The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 23, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 | J J y U We have Just a few of than moat de sirable article* left. No home la complete without a Refrlg* - rmtor, and a poor one la worn than none We handle the beat only, and OITARAN (TKE SATISFACTION We caJl special attentloo to our famous Wilke - Porcelain Refrigerator, which has no equal as a food preserver nd ICE SAVER. The oonstrui-ftnn of this refrigerator Snake warping and leaking Impossible, and you have not it temporary article, but one which must last a lifetime. The approach of the winter sea-ton and the necessity of more room make It es sential that we dispose of these goods, and with this object in view we have MARKED THEM MOWN REGARDLESS or cost See them and get the price. They will surprise you. Art Squares and Rugs. We are devoting special arv&Hon to this line, and are now displaying a large and tnost handsome assortment of Royal Smyrna, , Brussels and Axminsters, i of the latest patterns in Oriental and Domestto effects. SAD SCIONS OF ROYALTY. UIIIPPV LIVE* OF TWO KlMGft AMD two Qi ei:\* or ICRVIL Aleiamlfr'M llrrrnt I nlnn to fi Wo man In worth v pf t run —F.i- Kins Milan ■ I’ubllc Quarrel With Qaeen %atallr—Kreentrlc Frrak* of the lie tit ti inn Monarch of That laha||>> I ami. From the Washington Toat. On© fvprin* niuht eleven > r* afro a •tout gentleman with a rM fa e. nutcrack er features, and prominent rye came turn- | Ming Into Vienna out of the myaterlou* j east. Ilia great-uncle began life by herding I • wine, the-n founding a dynasty. He him- j •elf had Just renounced a throne. For the rest, he owed a Huda-IVath ho sier 7* florin*, with a trifle to hi* tailor. On reaching the hotel he popped Into hcd. like a philosophic monarch. He slept as he had never done in Strvta, where, under the style of Milan IV. he had been a pat tern to hi* people. Over In Belgrade his son Alexander, aged 1? reignd in he* Me.l Queen Natalie. hi* devored w ife, pre- | ferred any other |rt of Europe. Bhe was fhe da tighter of a Russian coionol nam*d ; Keohko. m large landowner in B©***r*bia “I had a dowry of seven millions.“ she j exclaimed, sadly, to her lady In watting. | while the two were on* day smoking cig arettes; "and mv mother came of royal blood I should have married better.*’ Her husband concurred. Hr* spoke of her a* hi* worst enemy. Their quarrels • u mtnated In a fraeaa at | the cathedral on Kaster Sunday. The aerv fea had Just ended. and the court was fil ing out before the ro>al fair. According to the national custom the king kissed each man upon his Mps. and the qtß©en each , wotnar A woman presented herself w hom Natalie choee not to notice The woman stood there expectant, stopfdng the pr>- cel©n. w ait big to In* klseed. The queen, with face averted, stared coldly at the high attar. She was paler than usual— t tat was all. Hrfuarct a Kiss. The lgrlt ar* e of the episode penetrat ed from end to end of the cathedral. Milan turned He had come straight from dinner to at tend the service, and showed temper ‘Kl* Mm© .** h* wtspered huskily, clutching at his wife's arm "Kiss madam.*' he repeated, this time In tone* which doulci be heard throughout the building. Natalie still refusing, the king then and there proceeded to personal violence. Many asserted he tried .0 strangle her It Is certain that some of the courtiers and f reign minister* found 1t necessary to Interpose. They hurried the poor quern away. She went abroad, taking the crown prince with her. July. IRW*. found Hum at Wies baden. Th** woods behind the Platte, the Kur saal gardens, where one of th> n*>*t superb •' string orchestra* wall* out Wagner twice a day, constitute an environment befitting offlictcd royalty. But the rain f<*|| that summer as It ha.* never fallen any summer wince. Natalie’s villa. it the edge of the town, was desolation. <>r> the most desolate day of all and that most desolate hour when luncheon Is Just ended. th* son stood at the dining room window thirst ing after s break in the clouds. The hell at th# front door rang It proved the knell of a mother’* happineaa I* proved likewise an emissary from King Milan, who found that he could exist no longer without hi* child The events thereupon ensued In the spualld tragedy of the*o anointed sovereigns scandalised Europe w 2bo* who participated make a pictures- —=OUFt FALL SALE.=r~ Appreciating the fact that the housekeepers would be busy making preparations for the changes and house cieaning f we have refrained from announcing this SALE! sooner, but we now desire to call > our at tention to the fact, that beginning to-morrow, and continuing for I 5 days, we will inaugurate a Special Fall Sale of Furniture, Mattings, Rugs and Draperies. During this sale we will offer values such as have never before been attempted in this city and which cannot be duplicated. Nowhere else can you find such a lavishing and brilliant assemblage of the comforts of home, representing the latest and most artistic productions of the foremost factories in this country, all of which form an exhibit which, in point ot splendor ana variety, has never been equaled and cannot be surpassed. Our distinct _ IS FURNITURES and our many years of experience and long connections with these factories place us in a position to offer you the very latest cre ations, just as they leave the Manufacturers’ hands; and many of these elegant designs you will not find elsewhere,’as we control the exclusive sale of same. Get your order in early, and avoid the rush attending the October moves. —lay—— Office Furnishings. We carry • complete line of OFFICJB FURNITURE DESK* REVOLVING I'HAIHK. STOOLS eml TYPEWRITER CHAIRS If you contemplate the purchase of euch (nla you will ftn<! It to your advantage lo oeo ua before buying During thin rale we* offer a SOLID OAK ROLL TOP DESK $11.9* A handsomely poNhe<t SOLID OAK REVOLVING Or FIG R CHAIR. 1 J Odd Dressers. BOI.JD OAK J-DRAW DRESSER. nicely finished and neatly carved. French plate mirror. $7,118 que assembly. First cornea the unhappy mother, persistently droned In deep mourning. Apffewllng to every European potentate in turn ini getting hack *©r monettea on postcards. Then there was the fire-eating general from ftervta. who shall go nameless, and the Servian arch bishop. Ihe memory of whose unbrushed beaver la wistfully recalled In Wiesbaden to-day. In the o titer of the combatants stands Ihe little prince hlnieeif. the son of a marriage manag'd eo foully. the de- Si'endaiue >f pnuinh. the great-graiul nephew of a man who herded swine. i Ini tiled h) Ills Father. Alexander, hnving been snatched off by the Prussian police, was return©'! to King Milan. Thai d*voted parent had another little surprise in store He chose the hirth - -to 1 ■■ -r— 1 1 _ - - •" •' ' .• • • c* > j > i •■' ■ ; . ll©r© is *bolut©ly th* r**w©t f!mm I blou* > bodi< © to *f©n In th© shops. Th© stjrl© rotnhln©* xrso© nml ?>impli< Ity In a delightful way. Th© stufrls n sat In-faced French flannel in hedae-row green p!l*ch©l in silk of a lishter while and with bulllt slit button* ornamentlna ih© front. day of the kinfflf>m In th© March. The ©vent had been duly eel©brat ©d uf the cathedral. Midmaht found tn© m nlsters and r* preaeniatlv©* from foreign courts Riiihered toa©ther tn th© pal<© to congiatulatit the ©overeian. Milan had not att©nd©d the service H© ©.©©trifled th© ass*vnhl4a© by th© curt an nounc©m©n that he proposed to resign H© wir ©xcit©d. hts voice was feverish He did not prop to explain, but plumped down on hit knees before his son In that attitude h© golloped through th© oath of fealty. No wonder tha child burst Into tear*. Thus w© *©• ha©k to fhe sfarilny point of this sordid littl© tal© Ex Kin* Milan safe in bed at Vienna, while th© laby Al ©xandrr I, rel*n©d In hie *t©ad. Th© baby | baa grown up ainc* then. Now b an THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1000. BED-ROOM SUITES. We are now showing a larger assortment of Bed-room Suites than ever before. Artistic designs and beautiful finishes, in Golden Oak, Walnut, Ma hogany and Birds’ Eye Maple. We solicit your inspection of this line before placing your order. During this sale we offer a SOLID GOLDEN OAK SUITE, nicely dJIC QJi finished, handsome carvings, French plate mirror in Dresser vlo*'o This is just one of Bargains too numerous to mention in this space, and which must be seen to be appreciated. | nouncee he will marry a lady some seven teen years his senior Bh© on- e belonged to Queen Natalie’s household and the ministers declare that she Is unworthy t >dt upon the throne As the religious! cremony of betrothal took place Inst | W*lnesda>. the king cannot change h*s mltwi. Fa-King Milan has pent several j commlnatory telegrams. All H©r\in of*- the marriage, so much so. Indeed. 1 that the bride'* house in Belgrade ha* to le guarded day and night Meanwhile *he and the king are quite happy, driving about the eapital in an open carriage. *ent Ills Mother %vay. Truly It Is not good to be n king In fW vla. The mother who Itore this oi>e and loved him visited Belgrade .1 few weeks offer his a- • -don. Bhe llvesi a month within shaking distanc© of Alexander's p.ila e In foie the o gents suffered him to we© her. lie tame i Im, on© cheerful afternoon to Invite her warmly to go away, "for dyn.isitc reason*." Hh© went ami returned. Kora third time in her Ilf© this Beesarstdan heiress i*tonl*h©d Eu rope When *h© king h*d secured hlmn-lf asaln in his palace-anatn for ‘dynastic reasons’*—his ministers escorted th© queen to the quay Adherents reacted her. not without b.oodshed In black, as always. Natali© sml>d sadly on the students who dragged her earns*© hom© Bh© took ! bo*t for Odessa from a frontier town on ; th© Danube. Th© public ataa© knows her no more ’ flh© was too fond of politic*." King | Milan chanted Natalie’s requiem from hi© littl* tabic on ths boulevard*. Behind th* miserable domestic discord of that most miserable of married couples loomed Rus sia. the queen's birthplace, whither she re turned. But in her husband's eyes Rus sia was the place where the assassins came from; where the rival dynasty had helped to hatch their plots. Retribution May Csstf. King Alexander's appearances before his people are coups d’etat. He tegan seven years ago. at the age of 17. Success in ex amination* spurred him on to Invite the re gent* to dinner. At midnight that appan age of his race, an adjutant, placed a piece of | taper In hie hand. The king, fol- I lowing the inveterate habit of his father, | straightaway burst Into rhetoric. Their authority, he told the regents, was ended Henceforward he meant to rule as well a* reign He then had them immuned in the dining-room while #© visited th© gar rison. I'olitics he pushed to one side at present. Yet anything may happen any midnight, from rhetoric to murder. Ex-King Milan I* on the frontier, no doubt thinking aerl ousiy about another plunge into the mys terious east. Report says that his pm*- t*ecilve daughter-in-law obtained her op {•ortunity that he may spy upon hi* son. Then both have fooled him. Alexander wastes no lime over Idle trlump* He boasts he used to wait hours in the void for a glimpse of Madame l>raga Mas chin. now his bride. He may apend a life time in the cold for the earn* reason—the woman can well prove the ruin of his life So we still have another king in exile, whose Inc i Inst ion went beyond his Wilt Exile or not. those cold hours of courtship must always prove a sweet remembrance They no doubt coincide with the first coup letat, to be really king. He who himself, whisper* the unquenchable voice in each man a he art. Is really king. He and no other. A I IIl:\< II WATERING PLACID. Graphic Description of Dlnard ky l .lr fi. W. *lfT,. From he London Mali At first sight Dlnard seema quit* Im possible-even for two day,. At an English watering place you ex pect. and get. at any rate, a fair stretch of beach; at the seaside you could hardly demand k*s* The beach at Dlnard extend, for ebout n quarter of a mile. It le limply a puKdi of randy flat at the head of a little bay inclosed beiaeen two rocky headland* Oulalde In the offing are little dota of lonian rocky l*let* screening the hay from the open; you might a* well enjoy the seaside on the shore, of a foot bath. (inly French people do not come to Dl nard to enjoy the aea, they come to en joy themeelve*. The English aeaalde. ae I remember It, I, entirely dependent on the nee Older people motly *lt for Ihe beat part of the day *moklng or knitting, and look at It. Boy, and girl, bathe In It. throw stone* Into It. boat oh It. fl*h In It. and In the Interval* dl*|K'rt ihemnelve. Inland with cricket and tennle and violent exerct*e generally. In England people go to the *oti to rest. It l a vary healthy occupa tion. and la generally pursued In ralher unfaetilona hie clothee—ln the caae of our younger population, (or whom the Kugll>h *cn*lde mainly exlata. In Ihe nearest p.w laihle approach to qo clothes at all. The French seaside I, the antipode* of our* The aea I, not the cause of their oceupatlon* *o much a, the excuse for It They come not for rest, but for amuse meat At Dlnard they battle In Ihe sea —what there la of It—but that ta almost a formality. They are there to enjoy them selves And Incidentally they are there to display their heat clothee The place la excellently suited. for the occupation At moat point, on the Eng llah reaside there would he r,Aj or spray to splash the heat clothes, nt.d wind to disturb the aet of them. Dlnard baa noth ing *0 rule ns spray ar.d wind, they could not get over the headlands or Into Ihe bay. It la tike a toy watering p ace ureter a glass iW, and a very pretty toy It'ls. An Attractive Picture. At the head of the hay stands Ihe Cas ino—a long building In a mixture of what you might call the chalet and ihe Crvat il Palace styles of architecture. Reside and behind II are grouped a few small hol**!s. The horns of the hay are covered with ■iark-red villas set In ehruhhertes of vivid green. These are supported high above the very een on bastions and casements hewn out of the puce-brown rock, wher ever there Is foothold for a flower-bed the green and brown are sp.mgled by ver milion. blaxea of geraniums. Overhead the sky Is brilliant azure; He- 1 Mkl i/inl A Jaunty 11(11, hal of velvet a< 1 (ur. that fl it, away boldly from ‘‘he face where a gill and brilliant buckle holds two rlocur.ed ostrt. h Up* In pla.-e. fore you Ihe sea Is yet more hrlHlant tur quols. Everything ia neat and btlghi and spick-and-span; It la difficult to think that Ihe sky and aea are not as preltlly artifl • tal as lhe smart villas and lha Geranium beds on tha ledges of the cliff And across a little estuary, mediaeval 81. Malo. Its shear butllamented walls ris ing out of tha sea. a packed huddle of roofs above them, and a single slim splrs rising out of the center, look* as If It •urely mual be cut out of cardboard In this aeltlng ahlne the visitor* Their eloihe# are so wonderfully radiant that they could hardly b- worn In a town;much leas In the country, or anywhere except In a glass cast I am not fit lo deaerlhe such glories; but you can ass an adumbration of ihem on SIDEBOARDS. A beautiful line of SIDEBOARDS of latent rieetnga und b,st conetructlon. Come and moke your selection—we will make .he price. During Ihla 1 we offer an elegant SOLID oak SIDEBOARD. Jarge beveled plate gl.-iaa In top, handsome carvtnga and fine finish, $14.98 Sewing Rocker. This SOLID OAK CANE BEAT NURSE or SEWING ROCKER during till* •!. 98c. the lawn at Ascot or (loodnow. Not even in the eea I* costume forgotten—lndeed, you may say that the eea la merely an excuse for the bathing drees. Not that It needs any excuse. It Is as far apart from the sloppy hags of my day ai the English seaside as Havlle Row Is from lloundsdlich. The Parisian Hurtling Dress. The lady from Paris wears a good deal of bathing drees On her head. If she be what Is called a ''eporrtsvoman'' and In tr-nda lo swim, she wears a waterproof bonnet, puffed and gathered Into a fash ionable shape, scarlet of lilac or yellow, ac. ordlng to the complexion. More likely she goes Into the sea in a huge straw hal with ribbons and feathers and flower*; her tunic Is cut low. and is adorned like her knickerbockers, with lace; her stock- mg- are silk, and her elegant strap shoes *'VC elegant taste buckles. Vary often she does not go Into the sea at all. Khe "" appears from a machine well un the beach. The French bathing machine Is a ean n BWlkil wheals, tt (l n ot made to go Into the tauter Thence the emerge* with a peignoir about her and Strolls down toward th# eea Ar rived within hall of |t. aha gives the petg tv Ir to her maid or leave* it on e chair rhe-i she goes delicately up and down a Ittt.e advance# to the very edge of the turn*, and come* delicately hack "* a ' n Then she will meet friends-ladt-s itllarlv attired or men coming up the dripping; they pause and enloy lew minutes' conversation. Then go Ladies'Desks , —and — Combination Book Cases We are displaying an elegant aaiortment * of theee goods. During tbl* eals we offer a harlmma SOLID OAK LADIES’ DESK, beautiful design, French lege, $4.98 An elegant SOLID OAK COMBINA TION BOOK CASE, nice design, arnttlo carvtnga, polished finish, $12.98 Draperies. We are now displaying a large assort, ment of PORTIERES he latest colorlnge end most beautiful effects in REVERSIBLE TAPESTRY, Mercerised Mk. Chenille, etc. Our Oriental and Bad<id effects canned be surpassed In beauty and brllllan- y During this sale we offer a TAPEBTRT CURTAIN for single doors at $1.98 PER PAIR. NO CHARGE FOR DRAPING. Mailings. Large assortment of select patterns la China and Japanese goods. Prices GREATLY REDUCED during this sals • • Special. 50 rolls JOINTLESS CHINA MATTINO llio other eseursion to the edge of the tipples, more friends, more conversation. The Irreducible Minimum. Finally, she returns to her cabin, gnd ftom a huge caldron on a truck, which stsums on the bench, and which a Jaded hotae periodically draws down lo the se.i for replenishment, they bring her hot wa ter for her foot bath. Then breakfast or dinner, a* the case may ne. with a fresh gown, and after lha, the Oastoo. In the Casino Is a the ater where you may see Mile Hading ac* or hear Plancheite sing, a little room with a lltlle orchestra of ladlea. gallerV* overlooking Ihe sea where you may take your coffee and cognac, a waiting room, and an American liar. A’ i.lght If there is no play, there w be dancing. On any night the place awtshea with Bilk skirls and twinkles with cigarette tip# Rut. whether It be acting or dancing, there Is one diversion that Is always the most popular In the place . pettta chevaux. The horse* spin around break Hne; "rten ne va plus;" ladles glue thulr eyes to their franc on Its square of Ihe green table, and nwalt the fateful 'Taept, rouge." as If I# were a saving their soul*. A Very French Place. The little trim bay and headlands, tlia patchwork green and rvd. the flat, wave- Irrs aea. the cardboard caatellated St. Maks, the rhulet-and-laaa Casino, the ri dolls dotted on the beach, th lant eyea so Intently fixed on the travels of little red. blue, aud while counters ar I the tvhlrltgig of little model Jockeys car rylng flags - what a pretty little oy And how French! Yea; and every other min or women you hear talking Is English or American. The waiters and the shop men speak EngHsh; all the notices In th" t'aaino appear In English ae well at French. In the number and splendor of their gowns the Anglo-Raxon ladles even on ■ ehlne the French, and. of course. Ihe Frenchman pants in vgln after the Ft - Ashman's white He nnd shirt front A* for the pet Its rhevnux -1 dare not call It gambling after the matrons I have seer, there. Altogether. It Is ths Frenchlest pi" - I ever saw—ami the fullest of BngUstv Why not? Those who like a gay Hide life naturally go where they And tt Ar-I we could never make It nt home If < tried for a century. O W. Btsevens "Orayb'ard la a family medicine with us.” sad a promlntnt business man yes ter day "My Wll. takes It. and 1 Bode# she la enjoying be' ter health than f r years Tba children keep well by takiug tt." Orajbeard may be obtained at all dr># stores or writ# to u* for It. Rea peas Drug Cos., sola props.. Savannah, Oa. ad. A Delicious Smoke. The Herbert Bpencer Is an elegant cigar and la truly a delightful enjoyment t Inhale ihe fumes of this fine tobacco; It la evhtlarattng and delicious. Bee that tbs name of Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer clgara are only sold by Ihe box of 60 Concha* at I A and Perferioe. It 50 at Uppman Bros . whole sale druggists. Rernard and Congra** streets, of this city.—ad. "It rare* Me." "Oreybearfl broke up rheumatism '*• me.” says Mr. Chaa Thomas, th# Jew eler on Whitaker street "And put mln hewer health than I have enjoyed U> • leng time." Take Orarbeard Pllla for that dl*v feeling—Lost appetite and follpw It up with a bottle of Orarbeard. It la aJi Tu need. Respeat Drug Cos., sola prop*. Savannah. Oa.—ad. Bu|.<|<l JOJ apninde untie usrpiiqo jo Xue ueq* ajaXaC" stq l oouepl eineeejt! 'otsntn JJ •' •* -su)u* mutuQ qt