The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 29, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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rMII.YDELI’HIANg KiKTHt l A*TIC. Tbry Froml*c Great Thlnu< for ihr Kpw fttreuiehlp Liar. Mr. J. J. Oarolon returned yesterday from PhUtdtlphU. where he completed a rrangements for the establishment of the T’hlladelphla-Snvannali Una of Ihr Mer chants and Miners' Transportation Can Whlla In Philadelphia Sir. Osro'.an conferred with a number of iha buMnes* men. trnn*|H>rtatk>n ami snipping people and others. Ha report* the Philadelphian* not only Interested, but even enthusiast 1.- on the subject of the Savannah line. It la something thay have been trying for for a lon time, and realising that, ahould this prove a failure. It would probably be their last chance for steamship connec tion with thl* port, they are determined to make the roost of If. With this Idea In view they will endeavor to secure as large a business as possible for the new line, and all Southern shipments which can be reasonably routed In this direction will be sent thla way. Mr Caralan also reports the railroad* at this end of the line as favorably dis posed to the new route and ready to old In making It a success. The Allegheny w 111 make the tlrsl trip from Philadelphia .pet. 2 and will be followed by the Berk shire Oct #. The first soiling from Sa vannah will he the Allegheny on Oct. 6, after which sailings will follow from each port at regular Intervals of four days. Both vessels named have been recently overhauled and put In first-,-Is** condi tion for both freight and passenger traf fic The Merchants' and Miners' Com pany Is disposed to favor the new line and additional vessel* will be pul on aa the business requires. Since the announcement was ma le that the line was o be established, the mer chants and manufacturers of Philadelphia have shown their appreciation of It by promising It a large amount of freight, and the first trip la expected to be a very successful one. In the first announcement of the line It was said that sailings would take place every five day*. Thl* has been changeo to every four days, beginning next Tues day. Oct.2. with the Allegheny. She will ne followed by the Berkshire, anil the two chip* will then sail us follows during the remainder of the month: Allegheny, Oct 10; Berkshire, Oct. IS; Allegheny. Oct. 19; Berkshire. Oct. 23; Allegheny. Oct. 27. Berkshire. Oct. 21. The new line will carry both freight and passenger*, and the sailing hour from Philadelphia will lie 3 p m. Pier 24 has be-n put In excellent shape for the new service. and the Philadelphia Interests of the company will be looked after by Car roll H. Smith, as ag-nt BEY Motif II A i|l tMHRY. Doesn't Knox* Whether If.* la a Fire man or Ant. Edward J. Seymour, who ha* for some time filled the position of assistant fore man of engine company No. 1. on Brough ton atreet, la In a quandary ax to whether he is still a member of the fire depart ment or not. Sept. 6 Seymour wa* tried by Mayor Myers and the Fire Committee on rharge* of Insubordination preferred by Superintendent Maguire, the result be ing that he wa* suspended for thirty days without pay and was lined $5. The action of the Mayor wn* communicated to Sey mour In writing by the superintendent on the same day. Seymour him since been under au*|>en slon. It neems that Superintendent Ma gulre did not accept thl* finding as final, however, and haa since taken up the mat ter with the Mayor and Fire Committee. Asa re*uk the superintendent reported to Acting Mayor Tledem.m a few day* since that the Fire Committee approved his rec ommendation for the discharge of Sey mour from the department. The acting mayor gave his verbal approval of this finding nnd on Wednesday Seymour re ceived n letter from Superintendent Ma guire Informing him that he wn* dire,veil by Hl* Honor, the Mayor, to notify him of hi* discharge from the fire department on the recommendation of the *ui>erln trndept approved hy the Fire Committee. Thl* was somewhat of a surprise to Sey mour, a* he hod not leen called u|*>n lo face any additional charge*. and he a - took the mailer up with the acting Mayor. Seymour's statement ot the case put She matter In a ties light with Mr Tledoman. and he accordingly give Seymour ldler to the superintend ent. notifying him that 111* verbal decision Ir the matter waa rescinded, and that Seymour** former status wms restored. Thl* letter was delivered by Seymour to the superintendent In person. This leaves a peculiar state of affairs. Supt. Maguire holds that a man, who ha* been formally discharge! from the fire department, cannot become * mem ber again until formally reap pointed. The acting Mayor holds iha* hi* order rescinding his ver bal decision In the matter, restores Sey mour's status quo as a suspended mem ber of the fire deportment. Seymour doesn't know "where he Is at." Mayor Myers, who Is expected to return In n day or two, will be called upon to solve the problem. mi'K FROM HIV VACATION. Hev. Arthnr J. hmilh tins Returned nnd Will Begin Finn* for the YY Infer. Rev. Arthur J. Smith returned to Sa vannah yesterday morning after a pleas ant vacation of five week* which was rpent In Massachusetts, New York state And Canada. Rev, Mr. Smith left this city in ill health, but returns thoroughly redivered. In discussing hi* trip Mr. Smith that he knew nothin# of the political *ll - In the Norlli. a* lie ha.l (tlven none of hlo lime lo lit* dlscu**h>ii. but a ln nin.-ant fact that had atruck him In New York city w:ia that there wore compara lively few Democratic banner* compared to the number of the Republican atreom er*. Thl* vat particularly noticeable on Wail street, he said, and I* to he it count ed for by the fact that all of the Hotiub- Itcans and the Hold Democrat*. In which are comprised practically all of lh< htil nen* men of the atreot. refu*e to allow the Democratic flairs to tie huns out from their office*, hence *ueh a* are placed • here are rlKK*d up on pole* especially put up for that purpoae and for which • apeclal permit from the etty has to be got. Mr. Smith made the trip on the St. LawrencW throutth the Thou*and laland*. ending at Montreal, where he had an In teresting atay of several day*, which he put In sightseeing. While away he preached only twice, on the last two Sundays of his stay, once at Provldenee and once at Wymstwklll. N Y. Mr. Smith s plana for the winter work have not yet been completed, hilt h< I* now at work on them anil will he enah.ed to announce them ahortly. Sunday ho will preach at both aervlcre at the First Preabyterlsn Church. In the morning dis cussing ‘'The Burning of lJfe's Work. The subject of hla night wrinon ha* not yet decided on. COLItHCTKD ti 11.1., KBIT MUSKY. Colored ■ mplnyee of K. C. Dieter r -reated for l.nrreny After Trn*t. Joe William*, colored, was arrested yes terday by Detective Stalk on the choree of larceny ofler trj*l. William* worked, tin to a short lime ogo, for Mr. F. * • Dieter. Ills employer aav* him a bill fof tome |9 to colleet a few day* S*°. 1 he did. but approprlan and the money lo Id* ••wo purpose and failed to return to work. H* wli; appear before the Ittieordtr tin Wtsrniof. Ik THK KBcoaomi COIHT. Properly On were and taenia up fr *••• Hay Ins Weed* off Vacant bote. Eleven prisoners appeared before the Re corder yesterday. James a Stoddard, the white boy, who the day before stole a bi cycle from a house on Gwinnett street, tvext. was remanded to the City Court. The boy. who was with him at the llroe of the theft was discharged. Vlotai Douglas, white, and Annie'Yales, colored. Charged with the theft of clothes from Florence Peterson, were discharged Hubert Simmons, colored, was arrested -arly s> the morning by Patrolman Bras sell, on the charge of being a suspicious character, and having In his pn****ion eight chicken* which were supposed to h ive been stolen Yesterday morning an owner for the chicken* |n the person of I- W Hansard, of F.wtr Mile Hill. .am. to the court and Identified hi* protsuv. dtmmoas wo* remanded to the city court Albert Lamer. and John Howard, col ored hors. ged respectively 14 and 12 yearn, were up on the charge of throwing rock* in the street. They tvere released with the proviso that they he soundly thrashed by their parents. The Recorder also had o large number of i-uses on the Information docket, some 5* property owners or agents being down for not having the weeds on empty lots cut. Of the number on the docket only i comparatively small number showed up owing to numerous absence* from the city, wrong addresses given to the sum moning officer, and other reasons. Of those that came to court, quite a number assured Recorder Hart ridge that they had compiled with the ordinance requiring the weed* to be cut after they hod been summoned Thl* still further reduced the number, and the remainder th Recor der allowed to go with the understand ing that the weeds be removed at once. While there are still a number of prop erty owners, who have not com-tiled with the ordinance requiring the removal of the tveeds. It I* said that no further action will be taken against them until the re turn of Mayor Myers. q i | lOIIISC Tti THK CUSG. An Keen linker** Dnirn Sent Ont hy .lodge Norwood Yeterda>. Judge Norwood had a lengthy criminal docket In the City Court yesterday morn ing and funished a number of recruit* to the county chntngang. only a few of those appearing before Hl* Honor having lha necessary wherewithal to defray the rom pnratlvely light line* imposed upon them. William Rady, the negro dive keeper, who wa* engaged In the assault upon two young white men at Liberty and Lincoln street* Wednesday night, was before the court on the charge of carrying concealed weapon*. He was fined 220 and costs, and paid up. Fred Newsome, who raised all kinds of a row as Lincoln Park the other flight, nod who itßsaulted the constable sent to arrest him. was given nine months on the charge of riot and nine months additional for assault and battery. Willie Green, who recently escaped from the gang, was given twelve months for • his offense. This Is In addition lo his for mer sentence and also to the sentence given him the day before by Judge Fal llgant In the Superior Court of twelve month* for burglary. Other guilty ones received the follow ing dispensation: Harry Rounfleld. larce ny from the house, twelve month*; John Willis, larceny fram the house, twelve months; Enoch J. Duke, larceny from the house, nine months; Willie Hemphill, car rying concealed weapon*, nine months; Willie Hemphill and J. W. Brent, stealing rtde on a train, three month* each; Eu gene Davis, larceny from the house, six months; Joe Law. simple larceny, six months; Lincoln Daclnc, larceny, nine months; Robert Simmons, chicken steal ing. twelve months. Several others against whom offenses were charged, were dis charged by the court. XRBD A LimO PLACE. Ilntrlilnann'a Island Employes Arp Not Well Provided. ‘‘Now that there are to many people employe!) on Hutchinson's Island." said Mr. R, 8. Salas yesterday, "there should be (treater convenience accorded them for embarking from the city for their work an.) landing upon their return from the Inland at evening. From East Broad street to West llroad street there Is not a public dock, ami this should l>e corrected." Mr. Salas went on to say that the Ex change dock has been taken the business of the Seaboard Air Line, to which landing concessions were made by th cHy, and nothing like adequate room for small boats Is furnished there. The landing Is difficult, as there Is always a rush about the time the employes are leaving for and returning from the Island. In the winter, when the steps will be slip pery with Ice. the trouble will be more pronounced, and It Is feared there will tie many accidents unless the precaution of additional facilities Is adopted. It Is Mr Hslas' opinion that the Whita ker Street doc k, which l owned by the city and which was formerly a public dock, should be again used for the public conve nience. He says ihe slip Is now leased, bringing Ihe cMy *l*> a year, a sum that Is entirely Incommensurate with the ben efit to the hundreds who would use ihe still If they had free access to It. The public good should be consulted. Mr. Salas thinks, and he believes the city should cancel Its contract with the lessee of the dock snd devote It to the public use. 80 Interested Is Mr Rla* In the devo tion of the Whitaker street dock to the public use tlial he will circulate a petition to Council, requesting that the rhange be made and that Ihe Hutchinson's Island em ployes tie thereby ofTorded another landing |l|ucc. t Y Mt C# A. CLA3MC3 OUGAXIIBD. Fifty Joined the Educational De partment l.ast Night. The organixailon of the evening educa tional classes of the Young Men s Chris tian Association was begun tinder very auspicious circumstances, about fifty mmes being enrolled In the classes. The following nights were dccid ftl u:*>n: . • English—Tuesday and Thursday. Vnlhmctll— Monday and Wednesday. Bookkeeping Tuesday snd TlmrMsy. ghorlhand— Tuesday and Thursday^ Mechanical Brsw ing-Monday and W ed " The'Association City Council effeted a trmi’on.ry organisation. *'-'ll"g Mr. ~ v Hohensteln. chairman. Mr. J. K. Fulton vice chairman: Mr. W B. Spann. .. reTary A committee, consisting of Measm V. E. Fulton. U. W Hohensteln i *i N. tlsxan. was appointed, for the ‘ lose of con-Ulcrlng ami reporting upon tne*m inner In which permanent oTCMIM )Ion might I* effected, to report at the n *The "meetings of the Council will he held Tuesday evening* In the Young Men s Christian Association parlors -t 8. o’clock. % dll IHIBVITIIOf. The white man who. a few nlghl. ago. fired otf his pMol In iwo of Ihe houses In th. Tenderloin, for he was srresl e.l and brought Into miurl. bu. whose ease Tine Tenderloin to the barreksand m**' ',’JUm tes.tfv -••• h-m before be would •jnnt Me oßsusa. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2H, 11)00. THANKFUL TO Mrs. PINKHAM Letters Proving Positively that there is No Medicine for Woman’s Ills Equal to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. —(mrs. Annie thompsonT— (all rrTTKB* ask muMnen nr ifscial rxaaissiox.) “I cannot say enough in regard to Lydia E. PtnkhamV Vegetable Compound. It has done me more good thau all the doctors. I have I wen troubled with female weakness in its worst form for about ten years. I had leucorrhoca and was ao weak that I could not do my homework. I alao bad falling of the womb and inflammation of the womb and ovaries, and at menstrual periods 1 suffered terribly. At times my back would ache very hard. I could not lift anything or do any heavy work ; was not able to stand on my feet long at a time. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for doctor* but they did me no good. My hushaud'n sister wrote what the Vege table Compound had done for her, and wanted me to try it, but 1 did not then think it would do me any good. After a time. I concluded to try It, uud I can truly say it does all that ia claimed for It. Ten bottle* of the Vegetable Com and seven package* of Sanative Wash have made anew womnn of me, I have had no womb trouble since taking the fifth bottle. I weigh more than 1 have In yeara; can do all my own housework, sleep well, have a good appetite, and now feel that life ia worth living. I owe all to Lydli* E. Ptliktuim'H Veg etable Compound. I feel that it has saved my life and would not be with out it for anything. I am always glad to recommend it to all my aex, for I know if they will follow Mrs. link ham's direction*, they will be cured.” Gratefully yours, Mrs. Annie Tuompson, South llot Spring*. Ark. CHANGE OF LIFE. “I wan taken sick five years ago with J ‘ The Grippe,' and '."aMk' had a relapse and C r was given up by M V t the doctor and my 1 (n / friends. Change \ \ P I of Life began to / \ work on me. I flowed very badly ‘ until a year ago, X*iTSl.7 then my ntomaoh and lungrs got ao bad, I Buffered terribly; the blood went up in my lunff* and stomach, and I vomited it up 1 could not eat scarcely anything I cannot tell what I Differed with my head My hus band got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham'svegefable Compound, ami liefore I had taken half of it I began to im prove.and to-day lam another woman. Mrs. Plnkham's medicine haesavod my life. 1 cannot praise it enough.” M. A. P*g*o!f. Millport, N T. ffiPAAA REWARD.—'Wn hsve 4epo<ltl with the National nty Bank of l.yxm. 2NX>O. VSYiillll vh*ch wtll be paid to ny peroou whf.i-sn find that the testimonial l-ttcr* _lk l||l 111 are not genuine, or were published before obtaining the writer • wrl; per- IDvUUU mlskoo LYUIA K. PINKHAM MEKKINK 00. AT THE THHATER. ••The torroni of lnn" Before n t• noil Audience. "Tha Sorrows of.Sntan" was presented at the Theater last night to a good audi ence. The play Is adapted anil dramatis ed from Marl* Corelli's novel, ll has not been learned who dbi the adapting, but It could not have been an experienced dramatist. In fact. It is surprising Ihst so iwrilcular a young woman as Miss Corelli would permit the play to be put on In Its present crudeness. It Is a queer, weird son of piny and one that does not leave pleasant thoughts In Its train. It attempts to point a moral as well as adorn a tale, but It succeeds in doing neither. It showm Ihe Crust of so ciety In a vague, taint manner that lacks tines*, in the telling. Th. dialogue Is bright In spots, but the brilliant and epi grammatic style of Miss Corelli Is barely discernible. The main character In the p:av Is Trine* laiclo Rlm.mex—who Is the Prince of Darkness In human form. He Is pictured as a sorrowful and rep. ntatii being, help ful to those who are weak and wrongful against those who deal In wickedness and vice. The scenery Is good and appropriate ami the company is capable—more Capable than the play deserved. Mr. Mawson, Mr. Seymour. Mr. Reed. Mis* I'odcl. Miss Curtis and Ml** Rea are those who are deserving of the most commendation tor their work. The play will he repeated at a matinee this afternoon and again to-night. The sale of seats for "Sherlock Holmes" Monday night opens this morning Th* play Is a series of short, sharp and ex citing adventures which star* at a gallop, rush on at a mini pace that It .*> ems Im possible lo keep up. and yet which actual ly increases lo the very end. Alone, cool, calm and collected, the Ideal detective, Hherlock Holmes, preserves an unruffled exterior through scene* tbt would ordi narily be guaranteed to turn a man's hair while in an hour. He battles with a gang that starts In at the rise of the curtain to do him up and hags hem all In spite of Ilietr clever schemes. Borne of the scene* are melodramatic In the ex treme There Is a maximum of action and a minimum of talk In Ihe play, due to fill lette's nervous desire to hurry to a eon elusion once he has excited tub rest. He employes no explanatory a-hies or Illusion destroying soliloquies. Literary charm as such Is not a feature with Hllleite. Hn doe* not care to write beautiful speeehes for th" edification and often mystification of his audience. He keeps the details of the performance as do*- a* posalhle *o the fee's our every-stay life, and In do ing SO has evolved n* real a picture of an Imaginary story ns could possibly be done. \l O Field's minstrels nw Tuesday mill In ee ami night A *rlhc of Mama hikes Imported from Morocco. I* one of Ihe feature* of the show The tribe gives ex hlbiflon* in oembstle fens. Those who have seen Ihe performance say that noth ing approaching It has ns yet been *t-n in America. Th* dusky orlentela seem to have somewhere snd somehow picked an sod mastered a school of aero'sit le* fir in advance of any of modern perform er#, and the only wonder la that nny PROFUSE PERIODS. “ I commenced taking Lydia & link ham's Vege- Vlt4 table Compound / about 3 months £■ j •go, and cannot express the won- 5 W Yj. a I derful good it has \ V w* J I done me. Men- I \ st runt ions were so profuse as to leave , me very weak for V uhhoOG£/ some time after. Was also troubled with leuoorrhoea, tired feeling, bearing down sensation, pain across the hack and thighs. I felt as though there was a heavy weight in my stomach ail the time. I have taken two bottles of the medi cine, ami now have lietter health than 1 have had for four yeara." Mbb. Lixzik Die a .sou Bodok, Avalon, Ohio. tnlnatrel manager could pay the price (hey must demand. "The Belle of New York." with It* lyr ics. Its stunning costumes and Its envia ble British reputation. Is at the Theoler on Wednesday, Oct. J. There can lie no doubt that the Casino spectacle la n class ic In |is own sphere. He central figure of the Balvn• ion Army lass was not only a novelty for o New York Casino pro duction, but a distinctive Renre creation .* well, containing a him for future play wrlghls, who see material In every day life One of the greatest artistic auecessee of ihe lioruton engagement wit won by K. J Connelly, as ‘Eider Bronson. *' Mr Connelly was complimented |>v Ills High ness. the Prince of Wales, upon his ex cellent performance, nml there has been a great Interest manifested In Ihls country over hi# work In the role. Mr. Connelly evill again be seen In this part during Ihls season's tour of "The Belle of New York." iM.K or Morm season. l.ast tinner Will lie tiftven Next Wed nesday hlnli I. The last dance of Ihe season will be given at Isle of Hope next Wednesday night. Messrs. Barbee tk Bandy have dr rfdtd to dls> onllnue the daners, as It may reasonably lie expected that the nights will soon lie too cool to admit of the ride* on the cars In the summer th* car rtdos are agrees be features, but In ihe fall the air becomes too chilly. The young ladles find they cannot lake the trip without danger of colds, and ihla fact has Induced Ihe management to bring the season to a close. Messrs. Barbee A Bandy, however, will keep open their excellent restaurant, senlng their patrons throughout the win ter The sew*on has been the moat success ful Ihe reeort has known. Crowds of vlsl tois have gone out on the dance nights, and the popularity of the lesori only be gun to wane with the advent of cooler weather. I’nder the direction of Mr. John II inks Ihe dancing has been enjoyed by nil ii nd the .iuerlalnm> nta have been managed with ability. Tuesdays and Fridays have been Ihe regular dance nights, but It was decided 10 make mil Wednesday the closing one of the season It Is believed there will tie a lings crowd out for the evsnt The prise In 111 guessing eonlest last night was won by Mr. W. J Bhrwmake on a gue.s* of *4 SEW EAtIINH IN XKHVH'E. Paly I.ure Engines Now at the linsnlnsn Eire Station*. The newjriple hltrh fire engine, recently purchased by the city was put In eervl-e yesterday at headquarters. No. 2 engine, also a large triple hitch, was transferred to No. I engine hous on Broughton street, with-Engineer McCarthy In charge No. 2 The two-hore engine which has done ser vice for several year* ai No. I, will he given an overhauling and will then lie put In service ai one of the soulhelde stations. —Treporatlons are already being made for the marriage at N wiiort next Jan uary of Alfred (1. Vanderbilt and Miss baste French. II Is expected that guests to the number ol *0 will he preset" Nobby Fall Suits. Gentlemen Now Have Their Turn at Fashion’s Wheel. And /Won Is n Proud Animal, and Likes to Decorate Himself, AND HERE is the OPPORTUNITY Men's Handsome Worsted, Cheviot and 1 Vienna Suits, made to be sold at SIB.OO VI *1 1111 and $20.00. now tJMUIUU Stylish Cheviot, Worsted and Serge fi |A AA /] I \ Sluts, were to have been $15.00t0 Jllt.OU, I MEN’S TROUSERS, I--’ 1 ' $2.50, 53.00, 53.50 and $4.00. , "'t Children’s Knee Pants Suits, the very thing for school, \ strictly all wool and absolutely fast colors, AA Jj Q ■ I kt-T-x in clicckH and plaids, also blue cheviots, \ / |Ln / A i worth $3.75; now ■ U /to ’ W , Children’s School Knee Pants If * ' At 50c. Os? LEOPOLD ADLER, The Leader of Low Prices. CLASSIFIED AUVtHfISEMENTS. rsatosAu KeTgNB HUPRKME for a f-w day. more; but still have time to find and sell a handsome engagement linger ring, un everlasting, good-luck bringing plain gold Unger ring Special sale this week of plain and fancy set gold finger ring*. Holld gold aprotailes fitted with lies. Bpencirs lenses, either for short or long sight, 32 '<o. Frgraa, 2* East Broughton llalr. Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. Mall order* promptly filled. tt SHOULD SEE MILLKR'B FURNl turs; nswest style* (or bedroom, dining room, laulor. In oak, walnut and mah..g any; Vllller's prices and terms aro rea sonable. 207 Broughton, west. YOU w ild, LIKE THK MILK FBOM Sprit,gfield Dairy; It's rich and pure; try It V SHOULD SEE MILLERS NEW styles In rsrtirts. malting, window shades, art squares, rugs. Men curtain*, etc.; Miller's price* ami term* are reasonable Wi Broughton, west >INE RICE FI El.l> r.AMB AT "HA ksr s," every day; I esc of all other m- at. In market if its itros you want, you can gst them cheaper from McUtllle. BUHOOL HOOKS-NEW AND BBC ond-hand, sold and exchang'd -Barnes' 2nd Header, Sr; 3rd Render. 25r; 4lh llratl r. 8&o; Stb Reader, 46., Lincoln's Physiolo gy. 40c; Ist Stepping Stones Literature. JSc, 2nd Stepping Stones. 34'; Prince* Artthmntlr. Isr; Montgomery History, ghc. At Gardner's Iktxaar. 'SPECIAL. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladles' else, at 22. J. W. Teeple. |I 4 BUYS NICK RATTAN ROCKERS ladies' *lxe. large assortment of rocker*, couches and easy chairs C. P. Miller, Agent. OUT IST I WILL MOVE To ill WEST Broughton Ring up 2464 If you want to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prlcea the same aa 1 do the work thel’a given lo me A F Griffin. 314 Broughton atreet, west; nsiltgesaes made to order. M’GILLIS LACK CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. IT SHOULD SEE MILLERS OFFICE desk*, office table*, office chairs, office matting, office shade*. C. I*. Mills*. Agent. _______________ ~V WILL SOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly need something In my line; U will save money by trading with me. C. P. Miller, Agent. ■ M'GILLIS BULLS SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna pattsms-for 29 cento. ••Ft'RNITURIi MOVED WITU CARE." Is a specialty with MrOtlito. “DUTCH ANT* ROMAN HYACINTHS, free las. Easter lilies, jonquils; my own Importation; for good result* plant now. A. C. Oelsehlg, opposite Catholic t'eme tery, Gardner's Baxoar, agent. 'll SHOULD SEND YOUR ORDERS for tuning and repairing piano* and or gan* to W. P. Manning, with C. P. Mil ler, Agent; prompt attention lo out-of town order*. C. P Miller, Agent. IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF’ Stlffel A Freeman have a standing offer of II,00) for every safe of their make that doe* not preserve It* contents, On* safe wa* In burning debris 113 hours. When taken out. the hose had to be turned on It. When opened, not a page dis colored. not a record lost, rot a dollar de stroyed If you want ascurlty, buy Htiffril A Freeman aafe. C. P. Miller, Ac. nl. ' _________ M'GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUOS. NET 4. lacs curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillow*, pictures, stove*, bedroom suites, sod furniture of every dewrit*lon. “SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* lor sale by J. W Teeple;* also agent for Insurant-* gasoline stove “MOILLIS MOVES, PACKS. SHIPS snd store* pianos nnd furnlturs; best worn only; no "Cheap-John" prices- no "Cheap- John" Jobs. U SHOULD SEE MILLER'S STOVES and ranges; the liest make* at reasonable prlct*. C. P II tiler. Agenl r SHOULD SEND ME YOUR On dersforupholsterlngparloraad dining room furniture In leather, silk and other fab rlc*. In the best manner; curled hair, moss and cotton mattreaoes renovated; all work well d'Mie and eallsfactlon guor anter-d. C. P Miller, Agent. |1 no FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they laat C. P. Miller. Agent. “WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLIS' SIXTY- Inch n cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help II; will sell In anj quan tlty. auucib. HOW ARE YOUR FKKTT IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nalle, corns and all dieeasee of the feet without pain; chargee reasonable; can give the best references In the elty; pa tients treated nl residences; orders can be left n Livingston'* drug Kee. Rnll *nd Congee** street*; telephone 223. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist H LLP to ASTKD-MAMB. WANTED. FOR UNITED BTATK.S army, able txtdted unmarried men bat wean sgt* of 21 and M; cltlaen* of Undid Stales, of good character and temperate b.b'.ts. who can *iarah. read and write English Recruits are specially desired for service In Philip; .n<* For Inform a tion apply to recruiting office. 30 Bull •treat. Savannah, Uu. WANTED, ~k UOY FOR OFFICE work. E. K lllvsna A Cos., undertaker*. 323 Broughton, (tub * 111.1.1* VANTED—WALK. un tiftlt’*' >wty in lnwu r'K oflln* Mint com*- I mmiHi'H A<MrH Uwycr, i••r® New*. WANTKI>. HOY 1 TO }%. FOR OFPICB ; work an.l rol!*ct!i'K. AMrt- ns in own horul thl* offlcv, curt of Hoy. WAN'TKD. Miiel. AND TI’RPKNTINF. ! hfin<l. rurponirr*. rauUM#*. cypr*iK |o i Mivycri nml choj|>rrii. * jmpM iiwl S !o.*nJ. B#* Wllllmti llib#r, 317 Wml Bay nirrcl, Jncknonvlilr. Flo. ‘ WANTED. FIFTRRN VIRtCKIaAYRRR: three ntotHh*' work. K<od pay; nlno plmur rn;n. A. H. JohtUNm, Tampa. Fin. WANTED. A RRlslAllLE MAN TO •ti|Hrlnlrnd nnw mill .output 15,00) to SO.OOT*. Pioldk |yosltloti (or om* with cipcrkncc .ml ability; non* otbrrw Wiintnl. Ad* lr*** T.. Morning Nrwn “WANTED, MAN rPRIOIIT” rilAfT iiolr, to innnngp bipinmn of old eatab* lift hi-fi homo*; nnlar>' slf w* k and x* l*ciicd pnyubltf mtoh w#c*k direct from hr(id(|unrfr4, monry •<lvn * fc d; |H>i|flor) roforwee. HtnudaiM limißp. 301 rnton bulldlnor. Chlcairo. A GOOD A Die ROUND printer for country weekly; young nwm preferred; irood Miory. AddrMi Hoi l&O, ink Oft. help 4VasrEi— rtMti.r.. WANTED, WHITE GIRL TO COOK, etc ; family In country; IS and board per month. Addre** Cook, care Morning News "cook WANTEI< '>M I'ITENT laWd reliable cook can secure place at Xtl East Eighth street. No other nerd apply. WANTED, <KOD WHITE AND COL ored women cooks, tabl*. and house girls, Tampa. Bartow. Lake Helen. I’alm Besch See William Huber, 317 West Bay sireet, Jacksonville, Fla. A44KMTS WASTED. Tom KLETH eiT ton Horror, written by survivor* Authentic ami largest illustrated book, IJvr agents coining money. Canvassing outfit free, prepaid. Best ferine sort credit given. A|gdv quick lo Fidelity Mutual league, 214 H 3*l street. I'htlndelphlu. t*a. SI 1.. I Al.“ Til I'AN VAHHERH BEND for FREE pronpeclu* of official tiook "GALVESTON HORROR." Best, bona fide lerms atal credit given. Big money for quick work A<ldree. American Li brary Cos.. Phllsrlelphla. I’a, SMPLOYMEST WAffTBD. “butler. englhhi?mhijle age dean, neat and active, thoroughly under slarels hi* rlutles. rllsengsged Ocl. 1; sages moderate. Address A M. “WANTED. IIY AN KAHT'iNDiA"BOY of 17 years of age. a situation as butler, or any In-door work; willing to work Ad dre** Jno. M. Bryan, No. 219 Arnold street. “POSITION AS CITY SALESMAN. OR c'eik; experience In many*. Address Young Man, Morning New*. “thohocohly “competent “and **|ierlen< ed lady l*riograph*r rleslre* |k>- •Itlon. Arhlree* K., letter csrrter "15. '* It.ll BBS 4V AATKU. WANTED. A HOUSE IN THE NElGll b>.ihoo<l of liberty or Mr Itonough streets, .a Oglethorpe avenue, west of Jefferson, suitable for boarder* Mrs. Alley, north west corner Whitaker and Anderson streets. T WOHTOK F HOUIE 'WANTED (with lawn or gurtlen preferred). In good location. A. Id rets Good Tenant, tbto office. ROOMS W43TKP. T^TTI K IIY TiKNtT,KM wile, three furnished to m* frtr light housekeeping or forntohed fl it. In vlclnlly of Pest. Bice; ref rences given. Addresa W. 11.. eare News. w a\ti:i>— hiirt.u.4Ro;. W ANTED. LEW LIVE PIGEONS; All dre* 11. W. Sperry. Duval Hotel. Jack sonville, Fla. "WE WANT A~NIUE GENTLE HORSE for n lady; mult Ire good i*e. and a go.*l trial required; tnuxt In- a horse with style; no other warned Addree* Jame* Thonip* on. general delivery. Portofltce. "if you want good milk, get it from SfglngfleM Dairy; It's rich, pur* end whoksom*. ______ "IF YOU WANT A PLAC'D TO DUMP earth, dirt, wind, manure, e4c„ free of rharge. Just al city limit*, hauling over herd roed. wrti# or telephone llrown Bros., corner Andereon and East Broad streets. FI. 414 FOIt BIN. P'flit RENT, splendid FLAT, FIVE room* nnd bath, U* State street. Mist; large room* and every convenience. J. E. Fulton A Son, _ _ "foR“HKNT. FLAT ROOMS. *O6 BAR nncl street; possession at once. U. C. Mathews. "FOR RENT. FINK FOUR-ROOM flat, facing South. 1t East Taylor. FOR RENT FJJaT AND BASEMENT to small family. No. 12 Jonee street, cast. for RENT, MIDDLE FLAT AT 420 Macon street, ed K J. Kennedy. PARTLY FURNISHED FLAT, OGLE thorpe avenue, east, corner Abercorn. Ap ply IS. Broughton, west. Tt> RENT PAItMUt FI.AT, VVITH path. 3 Chariton street, west, corner Bulk Al/CTIO* IIAt.RIB ri TI UK DAYS. ONE STORY DWELLING AT AtCTIO*. I. D. Is% HO( HE, Anrtlont rr. On TTEBDAY, the 21 Any of Orfobcr, IHOO. be ft ire the Court lloinm door, at 11 oVt>rk. I will wll for rush. No. O) Zubly •(reet. went of Farm. Thin tunall hmwt \n never vacant, and la renting at s!> per month. HANDSOME FURNITURE AT AITTtOX. I. It. 1, 4 HOI HE, isellsneer. fin THURSDAY MORNING, Get. 4, IWO. at It o'cl<*-k. ul premise* Net. 41.1 East Oglethorpe avenue, I will Hell fog rash to the highest bidder*, all the llouets hol.l and Kitchen Ftirnllure contained therein, consisting of very handsome Bed - room Suite*. Parlor Bultra. Hair and Mu** Mattresses, Lice thtrtaln*. ('arpeto. Matting. Picture*. Fancy Rocker*. Cen ter Tablrn, BldetMMnl, Extension IHnlng Table and Chair*. Crockery. Glnmware, etc.; In fart, everything faunal In a w*ti furnished house FOR HKBT—HOOMh. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL danvenleneea; hot and (add water. 3Cg Barnard, near Liberty. CONNECTING ROOMS, M’RNIBHEri, centrally locat**l with home comfort*i 320 East Broughton atreeL “dEHIRAULK HtXIMB TO LET.' 132 Oglethorpe avenue, weal. Nil 'KLY FURNISHED ROOMS’ FOR gentlemen, or light hooaekeeplng; linen, dishes, gas stove, all a-onvenlencet; pri vate family; refarencea required. 14* Lin .din *tr.—t. “one ImiUHLK ROOM AND TWO CON nectlng room*, unfurnished, facing South, with hHth mum privileges, for rent. Apply lo 124 Waldburg, weal. ROOMB-TOI* FI.AT OF 4 KoOMM unfurnished. & Gordon, (gut. “ ROOMS—LA RGK ROOMS, WITH Air. cove, furnished. & Gordon airaet, east. ""NICELY FURNISHED IUHMS, MOIL mi aonvenleneea, southern exposure, ild Jones, east. FOR RKffT—HUI *• L ‘ NKXT TyTTlis”col tNER of Cungr.-s* and Montgomery strseta, Ihree-atory brick houae. first cUu* . >ndl tlon. Apply to J. 11. Helmkan, Whitaker •ml Liberty street*. FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPTABLE party, my residence, northeast corner First end Drayton streeta. Apply C. W Howard. No V-’ Hay afreet, eaat. FOR Rl NT COMFORT A Bid IK MBE. No 217 Waldburg atreel, east, MkHMI Altercnrn and Lincoln, ftmi-riaaa order and condition; every eonvenlence. Right rent to right imam. Estate Salomon Cohen. West Broad ami Broughton atreat*. ~FOH RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE,’ No 213 Waldburg Mreel, east, between Aliereorn and Unroln; |>erfec4 condition; newly iwpered; hoi and rokt water; every convenience. Relate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton street*. TO RENT, SOUTHWEST COESOHI Huntingdon and Habersham street. Apply corner Bull and Sixth. “fob rent. DESIRABLE~DWELLING with all modem Improvements; In good repair. KM Jonea, eaat. Kollocb A Screv en. “for bent, large residence; 10 Congre** atreet. east, southeast corner Ahcrcora M S Baker, Agent, 234 Ogle thorpe avenue, eaat. ■■ 11 ~B FOR KBIT-STOHBB. FOR RENT, FIKHT-CLASS STORE; 343 AIM-rcorn atreet. Apply 14 Jonea, east. FOR - RENT. STORK SOUTH WEST corner Whitaker and Liberty streeta. Ap ply 18 Liberty atnet, west, ion “rent, store, m”~imouoH. ton street, eaat; |..eee*alon Immediately; •I*o several d.airahle reshlenoea and Bata. Aiply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan atpeot, mat FOR MEAT—OFFICES. t^RKNrr^ufri^iFndtloMsr^oS^ eupled a* dentist's office for the post tags yeara; 800 location, opposite f'huth tat Bank end facing on Square; reaoona ble rent lo ik-strable irty. Apply John Sullivan. 15 Congress, west. ■ 1 1 ——it FOR Xtl.K-ItKAI. KSTATto. DWELLINGS ON Duffy stnet. betweegi Drayton and Ah ere am street*. I. D. lat Roche. ' TURPENTINE. WE HAVE A UikOD location for large operator. Gtffont Com pony, Jacksonville. "TIMBER LANDS FOR HALE-ONE million acre* of virgin timbered lands for ■uiltt in Florida; In trad* to suit purchaser, by Campbell & Daughtry, Jacksonville, Fla. “FOR SALE. A LOT r FOft’TWO HUN dred dollars: easy term*, on Ninth street, near Eaat Broad; no city uaatton. C. H. Doraett. For Additional Cheaps See Page 6. 3