The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 29, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Haifa (rrat Ulirnvrrv On* small bottle of Hull * Or**! rl eevery cures all *> and bladder trouble*. rtmov. a *r.iv. I, cure* diabetes tominal emissions, weak and !nm* back*. rhaumattin and all lrr> jtui.'rttle# of lb* kidney* and Madder In lnh m>n and leaulatfs bljd.lcr trouble* in chil dren If not eoll In your ilrukftlnt w.ll b* tent m- mall on receipt of l ° B * email bottl* „ month*' and will cur. anv *aa. .tlmv* mentioned I>T r. W Hall, aolc mannfaeturer IV O. Bo* #_■, hi L til* Mo S.eid for tnonlal* bo! I by all drufxtat* and Bol ®' muiia Ok, bavaimah. a*. Read This. Dr K W Hall. Pi. Mi, MO ■ T>*ar Plr-Pl*a*< chip m* three doa-it llal! * O Oat Dlecoveri bv flrt express. 1 ha*a *o and 0.-rr me jfro*. It rive, pr-rfret aat Nfactlnn and I reeomm* rid It to my cuatomera. Y’ours trulv. M c onovr'js Prop Anu Monopol. Drug Store. Ocala. Fia . Dee IS . IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. m;us and viisw* or this i)iv in two NTn i:*. Naif Otrr Frf for * F>rml Mnn-lnspri'finn of On’lmnl*—lJl lirrvou't imrnl% l —*l nlr l !• Florida—-Trnnp'a 4 niton All t*leh eil—Drafli of n ralfitk* < Mlsen. I In Willi a Mad flog—Other *lr- Idn Nr Mr n Id. Hr>'*n and Miss Kmm f it*- gerald w * re marl'd ut th** brl'lf'n home about twelv* mile* south of Abbeville, lit , on Sep* 26 Wlirnf In Plare of Cotton. George W. Truitt. Troup* great cotton grower, that h<* l now pi-.wing up worn* of hl> cot ion Helds preparalory > marine whrt Me say*. of our-. *h* cotton hit nil been picked out on the Itml l, h plow lug Not onj> Mr. Truitt, but ©th* r farmer*. are now doing the * m < of ■ *hort crop. Anoifttr healthy Indlca tlon I* that they arc preparing the wm* land for wiitll. ( nnitri a %niHii and Senator. ConitN'iM'man K. H and Senator A. B Clay will he in Perry next Monday. •nd the latter will deliver a political speech at the Court Hwnr. Mr Lewis may not make a public |>eeoh. but In anx ious to meet and talk with as ninny of hie friends as possible. It is said there I* no need for a speech. ns th* district fn-m --oerars will surely give a handsome major ity to the worthy Gongressmun they have twice elected, and thrice nominated. Mo.od to tmfrrm. Amerleua TMMt-RMorttr: Judge 7. A. TJ Iif)o!m of lha Southwestern Judicial circuit. I* now engaged In removing his household effects fiom Cordel. to Amri e-u*. and will soon In- a cltlxcn of Anterleu* and Sumter county A previously Mal'd by the Tim*-.-R.-cor.lcr, Judge led tlejehn has leased the 11. S Johnson residence, corner of Barlow and Taylor streets, one of the handsomest In the city. Judge lelt tielohn will find Ihle a more central point In looking after hi* official duties over the circuit. Inspecting the Orchards. TbomasvsM# Times-Enterprise: Mr W M Scott of Atlanta. Mato entomologist, ha* been to Thomaevllle for the paet day or two Inspecting the nurseries In thir aecllon According to an act of the !>•;- Istature approved Ilec. 3'. PSW. It Is mad* the duty of Mr. Scott to Inspect nil llte nurseries In the state annually, to e* If the stock Is free from the Son Jose scales or other Insects an-l disease, of a seriously Injurious nature. Bn far Mr Scott has found the mirsenro lit ml section free from disease. Bshlier Halls (anas Trouble. The Mayor of Macon hud to Issue or ders the other day relegating the pull back rubber ball. Too much friction was being caused. Toughs and rowdies at the Carnival tilled the bails with buckshot and mu<*h damage was done in cowardly at tacks on passersby Numlicrs of tights occurred, and some people are carrying black eyes to-day as a result cither of the licks from the halls or licks from the Its' of somebody. The police were notified to arrest everybody caught throwing rubber ball*, rhe. brltr. meal. etc. Confetti Is the only thing not outlawed. Klbertnn's t nrnisnl. Elherton'a second annual carnival Is In full blast. It Is on a different order from the one laat year. l.arge crowds have been attracted and considerable Interest manifested. The miinary companies from Athens. Madison and Eexlngton accepted an Invitation to he present nd their ap pearance on the street* attracts great at tention. Col Usher Thomason of Madison and his staff are present and nre giving the military feature of the occasion their attention Wednesday night there- was a military hop In honor of the visiting com panies. A sham battle, balloon aacenstoti and parachute Jumps will be other ultra - tlona. At White Spring*. Florida. Americu* Herald: Judge Allen Fort and son. Allen Fori. Jr., and Solicitor Oeneral Hooper left title week for White Springs. Fla., where Judge Fori hopes by the vir tu*# of the excellent water itt that place, to regain his broken health, after nine weeks confinement here ai horn. The many friends of Judge Fori will learn with pleasure that he la lmirovliig rapidly since reaching the springs and hopes soon lo la- fully restored to perfect health News from him to-day Indicated us much, and all will rejoice with this dlatlngulshed clttxen and his family that hi* complete recovery la only a matter of a abort time. I>r For Whoa lug h Forpir. The universal cuelom of chartinp K for shaving a dead man ha* born sustained by * Wilke* county Jury- Bom*! wwkn ago John Almund of Waahlnglnii died and Ed Stephens, Iho barber. war (‘iillwl tn to plvr the dead man a altave. Later hi< prmrnt rd H. A. Almaial. the brother. wl h a bill for IS for service* rendered. Payment wa* refused and Htephcn* procured the service* of Lawyer I Irvin and made a tout case of the matter, and In i Justice court and with a Jury the case was* tried. The prosecution put tip prvernl witnesses to how that IS war the rrcogniaed anil accepte*! price for such work In I hi* com munity. After exhaustive arguments and much reading of law the carte went to the Jury, after four hour* of struggle. After thirty mlmne* the Jury returned with a verdict of |S for the plaintiff. t hlttantan'a Feeling* l.aeernted. Another chapter ha* been added to the Id Choy divorce putt, which that the ('hlnnman In America Is catchlna on to Chrlptlan cu*totrt* Tht wa* a putt for damage* hied by LI Fhoy of Augusta, through hi* attorney, 8 F Carlington. •gainst William Eldrld and John Lon Chin* for |> for destroying the happl neap of bit home The plaintiff further al leges that hta mother-in-law had *t>uaed him. paying he had rauited the family name of hl wife to be ruined, and that lie waa the aame aa a negro. For all thin the alant-eyed eon of the Flowery King dom aek* the eourt to award him tS/Kt) The Chinamans wife, who 1* an altraetlve •“"king young woman, who clalma to be j of tlliuMriou* ancestry, t* suing him for a divorce This *•*• will come up for a tnaring at tho nexf term of court. Mnrnn Want* a Nernnnt. M icon News: Macon's corrected census I* 23 172. a gain of over 1.000. but as one b!g mbiike has Ih<ii made, the people j fe! MiiMflai that others have also tern mad*' anl that the last figure do not do fhe . jv nnvthing like Justlr* i on* g>e-ftinaii <'barb s I. Bartlett thl morn ing r*. Hved th* fol.owlng telegram from In Merrlmaii. of t *ie <*ensils 'After adding two militia district* nof in* lu*i*i in first annotincemr n#. Mtron ha.-* population of 23.272. Merritnan. 14- rector " Congressman Bartlett was one f those who did not he*.|eve that Ma* on only had 31.ini p#op>. nnd he sent a telegram to Dire* lor M* rrim.ui asking for a revlh lon, mid th" ihove tel* gram h tiie answer to his telegram. Macon |*oole are sitls ll* and thiii Macon has Iren done a great m- Justir- by the ensue report . * ovaryhods who ha- liver) here any length of time knows that the population has largely in* i I•.. Is**h when the la*t renrth was taken It Is generally believe*! that a recount rf the census would result In giving Macon even mote than the numlar tmm* <1 In 'the telegram, and It 1 highly probable that a recount will be made. FLORIDA. A full cow chorus was rendered on the street in KtsMmrme Tuesday, the bellow ing of ] nfrfi cows and lives as they were being lo.ukd in the car* for shipment made very loud. If not sweet, rmndc. Ms* ktnson Company sold 1.400 head, m few hundred *f them br*ef, the r**t stock cat ih . for the Cuban market. They went by train to Tampa and then were loaded on the tMMts < ntiiin Moving Freely. Galneevflla Bun: Cotton is coming into this city very freely these days. The prices being paid are 19 cents to 30 cents per pound in the lint and 4 cents to M 4 cents In h** seed This mnken things look sum* what brighter for the farmer, hut th pn< • Is not yet high enough t m.ik* i* fortun** out of a bale. Duion Or Cos. are handling large quantities of cotton In their gins and ure running on full time. INilieenin n Assisted Bobbery. W. H. Nichols, a White Junk dealer, and four negroes ure In Jail at Uke City charged with the theft of four miles of cop per telephone wire. There Is an amusing feature con ne-fed with th* I lief t. They cut the wires on a lint? leading from the ilty to the cemetery, five miles long, and took down the wire In broad daylight, n poll* e ’man assisting them at one time, as he rupf*el th** roblwra were employ* of the tel* phone <*mpany. Died nt Falalka. YVIIIIam 1’ Anderson died Wednesday night at the residence of ht* brother. T. B. Anderson, of Fakitka. of consumption aged 44 years. The deceased was a native of tht* state, nod was horn at Cassabtan ea. near Mon tire l 10. He came to PaUiikii In 1866. an-1 was (sisirn i-ler here during Cleveland'* second term. He was also super visor of registration for a number of years, ami was at one time connect■ -I with the Jacksonville. Tampa amt Key West Railway anil Florida Southern Rail way as chief clerk In Hie roadway and mechanical departments. Repnblienu t nnipalun. The Repuhll hns of Florida, under the leadership of lion W. G. Robinson and Hon. H S Chubb. Intend to make a hot tight for their state ticket. For the past week or two they have been getting In readiness to make a vigorous campaign. They ate having large quantities ol liter ature printed for distribution. The first of this Is a large hanger, giving the urn- IKtlgn appointment* of lion. M It Mao farlanc. candidate for Governor and Geo. It. Patterson, mndidate for Congress from the First District, who Will address the people of Gains svllle on Oct. 3. Ron at n 4 nkenalk. A negro cakewalk and donee wa* held at Kupfrtan’s Park. PenaatiMa. Monday nlsht. at which there were about 3(0 ne groes It Is stated a lawless set of young negroes congregated t h-re. Everything went along smoothly for owhlle, when the cakewalk wa* announced. William Tur ner. an tnnocent negro, was chosen as a Judge, and when he rendered his decision -one- one struck him Thl was a signal lo the lawb ss element, ar.d Turner was roughly handled Resides being bent, n badly, he suffered a deep stab In the b ft site. which will likely prove serious. A the scene of disorder was not in the city no arrests were made. 4 losril Its l omnluirr. Tampa Tribune: The Tamps Naval Hlore* Company yesterday cloned lls com ml**(irv In this city, selling the entire atm k of groceries on hand to the I'hlllltw A- Fuller Company. In vi.-w of recent re ports concerning the intentions of thl* company, the dosing of the commissary was regarded among business men with ep., Interest. A Tribune reporter tn lervlewtsl President T A Jennings of the Tampa Naval Store* Company la*J night. Mr. Jennings stated that the company had closed out Its commissary stock lo the I hllllp* & Fuller Company. "Doe* that mean lhat your company l untl Ipallng withdrawing from Tampa-' Mr Jen ntngs was asked? "Not al all." was the reply. "1 will muke a statement on the subject to-morrow." Flahl YYMIi n Mad Do*. While Mrs. Jome# WWhey, living two mile# from Boon Grnmte was getting din ner an Infuriated mad dog dashed Into tho room and sprung forward on baby In a cradle The mother seised a keltic of hot water from the stove nnd dashed It over the brute. 11c turned, more Infuriated than ever, bus badly hurt and burned, on her nnd sprang forward at her throat. Mrs. Wit hey seised a big rolling pin she was using nnd bent him over Ihe head. The light continued several minutes, but Ihe plii' ky woman llnnlly*savisl the child’s life and her uwii by la-ailng the brute lo |p-cnsibillt>. Bite dragged 14 out of di*rs, locked the door aid then fainted. Her hus band coming home later, found the dog recovering and killed 11. It probably had the rabies, having been bitten two days previous by a mail dog. BH HHHH H H can be cured only by a complete system Hj B■■ B B ment which neutrallres and drlres out ail of the yCwr- Ift- JP ujp-Jf/ sSmtoff poison nd at Iba same lima builds up the general Nes wi health of the patient. Dr. Hathaway's method of treating tho didcrent stages of tills disease Mops J the outward signs at ooceaud quickly brings shout a thorough and permanent cure of erery portion of die body affected, and all this Is dona In such a w ay that the pat lent doe* not need to Isolate him self or glte up his business, nor doe* he suffer for the iwlauce o( bis Ilfs from salivation or any other reflex action of administered i drugs. The patient Is simply made again a perfectly well, sound man. with all danger of transmitting the disease removed. Dr. Hathaway also treats with the same guarantee of success, lots cl Manly V igor, and other chronic diseases of men. tnr|udl£.' all Kidney and t'rlnary and Sexual disorders. Varicocele, strict- Dr.HathawayTnew(ixty fourpagebook.treatlngfullynfall the 1 & diseases which he treats and telling of hia method, together with a Y great deal of valuable information which will help anyone to ex amine Mi own condition, will be sent FREE on application, Si t LAWTON HATHAWAY ■D. will also carefully prepared c|f-examination blanks. Couauitatloo and advice free at office or by mail. a- UIWTOJI HATHAWAY, M. O. Office hours--9 to 13 m,2 to 5 and 7to Dr. Hathaway g Cos. £5 "A” Bryan street, Savannah, Ga. 9p. tn. tSi-u.vtjv JO a tu. to i p. in. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. PS Thr nonlyONE POND’S EXTRACT and everybody know* IU parity, BS strength and medicinal value. Don't take thr wrak. wattry R3 fry kitth hazel preparations rcprrsrntrd to b r "Ihr tame st*’ POND S Hj H EXTRACT They generally contain “ wood alcohol,” which irritates M It the skin, and. taken internally, it a deadly potion. i. ' a [ " ■ . | aWWPmWCr.wMwIirIMMM n—ttl— In Iwn wyf p. r. ATMKN n* C OMINIi I %HNIVAt*. All I’repa ra flans Made far the Illg Shaw Nest Week. Athens. Oa . Bept. 2>* After six week* of hard work everything I- in readiness for lhe <i>ening of the Athens Carnival Monday, ar I for the next week Athens wiil be crowded with thousands of visit ors es* h day. Monday' will be the open ing parade. Kvery eitlxen of Athens will take part in it. and all the stores will ch-He for two hours. On that day the mimes of the King and Queen will h* given (Mil. Tuesda) will Is- formers’ flay and a farmers’ parade has been organise*! \\ • tr.* daj vrlll bfl pUHifj d.v .nd tMI thai 'iw th'' Third <J* *rgi Regiment will be her*- and have an all day’s lr!ll. also many Confederate vet* ran*. Thursday Wli: be the 4 t rowinng day of the list Then will occur the grand floral parade In whk h there will be over 300 floats and • arrtages, and will he ver a mlk long. The carriage of Mrs Ferdinand Phlnlay has ben decorated by s Chicago firm, and will *'ost s.>■* Judge Janies K. Foster was re-elected justice of the (ieace for Athens precinct yesterday by a majority of 4CO of M 2 votes cast. Mr Wesley Bhy. one of the most prom ising >oung business men of Athens, died at his home last night of typhoid fever. Hiram *ear*. Jr., Found Dead. Pearson. Oa., Bept 29.—Near his home yesterday, Mr. Hiram Hears. Jr., wa* found dead The supposition I# he was murdered. No Inquest has n held a* yet. lie was a man of good standing In hi* neighborhood. H leaves a wife and three children. am, tmi: m:\vs %*r w %ychobii. Itrnnlley nt l.uliiton—affairs at 14ms li lii < oln y . WiyrroM, <Ja., 2®.— C. I>. A<!atnj< hat* Juj*i i lomnl a protr.icl* r<l niM'tlnjt at NichoUa. w*ru ifrelvc H'iilttloiui to the church. The Kroii-I Jury of K hol.i county rr rommendfd the ap|intßiMH of Cos. E. K Wilt fix a?' nolle Hot of th** County Court of EchoU, and Mon. T. C. Ham .*a JUdff€. lnxif't night at 7 o’clock Rev. W. 11. Thoma* united In mari!'■ Mm. Anno I*. Hn I Icy ii nd Mr. M. .1 Joyner. The imtrrl.iKt* wan :i big su'rf>rtff** • the friend* of Ihe cxmti.ictlng |*artle*. The br|d is a ilmifhlfT of, ihe iai' William I’.irker, ui.d lh<- grtpotn b* a young nW -man In Ini. Hon. W. (}. Hrunlley made hi* opening speech In hia campaign for Con gre*}4 at laiil.ntoii In Wayne itiunty. lie .-puke In an old rickety nhed. nil was IntriMluced by Mr. Ira M. Hay bon. clerk of Wayne Superior Court. A few days ago the Congressman went back and stood nt the same poini in the came old shed and made one of hi* bc*i speeches. He was again Introduced by Mr. Raybon. There re only three men In ihe Lulaton district who are not democratic to the core. deputy I’nlted States Marshal John P Canon wrent to Brunswick yesterday anil arrested two negroes, WhUely Alford nnd J. It. Hill, who are charge<l with violating the postal laws. They were arrested at the Instance of Postmaster K McC. Brown, li appears that th two negroes lived In font w 1 brown under their doordiyttu- ml the same house, and that by mistak* a tet ter for a gentleman by the name of Alford was thrown under their door by the mall \\ • ■ l '■ -* u • ‘ • ' • ■ denied knowing anything about It. hut the postmaster searched the premises and found the envelope and the letter xvad dd up and thrown in a corner Ah there was no one about the plate but th* two men they were nr resteal. The negroes laced ITnlted fltstes Commissioner John T. Myers this morning, nnd after hearing the evidence they were hound over in the sum of flfrt each. In default of l*nd the prisoners were taken to Havunnaii to-night by dep uty Coron The Husklnlte* sold a carload of haled hay to * Florida concern for SU per ton They are utilizing ev rything that Is available altoul their plat e The Ruskln colony fo k have eleven t ows, twenty-seven beg*, e even horse* and mulcM. tlfte#n goate and chickens *|*49aum 111 the I'nraiMinur. Waycros?*, (Ja,, Rept L*s To-night Rev J. M. tllenn. pastor of Trinity Church, went over to turn on Ihe church lights for an Rpworth League meeting leaving 4* lump burning In thr hallwny. As he came hack to the parsonage he expied some an imal running down the hal.wav and sup posed it was* a cat. lie give chase, and son came up with a very large, fat sum and caught It at tho end of the hall way. The prcs4’her Stays the l*rd will always provide In H4Ymr way. even though It la in ways mysterious. The ’possum la In a good pen in the poison's yard. 4 oit f t (inverting a < hlnese. From rearson’s. The conversion of one native Chinese cost*, so It la estimated, about HSO, nnd then It Is very uncertain whether the con vert will remain converted. Fifty years of missionary work on the part of the Protestant churches h* resulted In the conversion of about 60,000 Chinese, at nn annual outlay of S2.ohO.OOQ* necevsarv to maintain (he ihotntand mlssl xiarteH no em p.oyed. The Homan Catholics Isy claim i<i nearly ’3** .000 converts, but this number seems a trifle large. Tnls preponderance <f ('athollcs i;< due to a trtaty i u iit*i by the French government, by whl<‘h Ro man Catholk' dignitaries rank equal with mandarins, governors of province*, and of In i Chines* offli la Is. While thi* doas rot bestow* teni|*oral power uion tlu* clergy. It lends great dignity to (hem in ihe eyes of the office worshipping native. M% It INK INTFI.I.BiFNt R. - • Matters nf latrrrrt to thlp,la, Mr* ttanrrall,. In thr Crntr*r |,>wrr rllp all lurplua room I* (akrn up by thr thrrr rieamrhlpH now thr-rr loailtna cotton. Thry arr thr Bttrrtckilalr, thr. Jr*lr an<l the t’rsula nrl.-ht Thr Uttrr hnlrhct ItMi.tlnK yrrtrrday. anl will clror and mjhr othrr prrparattonr lor a Thr rllp h.,r !jirn prrtty wrll filled with, r* and Itsliirr*. thr lattrr bring plii .-.1 nlontrrklr, so that loa.llius may ha carrlr.l on thrrr a* wrll a on thr wharf aide. The scenr a* out tlir Crntral'a wliarvr* just now is one of K'tat ac tivity. With thr tnrrrasr of thr trrmlnal rtrd r,i11r,..<1 farllltlrr at Havannah thrrr Is a not*' Cable tncrrasr In thr amount of river frrlght. which Is taken from thr va vtous doi-ks hrrr for tran*|<nrtotlon to Au icuaia Tta- str.imers now mikr regular trltm to thr Crntral, Merchantx gn.l Min ers, S. itM.r<t Air l.dnr and thr I’lgnt Hysnm docks for freight. The It.milling of freight at thr Mer chants and Miners’ wharves ts greatly fa cilitated by thr large addition made In extending the wharf properly farther east, and practically doubling the rise of tin yards With the larger iMistne*. tho line expects to do * when It* Philadelphia and ttavannah line lx established the In creased space will fill a want It ts likely will be retiulred. Mavannah Atmanae. Hun riser at &:&4 a. m.. and rets at 6:46 p. m. High water at Tybe— to-day et W;SI a m nn.t II <it p m. Hlght water at Bavan nah onr hour later. Phases of the Mimid for Heptember. . D. H. M. First quarter I 1 6S mom. Full moon • 11 * eve. lad quarter IS 2 ST eve. New moon 2S 1 S7 eve. Moon Perigee, th; Moon Apogee, 63d. ARRIVALS AM) DKPAIITt RES. Veaaela Cleared V eaterila y. Hteamshlp Vain (Rr ). Orey, Manchester —A. F. Churchill. f'.irk l.ixxte Curry. iAndry. Victoria Cove lllrach A Cos. Hark Crown (Nor.), Heberg, (Toole Shotier Cos. Veaaela Went to Sea. Steamship V ila (ItrjT Grey. Manchester. —A, F. Churchill. Shipping Memoranda. Baltimore. Sept 2*.—Arrived, eteamer D. H. Miller. Savannah Sailed, eteamer Mary Late Fatten, Char leston. Trieste. Sept. Sf—Arrived, eteamer Aqutleja. Pensacola. 1-al'alltce. Bept 27 —Arrived, steamer Forest Brook, Fort Tampa. Panltlae. Sept 27—Arrived, steamer Rouna. Pensacola. Charleston. Sr pi 2*.—Cleared, steamer Green Jacket tßr.) Palmer. I.lverpool. Silbd, steamers Algonquin. Plstt. Jack sonville; Krnesto (Span) Ormaechea. I.lverpool; Oscar Second (Nor). Olsen. Wilmington. N. C.: schooner Oeorge It. ('ongdon, Bjtyles. New York. Fcrnanillna. Fla.. ISept. 'Cleared and sailixl. Steamer Prtma (Nor). Meyer. Progreso. Mi x. , Cleared, schooners Agnes Manning. Huger. New York; Bdlth Is Allen Ollyek. Itlo de Janeiro. Brasil. Key West, Fla.. Sept —Arrived. Steamer Mascotte. White. Port Tampa an l railed for llaxuina; Fanlte. Thompson. Ihmta Basra, and sailed for Havana; schooner Ixellle. Miami. Sailed, schooner Laly, White. Puma Basra. Pensacola. Fla.. Sept 2*-Arrlved. harks Kurydlcs (Br). Newton. Pernam buco; (Ben (Irani tßr.), Crangle. Pernam bmo. schooners Vllay Hermano. Clark, Cardenas; Levi 8 Atalrews. Alley. Frovl dcnce. Cleared, steamer Dartmoor (Br.). Bar ton. Rochefort. Jacksonville. Hep* 27 -Cleared, schooner Hattie Dunn. Thorndike. Norwich. Noftre to Mariner*. pilot chares and all hydrographic Infor mation will he fufnlshed masters of ves sels free of charge In I'nlted States hy drographic office In Custom House. Cap tains are requested to coll at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to *he Ngvy Depart ment. Foreign Kxnorta. Fer Rrltlsh steamship Vala. for Man chester 2UO bags sea Island cotton. IIK.SOO; 8,557 hales upland. *235.072: l.nOll tons pig Iron. *11.000; 283 pieces sawn pitch-pine timber. F.tTl; 1.600 barrels rosin, *5.487.31 Cargo various. Per iik l.lxxle Curry, for Victoria Cove. Canada —1.072 pieces yellow pine lorn • i- if' Cargo by Ilf - h A Cos IVr Norwegian bark Crown for (Toole S.SSO barrels rosin. *10.998 37 -Cargo by 8. P. Bhottvr Cos. raastvrlse Kxpnrta. Per steamship Tkllahasaee to Vew York. Sept. 27 —1.497 bales upland cotton. 175 b iles sea Island cotton, o> barrels cot tonseed oil. 2*7 tales domestics. ?> barrels rice, 294 barrels rosin. 2K2 liarrels turpen tine 291.4:A feet lumber, lit bags lobaiHO ■e. . ISI S cigars. 8 barrels fruit. 137 box'"* fruit, t bags sweepings, 296 packages mcr- chandler. VEMBU IS PORT, steamship.. Lahuon (Br). 2.291 ton*. Gardner; Idg. for Bremen. —Mint* A Cos. Treasury (Br). 1.555 lona, Davlea; idg. for Genoa. Mlnla A Cos. Crania Bright (Bn. 2.114 lona. Goode; Idg. for Bremen Wilder A Cos. Maseonomo (Hr), 2.739 lona, Mann; Idg. (o( Bremen.—W. W. Wlleon. Klterb kdale (Br.i. S.tts ion*. Stewart; Mg lor Bremen.—Btrachan *■ Cos. BUIe (Br >. 1,229 ton*. Nlelaon. Idg. for —. —Mint* A Cos. Manln (Ital.l. 1 C 9 tone. Carnello; Mg. for -Barnard A Cos. jr*ie (Br.l. 1.442 ton*. Thompson. Idg for Liverpool —Wilder A Cos. Lealtn (Br *. 2*71 lone. Noberapco; Idg for Barcelona —Mini* A Cos. Newby (Br >, 1 107 tone. Clark; Idg for —. -Mini# A Cos. Harka. Crown (Nor). 629 tona. Heberg; etl. Maater. Ltaxto Curry (Br.). 49* tona, Landry; eld. for Quebec —Maeter. B D. Metcalf tNor). 1.157 lona, Duus; Jrt. n. a.—Dahl A Cos. Latona (Nor). 622 toeta, Carlepon; M. n. a. —Matter. Nttuanu, 977 tona, Joaplyn; to M. a. a.— ZsAro (Hal.), 646 ton*, Pellerano; to Id. n. a —Btrachon A Cos. Teutonia (Nor l. 596 ton*. Greger*en; to Id n. a.-Dahl A Cos. Solid (Bwed.). SiA ion*. Weden; to fd n. a. -Dahl A Cos. Werner (Nor l. *4O tona. Tonne sen. to Id n. s.—Dahl A Cos. Markealtwes. Fredrtca (Br ). 3® ton*. Churchill; Idg —Master. Brigs. Zenit (Auat). 346 tons, Benkh; to Id n. • Blrachan A Cos. Ilavkah. 461 tons. Richardson; to Id • -Master. Marta Teresa (Span ). 292 tons. Casanovas; to Id. lumber for Monlevldeo— tleieve A Cos. Arboonr ra. lllld*. 684 lons. Rlnes; to Id. lumber Master. 471 ions, Hogsrthy; to hi. lum ber—Master m T THE WEATHER. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Georgia, South Carolina and fclastem Florida—Fair Saturday and Sunday; Itgh: north to rant winds. For Western Florida—Fair Saturday and Sunday; light winds, moatly southerly. Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah- Maximum t< mp. rature 3 p. m >1 degrees Minimum temperature 5 a. m 72degrees Mean tem|>eraturc 61 degree* Normal temperature 72 degree* Kxcess of temperature . 12 degrees Aicumulated excess since Hept. I St degree.- Ai cumulateil excess since Jail 1 It degrees Rainfall <k> Inch Normal 17 Inch Deficiency since Sept. 1 1.66 Inch Deficiency since Jon. 1 10.N Inches River Report—The hlght of the Savan nah river at Augusta at 6 a. m. (75th me ridian tlmel yesterday was 6.3 feet, a tall of 0.2 foot during the preceding twenty four hour*. Colton region bulletin. Savannah. G* . for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m . 75th meridian time. Sept. 2*. 19th Stations of iMai Mih. k.ii Savannah district. ITem. iTem.; fall Akipiha tla , i ... !•' 64 '• .tllwny, clear 92 | 66 .00 Anierltu*. clear sa* | 66 io ' llalnhritlge. clear 66 | 60 .00 Kastman, clear Ist I 70 .<*> Fort (lulnes, clear | 90 ; 65 j ,0o •flatneevtllc, Fla., clear.. 66 68 .00 Milieu, tla., clear : 97 j 6n .00 Quitman, clear | 66 61 jno Savannah, clear |69 69 .00 Thomasvllle. dear 92 65 00 Way POal laar K 7 66 gg •|t< ci. .and u, late tor •• gtapbic aver ages Special Texas Rainfall Reports —(Talvea lon, ,ot. Palestine. trj Rrenhim. .01; Henrlelta, .02; Kerrvilie, .01; Jayngvtew. .02. 'No. ZZZ_ Sta- Max Min Ram Central Stations, lions Tern Tem fall. Atlanta n :o 66 |'t* Augusta H> 92 66 on (ialvestcn 25 88 |7O .01 1 I.ltlle Rock |l2 92 j6B to | Memphis J 6 Of 66 .02 Mobile 9 90 66 .00 Montgomery j 7 92 66 | .00 ' New Orleans | H 94 |tw .00 Savannah |l2 90 |& oft I Vicksburg jloj 92 66 |,O Wilmington | 10 |92 6* , T j Charleston-Missing Remarks—Exceedingly light and wide- I ly scattered shower. In the Wilmington. I Memphis. Galveston od Atlanta districts. !no pievlpttailon elsewhere Higher tem peraturea obtain over the Atlantic dls j trl< t*. and over the entire licit the tem perature la unseasonably high. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Sept. 28. 1900. 8 p m., 75th meridian lime. Name* of Station*.* , T 1 V Rain Boston, clear 77777.1 58 | g | ,0!~ New York city, cloudy ... 68 ' 12 T Philadelphia, cloudy j6B i 6 T Washington city, cloudy Ht I, 1.04 Norfolk, partly cloudy .. 66 8j 0| Wilmington, raining j 74 | I, | .04 i charlotte, clear 82 6 | .00 Raleigh, cloudy | 74 | 6 .02 Charleston, clear ••••.j So I. | .00 Atlanta, clear | 82 8 if) Augusta, clear | *2 j 1, | .00 Savannah, clear .....j 82 | l, 1 .go Jacksonville, clear 82 j 1. .01 Jupiter, clear .....| 76 6 j tf) Tampa, clear | 78 | I, .00 Mobile, dear ...,| 80 I, ,00 Montgomery, clear | 86 j 1, .00 Vicksburg, clear 82 Calm .00 New Orleans, clear 82 j I, .no Galveston, partly Cloudy | 82 ! 6 | on Corpus Chrlxtl. clear *2 j 12 .01 Palestine, partly cloudy j 82 | f, | 00 Memphla. partly dou<ly..| 84 I, .no Cincinnati, dear j 74 l, | .on Pittsburg, cloudy 7: t\,im .no Buffalo, clear 56 ; 12 t m Detroit, cloudy | 80 : 8 1 .00 Chicago, raining 82 L j 20 Marquette, raining j6O 6 | .08 81. Paul, cloudy 52 I. T Davenport, cloudy | 58 j L .52 Ht. Louis, raining | 70 1 8 .*4 Kansas Clly. raining | 54 | I, 1,04 Oklahoma, cloudy | m 1; ng Dclge city, clear | 56 | I, 04 North Platte, clear | 82 | 6 j .00 Hatteras and Key West missing. H. B Boyer. Local Forecast Official. Who flhnnld Hr (ailed “Ksiialrr." From Leslie's Weekly. A great ileal of confusion evidently ex ists In the American mlntl In regard to the proper use of the more or leas honorary appellation "Esq." Some restrict Its use to members of the legal profession, bul Ihe larger number of tieopls apply the term Indiscriminately to masculine names a* fancy or Impulse may chance to dic tate. No rule appears to exist In regard to the matter, although In the Interests of propriety and precision of language • here ought to be some rule Perhaiui a recent order Issued to the clerks of the English Postoffice Department may be helpful In tlbx direction. This order Is to the effect that "Esq." shall be used In the future In aiklresslng all male eorre siondents unless they “are evhtenlly la boring men. personal servants, or trades men." In cose of doubt the "Esq " must he used. Depositor- lu savlngs-bang* are not entitled to the "Esq " It ts not easy to see Just why some of these exceptions huve been made, but what would he the good of a rule If there were no excep tions? Poisoned by Canned Salmon. Chicago. Sept. 28—Twelve out of twen ty-four members of the lielto Htgma Delta fraternity were poisoned by food eaten at a banquet last night. Canned salmon Is thought to be the cause of the ptomaine poisoning. None of the men arc dead. t.eoritla (.rape .Inlee. This splrndld Georgia Concord drape Juice Is dispensed ftec for the purpose' of Introducing the elegar.l lieorgla drop. Juice at t'ontda'r. Bull street, helacen Ymk and Oglethorpe avenue W'hcie-n r agents. Llppman Bro*, Wholesale Drug gists. Savannah. Ga.—ad -It Cared He." "Oraybeard broka up rheum*?!*m on ma." ay* Mr. Ch* Thomas, th* Jew. •ler on Whitaker atreet. "And put m* in better health than I have enjoyed In e long time." Tek* Greybeard Pills for that dixiy feeling—Loot appetite, end follow It up with a bottle of Graybeard. It la all you need. Respess Drug Cos., to!* prop* Savannah, Ots-aA * There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cut off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. Tlifee hundred million Old Virginia Cheroot* smoked thi* Year. Ask Your own dealer. Price, 3 (or 5 cents. •■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•l* REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. IIKMIRtI. CONDITION OF TRADE OCRING THE PANT WEEK. Lively Trading In Cotton. Both on the 9|>ol and lor f. o. k.. Ifellrerr. Hank ( tearing* liner Increase ot Pd.fHMggMHi Over I.aat Year—Spirit* Turpentine Firm nl .17 tent*—Lo ral and Telegraphic Market*. The Morning News Office. Friday. Sepi. 28 The feature of the week In business cir cles wa* the lively trading In the cotton market, which was at price* around l<W*e to JO** c for good middling on the spot. The greater portion of the week's trading In ivitioei was done by wire. Good mid dling f.o.b. sold around 10*4 cent*, and on each day of the week large aales were repotted. The bank clearings show an Increaae of 16.(125,459 62 over the corresponding week of last'Vear This Is pretty eure to com pare favorably with the showing of any other city In the country, and I* a phe nomenal Increase In Savannah'* clearings. The Improvement Is In keeping with the pace set last year )n Increased clearings, and It seem* probable the record is to be changed for the belter as the season pro gresses. The spirits turpentine market ruled firm throughout the week, though prices have at times moved |n a way to lend credence to a suspicion of manipulation. The clos ing Is the same us lasi Saturday'*, hot during the week price* sagged, and aince took mi upward turn, which Is not fully accounted for. The lielief ts current that the market is to make some material advances dur ing October, and It may be the flrst In dications of this predicted nee are coming Quite a number of the trade look for smaller receipts shortly and consequantly believe that the heavy demand, which promises to continue, will carrv prices Into the forties Th* receipt* on eeveral days of the week Just elosed showed a material failing off. which |v due to the near ap proach of the slack season On last Saturday the market opened firm nt .77 cents, and dosed Arm. with a fair business reported A drop of t* cent was posted at the opening on Monday On Tuesday the marke* went off further to 36 cent*. Tic first evidence of a reactto.i wa when the price Jumped to 36V ' Wednesday's closing On Thursday the market ruled Drm at 36Vc. and to-day firm ot 37 cents. The feeling does nor favor the present price, and for toot reason 11 may not be maintained The market was about quiet, hut steady. Large exporter* were not in the market, and it ts not probable they will be until concessions ure made l OTTO*. The cotton market lowed quiet and un- hanged to-day The demand throaghoin tin* week has been g.iod. though the heni (ation shown by holders helped io restrict business. Spots are jn demand, good mkktdng. f.o.b is around 10 4 cents, though many holders want more The following were the official *pot quo tations at the ctoae of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: | This ' Laat S J year. Hood mtddllrg 1014 (<\ Middling in Low middling Oood ordinary 51^ Market, quiet; eales. Savannah Receipt#, Exports and Stocks Received this day 7.1F9 Received same day last year s.n&7 Sam** day year before last Receipts past week M,U7 Same week lass year 87,&8§ Same week year before last 55.027 Received since Bept 1. ISSt 167 344 Received ?nme time last year 152.5*) Exports I Hint Week— Exports this day. coastwise 2.662 Exports. Great Britain, this day 6 757 Exports past week, coasts* se gju Exjmns past week, continent 13.751 Exports past week. France fgp Exports jKisi week. Great Britain.. 6.757 Total exports past week 2!U72 Export** Since Sept. I. ISMV- To Great Britain 4 757 To France Il.2Tt> To the continent 36.407 Total foreign SMI4 Total coastwise 35.140 exports t 1.563 Exports Same Time Last Year— To Great Britain 7 974 T<> France To the continent 26.276 Total foreign 4V.223 Tofal coastwise 37 Total ex|*orts Stock on hand this day m.xn Bus k on hand same day In* year K.'fNK Receipts and Stocks at All Ports— Receipts thin day SO.RSS This day last year ’ 7^ TTris day year before last 05] 1W Receipts past week 266129 Ram# day* taut year Total receipt* alnce Hept. i, i*> Ml ats Ram* time taat year 72S 77* Same time year before laat twi; l*pi Bt<* knt all por 1 * to-day ’’’) 39*5-11 Stock ame day laat year gjj 13 Dally Movement* at Other Porta— ’ Galveaton-Quiet; middling, to l-t- net re. eipta. 5.927; gro*. 5,937, pate*, lflfl jto.-k 49.311. \. w Orleana-Steady; middling 10 l-t net receipt*. 24.065; grot*. 24.(63; pale* 1 On ttoi-k. 157.522. Mobile -Quiet; mld.lllng, 10 nee receipt* 1.4 W-. groaa, 1 4*4. nalep. 1 am. *to,-k. pt yn ' Charlepton -Quiet, middling. 9V net re celpt*. 2 OS9. gross. 2.0*0; *io-k. 25 559 Wltmina-on-Dull; middling 10V net re celp<*. 119. groe*. 5.149 ptock. 41 613 Norfolk-Steady, middling. 10 3.1* receipt*. 3V, groae. 3 tm; ', stock 1901* Baltimore—Nominal; middling, 10*# n p, recelpta. I*S; gro*. 2.1*5. atock. 1 SU New York-Quiee; middling. io\', Br oa* receipt* *ls; *atea, 2.040; gttw*k 30 775 Boston—Dull; middling. WA ... relpt, (Mi; grot*. JWJ * Chlladelphta—Firm; middling, .10.-1. Dally at Interior Town*— Augusta—Quiet and steady; middling 10 !•!*; net receipt*. 2.2*5; gross. 2.285; sales. 1.455. slock, 25.513 Memphis—Steady. middling. 10 1 4 - n*t re relpts. 2.891; gross, 3.491. sales, 700; stock. 14.191. St Louts—Steady: middling tt* I *. net re ceipts. 934; gross. 2.890; stock. 9.872. Cincinnati—Quiet and nominal: mid dllng. 101*; net receipt*. 178, grass. 178. stock. 7.056 Hnusinn Quiet; middling. 10; net re ceipt*. 15.457. gross. 13.457; stock. 33 838 Louisville—Firm; middling. 10S; *l's. 29; .lock. 112. Kxikmu* of Colton This Dxy. Neiv Orleans—Coastwise, 1,959. Mobile—Coastwise. 1.588 Savannah—To Great Britain. 8.557; coast wise. 2,882 < 'barleplon—To Great Britain, 7.49-: coastwise. 1.201. Norfolk—(•oastwise, 2,068 Baltimore—^To Great Britain, 2.004. New Y’ork—Continent 157. Total foreign exports from all ports t t day—To Great Britain, 16.253; to Kgarr., 4.550; to the continent, 157. Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this week—To Great Britain. 60.139, to France. 10.900; to the continent. 24 806 Total foreign export* since Sept. J. 1800 - To Great Britain. 112.524. to France. 21.020; to the continent. 90.739 SEA ISLAM) COTTON. There Is decidedly good outlook for goad price* for sea Island cotton. Judging from present Indications. Everylhlnn ■eems to point that way. The crop Iv late, which operutes In favor of holders. Then It Is pretty generally agreed that the crop has suffered damage, and In consequence, will be much less than ex - preted Hinders are firm in Ihetr deter mination to get good price*, and while enough grading has hardly been <)one to settle prices. It seems probable they are not to recede from the bast* which ha* *0 far been eslaldishsd. The week * receipt- were 653. against 3- 119 last year. The sale* were 504. against j 2,415 las* year. 1 Price* about as follows: i Fancy Georgias 216*072 o ! Extra choice Georgias 206*021 o I Choir* Georgias 30 02O 1 j > ' ~~ 99-00 98-99. Receipt* this week | 663 3.119 Export# past week / j 475 1.89* Domeellc j 225 ... ; Great Britain j son France j so Reeetpta this season j 1.110 7.018 ! Stock on hand 1.716 4.111 i Charleston. Sepr 2* —Sea Island cotton | Receipts, 119; exports. 11; stock. 540. sale,. 49; tine. 22c. C OTTON FI Tl RES. The Market Close* Rarely Steady YY Ith Prlree up. New Tcrk. Sept 28—The cotton market to-day was a comii/Tatively narrow one. traders being cautious owing to abnormal conditions. The Kngil.h advice*, as * whole, were better than expected; the | Liverpool break of 9) points on September wa* less considered than the advance | there of l-848i2-64d on the later positions. Our market opened steady with prices t pilnt lower to 2 points hlxher and further advanced 10613 points on covering which became a feature fol.owtng private cable* asserting that many Manchester mm* were about to resume There was also some buying for new long account# Sep tember was particularly strong on cover ing by a few eleventh hour short# Tho selling was largely by exporter* against purchases In the South There was no particular >n>rgy to speculation as the movement continued heavy and spot buv ers showed no partleulsr Interest The ex ceptionally sm.H! slock here checked local selling on tbe targe movement and gener ally favorable weather for picking cot ton The lo al COnl Dgtnt manifested he* Ration In view of the fact that the New Y'ork market was lower than any other, lartlcularly out of stock and facing * enormous October short Interest Room sentiment was. If anything, bullish. The local shorts wete trying to buy In thetr October contracts while selling March. The matket wa- finally stiady at an ad vance cf 769 poinia. FLLCTI ATIONB IN FIT! nF.. New York Sept 2*-Canon futur * opened steady and closed steady. Prlcve as follows: Open High, bow Ctn*. January 953 9.85 958 9 6’. February March 955 984 953 982 April 954 954 954 9.81 May 9.55 983 9.53 982 June 958 958 957 9*l July *SB 9VS 957 *■' August ... ... *♦* September 10.00 ... November 9.85 977 964 9.74 Oriober 9.95 b 10 05 994 19-03 December .. 9.54 985 9.53 9,83 Liverpool 4 niton Future*. Idverpool. Sept. 2*. Ip m.—Coetoat— Spo’ very little buplnep*;prlcea lower; American middling fair. Ad. good middling, middling. * 6-lSd; low middling. 6 t-I*d. good orlnary. S 9-33.1; ordinary. 4 21-' 1 The mle* of the day were 3,000 hate- of which 1.000 were for ppeeulallon and **• port, and Inrltided 2.o<> American re ceipt* 13,300 hale*, nil American Future* opened steady and rloaed oulet. htlt ateady; American middling- 10 * ml,l ' tiling clatiae: September 6 20d. value. Sep temlier-Octoher. 5 6*4)6 59d. seller. I'<*to her-Novemaer. 5 34*15 3&d, buyer*: Severn her-Decemher. 5 2*d. aeller*. December January. 5 22iS 23d buyer*; Januarv-Feb ruary. 5 19U5 30d. buyer*; Fehruarv-M rch. 6 1705.13d. seller*; March-Aprll. 5 l*d aeller*; Aprll-Mov. 6 ltd seller* Mav-June 5 12 r. 13d. htiver*: Jun*-Ju* v S lid. *eller*; July-Auguat. 5 OM. buyer* Sew Orleans Cotton Future*. New Orleans Sept 21 —Cotton fuW quiet. September nominal Oct t.MQO At Feb 9 4009 4. Nav .9.4009 42 Marrh Dec 9 3609 39 April 9 4409 4 Jan 9 3*o* 39 May 9.40 COTTOS I.t'.TTEII* New York. Sept II -Murphy A Cos 9*V Cauoa JaidtumliUaMd l WA C -