The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 23, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 FLORIDA'S GREAT QUESTION. MOW OA*rr %l. HK.HO\ 41. 1% 4C.1T4- Ti\i. rm k. the <ol Would Hr More Thau ll.lNm.utm, and the lllghruf Hid In from *f. Augwadar 'I'M 11# tin■••• | Hard at W ork With a Ihtrrmlnailnn • Itafala the >eat Cl I (.at araaorat— \ M*r*iou fur lb** Tat l*ajrra. Titlla*ha*re, Fla 14* pt, 22—The <*ont *'-•*! over the future Icm atton of K. rid i a < *1 vi iroverumen? dev*.opsj f ■ niMt eicftii;* polttldal tart!** TKm tta’r turn witiv■.-! J ii. it. any >*ar In £ pe- "Uar *r h la more ol a • im;•- ?n of tdricatlofi ' h u even lefoo* b*- > n Vafad on ftt# for the four <it leu * > * u ar* . > . I •** * r fhe at ate cap ita- are em *i in their effort* to prove r ltocw>r, epertdlnx a very or eidenaP - im of money n inform t: y i • 4r • i.- tir). reuourv-ae m.J nMs of their iMa?** .iOTe are muy tho **? i ! ho: ,<ll#t .*. wipe'UUy among fl.e* .-•**!• r* ■ r* rnt yetni, who ti*v. not i -retofore T* n well |: formal ato the fadltlO - iti l pofcilaltti*-!* of th* f‘ h'i the ij- i.l 100.11100 * outfit .• proving t>* ••H- 1 hi It#* i. • wlotof thio ii:.* Three of the 1 unroot and mo*t profr* - g*vr In the ’at* n * irr I * •* cooto.**’ to wre*t t '• if from T* Hada* They are J. k- wi rd A oral O . £ti h of t’l'-ae pl.w• la HMjita .xt * .>r*c iht praoent * *nter < t 4Ut* ta4e ß | pu itiofi t: n W Twklaha oee, ar.<3 tho <lO2 -*i nt nt* sm•*.? “f rrt. r wx*>ftlh!Bty W* the |e Img gmund urgnl %y each for -king ilmt it l** rrude th* oa>at of etat*‘ gover m*ni The ot r.* r arg j %’jeoi tiHol in common by me e *eraJ ud vorwteo of < apttal removal ia the ailaf v that the preaent *tm* hr ie in Tal* lohmaeeo la t nw tnta leq iae for the proper fro,no Tlon •' tho peoplo a public hual reoo. arul that Ii te not large and tiantf* •vima enough to fit ih dignity of modern I‘lond.v. Tallahaatra Hard at Work. Talloharace. the pre en* capital < tjr, !*• making a ationf and confident fight to re main the ttale'i eat of government H*r frlenla deny that Twllahaasce la ao Ira- - te olble o i*erec.:, K -’“.g bu-n**a with th** ooverat **to** l**p.rtmer;ta lo* ated a the aptf and aa to Juattfy the at 'gi>ere whl h • apltal removml would entail. nd they inalat that the present atale >o*i*e 1a amply i rge and ar ure to noet all the ot every department of th** etate government. Jacksonville, fit. Auguatlne on.! Ocgla e:i h offer* a suitable nlte on*l * cam bonus In th* event that *h# caplMl i gi\m tu them Jaclumnvtlio promise* bom a* Ocala Il2f*,ooh, ail Au l'i;rtr.e \2'* •<* Th< most conaervatlve estimate U* to the r,>tl the ?.ig|wver wouid hove to l> lf thoeaear of govern ment t moved, an l new stoto buUdinge oroctetl. i |l.W*** mu h more wMild bo epent before the new buiki.ruts would be turned over to the et te. in the went of r moval. It o matter of ej • U -aion. but It kt quite agreed tha. tf the etate ahouU) undertake the erect lot) of <• new omplttd. it mutt b** n buiktint! orhich will be large and auhgtantlol enough for oil th* need* of the tot* during the • ♦**t coufury. and for **• i building. It agreed that at least sl,oti>.ooo will be lift* • vary Qoration for To* Payer*. The turning point of the present con !•( aeenua to b* raised by the queatkm Art* th* taxpayer* of Florida able at *hl time to War thk* larg** addition to the tax burden they are nlr.udv forced to • orry ? To ralae Jl *'M.* lxmiik for that orrouvit will have to In- kasuedL. proixibly btarinir 4 ler -nt. |nter **t. ami running thirty year*. The pre iii tioiMled iiub bt ednee* of the at rite of K.orldrt is 11. ao the proposed issue of 11.000.000 of !*ruia for a near > api’rl woubl b** |*raotl ally douhllftg the etate> debt The chief gioint o' itl 'u>‘kin In th* pre. nt apltal location fight is w’herher or not It la at this time advisable or to In nr thia additional debt, which would in* an •*bout sho ••70 ( to be paid •nnuAliy. Th** property In Florida in r**al and |er ► a t- P3.4OMMM). Aluny |*erMna regard t e pre-*-nt agita tion aid cot: -t m- unfortunate, un • l- el for. untimely and unn**. *> •*r’- Much dls t utwinti ia heard of the irregular way in which the I*-no w \j* pi•• •and the |e*Of4e. and this seem.** be having no )UUe weight tu det*rml(t:ng the ottttud. of vo!en The Democratic State Conven tion h**kl in Ja.'kaonvMle lam June, in eerted a plank in he platform provkling for settling i;it question of the removal 'f th# ei of state government and as Vo the holding of a < on*:ltutk>nal conveu ttkan by th* white I terras rot i elector* at cl prim try eic* tkm to Is* he'd at the tteas• of holding ia* atate election. Other I Ports 'lade. Efforts have at various tirrww been made by different * ill* of the state to m <*re the Male capital for a parti utar lo alltv iHif never with sue There was h d!**- cuaslon of capital removal in the Jature of 'W?. as then* had previously Ikbtn during the region# of IWI. IPI, im r*‘ fIIKDVX people of th© state hvf nmr lw for** di* u**©d th© propoiUton a* a tuie aru) they dil not authorise th© d©4- sent to the In.*! mate con rent ton to make It an leeu© thin year. Borne of thoe© who desire to have the oiplul re moves) to Jn ksonvllh* tr©>k advantage of the peoullar political condition# at the elate convention and thrust the matter upon the peopl© when the Jarg* majority of the delay <toi in the convention would have bmi mbarraeeed In the aii|>|nrt of their candidates for governor If they hal ventured to antagonize the submission of the qomtion to the white Ik*mm. at the November primary. Th© question of the removal or the non remo\ at of th** at ate capital being forced upon th© party without the * orient I of the voiera at large and it ha\ lug been auM-d by au* h peculiar method* and at u time wh n other imioittiu matter* are to be d*?-rmlned. the disposition of the masse* of voter* will be. It la believed to reject tin* removal *chm© at thl time, ao (be Issue can l*c made In the tegular lietnocratio and constitutional manner. , , % POLITIt v IN IRW IN. A Warm t uiiipnlun li l*rore**— Only t ouiity Without Pr!mar>. I'ltzte.aki, Ga., Htpt 22.—The i for Irwin county finished their lulwr to day. and It la found that Irwin h,# n voting strength of 4.0K1. with Fitzgerald . t- red In th“ county. Irwin baa the rep i# tation of t**ing th© only county In the stale i t hoiding a primary, and th* i* cult la that we have from three to six candidates for every county office In the • r.ttoclal race, whk h comprises the countl e of Irwin, Telfulr ami Moni gornery, w hot rare la now being waged Iretween i'ol. ii. 11. Chaney and 11. K Wll ox. Th third c indidate, lion “Bud'* Whitley, having wlthdnwn from the race, the cont* G w i: no doubt b© a clou© one. Tt o.h. who in* In a po ltHxi to know claim Cheney'a election by 1,900 In th® district. !rwm nounty will gave the state tl k* t a large vote thia year. Two years ugo she give r*ov. t’andl-r n**xt to th** larg* #1 vo'e of any county In the state The only count)’ I* ad*ng her was Fulton. Col. J. O. Kn up s f retary nf the Irwin county Cheney Club, Is In receipt of a l©t ie. from Hunts *>lng it it Irwin countv will be ntiiH to two rdtt* In th* gertral "-*m 1v of 19tKl. her i*opulH *on bring larger thin two counties now having two representative*. Lvtry on* here rejoices over lia new apportion- WOi . _ .. CbaliJf' “77” “Breaks up” COLDS Orip-lnfluenza. Tbs use of ' gevenfy-ssven” during Fep •*nb*-. October and Noverrihsr r-w Immunkc from Grip and <O4 1- all " Ist long Dr Humphreys Famous r-tor ••* I ••'*• k> 4 - if. ii atioi Ist a **l If g Fold starts •'*# bWs>l ourwtnr th r sfh t • veins and * r*-wke up the .>'• TT’ cneW’s <f a sn :l vial of plesagni pt.iet* hts the v***l porjret IM> tor UOA n. ied fT( + At drigrdi or sent for 2.V Humphreys' Horn* pf M i u ♦ For William and John t*f# . New F.MOK \ WOHK HH.I 1. College lesr < oinm*nrfd I miff Fa tnrstilr %o*plc*-s. Emory roiiege. oxford, dm. Sept 22 The reg .lar exit'd-**** of Emory Co* **te legan veaterday morning The o|* * as teen quite a aur r eeeful one and the vear i-rumi ** lo iv* proil jctlv* <’>*■ to be rse jlt* Th* senior < a--, to b** graduat * i n* i* J'ine. consists of fourty-four n. ***ph, one of i* ♦ isrr* *i as well u* one of the bet clae-e- that have ever attended *hls lr*ltutton A great deal of interest Is belr.g mani f* t*d In ela- politics, ami sotn* close and ex* icing ra **s ac exje e*l The r„-e for lu* In the freshman * l**w Is of pe* ullar interest. In that it Is three-cof * nered in Its t ature The caralhtatrs arc A!e*-rs. Hud-on Itovd of Savannah. Raw son Dent of Newnan and H <' Reed of Atlanta In the sophontur* class tne only • ontest Is for Dux. for which offl.e.M: Nathan lo*ur *.f Nashville. Ter.r anl Mr Clyde t'amphell o? Augusta are as pirants. The race among the juniors is the most important *-f the • an tests, bin • tho-* elecle*! wil hold ,!h*r offices dui * log th* ir Junior and senior years. Th.* race for dux lets-* n Me rs. Duk* Rla- kshear of Dublin and John t\ Rrooks of Forsythe, has ctatcd ;& great deal of excitemen* u- the ch '-tlob wdl oc ur now In a f*w days and flier© is n strung proh ahlllty of * tie. soi-\**n!y are the mml rs of the class divided. The race fur histo rian ljew b*twe* nM* - r- James \\ I|R h of Wavcroi -and Tiffany Turnbull of Monti cello. Fla., whilo that for prophet i:*f br*twe* n M - r- V* rl\n M*or*- of A* • 1 f Vi The-e nfMces are conoid* r. and gr*wt honors, sin”** It takes a very popular man to get elected to one of them, am) all the . .n*ll dute#* as well n.s ihHr friends are exert log their utmost efforts to bring about sti< h result* as would be suitable fo them Tho fraternities will nearly sll b- small ♦his year *s most of them have Initiated only a few men. Th* rtrt meetings of the two literary so* letw*. Few and l*ht (hm mn. will be held Mot day morning at which time 4he rank -of e i h will be swelled by the addition of a largo number of new men. IIIMMin M'uh E AT fit III.IN. tppenlrd to the Populist* to Vote the llmiiirratir Tleket. Dublin. Oa . ftept 22 Congrcasman Brantley© a speech of over an hour b*re today, lie was heard by a large au dience In the court house. Ill* speech was devoted chiefly to frusta and imper ialism. ami his explanation of how Hie Republican* dodged th* trust question at the last ssielon of Congress* wan interest ing He dH'lHtei that this country wt drifting rapidly to th© condition of an -mpire ami th** i public would la* over whelmed unless th** Republic an* w**re d©- feated in November. Mr Brantley mid** a l#rMutl appeal to Populist* to vote the Democratic ticket In October. as well as November. A. 14. Cor bran, elected from thl* dl trkt, .tiso mad* .* short a peach. Both were Introduced by C. A. Wellington. a prominent young attorney of Dublin. It \ II 4NURD. lint the (.mini Jury nf Emanuel < mi ii t Vlny Investlsrate Him. Bwalnsboro. Gs., Hept. H—Berry M II *ll. who was art u* and of the murder of Manning Herrington on Aug 11. came to t w n and surrendered to Sheriff danders and demanded a h*wring in u commitment court The same wai given him, and he wTTTiischarged by Justice J. It Moving. It Is almost certain that th*- case will brought before the grand Jury, a* there Is much dissatisfaction among Herring ton a frlenda over the decision. The New* at Pembroke. Pembroke, <l* . Hept. 22.—The cotton crop In this vicinity J* being rapidly gath er* *1 Producers report about one-half a crop, which will all be In the market In thirty days Corn crops arc also being housed, and the farmers claim fair sver ag This t >vn now has a weekly paper published every Saturday, known a* ih* Bryan Enterprise Ad V. Bchou D editor, and M E. Carter manager. The manager wishes It to be strictly understood that no p.lilies will enter Into the paper. N% nailer* NN 111 Never Cease. IJppmait Brothers, w hob sals druggists, Lippman bice k of this city, are giving aw.iy free, a splendid regulator clock nearly 3 feet high, with calendar attach ment, ttl-o three dozen sample bottles of Idppman's liver pills, free, to the pur chaser of three dos* n Lippman'* Hill and fevrr tonic. Thl* celebrated and renowned chill tonic Is s dd with n p‘flltlv* guaran tee. **No cure, no pay,” and the price and rdz* Is the hudc as other standard chill tools. This great **xp n © Is undergone simply to introduce L ppm in s chill and fever tonic, the b<st In flic wor.d —ad. i*i;h*on \i , Finn PROOF? Btiffei A Freeman have a standing offer of sl.ut> for every safe of their tnnk© that doe* not preserve It* *jnt©nf# On© *af© w.i* In burning debris US hours When taken out, the hoe© Insd to be turned on It. When o|*ned. not page w dis lOiorrd, not a record lost, not a dol'.ar do st royed If you want oecurlty, buy a Stiffen A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, Agent. _ __ M OILMB IB CHEAP ON IUIOB, NETS, lare curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every deecripsion. bi:e the jewed htoveb and ranges for sale by J. W. Teepls; also ng-nt for Insurance gasoline stove. M OILUI MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and store* piano* and furniture, beet work only; no , *Cheap-John ' prices no "Cheap- John" Job# "{? BHOrLD SHE MILDER B STOVES and ranges; th© la st make* at reasonable P MtN Ageal V SHOI DD BEND ME TOFR OH* der*for upholstering parlor aid dtmng room furnitur© in i*ather. silk and other fab rics. in the b*st manner; curled hair, muse and cotton mattresses renovated; all work well done and eat inf action guar anteed. C. 1\ Miller, AgccU THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, BEPTEMBER 23, 1000. NEXT WEEK ur orr.* IIIHKI T IMfItHT n ITftLlftN MARBLE AT VERY REASONABLE FIGURES. rwi* niPOif im i t um> PEDESTALS HEADS STATUARY WO OTHft It lltMIsom: OHM* tiINTI. WE SHOW NOW l.\<|l l-ITK l.!\K OK CB Gi rx7 ® o \l\l or re IIIIIM .11—1 II Mil** Till H I 11.11 New Goods in Metal. New Lamps, New Vases. mrrr jabs q- hu- a. h* i>zfr> THOS. WEST & CO., 11 BKOI QHTON STREET. W. CLASSIFIED auVEKIISEMENTS. rsutoiu. •CONFraiON • rtKMNH 81'1’KKMK for -i f. w da; - mor . but etlll have time t > find and well a handsome engagement finger ring, an everlaating, good-lu k bringing, plain gold ting* r ring Special **a.e thle w-k of piam arid fan > eat gold finger ring* R*lid gold *p*- u lee rttt**d with best Hpen ers' t lenses, either for i*h*>rt or long sight. 12 &• Fegeaa, > t Itroughtovi llalr. Jewelry and Shaving Supply iiou*' Mail order* promptly filled. S* Tide* D HOcwKS; AVOID Till*: mart,*’ * .jr trading now,” t* what we hw\** adviwated for the past eight year**. Tne Morning New* will bear ur out In till*- Tarver'#, Old Hook Store. Jefferson . • Mirk* "TIAVR TOFR IVATFHBS AND JEW* dry repaired a prices by A. <i Guerin, IIS Whitaker, corner State upatalrv. HFJDLJNO OUT AT C *Of*T; KEK Chung ii Vo 14.'* Whitaker •rreet; I’hl nese an*l Japar * g<>d* must be sold, i ’all early and get your choir# of rare novelties . HAVE YtiUR BK’YODK REPAIRING don properly, tha - the way w* do It. W. F. Higgins. 12.* Dia>ton. PERSONA!* WIU. MOVK~OCT~ !‘TO 110 State atreet. west, when* I will always hnv* on hand large aesortnaent of pair#* *ar*lles. nt wholesale and retail C\ Het terloh. 4<)b Broughton street, welt, llell phone 1517. S HOOD HOOKS AT GARDNKHS Eiasaar. 12 Hrought>n treet, east; Harnea* Se< ond Reader. 23i*; Third Reader, 33c, * Monteith <* First Geography. 17* ; Holdn on'# New Fradkal ArlthoilU, 43c. 1 to*<k-■ bought, sold ami ex* ;iai gel. RKM K M HKH. \\ H? TAKE ODD trunk* In part payment for n w on*-*; give im a trial. Georgia fihone C'hat hum Trunk Factory, Atx-rcorn and ffroughron F tAHOFDD SKK 511 DDF It'S Fi ll Nl ture. newt st styles for b*lr<s>m. dining rH>m, paiior. in *ak, walnut and mahog any, Miller’s prtcea and tf-rvns are rea *oiab!e. 207 Broughton, went. VOF Wild. DIKK TIIK MIDK FROM Spniigbtdd Dairy, u’s rich aral pure; try It. WATTHKS. CI/K’Kfl AND JEWELRY repati **l promptly and thoroughly by A. G Giarin. 11* Whitaker, corner State street, upstair*. ~ KBTIMATE3S FIIEKIiFFDDY FVR nlsh<d on any kind of plumbing work, only i x|M*rien • and plmnbera employed. ’Phone CM. A. C. Price Cos. DADIKiSTAI.D AND HKD MY~NK\V Imu of ready-to wear hat*. Hate trimmed for Zj cent*. Ham remod*|ed. Feaithcrk il> **d. cleaned hi *1 curled. Mis* C. D. Kenner. 117 York west. “tHH FRIt’DS AT WICK*II WD SDDD bb yele aundrh - an- entrancing. Try u. \V. F. IHggina, 12G Drayton. SAVANNAH DRAY AUK COMPANY wi.l mov. >our furniture with double truck*. Tei#phone 4U3. I’ SHOULD HER MILI.ER B NEW styles in carpets, matting, window shade*. ■rt square*, rugs, iace curtains, etc ; Miller's prk * * and terms are reasonable. .07 Broughton, west. "iiAVE YOUR trunks, batuheds and umbrella -r paired for half you pay elsewhere. Chatham Trunk Factory, Al>- rrdirn and ltroughtod. FINK RICK FI ELD r a Mil AT "BA ker a." every day, beat of ail other m>alt In markat “STOVEB AN RANGES iOU> ON easy payment*. A C Prk** Cos. Tel v> (|©l our prices on water back ranges. IF ITB RUGS YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGillla. LEA I >1 N< J UPH ULSTER ER~ Ft )X SI M ply defies competition; cstabil*-h<tl seven teen years; se- sampb . Mattresses a *pe<i;illty. 211 Whitaker. Georgia ’phone IMS. KIMBALL’S ANTI R IIE U M A TANARUS! C rings; thousand* using them and all ben efited. Gardner’s Bazaar, hr! "Special an unlimited icpffit of nl e willow rockers, ladlis* size, at S2. J. W $1 it Huyß NICE n attan~r<)ckeits. ladk s’ sise, large assortment of rockers, couches end ea*y chaira. C. P. Mill* r, Agent. “dark evenings ark now COM lug; let us sell you a lump; prlrie. 7Tm- to II.M. W. U. Higgins, 12S Drayton. (KT IST I WILL MOVE TO 411 WEST Broughton. Ring up 21*11 if you want to have your furniture moved or pa ked for shipment or storage; I guarani*© prices the same a* I do the work th it's given to m A S. Griftln. 314 Broughton street, west, mattresses made to order. TRUNKS MADE To ORDER BY THE *nl\ experlen *d workmen In city Chat fc.irn Trunk fa* tor>. corner Abercorn and liroughton. MOM.LIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL boautify your parlor. U SHOULD BKB MILLER'S OFFICE desk*, office t tbUe. office chairs, office matting, of!'..© shades. C. I*. Miller, Agent. U WILL SOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly something in my Ilm*; U will save tnon* y Uy tra ling with me. C. P. Miller Agent M'GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-TNCH RUGS -Smyrna pattern*—for rente. OLD MATTRESSES RENOVATED; nmttr*4 .** made to <n U r; all work guar anteed. Telephone 4143. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARR. ' is a specialty with McGtlite. f SHOULD SEND YOUR ORDERS for tuning and repairing piano* and or gans to W. I*. .Mot,mng, with C P. Mil . ler, Agent; prompt attentioti to oul*of -1 town order*. C. l\ MiUvi, Agent, Pr.KOS*L. r eon woven wrtir r-evrs k lhy la.i C I’ Mll-.r Ani WHIN TOU SEK M GIU.IS BIXTT- Incd M crl. ru* you irMI boy lh.m Ju.t CH I b.Jp II; will Mil Id aoy <wy UUMCU. DR. MrORIIKH VISITS ANY PART of tho < l(>■ $i on . .ii*h. offi.-o ir'.inirrii 1' lr montn. Includma all mnll< lowa. ofSc. ('wna|S!l in Dlaparmry, rornr ot L. i;> ■ ft) ai.'i Lincoln. Pttonr, K.V, I.AI *ll.B ‘ l UICHESTUi S ENULIbU Tcnnyroyal PUIa an lb* beat. Safa, re liable Taka no other. Send 4 it.mpi for iwrtlctilara. "Relief for La'tier ' In Inter by return m ill Aek your drunriw Chlcheeter Chemical Cos., Phlla.ja . Pa. I it A j Ff>fNf> A ’ POSIT! for <iruDketitie,a; can be jlven eecrelly; will (latlly tell you whal II la. don't aend money M:, May Hawklne Lock Uox L IT 18. flren.l f’.aplda, Mlrh . MORPHINE. OPI CM. LAC DAN CM. cocalna habit, myaelf cured; will Inform you of barm lea*, permanent home cure Mn Baldwin. Boa lil*. Chicago. 'HOW Al'.r. YOCR TEET* IK TOTTR fetl are (roubllng you. call on me an] I will give you relief. I cure Inrrowtng nails, come and all dteea*e* of the feet without pain; charge# reasonable; can give the beat referencea In the city; pa tient# treated at realdencee; orders can be left as I.lvlngeton'a drug store. Bail and Congress streets; telephone 33 Lem Davie surgeon chiropodist It LLP tt.tXTKO-HUK. WANTED. CHOIR BOYS AT ST John's Church Apply at the church be tnoen the hours of 10 and 11. daily. WANTED OOOD MILKER wages ar.d steady >ob. \'ab- H. ■al I> •;r y WANTED. ' (IHOBMAKER < IN”nKH shoes mat repatrina. must be rt rat -e lse working man. Apply at Jefferson tre*'t. \V ANT KT) ~TIIR EK COLORED COL- nmt canvassers. Address Cash Morntng News. “registered dr ft; “clerk, mt-st lie strictly temiierate; energetic and thor oughly reliable; state age, references and salary Aluln WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS trunkmokors at Savannah Trunk Fa torj No 10 Broughton street, east. SHOEMAKERS WANTED ALSO AN apprentice. Apply at once. A. Caulvet. 9 Broughton, wtst. wanted an energetic rt.vy to do collecting for a retail drv house Ad dree a Merchant care Newa BOT WANTED WtI.I.ING TO LEARN th trade Apply Tuesday morning Vats lung Printing Cos.. IS Whitaker. A RESIDENT AGENT IN SAVANNAH to p ace our contracts, which offer more attractive features than anv policy ever offered A permanent ~.s>ttlon to man of ability Tontine Surety Cos. ißouthern Dept ) •. Ixtwrmle* building, Atlanta. <a WANTED, RESPONSIBLE FIRM wants office manager at Savannah; salary SI -V# a year and commission; STuh cash md reference required. Position perma io nt. Address Manufacturer, 13E cherry, Philadelphia. Pa WA NT ED. TWBNTA' MORE GOOD white carpenters with tools; government work, on Tamm Bay. Gulf of Mexico, very healthy iiiml cool; wages 15 rents per hour; good iuard and lodging {3 50 per week: get money whenever you need It, long Job; see Wtllium Huber. No. 317 between Julua and O'-dur, Jacksonville. Fla., for ticket* ' trough to the work. wanted, a good, sober black* smith for tountry town. For particulars addresa, L. H. Ilt.ton. Hylvania. tit WANTED. FJFTEKttJ BRICKLAYERS: three months' work; goes! pay; also planer man. A. H. Johnson. Tampa, Fla. wanted* a - reliable man to superintend saw mlll;out(Mit 15,00) to 30.0*). Paving poaltton for one with axperlence and ibtUty; none others wanted Ad dress T.. Morning News office WANTED MAN WITH pOn TO MAN •tge distributing d*-pot for our point pro ducts; salary 11.300. Consolidated Paint A Gil t'o. Indianapolis Did. \ ' 1,. I ■ 'KKI.SI ■ iNI! \ |,) {; religion., n wspaper; send stamped ep veloi* Htv. Krnaet Tin ker. Athens. Ga. WANTED. SEVEN MEN OF GOOD ad lre*M, must h** very' convincing t ilkers to sell new laity line; F< 00 a year. Liberal ex|>©naes. Must furnish good ref erences. J. C. F. Harrington. lowa City, lowa. SALESMEN To SELL PFR FUMES, toilet ooa|**. etc., to deaDra; s’oo monthly and expenses; experience unnecessary. Plumber Perfumery Cos.. St. Louts. Mo. “capable man to travel and apiM'in* agents. 31.000 yearly salary Per munent position lt i|4d promotion. Bupt . Co-oj.eirttlvo Cos, Xti Dearborn street, Chicago. • ’sl2 PER WEEK BONA FIDE HAL ary and expense*, cafiahle men and wo men to represent *# appointing agent*. Rapid promotion anl Increase of salary. New. brilliant lines. Butler A Alger, N* w Haven. Conn. "MAN FDR ROAD; $3 WEEKLY AND ex|M>nses; roll dealers; experl n*e unneces sary; t© rmanent position. United Supply Cos., Philadelphia WA NT ED. MA N t*PRIO HT CHA R enter, to manage htidnew* of old estab lished bouse; salary sl* per w* **k and ex penses payable each week direct from headquarters; expense money a* Ivan cod; position permanent; reference. Standard House. Sul Caxton building. Chicago. "active HUSTLERS EVERY where to t tk© orders for * Story of the Galveston Horror" Over WV pages. Elab orately Illustrated from aetii't! photo graph*' Agents coining money. Illinuoßd circular and outfit free. A"t quirk A*l dre Glob, Bible Publishing Cos . 723 Chestnut ©trret, Uhllndelpili. Pa “"WANTED SEVEN MEN OF GOOD .ukirese. must he very convincing talkers, to sell n* w specialty lln* . sa,ooo a year. Liberal ex pen see. Must furnish gocsl ref crencea. J. C. F. Harrington. lowa City, I-W.l "SALESMEN EARN $3.01*1 a" year Liberal salary to t>egin with Flrst-Ha** reference* required. Box 170. Mtnnca|>oll. Minn. WANTED BY WHOLESALER. KNKit geti- .•* ilesmen to learn to sell elegant line department goods to merchants; large sal ary. No experience txces#ary. We edu cate. Box W Chicago, 111. TRAVELING SALESMAN OF A BILL ty for high grad© line appropriate to near ly every dep.irtm*nt of trade; references Bond and entire time required. ComsnD* ©lons %\is to PH on each . ale. P. O. Box J. Detroit, Ml h. “WANTED, TRAVELER TO SELL Cl ders. ayrups and c gars. Apply Interna tional Table Supply Company. St. Louis. Ms. WANTED. TO CALL ON doctor* only on It* half of the leading firm In the business. Established trade. Posi tion permanent. Applicant must intel ligent. Indefatigable and of good app**ar iiiv e St at** exiierlence. Address, P. O. Box hi*. Philadelphia. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS DON’T prepare for the postoWca or any other civil service examination without seeing our catalogue of Information; sent free. Columbian CorreaiiotHlen* e College, Wash* ington. D. C. WASTE!' TRUSTWORTHY CN)!X)R ♦ and m-t to travel and a|; olnt agents In Georgia, monthly and oatNuisea; |>oai tlon permanent, enclose self-oddreoaed en velH© for reply. Manager Cross, Siar Building, Chicago, Ur.LP X4AXIKO-HIU. sTirntMEN'* vlsmNG drug and grocery trade to take side line. Bo* 1? Tallahassee, Fla SALESMAN TO REPRESENT T'H nit), Un,. nf gools that a-II themselves Natlena Supply •' mpmy. Dept. C . Ma con, tia. WANTED. RCPTCIIED PEOPLE WID> will work a few hour* for a few cure. I'r Sfe trs, He* l. We-tnrook. SP “wanted SAVANNAH - BRANCH "OF ()• <• manager. *3n an.i commlasion—send rtamp. Sanltar> Com; any. St, lauds. Mo WANTED EVERTWIIERi: HCH tic-* to tick sii x*. distribute clrculirs simp**, etc.; no canvassing; good pay Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. SALESMEN ENTERPRISING. CAPA bIc ralestni'ti isn barn of fwal situation w n man.!,! as traveling *al*wman; * aple. well kfloat llo* dry goods and general s*ot* Addr.-** jre |i|er. HELP aa ItltU-rEMAI.K. V\ VNTtI’ WHITE GIRL Tu COOK, family .n , ountry; b and b*voaril per usM 'I. ■* Cook art Morning News \ AJ b WHITE WOMAN To nur>. hi: i. o tistlan • .enlist preferrsd in < TaHrtiwtat Kls. “White girl" >r woman be twe ■, p t.i *• -....r* of are, more as com ;• i *. little bouse work; twro In family, mu*t be beat Send terms and particulars flr*t letter Box IM, Fem.mdina. Fla. “*wanted thorocohly compe |.| * i.'jre ■ 'alt* ctiarge of Infant, mtt-t vavw ivferet <- Apply Monday morning after p.' ,'orner Hall erwl Drayton “wanted white woman. SECOND work Stattw Agricultural College: woman ■ok f r f'Seamtlw F.a fu. white woman for Barlow tao.* and housework. 112 • 1 housekeeper. Brunawl-k; one bead i.;t;3rt*t lac nee second laundress |tt tor Js ksonvk . white t ttrse girl. Eagle l^ic. Fia >A woman <ook and house girl. t.'i, Panosoffker Fla . other help Huhet's Employment Agency, 317 Wei Bat "'reet. between Juba and Cedat Jacksonville. Fli “WANTED A SERVANT TO COOK il.d do general house work. Apply 313 II •• tirgdon > aat after 13 a m Mor dl i. W ANTED A LADY OR GENTLEMAN to • ich three rhildrtn In exchange for comfortable hoard For particulars, ad dress Mra. A.. Monetta. S. C. WANTED, LADIES AND MISSES TO crochet, make Rattcnh* rg lace and tin- I er at hom-. ct'v or country llcrr*. hner Needleworks, 321 Dearborn street, Chicago 111. “ladies and GENTLEMEN to take or.brs f r ottr Christmas specialties; g< o 1 pa\ ; samples free Addresa lllff St C .. 113 Wabash avrnue, Chicago. "good“cook WANTED, ALSO ROT to work around the bouse. 30k Fifth street west. ACTIVE ' W"MLN CAN make V* month and expenses, permanent position; experience unneesaary. Clark & Cos . 73t S Fourth. Philadelphia l-ADY TT) TRAVEL IN GEORGIA *E> monthly and all expenses to start; per m.ment I' Sitlon If ea’tkfartory: aelf-ad dre*-.d|o|>e for reply Manager Muc- Brady, Star Building. Chicago. LADIES THROWN I'PON THEIR OWN resources willing to sell anew woman's private specialty, will nuke big money nnd gain the lasting friendship of every purchaser. Haffttmore Cos., Chicago. CORSETS, SKIRTS Ht'STLKS RIG profit*; eamplea free. I*ady agents sam el J E. Wood A Cos., 205 E. Jefferson street. Syracuse. N. Y. women to i*o plain sewino at hom.. 11 it) p- r day. Four months work guaranteed. Work sent prepaid Send s ami el addressed envelope for particu lars. R. W. Hutton A Cos., Philadelphia. Pa. W ANTED LADY IN' EACH corvTY for branch office work; no canvassing; sttalgh*. bona fide salary, lit per week and expense*, payable direct from herd qimrters each week; permanent position; no capita! required, except good refer ence* Address Standard Houet , 300 Cax lon bttlkllng. Chicago. 1 Mtor- H ETERfI “ WANTED. TO CRO <-het for ua at home Good pay, Chicago Crochex Cos., 356 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111 AOUVrti WASTED. piet© hisSory of the Galveston flood, writ ten by Murat Halstead, the gr©at histo rian, who personally visited the scene of de-tructlon. It gives a vivid description of th© awful horror. Outfit free; send 5 2-cent stamps o mall It. Thousand* will be sold; g**t in the Held at once, j, L. Nl hola & c>. No. sl2-No. 9: Jo Austell building, At lanta, Gs. ; ■ V OR WOMAN, TO KICPIXTY AND superintend agents; SSO per month and ex penses; expoibnce not require*!; perma nent. Zeigler Cos., 31*2 Locust street, Phil adelphia. "BIG PROFITS HANDLING LATEST improved gasoline lamp; sells at sight; beat* elf**tiiclty; cheaper than kerosene; retail 94-**) uj); 12 different styles; exclu sive territory. StuiMlard Co., man uLtcturero. Chicago. st MONTHLY INTRODUCING AND selhng pneumatic butter separators; t>at* etited. Dairy Machinery Company, Cin cinnati. O. AGI - kLVBSTON HORRORS sells at sight; htg hook, over pm |Mges. Il lustrate*! from pantograph© taken on the spot, complete story of the greattwi ca tastrophe of the century; thrilling de tail- By and eye witness, and world fumed descriptive writer, as told by the rescuers and rescued. Only $! 50. Agents making s.*n to 9JP per week. Best terms; A• ; g 111 i ' ' l**r to-dnv The Publishers, 315 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. AOBNT& ARTICLE OF unusual merit Highest awards tlovernment in dorsement. Half million sold. Agency De partment 312. 27 William street. New York ___ _ "WANTED. 'GENERAL AND Mh'Al. agents; luminous signs, nameplates, numbers; readable darkest nights, sam pb** ftee. Doorplate Works. Englewood, 111. AGENTS. OFFICIAL HISTORY OF Galveston flood; tod by survivors; our profits to he divided with sufferers; grat opportunity to do good and make money, big turns to agents; freight paid; outfit tr c; if you wish to help Galveston’s des titute, address quick, Galveston Relief Book Cos., Philadelphia, Pa. "AGENTS WANTED FOR ILLUffTRAT t i history of Galveston flood, over 7,tJ00 lives wete 1 >t and over 120.00*.‘>00 of prop ♦ rt' destroyed; the greatest disaster of modern tlm-s. by the eminent author Murat Halstead, who was at scene of dls aster; send ten cents In stamps for outfit, we give best terms; ths demand for thl* hook will be enormous, retail price 91-30. Kcatar*Raleigh Cos., publishers, Philadel phia. AGENTS. SPECIALTY BACKED BY absolute guarantee to straighten kink' negro hair N uri\ all profit and sells on sight. Write Hotnn Chemical Cos. Rich mond, Y , for territory and particulars. GENERAL AGENTS IN EVERY I.G ciillty In United States to represent large concern, appointing agent* on strictly sal ary basis o? 989 per month, with all trav eling expenses paid Dept. 020, 1370 Park av* mie. New* York. AGENTS. COMPLETE STORY OF THE *h Is I vest OH Horror.*’ by Murat Halstea i beautifully I lustra ed. lirge hook, big . ommlesions. credit given; outfit free. Ad dress American L. 4k li Association, 354 Dearborn* Chicago, SCHOOL SHOES for BOYS and GIRLS Of coarse yoa want them to wear—bat the ££ yoangster of tht* age demands snap and ; style also. For genuine service and correct shapes get the following well known lines s . . . # “Armored Cruiser,” “Steel Shod,” “Bunker Hill.” SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS and CIRLS. We Sell Them All. And Our Prices tre Right. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS VACATION OVER. Ht'RRY ihu get chore fa*t Bftlfrr, 33M talking machine fre Syracuse Talking Machine Cos.. SyracttM. N Y. AGENTS KNOWING CANCER SVF fe-.-re ran** big mane 1 Writ* to-day. Address Dr. J B Harrt*. R 3(1. Pike Rulldltig. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS. t'NDMYAL OPI’GRTI'NITY tn make Mg mcney ' Only omrlal. authen tic and complete book on Gel v eat on dl*- a*ter" now rt-Ad> sell* on eight. Iff) per day m*y. Extraordinary tertne, freight paid, credit given, don't delay Outffta free Avoid tlctltlotn ffrma Addrce* the old i etabliehed National Publlehlng t'ora par.y. Lakeside Binding Chicago. “AGENTS—OALVESTt *N HORROR; beat book, big sales, big profile, outfit free, mailed same day. freight paid. En terprise Mfg. Cos.. Cincinnati. O. “AGENTS—GALVESTON HORROR <milling story of tne greatest cata*trophe of modern times—greater than Johnstown flno.1; large book Illustrated big profits, quick sales, outfit free. Martin DeGarmo t'o. Cincinnati, O. ANOTHER NEW PATENT $25 PER day guaranteed you. free outfit to etart r.ght to work Braham Mfg. Cos., 8., 2,860, Clnclnratl. O. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COM Mis sion : The greatest agents' seller ever pro duced; every user of pen and ink buys It on eight, 2) to NY) per rent profit; one hk fit’s sales amounted to 1620 In six days; another 332 In two hours Monroe Manu facturing Company. X. 45. La Cros*e. WD EMPLOYMENT WANTED. WANTED POSITION IN GROCERY store; have had eight years experience In win)stale and retail gro>*ry business; test of reference. Address 4U York street, west. INTED POSITION as CLERK or collector, experience In dry goods and grocery line. Address 44 West Broad WANTED. BY YiM'Ng”LADY~posi tion as governess for small children; can teach music, and do plain scwtng; position out of city preferred. References ex chang'd. Margerlte. care News. A YOI'TH OF GIXD ADDRESS AND education wishes position In a mercanlUo house. P. A. C., care News. "male stenographer desires position; fair speed; willing lo work, can furnish t>pewrller. ''Rex.' this office “PORTION BY THOR()Ct;iH.V COM p-tent stenographer and typewriter; low offl'-e preferred. Miss X . this office. POSITION WANTED nY YOITNO man. experienced shipping clerk, refer ence last employer. Address Experience, can Morning News. LICENSED DRI GGIST QTALIFIED In every way; desires position. Address Licensed Druggist, rare Morning News WANTED. LAI) OF 16, ORADI'ATE of High School, bright, energetic nnd in dustrious; wants position with opportu nity for advancement; wholesale estab lishment preferred; reference*. "Ambi tious." care News. “WANTED, something TO DO BY an honest, hard-working country boy of IS. want so lenrn harness making. Al bert. Morning News. WANTED. A POSITION. _ A8 FlßßT class lumber Inspector; sober nnd good reference. Address Lumber Inspector. Box 77, BtPlmore. Ga. WANTED. PLACE AS BOOK KEEP er or clerk; wage* no object. Addresa "X.," rare Morning News. WANTED. BITTATION BY LICENSED druggist, city experience and best of ref erence. Address Olive Oil, care Morning New*. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS washing. 741 Gwinnett or cross rail road. A GOOD WASHBRWOMAN" CAN BE found at any time at 60 Farm street. HOl'lEi WA3TKD. HOTHE WANTED fwlth lawn or garden preferred). In good location. Address , Good Tenant, thia office, ROOMS WASTED. room with hath convenient: located between Oglethorpe avenue and Gaston street and A her corn and Barnard streexs Addresa E. U. J , care News. “wanted, one to "three fi*r“ nlsh.d rooms for couple; suitable for light housekeeping or with board, convenient to Plant System oflhe-, and business sec. tlnn. Htote terms. X X. care Morning News. want Ely”ON* OR two rooms furnish**! or unfurnished; with or without board, north of Liberty, between JefTer son ond Habersham: hurried conpte with out children. Address "Couple," News of fice. 110 Alt i> WANTED. A TOI'NO LADY WANTS HOARD IN private family, at once. Address M H., care of News 01f1c... slating votir term*. “BOARD* WANTED, IIY GENTLEMAN nnd wife, north Gaston street. Please state prir s. 11. 'WANTED. FCRNIBHED OR I NFER, nlehed room and botml. G., thia office. WANTED BOARD Bf OENTLEMAN, nnd wife. Address, aU4lng terms. L. A..' r. O. Box 190. GEE. & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. HOARD WANTED. W A NTKI) REASON A RLE BOA HI) private family for lady and two chlldr- Address M G.. care Morning New* y vannah. GENTLEMEN WISHING BOARD ANn rooms, where iiome comforts would be prerlat'sl. central b* at ion. will please j’c dress J. H.. Morning News. W A.ATKD—J4I9( KLLANBOCS. WANTED. SECOND-HAND T> "T writer, with universal key board: nt ■ >, the.ip Address. Typewriter, 42i Liter-) street, east. S.ivanush, Ga. PARTIES l$“ SEARCH OF t tu. gains to attend the auction sal. i. X ‘ Tuesday, at lba. m . f> Gordon sir. .! , Y’ou will be dellghtesl with whai w offered. Youman* A Demmond A , :„x,. ecra. WANTED TO BOT A Ml Cl v residence, suitable tor home fo- t, mtl y of three or four, must he locar. | of Sis street, and north of Pari . .-ru. brick house preferred. Addre- n., rr ke attosi slxe of hotwe and ac n-. price. House, care News ofll< .• TO BCY A GOOD Mir'i.B F<' - vp T Snedeker A Cos.. 751 Wheaton s'r . the Content-; or street, east, represent the acrumu tholce and valuabie articles for year* They will ail be 50.,1 at a;t or next Tuesday al lo a m You ,ti • „i there that . jn't be bougr.t t. Youman* A 1 lemnauid Auction*, i WANTED ALL PERSONS TN VrEf) of gro< erlea to attend bonkrur" . Broughton lane and Whitaker J.,, , Mocha coffee, best quality, Jf, cert* r*. ~ black or mixed tea. best quality , ~n l < cents; and all other good* In comp. r|. I * ntl below coat. E. J. Cannon, tru*'. Parties needing>ire7uee Ac cident or liability Insurance, desiring to buy or sell real estate, or o have rh*lr rt rt4* collected, or to negot.ate loan- n real estate, to call on W. C. Frlpr & Cos. WANTED. YOI'R OLD MATRBBSBB lo renovate. sl. work gttaranieed Tele phone 4143. PLAIN SEWING DONE BT HAND OR machine, hemstitching and embroidering 1117 Montgomery. wanted to bey. i.oan old"-mat tr**es. moss, hair, cotton. Telephoto 4143 WANTED. ALL OPIEM AND MOR. I’bine eaters to know that We guarantee a permanent cure In twenty days for f. No cure no |toy. Best financial refer ences given nnd required. We mean bus iness. Address the Tllden Company, EC South Forsythe street. Atlantn. Ga AECTION SALE OF FINK FERN’ ture and effects at S Gordon nre t. e Tuesday. S. pr 25, nt TO a m Dot • mb* this opportunity Youmans A DfniTnorsd, Auctioneers. WE WANT A NICE GENTLE HORSE for a lady, must lie good slxe, end a gooi trial required; must bes horse wi*h style, no other wanted. Address James Thomp son. g. neral delivery, Postofflee. LAI>IEB TO CALIT”FOR-MANICEfl ing massage and shmi>oolng. Complex lons treated for roughness and wrinkles remov'd. Hair bleaehed and dyed, and superfluous hair removed without Injury to the most delicate skin. Also my sal), sulphur alcohol or benxoin vapor hatha Mrs Smith, 104 Harris street, cast. EVERYBODY TO ATTEND THE auction sale of fine furniture and rara bric-a-brac, next Tuesday, commencing at 10 o'clock. No. 5 Gordon street, east. Great opportunity lo get chohe goodsiat yoir own pi Ice. Youmans A Demmond. Auc tioneers IF YOE WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Sprtngfield Dairy; It'a rich, pure and wholesome. IF TOE WANT A PLACT# TO DUMP aarth. did. sand, manure, #e., free ol charge, Just at elty limit*, hauling over hard road write or telephone Brown Broe . corner Andeison and East Broad etreets. MORI 1 i•* l OAR. MONEY TO I.OAN ON IMPROVED city property, one to five years; low rate of Interest. J K. Fulton A Ron MONEY to LOAN AT B PER CENT Interest. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. "“MONEY ADVANCED ON CITY !M --proved property at low rate of Interest. L D. LRoche 1 —- FOR II RM’-ROOM3. PLEASANT. WELL ATTENDED rooms. In private family, for gentleman, with or without hoard. 19 Duffy, east NIUKITy' FURNISHED ROOM. ALL conveniences, hot and cold w’ater. 103 Lib erty street, east. "“FOR RENT. TWO UNFURNISHED r.M-m* with bound if desired. 219 West Ninth street. Tt GKNTL EM KN. FURNISH ED rooms en suite or seperate; also phyfk lan's office. 108 Gaston, cast. LARGE SOUTHEASTERN 1 furnished with or without hoard, sultsb!# for two. No. 20k Eighth street, east “FOR" R ENTL FI * R NISHEP ROOMi single or en suite; facing square Al>eroorn straff. ""FOR R ENT~i7aROE " r p*S?>Nf"RDOM. well furnished; hot unl cold hath utw floor; private family. 424 Habershatn I ’I SiRARLB ROOMS”WITH ! ' Stj oonv-nience, furnlhd or infarnltli*' Abercorn street, <Vwner Presklent.