The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 20, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. lialTs (iifnt l)ltrifrjr. Oft* imsli bottl of Ha a Orast I>l - cur** all kldio an*l b •*Wf troubles, r*tn.w# |r#v . cur#* and ab#t*s nominal *mlft*u>n. w*k n 1 * fnr **•*’*" rhnimmum 4J all IrffuUrltH ,r ** kid its > • i I bladder in bath m ‘ n women rauLit#a bld i#r Iroui ♦ * rhl * dran If utn aold ty \our druxoftt w.l b# tant m> mat. on rrctip’. of * O** avnall b>tt.*- i* tw ra-mth*’ irMtfn-J and will cur* an> ra Nv* m*‘ L>r K W liali. sol# manuf*cturt r. I* O Bom 4."* S Lup Mo K* n * * or lr#t! * momM* to, iby at: Pug*!**” * n< * floio * moris CO.. ba>anoah. Gu. Read THU. f>r E W Hall St. L of*. Mo shin tn thr## do##ft Hal* * 41 # I o b t aaa 1 haaa ao l o\ er one gr. I? *lvw j*. rf#ct sat isfaction and I refonoend It to my customers Toura irah H r fin^tTM. Prop ADM-Monopoly Drug Btor% Ocala F!a Dec IS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. \r.ut %\ii vif.wh or thk im n tw o rr itfs. Oesriie W. Pruitt# < ottos Estimate. Trnttre for IlnMts A TB'krr-\e- Mroe* nf Huron tn Itnlld a 4 ot*n still— ilhnnji First 4 lsrd b* the ahrrltf—'Old hurrh flarard at Oca la—Heat) (If ar I Inriiln \eas. Mr. r J Mo*>rr of Dc- alur county Is In the race for doorkccfwr of th** House Mr Moor* Is a jrounc man of *rr* %t pop ular It) arnl atii!> He formerly waa a resident of Cobb count) ami his friends there arc vigorously pushing hi-* tuiuli daev Trustee %p|talnte|. Albany Hftrald Th* first meeting of crcdltora tn the bankruptcy cases of H. Hobbs A W Tucker ami Hobba A Tuck er was h*id Is for* Refer** HntHb) ,\ly rick i the '’ourt ho i-* Haturday Mr T O flfteatney of Maon s.t> apfint*-l trustee in the cases and Sept 2k und T* were set a* th* day* for the examina tion of the bankrupts. No further U*fl nitc action was taken. 1 ommUilmirr Me%cnm Vletter. The many frleml** of <Yrnimlastoncr of Agriculture O It Sieve ns wtll tw happy to learn that his condition Is a Utile im proved Mr. Stever • hi** been quite lU and has been s|w'iln* some days at In dian Springs with a view of regaining his atrength (*ol. H. F. Wright has re ceived * letter from Indian Springs stat ing that Mr S even* was some better and that he ho|*ec to be In hie offi • In a very few day*. I hattshnnrhre lliul* IfSla. Agwlt* the Chattahoochee has •topped work on the Power Company a new dam and power hour* at Columbus It’ii this time not to stick an extent • heretofore About th* only d.imag* now t tru- and tay The CoiumiHis Manufa. tur- Ing Company'* now mill I* annul ready to atari, with duta exi-optlon* If lh p>a *r tat ready Tn, dg Hlbn ml.I I* • -Mim- In* large propori..*.* aud it will mod pow er before very lona Hard na the Syndicate. Banl*rsvl,le Progress, The "ayndicale" formal In* l-,t wets to L.josi the price of cotton by 'hulling" the mar ket mo*-■ a bold and gallant d.,h. bin the bi( speculator* In Nee York and Liver pool had decided to pla> "tiear" and the boy* eenl down In defeat. Their many friend. rr>t their mlef.eriune and wieh they had been *u< fLaafu!. bu they hid lo* of fun before their maratn w i* elje.i out by Ih* fluctuation, of the market. ( otton Hill for Seuroe*. The nes>o ao- let lea and church conste llation* of Macun ar.- takltiK tep* to or- Sanlxe a atork oOßif-my and build a s!•*,- OU< cotton mill Ibere prlnmrlly for ihe purpoee of sivins m;>loMent to th< I *f- In* claae of negro children who o wild In Ihe atteete. The ptator* of tne city •re *atd to f>e tn full eytnpathy with the Bmvem.m. and they think that with *he aymtaiihy and co-oj. iation of the white Jeop.e |t will be a mj. .... They have no doubt that a majority of the lull., dark lee can be intlu...] to tackle work. I loerd h) the aherlff. Albany H.rald: The buelnee* of the llutt A Co* Company wa* taken In charge lata"Saturday afternoon l>y the eherlff of IXmtthcrty county hi authority of on at tachment eworn out by Ihe Commercial Hunk The stock of good* was to-day moved out of the .tore on Hroad street lately occupied by the tlrm. Ihe building having been leased to other parties. The Commercial Bank bold* an ludlvtdtinl note of W. T. Co* for several huralietl dollar*, beenje a paper of Ihe Muse A Co* Com pany for .mailer amount. A block of Ihe company's stock I* attached to Ihe Individual paper a* security. Humor l>enl-d. Macon News: The rumor which wa* circulated throughout the Mate some week* ago to ttv effect that Mr. Andrew Carnegie had put. hu*ed the whole of Cumberland which he would Improt- for a summer home I* denied by panic* In terested In the island, li Is acknowledged that Mr. Carnegie ha* purcha*ed a large tract of land on Cumberland directly ad joining the hotel property which wilt not be encroached upon. The announce mem that the hotel properly ha* noi h. St. ..dd wilt be real with Inleiest liy pcotde throughout Ihe entire South and especial ly by tScot*inn* jaho have been In the habit of .pending their vacation* on the Island In summer. Traill'* Cotton (estimate. Mr. Oeorge \V Trullt of Troup county. Wfho antagonised the mill e-tlmate la*l year by one which only mi**ed ihe truth hy a few thousand hale*. Is again In the field. "I flgure out." said he. "that the i rop now coming Into market will no! be over (.Jeh.OnO bale., Thl* I. ihe maxim .m There are condition* ahead of u wnl*h tnay pull even thl* estimate down I'or we will again have a short crop The cxndu* of negro labor to engage In other calling*, the IndlfTeience which al ways seise* upon Hum when there Is y.lenly In the land, will keep the crop down. The desire of land owners to Increase IA 0 Q j|l 1 1 MtHn-M under zzxzfinSzsi m dl uul v tion win not com <■ t***’ • will eure a tore foot. The only Up itmrn •. ..s. teas Varicocele-and It has beet, demonstrated to cup l.riilly * coot. at all cases—ls that of Dr. Hathaway raw esawslvc rasthod of treatment l< applied by the pallent •* !:•••. II f painless and causes no Inronrrnlrnce. It •srss iftiitsjol sbtorbUon. reducing Uio distended anil elongated blood vessels to Itiotr oattirai healthy condition. Tills method of treatment li uasd only by Dr. Hathaway. Ily a similar exclusive method Dr. Hathaway ruroa Stricture without pain or operation Dr Hathaway's specialty Is confined to Chronic Diseases, in cluding Sexual, I'rlnary and Blood diseases. Write for the new edition cf Ms M page bonk, "Manliness, t. JtrwTOJf HATBAWAT.H.I> v hror. Health," and symptom blank, or call at his office. Consultation, advice, book and blanks are tree for the askine 4. NkWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Office hours—9 to 12 m . ! to Sand 7 to Dr. Hathaway A Cos. BA Dry an street. Savannah. <3a. * P m. Sunday 10 a. m. to 1 p m. their acreage will be nvere than offset by the failure of the negroes to work FLORIDA. There ! still a large •mount of pnos jptmle terns shipped Port Tamp. The immci.*- elevators thera ar- still i kepi busy r.lght and day pouring cargoes into the immense vessels which* In ‘*ft el it The I-a. ram* ■'orapieted loading ’ after being under an rteva.or for several days. tltempted Salcide. T.mi* Time* Mrs Arthur ftchleman drank the contents of an ounce phial of carbolic acid thl* aftemoswi wuh sue-slal Inient. and will probably die l>r* rjreetl and Oppenlielmer were called, but the wo man refused to let them do anytetng for her. It I* * aid that he had a quarrel with her huftband thl* morning. The orange crop in the vicinity cf Thon otoeuftea i tne finest in years, and the Keen In the ri.cac flourtahlng conrt) >n. owing to th amount of rain w- have had the storm, of l ie; ■ doing very little damage Tne heaviest r.q, wtd t among thrste of O \V Adams, the kite I |e. If*sen, M M Miley jrsl K W. t Veil ration t arrabelle'e Board of Trade. There was a call for the ctlHeng nl Tsr rtbelle to meet at the Hwarts House Bat urd* ■ night There were alu! foriy a - I with > il Kelly president. J N Coombs, v.c* presklent. tie.**. F. Aimetrong e. retsry■; and H <' Covlne, trees.irer The fo,(owing wens sis. - id as a bosnl of dtrectorw H F Fowler A T dwarfs W R l*l-ket. J R llka-ker C H. Psrlln. J W. f>uval and J T Boykin The hoard of dtre.-t.r e.acted A T Swarts as their chairman t ate t ORtalned Secrets. While digging in (gyoaphate mines near White Springs Friday the ewrth suddenly cay -d In and a big underground rat. was revealed In II were .kull* and human r-mins< nnd is.ris of poiiery and cooking iitensS* A -non* them were found the head of an Immense serpent and In a phos phate bed later were found hi* iwgiea and form petrified Ksperis who Invee-tgaied lalm It was fully seventy-four feet long when alive and very powerful. The human r. mains are supposed to be those of Brm tnoica. Fecnpe.l From Jail. TamiM Times: Tom Thompson and Clmrle* IV Leary yesterday escaped from tlie county Jail They are espert crooks, who were arrested In Jacksonville some time ago for breaking Into the Imperial Theater m Fort Brooke. At tost month* term of the criminal court they were sen tenced to a term In the county Jail of one year ew.-h Te*terday they escaped by me..|.a of a atepladder that had been left In the Jail yard, . limbing Ihe wall and getting safely away before anyone tum bled to the sltuaMon They had torn sent Into th. yard on an errand by Jailer Mor jJs.yn. who had forgotten the stepladder ™ft there by a painter tn Old l.andniark tnffere. Ocala Star: The old Methrsllst parson age caught or wa* set on fire last nighl .bout s o'clock and a* Ihe fire Marled from the Inside of a back room It wa* well un der way before It showed from th* out side. The firemen, with only a few yard* to travel, were on the ground at once and In a few second* had two stream* of wa ter on the fir* li wa* difficult to get at, having spread over the space between the ceiling and root The fire wa* finally ex tinguished but. with the fire and water, th* building was pretty well demolished, though such doe* not api<*ar from the Otttslde. The fire was doubtless started by someone lo see the fun. or for more ma licious purpose*, ns It was started against Ihe celling, on the floor. In one corner. Tampn'a Hlk I lllftr Trade. Ismt week * cigar business tn Tamp* was the most satisfactory for some time past. The shipments were unusually heavy. Manufa.durers. almost without exception, say that they have an abund nne* of ordain, and on many else* they could woik three times ns many men as they are working notv. If they ooukl be hod A representative of one of the large factories wrnt out Wes! a few wo.-kc ago and took order* for three mHllon cigar* from customer* lie hastened back to New York nnd ordered the factory to Increase It* output. For the same period of last year Tsnipn had shipped Ss.!<f..tV' cigars. Thin year the shipment* have already amounted lo RI.T4S,IXX> cigar*. This Is on Increase of cigars over last year's product. Isist year there were 11.101 cases of cigars shipped from Tampa up to this date Thl* year there has U-en 1*.54 case* shipped, making nn In crease of 5.24 R cases over lust year's bust, ness. Inst week there was 510 cases of cigar* shipped from Tampa, or 2 Axt.txxi clgai* For th* eorr**|*)ndlng week last year there were only I*o case*. The ex ecs* of ln*t week over the corresponding week of laat year wa* cigar*. DCATII OK V. V. FOMA*. t Itnnnna) Marrlnae—Other Hoaglns srw Hftleft, Hougla*. Oa.. Be pi. M.—Mr. V. V. Co ma* of thl* city died last nighl al 2:30 o'clock ufter being 111 four week* with a malignant type of typhoid fever. The Knights of rythta* took full charge of the funeral ceremonies. He leave* a young wife who ha* the sympathy of all Itmigla*. Al the residence of Mr Will Lott, five mile* out, on the nfternoon of the I7lh. Ml** Missouri Bailey whs united In mar riage to Mr. Jeff l*ott. Key. A B. Finley officiating All parties are of this city. The happy pair returned and received the forgiveness of the old folks. The bride Is on* of the fair daughter* of Douglas nnd the groom u popular young livery man. Hon. W. D. Hill ordinary of Habersham ounty. ha* been In the city two days prospecting for the tocntlon of a saw mill plant. He expressed himself as highly pleases! with the city and rounty. Young Man Kurt. Wnycros*. Oit.. Kept. 13.—Maltary Itrad sh wa* Injured quite palnfu ly at the foundry of ililson A Barker, where he * employed. The accident o'curre.l tn* morning While adjusting gome machinery young Bradshaw was caught In the shaft ing, and before the machinery could be stopped all his clothing mas lorn off. Me was very painfully bruised, but hi* wounds are not serious. THE MOKMNG NEWS: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBEK 2<>, JtXX). CASTORIA for Infants and Children. Thr Kim! You Have* Always Hoiiirtit has bonu* (hr signa turp of ('has. 11. Fletcher, und has been made tinder hid personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in (his. Counterfeits, Imitations and ••.lu*t-u*irMMi ” are hut Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. ‘’‘’C M IHIM'. IYrKLLIBRCIS. Matters of Interest tn Whipping Men Generally. The Seaboard Air ldne ferry boat Eclipse and ihe tug Reglw collided on Ihe other side of the river-yesterday The Eclipse had her bow stove In. and a* a result will be laid uf* awhile for repair*. The Megift was leaving Rea honrd *llp >'o. J with a light er of rosin. In passing out of the slip the captain of the Regis blew one long whirl I* The Ecdpse was going down the river to** lo the wharves and struck the Regis about twenty feet alwft the stern url wa* disabled The captain of th* Eclipse heard the Regis’ whistle, but wa* unabir to stop The Edits**' bow wa* stove In and eh*- wa* towed to Kourke’s w harf for r<q>alr*. The steamship Oeorge Farwell. with about W*> tons of ■■onl from Norfolk and Ihe schooner The Josephine, with RUO ions from Hampton Ronds, arrived yesterday The cargoes are ronetgm-d to Taggart A Cos. The Josephine was delayed In ner tsftsssge down from Baltimore. I •ring out sine* Aug 2k Capt. Townsend til de layed for some time about the capes, and finding It difficult to make any headway, put In at Hampton Kotds There he re mained with hi* ve**el until better weath er was predicted. The veenel I* an old trader here Thl* I* her firt trip to Ra vannah for al* or *even year*, however The chooner Hilda, which also arrived yesterday, wa* In Hampton Hoads with Ihe Josephine, The Belgian steamship Iris finished dis charging her cargo of cement at the H<-a hoanl wharves yesterday and wa* shifted In the af'ermnon lo the Havannah. Flor ida and Western Railroad wharves, where she will load naval stores. flarannnh Almanac. Sun rises at 5:4S a. m.. and sots al 5:13 p. nv Hlgh water at Tybee to-day at S:M a. m.. and 5:37 p. m High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phases of the Moon lor September. . D. H. M. First quarter 3 1 5* mom. Full moon * 11 t> eva. Last quarter 15 2 57 eve. New moon 23 1 57 eve. Moon Perigee, 9th; Moon Apogee, 23d. ARRIVAL* AND DEPARTURES. VfMrll Arelveel lliril*r. Steamship George Farwell. Fi.kctt, Nor folk IbMrr Hr!* Havtlah. Richardson, Npw York- Master. Schooner The Jos. phlne. Townsend. Hampton Road*— Master. Schooner Hilda. (lines, ll.tmpion Roads -MaMir. VrHrl* AAfnt to flea. Steamship Howlck Hall (Ur.). Kllvrrt. Bremen Hark Zeflro (Hal ). raturao Rrlstot. Tug Abram Mini*. Avery. Jacksonville. all I pl>( mu Aletnorwndn. Tort Tampa Fla.. Hept. 19—Arrived: Steamer* T‘.*k (Hr i. Hurry Mobile; Nor kap (Nor.). Lind. lais Palmas: bark Park in..* (Rr). Johnson. Hambur* Hailed: Steamer l.acronM (Aust). Cir clet). Pence, via New Orleans. Carrahelle. Fin . Be;ii. I)—C.eared: Hark Ban Maauranlc (AuM ). Prcsly, Marwlllrt Pensacola. Fla.. Sept. I®. Silled. Hie * mera Venimoore (Hr). Angus. Alex andria; Kverlngham (Hr.). Near love. Urlmshy. Charleston. . C.. Sept, t*.—Arrived: Steamer ibcti II (Nor.) Olaen. Ilam biirtt; Standard Oil barite s*. In tow tu* 3. Wllmtnaton. N <\. din-hatged car*u and IK.M-eeded to Philadelphia. Hailed. Tu* Protector l*oe. with barge Cattle I, Tyler In tow. \Vilmln*ton. N. C. Kalttmote. Hept. 19 -Arrive,); Steamer Ida liwrence. Savannah; Betty. Fernati dlna. .... _ Sailed: Steamer J. 8. Hoskins. Jack •nvllle. Tyne Sept 19 - -Sailed: Steamer Alders gate. Savannah Jacksonville, Fla. Sept. 19.-Cleared: S- hooners leotlle R. Russell. Sharpe New York John W. Ilall. James. New York. Fernandlna Kla Sept 19-Arrlved Schooners be I ward H. Hlake. Smith. N, w York- Agnes Manning. Heyrr. San Joan. I*orlo Rica; Isabella 0111. Common, Ponre, Porto Rica. Cleared Schooner Flora Rogers, Cook, St. Vincent. Key West. Fla. Sept 19-Arrived: Steamer* Miami. Delano. Miami, proceed ed Havana; Mascoile. • Havana. proceeded Port Tampa: tug North Amcrl rnn . Charleston. proceeded Gal veston. Coastwise Exports. Per steamship City of ltlrmlng ham for New York 1.771 bales upland cotton. 74 bales sea Island cotton. 1.180 barrels cotton see,! oil. 7i barrels rosin, 1 or. barrels spirits, lfintsc feet lumber. K casks rosin oil. 0 barrels lar. 40 barrels rosin oil. 5 caaks crude roaln. Notice to Mariners. Pilot chaiti and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge In Pnlted States hy drographic office In Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. At TIM, SKt'HKTARY 09* AV AR. AA 111 He Miles nr t nrbln In .Absenee of Other Ofllelnls. Washington. Sept. 19—An order was made by the President fb-day directing that tbs ranking bureau officer of the war department be the acting Secretary of War in the absence of both Secretary Root ord Assistant Bscr*tary Melklejohn The order will make Adjutant General Corbin acting secretary for a day or two. Then Gen. Miles will return and tinder the law will become acting secretary. SPHI VO A SKASATIOV. Issreai I ounty Stan < ailed Down at a I sttos Meeting- Dublin. Ga, Sept. IS.—Yesterday Lau rens county suh-orgsnlxstlnn of the Cot ton Growers' l*roiecttv* Association met. and before much business had been trans acted quit* a surprise was sprung. Among those present at the meeting was w gentleman from the western por tion of the county who Mated that nlm*- tenth* of the people of the county had no confidence in the officers of the asooctallon. This was con strued as an attack upon Presi dent J. M Finn, and though Mr. Finn I* a strong Democrat, Mr. \V. J Joiner. Populist candidate for clerk and treasurer, was quickly upon hi* feet and denounced Ihe statement The same was done hy Messrs. A. O. Hobbs and Stephen Padget. populist* Col. J M Stuhb* oft thla Juncture asked If any one present except the gentleman Mtarsd the statement and a choru* bf "no**" greeted the question The gentleman then arose and stated thtil he had reference tn the state organisation, and apologised for his re mark*. - Mr. Finn, president of the association. Is cashier of Ihe Dublin Banking Com pany. secretary and treasurer of th* Dub lin Furniture Manufacturing Company, secretary nnd treasurer of the Georgia Warehouse Company, director of the W A T. Railroad, and vice president Of the Young Men's* league. MU OPPOSE fill tXTI.F.I. Eleventh District II pn hi lee ns Mai Annie a Candidate. Wajrcn**, Oa . Fept 19.—The Republi can* of the Eleventh Congressional Dis trict Convention held a meeting here to day. It was called to order at 12 o'clock under the tabetnacl* or tent, where the colored union camp meeting Is being con ducted In the suburb known as Reeds trl'le. Eugene Belcher of Brunswick was chos en as permanent chairman He staled that the objict of the meeting wa* to dl*ru*a matter* of Interest to the party, ami to take some a'lon In regard to bringing out a Republican candidate for Congtflis. A niimher of *|>eeche were mode, most of them abusing Ihe Democratic inriy and rome of them severely criticising Bishop H. M. Turner Every county In the district was represented either by del egate or hy proxy. The matter of selecting a candidate wa* left with a committee ap|<olnted by the chairman. The detegute* held another meeting late to-night and completed their work. WESTER* LEAGUE STANDING. I Menaru Tram Heads the List nnd Takes the Pennant, Chicago. Bept. 19—The official standing of the various clubs of the American Base ball league as they finished the smison yesterday was given out to-day by Presi dent Johnson. They are a* follow*. Club Won. Lost. Chicago .82 53 Milwaukee 79 Indianapolis 71 6| ltetrolt Ti Kansas City 7] Cleveland 61 7S Buffalo i 78 Mlnnra|*>ll* 51 85 According to President Johnson the sea son Just closed was the most successful In the league’s history, either under il* present or former name. YERRKM 111 vs inti t it AVCHI9E. Will Build nu I nderurolind Railroad In London. Ixvndon, Sept. 30, The Times this morn ing confirm* the report that Charles T. Yerkes of Chicago and New York, has purchased the franchise of the Charing C'ross-Kuston and 11* mfistcad omlergrrmnd railroad. Mr. Yerkern will return lo Lon don from the continent next week. whn Ihe contracts will be signed and the work of construction will tie begun almost Im mediately. The enterprise will he In the main In lire hand* of ihe American capitalists. Wntcros* News Vote*. Wavcros*. Oa.. Bept 19—The C. C. Grace residence on Gilmore street has been sold to C. T. Allen It I* undersloud that Capt. O. C. Grace wtll return to Scre ven, where he ha* a fine home nnd a splen did farm, after which Mr Aden will oc cupy the Grace residence. Mr* L. I>. Ellington of Glenmore will exhibit some genuine Angora goal* ami Belgian hare* at the Wnycros* Fair. Mr. B. 8. Fi-lier. a well-known turpen tine operator. Is reported dangerously ill with malarial fever. The Woman's District Missionary Con ference will c< nvene In this city. Oct. 10, and will continue In session tgvo day*. Mis 8 W Hitch I* district secretary. Wakefield Lodge. No 27. K of !•, have donated 35b lo K. of P. Lodge at Galves ton. Tex., and • check was sent Ihe grand chancellor of the state of Texas this morning Surveyor I. V. MeQualg of Ware coun ty ha* resigned hi* position and A T. Bwiat. Democratic nominee for the po*l lion, has taken the oath of office to com plete the term Mr. O. A. Budd. for some tins' connected with the relief and hospital department of the Plant System, ha* tendered his res ignation to go Into some other business. It Is raid he will remain here. Mr. G. G. Parker has bought the U R. Brinson residence on Gilmore street. Mr. nnd Mr*. W S. Harris, who were married a few days ago In Jacksonville, are on a bridal trip lo New York. Sara toga and other points He Is agent of the Southern Express Company here. Gen. John A. MeClernand Dead. Springfield, 111.. Sept. 19 —Gen. John A MeClernand died at 1:30 a. m He wa* horn In 1812. He rendered distinguished services on the Union side under Gen. John A. Logan ami Gen. Grant, notably at Fort Dotielaon, Shiloh and Vicksburg. ATLANTA’S MAYORALTY RACE. U%N% FOIK 44IH\KHBO FIGHT I?* %OU l\ PHOIiNKM. frporiM Are Hrittiiu on Mima. W bone Plan of 4ant|ltf • Prcoliar—M# |)r \ot %ollelt % ofr*— Mllclaell and Klee Are Brtier#.|-Uw. Mei ollomibH I nme Into Prominent** nu Aceounl ol (he l)ewr> Pnree. Atlanta. Sept, il—Atlanta** four-comer ed ra .* for Mayor la beginning to warm u|> the fjo.ltkal held here at It boa never before been h**aUx!. Mn) Livln*ton Mim. president of th# Capital City Club and an inauranoe man I 8 MKoheU, a retir ed grocer. Nym McCullough, a commla ton mer -har.t. and Frank P Kk e. a cap italist anti profeaaional [oHticbn, are can didates for the office. The primary oc curs Oct 5. The race in the principal tope on lha stivers and bets are being freely made on the probable reault. At present each caftdi<iate has ap;art*ntly the same streiigth. though th# gamblers are betting on Maj Mims against (he n-id <n# prom inent r of ihe it fraternity ha* SBOO jolted In a I n?ai liveryman's hards to coVr r any um within that limit Mims Another um nsrly large lien in a hank ready to be staked on Mirm* rhanre* to win A'l four ■ indidalaa hava publicr riounotl their phi*,forms. The declara j (km# wen- all of a similar character ch | favoring com petit ion In public uti.llles, J increased school facilities, more hopltMls, and lees (axe# Mims and Mitchell de j clarcvl their platform# in public addte*#. whi r McCullough and Klee, neither **f whom are gif (cl with the (tower 04 ora ! tor>'. printed the.r- In the lo al pap* The friend# of i ti h candidate are claim ing victory on ihe strength of th partic ular platform In which they ure Inierostel. i w of ibo • i•• Rice and Mitch ell. are brotners-lndaw. 'i h* ir bitter j tight ng.ilnst each Other form# one of the pfeturewque feature# of the lurid cam | palgn. Mima* Queer 4 n mpn4ix . Atlanta ha# never experience! such n campaign as that now* being waged. All the element* of ante-bellum politics were Injected into (he rn< when Maj. Mtms an nounced ns a < andldate. ll** was * promi nent politician of Mississippi l‘for- the war nnd scorns the modern tricks of the art. He is using campaign methods which were in vogu** when Toombs, Prentiss. Lsiimrir nnd Hill were c.mdi'latss l**foro the people. He will ask no man for hs von* personalty nnd has pitch'd his fight on n high plane The character of hi* race has won for him the admiration of nil the clubmen nn<l society people, in cluding many ladle* who are on the streerp working for him. He wears a full evening dress -ult when making his pub lic speeches. On the other hand. Rice who Is con sidered . winner hy n large element of voters. Is using all the up-to-date me*h ods of the shr wd politician to advance his candidacy. He personally solicits votes nn th** street and in th* stores. He has twen actively rt work on his cam paign for more thin a year, and claim* to have u complete knowledge of how tv ery voter In town will cast his ballot in the primary. He Is claiming the race by a large majority. Rice has had more ex lerlen with city affairs than any of the others. Mile hell’s campaign, in a measure. Is conducted vary much on the order of hi* brother-in-law's, Klee. He is constantly on the street soliciting vote*. He -nnd Klee were lioth a.dermen when they an nounced |isi year Both were p’aylng In Council for the mayoralty Job, When one made public hi* ambition* in a published Interview the other followed next day ftince that time they have kept nock and neck In a highly exciting r Met ul lMigti‘s Prominence. McCullough w-.i* .iNo In Council last year lie Introduce I the r solution which invited Admit al Dewey to Atlanta, and which r suited In 'he *ub*equ*nt compli cation* caused hy the herb’s acceptance and flr.n! refusal of ih>-! n. Thl* official act brought McCullough promt- 1 mntly to the public eye here and. It Is believed, br#d the excuttve bee in his bonnet He 4s a very young man and is outclassed In the race hy his three oppo nent# in p int of ag and • gperlencc. Notwithstanding these handicap*, how ever. he is making u splendid fight for the place and I- mentioned prominently as tne winner. He lias marly the entire la lor vote back of him C. C. Houston, a labor leader recently elected to the leg islature. is one of McCullough's chief lieu tenant*. Personalities are beginning lo loom rp In the hot race. McCullough Is making It particularly warm for Klee. Klee makes the point the other* are novice# in lolitic*. Klee. Mitchell. McCullough and all their friends are cutting at Mims for hi# social'proclivities and hi# well-known aesthetic tendencies. It l* predicted that In another week the ra*e will me hotter than any other #im ilar occasion In Ihe history of Georgia. Ilritlsh Pll*> In gou tli Ifrlra. London. Hept ‘.O One eff ct of the dis solution of Parliament has lie n to c'.lclt declarations fr< in almost all the Liberal pip* l# ah i |ftOiliiei*iiD Sit favor of iit* policy of Annexation In South Africa. It Is asserted with an air of authority that Lord Hal shury w II again become prem ier. and that all the member* of the pres en’ cabinet will he retain'd utile#* defeat ed at the pell*. llbodes %gnlnal Chinese l.ntinr. laondon. Sept. 2b —Cecil Rhodes, accord ing to fhe Cu|e Town oorre#iondcnt of the Mall denies that he is In favor of import ing Chinese labor Into Ithodeslu. On the ornerary he declares that he opposes any such step and considers that every' other means should he exhausted. t your ,rv hair, li surely m.v be the last if you xant it so; you needn’t keep your gray hair a week longer than you wish. There’s no guesswork about ibis; it’s aurc every time., color to *j[ray \ hair use- V I Y “Hair younger you VI appear, ten - ■■ years younger at least. Ayer's Hair Vi-or also cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes nairgrow, and is a splendid hair dressing, it makes the scalp healthy and this cures the disease that causes dan druff. SI M * tank. Ail tmifisift. " My hair wxa mmine out Istilly. hat Ayer • Hair Vigor atoiqied tlir tailing aud In* luadr ui> lutr very thu k anil mat'll darker than befnrr I think thrre Is nothing like it for th* hair." Cona M Lea, April 33, ISM. Yarrow, I. T. HMta f An Dootor. It yon do not obtain all U>* hrerfitt yon tftn> ft* n*s of th* Vqm, onto th* lloctof nMS, AAArnft, jMSyf. aYKK, Low.ii, Mu,. Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers arc always dissatisfied —always trying something new—or something differ ent. as there always seems to he some thing wrong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They arc always good. • Tkrec hundred million smoked thu Year. Price, 3 for 5 cents. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONB. i [ifirtsrA Ys fru/WLJGrr, Twice the price could buy no better. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah Agents. To Save Expense of Moving, we have decided to sell entire stock of Furniture. Carpets, Mat ting, Shades, etc., at slight ad vance above cost during Sep tember. Will toe In store, 112 Broughton, west, early In Octo ber with a full arid complete line. VA/e car* fill any order Right Now, Call arid see us at old Rost Office toulldlng. LINDSAY & MORGAN YOUR CATERERS. SHORTER COLLEGE, S;,/;: *liG*tlM M*nuf _! riiwt <f(!ifMfi mt totlr'rt'nf HraJllt i| • !' , A W*-, n.:—.*is.•• aw* ii.iial.,.-Tn>'VL'.i’.mrL < /_ trai ,I ■ •■vGlmnl it a, > KaralM . . . 1 y' 'iJHf A- "‘i M *' l (•!*••'< ot #ln an*. *t #*Mnn<^! | ra 4 aumn t• • anti i /-J|. A. *' il".) J lt'|i i m4uh ■ , ’ I™ 191 I • ta* l * a* T* . ifirfTSßJ "f MfiiMklM |a 4faH n| V' St '*<l* Ah anlMariillaa Ift J < . .ntlifrsSPi I (tprtaaii* IM) notiffM M •!<}. u lt' M..a '{••••<! ir, nr am a -JAS aeSLJ T' A P*iZt PIANO .fi ?.gr . .*! ( fMJpK . , a. LHa 1 MB • '*• f-r (• '-.I * V . . • 1k„G.GD.1.4..1U- HgUk* .4 !>■ xin I lN *i i. • ...i r, * n r * : , * r * ,h# i*"t‘ * i a|.**-* -a. f • ’ *• 1 Alt wall W> matr •*(>• v A " —. .iwnu rrwtdaal SlMatoM to, • a*u*G*>.n. ahMJ. K. a*nt frnn i^nt^l TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Continued from Seventh Page.) winter yellow 41642 c; prime white tOßtlc; | prime meal |>; CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. Sept. 19,-Whenl advanced strongly on wet weather tn the North west and higher rabies to-day. October i closing 14614 c over yesterday. Corn and owl a closed unchanged and provisions 24 to 17 >%c lower. The leading future, ranged as follows: • iis-nlug Hlgheat. Lowest.(.'losing Wheat No 3 Hept 77*. 79*, 77N 79t, <ct 78 6784 794 774 794 Nov 784679 79*4 SO', Corn No 2 **• I't 40'i t- S 39% g)i 4 ■Oct 38*4 4 **46384 3*S Nov 4ti54 2*4 ;V, ggi, (tan No. 2 Kopt 21’, 214 2U, 211,621*, <>ct .214 214671*, 31'4 21N621*, ; N*v 22 622'. 224 21%®*2 22V, Me,., pork, pc* hart el— I Oct .112 22'4 112 224 IM 90 *ll 97' a jJo .11 45 11 47'j 11 274 11 40 laird, per 100 pounds l Get .. 7 10 7 15 705 7 07*4 | Nov . 7 U>4 7 12V4 70> 7 02V, Jan .. 72V, 75 674 s7O Short Ribs, per 100 pounds- Sept . 775 7 75 7go 7gi Oct .. 7 10 7<5 7 324 7 274 Jan .. 8074 6 111 0(5 go? Cash quo'a Mens were as follow,: Flour Aim. No. 3 spring wheal. 78c; No. 2 red, 78\6)0c; No 2 corn. to46tf-4r; No 2 yel low. to 1 iff ft Age; No. 2 ats, 214,4)224. No 1 white. 2 <46254c; No. 3 white, 2 ',635c; No. 3 tye. s*4e; g.vsl fe.dlng harlev. 39 40; f Ilr to choice malting. 91653 ; No 1 flax seed. *1.58; No. I Northwest rn. $1 594- prime timothy red. 111064. If; mess pork.’ I*'T bhl.. M1.95612.U); lard, per ltn Ihs ] 17.074467.10; short ribs sides (loose). 7.55 fr 7.75; dry salted shoulder* (boxed). n\(R|lj.. short c ear sides (boxed), *8 0568.15; whlsl ky, basis of high wines. *1.28; clover, con tract grade. *IO,OO. CAMPAIGN IV MICHIGAN. Ill* Crowd ttnt to Hear Senator Wel lington unil Others. Detroit. Sept. 19 -Though there was wretched weather for the opening of the Ivmoeraiio campaign In Michigan, the h Light Guard Armory wo* filled to the door* with an audience which enthu- GaM rally applauded the utterance* of •he speakers, Senator Wellington of Mary land. Mayor Jotte* of Toledo. 0.. R. w. of Minneapolis and Mayor Mayl bury of Detroit. D> tnccratlr candidate for Governor Mr. J nee ard Senator Welllng ttn dtcussel Imperl II m prlnclptl'y. Vrlmefer l,we * tinll<-n*e, Chicago. Sept 19 -Jacob R haefer to night challenged George Slosenn 10 play '**' game* of billiards for the Ciianiploti • hip of the work* -ANOTHER NEGRO SHOT DOWN. He I'nld the Penally (or I.not trig In Unh rion. Galveston. Tex., Sept. 19.—Another ne gro ha* been added to the list of d'-.i l for the crime of looting. To-night's guard attached to the Dal las Hough Rider* discovered a man at tempting to break Into a warehouse on Eighteenth and Strand, containing com missary store*. The demand to h ilt e >■ given, but no attention was paid to It. A moment later a shot was tire,! Th offender was killed Instantly. No attempt was mad,- at Identification and the body has been burned. Several attempts at robbery have been reported and the guards have been In* Htructed to keep a close watch for if * c.ass of criminal*. The city 1* quiet to night ami the shooting of the negro ht attracted little attention I'apt Rage, of the Dallas Rough Rider". who Inis made a careful survey of tha town, estimates tha' there are I.o®' Iwdb, yet to lie taken out of the ruins which surrofnd the city. T > flight the Lloyd Rifles of Fort Worth arrived and will assist other military in patrolling the city. SLAIUHTER ()4 - REFOHMBR*. LI Hung Ilian* ,>-• China Cannot Pay Hi* Indemnity. Vancouver, R. C.. Sept. 19.— Regarding (he apparently treacherous murder of thirty reformers at a feast at Hanko*. thTTforth China Dally New* of Aug *. aay* Ihe thirty men or *0 captured and executed by the viceroy were reformers, followers of Kang Yu Wei and members of the China Independence society. Thole main object* are three—to replace the Em peror. Hwang Hsu. on the throne; to fully protect all foreign and Christian live* and properly and to establish a clvllixed * ■' ernment In China. 1J Hung Chang Is reported aa saying that aa fhlnu could not possibly pay I •lemnlty which wool,) he demanded from her. there will be no alternative hut < a give tertliory Instead of money. In wht h ease Japan would get Shin King. RU" a would In- given Shin Klang. and Thltst would go to England. a .A nil Inn Killed Two. Ardmore. I. TANARUS., Hept. 19.—At lona small place east of here, Ro*:tn*,"-r PR muke was shot and Instantly killed v*- tetday by Sam Athlon, a well-to-do stock man Dlatnuke't ton rushed to Ida father* aid an I was alio slut. He died 10-d)' Ashton Is under arrest. -Chief Croker, of the New York (Ire de partment. who has been going to fires In * swift locomobile, has given up his ma' hma for day uae and now rides behind a hor*' - He considered the locomobile too dnt>* r ' oua In the crowded streets.