The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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SPOT COTTON MARKET QUIET. <fOOt) HKl’Olm'J) %T l*X. 4 M A Maftull ill OlVHO\*. *lli r Mirkfl <!<>•• tlrm m ;itr y C *■!%—Nlr •(•*ported 4ffr> r I lit I lot* ill JI7 l riiia Koiln I irm iinil loch a lined— \l% um in Hnton Url mu A Tflrgraphln Markets. The Morion* Nenrw Office, ThuiiMj>. Be|< 27. There was crnt|nuel activity In the cot ton market to-doy *t unchanftrl quot.i , or- The close was quiet at yesterday's |,rt *i for spots, with the denottui satis factory to the trade, offerings of cotton Horn the country Mere free, but there Mas < disposition to nek more than exporters ucie willing to |ay. Towards |h* clos ing there mss aa raster f•*-ling, but this , ;.i not seem to he shared by country 1 older*. Oood middling f. o. b. mum mound 10 1 * ccnta. with many hokl'te ask pa ua high os 10*a to 10Vi The rot ion fu t .r* markets mos off 7 to 30 points, the kitter being the dec 1 in*' in Bopt ember. The turpentine market opened rtrin at :• j cents, and closed firm and unchanged to the surpriso of one element . • ihc trade, it Mas reported 37 cents mss i. ng freely p.ikl after the closing, and * 4< sales enough Mere made on thin Pus..-* to establish the market. Inning the day • m <is bid, but the hid mis Inter Mlth ii .twn on the d< * llnatlon of factors to* veil at this price. The current feeling I* not f• v orable to the m.tfcim-naiice of the un * rtt Ml price, though some look for lar i'mine to reach the forties during the i.irly days of October. KoMns closed firm and unchanged. Mith fair denmnd pre vailing The Mholesole markets were steady. Advances were reported In bacon. r lhe following resume of the different mar kets will show tho tone and quotations nt the closing to-day. t OTTO*. The cotton market closed quiet and un changed at yesterday's prices. Rale> on the spot were §7u bales The receipts were 9.73 k hales, against S.KS last year, anl 9.231 year l*eforr last. There was a fair de mand for spots, said to be on a slightly lower basis than quotations. Offerings from the country were free, and a lively t*usin s was done. Good middling f o. b. was quoted at about I** cents. Many holdei- w* r asking 10*ic to lOtyc. The billowing were the oflV ial spot quo *at lona hi the close of the market at the < ..tton Exchange to-day: r This TLaSt | day. | year. Cood middling {lo*4 }tr* .Mtddhng lb f4 Low middling j& 7 Good ordinary j a l * Market quirt. sales. *7 Savannah Receipts. Exports and Slock- 4 - Receipts this day 9.755 Receipts thi* day last year This day year before last 9.23! Receipts Since Sept. 1. 1900 159.475 S <me time last year 144.-95 Sock on hand this doy 99.703 St me day last year 95,281 Receipts and Stocks at the Ports— Receipt* this day K9* Receipts this day last year 37.443 Receipts thl* day year before last.. 44.*i77 Total receipts since Sept. 1, 1909 51!.**<9 time Inst year t 29 M 9 Hama time year before last €21.331 Stock at all ports to-day S73.*rn Stock same day last year 629.549 l hi I y Movements at other Ports— Galveston—Quiet; middling. 10 1-16; net r< eipia, 5,865; gross. 6.360; sak-s. 39; stock, 43.777. New Orleans—Quiet; middling. 10 3-16; net receipts. 16.461; gross, 15.461; sales, 2,3f10; atork HUBS. Mobil. middling. 10; net receipts, 271. Kro*s. 271; sales, lit; etock. 10.997. < harleston—Steady; middling, 9*%; net t- rlpts, 2.663; gross, 2.663; sales, 100; sto**k, Wilmington—Firm; middling. 10*: net r- elptM. 3,229; gross. 3.226; stork, 36.634. Norfolk—Dull; middling. 10*; net re e.-ipts, 1,383; gross. 1.383; sales, 366; stock. Baltimore-Norqha!; middling, 10S; Utrk, 1.034. New York—Dull; middling, 10%; net re ins, 50; gross, 4.525; sab**, 30*; stock. 3 Boston—Dull; middling. 10%; net re t • pis. 92; gross. €BO. Philadelphia—Firm; middling, 11; net re 13f*. gross, 130; .-toek. 2.221. Dally Movements at Interior Towns— Nugusta—Steady; nibbling. 10*; net rc *ipt. 2.247; gross. 2,247; eaiew, 1.19*. stock, 2* ,348. Memphis—Steady; middling 10 5-16; net t • ipta, 2.017; gross. 2.065; sales, 650. stock, * ’ too. Si. I-ottls—Quiet; middling, 10 5-16; net T. c**iptx, 1,255; groes, 1,(17; stock. 9.2*9. Cincinnati—*Quiet: middling. lot,; pet re c-lpts. 401; (imui. 401; stock. 7.124. Houston—Quiet: middling. 10 1-1(: net re. ■ >r*l*. 5.102; gross. M 2; sale*. 147; stock. 2 ,M laulnillk-Flrm; middling. 104- Fxporta of Colton This Day- New Orleans—To Oreal Britain, 16.500; loan twine, 949. ''har!c*(on—Coastwise. 11. Norfolk—<'oaslwise. 3.269 New York—Continent. 500. foreign exports from all ports this dv To Ureal Britain, 16.500, |o the con tihert. :VX>. Total foreiitn exports from ill ports thus for this week; To Oreal Britain, £!.**>, i" France. (.350; to the continent, 24.451. Total foreign exports slnee Sept. 1. 190 To tireat Britain. 96 271; to France. 19.17 c; to the continent. t 0,562. 484 ISLAND I'OTTOtI. Fancy Florida* H2I Extra choice to fancy Georgia*..l94o2 ' The receipts were 3*>4 bans, against 2.257 last year, Tha aales were 699. against 1.444 last year. rOTT4*I FUTURES. Market rinses 9|ra,lv at a 9-1 l.oas of TfjlMl Points, New York. Sept. 27—The cotton martlet " ! *a i otnparatlvely quiet ami prk. - 's at th* outset took a lower level, especially as to •he Immediate and nearby positions. Thin 1 use of the local situation was due to * ’ e pressure of large offerings of si>ot cot -1 i> by th* South. They caused the ldv * pool market to give way ala time w hen >me of the local traders are depending ■on it bullish leadership by the fore gn ' -. The market here opened at a decline 25 points for September, while the la -1 i#ltlons declined s(ilrt iwlnts. ldqut ■ lon was active. The early weakness "as Increased by a fairly favorable av * a* to the crop news, and by renewed rehenslona rcaardlntt the outi-onw 1 of sltnatton In the far East. There wa. Ispoaltton also to hear the market on iencea of a continued heavy movement otton with the Southern markets tor .-pot article al*o lending to weakne.-s. 4 tilntkm heeiime very dull later In the ion. but a movement to cover short " Tact* e„n„ed a reaction of lUll* 1 mis. Sellers withdrew altoaether or '-d a disposition do he conservative * n ' iew of lh considerable decline It l’ ri • The selling was quite general v ‘ ‘i- ll lasted, with Wall street and the “i'll doing their full share of It. whla f elanera became buyers rather than w * ■ '* I" * r in the session. Wall street trael 'fs also houghi in the afternoon liqui dation set In again near the close and carried the twice* off again to the low ►"ltd of the day. The market closed MURPHY & CO., INC., Hoard of Trade Building, Savannah i mate leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. < OTTO*. STOI K 9 INI) OR \|9. New York nflt. e. No. 41 Broadway • duces t n principal cities throughout ths South WrWe for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for traders barely steady at a net lose of 7 to SO points, the latter In S< pti ml r only. FM'tTt ITIIIIS 1% FI Tl ItKk. New York. Sept 27-tVwton future* opened steady at the declini and closed barely steady. Prices as follows; i Open High, l.ow Close. January ...7f.| 951 |" 9.t 9.50 T 9 51* February ...,| m j,g, t | s March |lit | M 51 n A POI | 9.62 | 9.St \ 9.61 j 9.fd May j 9.55 j 9 , 95-, J"he ) 9.6! | 962 j 9.62 | 9 .53 July : 9 :>> ; 9 :,t j 9 ro , 9 51 August j .... | .... 1 j g,tt September ...| lo.uf.h W. Jn lu ut 10 no October j 992 | 10. to |9l 95 November ...I 9Ci 9 W 9St 955 Mverpnnl I oltnn Futures. Liverpool. Sept. 27. tp. m Spot limited demand; prices lower. American middling lair 7t,d. good mtdilltng 6 ,1. ailddllng 6Ul6d! low middling. 6 9-16,1. g.tod ordi nary. 5 25-32d: ordinary. 515-32.1 The sales of the day were t.oul bale.. Including 3.:<00 American, none for speculation and export. Heeeipts, 5,0,1 halts. Including J.lui American. Futures op-ne-d steady and closed quiet; American noddling Int c; September. COd. value; Bepten,l>er-Ocuber, 6.571 t 5.55d, s.llers; Oclober-November, 5.32*t 5 33d. se.lers; November-December, 5 26.1. sellers; December-January, 521d. buyers, January-February, buyers; Febru •ry-Maroh, ' 616d, sellers; March-Aprll, aellera; Aprtl-May. 6.124)513d. sell ers; May-June, slid, sellers, June-July. 5 0995.10, value; July-August, sus, sellers. NEW OHUKANX t tmttN riTtRF.S. New Orleanr, Sept. 27.—Cotton futures cloae.l steady. September 10.27'a 10.32 ’ February 9W. 9 Ft October .... 9.55 t) 956 March 9 Faj 92 November.. 9 3944 9.11 April . 99m 9 0 Decemlter .. 9.36 May 941 W 9.43 Jt.,nuary... 9.36459 .37 | C OTTON I.F.TTFJ49. New York. Sept. 27 Hubbard Bios * Cos. say: ljveipool did not fully respond to th„ advance here yeaterday. closing quiet at a decline on the Immediate de liveries. and two to three |,ointr advan.. on <he late posltlox.s. The opening here was quiet and ptlces gradually receded tome twelve points. Rumor of frost in Texas became current, advancing lh> market quickly some eighteen points. As this rumor nut not -ontlrmt and by th, gov ernment indications, prices became ea*l -r on th. barge rrcequs at New Orleans ant Houston. The market remained In an exceedingly nervous stale with the ttgders all working (or the tong sl.te. and meeting with little oilers except the sell ing by exportcis as h.slg, - against then pur. noses in tiro South. Foreign markets are expected to respond sharply to-mor row to the flrmnei*. her* New York. Sept. 27 -Murphy A Cos say; A* Llver|iool declined about 12-64*1 yester day, and our market ended nitove the previous day's closing, it was thought that the market here would 8> cot. idera bly lower. The advices nt 2 p m to-.liy of 2-64.1 decline on September, and only <614)5-6PI advance on Inicr poMtcaie coupled with favorable weather, except In Texas, and estimates of to-d*,y s put re ceipt* of WOOD hales against 17.'0" last year, started local selling and the market opened alwul ten points lower Wire business with ‘Southern ,-oroiectlon* and Cotltlnental Europe sold hIH morning, but there tv an a fair demand l the deelim and a reaction of about 12 |>oin resulted •at aggressive buying on fear of frost In Texas. Fort reeelpta for this week esti mated 275.1HX1 I Milt'S, against 246..n0 same week lass year The large arrivals of cotton and apathetic demand from mtnu faeturera tends to make Southern holders uneasy, so fur Ibe aggressive demand for early colton 1* mostly for export. New Orleans bull clique |a said to he buy ing October here an.t September and October In Liverpool Stork here Is only 11,OW) an<l about 9.00 b certificates DRY 44460168 MARKET. An ( hsitge of 4 nn.cqucncc Noted During the Day. New York. Rpt. 27—There hw* been no change of any account In tho market for cotton good* to-day. The demand for Im mediate requirement* rule* moderate In all staple lines and 1* indifferent for for ward deliveries. Supplies re scarce and tone continues strong for etaplo goods Print cloth* have sold at 3‘c for regular*. Gingham* scarce. Print* well *old up In both staple* and fancies Cotton lining* arc very flrm. but current demand mod erate. NAVAL STORES. Thursday. Sept. 27. SPIRITS TURPENTINE —The turpen tine market opened firm to-day al 6H4 cent*, with *ales of ffa* ca*k* at this price, and closed firm and unchanged, with no further transaction* reported. During the early hours there a brisk demand, though burinciuv was restricted by reason of the reluctance of factor* to make con cession*. Up to about midday the market wait covered with a bid of cent*, but ax factor* declined to *ell a' thl* price Gtc bid war withdrawn. The eeneral declina tion to *cll caused factor* lo hold out longer It wa* *l‘l there wa* a weaker tendency later Toward* the . losing, how ever, a large buyer rnlcred the market, nut look a considerable lo* at 37 cent*. Il l certain the market could hav* been completely swept at ihl* price. When It became known that S7 cent* w.t* being paid factor* quietly ' *** * buyer willing to pay this price. While the receipt* were moderate M I* the current belief that the demand I* nolrumclentto maintain the price at the hasl* of he tin ufflcla! * vie: Foreign buyer* anticipate a yielding, and for till* reason are not in tne market for any considerable quan*l- However, the belief prevail* that heC.rlv day* of October will M ima selling around the forties. Itecelp.* The openmg call. Receipts . re and none Price, a. fol ow* * B C ;. } k : :% i ts w w - Receipt* Thursday— „ _ 139 569 C 2 * W 6M 1.24 ft Export* none— Navwl store* Sialement ” HplrWs Ro*ln H.ork .April 1. W* ' * 2,Vd Rscetflt* to-la> ....aa Re**el|i* prtvtougly ' ' - , r ii < iSOM 651.97* Total hus? April 1 ' I7xporta te-7ar j JOHN W. DICKEY. Stock and Monti llrnker. At tit ST A. Is A. Write for List. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1900. Exports previously 192 094 517, lagpnrls since April 1 1*2.094 517.101 Stork on hand to-day T7.tx> 134.575 Stock on band same .lav lass Near 29.122 147.045 Charleston. Sep 77 -Splrka turpentine tlrm at 36 cents asked. Rosin steady and unchanged Wilmington. Sept 27 Spirits turpentine tlrm, 26413hV. receipts. 60 Itosln steady, (llstal 30, receipts. 126. Crude turprntlne firm. $1 1002.10; re ceipts. Its. Tar tlrm. 11.40; receipt*. 161 New Orleans, Sept. 27 -Reeeltdx: ltoaln, 275 barrels; turpentine, 59. export*, none. FIN \Nt I 41.. MONEY The deinaixl keep* fairly up with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Market t* Wi rtk I'ommercUl demand, t N5. six ty days, ltd',, ninety days, t.79tb, francs. I'aiix ami Havre, sixty days. 5.22 V Swiss, sixty .lays. 6 25V marks, sixty days. 93 13-16 c, ninety daN, 93 7-lA\ DOMESTIC EXCHANGE -S. dv; banka are buying at 3-16 discount and sell ing as follows: 125 and under. 10c pre. mlum: 125 to 150. 15c premium. (50 to (loti. 20c premium; 1100 to (2t. 25c premium. S2OO to ll.Ouo, par; (1.000 and over. 1-16 dls count. SE'TRITIES— There la but little doing now—money ruling . lose. stocks. Hid Ask Augusta and SAvannah R R 109 110 Atlanta and West Point 124 126 do 6 per cent certlllcate* 107 10* Augusta Factory *0 m Cltlxens Bank 130 132 Chatham Bank 110 111 Chatham It E. A 1 Cos., A 57 5* do do B 56 67 Eagle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos ..,.105 Edison Electric lllunt Wl) 106 Enterprise Mtg Cos 99 102 Germania Bonk 127 1 Georgia A Alabama 25, 27 Georgia Ballroad. common 210 215 Granltevllle Mfg Cos 160 166 J P King Mfg Cos 100 ltd Langley Mfg Cos 117 120 Merchants National Bank HON, 111 Nanonal Bank of davannah ... 14 150 Oglethorpe Havings and Trust .HXt 110 People's Havings and la>an... 9 100 Southwestern Ballroad Cos 107 log Savannah Gas Light Cos 34 25 Southern Bank laS 156 Savannah Bank ami Trust 113 111 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta 66 90 Savannah Brewing 95 iuo Heads. Bid Ask. I' t'ol ft Aug I*l s*. 190) ltts 106 Atlanta city 4*. 1922 104 1 Augusta city t* 1927 |t VIJ do IV 19S Ilu m do 7a, 1903 (Of, pig do 6s. 1913 ns 121 Ala Mid. ss. fad'd. 192*. M * N 97 99 Augusta Factory. 6 p-r cent .1915 P® 110 Brunswick and Western 4s. 1946 *1 K C R It ft Banking •ollatervil 5s 93 U C. of G let sa. 50-ycar gold. 19k'> FAA lilt 120 f* of G. con. sa, 1915. M ft. N 9u 91 C of U. Ist Ineomcs. 19(5 41 42 do 3d Income*. 1915 in H do 3d Income*. 1945 5 6 C. of G. fM. U. & A Dlv) Sa, 1947. J. & J 90 9l'Y C. of U. (Eaton Branch). 6s. 1930. J. * D 92 93 City ft Suburban R R. Ist 7a it® 110 Uolumhua city sa. 1909 ins 107 Charleston city 4*. tN6 101 pij Eagle & Phoenix Mi He 6a.. 11M....106 Ills Edison Electric Illuminating 6a 104 |na Enierprlae Mfg 6*. I9OR .102 103 Georgia Railroad *. 1910 114 115V4 G. 8. ft F., 1946. J * J 111 H 1124 Georgia ft Alabama Ist s*. 1*45 104 106 Georgia atate 34*. 1930. J. A. J...l*® 117 do SV, 1915. M. & S 104 106 do 445. 1915 117 11* Ma<on city . ptio, J ft J ...,1M U* do 14*. 1966. Jan par Ml lfa Ocean Hteatnehlp sa, 192 rt Mu 10* Savannah city sa. quar. October. 1913 1104 1114 do sa. quar. November. 1S ....110 111 South Carolina slat* 44a. 1933 .116 116 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6a. 1903 101 1(E South Round 5a 9F lot) 8.. F A W gen mi ge. 6a. 1934..123 124 do do Ist sa. got*] 1934 MO4 1124 do Ht John Dlv. Ist 4a. 1914.... 94 96 New York. Hept, 27 —Money on call steady, 1 1 /n- per cent.: last loan. 16. par cent. Prime mercantile paper. 44064 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, xvtth actual buxines* tn banker* - bill*, at 64 654 for de mand. and at (t R2'xo4 624 for sixty day*: leveled rate*. $4 6304 4 and (4.(70)4.674: commercial bills. (4.61404.62 Silver rer tlflcaies. C4064V; Mexican dollar*. 4*ic; bar silver, 634 Government bond* strong; railroad burnt* strong; atate bond* Inac tive. STOCK* AND BONDS. The Chasing nf Sharia Causes a Buoyant Market. New York. Sept. 27,-To-day'a note worthy advance* In price* of stock* were primarily due 10 the existence of a large outstanding abort Intereat. Manipulation against the ahmta wa* also very obvlou*. and in the hands of strong and resource ful Interest*. The bidding up of atorka carried price* swiftly away from the Iwar* In the very crlsla of thi-lr distress, and there was a notable recalling of slocks which have been loaned to Ihc shorts on advantageous term* for n long linn past. Thla could only be the result of powerful manipula tion to force the short* to buy stock to aover. But while the** facts were ob viously true, ih* upward reaction could hardly have been precipitated or extended to the length* It has without a strong re vulsion of speculative sentiment from the depression which ha* Induced the liquida tion for some lime past AI moat the en tire credit for the tevulsfan must be given 10 the growing conviction, strengthened hy significant odmlarion from authorita tive sources, that active negotiation* are going forward between the anthracite coal opera’or* and tne miner* and that a haste of *et’lament has been formu lated with good hope of aucceaa. The violence of recovery fa prices on this de velopment ta astonishing, considering the umal; Impression that ha* been made ojt the price of coal curryliur railroads alneF Ilia strike ha* heed In force, ami which ha* given the Impression that there was little short selling being don* on account of the strike Thla supposition will scarce ly hold In view of the Urge hear account which wa* dlscolsed by the conviction that a strike seitlsment la imminent. Commercial bills of exchange for cotton are ,-nmlng forward In such force ax lo relieve apprehension aa to the ability of lh* New Yoik money market to meet It* future obligation* on the German and British exchequer loans without export of gold The downward movement of ex change 1* *0 violent as to give rise to some expectation that gold will move (his way. That such a movement could h<- forced fa caac of necessity la very evi dent. and that It will be unless foreign mcnev rate* advance. I* very probable The strength of the stock market, grow ing into buoyancy, was continuous aftar an opening decline fa price*, due to the chagrin ot the bear* who were driven to cover laat nlglu on * rumor of the coal sink*- settlement, which was not confirmed Ihl* morning The extreme advances fa the coaler* ran up lo Mg In Jersey Central and Ihc leading specialties, and local trac tion slock* recovered from 2 10 (4 point* In the active railroad Hat net aalns of l to 2 point* are the rule, with the clos ing active and strong at about the lop Bond* Improved In sympathy with stork*, the speculative |**ue* leading. To la! sales, par value. (*60.000. United Htate* new 4a advanced ** fa the bid price. Total *at* of sto, k* to-day were 422.4 M soar**. Including Atchison. (.610; Atchison preferred. 14.450; Baltimore and Ohio. 7.800; CfIK'MC, UurUiigtou and Aulncy, 17,3(0; -a- Southern Railway, Trains Arrlva and Depart Savannah or Vth Meridian Time On* Hour Bwsweg Than Cl ty Tim* Schedules In Effect Sunday. June 1900. -ttfUfi TO ill 1 l ABI 1 Ao, MT[ I No. STKo.ll j j _ (Centra 1 Tim*) || ( U *pm 12 lant .Lv Art, 6 Kami 1 Kpan il ((Castor n 75tne ) 4 2tprn 4 26am Ar Blwokville I,v, J 00vm, I 37pm I >v.ii, 6 Wan. Ar Columbia l.v 126. mII tkain 1 :opn> 9 46an. Ar Charlotte Lv tociui a loam U 44pm ,2 22pm Ar ..Onwnaboro . Lv,j 7 lOpinf 6 dun fc*m Ar Surf.,. L • 111 iggn. Ar Dan trUlo C Upm 4 iiam 4 ‘dsn, 6 26pm Ar Rlcti in.ui.l L. Otpic 11 Oput 2 XMm 2 tl|iin a. ..LyiK-hburg t . “ ..-tn 4 26ain & 23pm Ar char tot tevllle I.vij 2 MpaalU (pit! 126 am 4 50pm Ar W . -h: Lv ill lbamj * Wt 9 16am 11 35p,n Ar Balltmore L' • 22am I Ifpin 11 6*m 2 6jini Ar MMilphla l.v 1 lOam| * Ogpm I tpir, 6 ;.iant Ar New York Lv 12 Ilkim| 1 l>m * Mpmj 2 OOpsn Ai Buoton l,vj| 6 Oitpm|H> ;onin No. Mil TO THE NORT It AND WHT. 1 NoM II (Centra 1 Time.) II U SutilLf Sava nnali Ar, 1 6 lOaxa || (Eeaidrn novo ) |( I Warn ,Lv Columbia I,* 1 *■*• I Warn |Lv Hpattaai.urg lv 6 I6r* 12 10pm Lv Asheville L*|| 1 *)“'• 4 02pm Ar Hog Bprlnga Lv 11 tAam J Xlyan Ar Ka .xvllle L' | 1 Ann 4 10am Ar ~... ....Lexington Lt 19 Pt'ttt T 46am Ar (T ctn etl Lv I Otvm 7 40am Ar Lnulgvllle l.v 7 4*pm 6 00pm Ar st Louie Lv|| Cbani Ail traloa arrive and defxart frtan tho I'l.xnt llysiem Station. THROUOH CAB SERVICE. ETC TRAINS 22 AND 24 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FUIRIDA EXPRESS VaaU bulad limlied trail,g. with lu.rna Drawing Room Sleeping Cara b. iw. iSh vajx nah and New York Connect* at Washington with Colonial Express foi Boatoo. Pullman Slreidng Carg latween Charotte and lUchmond and < h.nlotte and Nor folk Dining Cars eerve *|i meals to>wean Savannah and Waahlngton. TRAINS 26 AND M DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIt. V.atlhu'eg limited tralna. carrying Tullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car* between 8. and New York Dlnbig Car* rerve al. nacala between Savannah and Waohlngtaax Also Pullman Drawing It em Sle plug Carr betweeu Savannah and Cluckiaall, through Asheville er.d ''The lutnd *>f 'b# Sky" For complete Information aa to raiea. aelicOule* etc., apply to O OROOV’ER Ticket Agent. Plant Sr Stem Station JAMES FREEMAN, C. P and T. A.. Ml Bull street. Tclephonaa-Bail, ISO; Georgia Up) 8 H HARDWICK Assistant General Passenger Agent. Atlanta. Ga Larutnvlll* and Nashville. 7.20), (ianliat tan. LOO; Mlsentirl Pacific. 15.000. Nortb ern Paclflc. 2*.<dh. I'ennsN Ivanla. 9.694. St. Paul. 21.135. Union I'aclhc. 24.660; Ameri can Steel and Wire. 6.650. American To barco. 1b.398. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 46 - 975; Sugar, 45.476. Tennessee Coal and Iron, 7.460. People's Gas. 16.275. New York (Mock List. Atchison . . 27'* Union Pan ■* d.a pref 9‘ do pref 72S Ball. & f>hlo .. 64‘jWabash 7 Can. I'ac 96 | do pref 17S Can Sou IS', Wheel. ALE *' Chen, it Ohio .. 274 V> 2d l*ef .... 22 1 ', Chi. Gt W .. in |Wlac. Ceil ... 1” .. Chi . B * w 12.1'x Third Avenue he's Chi., I. * L. .. 20'. Arlama Ex 121 ,k> pref 544 American Chi. * E 1. .. 96 Cnltct Hlolcs ... 15 C, ft Nw 161 'Welle Fargo --'2t C.. It I A P I***. Am Cot Oil jßli C. C. C. A St | do pref *6 Lamm 611. Am Malting ... 4 Col. Sou 5 | d> pref •to Ist pref .... 87 Am S A R. ..364 do 2d pref .... 13H' do P r,,f ** Del * Hud. ...11“ Am. Spirit* .... 14 I>., L A W .176*4 do |*ref 17 Den. A R G. .. 16‘ Am Steel 14oo|> 16' 4 ‘ 10-VAm Rim I A W 214 'do Ist pref *?V do pref 71 Ot. North pref lad. Am. Tin Plate . 2* Hocking Coal U du pref Hocking V. .. 214. Am Tot.acco Illinois Ccn. ...116 | do pref ....... 126 lowa Cen 17V. Am, Min. C 0... 42. do prel ...... 3Vj Brook B T ... eIA. I E A W. ... 25',j Col- F A 1.... 314 'do pref *24 font. Tob 25 lank** tfhore —I 1,0 P l *** iz* y 71*. FMeral Ht***l *. tan L. V do pref 43 Met. HI Ry. ...14* <en Elec 124 Mex Cen UMOIUCO** .. 50 M A St L .. 61H do pref 9'i do pref *1 llntern Paper .. 14 Missouri Pac. . 4F'C do pref 2 Mobile A Ohio . 334 Laclede Has .... ' \t K A T 94'NtHI. Blarult .. .Vf*. do pref m.' do l>ref * y j o 121' Natl. Lead L' N y c. !*• t>rrt 9° Jj' * w 234 Natl Steel 24>it ,k> |gef 74'.' do pref 224 North Pac. ... *%'S. V A. H 1 do pref RTVNdrth An: Ont A W Pacific Coast . 62 Ore. Hy. A N 43 | do let pref .... l do pref 76 | do 2d pref .... 63 Pennsylvania .124 Paclflc Mali **'• Beading 154' People. Ga. •• ** do Ist pref -V, Pressed H Cor 34 do 2d pref ... ZSA, do pref S RloO W 631* Pull. Pal <Nar..BL* m LAS r... 9*. B.igar do Ist pref .... M I do pref • •••••” do 2d pief ... 321. Term C. A I ... 6'. Hi l. Hw 114H' R Leather.. S do pref 26*. dn pref gt 1134X’- 8 Rubber .. 4 m t d °p pr § i t O ii. l 2 Western Union 7’4 Slit pa* J"J *■ )!. pref MXP C C. A B, Tex. A Pac .. M - Honda. U 8 2* ref. 1* ( " • s, v IW, U. * 0 4. 634 do coup 1044 M K. A Tex do 2a. reg I<*4 2nd. 44 do 2a coup :..1P do 4s *> do new 4s, N- Y C do new 4a. >’ l a dflc Sa , rout* IM4 do 4s .......^.WV* do old 4s reg 1144 N Y . C A fl! do old 4s coup 115% 1-ouis. to I“*'. do 6*. reg 112'. N. A W con 4.174 do s*. coup 1124 D Nav. I* 1 " D. of C. 2 (6a--U* do . .... -•••■}* AtcbUon. gen O. 8 Line fa 1-. do adit 4s ... 554 Reading gen. 4s *6*. C. of G. con 5* 92 Klo G W Ist* '♦ do Ist Inc *2 J t L A I M 1)0 2nd Inc. consol -* l>- , b ld) * U. L. A Han h fan Sou. 2nd* UR', general (s 133 C ft O 44*.... *4(t. Paul conkJl* .16 do 5a 11*4 W. P . C. A P. CMc A Nw f i*t **< con 7s 1* 40 S * do 8 F D. 6*. 12< ! ‘ou Paclflc 45.. 76'. Chic Term 4s 92 tou Ry 5s l’x Col SOU 4s 794 4. R AT fa i) ltlo a. rex A P lata 112 . 110 4. H4l'nlon Paclflc Is W 5 Erie Gen t 0.... 4 Wtal.aah lsta .1174 f w AD C. |do (nils .. .. Wl qen Electric 6* ll* |WI*. Cent lots.. low*, c- Ist* 1 Va. Centurie* .. **4 V c.. P. A O I New York. Hept. 27 —Bl andard Oil 531(( 631. MiaCBLLAMfiOl 8 MARKJBTB. Note.—Th* *e quotation* are revised dally and are k<pt a* near as possible In accord With tn* pravatllng wholesale nri-e* OfllelAl quotaifan* are not used when they disagree with the price* whole salers oak Country sail horlhrru Produce. POULTRY— The market la steady. Quo tation* Broilers. >t)2sc: per pair; half grown. 45069 c; three-fourth* grown. 55ft )c; hen*. 66076 c; rcatr*. F>f6dc. ducks, 50076 c: gacae. 76cri51.06. (XPBt-Rteady at 17019 c. BUTTER—The tone of th* market la firm Quotations: Western creamery. IPtr 2t'c. New York state dairy, 174022‘yc; extra Elglna, 24025 c CIIKEHF>-Market firm: fancy full cream cheese. 114 c for 60 to 22-pound average. Z*o-Pund average. 13c. Fairly Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES—Nor lharn, ftltiv tack. CABBAGE—44O74c ptr htad. ONIONS-Yellow. In barrel*, 62 •). crate*. 90c. red, 11.90 ItrradslalV*. liny and Grain. FLOUR Market steady, patent, (4 60: straight. M 25; fati.-y, (too family. (3 76 MKAI-—pearl, per barrel, (2 75. per sack, II 3(1. city meal, per sack. holtr<.|, (1 )g I 25. water ground. II 25. city grit*, aa. ks. t! J 5; p-ail grits, liudnuia'. |r barrel, |2 V. per aack. Ufa; sundry brands (I 2501 30 sack COHN .Market flrm. while. Job lola. *s,'; cm load Ida. 62c; mixed corn, fab lot*. 6..'. carload lota. 59c RH’E Market steady, demand fair; famy head. A-; fancy, 54c. Prime & Good 4414 For ( 044 Common 34 gats No j eariiad, 334, joti lots, 66c; while dipped. 3c. Job; (7c car*. HItAN Jot, lot*. 95- ; carload Inte. 90c HA Y Market steady; N" 1 timothy!. 96c Job; 90 car*. No. 2. Me Job; *5 car*. Ha,-an. llan, and laird. BACON Market firm; D. 8 C. It. aldea. 9ti9' 4 c; D. H. bdllc*, 99(1 hi- (EaHtarn) ac cording to average slge, D. S. bellies. 4ti> 16)<: (Wcelern), rmokui C. R. aides, jP.fl. #-v . HAMS—Sugar cured, 124t)134c. LARD—Pure, in tiarcaa, S'vtftßvc; In 60- pound tins himl fa-imiind tub*. X\,9c. comiamnd. In llerccs, 6.c; 50-p>und llna, and fa-pound tubs, 7c. Sugar and t ogee. HL'GAR— Uut loaf A3 Diamond A 6 23 Crushed Mt[CMfMtl a..8.23 Powdered 6 53 White Extra r . 59S XXXX. pow'd. .6 53Extra C Ad Granulated 143'tiolden C 6.7* Cube# .....6 56 Yeliowa ~,,, 6.66 Mould A 6.6J1 COFFEE- Mo< ha 26r [Prime, No 6 ....114c Java 26c IGoral. No. 4 114 c Peaberry 14‘yc Fair No. 6 lie Fancy No. 1 ....124c:<)rdlnary. Not 104 c Choice. No. 2 .. 114cTnmmor.. No. 7 ,10c lUnlntr, and lluldlug Supplies LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT— Alabama and Georgia lime In fair denial.* and .el, at 66 cents hwrr*l; special calcined prnsiar. () Ou per barrel; hair, 405 c Roeedalc remeut. 61 (9QI 61; carload lota, special; Portmnd cement, re tail (2 25: carload lots. (2 >.)2 fa LUMBER F Q. B VBBHELR SAVAN NAH Minimum, ysrd atxe*. (10 5U011; car eld*. 112 DC.) 13 0U different alges. (1400 016 00. ship alock. (16 0001(00. sawn lias, (a 000660. hewn ilex. 36066 c OIL-Alai ket steady; demand fair; sig nal. 46.)FUc; Weat Virginia glack. 9012 c; lard. 6c. neaiofool. (0079-. machinery, 1( 025 c. Hnaee.l oil, raw. (T'.c; bulled. 75c; kerosene, prim* whlc*. 12c; water whit*, lie; Pratt * astral. 14; deodorised *lov* gasoline, drum*. 114 c; empty oil barrels, delivered. (sc. SHOT-Drop. (1-80. B B- *nd large. (17| ; Chilled (175. IRON—Market very ateadv; Bweds, 54*. NAILS —Cut. 12 60 ha**; wire, (2.15 base. BARBED WIRE-(3 60 per too pound* straight goods. 2060 c; sugar house irx>- laaae. 15tc GUN POWDER— P*r keg, Austin crack shot (t 00: half kegs. 12.2. quarter kegs, (1 2; champion ducking, quarter kege. (2 2; Dupont and Hagard smokeless, half kega. (112; quarter keg*. (5 75; 1-pound canisters. (100; l**a 26 oer cent : Toiadorf smokeless ponder. 1-pound cans. (1 00. lb pound cans. 9bc pound. •tried and Kxuporaied t rulls. APPLEB-Evaporatcd. 740(c; sun-dried, V'Afft AI'RIUOTB -Evaporated, 9*4 c pound; neciartner. 10c. RAISINS— L. L. (2 00: Imperial cabinets. (2 2; loose fa-pound boxes. (o(4c pound. PEA''HER Evapnratad. pealed. MHc; unpeab and. (409 c. PEAHB Evaporated. 9c r rulte and Nate. APPLES— Early Northern vfckiy (2.2(0 3.00. BAN AN AH (1254)150 bunch. PINEAPPLES —Extra large Abbakae Cayenne*. (36“ per amndard crate; agnail He.l Spanish (. Od>( 50. LEMONS--Market steady al (2.500100. COCOA NUTS- (3 2503.(0 par l> PEANUTS Ample stock, fair demand; market flrm. fancy hand picked. Virginia, per pound. IVVe. hand-picked. Virginia. *a- Ira* 4c; N C seed peanuts. 4c NUTS--Almond*. Tarragona, l(c; Ivtca*. |6c; walnut*. French. Me; Naples. Me; pa cane, lie; Brasila. 7c; fllberls. Me; aaaori sd nut*. 6k-p>Hind and 2-pound boxes. Me. ( otton Bagglag and Ttea. BAGGING —Market flrm; Jute. 14- pound 64c. large fats. ; small lota, (-pound. *4090; 14-pound, 640*4;; “• Island bagging. )2V TIES Htendard. 45-pound, arrow, large fat*. (1 40; small fata. (1.50. anil. Hides and Wool. BALT—Demanu is talr and th* market •tesdy. caouad lota, lib-pound burlau sacks. 44c; 10“-pound cotton sack, 45c; 110-pound burlap Backs, 4*4c; 110-pound cotton eacke. t*4c; 22-pound I .or Up aa. kd. Be. 12-pound cotton sack, 16c, (fa-pound burlap sack*. *c. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint. U4*: dry *!ill. 114 c: green salted, tc. WOOL—Nwnlnel; prime Georgia, free of sand burr* and black wool. 19c. black. Me; burry. 10c. Wax, 2c; tallow, 14c. Deer ekln*. fac. VMKt'ELL.V YKOt 6. FIBH— Mackerel, half-tairrels. No. 1. (J 50. No. 2. (S■; No (. (6 50, kit*. No. 1, (I F); No 2. (1 25; No. (. *s< Codflab. l-ieainxt brickß. 44.', 2-pound brick*. 6c. Smoked herrings, per box. 'UK. Dutch her ring. in kege, (1.10; new mullet*, helf berretr. (1.6) HYRI P.Marker quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying *t 2xo : ! ‘k. aelUug at I2tra'*'. sugar noua* al 1001.5 c. HONEY—Fair demand, euwlncd, in bar gels. iso6ix- gallon. dllgb wme U*aU, |L3t , Plant System. of Railways. Trsln* Operated by kith Meridian Tl me—One Hour Blower Tina City Tima. RIBADtk)WN , Err.cii.# a.* e iim) ,i \d TT •“ lit . a t* It \„r,h and Fouih. ,22 >6 ,u) l>7 6 Is|. 4.y 2 usa 1,, Sw v. r n ,J.. A ) lea . .aa l * a *),- M 16a,U k)a lp,lo Ma 4 ;■*. Ar . Uliarleaton .. !. ;i Up 6 Ida ( Ivpl 7 tl* Ufa j 1 Ai, I T m>i|Ar ....Richmond. Lvj * 116.1 6 tap, —...[ * fa-*, I as.. Ar .. Baltimore . Lv, 2 6ua| 1 Mpl il l*pl 7 Wu,,Ar ....New Yorg. .. Lv * 26p, 6 16*, ■ _ • i * 3't‘ 30up ; Ar Boston Lv I OOpiMfl9nl| 15 : M 2 161 2;. ' 8 Tin 7 1 2 114 , U 116 " 5 fap, 3 J6p .x—a fall 4 I||Lv .'.navantiali ... Ar|l I 4u.,12 l<w|M K)p|ll 50a !• 15* • 96p| 6 4t.p !o 50a 7 U fas) 9 2pi 3Up f 16|.| tUpAr .. Tltamaavtlla .Lv 7 >op| 1 op* C . 164.18* 10 fap 7 top 13 sow Jki, Iw |Ar ... J k onvtlio L.; ;• * o(h>j *oa 7 2>s* 5•• |P, ( (gipiM U(p UWp Ar ... I'elatk . .. Lv 2 49pj ( Wpl 4 (ka! 4 (ka ...... j*6#, ( 40p.. j. Ar . Hanford l.v 112 fap | 1 (Da 1 fa* - I I 2 fap. 2 tvp: Ar . .Gainesville .. Lvj j 349 p(..... I I I Mp ( I4p, Ar Ccaix Lv I 1 40p ■••* I |lo 60| IDfcip .Ar .81. Petersburg Lv .....) 6 W.i | 1 !onl I 10aI I 10* Ar ...I‘UMa Gorda Lv I4 Up 4Up ... —• | (10 46a 16 46a Ar .HI Augustine l,v C Ppl I|. |. | 6 OOp 3lk JS'i* 5 591 Lv Savannah.... Lv||t( 160 12 K)a .1 | 6 U|. 6 Isa| t 6p 4 Fla 'Ar Jesup l.vj K •* 1“ 6op Ia I t Upi 710 1 4 Up; •Ua Ar Brun awlck Lv]| 6>* 9 (dpi • | NOIITII WEST AN D HOUTHWEBT 16 164 II %1* Jv.-up II It , 2 15 135 ||VI, Montgomery.jj 1( |7* 6 O*. 5 -Ou, Lv Savannah Ar ,10 I a I) '.n 1 6 fap x 05a l.v Ha. mi,ah Ar 10 15aj I to* • tip I I IN Ar ..Jesup. Lv||lfaajM6oP * 10. '■ 3“(( Ar M'tgmery Lv : 7 tip'll 250 ( faa| lUp Ar Maxxai ..Lvjl I 60a| ( top 7 IR. fi 5i At Naehvilie Lv|| 9 oiw 121* (fas Ar Atlanta v !l 2 faa 9Mp 9 46a t o|* Ar Ch* n.wga Lv 406 pI 4 4ia (N 4 06p Ar Oi, Innatl Lv II nrip 6 46p T fap 7M> Ar lawilavllle Lvj 7 46a 7 ,p 7 fa. 7 16, Ar Ht Ixrula Lv lUpi Ua 7 60p| 7 46a Ar Clnclcnail Lv ( 60*1 7 imp j (j, 0N > t 04,v1 4 00p (Ar HI Louis Lv 9 14p[ On* 1 It, Ar g, laxut# Lv 00p 1 IS* l 6 lop Ar Chlcaro Lv' a fapl > OOp * o 9 6 to* lt>() Lv Atlanta Arl'lO Upjll 30a t <•(' 9 t(r Ar rhlcaeo l.v 1T b tSp 6 06p 7 16a Ar Memphna Lv! t faa 9 (Op . 9 46,1! 7 10a Ar KanaeeCUyLvH 4 Jup 9 45p 4 Mpl 3n Ar.. MoMla ..Lv ,M (tpjM 29a “ • (and unmarked train*) dally. ! 7 " Ar N Grlwm. LVI 7 lial 7 Up ♦ Dally except Sunday * , eu„sv savannah Ar, 10 16.. 13 lo* (Sunday only. 1 ... 13 fap Ar Tlfln Lv 2Ma (20 Through Pullman Sleeping f'ar Service’ 1 46a 2 lop Ar Albany Lv MUa t 44p 10 Nouh. Fast and West ml lo Florida I4 :• Ar Columbus Lv ..... 10 faa lunncHiuna uhil mi • *rt lu(|a *%lil •(•■nipr* fur Krr \\ rmt n€ lUtede Lmvlbb Port Tampa lloadara* TburaUaya i4 SaiarUart al llittO p m. J H Mhttnui T P A I A Anuntf . ('iry Tkf Ac . !'• Haul I‘bona Tl* B. W. WRKNN, PiaMniir Tra ffi* Mnnugrr, Bavanntah. Oa. McDOiVOUGH £ bALLANTYNE, %|T Iron Founders, Machinists, *.“mllk,. Wei lev aeolteee >.• a..(a lr e. > •< err >■) I'ar lekt, Lm'ow Vertleal a.d 'lap Muanlaa car. M■ I le, V..., Will aa* I ... It. •!.., He TELEPHONE NO. 123. Ot eAN FREIGHTS. • COTTON -Rwvannnh to RuMnn. per cwt 25c, lo New York. p*r cwt., 20c; to Philadelphia. |r bale. tl. Baltimore. (I FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen, .'orla® ; (Oct. 6f*'L IJverpool, 56*’. tGct 554)57*'); llamhiiig 57c; Genoa. 65 . Barcelona. 79*'; Manchester. (c; Havre. 56c. Antwerp. 66 FOREIGN INDIRMCT— Uverpool. wft. Man* heater. (*•'. nutntiial, Hamburg. *Wc. Havre. 73c, Genoa. 70c; lleval and Ht Petersburg 75c. Antwerp. 0c LCMIIKR By Had - Freight* dull; lo Baltimore a<al eastward. to 66 to par M.. Indudli* Portland. LUMBER By Htt-am Ha wanna b tn It* tlmore, (5.80; to I*. R R or It A O dock*. 15 50. to Philadelphia. I*4*-. per cwt., (4 pounde lo fool); lo New York, I* fa per M. 66.75 to dock, lightered to Boston lo dock. (6 Ot) NAVAL STO It EH- The market la firm medium *lt* v*-sel* Itnaln—Cork for order*. 6a 6al per barrel of 610 pound*, and 5 per cent, primage Spirit*. 4a 9*l per F> gallon* gross, and ( per cent primage Large vessel*, roaln. fa; aplrtt*. t* 3d. Steam lie per 180 pound* on roaln; 214 on spirit*. Savannah 10 Boston, and 94“ oat roaln and 19r on spirit# to New York GRAIN. PROVISION*. ETC. New York. Bepf. *7 -Flour alow, being held aiove buyer*' view* by the mill*. Rye flour quiet I'ornrrwal flrm; yellow Western, 91c. Bye quiet. Harley steady. Barley malt dull. Wheat, *tnl. Heady; No. 2 red. 635. C: options, after an easy Hart, baaed on clearing Northwest wealhx'r, took a sharp upward *oure. which they held until th* last hour, a good demand for cash wheal through the country, light speculative of ferlnga and small Northwest receipt* Finally eased riff under realising and closed alsrut stead) . **•• lower to 4 r net hither; September * loaed 61V; October. Kl4c; Dercmher. 6tc Corn. spot, ftrin. No 2, SO*-; option* were steady to flrm nearly all day on a renew ed demand from September short* fa Chi cago, higher cabk sand strong cash i>l -tlon hare, but eventually eased off with wheat and (flowed steady at a partial 4c net advance; September closed 464 c; Oc tober, 4V: December. I2lc. Gal*, spot, flrm, No 3,2514 c; option* Inactive, but steady Beef Ilrtner Cut meat* Heady, laird flrm. Wcatern steamed. (7574; re fined quiet. Pork flrm. Tallow flrm. Rosin stead), strained, common to good, (1.5001.(5. Turpentine easy, 400404 c. Rice Heady. Butter steady; creamery, 17c; state dairy. 154021*. Cheese flrm; large while, 11V: small while. 1140114 c. Eggs Heady; Hate and Pennsylvania. 11.021c'; Western, regular packing. 1240 16c. Potatoes quiet; Jeroeys, I! Offal to; New York. 115001.624: I*W'X Island. 11560 1.754; Jersey sweets, (2 250 2 75. Peanuts steady, unchanged. Cabbage steady; Long Island, per 180. 05002 25 • otton hy steam to Liverpool. 45c spot Coffee; a|*vt Itlo. quiet. No. 7 Invoice. 14' nominal; mild quiet. Futures uponrd steady, with January 5 points lower and other position* uneliangMl. ruled dull with feeble undertone under disappoint ing cables, unsatisfactory distribution of spot supplies and an almost complete ab sence of public support Helling was checked by fear that the markel has been oversold considering the lack of Interest; .dosed steady, with price* un hanged to 5 points lower Total sale* 23.7V1 lags. Including September, 64 9004.(5. October. (KAS. November. 10.90 Sugar, raw, firm, refined firm. COTTON SEED OIL. Little Trading In *pata, Hal Muck Interest In Falnre*. New Y’ork. epi 27 —Cotton seed o|l war Hill without trading feature on spot good*, but continued interest in futures, 244 c having been Mil for prime summer yellow, op to next February. 1.000 barrel* a month. Prime crude barrel*, nominal; prime summer yellow. (74c: off summer yellow. 3*4e. prime winter yellow. 41042 c; prime while. FfatU: ; prime meal, (25. CHICAGO MARKET*. Chicago, Hept. 27.—A felling off In re ceipts and export tales was responsible for a stubborn wheat market to-day. October closing 4e over yesterday, (torn closed 4c lower, and oat* a shade down provisions closed 5c higher Tha leading future* ranged a* follow*: Opening Highest. lamest Close. Wheat No. J.— H, t*l. .. 774 774 774 7740774 Oct 7740774 7740777s 774 7740774 Nov 7$ 07*4 7i' 7T 764 Corn No. I.— fa pt 4340434 ** 4 4 Oct 40 F>4 <0 Nov 17 0374 374 67 (Continued on Sixth Pag*.} M'hodulea Effective Kept. W, IWA Tratnii arrive at and depart from Central Station. Wml Broad, foot of Liberty afreet. •th Meridian Ttme -One hour alowar than elty time. I-rave ' " Arrive Savannah: Savannah: lAuguata, Macon! Atlanta.} “ 1 tiamjC'ovlnglun. Mlilcdgevllle!*# 00pm (Augusta. M i on, Atlanta,| I A thane, Mon'gnmery. Co-) f Mpm lumhns. liirminaham Am-|* 00am larleua, Kufaula and Troy,| I * > P*n| Mover Accommodation Tn tXaat tt OOptnj Guyton laumer Train jta taps *Da!ly. fExcept Sunday ~ BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTREB. 75th m or fluvumiah cltjr time. LKAVL HA V A NaN All. Miaiday only . a tn lially n.ept Monday 3.3(1 m I>ally 300 p. m. LEAVE TYBEE Monday only 7:18 n m Dolly except Monday 10 si u , m. liallv 53n p. m t 'onfiei tlona mad' at terminal points with all trains Northweal, West and Southwest. e Sleeping car# on nlht Ir.line between Savannah ami Au*uata, Moron. Atlanta and Hlrmlnitham. ..'’* r, ? r r " 0,1 rtay Iralna between Ha vannuh. Mamin and Atlanta for i-ompleta Information, a-vhedulee. ratea and 'Onnectlon*. apply lh .n^e°A ~MKV U :H T,/he. and Pam. •ner Agrnt, 107 Bull or V ., R ",' N . TTnK Depot Ticket Agent. r II *' a ner A pent ■ hINTON, Truffle Miiniii#r T HKO. U. KLINK, O+n Savannah Oa. jIMITEO Double Daily Service The , hor , | (ne to Xartalk. Wu.htngtos, Bglilmore. Philadelphia. New York tad tha East , —--- " ~~ [ sro'dd ]Ha y 1- 8 A L It) Mpm 11 Mpm Ar Columbia. H A. L. Hyi 4 Pipmj 4 Mam a 8 A ' L Hr 11 *7pm|U “lam Ar Durham, 8. A L. Ry., 7 Mamj 4 ldpra . r H.A.R Hy 4 U.mi 4 Mpm Ar Richmond. fl A. L. H> i Earn; * dupm Ar Wathlngtnn, I’ermu. 8 4&m I Mpm Ar Ha 111 more Penna 10 Mam 1! 30pm Ar Philadelphia. Penna... 12 27pm 1 beam Ar New York Peeina 1 Mpm! I Liana i No tt so m 1 ih H A l. Ity;l2 Mpm II Mpm Ar Portsmouth, I A 1.. R) 7 Ouaml I 10pm Steamer* leave Norfolk dally, except Hunday. for lialtlmore, Philadelphia and he* York, and dally for VVa^dngton. line to Montgomery. MohUa and New Orleans, leavlna Savannah at 7 S a. m . arrlvlnc at Montgomery 740 p. m . at which point close connection la made with the L. A N. R. K-. arriving at Mobile 3 M a. ro. and Now Orleana 7:0 A m. The *hort line to Kemaridlna. Jackson ville Tampa and other Florida points. . |Ko v No y t.v Savannah. 8 A L Ky & Mere f 9fpim Ar Fernandtna, H A D Ry I Seam I Mpm Ar Jacksonville. B.A L.Ryj V loam 7 40pm Ar Tampa. 8 A. L. Ry....[ > Mpm ( Mam Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping car service to Washington, Ha IM more, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. THnlng cars from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket Office. Hull and Bryan street* Phone s*. 1.000.000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS UHo dry salted m*e QUEEN SALTED *0 D. KIRKLAND, Successor lo R. Kirkland. .117 H SI ft JuLah ttreat, weak 7