The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 21, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Murn<k News Itotlcllui; (*ii FRIDAY* ni;*ti:miii:h 21, iwhk Ilex’, •terwl *1 the in Bavanofth. Tb MORNING NEWS is publlq*) • very day in lb* year, and • served to MUtcriUri & in tb* city, or eent by men, ei ?#c u month. KUU lor au moiaUs. ••** M-t* lor one >cf The MORNING NHWB, by tnxiJ. #l* luma w**k (without Suodoy unue>, liirta inonthd, $1 fcu, mi muauha Lw, one year fc> M). The WEEKLY NEWS. 2 leeuca a week. Motiuey end Thuruey. by an all, one year, |i.w. bubr* ription# payaW In advene#. Re* toil by pomel ofd’.r, check or rtfbtrrl letter. Currency sent by small et risk ot tender*. Trwnment edverlurfMßli, other then • pet iel coiumn. local or readme noticea. euiutx tnriita and cheap or want column. Id can* a line. Fourteen linen of egat* type— hjual to ona Inch square In depth la tht atei>drd of neaMirctiwnt. Contract rate* and Oie-ounl made known on appll* cat ion at buaut ofUco. Order# for delivery of the MORNING New* to either reakknr# or place of buMueae may be truoie by portal card or through tel* plmjsm) No. 210. Any irregular tty In delivery should be immediately re* purled to Ibe of!)re of publication. Letter* aiui t li-grins should be ad drascd UOHNING NEW’S,** Savannah, Ue EASTERN OFFICE. 23 Park Row. Sew York city. 11. C. Faulkner. Manager. INDEX 10 HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M.etlngs—Ljixlrum Lodge. No. 48. F. a a. a Si" lal Noth'.*.—H’lwol Looks nt Ne„ IX'pot; Uitbllc H.'hool Noti'-i’, Oli, Ashmore, Si4.rtnli'niltn(; Hesterere* und Masons' Supiillri.. Bivanna h Iluiktlog tt*jp |,' Company; Buwannf*o Springs I to’ .-l, BUCMMT. l-'lu ; Ur. F. C. Egley Mm* HcauniMl I’ra-thc; dilate Specific Taxes. !•. Jami-- <i. Mi low in: Tax Collector; In] Notice, I>om.j*tle Coni and Woml Company; I>. 11l lour Frull, nt A. M. ,v C. W. West's; To Wlili.mi M.-Klnley ni.l Mirk Henna. Bto.; Levan’s Table dilute. Business Notices—Harvard 1 tier, John Lyons 4 Cos.; A. Women of (Joul Jo.te rn* nt. John T. Kvan* A (*o. Amu^mifits—Koyel Mas!. Hill; At ihs Tlx*tor. Kohsati ComiMny, Monday Mat inee ami N’teht. Oimw-Hitmii Cortez Cigars. Biscuit—l'ncvJa Biscuit. Men—Byck Bros. I'erfeet lUnrrs. Bio.— At laittlmore's. M.sß. al~ Munyons Dyspepsia Cure; Ayer's I'His; MiSlst', i'rsisl; II on, Is I'Hls. Cantoris; Mors (or.l s Aolit I*hns jihe; I’okr’s Dandruff Cure; Manyon e Uy-p. psi.i Cure. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wonted; Cmploy merit W mterl; For KrrM; For Male; Let. Personal. MlseelUnrous. The Wealhrr. The Indite:(ion* for Georgia to-,lay are for ;howsrs, with light northwest to south •winds; end for Kaxtern Florida, generally fair wet,.her. with light variable winds. The real mean Inn id those severs! for eign loan* flouted in New York recently Is. no doubt, Iha I (he foreigners wan'd the money- and the American* wanted the inieree:. Paul Leicester Ford, the aulhor. was married in Brooklyn Ihe other (lay. Ills bride. Miss Qrucr Kidder, p. said to have been the original of “Janice Meredith” In bis book of that name. The returns from the Cuban elections thus fur show thul only one memlier of the Demur rode Pnlon purty will have a •eat In the cotistttiitionni convention. The Democratic Union party la the purty of annexation. Pulmonarv rnnsumptlon continues to lead the list of causes of death In the rtty of Havana Last month there were slxty- Itve deaths from that disease In the Cu ban capital, against forty-nine deaths from yellow fever. A< h says that Turkey ha* yield ed a point to the Pulled States and grant ed permission for the rebuild lag of a col lege at Harpont. Now. how long will It be before Turkey will yield another point und pay Ihut Indemnity? If Russia should demand an Indemnity of FJo.(u,.Wc> from China, then Germany. England. Japan and France would prob ably put In tells fur similar amounts; und where Would poor old China get such an enormous amount of money? It aeeem." likely that death will put nn end to the feud which ha made Montana famous. Marius Duly, with whom Senator Clark has been lighting In business und lotiltles for a number of year#, Is at the point of death In New York. The new steamship line from Phllad. I phla to the South will run to Savannah, ns a matter of count,. The Philadelphian wish to avail themselves of the best com mercial facllttlea on the South Atlantic seaboard, which are to be found at this port. There are still two other parlies to hear from Mr Bryan oflielnily with respect to falx acceptance of nominations by them to the presidency. Probably he meant bis letter of acceptance to the Democratic party to apply also to the Populists and the Silver Republican.-. Ia China a rich criminal under sentence of death may hire a substitute, and be executed by proxy. The Uerman govern ment does not prupo*. that there shall he uny of the proxy business In the punish ment of the murderers of Baron von Ket st ler and other Germans. It demands the beads of the u tu.i 1 perpetrators of the deeds anil their In ttgatnrs, und will not be ■mlMlted wMh anything hex. The primary ■ . " tiled the queatkm of the personnel of Georgia's state gov ernment for the next two years, hence Ig’le Interest ie being manifested in poll tins except In a few counties where there ara contents. Nevertheless there should be an effort on the part of the Democrats to poll a full vote In November. It is due to tht national Democratic ticket that Georgia should give It a big majority, to show that the state ta true to tbs prlncl . #i of the ptaUurm, 'I IIP It'll llOVKltlllieiT ratIHI.KM. T< •’ ot th#* Muck tpal L*uicu*- fit XJllAtiuki * an WnirM ml> , • f'oimtH of wi hk It #i rOMilnfil In our diaptirh**, I <'!! .n ntitet) Mgs*ln to one of ih#' lrol.#m> nf ifii' pr* **n linn . tutnx ly, low t ur* hon<*#l attd efU* l**nt munic. tv•• I gov#Tfim*nt. Thr MunldiMl L*j|fu* U frying io #ii%# ih# problem hut it not h m io BMotm* with mu h •uc< **#• Th#* |Mjd r r* i'l al if* annual fttu |Nilnt out lii 1.4 m , - .ry lo h* done in wd* r Io hnvf gmid govi rniw ni In <lfl* ■, lift tht pohlirwho muiw-" clfy ikiHim F#*ktoo or rn*vr rr*d fh## e* .>•: tiiul. if lhf*y It woukl no? I* t * lltrlr lntrnl lo Im* kulil*<| hy th* in Th* lr por|xi it- I lho-t who 11 r# In |joli* Ik’!* fOf MiUll they < till k'( out of 11 to !*• 1 th*in>olv N hiul th* Ir fri* n*lM lnf<i oftir#'#, ami to retain the oftlrn# an long a* iNwelU*' - lie .ilout the wflfar* of th city 1 It* y ion trol or for the th Int* re*ts ot lh* t ix-pay rrii. In th k firm I*l* It Ih ltfll* uli to pet th#* right wrt of non for M.i>or hih! Councilmcn for two r< ihoti# One t* that the* in# n who nr# <|ii#llfl* a <l for mi h |n>#l tioii:- an<9 would coniK (•niloufly tJlnrharg** tli*- lutl#4 of them < annot ofTurd to t k#* th<*m, und In tin- tfiond plnr** tiny could not get thrni If they w#tl)td thrm. Of t our#** thla lro.*l it*t! ment iloct# n#>t ap ply to tfvory city. A 1 g*nrr.ii thing, iMiwi vrr, it Is <ornc i Th poiltUiMn* who manage* muni* ipal (■oftlvlei# want only iho**> men tu |g>uir whom th**v can control Ami It h tcx often the- ■#*..* thiit in n n part of a municipal gov**rnm* nt for no oth* r ri .iaon than to nil In golfing ftotn #h* iy .1 cone-*oln wl)U*h Hwrn In dlviJuul or rorfMiratlon w mt , or 10 got frPiiilM iip(>olntcl to |>aitiw. And the# ef fort If to got frPneix |iov|cl * 1 for, wh lh< r • ipahlc* of rendorlnjf any >rvlr or not. Th** city’i* Inimot k- a n.ttcr of mln*r • ciiihidc r.ihon And it L remarkable how rapidly the nuini.t r of the* official* liu rrahm. ANnoi-t every hew ndmlnlMration makes nn** tvr nor*‘ ne w' place*. R>pom>lßlly for *c ing whether the* official* rrnel* r my inr ti ular *er%ic#*, or whether ill* city could not ge t along without *e.i of lt> offte*|nli t does* not 100*11) to r**M A*- 1 re-- *ult, tno.-t *f tin- citu*? #*f th** country have* many mote- employe - than they have any Dc-t*} of. #in! a tax rate* |n <on se quela e that fnuny of the tax-payerv ftnd hard to hear. It watt Fiat* el the* other duy that It would tak pre tty nearly SlUO.MO.eit#* to meet th# exp**n * * of the* gove rnme nt of the city of New York thl# year Tiutt i nearly lw!e (|5 much to* It <*o*t to run the gov ernment of the entire T'rU'ei Htat* the year before the Cl%il War. Itu# whtn it i* understood that N*w York hut Rom ♦•mjdoyejt, the- co*t of the city’* govern !♦■••t ce*M.4 to be a mailer of wonder. It t* wife* to *ay that 10,(Mi e mploye* coulcl Ih diep* iih# el with In that city without s#- rioutly crippling the public service. Rut every employe ha* a vole, and hi* name will remain on the pay roll until hi* *•<*- re*For be ch<wn l’nlc then* is reform in th* matter of expenditure, however, tfun* will I*- many bankrupt citle# before the* time the f|'Xt cuimih |h taken. %% tiitiH% \\tt:th % r i*# M:r.m:n. The city ought lo puna an Orel in# tier at <*MH* prohUcwtng the overkioding of boat# engaged in carrying laborer# to and from the HcalMAtrd Air Line terminal. Two •<•- tieic*otw have occurred already und It ha* U en only n few week# *4nce the terminal w*h open* 11 for hui*tnes* In one of the aceklent* #lx live* were lowt. Buch acci dent# are liable to occur any clay. The railroad provide# tr.m#|iortiitlun fa ellltle# free u> pe*r.-?ofia employed on it* wiiarve#, but the men are' n> ♦ tg r to ge t to their hum* u <ftc-r the day’* work |# elon* that they are willing to t ike the of crowing the river in boat# that are- load ed far Im vocal their cupu*ity. I*lve*ry bout e ngaged in cafrylng engers ahou cl he required to have a ll<*cn#e etatlng its u|*e*lty. It I# not timmary that there ahoulel be* a Ucciun* fre. hut there* ahoukl Ik* a penalty for carrying more* p#pcngera than allow# 1 *! by th* lhen#e Tim fact that wix live* have been loat. und that there have been two accident*, will not deter the men from crowding Into overloaded boat*. It i* worthy of nolle*# that th* Occident In which live*# were# lo#t hud no effe *t on that dung*rou# practice. It may be *al#l that the men ought t< know better than to crowd Into the boat* until it P* dangerous to ntte mpt to cris# the river in them. That may be **o. but It doe#n*t follow that Komcthing ought not to he don*- for their protection I OTTO % WOT HV&IWU IIEI.II IIP li If the Cotton Grower* X'rotectlve A#so c-lation ha* tried to inilue-nce famvor* te* hold hick cotton it ha# not been very UCCeMful. NotwithMiindlng (hat It 1* generally lell#ved that the* crop I* short er than last year # crop, and also later, more cotton ha** been receive*! tap to this time than had been received at thl# date la 1 year. It may be th it owing to th* high prli'r of c'otton the* protect Iv* ns#o< iation his thought It advisable to let f irmer# follow their own Judgment in the matter. But. whether It hu- or not. It 1s evident that tlw* farmers ur** not hohllng ba k cotiMi It may turn out however, that they will wish they had There 1* *ome ground for thinking that the price will advance • n*lJerably beyond It l** at present, still tin* price 1* tempting It I* #0 much gi hi* r than farmer# hive be*e*n accu#*- t*un*-i to receive that m**-t of them are* tnctineel 10 be* e.itl*rteel with It— #0 well **atl#fied that they ur** not likely to listen to any advice the protective association may give. The time for the* protective* tHMMxiaft*tf) to make u favorable Impteu- Jtion I# when the* price nt th<* beginning of the sea eon l low. Bcm* of the foreign miner in the IVnn pylvunlu coal strike district are- sold to l>e getting ready to return to their Euro pean home# until orderly condition# *hail hove he#*n reatorsd. while f<*w of th • nutive miner* are preparing to leave to work in miner **i the hi Ifh* roa*t BiouUl this exodus grow to anything like con *>*brahh proportions. It might have good effect on the situation If the operator# mw u large number *f their men going away, they might call them and make concasMOfis to them. After iotrloate *iwl W ate test** mad** upon twenty-five men atid twentydlvc wo men. .it*i lAD hours of aloraiory work tor the purpoae of determining the '‘pay chologi.ui norm/* Miss Helen |tradf#rd Thompi-on. Ph b.. of CThicago t T nivensUy. nm reached the imneluslon that wonuu iiv imh mentally itiftrlvr to xmn* THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1900. Till; FHIMPIiM: HI PONT. The first though* >n re-adlng th- spe la. r port mud** t*# the Pi#*std**nt by III* laf* I'hillppm** <'oratnkoiot) is. Why was It no ary to h.*v hc report cabled' It d*e 11>t to * ontstln anything of *u* o lm(*ortance that It was n*- eteary for th# Pre|d*‘nt to have it at once. If the <sM* comprff)lee eh#rgcd fuii raf#*# It muwt have cost sev#*ral rnou-und *Ud)ar . It rPiid# very tike a camtiign doc ument. It may h#- that the ITesklent h*l It cabled becati** he thought it wouUA m-#k#* goml -intpalgn rr. it* rial for the R* puldlcat) party, md Interwled to Uf** it as #<irn us r*****iv# , 4l. Why b* ill not itiv*- it out at one#* I* one of th** thlngn for which no rxfdinutlon is offered. Th#*r* i.n not seem to *•* anything par ticularly new *r startling in the r*i*krt The f< :ure of It t*. of course, tn#i opln kn #f the Commission, that the inmrrec tl**n i# le itig k* pt llve hy the |K)t*ltlon taken hy the Democratic party on th# Phi.lppim* |)ist*on. Th#* RapuMlcafis have often mil l* that #tttem*nt. however It m.iy I*4. that AKulnuki** niel hi# udvls#r* .ire trying to keep up a whow of •nee until after the -teuton, with th*- hope th *f the I►em*K-ral* will he sur.ceas ful In th**ir •!T*r , > to elect Mr. liryun It I# only that they should do so The !>**mo ratlc party 1* fnedged to deal with the lillplnoH Just u* the Cuban# .r* i**lng dealt with. No !oubt Agtiin.iUl rnn..*l*m the chance fr independence worth fighting for. Rut ir- the report f th* Commission go ing to do the Uepuhll* m p.irty any good ‘ Will it make vouv for Mr. McKinley? It is very ku)htful if it will Th*** who r Niipis*nliig Mr. on the paramount .'sue, nro not m> miM'h concern**#! aUut the Filipino iti they ur** übout their 4iwn ountry. They .m* trying to prev#*nt Ike republic from bring lurne4| Into an em pire. The accomplishment of their pur -1 >**** I* of vastly mure consequence that) th#* Immediate ahamkinmcnt by the Phil ippine Insurgent# of their cause. If tho purin>?** of she President in hav ing the ( \>mtniH*ion make a report u this tim#* wiiN to strengthen the Republi an l*fty in the campaign, it t* #af* to that h* made a ml-kak* . The chrg4* that Mr. Rri’an Is helping th#‘ Fiiiplim# his l*en matle hv ofleo by th Republican*, with th#* hop#* of turning public sentiment against him on the paramount beau* tha; the rekeration of the #tutrrri>nt by the Philippine tVimmiselon adl* nothing to it. The people understand the actual situa tion of afrutrs, and they are not blaming Mr. Rrynn for trying to save the country from Imperialism and milltiirii*n). KAMI. LKS *lC>*e or Ml MOM. It I# a fine thing for on*> to Ih* able to .w nnl appr**c iat<* th* point of a Jok#*. A good, hearty laugh i# often better than a •lw<* of ncdicifle; and, furtherm*r*. laugh t# r I# #i f*r*tty good index to the common of one # liver. Th? iu* rnloa# dy#pe*jtic eeldom laugh# at all, and never giv**# away to hearty gufTaw# It may l>4* regarded as* plgnlhcanr* therefore, that I*l Hun*? Chang laugh# and long and merrily the other day ut a story of the #l*ge *f lekin told him hy a correspondent who went to In t#.rview him. Th* point of th** Joke, however, I# not in plain view to the nv#rage American. It may he because Am* ri< an# have not a **l*ar insight Into the Chinese i*lea of humor. The story which the correspond ent told Li Hung Chang was that Mini ter Conger hud loat aev# nty pounds of fl#h and a part of hi# reason a# a cou sequence of the long #i>ge un*l hard farv' In IVkln. “Did thej’ not have m*at?" a#ked th* old Vic# roy. "They had some hors#' m*a r ." replied the correspondent "Then that ts a poor recommendation for horse meat," comm# nted th*- flri*t state#- man of Chit u. and went off into a parox ysm of laughter Whether Ear! Id's rlslhles had been tl kl*d by a mental picture of the for merly rotund and well-groomed American minister reduced in th h until his cloth*# hung u|>on him in fold#, or whether It Hashed through hi# mind that the hard f are had been *'a hora*" on Conger, or whether there k* aome proverb or simile In the Chinese language upon which the ke turned, will probably never le knawn At all event#, LI Hung Chang found it funny that Minister Cong# r had liern nearly atarved, an*! had lost #evn ty"|ound# of f!*#h from the siege and the horse in* at If It i* the rase that LI find# fun in I lie contemplation #>f th# result# of hardships und suit- ring, he ought lo get lots of nJoyin*nt out of th* 1 storie# of the |: .xer murder# and outrage#, and the narrative of the Galveston storm ought to afford him much pleasure. It I# predicted that the gold mines of the Hand, in South Africa, will shortly Im- re-opemsl. A trade Journal says that, a# :t rule, there h•# been no destruction of mining property. In a few cases tool# an#! machinery that could be u.-'d In th# arsenals were removed from th#* repair shops. There could h‘ replaced at small cost in<! with but little V<liy. Borne of In# mines .ire full of w ater, but they could Ih Kiws ddy pumiwal out. The mint's at Johan *- burg are in fair condition, nnd will pcotsrbiy is* In o|*#*rats>n again dur ing I>e • mb# r or January, unless unfore re'n Ullloultie intervene. The advance in th#- prwe of coal in New York from $5 to $7 p# r ton within u week, without any prosp* ‘t in sight for a d-c2lno In the price even when winter set# In. mean# suffering an#l po--*lbly #|rath to hun*lre#Js of ioor people in the grant city. The 4-fleet of the strike will is* frit in Southern cities also, but nol n# irly to so great an extent a In the cities of the North, where the rigor# of winter, even under en **x favorable circumstance#, make hundreds of victims. Mr. Wharton Barker, the Mi l#lle-of.the- Hoi#! Populist candidal#* for the presiden cy, 1# a man of affaire ond sense. He knows very well that he <ament be elected# md #qually well that hi# making the race will not serve to perpetual#* the fac ta> which has nominated him He knows, too. thnt hli* candidacy will serv* only to decrease slightly fh#* vote for Mi Hryan I# it hi# purpose to take n# many venes from Mr Brvan a# he can. in order to as! the Hepnblicons? Hr nit tor Hour decline* to permit Ren at or Hanna to place him tn a false |oai tlon with respect to what h* think# of Mr Itryan. While Hens tor Hoar doe# not agree with Mr Bryan politically, he #*y.< that be dnew not regard him a# a hypo crite. but a# the leader of a great body of ht# fellow countrymen who, "while niU- Sik*n, ara atiil auiuoro and pan bate*" Gen# Rtifts Rivera and Jose Al** will l*e mem her* of the Cuban Constitutional Convention. Roth are know'll as rt> n of ability, having hot head? and #n.rp tongues. It is quite certain, therefore, tb.i tiler** will he some lively -•s-lon? *! ih4* convention, with the prosper! that then will be soro* departu re* from th** progiamm#* set forth In the all for the * on vent ion Issued by the military govern ment. "The Governor of the Htate of Georgia. Savannah. Ga ." was the addrn • on a let ter r reived u day #>r two igo by Gov Cirvller from th* A< Gng S#* retary of the Interior, in Washington. The clerk wh*> addressed the letter probably thought that th* commemal * ipital of th* mate must necessarily be the political apltal also. PKKKOI Us. —lt Is rumored that th* new Duke of Argyll may mi* c**d Lord Cadogan a# I#ri Lieutenant of Ireland aft* r the g* neral election. —The German Emperor, according to the Paris paper-. I# nt work on an epic treat ing of hi# grandfather's life and the Fr inco-Prussian war. —Charle- R. Btuever, of 8? Louis. Is the latest millionaire to di.-dributn hi# fortune during his lifetime. ||e ho a horror of family quarrels over wills and ha** divid 'd hi* money chiefly among hi?* children. Mrs. Florence K. King, who w t the only woman member of the |iw hool of the Ohio Wesleyan ITnlversity class of IWW, lvs Just been t<lmitt< , d to practice at the bar of the Kosciusko, Ind., Clr* uit Court. The new King of Daly propor* to give his valuable •-oil* crlon of rare oi l coins to on* **f the state museums. H* says that if li4j k* pi) it he would give to He irnprov* mnt time which hi# prrttnt <lutics will not allow him to #|>ar<-. —Gerhart H lupimann. the Germ in dra matist. does not have to dejn-nd on hi# pen for n living. Ills work pays him very well, but h* inherited one fortune md bis wif* brought him another. Most of hi* Investments are in r*l estate. Mr. John Hopkins, for more thnn forty v ir# organist at Hoch##er fafhedral. In Englaml. di*d recently In his S**th year. Ills last performanc#* ot th** cathedral organ wa* a March" on the occa slon of the death of the Duke of Baxe-CY>- btirg. John Morely, the English politician and '•rule, i'j on** of those who r* ad nearly all the tim*- He ha# a b*vok before him when lie dine# alone md when h* drlvr#. and very often Is seen reading while h* walk* übout some of the most crowd#*#! portion# of London. —Le#ll* Garter, the former husband of the w< 11-known actress, ha# offered th# Park Commissioner# of Chicago nny site they may select from a number belong ing to a company of which he U presi dent. provided the one chosen be used a# a children's playground. The rental will be merely nominal. BRIGHT BIT*. —A Split In the Party —First Populist— " Why. of course, the Yalier Peril mean# the Chinese V Second Populist—" Aw. shucks? It means the gold standard!"— Puck —intelligent Hustle—" They tell me a# 'ow 'Encry's boy 'as# got wounded in the Transvaal.” Mrs. Gummin#—“Lor* a mti##y me' And what part of ‘im might that be?"—Tit-Hits. —A Matter of Necessity.—" How can you l#t him pay you such markd at tention. Ethel, when you have only known him f-r a week?*’ "Well, you know he l*< only going to be here two days longer." —Brooklyn Life. —The He semblance Was There.—Towne —"That wa# a rather disreputable-look i c in m \.- )•!• t > j ..s?' r Itmwin- f "Blr That w•* my brother" Towne "Oh' beg pardon; I might have known that."—Philadelphia I Teas. —A Proper Name.—" Well, I suppose If they hiive a concert of the Power# over China, they w ill end hy dividing it up an I benevolently u-slinltattng It among thero ** lv# * " "Ye#. Then It will he a sacred concert.*'—Harper's Kiazar —Hard Place t#> Fill—New Nurse— " Phase, mum. I can’t do a thing with the baby He erhs all the tlm* " Mistress - "Well, I declare! How stupid of me! Hl** at her nurse# were colored girl -. You’ll find some stove (lolish in the kitchen."— N#*w York Weekly. —Of Political Affliction Brown—^"Seem# to me you are mighty chummy with tht I democrat." Jone— "Well, what of it? He’s an old-time Democrat, and nn old time Democrat nowaday# 1# pretty near sensible # nough to patt# for a K* publi can —lndlana|N>lis Journal. ClißMfrLVr I’OMIKKT. The Montgomery Advertiser (Dem 1 .nays: "Mr. Bryan has a g>ndly share of that moral e*ourge which imiel* a man to stick to W hen he b# lieve# l# right, to scorn difficulties and iengers an*l to r* - fuse to anticipate defeat. He tv i vote#) down four years ago. but not for on#* moment has h* faltered In hi* determina tion lo fight It out again. That there arc other und grave IssiMit involved ha# not changed hi# financial view# and he ha# never, so far I.- we ure aware, repudiated one lota of his belief# of The Peorhi (ill.) Ilerald-Traneorlpt (Dem.) says: "It I# sei*ert#*d that If Mr Itryan l# elected he will ‘dominate the party and the government.' What a change thi# will be to igc people. To b* dominated by the man they had elected to 4lomlnnt* 1# #om**thing that has not happened to the people of the l’nltd Btat**s for the last four years. If Bry in i# fleet#*l Mark Hanna will certainly lose bis Job." The Louisville Courier-Journal (Dem i says: "Germany I# reported to be mor tlfled Im a Use u part of the n**w loan bas been placed In this country. If other European# are a# easily mortified, we have l#*n responsible for about s2lfc.oW - worth of mortification in Europe dur ing th*- present year, that being the amount of European k*,n we have taken." The Valdosta (Ga.) Time# says: "ki v inn h b# ma*l* very little ado over her contribution to the Galveston sufferers, though she hn# given more than any other Georgia city Huvannah's way of doing thi# kind of work is n vast Improvement over the blowing bra sen style of some other cities." The Houston (Tex.) Post (Dem i says: "Controller Coler of Greater New York Mild to be preparing to float an addlilorul city loan of |3,(A#KOOO at .1 per cent Not withstanding Hepubitesn abuse of Tim mmy t. Kepunti* an fin in i* r - are willing to rtek New York's credit. The Nashville American (Dem.) says In view of the mob a; Akron, 0.. ar.d the one u day or two since at Mnnwfield Joan Bherinsn's old home. |t is suggested that the President should send a peace com uuamou to tlx own stats." ITI;Ml* Of* IXTEMLkT. —Mr. Treves, the greet surgeon, in his lecture to medical stiKi.nt.- at the opin ing of the n* w lubroom.- in the I#)iilon Hospital, is r* port'd ;o have said that "geniua. he took It, worn some form of neurosis, an untabulsted n* rvous ills ease. The f*-w |M*rson- *l genius he ha*i known had been *-x<‘eedlngly impossible persons. • i*sl if there w*- *m profe -lon when* geniua was out of pin* it was the medi cal prof#*- inn. The thing which In that j mO4 I d*ov4 ud i|* ( * wl# hard work, and 1 #>n*- very p< ullar faculty, that of clom ohei nation." Jhn W Rokwaller, In his "Through Siberia.” says: "Bpaklng of horses, there i’ • n**labl- law In ft* ( tu m**st of the large Russian towns concerning them that !• * rve# m*ntt<>n Among the cu fl'Mi* thing? that an* t Ih* attention on arriving in Xlosxiw ts the entire absence of whip# among 11*> driver# of cab#, rar raiges aid all r>rts of vehicles. (n in quiry 1 was Informed that there Is a law prohibiting their u • I don't (relieve there 1' 1 single whip in u.-- in Moscow. The • x*4ilent .v.n-iitlon of the horse* attests tl * benefit of this humane law Nothing •un exceed th# beauty df th** wleek and w• 11-ur4Nm*d hor#e# u-ed In the carriages of Moscow.” - Archbishop Williams of Ronton thus • xplaitia why the Roman Church prohibit* women from going to * hurrh with uncov • r**l head? That women should wear thlr hats in church I# heeoming to mod • -ty .md decorum; therefore it I# what we huuld wish in churches. In 8t Paul you " 1,1 Wild that worn* n are out of Hie church hw “due Into Ih# Lord's house with •heir heads uncovered a# much a# men would h*- to Nfipcar with coveted heads. It I* on account, of no special law set *k*wn that I should wish to require the women in my church to wear head cov ering;. but on a •' ount of the Indecor ouHieM of their apf n a ranee when uncov ered. It wtHiki s** ni us If they cam** to • hun h iring little for appearance if fa*> dti not tak* the Iroulrle to wear b* *id < overinga. While too muoh vanity in *lre-# is t<> he de|dor<*d. where or when Im-iii ehouUl a W'ttnun be more careful 01 h*r |pearanee than in the Lord s houae?" A !• rankfort nea.-ii|er," say# Con sul \\ alter Hi hum mn in his last rejiort. call# utt# ntion to the fact that for Home linv* |a> 1 certain kind# of silver mount* and glass arat porcelain wares, such as cups, glasses. Jars, vaces, # tc.. h*v- been plac#<d up*ai the market. The silver on these ar tlclea Is applied by tmani of a galvan opiaMtlc proc4 >*, in bathe which contain very large quantitle ■* ot potassium cyan id* A.? glased wares have lnnum*raM* hairllke cracks, this dea*lly pol .mi enter** er.* ke. and the article*, beautiful to look at. Ie orm* a severe menace to th#* health of anyttody using or handling them, especially as it Is inqiosslblc In the court** #>f manufacture t* remove this polsonou# residuum. I have spoken with a member of the firm of Martin Mayer, the |.rg4*t manufacturers and ex porter* of jewelry in this consular district, in order to ascertain the accuracy of the foregoing assertion* 1 was informed that th#- statements were perfectly true and the danger lurking In these article* was not in th** least exag gerated.'* —The Yenesuela Herald. In a report on the recent earthquake# along th** roast of fumana and at Caracas, comments In thr* following manner on the cause and effect of the##* sH.-mic disturbances: “Many geologists believe that an ag of active mountain formation is now in progress all along the Northern pari of Vanesuela; in other words, that the rocks forming the upper portion of the earth'# crust In thi# i*art of South America ure gradually being crushed und folded to gether lo form new mountain ranges if Is a very slow process and may require many ages for its completion; but in the course of this lifting and landing of the rock strata they accumulate Hiratn which com*-limes tiecomes t>o gnat to be borne ntiil th#*n they break, producing it mighty Jar which appears ut the surface n# an earthquake. Th# towns which suffered most severely In these last *arthquak*s ■ire ui the sea dg* ami stan*! on alluvial d#-po#it* at th# mouths of rivers, while ih#* pl*e of origin of th#* shock# are un rV>ubt#*dl.v in th* mountain# b, hirvl them. This I* another Illustration of a fact fr#- qu*nlly obiarvnl that th#- must severe r sult* of **.)rthquakes are oft*-n outshb* the area where the trobl#* bt'glns. the surface being most violently shaken In neighboring alluvial district* " —The late**l storle# of a siilanarln# boa! Which I# t* blow i|*f*4i#ing bittb out of th* water and revolutionist naval war fare. come from England, where the au thorities hitherto have exhibited much in *lHT# rn e m Ihe subject. It i* said that the machine* <ll v# # with facility, travel# well under water, and l# perfectly capable of attaching a mine of .tin pound# of gun cotton to fh*- lHftom of the largest iron clad and getting out of danger before the explo. lon which 1# to dissipate her **n - ii i|p • i ibb i Tht be t l# further able to discharge torpid**-?* above n#l below water, and l# arm#*d with quick-firing and machine gun#, with which #he can give a got#! account of her self upon the surfa* It l# noteworthy that nothing Is said about either of tin two vital qua Ultra lions, equilibrium anl vision; ami. also, that th# vessel has not y t b#*en arc* |*t and or tested by the ad miralty. Her true value, therefore. I# Mill problematical. Meanwhile the French profess to l*e satisfied comph-tely will) th#* behavior of the Gustave Zedc, the Narvai and the Gymnotc, and are pie j. iring to coiMlrue! flotilla f forty of th*#** traveling submarine torpe<k>es. It doe not appear that they are to b* equipped for :igi)ting ab*ve water a# well as U*low It —Tire Kin* ol Scrvla's ud<l-n rvhl.'h rr*al*<l nuch a tx'tisatlon ol th<‘ corirtH. ond. Iruß'crl. .imonc thr nation, of Euroiio, te not Ih. rtrst matrimonial event in the hir-tory of hte dynasty to wi the world wondering. Tht elory of hu te*i trim' unhappy union te .ilmoM I.K* ( to hear rrp'illlon. nrilee the Do. ii s cl. Ilte father, grandeon of a swineherd, rose to the thtcaie. married Iho daughter ot a wealthy merchant arid then nhiise.l her. Queen Natalle'K un happy marriage .am.* to an end one day when ac a cathedral ceremony she refusal, in deitem e of custom, lo ki*s on.* of rh* women of her court. This was an in.-ul. lo the Kins hlm.-**lf. Feeing h>*r hesitate. King Milan ht>ir.d lo his disobedient spouse: "Kirs mwdatne" Queen Natalie remained . rent amt defiant. Then tin* King's voice rang nut from end to end of ihe cathedral: "Kiss madam. !" t.*e- Inc her still rebellious, ttie* Infuriated hus band sprang a’ her throat, some say to kill her From that day they have lived apart For some few years the unhappy Queen was allowed lo live tn a retired spot with her eorv-th* only child Hut this, too, came u> an end. and most abruptly. When Alexander was 12 years okl the ministers called for the boy, the mother protesting In vain Quite as end denly ram** King Milan's abdl. atton tn favor of the hoy. then ex King Mi lan has lived the life of a Parisian of the FarisLins. and has Ineli a famtiter fig ure on the boulevards, contenting himself with guhnntry mid gaming Young King Alexander's sodden matrimonial venture has teen quite as startling as his father's abdl atton. That hte Queen ts fourteen y.ars his senior, the widow of a simple mining engineer who committed suicide after serious reverses of fortune, had no effect upon the young King's decision. She was once his mother's mut.l of h.tnor The chance ol marrying barn princess to please hte people, the hnlan e of power in Europe, his father'* displeasure, were nothing to him He loved Mm< Drags March In and wished to make her hte queen, therefore he merrled her. Europe wngbl nay what it pleased. The Quakers Are Honest People. §Ths Quaker Herl Tonic te not only s blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Bale. Weak and De bilitated people who have not airength nor blood It aria • m tonic. It emulates direr tlon. cures dys pepsia and lends •trenrth and ton* lo Iho nervotta svslent II Is a medicine for weak women. It * • putely veretabla medicine at'-d can be taken bv the mart delicate. KWney Dls eases. Rheumallsm and all dleeaaea of the Blood. Stomach ar.d nervea ao*n auccuotb to Its sronderfu: effects upon the human r)t|,n. Thousands of peopla In Georgia ncommend It. Price |1 CO. QI'AKER I’AIN BALM I* the tndlclre that Ih, Quaker Doctor mode all of his nonderful quick curoa with. It's anew and wonderful medicine for Neura.gla. Toothache. Backache, Rheumatiem. Mptatne. Pain In Bowels, in fact, all pain can bo relieved by It. Price 21c and SOv QllAKl'.R WHITE WONDER SOAP, a mediated soap for the skin, acaip and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, te rms and eruptions of tha akin. Pries Me a box. FOR F4I.E BT ALL DRUGGIWTR Ocean Steainsnin Ga -Fon- New York, Boston —AND— THE EAST. rn#urpnss*<l rabin accommodations. All ths comforts of a modarn hotel. Electric llghi#. Unexcelled table. Tirketa include meals and bertha aboard ship. Passenger Fares Irom Savannal TU NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. L*o. FIRdT CABIN BOUND TRIP, *32. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, *li. INTERME DIATE CARIN' ROUND TRIP, *24- STEERAGE. 110. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. *22; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. *34 IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, *l7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. *23 00. STEERAGE. *11.76. The express steamships of this tin# ara appointed to sail from Bavannah. Central meridian time, as 'ollowa: IAVAKXAH TO new YORK. NACOOCHKE. Capt ttmth, SATUR DAY Bept K 400 p m KANSAS CITY. Cap! Klfher, MONDAY. Bept. 24. S no p. m. TALLAHASSEE. ‘Capt. Aaklns. THURS DAY. Ript. 27 ,*' p m CITY OF AUGUST A. Capt Dagrett. SATURDAY. Sept gIB p m. MCW 1 OHK TO HOSTUX. CITY OF MACON. Capt Bavape. MON DAY. Sept 24. noon CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage, FRI DAY. Sept. , noon This company reserve* the right to change Its sailing* without notice and without liability or accountability there for. Sailing* New York for Savannah Tues day*. Thursday* and Saturday* s:fln p m W. Q. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass enger Agent. 107 Hull street. Savannah. Ga. E. W SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Gn R. G TREZEVANT. Agent, Savannah, Ga WALTER HAWKINS General Agent Traffic Dcp't, 224 W Boy street, Jack sonville, Fla. K H. HINTON. Traffic Manager. Sa vannah. Ga I* E I.K FEVRB. Superintendent. New I'ler 35. North River, New York. N. T. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STbAMallll' LIMA. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on sale at company's offlea* to the following points at vry low ratas; ATLANTIC CITY. N J. BALTIMORE MD BUFFALO. N Y. Botrro.N. MASS. CHICAGO. ILL CLEVELAND. O. ERIK PA HAGERSTOWN HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX. N S NIAGARA F A LI.B NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG- PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER TRENTON WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class tickets Include meals and state room berth Savannah to Bultlmnra Accommodations and culalne nneuualed Freight capacity unllmlt-d; careful han llrg and quick dl-'patrh. The stramrhlpe nf thle campiny ar* ap p,lntel to sail from Savannah to Balti more ns follows standard time): TEXAS. Capt. E’.drcdge. SATURDAY. Sept. 2.’. 5 s* p. m D H MILLER. Capt. Peters. TUESDAY. Sept. 25. S:< p. m. ITAJk ' Capt Diggs THURSDAY, F*-pt •; v re „ nt ALLEGHANY. Cant Foster, SATUR DAY Sep Jl* 9:30 p. rn. And ftom Haltlmore Tue-duys. Thu re duy a and Satunay* at 4.t p m Ticket office, 112 Bull attest. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agent. J. J. CAKOLAN, Agent. Set onnah, Ga. W P. TURNER. G P A A D KTERBINB. A. T M J. C WHITNEY. Traffic Manager. Oenarnl office* rtaltlmnro. M 1 * An Open Letter Jasper Springe, lacari knaannah, Ga., Sept. TANARUS, umo. t olunibla Drug Cotnpany, knnaunah. Ga.i Gentlemen—l laaar been anfferlng nltli Chill* nnd Fever for more than three months. Have been under treatment nf several dnelora, fried several ao-eallrd Chill Tnalrs, none of nhlrh brnrHtml me. | aa f | treil one hntfle off your Smith's Chill and Fever Tunle. and within Ihrrr days 1 frit mark better, and nfter ualng the second bottle I am glad to •aj I am entirely rnred. I write Ibis ao that you may hr able to Inform other* who may suffer and ansrr thrm of a eure. Very truly your*, tklgnedl HENRY TOETTEr! OLD NEWSPAPERS IM tor R CMU * .. Busmres offlee liu ruing News, l. 1.81 Of HOPf P, MO G 8 1 R'f si ui.m li; For Isle of Hope. Mordgomery. Thunder bolt. Cattle Park and West End Dally except Sundays. Subject to change without notice. ISLE OF HOPE! ~~ l.v City tor I ol H , Lv late ol Hoi * 4N> am from Irtith . a ut> am f..t lioTtou' 710 am from Tenth i 600 am for Tenth *® am from Tenth I 700 am for Tenth * IS am from Bolton ; I 00 am for Tenth 10 30 am from Tenth 10 00 am for Tenth 12 00 n o from Tenth 11 on am for Bolton 1 16 pm from Bokon 'll *0 am for Tenth 2pm from Tenth j 2ID pnt for Tenth *3O pm from Tenth j 240 pm for Bolton 4*o pm from Tenth *tn pm for Tenth 510 pm from Tenth 4w pm for Tenth 4*o pm from Tenth | 4uu pm for Tenth TlO pm from Tenth | 700 pm for Tenth 4 K pm from Tenth I * 00 pm for Tenth *0 pm from T- nth 900 pm for Tenh 10 30 pm from Tenth 10 00 pm for Tenth 11 GO pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv city for Mong'ry ‘~l.v Montgome^ ISO am from Tenth 716 am for Tenth 210 |>m from Tenth 115 pm for Tenth 4pm from Tenth 100 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. J-v city for Cat.Parkl Lv. CM tie PariT' 4 *0 am from Bolton I 700 am for Bolton 7 10 am from Bolton j I 00 am for Bolton 1 00 pm from Rollon | 1 30 pm for It lion 230 pm from Bolton | 3 00 pm for Bolton 7 09 pm from Bolton j 7 30 pm for Bolt j,, *OO pm from Bolton 330 pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves Bokon street Junction l M a. m and every ihlrtjr minutes there aft r until 11 JO p, m. Car leave* Thunderbolt nt *OO * m and •very thirty minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street June, tlon FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR This car carrl"* trailer for p eti< ry on all trips and leaves wesi side of oily mnrket for late of llojte. Thunderbolt nnd all Intermediate points at lOu . ra , 1:40 p. m . 6 00 p. m Leave* Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt City Markee and all Intermediate po.rti at 6:00 a. m 11 00 a. m., 240 p tr. WEST END CAR. Car leaves west aide of city mnrket for West End 600 a. m and every 40 thereafter during the day until 11L p m. I,eaves West End at 6:30 a. tn and cv. err 40 minute* thereafter during th* day unit! 12DO o*cloek midnight, H M LOFTON. Oea Mrr The Singer Piano of Chicago, 111. This RINGER PIANO ta sold by many ot the leading dealers In the United Buttes, such es Wni B’.elncrt Sons Cos. who have the largest establishments In Boston. New Haven or ' Providence. Also the SINGER PIANO 1* sold by Wm Knabe Cos., having the leading houses In Boston. Haltlmore. Washington and New York city, l'nerc ere a Urge number ot leuutng nouses nanuung oi.NGEU PiA.Nu, too numerous lo memloa. The SINGER PIANO te evidently one of the best pianos In (he market, or it would not be sold by these leading houses. It has an elegant singing tone, much finer than most pianos, and about one-hall the price of other tnatruments. Call and see. and examine the 81NGER PIANO and sove a good deal of money on your purchase Bame guarantee te ex tended for the SINGER PIANO as any of Hie leading piano* of the day. and a sat isfactory price will be given to all on ap plication LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Whoirsal* Agents. WholeMl* Druggt*'#, Barnard and Congre## Btreats. Savar-nab. Ga. & It Via, F. P Mit.t Aao. President Vice President. Limit,. Jr hec'y and Tress NEAL-MILLARD CO. Builders' Material, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Class and Broshes, EUILCERS* HARDWARE. Lime, Cement and Plastci, •nr tlkilake* Street, UTXMiff, U, BURKS K Dyspepsia Cui'e ■K|j| S Tablets * SXMcKeH^^—/' n m # * ■ 1 -#<Y • • * 9 1 BI- a* f.f ’" n Btlrte#nMMl el jayWpK r*t- • f ii# vwth t hiti*ire i .it*..? !-■• War • ••*#*•<••*•< cr V Promote the Appetite If and Put Flesh on Thin / Pcnnlr All •wnnlme!Mm #<i#Mfl •#>'l r • f%n u hy th# , r w r **" In* r#r*.#d in the par) ■ ei Srio Mw | r U.x it •)) d.uttr.M B CPU mumh a co., knfinx m. CURE YOURSELF! t tm ft)x (or anostard liifharfd, inflftnndtt ot, rntUinDi or ulctrittoM •f in uruDi meoil>rt)M. I’a in *••*. and not astria , irrot ur poiaooon. by bratftsta. or SFQt In plain •rwr, t*r *iira#*. for •in. or s UttflM. ?s. Ctrrntar #*unf 4311 nniwit J. D. WEED * CO ffAVANNAM, OX Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Hose. Agenta for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND I’ACKINO COMPANY tI lllllll.t AND COLLEGES. EPISCOPAL MIOM SCHOOL. L M BLACKFORD. M A.. Principal. For Roys. Three miles from Alexandra, Va.. and dgtit tram Washington. D. C. The -d yeer opens Kept. 3k. IMo Cata logue sent on application to the principal • t Alexandria “opium ~ Morphine end Cocaine habits cured pain lessly In 10 to 20 days The only guaran teed painless cure. No cure no pay. Address. DR. J. H HEFLIN. Locust Urova. Oa. Empty Hoflsheads. Empty Melseste tlogshewds fa* ante by c. m. Gilbert & co.