The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 30, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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14 Sofii7 Y With the first of October our spirit* rise, uni life imimrf more cheerful aspect hummer. g*y or dull, I* really over now. the lent belated wanderer* nt the North •re planning their home coniine, end the welcome *oun<tg and sights of busy streets •ro our* Oto e more. The schoolmistress lb abroad and the übiquitous email boy i drar to her hi art: the prosperous, fond II>h; the hue.v mother, ehopjilng and house keeping with redoubled energy; the summer girl, transformed from rilbn* ui and chiff >ll* Into star. hesl shirtwaists. In traveling garb a* she p.isae. from summer Into winter, the attendant cavalier, eo mournful In her absence, now smiling and aerene; end. everywhere In evidence, that charming creature, the half-grown girl, arm linked In arm, ami prettv heads to gether, discussing, who shall say what oh atruee problem" rturely these are pleasant signs of winter not far off. Mrs. Louis M Warfield and Miss Edith Warfield will arrive to-morrow from Bal timore. where they have (sen slaying I t the past two year*, and will reside this winter In Savannah, at U* i label sham slreet. Mis* Hartrklse will return to-day from New York ac.iimiatnK-d hy Misa Ward, whom she h** been visiting In Booth Or ange tor the post fortnight Miss Ward, who will stand the winter In gavannah w ith Miss Hartrldc*. I* a Kren. h scholar of reputatluii. her nunserou* translation* having galni-l widespread and unqualified praise Her latest work Ia translation of Bertin's “Madame de Lamliall,,'' and will soon appear. Mir Arthur B. M. Gibb** came to Sa vannah Wednesday from Atlanta, where ahe has been staying with Mis llarwool at the Majestic and spent a day or two In the city with Mr. Glbbes. Mr. Glbben will Join Mrs. Ulbbcs this we.-k In Atlanta and they will go North Oct. 4, visiting New York amt Cincinnati. Mr ami Mr* Henry M< Alpln, Mrs. F. V. Walker and Mis* Claudia McAlpitt. who have t>een spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. E. I’. Wilbur In the Thousand Islands, will sail for Savannah Tuesday. Mrs. W. W. Gordon. Jr.. Mlsa Gordoo and Master W. W. Gordon, are at home again afier spending (September at the Manor in Asheville. Mrs. William L. Wilson hos returned from u sisy of seveiat weeks nt the North Mi and Mrs. Wilson will reside this witt ier at 2UI Charlton street, east. Mats Cbeve* West, who mis been making a short visit to her mother, Mr*. Charles N. West, sailed Monday for Now York, where aha will spend tho winter. The marriage of Miss Bella 8, Fannin, youngest child of Col. stsl Mrs. Jume* H. Fannin, and Mr Wilbur M. Coney, will be celebrated Wednesday evening, Oct* J 7, at the home of tlie bride parent* In La Grange. Owing to reictu bereavement In the bride* family, tnetc will lie no cards, the ceremony being witnessed only by a few friends and relatives After Nov. 1. Mr ami Mr*. Coney will be at home at tho reside no of the groom a parent*. Mr. and Mis. Walter Coney. 217 Huntingdon Slreet, east. Mr. and Mrs. Balpli Elliott and their family moved yesterday Into their new borne on Perry and Draiton street. Mrs. Louis U. Leliardy Misa Julin I*- llardy, and Master Frank Millet La-Hardy, who have been gurwls of Mrs. Flank Miller on the HUI la Augusta, returnol home Thurs*biy Mrs. Hobert Bllllngton returned home In the only part of the week, after s delightful summer with her parent*. Mr and Mr*. J I*. Weed, st their count!y place In Norolon, Cotm. Mro W. H. Killoit has returned from a stay of several weeks 111 Saluda. Mrs Edward Know Hnd her children arrived home Tuesday after a pleasau. stay of two or three months at Cape Cod. Ilsv and Mrs. Frederick Jackson and thetr children are In Mavam-.ah for several day*, ns guests or Mrs. Xkckson s mother. Mr*. Arnold The will leave to-morrow for North Carolina. Itev. Mr. Jackson having recently received a call to a church In Hot Springs. Mr* Freeland, Mrs George Cope, and Mr# Edward C. Mercer returned Friday from Mount Airy, Where they have been staying during most of the aummrr. Mr and Mr*. Edward Habersham and Me* Itlghton Habersham will reside at 236 East Gwinnett street this winter Mrs. N. H. Finnic and Master K. Hal deman Finnic, who are new visiting In Washington, will return home Friday or Saturday. Mrs. H. TV. Johnson and Mies Ellen Mo- Alp.n Johnson will leave laike Mohonk to-morrow They will make a short stay li> New York before their return, reaching hrrs probably Friday or Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Charles A Glbhes and blaster Edward Giblw- who were In Can ada all summer, ami w ho hov* been spend ing Beptember In New York, reiurnnl 4 Me i dons Mis* Bada Btovail is expected In Bavan hah this week, lo la- the guest of Misa Margaret Charlton. Mis clar.i e <}. Anderson and Mis* M.slgle Reid have returned from Hickory, where they spent the summer. Mr*. Churl. || i nrn-tead, Mrs. A. P. Adams Miss Bu*le Olmstead. Mis* Flor ence Oimsti ad. and Master Charles Olm *te*d. who hove been st the North all summer, will return horn* to-day from New York Mrs K R Corson. Miss Pauline Corson stid Master Eugene Corson left Thursday for New York. Mrs Isaa Minis end Master Carrol Minis will return to-day from New York after a delightful summer oti the Massa chusetts coast. Mr*. Jurob Lipptnan. who hg* h*en • ai Bsith Bench. L. I , •nd In New York. i at home stain. Mite Hull left >e*n* r.iy ft>r New Ymk where *he will attend MU* Hartal)'* a hool during the omtng w inter. MU* Cornelia Lee I* exacted home In a f w day* from Brevard. Mr*. John Heard Hunter, who ha* hn 1 tow i for the ini at week, left Thursday for IxinMVllle. - Meta Moral ha* returned home af -t ling the aummer In the mountain* of Virginia. James I* Htaten and little Mias Vuglttla Hamilton Htaten are gu***u of Mrs. H P. liamllioii. R\ and Mr* ftohb White, the While and Masters Warren and Fltihugh White returned yesterday from Char* |otte*\iie. where they have been staying ali aummer. Mrs White has gone to New York to m*et Vitas Mary White, who will arrive ahoitly from Kurotie. Mia. <i‘orge H. Haines haa gone to Try* or. N. C., to spend *onw time. Mr. c. A. 1* Cunningham, who haa tatii at Waynvavlka wiib Mrs. Cunning- J 4 Broughton Street, West. Ladies’ F*urnishings. This week we are ready to display our fall and winter importations of # DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, I NOVELTIES. I end many unique n*.e*.ft|-# which can only la- found In our Kacluslv# Isadles' Furnishing Store. In our Heady-made I'apartment we brve a well selected stock of Ladies* Tailor-made Walking Bkirts, different lengths ami style* in cheviots, Ladles' Cloth Berge*. Pebble Cheviots, end Double faced Golf goods Also Taf feta and Pegu de Bole. Prices ranging from to ll<> The latest fa.l in | Bisk Bilk Tailor-Made Eton Jacket*. Never hefor. have hid su-h chic and well.titling Bilk and Flannel Waist* Our Walets are finished In (he best possible stye, and are n seedlngly attractive. In order to have a wll-flliing fall gown every lady should supply herself with on# of our well known Redfern Corsets. All the new shapes. Including the ham and Misa Cunningham, returned Tuesday. Capt. nd Mrs. Thomas F. Screven will spend the coming year with Miss Minnie Winter al Jones and Whitaker elreela. Miss Ellen Morrel. who haa been North all summer. Is expected home this week. Mies Rel.-. a Well l> ft Friday for Wash lug ton. Mt*. Paul I.ynah, w-ho haa been stand ing the summer in Bluffton, returned Wed nesday to Savannah. Mr and Mr*. C. Lueten Jones. Mis* Gertrude Jon***, and Master Catesby Jones, will reach home Tuesday, after a pleasant summer In North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. J. It Bhel-ton, who have been staying it Ralph s, N. Y., are now In New York. Mr Lewis W. Haskell, Jr., sailed Thurs day for Baltimore, tvhere he will attend the Johns Hopkins University. Miss Helen Hardee, who Is now in the city, will be Joined shortly by Mr* John Hardee, and they will live this winter at 2b Gordon street, west. Miss Barrow and Ihe Missett Lucy. Flor ence and I'atlen e Barrow, will return to day from curkesvllle. where they have been staying for two or three months. Mr A L. Alexander has returned from n month's stay in Montreal and New York. Mr. Edward Evs ha* returned from Bluffton, where he |iem moat of the sum mer. Mrs Hardee. Miss ll.len Ellis and Mis* Margaret Kills have left Highlands for Blue Rl-lge. Pn , where they will meet Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kill*, who are re turning from their trip to Yellowatone Park Mr*. Lawrence Uppman. and the Mieses Gladys. Eunice and Doris Llppman are expected home to-morrow. Miss Nellie Baldwin, who has been standing the summer In Nw York, and Massachusetts, ha* returned to Savannah. Mrs. Dean N--wmnn entertained Tues day evening In honor of Mrs. T P Wick er ib-rg before her departure from Savan nah. A delightful musical programme was rendered during the evening hy Mrs. Wlekenberg, Mrs. Ackerman, Mr* Wil liams. and Mrs. Crittenden Among the other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Solomons, Ir John D Jordan. Mr. Crit tenden. Mr Ackerman, Mr. Wlekenberg and Mr William*. Mrs. F C. Hatley and her children have left Llthla Springs, and are now visiting In Macon. They will probably return Ihl* week. Mrs Henry Blun, Mis* Helen Blun. and Master Walter Blun, after spending some months In Massachusetts and New York, have returned home. Mrs. Cecil tlabtwU and Miss Leonora Galibdt have returned from North Caro lina. and ate now with Mrs Wm Hunter, U Taylor street, west, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. TV It. Ivnham. Ml** Den ham and Muster Denham will arrive to day or to-morrow to make tlielr homo In Sovgnnah Miss Elisabeth Denham Is In Btaunton where she attends Mrs. Htrw art’s school. Mr and Mrs. William Henry Henley, and Ihe Misses Schley, who have been summering at Hendersonville, are at home again. Mr* John Bulllvan Bchley and little Miss Marian Bchley have returned home. Miss Maigaret Owens has returned from Bluffton where she was the guest of Mrs. W. W. Owen# Mr. and Mra. dußlgnon are visiting In Mllledgevllle Mis* Nan dußlgnon has re turned lo Savannah Mr# A O Heyward of Urahamvllle la visiting her duughb r. Mrs J M Carter. Mr. and Mra Uiorge Schley have moved Into their new home. No 3M Gaston street, east, for the winter Mr* R B Nlcoll has returned from the North Caro Ins resort# and Is now spend ing some time In New Y'ork at the Hotel Gerard Mrs J c. Posted Miss Isabelle C Pos tell and Master* Taylor and John C. Pot ted. Jr. arrived Thursday hy Ihe Hnuth eir from Blowing Rock, N C. where they spent a lery pleasant summer Mrs. Pos tell also paid a short visit to friends In Chcstei. B C., on her way home. Mr Alfred Hearing Harden has return ed to .Savannah, and expects to make hi* home here In future. Mrs Harry Walker and her daughter, Julia Mildred, have returned to the city, after a pleasant visit to Green Island. T BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, st. Julian and Whitaker Streets. First showing of new fall goods at prices that are really astonishing. Here are a few sample items to show that nowhere else can you find such values: LliUfti' While Coraeta 2ft* Indies' Coonil Figured .Sm.en <or Mil, lnht and .lark ground.. .. . r Ladle,' Ore. isn r . .Oc Ladiee' Solid Color on I Hlick HI hr lieu Ribbed How 10c Ladle*' Black. with white lliiurea and polka .lot Hoee also cardinal with while polka dot Hoee 16c Ladlei' Ribbed Veala. hlrh neck. lone •leaver IJWo Ladles* Mualln Corset Co.era luc I-adlen' Mui in Drawers. plain hem, tucked 14c Nt WELTI KS In Ladlea’ Velvet. Silk, late and UUt Neckwear. THE MORNING NEWS. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 30.1900. Where they have been the gueet of Mrs. Woodbrldge. 1 Mrs Annie Waring returned yesterday from Blue Rldg.- Summit, after an ab sence of two or three months. Mi# Woodflw. Miss Pritchard, and Mis# Woodfln will return to-morrow from North Carolina, after a stay of several weeka at Bwannanoa Misa Maude Heyward, who has been ► pending a month In New York and New Jersey, has returned home. Mr. and Mr*. Emory Speer, who have been staying at Highlands, have gone to Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. O If. Remshart and Miss Alice and Murle Remshart have returned to the city efter spending the summer de lightfully at their home at White Bluff. Miss Marie R< mahart left Friday to visit relatives In Waycross. Mrs. B G. Trexevant who has been vis iting relative* in Durham. N C., will re turn to the city to-morrow. Miss Mary and Mis* Julia Trexevant are still at Black Mountain, but are expected home very Mon. Mr Richard Bradley of Wilmington. N has been visiting hi* sister*. Mis# Bradley and Miss Fannie Bradley, a* he rassrd thiough B* on his way to Macon. Miss Josle Dorsett has returned from Richmond Miss Regia Meyer, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II J Meyer entertained her lit tle friends Monday afternoon from t till 7 o'clock, the occasion being the celebra tion of her sixth birthday. Those present were Misses Mary Bohan, l-oretta Bohan. Mario Lynch. Buttle Hermes, Hattie llermes. Ret* Hermes. Irene Lloyd. Alloa Ptlce, N' lie Price. Ollle Coleman. Nellie Cob man, Clara Hat.tus k. Marie Morris sey. Marguerite Morrissey. May Meyer. Regie Meyer. Masters Willie Bohan Joe Bohan, Eddie Bohan. Andrew Doyle. Mar tin Doyle, Alolse Hermes. Tom Pries, Wil lie Price. Eastern Y’ounge. Hobble Cole man. Leo Morrissey, Willie Morrissey.Ar thur Hancock, Jim Hancock. Willie Meyer and Haimon Meyer Mr*. C. D Mile and hsr children left Monday for New York, where they will reside In the future. Mr. and Mr* B. 8. Levy rcturtied Fri day from New Y'ork Ml-e M H Klllotin returned Friday from New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jerger and little* Miss Mlldied Jerger will res de at 2J6 East Uwtnnett street, this winter Miss Willie dußvse Is expected to reach home to-day from New York, where she has been spending some weeks. Mrs. H. J. HutcllfTe. who ha* been sum mering In Guyton, ha# returned to Ihe city. Mrs. TV K Fttrh and her children will return to-morrow, after s pleasant sum mer in B.illsbury. N. C. Mis* Ethel Durton of Tcnneee. Is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Juny, at 12 East Jones. Mrs. TV A Ills bee, who lias been stay ing at Baraiogn. Is at home again. Miss M M Kurrer returned Friday from New York Mr*. J .1 Carolsn and her children have returned from Blowing Rock. Mis* 8. M. Black and Mias A W Black, who have been spending some time In New York, will return to-day. Mr. H. J. Sutcliffe will return this morn ing from a trip o New York. It has been re[iorld. some weeks In ad vance of the actual event, that Mr. and Mrs. Emile Newman had changed (heir residence from their present home to nglihorpe avenue. Lest the report should bring their friends some annoyance or dis comfort. In Inducing them to call at what is not yet the true address. It I* corrected. Mrs George Baldwin and Misa Baldwin will spend October with Mrs. C. A. Alex ander In Washirgton. Ga. Miss Margaret Furse returned home last week after spending the siimmrr al Chau tauqua. N Y.. and Toronto, Canada. Mrs J. L. Johnson and M s* Cornelia Johnson have returned from a stay of some weiks at Blowing Rock. Miss Daisy Bryan tailed Saturday for New York. Mr*. T. D Kline has returned to the city after a p easant summer In Virginia. The Misses Kline will spend th winter al the North. Mr. and Mrs R M Orme, Miss Abbls Ortne. and Mias Lucy Orme. who have Plaid Windsor Tlea Jc So."I I*o or 811 k VVlndror Tl*s 10r Hla k Velvet Ribbon, 10->ard piece*....loc H.UIY BATIN RIBBON. Black. White and Color*. 40-yarl spool*., ,14c I Children’* Bcamlee* Kaat Black Rlb bed Hoee, all aiiea (c ladle*' Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs, hrmetllched |c la.llra* All Linen Hcmetltched Hand kerchiefs To ! Lead Pem lla, rubber tipped lo l Fancy Toilet Soaps lo Gutman's SOI CHOI THINGS i IT 1 IK Those se-laeb Kersey gaitlags we are selling at TB reals a yard have beea faking very free I y and deserv edly sa. Nothing to eqaal then* la the rSty. BETTER Cl ME sal aer (hroi, as this week aray wind theas ■ P. ANOTHER llae worthy of aprrlal mention nrr onr ,’.3-Inch Alt Wool French Broadcloth at Mt! rrats, la all leadlaa shades sad hlark. No better valnr haa ever graced a runn ier. Yon will pay a qaarter more for them elsewhere, and If yoo an ticipate tin v log a dress shortly would advise yoa to make It this week. __ t Oar Plaid Bock Mklrtlags are dwtadling very lost, and this I. the last week to choose from the fall assortment. A special for this week Is a llae 48 Inch*-* wide, all wool, at 81.00 a yard—bine, brown, garnet and castor fares. ALL WOOL Block *ll k-A nlshed Henrietta, 4u Inches wide, n speetnl lender and onr away above the aver age for the money, 40 cents n yard. IMI-lneh Shrunk anil Sponged Black Tntlnr Cheviot, without <|<>nln the Imsl In the elly. The best prmlarl of the beat looms, only one fault. It errors forever, won't spot, shrink or stretch—Bl.Tß n yard. EXCEI.I.F.VT quality All 811 k Block Botln narhesse and Plata Taffeta, very dressy, very serviceable, very desirable, and very ehrap. hit cents, raise 81-10. EXCELLENT variety of Comforts In Saline nnd Sllknllne Cavers, clean selected rattan, wool and down Ail ing. large assortment of eolorlnas, Cool nights suggest sneh articles. Come nnd let us show yon our |;i,IM I tors n Comfort, netanl value S.Viai. bwn in Ashevtl'e during the Iwl weather, returned Friday morning Mr. and Mr*. H. E. Drrrmn and Ibrlr nephew. Mujiit linnmr Adam*, returned Tuesday from the North Carolina moun taln*. fcv Jamn T. Fair and Ml** Fair re turned Tuesday from a tx week* - atay in Saratoga and Canada. Mr Anton Wright returned Thursday from South Carolina, after a vlait of sev eral aerk* at Pendleton. Mr. Arthur J. O'Hara who ha* been *|>endtrg the season In New York and Vermont. I* at home ugaln. Mr. nnd Mr*. A. H Kelley and their rhildren will return this week from West I*olnt, Va. Mr*. Kelley will tie accompan led by her sister*, the Mieses Itrook*. who w II *p*nd the winter with her In Savan nah. Mr and Mrs. J. O. Itirney. Master Charles O, llarney. Jr., and Master Wm. Pope Harney, returned Thursday from Virginia. Mis* Minnie Soh'ey Nlohols 1* a u*t at Cutter'a Oreen. Last Macon, at a houae party given by Misa Cutter. Miss Nina Pape Is expei ted home to-day Mrs fVipe will not return with Miss Pape but will stay tn New York for October. Or W W. Owens and Mr Uoyd Owen* returned Monday from a short visit to Mis Owens In Hluffton. Mrs Barrow and Mr* Spalding and Mr Randolph Sp.vl.ltn* who have been IP in* In Athens, have taken the country place Wellington, near Thunderbolt, for the winter. Mr Alfred L Harlrldge, Jr will return to-day from New York, where he ha* been visiting Mr sod Mrs. Clifford Hart ridge during September. Mr snd Mrs. Willlsm J Hsylow have given up their h.wne on t'harlton street and have moved out to the Meadows, where they will live (his winter Mis* Lydia K. Kurrer returned to this city last Thursday on the City of Augusta, after taking * Hire* year course In pro fessional nursing at Hospital, New York, one of the largest Jewish in stitutions of Its kind in this country Mis* Furrer was graduat'd and ha* received a diploma She will make her future home In thla city. Mis* Dillon I* the guest of Mr*. R T. Hemtne* In Asheville Mr and Mrs A C. Harmon will reside this winter at the corner of Liberty and Bull atreets. Mrs William Kehoe. Jr., and little Miss Elisabeth Kehoe have returned to the city after spending the summer tn Ouy ton. Cadet John H Furs* of the I’nlted States Navy, left yesterday for Annapo lls. Where he will enter upon his last year's study at the Nsval Academy. Mis* Emma Wilkins and Mr. Lang Wilkins rsiurned yesterday from North Carolina Mr md Mrs. W. C McDonough left Wednesday fur Olenn Springs. H. C. Moat Fannie Hannon left Tuesday to enter college at Belmont. Miss Kale tlrudy returned Friday from New York. Miss Leila McDonough and Miss Katie McDonough sailed Tuesday for Baltimore. Mr and Mr*. J Perllnskl are entertain ing Mr and Mr*. Arthur Me Yers of Naahvlll* Mr T. S Lucas has returned home af ter an enjoyable stay t Highland. Mrs. Lucas Is visiting relatives In Walhalia Miss Laleah Adam*, who has been visit ing at White Bluff, ha* returned lo the clly. Mr*. W A Jaudon and Ml*s Susie Jatt don have returned from a stay of eeveral weeks at Hendersonville. Mr. and Mr*. Stanhope Tut welter and their children wHt return this week and will spend tne winter with Mrs. Wither* on flaelon street MU* Anna C lag horn returned Monday FALL 1900. Grand Millinery Opening Thursday, 4th. Friday, sth. GRAND DISPLAY French Pattern Hats. Public Cordially Invited. 19 Broughton Street. West. after a visit to Warm Springs and a short stay In Atlanta Miss Hullls Bee and Miss Electra Bee will reach home to-morrow from MePher sonvllle, S. C.. where they have been vis iting for some time. Mrs. P. J. Morrison and children re turned during th wok from Asheville and other resorts In Western North Caro lina. Mias A S. Bacon Is al home again after a pleasant slay al the White Sulphur, N. C. Mis* A. E. Hourquln will return to-day from a trig* to New York. Mr* W. A. Wlnburn and her children, who tmve been spending the hot months at Salisbury and Asheville, have returned to th* city. Miss Stella Gallagher and Miss Annie Kehoe will have this week for Atlanta. Mr*. Baric eneertalned with a whist party last Thursday evening. Ml** Cor bett won the ladies' prise nnd Mr. Sulli van the gentlemen's. Those present were Ml** Missle Hanley, Mr. S McDowell. Ml** Irene Hanley, Mr. W. Barle. Mis* Maggie Hanley, Mr. W. Ward and Mrs. S tlruver. Mrs. A Corhett. Mr J. Sulli van. Mis* Mamie Hanley, Mrs. F. Barry, Mr. and Mr*. Sam Sheflall Mr. Thomas Burke la spending • few days In the clly. Miss Mary Lynch has gone to Flushing, L. I . lo visit Mis* Darmour. Miss Lynch expects to spend most of the winter at the North. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dennis, who have been aumtnerlng tn the montalnt of North Carolina, returned yesterday. Mr*. Herbert A Palmer. Miss Lolla Palmer and Mis* Vera Palmer, have re turned home, after a pleasant summer tn Waynesvllle and Asheville. Mr*. John p. Charlton, who has been visiting her daughter. Mr*. Roliert J. Walker. In Charlotte, I* al home again. Mr* Donahoe, Mis* Eva Duffy. Ml** Birdie Donahoe. Mr. H. U Tletjen. Mr. (>. Colson. Mr. 11. Donahoe. Mr O Dona hoe. Mr. C. Ponaho*. and Mr. C. Heebeck of Charleston spent lal Sunday with Mrs. C. A. Drayton on Madison avenue, and were entertained most delightfully by Mr*. Drayton, Ml** Morgan. Mis* Charl ton. Miss Baker. Ml** Nelson, Ml** Flood and Mr Baker. Mr*. Arthur Jeffords and her llitla daughter have returned from Saluda Mis* Emmie Jaudon I* at home again after a visit to friends In Columbia and Athens. Master Theodore Bell left a few day* ago for Belmont, where he will enter school. In a pleasant parly at Ih* Theater Tnursday evening were M! Annie King. Mis* Mary King. Mi** Margaret Klug, and Mr Frit* Huber. Mr. Henry Behr and Mr. Hartman. Mr gd Mr* J fl Him* returned Thurs day from a three months' stay tn the mountain* of North Carolina Mr* H, J Morrison returned*recently from Hot Spring*. N. C.. where she lias been spending the summer. Mr*. J. A. Varrtedoe and children have returned after spending some time In the mountain* of North Carolina Mr*. C 11. Berg of Jacksonville, her daughter. Miss Adele Berg and Mr C H Berg. Jr., have Joined Mr. Rcrg and will make Savannah their home in the future, reckling at *•** Abercorn *re Ml** Berg I* a plinlsle of more th in or dinary aottlly and an active member of the Ladle* Friday Mu*lcule the leading musical organisation In Jacksonville. Mrs. W. B. Daniels, who ha* been vta iling relative* In Waterboro. H C., return ed to the city during the week. Mrs, A. Barnett and Mis* C. Barnett will arrive to-day from New York Mr M Reich returned from Ho< Spring* last Week, where he spent the summer. Ml** Leonora Amran will return to the city to-day from New York. Mr*. Jam** O’Brien, Mr* T. J, O'Brien nisi her children, and Mr. William If. O'Brien, have returned from a delightful summer In tho Caiskllls, mid In New York. Dr. Rountree of Adrian, passed through ihe city during the week, on his way to New York. Mb* Gertrude M. Buckhelt, daughter of Mr. G. F. Buckhelt of New Decaturs, Ala., and Mr. Frederick T. Hivwell. were married Wednesday ofternoon, Bepl. 2-;, at i:J<l o'clock. Rev. Williom Mayer of the Bocred Heart Church performed the ceremony. Mr nnd Mr*. A If. West and Sllss Edith West have returned home after an enjoyable summer In Wayneavtlle. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Buchhelt, wlllt whom Miss Buchhelt ha* been spending the sum mer. accompanied the bridal couple, the only alien,louts 10-ing ihe maid of honor Miss Carrie L. Buchhelt. and the beat man, Mr. John McMurry. Mlso C. Landershlne will reach .Savan nah this morning from New Y'ork. A number of friends gave Ml*# Re*s|e Dowling a surprise |*trty on Friday nlghl. which no* enjoyed by all. Refresh rornts were served nnd the evening was spent most delightfully. Among those present were Mine.-* Flossie Floyd. Maud Merten*. Mamie Merten*. Resale Howl- Ing. Birdie Dowling, Sonia Flood. Messrs Eddie Dowling, Frank Drayton. Jim Drayton. Willie McFarland. Fat String field and Sum Goldberg Mrs. T F. Johnson will reside this win ter nt No. Jones street, west. Mre O. Falk and Misa L Falk who hive hwn Haying In New York, will re turn to-day. Charleston 1 M ‘"' " Vl '"‘ n * ,rl^* Mr • n *l Mr -" EI. Byrk returned Fri day from New Y’ork Miss Lillie Power* will have this week for AHama. Mrs J J McCoy. Mrs M Jones. Miss Fm"y and MIS* V |u C Kennedy, and MB* Mary Tarr expect to rea. h Bavann ih Something Wrong I B SB C when we can't interest you vB V m saving money. It’s the ), : jfc| SIP S tiling you are working for. \Hi Pjßj I ~ Why not put in a jfll "gas RANGE? ||H f It’s the greatest money A saving agent in the world. (,j <|nly costs $1 a month rent- gfrjßßgcl B GAS LIGHT COMPANY, U i reel, Gutmans Thursday —and— Friday we will display the latest novelties in Ladies’ Ready-made Costumes, Walking Skirts, Wraps, Silk and Flannel Waists, Misses’ and Children’s Cloaks and Capes Dress Goods, Silks, Dress Trimmings Laces, and Neckwear. Saturday. They have been spending tag summer at Richfield Spiing* and ban* toga. Mias Berth* Eagle has returned from New Y'ork. Miss Maud Farmer ami Ml** Marnrd Farmer have returned from a visit lo re la live* in Blackshoar. Mrs. A. H. Lane, who has bren Ihg guest of Mr*. Farmer, left during .be week for her home in IJberty City. A nulne Bridge Tender. From the Chicago Tribune People who use the Wells street brl.lrt every day are wondering sha! has be come of "Tender.” "Tender" I* a small yellow cur dog. He made hi* appesrar a five or six month ago and Immediately took charge of the swing bridge over the Nor:h Branch al Wells street. When the bridge was In ue he- sat quietly In tie center mr the official bridge lender, slid paid no attention to the procession of ve il I a* running north and south on ciiler aide of him. A* soon, however, a* a steamboat blew Its whistle for the bridge or a ►chooit'f hove into sigh! and the warning h'd *• rung, "Tender" went Into action Be rsti first to the north side of Ihe bridge art harked furiously at the approo tilng vehi cles. as If lo stop them Then he d*sh*d back to the other end and did hi* h* 11 keep people and wagons alike off m# bridge, displaying a* much vigor and de termination a* If the entire responsibility rested with him. When Ihe chains were finally drawn at each end and Ihe bridge had begun to turn he seemed to feel that Ills work * done. lie would run then to the eerier ef •he swinging bridge, and. wagging his fall violently, look up at th* bridge lea der. as If to give nolle* that everything all right and It was eafe lo *•> ahead. People who use the bridge regularly had got used t "Tender." and when they fulled to hear fhe hell were accustom*! lo govern themselves by hi* artlonr They are wondering what has become ol tag . lever little dog