The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 27, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THE SONGS PEOPLE SING. imoi % KAn * mot t dittik* the *ll LTITTDK LIKKI. Sam* Madr hj tt rltara—*la plli-ity In IN nritN. In Thraia anil la Nft,*tr> fba Krjnalr ol ihe Itlainf Mila— I'lirll * In Ton* l.rarral. From rh* Junior Muruey "Ihe author aid composer of a song that •Dike* the general fan< Hpmediatei; leap into natl. prommen a They err- to modern I'f* what fh# minstrel* ware to feudalism Thelr rr-lan .a snort lived, ar a rule. for it rarely happen* that a song ••lie for mort than a year, anal man aho r an bring forth mo u • . tn aaqurltra an fan ar.<l fir bntrarn Thr barrel or lan la a crucial tear of a song. Whan these atraat instrument* grind It out It* losltkm I. assured. Ji i* not neieeary to In ahla to write eve-n rarpa* talr. rhyme. or to have tha aulHirt exact knowledge of mu-i , to wr'.ta a popular non* Not on* non* a fl it! in tan know* enough about mual to la ahla to put .town tha simple measly on paper, and a for writing tha compete a ora. It l •• far beyond them a* making romph te plana for a suspension hr tig would 6a to the laborer * bo work* on It Hut thr man aho con *lve* a me tody can piny It on a pkmo And there are ecorra of man who have studied mu*U for year* mho ai working for ten or fifteen riol.are a weak, and wr,e wlli write out the mail, and put It In form Fo*lbly the abia*t eon* nrltrr of rvent ; year* wa Felix MeGlennon who had many auc *MC. the greatest helnc 'Tom- i radar." He atartad the fashi -a in frlend ahlp aonga wnwh had a long run After ; • his tame "the mother rung, and that j never die a out wholly, beau* the thexe la awe>| and true, and a* old a* ftmr yet near net* Nowaday, 'home and "mother" must not tt*ar In a till* Naughty girl song*. ilk. "Her Golden Hair Wa* Hanging Down Her Hack preoot Inua youth song*, and al manner of dHttea that were suggestive. had u great hold hn the popular mind, yet Iheae have been leavened by sentimental hal lade. like "The Hong That Keached JI; Hrer'." "Sweet Marie and olherr Tho ''coon'' song still tages. but during the laat year the geographic,! aot.g ha* come first. Frohahly l.iul Dresser started this latter fashion, aid few Damn are l>eler known throughcu: the length a tel breadth of Ine country than that of the author of "On the Waba.h" No song ever enjoyed greater popularly during c rtain jteriod than this melody Kvery one knows tliat the American soldiers In t'uha were singing It when I heir voice* were noi lifted In the martial strains of "A Hot Time In the old Town To-night," written by Theodore A. Metx This last 1* a real song, a vigorous, splendid .wing in* melody that carries one along, and 1 can very well understand how the Hpan lar la . ame to regard It as the national •tong of the I'nlted Htate., 1 am Incline.) to ihlnk that It Is one of the song* that will en lure. It la not difficult to understand how the homesick i o'sdie r * shim and be m veil |>y "On tile Wabash.” because It h-eathes (he at mosphere of home And the farm, I: Is a simple story of a young man returning home after a long ahattc to find th> sweetheart of his boyhood lying In the churchyard The chorus I* nothing but a description of a mo nlight night on the Wabash. The commonplace story a twisted so that it ha.l a -uggeslloti of novelty, and It was elemental In lls sim plicity Added to >hia was a haunting anti easily acquired m Voly, a title that aeeen*d new. and a pur* sentiment It should be borne in mind that the song* that have a good n .and wholesom - sentiment are most successful "On the JV .hash ' brought forth a flood of song-i thal descrih*.! places from Main, lo t'.tl* I forms like ''The tJIrl I Love.l In Bunny Tennessee,” "flhe Was Hrtti |n OKI Ken tucky." Jl.v OM New Hampshire Mom. ' and " Mid the Green of Virginia." All these songs are healthful xml hones' in their tone; n love of nature, an affec tion for good women, are found in mem They are written down to the level of th great mass of people w o do no; think but only feel. They have txe magic touch of sympathy that strike* responsive cord in ehe human heart The "toon" songs for the mw; part arc Immoral In their tone; hut few c m re! their melody. Even so gr. .it mu-lie-, sir Anton Dvorak declared th.n from them must develop the national music of Amer ica And as for the words there an rompressetl in them uch a keen anti dut rruninating of the weakness of human nature, arsl su- h genuine humoc as to b at <a. e th< alralrullngi and d •pair of men who m .ke a ouaincss ol trying to write good stuff In Oftler to give an bleu of the number of <opl*. of popular songs sold and • •- royaltisa received by the author- aisl < on, poser*. 1 have secured from the |>uhllll rra the facts about certain song The lia: Is not intended to hr t omprehrnsivc but rather typical. Her* |* a list Conies Hold Royalty, "A Hot Tmr In the Oil Town To-night" i.M- txi .’ii.on, jyi.mi "Hwest Marie" rMoorei Oi.tssi 21.000 "On the Wabash" IDress *G 50 i.tssi I.Wkt “The Hweet-st Htory Kve- Told" tfftultsi .Vi. .to j, isii "Answer" (Hohyni, "Just Tll Them Tha- You Haa Me" (l*rere I *1(1000 10,001 *‘Oh. I'roml.e Me” IDs Ko- V*fd 01.'TO 1, U “The Girl 1 lvived In Hunny Tenness.-o" ißralstrd and Carter* '(I'.IOO ll.TOh "Just One Girl” (I'dol and Kennett) mio ];.(*> ‘lts un' tliowltx an I Hdwers) it Oil i; to* "Hhe Was Hrcd In Old Kentueky” (Bralaied and Carter) 23),T00 . lO.ftyi On Guard The warn ing cough is (hc faithful lenti nci. it iciis of the NirellliSi approach of con- MH3f sumption, which has tMkgEp}*P f dja killed more people ,han ' k ar and peat*- combined. It ■^^ElMLntcl 1 * of painful chests, sure lunyv. ‘ weak ihroats, hron yCwr chitis, and monia. Do not auf hF fer another day. It’s use- W lea*, for there’a a prompt r and safe cure. It la yrotrs cherry. pectoral i which cures fresh colds andcougha In a single night and masters chronic coughs and bronchitis in a abort lime. Consumption is sure ly and certainly prevented, and cured, too, if taken In time. A2sc. bottle for a fresh cold ; 50c. sire for older colds; $1 size for chronic coughs and consumption. " I alway* kacp a bottle of A yer', Übarry ••ecViral on hand. Then every time I gat cold I take a little of It and I am latter at oure." J auk* O. H'gt'oa, Oct. 19 MM. F.l Ptuo, Texea. The Grocer L/j'y who offers an a it's “ tho same as,” ‘‘as imitation of l*j good as . ctc -. iVCS >‘ ou . Pearline S a poor imitation of the an£ l sa >* > truth. To "eta littiemore jujf profit he’s willing to give m you all the dissatisfaction My. ' v/ and the risk. If you want an m easier, less wearing, more eco n nomica! way of washing than with soap, noth * II ing is “as good as ” Pearline. Twenty years of use have proved what it will do to save work—and what it won’t do in the way of harm. & Don’t argue the matter—use Pearline. I SIR HI UK l\'c do not say, “U'e aim for leadership in Dress Goods and Silk selling.” We sav: “We have attained it. ’ That's almost sensational, isn’t it? That’s what we mean it to be. We want people to talk about us. The Dress Goods and Silk values are only one feature of our planning. 15cforc we’re through everybody will realize that Move’s new store, with all the extensions and improvements in progress and contemplated, is about the liveliest store in torn for bargain-get ting and money saving. Ask to see the new pastel shades in Saratoga cloak. P.T. FOYE Watch for announcement of our formal opening in a few days. ' Alay" Glnwltx and Bow<r*l 9M SBTO Hello My Hah; ! * IM.TOO *.'■* "The Hld< wa'k, of Nee York" tl-awlori I50.TO) (i/TO By wav cl paremtoaat*. It may be will ,5 teenark 'fat the ,nrt popular *oug ever written l one with which every per son over thirty yar* o and I* familiar— " Gathering Up the Shell* F om the Sea shori.” Mor thin a tn Itlrfh copies of It h,ve been sold, anil It Ii tel Ing yet. The number of "one-hit" *ong writer* gfea'ly exceed (how who hove wr.lten several aucceaaaa. The maker* of these ona* come from every wnlk In life, except , " nigh' - lataffaetual oaea It to write over the head* of peole :lian down to them Many of the mermaful iong wr.ter are. ( or have lieen, vaudeville performer*, or fane-eoenedy *nor. Paul I)re-*er B. Liwlor, John Bratton an! Janie* Thorr *oti belong to the nc-or fold, t'haili* K • liegiuntnK with "Af'er the Ball." wa* n pawnbroker In Mllwauk<e. prala:ed ami Carter are the pen nano -of wo young men engageil in btiwlni ■ * that doe* no, be gin (O yield them a* much ay Ihelr rong*. Curl Kenneth who m* the word* of J||l One G.r.," work* In liot*l in Port land or. Lynn Ddal. who erote the muMc. I* (employed by a railroad company In the *ame * It; Mo*t song* have their origin In a phrase of ex|irelon*. which I* usually made Gr Idle Kvery expr salve Ini of slang that spread• over the country i* Incorporated In a *ong Writer* ore on the lookout for these. Jus, a* a professional humorist is tonKantiy strn'nlng out for things h< . an iwist Into Joke* Song writer* coll Ill's phrase of eapre-e'on. the "c.i'ch.” Fre quently a song I* held for month* for lack of ■ title that I* considered acceptable Charlc B Liwlor found hi* Insplr.i'ton for "The t dewalk* of New York." while watching children dancing about u pere vr,noting piano Erne*' Hogan, one of the furnace writer* of "coon” song*. I"'* l * rather dearly for "All Coons I-ook Alike to Me." That remark wa* nctnnlly made ,o hire hy o Chicago police sergeant be fore whom he wa* taken llirouxh a mie tskc In Identity Score* of Bwtamea of th * kind might he given. Nearly all the write! of verses of popular oue- -ay that thev take them from life. Chnrle* K Harr I > whose word* are alwu, a* hid from a literary view-point, a* any thing can well be. emphasises this point particularly. All successful wriest* agree that (h --element* which make up a song the p.-o ,,|r will slug are me rely. s ailment or humor title, novel#y and elmpll'llj • Warmed over melodies" plnv an Ini I*.riant pari In song writing Mften on v Ih. iempo is changed An lllustr rtlon of this wa* furnished several ye.r* aeo when Dave Itrahams "My Johanna Llvu* In Harlem” wa* one of ihc ,*ipiilar int lo dle*. atal most ,**oplc dUfn'i know that it was "The Last Rose of Hummer with the time quickened Anoihcr good old tunc that has mad# several popple rh-h I • Maid of Athens." Fifteen or twenty year* ago l< wen, forth tinder the ,1,1" of "When the Leave* Begin to Turn.'' and Utterly It >* immensely popular k •The New Bully.” Magghf Murphy* Home" Iwrr * trnnge rswcmhUnie "Ange. Ever Bright end Fair.” A recent *ong tho, promise* lo he e "hit” i* "Strike Up the Hand Here Come* o Sail or' 1, le *nld. to ho a revival of n very old one, which began "Drive care away, grieving I* folly." With only Ihe time qtikkenel Peore* of similar Illustration* might be given. _ I’ltlllllHlTlO* CAMFAIGg. Well Attended Uesllags Addressed In Ml it nPMiln. Fergus Falls. Minn.. 8. pt. 26 -After leaving Gymlon on the Northern Pacific, the first atop of ehc Prohlhlllott s|>eclnl wa* at 1-nkc Park, where Me-ers. Wool ley. Metcalf nnd Kev. B. It. Vaughn •T>oke. Al Detroit. 300 people welcomed the candidate#. Olnry B. Cushing opened with an attack on the canteen*. At Wadena business was rnelrrly sus pended and n majority of fhc population was gathered at the depot for a half hour's meeting A abort ston was made at Henning. Fergus Kali* twin* ri-a. I * shortly after 7 o'clock. The cven'ng r•' • was held In a large ten# near the d-po and was well attended, about 1 6W people being present THE MOKNING NEWS: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1000. IRELAND EN Jo J ED Hl* VISIT. Pope Mindful of Dalle* of t atholle* to France. Pa l*. H-pt. 16—The Figaro publishes th s m ri In* an In ervlew with Monslg nor Ireland, dealing with the impressions gained during his European visit. The • chMshop began with an expression of the great pleasure he had derived from his promotion to the legion of Honor, which he eald. constitut'd a fresh link be tween Fiance iml I Imseif Kp'aking if Frame lie said: "Un each visit ro Europe 1 observe that the love you feel for your democratic In stitution* penetrate* more and more deep ly the hear.a of your people. The French art too much divided. It I* true, regard ing rerialn questions, but they are un shkkabiy attached to thr democratic 1 re gime. Thu* the Pop* wa* very happily Inapt,.-I when,ln hi- admirable encyclical he reminded French I'utholie* of the new dutks reel)lllng from Ihe definite founda tion of the republican r*glme. " ha* ii t b e.i an innovation, as some hove raid. He has applied the doc trine as old it* the church, of the nicer oary submission of Cathodes to public au hotltles for the public wellbeing. Re. tractor; spirits should, threfute, accele to the ili sire of Ills Holiness and should all lie united to rondo tne republic more and more l.beral.” Mgr. In land *ald !)• wa- dellglitnl with the result of hi- vlelt lo Home It seem ed to him that the Pope was In health and stronger than be wa* two year* ago. With r> ference lo the rela • lons lie,ween thi ciown and Vatican the archlip-hop solid h>- wo* aide to assert that I he.accession to the throne of King Victor Kmmanuei 111 had stretlgloetied the Itope * conviction the IndeiM-ndence of the Vatican wa- IndlspenNaot*- to the genertl wellbeing ol the church. "This 1* ,d*> my personal conviction, ' he cxclalmxl "I believe that Italy wi l finally see ihe necessity of till*." Hi:t I. r* OF THE UtJKI i ii. Eluding* of Ihr Board With llrgaril Nasal Attack*. Newport, It 1.. Hepl. 28.—The 1 tvsrd of arbitrament af cr p* nneilng to-day gave ♦ p n have been held the las, two day* by Ihe *hlp* of the North American squadron. The niiack of the Holland on the Kear satge was not allowed. Al the time the Holland eay* she torpedoed the Keirierte the hattfe*hlp hail l>ren running lights up, and thb. the bonril say*, wa* enough to rule the Holland's attack unsuccessful. the battleship not looking for an • ne.ny. 'lll bond I* loud in Its pruise of the tierv#- and eouragi of the command'r of liie llolland, which wen, live mile* to sea. Many are of the opinion that the eom munder* were afraid of thi* craft and did no, wl*h It stated that thelr vessel hail been picked up by the new defender of the seas. The decision I* that the Hlllctto was suc cessful In her attack on the battleship Ma-sachUse#l* and that she torpedoed her lefore she run ashore at Fort Adam*. In I'-gard to the rimming of the Kearsargv hy 'he tug Leyden It I* Ihe ruling that Ihe Kearsargr was out of the field of action •it the time and that he claim I* no, al lowcd. In regard to the work of the tor-s'do Reel the deelslon entirely change Ihe re nort* of the umpire In various torpedo l*)at*. The only torpeilo heat that wa* successful In torpedoing wa* the Gwynri nnd she put out thi Heorplon and ,h** Ea gle The Porter, Morris and Gwvnn were put out by Ihe Kearsarge .and the Dahl gren b)' tho Indiana. Thi* I* Ju#t the reverse of whal wa* rejiorted Unt# night. The Texas wa* the only vessel that was not found e..n, It I* said thui sin turned tall qml went far out to sea so that she could no, Ire found. (Vrutlna flo* rrnmrnl Thankeil. Lima, Pe-u. H pr. 26—In the t'hamber of Deputies to-i- Honor Uhurlea de Pl*. r la, prts!d-n, of th ohmlr. rent * e h'egram from ihecUnlUd State* gov iiiment exi rearing thanks tor the eham | lor'* ire* -age of condolence over the Gal I veeton disast.r. H**l I HACK* .o*l K JOKr... *l.n <*•** r*t Kpslillcss. Ar* hwss Waklog t> From the Bsltlmor* Sun N**r York H-pt -Scngtoc Hsnn. rlvsd In this clfy from ih* Wmit ] si and **i tfts.'d th* opinion that th* Re publican* gr# "tinglmtlng to wgk* up.' no you intend to make speech*.T” h* ! wa a*k*d. Th*y are srylr.t to mke me b*llev* I am a stump orator." Mr Hanr.s replied , but I know It l* not so If you hear any reporta of my making a speaking tour. . don't you believe them. I will make a | speech her* at on* of th# Monday meet ings I prom *ed before I wen* away." j 1* Republican apithy wearing awayT' ; ' I tnlnk the situation Is improving. The j lac:, m thal here, as In the Weal, th people hwve been too busy to |wy much attention to tne campaign They had plant) of time in I**< " "It na. teen sad you have come her* to settle the cowl strike’" "Yes and if the axis of th* earth should be reversed, 1 suppose I'd have to D> that, 1 too Is ijcv Konaeveß # trip making a good imprt-swlon*" excellent. H Is having large audl eti es and hie voice |s holding out *ll rig ;; Hit trip I* like a snowball roll*! in 'amp tssinrr Worderfui meet.ngs." What !• the general outlook’ Are you still dubious?’' I am still not talking." aald Senator Hanna with a smile. I ; that way you differ from Mr. Cro ker, ' *;d a bystander. When tYofcer begin* to talk." rspllel Mr Hannu. "If* time for me to quit.' Ar whl b Monday meeting will you speak*” was a-ked ’ !••! i kr.ow ~ ' 111 ('n a i.r* | ean get the highest |.rtce," ash) Senator Han na. Jokingly. "Let's see. What la Bryan getting now, |fA> a speech? Weil. I I go for M.VV ' What Is the pro*pent In the Wet.:?" "Thing* are waking up there. They have livened up a lltlle.” M hat did you tn an by eaylng there are no such things a- trusts In this country?” "I aah! there were no commercial or le gal trust". A trust J* where man owna an iniere*t In a company and holds a cer tificate which haa no voting power, but la toted by a trustee. Bryan say* he is op iiosed to trust*, hut not to capitalisation I wont to know where there is a legitl mate corporation In this country doing busi ness which Is a truat. Th* Hherman law and state law- where they exist, have de stroyed everything that come* under the head of trust* If ihey are simply using the word for corporations. I want them to tell me what they mean by It. 1 want to know the difference between a trust corporation and a legitimate corporation I Ihlnk the trust question will be about a* dead In a few day* a* Imperialism Our Democratic friend* have gone io Chl ewgo to hatch up anew paramount Issue. "1 repeal." continued Mr Hanna, "tha* all >he organlxatlons or combinations of capital that were amenable lo the law ami had the power to oppress the people have been suppressed according to law. They do no# exist, and If any d’d exist they would be dealt wl*h a* the law In sueh thing* demands. 'Home of the newspaper* say I am In terested In Iron and aieel combinations that ore oppressing labor and Ihe public In general. How do they know this? The Iron and steel combination* are compeetng with one another, the *ame ns all other line* of business Industry." Mr Hanna was asked what reply he could make to the challenge to debate Is sued to him by Chairman Edmtnston of the Popul w National Committee. "Who I* he* - ' asked the Senator. The Identity of Mr. Edmtnston was #*- tahllehed "How does he spell hi* name?” asked Senator Hanna Having learned this the Republican na tional leader said: "You tell him tha, any time he won#* ,o take lue with me before the public he 1* at perfect liberty to do no.” and the Re publican chairman smiled. •YMPATHA FOB *tl,S. I* Telegram Sent by , nsimltlee of the National Party. Indianapolis Hepr. p> —^The following telegram was sent to-day from Gold t)em oiralle national headquarter* In this city to Mr*. John M. Palmer and family: "The N.ttlotiil Committee of Ihe Na tional Democratic party In memory of the splendid and patriotic < areer of Gen Palmer, and recalling hi* conpleuou* er vlee to hi* country In 1898 In leading the party that served and sacrificed for the fireside Interests of the people. Join It's household In mourning The high purpose which Inspired hi* public life and hht per sonal purity nnd virtues are a heritage to his countrymen. He survives himself In ih* manly character* thnf will follow hi* example.” LIGHTNING OTHt C K A KILN. Else Men Were Hurled I mlrr Sc*era: Tons of Brick. KderardsvUle. 111., Sept. 28—Lightning struck a kiln at the Glen Carbon brick yards near here to-day, demolishing the kiln and burying five men under tons of brick. The killed: Isaac Carlo, k. Charles Match*. Elmer ,’humiey. Thomas Hartbock. Joseph Burckhonll va* taken out alive •ui Is badly injured. PLAIN TALK Tn Catarrh Naffrrrrs. Kvery person suffering from catarrh In ll many forms, knows that the common lotions, salves and douche* do not cure It I* live,lire* to argue this point or to cite can#* of failure, because ever; victim of catarrhal trouble know* It for hlms>lf If he has tried them A 10. al application. If It does anything at all, simply give* temvorary relief; a wash, lotion, salve or powder cannot reach the #a, of the disease which I* the blood. Tlw mucous membrane seeks lo relieve the blood of catarrhal poison by aeereilng large quantifies of mucus, the discharge somriltnes closing up ihe nostril* de coding lo the throat ami larynx, causing an irritating cough, continual clearing ol rhe throat, deafness, indigestion and many o.her disagreeable and persistent symptoms. A remedy to really cure catarrh must I*- an Internal trr.i'mnt; u remedy which will gradually cleanse the syati m from eatarrlial polstiv and remove the fever and tongesllon always present In ihc j tnu'ous membrane. The b**t remedies for this purpose are Bucatyptol. H.mgutnarlx and llydrastln. hut the difficulty has always been to get ,lie*c valuable cuiatlves combined In one palatable, convenient anil efficient form Itecrntly this has been accomplished and the preparation put on the market under the naim- of Hiunrt'a Catarrh Tab let *; they are large plea can; tasting log. engrs. so that they may be slowly dis solved In the mouth, thus reaching every iwirt of the mucous memt rune ami finally the stotnailt and Intestines. An advantage to He considered also la that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain no cocaine, morphine or poisonous narcotic*. #o often found In catarrh powder*, and the use of which often entails a habit more dangerous than the disease. Htuart's t'atarrh Tablet* are sold by druggist* a, SOr for full fixed package and are probably (he safeat and most ef fectual catarrh cure on the market/ IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL end work, oruer your lltDographed and printed stationery and blank books from Morning News, Savannah. Ga. WORKS LIKE MAGIC FOR-GI&LS frtoto*. Ky.. ftl 19. 1900. My daughter i, much better Six to now •tartlm oa htr third bo,tit Wla* of Cardin and ThtPhtfi Black. Draught hast workgd like aaagw with htr I havt told mhw* ol my acqualwUwcgi of your madldna, and caw heartily rttommtad them to other,. My daughter had both titennt and ovarian tymplomt, tide tda. backache, and a headache now and then, especially la the top of the head. Bui the moit ttubbom pam was la the left e!4a at the lower edgt ol the rib, or three or lour iachci above the upper part of the groin, wHh torero,# of the abdomen during the period. Mr * B •* I LUKE* Mother* whose daughter* art nearing fh* age of womanhood thoeild give a care to (heir con dition. before they reach the rtage of wffertng Mr*. Milli Ken de*cribe*. 100 often beautiful and promtotng girl* become permanent invalxli becaute of a lack of proper caution at thb critical period of their live*. The important thing for a girl ju*t entering womanhood i* to be ttarted right Then a healthy and happy life will follow. WINE'CARD UI I, the great emmenagogue. It will regulate the menrtrual flow. It wifi rtart the giH right. Every mother ihould preent her daughter wrt'h a bottle of Wine of Cardui and teach her lo rely on rt a* a fnervd. Girl* who take an occaional do*e of thi* pure Wme are strong and healthy. They avoid much agony and torture. Mr*. Millikcn’* daughter wa* cured of ail her tuflenng and now the to a strong woman. Your daughter may be *trong There no danger to fear at the coming of the menstrual habit where Wine of Cardui to allowed to tart healthy period*. Thousand* of mother* endorse Wme of Cardui. All druggirt* *ell >I.OO bottle*. In run requiring *p*cia! direction*, sddrore. atviag symptoms, "Tka L*di*s' Advisory Irepartmaut", Tbs Chattanooga Medicine 00., Cbananooga. Tean. To Save Expense of Moving, we have decided to sell entire' stock- of F'uirnltLJre. Carpets, /V\at tlng. Shades, etc., at slight ad vance above cost during Sep tember. Will t>e in store, 112 Broughton, west, early in Octo ber with a full and complete line. We can fill any order Right Now. Call and see us at old Rost Office building. LINDSAY & MORGAN YOUR CATERERS. Colored Lithograph Posters. WE do a great deal of this class of work for Proprietary Medi* cine Concerns, Furniture Houses, Cigar Manufacturers, Clothiers,Sea= side Resorts, Mountain Sanitariums. All you have to do, if you are inter ested, is to drop us a line. We cheerfully make estimates Ml News I Mill J. H. ESTILL, President, SAVANNAH, GA. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. Twici the price cou'd buy no better. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah Agents. FRENCH CLARET WINES, and GERMAN RHINE and MOSELLE WINES and FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES. All these fine Wine* and Liquor* are Imported hy us Ui | a „. d| rcc # fom Ihe growers In Europe Our Bt % Jullen Clare, Wine from Everest. Dupont & Cos of ■—*- - France. I* on# of thelr epeeleble . Olid one at extremely low n-ice °‘ “" ,r * u^ rujl CUr * l w "‘- “-'>• • We also carry tn bond Claret Wtnos from this eelehrated firm In c iska Our Rhine end Moseile Wme. ,re Inq-rte,) from Martin Deuw tort, Oermeny, ar# Ihe beet that com* t 0 tb* United Hute* ’ BODENHEIM Is very fin# end ch* ,p. NIERBTEIN also very good. RUDBBHBIM very choice. RAUI3NTHAL. eelected grape* very eleganL LIEBFRANMILCH. quite celebnieq MARCORRUNNER CABINET eieaaet and rare. YOHANNIHBUROER to perfection, SPARKLING HOCK HPARKI.ING 3IOHELI,F fiPAPKI PJd TELLE, end FINE FRENCH COGNAC BRAND I Ffl BPARKUNO MUBCA- Si*rv',*l Brandies are Imported Jlr-o, from Fr , nc . br MlB M , trvl LIPPMAN BROTHpdc >f*mtTTTTTfTTy*rvrv.vv... 1 1 r 'Oi Ocean Steamsnin Go. -FOR- New York, Boston -AND THE EAST. tfnsurpajfsd cabin accoromodallona All tha comforts of a modern holal. Elactna lights. Unexcelled labia. Tlckats Includ* meals and berths aboard ship. Passenger Fares Irom Savannas. TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. *. ! FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. IM. IN | TEH MEDIATE CABIN. IS. INTERM*- ; DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, k BTEERAGF. lid TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. IB; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. *. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. 117; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. IBM. STEERAGE. *11.75. Tha express steamships of this line are eprolnted to tall from Savannah. Central <So*h) meridian time, a* *o)lows: S.iVASJAH TO NEW YORK. TALLAHASSEE, rapt. Aaklna. THURS DAY. l*p; rt. 5:30 p m CITY OF AT’CJI’STA. Capt Daggatt, SATTRCAY. Sept. ! 801 p m NACtHH’HKE. ,'apt. Smith. TFEBDAT, Oct. 2. 11:00 a. m. KANSAS CITY Capt. Fisher. THURS DAY. Oct. t. 1 00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt Aaklna. SATUR DAY. Oct. . SOOp m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. TFEDSAY. Oct. J. boo p. m NACOOCHKE. Capt. Smith. THURSDAY. Oct 11. 7:on p. rn. KANSAS CITY. Capt Fisher. SATUR DAY. Oct. IS. 9:00 p. m TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Asking. TUF.B - Oct. 18 11:00 a. m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. THURSDAY. Oct 18. 1:00 p m NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith. SATURDAY. Oct. 30. 1.00 p m. KANSAS CITY .Capt Fisher. TUBS DAY. Oct. 23. 4:30 p. m. TALLAHASSEE Cap, Ak!n*. THURS DAY. Oct. 25. 5:80 p. m CITY OF AI'GFSTA. Capt. Daggett. SATCRDAY. Oct. 27. 7:' p. m NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith. TUESDAY. Oct. 30, 10:00 p. m. M'.tt YORK TO BOSTON. C7TY OF MACON. Capt Savage. FRI DAY. Sep’. 28. none* CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage. WED NESDAY Oct. 3. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, MON DAY. Oct. 8. noon. CITY OF MACON. Cap,. Savage. FRI DAY. OM. 12. noon. CITY OF MACON. Copt. Savage. WED NESDAY. Oct. 17. neon ! CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. MON DAY. Oct 22. noon. CITY OF MACON. Cap,. Savage. FRI DAY Oct. 26. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WEP NEBDAY. Oct. 31. noon. Hillings New York for Savannah Tues day*. Thursday* and Saturday* STO p m W. O. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull etreet. Savannah, Ga. K. W SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Oa. R O TREZEVANT, Agent. Savannah. Oa. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep’l. 234 W. Bay street. Jack sonville. Fla E H HINTON. Traffic Manager. Sa vannah. Oa P E LB FEVRE. Manager. " Pier 35. North River, New York, N. Y. MERCHJMirS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. •TfckAJMHIP LINES. • AVANS AH TU BALTIMORE. Tlckats on eais at company's office* to tha following i>olnta at very low rata#: ATLANTIC CITY, N J. BALTIMORE. MI) BUFFALO. N T. BOSTON. MASS. CHICAGO. ILL CLEVELAND. O. ERIK. PA HAGERSTOWN. HAHRIBBURO. FA HALIFAX. N. 8. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE ROCHESTER. TRENTON. WILMINGTON WASHINGTON. Flret-clasa ticket* Include meals an® state ri'Otn berth. Savannah to Biltlmjf#- Ai ciimmodatlon* and cuialne unequalet Freight capacity unlimited; careful hea ling and quirk dispatch. The team*tilpe of this company ar* •" pulniod to all from tiavsnnah to Balti more ae follow* standard lima): ITASCA. Capt. Blllupu. THUKBD aY ' Sept. 27. BTO a. m. DORCHESTER, Cap,. Jamca. SATUtt- DiAY. Sept. 29. 9; p. m _ , TEXAS, capt. Eiklrdlge. TUESDAY. Oct 2. 12 noon. D. 11. MILLER. Capt. Peter#. TH DY. Oct. 4. 2:00 p. m. „_. v ITASCA. Cap,. Blllupa. BATI RDA •. Oct. 8. 4TO p m DORCHESTER. Capt. James. TUW DAY. Oc, 9. p. m TEXAS. Cap,. Kldredgc. THURSDAY Oct. 11. BTO a. m. D 11. MILLER, tiapt. Petera. SATI DAY. Oct. 13, 9:00 p. m. And from Baltimore Tuesday*. Tbure days and Saturday* at 4:U) p m Ticket Office, 112 Mull alraai. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agent. J. J. CAROLAN. Agent Rn vsniiftl). (fN, W. P. TURNER. O. r. A. A D BTF.nBINS. A TM- J. c. WHIT VET. Traffic Manager General Office*. Baltimore, IF