> yellow fever It was only the a I*l h* r** iv*d from the mn> friends over the state that h* had won during his Itineracy that enabled* Mr Cook * weather the financial storm that assailed him and many others during Brunswick's distress Quite a tidy sum was realised and the money will be sent on to Oalvcston by the pastor. AIGI ftT.% M'RtiLtll CAIOHT. \\ m IrrcMted l Detective fttnrK nnil tin!) He Taken Hack T*-da. BUI Balk, colored, was arrested yester day by Detective Julius Btark Balk k* wanted in Augusta for robbing the Com merclat Club of that city. HU tlescrlptlon was sent to |*olice headquarters In this city shortly after the c >mmission of the crime, and through this Information the officer was enabled to identify nnd capture hi* man The August * authorities have teen notified of the matter, and m Is prob able that an off! * r will be sent to this city to take the man back. Fnnersl of l,nnrrner J. Dnnn, The funeral of the late Lawrence J Dunn, whose death wae announced in the Morning News yesterday, will take place at 4 o'clock (his afternoon from the re*i- Aiencc, Mo. 215 Jonao street, ea*t. WILL SOON BE SEGREGATED. TH%FFI OF IMF. (FNTRAF %Nl> O. ft. 8. CO. WILI. in: INDFPKNHFNT. President F.ann Returned Yes terday From New York and l.eft at Night fur %tluntn—%p|Mlntment ol Mr. FrFexre ns Manager %% 111 ftoon He \ nntiuneeil by Circular— % taen rral Freight anil I'anrnirr Agent lor the Steamship • oinpnny W 111 He tppolnird—-Tlie ftexen \ es*el of th** lompany Now losnrcil for dI.FMMHHt lat lon Station Mat ter t oases I p in Atlanta To-*lay. President John M Egan of the Central Railroad and Ocean Htc.iVnshlp Company, returned yratorday from New York, h* wont up ii business cloudy connected with the Internal management of the steamship company, ills stay In Hnvannah was brief, as he left ltd night for At lanta. whi re he will attend another hear ing In the famous dc|*ot case to-day. President Rggft said h** will shortly ls m* the circular relative to the .umolnt ment of Bupe;intetulent P. E. FcFevre of the fkean Hieamship Company as mana ger News of the prom >tion that is in st r* for Mr FeFevro was given by the Morning News a few day* ago. Just prior to Mr Kg.m i departure for New York When Mr. Egan was asked nUmt toe management of the traffl of the steam ship company, h* rcplle*! that it will soon Ik* scfMrated from that of the Centra* Railroad. He was not ready to announce, who will he pu: In charge of traffic, hut sakt that the names of several gentlemen have been mentioned. When the appoin*- ment Is mad** it will Ik* to the position of general freight and pi**<iger agent. •\lth th* prospect. In the near future, of a to traffic manager The ofh e of the mauiger. Mr. LeFevre. and th** general freight and passenger ogeut of the Ocean ?*ie *mhlp Compunv will he in New York Traffl* Manager K H Hinton of the Ontral It i!r>*al has also bad charge of the truffle of the steam ship line. The report of the segregation of the traffic departments of the two coin imnle* has l*e**n a source of alarm to som** of the employes of the traffic m.n *er' office In Bavtmnah and others a: the Central's wharves, but Mr. sys there, will Ik* no changes affecting clerks at 8m • mum resulting from the ap pointment of Mr LeFevre. and the r m>vg| of the traffic manager from Mr Hinton's office. The segregation of the traffic Interests of the two companbs has be on lok*d fot for s m time. Before Mr. Kgan left for New* York It was not known Just how long It would h* before the traffic would be placed under a separate management but It was understood that thl> would Ik* the eventual result The steamship company, as a c.tnmnn carrier, will. It is thought, be better able to please the >-• veral railroads entering Savannah when traffic management hoe b* en M igrat ed from that of the Central All the vess* is of tb Ocean B’eamshlp Comi uny have le-*-n re-irmired. Fpon the sex* n. rated at varving valuations, a total of $1.!5n0. is carrl* and Pome two three years ago the comi>ariy alktw/d all its policies to expire without renewing them, intending to start a sinking fund with the premiums that would be paid the in surance coinpinps were the polity* con tinued. The loss of the Gate (*ltv came within a comparatively rarly time after tb,e Inauguration cf thi-* plan, and the sinking fund suffered a blow It has sine* b< rn decided to re *Tt to the old plan. The steamship City of Birmingham. Mr Kgan announced, will continue to run ••wild’’ on the line be*ween Savannah and New York until the extremely busy fre.ght season has pissed. When ther*- Is a great 4* <1 of cotton to be moved, the company finds If necessary to take one nr two of the vessels off the scheduled sail ing list nnd us*- them for the rapid trans portation of freight between the two ports. The ChaHnhoochoe Is on the ways In New York Mr Kgan says he experts the work on her to be finished up al*out the middle of November. This will be later than had been anticipated ft |* prohibit ihat the vessel will be put on the sched uled list when she Is ready. The union depot quest on will he con si 1* ted by the Governor in Atlanta to day. The legislative r tmvnlttee appointed at th** last session will al-o be on hand The executive officials of the railroads entering Atlanta have been invited to be prrrent and attorn* y* for th* lines will l# there to repr sent their interests It Ih not known that anything will re sult (tom the meet ng It would be sur l rising If there should For many years th matter of anew union station for •he capital City has been rocking along, ond th- consummation has often appear ed to hr* at hand, hut. Just as often, dis agreements ha\ e arlrxn. and all th* well-laid schemes have come to n. i tight. The state want** the railroads to build upon its property, the site that is now oc cupied by the union depot that has stood as a mark tor the sxtlre md vituperation fo writ* rs and speakets The roads would probabh ign to this wer** It not for the foe* that the properly is lets and to th** Nashville. Chattanooga and Bt. Ixmiis for i term of fifty >*:ra twenty of which are yet t< elapse, it Is not clear that a satisfactory rrdngement with the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. louls f-.r the rellnquhthnvmt of the sltecnn be made so it I** a mystery as to how the problem will be solved. IIUIIFAT HACI RftlON TO-im. Many I’nin nurr* Are Kxperted From llong the I entrnl. From 1.2ii0 to 1.5*10 excursionists are ex !*• ted to arrive this morning over (he Central from all along the line of the roal. Th* Central runs what Is known ss n "Harvest Excursion" about this ttm every year, and business for them Is thoroughly worked The limit of the tick ets will l*e two days, nnd li Is expected that In that lime the excursionists will do considerable trading with the Savannah merchants. The earnings of the Central of Oeor- Rallro**! t r the w* ck • n ling the firs* w**k In B*pterabr were slSs,fi2. against 111**.313 for the corresponding time last y. ar, and 11.0#,2f5 from Jan I to the end **f ih*- first week of Heptember, against $!.d57,(4l for the corrc**fondlng rarlcnl in 1599. Th* incr* ase *h|s year Is $25,381. CITY BRKVITIW. O. Bevlll. Jr., white, was arrested yes terday morning by Patrolman Crosby at the request of Mrs. G Bevlll. who charges him with disorderly conduct, cursing, abusing and threatening to kill her. Ti;. cat*** will Im* hard before the Recorder this morning. ‘•Delays %re IlNngrrnat." A small pimple on your face may seem of little consequence, but it shown your blood is Impure, and Impure blood Is what causes most of Ihe dlneasea from whlcn people suffer. Better heed the warning given by the pimple and purify your blood at once by taking Hood s Barsata r* It TM*- medicine cures all d!sea# due to bad blood, including scrofula and salt rhe* m. Tbs non-irritating c**hrtlc~HooU' Fills -tu _ Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday, engage your •eat* on Saturday! at U* JUs Soto Ho;eJ tKkt! office. LO( AF PBKSONAL Mr. K G. Jonf of Atlanta it a u*l f th- Bcrevn. Mr. T. K. D-ear of Balk l* • Ituest of the Screven. Mr. J iC Allen of Albany la a itueet of thr I>. Hoto Mr \\ l„ Hunt of Albany I* registered at the fe Boto. Mr. A U Atwood of Dorian i* registered a* tht 1-ula kl. Mr K SI Butt of Auguata l reglatered al the f’ula,kl. Mr. fi C Moore of Macon la a *u*t of the Pularkl Mia* Bill Darker of Atlanta la a gueat of the De Hoto. Mr. D. K Cox of Hardeevllle la reglater ed at the Screven. Mr. K SI Bddy of Auguata l reglater ed at the D<* Soto Sir. Hum Boydall of Jacktonvllle la a gu<at of the Pulaeki Sir F. K. Gardner of Jackaonvllle la tegiatered al the i’ulaeki Sir F. U gpetli of Auguata reglatered at the I'ulaakl yeaterday. Dr. W. A Jenklna. Jr., and wife, of Atlanta are gueeta of the De Hoto. Mr. O K Stransa of Atlanta war among the gueata of th< De Hoto yeaterday. •Mr. H L.. Uurhutt of Swainaboro waa among yeaterday'* arrivals at the Screv en. Sir. I. H. Skipper of Jackronville waa among th. gtieata of the I’ulaeki yceler day. Sir. B. H. ryke of Jackaonvllle was* In the city yeaterday a gueat of the Bu aakl. Mr Brneat Camp of Swalnrboro waa among the nrrlvala yeaterday at the Pu laakt .Mr. T. H SlarFartand of Darien waa among yealerday'a arrlvala iw the I’u laakl. Sir. A H Marah of Jackaonvllle was among ihe arrivals ai the Ire Soto yea terday. Mi and Sira T L. Parker of Atlanta were among the arrivals .it the De Soto yeaterday. Miss Bessie Whatley la a paeenger on the Tallahassee to arrive from New York this morning Mr. Gordon A. Carson, a son of Mr. J. A. G Carson, will leave to-night foi; Atiiens where he will eme( .lire Univer sity of Georgia Mr Kd I. Ilyek left yesterday for New York via the Plant System, where he will join his family. Me will return iti about ten days AT THE TIIKATEH. Itnhaon f tint ~n n > Will Open a Week's Kuanarmrnt Tn-nlght. The Robson Theater Company will open a engagement at the Theater to-night, presenting the four-act military drama "The Bed Cross Nurse-." I-ad tee will he adml'ed free to the ofiening per formance wdlh a person holding a paid SO-cenl ticket. Dally matinees will be giv en. commencing to-morrow. Prices ure-. ntlults 2" cents, children U> cen'.s. The fol lowing notice Is from the Atlanta Consti tution : "The Robson Company was seen in the four-Si'S melodrama. "The Slaves of Russia." at the Columbia. It proved to be an Interesting play with a good plot and thrilling climaxes. The audience seemed well pleased with the porformance and the applause was frequent Pleasing •penalties were Introduced between acta The bicycle -s of Owen scored a big hit." Kpeelul Holes and easy terms of payment to city stu dents Sure: lor instruction and sf>erlal facilities for securing pea.liens Positions guaranteed under re.taonable conditions These college* are endorsed by hualnesa men Call or send for catalogue. Draughona Practl al Business College, Huvannah, (Maaor.le T<-mple. comsr Lib erty and Whitaker street*. 'Phone fl#f> Nashville. Ht laiuts. Montgomery. Gal. vston. Fort Worth. I-Ittle Rock and Shieveport -ad u F.Mltr, (it Hull (tr.rt Havnnh Morning N-w,. N-w Y'ork, Boston, Baltimor-. Charles ton (S. Cl, Jackaonvlll- (Fla ). Cincin nati. New Orl-n*. Washington (D. C.l. Chicago. Augurl* (Ga ). Atlanta Macon (Ga I. and nihr prominent .lallle.; aleo the vartoun nionlhllea wn.l we. k les. new iMKika anrt everything ,1a- usually found in Ilrrl-ciass news depots.-ad. The riant System excursion (rain to Charleston leave, Havannah al €SO a tn Sunday,, tickets ura okl at one dollar lor the round trip —ad. Jiitin.un'a Chill and Fever Tonle la 10u tlm<* better than quinine and does In a single day what slow and uncertain quinine cannot do In ten days. It will cure In a few day* those obsti nate types of fever that hang on for weeks when treated with quinine. II will cure typhoid fever and nothing else will It does Its work quickly and thoroughly and nothing else does It places the fever patient beyond the point of dang, r in a day and nothing else can. Those who have Imp'irlt faith In the ton'— -f secure. Those who douhi ere 111 danger Those who will not use It. place their lives In Jeopardy. From a Itnrtor. Our people were suffering from typho fever Hume M D'e railed It gen uine typhoid Many of these patient, died and those that recovered were sick front 4 to S weeks, 1 gave my patients Johnson's lonic and In every Ineiance the fever cooled down within twenty-four hour* and did not re turn. and the patients regained their for mer good health rapidly J F Klncheloe. M D.. Conway, Ark —ad. Arrangements have been effected hy which 1.000 mile books. Ihe price of which Is SZ.OO each. Issued by (he Beahoard Air I.lne Railway, are honored through to Washington over the I’ennsylvanla Rad road; from Portsmouth to Baltimore over the Baltimore Hteam Packet Coni|*ny. and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia Newberry and t.aurens Railroad Thl* arrangemen, includes the book* Issued by the Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia anti Alabama Railroads.—ad. Th, summer Is passing, have you In the Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston* One dollar for the round trip —ad. vondnv Trips to lirnn.nlrk rig I-t nn , kyelrm. sl. The Plant System will sell round-trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date ot sale, at rate of SI.OO. Trains leave at 1.10 a. m and S;JO , m —ad. \\ nnalere Will lever Cease. I.lppman Brother*, wholesale druggists. Llppman block of this city, are giving away free, a splendid regulator clock nearly 1 feet high, with calendar attach ment. also three dozen sample bottles of Llppman * liver pills. fr*e, to the pur of three doten Llppman * chill and fever tonic. Thl, celehrated ,nd renowned chill tonic I* • Id with a p litlve guaran tee No cur?, no |-ay " and th, price and le l the some as otlwr standard chill tonic. Thl* great expense t* undergone atmply to Introduce I.ippman e chill and lavttr tonic. UK ID u* wor.d.-gd. Get out prices on Stoves and Ranges. No line so complete, no prices so low. Come see ns. WM. & H. H. LATTIMORE. WEST CONCRESS. THE FALL GOODS Are Coming In Every Day. New things are now on exhibition in DRESS GOODS, NOVELTIES, LINENS and WHITE GOODS. The balance of our sum mer stock jjocs atunprece dently low figures. You can find many rare bargains here. Don’t forgot that Oct. 1 is near, and the school chil dren must be provided for. NNe can fit out the children and save you money. Look Out for Our Fall Announcamanl Later. Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and Barnard it* BUILDERS' ~ HARDWARE —AND— WAGON MATERIAL nn inn's sins tin lirotijtlon fttreet, W'vnt, 10,000 fr*. Awnnlcd at I*arlft / Qulna \ (LAROCHE WINC CORDIAL i 1 Hithtvf recommend at losi for cure of Pro-r-** J \ Blood. I \ Ml Ivy. lacrat the appetite, urewgn / \ ihe nerve* and builda (ft ihe entire *f*ti ] \ •• rar frouoC / \ PARIS / \ K* yeugrra A Cm, / tfrnn, A.Y. a svigcA JTi Dyspepsia . - Cut e fEW 1 ? Tablets • "<7 ' !>*•♦ a* Jm Promote the Appetite 1 J and Put Flesh on Thin people. -• ••• Kwrt. Priaarart f*n b* *rr4 n V P ’ ■ H Fflf. VK f hrrr AlalMrerM