The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 27, 1900, Image 1

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THE MOUSING NEWS Established !*• • • Incorpora tod UM J H. EHTIUU President STRUCK ROOSEVELT UOVEBNOK AMAI'LTKn IN t COLO RADO MINING TOWN. MOB SURROUNDED HIS PARTY. ■TICKS and STONES THHOW.N lit CROWD OF MEN AND BOYS. ||r Was rrotrrlfil by Parly of Itoauh lllders— Mon Who Struck Him With a stick Was Prompt I > hnorkrA llnm n—ltush Made to Drag Men t'rnm Horses— I'ra In Hrsrhnl In safcti—His Speech Frequently In terrnpted. cripple Creek, Col., Sept. X —Gov Roosevelt had a most exciting experience to-day at Victor, a few miles from Crip ple Creek, among the mines where a dem onstrative crowd had assembled. The Governor had a narrow escape from serious personal violence. The Incident was the only one of the kind that has oc curred during the progress of the trip, and It is said lhat the trouble was occasioned by n small body of roughs who htid been organised and paid for the purpose of breaking up the meeting. The men engag ed were few In number, but very violent In their attack. , Gov. Hooaeveit spoke at Armory Hart, which was Oiled. He had hardly begun epe.iklng when he was Interrupted by miry demonstrations. Herald: Took I p the Ice Trust. ••In my state the men who were put on the committee platform to draw up an autl-truat platform at the Kansas City convention had at lhat time their pock ets fllle! with Ice trust slock. The Dtme , r.itic leader In New York. Richard Cro- K upon whom you base your only hope, and It l a mighty slim hope, too. was i other gcat stockholder, and If, In fact. >u were to read through the list of f orkholders In that trust It would round lie rending the roil of members of TaYw i iliy Hull." \ voce cried: "What about the rotten I- ef ?'* Th* Governor replied: VI ate It. ami >ou will never get near < ugh to get hit with a bullet or within e miles of It.' ,ov. Hoo-eveh succeeded In finishing his r marks though there was an evident in -1.. :jon among :hose present that he should tit do so. When the governor left the id with his party to go toward the tra.n r wns surrounded by a company of rougn • dera. commanded by Sherman Bell, one ■ ' his own soldier# In Ihe Spanish war. lit wag also accompanied bv Gen. Curtis • 11 Jr., of Boston: John Proctor Clarke . New Y'ork, Gen. Irwin Hale of 0010- I United Slates Senator Wolcott, t rank C. Goudy, camlidate for governor Colorado. A. M. Stevens, l-leut. ‘dice and inhere. Assault on Itac Governor. v Roosevelt and hi* parly wore on t. A crowd of mn ami hoy* began Throwing Mono* ami ahou Ing for Bryan, " ’:<• Roush Rider*. mounted ami un t'i tinted. rlofrd tn tirottnd the Governor to piotect him from a*ault hy the mob. 1 'no man made a personal attack uimn t <doveronr anti auo coded tn striking lim a blow In the breast with a stick. 'I he a-*atlant was Immediately knocked d' on by Daniel M. Sullivan, postmaster of ( ripple Creek. A rtt*h na* then mode by tlie mob to ring the mounted men from their horse*. The men on foot dosed around the Gov i t, making a we.tge which pushed the < wd and they ttnally succeeded In gain ing the train which wa* surrounded by t • mob. Ity this time there were probably 1.600 < r 1 560 excited people In the vicinity and tKtlcuff* were exchanaed on all sides. Many of the mob were armed with sticks * l club*, and some witty rotten potatoes, r tie egg* and lemon* The entire |>arty n aalned the train, however, without *e t out Injury, and it pulled out of the place with the Rough Rider* on the rear >Dt t urm. Oov. Roosevelt, while regretting the oc * urrence, was not disturbed by the Incl tient, and was reatly to proveed with hi* siteeehe* In Cripple Creek. vtlTt lit: CAAWOT RMUBVE IT. Ilryan Mauls Knrthrr Evidence of Attack on Roosevelt. Nebraska City. Neb.. Sept. 26 -Being ► town a telegram to the effect that " heodore Roosevelt was assaulted at Vb i' r. Col., by a hand of hired ruffian* to < uhl. Mr. Bryan wrote the following r'alemem: From what I know of the people of ' oorado, I am not willing to believe, without further evidence, that they de ‘l'd to Mr. Roosevelt or to any one el.** it fair hearing. If It proves true that he ■ k is mobbed or hi any way Inierferetl with am sure that It wa* not the work of any tshltlcal organisation. Them can be no jn-lincatlon for n resort to vtolnerc In till* country, and those who resort to It I 'Jure the cause which they represent.” Gi by dktbctia'E*. 31-w With Wlnrkeatrra Watching Over Gov. Roosevelt. I'enver, Col.. Bepf. at.-The following in* ■ age has beep received in this city: >e iloosevent train will pas* througo Tl or to-night on Its Journey to Pueblo. 1 '-111 .lelectlve* with Winchesters guard 11,1 :raln.” TH l\M I tl, orVTCfAuI bailed on GnaiD at’auser From Lorrsis Marques. Jeirrnxo Marquez. Kept 36—The Oerman steamer Herzog, which sailed for Europe ’a-day, had among her passengers the Tranzvaal Posamaster General. Van Al t'"n; the assistant secretary of state, '•robler, the mate treasurer. Malherbe, nnd a large qusntlty of bar gold The railroad from Delagoa hay to Pre ton.i i, expected to he open for traffic. w ttorrojK, Satonnal) JRofning |3eto£ list. ni; %|| MW11.%. lor|p N ia (.ro| Bg 4ct%e ,. r to Hra^aarlm. Minlia. Bnt. 2f.-On night vi* orouA attack* w* r upon th#* LnitM State** oti(|-o.wts |n ih** nfHr fcapot** brkfgv. Um Pinaa. I’aranaqu*. Bin'tKir .in.| limit*. twelve miUs aoutii ot Manila, tha icem of the righting laat Oe tovr. It )* cMlmc| that th** r**bl4 mimhrr*si arvl th*> *r**rv irmrtl with riff***. The ioti4btiang to*k in the *hurch*i. Ihe Amrr, 'ana Hhv .ln<*e energetically diperwN| the enemy, killing on.l wound ing fifty. A party of ecoute belonging to the Twenty-fifth LntG*l Htatea Infantry. lami ed on the Dlamt of Samar, t ie inhabit.nt* inl lnaurgentH tiering to the mountain*. They met with hut alight rev.|et,nre, and hurneti H town It la reported that an American scouting pnrty developer! ,* holy of insurgent* In •he province of Nneva Ecija, two ekirm i!hea enduing, In which of the tia tlven wore killed Similar brush*** hav# taken pate near Indang and Bilaug. In Lavite province, and near Ib.-ianc! Huhig In Zunihaie* province, the Arnett tin* hav ing two killed and three wounded Advice* from th I eland of Leyte eay that (Sen. Modja* hands have been scat tered and demoralised by Mnj. Henry T Alien of the Forty-third Infantry, who has vigorously pursued the Insurgents Into the mountains, capturing many ntvi tak ing a quantity of money, rifle.*, ammunl t!on and store*. PON TtIF ( lUI. AFHVICK. (nmmlßaionera Have Been lleslgnaf el In the rt-il t||ln-B. Manila. P*pi 34. Arollay, the chief Justice; Fenor Leon F*epperman. the recorder; Mr R hurman, Judge Taft and Mr. Higgins, have been appealed com missioners of the Philippine civil service. This morning the commission enacted a bill designating the line of legislative pro cedure. The commission also, at to-day's ses sion. established a bureau of statistics and appropriated S2O.(W> for expenses in curred by the War Department In the Philippines. KIDV%M*< IF I IIARUKD. Ferlons € nmplainf Against Mdtee C on* Id Camp. Atlanta. Sept. 3.—Charges have been flied wtth tie Prison Commission of Georgia by Soii'ltor J. TV. Kdmondson. of Brooks county, against the Mcßee con v.ct camp manager! in Lnwnde# county, this state. In the form of affidavits from prominent cltiaens. to the effe.'t that the MclUf brothers have kidnaps Innocent men and women and made them work uixWlt irmol guards for an indefinite period. It Is charged that one practice of the M Rre itimp has been to employ “trap i per*" to arrest Innocent negroes passing through the county and without the form of trial to Imprison them, and put them to work. XEGHOE6 1% I f*l.l ill MOB. Animoolty Grew 1 Out tif n Serious Fight ut Via sport. Fla. Mayport. Fla., gept. 36—Trouble of a serious nature Is not Improbable between a large force of negro laborers engaged in work on the docks and railroad* here, and the white people of this community. Pun.lay lust Henry Tillman, a negro and a while man had a terrltic fight. An imuetty between the races became of It and through hutted discussion caused n hitter feeling to exist. Monday night a mob of whits men went to the house oc cupied hy Tltlman and bombarded It with shotgun*, pistols and other weapon* until the negro was driven out. He wa* taken hy the white men to (he wood* near by. where he was strlpiied and severely beat en. The negroes are in nn ugly humor Sheriff Broward wilh several deputies la here. To-night there Is quiet. IM RKiIK IV POP! RATIO*. Almost the same In ISA t itles as Shown hv Census of IBM. Washington. Sept. 26.—Statistics have been compiled si the census bureau, based on the populations of large cities which have Nen announced up to the present lime, which show a most Interesting fact In relation to the growth of elites. They demonstrate that the 143 largest elites In the I'nlted State* numerically Increased In population from !89u to 190 almost ex actly a* they did beiween 16S0 and I*9l> These 155 cities Increased their population 4.T06.W7 from I**l to I*9". and 4.627.93.1 from ISStn to 1660. or Just 78,154 less during the latter than In the former period Of eoitrse. when the aggregate percent ages of Increase of the population of these IS* during these two period* are comtutred. they show that the percentage of Increase was considerably low. r In the last ten years, because the Increase Is compared with n larger population In 1900 than It was In 1990. DE ITII 111 I STHIV HI 1.1. KT. Verdict of Coroner In t use of Vlluer Killed hi Posse. Shenandoah, Pa.. Sept. 26,-The Inquest in the case of John Konttskie. the Pole killed Friday during the attack hy mrlk- Itig miners on the sheriff and deputies wa* hriTHhed to-ntgh* The. jury rendered a veedict that he eame to his death hy a stray bullet from ptstal tn the hands of one of the sheriff'.* i>Q**c t TEVAA' I.OA9E* 618H.866. Caused hr Atorros und Flood* Winer (.nlvfkton Fort Worth. Tex. Wept. 26 -I*>*”* caus f<, by the storm and flood* In various arc aton* of the state since the fialveston dl ,mer arc estimated at JI.WVW- The Dv ma are UU ruin*. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 11HH). HANNA SAW MORGAN EFFORT TO RHINO ABOUT A SET TLEMENT OF STRIKE. REPUBLICANS ARE WORRIED. DKSIFD TM4T 4NY AKTTLIitIBIIT HIM III.Fa\ |IKAt IIKI). Morgin and Hanna Said to Hr Work. In* Hand In tilinr % tu That Fad. Frnator Hanna K*adrd thr Irruf %% hen Irlafil thr Mattrr-Nr l*hllran Leader* t onfrrrrd \houi the Strike— Han nit la Milking Nuut strong Ffforta. New York Bept. S4.—'Tha Times will say to-morrow Nenator Hanna made another visit to the offices of J. P. Morgan A Cos., in Wail street tester day which was more pro tracted than Ids call on Mr Morgan the •iay lefore A confer* nee was held at Mt. Mo.gan s office* was attended hy all of the presidents of the coal rail roads except President Olyphant of the Delaware and Hudson, who Is ill. Mr Morgan is working band In glove with Senator Hanna to bring about a s*ttlement of the anthracite coal strike and a repor; got abroad In Wall street af ter the I'onference that the strike had jb*en settled. Presid nt of the lackawan | na. discussing the settlement report. -all: “There is not ;t word of truth in it. As a matter of fact we are no nearer a aet ; tlement to-day than we have ever been. ; We started In lo fight the miners’ union and we propose to continue that flght to the end "A* for the report of a conference of the presidents, I do not .ure to say anything übout It one way or the other. Certainty there Is no settlement, . .inter.-nee or no conference." The strike. It I* sold, was discussed at lb puhllcon national headquarters yester day at a conference tieiween Henator Hanna. Senator Hcott, Treasurer Cornelius N, Hits*. .Joli|.i H Manly and K. 8, Gibb*. Before the meeting K- 11.1 tors Platt und Depew of this state, and ib nator Pen rose of Pennsylvania, were consulted. The session last.-I more than two hours. Hanua Was Reticent. Senator Hanna was very reticent when asked shout what was being done to set,e the strike and professed to know nothing about it. "But you went to see J. Plerpont Mor gan. the head of the coal syndicate, ye*, terday and to-day to see what could be done about a settlement, didn't you?" the Senator wa* asked "I was at Mr. Morgan's offlee," said the Senator, "hut 1 went there to aee a man from St. Paul.” "Have you been Informed that a settle ment has been reached?” "No." Senator Hanna an*wered. "I have heard that some of Markle's men have re turned to work, but about all the Informa tion I have is who* I glean from the news fat per*." It is reported, however, that Senator Hanna Is not only doing all In hi* power to end the strike, hut that he almost suc ceeded In averting W before It was order ed. His efforts would probably have been successful, but for the interference of a self-constituted committee that upset his plans. STRIKER* ARE HOMMYG OFT. Is Vet There Appears no Chanter of n Settlement. Philadelphia. Sept. 26.—Thla wa* the tenth day of the miners' strike and as yet there Is no Indication of surrender or concession on either stda In fact no overture* looking to a settle ment of the differences have been made by either the strike leaders or the min# operators. Various proposition of a set tlement by arbitration have been pul for ward by fierson* not directly connected with the mining business. Gut thus far practically no progress ha* been made tn thi* direction. A tro-t noteworthy feature of the ssrtke Is the remarkable good behavior of the strikers up to this time, espe-tally when It ia .onstderde that the elatm Is made that upwards of over PP.fmt mine workers are idle 111 the anthracite region. There have, of course, been a few dis turbances, but none of a character at all serious with tty exception of the one at Shenandoah on Friday laat, when a striker wa* killed during the clash be tween a number of striker* and a sheriff's posse, %n Connection With Wtrthr. Affair* were quiet to-day throughout the region. A shooting affray occurred near Scranton, tn which three men were wounded, but the participants, who were Italians, were all strikers and the affray had no connection with the present strike. The Cambridge mine at Shenandoah closet! down to-night and the Schuylkill region Is now practically tied up. there being but few mines at work In addition to fourteen of the thirty-nine collieries operated by tne Philadelphia and Reading Company. Some few mines are working In the Lehigh region, hut In the Wyoming and Lackawanna region* mining I* almoat at a standstill The state troops will remain In Schuyl kill county and In and about Shenandoah. I,ut a* yet thetr service* have not been called upon for tho suppression of disor der. The Governor ha* not yet compiled with the request of the sheriff of Luxerne county for troop* and the sheriff experi enced no difficulty with the strikers to day, TROOP* MIT VEE DEO V BT. Darkle Ritters Trying to Adjust Their Dllleretiers. Hazleton. Pa.. P' -The request Mil ye*terday by Shenff.yl.rvev for iroopz. although not refused, wzs not granted by Gov Stone The sheriff and the state oBR-tals at Harrisburg, however, have an understand ing between them, and If the necessity arises soldier* will be thrown Into this region. In short order. If this be done the Unit to grrlv* would probably ha one of the icmni.tiMiß now stwtkmcd a*. Bhenan doah. The sb'T.ff had a long talk with Adjt Gen Btewart over the telephone, arwl they •greed that in view of the calmness now pretailing ihroughiiii the Drhtgh> It woukl he Inadvisable to send an ainn l tor* e here at this time The sheriff to day give out the folk*wtna for the Infor mal hmi of the clllirtia ot tills legion • “The fa t hat I have ailed upon the governor for help |* true. I have since been •! • omnium.-ation with him and also Hen. tk>btn. whoa**ures me tha upon the slightest overt act hy ihe unlawful as sembling of men that he will h*.ve troop* here within an hour, and also assures me that they will stay unit! .ill the trouble Is over." There were no dt*turhan>'ea reported In this region to-day. Humors of contem plated marches of strikers are constantly In ctr* ulyiUun lug as far as con be learned there is no ttuih in any of them. The march early yesterday morning from Cranberry to Derringer was kepi a secret until the starltnc time and the striker* may again ge< away on a similar march. The sheriff Is kept well Informed of every move the strikers make In the way of marching end wdl try to he on band hi every Instance to sec that life and prop erty Is not placed in Jeopardy. Three strikers were arrested by coal aml Iron police to-day charged with un lawful assembly and tre*|>a*eing. while wMlking a'ong tha rallioad tracks on Le high Valley Coal Company property, be tween this company’s No shaft and No 3 slope in the eastern part of the * ity They were released after a hearing thus afternoon I rPIR at Markle Mines. The cilsls at the mine* of O R Markle and Cos., has lieeti reached There were many empresslons among ihe men to-day * f diraatisfactlon against some of the firm's answers to fheir demands The principal of the men is the wage scale. They ask for only about half of wtat the Cnlted Mine Workers are demanding Operation# at the Markle collieries were *ti*|eii'ted to-day Sul that the •mployvs eould h dd meetings to dis cuss the firm * answer The meeting was held In the forenoon and this afternoon the committee .• fnpo>ed of employes of the several Markle mines made known to the Arm the dv son of the employes The> accept the Arm's proposition In re gard to the hoisting of men from the slope, acquteace In the refusal •<* the |*y of engineers by the hour, and waart to ar bitrate all the other grievancet^Txroptlng * hone relating to eem*-mnthly pay. and th* location of powd* r hotises. whl* li have teen adjusted by the an-wer of Markle At Cos. Th** men also derided to remain m work landing the ar hit ration negotiations and agreed to ask the firm to “deduct from the pay of each family that returns to work their quota for the pavrnetit of the arbi trator selected by the men " Judging only by the talk of the men. It took* a* K a considerable nurnldr of men will not go to work to-morrow morn ing The force of men at each of ihe Markle elopes Is now very short handed The firm for the time being refused ro discus* anything In connection with its future action Lug a r Cudll* k. genera! superlntei dent of Co*e Brothers A- Co.’* coiitertes, who was <rreated yesterday on the complaint of Peter Gallagher, a striking mine worker. f Freeland, was to-day fined The su perintendent Is charged by Qa'laghcr with driving his horse Into him and otherwise annoying him. 'udllck refused io pay the fine, and will probably take the case lo court. BLOOD*HKD A*to\. HIAKRg. Several Italians tAounded In the l.acknvvnnna Heaton. Scranton. Pa.. Sept. 26.—The first blood shed width may he laid to the strike of the miners In the loickawanna region, is reported this morning, from Sibley, a min ing settlement at the foot of the moun tain* tn Old Forge township, alsiut six mile* from Scranton. Three men were wounded In the row. In which about twenty revolver shot* were fired. The participants wen ail lon ian*. nnd wric ta L> men who had. be fore the strike began, been working tu Jermyn No. 1 mine, near Kandham. a* non-unlonista, hut who became member* of the I'nlted Mine Worker* two week* ago. Previously there wa* bad blood between these men and others of their own nation ality who hod been on strike at Jermyn'* mine for six months, and several clashes occurred, latst night the men got Into a fight on the roadway near Harbertown. Revolvers were dtawn hy several men ami when the battle ass over three were down In the road, one so badly wounded that Dr. Timlin this morning has little hope for hi# recovery. Several arrest* have been made, ami Squire Foley, who la principal of the OKI Forge School, committed the arrested men to prison. MILL MORTGAGE THE I 111 lull. If Strikers Suiter Ike Proceeds Will Me Give* Them. Sliamokm, Pa., Sept. 36—Rev. John C. Konstaklcvlrz. pastor of the KtiMlan Greek Church here; ami vicar general of the United States, sprung a somewhat Im portant and certainly unexpected surprise thl* afternoon. He announced that In the event of the strike continuing until suffering and des titution put In an apia-arance, he ami his rongrettotton had arranged to mortgagr the whole of their church property, valued a. over 1250 U). and divide the proceeds among the *uffcrerx, and in the event ol the strike being continued for a long pe riod the entire congregation will leave the region. PHESIDEATA OF (OIL ROAD*. •4eld a I nnferrare bat no f'anrlnslon Was Reached. New York. Sept. 26.—A1l the president* of the coal except President Oly phant of lh< Delaware and lludi-on. were present this aflernoon at a conference held In the office of J I*. Morgan 4k Cos. Nothing'-ould be learned from Morgan A Cos. except the bare announcement that “no settlement ha* been reached In the existing difference hetweiAi the toil op erators and their miner*." President Thomas of the Erla said prac tically the time thing Prestd#nt Few ler of the Ontario and W*'e:n. and Truedale of the Delaware. Lack] a anna end Western, declined to be eeen. and sent out word that they had nothing to soy. President Olyphant. It Is Mild, did Oct .attend owing to an JndtspoeUloo. WAITING ON POWERS lAATNimOMff TO kI\PTMU € OA taten abf. m:i n i r. OUR TROOPS SOON TO MOVE. OMal At VI HI % AM) IT % 1.1 JOIA 1% OBHHIR ritorilSlL Prince Tuan's F.levatlnn Is t unarmed and Ma> • mill*ai•• Halters—< list* lee t ndnuhtcdly llnr Isitravlinn* in Send Tmup* t> Manila by This Time—War Is F%|iretrd in t hiss and the I tilted Stales Will Nsl Take %*•% Hand In It. Washington. Bep 91—One helate.l dl laich from lien t'haffee, relative to th* <*ondlikMi in ivktn ai the 21st mat., was made public to-day. It is apparent that our government ia again in a wolfing attitude, after having made the important move toward a reduc tion of the American troops |u China, an nounced yesterday Gen. Chaffee pad not received the de pa rtmet* • Instruction* when he *rnt hts message, mad.- public to-day. but without doubt, now has |t in hand Ilk* offer to escort 14 Hung Chang was In conformity with the expressed purpce of the statu department to facilitate In every proper manner the Juumey of the Chinese vle < roy to I'ekin Still. It !* now regarded as Just as well that the offer de clined and the resfmnelblllty lor lal's safe ty left with the Russians. Inst ruction* Held Ip. Tha Instructions to Minister Conger to establish relations w!h LI and Prln • Chin* are wtIII held Up here It la be ginning to appear that the porpoce of tna doly l to ascertain ’more clearly the plans of the Powers In whose Interest, as well as In our own. Mr Conger was to endeavor to bring at*ut negotiations for a settlement. If It shall appevr that th**re is a dt*|iosiFon on the part of any on aid* ruble pru|H>rtlon of them to object in advance to the well-meant Intention* of the Lulled Ht ites government to bring about a conference and negotiations in which they could participate Oil equal terms with our own government, with the purjiose of terminating the Chinese diffi culties. then Mr Conger * instructions may require recasting. Watting on Other Power*. It might be regarded as useless for him to arrange for a meeting of the Powers with which the former do not cars to attend, owing to entirely different pur poe*4 from those animating the Lulled States, and there probably Is no dispost tkm to subject our minister to humiliation by a flat failure which might be antici pated It I* also possible that the news rela tive to the advancement of Prince Tuan to a |>o*!tion where he might Influence the negotiations is regarde*! as worthy of attention, and that our government may delay proceedings as long as he stand* In the way. The State Department has not been officially informed of l’rince Tuan's promotion. UUI ITALY AAD %l ATRI A. Wo Other rnnrri in Full Accord With Grruiany'e Plan. Pari*. Sept. 36—It la asserted from ex cellent dtptcmallc source* that Italy and Austria are the only Power* which have replied faun ably and uncondlt tonally to Germany'* note. It is certainly a fact that the replies of Russia and Franc arc almost Identical, advocating the punishment of the origi nator* of the anll-furelgu assaults, but, not making their surrender an absolute condition of the pear - prcllminarhv Japan take* a middle course, leaning a It tie more strongly toward* Germany, while Great llrttaln decline*. A powerful argument used against Ger many's position wa* It* establishment of the precedent that It would permit the Power* In future war* to demand per sonage* considered hy them to Ire guilty leader*, and that their ftunlshmntt lie d<- to Trained before peace negoi tattoos are undertaken. PR lAt E Tl 1' ELEA ATl!**. llms Hren Made President nf the t Hl ncse Privy Connell. Washington, Kept 26—It I* stated tn dip lomatic quarter* that de Untie ami offi cial Information hsa been received that Prince Tuan ha* been optiolneid president of the Privy Council of China Instead of grand secretary, *• was flrat reported, and that a number of other Chinese offi cial- prominent In the recent uprising have been similarly honored. The Chinese minister hae not been ad vised of Prlnre Tuan's appointment, but he expressed he belief at ratling at the titate Department to-day that the report probably was true. The position of president of th® ITtvy Council I* said to he one of foremost Im portance. similar *o that of secretary of state or premier. TALK OF GEMMAA ITTITIDK. Post It ti nions Honors for Antt-Fnrelgn Chinese Leader*. London. Sept. 27. 4 11 a. m—Th* China question la again In the phase of dis cussion of th® stability of the European concert an t the likelihood of Germany finding It convenient to modify her ag gressive attitude. According to th# Yokohama correspond ent of the Dally Mall. Japan assents to Germany'* proposal, hut at the same time strongly urges that there should ha na prolonged delay In th* negotiation* The same authority *aya that Japan would decline to lollow Ge many In pursuing the Imperial court into th* Interior of China From Shanghai comes th* announce ment that an Imperial edict confer* post humous honors on the antl-forelgn high commissioner. LI Ping Hng, who com muted gulrida after the evacuation of Tung Chow, and Chung Y. the late Km pvror’s father-in-law who killed himself aft*r th* Kmreror and Ktnpraas Regent left Pekin Chinese papers ft> that order* have been Issued fvi th • erection of anew im |erlal |a*a<e at Bln tJan Fu They al-' n**ert that Li Hung Chang ha* starlet for IVkin. et.'ortcd by Russian an I Js l*anee trumpe atwi that Lu Chuan Lin ha* been spfmtnted viceroy of Canton Bhotig’s Yamcn ronflrtn* the tumor that LI Hung Chang h.i receive*! secret ordet* to attempt lo apture Pekin. I describing tle dlsonler* In the vicinit y of Canton. ib llong Kong correspondriit of the Time* wiring yesterday, says: 'The American church In the suburb* of Canton has been destroyed and the Catholic rhutch at To Krni Hang and the foreign oemHery there have been des ecrated.” • IFLF.ItFD Fat OUT ro C3AVIL LI. Hut the I lee roy Declined Ues. t liaf fee'a TANARUS nder. Washington, B*qa 3H Th# following has been received from Gen. Chaff* e: “Tkku. Bept. Adjutant General. Waahlngt<vr Bept, !1, No. U A knowl edge your number th Leave for Tien Tain this aftern on Will be absent sev eral days. Lt Hung ('hang st Tien Tsln. l nderstand start* here on. Have of fend him escort, declined, country v**ry quiet, good order In l*kln Chaffee.” | The dtpat< h from Gen. Chiffee has no • Ist*, showing that li tame from Pekin, but War Drikartmonr offlrl:;la ire *atD fled Drat It wi* rent from the Chinese | capital. Hl>*MA\4 KII.I.FD ’i.ffMNi. Mepnrta of Inl laer iel mm• e Flanghter Frm Mm rkwniig. London Bept 27 The T.iufk print* cot respondMic from Nlti t wang declaring that the Russians have killed Indiscrim inately between fifteen hundred and two thousand Boxers aid Chinese elvllian**. men. women and children, both Inslda and outside of the walls. The correspondent adds that from all sides comes reports of the violation of wornep and Ihe Uuslans are I'arrylng out a policy of destruction of property and the extermination of the people In Khl Chau. Nearly all the village* have been burned and the Inhabitants killed. For some days the correspondent de clare , the soldiers and Cossacks, have been allowed to do what they like, and he think* the annexation of Manchuria la In tended. TRY IAG TO WIA FAGL AAD. Germany Denies the Beeetpt nf Any tornial Inturr. Berlin. Bept 3R loite this afternoon the ; correspondent of the Prcua in Berlin ahoseed Ihe German foreign office n private dl*pafch from latndon asserting thnt lard Balisbury had Informed the German ambassador to Great Britain that ! the rep|v of tlin Br;tlh government to the German note would agree with that lof the Cnlted Htatrs. The foreign office thereupon reiterated the statement that this an* rtlon was positively false Upon attention being called to the fact that the dispatch In fptealkm did not claim that the sllege.Trh for (nation had k**ri received from the Ger man AmtMsxador, 11 hlicli foreign office official read the advice* ths German amba*-ador himl then sakl •’Lord Balisbury ha* asked for a few days lu which to consider the matter, de siring to procure certain Information be fore gi\tng a final reply. No answer has yet been given, at least no formal an swer. There ha* ben some oral discus sion between Lord Ballsbur> and Courß | von Hatsfeklt. the German amhae*alor. but. |t Is not true that <treat llrltaln bus finally replied In tin* same tenor as Ihe ! Lrilled Btates.” This repeated emphasising publicly of 1 the non-receipt of a formal answer lias dee|ened the irupr< **lon that the London advices of the Associated Press are cor rect. the oplidon being that the German foreign office still el'.tig* to the hope of winning England over. 1 LTIM ATt H AllT FYPKt TftO< Hor> Abottl lirmaai Is fllarredllrri In l'*>Mlf**>il. Indon, K'pt S*.~Thr Hrlt'eh authorl tle* dlxredlt the rc|KTt lhat (larmanjr will iweiont tin lutlrnamm to I’hHu and Intimate llial II wa* probably concocted at Hlangltal with Ihr obje l of cauetng friction between Germany arid (treat llrdaln ard Ihim deltylrtt united action. The nVlalt of the (Irrman embassy, declare the "ultimatum story,’" to be ab aolutely groundlee*. Wttt KNPICI TKlf IN CHINA. Itraaon* for ItfMinlaa the American Troops Ml liner, Washington. Kept 2*.—lt In believed that Gen. Chaffee. being at Tien Tain, haa by tbin time received it*c Instructions cabled him ynaterday relative to Pekin lo execute the order It will be Monday at leant lie fore he can leg n the movement toward Tien Tnln. It la thooglit here that with a view to preventing any possible mlnunderatandintr be ban acquainted the military repreaen tallven of Ihe Powern at Tien Tain of the projected withdrawal of the American fore an. Thin la deemed more necennary hecauae of the pomlblllty of ihe appear ance of Kleld M irnhal von Wahleraee at Taku nr Tien Tain at any moment. It la desirable lhat the change of Ihe atalun at the American trnopn ahall have taken place before he appear* on Ihr ncene. The rapid trend of event* In China to ward actual and formal war which la re garded aa cerialn to follow n refunal on the part of Germany and tome of the oth er continental power* to enter Into nego tiation* for a settlement with China, la regarded here a* JtlMlfylng the decision of the Btate Department to withdraw the American troop*, now that the purpoee for whleh thee troop* were *ent Into China ha* been accomplihed A* to the m lltary plan* already laid down, they will remain unchanged. M la raid, here If the belligerent power or power* elie upon Pekin the American mlnteter will allll remain there and Gen. Chaffee's legation guard will May with him. but taking no port tn the war. The power In possession can find no valid ob jection lo the picao.e of title legation guard, DAILY. D A YEAR. b CENTH A COPY WEEKLY 2-TIMEB-A-WFEK.H A TBAR TRUSTS HIS THEME IIHI I > Gl\ FA tIBJFf T LFFFOA IN YKHH Pk 4 I ITY, ARGO STARCH CO. ABSORBED. INDEPENDENT Dll PHONPEHOI *. HIT JOINED Till. THt T. #nll Rrn#shi h llinrnp) R.H.ral In \nnnl ll*r H,l, of I Im- I’l.iil—llnnr Tra.l. o|>pth 1 r In |H* IHhlv##|. i,p .if I.Ml>r— .|Mrrh l,n.ik-.l F'nr •' Mh Inlrrr.i on %**unf nf fhi* 1,.0*01 %1 1*- 1 Inn nf Y'rnaf Imp. N-tir#hn 'Mv, N-*>. fi-pt B-Wllllan J llr> mi ;x>k<' in it Inrxr cmwtt her* lA nlxln Tin- #i>ee< h wna l>lie.l fornrttr.l lo wiih inn* 11 iniere.l, tMv.un Mr llrpAll hn*l thnt he wotikl *len) will, Ihe Iriitl qn.*lloft - nffei*feil hy Ihe #tUt limtlf ulenl l>y Ailnrney Geneml Mmiiit, In nnnu! Ihe ulr nf the Argo fitnrrlt Work, of lt<l# cliy In Ihe Naikmal H’.areh t'mnpMny, popul.irly kottn ni* the ttiatch TruM. Mr llryan came .lotvn from IJncnln Ihl# #fterttoon ur *■ a. .'iii|nie,| by Mr#. Ilryan mid i-r-itm 1 fri* it, awl n*#n by quite a numlnr of auptmrter# Iron l.ln i'oln, owl other town# *m the way. T# party w met ni the rllrna*| biuiloii by t,i >r three nut* hln* iltlbn awl ny a Inrge minilar f other .emitter*. wli (• -*f le.l 111. m |u their l|p>tel. There were nnt ninny unfrlenilly Inlerrup- Hem#, hut evwlently e*m** Wei been expeet* eil. fer prevb>u In the m**llnx Ihe Mayor ot the rlty teaueil nn nr<ler ##ylnx that • her hud l>een rumor# of trouble nml warnlnf .ipfulnet It. Th# mennm na# hell In the Court H*iiie yrouml- n1 the people #ino*l uwler fbe tree# nn*l much of the lime In Ihe r n while Mi Ilryan #tmk* lie pliniKwl Into ihe local treint qiicjptlon at the very lie. alnnliiK of hi# apeech. ll* *|H>ke In part •• follow. 'A pionilnefit ltepuhll*'n h# crii#m| ihe Deatwrat# of repreaentl:tr the fore*-. <*f luwlesenenN. | mention Ihl# hecniuie the Republic in# nf Nibr>k City hv* met uinl prnte.teil hrmliu! the enforce m*nt tf • HtatU'e of the tate of Nebm#- k# nml # lte|utilii #ii jmlxe wn# *-h#lrm*m nl lit*’ rreolutlpti# commluee While the meetltqt *. cile*| tiun-p#rtl#n one. It# purpeae ki> puiely pclltlcal and It I. worth while to note lhat the Republi can# #eem be:ter ehie lo nnforoe etalute# •##lu#i p-lty offender# than they are to enforce etalute# n#etnl gnat Corpor ation#, 'The attorney #e*erl he- wumeneed urnceeillng#, not to <|e#troy a lore! menu* f.clurlrit e-t#b|lehm>nt. hut to |>revent the mamifip'tiirliKt e*lahll#hment from en terltif Into a truet In Ihl# connection R my he will to note the different #tep which heve been token The Arfu Mm nil fociurlnf I'ompany of Nebraak# City wee # pto-perouM oorp>r#tl n. A# evidence of thi# prosperity 1 quote from the Coneer vatlve (ptihllehrd by ex.Rei'retery of Ay ri< fill tire J Hlerllny Morton) of NehraekA I'll). May ISt. IK) Here I* what the Con •etvat ve ##>•: '■ ‘Therefore, when the Ogntervdltn point# w th |irkle to fhe Aryo factory at Nehrn*kn City, whl*’h turn- out thirty ton* of t#r> h every twenty-four hour#, tlnili market# ther*fore #nd u*re#fully compete# In America und Europe with th# National Htarcti Truat, li I# not In exten iintion or inlilyiiHnii of any view* ex preeeed heretofore. It I# merely Irrefuta ble evidence of the f#* i that no romhtne or * opllel cun crub out a well-tnnn#d private concern. Nebmeka City, lu U# ce real mill# and Aryo factory, ha# two #ur ceaaful plnnt# whl- h no Hurt ha# ■* yet lieen able to bu>, bully or wheidle They plainly lllufil the fact that Intelllyenf *ii m pe* It lon con enter the rnirhet# ayulruit nil trust* and triumphantly win ouf I ru-t Denounced ftty Morion. "It will he seen Hint the National march I’ompany I# denouncr*l ## a truat and the Conaervatlvi <|e* lure* lhat the Argo Com pnny wn# able to compete with the trust m l that n t I runt hud ye! leen able lo buy. bully or weedle the Aryo I'ompany. "Almul the llril of Heptember of l**l. a few month* after the editorial comment which I have )u#t rent, ihe Aryo Con* pany Jrtned the I'nlttd H trch Com pany and the Con ervatlve of Mept. 11. nuts, quoted an article from the t'om merrUl and Flnan<-Ml World, from which 1 take the followlny extract: “ 'Ever *lnce the *tnr* h trust or Nation al H'ltr* h M-mufa lurlny I'onii-.iukheynn liealnes# there has Itwui tall* g Ihoon manufacturer# of starch who remain out side of It. of *hc formation of a strory comtictlllvc oryanlsnllon. and this, we have now the idensure of rceordlny. ha# ■t lenyi h lieeii liruuyht to paa*. There ho* Just been oryaolaeil uti.ler Ihe lan • of tbs Unit of New Jews) wlih • ipWal of B,fltm. a powerful concern, under the ty.e of Ihe United Hiutch I'omptny, whl 'h I# a consolidation or lomblnallon ot the only four starch mnniifncturlny cotieerna In (lie United mate# that are not in tha trust me O-weyn Htarch Factory, inn American Glu<*oec Company of Ruffalo. Gilbert H Grave**; Ihe Aryo Manufactur ing Company, of Nebraska city. Nrm.. Joy, Morton A Cos., and the ttloux City, lowa, tliarrli Works, ownnl by iluryeu ,md Cos. These .’oncern# are the larycst awl moat ninmtfacturers of fine yradm of slttri’h In the Unite*! fhales, awl their trail##*mm* ore In flic .utxrcyate of enor mous tnoytillude.' Finally Hot Into Ihe Trwnt. "About a year l iter, that I# In Auyuat or Heptember of thl* year, IWn the third nlcp was taken and (he United Ktarch Company Joined Ihe trual. First, we have an Independent company, yrovrln* and prospertny upon It# merit#; second, thl* Independent company Join# other companies to tlyht the stitreh trust; and. third, thl# Independent comiomy, with b# aasocloies, Jo.n* the aturch trust ami mm licltloii Is at last destroyed. If any cHl aen of Nebraskn C:ty think# tlbit Ihl# starch company I* not n truat let him reed the extract* from the Conservative, which I have quoiid and he will find lhat thl# oryanlsiMkin hit* been recoynixed nt all lime# a* a ru#t.“ Mr Hryan then quoted extensively from article* In Mr Morton'a Con servative ohowlny hostility to trusts, c. itmw tinny In a yeneral way. Mr. Bryan said: "If the people of Nebrask# City defend tha xtarrh trust they must be rmparnd to defend all th* other trust*, for It I# Impossible for them to destroy truat* lo cated elsewhere and defend a trust locat ed In their own city. Ara the people of Nebraska City wllllny to subject them selvst* and the'r countrymen to the extor. tlon practiced by all the trusts In order ACooUuuod oa CUth I’tse.j