The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 24, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ii —— Matter* of latere*! la *hi|ipln* Nr* (..-aarall y. The Spanish brl* Mrlj Terr**. Capt L'aaanovay, arrived yaslenlay from Matan j.i, with crap Iron, i-onnlxmd to the Ira* ' Joaaph Iron Companv She |* the flrat gpamah vaual to enter the |rt of Sa vannah lnc the gpanlah-Amerlc tn war The Importinii an. l exportm of old Iron ha* become an extenelve bualnea* with tn* Joseph com [rally. Besides the pravl oua large movement of old Iron, and the preaent cargo, the *ieamelii|i C'ltta di Mmlno |* expected ahorlly. Kne will load with cargo of old Iron for a foreign port. At the foot of Barnard afreet are two or three aloop* and a mow. loaded with rough rice from the Altamaha section, one aloop ha* -ton bushel* of rough rice, which will be dim Ranted into Fawcett & Co.'a mill*. The Arm ha* creeled an ele vated road from the wharvtw to their building, and will, in thl* way. facilitate iha die-barging of vessel* consigned to them. Tn* world'* merchant snipping aggre gate* 25.JJ0.n00 ton*, and according tn a return Just Issued hy Lloyd's, the ship losses for the poet year foot up to u total of 783.508 tons, which gives ratio of loss of about 3 per cent The total number of vesaels lost was Obi. so that the average slge of the ships was not large. But or the totai tonnage. 21 per cent . or 210 of 152.540 tons, were broken up or condemned so toot the vessrla which are deleted from the world's list through misadven ture represent only tH.OOD tons; and when M Is remembered that the shipbuilding yards of the world are producing tonnage of the mo*t efficient cargo-carrying rapa, . Ity of about 1.500.0(10 tons per annum. It will he at once recognised that the pro gressive needs of commerce are being more than kept pace with. The total tonnage wlthdtawn from aervi. e. from all causes Is very much less than in most preceding year*. Savannah Almanac. gun risen at 5.50 a. m , and sets at 5:53 p. m High water at Tybee to-day at 7:50 a tn and ST'S p m High water at Savan nah one bour later. Pbaeea of tba Moon for September. D. H M First quarter 2 1 56 morn Fig I moon 8 11 6 eve. Last quarter 15 2 57 eve. New moon 23 1 57 eve. Moon Perigee. *th; Moon Apogee, 23d. ARRIVALS AND lIgPARTtREI. Vessel* Arrived yesterday. Bark OTown fNor). Heberg. from below —Master Bark Solid (Swed), Weden, from below —Master Brls Marla Teresa (Span). Casanovas. Mat anaas—Master. Unknown bark to the northward from Tybee, bound In Veeaele Heal to Sea. Ship Oermanlo (Nor), Sunde. Rotterdam Shipping Memoranda. Charleston, 8 C., Sept. 23.—Arrived steamers Frederick de Barry. New York, and proceeded to Jacksonville; Comanche, Pennington. Jacksonville. Sailed, steamers (ieorge W. Clyde. Chi chester. Jacksonville; Lord Kelvin (Bn. Steel. New York Key West, Fl*.. Sept. 23 —Arrived, night :U steamer Matcotte, White. Havana, and ended for Port Tampa; 23d. eteamer Olivette. Smith. Port Tampa, and sailed for Havana. • Sailed, steamer Miami. Delano. Miami. Brunswick. Os.. Sept 21.—Arrived, hark Rlmfaxe (Nor), Splnanger. Ixvndnn. vlti Barbados; schooner The Imo Coomb*. Hoe ton. ' 'leered 21*t. bark Emil Slang (Nor). Eveneen, Qarston dock; schooner Dot t Matthews. Lablance New York. Sailed 21*t, steamer Rio Grande. John son. New York New York. Sept 2S.—Arrived, steamer Foimlnel. Charleston. Baltimore. Sept. 23—Arrleed. steamer AHeghati). Savannah. •pokes. Charleston. 8. C. Bept 22.—Cpt, Ohlehemer of the steamer Georg* W. Clyde. report* on the 22d. forty-five mile* southwest of Frying Tan. passed a tow boat with a large stow in tow, hound North. Notice to Mariners. Pilot chare* and all hydrographic infor mation will he furnished mailer* of vea sel* free of charge In United Slate* hy drographic office In Custom House. Cap tain* are requested to call at the office. Report* of wreck* and derelict* received for tranimtMioii to the Navy Depart ment. VUIEL9 BOI'MI roN SAVANNAH, nteamahlp*. City of Gloucester ißr). I 57(1 ton*. Mil burn; sld Madeira. Sept 14. Empress <Rr>. 1.*75 ton*. ; due Sep*. 20 for Havre and Rotterdam Cltla dl Messina (Hall. 1,4*2 tons. Mesar do: pd Gibraltar. Aug I*. Hedwlg (Gen. I,MO ton*. Yenaen: due Oct. I for Manchester 1-even (Br). 1.41)7 tons. Patterson; eld Shield*. Sept. II Lead* (Iial), 2.47* eon*. Noberasoo; sld Genoa. Sept. 7. Ratho (Rrt. 2.747 ton*. Nlabel; ld Sour abaya. Aug. 10 Thornlsy (Br). 1.*17 ton*. Major; due Sept. 28 for Havre EMI* (Br). 1.229 ion*. Neil**n; ai quaran tine. Nawby (Br). 1.107 ton*. Clark; due Sept 25 for Bremen. Cycle (Brl. (new). 3.300 (on*. ——; eld. Sunderland. Sepi 12. Ardova (Br). 2.0)2 ton*. Smith: al Man cheater, Aug. 28; due Sept. 24 for Liver pool Mantlnea (Br). 1,727 tona. Kehoe; due Oct II for Bremen. Bolton Hall (Br). 2.227 (on*. Lewis; due Nov. 10 for Bremen Alima (Bn. 2.871 ton*. Johnson, due Ocl. I* for Bremen. Fallodvn Hall (Brl. 2.308 top*. Hoatler; due Oei 5 for Hamburg Jessie <Br). 1.442 ton*. Thomson; ld. Sharpness. Sept * Help* (Nor). 1.475 ton*. Rojahl; sld Shield*. Aug 20. Miguel M Ptnlllo* (Spsn). 2.19* (on*. Campos, due Oct. 15 for Barcelona. Juanita North (Br). 2.222 ton*, at Coronal Aug. 17. Puritan (Br). I.C* tona. James; sld. Am sterdam Sept M Ye*lot (Br). IMO ton*. Kerr. sld Fleet wood. Rapt 14. Juno (Br), ion*. McCracken; due Oct. 14, for Revel and SI Peteraburg tale of Kern (Br). 1.981 ton*. Sunderland; Md Shield* Sept. 14. Pydna (Br) 1.9 M ton*. Croaaley; due Oct I*. for Liverpool. Platen (Brl. 2 044 ton*. Purdy; due Oct. 15, for Manchester Blanefleid (Brl. 2.1(2 ton*. Ooldborne; due Oct. I, for Bremen. Clematis (B*4*). 1.900 ton*. Leanaer*; aid Antwerp. Sept IS. Aldertgate (Br). 1.9 T ton*. Nlcholaon; *M Tyne, Sept 19. Rttrtekdsle (Br). 1488 tons. Stewart; aid N*w York. Sapt *4. Winifred (Bn. 1 445 tona. Clark; eld Horn burg, Sept 20. Skip*. Thar (Nor). 1.044 ton*. Andersen; pd Prawle Point. Aug. M. Henry Vlllard. 1.441 MM, Qtttclt. t PhU*- Aeiphio, Aug. 2*. MURPHY fc CO.. INC.. Board of Trade Building. Savannah t rivals leased wire* direct to New York. Uhl ago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office, No. 61 Broadway. Offlien in principal cities throughout the South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing instructions for trader*. Harks. Marla Adelaide (Hal), pin ton*. Ollvarl. Ski Genu.). June 6. pd. T.irtfa. Sept 17 Solid (Awed), a* tons, Weden; at uuatan tlne. (Sw). I,!* ton*. Bylund, pd ■look of Holland, Aug. If. B>lvl. (Nor). 1083 ton*, lialvorsen. pd. Cuxhaven. Aug li Pietro Ac am. (Hal). Ms tons. Coata. sld Hamburg Aug. 11 Atlantic (tier), 1.3 W ton*. Doyen; rid Hamburg. Aug 3. Norden (Non. 631 ton*. Fergersen. aid Liverpool, Aug. 25. Pandur (Dan). ton*, Schmidt; sld Bristol. Aug 31. S'hwandeu (Non. 817 tons. Erkkren; sld Table Bay, Aug 22 Alert (Non. 891 tons, Anderson; sld Ap pkdore, Aug 31. Els# (Ger). 1.180 ton*. Springer, sld Bremen, Kept 2. Record (Non. 980 ton*. Johannesen; sld London. Sept. 3 Ruegvtg (Nor), 612 tons OUen; sld. Cape Town. Aug. 17. Itrlas. Prottetore (Hal). 456 tons. Parascandalo; sld Cadiz. Sept. 1. h'bonnpra. Jennie Thnm is. .>7H ion®. Young. sir] Bal timore. Sept. 22. WEBKLI market ni:\ikw. Colton Rrarla Kbarplf, Iml Partly Re* overt-all toe It a More Active Inn Hca v jr. The cotton market ban again been ac tive and excited with large trading anl violent fluctuation® For ihe mow part, however, the feeling ha? been weak, and the prev|ouly tainting buoyancy we® la king By Thursday the* decline hel amounted to about " point*. O loher reaching 9.57 c and January 9XV Long® were liquidating freely, some taking prof ira and other® stopping loaaea. Mills were flopping or threatening to stop. md re ceipt* were beroming normal, barring the temporary block In Texas .Moreover, the country met the decline with eager ofT*-r --ing® of cotton; *o altogether, th* bull® had a pretty hard time of it It Is dim ult to aay exactly what check*-*! the decline, causing aorm* little rupture on Friday and Saturday, unless it be the prevailing id** that ihe break had gone far enough, can aide ring that there la as yet no great pressure of cotton, and § arceiy any etc* k In the leading speculative markets. The reitovery amounted to nom*- 30 point*, Ck - tober closing 9 97*. January 9 Sir. < rop reports were a tritie better ns a rule, hut in some section* damage was caused by heavy rainstorms. Up lo the present the outlook la very much mixed, but the deposition t® to reduce rather than Increase crop estimates Stocks were delt|edly more active. There was some Ittile recovery early In the week, but later the market was again under pressure from a variety of adverse influent es Price* gave way all along the line, most of the active *to.k® losing 2 point® or more Tenne*®ee Uoal was a leading feature, falling 13 points, and ral lying only 1 point The tone of the mr kei was weak at the close, the money outlook becoming less favoraule and price* may yield further early in the w#ek but the fie. line seem? to hav gone aUmt far enough, and . sharp recovery is likely In the course of u fewr days. Wm. T. William*. SEA ISI tMI ( OTTO!*. Necelpl* Shewing t i> Moderately at Interior Town*. Reports from several interior point* In dicate that sea Island cot ion I* being mar ktled In moderate lot*. The receipts mi Valdosta on Saturday were about fifty bags, which was the best showing there for any one day this sea-on It seems certain that sea Island cotton Is to he marketed slowly, which is the method that planters have agreed to adopt In getting the best obtainable price for their product. From the vicinity of Valdosta reports continue to come in to (he effect that the crop has been damag'd, either by rain or hot weather, and there are having a strengthening effect on prices The better Informed of the trade say the outlook for fancy price* la bright, and that the only p.anlers who stand a chance of luting losers this year are the class who close their eyes to their Interests and forward their cotton to be knocked down In the open market for what It will bring. 44 4VE* A HTOI T’H VIEWS ON POT TOS. Haven & Btou4. banker* and brokers of New York, say In their Saturday'* review of lh# cotton market: The eotton market for 4he past week ha* been In a reactionary mood Such a tendency was only natural after the ex cessive advance* of the preceding fort night The (set that the continuance of that rise was due to factors like (he Gal veston disaster which was minimised by the definite Intelligence as to the extent nf loss of cotton or damage to the Texas crop from the storm The fact that Mr Nell's low crop e*tlmti*e was also brought out at s moment which seemed calculated to Intensify (he speculative excitement was also significant It I* certain that ho*h here and In Llverftnol bullish sentiment had for a time ran to extremes, and that a very large long account was In existence In both markets. Justifying tnd even ne cessitating ueh a reaction a* w have now been having The news of lb* week ha* also contributed to bring on the de cline It began with official s'atemcnts that the total reduction of the Texas col ton crop from the storm would be wMhln Ifln.ono hale*, and this wss followed by re port* of good weather throughout the South, which Is dc-ldedly favorable for plrklng and for the movement of the crop The high prices have, of course led to s general desire 40 bring cotton to market, and at various port* the receipts ran up beyond those of the corresponding date* last year. Liquidation by hulls who got In 100 late on the recent advance was accordingly on a large *>wlc In lh* early part of the week, and at the ssme time the local trade* utll- Ixsd the situation by putting out heavy short sales Toward the close of the week however, the measurable exhaustion of weak bull holdings and the Increase of the short account naturally tended o ateady the market and to create dullnes* JACOB BBHRY A CO.’S BBVIBW. Jacob B*rrv * Cos., of New York, say in their weekly review of the cotton mar "At last tbe crop Is .timing to market fr'eelv Under the Influence of the tin usually high price and Ute very evident Intention of spinners to curtail con.ump "on a. far a* poa.lble. planter* are hur rtlng their cotton to market and the movement has been freer than expected The consequent offerings of cotton hav* weakened the Southern spot market* aryl "ere have been fslrlv liberal Miles of fu „,re against accumulated slock- Liver oool hs* fsl-ed to glv* tbe home markets rnore than desultory support B<tme cot ton hs* been *htw>*d there from the ton rlnent and Manchester Is recovering from Its soar# The weekly report of the Weather Bureau was muctl lea* bullish Ahao expected, which lad to ID* liquid* - THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, BEI*TEMBER 24, 1900i tion of long holding® and New Orleans has been a seller of futures A* we have stated before, it looks very much as though the bull pool in that city Is making ef fort® to nnch some of the unusually largt profits that have accrued to li on the other hand, the rush to sell dors not compare unfavorably with recent rush to buy. The short interest la once more assuming large proportion*, and there ere enough bull*, flushed with late success, to turn the screws on them when set the opportunity. The stocks here are very light, onh about 13,000 bales, amt toil* |>o1 1• t BIMM rntkew the sh--n pMI tion a somewhat dangerous one. Then, too. there I® no good reason for a change in the recent low e stimate* for the crop, and a® mk>i a* there is any inclination of prices to stiffen again we are tpt to hear still more of the strong statistical posi tion. The chief point* against the mar ket arc the still heavy long Interest, the larger receipts and the inclination to re duce consumption These are not likely to keep prices down*, however, In the face ot the rapidly growing short Interest, a* It look® about time to buy for * turn. Liverpool wa* better There was some good selling on the advance ami It looks well for holders to take moderate pi outs % mm.i: m iti.y or cottov From tha New York Uommcrcial and Financial Chronicle, Sept. 22. The visible uppiy of cotton to Sept. 21. n® made up by cable ami telegraph Is a® follow* Continetsl stocks. aa well a® those for Grwt Britain and the afloat, are thp week’s returns, and consequently all European figure* are brought down to Thursday evi nlng Bin to make the total the complete figures for S*pt 21. we aid the Hem of exports from the United State*. including in It the export* of Fri day only. imm 810 k at Liverpool, bales. I*2.(**> Stock at London 13.90© 3.©*> Total G B ato- k 175. W 7*4.V* ?to< kat Hamburg ... 19.00© M.*** Stock at Bremen 23.000 lit** Stock it 2.000 Stock at Rottertialfl 200 300 Mock at Antwerp 4 000 3,*m Stock at Havre fl.noo 12*000 Stock at Marseille® 3.nw ft.oon Sto k at Barcelona 79.nn* Stock at Genoa 0.000 22.00 H Stock at Trhate 4.000 17.0ft> Total continental rtocka . 14*.20ft 43.20' Total Kwrop* an stocks * 523.2i0 1,107.2^0 India cotton afloat for Kurop® 4s r >. (1 00 14.000 American cotton afloat for Europe KM.nno 243.0nn Efffit. Rfgxll. etc. afloat for Europe 13.000 Bt ck In U. S porta 224.3&> 6*50*0 Stock in U. B. interior towns 133.H5j 3^.N02 U. S export* t>-day 17.477 22.ntM Total visible supply Wu.f!4 2.9&2.KK Of the above, tot ala of American and other descript lona are aa foliowa; American— Liverpool stock, bale* .. l<v*.ofrt tZW.nno Continental slocks 119.010 339.0t®J American afloat for Eu rope KM.Obt 243.000 1* S stock 224.3*5 IM&.040 I*. S interior storks 133.332 33**..VC V. S exports to-day 17.477 22.094 Total American 7*03.714 1,54.43f Total visible supply *0,914 3.M2.W4 The imports into continental porta the past 4v * k have he-n 19JM0 balea The above figures indicate a decrease in the cotton In sight to date of 1,501.922 hale? a* compared with the same date of IW. a loss of 996.373 bale® from the correspond ing date of I*#? and a decline of 374.233 hales from 1*97 HASIKEH i LKWr UKWI. Tke Flnawelal Outlook as lees From Hull Hirer*. New York. Sept- 22 —The tnertlu which hud settle.! over Ihe stock market In July and August seems to be finally dispersing, and greater activity Is developing In all section* of the market, now that absen tees are reluming from their vacations. Somewhat contrary lo the expectation* of many, the market has displayed more ore le>f w.akn.e- and the large opera tot show no ffiapnatttMl t > ( >c mbment lo lend their support to a bull movement. The sound conditions of general trade. In dustry and finance are freely admitted, but for Ihe lime being the many favorable conditions wht h undoubtedly exist are overshadowed by the approach of the elec tions and purely speculative influences. There Is an abundance of money both for investment and speculation; yet Ihe In ducement* have ihk yet become sufficient l> ultra, tlve. There ure few bargain* besides The big operator* are not ready for n advance, and the public, which never buys at the bottom. I* waiting lo sec an upward movement of some force inaugurated before It takes part. Sonic sharer are selihiK at considerable reces sions from the high figures of 1*99 and ipvt' ,>ihers are still held at price- which offer no apparent altracflor. to new buy ers Hence some further readjustment of values, therefore seems o be in or der; and no betler opportunity than now Is likely to be offered tor getting the mar ket Into form for a fresh bull movement Inter on. During Ihe last fw day* the hear trad ers'have assumed n aggressive attitude owing lo the let-alone |m|cy of Ihe bulla, me political uncertainties, the (alk of higher money rsle* he condi tion of Ihe iron trade, the strike in the coal trade and the fear that It may in,- c|l* further labor trouble* It would however be easy for 4h* market (o be come oversold in present condition*; so that sharp rallies may be expected to follow any pronounced declines HOOK NOTICES. "Lyrlcks." by T Houston Mifflin Pub- Itailed by Henry C. Coates A Cos.. Phil adelphia. Cloth 74 rants. In *hl* little volume there are thirty-three poems, each of which la well worth reading. In the early part of this century th* poet was well known In the South Atlantic states * a portrait painter It I* said that quite number of portrait* painted by him. are to be found In the homes of old tamllle- In Georgia and South Carolina One of hi* poems, written tn Augusta. April. 1*25. Is entitled. Tho' on Savannah's Sunny Shore,'' and la a* follow*; I. "Tho' on Savannah's sunny shore." An earlier flower may blow And nature here h-r vernal store With richer h-tnd beetow. Thr stranger by your glancing stream With pensive step may roam. Yet dearer far that river deem That freexes near hi# home. 11. In vain your luxuriant xrovea Moy breathe the blandest air That filled with fragrance that Idly raves And wanton* everywhere; In vain your sweet melodious bird lis song moy pour. Yet by the stranger W preferred Ills wind-swept foreat's roar. HI. But oat In vain the glorious eve* Thai llghl your Southern clime. And brighter than your sunny rllme. And brighter than your Southern skies. Make ever summer-ilm I Ae.l pot 111 valp the kindly heart# That welcome those who roam. From the** with pangs tn* atrengtr parts Aa tor a oa*iv# bomat Southern Railway. Tratna Atrtv ,n<l Depart Savannah on Kth MrrtJLn Tima One Hour s.ow r , , Than li ty Tima. Schadulra In Effrct Ku .ulay, June ,5. '.900 MEAD DOWN TO I II K L.Vk. IUSAD UF No 34 , No. i4 U 3pni. >*6ii Lv Bay a i Arj| l • 9pn , I i| tludtrn Unit* ) 4 2lpm; 4 24am Ar Uiagkville Lv i 3 #am| 1 J7pm 4 Okimi 4 10am Ar Columbia L\ l 11 13am 9 Ulpfn 9 Warn Ar rhagl> ne Lv,' 9 36pm] 9 Mm il 44pm i2 Bpn Ar Uifi I Boro t j k4pm| § 49a 1 v• f I 13 61 am l 34,0n At l.n ville Lv>t ft 40|ii 4** i 4 Übam 4 33pm a .... 7T.7. ..........77.Ric ki non Lv URpmill Opm 1 49am ,i 49pm Ar Lyn -hbmg •i, . Siam 4 33,ini 335 pm Ar - hwi ot tesvtlie I.v 4i*nv 3pu T 36amj t f4*j>m Ar W • b• . i ! \ t •* m 9 13am n ;v.i*c A r _ Baltimore ! - im J7pm * ■ wn * 34am Ar l* Liwi• I 3 Q6|*m 4 23ain Ar ....New York Lv 53 IftAmj I Aftni 4 3>prn 3 i®h*rn At Bail on I.v Dpm'lO .hum No * , f l TO THE NORT II AND WEbT. I No 36 II ( f H •I• ) || u nooh a * * B (E-otorn rimo.) j • m,|Lv < ol .mi la bv': 1 )am • kkm |Lv Spwttoiii urg . Lv I 4 I3j*m L loptn ,Lv Asti**vilie Lv;| 309 in t+mi Ar hoi Rprti f* i 7 30pm Ar Kb x vilie Lv i 3*o 319 am Ar ...Lexington L* 10 h*m 7 43am Ar . CNllMiatl U • *’ * n 7 AOam Ar twu*vllle Lv 7 43pm 4 OOpm iAr g| l.t.u. AH trains arnve and from th# Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICM. CTC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW fOR K AND FI>RIDA F.XPUBSS YoaU huie*l 1 iniltc<i train*, wtlti Pullman ihawing Itoorn bl***ing van b tw *i Bvai* Pah and New York Connect* *t Wa.hlngion with I'oiiMiMal Kxpre-a for HoOton. Pullman Sleejung Care between v'htro|f and Id hmoml and Charlotte oral Nor > ve all nv i PHI TRAINS Y AND :< I'.Mi.Y TM*. UNITII* : A I \ ! ii\.r. V stlhn <4 limltea! train*, carrying Pullman Drawing Riruu HDping (’art bt-tweon Si tniah •nd New York Dining Care -erve *1 meals I*lw*niii Savtnnwh and IVafhln ton Also Pullman Drawing Room Sle ping Carr Intween Savannah and Clnclnßail. through Asheville nd The Luwl of he Skv For complete Information it to rat'O. grh*<liil e etc., apply to O. OHOOVKR Ticket Agent. Plant By§tni Station J A MIIS FREEMAN, C. P ond T. A. 141 Hull afreet. Telephone#-Beil, 35; Georgia 980 8 H HARDWICK Assistant Qentral Passenger Agent. Atlanta Os Hard Sense. It takes keen common sense, '"WJS added to ettprrior judgment md ISMBBI experience, to be superintem' eut of Tg* ‘ a railroad. Such a man o' re- ; commt-uds anything that h • has not ’jSiiyßraf ” himself subjected to q.Y.clal test. TH - f“ - ent, living at Savannah, Gu., in i which city he was born, says he ' ■—*5|SSH feels better than he ever did, and he had tlse worst case of dyspepsia ////.ex' \ ©■record, lie hod no appetite, and “"A the litt:e hr ate disagreed with him, ■ had pains in the head, breast and /'//jf/'&F' <P74nV Stomach, but after nsing three hot- * f'JZ ties of P. P. P. he felt like anew Vty'it man. *Hr says that he feels that he ' #*oj g could live forever if he could always , 14L'fcSWB get P. P. P. His name will be given on application to Lippman Brothern, the proprietors of this great remedy. Dyspepsia in all its forms is promptly and permanently enred by P. P. P. General Debility and lack of energy gire place to vim and ambition through the nae of P. P. P. Blood Poiso i and all its incidental and hereditary 01s are eradicated by P. P. P. Rheumatism is conquered and banished hy P. P. P., as sre also Catarrh and Malaria. P. P. P. is a purely vege table compound, which has steadily grown in favor for years. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LIPPMAN RRO T "”'S, "“TBOTA k Savannah. Ga. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From Ihe moat celebrated niauafaclarrrs, bolta Ure-proof and burglar proof safes and vault doors. We carry an Immense stuck of Flrr-prnof Hales. Oar stork em braces a very elegant line from 7tm to 4.<NN pounds. Inclusive, single and doable doors, and n visit to our establishment to la apeel these elrgnat safes will bra suurec of much profit and la strartlaa to oar friends. Tbe price will be as low os any really Fire-proof Safe can be made, and nor motto Is Quality and Safety of thr first Import ance. grad or call on ns for further particulars, rainlogsr and prlcen. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. To Save Expense of Moving. we Have decided to sell entire stock of Furniture. Carpets, Mai ting, Shades, etc., at slight ad vance above cost during Sep tember. Will be In store-, 112 Broughton, west, erly In Octo ber w/itH a full and complete line. We can fill ry order Right INow, Call and see us at did Rost Offioe building. LINDSAY & MORGAN YOUR CATERERS. Mnuntlnn. Rudyard Kipling'* new *tory I* the prtoc|pl feature of Everybody's Magazine for October "A Hur gh*r of the Frre Btslo" por try* th- scenes Immediately before and after the capture of Bloemfontein hy the British, and the od Scotchman, who lias lain a burgner o( Ihe Ft < B'ate lor (,ver foil) veil*, throws much light, on the true situation In South Africa The story I* full of th* wit *nd word play *• charmingly characterlatlc of *ll Kipling's short stories That the Dowagfr Empress of China was a slave 1* generally known, hut th* method by which she mounted the throne and the subtle cunning by which she attained her position, ar. fact* mo*: entertainingly told In this number. Everybody'* Magazine. N>w York city. —Prof Virchow, Ihe famous sciential. Is *pp<irently ** active ** ever, and the other dsy took * flvr-rail* walk at WU balmthohs, mu Cum I, Germany. P P I*., * wonderful medicine; It gives an appetite; U Inv.gtiraws und strength en* P. P P. cures rheumatism and alt pains In the sld*. back and ahouldtrs, kneea. hips, wrists and Joints P p p cures syphilis in all Its various stages, old ulcers, sores and kidney complaint p. p. P. sure* mtarrah, ecsema erysipelas, all sktn <!!**■ aid rnercut'.al p..|.onlng, I*, p. P. ( urea d>*,-p*!a. chronic f. ui.,** complaint* and broken-down cottstltutMn and tot. of manbosl P the best blood purifier of the ag*. ha- made more permanent cun - than all other t.knd rem . die- Llppman Ilroa., on I# proprietors. Savannah. On.—nd "Oraybenrd Is a family m-dl- Ine with o " said a prominent bu-tn-s- man yss terday My wife taxes 11. and 1 notice b- G enjoying b**t*r health than for yeara The children keep w 11 by taking It. ' Gr*yb<ard may be obtained al nil drug •tores or writs to us for It. fteap*a Drug to., sol* preps , Bavauimti, Ga*~fi4, Plant System. of kali w ays. Trm Operunl ty loth Mortitlxn Tl mt—On* Hour et<vw*r Tltn Dltf Tliuw HUADTb>WN | Lfl .) .• A-xT 6 .) H, AL ii ; IM jli H |' I, n North -nd South. || 3 :it (4 111 | 4 Lc, l .wu hqij it a> 65a Lv . Stv.nn.K Ar;, alm 7 iko iin Il lu,U U j 0.,, u,,, | 0 jo 4| , j,, Ar ci„ri(o> .. Lvjll Up 5 50a, 8 )0p J 41-; -MB j i * -'*< 7 at,l Ar Itt.-hmow) .. Lv, I uu., 6*; J j 7 (Ha; ,11 1 Ar .. W.ahin(on .. Lv, 4 Da, 1 ffp; (...• - - ! ! I 1 • 7 00-i Ar York. .. Lv)| 8 aSsi t 55a|. 1.... .......j,.,... , I o|, ~ ItopiAr iloaion l.\ 1 lJUOni ,s i * i is m 1 * T.Ttn , < . ‘M* a ate u(m* . jui| a i-vjfl.v a ..ntiaii ... Arii i to, ;a j,|ia i0,.,il soajW it* * '***• V 4 -.|i It) otha, 7 .C., 4 a \r . Wa-rroa* Lv !*>[• ' B>p > 5-1 * J<M| 7•• I * a l.,pj } U|.| 8 l*(. Ar .. Thai.hi*' ID- I.v 7 nopf 7 uop) 46a| sU*> Ea 10 a> |> 7 to), Usm 9 .(.!, *>■ \r ... J* k onvtl.o Lv | I Jo;- n oW|', * Waj 7 lua 5 vSu |t *ol 8 60p|U 01). II Cp Ar ... I'olatk.i ... Lv Jpj 5 4#i>| 4 Ota t I * ON* 5 40p I Ar . Sanford I.\ tj 05p | I Ota 1 Olh .... I I | 2 lopi I ‘|> Ar .. Galnanvlllr ~ I.v I *op| I I 8 I*P I l4pj;Ar Ccala Lv:j 1 tj. | 'to 50; io fc'p Ar ,Bi. I'atarvburg . Lv j 4 0(u . —. I 7*> 10 00..110 op|to 00| Ar Tampa Lvil 7 M)a 7 00a; 7 85p| 7 Isp .... - Ar Fori Tampa Lv) 4 Ea| 4 lfca| 7 tap; I (Wt ....• ■I 1 10. t I 10a, 1 ton |Ar . I'unta Gordo Lv | < 15, 4 Jsp ...^ 110 45.1 to 45,1 Ar Ml Au pu*Unr I.v C Sp! 6 lop| ...[ j j 5 <*P 1 15a lp )>' I.v Havarnah. .. LvIMO 1.7a D 10a ...... j . I 6 45|. 5 15a| 4 top 4 4fta >Ar I-Sup... I.vf* 4 Sni 10 lp' lIPI 7 loa| I 25p| I 061i Ar Itrun awlrk Lv 4 40a| 9 04p| ; j.... NORTH, WEST AN t> MOI'THWEHT 15 | oi {{ \ia JvaU|> |j 14 t K 15 j J 5 liVta Moiitqoiijrrjr.|| 14 | 78 siv 5 .'(*> I.v Savannah Ar jin Ia ;J Pa | 5 oO|> h m Lv Kav,mi.all Ar 10 Laf I Ja * Lpi 6 40.. ;Ar .. Jaaup.. Lv|| 8 loa|lo 5Sp v ~ Ar M -, K ,„ #ry 7 45| . [j 2* I #aj 1 14). Ar , Manav Lv | l Oia, 2 sop 7 (Op 8 in. Ar Naahvllla I.v|| ooa JDa 5( I top Ar Atlama L> 10 4;,| IJ CH I lua 11 25). Ar laniMvilla I.v tka Il* OL. 8 40p Ar rha'nuuiia Lv; j 4 6|> 6 (. 7 • 4 .p Ar cu> tnriall Lv 11 <pl 5 45# 7 h>l 7HU Ar Ijnitavllta I.v 7 45a( 7 4Sp 7 10a, 7 It) Ar HL lavula Lv > akp 4Ea 7 *Vj 745 Ar Olnriiwatt Lv] **o 7 <h> | |i (j, an ) 7 04a *>P Ar SI I-oil la Lv|| * Itp ( (Wa 7 |la| jAr Ht lanita Lv I flop 7 lal 5 UXv Ar rhtrasn ,Lv!i I Bfl|v! 9 00p | || (y a o.) 5 4.Cl 4 154 k I.v Atlanta Ai 10 JRp 11 loa • fltai IBp Ar Chlr-aen T.vl 7 flnpj iMR 9 06p[ 7 15a Ar Ytrmphna Lv! a act; 9 (inp 9 45.117 10.. Ar Kana MyLv(| 4 JOpj 9iq 4 lip! 8 Ufall Ar MoMla . .Lv||U 59p,1J 90a • (Ana unmarkavt naliaj dalij. * ***o* ***** *>rl-ana Lv ' 56a! 7 45s * Dally ax rapt Sunday. , „ a<a,|Lv aavannah Aruifl 15a II IS* _|H, inday only ) 45a li KM' *r Tlfton ...Lvt] I 15* f. JOp Yhroueh I'ullman Slaaplnq <*r Xariilra 10, J lOp Ar Alban'' I.v 'll tti 9 46* in North Eat and Wrai and n Florida .. Isp Ar Columhoa Lvl| 10 '• 4 ..tiaaailona mada ai t'orl lam., allh aiaamara tor Kay Sari and Havana. l.aavlufe fori Taaapa Maartaya, Thuradaya and Satardaya at 11 rfMV p m. J H. folhrtnua. T P A ; E A Armand . City Tkt Aft . Da Roto Hotal I'hona Jlc I* W WRENN, Pinmirr Tra ffir Manasar, Havannnh, Ga . McDonough & ballantynk, w Iron Founders, Machinists, B 1 a .a. A.MaMka, a .la• k > • alnr. a. .. I avovioa- ysj!W*(B[ ar. at) I'artakl. kaataaa, 4 aalloal aad 1r Moaoln* ‘>r. f r *—* - R'Ma, lujai Will aad t'aaa. fviaa *••'*•. *•• TELEPHONE NO. 123. - iT IhIPE LEO'S Mil i; OF Fl*. How He (Inrr tint Ike Best of n H Irk ed \oblrmnu. From the ("hlcngo Ttmc-llerakl. Dope Uni XIII Is noted s- n wit. It Is said that he has Ihe greatest power nf repartee of any nv*n in Europe ll Is an odd thin# (o remind one (hat "ihe greater die saint tlte greater the humorist." This has so generally pasted Into o first prin ciple by student* of men tlrni one can understand why the wl'st theologian* urc given to doubt the sanctity of any man who doe* not enjoy a Joke. IVThnps Km. u.iti Wae not aware that he wos ut tering an old < 'al'mil. truth when he said "You need never de-ualr of lib* salvation of nnv iisin who esn see a Joke " Ttvem who have liv*d near Ills lloilpess. or who hove associative ties with him, know o volume of sturles of III* wit. It I* salat that he never bed the mastery of any situation—greßcia|ue. painful, awk ward or ridiculous He hue always en joyed a reputation for Ibis alone, an.l wo# lodide Ihe unlu.-kv wight who crossed the roil verse t lotlu I rapier* urllll Ihe aim of pulling him Mi worse case. His humor never wourole or stings It ialee* a laugh, tail alwaya lo lift tho bearer to a culm bight not before known. Only once In Nil there entile* drolatlqueg doe* he appear lo have mad*, a retort that eiaid* and. uiul then Ihe victim rbhly ■ -<ived It A well-known n.rWenwn of one of the proisl families antedating Chris tianity (some of them ns old and as wicked a Mutant. who may be named the fount .1, Thr.eelars, was rash enough to I sets! at a Hub in Home that he could anl would put the Holy Father nt a disadvantage. He bad begun by disagreeing with hi* .omiMMiHina In their statement that no one eoubl disconcert the I'ontlff‘s ready wit. and finished hy saving lhat he could do so Now this waa before Leo XIII had assumed the tiara and was caily Car dinal Peed. "You will get the wore! of It," hi* circle warned him. ".md you will wish all Ihe rest of your life lhat you had let him alone " But the fount de. Threestare was a beads' man and w bold in hie as surance Met* were freely offered, but only two were lak.-n. the! the adventure OUS tn in would gland any chanee of get ting tiff even third best from an encounter vlih so accomplished tn ecclesiastic. ll Was arranged that Ihe t|lal of wit should take place on the oeeaslon of n diplomatic dinner, when the fount de ThreeMar* snould be placed near the Cardinal and given bis opportunity to erueh the prl-ec as fla> as the tablecloth. The evening arrived and lh# naughty nobleman was sealed on the left of the Cardinal The dessert was far advanced when. In the most natural way. Ihe fount de Threeetar*. In perfectly assumed cour tesy, offered the Cardinal hie enuff lore. II was a jewel nf workmanship, and with hie thumb slipped beneath, the nobleman held It so that Its ltd Inclined In give the best view of Its decoration, thie being a certain Venus of TMlan. painted In the frank and fearl*** old fashion The Holy Father looked steadily at th* Venue tor a moment. Then he threw ht* head hack and hall rinsed hi* eye* a* If to get a good focus—all the while giving the lookers-on an etetnlly In same sec ond* Finally he raised his eyebrows In loirotatlvely. and said lo the nobleman, cweeily: "Mmc la Comte#**?" (Your wife.) The snuff box fell to Ihe floor with * crash and Ihe man's whole body trem bled with rage at this deadly Insult the worst eiieh a man could encounter, and his eye* looked a* If. hut for the cloth that ■ rpnretrd their ranks, be rnuld have killed the smiling ecclesiastic on the a|ml. Hut he yiever troubled Cardinal Pecc4 again. A worthy American one of the "new rl h." was pleasantly roasted behind hi* la< k on one occasion. He hnKdone many generous thing*, and Ihe Pope had reward ed Mm with orders snd medal* galore; for on* e a year this convert made a pilgrim age to Bom*, where he was kindlv receiv ed by the Holy Father as a son; and. gen erally. until the orders were exhausted, each time one WSS bestowed with some fresh honor On such occasions all these hrnve metal pieces were attached to Ihe rl h Americans breast. •Til soon end that." Iho Pope remarked to a confident who was at hi* side during ■he ley,e "Next Hm< I hgll give him a snuff box.” Which he did. The following \car the American turned up again and was granted an audl-nc*. wtyen tn the Holy Father's consternation the faithful son of the church appeared, not only with all of hi* medal*, but with the snuff box attached tn his waistcoat. "Th* next time." the Pope ald. with a .omlcal sigh. "I shs'l present him with a marble topi>*d table. It I* the only thing I c.%n think of that he can't tie to his waistcoat." • A High-Grads Institution for Ladle*.— I Shorter College, Rotncv Ga. Writ* (or gatalacue.-*4 |jfP) • Schedule* Effective B*p|. 10, 1900; Train* arriva at and .1, part from Central Station. West Itroad. boot at Utterly street. •nth Meridian Time-One hour slower Ibsff city time. *aov# Arrtvo~“* Savannah: Mavannah: | Augusta, Mh, on" Atlanta,] "* ** 4iam,Covington. klilledgevtli*]** Ottpo* (find all Intermedia!* poinlsi (Augusta Macon. Atlanta.l _—_ (Aihcu*, Monigomary. Co-! •9 (Kfc>m|lurnhita. Birmingham. Am-|*t arts Iff |*rlcu*. Eufaula and Tny.| W OOptn Oarer Vc. itmio.alatton jrTSam n Ooptn| Ousted Dinner Train. tt Mtpa* * I **:!>' (Except ftinday. BETWEEN SAVANNAH ANT) Tffflßß 74th meridian or Ravannah city time. LEAVE HAVANNAH. Monday only 824 a. m. Deity exc*pt M(today (Jo . Dally .100 p m. LEAVE TYIIKK. Monday only 714 a m Dally except Monday io % a m. Dally 5: p ro t’nnnrcilon* mad- al terminal point* with ail trains Northwvai. Went and Boulhwesl. e Bleeping cars on night trains between bavsnnnh snd Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor car* on day train* between Mss vannah. Ms. on an.l AlEmta. bor complete Information. Fvhtlukl, rales and •'non.-Hlnns. smtly to w G BREWER, fils Ticket and Paea. •Mt* r Agent, 107 Bull street. rrSlAntTS*- n,r> °' T,rk '' Aent. . Passenger Agent. Tr, 'ffl'' Manager. TIIEO. D. KLINE. Gen Superintendent, Ravsnnah. Ga. Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, N*- York o 4 tn 9 lum ~rusimparf . ' ' ■ A I. I . m 1! Ar Columbia. 8 A L. My 4 Mpm 1 4 Man* Ar Raleigh. B. A. L Hy . 11 27praill kktm Ar Durham. B. A. L. Hy 7 A>aml 4 18pta ~ J**l* rb unr. B A L Ry 4 llam t tapiw Ar Richmond. B A. L Kyi 5 14am. 4 topm Ar Washington. I'enna , 8 44am| * Wpn* Ar Baltimore petmn ho -ft.m.ll 7*pm Ar Philadelphia. I’enna {l2 77pm( 2 Wans Ai New York Pwtna | I (Mpm I Ham - ~--"—-TKo, 44 j mifi Ar Portsmouth B.A I,.Ry{ 7 nonm] 1 Mpm Bteamer* leave Norfolk dally, except Sunday, for Baltimore. Philadelphia arid - md da foi tt ashing!on. The short line to Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7 24 a. m , arriving at Montgomery 7:49 p. m , at which point close connection la made with tho LANK. R , arrlvlna at Mobile 1:04 a- m and New Orleana 7 40 a. m Th* short line to Femandlna. Ja. ksow vllle. Tamiai and otber Florida point a 1 No.wnmr T*v Bn vannah. 8. A. U Hy 5 "am7TW55i Ar Ftrnandma. B.A.L/Ry 9 24am 104 pm Ar Jacksonville. B A.LRy 9 10am I 40pm Ar Tampa. B A L Hy 5 *)pm 8 bin Magnificent Pullman buffat sleeping cay service to Washington. Baltimore. Phila delphia. and New York; alao to Jackson vllle and Tampa. Dining car* from Savannah to Hamlet, and Blchmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah lo Mont gomery. For additional Information apply t Ticket office. Bull and Bryan * treats. Phone 2* 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS . UHa DHY HALTED lH*o GREEN SALTED 4V*q D. KIRKLAND, Successor to R. Kirkland, 417 to 4XI St. JuLan >treat, want. 7