The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Mali's (<rl Discovery. On* (mail bottl* of Hall'* UrMl Dfa fCTflj' curs* all kl lnay and Madder trouble* rcwm grav< I. rut< > diabetes, remmal emission*. .nk and lam* rhntmailim all Irr gul.rltF • of th. kidney* aril bladder In both men and women. i scutate. hi >d Irr trouble* In chll drat. If not sold by v■ u r tlroirlai Will De rant my mall on frcalpl "f *' * ,n * email bottie Is mn Aonlha' treatment, and will mr. am ra ahov- mentioned If E H Hall. .Me m.nufscturrr. P O. B* *js *i. la>ul> Mo Send for monlals fcoid by all d'ugglst* and Bolo muna Cos . Bs*nnah. Ga. Mrm) This. r>r r IV Hall. St. ta ut*. Mn : P'ar fit—Pl-a.r ship mn Hire- d*sen Hall • O a*r Oliravtry hv rtr.t txpre... I hava •o ' ®vnr out rr.>a It rive t- rfret aat* !faction and l rreomninf it to niy tuitomers. Tours irul II C. OHOVIW. Prop ABP-Mnnopol. Drug Store. Ocala. Fla . Dec 12 . IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. 2VBW* AMI V|f*H OR THK IIU U TWO TAW>. Irgp < oflon M*-<■ I|i* fit 4!hnn>. T'nrpnlo |)||*|<m Will Nof (in in Warnn—Two la*urattrr i im imn .••!••*ntlrtl—Politic* In Irttio I••- t>— OrnniiPi aim! InUnafrle* In Dif ferent Pari* f Y’loritla—% Ijter’a In ti reat* at I'rnMi Mli-\ea rue* Wlim Ate Pa*f-toarl. Oommlaaiom r o I? Steven* hat made the foiowlng appointment* .* oil tn|M-c- ! tore H \v. Grubb. Darien, G. . K. 1. Khl|t|>, Moultrie. Ga.. i< .M Stanley. Dub lin. G . Col. George I’ Miifiro*. Sylvia* ter. Ga. \en Hit n k In %tlnnia. Secretary of State Cook ha* a charter for the Farmer* and Trad* r* Bank of Atlanta, to be eapltallied at S2f.- tU. Thoee applying for charter arc Menrt J. K. Smith. J J Wat. John W. A.exander, A! A Smith ami W. S. Wi thaw. HnaMna In the Cotton. Columhua la*dg r Farmer* In tlt in sec tion have ga! wnd arnl aoM a latge part of their crop. T ere ha* been n< dbptel turn to hold limk cotton altuA* the price reached 10 cent*. In fact, fanner* appear to have made *nu*ua. iIT *tip to hurry their cotton to m.trket a* fat * poaatble. Hark From the Philippines. Thomaavltlc Timet- Enterprise Mr John O. Butler of Ocklockonee. who ha* been nerving in the Philippine* a* a mem ber of th** Forty-ninth Regiment, arrived! home on Saturday He will no doubt la* kept busy t lllng his experience in iho**- distant island*. John served donna th* Spanish war in the First Georgia, and the bays of that regiment will be gl id to kujn that "Put**" ha* reached home without having lern killed or woumi*l by the Fil ipino* v Hlßtreat Dll)'* Receipts. Albany Herald: Albany's wagon re ceipt* of cotton on Saturday reached the total of 1.010 bale-*, which break* the rec ord for the present Mftion. The heaviest receipt* on any prevlou* day ware record ed on Saturday, the Bth tn*i . when they reached l.flOC bale*. Katurday'* receipt* will probably stand a* Ihe for the remainder of the aea*on. n* will now. In a!! probability, be a continued fall ing off from week to week. Th* riiltoa*l receipt* Saturday were 49* bales. Politic* In Irttln < nnl>. The rcgletrar* of Irwin county have fln>*hed their Inlior. wn I It l found that Irwin county ha* a voting *'rength of 4.ft82. with Fltxg* rll 1.131. Thla 1* the large*! vote ever registered In Irwin coun ty. The county hm the reputation of being the only county in the *t*ttc rot bolding a primary, hih! the result I* It haa from time to *lx • < aulkl it* for every office. In the senatorial race, which • omprbe* the <ounttr* of Irwin. Telfair •nd Montgomery, a hot race is now lelng waged between Col. H 11. Cheney and R K Wilcox. The third * andliate. In cle "Bud** Whitley ha\tng w'n. the contest will, no doubt, b* a close one. Want l.nwrr lnnmni*p Hate. I’ffrldont >ofgr A Smith of the Mu con Chamber of Conmrrn l* In ih m of h letter from P. c*. Fleming. sec ret aty of the HouliKd' frn Tariff in which latter Mali*'* that he l of ?he opinion that Ma on can *♦• urc much bet ter Insurance ttlei, provide I < ertgln con- Pmpl-iini Improvements •* made. The mailer will be token up Nr for* the Hell meeting of the Ph imh* r of Commerce, and ever> effort w II !>e made to re ur* the better rale. It wl.l Im* remember ed that the rwitrr was taken up *>mc lime •aco by tin* chamfer, arul tne letter re ceived by Mr. Hmlth Id In reaponse to .1 communh-at lon rent out several vkuki* ••o. \% 111 Not an to Huron. Brunswick Tlmes-Call: Torpedo Divi sion Naval Reserve* will not go to Macon on Thursday morning to |Niriicl|iatt In the •treat fair. The torpedo division. at lie meeting laet Tuesday night, deckled, by a unanimous vole, to attend tin* fair on that day. dome no* uniform- had been ordered, and they were egpected to arrive In lime tor the trip The uniform* did arrive, however, but, Instead of being the blue one*, they received, by ml*take, ihe regular white working uniform*. Th* company'* old t*lue on* * are In out h a con dition that It I* lm|H>**ib)e to wear them, and the company ha* deJhled not to go Thl* I* regretted by th* officer* and men of Torpedo DlvMon, a* th* y have already notified the Macon people that they were coming and preparation* have been made t*y the ho|4tahh people of the Central City to give them a royal time. Failed to Make Mat cm# mi*. Aa a result of their failure to make aernt-annuui tuitimnii of their financial conditlofi to the Mate, two Innutance com panies —the Georgia Kcl f Ah a dot ton of • 'olutnhus. and fne Georgia Mutual AM A**o*'latton of Atiaiita will both le fore**! to surrender their lleonsc* for the remainder of the year. The companies that have pla< *d themselves under the lan of the law by their failure to <omply with the atatute* are a*fte*ment concern*, atu) have been doing fondness in tleorgtn for tonic time In order that the controller general, who I* .l*o the Insurance agent **f the state, may keep himself dertnliel\ lnfornieil a* to the financial Matu* of the various • om |*anie*. the Iw imp *** * on nil Insurance . •tn erns the necessity of mak ing two statement* of their condition yearly. Thl* hat been found nerftMry to keep the general public from iM-tng lm potted upon by accepting poll • lea In •>oni fwnle- that cannot rea-onabty meet their obligation*. FLORIDA. Jerry Newcomb, a Ork al Son* * Go . who*, horn- Is In New Jersey, 10. hi* po.ltton In JarkaonvlO on account of the Ml* of th* buln*, H* went out Ir. lb- roumry and took polaon In order to end hi. Ilf* 111* crle, of a,ony hrou*hl ttelp. and being brought hock to the city, his life was saved. Took T—o Much,. Za.k Towle, u lying dangerously 111 nt hi* residence In Bartowr from the ef fectw of an overdo*# of morphine. Mr Tow.** had Vrn * tigering with neuralgia i for % few day*, and took a lo** of mor phtn Not getting any relief, he took the aecond doee. and hi* life ha* been dopatr* | rd of ever *lnt\ % ttil umnfti t rap. The orange crop never wa* so good ar.'Mir*! Pine I/vtl a* It I* thl* year, ami the grower* are going to consign thlr I fruit thl* win:er, a** not a single tox h.i heen sold yet It *m* that the |oI i orange buyer* have combined, and are I trying to force the grower* to *ell at a ! tow prl.e. but all grower*. I*e|ng well | prated on the market, know what th> | can pi f o h. Imlatrle at Vfnntbrook. The I/vy County Pho*phate Company h i* erected a id int at Alontbrook and I* putting out and shipping flftv ten* ’>er •lav The large | nlng mill r*cet!j erected there i* running on full tlm* and l* making 5* • • 3<* **> feet of fliorlng celling and *|dlng per day W and A Mc- Arthur’s sawmill ha** r •■fitly had to turn down several R<wd order* because they ha-1 order* ohead fot sixty dip D M Flynn Company I* turning out one .*r f naval stor**. per da) Th* j*h..-t*hwt* planing rni!!. sawmill and t aval stores w rk* an giving (pent t.* at least >** hand.-, and the' keep >*>l .mount ot money in * It. ulation ail lb* time Tried fo Horn the Jail. Sunday r uht an attempt 1* alleged to h*v t. en mack by a negro by the name of AVl.'l F.-rry • burn the ninty jail at Gainesville. Imt the plan was frustrate*! by the other prisoner*, who put the Dre •ut a* *HNi .-• dlacovered The negro, it seem*, had been placed In the jail, cha-g --i.i with carrying .m. ele*l weapon*, arid sold to have et the # buljding on fire, hoping to e* ajM* In the r* ftetnsnt Next morning Berry was taken before Justice Co,man. and |dacd unde: SJTB> bond far his ap|*aran<*e at the next term of court on a <"harge of arsm Not being able to furnish th bon !, th* negro taken to Jail. Hit* r’* Interest* In Florida. Th* air l full of rumors on a reported comm* ncemnit of w*>rk on new terminal facilities recently purchased by Gen Rus sell A A!g*r aid associate* at Pen*a* ola. It r* stnts.ft th wo k of btilhllng the proposed big sawmill* and log road* w-ill i*egin In a *hort tini*- ne preparations are being made for the begimdi.g of surveys *t . Mi. (leorgf L Davie an engine, r of some m t*. has h- hi retained hv the Alger syndicate, an I I* now said to bl inking over pto|*elly f the ■ oncern whl h le- in Alabama Me Is there for th** purpose of selecting site* for th*- n* w mill* and raod*. and thl* will n* *e**arl!y require * time, hs the work is no smalt one. Among the rxd* to he built Is one leading to Pensacola, which will probably lead direct to Sulli van** wharf, one of tft* valuahc acquire ment* of the re ent del. At this do* k the large o*n tramp steamers mvv safely i>* oadd Som** subordinate en* gtneers nr* In other part* of the syndi cate lnnd, and they will rej>ort to En gineer Ihi via. Tried to Pasteboard. Charles H. Cory, a Boston man. a grad uate of Harvard and n famous hunter, has a bo* on th*- Indian river in Florida, and then 1 In the company of family and friend'*, he spend* two motuhs or so of every winter The ledge is lo*- ed In sumrm r. In charge of a native care taker. Naturally, i man of Cory’* means and tastes would stock the establishment In the mos* siimpnious manner—and thl ha- been done. The tah’e Is an object of especial care, and in the rear of the dwelling Use f |* m small brick structure, built esp*. tally to contain the epgrnslve lehcic|cs that are sent down for the uiHnipul;*lion of the French cook All sons of stories are told hv the neighbor ing rustics at*out the remarkable viands suppose*} to be hidden away in this little house, and their trwMith** water whenever they pus* within *ight of it Aliout i mouth ago a gang of hungry n*-ir*f<*. who had teen inflamed by such talc*, d* - ter mined to loot *h 4 ' |*ice. fully antici pating Mich a fc *t as would he well worth risking one’s vc *y neck to secure. Asa matter of fact, but very little Is ever left in tmage from season to rea son and on tha’ parti, ular oc<*H*lon the outfit consisted of one lx* n bottles of lntp<*rte4| cO'*k*comh*. ussj for decorating -alads, ami 3* pastels'ard molds for serv ing charlotte russe. Imagine the fre- Ing*- of lo* of ravenous darkles, who had l*een whetting their apiellte* for more than a lAKUlllan hitiqu* t. w hen they ln*pe. tel their plunder! They car rier! It over two mile- to a deserter! tl* camp, examined the stuff by the light of a camp fire, tried to sample It. and then expressed thlr virtuous Indignation hv -utnshing ft Into smithereens. Three of th*m were subsequently arrest*-*!. Mr. Cory ways that the mental picture of a Houth Florida coon trying to * af Imported cockscomb* and pasteboard char’oe* russe molds amply repays him for all the ©-- he has sustained-and he will not press the • hr. ag.dnsi the nrgio*e. WILL u him THE till PH %\a. Ilht A\ 111 Druiafe Inin her to (linrl tnhle liiitiritlf)n. The Elks* Carnival Committee Is meet ing with r markable success In It* work of securing donations to the charity ba xaar. I‘ra< ttcally all the Itinila r need**! for the exrerulvc building- 1 an*! Inclosures ha* already teen donated by the Ha van nah lutnlK-rmen a nr! their friends in the country. The entire amount, climated at IfiO.M feel will la donated liy tha Klks nt the close of the fair to the char itable In** It minus of the city for use a-* firewood. A* this will occur aliout the latter |ai! of November, when the wintry blasts are just b*giiinltig to be felt, the rionaOou will 1m very timely as wdl as a much appreciated one. DnwiiiM Nets a Notes. Dawson. Ga.. Kept. IN —Cliorile Harris, the negro who shot Jesde Hell In Dawson Saturday nigh*, has been arrested In Al bany and will be brought to Dawson jail to-day. Dawson has received during the present cotton season *J.bales, which is ntout the turn* a* her receipts at the same Hm* last year. The fatmers agree, however, that there will Im> no top crop this season, while last year the top cotton was a good Inrgw percentage of the sum totsl made. The receipts for the whole season at Dawson will probably show a falling fT of 2. per cent, as compared with last sea son. * '.t H y ■ II imuteptr.: i.rider ■■ MAM MM MM MM ■ .^M m3 T-M Sfr kB n & M, MM BE i ■ <-,; W CXI IbUbCIC r rr.T;, ( r I.on will not rum ><\ Jow. *P ' amputation wtll cure a anrn foot. Thn only trratmci PJt 1 . which dona cure Varicocele anti It h;* bmo IMMMM to eat Invariably In # par cent. of all can- i* that of Ir. Hathaway jf Thlt aachutre method of treatment la applied by the patient P htmarlf at homo. It la palnl, .. and on*,-- do toeonTentence. ft If cnraahy moanaof abaorhtlon. rrdui,ng the Ui .landed and elongated blond fwatelt to their natural healthy romlltlon. ■fe Thlt method of treatment It utnl only by Hr. Hathaway. F By a tlmiUr evclualre method Hr HathMM) core, Stricture without pain or operation fr Hathaway’ tpeclalty la confined to Chronic Dltcatct. In eluding Sexual, Crtnary and Blood dttcatet. k *i * Write for the new edition of hit tA page booh, “Manlinn*, l. KEWTOIt Hathaway, ■ D v **° r - Health." and tyraptotn blank, or call at hit office. < onsulUttao. adtlee. book and hlankt are free for the aaktne J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M. D. I*r. Hathaway * ©o. omee hour*- ft to 1! m . I to 5 and 7 to A Bryan atreet, . s Savannah, Oa. *p m Sunday 10 atnU>l p. m. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1000. (CASTOR I A| for Infants ond Children. Tlii* Kind Yon lluvc Alwayn Itniitrlit lin* Imme the l|fna tur<* of (Tin.. 11.II'll< > l li<‘r, and limk Imtii nind** nndf*r hi* |H>rMonal Kii|**r% ilon for over ItO yf*r. Allow no nne to iltirivi' ynu in tliin. < ounliTlcil., ImitationM and **.liiHt—um—k<mml •’ ri* but Giprrinrnts Mil ••ndMiiucr tb Ik .iltli t Childr'u—Kx|M'rience against lCxpiTlnirnt. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For .Over 30 Years. MM %L PERON VI . Mr Ben Drew of Mystic I* a gueat of the Pulaski. Mr F C Ills k of Dublin Is n guest of the Pulaski. Mr F. 1! I'oMenh‘lm of Atlanta is at the Kcreven. . Mr J H 8 d* of Amerl* us Is a guest of the I’uktski Mr p L White of Atlanta Is a guest of the Pniu-kt Mr Coarl* * I Mell of Athens is a guest of the Pulaski Air. J 8 Maine of Atlanta Is registered nt th* Krreven. Mr K Porter of Atlanta is registered at th** De Koto. Mr. P H Maine* of Winston is regiaer ed at he Pulaski. Mr I M K-ale* of Wa\n**hoio Is a gue-'t of lh Pulaski Mr W M Wilke of Valdosta I* regis ter* | -it the Pulaski. Mr. W D Webster of Valdosta Is regis tered nt the Pulaski. Mr. J M Dreyer left via the Central last night for M n on. Mr. 1! E. Woo-I ward of Bluffs on Is reg istered a: the Pulaski. Mr T H Drakeford of Asheville Is reg istered at th* Kcreven. Mr W. B Jones will sail to-day on the Tallahassee for New York Judge R L Gamble of Louisville. Ga , is registered at the Pulaski. Mr W J flooding lef via the Seaboard Air ldne yesterday for Kaluda. Mia* Daisy Bryan will sail on the City of Atigu-oa B ittirday for New York. Mr K E. Clark of Stillmore was among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday,. Dr K. R Corson and family lft via •he Plant System yesterday for New York. Kergt. Henry Dings, who has been si* k f*>r the past few la\s, b* on duty again. Mr. Bernard H. f*ol*ilerg of Atlanta was among tbr arrival at the !*ula*kl yester day. Mr I K Bowen of Oviedo. Fla., wa* among the guests of the Pulaski yester day. Dr. I. If Mell'rhamp of Beaufort was among the guests of the Pulaski yester day. Mr and Mrs W. C. McDonough left via •he Southern last night for Glenn Kpring*. 8. C. Mr. II P. Hmirt was among the passen ger* of the Southern last night for Wash ington. Mr. Mclotrath was among the passen gers of the Plant System yesterday for Houston. Mrs. W. 11. Cornell and daughter ha\e gone o Macon to Visit relatives and take in the sights of the fair. Mr. B H f*alder and Miss Dillle Craw ford were married at the bride’s home at Thunderbolt Tuesday night by Rev. Pr. J D. Jordan. Mr. R A Rowllnskl has Just returned after spending several weeks very pleas antly at the North. Mr Rowllnskl has declined n* express any view* u|on the polltl al! n Jake Strauss one of the bet known travel ng m n who ever made Savannah Ills headquarters, but now In business In Havana. Cuba. I- in the city, having com* <lown from New York where he had been to buy goods lie will leave this morning for Havana by way of Tampa. Mr Htraiiss raporrs bus nss * ondltlons in llivana fa rly aitlsfactory. but was not disponed to talk politic*. Cuba Idbre l*arty apiawrs to ha\*- a very decided lead In the Island, he state*!. * \IIOM IHH %T ntlHk. • To Mskr Ihe Rsslrr.alnH.rnl nf In. IS a Hlu Surer**. Company D of the Guard* la hustling for It* entertainrm nt Nov. I|. A* previously announced In the Morning News the rn tertalnment will be given at the Guards' Hall for the purpose of raising fund* to equip tkr company with new uniform*. The affair will consist of music and dancing. At th *ame time over feq prises will lc given away. Donations from business man have been com ng lib erally and continue to come In. Admission to the entertainment will he fis> cents. The committee h.ivtng the mat ter In band Is roni|K>*ed of the following live workers: Chairman. CajM. Wright Hunter; Idem. Pritchard. First Hergeant George II Kill*. Sergeants Harford. Haynes, Fleishman. Corporate Hobertson, ———and Privates Weber. Glr f min anti Gleason. First Sergeant 1611 in *Mys that nil of the business men had the enter prise add had taken Inters! In It. and the outlook Is flaming foi a pleasant and profttable entertainment. Among the contribution* are groceries of nil kind*. dry good* of all kinds, cloth ing. shoe*. hats, wood, oil hrwters. cigars, whisky, cutlery and manicure sets. The largest shoe house* have contributed. a* well as the largest dry goods and cloth ing house-, grocers, and hardware people. The cigar people have aided liberally, as well n* the whisky dealer* Wood and coal people have come In also. Tt% H ELL KNOWN MEN IN % NOR. .ot Into or street Fight With *l* Ne groe* l,a*f Night and One Un ut. A fight that came near ending *erloua!y occurred r ear ml inight last night at Dl b*rt.v and Lincoln street* between two well kr.own young white men on one side n*l six negroes on the other. The cause of the rew |* unknown, hut remarks were pa-s and between the parties and then a gen* ral fight en*t:rd. In which one of the will e m*n e* cut on the left arm Pa trolman Jrnlgan arrived on the scene be fore lurthrr damage was dene and arrest • and the whole crowd. The parent* of the white men called soon after the (outfit reached the barrack* and ! balled their sou* out The boy* j had I drinking. which mhy i part account for the row. tine of the j tugroes, AN lilt tm Kxdy. In addition to the ( ■ horge of street tlghiing which wa* I 1 teed against the crowd, was further m barged with carrying concealed weapons Vh- esc will hr- tr ed by the Recorder thin morning. THE WEATHErT Forecast for Thursday and Friday— Georgia: Fair Thursday and Friday; ■older Friday In northern portion, varia ble winds. Eastern Florida: Partly cloudy Thttr*- and *y and Friday, probably showers In east • m and southern portions, wtnda mostly fresh northeasterly. Western Florida: Fair Thursday and Friday; southerly wind*, becoming fresh northerly. South Carolina Fair Thursday and Fri day; * older Friday In western portion: wtrhihit wind*. Yesterday's Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature 3 p. m. .S3 degree* Minimum temperature 630 a m ** degree* Mean temperature 74 degree* Normal temperature ..73 degree* Excess of temperature 1 degree Accuniulattel exec** since Sept. 1 *1 degree* At'cumulared excess since Jan. 1 1 degree Rainfall .Aft Inch Normal 18 Inch Deficiency since Kept. 1 1.31 Inches Deficiency since J*n. 1 10.3S Inches River Report—Th# high? of tl Bavan* nr*li river at Augusta at R * m me ridian time! yewterday was 4.5 feet, a fall of 0.3 foot during the preceding twenty four fiour*. Dot ton region bulletin. Savannah, Os., for the 34 hour* ending at 8 a. m. 75th Merkttan time. Kept. 2€. non. Stattohs f Mm.ißxia Savannah dtatrict. !T#m.iT#m.f fall Alapaha. Ga.. dear | 89 81 | Oft Alban), clear | 92 *4 ® Anierlcus. < lear j 89 tc j.b P.alnhrMge, clear ....j 1 <5 j .W Kastman, clear .....J 88 m lift Fort Games, clear j 91 82 | on ! Gainesville. Fla . cldy ....| 88 7ft jon Allllen. G.. A' 88 S3 I tjuitmaii. clear j9l fcl j .CO Savannah, dear 81 ; M ' .ftft i Thomasvlile. *lear 9* AN ro Waycsos*. clear 87 t 04 .oft i Texas i alnf ill repot la !orpui Dhrlatl. .01; Palestine, *. Hrenham, trace; H'>u*t>n. id; Ingview. *>. !Nc I 1 1 ■ <*<•■ Mux ' Min mat, C,ntrl Blallon,. Hlcn. Tern lT,ra fall aTlhbui | k T '•< T '>> Augusta ....( Ift | B*l *l2 j **** Chnrlemon j 4| 84 84 .** (Sulvcston j 24 9ft ’74 J .01 Little Rock I 13 9ft 7 | .00 Memphis 15 88 7ft ft Mobile 9 9ft 70 .CO Montgotnery 7 92 | 88 ! ftft Mew Urban* 11 92 70 o*2 Kavanuah 12 89 M •* \ b kburg D *• "* * Wilmington 10 { 82 | 58 .fit Remark* Slightly i*oo>r over Kouth Georgia and decidedly higher night tem perature over the Memphis di-trlct. Light and widely ecgtteted rain* ar- re|H>rtel n> having occurred on r the Yb kshurg. G.ilve-ton and New Orleans dUtrlcts Observation* taken at the *am moment of time at all station*. Kept. 28. 19u>. 8 p. m.. 75th meridian lime. Nam** of Station*. j T | V Rain Boston, dear 1 58 | 8 .00 New York city, pt cldy.. 7ft lft jOO Philadelphia, clear 78 8 j Washington city, clear ..j 78 L ' on Norfolk, dear ! 7ft 8 j .09 Hnttera*. vtear .. 88 L Wilmington, dear 72 L .Oft Chtrlofte, dear j t 2 | • Ral* Igh, clear ....j 78 L Charleston. ‘l*nr 78 | k J .Oft Atlanta, dear Bft { L | *0 Augunta dear i 78 j L j 00 Hovannah. clear j 78 j L ; "ft J* knonvllle. clear j7B Lj 00 Jupiter, (tartly dourly....j 80 { 18 | T Key Wort, i*dy...’ 1! T Tani|a. dear ! 7a | k .dp Mobile. dear j kO la .00 Montgomery. clear .......j S3 | L on Vick* burg. clear j M L 00 New Orktna, dear | an ( s 1 on (lalveeton, dear I K * j Ob t orpue t'hrlrtl. clear ....I *7 j IS .W Pnieetlnc. clear j M I. tb M mphle. dear | Hr* 1. on t'tnrlnnall. clear | Ok I. .to Plttahur*. char *1 | 1. | 00 lluffal<>, * Icar ! 73 j 13 on Detroit. partly cloudy (7X L T t'hlrafio, .loudy At 13 | on Marquette, tutrtly cloudy fib 13 .0b 81 Paul, dear 50 k Ob Davenport, cieor <*' L no HI. Ixuila. cloudy j 7! i * | kb K invat City, raining ...| •> | 0 | T Oklahoma, cloudy I 5k k 43 Dodge City, cloudy ' 50 13 "0 Notlh I'.atte. pt ddy 50 I H B Boyor. Decal Foreeoat Olßdal With the Poller. After the unuaual number of arreet* during the la*t two daya. the police Trad a very quirt time yetterday. only ala prla ootn belli* brought iu up to midnight. JIM KEY HUNHl’fl FIELD DU. He Rode the %\ Inner* Va*t Judge* <Nr(I at Grare*end New York. Sept 28 -Jockey Henry had another field dny at Gravesend to-day. u! of five mount* to-day he rode three winners and one piac*d horse. His fol lowtr* reaped a iDh harvest a** he brought Autumn home at 5 t> 1: Red path at 12 to I and Annoy at 2to I There was woe amor g favorite phi) era mn only one public favo ite. Annoy, was first {■*( the Ju'tg s. Summer.**: First Rare—Hurdle handhap. two m.lea Finer, 5 to 1. won. with Dong Isle. A to 1. reoond. and Challenger. 5 to 1, third Tm 3'48 1-3 He* nd Race—Five and a half furlongs, selling Pleasant Kill, 3to I. wan. with Ro ling Boer, 5 to 2. second, and Monad. 3u to 1. third. Time 1:0ft 2-5 Third Race—On* inti* anl furlong Autumn. & lo I. won with Jack Point. 9 to 2. second, end Belle of Troy, 4 to 1. third Time 153 2-3 Fourth Race—Standard ***kes. shout six furlongs, sehlrg Rcdpath. 12 t* 1. won. with flesper. 8 to 5. s • nd. and Hb Ro>al Highness. 5 to 1. third. Time 1:10 1-5. Fifth Race—n • mile and seventy .' •ids stdllng. Amoy. 2 to 1. won. wth Ml s Hanover, 7 to 1, second, and Car buncle. 7to 2. third Time 1:45 3a. Sixth Race—Five furlongs Kaii*anerk er. 12 to I, won. with Tampleitm. 5 to 1. *e , nd. and Drlscd . 9 to 2 third. Tlnn- I 01 4-4 Mil I.TB ON THE DIAMOND. II took Du Pin %ed In lond Form nud abut Owl Philadelphia. Brooklyn. Kept. M.—The Brooklyn* played In championship form to-day and whitewashed the Phillis* with ex** Score. * R.H E. Philadelphia 0 ft ft ft 0 ft ft ft V- • 1 Brooklyn ~..1 0 o o 7 ft 2 2 x —l2 17 1 Bntterle* laxtahue. D ug:*** and M Fariand; Kit son and Farrell. Ilostmi Heat Nru lurk. Boston, Bep* 38— Boston won to-day's game, making it three etrmghi* from N*w York Attendance. 1,0 P. B<or*-: R H.K Bi'ston 2 ft ft 2 1 ft ft 3 x—B 7 2 New York . 7 ft ft 3 1 ft ft ft ft 711 5 Batterieg—Dineen. Clarke and Conner. Mercer, M ttihewson. Seymour and Grad) rineinnnfi %% on the Game. PiMsburg Sept 38.—Cincinnati defrayed the bom* teiim to-day by better all-around play. Attendance, !.*■ Score: R H E Pittsburg ....2 0 1 1 0 ft ft 0 b-4 H 3 Cincinnati ...ft 0 1 ft 3 0 *2 ft ft—* Ift 4 Batteries—Tnnnehill. Phlllippi and Zim mer. Scott and Kahoe. NEW t’OTTON HILL COMP % NY. Organised In Alahnvtta With t npltnl Htoch of WftH.tHMi. Alexander City. Ain.. Sept SB.—At n meeting of the leading Htlien* of this place, assisted by Mr. J M L* wls of Bal timore, T>. I* Lewis of 8y unore. Ala and Col W H Plnckhard of Birming ham. company to erect a 10,0* spindle cotton mill wa-; organize*! Th* * >nijan> LITTLE EGYPT IMITATED. tnlterslty of Illinois *ntl to Hate a Salacious Scandal. From the Baltimore Sun. Chicago. Sept. 24—A correspondent of the Inter Ocean, send* the following from Champaign. III.: "Fraternity life st the University of Illi nois ho* received a severe blow. The ; handsome home of the Kigma Chi ha* raided by the police, who found there a party of men and women, giving .in im itation of the Bealey dinner. In the re ception room, where Mudei t-. profresor* nnd distinguished guests* have been ac customed to congregate, a woman high hi the social life of Champaign, was im personating Little Egypt in a state tha, would have shamed the original. Stand ing on a table of polished oak thar re flected her form, this wxnat pirouetted and whirled in a mad Jig Her long hair covered her shoulder* nnd her face wti flushed with Wine. Seated on the arm of a great leather chair. , young girl, also unclad, waited for her turn to dance be fore the drunken young mm. who ip pltmded every movement of the amateur Utile Egypt. "When the ofTi-'ers broke through th barred doors they stoppen iighaat. for the IJtRe Egypt, who Mood for a moment mo tionless on the tnlb\ they recognised as the wife of a prominent business man. and the girl, who eat unabashed among th* >oung men. they knew to le the daughter of b wealthy contractor, o leader In one of the most exclusive of the younger so cial sets. The spectators who were acting as hosts at the dinner, slopped their ap plause a: the appearance G f jv- police. Even the mo>t Intoxicated one tvtts solver ad. There was an anxious quarter hour for ihe banqurtera and a hasty imrley with the pollc , who announced that every one in the room was under arrest. At thl* point * young arehl t*ct who was In a less lntox cat*d condition than any of his companion* tried to make terms. After a long discussion the young architect pro mised to jay a’l fine* that might he :•*- *e*ed Hga nst the rmmhet* ©f the \mrty. tlie "dicers agreeing to rettun to the |*>- llca station -with one prls ner as security and to enter charges against six of the guests. The police waited until the w'o mn h.itl dressed and left he house and < patrol wagon wt bo k to tb. 1 ccra entered names, al! Rctitloua. on th trial docket as those of the men and wo men arrested for disorderly cinduct No statements were made, and the Kqulre en tered fin- 1 * of Li and costa against each. The total bill was Ut—they charge $1 far** In the champaign patiol wagon inciden tally—and it was promptly paid, as the young architect nod ogre* and —A curious condition has arisen In the constituency of Waterford. Irland, which Is reprraenteil by John Redmond. Two thoUMata! ami five hun<tred of the ele< • tors have been dlafranchlsed for non payment of rates out or a tot il register to 1899 of 3,0ft7. so that, deluding losses from death, less than 30u of the e.ectotal* are left to vote. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret ofhealth is the power to digest anti assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never he done when the liver docs not act it’s part. Doyou know this ? Tutt’s Liver Pills arc an abso lute cure forsick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills L-i I? Thri. only ONE POND'S EXTRACT .n<lvr> body ki*o,tU purity, iS Kj pt trrnth nd rct nwdtdiul v,lu Don't Ukt the wc.k, w.Ury ' j l:J b V*itih Hml preparation* rprMnttd to be "the umt *" POND'S fcM y I? EXTRACT They Sntrllv tonUin " wood •IcoM.” which irriUte* M L J Wt POND’S EXTRACT. only lo hotttM In huff wr.pprr. T M IHI'E IMKI-LIOE't B. Matter, of Inlrrr.t to aklpplns Mra Generally. What was some time ago the little steamer \ h tortne has been converted by Konrke A Son*, the purchaser* of the i I oat at public sale. In o a small tug Sh* made a tCp up the river yesterday ;i< far a* the Ocean 8t imshlp Company’* w!irtes ’Phis was aliout the only sort of craft the Vlctorine could be converted in to. us *h w,s practically worthless as a steamer, except lor work of a very light , nature. The schoonrr The Josephine proceeded > **tetday in tow of the *ug Jacob Paul • cti f t Battery I’reek. near Port Royal, whrre will load phosphate rock This j is ti e llrst \c*ad to go over frotr. this Irt to tile ro. k fields In some time. For some lime the l nt n 1 for phosphate I ivck. iioih for foreign and domestic use, i his been light, and for this reason there ! uae no great demand for ve*cls In this | ruda. The Brit sh steamship Jesde arrived yesierda). She Is cons'gned to \\ Uder < *v Cos, gavnnnnli Almanac. Pun risys at 552 a m . and set* at 549 p m flight water at Tvbee to-day at 9 30 a in and 9:43 p m High water at Savan nah one hour later. I'liave* of the Noon for fteptemher. D. H. M. First quarter 2 1 58 morn Full moon 8 11 8 eve. Last quarter 15 2 57 eve. New moon 23 1 57 eve. Moon Perigee. 9th. Moon Apogee. 23d Alt 1118 ALA AND DEPARTURE*. Yewael* Arrived Y#*terday. Steamship Jessie ißr), Thot#p*bti. Sharpness —Wilder A* Cos. Vessel* NN ent •• lea. Steamship Imnum <Br 1, Pemberthy. Promen and Antwerp Schooner The Josephine Townsend. In tow of tug Paulsen, for Battery Creek. ahlpplng Memoranda. Key Wf>t. Fla.. B~pt *.—Arrlxwl. •Iramera OllvetU. Pmilh. Havana, anrt . ill, if for Pori Tmidim . Miami. !>rlano, Miami an.l ,nlll for Havana: Comal, Qalvr.ton and aallnd for Nnw York; I’ol llnr, Man. Norfolk. Charleston. S. C., H,pt. K.-Arrlvnl. a hoonnra It Howrr. Youn*. Tlvnrton; Mary Curllt. Makar, Wycomlco. gall'd Mnamnr Iroquol*. Knmhln, Nnw York. Beaufort. S C . Pp* Vi -ArrHVd. Port Royal, schooner Joaephlne. from Pavan nnh Pt Michael*. Sept 14 —Arrived, steamer Purl'an. Amate tlam. for Savannah. Philadelphia. Pept *—Arrived. tearner Oeear C. B. hmldt, P.vannah. • New York. Pept Arrived, .teamer I•• and Kelvin. Charlenton Raltimor*. Sej t. —Sailed, ateamer Sivannah. llanihut'K. S.|K 3 Palled. eleamer Mount Oswald, Charleaton; Panna. Sa van'.ah Peneacola. Fla Pept. 2k—Arrived, ahlp Flida (Nor i; Arenlen, Cork; hark Im |a"alrr (Nm . 'Jreirer.en. Klo Janeiro Prllefl, atoamahlp Carllele (Hr ). Sher word, (Senoa. Cleai-ed, eteamchlp Athall* (Nor.l, Wel huret. Southampton and Portsmouth Pert Tampa Fla. Sept Ik-Sailed, .t-amer Roaneath (Br.) llowat, Uran vl le. France. Antler In Mariner.. Pilot chare* and all hydrwrraphlc Infor mation will be furnished master* of vea se). free of charae In I'nlled State* hy drographic office In Cu*tom Houae. Cap tain* are requested to call at the off)-e. Report* of wreck* and derellcta received for tranMnislor. to the Navy Depart ment. telegraphTc markets. (Continued from Ninth Page.) 1 ..trd. |wr 100 pound*.- Oct 7 05 7 C.7's 7 01*. 7 OJt, Nov 7 02 1 , 7 05 7 oil 7 itfi 3 Jan T7 1 . 0 Pi 774 * 774 Short rth*. per 100 |ar>und*.— s-|d .... 770 7 714 7 70 7 724 t K-t 7 SO 7 SX 7 80 7 524 Jan l5 174 124 6 15 Cash quotation# were ns follows: Flout, quiet: No. 2 red wheat. 774''; No. 2 corn, 12*.41424' ) No. 2 yellow *?il3c; No. 2 out*. 2**e; No. 2 white, ||i4c; No H white. 2P, 4f2s**c; No. 2 rye.B24''. fair to choice malt inp hnrley.BMlS7c; No. 1 (; No. 1 North western. |1 52; prime tlmiMhy seed, M ?jt•'11 4.50. mew pork, per barrel. 112.104! 12.15; lard. |wr I'll pound*, t7.054i7.074; short rlli* * de* ilooeel, t 7 40t7,Sn. dry sailed shoulder* (lioxedi. pi.2->t>a M; short clear *lde* (boxedi®ti.i; w hisky, ba sis of high wines. 11.20. BUCKO’S ffStß Alimentary Elixir In highly rextmimrnflM a* rsm#<l(r for lung • 1 1 wpk■* nd $ m prprrniivs for iyplHH4i. n.Alarial an*! *H kind* of Irrpra A***nl •. r. inttirrn A to., lew lark W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Agent, II AII.W %Y %M> Mil.l, Ml I*l*l.ll-'.*, 1 Provident Building, Ba\;inimh, On. cm rouiSEiFi mutmo. ..r ulcratiaS r • u • nwhuiM, I tllllfN, lod Oi l MtrlD* , rnl or polioomu. NM hr llrnnhh, or wot In plain >7 •vc-w. rr-wM lot Empty Hogsheads. K.mptp H0i...,. Ho.n..*. f#t , ■al. by c. m. Gilbert a co. OPIiM THE Siiih Mi! News IS SOLD At the following News Stands? NEW YORK CITY. Valor House New* Ntand. Ilregtano— I nlnn *|iare. HOWTON. MAP*. \ I'erker House New* tl**4. RU.TIVORE, H- Baltimore Next* 4'o. W AOHINGTON. D. C. Metropolitan Hotel Nets* Stag# Willard’* Hotel Nett* Maud. Fbbltt House Nett* Aland. ABHEA ILLE, N. C. Hay'* rhnm Nupply House, V*het llle Printing 4 L. Illonilierg. NEW OR LEAR*. Ernest A to., t 1.% Hoyal Ntrrti BY:At FORT, 9. C. E. W. Halley, IV. It. Bristol. I'H VRLE9TON, * C. B. Oosrber, , I nlnn Nett* C 0., C oast Line Depot. PONT ROYAL. *. C. Vlrs. H. 4 ampbell. ATLANTA, OA. Kimball House Nets* t 0., 11. Mlterman A t 0.. At GI9T.A, GA, Parker Nett* to.. Van No> H. R. Netts ft. ALII IKY, GA. Vlrs. John llnenel, I. tiro*. ARRRKTf, GA. v|. 9. Holiday. BAINRRIDGE, GA* R. L. Hicks. Grenada Drag Cos., HRI’N*W ICK, Gi Fleming A W all. ( ORIIRLi; G A. tnwnnrf Netta I'o. FITEGEEALD, G A Fltsgerald Netta €'t.. Griller Nett* Agency. Gl 1 TON, GA* O. N. Ilnrke. JBBIP, GA. Vlasale Ptslndle. MAC ON, GA. Brown House News Mand. Central Depot News Band. Fieeman A Turner News C* POOLER, GA. Joseph AVlllman. GUTMAN, GA. C. H. Remington. THOM A* V ILLE, G A. V. Bennett. R. Thomas. Jr. VALDOSTA, GA. k t. 11. Breewllove* C. 9. lloHtluranl, 11. r. Toole. W AYCRO99. G A. ( nlon News 4 o. APALACHICOLA. FLA* M. A. Moore. II VRTOW. FLA. Wm. Van Fleet. CARRABBLIB. FLA John Nash. DAYTONA, FLA. / Geo. H. Clark. DEL AND, FLA. G. W. Fisher. FERN AN DINA, FLA, Y'. W. Pltnnions. Y’O It T MV EH a, FLA, Win. R. Washburn. Gainesville, Fig. Miller A Vtera, James Bell. HIGH 9PRIKG9. FLA* ••rambling Bros. I'VKIXBM, nil, W. H. Miller. JACKSONVILLE* FLA. A W. 11. Drew fa,, -fame* IkiQglga, the Dntnl Nett* Band, J. D. Merritt, McNamara A Do*|>r. I nlon Nrtt* t 0.. I nlon Drp. taron /iiphariae. KF.I \i MT. FLA* Key \% cut Netta 40. D.IAIII Rti. FLA* Garrrft A Grrig. LIVE OAK. FLA* Bynum A Ahrama. MIAMI. FLA* John R. Ilrttey. MONTH Y:i.LO, FLA. %V. A. tlninmni. 04 ALA, FLA. IV. E. Connell. PALATKA, FLA. 4'hnrle* E. Rottin. PENSACOLA. I’LL Ynn Bat Netta t o. PORT TAMPA, FLA. J. H. Mnrtllek. PI NT A GORDA, FLA. De 9nto Drug C 0., Golf Pharmacy. mmohii, rr.A. Thro. J. Millar. It. 1,. Phlllpo A Cos. I.AKKI. t\D, FI,A, jO. J. Forbfi. lake errr, fla. Ynuna’a lln.u Aiorr. • tItI.AMIO. FLA. Cortla A tl'Aeal, k. T. Hownrrt, AT. At Gt ATINK, FLA. G. Aolnmitna. At tt tkKE NPHIAUA, FLL An waaee Ap rlao a t o. AT. PETBIKM HU, FLA. •L G. Bradahra A to. ATARKK, FLA. Krw.ll B Moll. TALLAHAkSEC. FLA. E. W. Clark. TAMPA, FLA. W. E. rhranl, Tampa Kook nod krwa Cos., C. B. Barnard. kod na Plan, Ayatem, Acahnard. Pr tral and Anatbcro Railway Tralaa.