The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 27, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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IT P3jj ITiUTV Since your blood is your life it behooves you to keep it pure. That person who goes through the wirld without regu- Ti I Ii larly purifying his blood gets an affliction. Nine ailments out of ten have their origin in thin, impoverished blood. And to !fTnermanelT"T^onnst?nr^??T!!!?!^T attempt to remedy them by preparations recommended especially for them is to lose sight of their cause, and the relief is dies—so mav rheumatism— A n n n may prepared that will relieve eczema, but this ailment will have another outbreak. Dyspepsia may find temporary relief in certain rcm- Pure blood strengthens vnnr tio UU a ’ canc , er ’ ? ry j l P e as anc * WOI P? n troubles, but the final cure only comes when the blood is purified. Pure blood builds up the constitution, blood contains no noisons that e - or f an !'. sr ! t lat 00c * becomes nutritious and dyspepsia will disappear. Pure blood is clear of all acid from which rheumatism gets its start. Pure R tise to cancer, eczema and scrofula. Pure blood disposes of the causes of a thousand pettv diseases that render you uncomfortable and unhappy. Graybeard Is the PUREST BLOOD PURIFIER Made. It has cured Cancar. . It has curad Eeaema. LCttCf 11*0111 ICXiS. **“"* as RhClSfllAtfSXXl. Cltlffllt II has ciifPd Dyspepsia. womi.rful (Ira y war <1 h.i don** :or me 1 hrpuvrlfhe and Impure btootl network .# Mart Mind you, thmmo ware not trifling ail- ond sufUr*! *’! gr* *!*?w ‘ - - ‘J* 17*.J # ’rif.• V °'?*£}* W hrn *\ *• mT * ™ TJZZ ZZ Fruits, Produce, farycy Groceries, Jobbers, '££rz £ 2 dortor. h*l failed to cure. ed * cur, m. And I being ao old anl ,m. auv,.lar ami articular rhsumatlam r Graybeard Is made of freeh harhs, bloa- toy diaeaaa so chronic. I didn't think there *“* COMMISSION MERCHANTo Mh*n in the hip*. It Is called sclktlc rhau- Tl'i. ~ii ifTl'li 1.... ..i llim rrrtla was any mHiictn* l that would euw* dm mm -m, whrti in tha muielif of th# Ni li. . Ji/ TT' tome and barrlaa It contain, no mercury But more than J years ay.. I ha,l very WWW mTCHtU STHKgr. , . It . S.3TS t£?^JI^SwSS or prtaab. Far eradicating old and d#*p> plain symptom of can -ron my nose and —m *§>,#r —i'ar*. .24%h% and oft,n wh '* n OTU v * * r, ’ , ‘ frnm nri ,j n „ rr .j|i catarrh ,na. Khaumatlsm. Dyspepsia It haa no o* wall as .oncer 1 bought g bol.lrs from fUpaSB Drug Cg. , Tht u •* ""■* are -oim-Mm. , awn ten lhem , h „ fou , bw „, n4 , eqiwl on Mirth. You want nothin* elm to Mr Pl'rce, und less than curort me at tlrst. causlna any ilsr health take Try nothin* else Nothin* els* la Thlshas baenmore than ?ye-re ago now j’** ,n ’ ,V''“ ri“a * "JTm the lu.arrh will not exist when tha Wood b . „ , and no aymptonva of th* old dl>*-at>- havo tm n* la adtlng n rt on you rni! u ina n ,, r . i<-. essary. In Oraybearrt you hav# every. appeared I can,raise Orayheurd foe DoarSlri'- lln.- to taka tlr.ybeard **"■ thin* to build you up arsl make you atron- whot ll has done for me Persons n.• ,1 Tla **!—< cure for iheumall.m la a • r *cr than your Oiaeawe. It will (Yush out never think they are too ok! for Gray- Iheroust. bk*“l e>a*ln* YT< TT< yratr dis.wsa. it win leave you as you were bawd tocura am now m Tor thr year* I euffored great pain and annoyance frea 1 ‘ harttX Vrt.'i Ugly UICCfS. U forw ilh* ailrrxiu *sis*<l you. d!*#elv* thr nd4 diiHwii aim! producm a Thro l nothing o hundredth part at •——e * toed as Oraybaard to do this There I. ue l'Hfr li ream with an ulcer on my ankle Buena . ,hino im,i, like 'icheati _. r f' , L J ORAYBEARL was recoaaended to tee and three bottles (aide a now times u. bl eomeiimaa on crutches I oothln* made like Urayhearri-nona ever Vjrrd.yDC3.rC* a rh . ueel re in .-lie- of my own and fallln* t* will be. It la one of the *reai Invantiooa ' on A Hav I f<eM make a cure I .Wiled in different phyal. of the world. f* j u- *an of me I actually weigh 20 pound,aorw, and my health is more -TV DOy V>UriO. cUIM , T hey all said that they coaM cum mm. . . , _ \* r , iiii, r* ** iiifiif b> . W lfltch*lt rrv- but found It to br of • Btubborn no* —* vigorous thsn for yoars. I thinU It is the greatest that l *J.„ f A ! <jV . iu .urd iLt turr n.i f.ui-i f. "I would here* eav for th- Nfidlt of IhA who w*n for*-4 to mi work on account I •** drvN’M ndvrrflwd atwl I boughf f C%i publb*, pttlw ?- tr with rhi*um. evsr saw. . f u V rr n < kof rhoutiwUl'-i*. and u four of it. two l*oaw of th# i wll A taiiu VI VJLUUiaWU tit . m in my h | p4 f„ r ,h rt .. ni inth#. und Ycurs Xruly, cumt him wound and well ©ao box of th*- ointment. or I handled Gray!* ird I concluded to _ ———• ♦ • < ■■ It cured mo ©roll And 1 have on# botut * Graybeard and know It help* mo givo it a trial I took two hottU? and a S ) /A Jr / w VT #* # a loft more* than anything I ran get I hav# ra- half and wa cur and Ido believe it to bo I j\l( /)/> I OCf I J C£> fIT H4 Q A fftl I **v *!•* I well-not nearly wall l irrb of the etomanh and can l find any- * *r*',,i medicine L ' USI U * * l3 • "t!rely well II ha. ka-n over !-• , ,1., relieve me bin ilrevhejrd 1 Also Sister Dle>ach mok It for I>.iraly- "Sttnce taking (iraylward 1 have re*ain-d months and no nm|Sll have returned . Iln* to relieve me hutOraybeard .U and tl h.l[-d tier urprlslr.*lv V/ // ur- ..f m, arm which ws. h-plca. by I -he ~,tf.n* will do a.lh.**- ELWH.II. TO! NT “Rev. A R. BTRtrKLAND, - ‘l/ rheumatism W. C. FI.KNNIKKN, Us-It. have faith In It and b* cured_ ‘*Lssvi... Ind." “EasK-rlln*. On." "Klngatim, Tea. Mrs JANB GBORCHG. Rock vale. Ten*. A Drummer Cured. Ecsema. Minister Cured. I Picture of Health. I Dyspepsia. | You Get Strong. 5555 Mr J. M Brown, many years a drum- Do you know when you have ertema? | Dear Friends—l suffered more or les* '•Graytw.ird did me more *ood than any- I Kveryl-vly who lakes <lravbeard tells u’" * ' J,""' '* ’ l lZjfLt'ttu? I'rile'l mer In Bateavllle, Ark . writes: “I have Do you Itch? I* your skin rough? In ! thing 1 ever tnok In my life I was troubled H!°®Hng oftar eating and a feeling of tht , y „„ , lri , llK p r They et more and H \ ' | , v#r br 7u'r^mv 't rb T'; warm weather does this slinging eensutlnn all the time for ten yean, with rheuma- , .hortnes. of breath and weight In the stomach are dyspepsia a doe, make them sick This Is the se- "O A f I.IETT. matl#m nmy fc<*4 ami joint# When I saf inr-rcaß#’ When you ncralch do largo blip- ~ . . . ... if. aumn lintut cia. - •U.WB I could not get up without egper- terr anj sores ; u rm '• Do they torment you ,lMn - ‘ r * lr * m * ny rcmMlM ’ bul ,allln lo was given a great deal of medicine by my symploow-eru.iailons of gas-trt. k .lorn •r<i of the curallvrjaower, F.s-A Mermen Butler. OS. 1-..elng great pain When I Mood on my when you work? . perfect a ptrmanrnt cure So I eipectol doctor, bul II dM me no good I eaw Gray- ach. heanburn. verngo. all como alon*. yii will "eat mom than 'you ** ' :s t any length of time 1 waa compelled hciemu l, an outbreak of bad Mood A** T beard advertised and bought It. and It S(Mjr wotnrh hra.i ohc general depree- hav. eut.m In m.m.hA and you wIU find It nt .. . sit down and even even gut no relief perron afflicted with knu. cannot take w , lve , h , glance of my day. In pain. rurwl m „ , , n „ h w ,„ h ' ' on " , * ' ‘ win not hurt >.. as II ud to when you KheUmatlSm. In spring this ailment Increased undue exercise without aggravating the slon and greal nervous condition follow. , ~niv liv making n..u >ai It makes t began the wof Graybeard a few Itching, or gel worm In h. and wllhoul feel- But i b.-j.n ,*„* Graybeard, not ex- ’**r'' lm , " Un<,s ,LroWN We h.r wumen may that they camot vou sm ig-t It make, you stronger as Rheumatic Rwellln# In lha legs Is curof Vto since and am pleased to say that , Ing on Bre. ITm- bluo.l Is aflame with the t time ago MKB JG. BROWN. vve h,r Wumen say that they cat.iot you stringer •> J tissue begin l.v firm-beard Iwl am all right Nothing ever gave me p. ullar poison that creatts the dices so pactln* to be cured of rheumatism, bul 127 Uf street, Montgomery, A.a Bleep, and that they feel light-headed as , b , ~a n„ , „.,M ~f you. and if Mr, Joseph Brown of BuUar. Oa„ wag I lief but Graybeard. and cal's tor a hope lo U- oured of tetter on hands and— If al llmea thay must fall We hear men are afflicted with sems you will And effllried with rheumatism. It caused hag T , move it. Nothing shorl of a BIAJOD MtD- u ™ ™ u. Jt (rn , llHlUy ,|lsam-ar The same wav with grMtl pain Her atatement la that bar lags A_ J _ t ICINE will accomplish a cure. n#ck And whtn , hsd only taken S bottles eay that they cannot work The stoma'll rh#um , lMsro . .atarrh, dyspepsia, cancer, swelled to unuatml slse dhe wa not ab*a LsOflOUCtOf Vatircd. I-*-. OOIIIIU and VV CIl. IS out of gear, they are restless and ner- In sh at Greybeard makes you stronger relteve the ailment until the pmanl all my rheumatism was gore. That was ,han your diaeaaa aod cruahea out your | Graj !errt llh.. la now sound and wall. _ A.a. . . . . ... . . n |K . ~,*. vou# am) form tN* ltiU>U of Jiuikuig. ! u,st I contract**! cold a few ye#m aso work- nearly a year ago and I have not had a I had coßfMtlon of the •toroach-acut* * tilßea##. .. ** ■\ l ” % araybMrd for i tjn thi* bridoo eana over In Alabama JILCZCHIcI. , .a.. . fndltesOoo. Lant AofttM when I wa# oo Thl I# dyupepeki— —a* —„ - v Ntsthlns ta hair ao *c*mi mm mv u i xi tn< i) ife satis over n Alabama pain from that cauee since. The tetter on . _ - nravbewrd and sot _ f _ J TViJ 14 r hen mot I am. : 1 wa# laid up with rhcumaiUm 1 tried • _ , OIT ’ • ne * ra oz 1 , a * , 7 It can be cured I rtA VDP A. I*o UiC l It. *Mv wif# wa* afUlcted four vaora with iv-ai mnny remedies all of which eeemivl Lafayette. Ala . May M. my neck and gar, dlaappaarad. my gener- , cay dau*har and aon ln-law to send lor * . # , W 1 A-TiW eh,un,.",m and l wa. able to find m ' “"’*“• ,*“ no ™‘ cur *’ l I have trlcl your Graybeard and know .j h . a|lh h better and I wetgh ,^i” **" U ke ail other, who are ao unfortunate anyhlng to relieve her She took Oray- A dldsomegood a, far as they weot. bu t for a truth that It is effectual pounds more than I did before taking 11. d hi .a* * a ,Ka .1. ?f ec *' mu aml “ ** v<re •* 4ru | v thankful for the discovery of go strengthen, and invigorate* the digestive bowel troubles I irl-d various medicines well as ever It cured our IIH,* ion of fna .raybeard cuted me before I had taken tack of Indigestion No doubt Oraybewrd will do all that li j 'V rf . m ,a, r | n< . , , ai l a numUr of the beat d,* tor. to treat „ilmenl VVg cannot prsla* OraybaarA . -third as much a* of other remediee. Ido not hesitate to recommend it AU ‘ “MRS A OLIVE. or#an! * by “ unf> ' n ,he blooA my but faund only temporary relief j Loo w*. GEO BOOTH. *■ cSTffia. |*““,VSSSISiu. r i WHATLST. *. O. I .. el Cet GRAYBEARD at Drugstores--$l a Bottle-6 Bottles, $5. Or write to Respess Drug Cos., Props., Savannah, Gal . the peach ( Hur or ohio. I .it ru r r tty TtiouftMudi of Bushels ■ ban Aw> Prrxlnna Mnliiol. From the Cleveland I’ioin Dealer. ■ >r; ("illiinn. Hept. ‘.’l A <ree con i' (ion of the wonderful yield of peach c in i In eastern Otiawu county can be by the outsider *tthout a visit *o it now famous fruit germinating ground i region in acreage, but a trifle In ex , of one four-hundredth of the totnl mi of the tw.ite of Ohio, but which rich i ig Hind.produce nearly one-half of i*ciou peach fruit grown In this t ■ • A stranger to this territory rest,! In this and neighboring states, white the act of paring a rose fa. ed, fuxa Hired peach preparatory to the imme ■ l tile i otiMtmptloti thereof, will hardly de li' long enough to think of the many i res i i-es, lioth natural nd artificial. In tinging this now almost unlvcrsul dell i.y to Its proper condition. Nearly all the peach firoduct utilized m ... eltles of Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, rndusky. Columhus. Cincinnati and Day - 'ti. conies from this section. This, of nurse, is not inclusive of other shipments other points. The season of ISM> will c e the production of that fruit many lousaruls of bushels In excess of any revious reeord in the nnnals of pen h t rowing ui this section. Of course, many young trees Just coming Into bearing. Is 'he (trimary cause In trie Increase. But ■he con Untied large crops In this one sec tion an ilue to peculiar conditions, noth ing other than extensive water proximity. The position of lake Erie and Sandusky ■*y so affects the aimosphere as to re ' ini hud growth In the spring, thus saving 'bem from the effects of the late frosts 'hat oficn ruin the Inland crop. Thes " were o late ond of such severity the year lsstl, however, that not a sin vie peach bud survived even here But >' Is a significant fact that not a single l ! ich mat ureal in the entire north that •Son. The crop Inst year was also n nirtlal failure, through the unusual ad -1 esc elements. Hie full crop this season will reach the ' ormous aggregate of at least I.tOO.AAO ishcls. This estimate of complete pro ' let (on may fie too conservative, but the 'op will noi exceed 7tf,008 bushels mob " in Is claimed In this statement From • monetary standpoint. the yield will net • •’tween t1.1X11,000 to t2.dsi.fOi, It will not r>m below the minimum figure In any • 'em tine doilur ami fifty cents p> r •"label Is the prevailing price for the bet " r grades, although many growers are receiving 11.75 and some 12 per bushel. ' iter varieties will tend to still raise ic'leea. tn average fruit grower raises about bushels In a season, but the average ;l be much higher this year larger '"'ers will conclude the season's work ""h shipments of from 5,n01> to 10.010 h’tshela, and several Individual growers " 1 have shipped 12.00n and 15,0 cm bushels ‘ 1 h. The Danbury Fruit Fompany of • 'anbury: Island and Gypsum Fruit Com " of tlypvum. and t’nlon Fruit Fomin of Fatawha Island, the three largest fl 'll corporations In Ohio, will each ship " "r than SXIOOO bushels before the mld- Of October. The principal peach " •*■ raised are mostly of the later vs r’• denominated Kmork, Craw fori Dl* l rta. Demon Free. Balway, Old Mixon, Wheeler's I site. Bombard and Gold Drop These are the average of the growers' paying product, /the first four being the Aral in quality nnd bearing. There are 'my other varieties. Including the Wheatland, Foster, Globe. Early River ee l Susquehanna, but their growth U not general in this section. The average <l*lly shipment from the "Peninsula," better known throughout the country fur Catawba island, In 18SW was •* ■ •*'?■ ■■ '*-**'s /T*. -’Xe i 4 S a tri’ k"7' I . h i uni,. 1 ... k, I de-lgticd by leu* U ■ ntb Id *Co of New Vork c|iv Is o the rl h.t I rotunit, elaborately trimrrsd with ertnln.. The style of muff and collar aid til id the cniiirt cion coal gives a clear Idea of the best fashions In fur for next winter. r 6 not) bushels per day. This ■" •'" •• *"" fi.r uver.lip < about I2.<X bushels per day. This aver ISP holds from H" middle of Au gust until tht middle of October for the year I*9* and thi- ><--r from Auk I-.up to the |.r. -"'t <•“ K!on ' u " ,h * average will show wiener < Increase. Most of ih •' • iwba !,- ai • fmH I i lot roll and Cleveland in large lake ers >""1 special (each freight boats, which brine th- product into the early morning rralrkete from wta nc* It •“ wholesaled delivered into tributary mark* e. < m an.l deliver, pr o, )ull than a O' elmwHl r <• -p(„. product from Gyp ntherli'land lf , iin points '"t and P" £ led" and even Fin rm* e i n 'imlk of these consignment*. The shtp * T fmm Oypsum thus far this season m ill from Aft•"> ,w,n,v ''“f l '"' l * avenge* Danbury shipment about per day. <*"“ l " v from Bay nd Port sac Th hfrw .tilppeil from Fort Fltnton. township*- ( '; rl<)rt< , < „ day by r.ulr.iad averases t mtl . By water. The l"’ 1 "“ak.tcr Idle* dally bstweeh this d '-Fv.-and ond .be H.ttie run. point lie Th „ ~cm (r Futon also rgne G°am iCt Fltnton o aslonally, and from ; and Bukealdc to Ckvciand each THE MORNING NEWS: THI RSDAY, REITEM HER 27. lim day. The steamer Arrow carries the Ban .l'lrky pro 10. t and the water shipments to I h troll nnd Toledr. from t'at.iwba are ,-ated for by the large lake steamers Frank Kirkliy and Metropolis The erop from t'arroll and Erie finds oo'et through Dacarne to Western |lt>ta. when it ultt matety reaches Houtliwestem Ohio and Indiana Th* equivalent of twelve cars Is shipped from l/icarie- in twenty-four hours as an average. The dally shipments from all points aggregate the equal of a perishable fruit train of forty car* u day. tine large basket factory has already disc/-, I of fruit pa' kng, * to contain near ly joo,|ao bushels of fruit in this first half of the season. There are several bak*t factories de l- n l. nt entirely upon the fruit crop and no |< x* than 350 hands are given . midoy ntont steadily ihrough this demand. The remainder of the season averaging a* fair as the Itrst portion, the foloiwing Haute- will tie found arcurate as showing tile complete ISW) crop: Bushels Dally shipments by rail K.uoh 1,.,tv shipment* by w Her 12.000 Dally shipments, local and express.. I.gfto i Total* Figuring sixty shipping day*, Ihe dally average above shown would give for the full season an aggregate of 1**120.000 bush els. The glut on the market, bn I weather and other causes, often make the fruit drop In price. The product then lies on hand awaiting u pick-up In the tnarkei, but a prolonged slump often results. This product Is taken to distilleries and fi r mented, Into peach brandy. These spirit producer* are large Institution', and a paying revenue to alt concerned, The gov. ernrnem exacts revenue of lx 25 on each gallon of biandy fermented. Ho even I'ncle Hum Is vastly benefited by the growth of the peach. About 2,600 ba-kcis are require I each day In packing tills Immense supply of luscious fruit. Over I,bn fill ire are now under cultivation and hearing, aid over 6.000 acres are devoted to pen?h trie growth. Ai a meeting of the fruit grew ers of the Fnlbsd States at Philadelphia on Oct, 2k. Ix9*. It was conceded that for the first time Ohio headed the states In the production of peaches. An ofll< lal re port Issued for the press at the time con tained this statement: "The supply from the northern islands (Ohlul helped the slate out In Ms completion. As high n; twenty-live carloads a day left Catawba Island alone, besides the many other points in Ighlmring, In the order named. Ottawa. Athens and Muskingum furnish ed the bulk from the counties." tit,vs him oy i.oht. The Casket Has Swept %wy In the Galveston storm. From the Balt more Sun Galveston. Tex., Sept 24—The storm which so recently *w. pt Galveston played havoc with the cemeteries. Mountains of debris are piled up In them, mound* were leveled, hedles disinterred and vaults crumbled. In the receiving vault at Bake View Cetneiery were the remains of Charles Coghlan the actor Th* vsult In whl-h the body reposed was a heavy granite structure of Isau I fit I architectural de sign This vsult was not spared The combined force of wind and waves up rooted the found tti n m l tosed aside th heavy granite blocks like so mu. h paper The • 'oghlan cask* nos caught In the swift running current and has never sin. • been seen. It may have floated out to sea or up the upper bay To those tn whose care the remains of the dead actor had tarn Intrusted, the fteak of the storm has caused i onslder able worry A force of men surveyed the cemetery and surroundlrg country to day, hoping to find -* me iraee of th" missing casket, but their searching was unrewarded Coghlan died at the Trernotit Hotel, Gal veston. Nov 27. I*9'. after an lllti"** of about four weeks. He ame here with Ills company, starrteg In the -Royal Box " Cpon hi* arrival he became suddenly sick, but hi* Illness did no: assume a serious form until about tw. d-iys before his dea'h At the time of fits death It was the Intention of his wife to have the remains resfdfpel to S' Foul* I t crematl n t 'o*tillin'* dylr* reque t belrg that bis body be dbposed 't 'n this way For some reason his wife did not have the re mains shlpitd, hut placed 'hem temporar ily in a receiving vault, exp, ting to have them set" East this winter ard the wish of the d.d actor and playwright . arr P-d cut All of the city sexton* In Galveston wire drowned with their families. JOKE ABOIT THE KAIMER. Itesttlts In the I'erpetralnr'a Arrest oh Merman Soil, The thirty inhabitants of Whltrpot. B f , were shocked lately to learn that one ks . w/.;5; Farm sat in-face, I crejie de rotr I the -dail " f tide superb toilet. The skirt Is gratefully tucked about the foot and > Intervals rich lace Insect aid needle .re are arranged. Thi tedlce l alrosst wholly of the lace and embroidery with a chiffon front and cottar. Till* is one of the most magnificent costumes designed for the stage this season. of their number had i*een arrested upon hi* arrival In Germany on suspicion of being an anarchist detailed to shoot the Kaiser. Whitt pH I* a -ettiem* nt artjolti- Ing Middle Village. The resld. nt* are all G* rttian* who plant isitatte* and celery oni fee that they an kepi free from we d* Frit* Juerg.ns. I'liurie, Blioppman, and William Halting thre trie ink,, who own truck farm* in Whltepod, decided a little over I month ago to go to Germany for a much needed rest, and lo visit their re latives, leaving their wives behind. The anr.ounc ment of Ihe visit to th# father land created no little stir In the village, and It was decided by the residents to see the men off tn fitting style. The steam ship Kalserln Marts Theresia was select ed for Ihe trip by th,- trave ers. On the morning of the falling alt of Whltepot ard number of resident* from Middle Village dtove ihe pier at the foot of < of'gre Street. Brooklyn. On heard IhTo was much speech-making and ami&Uig of iwruHke. xaiAlwkkcd tso- tween messages for relatives. li wga during this celebration that a remark made by fttiooprnan led to the trouble. Hhoi ptnati. who ts ■ Idg man, with a bug* coal-black mustache Is affectionately known among tils frhnds as "Der Raeu berhauptmann," (lai.dit chief " A few minutes befote the "Visitors ashore" sig nal was sounded someone said: "Raeuberhauptmaim,what are you going home for. anyway? You don't look as If you needed a rest." Whereupon Bhoppman led the question er aside, and in a stage whisper confided In him thus: "I'm going over to shoot the head off tha Kaiser " Thai is as much as I* directly known In Wtiite|ot Up lo the present time When a stewai >te** of the steamship returned on the next trtp she said * hat on arrival In Bremerhaven an armed squad of soldMra refused to tel the Whltepotlers land, and that for two days they were detained un der surveillance on the steamship unSll they hail given proof that they were rep utable etilsens on pleasure bent. When Mrs. Bhoppman was seen at her home In Whltepo! yesterday she eald: "I have not heard from my husband so far, bid expect a letter every day. The sti-warde* of the steamship was the first to bring us the new*. I know a letter say ing that my hustmnd was going over to Shoo' the Kaiser was sen* to the German eonaul. They must have cabled a warning* to the government. The letter to the con sul bore the Middle Village postmark, but I can't find out who sent u It must have been an enemy of my husband. I w!h I knew who did ti. No one with any sense would have mistaken my hus band's Joke A* any rat*. I'm glad he's clear Blnce th* killing of King Humber* I suppose people over there are mors care ful than ever: but a Joke !* a Joka." M14.U19M 1% STREET CAR*. A Washington Woman Snye ike Ifnfc- II la browing. From the New York Bun Washington. Bepi 14 —A Indy living an Columbia Height* and who evidently In tends to do all the can toward stopping public and promiscuous hugging at tha national capital, has written th* Dtatrtet Commissioner* a letter In which she earn estly call* their attention to th* matter ami beg* that u law be.enacted prohlbO- Ing such exhibitions. Hhe eay* that th* habit of young men and girl* hugging In street cars. In theaters end public parks lias grown to such sn extent that It Is almost impossible to take a car rldn to any of the suburban resorta without sae- Ing some young man trying to see how close he >tin hold hi* girl In hi* arm* or how near to hi* lap *ha can alt. She aaya these thing* may b right and proper, but she fall* to see It that way. "Bach conduct If condoned and tolerated will cause sorrow to come to the has rta of IMS) mol hers," says tht writer of tha letter "and I don’t sronder that the Chi nes* mlnlttec Mr Wu. was shocked whan M a youii* men embracing girls on th# hiy rkle at Cape May Such conduat, among what we consider our belter c at* of society should he frowned upon. Had Minister Wu taken a ride on any of our street cars after nightfall he would bava wltnesw-i equally a Immoral sights right here In Washington " In c toeing her letter the lady begs that the lflstrtiA Commissioners give the mai ler earnest consideration, and says that a law prohibiting such conduct | n street cor* i* tar more Important than tha law prohibiting expectorating In cars; that the latter can only soil the skirts of ladles, while the former can l*d to th* ruta o| VtXviUk % 7