The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 30, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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CLOSE OF MONTH’S BUSINESS. „ IHKKT* hmpmukd to a ceh. kk al on mtimii. I.rreaaes !■•*■ ov * r Trade mi at UI Year <otton >lfi rUft Close* Ktendy and la. changed—Cotton I'ntnre* p l In |. n |ala— Aplrlla Turprntlif Firm ut .17 I'eala—Bmli Firm and I ■- , hanged l.ocal and Trlriraphlr Mark***. The Morning Newe Office, Saturday. Bep*. 29. Ai (hl ku tho closing day tor Bep , rl , r business there w:i much activity in ail line*. It is agreed that the month , ,r with a decided Increase over the umom■ ■ 'f business done during Heptcm ,.fr ■ <9. Collection* are reported Rood. ■ . • ouraglng nils plena under which f„ if.ui* ha* opened up give* bustne** „,,. n assurance* of continued Improve ment .-otton market cloned steady and united to-day, with a moderate epot t,u,-lma reported. The cotton futures D iiket . dosed steady with price*, net. 3 „ , ]r. point* higher. Thl* was due In a r, i ire to the decidedly buillah sentiment .. -n prevailed on report# from the crop rt ter. that the output will be a small cne this sen son n compared with the ospe- ive large consumption. Then. i.>. me weekly statement of the Chroni .Ie KM construed a* bullish, and this helped to keep prices up. Estimated r* ■ipts at Houston for to-morrow are 12,- ;<•- to 19,000 bales. The spirits turpentine mtrket closed firm and unchanged t 37 cents, with a fair bu-lnes* reported n the Board of Trad- TN rosin market closed ijrm and un changed, with a moderate business re ported. The wholesale tnarketa were re .acted steady The following resume of me different market# will show the tone arl quotation** at the closing *o-day: COTTON. Tne cotton market closed steady and un changed to-day. Sole* on the spot were Iff. hales. The day's receipts were 10.141 agßUiet s kill last year, and 9.30 year be foti last. Good middling f.o.b. was from 101, - t<> io%c. Ti . following were the official spot quo tations at the close of the market a( the Cotton Exchange to-day: I This ! Laat I <lay. ' year. • middling , lot, |n““ Middling 10 tgi^ Low middling 9% 3% flood ordinary | 3^ Mark) t. steady: rule#. 196. Savannah Reoei|\ta. Exports and Slocks Receipt* this day 10.054 Receipt* this day last year a 4D<i This day year before last <.2St) Receipts since Sept. 1. 1W IT74KS Bun* day last year ]<n.£B7 Foreign exporta 39.147 Mill coneumptlon lji Stork on hand this day 55.710 Hume day la*t year 93.614 Receipts ami Stocks at the Ports— Receipts this day 51,679 Receipts this <fciy last year 66.41S Receipts ihie day year before last.. 46 882 Total receipt* since Sept. 1. 1990 613.(2.' Some time last year holiday Some time year before last 733.372 Stock at all porta to-day 333.214 Stock same day l-td year 67.’,960 Dally movement at other port*.— <ialveeton —Quiet; middling, 10; net re celpt*. &,344, cross, 5.244; sales, 137; no k 54 :*s. Now Orleans—Steady; m' Idling. 10%: lirt receipt#, 24 729. gross. 30 297. sales, stock, 99.882. Mobile—Dull; mlddllnir. 10; net receipt*. :r*l; gross, 1,961; so be, 150; lliH'k. 12.318. irleston -Quiet: middling. 9’,; net re * ■ ipla. 2.972; cross. 2,972; atock, 17.910. Wilmington—Dull; middling. 10%; net r* i-ipls. 2.985; gross. 2,985; stock, 44,969. Norfolk—Steady—ml'kllln*. 10%; net re ipis, 8.621; gro#. 8.621; Bales, 1.584. *tock. 2 004, Haltlnxore—Nominal; middling, 10%; stock, 1.515. New York-Steady; middling. 16%: net i veipte. 28, arose. 1,507; aalee, 53); atock 3.368. •Boston Quiet; middling. 19%; net re • Ipt*. 40. a roe*. 40; slock. 5,5. Philadelphia—Firm; middling. 11; oet re i cipts, 34. aroaa. 587; Block, 1.171 Dally movement# at Interior town# Augusta—Quiet; middling. 101-18; Bet re el pis. 3.664; groaa. 4.597; eale, 1.072. Block. 57 462. Memphis—Steady; middling. 10*4: net re . elpta. 1.822. gross, 2.022; aalea, W 0; atock. 15.133. St icMite —Quiet; middling. 10H; net re ceipt*. 1.904; gross. 2,834; aalcs, 800; atock. 11.871. i'll* Innatl—Dull; middling. 10%; Mj r®- ■ e|pts, 47; groas, 47; sales. 425; stock. 8,- 623. Houston—Dull; ml-Mllng, 10; ,e ' cel|>ts. 10.4*4. gross. l'V4#4, stock. 39.'03 Dullsville—Firm: middling. 10%. Kxjiorta of Cotton This Day. New Orleans —France. 21,004; continent. 56 233; coastwise, 5,802. Mobile—Coastwise. 100. isrieslon -To Qieet Rrltsln. 10.821 Norfolk—Coastwise. 2.<WV New York—Coastwise, 407. Total foreign export# from alt port# ‘ole day—To Greet Rrlteln, 16,818; to I'ance,1 'ance, 21.004: to the continent. 75.380 Tosul foreign export# lnoe Sept. 1. 1900— To Great Britain. 128.840; to France. 46.- i to the continent. 1*6.119. EA I'OTTOf. The weeks receipts 119 l<i year. Th sale* were KH. against - 4!.t lay t year. Price* about a* follow*: Florida* received) • 214723 c Fancy Orordu Jl'' Exit* Choice ..... *4o*< Fancy and Extra fholca Georgias are • ■ bnsl* of quotations. old rollon . sold I>rlow (he abcsve price*, but 21c ik given aa the actual price of Fancy ami Extra Choice Georgias. It la unu*iial to r. five Florida* at this *ca*->n, but aooip of the** grade* have been received ami -'•'Tile paid. The receipt* are o short of •in year, and advice* from the Interior are so exceptionally bad that theae price* •re naarded aa reasonable. ( OTTOt Ft Tl HF.a. i hroalrle'a Htalemeats Help* to Run Price* up. New York. Bept. 29 —The cotton market opened with prlcea 7 to IS pomta higher, atxi scored additional gains Immediately following the call on henlthy buying for ell branches of the trade. Sentiment wan bullish on reporla from the crop center • hat Indication* dally pointed more clearly to a short crop, and to an exceptionally • arly completion of picking and market ing. The English market advlrea were deetd ' iiy better than expected. Europe bought b our market as well as In Liverpool TANARUS, weekly statement of tha Chronicle •a* readily summed up as strikingly bull atid private cable* declared the report f toat paper, had don* much to advance I’tt '*•* there. As for the crop movement. "ipta at the port* and many of thn interior towns were lower than expected. ' i•obtlOM due largely to scarcity of cars •xiortera are known to have purchased ' "ortnous line of staple for shipment dur the next three months The Inabllltv> to meet (he demands of shlp • okls fall to be an Important factor 1,1 ins near future. Wall street appeared Tilt* < onspicuousiy aa a buyer of the Wlr '* r mooth*; tha South purchased the MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trade Building. Savannah Private leAseti wires din t to New York v nl< a*o and Nm Ortwin# COTTON, Vloi l\s |\u liitlh, New York office. So 61 Broadway. Offices m principal cities throughout the South. Write for our Market M *mi! and hook containing instructions for traders late deliveries Kali River report.d a firm but quiet mirket for doth*. The market dosed m.*l> with pr: . 5 net. 9 to Ir. points h.g.iet Kl.l t TI ITIIIW IN Ft Tllll'.s. New York, Kept *< ('otton future, opened steady at the advance aid c and steady. Prices aa follows I Open High. Low Close January ......| 9.73 | 9,7.'. 970 972 February , 9.73 97 s 977 971 Mar. ti 9.7i j ~, s Aptll 9.75 j 9 75 9 7.', 971 -May ; 9 7*l ,9 75 9 iji 972 June 9*W 973 9 tis i) *. July j 9 70 9.70 969 97t August | .... ; .... ! 95, September ...) .... | .... j October 1" fib lO.a 10.16 pi 19 November ... 9X7 9'> 914 9vi December .... 9.7* j 9.75 97! 97; Liverpool Cotton Futures. Liverpool 3, 1 9 rn Spot limbed demand: prices higher; American middling fair, *. 13-1(91. good mid l ing, 6 3-l6d. mid dllng. 6*,d; low ml idling • >,; good ordi nary 515-33-1. ord nary. 5 7 53d The sab's of the day were 3.060 hale-, of which :>•> were for speculation and export and In cluded 1.200 American. Receipts 4..V0 bale, all American Future* opn<d and closed steady; American middling low middling clause; September, SUM. sellers, n-tohci Novemlier, 5 3'*lC, (-el. sellers. No, -rnbe t I*eeemt>er, 5 33d,‘ sellers; |v ember-Jan uary, 6.37115 3Xd, buyers; J arniarv l-'ebru - ary. 5 344)"- ltd, buyers. February March. S&S 23d, sellers; March - April. 5 Jhd, huy ers, Apru-May. 5 1x36.t-|, buyers; May- June. 5.17d. buysrs; Juns-July, 5.1!V55 14d. value; July-August, f. ltd. sellers. New Orleans. Wept. 39 —Cotton futures steady. Oct 9 7239 73 March .. ..9 57119 5* Nov 9 55*19.57 April 9 57ft9 5* Dec. 9.531)6.53 Mav 9 57f19 r.s Jan 9.521>* June 9.571)9 9 Feb 9.546)9.55, COTTON I.KTTEHB. Ne' York. Kept. 29 Murphy A Cos. say. Cotton advanced In Liverpool to-day 3-64 ff 6<4d und unfavorable crop reivortv in Ilie Chronicle, couple*! with malt advices from the South. Indicating out turn smaller than expected, checks bear sales, with the view of covering on expected declines resulting from large rereipta. This mar ket opened and ruled abou: 16 points high er. excepting October, which advanced 15 polnta. owing to rumor of a squeeze In that option, and strong probability of holders of contract* demanding the actual cotiosi agelnst their sales of October con tracts in Liverpool New York, Sept 29.-Hubbard Bros. A Cos., say: In Liverpool the poor report of the condition of the crop given |n the Chronicle brought an advance greater than our improvement of yesterday. Tuts caused an opening here of 10 point* ad vance on October, and * points on th other deliveries, A fair business was dm* within n moderate range, which appeared to be mainly of a character represen lug equalization of accounts. The buy era of yesterday* afternoon were free seller showing their buying was for a temporary character. From the ftouth there tv is no change tn the character of the reports re garding the crop, though the movement Is ott a (urge scale. Foreign markets are hardly expected to maintain to-day's ad vance In face of the large receipts. The local temper la decidedly bullish. Cotton fional*. New York. Kept 29—Business tn staple cottons has again been on n quiet scale to-day. Buyers era not going ahead of current requirements to any extent, nor would sellers allow them to do so If so in clined. Prices are very firm throughout. Print cloths firm, but quiet. No change In prints or ginghams. Cotton yarns In bet ter supply than demand and against buy ers. MV 41. DTIIHfK. Saturday. Sept. 29. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-The turiien tine market opened firm a: 37 cent#, with wiles of 1.122 cask#, and ■ loved firm and unchanged, with further #a!es of IDO. The demand was fair at the market price. Re- Cclptn 1.339, and the export# 49* ROSINS —The rosin market closed firm and utvhangid. The demand ,i light, and transaction# were accordingly lim ited. Receipts 2.636. and (ha expnrta 6.66; Prices aa follows: A. B. C *1 o I 21 65 D 1 K 1 80 n 1 35 M 1 9o Fl 4 N 1 M 0 1 45 WO 2 CP H 1 W W 235 Receipts Saturday— Spirits Rosin. C. R. R 202 880 H., F. & W 63 1.502 8 A. L 4n 72# Flat 54 4* Kxporta Saturday— P. R. R. various, week 23 538 8., F. &W. various, week .. 475 8 A I* various, we k I/O* 8. 8 Geo. Fleming (Hr), Bre men 1.5*0 Nork. Bk Crown. Roole 3.875 Naval Stores Statement— Spirit* Roeln Stock April 1. 1900 2,197 H2.WI •Receipt* to-day 1.889 2.631 Receipt* previously e. 227.987 (13.71* Total since April 1 231.523 65* 858 Exports to-day 496 *.*63 Exports previously 192.35* 819.813 Export# since April 1 192,654 536.176 Slock on hand 10-day 88.669 1X1,382 Stock on hand same day last y, ,ir9 Charleston, Hrpt 29 Turpentine him S6%e n-ke.l Itneln steady, unchang-I New Orlcan#. fG*pt 29 -Receipts, rosin. 6h barrel#; exports, none W ilmington. N C, 8. |>t 29-Spirit# tur pentine. firm. 36S36>#c, bid; receipts. 117 ‘■‘VtoMn Arm. II receipt#, 438 bar- Crude turpentine, quiet. II.10(12.10; re ceipts. 48 barrel*. Tar, mm, 11.40; receipt*. 167 barrels rmiruL MONEY—The demtnd keep# fairly up wtili fh* upPV FOREIGN EXCHANGE (Market I* week Commercial demand. 4*4%. six IV days. 4 81; nmcev day#. 4 7C. : Iran.*, P#rla and Havre, alxty d.y#, Swiss, sixty day*. 0.25%; m#rk. slViy davs. 2 18-lie; ninety days. 93 7-16 noMEHTif EXCHANGE -St.adv. bank* are buying at 8-16 discount and sell- Ine n* follows; 525 and under. 10c pre mUtm 525 to 530. lie premium. |V> to *!"0. premium; 81<*> to I2.*> c premium; %y*o to II : fl.w> r‘l over. R ° BTt little now-monry ruling clout. Quotations con tlntif rathsr nomirl Itorli*. PI4. A-k Augusta and Savannih R R Atlanta un.l West Polnl •* do per cent, certificate* W% x Augusta Factory JOHN W. DICKEY, Mtoek and Hand Broker, Al 441 IT, fi • Write for s.lst. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1000. 1 • lltaens Hank i„ jjj ' rhn,h, m Hark mum Chatham H. K A 1 Cos , A ;*u u 'to MH MS r <kw mi*! phoenix Mf# Cos ios h<iiik>n hlnirlc Ilium . 100 ho KiHtrpriM- Mfg Cos \<jz <M'rnwtnui lumk IJ7 jjo itporgta A: Alabama 35 77 '*eoici,6 iiiiilrwd. rommon 210 21& <ituii!*\ :iif Mfj- J I’ Kin* Mf*. c\> 100 ia Ijiingify M ft! C 0.... \i7 J3Q Mer. hiu, * N' Bank ..1164,111 Nutl|..i| Hank of Havannah . U 5 lfA •Iglethorp.- havings uul Trust...lns no !'• "pie's Savings and L>an ..lot 162 Houtliwestern llallrnad .. 1071, nvtv, Satannah (lust Light Cos .. ui. 2ai_ s ' • ' nk saMim.ah Bunk and Trust 114 115 Sibley Mfg. Cos. Augusta & 90 i l.r* sing 95 |., l!tu!a. Bl<l. Ak ' ,r ' Ol * Aug Ist f.s. 1960 i(is lit! -' U city •MB M 106 Augu-lu Ctiy 4s. 1937 p* pq f*y , no 111 f , ISW 165 I'6 •'<- IMS ';9 121 All Mid Ind'd 193*. M A- N 97 99 Augusta Fu.-iory. H |.. r cent .1915 1(6 116 ltrunswt. k and Western 4-. 19 * M 93 ! r 11 '1 A Hanking collateral 5s 92 98 <’ <>f <i lei ss. 50-year gold. 1945 * A ]]g 170 _° r n ■ on. 1945 MAN .9! i <’ •f '1 Ist incomes. 1945 41 43 do 3d Incomes. 194. 10 jj do :id In -ome*. 1945 ... 5 6 F of ii r M (1 *■ a D4V! ss. 1947 J A J 90 61V, * f ' • tKaton Mranrh), s. 1 ’ 92 96 citv a Muburban H It. Ist 7s 106 116 Columbus city ss. 1909 .... jog pq Ch*rleu.n city 4s. 1945 .pyi pq Kagb- A Phoenix Mllie 193s pig pg Kdlson Klectrlc Illuminating As b>4 til, Knterprlee Mfg 6.. i9q; ]nJ ]na Georgia itallroad *. ],ii) u, > S a K. 1945. J AJ. . lilt, 1121, Georgia A Alabama Ist Rs. 1945 PM 1.4 Feorgi, Slat*. :n.f. 1980. j a j t (; pq do s>,*. 1915. M AN P 4 106 do 4'js. 1915 117 in Ma.-on dly *. 1910. J. A J .. US HA do 41,*. 1936. Jan par .... ltq 109 (Acean Steamship 5s 1936 106 106 Savannah city ss. quar. October. 19 >i not* uni do f.s. quar. Novemlier. 1909 1064 1104 South Carolina etate 445. 193.3 11 119 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6s. 1903 101 103 South Hound 5s 96 99 8., F A W. gen mi'ge, 6s. 1934 .123 124 do do let s*. gold 1934 11046 IBa do 8t John Dtv. Ist 4s, 1934 .. 94 96 W’ffUl) 1111111, MMtrment. N>w York. Hfpt. 29—Tho w>*kly bank of of tho ai#oci*tod tankp. shown: Ijoana. T deposits, creased, 512.764.7n0; circulation. ►peclc, d*cr*a*o I4.<4?.I00; reserve, de cr* a2*c. s*; ReiMirve required 1221.17#.- 700; decreMc. 53.191.175; surplus, deerfas*'. 53.609.725. N“w York. tWpr. 29 NToney on c|| nom Inal; no loans, rlosod offered at 2 per esnt Prime unttlo pwper, ISISM* |wr >ent Bterlln* t-x han*e weak, with ac tual bus iness in bankers* bills at S4 for demand. nnl 54.22** for slaty days Post ed rates. S4 S3’.tl4 *7 l x- Commercial bills. S S2*‘iM *t?\ Mar silver. 3Hc. Oovern ment l*>la st<*aly; st-ito bonls weak, rat.road bonds Irregular. gTIUKS AND IIOYDS. Dcmanil From Xhnrls Make Ihe Market Animated. New York. Sept. 39.—The stock market was a narrow and professional affair to day. which ended with n show of anima tion ami strength on account of an active demand from tho short interest which covered on the bank statement. This element **w encouragement In the fact that ihe inroad upon the banking surplus was restricted to bats than 14.86.086 while a much heavier depletion was expected. This sentiment eeemrd not to be af fected by she fact thnl a decline tn the reserve requirement of over li.'wi S M) was reepoii-dble lor this result, which was brought nt>out by a contraction ot *5.66,- *0 in the outstanding bums of the bank*. The s tual decrease tn cash w* slightly 111 ex- ess of that of last week as had been expeefed. Besides the liquidation in the stock market, a large volume of ttm* loans Is said to be maturing at this time, and the proceed* ot these the Links are inclined to hold for higher rate*, a* ex plained below. The proepcct of favorable developments In the coal strike srtuatlon over Sunday increased the disposition of the bears to cover, and the recovery 111 price* from the early low level run be tween l and 2 points for the prlnclmi action of the stock, not n few of which ' showed net gains of a point or more. The early sellmg of stpek* w * cncour- Hcd hv selling for foreign account and by rumors of financial difficulties in Ber lin, where th# exigencies of a settlement ! caused a lump of 2 per cent. In the rale - for short dis-nunt Mil*. Tiie steel stocks were rather firm throughou* intimations from official* of several of the great trunk lines* of an intention to provide for the year s need forthwith at the present prtcS of 226 for steel rails, helped Ihe group Large receipts of r*w sugar, doing awav wish some of Ihe danger of a shortage i helped sugar. A feature was th# further marking down of sierllng exchange rates by the exchange banker*. In spile of the nominal character of the B*'ur*l*v market. The bond market w * weak tn the earlier part of the week, but re nvertes tn Home Issues made the market Irregular later. Dealing* were not large at any time t'nlied Stales new 4 registered advanr. cd t 4. ami the ijld 4* and 5* declined >i tn the bid price Th total sales of stocks to-day were 1.1.V9W0 shares. Including Atchison prefer* td. 5.2 K; Chicago, Burlington and Quin cy. <1.250; Northern Pad tic. 7.5hn Reading first preferred. 9.40 b 8 Paul. S.4SO; Pnlon Pacific. 14.7J1; Brooklyn TransC. 13.379. People's Oss. 10.ISn; Huger. I" 950. New York Stock I.lst. ttchlson 274 In Pa Mi* do prf 49*. do do prf 73 B A O *Q Wabash *t Can. Pa *•'>'* do prf 174 Can Ho 49 f>\ A I. E C A O. 274 do dr 2nd prf 22** C G tV JO ,Wl*. On 10 C. R. A Q 122", Fhtrd Avenue . .I*4 C . Ind A L. .. 20'i Adame Ex 123 do do prf. ~ . M*x Am Ex .. .. ..150 CAE 111. ... 94 <’ H Ex. .. C A Nw . ..I*l Wells Fargo Ex 123 C II I A P 104*s Am. Cot. Oil C.C.C A St. L !' do do prf *> Col Ho 5 ftm Malting .... 4 do 1 : prf XT | do do prf Jl'i do 2nd prf. .. . l.tVAm Smelt A K 394 J-. a II H° I do do prf **4 p i. A tv . T 77 Am ttplrlls .. . !'i p A R O. M4I do do prf 17 du do prf. ... *4 Am. H Hoop ... I* 1 * pry, do do prf *l4 do Ist prf 324 Am. 8 A W. ... >4 a N prf 149*? do do*<rf TP* || o .k coal .. .. 12V Am T Plat* ... 3* Hock. Valley ... 314 do do prf .. .. 79 HI cen 21554 Am. Tob lowa cen 174 j and > do prf 1M do do prf .. . 17b,; Ana Min. Cos. .. 42 |, K A tv R H T WS • do and.. prf 93 4*ol. V * ™ n ••• * I,ike Shore .. Con. Tob HQ , * v 7IQ do do prf 71V y' la , I, Still Fed H'eel ,ll * M i H. By. ..MTV <*o *o P rf , - • “J* M . g rv„ II (Gen Eleotrlo ... 1344 M * Hi E ... 51 VUlucose Bugar .. 4*4 Va HI U prf. 91 do do prf *4 Mo p, <(Q Jnfn'l Pa|er .... 17V* V, A o . 334 do do prf .. .. *l4 M K A T Gas .. .. do do prf .. .. ST4 N>< Bl* *; n. i <■ ,1a ■*° .5 .. y ,• 137 Nat I.ead * N A W 334 do do prf • ! dodopaf x ‘* !? 'Jrf t No. Pa. ;i “o “ Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Savannah %> th Meridian Tima - Owe Hour B owrt Than Ct (y Time Schedule# in Effect Hu tula) June 16, 1900 Tx> 111 1 KA 8 r || MEAD UF ■Ko *4iUa ii j Nira'Nosr < II <Ctßtr i 1 Tims.) || l -- • . • , . - Ar 6 Hml 3 MtpM , _ I il tfca.t#- n Ttms.) 4 21pm 4 25am Ar Hmck villv L> 2 06jm, 1 Jlpm 6 ix>pm I Ivan. Ar Cuturublu Lv' I 24tni 1! !5->m • >3*l 9 45am Ar .. .Char lulls Lv 9 Hpmj i t6*m U 44pm,U Si>m Ar OnwiibM, Lvp 7 lpm| 5 _ 6Uam, ....I. Ar Norfolk .. L-, (kfan II tlani 114)01) Ar Dan vills Lt, 6 4t\*n 4 a*.u ' 9*n> *. XfHu Ar Rich tnond .... Lv 12 ttptn 11 -opu. 2 46ami i 4lpmi.Ar Lfi h’ * . ' i.t TTSsm 4 2£.om 5 35ptn||Ar chAiir. Hi# Lv I 06pM|l2 64pm 7 15am I !o)j.m Ar W.vhngbai I.t 11 16am 9 56,58 • 156 mll Ikqxri Ar H itnm >rw L' • .Jam * Wpm 1116 am 2 56.1 m Ar l’hite.l<-!phla Lv J sam| 6 66>-ti 2 *t|u . 6 23 m Ar N-w s'urk Lvj It tosm I 25nm 6 kqrm, :• 06pm Ar Boston l.v 66pm 6 i No. ;; TO VIII N"i;ilt AND WWBT. Ii No.B II (Crntra I Tlmr.) || __ Sav.i onah Aril 5 16noz |) (kaS’sr n lime.) I| • 96am Lv i olimbta l*v; 1 lan 9 50am Lv . hpa tali'urg Lv 6 lsi-m 1* !'l>ni Lv AshsVllto I,v|| I ®t*i 4 62pm l Ar u<n Mprii gs Lv tl (6am 7 pm Ar Kn >t vlllr Lv , 5 10n. Ar ...Lsxiugion - L' l H>m 7 65am Ar ClnoinMlt Lv 9 Ooi-n 7 60nm Ar I •uwvllt* l.vl 7 46pm 6 oof>m Ar si Louli * ■ * ffnn. All tram* arrive and depart from ths Pljnl System Biailon. TilßOt’OH CAH 6KRVICE. ETC. THAtN'B SJ ANf> 34 I>AILY. NfciW YOtt K AND FIA>RIIA EXPRHWt Va4l bulad limitrvl iiatn*. with l'u..ntai> Drawing Room Bi.*-)at.g vats b<-tw<a •avo** nsh and Nsw York Connwcis at 4V hlogton with Colonial Kxpre,* foi B*m4on I'ullman Bl<-e|rlt.g Car* b* I wren Ch<rlot>- and Richmond and charbatr and Nor* folk Dining Car* srrv* all meal* Iwsttn Savannah and Washington. TKAINB 35 AND 36 DAILY. THE UNI TED STATES FAST MAIL Vaalltmlad llmtir.l trains, carry ing I'ullman Drawing Itoom Bln ping Urn brlwran HavannAti and New York. Ibnlr g Cars vrrvs al meal* brtwn n Savannah an.l Waahlngtcm Also Pullman Drawing Room Sir ping Carr t*rtween Savannah and ClnclnMtl. through Asheville and Tha latnd of iha Sky " For complete Information as to rat-, schedules, etc., apply to O OHOOVER Tlck't Agent. riin| Sraleni Station JAMES FREEMAN C. P and T. A, 141 Bull street. Telephones—Bell, ISO: Oeorgle. ISn 8 H HARDWICK Assistant General Passenger Agent Atlanta, Oa do do prf .. .. *TS N. T. A H .. ..119 do do prf 7k |No. Am. 144 Ore R A N ... 43 Pa. 4’ct 53 put. AW 9) | do do Ist |rrf 90 Pennsylvania ~1274 do do 2nd prf 63 Beading 15*, f'n Matt .. 29 do Ist prf 554, People'a Uaa .. . *44 do 2nd prf. ... 254 V. Steel Cor 3* R O W 53 do do prf 74 do do prf .... 9u Pull Pal. Car ..IX3 Jtt. L. A 8. F. .. 64 8 Rope A T. ... 4‘. do do Ist prf. 63 1164, do do 2nd prf 324 do prf 114 8t L 8w 114 TANARUS., C. * Iron . 55 do do prf ... 364 y. 8 Ijesther .. lt*4 Bt . Paul 1134 s do do prf 664 81. P. prf .... 173 |U 8 Rubber ... 2*4 81. P A ()m .110 do do prf 29246 Bo Pa 314 West. Union .... 7k*, So By URI* 8 t'*4 do do prf 53 do prf 514 T A 14 144 P C. C. A m.L. 47\ Bonds. t*. 2 ref reg 164 | 5e lr!*, do coup. .104 N Pacific 3s 634 do Ss. .reg. .. int*4 do 4s 1634 do 3* toup. 164 N Y.. Chic A do new 4s. reg 1344 8t lanil* 4* T*7!6 do new 4s jN. AW. con 4 9X coup IML.Oregon Navlga do old 4s. reg 111*, lion 4s 169 do old 4s roup.USX! do 4* lul do ss. reg. ....lU4 Oregon Bhort L do sa. coup. ...11146! 6e 1374 D Of C. 3 65s IS | do con. 5s 113 Atchison. gen lit adlng Gen 4* 964 4a 166*4 Rio G. W. l*tw 934 do adit. 4s .- 954 Hi I* 1 1. M< Can Bou. Jude .1(6 con. 5* 1124 C. A O. 44# *4 Bt. L A Han K. do te H* general 6s 1324 CAN con 75.139 ,Bt Paul con 163 do 8 F D. 5* IS Bt P.. Chk A P C. Terminal 3a.. 91 j Ist* 1174 Colo. Bou .4# 79 do 6* U 4 D. A Rio O. Boil Pscltlo 4* 77 ] S I, 163 Boiithern Ry. f>* I*9*6 do 4 B K. A T 6s *6 Erie General 4*. 6* Tex. A P. Ist* Hi F. W. A D. C. do 2nd* S' j, t 72 t*nlon Par 4* 104*6 Gen Electric 5*119 | Walmsti Ist* ...1174 lowa Cent l*t 113 do 2nd* W I AN unified Wc*t Bbore 4* .112*4 4, 9X4 Wte Cent. I*l*. *3 M k A Tex. IV*. Centuries .. X 94 4, 914 C. of O. con. ss. 92 N Y. C. Ist*-. I'*!* do Ist tnc 3*-i N j Cent. gen. do 2iwl tnc lo New York, B#pt. —Htsndsrd Oil. 53. u 535. MIIKRLL49KOI " MARKETS. Noie -These quotation* sr* revised dally an*! ** rc h * pt •* “* P°’ ,bi ,n accord with the prevailing wholesale D rl e* Official quotation* are not used when they disagree with the price* whole saler* ask. Country snd .Aortbrrn PrMl*re. POULTRY— The market is steady. Quo tation*; Broiler*. .9*4435c; per pair; half grown 456) 56*'; tßree-fourths grown, 55j) •<- hens. djuTSc; roosters, 4ofttuc. ducks. Wylie: geeae. 75c4(|1.(W KGGB—Bteady st 19®36c. BUTTER—The tojie of th# market t* firm QuotatUwiz: Western creamery. W< 24* r New York state dairy. 17464224 c; extra Elgin*. 2W125c CHEEBB—Market firm. fancy full cream <h*e*. U4c for 26 to 22-pound average. 286)*>-pm*nd average, lie. Early Vegefables. 1141 HIV POTATOEB—Northern. 22 00 sack. CABBAGE—7o per h**t ONIONB-Yellow In barrel*. 22 06; crates. 90c. red. |1 9M)2f16 Breadstuff*. Huy and 44raln. FLOUR—Market Mcady; patent, 81 30. straight. 84 15; fancy. 84.0D. family $3 75 MEAL—Pearl, per barrel, 52 75. per sack, |1 89, city tr.eal, per sack, bolted. II Jt# 1 25. water ground. 51.25; city grit*, saike. *1 25: pearl grits, Hudnut*\ per barrel, 82 *3; per *< k. 1130; sundry brand#, t! 25411 8b # r ß CORN Market firm, white. Job lots, 65c; caiload lot*. 62c; mixed 4rn. Job lots, 62c; carload lot*. 59c RICE -Market steady, demand good, fancy head. 6c. fancy. (%c. Prime 5 Good H 4% Fair < MHt Common *% OATH—t'o 2 mixed, carload. SP . Job lots. S&< ; white clipped. 38. ; Job, 3tk carx. BRAN—Job lot*. 95 . carload lots, 90c HAY Market steady; No 1 timothy, 92%c Job. 87% ear*; No 2. 85. Job, 82% car*. Bat-on. Hama and l.ard. BACON—Market Arm: V H. C. R aide*, 949%C. D F bellies. *%g!oc (Ees’ern) ac cording to average slae. D. 8. bellies. 9%W 9%c (Western); smoked C. It. aides. 9>@ *%c. HAMB— Huger cured. 12%13%c. LARl*—Pure, in three., B%u#%c; In im pound tine and (o-pound tub*. %U9c. compound. In tierce., 6%c; (9-pound tine, and 10-pound tubs, Pic. • •■■r and loßes. SUGAR— Cut loaf Diamond A 6 23 Crushed 688 Confectioner*' A..6.28 Powdered 6 S3: While Extra C.. 5.98 XXXX. pow'd ...9.(2 4.xtra C 598 Granulated 6.43 Golden C ••-••■•...5.78 oltir , 65* Yellow* 5.(8 Mould A ...6.55, COFFEE— Mocha 89c :Prlme, No. 8 ...,It%o pea berry 14%c Fair. No. ( 11c Fancy So 1 ...17%c Ordnry. No .18%c Choice. No- 3 ...ll%c Common. No. 7 .19c llarunart and Buldlng xuppllea UME. CAIXTIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair dsmanu and sots at W rani# a barrel; specie; calcined pt#t*t. 81 00 per barrel, hair 4415 c Rueedale cement. tllglB; carload Vote, special; Ports*nd cemahl. ra- Uil, s*■■ carload M4*, (2 bug. 89. LUMBER F. O. B VEBBLLB SAVAN NAH Minimum yard size*. IH) SOffll 60; car sill*. 212.506)12.06 different size*. JI4OO 6).50" ship slock, 116''<)IX00. sawn (let. )* 066)6.fid. hewn He*. 35033- OIL Market steady; demand fair; sig nal, 456lis*c. West Virginia bis k Offlfc; lar.l, 5X- n*alwtoot. 0*6470.-. machinery. 14 6)25. , linseed oil, raw. 674 c; boiled. 75c. kerosene, pnzne whltw 12 . water white. 13 ", Pratt s astral. 14, deodorised stove gasoline, drums, 114 c. empty oil barrels, delivered. 55c SHOT I Top. tl.80: 11. I*. and large. 21.71; chilled 11.75 IRON Market very steady, ffwed*. 545. NAII.S Cut. 2360 base; wire. U 95 baas. BARBED WIRE 13 56 per 166 pounds straight goods. 234430 c. sugar huuaa mi laac.-v 156120 c GUN POWDER Per keg. Austin ertdt shot. 21**0 haif kegv. 23.25. quarter kegs. 21 35; champion ducking, quarter kegs. 23 26; Dupont apd Hazard smokeless, halt kegs. 11l 35 quarter keg*. 25 75; 1-pound canisters. 21 00; less 35 oer cent.; Tr.Mo.iorl smokeless powder, l-pound cans, |l 00. 16- pound cans. 90c pound. Dried and Etaporaird Krulls. APPLKB Evaporated, 7074 c; sun-dried. FaQtc APRICOTS-Evaporated. 96ie pound, nectarines. 10c. RAIBINB— L. L.. 12.00; Imperial rsMnsta. 23 35: tosise. 50-pound boxes. k(rs*4r pound. l’EA' ’HER—Evaporated, pealed. l4c, umvesled X4tl9c. ‘PEARS— i;*a|R>rated 9e rrulle and Nuls. APPLES—EarIy Northern variety, 22 2Sf t son. BANANAS- 21 2M21.56 bunch PINEAI'PI.KB-Extra large Abbakas Cayennes, t Mi p. r st.indard rats; amali Hs.l Bpatdsh 2.' AaiiS 50 LEM* *NB Market steady at 23 60. C0C0ANVT5—82.60613.75 per 100 PEANUTS—AmpIe stoi-k, folr demand; market firm fancy hand-picked, Virginia, per pound. 44c; hand picked. Virginia, ex tra*. 4c, N. C seed peanut*. 4c NUTS—Almonds. Tarragons. 15c; Ivlcas. Jr. walnuts. Fiencb. 12c, Naplrt, 12c; pe cans, 12c. Hrakllt. 7c; filbert*, tic; assort ed nuts. 6>>-pound and 25-pound boxes. 12c. Cotton liagglng and Ties. BAGGING—Market firm: lute. 214- pound. 94>'. large lot*. 64c; small iota, t-pound. *4<)9o. 14-pound, 214054 c; s*a Island bagging. 124 - TIES Standard. 46-pound, arrow, largs lots. 21.40: small lots. 21.50. Sail, llldra anil Wool. BALT- Demanu la ratr ami the market steady; canoad lota. Its*-pound tNirlao sacks. 44c; im pound cotton sack. 45c. 110-|>ound burlap sacks. 4V. 110-pound cotton k*. 49*jc; 225-pound burlap sa< kg. 14*-; 125-pound coiton sack, 55c; a- |und burlap sacks. Xsc. HlDES—siarket firm; dry flint, 124 c; dry' salt. 114 c; graet* salted. sc. WOOL -Nominal; prime Georgia, fret of saml burr* and black wool. IF black. 15c; burry, 10c. Wax. 25c, tallow. 14c. Deer skin*. 20c. MISI ELL tYBOI a. FlßH—Mackerel, half-harrels. No. 1. 29 50; No 2. 56 *; No. J, 56 M, kite. No. 1. II 40; No 2 II 25; No. 2. c. Cmlfish. l-pound bricks 64c. 2-|r.utwt bricks. 6c Smoked herrings. !>er box. Jts:. Dutch her ring In kegs, 21.10; new mullet*, hail barrels. 23.50. BY HUP Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup. Iwiylng *1 2M|3ur; selling at 329135-'. sugar house at lb(B15c. HONEY Fair demand; strained, |n bar rels. 559)60c gallon Misti wine basis, 61 36 Ol E IN FREIUHTB. COTTON Havannah lo Boeeon per rvt . 25e. to New York, per ret., 3r. to phltadelphlo. ter bale. 31. Baltimore. 11. FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen, (fcr; IJv erpool. 55r; Hiimburg. 57c; Genoa. 95c; Barcelona, Tuc; Manchester. sc; Havre, £7c; Amwcrp. 57c. FOREIGN INDlßECT—Liverpool. Tic; Manchester 65c, nominal: Humburg. 65c. Havre. T*. ; Genoa. 78 •; Reval and HI I'elersburg. 75c; Antwerp. **■■. LUMBER By BaM Freight* dull: to Baltimore ml eo.asw.ird, 54 JO lo $5.99 per M , IncliKilng Portland LUMBER By Hteatn Savannah to B*'- tlmore, 55.19); lo P. H 7( or B AO docks. 55 *9; to Philadelphia. 16%r. per ewt., (4 pounds to foot): to New York. 86 'si per M. $7.25 lo dock; lightered to Boston lo dock 8# 50. NAVAL BTOBKB The market |a Arm medium slae vessels Booln—Cork for orders. 8a and per barrel of 31(1 pounds, and 5 per cent, primage BplrM*. 4# 4d per Ft gallons gross, and 5 per rent prlmag* Isirgs vescels. roeln. hi; spirit*. 4* 3d Bteam lie per lan pound# on rosin: 21 %c on spirits. Havannah to Boston, and 9%c on roeln and !9e on spirit* to New York OR 111. PROVISION*, F.TC. New York Be|it 29 Flour very quiet und a shade easier with wheal; winter |>atent*, 83 ixjgl oss. Minnesota paetnis, 14 log 4 (9. Byo flour steady. Corn mfll steady. Bye Arm; No, 2 Western. 91c. Barley quiet. Barley malt dull Wheat—Spot easier: No. 2 red. 69% c Op tion# were weak and lower moat of the aess'.on to-day as a result of heavy Dan uhlan shipments, lower English cables, weakness In outside markets, and moder ately active selling for both accounts, based on prospective bearish statistic* Monday; clo#ed %fl%c nel loss: Septem ber closed, #Nr; October, 89%c; Decem ber, 92%0. Corn- Spot No. 8. 49c. Option market w dull and weaker In resi#>n*e to lower cables, large car lot receipt# at Chicago, and 4he elimination of short* In nearby option*. Clotted %B)%c net lower; Septem ber dosed, 48%':. October, 45%c, December, Ai%o, * Plant System. of Railways. Trains flperatsd by 60th Mstidlan Tl me—On* Hour Blower Tnan City Timm hfiAC I'oHN , l.ff.-i# A*..** , kTTaD IT D* 22 , Nil 6 ~ Non!. * leuth. , 31 16 '> . * **B * -U*,u Kg- *• 44a : (A* Lv ~ f.tiava tituh. . Arj i 4i* fAa * l-.pTl luSjti &V U it* U tua 4 )9p to 90S 6 39.. Ar Clmrirsioo Lv : II lip 5 56a I iff* 7 6lff | j I 21a ..... 7 !4| Ar Richmond .. Lv us*| 6 4a;- - •••••••I I 7 ol*| 113*; Ar .. Washington-•• Lv 4 Jba 2 97p —• 1 * **| 1 tn* Ar Ball invar* Lv s,'ai 1 ip I il* 25* I sua ,Ar ... Philadelphia Lv| 11 *• 11 )2p -ao I I Ispi I 00a Ar New York. .. Lv, •2y 9 I ■1 3<*P 3oi Ar Ho*ton Lv 1 (t*, 12'Out, _ 1;. 31 25 ;il 23 rn -y 26 24 3- it' 4 'X*)* 2 254- y u6* i A). 2 laa|;Ly -a-atuli .. Ar|i 1 4U. 12 Mff|U 10;-11 fcOajM tiff • 65)*i i 46p 10 iffaj 7 Jia. 6’.a Ar . Waycnos Lv 10 26|>- 9 s*Vp *55 * 6 30aj 7• U sba| 9 *0)-- : lip JU. | ti), Ar Ttwmssvllle l.vl 7 -Op* 2 <6pl 45*' 5 sff| m 16 k);> 7 40). 12 <*a y ,5m yJ vr ... Ja- k-onvlll# 4. x ju;> x isapj x *•*, 7 tom, 5 <Aff | A*P| 9 ip|U IRP 12 63pi Ar Palatka .. l-v . 2 40p| 6 66pj 4 05<| 4 05*1...... i * 55* j 6 40p. |, Ar Ban ford Lv 12 i*p; j 1 96a 1 (Off . j | 2 ;x>4- 2 2iq- Ar Ualnsevtile l.v 2 gVpi ' I | 2 I6|- 1 l|- Ar Ccfflff .. L- | 1 4q. - ....mi to sui 10 ld|. Ar .Bi I'stsrsburg l.v 4 no* . 5Hu 10 to 2t-p to kq. Ar I'-ri Timt-a l.v 6 35a: 4 35.i 7 06; 7 uop ....-• 1 10*| 1 10a t 10a Ar . f*un4a Gordff.. Lv ; ...j 4 25pi 4 35p ...—. ...... | t 66). Ilia I’'4> 1 M I.t HaVarnah .. Lvj! !# 15a 13 10a -T7..... X 45|- X Isa| I OCR* 6 via Ar Jeeup .... l.vl s >*> 16 (0p)....-. 1 * ......| spi 7 Io| 9p| I 06* Ar Brun swtek Lv Cg| 6 6p| | | NORTH. VISIT AN D HOI THWEBT 16 | 53 Via J*. up || X ; * U | g. (IVi* 6lontgutnery.|| 16 i <9 5 o*4-! 6 20a l.v Havant- tit Ar ,1-' 1a !. Iff* t 6 oO|> 6 l.v .-4a\an*ialt Ai -0 l-ui 1 (6a 6 45p| 440 Ar .. Jaaup.. Lv|| 12-to wj V , Ar M'lg mery Lv 7 46p 11 Ita I 66*1 115;- Ar Macm Lv; 1 v 1 30p T 16pl X 50a Ar Nashv'll* t.v ' 9 Orta! 2na 6 kta; I hq- Ar Atlanta Lv 10 AM- 12 -OP I 'l| 2,. Ar Lnilsvdl. l.v 1 55*i 9 9 45a' X 40p{iAr ('haTioog* Lvj 4 a,;> 6 4#* 7 06n 4 t*p Ar fin- Innail Lv II top; 6 4*o 7 St- 7 50a 4r lavulavtila t.v 74a He T 20a 7 16; Ar ML luls Lv I Mpl •Mk 7 90p * 45* -Ar Cinchmai! Lv] So* 7 flop | |l (L *N ) I 7 04s! 6 Oft 1 'Ar Hi louts Lv' 6 14p I 9sa 7 23*! ;Ar XI. lawils Lv I 6p) 7 16a! 5 I*9> Ar Chicago Lv! X 9np! 100 p | [1 <m a O.) | 4OO 4 i6|> I.y Atlanta Ar !0 9&;>'ll JO* t e*y* 9 I*r> Ar rhlc**w T.v * 7 **Yv! 1 lag 9 9f-m 7 15* Ar Memphn* Lvj X )* 9 (top ~ , „ ' 945 l 7Hw Ar KansasCUyLv't 6 90pl 6 4t>p 4 !3p ! 9 OSa Ar Mobil* Lv !!. 19;-,U Slff Is .--I unmarked, dally. 9 96p- 7 *) Ar N Lv|| 7 *•! 7 4ip t Dally except Sunday. t • aa„u oavannah Ardie 16a|12 19a IRunday only I 45a 13 96p Ar.. Tlflon . ~Lv| I 14*| i 20p Through Piilifhan Bleeping~PgT ICrvTr# 145a 2 lop *9 Albany Lv tl Waj I 46p to North. Fast and West snd lo Florid* ! 6 JO;- Ar Columbus Lvl|....•■■|l6 96k ( aaaectlons made al Pari Tampa with steamer* for Key West ••( Havana. I.eavlag Part Tampa Man gays, Tksndsy* as! Oatarffays 06 II 100 f. rn J H. Pol hem us. T P A ; E A Armsnd, CHy Tkl Agt.. Da 8010 Hotal. I'huns TL B W WRENN. Passenger Tr* file Manager. Bavsnnah. Oa McDonough & ballantyne, w Iron Founders, Machinists, M.nermsKss. at <e'*-o •e, sag |..ri*4l. Baal.van. * erllnal a.a 1-e • “"‘a Sasar Bill aa* •***. Sffa Kl-a. '*•**. TELEPHONE NO. 123. t Oat* Hpol dull; No. S. 9P*O96(V. Of*- tlon* inactive and nominal Beef -teudy. family. Il<* Mlflll "h; me*#. 29 *sqi!( th. beet ham* 2i **6fll *’< meats atewdy. pickled bellies. Hille; do shoulders. 64yr: 'to hsm*. 9A*tflh%-'. Lord steady; Western steam. 17.(2; Octo ber closed nominal, reltne-l sSeadv , conti nent. 17X5; South American. 2*com pound. i;vV Pork quiet, family. tixnhl6h; short Hear, tU.OOQdO.iff; mess. 313 75® 14 00. Butter slsndy; rreamery. 1703 c; state dairy. 15*66<tlc. Cheese firm, large white and smalt white, miff! 1 He. Eggs steady: stale and Pennsylvania. 196)21--; Western packing, regular, at mark. 13VV0IA Tallow steady petroleum quiet; refined New York. $7 ff; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 27 9h; do in t-lk. 25 05. Rosin steady; strained common to good. 11.660M5. Turpentine steady at 40040HC. Bice firm, domestic fair to extra. \ff . peanut* oleudv and unehnngssl. Cabbage eteady *n-l unrhange*t Cotton 10 Liverpool by ateam. 46 *t*6 Coffee- B)ot Ittb dull: No. 7 Invotc*. XV; mtid quiet; Coritovn, *4|l4c. Fulure* opcuevl quiet at 5 i>olnl* advance and rul ed slow, but steady on better rabies which led to local covering without stim ulating popular speculation. Transaction* were moderate Closed sternly at 5 to 10 points higher. Total sales, 9.75( bag*, fj cludlng December 7.10 c; January. 7 15c; March 7.25 c. and July. 7.sfi<'. Mugar. raw firm :falr rnining. 4Vc: een- Irlfugal. 96 teal, sc. Molasses sugar. 4c; refined firm, Standard A. 5 95c; confection ers' A. 6 95c; granulated, 6.15 c; cut loaf. *.55c; powdered. €.25r. COTTOS MKII Oil- New York. Sept. 19.—Cotton seed oil In active. but steady; prime crude liarrel*. nominal; prime summer yellow. 87%c **k ed; off summer yellow. 86%c; prime win ter yellow. 41*42 ; prime white. 4*JS4lc; prime meal. (2* 09 CHICAGO M 4HKHTB. Chicago. Sept -Wheat dropped to day on easy cables, good weather, but recovered on local buying. October clos ing %fl%e lower. Com clotted %c. and oat* a shad* lower Provision* unchanged. The leading future* ranged a# follows; Opening Highest, lerwewt. Close. Wheat No 2 Sept W% I** l>u 7W'4 76% 7'% 76% Nov 7%<r77% 77% 76% 77 Com No 2. Sept ....40 FI 88% 39 Oct #39% 39% 36% ’l Nov .. 8*%3*% 36%43*% 89% 3**. Oats No * Sept 21% 21% 21% % Oct 21% 21%0Z2 21% 21% Nov. ...88% 22% *2% *2% Mesa Pork, per bbl Oct. . 512 20 112 80 112 20 *l2 30 NOV. .11 80 11 M . 11 *" > Jan. .. II 55 11 70 11 (6 11 *> laird, per 100 |b* Oct. . 7 12% 7 IS 7 <77% 7 *7% Nov. . 7 07% 7 10 7 07. 7OS Jan. . **> *2% * 77% *•> Short Ribs, per H% lb*.— Sept . 8 87% Bmi 7 78% 7 87% Oct. . 7 *0 7 82% 7 77% 7 #n Jan . *BO *25 5> *B9 Cash quotation* were a# follows: Flour dull; winter patents. 82 90411.10; straight*. |3 2003 99; clear*. (3 Vil3 *O. spring spe rials. 84 W; patent* 83 *OO4 in. atralgh# . 83 1003 *0: bakers. 12 30U2 *0; No 1 spring wheat 754177%r: No 3 rad. 7*7*c. No 2 corn. 16%8i39%e; No 2 yellow, J94):W%e. No 3 oats, 22%c; No. 2 white. 264127 c; No, (Continued on P-ige Twenty-Two) BANKING HOUSE -OF— j. mm pm i no.. 7 WALL STREET. NEW YORK. MONEY LOANED ON LISTED SECU RITIES. Order* executed for Stock*. Bond*. Col ton, Grain, etc., cash or on margkt. Writ* for a Special Market Letter on BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT. Thte Stock is Mr Paine'a Specialty. JACOB BERRY & CO. MEMBERS OF THE CONSOLIDATED STOCK EXCHANGE. ESTABLISHED 1866. 44 and 4* Broadway, New York. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN. COTTON. Commission 1-I*. Send for our recently Issued I took on the markets—radically new In scope and of unuaual Interest Also monthly price range**nd market report* based upon uit tsiusvd find careful study. 0^ VCEORGIA itYca y Schedule* Effective Sept. 19. 1*99. Trains arrive at and depart from j Central Station. Weei Broad, fuot of ■ - . IJberty street ■hh Meridian Time- One hour eknrar tbed elty time. Leave Arris* “ ■avannah: Savannah: lAuguala, ll* on,~ Atlanta/ 9 4t>at>> Covington Mllledgevlll*;** %*■ l*n<l all Iniermedlale points) (Augusta. Me on Atlanta.| * , (Athens, Montgomery. Co-| •9 g>m lumhtia. Birmingham. Am W 90*iR (arlcue. Eufaula and Truy.| •< totmi 'Dally. tEirepi Sunday. ~ —— ~~~~" BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBIIk 75th meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Monday only 425 a. m Dally except Monday 9.30 a. m Dally 3:00 p. m. LEAVE TYBKK. Monday only 7:U a m Dally exeepg Monday 10:34 a. m. Dally Ip. m Connectiooa mad* ai .ermlnal paint* with ell trains Northweat. West and HoulhWffl. Sleeping car# on nlehl train* between Savannah and Augusta. Macon, Allaata and Birmingham. Parlor car* on day tralna between (•< rennah Maum and Atlanta. For complete Iriforrnatimi, acvhedule*- rataa and connections, apply to W. <t BREWER, fit) Ticket and Paa*. enter Agent. M 7 Bull atreel. or IV/"l V /" ..M C .'. f iT TRE n *P°* Ticket Agent, F II Agent. THEO. D. KLINE. Oen Superintendent, Savannah. 4*. Double Daily Service Th* ehort line to Norfolk. Baltimore. I’hilatltlphla, New York mm (be Beat. No. 44 f Ntk W o Ar Columbia. HAL By 4 Sttpm; 4 Mam A. L. Ry.. II rpm|U (oam Ar Durtuim. s. a. L Ry.. 7 89am; 4 i*pew Ar Petersburg, 8 A.LRy 4 18am] 4 18pm Ar Richmond. 8 A L By 6 15am! ( 40pm Ar Washington. !'*nna. .| ! 45am I Pipm Ar lialllmore panna 10 03am 11 85pm Ar Philadelphia. Pymui... lj J7pm| 1 Mam Ar New York Panna 8 03pmj 4 "*q s-. 4i No <r ■ .ib H A I Ar Ponamouth, g.A.L.R>;7 Oonm; ( Mpm Steamers leave Norftdk dally, excepd Sunday, for Baltimore. I hlladoiphla and N’ York, and dally for Washington. • Port line to Mon'. dill* and New Orleans, loavtng Savannah at 7:16 a. m , arriving al Montgomery 749 p. m , at which point close connection In mnde with th* L A N. R R.. arriving al Mobile 899 a. m. and New Orloang 740 * m. Th* short line to FcmandMa, Jackson ville Tampa and other Florida point*. | No 21 1 No,IT Lv flavannali.l. A. L. Ry’ I, team J 07pm Ar Fernandlna. S.A.L Ry 8 8&omj t 06pm Ar Jacksonville, H A I. ID 9 10am; 7 40pm Ar T.impa, S A L. Ky....| 8 19pm 4 10aru MagnlflceM Pullman buffet alee ping car service to Washington, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa- Dining can from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor can Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply Ticket office. Bull and Bryan Streets. Phone 89 1,000,000 HIDES wanted! DRY FLINTS U%e DRY SALTED U%9 QUEEN SALTED (%e D. KIRKLAND, Successor to B. Kirkland. (17 to 421 BL Julian elraet, west, 23