The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 30, 1900, Page 22, Image 22

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22 A TEXAS WONDER. Ilall'i (irrai liUforary. On* small bottle of Hall's Oraat Dl*- ccvery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes fravl, cure* diabetes, rheumausin and all lrr fsul artit* s of the kidney* and bladder In loih n*n and women, bladder trouble* in chll dten. If not sold bv yur druggist will b" tent my malt on r- oetpt of 11 One .mall bottle l. tit months* ireatm-nt, and will cur. >nv ra* • at*ove mentioned IT E W. Halt. sole manul flurfr, P O R*x *29. Si. Louts Mo B*nd for I** 11 " monlals. Bold by ,D druggists and Solo mons Cos.. Savannah, Ga. Ilond Till*. IT V W Hall. 81. Loots. Mo.T>e*r Plr*-P]'afc* ihlp me three doaen flat' * Oan Discovery bv flrt express. I have *o 1 over on. groat It jtv.l perfect aa'- lfaetton and I recommend it to my customers. Your* truly. H c. groves. Pmn Ant! M^ r opoly Drug Store. Oslo. Fla . IVe IS . IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. XEW* AXI) VIKWH or THE D%Y I* TWO *T ITCH. rt|i In lion nf ElHerlon flspld lirewth nf flnltlln ***l llstw hrldafte—lslli nf * *utmr llellnrry. Railroad fnr llsivklsavlllt. I>ra th nf a Farmer \rur Or*l*-\nloiiilille at Da>- tnna Tampn's llalldlnii Boon*, oilier Florida Hews. It l# *nkl Ihe new < ensn will *lve El* berfon nboui 4.000 Inhabitants #n* Elbert county shout 23,000 or more. This wlil In all probability place Elbert in the col umn of count it - **etltle*| • two repreven tstives No city in the stale nor county can show a* #:r(at n ln< rea*e elncr th last cen*ti. The city has more tfiin trebled its else. Dublin** Hispid (irowih. Dublin <*ourler-rlsfnt*h: .Vm month* aito the Courier*l>lspu4ch predi ted th* the percentasn of in iHiblin for the pu*t ten year* souhl be over * per ernt. It will probably run shout XX* per cent, or three funl one-fourth llnuw too site |t wn* J\ 1*). Commercially te Increase haw* been over l.two per cen' Orest Is Dublin, the be*t town. In the beet to"Wly, jn the best state of the Un f ftnake Had Him. W Dawson NVw*: Mr. Clarence McLen don of near Herod barely escaped the hue of a rattle*noke a few day* a*o He * is out In the wood# hunting squirrels, when upon stepping over a low fence, the f.mK of a monster rautlesnske wre fastened In his trouser leg. Mr. M<'l**ndon was nat urally very much startled JUKI Jumped from the reptile, drugging It with him. peolng the snake's f.rngs wera flrmlv fixed In his trousers, he fired upon It with his gun. killing it Immediately. rpon exam ination he found the snake hod eight rat tles and a button. (.old Mine* %re Extensive. Dahlonega Signal: The Oeorgts gold bait is bound at no distant day to sur prise the world. The boom Is certain to ome. When the development work now In progre** by the Consolidated company has progressed a little further the people will then commence to see Just what we have beneath us. 8o far. even with the. comparatively speaking, little distance lenetratrd Into th* ground by this com pany. the ore has he* n found not only to be richer, but tenfold more extensive. tta i tibrldge Hound to t*rw. IWn bridge Democrat: fimnbrldg* is bound to la* a city of 2T.**W souls ere many years have el<iiHl. Fhie |- the county •me of the largest and beat county in the state It Is rtinrood enter, three roads entering, and a fourth soon to be built to Tallahassee Ilcsbbw it h st* hundred miles o' river transportation— aM ('onsplring to make it one of the b* x wholesale markets in the Houth as wII ass great manufacturing center. Watch liifnbrldgc expand her wingw for her great commercial flight high above jl* contiguous towns. Presidential Election*. Hecretury of Philip Fook ha* for warded to the Mat* prmter the name* of the presidential electors''on four of the nntionai tickers- the iwmooratlo. Repub lican. National Prohibit In and Populist, From this lixt is to be prepared the lee- ; lion blanks for use h. the prd-t lentlal rle - tlon on Nov. 6. and It Is .n eresnog to note that though there arc iwc ve' dtsllr ct ticket* In the field for President and Viet* President of the t’nltrd Mates, the name* of the lleorgla electors on only four • f them can be r-gulariy volel tor on the day of the ee. tion. The other .ire omit ted because, as Secretary Cook explains, they do not exist In this state. Home Dentroyed. The Amos T Aktnnan home at Carters- Vllle. a twenty-room structure, owned by the widow* now living in Athens, caught j lire Wednesday night and burned over an hour, being entirely consumed, with tnuch of the furniture of Mrs. Aker man < and son. Walter Akerman. who occupied | it. lx>ss on home and contents puninlly covered by three policies In the Southern Mutual. The home was an old landmark and had been occupied by leading men of Cartersvitle. The house was built by Dr. ; Woodbrldg*- in MM. Ii was afterwards oc cuple<l by <\>l Malcolm Johnson, William Pritchett and Sum J<> • father. It w.*** bought by Col. Akerman when he left ! Grant's Cabinet In 1*73. For a timar R-ttery. Hntfihrklge Democrat: Judge Joseph Tillman has been svorking faithfully to | estsbllxh a augnr refinery in this section, j but has thus far me* with very poor sue- ! cess. He first *tried bis luck In Way- : cross. The *f this city were mix- ; ious to secure sucti an enterprise until th<* crucial test came tnd then ilieir ardor coled. They did not want the refinery bad enoug i to no down into th-ir pockets and aubaerfbe for nu- , hn # *n. movement "died s-bornln" Tre judge next tried to Interest Bovawiah In the s* heme, but not with no better u< e Ha is now making an effort to establaiA the refinery In Quitman, and we hope he will succeed. There is no reason why s t< finery would not pay- On the contrary, them Is every reason to relieve that it would prove a regular bonanta to it* proprietors. J taiga Ttllmnn 1- now send In* dtt cirouklfW to the farmer- in in effort to get them Interested. In ♦ * in-ulur the judge tells pl.vltih what sugar re finery that will cost flfiO.iflb t\ii. do II n I Iron<l for Hswklim 111#*. Macon Telegraph: Hawkln I p Just on the verge of getting anotn t , toad. A committee from that ojty v In the city to-dsy to meet some of U irti .!* from the Enterprtse Lumber m in. whk'h own# the road from W’ortb io Pitt', and a deal is being negotiated f r n mifn.lon ot the rol “> " * The eommine* from H,rklnvlle v.a, c< mpoee J Of Mfwn W. A Jolk. I>- > P H HKMOWW ,nd 81..1 of At!,n..r-pr.wnea h. I ,■ terpriM Company. Tha road la aP— l ' wer.ty-two mile* >on*. and ha a *f" r ' h running out towards ntagorald and Orl u. and If llawhlnavllle r,n (t *'' '*** J? •'! have an milled toward, ne TW da-1 baa no. beer, coneum- mated, and th matter 1* Just now In ; statu quo. but th**r' Is an opportunity for Hawklnavllle to have * much ne*.li rail road, and. since* she • very near th* gcsil once Mon* and missed It. there I" very llkcllho* M | thm she will pul forth every energy to*<tire the prUe this tlm** FLORIDA. Diytons. Il.illfux Jourtia.: Mr. J P llinxky has mad* a contract with the Tl - u ville Fruit Prot < tlfsi tatkai f<u t*n yesr* In which they agree to protect grove from ft* • xmg In consideration r< eivlng one-thlnd of his crop of fruit, or I:*- value, uix>n the tr*. If the com psny urn . arry out their i.irt of the on. tr t thiK Is m K**d arrangement fur tle ft • grower and amounts to an Insurance policy. 4 iitnmoliltr* In lliutnns. I*a> toi a. Halifax Journal: It will he *en by the Council pinceeding* t)\M the Coun 11 h.#* gran * I to K. I. Potter and asso lstcs t*ii right to run a line of uuto mo hi I* - on th* streets of our iity. This is a move in i.u- Inter* • of ch |> trans portatkut rind we hope |t *ll prove sue ce*-sfull. The automob|!e D sway ahead of the str-' t cor. noiseless and without n necessity of laying trucks. th* erecting of wires, the noiaMv f steam or h wearing of the street by horsi - Th* only requisite to Insure success Is a fare ap pro i hthit In chapn<ss that of the street UHlknonn Farmer Dead. Frank J Dflkiherry. agfd t? 7 year*, a highly r* je. 1.. J and thrifty farmer, died at til; home, a mile south of (rala st an ear y tnjr Thursday morning and was but i*-I in the afternoon In/lhs llsrn** burial ground, south of ;lV*- city. Mr IHI in berry hn-l beer* in feeble health f*r s verai months. *n* 1 his death hid been exjvcted for snversl weeks He leave* a Mn aii<l dc gliter, both married, and .* wife, r with n host of frlcnls and re|a#ck|t Mr. Dills harry bn-l resided ihds (f*r many years, and was * faith ful member of the M*<thodl*t fhurch. \ I’e rnnndl tin View. Kernsndlna, Fla . Mirror: We <snnot believe that tho clniena of Jacksonville will endorse the attitude which the Me tropolis ussiitrv'H toward thoee who op pose the removal of the state capital lit It* wrath it accuses us of Ingtatitude an I j(-.i!mts> bt*auee we do not M*e fit to in creu-e our bonded Juiti to gratify the ambition of a rew |H>liti Ims who M--k to le*-omc prominent *n the re moYil queMion. Abuse emuot le nub ellluled f(r argument, nor <e It *ateulae | to build up ft lends for Jacksonville. Tampa** tiotldlnu Bonm. Tamps Tribune: Every contrac.tor and every me.-hanle In Tamps who wants to work can find sll of It he Is looking for There Is not nn *lle man In she city, and the great cry IS' for more me-hanlcs. Con tra dors say that there is more building of a substantial character g<kng on in thin city now than there has been for yeifl •, nnd tha* t Iwowt 100 carpenters and brl k muoiw could get steady |tosltlons at lu crative wjge*. There are not enough workmen In the city to handle the v.. t amount of taiilding that Is going on. Hun dred* of tjrw hotirea are being erec’Sed. while bustn*- s blocks of brick are going up on all the principal thoroughfares of the city. Sme <,od t orn C rops. Orlando Htar- Here arc M few Inslsncen showing that the soil of Orange county Is capable of producing good yields of corn as well as velvet beans, cassava, celery pinesppl* *. oranges, gr fef:iiit. etc: Kr>*m his thirty-flve-acre * field of corn Jerome Palmer, of Orlando, harvested about ‘h) bushels. J. K Harrell, of Winter I‘ark. has borvM-:td 3,11 barrels from tin* Min eral Fi-n* h |da* c. w hl< h he sold to A. <. Hranbaui. of Orlando Hon. W L Pal mer made a fine crop of corn out *• his magnakent orange grove, and wIU have an of velvet beans and al> ait UW Inixew of oraiig* s this season It pays to cultivate orn. velvet beam*, c.ia .a. etc.. In this countv Tainpn’* t iitms Iteeeftpts Thus far In the present fiscal year, the customs receipt* for the port of Tampa have shown most remarkable Increase over all past rc>rds. The receipts thus far have more than doubled, and It Is safe to estimate shat the collections for the pres ent fiscal y* tr will go considerably over By the figures of last year, which w * re hut a trifle over half a mil linn. Taniim was placid twelfth on the list of Anlerir.’tn i*orts, so fur as revenues to the gmrrnmcnt are concerned. By this figure, Tampa will go up to eighth or sev enth place. The great Increase ln*lhe cigar manufacturing business Is largely respon sible for this excellent record. In one month, recently, according to the local t? us tom Ilona# records, the collections reached $:*••-***. and the Indication# an that the increase will be even larger for the remainder of the 11-cal year. Orange tnnnt>’ Outlook. Otlatido Star: The outlook for Orange county has never leen so good since the freexe as It 1* at the present time The orange groves, which have re.*#ived proper rare, have grown to magntlWnt pr,>p>rtlons. will bear a crop of or 60.800 boxen |he coming season. The plncapfd# Industry [> rap dly coming to the front again since the freese. nd an abundant crop will be harvest**! the rom inr winter nnd spring. In every line of agricultural ami horticultural industry th# oiiii'HtK b bright, and the present con ditions are satisfactory. Hud ness t Im proving. :hore is an increase in huiidlnx the prospect f->r n larger number of tour ists than usual Is bright, and everybody seems to he hojieful and cheerful. Our merchants report an lucres## In Bade this summer over last, and say they expect a big trade thl* winter. The future of Orange county Is bright, ami good *et tlers will lv welcome, Wnseroa* #M-le> Note*. Miss India Oars wall left Wednesday for Baltimore, where she l>ecme# n stubnt o f the Pmltndy Conservatory of Music. I*rof J. I*. H* ttb*f School a I Duke Academy closes Oct. 12. with appropriate #K#rcUes ard he opens the ]Wji term of his Polytechnic School Oct. 13. The ladle* (*f Grace Episcopal Chur h will give xi luiaaar Nov. 28. 21 and 30. to raise funds for the new church In contem plation. Roht W Patrick, of OfT* rmao, and Mis# IleUn llirun n. of Hatelhurt, were mar rlol at the latter place Sunday. Mr*. Jack DoLoach of Quitman, spent last week In the city with relatives. Her mere. Mlm Kva accomi>ani(*d her home. The family of Mr W. H. Parrol! left last week for Jacksonville, their future borne. Wp worth I.engue worker# are looking forward with keen delight to the fir*! dis trict league conference to Ik* held at Tried > t'h.s’ch tt. 12-14. fkne of tha mod promitH'Ut l ague workers In the elate will be here. The district secretary* Mr K. Picntb* hag arranged a delightful programme for the occasion. This will le preceded by the Woman’s MP ’oeary roiiferrnce of the Wuycroas dlftrl* Mrs Wadley, wife of Cashier J. E. Wad ley of the First National Bank, has re turned from an extended visit to Atlanta and BoUngbroke. Mrs Sarah F WIU Sam# and daughter, MBs Mattie, are home again after a pleasant visit with telntlons in Blarksh*ar. The surprise In matrimonial circles for last we*k was the marriage of Mr#. Agnes r Bailey and Mr Mitchell J Joyner iThursday waning. They acre married at THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1000. the residence of the bride by It* v. W M. Thomas. Miss Dorcas arid Mr John Cooksey were married Hundsy n*r B**.** h. itOKhllU t>\ mi: 4T.4T8 FAIM. titmc Inti rruinu l.irnl* In \ lev* for Uirruri*•* l>n*. Valdosta. Gi, Sept. The managers of th- *ta'e fair are urrarsging a very fin** pregramme for Wiieg Day during h* coming lair. At out Thurrday of fair week wlil be set aside for a panoramic exhih t of the resourc*# f the wlregraaa #ectk*i In a splendid iar *de of w.*g m• . carr> - Ing xigrlcultural i roducts. the live stock, farm animals ar and v rythlng else f In ter rst from this sectlcn of th* state. The is to Ik* made up out.-He of the fair ground- The t lan f* r the pirn I- was suggested by the cornm*tiee of tix ns from Brooks county v ;* < mm it tee stated that they would btp'g a procession that would be a ml e long and that if o her counties, ad joir niKiwiile . would do ji** well, the wlr gra-s p.gnt would be fully four mil#- long, lire fair manager: and the Bro< ks (Oiinty lOu rnitNe Imiu gone t • woi k t*< g t up thi pax:de an l make It on* nf the HI Itv tlv< f .i'iik s of fab w-ek The | rod tic t - wlil h g* into (he parole wlil not b the one.-*, on exhibition In ilie C'l.jftty and Indlv dual exhibit-. but will 4e entire!' >. p rate Each county and a*h individual cxnlblt will !• headed by banrn rs t*llirg who the exhibitors are Manag r Mo re wos In Macon yester dv and made arratu* merit* fra splen dd ('I-play fr#m Bibb county. Worth. Camden and B* rr en are also arranging a display, and advice* from Thomas, Col •p.ltt. Laurens, lHige, kumpter nnd sev eral of* the c uni to rf North tleorgla 111*.Irate that the\ will he n nd with large county nnd Indivl leal exhilids. Work ip on the bull ling** is progressing rstddly tn*l the uar <i r r l hall will be • orri|dee.| by next Wedne-day There are thn-e > Iter large buihling under course of erection which will b< completed some lime lefore the time tor the fair lo open. AB3IOR Cl.%n# PH FA I DENT. Mr. K. A. Unkr of ii-whnrn the #wc *e*ful t nndblsie. Athens. H* pi The senior class of the I’nlvemlty held meeting yesterday tmrrrrtng and ufuinlmmisly ebeted Mr. E. A Inike nf N- wborn. tla p.-esident. As there le alwrays no fn>lltl< s in this ele<*tlon. it lea compliment and In (hb case a very deserved one. as Mr. Duke Is one of the most prominent studeuts In college. He has always tak* n an a *tlve Interest la all that pertains to the Cntversity and Is i universal favorite among the hoy*. Following is the remaining ticket Frank ilapp, Macon, vice pi . sklent; J. M. Oannt. Marietta, secretary and tr# i-urer; It. W. G isp, Athens, poet. F. C Jx#ck*‘*n. Athena, historian. W C. Tlior.ipHun. Midlson. or ator. Jack Banks. laGrange. capmiu of tM.- ball team; 11. Hotsct. Atlanta, cap tain football, florae# Johnson, Ibcatur, -aptaln of track burn. The Mini \% Ito I* -%fr#ld. From th#* Humane Review. lc ails a rib, h* with misgiving it the fK4in ii#i*i t ie hor-*:' hit worried jaws iiol smarting noatrli*. If these should mean glanders? When h*‘ enters the rah iKi the cuahloos there is a lidba* haud kerchlef, left bv .-.xne enrs* .r o upint. He pushes It as far from him as he pos sibly can With what Infection may not this filmy %v#b !** redolent? As th** \e hlcle carries h*m through the town he sea# # large, white, ornamented, newly made building, with prilled railing around It, and nn ai*paantnc<* which blends to gether ih*- asp# is *f a r*val |>i a e and . feion'# prison. Ba > te-ed froiiMg*- tel*# . C- l • in**, an Institute of *xp rlm#*nl xo'logy. n roll# ge of practical phy#lol*gy. an <infl r.ihs* •! ('Uni* al laboratory, or *m hlng similar in s*op*. and hi* knows that these !m[M p!' are •r- <*ti*#| to save and serve him and his fellows: that at least Is what h 1- to’ l by his wife # doctor, ani by his broths?-In-law. wno h n ho#- I itiil demonstrator; bv hie favorite newa- P[MT, by his parish prl -t, by the friends at his suburban club. li*w <an he stand out agalnat all that overwhelming evi dence’ How an his one email, puxxled. self-centered Intelligence resist tho great wave of molern witchcraft'’ Earth #t:*l air and w it j . woman and huh* and least; th flow# r which smel. **> sweet, th* wine which sparkles *o merrily, the cardn which someone •:#•* has p:ayed with flrst. the dusty pave ment which a silk petticoat has brushed, his mother’s gray parrot shouting on the stair*; anything, everything, nil things, noth great and small, both quick #nd dead, ail have ilisea*-* and db-olution lurking In them peril.ip# perhaps That dreadful possibility Is with him all day long Those great white glided institute# ir* the fortresses in which his defenders dwell liow* can he d* ny his ilefend* rs a check? How else can he get away for a moment of peace from this awful fear which consume# him. a* l which they tell him must lx* the result of education In every sensible being ’ He Is not much ed ucated. hut he Is horribly ufraid. PLAIN TALK TANARUS I Mlnrrh H"(l.rpri, B\‘<*ry |>erwjn auffeiinv liom rstarrh In It* many form., known tli.u th, common lotion,, ntltri tin*l tlouchm do nol euro II la nooill.-o* to .ratio thi, |>oint or lo ell* c.% of fallttr*. Im’uhim* every victim of <-Mt;irrhal trouM, know. It for htimnlf if he ha ri< - <l them. A lovul aitpllcatlon. If It ilom, anything al all. simply *lvt irmj>orary rell.f; a wash, lotion, nalvr or iHiwd.r cannot reach th- *>t ol thr dhwiihe w hich la Ihc blood. The imirou, m>< m-ck* to r.l!<-v<v the blood of catarrhal tmlaon hy accreting larxc ouantltlc of niucita. the diwharito .omrltm.** dorlnc ti| th, noatrll, dc* ccmlituc lo Ihc throat a rat larynx, ramtlng an irrltatlnx couth, comlnual clcartnif of th. di'a/naa,, limllk tlo*i oral many other dtran • .Ido und |Tl.tciit ymt**ntn*. A rcmaly lo really cur. catarrh mint la* an Internal; a remedy which will gradually clcanae the eyitcm from catarrhal i>ol.-ai and remove the fever an<l tongr.ilon alwaya present In tha mucou, membrane. The la .1 rrmnlln for thl, ptirjio*, ,r* Kucal>|>tol. Hanaulnarta and 11 > draxlln. hui the dimculty ha* nlway* been to get thcec valuable curative, combined In one palatable, convenient and cftlcbnt form itccently thl* hu been accompll.hed and Ih. i>r> imrithui (nit on the market under the name of Stuart'. Catarrh Tab let*; they are large pleaaant lasting lot- Mignt. Ml lhat they nwv be lowly dla .olveil In the mouth. Ihu* reaching every part of the mucou* membrane and finally the atomarh and Inie.tlm * An advantage to I* c.m l.ler. le that Btuarf* I’alarrli Tablet* contain no cocaine, morphine or polwnoua narcotk*. no often found In catarrh powder*, and the use of which often entails a habit more dangerous than the disease. Hiuart'a falarrh Tablet* are wild by drugalsl* at jhc for full el*sl package and „ r * piobably th. oat--t and moat ef fectual catarrh cure on market. CUXL; YOURSELF! ( r M Big fr on*lof#l rnuttim* or ut< >f BIIUUUI meUilflO#. PxinlrM. and not MtrL#* , senior potsonniu. Mold e.rliramtlila " senl In ruin wrtsier, hr Jim*, er-r.ll, far • ' -r S bittle*. *.ll. Ctrtulxi etui vu c-jtiu* N thltf. rOIftOYI. i*.m|ilo)t'i W lio Tak* *1 krir Lives In Their Hnnd>. From the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune It Is not generally known that Cincin nati ha within her counties a half floaei. factories that manufiu iur* every flay enough flcivflSy i*olM>na to annihilate the entire (Mipulatlou of th# city. These factories are • guarled fr#Kn all Intruders aiul even the employes nave to u* skilled In ttieir work and !>•* well Awar* of ih* risk tliey tak* lx*fore admit tan# e is granted. H>iii* of tiw |ioi M.ns are ho deadly that Inhaling the fuir** that arts# fi4>rn their manufai tur#- would menn certain death This l es| tally the .<* with nhy- , drou u> Id. a drug that Is never placed m. th#- in irk* t in its pure m, and even In tJt| ’hemiat's laltoratory It is handled with nil the ar* that WuUl in given to, a pofctonouw rtfillb If tii** fumes of this; a- si tt*>u.l #*ti#a|s* the chemist wou.d nev er ll\e to tel! th#- tale. The who flls oovr l It was kilhd by inhaling Its fumes, and other m* n hose met stmilur deaths. Probably the inol <langer*)ua of the drug< manufactured lore Is th- cyanki# of |iotassltirti. Its fiim* - nre said not to he poisonous, nnd one an work in the rroni where it le rminuJa turcd without fear, except that .he muse not tow 4i ii The #i|ghtcs quantity of the poison In lie pur#* star#* would kill instantly If swai kitwi Thl fumes arising from it have rather a pk' odor, und it is said (flat It products n witching #ff#*t U|ion th* workmen. The finished poison looks lik** cryst lu#*d sugar. an*l n> you gsa** on it and smell tiw fa*** inatlug o*|#h there Ih a strong tempi at km to m**ie p. The fasci nation Is probably much Ilk* tnt whi* h *IrWH a man over u steep pr* < Ipk A? any rate, the attraction tas•* f the |KiliM*n is sc well re ogntxed that a w.*rk- , ! V t >1 aJ. : .< i ..*• ■Ci >, ; . * '.'t *- , .. in C f.h. i.2 ,' !*„!#**■ f"4r -. V • . . * ■ t.V * , gbXtJ . A Broadtail Carriage Wrap With Collar, Cuffs amt Reveres of Chlnchilt# man Is never allowed to remain alone In the room where It Is being manufactured. Nitric and sulphuric ncid* nr*, poisons equally fearful In their results when on '> llh.r.i'e.l These poisons e.H away and through almost anything, und they can only be kept In i arhnys. When one of these carboy* is broken the factory I* doomed• The acid spread* around and be gins to eat lino everything II (ouches, and tncidecuully sets everything Inflammable on tire. To collect the acid or pour any thing over It to counteract Its effect# I* an Impossibility. Aw It burns and spread* around. Its fumes become deadly In their effect it nil llrem.n attempting to put out the flames would suffer. The ftim<* lo not kilt at once-but If brealhed for iwcn-i ly-four hour* they poison the system and 'teatll ofllmes results. The fumes of corrosive sublimate are a* deadly as almost any poison, atsl In fn ' torle# where tla* drug Is made the great est care Is used to prevent them from es- : caplng. Thetc ore many other poisons made for commercial use that are only a tlltlc lest powerful, but nearly all of them ar>- dl- j luted when phn-ed on the market. Home of these, are yellww prusslats of potash, i nitrate of silver, acetate of lad and cop per. frrrocyanldc of potash, white and red lead end many other polon*. By their j being diluted the danger of using and han dling Is minimised. There Is one factory In Cincinnati that ' do.* a thriving bttwlne*. securing nitrate f BtM (ran ia*t-off photographers’ stock, amt still another that makes the drug In a crude way. The proprietor of j the latter establishment Is a native of, Hwltserlnnd. und the garret of his house 1* his workshop. Home lime ago he was overcome by the fumes from his cruel-J hies amt <ame near dying. He had met with a young German learning the trade, and the apprentice suddenly quit hi# job W "II ll- I "111 l- • flVI! W l nil I ing .1 b:m- ll II I- ** The accidents lhat have resulted from handling this class df poison* are many Several year* ago a carhoy of nitric add was accidentally broken In a factory In Eastern avenue, and the acid began to have It* way without opposition. It soon started the Interior of the factory on firs, and I! wf# eating ll# wsy into an adjoin ing room', where large quantities of oth*r poisons were stored Several workmen volunteered lo pul out the flame* and check the scut In lis deadly f*e' erni hours were occupied before they sue- IWM. ixl When tnal'.rs *.• m*<l *H rij;tit they rsfurmst homw. Th** n**l v alt w.rt* -! k, n*t on. of th** mn <t' , ‘t. th<* fum— of ttw* odd having be*-n tnhol* ••■I anl enough of the |obon abaorb*d to cause death. Uli. •m* hu*in<- cifTl* - ## of the giand •rd oil Compaf" were centered In F.cve iond many of Fin Innatl * factories for the nunufacture of poison have been move! to th#- For*i*t City, but there are still enough here to mak it good showing* T %LLI H TH % % THE FHIDIIW. Thirty•#loried Olllc# flMltdln* to fi I p In Herald square. From t*e New York Iterald. Higher than the Pyramids! Tallest of fice building In the world. To Ik* erect#4 and read) f*r o# iip*U'*y in Ju-d twelve months. Those are the striking features of th** obe.Pk of Hcni.#l Hquare, to Ik 1 up a4 the 'iuth* *st * orner of Broawav and Thlrly-thlrd street. Th** e|#v (tor wells In this building will I#• fit** t - • deep. Allowir.g fifteen feet clear h#tw-i.r lh( ixb tofthe whe#l- sup is-rtlng tl# e|. valor cnhles I the usual free ppu. •'' iinl the roof and the total hight from BroMdway aid* walk to the top i*- 4 fet Add tb** thick •-s of th#- roof a n*l the railing and *rnuni**nts thereon and a total bight of 166 feet hi ur* and Ow Cheops. mtghtie>*t of the Pyramid* of Kgv*t, \v s originally 17“ fe**t above the rand* of th#* d* **!>. *ut l if'erty it h s measure*! only 4**4 f# t from base lo top most potnt. Chw K ldes at th#' base nre 756 feet • in: i' k an ftt.M #f 57t0 hii *r l*et T • plaf s' i ground on win h th* n-west sky sera per !in th* world is to b built me isttrea nlne fj-lwo feet on Brou*lwa> t and Jr 9 feet on Whl Thirty-third street, extending back ward *o a# to form nn Irregular parallel ogram. with an nr* u of about T.n** square feet. Therefore this building will he |.#s than one-e.ghtleth as broad a* the blgges, Pyramid, bui several feet higher, and, owing to Ils sllmnews, will appear to be mm h lofth-i. None can t-11 how long It took to nlle up the great ohlcng til cks of stone which form Cheops, how many laborer# worked on the task, n r how much It all cost or was worth, re- konerl In ll" nc\, but of this new gigantic structuie we know this: The land on wliivli It will -and I- valued now at $1,500,0011. The building will cost about 11.750.i5ii. and rent as will bring In annu ally $120,000. Rents thereabouts are o high that va cant lots co-t a heap to the owners, and when a building is titii down or altered the utmost speed Is main*allied in prepar ing rile prom sos for t Hants again So It Is (tanned *o t*nr down the buildings on th" site of the te w obelisk of Herald Square. er*-ct the n- w st'Ucture and have rentpaver* settled within Its walls by one year from the day the la- tenant move out. Steam drills, hvdraull" power, elec tricity and every modern ,'gont serving to speed the work of builders and contract or* must t e employed in order to accom plish this Herculean task. Cheops Is r.olly only a single-storied affair The nbllsk of Herald Square will he divided and subdivided horlxontally by thirty doors. To-day the tallest office bulling In the world, the Svndlcate. or l ark Row Building, lit thl# city. I* twen ty-* x storlet high, .minting the four etorled towers. The view from th*- upp* r stories of Ihe Park Row building l superb, but tnan**l somewhat by the n.-nrest of the lesser sky si rni*ers üboundlng down town. From th* pinnacle of the obelisk of Herald Square, nt least llfiy feet high* r. the outlook will he even grander. The nearest high build ing. right t>< stile rhe obelisk, ts only a isiliry sixteen stories tall For miles nnd miles ip every dlrei-fton tlie spectator will be able to view the busy haunt* of men. ond afar off the quietude of the country lanea. the majestic Hudson, the Sound, the ocean hevond the Narrows and the bill* of New Jersey will appeal to ail tha finer aenstblllrtes. The structure proper, technically the "dewd load.” wilt weigh 21 ®n tons. Be side* this, of course, the builders must prepare tha foundation for tenant*, furnl tniw. Mf. ar*l th. Hke, the "live load." amounting to f.'W' tona Thu* w. „.w an aggregate of .0® a.ver and a quarter million of brtok* f*UI used about I.P tons of Iron and sleet •nd 1.500 tons of stone MAR!** HTiUIOiUCa Matters of Interest to Shipping Mew Generally. It #• a huntllng day at the Custom H<Ki#e yesterday Five steamships clear ed with the value of their cargoes 82.743.- and a hark with cargo valued at 811.- 081. making the total valuta of cargoes cleared. f:.754.5. Vessels classed and rated by the Ameri can Bureau of Whipping In the ‘ Record of American and Foreign Shipping. Aneil'iin # hootHT Gene's; American schooner J. Edward Drake; .American g masted schooner, J Manchester Haynes; American 3-maste*l schooner James B. Jordan, and Swedish schooner Aino. A Swiss genius has Invented a pßh cloak weighing about one pound which will hold up a fully equipped soldier on the surface of the water, flu-'*‘essfill ex periment# were made recently on the Kk.- of Zurich The cloak is provided with waterproof pocket* In which fool and drink n*y be carried, as well an blue lights In case Hie wearer la shlpwrv*'ke 1 In the night. Germany ha# some of the largest steam ers In the world, as well as the fast##*, and the same 1* doubly true of her sa l ing vessels, n number of which #*x ecd 3.000 registered tons 4n #i*e The ri*e of Germany as an Industrial and mar itime power has been but little short of phenomenal. The Ship’s Doctor—Never go In bathing after # full meal. I*atlent—Why not? Tlw Bhlp s Do#:tor—Because you won’t find It there. I'aairntrra by Ktramalilpi. Passengers by steamship Flty of Au gusta {or New* York yesterday -M #* Hull. M Ia Richter. Miea D. lamgstaff. A HHmuth. H W Palmer. F. M Apple gate and wife. Mr*. H Daw-on Mb* Hrvan. C, F Knox. Ml** Roper. O H (Iffnrnts, A Ia I>eaboulllons. J. Rival. John Blue. Farl Gunter. Mis* Willi# Hud son Miss Florence KVilr. and seven inter mediate. pnwsenirer* per #tenm‘hlp Dorchester, for Baltimore. Hep 36—R M Ball. J Stoner, C*hrl?ophrr. Emily Fo!*ock. Henry Frenaort, John Mlngledorf. John Henderson. I.lllle Simmons. Dave Patter son. Chari## Scott. Charles Turner Georg# Owen. J M Adams. Mrs L Bord ley. C. D C'olllns. C T Young. W P La- Roache. Mrs. W P La Roach#. C. F Sykes. Mrs. C. F Sykes, B. Golden. J. P McCary, A. Alexander Passenger# by steamship Nacooche# N'f*w York, for Savannah. Sept 27—Mies F. Olmsfead. Miss S. Oiinstead. Miss R. Rauchenberg Mrs. t'harles Olmstead Sl* ter Susan. Miss J M Ward. W Frank Harris. J. II Mono ban. A M ITndle. Mr Ftaxer. Mrs. O. Fn!k Mis’* L. Falk, A L Hartrldg#*. S 1* Whlteston#, Mrs. W. li. Plnney. Mies S Carlton. Miss M Pape. W II John** on, II Johnston. Miss M D Hotalltng. Mr#. K C. Johnston. J. T West H J S'Jtcllffe. E 11 BtMnbArg C. S Hayden. Miss Lula Hay. Mis* M *A Mustln. Mis A Barnett Mis# C. Bar rett. Miss Wlllk* Dußotae Miss C ljinder shlne. Mias F. Adam# Mb# A. E. Bour quln. Mrs. E. F Bryan. Miss L. Amran. Miss B Sternberg Miss H Piatchek. Miss A M Barnard. Miss L C. Carney. Mas ter Charles Adams. Mrs. A. P. A*!ams. K K Broome. K Pipping. Mrs. Bluewtaln. Miss I. Blucsteln. Miss R. Bluestein Miss Wilder. Miss C Harrlman. O. M Chase. K. A Todd. W. Tkitchelder. Mrs. Ratchel d# r Mis# Gertie Ratchelder. Mis# El!th B itchel#b-r. Mi> Mahl# B ucheldcr. Mas ter F Minis. Mrs. I. Minis. Mbs E. L Bradbury. Mrs. J II N Renner. L. H Forbes. Prof. F H Lewis. Mbs McKin ney. Miss Francis Fuddy. Miss D. W. Kirk. Mi* E. Hopkins. t. K A J O’Hara. Miss C. M. Webb. Mias Jl 1> Nichols. Miss Ward Miss Ilsrirlige J J Plahire, Master A. llartrldge. F W Phlster and wife. Mis • 8. M. Black, Mt*s A. W Black. Mrs W Kelly. A. Auerbach, Sarah Devlin, C. Perrlmen, C. Robinson. Joeephin© Quarf#*rman. Bessie Quarter man. Ella Quarterman. Daisy Washing ton, Dona Washington, Miss P Mor-e. 8 .rah Bly. Ella Ball, Walter Ball Mrs W. A Ball. Annie .Icnes. Susie M Greene. Miss M Hanel. M‘s H. Hall. Miss A Weston. Harry Garbel. A. Richard#. W. DeWorkln. Mr. Barnadorf. Mr. Behrens. C. 8. Johnston. E K. Bryant. Hnrinnnh Alutnnac. Sun rises at 6:56 a. m., and frets at 6 46 p m. High water at Tvbee to-day at 11:44 a m and 12:® p. m High Water at Savan nah one hour later. I’haaea of tbs Moon (or September. . ‘ D. H. M. First quarter 2 1 6 morn Full moon 8 11 6 eve. Last quarter 15 2 57 eva. New moon ... ,2J 1 57 eve. Moon PerlgXe, 9th; Moon Apogee. 23d. ARRIV 81.8 AND DEPARTt'RBfI. Vessel* Aerlved Yesterday. Steamship Ni -oochee, Smith. New York -throti Steamship C'omi*any. Steamship Ktppre-s tilr.). Ison. Phlla delphla —Barnarvl A- Cos. St. ttnwbtp T>*nn (Itr.), Hamilton. Trini dad.—A. F. Churchill. Steamship Highftekl (Br.), Richardson, Baltimore -Wilder A* Cos. Steamship Thornley (Br,), Major. Baltl more.—Wilder A Cos Vessels Clesred Yesterday, Steamship M.neonomo (Rr ). Mann. Bre men.—W. \V. Wilson. Steamship George Fleming (Br.). Pam low. Bremen. A. F. Churchill. Steamship Treasury <Br.). Davies, Ge noa.—Mini* A Cos. Bu-amslilp lathtian (Br.). Gardner. Bre men.— Mints A Cos. ' Steamship Crsula Bright (Br.). Coode, Bremen.—Wilder A Cos. Bark Crown (Nor ). Koglung. Goole.— Dahl A Cos. Yeasel* Went to Sea. Steamrhlp City of Augusta. Daggett. New York. Steamship Dorchepter. Jnme, Baltimore ahtpplnw Memoranda. Charleston. Sept 29. Arrived, sc boon *r* Fasadena. lllgt>ee Philadelphia; Hal ite lon. Iceland, Philadelphia; J. 11. Par ker. Hammond, New York; Helen Mon tague. Adams. New Y'ork. Jacksonville. Fla., Sept 29 F.ntered and eb-ar.-d. steamer Algonquin, Platt, Kew York Fernandlna. Fla.. Sept. 29 Sailed •" h".liter* Kdward H. Blake, Smlrh, New York: Kdlth J-. Allen, Gllkey, Ilto de Janeiro. Cleared, schooner Laguna, Kay It*. Han Juan. Key YV.-t, Fla.. Se|U. *9—Arrived, steumet* Mas* ott-. While. Havana, and sailed for Port Tangnt; Miami. Delano. Miami. Sailed, schooner* Hollyhock, Bonaceo; derallna. Bono co Baltimore. Hei* 29-Arrived Itaaca, Sa vannah Sailed, steamer Alleghteny, Savannah. D H Miller. Savannah. Hhlelda. Sept 25—Hailed, steamer Hur worth Savannah. lmmoden. Sept. 27.—Arrived, steamer Westmoor. Pensacola. Pensacola, Fla., BepL 2.-Arrived, bark Chn.a F Ward (Am). Ftaimm*. r. Pt.rr., Martinique tiered, chip H*ur (Nr.), Bu.noa Ayrea. H*r> M.irth* Mrter a (rr.). Haut.bwrt. Nantaa. Notice to, Pilot Chary, ond oil hydraenphio Infer, matton wilt b. furntahed me.tera 0 f v. *,)a freo of rhorp* In I'ntt.d State, h y . drosrophte ottlco In Tuatom Houec. Cop. lain, oro requested to call at the oHl**.. Reports of wreck, and dtroltrto rocolved for tranamlaoton to h. Navy Depart, ment. Foreign EiporU. Per Brltlah oteamohlp Mow-onotno fo, Bremen.—J,7 tone phoaphala rock, tzi - VK, 10.K56 halco cotton, Is7s.sSA—Cargo VH rtour. Per Hrltlah irteamahtp Goorgo Flomlnr for Bremen.-HMB< h.ilea cotton, •j.itOi tone ptg Iron. rJVflnn; 1,20 bar re . roelf. P."B*. —Cargo varloua. Per Hrtttah atcainohlp Treaoury for Genoa.—ATS bale* cotton. Ptw.nrto; SKI lona iron roll*. lU.Ma.b: BiM ton* atcel rail., $11.7*0 *4 —Cargo* vartoua. Pm- ttrttlah ateamahtp for Bre men -8.597 hale* cotton. HtC.tß6; 2.151 ton* phosphate rock. Cargo various Per Hrttleh ateanwhlp t'r*ula Bright, for Brern-n. -10.XO halro cotton. tSMJTi; uv) | N ,irets rostn. *2.012; I.W ton* pig Iron. *22.5®.— Cargo various. Per bark Crown 0f0r.).—8,*75 barrel, roeln, *11.U61.83. -Cargo by Shottcr Cos. ('.astnlse Fsporta. Per steamship City of Augusta, fer New York. B-pt. —S.4TI hales upland • Otton. 1.t*44 cases cotonH*—d oil. ZVt < aee* soap. 325 bales domestic*. fu2 barrels mein. barrel* tiiriM-ntlne. Hf>.fi® fec lumber. 210 bundle* hides. ® turtles.® barerl* rosin oil. 141 boxes fruit. ® <*l*e* cigar* bags sweeping*. 4 bags wool. 4S barrels lampblack. 4M packngea mer.-h.indle Per steamship Dorchester, for Baltimore —1,015 hale* upland Colton. *-xl barrels roeln. M. 057 feet lumber. *• padMges fruit. 84 barret* rostn oil. 40* paekage* merchandise. 125 packages .baneslies anl yarn, 28 bales hide*. 25 bale* llnter*. NORTHAMPTON. A City Whose lll.tor* lleveals later. est In the Olden Times. Prom the Rprlngfleld (Mass.) Republican Diving Into the old record* of one of th# most charming cltle, of our common wealth, Northampton, we And much of deep Interest as revealing customs and habit* of olden time. No Are was found In “the meeting house” In olden tlm*. ant comparatively recsnGy foot atovea w*”-* carried to church, a* were tallow candle* to the evening meeting* In 1737 tha !m --pirtant vital question at a legal town was, "Shall men nnd their wive* he seated to gether In pew*?" and the voi* was an emphatic "No!" In 1744. about the beginning of Jonathan Rdwsrrt*' troublo In th# partah, It win voted not "to pay the charge* of bringing his daughter firm Brnokfldd " In 1734 thl# pi>ear# on the town rec.-rd; "Taking Into consideration the dtfflciiry Mr. Kd word# hath labored under this ycr and om time past with re*pect to hi* fire wood, the tow n voted tlutt thdss p. r*.w who have not thl* year brought him a Pad <f word might have liberty between thl* time and next Tuesday night to bring each one a loud of wood." If them was not a sufllrlency of w-rod by that tme, the town then vo4ed. the ee|e tmen ehall see that the deficiency should be met at the cost of tho town. latter. In 17SA we find In the warrant for town meeting this entry: "To procure firewood for Hev. Mr. William* to choose a committee to seat tho meeting h*‘use." A most #rK>u* burtness to decide wlio should take preference In the broad aisles! The "nigger pew. ' w. II rem-irb— ed by the writ's, caused no trouble p said officer*, a* that was readily accepted by llie "colored brethern." like cow* In the stable, wlm went dutifully to their separate stall* Not only the living had special rule* governing their conduct, btit the rules about the dead were very quaint a- by this report of a committee. May 11. 174 h io whotn had been referred the conduct "f funerals, as follows: Whereas, It Is the opinion of thl* ,towu thul funerals ought to be conducted w ta great decency and decorum In order to Im press on rising ami risen generation t •> Importance of the awful solemnity, an ' to render the house of mourning better than the house of feasting lie 11 therefor • recommended lo oil the Inhabitants of thl* town to observe th* following rcgulatlo atxfunerals: 1 That the relatives of Ihc deceased f i low next the corpse, two and two. 2. If the deceased was n male per n the mule* are to follow next the mourner# two and two, and the women after iliem two and two; but If the decease*! w -a women, then the women are to foll'wr next the mourner* and the nw n aft r them. 3. Those on horseback are to follow n after the foot folks. hoi>e> two and two and the carriage* ore to follow In the par of the procession And it I# reques'd that no person walk or ride on either *lu the procession Itom the house to th i grave. Ten of the prominent men of the city were appointed and r. queried to attend at funeral* and lo rogulute the pro ersloi thus recommended until the same hni become habitual to the people. In n*> question was raised lit the annual town meeting "If the town would be at th" ex pense of coloring the meeting house It passed In the negative"! Evidently >•' thought that nature would do It will" expense. Nol till 1749 were the fort* at fortification* of the town demolished anl the timber nnd board* eold for the ■ lit of the town. Laras were pained re.' five, to the schooling of hoy* and amount of wood they should bring •<> sehoolhousc; girls were of no account those days. telegraphTc markets. (Continued from Dago Twenty-Three)^ 3 white. 244)255c; No. 2 rye, 51>yc; f* lr choice malting. 540.71 c; No. 1 ffa* • *1 475: No. 1 Northwestern. *1 47'.; I’ rln ' timothy seed. *4.3004.; mess |*rk. I"' barrel. *12.20(112.25; lar.l, per 1> l"j r '" , r 7 12'ii7.16: short rile sides, (loose' *" ' 4 25; dry salted shoulders. (bo*el) ‘V uNc; short clear side#, (boxed). ** whisky, basis of high wines. >1 27 FINANCIAL. <F.4.Rogers&Co.,inc. 5 Bankers, Brokers and Dealers In ) \ Stocks, Cotton, Grain and ) ( Provisions £ / FOR CAHH OK MARGIN- S Prompt Serv iced.iheral Treatment Writ' 1 f I terms, special quotation service "■> f* / S•• Selstv and t *rtaint. Is Ssscslsttos' • k S 38 W AI.I. HTREKT. NKW Ttlßb- ( J. D. WEED t CO •ATANNAM. 44A. Leather Beltlog. Steam Packing 4 Hose. Agents for NSW YORK Bllßbl-H BKLTINO AND PACKING comi-aN)^ IF TOU WANT OOOD MATER! 8 b and work, order your Bthogrsphed • printed staiinoory kiwi blank books Morning News, ■svanaiab. Ow-