The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 29, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WOUND CAUSED HIS DEATH. EX-HtlON iOil lilt OK % TLA NT A 111 CO U miMDAV. >rvrr Hrasaainril < hbi Ibmim* t Tr II linn Mr Mna *!••-au|i|tnl. linn i tbr • **•- rtl 1% III* I'm 111 nm lo llr M**|*. I'Nnrral Will hr Mll To-day—Tfc* Orrrnrt Una I <m nrrfrct With Mmim UrllkmiMn liiHirpriara. Atlanta Hrpt. .* Hon Chariot A Col lier, formal nw'or f At.anta. and com* rn>*k>n*r to tho Parla Exposition. di#d • hi* m *rn!r.a from tna rffi.ct* of an ac cidental (ilfto! wound received yealerdey morning, Mr. Collier wap not conaciou* at any time aftrr re ••tvlng th. wound an i th lat >tuu*\Uk' it are not known Clr* umi*tan* e* et however, that Mr. Collier fell from the *t*>p of the |or h In tin* r<u of hie ri‘*t*l*n.e whih invali dating home noje I. ad awakened him. Mr Collier was f <• und it the bottom of the t.lire which lead from the U* k porch to tin* yawl. H* waa lying on the brkk j*av nv nt. with one wound on hi# heal, where he had struck It in feldng ami an other in hie left mde. Immediately below ih** rib*. causa l by the bullet from his pistol. The funeral will be held to-morrow t’Uy Council will attend In a body and nil civic anl other organ!* itlons of which Mr Coilier had been a member will be represented All city office will clone Mr Collier has l*een prominent In the Atlanta twain#** world \>x many years. After the exposition of whi h he was preslleni Mr. Collier wa* elected mayor t’pon his retirement he was appointed by President M Klnl* > Cntt**l Urates com missioner to the pari* cxpalilon. He mad** two visits to Paris and rturn'd from the last only Wednesday night. Mr Collier was connected with a nun* t*#r of financial and Industrial enterprises. For quite a whiie he was cashier of the National Capital City Bunk Ho wa* for merly a large stockholder and director In •he Eagle and Phenlx Cotton Milk of Columbus. Af&atitM n rriMi imm . One of the l*a rf Irlpn nf • May Die From Hla Wnnnd*. Griffin. On . lept. 2-.—This morning about 9 30 o’clock a serious cutting affray occurred at Hover a email p* at office about four miles *uthaHl of this city between • 5 A Matt n. a small store kec|*er, and Oscar V Allen a y< nng farmer who lives about a mil* and a half from the place. Alien Is cut five times, but only one of the wounds is rf any consequence, and the attending surgeon ray* that will, in all probability, prove fatal, as It Is through the fifth rib, Is about four Inches on the surface and mu< h longer on the Inside When medical assl*iance reached Idm. his intestines were found protruding from hi* wound, and he had lost quite a quantity of bl ood Martin has bi- right arm cut from mid dle way the for. arm to the hand, and while It was necesrary to stitch this wound up. It will only prove painful. In spit© of the fact that It occurred In the public roid. It Is almost Impossible to get at the bottom of the affair as those who sew It *ern to el:her know nothing of Its origin or are v ry reticent about talking of the matter. 9THRLT l IRMVAL IN MACON. Mrs. John .Irwrlf Thrown From Her II unit > and Killed. Macon. Sopt. 2&.—Th# Venetian revel to night Is the biggest thing of the kind ever attempted In Macon 8-ven thousand peo ple lined the sidewalks and watched It. The best people In the city took part. It who In the nature of masque promenade. Mrs. John J**wltt of Hurnmerffeld was thrown from her buggy this morning while coming In to attend the atreet fair. Hhe wits killed Instantly, her neck being broken Her two little boys were thrown out also, but they were uninjured. The horse became frightened at a muttress on She roadside ami ran away. r ♦ MAJ. II \HT IID HFMt.NF.n. 99e Will Prnpnhly he l*lneed on the lletlred List. Brunswick. (It , Bept. 2t MaJ R. Em a*t Hart of the Third Battalion. First Keglm*fd. to-day forwarded his resigna tion to Col. A It leuwtun MaJ Hart will probably be placed on the retired lls . lie has s en long and ac i!\e service in the -tale militia and served a-* captain tn the H anlsh-American war Hl* resignation ■ due to a desire t de vote all his tlm< to Ids law* practice <\pt Frank A. Dunn of the Brunswick Hi fie men will probably be proposed as MaJ. Dart's uce#*or TRKDIHKH IHKVSY Ik HELD. Hound Over fo li*pi*nHrr Term of (•hnn kaperlir f iurt. iirtinsw'lrk. Ga . Bept. 2*.—Former City Treourer Harvey was to-day bound over to the Dec*- miter term of the Superior Court in the sum of 13 000 This action w.i> the result of legal steps taken by MaJ. Atkinson, by Instruc tion of Council, acting In the city's in terest. regarding the alleged shortage in Mr. Harvey’s a< counts a* treasurer.* Mr Harvey was aslly found, having fev r a t tnptel to g> away. He gave the bond without and fh< ulty. as there is unbounded confidence felt iy Brunswick. lans in his Integrity and personal honor. Cimimw urtMilinii Output. Beaufort. 8. C-. Sept. i*,—Th** Coosiaw I'hoiphata Mmlng Company here Is cur tailing expense*, ami has now only two dredge* running .and one (ug engaged in towing The concern ha* more phosphate lock on hand than its extensive dry shed* can accommodate. There is a ready mar ket to Europe for pho phate rock, but It Is well-nigh Impoalhle to charter ocean freight steamers, either in the United Kingdom or on the continent, owing It Is aalrt, to the fact that the vessels are en- Faged In government trnij*or* serve e. - ■■' g m - iAf-lirn Rilled t% n Train. Ath.n,. Ga 8- |>l 24 Till, morning th* body of a ilium wa, feund on the Georgia tracks thie m-lc be'owr Athena with hla ,ku:i < ru.lntl. Nothing I, known of how h i dim lo hi, death. No blame t, attach'd to the rallio.d I .ittfiM t,ln Dealt llnilh. Columbia. 8. C B*|k. 23 —Robert Ortftln, postmaster at Cherry', Croaalng. Ander eon county, wa* killed to-day. Ha wa, workMg to hi, cotton Kin. hi* arm wa, tnnngled. and he tiled to death before a *l,'ance could reach him. I*l lea f nred Witbuut (lie Knife. Itching, mind, Bleeding or Fi.urudlnv rile,. Your drugglet will refund your money If futo Ulhincul fatla to cure you. tu cent*.—ail 44 No Eye Like the Master's Eye. 99 You are master of your health, and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order. Hood’s Sar saparilla "will purify it. It i, the npecifle remedv lor tmnhfee of the blood, kidneve, howela or liver. Kktneys "My kloery, trcatbled me, and on advice took Hood * Haneparllle which trave prompt relief, (letter appellte. My eleep la refreehlriK II cured my wife eleo " MtntAll Botl*. 3<73 Tiwnny htreet F|t:,barK. Be. Scrofulous Humor-" I wee IB tarrlbl, eoi.dltioii froa. tbe it. bine and hurr.uut of ecrjhilou humor <irew wore under treatment of ,everl doctor, T<ik Hrxid'e Sarsaparilla end Hood * Pill, The— cured me thoroughly " J. .1. I.rfri.*. Yttlton, N. Y. Meed J HhfMl'i PUit eon Mw Ills; lit# non irrlutlug uk •a-7 oUarta ts tags WlU> Uoo4 > Iwupfi.a. KINXAI Lk HANGED TWICE. Wound in Vila Nscle Torn Oprn by the *llp|tlna of the* Ibipr. Halcigh, N C , 8 pf 2* Archie Kir ssiuls w is hang'*l t Clinton. Bfmpou counfy, to-flay. f<r fhc murder of John Herring ll# died from strangulation* aft *r bstng first dro|>|,rd fr**m thf* gallow* The drop 9#l| th# first t!m# at 12 M. Afl#r the body li *1 hung for t#n min ute* ihe attending physician requested th* sheriff to place him on the gallows and drop him again a# fif* might h* more quickly enr|#v| *• othenviee h* might re main struggling for some tim* The noose hud sllppt-d t* hie chin wher. he first it'll fearing o|efi th* wound matlc wht n he attempted to take his own life w:?h a knife on the Hfh of Eepfemher. sever Inr the arteries from whl-h blood flow-l ptofueely. He wa* placed o*i *he gallows a second Urn* At 1 O f lock flfMl the trigger sprung IJ?e woe pronounced extinct In eight min utes. Protested III* Innoeewce. Italelgh. N C., Bept 2S —Thaunrey F>avis was hanged at Tarboro to-dav for burning the residence of Mrs. lavlnta Battle Early this morning Pavia arose as if nothing were to happen He talked calm ly And coolly about his execution, never falling to protest that he woe an Innocent man. Between 1 and 2 o’clerk Davis wii led to the gallows and mounted the step* of the scaffold From the ecafTold he spoke briefly, claiming to the las: that he was Innocent. Within wnty-three minutes from the time the trap fell he was a dead man. \ (Old Mill \ U:WI NOTE*. (nniraria for fw Hulldlnaa— W ork nn ihr Wsiitrkonir. Columbia, 8. 0., Sept. 2SNichols Itt ner of Atlanta, building Ibe City Hall and Thewter here, whs summoned from Atlanta to-night to sign a contract for building the union (aiwinirr depot at this point. The building *lll coat about lIW.- mn To morrow the Mrllvaln. t'nkefer Com pany of Pittsburg will break ground for the completion of the elate houae. The KvansvHle. Indiana, Construction Coni|ieny has tieen awarded the cotitract by the government for building atone slim s-toss the Cnngnree at thle point, the rtr*t step toward* river navigation for Columbia. Work muat Virgin in thirty sliii-, the contract la J7.V ( *o The American Bridge Company geta the contract for a ates*l viaduct, to carry trnf ttc sif Assembly atreet an*l electric care over the rallroada at the union depot. tbTllliM, Power Proposed to be fteveloped by no Atlnnta k> mlleate. Waahlngton. C.a , Sept 27,—1n the early part of the week. Mr. 1,. J, Hill of Atlanla came to Waahlngton empowered to treat with the syndicate which now own< An thony Hhoal*. The parties for whom he wo* acting wish to use the power for different klnda of manufacture*, to run a trolley line from Anthony Shoal* to Wash ington. and to bring the |wer here to he urd. A meeting wa* hcM at the Exchange Hank last night, at which the resident syndicate agreed to aell to the Atlanta rapilali*t for the aitm of *Sd.n. Rh tl HK'H tt cm VK t IIIIHKI T. Ilsulet to be Itetaloed *• Treaaurer. ■ tenth of C. IV ttatlette. Hrunswtek. Oa.. Sept. 2S Former City Martha) and Chief of lv>l|re l.ewls W. Heach, who recently resigned ha* tieen ofils I.illy checked during hl entire occu pancy of office and hi* account* found correct. The city owed Mr Heach over two. Which Acting Clerk and Treasurer I toilet paid him 10-day The City Connell hi* about dei I led to retain Clerk Hole* a* acting trea-urer. hi* conduct of the office giving satisfaction to all partle*. <• I*. Malle tie. one of the heat-known sawmill men In thl* section. died to-day at hi* home at >!t. Pleasant SAMIKI. now MMi I mow Mill. flinty Found When He Hast lleen aliasing Over a Week. Charleston, ft C. Sept 2* -The body of Samuil I "owning, the mall urrler who ha* been missing from hi* home here for over a work, wa* found late last night lodged on Hie rock* of the south Jetty. Downing wandered away from home In a tit of mental ahhcratlun. and II I* sup posed that he drowned Imnseif The body wa* much decomposed. Downing wa* a highly respected man. year* of age lb Ittvia a wife and iwo chlklren tailed to Meat Virginia. Jicksonvllle. Fla.. B<pt 2* —Rev Or. J H Miller, pastor of the Trinity M K Church, thl- city, an I one of the most prominent mlnlst-rs In Klor.dn. ha* been rallid io the First M E. Church, Parkers burg W V.i. It l* expected he will ac cept, Joining the West Virginia tofiler envc Hear Vduilrnl Wataow Assigned. Washington. Bept. 2* —Rear Admiral John C. Watson, formerly In command of the naval force* on the Asintlc etttlon, who arrived recently at New York on the cruiser llaltlmore. was to-dav assigned to duty a* president of the naval examining board at the Washington naval >ard. ■ w 1 —"■■■■. , HnnU tinea to the tiovernisent. 11 In Janeiro Wept. 2* -Tie Itank of the Republic, which. >e announced Wept 13, na* obliged owing ton run on the Institu tion. to use it* prerogative to Issue cheeks at sixty "lays sight on deposits, has pas* and under governmeni ronlrol. the yfudlt- i i accepting 3 per cent, hotels. i THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1900. the gkoiCgii Opening of the Wefcuol I nder Very Fn tumble Ataspleea. Atlarti. Bept. 29.—The Georgia School of Te> tinoiogy. In this >ty. i*ened Its - /lObtstto year on Wodneaday lasi. ael ; rofeaflKrs and students alike have been j i.usv with examinations for the j*ast few j days. The re*tat# n? ln<*s examinations ! will be poster! to-morrow (’apt. Lyman If ill reports the registration so far as ex eptlonally gratifying, alrbough it is yet j from complete, and states that the 1 • umber of students enrolled will he tome. ! 'hlng over four humired. Anew feature of the scNed management Is the examit a ! ’in for adm lee ion to the kwest or aub •ipprentlc* class hltnerto not Among the state* refr* rented are Hh<e|e I Island I' utcylvanla. Virginia, both h- M'aro.lnas. Kentucky. Tennessee. Florhlu ll.ibumi G* orgla, M -es ppi le ilslat * i Texas, and .il*o c* iba ind Porto Hlco The repress mat ion outolde of Georgia is necessarily more limited • said Gapt Hall, u, Getugla boy s get the grae.*t benefit* me Inetltutlon. Moreover, -ludents from other states have to pay ! ' oneid< raid y more. Our represent*!tion from Allan! t Is quite large, about V> to 21 per ••* • of the We generally have fifteen or twenty boys from Bavan nah Among the Savannah b**>v already e nrolled for this year, re W P Sullivan | F and Bell. Jr . W V Chaplin. 8 t i j Rvuts. J H Piulsen. W P Hankln. J jl* Dwver J F Anthony and others "We re grsafly cramped for room." went on Gapt Hall We need anew j dorm! or> In fact, it Is difficult to see ! how we ar* go ng to gst along without ilt We had to put three hoys In a room j last year, but this term w-e are putting only two boy* togs*her with the result • fiat a gr*at numb r are r impel led to live , In th- ettv. The f.egi*|*ture will either have to increase nur maintenance fund, now fjfHMY or the number of students w’l I have to be cut down—either that or the boys must pav more for their tulfton Th* h ard of trustees ne* ts next Wednaa day nd wil! formulate *he re<iuests to be made of tne legislature " One of the lnt*resti:g Items about the •he* I this year Is the fact that when the students procure tflelr overalls from the quartermasters. fhes* garments are the work of th# school The report* of the sure#** of the graduates Is a soure* of great | leisure to Capt. Hall, and shows what the i-.alnlig of tlie school Is worth Th** news has coma that Mr. George i C rawford the first graduate of the In stitute. has been mad* euperlntepdent of nine bast furnaces of the Edgar Tnomp | *on Iron Works at Bessemer. I* Two other graduates of the sch'*ot. now In Al lan a. who are mechanical engineer*, state that their profits so far this year amount to egceedlng 130.00 U. THIIKJ; FAVORITE! WON. Jockey Henry NitaAn F.nrned Honors nt f*ra%es#nfl. New York B*>pt, 2H—Three favorites were sucre- ful at Gravesend to-day. hut l Elisabeth M . who romped in tn the sec ond race, was held at such prohibitive odd* that only the big speculators profit ed. Henry again earned the Jockey hon ors. with two winners out of four mounts First Race—Hurdle handicap, on# and one-half tnllee Monro** Doctrine. 1 to 1. won. with Maxo. 6 to 5 and 2 to **. second, j and Einer sto 1. third Tlm* 2:80 2-S. Second Kac#— Six furlong* Eilxabeth .\| . 1 to 3. wan with Scurry, 2 to 1 and 1 to 3. second. The Puritan, 12 to 1, third. Time 1:90 1-6. Third Kac* -One mile and seventy yard*, selling. Tvdando. even. ,'on. with King Rarleyuorn. * to 4 and out. second, end Trlllo. 6to 1, third Time 1:46 Fourth Race—About six furlong, Tar tar. even, won with Templar, 4 to 1 and 7 to 5, second, and Fatalist. 6 to 1, third Time 1:12 2-S. Fifth Race-One mile and a sixteenth. Favonlus. 7 to 2. won. with Motley, S to I and 5 io 2. second, and Intrusive, 2 to 1, third Time 1:47 4-A. Sixth Ra.-e—Five and one-half furlong* selling. Snark. 6to 1. won, with Billion aire, 7 to 2 and 6 to 9, second, and Quite Right, 3to 1, lllird Time 1:119. tlerkenttne t ntlron Itcencl, Key West, Sept. 23. —The hirkentlne Caldron, which went ashore on French Reef eome time ago. ha been towed into liot I by the tug Deere) Capt. Ned Heb ert* wa. In charge of the wreck, and pi loted her through the reef, and Into the harbor. The Caldron had on hoard 35>.000 feet of lumber, eome of which wa. Jet tisoned when tbe tug succeeded lu float ing her. Aid for ti*l>r,tn Operator*. Beaufort. 8 C. Sept. 2* MI,, Lizzie poullaln. telegraph operator for the West ern Cnton Company here, ha, been en gaged In a.dlrltlug contribution, to a fund for the relief of dektltute operator. In Gal veston. Tex and through her effort, 131 was subscribed and forwarded for distri bution through the proper channels. TO Cl HE rni,D l\ ONE DiY. Take !-axatlve Hromo Quinine Tablet,. All druggist, refund the money If It fall* to cure E. W Grove's signature 1, on each box 28c -ad. •rt.t ui. AOTICKS. gA V ANY Atl FOUNDRY AND 9IACMINB COMPANY, Bulkier, of Marin, and Stationery UotUrs. will furnish estimates on new work IA competition with Northern and Western manufacturer*. Repair work on Engines and Boilers tl H \IID\KH'*. Get your fancy roast* tv-re. Special heavy beef received every day. Fine lamb het young poultry Phones STS M 8. GARDNER. p. 8— Remember you can get sweet hiead bialns. trip.- sausage here any tim< lb *t veg. table, and fruit,. KAMI AMI HK-PHK9NKD lilt It K. We manufacture and ,*ll all kind, of tain y and re-pre*sed brick, paving and luil im. hrl k. Our common brick nri the best for hull ling pu.po-c<, b<lng 1 iryer than other kiln ni,.k- and eheat .r See and prlcm SAVANNAH 111* 11. DING SUPPLY CO, Congre,# and Drayton a re ta FINE MEATS TO-DAY. Prime Reef, Mutton ind Veal. Limb, malchlee* t.'orned Beef, etc. Sunday delivery If desired. JOHN FUNK, Boih phone, 987. City Market. ■HICK, Hit it k. nun K. Augusta brick and others. Uoo.l stock on hand Lowest price*, prompt delivery. See our samples cr*d price* before buying. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. NOTH K. Neither *he master n"r censignee, of the Italian ,tram,hip l,ealt.i. K Noherasco, mail- r. Bri"l-h steam,hip Newhy. Clark. maMter, will he responsible for any debta i-ontracted by crew# of -aid vessels. J F. MIN 18 4 CO., t'onsignaas. Tlie Quakers Are Honest People. §Th Qua-er Herl Tank ta r.o( only blood purifier, but a Blood maker (or Palo. Weak and De bilitated people who have not eirengir. nor blood It art, ae a tonic, tt ret’iiatna diyeetion, cure, dy pepeU and lende ■trenfth and ton# to the nervoiw evetem II 1, a madtclne for weak wemen. II te m purely vefetible medicine and can be leken by the mo*t deltoata. Kidney Die ee,e,. Bheumattem and all dleeaaea of the Ulood. Stomach and narvea aion auccurm lo it, wonderful effecta upon the humeo • 'item Thoueande of peopla in Oaar*la n commend It. Price tl M. QUAKER PAIN BAUM le the medlctre that the Quaker Doctor mode all of hie wonderful quick cure# with, it'e anew end wonderful medicine for Neuralgia Toolbeche. Backache. Rheumatism Sprains. Pain tn Bowela. in (act. all pain can be relict ed by It. Price Me and kc UUAKKR WHITE WONDER SOAP, a meauatea soap for the skin ecaip and caatplaxlon. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER IIEAEINO BALMS a vapa table ointment for the cure of tetter, eo eema end r rup'lon# of the skin Price Ur a box. FOR 8 AI.R BY ADD DRUOOInm mERAL IMITATION. BRIN BON—The ,r.d ecqualnt ancae of Mr and Mr, D A Brinson. Mi,* Minnie G iln arid Mia, M A. Wet,on are Invited to attend the funeral of Mm. D A Brtneon at Daurel Grove at 340 o'clock thla (Saturday) afternoon. Sept . 19SI MAYER -The relative, and friend, of Dr. and Mr# John A Mayer are Invited to attend the funeral of the latter this •Saturday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from 1* Hull etreet. west. MEKTIAbi. ptmT^Tr^aTmun^r^irrTmioC^fireTi tl.t'-HV PMOTEt TIVK Allot IA- TlO\ Ob’ iHCRir.t. Member, are requested dX to attend a regular i gSJk; >ni ~f p l '* ** ks " V o A: a / o'clock thl, evenln* at V' parlor of Screven Houee Bv ord< r of the President DAVID D. WORTSMAN, Secretary. i 1 •PKCIAO AOTIUbi. I.EVAN'e TABLE IPHOTK DIMERS. 10c—DINNER—40c Dinner 1 lo 3 and 6 to 9. SaturJay. Sept. 29. Claret Wine. SOUP. Vegetable. FISH. Mackinaw Trout ala Bou'.lelt. Potatoes ala Monaco Potato Salld with Mayonnaise Dressing Queen Olive*. Chow Chow Mixed Plckk-f ENTREES Braxed Beef ala Mode. Boston Baked Beane ROASTED Prime of Beef with Gravy. • Shoal. Brown Gravy. VKGETABDES Meshed Brown Potatoes. Rice. Sugar Corn. Bak'd Yam*. S'rwed Tomntoaa. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pear Pie. Assorted Cake*. Cheese, frackere. Rice Oli*ar.l Pickling, le-mon Sauce. Drip Coffee. DEVAN'S CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. *PKI I Al. NOTH H. All bill, agalnet the Austrian brig Zenit must be presented at cur office before 12 o'clock m. this day. or payment thereof will be ili-lamd, BTRACIIAN * CO. Consignees. Savannah. Ga.. Sept. a. 1900. NOTICE. All I'lllit against the British sleanudilii Ursula Bright must he presented at our office by 12 noon this day. or payment will be debarred. WIDDER A CO., Agents. Sept. 29. 1900. nw i U NOTH l - Itouwh Mice, Wanted to buy. twtniy-flve thousand bushel, rough rice. In any quantity. market price paid. Apply I HIDVERBERG A CO., care Savannah Rice Mill*. Savannah, Ga. Tilt. A AY B AIIIYR lla* returned lo the city anil resumed prnctlce. MEM II AX'l EII. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Work,. Savannah. Ga . Sent 23. 1900 llld* Mill lie received at thi, office until Saturday, Sept. 29. 1900. at 12 o'clock noon, city time, for (urnlihtng feed a, follows: No. 1 Timothy hay, per 100 pound,; best quality feed bran, per IIP pounds, t>e,t quality corn. |*?r bushet; best quultty inlxol outs, lo be weighed ,1 the city lot Envelopes to be mark"! "Bids for Feed." The city reserves the right to reject uny or all bid,. Bids to be opened In the presence of bidders. GKO. M. GADSDEN, Dire tor SOTICK. TANARUS, the undrnl(nl. adtnlnlstrattrx of the estate of H. 1.. Lovell, Hi , late of the county of Kenton. Lexington, Ken tucky. hereby give notice of my Inten tion to transfer shares of the capital stock of the Merchants' Na tlonal Hank of Savannah, hh required by the liiwt of the mate of Georgia. FANNIE II LOVKLL. Administratrix of the Flstate of H. L. Lovell, Sr. Deceussd. M triitKIKEI, >1 VITHF.SSka. Have your mattresses and feather* ren ovated by our medicated steam proceat* before a change In weather takes place. (The only plant In Savannah.) It over comes all Impurities and renew* life and volume In all bedding material. Prices on rsnovailon of feather* as lußows: Bed* 13.10. bolsters 11. pillows SOe Cotton, mow and hair mattresses made to order Fine work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRKSS AND RENO VATINO ro . Bell phone 1136. 131 Drayton afreet. MOOD *ll *l Get one of my extra meals and you will praise it costs you here only 2Sc. Else where thev charge you .'the for It. Everything served special Older JOK CHANG. Proprietor, p'an l'ranelac ■ Restaurant, 114 Drayton street. P. f M'al tl ket* to regular boarders 1 will make it au Inducement. PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber Belting and Parking. Builders’ and General Hardware, Cutlery* Guns, Rifles, Pistols ami Ammunition. Rope, Tinware, Stovc?s. —AGENTS FOR— Fairbanks’ Scales. Austin’s Crack Shot Powder. A£tna Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. HAVE YOU HAVE YOU CATARRH ? RHEUMATISM ? THEN TAKE Frank's Rheumatic and Catarrh Remedy. It will positively do you more good than any medi cine ever sold. Price $1.50 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for SB.OO. WHEN CURED YOU REMAIN CURED. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Kali and Congress. Branch iOQ Bull Street. SPECIAL. VUTIt Eg. SPBCf.AD DRIVES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Evaporated Pcacshs per pound 10c Honey Drip Syrup, quart car* Me New Oatmeal per pack tgc 10c. New Oatmsnl. 7 pound, for 2S- Georgia Peaches. 2-lb. cans for 100 1-lb. Jars Jelly per Jar We 3-lb. cans Jelly per can 10c Fine Oranges per doen B.' Fancy Apple per quart fic Eating Rears. 3 quart, for 2&c Sickle Pears, I quarts for Tie Wine Flavored Table Jellies, package 10c New Macki-rel 10c, lit and 24 ■ Fulton Market Corn Reef, pound 10b Small Dean Stripe Breakfast Baron. Small Pig Hams. Minced Ham. 2 pound* for *V Circus Soap. 7 cake, for 2Sc 2 packages Washing Powder for hr. Gold Dust, large size 20c JOHN T EVANS A CO S. Cong res, and Barnard streets 2 fonea 290. PA I MUM- UP LULU ISLAND CELE BRATED PIPPIN APPLE t IDKR. Thla pure cider la nerved on st araers on the American line, and at tbe Waldorl-Aa torla and leading lamlly grorera In New York city Paulding s Pippin cider le made from the puie Juice of hand picked applee from his own mill on the premise,. It la abso lutely pure apple juice, and all the effer vcacenc" la natural, and we guarantee M to be the th Icest cider In the world Leading physician# tn New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients Its p-rf'Ct purity Is guaranteed. In Paulding's Pippin elder, only Dong Is land Newt on's Pippin, ate need The ap ples are left on the trees until late In Oc tober when they are hand picked and placed In a dry ro'ta to ripen. Paulding eays "the apples are th-rcugh lv crushed tn hts own mill and the Jules pressed out and run into sweet cit-an rasas" The difference between crushing and gr nil Inti apples Is very great You will know the difference between crushi and app ea .<nd ground apples If you take some stems and chew them, you will Und that bitter taste which is not with Paulding', .rush'd apples. This cider hat not the extrem*- sweetness of the Husaet elder, and ev. ryona will hud the Pauld •ng s Pippin cider Just right to take with dinner LIFPMAN BROS . Sola Agents in Savannah. SPECIAL NOTICE. If the pnrty or parties who came into possession of the papers from our safe on Sunday, the ISth Inst., will return them to us by mall it will he appreciated by us, and no questions w ill be asked. SOLOMONS COMPANY. P 1101*119 ALk Will KD. City Of Savannah, offl.e of Director of Public Works, Savannah, Ga . Sept 24. 19H9—Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Saturday, Sept 29. 19t*‘. al 12 o'clock noon, city time to furnish the city of Sovannkh with supplies until Oct. 31. li All proposal, must be made on forms, which tan be se cure.) nt thl, office on and after thl, dale. Envelope* to lie marked ‘ Proposal, for Supplies." Tbe city reserve, the right to reject any or all bid. Bid, to he opened In the presen e of bidders GEO. M GADSDEN. Director NOTICK. All hill, against the British steamship Dthtian, Gardner, muster, British steam ship Treasuiy, Davies, master must he presented at our offl. e by or tiefor.- 12 m this day. s*. pt 29, or pnymrnt th reof will be debarred. J. F. MINIS A CO., Consignees. AT Jolt I v Rich roakt*. One steak,, rlcefleld lamb, fat poultry. Call any time of day. I ran nil your order. Phone, 107 JAB J. JOYCE. P S -Rcntttnlirr I k<rp all kind, of fancy groceries L AItOK AV AMUMOtBE. AND OF FICE lo rent, located head of Broughton street, on \Vat Broad, now occu pied by the 8a van nah Carriage und Wagon Cos. As they will give up busli.ea. In the city on June 1. I of fer It for rent from ihai date H. P. SMART UOM KXICUTkU By the American Bond.tig and Trust Company of Boltin tore. We are autbot laed to execute locally (Iram dtatelj upon application), all bonda In J idi |..i p ri> . e<'dings In either Ihe state or United B ates court*, and of administrators an I guardians BEARING A HULL. Agent* Tetephcn# 3*l. Provident RuPd'ng Ot l( t I.II'ATS Loan money at six per <ent. on teal , estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys al Law and Conveyancer* AMtSKME.VTS. QXv/TJTiiXrrTHkAT'rtL I'RIDAI AND (ATI RDAY. MATINEE SATUHI'AY. SEPT. 28-29. W m A Brady * Superb Bo*nlc Produc tion of “The Sorrows of Satan.” Adaptrd and dramatized from the famous novel of MARIE CORELLI. A marvelous drama of mystlclxm, por traying the Storrv of the devil on earth. PRICER Night. 11. TT--. jOc and *c. Matinee. 7Ac. fide and 240. CCiMI NO —Charles Urohnvtn present, William Gillette's Drama. ' Sherlock Holmes." Monday, Oct 1. gAVANNAH TMCUTEM. REGULAR PRICES MONDAY EVENING. OCT 1 "The Greatest Dramatic Triumphs." CHARLES FftOIIMAN present, WILLIAM GILLETTE'S New Four-Act Drama. “SHERLOCK HOLMES,” *ith all *r#norv and effect! exactly a* in if* ruff of week* in New York City laat *ea*nn SAVANNAH THEATER. TUESDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT, OCT. 2. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL TOUR. The Al. G. Field Greeter Minstrels. OLDEST! BIGGEST' BEST! KL-PEOPLE- .VI An Entire Train of P.ilace Cars! The most extvndve organization of the kind In existence. Watch for tlie hlg street istgcant Prices Matinee. TSc. 80c and 28. Night, tl. 79c, fee and 28c. ■ uiagit a otic ca. Fresh Fancy Fruits. You want some of those for Sunday. Order early and get good choice: Extra Fancy Delaware Grapes (pony ha.*k> te), 30c. Extra Fancy Niagara Grape* (pony basket,i, 20c. Genuine Florida Orange* |(>e dozen. Extra Fancy King Apples 50c peck. Baldwin Apples gv- peck. New York Peers, sweet and Juicy, 10c quart. tmth phone. No 76. Use th.m If more convenient. Service Ju*t a, prompt. is. inn a, Corner Broughton and IVkiiaker. FI A E Flit IT*. \ Ll.lmni.KH ,|M tiItIMLHIEN. Fancy King luting Aiqile*. extra large, cheap. Fancy Baldwin ond Ban Davis Apple? a ii nt* quart. Fancy Delaware and Niagara Grape* 2u cents basket. Klnc Florida Oranges 2.V dozen. Fine Ripe Fanat.aa Just In. New croii fresh Cocoanuts i, each. Fancy lajt.g Bland Rose Potatoes cheap. Fin. Yellow Yam and While Sweet Po- Ijft(oei), Flna Limes |n<- per doxe-n. Fine Baltimore (fr *h) Tomatoes. N* w Rice vs- |w.-k. extra value. I.xtra New Head Rice 75c peck' a leader Flm- N. w Dry,l peeled Peaches lie 11, 3-lb. Fancy l.ible Pea his, heavy syiup 15c can. New i tme a! 7 itounds for 2k-. New Pineapple Cheese !<. each, t tur b-st Hwlse Cheese Csc )>ound. 7 cakes t -lebraif.l Circus Soap and 1 quint tiottli' Best Blue, a'] for tv THINK OF IT! IN MACKEREL. Extra line Ini of New No 1 Mackerel , ,uw * i tot an ox, each New arrival Codflxh. Its per can. A DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY, j . H Van Horne. Manager • FECIAL 3UTKES. T i.a only way to get your carpets prop. ■ t rtii** U *' * l * , ‘ n * d •*> Liken are of for the aunttner Is to turn the Job ovar to t.i .V“ ' C ! r H nd l'silvery Cos., i *t i- ' I d'ii° r c ‘* 1 "* Mo,,l omerp •t tv . a#.d tliay will mak. y<.u an ssti mat' on the eosl of the work Prtoee ■Toll "'t' '*■ Th ' y "*•" pack, move and •lor# firnlfiir* and rittnoa U. MEDIaDCK, bupt *al Mff, ( LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R DlLtjt.v President. Cashkr C 8 ELLIS. BARREN CARTER. Vice President. Asst. Cashier The Chatham Bank savannah. Will be pleased lo receive the accounts of Merchants. Firms, Individuals, Uankx and Corporations Liberal favor, extended. Unaurpaesed collection facilities. Insur ing prompt returns SEPAfiATEiAVINGSDEPARTMENT I NTBRKgT COMf>OU!IDBn Q C ARTE It. LY .\ DEPONITS. Safety Deposit Boxes end Vaults foe rent Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank OF SAY A.VNAit. CAPITAL. Ssoaooa 11„.M,t. UMkiSg Riulu. kelleila Arcewwt, laglvlgaala, ■fenkiai,, Baaka aag ether (.erge. Mtl„e. Caller I lon, kiagleg wttk satatr, *d glepateb. lelere.i ,*Mpou.d,S tsartnlr ,li,e.S „, in awe Bavlnga, •afety Baxes aag Mereg, Yaw It,. BHttTI EV A. DENMARK. Pn,U n g ■ ILLS B. LANK. Vie* Preal4.nL figlißGß C. Flt REMAN, CaaUsw <M>MDON L. OnoOVKH, iHt Caahlaa, SOUTHERN-BANK of the btnle of Georgia. Capltzl 3800.u>,i Surplus and undivided prollta Mul.Um Dtl'OSlloaY OK IHE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facUiuw lot transacting a General Lauamg Uuslne*,. t'oile. (loti, or. all pomta I- through banka and banker*. Account, ul Banks, B.nkei,, k.KlUfita and others soh.itan dale Deposit Boxes for renL Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly Sells Sterling Exchange on London a and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN r,hler. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W GORDON. E. A. WEIL W W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN DEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES ELMS. EDWARD KEDT.T JOHN J KIRHT. SnriMii¥ CAPITAL, S3SO.UOO. Account, of banka merchante, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Saving, Depat uncut. Interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections mads on all point, at rea son, Me rate, Draft, sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. PraaldenL JOHN C. ROWLAND. vVca President W F. McCACLKY, Cashier. THE GERMANIA ?ANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital 1300,00 Undivided pr.’tita 60.0uti Tkl- bank .iff'rs its services to corpora tions. merchant# and individual,. Ha, authority to act us executor, ad mliiigt: utjr, guardian etc 1-sme draft* on the prim lpal elites In Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Cntli < Ot Inter, at laid or compounded quarterly on del* Oita In th* Savings Department. Safety Bole, for rent. HENRY III.UN. Preeldent. OEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice President. JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass't Cashier No 1640. Chartered, IMS —THE— toils iuii ■ OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. 180V0). SURPLUS. 1100,04. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. G. CARSON, Ire Id 81. BEIKNE UgHDON. M e President. W M DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of tanks and lainkcra. m>r chan’e and corporations received ut n the moa: favorable term, eooelstent with aaf nnd conserve.lve banking THE GEORGIA STATE B lILDI.Vi AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. S PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly. 4 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposit* of even hundreds, withdrawable al annual perlnda GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B. H LEVY. Vice President. E. W BELT. Bccretery C. o ANDERSON JR Tree.urer. OFFICE. 15 YORK BTREET. WEST. FOR RENT, from Oct. 1. that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply Tbe Chatham Heal Estate and Im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET. EABT To Newsooper paste. For eats, a Farsaltb Newspaper Folder; will fold sheit ill. It Is In good order. Price *IOO. II cost originally H.IOO. but ws have no ues for It and want the man it occupies. It will bear Invaluable adjunct ts> any newspaper odtoe. Address MORNING NEWS, •avaassli. (in. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, srder your lithographed and printed stationery and blank hooka ttvta UeiCIDC BgvUUßkbt CJA*