The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Uneeda £ kui w"~" sister prodm‘|ffi|a ; j<• inthM Uneeda : BBT 9 1 7* jf . '*** Jral (Quartet) Sold by all grocers. All packed in the wonder- I ' ■ Uneeda 1/ Milk Biscuit / • an! il, ■■ i'- d ' iie zr ■ Sc^wh,:, L - ' ■■-'A-.-. a— APPLY FOR CARDS TO DAY. IX TUB AA WITH M'HIWU there ark im> \ \t axcies. A&ui , ri£!)ti a of Vsrniirlpii In the Tur in n i.rmlra of Ihr Grammar Aril I'rmpi’P the A t|tllean I * ran (.alhrr From Ihr Figures harlhin( an In Til cl r Chanrra nl IrrarliK Admission— I'rlncipnla and Aaalatanla Will llnvi- I'hanr of the liaunnrr nf (arila nl Ilia* Arailrmj'- W nrK Will Go an lu day, Tn-morram anal Friday. Vacancies for white chlMren In (hr pub- He schools number 783. Those will lie filled by those to whom car.l# of admis sion will be given out at Chatham Acad emy to-day. to-morrow ond Mtloy. Th hours for the issuance of the cards to applicants will be from 9 until 1 o'clock. Supt. Otis Ashmore bos ascertainei just where vacancies In the white ond colored schools exist. The principals will know Just how many cartle can be Issued with out overcrowding Ihe grades. and. when that point has been reached, no more will be granted admission. The names of additional applicants will hove to go upon the waiting list to be given accommoda tion In the grades they seek to enter t<* soon as a vacancy occurs. In the lower grades of the white schools there are more vacancies than In the higher grad**. The vacancies in the t!r t grades of all the white s -hool* aggregate 414; In the second grades. 89; tn the third grades, 133; In Ihe fourth grades. Hi; in the fifth grades. 17; In the slxfh grades. 74; and In the seventh grades, 73. From these figures applicants for all grad <* may be able to conclude something as to their chonnw for sc tiring admission. Doubtless there will be many who wih not find in com mods t .on s. It Is expecte I mat the Issuance of cards will open with u rush this morning, and It Is probable that there will be but a slight falling off to-morrow. Frida; may bring lighter labors for those who are to l>e at the academy for responding to the wants of the children and the parents who accom pany them. First comer* will h- those first served. When all the places have been given out. there will be nothing for belated appli cants but to have their names go on the list of those waiting for openings. These openings occur from time to tlm> during the term, and Ihe children. In the order in which their names appear upon the list, are given the places nifeM by the Withdrawal df pupils who were In at the beginning of school. Careful preparations have been made by Supt. Otis Ashmore for the Issuance of cards. The principal* of the schools ami their assistants met yesterday afternoon at Ihe academy for Instructions. All Ihe principal*, save Mr. Arthur O’Har.i of St. Patrick'* School. *nd Mr. J. S. Sims of Chatham No. 1. had returned from their vacations yesterday Desks have been placed In one of the rooms at the academy for the prliirliuils, and there they will pass upon the quali fications of the applicants for admission to their respective schools. Before the applicants present themselves to the prln". they will h.i't lo show e\ > of successful vaccination to one of the city physicians. A curtained apace for the examination of vaccination mark* has been set apart for the physician. Card* of admission will also be IssuiM the colored children to-day ami to-mOr row Only to-day will they bo issued at the West Broad and the Hast Broad street schools anil only to-morrow will they be Issued at the Anderson on-1 Duffy street *. bools. I XI *1 ALLY I, t IltH KKT. \Va Heard by the Itocordrr X ester ilay Morning. Twenty-one cases wete heard In Ihe He ' order's Court yesterday, hut none of them were of mo;e tlan pass.tig Interest The tiiii * lm| os. and amounted to fsu, of which 137 was paid. The docket ease against the officer* of the Chatham Light Infantry for drill ing the cempuny on the aid walk of Mont ejtnery street, lien by > omlug Into collls- I It with Jrle-sr*. Maul* and Lisseter, was •omlnued until Oct. 7. .♦ A XIOAA II AM I Xt; SCHOOL. Aleasrs. Adam* and Reddick AA ill t onilnct oar at C. 1.. A. Hall. Anew dancing school will be conducted In Ravannnh this winter. Sir. W. K. Adam* and Str. Walter Ile.ldi k. will li the Instructor . Tiny ki.\i ure.l th- Catholic Library Association# hall for their work, ond Ihe encouragement they have received Induce* them to believe they wd have a large class. They will re oclvf puplin for nftrrnoon and #v#nlnir inPtrucilon. In addition to that of Me*at*. Adams nnd RHdlrk. (her* will probably bo of four danrinir ochool* In ihr city. Bavann:h in fatnoua for the number of Its young people who dance. iher* being few wh> are without thl* ac complliihniem, und the zchuoU for Inatruc tlon are usually well Attended. Mr. A'lnm* and Mr. iUildlrk will oj**n Ihtlr school on Oct. 19. TROOPS SHOULD REMAIN. Continual from Tenth Fage. the force in China should be tnt'ra*el and ntu diminished. The commercial poenibtl* |li*n alone or* 1 jmmeaxurable and Incal culable. and we would be In poult lon to profit ny them The Houth specially wouUl Iw* benefited. The Chinese are great ronzumerz of cotton, and thla con xumptton can be greatly Increazed. Every Chlnamau wears hie cotton blouae and cot ton trou?*eri. Unmanufactured cotton, cotton yonw and cotton cloth are nlrealy Imported Io great quantities from th. country and from Knelani). but the com merce can be greatly incre.iacd. Our aelf l*h Intere.-fn and our mterezt In the ad- V.iik ement of civilization and Chrlattanlty coincide in thl?* interest. nnl to sacrifice one h to sacrifice the other." Rev. Mr. King will remain in Savannah for aome time. He think* It will prolNi b.v be a year before condition* will be sufficiently nettled to enable him to re turn !•) China. He has already received numerous invltafiom* to prt'ach. am) will ilouldlezM <ll!ouai thene matters further In the pulpits of the Sav.mnah Churches. 1.04*1. I'BRSOXAL. Mr. G.o-ge S. McLaren Is registered at thT)e Soto. Sir. D. T. Clyalt of Quitman Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. AV. B. Jones of Newnan I* a guest of Ihe Puiaskl Sir. F. O. Stays of Atlanta Is registered at the Puiaskl. Mr. J Sf. Wright of Atlanta I* a guest bf the Puiaskl. Sir. N. B. King of Lellaton Is a guest of the Puiaskl. Sir D. W. of Broxton Is registered at the Screven. Sir. AV. C. Oliver of Lyons I* a guest of the Screven. Sir. J. C. Pope of Tldcock I* registered at the Screven. Mr. D. 11. Franklin of Postal is register ed at the Pulaski. Sir. C. B. Airmans of Dupont Is rcgls t. red at the Pulaski. Sir. Wright Campbell of Mcßae U a guest of the Pulaski. Sir. O. C. Cheves of Slontesuma is a guest of the Pulaski. •Mr. A. C. Hamblin of Port Tampa la a guest of the Pulaski, Sir. J. B. Chandler of Valdosta Is a guest of the De Soto. Mr F. E. Tibbs of Jacksonville Is reg istered at the Screven. Sir. and Sirs. J. M Buckley of Mlllen are guests of the Screven. Sir O. J. Baldwin left via the Central yesterday for Houston, Tex. Sir. C. SI Gilbert left v a the Plant System yesletday for New A’ork. Sir. Harris Cope will leave to-day for 1 New A'ork via the Plant System. Sir. J. D. Harrison cf Adlal was among ' yesterday's arrivals at the De Soto. Sir; Sarah Kirkpatrick of Green Cove Springs I* registered at the Screven. Mr. J sph Cl iik of Sloultrle was an;o ng the guests of the Screven yester day. Mr. W. E. Vinson of Guyton was among the guest* of the Screven yester ■ day. Mr P. T. Siemens left yesterday via ihe gen boa pi Air Line for Morristown. Tenn. , Mrs. J. Nelson was a passenger of the i Seaiio'ard Air Line yesterday for Ports mouth. J’r M K Nusshium of Balnhrldge was I among the arrivals at the Screven yes M- C A. L. Cunningham returned ye*. I ,y (I. m u Stay In the North Carolina mount tins. M.-*.*. Chas. S Heard. J S Hauser and John AV. D.ekiy of Augusta are guest* of the De Soto. M, e t C. Bawl* was among Ihe pas of the Plant System yesterday for Montgomery. Ml II Uemitger* was among the pass , Of th. ienlmard Air Line yeoter ; .lo> for New York. Mr- Chas Marks, who has been 111 In I for - tm time, hi* recovered so ti,.a she will return home next week. Mr and Mrs. H. K Dreeson ami their .hew Master Bennie Adam., returned .'ri:a> from the mountain< of North larolf a. • a |> r J Y. Fair returned to the • m last Idgbt after an alWMice of aix ! ‘ rkf which were spent In North Cro i ,ma. Washingtoa, Saratoga aid Canada. THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMHEK 26. 1900. BOXIW \n \ % <MnR Who !>*• >l Place line I* Hfliaarr In It. From the New Orimw Tlmes-Democrnt. "I see that Fitzsimmons In expatiating on the advantage* of knowing how to box In case of n sudden attack by rough*," remarked a veteran ipediman of thl# city. “I have heard ttmt eorl of talk be* for**, and— well. It maker me am lie. A* far back as I can remember, the advocate* and apologmt* of puglllem hove been harp* In* on the important e of knowing how to l*ox as a mean* of ready protection against unexpected aaeault. They call it ’the manly are of 'll you know how io use your hand*, they aay, 'there \i no ne< essJty for the cowardly and dangerous practice of carrying a weapon.* dome year** ago. w hen I was a trttb* young er than I am at pnwent. that ostuv'k me as being sound hurt.-, and I went to the trouble of taking a courae of le-**<*n* from ii local pugilist., By the time I got through 1 could a par very prettily; I knew all About feints and leads and uppercut*, and undercut*, and counters, ami cross counterr. and flatten'd myself that 1 cou! make abort work of the average hood lum. “One night about a month later. I wae strolling down town when it tough-looking j >oung man on the corner made nn Ironi cal remark about dudes 'Here an chance for a practical demonstration.’ I said to myself: Til just give this loafer a small lesson In |*olltene®*.' Hutting the action to the word. I stepped up Jauntily and struck what my preceptor called atti tude Up 1 That U all 1 gtnMk *'• fore | coul.l moke the artistic feint with which I had been taught that every bout must necessarily open, the young ruffian nnd kicked me twice on the shins, hutted me in the stomach, yanked out half a pound of my front hair, punched me vio lently on the nose, and left me hors ile combat on the banquette. The first thing I did when I got home wna to throw' niv Manual of Boxing' out of the window “Boxing would he i*n Ideal defense against hoodlums.** continued the old timer “If the hoodlums could only he per suade so follow the rules of the game and abstain from biting off ears or gouging out eyes while the bout Is In progresa. Hut as long as toughs Ignore ring ethl*a. and highwaymen refuse to tackle us oe cordlng to one good hlokorc club p worth more in a tight place than all the sparring lesson# ever given. Th best proof of what I say is the nigntflront fact that professional sluggers never re ly on their fists when they get to lighting casually among themselves. A pugilist will talk you dtxxv about the 'manly art of self-defense.' but lea him get Into i fracas in some groggerx. and it*s a hun dred to one he dots his sparring wph a six-shooter or a beer mallet. "Understand, please, that I am distinct ly opposed to the practice of carrying weapon*, but at the same time It Is nil non.-ense to talk of fistic expertness as a defense again#* ruffianly assault. Tn* beat defense a res|ertable citizen can nave against that sort of thing is good ' omj'any, iecent hours, and a Axed •leter mlnatvoti to mind his own business. him observe that rule, ami he’ll have no need of pistols or pugilism. I am a be liever In sparring us a muscle ami health developer, and no man will go further than myself to witness h really flrat-clas* exhibition of professionals in the squared circle, but I ljve no patience with thl* twaddle about boxing as n defense |n an emergency. Scientific mauling is n fairly good exercise, and uu exciting but brutal sport, end that’# all there is to It." afommby witrmro on mu in. Objectionable to the Congregation ami 11 as Henioved. From the Cincinnati Enquirer. DoulsvtUe. Ky.. Hep*. 12.—A workman wrote an apology for the haste he wa obliged to take in frescoing an open Bible In the dome of the new Trinity Methodist Church, at Third ond Guthrie streets, end as a result the contractor has had to go to vast trouble to remove the apol ogy. and is now* looking for the work man. The church la one of the hand -omet in the city, ami has just hern dedicated Hack* of the pulpit Is the pip* organ, over which is it mammoth dome In this wns frescoed, a*cord!ng to direc tion. an open Bible, with "Pax Vobis cum" written across It. When the congregation Inspected the church a smaller Hue wn* noticed under this. It was too small to be read Every time the congregation sat In the rhurph It was noticed that everybody kept peer ing at that small line Finally one mem ber brought a |ilr of opera glasses, ami. at an opi>orune time, ttalnnl them on tho line. He read; 'This work was done In a h—II of hurry!” The congregation were notified, and th* contractor w as also notined that the congregation could not stand for apologies couchtal In such lan guage. The contractor, at great trouble ami expense, erected a scaffolding which reached to the dome, when the apology was carefully removed. Who placed the line there cannot he'determined. as It was done several week* ago. —Lucy Havens, hailing from Gallon Mich., and weighing about 355 pounds, be came a public charge at the county poor house. Laporte. Ind. Dr. Deeter* of Un ion City. Ind.. offered to marry her and agreed to deposit 800 as a guaranty of good faith Arrangements for the wed ding were begun, but meantime a show man cam'- along ami persuaded Mis* Havens to travel and be exhibited She sigmd a contract to do so. and now Dr. Deeter* ha* sued th# showman, asking I'i.OOO damages for causing Miss Havens to break her promise. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY - Notlee I* hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against John Harrison, late of said county, deceased, to present them to mi* properly made out. within the time press-tiled by law, so as to show tlielr character and amount; and all per sons Indebted to said deceased are re uuired to make Immediate payment to Bolt Kit H. TATUM. Ex<cutor, 7 York street, west, Savannah, Oa. Savannah. Oa . Sept. t. 190 b ___ GEORGIA? CHATHAM COUNTY- When a*. Jordan F Brook* ha* applied ts. the Court of Ordinary for letter* of administration on Ihe estate of Don Agoos. deceased. These are, therefore, to rite and sd nwnish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make ob j, cl lon (If any they have) on or before th* ftrsl Monday hi October next, otherwise s.ild letter* will be granted. Witness th* Honorable Hampton L. F*T rill. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 4th day of Beptemls-r, I*oo. FRANK K. KEILHACH. Clerk Ct. Ord'y. C. Cos. ••HOrOUALO WA.VTEU. Office. St Augustine. Fla". Sept. 18. I9d° Sealed proposals. In duplicate, for supplying material for. ami budding steel framed tower, with shelter for Range ami Position Finder, at Key AVrst. Fla . Will be received here until Oct 77 I*<*. ef' l fben publicly opened. Information furnished on application Tho* H Rees. Capt- Engrs. PM MOIXO. to your luteresl lo let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa 1 Mm a practical plumber, No guess work to endanger your Ufa. Wiggins, 'phono 107, Georgia or Bell DO YOU GET UP WITH A LANE BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Yon Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the new# papers is sure to Know of the wonderful It |, gr . cure* made by Dr. ’—ii Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ■ I ,he C ,eat k idney, liver L, L-jVr-^ J li, and bladder remedy. - T A.U r It is the (Treat medl . i*. v [*"' c *' triumph of the nlne il _ I IJf teenth century, dtr j.X” ~ _____ i covered after years of al'pr M scientific research by Hi” * Dr. Kilmer, the eml- H ’ j . * nent Kidney and blad ** der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work. In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer St Cos .. Bing regular fifty cent and Rom.r t.wriM dollar sites are sold by all good druggists. CLASSIFIED AuVtRfISEMENTS. rcHiu.iUa TTeignh BTPnEmk for a few flay* more; but wtlll have time to find and well a handnome engagement finger ring, an everlasting, good-luck bringing, plain gold finger ring Hpe.-lal #a!e thl* week of pialn and fancy net gold finger ring*. Solid gold spectacle* fitted with bei 8| enrers' ten***, either for short or long *tght, 12 AO. Fegeaa, 2H Ea*t Broughton llalr. Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. Mall order* promptly tilled “fIUHOOI, HOOKS AT GARDNERS Bazaar. 12 Broughton street. e*Mt; Bamea* B*f‘Ond Reader. 23c; Third Header, 33c. Fourth Reader. 4i<*; Fifth Header, Me; Monietth Flrat Geography. 17c; Rohln aon’a New Practical Arlihtneile, 43c. Book* bought. aoU) and exchanged CREAM PUFFS. FIRST OF THE BKA eon. lemon meringue pie, vanilla biscuit, baked every day, ai Derst's Bakery. DARK EVENINGS ARE NOW (’Oil lug; let u* sell you a lamp; price*. 75c to $3 50. w F. Higgins, 175 Drayton ~V SHOULD SEE MILLER'S FT'HNl ture, newest styles for bedroom, dining room, pailor, In oak. walnut and mahog any; Miller's price* and terms are rea sonable. 307 Broughton, west. “YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It’s rich and pure; try It. V SHOULD SIT MILLER 7 ) NEW styles tn carpets, malting, window shades, art squares, rugs, lacs curtain*, etc ; Miller’s price* and terms are reasonable. 3U7 Broughton, west, FINE RICHFIELD LAMB AT BA Iter's.*' every day; beat of all othsr n-tb In market IF ITB RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlllls. KIMBALL'S ANTI-It HE UMA TI C ring*, thousand* using them and ail ben efited. Gardner's Baxaar. agt “SPECIAL. AN UNLIMITED SUPH.T of nice willow rockera; ladies' ofse, at 17. J. AV. Teaple. THE PRICB8 _ AT WHICH WE SELL bicycle sundries are entrancing. Try us W. F. Hlggliw. 125 Drayton. ti ll BUYS NICE KATTAN ROCKERS, ladles' star; large a--onmenu of rocker*, couches and easy chairs C. P. Miller. Agent. “OCT MU 1 WILL MOVE TO tit WERT Broughton. Ring up 7Kt if you want to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or stoiage; I guarantee prices Ihe same as I do the work that's given to me A H Griffin. 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses mail* lo order. M'OILLIS LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. U SHOULD BEE MILLER'S" OFFICE desks, offii-c table*, office chairs, office matting, office shades. C. P. Mi.lee. Agent. ~U WILL SOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly need som-thlng In my line; U will save money by trading with me. C. P. Miller, Agent. M'OILLIS BI2LLS SIXTT-INCH RUOS —Smyrna patterns—for M cent*. “HAVE YOUR bica’clf. REPAIRING done properly: that* the way we do :t. AV F. Higgins. 125 Drayton. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARB,” la a specialty with McUUila. “U“81I01'U> SEND Hit It ORDERS for tuning ond reiailring piano* and or gana to W P. Manning, with C. V. Mil ler. Agent; prompt attention to out-of town order*. C. P. Miller. Agent. IH YOUR IRON SAFF. FIRE PROOF’ Stlffel A Freeman have a standing offer of SLOW for every safe of their make that doc* not preserve Its content*. One *nfo was In burning debris 173 hours. When taken out. the hose had to be turned on It When opened, not a page wi* dis colored. not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want aecurlty, buy a Stlffrll A Freeman ante. C. P. Miller, Agent 'M'OILLIS IS CHEAP ON BUGS. NETS, la re curtains, hammocks, water coolers; pillow*, picture*, stove*, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. “SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W. Teepl*; alto agent for Insurance gasoline stove. irOILUI MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and store* piano* and fumllur*; best work only; no "Cheap-John” prices—no "Cheap- John" job*. , U SHOULD SEE MILLER 8 STOVES and range*, th* liest makes at reasonable price*. C. P. MUler, Agent. U SHOULD - SEND ME YOUR OR derw for upholstering parlor a net dining room furniture In Father, silk and other fab rics, In the best manner; curled hair, moss and cotton mattresses renovated, all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C. P- Miller. Agrnt. II no FOR . WOVEN WIRE COTS while they laM ,C. P. Miller, Agent. When you bee m c.illir- sixty- Inch *9 eenta rugs, you will buy thtta. Just can't help It; will aell In any quan tity UJUCAL ikWour feet are troubling you. call on me and 1 will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nail*, corns and all diseases of th* feel without pain: Charge* reasonable; can give the liest reference* In th* city; pa tient* treated at residence*; order* can be left * Livingston * drug store. Rull and Congees* erreet*; telephone J 93. Lem Dnvt*. surgeon chiropodist . ■■ : HELP AA AXTIUS-MAI-K. ' VA r ANTKIr "TWENTY MOBKtJOOl) white carpenter* with loo!*: government work, on Tampa Bay. Gulf of Mexico, very healthy mid cool; wages 25 cents per hour; good board and lodging .f per week: ge; money whenever you need it; long Job; see WUIMM Huber, No. 317 West Bsy street* between Julia and Cellar, Jacksonville, Fij., (or UckeU Ah rough to the work NEXT WEEK. we orr.\ t i>iiti:< t iui'ort of ITftLlftN MARBLE AT VERY REASONABLE FIdURES. THIS IWrOItT IM I I lift PEDESTALS HEADS STATUARY Atll (ITMF.II lltMmitlll ORNA wevri. WE SHOW NOW A\ KSqt’IHITR I.IMI ttr oom7eo \nlat rc FROM Jt'fT Al HOtt THtl umm New Goods in Metal. New Lamps, New Vases, FRFIT JAKft, Quntt Site, Mk- (he tiosen THOS. WEST & CO., II BROIiGMTON STRI.ET, W. m l.l* n OTBn-U(LK. iu>vs as wrp|MT Apply m. M< ts*-r A Cos. WANTKti A WHtTK BfV. RFTTVRKN oii.t rlKht.-fii to rtrivo brr.ul WOffOn Ad<tr-*i. In own hsiutwtltlni, Wacon. .•or* thl,, oftl.a. PAFRRHANOEHR WANTED At’ ply Mi Wool ilrood Mrrrl SALESMAN T<> RKPKKBKNT t’H with !ln* of imd, thol Orll thrmHrlv,, Notlnnol Hupply (’ompanv, 1,-pl C. Mo con, Cos WANTKD. TWO (JOOt> PI.ASTKUKHH oho worklnK odomont ploslcr To ffood wlilte men oi l ,viy pyi i’r doy and KMaranl-e Iwo monlh- work, and If oatisnnl may employ them all (he •ca non All srovernm -nt work and ready now Aindy to J. \V. Trashy, 1907 Nebmak.i avenue, Tampa, Flu WANTED, MKN TO I.RARN BARBER Irodc, only clahl we kr r,i|Ulr,‘,t. two years saved, wo furnl-h crnslant prae (lee, expert Instructions, lectures, gram diplomas, present tools, pay Saturday wanes and guarantee |.,sllto,is whet, com petent Writs for catalogue and imriicu lars. Moler Ttart>e r College, St. lands, Mo SAt.FSMAN WANTKD, TO CAM. ON doctors only on behalf of th* leading Arm In the business, established trade. Posi tion permanent. Applicant must be Intel ligent. Indefatigable and of g.tod ap,mar nnc* State experience Address. P. O. Pox Philadelphia. WANTED A HFI.tAnt.K MAN TO superintend (aw mill ;out put IMF to jn.od). Paying position for one with experience and ability; none others wanted. Ad dress TANARUS., Morning News olfl.e. Hi l l' AATKI>—FFM AI.K. WANTRD. A NKAT. COMPBTKNT gen.Tal housenwhl: none without refer ences need apply. OsII at 12 I.lherly street, west, between 9 and 10 a. m. "WANTKIt. A SMART WOMAN TO cook and ass'st In housework; reference resulted 5U> Fast Bo'ton. “WANTRD, WIMTK OIRt. TO OKIK etc.; family In country; |t; and board per month. Address Cook, care Morning News ~ WANTKD. A FIHBT-CI-ASS COOK, none without references need apply, must he able to make pis try and rook game Call at 12 Liberty street, west, be tween 0 and 10 a. nv 'WANTKD. A FIKST-CI.ASS COOK and washer, to do both Apply No. OIK Abercom street, between 0 and 10. "WANTKD, NKAT. WILLI NO <’OL ored wontan to go to New York as general house worker In a flat for family of three ladles; must be good rook and laundress Apply during morning hours at H Harris street, weal, lost 1*1,0% IAT WANTRD. 'lTcknhliir DIU^nTTIST^TvANTF^HtT^ notion, city ex|wrlenee, and g<><>.| refer ence. Address A K., rare Morning News "tVASTHD, POSITION BY BOOK keeper; strictly sober; com|et*nt and trustworthy: small |*ay as starter. Ad dress M . care Hicks' Iteslaurant. "WANTKD. A RAILROAD CLERK shIp by a man of considerable experience Sober and Industrious; good reasons given for leaving present position. South, care Morning News. "WANTKD. "SITKATION A8 FIRBT class clothing salesman Rest of referen ce*. ”H. 15.,” care Morning News. WANTKD' SITKATION A8 C ,,A M nKTi maid by while lady. Apply at once,Wheat on street. No. . WANTED. MTKATIONr'HOT. AOBD l*. wants situation as l>arh*r khop loy. or some trade Job. Address Hoy Wanted, 2JI West Broad street. HOI *K WAATKH. ■^^■cnciTXitrwHin^rTinr^ borhtKMl of Liberty or McDonough streets, or Oglethorpe avenue, west of Jefferson suitable for boarders Mr*. Alley, north west comer Whitaker and Anderson streets. . ~TW(biTORr HOI.’HK WANTED fwtlh lawn or garden preferred), In good location. Address Good Tenant, this office. HOARD WASTED. LTKir^TtoXltD with front room north of Oaston. near Hull; private homo preferred. "C,” News offi<e. WAhTKI*—MISC^CbLASM'JA \K.\S TKI)?I 7-* o I.IVK PKI K(7nß ; AD dress H. W. Bfierry. Duval Hotel, Jack sonville, Fla. _ \\ K V\ \NT A NICK OBNTI.E HORSE for u lady: must be g.esl *l*e. and a good trial required; must lie a horse with style; no other wanted Aditrees James Thomp son, general delivery, Postofflce. _ IF TOU WANT GOOD MILK. OKT IT from 8, alngflotd Dairy ; It’* rich, pure and wholesome. 'IF YOf WANT A PLAC'D TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., free of charge. Just si city limits. hauUng over hard road, writ# or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad straeta. FOR It RAT—ROOMS. ■ f?tcKLV' Vi'BNlKliwD ROOMS. ALL (kmvenlences; hot and cold water. SOS Barnard, near Liberty. FOB RENT.'"NIKE FLAT OF FOt;R room. W Kail Taylor street. 'foß' RENT. TO (IKNTI.KMKN,"NICE clean room*, furnished ond (attended, m-sr business center and De Oto Hotel. W 9 Fast McDonough atr*l. “TWO KI.EGANT HOI’TH FRONT rooms; nicest kKauon in the rlty; gent.o nun only. ZK West Utterly. FOR RENT, ROOMB, FVRNIBHKD OR unfurnished, witb or without board. 323 A orb, *as SCHOOL SHOES for BOYS and GIRLS Of course you want them to wear— but the youngster of thts age demands snap and style also. For genuine service and correct shapes get the following well known 'lines: .... 1 ‘Armored Cruiser/ ’ i''SHOE 1 ' “Steel Shod,” Ip 4 ‘Bunker Hill.” ' SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS and CIRLB. Nhc Sell Them All. and Our Price* are Ki(hl. IT.tT* Ftllt Ht-:%T. FOR KENT. DOUBLE FI.AT OVER *|ttg store northwest l.lh-rty and ITlce streets; In good repair, at moderate rent. Apply to K C. Way, agent. MM East Duffy. Hell teleph. be ETti. TO RENT I’AHUHt"FLAT WITH bath. 2 Charlton street, wot. corner Hull. FOR RENT—MiIt SKA I (Utltl :vi r NEXT TO THE CORNER of Congro* and Mont com r, streets, threr-oitory brick house Flr.t class condl tles Apply lu J. 11. Ileltnkrn, WliLakn and Liberty streets. FOB ItENT TO AN ACCEPTABLE party, my resldenee. northeast corner First snd Drayton streets. Apply C. W. Howard. No ye Hay street, east. FOIt RENT. COMM'RTAIILE HOURR No 217 Waldburg slreei. east between Abet.orn snd Uncoln, flrst-clasa order and condition: every convenlenee Right rent to right tenant. Estate ftalomon ■ Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOCBK No 2U WaldbuYg street, cast, between Atrercorn and Lincoln; petf*-<i eondltton, newly papered] not aod cold water, every convenience. Eclair B.rlomon Cohen. West llrnsd and Ilrnughloii street-. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with ad modern improvements; In good r.iafr 90H Jones, east. Koltoch (t Screv en. FOR RENT. DWELLING ON EIGHTH street, near I. neoln; |Mrs**sslon (let 1 Apply It 8 (Tnghorn, tin Bryan, east. FOR RENT. A VERY DESIRABLE residence. No 110 Duffy street; possession given Oct, t. C. H Dortctt. for rent, desirable brick bouses, number *7 a rat to* Huntingdon, east; newly cap-red and repaired; with ail m<slern tmtwovements. Apply to B O Way. Iti II Telephone. IVf* FOR RENT. LARGE RESIDENCE. 20f. Congress street, east, southeast corner A terror n M 8 Raker. Agent. 224 Ogle, thorpe avenue, east. run RRAT—STORES. SMALL STORKS FOR RENT. LOCAT .-d on State and President *tre-ts, In rear of Whitfield Building. splendid aland for •mall business. Apply W. M A W. E Coney. FOR RENT, FIRST-CLASS STORE, 313 A lie room street, Apply 11 Jones, east. FOR RENT. STORK. lIA HROUGH ten street, east; pnaeeeslon Immediately slro several d'glrabt* residence* and flat*. Aip'y A. Wylly, 12 Brynn alreat, aeat. IOH BEST—OFFICE*. 'TThTTiENtWi'ITK of Rooms, oc cupied * dentlat’a office for Ihe past ten years; fine location, opposite f'halhim Rank and faring on Square; reaaona t.fe rent to deslrnhle party. Apply John Sullivan. IS Congress, west. FOR RENT—MIACKI.I.AXKOt'*. A TKN ,icre fnrm and house; no rent. Apply IJvingston'a, Bull and Congress. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. UN dred dollars; easy terras, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. 11. Doraett. FOR SALE. LOTH'ON nTn'THT NEAR East Broad, at taw each; will soon be advanced to 1225; when a lot hat been paid for I con arrange to got a homo built. C. H. Domett. FOR RALE. THOSE I,OTS ON NINTH atreel, near East Broad, lisvt only been told to first-class psrtlaa. who will maks good neighbors; and non* other ran buy. The terms are very easy, and they ar* cheaper than any'otbar In th* vicinity. C. H. Doraett. FOB HALE. LOTH ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at I’d each; Iwonty-flv* dollar* cash, and easy monthly payments C. II Doraett. "RESIDENCE? AND BUILDINO I/JTB Tor sale all over th* city. Robert H. Totem real eatat* dealer. No. 1 York street, weot. 'run aai.t— MdlU-ialboli. WITCH HAZEL! THERE IS WITCH base! and wltchtuuMd One Is mode to cum; the oil#r Is made to sell, put a i of l* of ours by Ihe eld* of on.- of the other kind; *|e give you all (he quality and all the qunr.tiiy that your money en titles you to—a pint for a quarter I'ersse's Drug Btoria. Henry and Abercdrn, Whit aker and Taylor. “for hale, lumber and timber at VVarren-Scharf yard, foot Bryan street. Enquire on premises. "COWS FOR SALE. IF YOU WANT~A good milk cow. reasonable, I can supply you. Call 471 Weat HouiMary. AMI I AND f'YI’REHB LUMBER FOR sale—lso.oo’ feet of ash suitable for wheel, wrtghla carriage makers, car work* and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of sll sites Ws hav* resumed ■ uttlng our fsmous brands of cypres* shingles and wtll soon have a full llns of them for aal*. Val* Royal Manufacturing Company. B P RIN ciriELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich,- pure milk; try It; you yrlll be plcaocd. LOST AID rot'AD. "TF^TomrY^wTiif^iMuiri^ lon seat dropped from buggy on West Broad and Oglethorpe, dor* not return cam*, he will be prosecuted. Savannah Ifll" factory. “LOST. FEMALE“POINTbC WHITE liver bead, liver spot on left side. Return to r, J. Davant. ll* Bay atreet, east. "lost. Y KKT BRDAY. AT _ M ATI NEK. prxkrtlsiok, containing lottery ticket, small change Please leave News, care "Pockctbook.” KDbCATIOXAE. ‘ J MIHS"IAItTIUDGir A B? will re-oia-n her w hool Oct. 4. corner Gaa ton ami Habersham streets; Miss llnrt ridge will lc assist*.l by Mias Ward, fVassar A. U.j. Miss Cornelia E. lent. Mrs. Mark Gorfaln. vocal music; Mix. Georg" Schley, Instrumental music; Mu* rtnr.i Charlton, ealesthenlcs. For further Information, address Mir# HurtrMgc, South Orange. N. J. "THE JUNIOR THAI NI NO CLABB“OF th* Kate Hslilwln Free Kindergarten la now forming, and ha- only a few vacant place*. Applications for entrance should bp made at once to Mlsa M. U. Backus, jnl Huntingdon street, east. Savannah, Gin __ MISS WOOLHOPTEH WILL ftBOPER her primary school. Uct. 1, at UO Bolton atrtal, east. ttIMUIAAIROI'I, H • THE HTAR THAT LEADS THEM ad. New Done stio Mucidn . with ball bi at Inga Pinion A Son. FOR PAPER HANGER ANd ValNT er get Taylor's e tlinate- You won't ra gre; it. Painters’ suppdas I.ADIKS. HAVE TOFR FlNß'"CßE |h>ii amt tailor made dresses dyed by l.ew oxadye priH’css, guaranteed not to shrink nr git out of shape New York Dye Works. Wh'tuker and State. Phone M. THE MOST FP TO-DATE WORK 18 t>eliig turned out by Forest Ctty loturelry. 'Ptione ; WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING given personal attention, at Koch A Byt van's, 4* W'tdtakcr. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS. ETcC go to Cornwell A Chlpman. HAVE YOUR HOURE PAINTED with tlerman ready-mixed palm, entire •atlsfoctton guaranteed. Adams Point ■ nips tty "WANTED, ONE THOt’HAND IIUN'. gry iswple at the Mouihern tlroi-ery com pany, 114 lihrnatd street ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RE" p.ilcl whll. you mad. all work guaran teed. For poor people free, l enton A Hon. * WALL PAPERS, PAINTS. VAR rt-bes. kanomine* ond glass and g<od mechanics. See Taylor. K. of P. Hall WE CLEAN CLOTHES ItY TIIE RB soti’lno anllseptlo process Try us. New Y< ik Steam Dye Works, Whitaker and Stale W E (JIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or klas finish, perfect work. Foraat Ctty loiuiidry. Park avenue KOt’il A SYLVAN'S CREAM PASTE cleans gold and sllvsr tu-tter than any thing on earth: at their store. 44 Whit aker. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS, GO to Cornwell A t’hlptnan’a. \\ E BELL SEW llt pipe. FLUR pl|*r. Are clay, tire brick at loweat prlcaa. Adams Paint Company. 104 Congraaa, weal. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard rash at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street. SINGER NEEDLES THREE rOR five cents; gill oil with doaen free Pcnton A Son NO DOTCII NO HI MIU’O. BUT - A thorough pointer, paper hanger and dao. orator. Taylor. K. of P Holt •PHONE 1175 FOR FOREST CITT I-aundry They will call tor your Itnaa Immediately. SPECTACLES OF THEkBUST GItATiFS it truslerste prices, eye* tested free. Koch A Sylvan. FOR RANGES AND STOVEfI, GO TO Cornwell A Chlpman. OYPRINE IS THE REST WALL FlN •sh mode Adam* Paint Cos., Savannah agent*. 104 Congraaa. west. REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned hard cash with the Soot hern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street i.tUAi. null CBS. PROCLAMATION -Slats of Georgia. Executive ((fit re, Atlanta —Submitting constitutional amendment regarding p* n *lomi for the widows of (Tmfederate aol dlers •< n vote of the people at Uta next . general election. Whereas, the general assembly of DM, pas-<-d by a const It u Ilona I majority the following act, to-wlt: "An net to amend section 1. article TANARUS, paragraph 1, of the const But lon of Geor gia, so is to extend the provisions of said section, arilcte and paragraph to the widows of Confederate eoldter*. who. by reason of age and poverty, or Infirmity nnd poverty, or blindm-sa nnd poverty, are unable to provide a living for them selves. nnd for other purposes," See t ton 1. Rc |* enacted by the general assembly of Georgia, and It Is hereby sn acmi by authority of the aame, that sec tion I. article 7, imragrapji t. of the con stitution of Georgia be, anti the same la hereby amended by Inserting after th* word “service” In the thirteenth line, th* following words; "Or who. by reason of age nnd poverty, or Infirmity and poverty, or blindness and poverty, are unable to enrn n living for themselves,’’ so that •aid section, when so amended, will read as follows. to-wM "To supply the/sol dlers who lost a limb, or limbs In thn mil itary service of the Confederate elate*, with substantial artificial limbs, during life, and to moke suitable |>rovlslon* for such Confederate soldiers as may have been ol herwtec dtsntdnl or permanently In jured in such service; or who may. by reason of age and poverty, or li.llrmlty and poverty or blindness and |>overty. are unable to provide a living for tbemaelvaa, atul for the widows of such Confederate aoldler* as may have died In the service of the Confederate states, or since, from wounds receiver! therein, or disease con tracted In th* aervlce. or who, by r-nson of one and poverty, or Infirmity and pover ty or tdlndness nnd poverty, are unable to provide n living for themselves; provid ed that tho act shall only apply to such widows as were inorrled at tho time of such service, nnd have remained unmar ried since the death of such soldier hus band.” Her. 2. lie It further enacted, that. If this amendment shall lie agreed to by tyvo- Ihlrrls of the members of the general as sembly. of each hotair, th* same shall be entered on their Journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the Govern or shall cause the amendment to be pub llehed In one or more of the newspapers In each congressional district for two momtna immediately preceding th* neat general election, and tha same shall ba suhmMtrd to Ihe people at the next gen eral election, and the voters thereat shall have written or printed on their tickets. "For ratification of section 1, article 7, paragraph 1. of the constitution of this state." or "Against ratification of sect ton 1. article 7. paragraph 1. of Ihe consulta tion of this state,” us they may choose; and If n majority of the electotw qualified to vote for members of the next gen- r*l assembly, voting shall vote In favor of ratification, then wild amendment shall become n part of said article 7, sec'loti 1, paragraph I. of the constitution of thM state, and Ihe Governor shall make procin mallon thereof. Reel lon 3 repeals conflicting laws. Ap proved December 21. IWD. I, Allen D. t’andler. Governor of mid slate, do Issue this, my t>roclamatlon, hereby declaring ttia tho foregoing propostd am. idmcnl of the con stliallon 1* hereby aubmltied. for ratlfi eatlon or rejection, to the voters of thl# state, at the general tlwciion to he hekl on Wetlnesday, Oct 3, l(S, ns nrovflttsd In said ai t. ALLEN D. CANDLER. By tho Governor. Governor. J. W WARREN. Secretary Executive Department. 3