The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 28, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 VOTERS GETTING IN LINE. first nti.i.Y of thk. xatioxal r(MP4t(i\ 14 -XVXXXAH. The Isswes Ulriwißrfl ky i*forg* A. Wfrrfr, Jr., Hultfr C, Itartrlrigr, Plrasnaf A. fftoanll *ul Ulllmni W. Oiborwr-Imperialism iiml Trnim (he Mali* Themes of the oralorß-Mr, Oabnrnr Orrlarr* 'I ruiO in He It*** lUimhnrinnln* !•• anil l.lknna Hr>an la Irnnld \% lakelrted—ltrsolwttMW* Adopted 1 ndoralng Ihr *allual Tleket and l MiigrrumHii Hsfu* K. Lester. The At si I>*tno<?ratlc rally of the cam tirn at the Theater last night was a suc c* =. aolwlihsiAndlni 'tin slight Interest wh h ha* bran displayed and the fac4 that It wn known that the effort to *A< ure outside sf*eakers had failed. About 400 voter* gathered and fhttred good I>mv cratio doctrine by well-known 10. al p k -arr. Cositdenibk rnUiuilttm waa man ifested. Th# meeing war called to order by the pmidMit. MaJ. J. Ferris Fann, who. with out nny preliminaries. stated hi* regret* at tl# failure of th# effort* to secure the prefence of some of the prominent Pfino cratf. HicrHi at their Inability do he present had been received from Oof. ran dier. Senator* Baron and Clay, arvaral congressmen and others "They all feel *o sure that old Chatham !• safe for Democracy,** raid Pmldetii C'ann, "that they •• t•• devoting their ef fort* to counties which are uncertain.'' On the stage hc.-ldea the president were Hon. F. G duMlgnon, Hon W. W On- borne Mr W. C. 1 lari ridge. Mr Waring Russell. Ur. I* A Failtgant, fleorgc A Mercer. Jr. Esq.. Col. P. A Stovall. Col. M W. Dixon. A B Moore. Hherlff Thomas J Sweeny. Jam* * M Dixon. J It. Cream er. John J Ilorrlgan, K A M Schroder, jr. J. <l. Keller. T I Hucftall and Sec retary K. W. Caropor. Before introducing the speakers Presi dent Cann made a few Introductory re mark* “The most prominent end mnsr consplc uous man before *th* American people io day," be held. "If William Jennings Bry an (Applause I Four years ago he wron t ie political prise by hie great speech at th Jemocath Convention, lie met with de feat. but not political death lie holds to day the admiration of hie friend* arid re spect of hi* enemies. He announced two years ago that Imperialism would be the Sasue of the present campaign. Hlm fore sight has been verified and be b * been i ho-en , l ,4 fhe fight against It Im perialtsm mean* the unsettling of the foundations of the inns* it tit ton. find tie •festrin-(ton of our liberties. Bryan s elco- Hon means It* overthrow If he |* elect in ■ will he Pr**iden4 and no Murk Han na will sit behind the throne and piilbtiie s<rlng Mr Cann urged that every Democrat!*' v>;er should come to the poll* it*l mu in* vote at the election. *o that Chatham might retain her proud position a* the banner Democrat lo county of the state. Mr George A Mercer, Jr., was first presented Mr. Mercer said that a crista In the affairs of the country I* at hand A great change In the government I* on the eve of taking place. The Repub lican parly seeks to overthrow the prin ciple* of the father* find lo substitute a government with thousands of subjects who arc not permitted lo he citizen* Mr Mercer pt*ld a tribute to Mr. Bryan • s open, hone-1. and straightforward. not cnai gt-.fble Ilk- McKinley. He had even refuse*! to ac* opt the nomination unless certain plank* wen placid in me plat form. Impellall*m. the speaker decland, in- an* militarism and compulsory mi I tary service. Every eltlsen shooll con •lder this matter seriously before casting fils vote. Mr. Mercer devoted some at tention to the trusts, which he said are levying a daily I *x upon the puhlh . Hl* temnrks were freely applauded. After the hand had given a f*w l*ar* from the “Hear Spangled Banner." Presi dent Cann Introduced Mr. Walter ('. liarirldge a* no well known to Savannah audience* that It was needless to give him nn Introduction Mr. llartridge was received with lively applause-, lie said lie was glad for once to U* In a meeting of Democrat* who were not engaged In rending each other, hut were preparing to turn their guns upon the common enemy. "The Star Spangled Banner," horn when the republic was fighting to main tain its existence. Is being played to-day. he said, as i. conqnerlsg strain over the bodies of those who fall fighting for their liberties. In M 6 the question was one of tariff, tn IHSSI that of bimetallism, hut to day the Isuse Is whether there shall be a change in the fundamental principles of the government. The Democratic, plat form offers the only hope to the great body of Independent voters. The Republi can party represent* everything that Is monopolistic, and la In favor of the cor poration* and the trusts a* against the people The danger of iconic I* being in voked by the opponents of Mr. Bryan, but even If true, would ft not lie better to face the danger* of a panic than the contlnu tince in power of a party which is seeking to subvert the principle* of thl# govern ment ? While the Republican party l talking •bout panic, said Mr llarirdlgv It U standing WuO.OhO day to carry rat an un holy war. one for which there la no ex - rtiae nave that "It pay a" the principle of the burglar and the highwayman. "Trade follow* the flag" I* their cry. That trade nd the flag are not Inseparable la evi dent for the fact that the leading custrim era of thla country are the people of Eu rope. but the Stars and Stripes do not pv-rch upon European capital. The greal eat of all arguments against thla policy. Mr. I tart ridge said, wns that It Is wrong, contrary to all moral principle and dan gerous to the republic. Mr. Hanna, he said, had declared that there are no trusts a rat yet Mr. llan na, who had broken Into the Senate aa the representative of the trusts, furnishes to-day the most remarkable •pr tale of one man having the complete nod exclusive control of a presidential trust. Mr Hartrldge declared that the Rcpub -1 sns had no more regard for the con stitution to-day than when they declared 1t to be a flaunting rag and a covenant with hell and arraigned that party for Its acts and tender,'-tee subversive of the principle upon whltdt live government was founded. Mr. I’ A. Stovall responded to the call of the president. The else of the meet ing was u good Index of the security of tht party and the people in thla county, lie said The voice of the Democracy of <' a:ham lias been a resounding one. and often heard throughout the slate. The ratification of the national ticket, Mr. Btovall said, brought to mind that there Is a stale and kval ticket to he support ed The excellent slate ticket I* practi cally without opposition This ought to he a great Democratic year, the speaker declared Pour tears ago. William J Bryan, almost unknown, with his party hopelessly divided end hailing from a email Western state, carried twenty-two hs forty-41 va states. and received over C.OfIh.OCP. of tns U <*.< votes cast. Hon W. W Osborne, who we* the last speaker. was given sn enthusiastic recep two H* Indulged In a IMIe pleasantry at the expense of Treasurer Waring Russell. (Continued aa Third Page.) f t T TIIHOI OH THK nooit. In Attempt \% mm Made to Hob m * i tier • Express < ar. | An effort wa* made recently to rob a i ftouthem Express Company ear between charleston and Ravannah. The would-be 1 robber attempted to cut through the door at the blind baggage end of the car A pile of bags and other things on the In side frustrated the effort F.vidence of the attempt having been I made was found upon the arrival of the train, whi.*li wa* No 23 The hole In the I door was found, hut the one who ha-1 I done the cutting left no due that might | establish tils Identity. At least It I* said there was no clue, hut the Express Com iany authorltle* are working upon the matter lo see If the guilt of the attempt at robbery can be fixed upon anyone It could not be learned that there was any particularly valuable shipment made by the train upon which the attempt was made The attention of the route agent In the car wa* not arrr-ded by any nnbe of rutting and it was not until the train reached Savannah that It was known that the attempt had been made. Just wh* re along the line the wM)ld-be robber had tried to get in hi* work Is not known vrOHM REEM.I.E* IIKNK. The HUan Melnsky Kate I mie Front tlalsrsloa on n \ iait. Two voting ladies who were in the midst of the (lalveston storm ore in Savannah. They are Mis* Fiances M*-lanky and her sister. Mia* I#ol, Mela sky, niece* of Mr J M. Solomons, whom 4hey arc visiting t hi* home. No 210 Taylor street, wear. The young ladle* will probably be here for h month or more, (luring which Interval lheir parent*, who are now In F’l Paso, will decide wiim city they will make their future home They may return to Halve*- ton. hut the young ladle* are greatly averse to that, fearing the city may he visited by another storm. The Misses Melasky remained In Gal veston through Ihe horror* that followed lb** storm, leaving only last Friday for Houston, whenr they c.unc. after n short top. to Havannab. The young ladle*' home was not destroyed or aerkouely li- Jur*l by the wind or flood, as It did not stand In Ihe section of the city that suf fered tno-i severely. It was rocked by the W'ind and wave* so that tls picture* were shaken from the wall* arid door’, were flashed frn th**lr hinges, but sto<Ml ] until the storm *tib>sle*| A graphic picture of the terror* through which they and other survivor* passed I* given by iff*- voting ladle*. Tl*r great dis tress of the living wa* shared by them, though it wa* not so acute a* they lo*4 no relative*- Home of their very dear friends, however, were victim* of the storm. COI HT WILL ID: I ItoM HKD. Over 200 Lot Owner* Summoned to %llcur 'litis Horning. To-day promises to hr i record breaker in the Police Court und Recorder Jlarl ridge will fa< e a rrnsrd which 1* likely to exeel anything of tlie kind In his previ ous experience in thi* court. There arc Just 2h* enf-e* against owners, for fail ure lo cut the weed* upon their premises a* required hy ordinance. In wome In stances there are a* many as half a dozen cats* against single lot owners or agettts. but It Is safe to say that somewhere be tween lw and 150 individuals have re ceived subpoena* 4.# upfH’ar In Police four 1 thl* morning on thl* account. There la likely to be co|isiderable con fusion In passing ii|Kn these cases. .\ number of those summoned nave already ''ailed st the clerk's office or upon the health officer to announce, either tint they are not the owners or auctits of the h t* complained of. or that the ordinance ha- ready been complied with. One >outig real esta e agent, who called upon Health ‘ ffleer Brunner yesterday, assert ed that the we-|* had been cut twice this season upon tne lots for which he la • !ocket*d. but ms the weeds In the grass plats and sidewalks adjoining, which are • hy property, sre six lo eight feet high. It wa* not surprising that the sanitary inspector* were unable to ascertain th* real condition of the lots. CITY Ml ]( El% E* 0% ER 19,000. I)*al With 1 nloM ( nmpiiß) • niii|i|p|i i| \ *dl*rtln y \ Th** arrant* briivr.n th* city ami the Vnlon l>epot Company for <*?rtaiti Inl required by the depot rompiiny for ii* purpose* m lhe western eeetloo of the rity. was finally r|o*r| yesterday. The uicreementa. ifeedn iind 'ontracta were •dirned and delivered. The matter wan conducted by City Attorney H. B. Adame, for the city, and Ma. k tll and An derson for the depot company. A cheek for vomeihtnir In **x<*ei of k.tW will 1w handed to the Mayor thin niornttur for the land** sold by the city to the company. The agreement bet ween the city and thnee Intereeted in the union depot mat ter wan irralifted aeveral months a*o. but the eon •summation of the deial had b*en delayed nwaltlnfr the formation of the t*nkn Depot Company. By the term* of the agreement the depot cromimny in* only aeeurea about seventeen Mc rea of lute!, formerly the proi*rt.v of the city, hut ob tain* the rtirht to make aeveral “hatiße* In the street line* in the Itobertavllle section. The eompany I* now free to proceed with Ma plana for the erection of a union depot. vorno nirit i r. tmikf %i*ti itr.n. It an l)mn by a (•mllrman Who *mih Him Take a \\ heel. A youthful but *hrewd little thief was arrested yesterday In the peraon of James H Htod*lard. a white t>oy 10 year* old. who wa* vnujcht re!-hamle<l In the act of lak tnir a bicycle that had been left outside of a hou*e on West Gwinnett lwt. The yotllUSHter mounted the wheel and rode off. but being seen by a brother of the owner, who gave chase. the thief abandoned his Iwoly and attempted to make Id* escape, dodging through yard* and by other mean* endeavoring to throw* hi* pursuer off the tradk. He wa* tlnaily captured at Gawton street ami turned over to Patrolman Cronin, who sent him to the barrack* At the time of the theft the hoy had a companion with him, who made hi* es cape. but wan afterward captured, fttod dard la thought to bo wanted for other thefta of a similar nature, although he stoutly denies that such I* the case. Hl* case doubtless will Ih heard before the Recorder this morning MH all t.lvi n Nit \ ear*. William McCall got it In the neck for six year* In the Superior Court yesterday. There were three clear cases of burglary against McCall, all commuted against separate parti** and on different dates. He pleaded guilty to each charge and was sentenced to two years in each case. Our Army and >**> Heroes depict ad on highest quality playing cards —new designs—new eerie* TANARUS, cent* a park In money or stamp* Address Malt- Nutrlne Dept . Anheusar-Buach Brewing Jim' n, St. Louif, Mo. UiE MORNING NEW S: h HI DAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900. WENT AGAINST THE STATE. PI.AST nW.M V 41.1 4TIOY 4 A ONKtTLY KBDI C KD. ■ 1 "- Hoard nt Arbitration a, More From tkr , oatrollorti-nrraU Kail, malrnf Ihr ll.afla \olno Than Tha* omrlal Had Added In Ihr Hrlurn. ladr hr hr Plan! >alrn—Alalr Would Hava Hern W l.rr In Arrrpl Ihr llrfnrnr Madr hy Ihr Hoad—Or ri.lon of Ihr Arhllralora. W h * on. rludrd Ihr I nar. la Flnnl—Hrrnt Vatin, lo Ihr Flnnl *)••' Will •Irani f. The #tate would have been wise to have accepted the valuation placed upon the Plant Hy*tem hy 14* official* ai*l returned !to the controller general In Atlanta. The i r-oard of arbitrator* appolnred to appraise l the roadway of Ihe system ftnit lie* in i Heorgm. reached a conclusion yesterday afternoon, finding against the state. ! The difference between the valuation re. ! turned by the Plant Hyftttn and that fixed hy the •-on*roller general, wa* 1757.14* I it was (bought po--ible thw? the arbttra i tots would decide to decrease the dlffer | * r *• in the company * and the *tate‘a e . timatc*. but none thought the result would IF* a* it ha* been declared. The rc ' lu* tlon upon the several action* ronald- I •rl hy the arbitrator*, amount* to be twreen HOn.nnf) him fSfIO.OQO, so tha; tht val uation will stand at a lower figure than that orlgmallv returned by the l*lan: System nffh'ialx. No nccurute statement of the board** finding can be given, a* it haw toot yet been made up. The arbitrators agreed ujon the amount* they regarded a* i quit able \ ablation* upon the portion of the Charleston and Savannah that Is In tleorgla. the line from Savannah to Way erns*. the portion of the Waycros*-Jack sonville line that Is In Heorgia and upon other *ff lions of 4he system that are in the state These amount* aggregate be tween and PtI.OOO. The mileage of the Savannah. Florida arid Western Roil way waa returned at a valuaikai of a mile, amounting to a total of rj.275.77n. This valuation wa* in created by the state to $10.00(1 per mile, raising the total valuation to s2.ftt,2fiO. The return of th Brunswick ami Western was lncicifd from pi. GOO per mile to SH.- ispi per mile, or alout SSK.fIOD. The eleven miles of the C’hurlcHton an*l Savannah Ballway in (teorffis wer** returned at s7s,- 10t>. or $7.01i0 per mile, which was In creased hy th slat* to slo.nrt) per mile, or from IT*' 100 to $113,000. The thirty-seven mile* of line In Georgia between Wav- rosa and Jacksonville, which were re turned at s7.b jar mile, were also !n --creased to SIO,OOO per mile, or ftom a total of $250.r4l to $379,900. No appeal can he made from the decision of the arbitrators. It Is final. The valua tion they place upon tin* property 1* that Upon which taxes will Is* levied, and . latge sun* will be *ave| by the company that would have leen |aid out had the v iluattnti not leen reduced. Int<*reit on mot> of the homia can be paid with th** money saved. It I* not for thl* year only that the reduction stand* It is probable that it will be accepted a* the true valuation of the Plant Systems toadway In Georgia lor many year*. It may thus he under stood that n great saving to the company will result from the decision of the urhi- tratore The Plant System hid been assessed since IW9. upon the returns made by the official* In that year there was an In crease made by the controller general The on many protested when another In* rease wa* made this year, and the board of arbitration, a re*ourao Allowed In such • awe* by the law. was appointed. lion Pope Barrow of At vannali. was narrv 1 to represent the Plant Bystem. While Hon Pope Brown, member of the Railroad Commission, was seleeted by the state The two arbitrator* settle*! upon Judge Roger Gamble of Ijputsville ns referee. Two week* ago the arbitrator* and the referee met In Savannah. Controller General W. A. Wright and Attorney General I*. M. Terrell were In the city to represent the slate at the hear ing of the case, while Mr. F. O. diilllgnon and Mr. W. L Clay represented the rail road. No conclusion waft reached then, a* womc evidence was desired by the ho ml. and Mr. Terrell wat* re quested to file a supplementary brief. This wa* filed, and was before the board yes terday. No arguments wre made during the nneting at Mr. Harrow'* office yesterday Messrs duHlgnon and Clay presented ad ditional fad * and figure* that w ere askeo by the board- At about 2 o'clock the lsvird was sequestered. Adjournment wa* tad a little later for dinner, which was followed by two hours’ deliberation in the afternoon. • Mil KM.NT AT H %YCROSS. Promoter* of Klghta Are Rasy Try lag to grranaie Them. Pete Mangle l* trying to fix up a fight with K.d Carver. The flghtera want to pull It off In the Opera House at Wav croat*. where the Kid, who wa* here ti f**w day a ago. believe* a good crowd can ie gathered, lie thinks the manager of the house will offer a purse. M.ingle says he will meet the Kid at aomdhlng like 130 pounds Those who engineer the fights In Ba vnnnan, arc already at work to arrang* another for Corcoran. The talk about matching him with Jack llanlon Is still going on. and may result In the men being brought together. The fight would prob ably be crack-a-jack. There is talk, 100. of a welterweight, who 1* away up at the top In hi* ivlas*. being brought to Rivannnh from the North, to do what none of the many comers hss done, put Corcoran out. IIOTIt MAY MM DKAD. Falsi lleanlta of Holler Explosion at Pembroke. News has been received here of th* • leash of Mr William M. Osteen, the young man. who. with his father, was so badly Injured by the expioelon nf a turpebllne slid near Pembroke, on Hept. S3. The injuries of the senior Osteen are also reported to he fatal. The Messiv Osteen were prominent dngens of Bryan county, and were well known here The younger Osteen woe a graduate of the State University, and was the solicitor for th# County Court of Bryan. GOIXU TO HE >1 Ml Mini). Mr. Wolf'S Friend* f nngrn In lot log Him I pon n Prosper live Event. Mr. Joseph Wolf, manager for the Isaac Joseph Iron Company, will leave to-mor row for Cincinnati U|M>n a mission that Is winning him the congratulations of his many friends t)n o**l. in h< and Miss Ce lls Hllh of that elty will he married They will leave C'.nrtnantt for points tn lha East on #helr wedding trip and will arrive In Savannah, where their home will he. on Oct. 34 Tau never read of such cures elsewhere as thoae accomplished by Hood's Sarsa parilla. did you? It la America's Greatest Medicine.— ad. Millinery Exhibit. Great millinery opening next Thursday and Friday at KrouekoffV The greatest display over seen South.—ad. YORK *T TWO Jailer Falllannt ltl,rrarilrd Hrrom mrn<la,lon • Mrrry. J. n XfwW -A ll fonvlrtnl of lr<'rny from llir prmon. tn Ihr Suprrtor Court yctrrday, rl was rrntrm oj m two yrar, tn the pvnltrnllary. York w for romr time a molorm-n ami rondiirtor of the 4 'lty and H'lhurmrn Itellway, and wa* later a rnrmhvr of the fwdl-'e forr, during Mayor McDonou(h’e adminiatration. Ills record a, a pol|erin.n aa* a eomewtral ro. ky one. and hr- wa, dropped from the for<- a few year* ago for eonv- art of bruiallly. Wore hi* <ll*nk,*.l from the pollra York s rourer- ha* tieen downward one He separated from hie wife and not lon* .i,n ant inlo trouble with the police through trying to ideal 111* rhtldren from hi* wife Hi* latest escapade, which In, gotten him a sentence to the penitentiary, was a surprise, however, even to those who knew him. A> < urding to the evkjenee a, submitted In the court A. Slater. Jr., of Hatley rame to the city last month, with a herd of rattle, which he dlHpjeed of to various d-ler*. At the end of hi* bar gwlnlng he found himself with check* for in his possession. Falling In with York, whom he had known before, the lat ter volunteered to go with him to the bank to get the checks cashed On the way down town they liad a few drinks. Meeting Mr. Ueorge \V. owen* Y'ork, knowing Mr. Owens, aciosted him. atid requested him to go with himself and Blater to a bank to Identify them In order ttj.ll they might get the checks cashed. Mr. Owens es.imlmsl the ( hecks.and see ing that they were made payable to ta-ar sr. Informed them that no Identification was needed. Shortly aTter rushing Ihe hecks Ihe two men again met Mr. Owens and Slater stated that he was d<-Irotts of ►ending some money lo a party in the country and Inquired the Uat way of doing this. Her ng that th. men were under the Influence of liquor Mr. Owen* d.rected them across the square to the egpr'S' 081. -as the nearest Place where the money could la- wifely deposited ln*Psd of going to the express office, however, the two nun had more drinks, and then marled on a carouse wht'h lususl until hOfnftiHH* in *l'* 1 * MCDI. Th*y aprnf lb** night tog th(T.J*t whrr* was not brought out In the evidence, but when dialer awoke the next morning hi* ussier was gone. !e c hatged York with taking It. and the latter denied It. He then .onsultrtl with some friends, and on their advice had Vnrk arrested The lat ter still denied the theft. Mr A K. Nor ton a butcher In the market, knowing both York and Slater, went to see York at the station house. ■ limiting him with Ihe theft and advising him lo give up the money a* the easiest way out of the sr fslr York si first denied Ihe r horge. but later went down Into his sock -tisl puce out a roll containing IIW. which he turned ov#r io Mr. Norton. On the stand York testllled that he had taken the money from Staler because Ihe latter w drunk and because he wsa afraid Ihe latter would l—e It. He did not make a satisfactory explana tion. however, .t* to why he denied me possession of the money nr why te was necessary to arrest and lock him up be fore lie acknowledged It* possession, t apt J H Johnston, treasurer of the street ia I! wav company, and formerly president or one of the street railway line*, testi fied to York's good conduit while an em ploye of hi, company. The Jury brought In a verdict of guilty with recommendation to Ihe mercy of the court. Judge Kalligant. In parsing een lance, said that he rarely disregarded th# rr ommendatlons of Juries, but In ltd* |r tlcular Instanre the case appeared to he such an ugly one that he felt entirely justified In disregarding the recommenda tion. York * face, which had brightened up when he heard the recomtnendwtlon of the Jury, which he doubtless Interpreted to mean that he would be let off with a fine, lell When he heard the Judge* sentence of two year*. nix nkxt to rrnr coiht. (barged With Aaaawlt and Battery I |ion Two While Men. The third successive large docket heard Hi the Recorder's Court yesterday, ntnrtrrn prisoners having been brought In during the previous day and ni*ht. The moat interesting case was Uia* of the six negro** .ind two white men, charged with street flghilng atiom i: o'clock the night la-fore. The white men . re discharged, and the negro** sent to the City Court, four on the charge of as sault and baltery, with the, additional charge agatust I-en ft der Mcßride, of stah blng not 111 hla own defense, and again*! William Kady. of carrying n ccmceale*! w-wi-on Another rase of eome Interest was that of A Mart, and Ferdinand H'-mt. white aaltore. who were found drunk lying In the street the night before by Patrol man Harrleon. hut wno, wnen arrested, still had enough pugnacity left to resist the officer. He had to use his rlub freely before the men could he Induced 10 sub mit to arrest. They were each given the option of iwytng tic. or spending thirty days In confinement. Harry Roundfleld, a colored hoy. was ar reated the ofternon before by Iletrrtlve Hi ark. for having In his possession a watch and chain, suppos'd to Is- siolen. This supposition proved to tie well found e*t. for on the same .lay the owner. Jerry Hordre, notified the police of his loss of such a watch and this morning identified the watch as his property. The young thief was remanded to (he City Court on the charge of simple larceny. To the same court was sent Idoeoln Racine, who the -lay before had gathered an armful of clothes from a yard on Bull street, and run oway with them, helm; - aplured only alter a long chase. W. Hemphill colored, and J. W. Brent, while, were both sent lo the City Court on the charge of steolltig a rtdc on the Plant Hystem car* Hemphill Is further charged with having had a concealed weapon. ( IIII.imK.VI DAY. AC the Tea More Friday and *star day. A beautiful set of pictures will he given away free to all purchasers of 2.1 rents worth of lea. coffee, sugar, spires, ex tracts, baking powder, condensed milk, or butter, Friday and Saturday this week. Hemember. you get your checks as usual. The llreat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com pany. Its Broughton street, west. Tele phone CM.—ad. I.oal Valise. J.ast Tuesday afternoon, on easthnund Seaboard Air I.ine train, between Seville and Helena Iteward will la- paid for re turn lo J. Is YVllco*. Mcßae, (la.—ad. lale of Hope To-nluhl, Rig dance at Isle of Hope 10-night. Musk by Kosenrtctd Orchestra Guessing contest for the gentlemen, the prize lielng a box of Tom Keene cigars, donated bv J. 8 Plnktissohn A Cos An elegant fish supper will he served. Including diamond hack terrapin soup. Csrs leave Tenth and Whitaker streeta every half hour. Be sure and eome and bring your lady friends Kespectfully. Barbee it Bendy.— ad. For Over nfiy Years. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. Ii soothe# the chl.d. softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colie. and Is Hie beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a hot He. —ad. SCHOOLS NEARLY FILLED. hit rew virtivrini rkmain and THK WHITE fICHOOftgS. Nearly three Hundred and Fifty Nn me* on the dniirrlntendr nt‘* WnlltNgf l.lal—The ( olored srhml 111 D-d—T-da y the !*■! for the I*- ■ue of i nrd* of %dml**lon—-Nui>er- Inlendent Will Meet Ihe Teneher* Ttt-morru*. Only a few rrm.iin In Ihe while puhltr ti hool* of the city, and It l* probable that all will Ik* tilled to-day <"arla of admliilon were granted yester day at Chatham Academy to the aeveral arhool*. letween 15*1 and 175 children re crivlng them A* there were but JOH va cancle* when the prlripala began upon ihclr day's work of Ixnutng card* to ai|>ll* • ants, it may be i*n<l< rMuod that but few remain. The remaining vacanlcea chance to be in the achrol* having either the email or least thk kly |*>pulaled dietrtets or In the higher grade*, for which there are not m> manv applicant* a* for the lower one-* It I* for this reason that th**r* are many nuriK* on the waiting list. The list lear* the name* of chlllren who cMimot now be given pia e* in the gtadeh and school* they dexlre to enter. On the waiting 11*4 are 34a name*, mop ihan were ever on It lefore. Other* will be ad*i<l to It to-day, and It It* probable that It w*l!l grow until next Tue(U\. when. 4he opening day twiving pae>*“d. th** NU|>erinienlent will probably have dis covered vacancies mat may he filled, thereby put ting ?*ome of tha children upon hi* Hat in the school*. 9upt. A-hinore commend* the WiMlting list the parent*. - hildren may •tot be able to And the p.aces for their children that they dealre. ae vacancies are constant I > <x furring during term, and thoe whose name* appear upon the II*: wre given 4he preference when the v.f an< le are tn *e filled The colored *<*hool* have been filled Cards of admission were issued yesterday from the Atuierron ihe 1 niffy Htreet Hclwxoi*. and the dnv before from the Wot Broad and East Broad Htreet B<rhoola. The colored *• hool* .re t *x‘'l 4o their utmost capacity every year, and It t* taken a* a matter of course, that there will le no vacancies In them Thl* I* the last day for the Issuance of cards. From 9 until 1 o'clock the prin cipal* and (he city physicians will be at the at aderny to receive appd- ants and examine rhm for mark* of vat*clnation and to determine their qunllth atlons for admittance to the schools. Il Is probable there will not he a vacant place In nv ot the s hoois h\ 1 o'clock to-day To-morrow morning at Chatham Acad emy Bupt. Ashmore will meet the tea< h ci of ihe city *choo!a. spending an hour in giving instructions for the op*nitig on Monday. The next hour he will spend with the teachers of the country school*, who have ken notified to Ik* present. At 12 o’i'.s’k, at one of the colored schools, ue will meet the teacher* of those m hooD NATAL. Ho %It 14 to MlliT. Fate* of Port H%nl Naval Wfatlon Will *rn He Hrcidrd. Mr. William IV Waterhouse of Beaufort, secretary of the Naval R ation Committee, arrived In Ravannah last n'.ght and will probably spend part of to-day In the In terest of the Port Royal naval station movement. The Naval Board will meet wdthln the next ten davs, Mr. Waterhouse ha* been informed, and will settle defi nitely the (oration of the station. Ad miral Sumner ha* !>een notified to he In readiness to appear before tha board when It meets. Mr. Waterhouse will raft nn Acting Mayor Tledcmnn this morning with the view* to seeing what can be done here to ward* keeping the station at Port Royal. When the matter of the present location of fhe **ation a* a mean* of defense both to Savannah and Charleston was dis cussed recently. Mayor Mycr* decided to *Plolnt a committee to take up 4tie ques tion In connection with the deep wafer movement. The committee has not yet been appointed, however. In view of the near approach of the Naval Board meet ing the matter may be taken up. Mayor Myers t* In New York, hut 1* expected hack In bc next f**w days. It Is hardly likely that anything will be done until his return. BAI K FROM \F.WFOI MH.WO. Dr. J. ft. Aan starter AAIII Have Mori*-* of l.onlloa to Tell. Dr J G.->Van Marirr was among the passengers on the steamship City of Au gusta. which was scheduled to arrive last night from New York, hut had not p)i: In an appearance at an early hour this morning. Dr. Van Marler has been away from Savannah for weeks upon a s|K>rtlng trip, he. Rev. Chailes H. Strong, rector of St. John's Church, and Mr. F C. Haney having gone lo New found In ltd for i try at the lug game of that region. Dr Van Marter's Blende will doubtless he Interested In the stories he will have to tell them of the experiences of Ills par ty In the Northern wilds. The storm that struck them In the great forest wtl! doubtless furnish matters of Interest upon which he m.iy dwell. CHANGED TIIK AW AHD. Garlunkel A Hons \A 111 Furnlah Fire men's shirts. The Police Committee did not award Ihe bids tor |*oliee winter uniforms yesterday. The Fire Committee, however, mode a change In It* award of Ihe firemen's uni-, forms, Ihe contract for the shins being given to Garfunkcl it Hons, their hid be ing CMS! 1 - per garment, as against H. the hid of Mr Peter*, to whom Ihe contract (or the sulls was awarded. Il was also the opinion of Ihe expert called In to ad vise the committee that the material of Ihe garment submitted by Garfunkel i- Hons was superior. This dots not Inter fere with the main contract secured hy Mr. Peters, however. Title SPHERE F WOMAN. Debated by the W elisterian Society l.aat Mali!. The Websterlan Sorlety met lost night at No 301 Park avenue, west, arid debated the question. "Resolved, that woman .in entering business ami political competition with men. lose* her Influence for good.'' The affirmative wa* debated hy Messrs J. K Fulton. Jr . and H N. Gasan, and the negative by Messrs. \V. B. Hpann. Jr., and J. W. Hohenstein. The detail# was decided In favor of the affirmative Tin society will meet next week at Ihe horn, ot Mr. K. H Abrahams. Exhibition ot Millinery. Next Thursday and Friday the grandest display of millinery ever seen will be seen M Krouskoff'e —ad. Ttinnaond* of Itch* People Have been cured quickly by Tetterlne It cures any form of akin disease Mrs. M. E. La t timer. Biloxi. Misa. had an iteny breaking out on hor skin She sands I. for two boxes pea paid to tha manufac turer. J. T. Bhurptrlne. Bsvannah. Os., and writes. "Tt erine Is the only thing that gives me relief '' Send 40 cents In stamps for a box If your dtuggtot dooan'l kece IL —ad. ADLER** MILLINERY OPE* I TO. The fall opening of Deopoid Adler waa one of the most au ee**ful the great house has ever made. A more gorgeous array of hat* haa never been seen here. All day long the big store was thronged with ladies. They arrived early and staid late. The new boas and collarettes In bronae and grays are rich and reflect credit upon Miss Ma< kensle t who presides over this deportment. The fall hats are all pretty. The shapes are much more atrtklng than they w**re a year ago and the particular selection* nt Adler's seem to have com bined every single creation which Is. and which approaches the best and most novel. This depart men t w ore a pleasing attire yesterday. It waa beautifully festooned with greens and the arrangement of the gorgeous headwear wa* artistic. There was a grand display In the ehlrtw*alst de partment. The latest patterns and the most prevailing colors were shown in shirtwaist*. Some very fine material, made in lavish style were on exhibition. The tailor-made suit* were very attract ive. M*ny different style* and many dif ferent fabric* were shown The display of rainy-day skirts and golf suit* was line. These were the specwl selection* of Mr Adler. He looked over them, admit ♦ and them and when he brought them to Ravannah the ladle* agreed that they w re the very heat things they had seen. In the department of evening good* a fine array of all kinds of fabrics was made. Embroidered chiffon* of exquisite designs, rich appliques, gilt trimming, re naissance a I lovers, novel creation* in col larettes beautiful silk nd flannel ap pliqucd robes were shown. Mr. Fantl pre aide* over the department of the real lace and It goe* without saying that he ha* no equal In Judging what la perfectly splen did In thl* department. He ha* shown some lovely creations and ths department Is on* of the most |opular in the store. In the dress goods department a handsome display was made. The fabrics are of the very latest pat tern*. Rome rich lace dresses arc shown. In the gent's furnishing department, par ticular care ha* been bellowed and a* a result It has become very iopuiar. The o-'hnol suits for boys are particularly at tractive The fall suits for men are of the latcwt patterns and are all made lo order for the department store. In the furniture department some of the flnsst design* in oak. walnut, maple cherry and mahogany are shown. Btautl ful chairs, pretty taides, elegant bed room suite were artistically arranged and were well shown. Mr. Adler was ably assisted in the opening yesterday by his aide corps of men and women who pre side over the different counters. Mr Joseph O'Connell. Mr. Adler's manager, one of the best-known department men in the South, has contributed largely to nmke the openings popular and eminently successful. The grent store is thoroughly modern It 1* provided with e leva tor* run hy electricity; it Is lighted by both gas and electricity and is the only department store. In the true fcnse. In Georgia. Each department man-* ages Its affair* separately. The mail order bust neap of Mr Adlers great store ha* attained mammoth pro portions. People who read of the unheard of bargains, and who are not able to come to Ravannah to personally make *e lec'ion*. hii taking advantage of the mall* and by the lita-ra! fair treatment which I* accorded them and the strict attention given their older*, they do not hesitate io place them, trusting to the past record of the hou.-e to pF*** them. In this they never seem to he mistaken —ad. Half Hate to Mnros Via The Central of Georgia Railway Account Macon Street Fglr. Ticket* on sale from all points In Oeor gla. Bept 23-2s. Inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive Macon forenoon. Sept 29 Final limit Oct. 1, 1900 Ticket office iff? Bull street and Central passenger station —ad. Last Nnnday Excursion to Bruns wick Will leave Ravannah, via the riant Rys tcm. Sunday, B*pt. 30; train leaves Savan nah 5.20 a. m.; returning leaves Brunswick 9 Of, p. m. Tickets SI.OO for the round trip, —ad. Exhibition of Millinery. Next Thursday and Friday the grandest display of millinery ever seen will be seen a Krouskoff's —ad. t lose of the F.xe-oraloo Heaaaa. The Plant System Sumlay excursions to Charleston and Brunswick will be dlscon linued after Hundny. Hept 30 Tickets sold to both point* at rate of II *lO for the round trip, limited to date of sale —ad. .A Del;el**s Smoke, The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; It Is evhilaratlug and dellcloua See that the name uf Herbert Spencer U on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50. Conchas at $3 50. an( j Perfect**#. *4 50 at Uppman Broa.. whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congress streets, of this city.—ad. Sunday. Hept. noth. Is the last day for the Sunday excursions in Charleston. Ticket* on sale for train leaving Savannah :20 a. m., good lo return on train leaving Charleston ai *:00 p. m. or 11:14 p. m.. Sundays, at late of 11 oo tor the round trip. Chair cars 50 cents extra —ad. Millinery Kxhlblt. Great millinery opening next Thursday und Friday at Krourkoff's. The greaiesl display ever seen South.—ad. "Oraybeord ls a family medlcln# with os." so and a prominent buatnea* man yea terday. My wile taxes It, and I Ouilce •to* l enjoying b. 'lei health than for years. The children keep well bj taking IL" Oraybeord may be obtained at oil drug •tore* or write to us for It. Reapeaa Drug Cos., sole pr pa.. Savannah. Oa.-od. Tevoa llnrrieaor Kxtro. The current numhers of Issue's Weekly and Harper's Weekly contain full Illus trated accounts of Ihe lale Galveston storm Price 10 cents. For aa eat Ka mi's News Depot, No. *4 Bull street. 8# vannah. Ga.—ad. Georgia f.rapr Jolrr. 1 This splendid Georgia Concord Grape Juice la dlapenee*! free for the purpose of Introducing the elegant Georgia Grape Jules ai Conlda's. Bull street, between Y olk and Oglethorpe avenue. Wholesa •• agents. I.ppnun Bros.. Wholesale Drug gists, Savannah. Ga.-ad “It Cared Mr.” "Oraybeard broke up rheumatlam on me. aays Mr. Chaa Thoms*, the Jew eler on Whitaker etrert. "And put me In better health than I have enjoyed In a lon* time. " m a Taka Graybeard Pills for that dizzy feeling—Lost appetite, and follow n uo With a bottle of Oraybeard. It la all you need Be,peat Drug Cos. sole props Savannah. Ga—ad. v*op.. Panldlng'. Pippin Cider. This celebrated pure, apple Juice elder made In Long Island, can be had In pint TurT*" I’ 0 " I :*' d,r ' C ' ,rom ,h * manufac- , ***,!' th,|r own stamp, at Mppman Brother*. Druggist*. Bavannah, Oa.-wd. At LATTIMORE’S Don't Think of prrehasing a Stove or Range until you inspect our line and learn our prices. The PERFECT RANGE. ROYAL MAGIC RANGE, OTHELLO RANGE, embrace all the up-to date improvements and we sell them at so close a margin over original cost that our competitors are not in it. Conie see us. We Are selling bicycles at end of-the-season prices. Let us show you our line and quote our prices and terms. At LATTIMORE’S ssCliaml)cr Sets loitfst style, near cat design, fpc la! a*.’ of these beautiful set* at ONLY 13.97 X\> hav* all the IIKBT THINUB In out line. anO WE 00. WE IKj. BELL. CHEAPER than oiher people. Call here ami thi# fact will be easily tjemonstraled. G. W. Allen & Cos., State mod Barnard Street* BUILDERS’ HARDWARE —AND— WAGON MATERIAL ns toil's sons 11.1 llroagton (Greet, West. PC BOOLS AND COLLEGES. TUB 511 mill PItBPAR ATIIRY *f HOfll.. MILITARY. Ormonfl B. Htronf? (Cornell). Head A ai hool wlidfc ln*li ix’ior* are unlver lt> f.imlllMr with nwiern methol”. and rron who have <l*'!i*>ihmrated thHr Htieeeea *s le n her* In boy* (or < o|bgeafitl buelnew*. A wehool whon* diplo ma is ccorptal In lieu of examination by many rollenee, and whoae ha* the highe*! eidor*emenL by ihe prepl lent* of Cornell and of the Cnlverelty of (*alifornl.i. A echool whoee dlreetor* ar<* simons the mo*t prominent men of th~ •tiitf. A *chool where your boy would receive pereonal Mtfervl*lon and #rs rouraicemenl; wrhere h** could obtain a thorough and eyatemallr training In body and mind; where ho could prepare hi* l*nn* for the next day under an In structor-* rare In the afternoon Juet a* h*- would at the he*t Itoardlnir achoola. and where you would have no worry ebout hi* aaeociatew. A GROWING SCHOOL. Morton's School for Boys. Tha fifteenth session of Ihla school which la the la~geat aixt best oqulpped private school in thla city, commence* Oct. 1. Thorough Instruction In All de partments. Students from this school en ter Ihe State University on Principal • certificate without entrance examination* flperlal instruction for those wishing lo enter the U. S. Acodemles. For catalogue* or other Information ad dres*. J. R. MORTON. M A. 13-17 Macon street, east. Principal EPISCOPAL mhim SCHOOL, l> M BLACKFORD. M. A . Principal For Boye. Three mllea from Alezandr.a, Vg, and eight from Waahlngton. D. C. The (Cd year o|>en> Sept. X. 1900. Cata logue seni on application to the principal •t Alexandria. SEED RYE.’ GEORGIA HEED RY’E HOI TIIKHN HEED RYU TEXAS RED R P. OATS. hay. grain, flour, feed. FRUITS and VEGETABLE*. CHEESE. BEANS. TEAS w. D SIMKINS & CO. JOHN Go BUTLER, -DEALER IK- Palnt*. Oil* and Olaaa. Sash. Doors, Blind* and Builders' Supplies, Plain and Decora tlve Wall Paper. Foreign and DomeeiC Omenta, l/m*. Plaster and Hair. Fc'* Agent for Aheatlne Cold Water Point *> Congress etreet. west, and 19 St. Julian •treet. west.