The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 30, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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run IIEMT-NOONS. “'pk-gßable room?! kTkht an7> (rco.'Ht floor*. With every convenience for housekeeping. 127 Abercorn. corner Pres ll,ni, facing square. "VERY LARiIK, BEAUTIFUL FRONT rivni. rout hr m Mp*ur*; convenient to hiih. with hot n<l cohl water, every eon ,, ii.-uee, to gentlemen with or without t.uriL 11* Wert Gaston street. >OR RENT. THREE UNFURNISHED r .„ inr. 222 East Gordon. neatly furnished" rooms for rent; private family, il* Ear' Jones rtreet. EC UN I SHED ROOMS AND FEAT TO rit", cheap. Macon street, east. 424 FOR RENT. TWO CONNECTING roini* furnished or unfurnished. with liiillege of bath. Facing Park Extension, toot Drayton street. "FOR RENT. A LARGE FRONT r, . in. well furnished; convent* nee* name floor; private family. 4*4 Hatvrsham i t reel. _ NI 'KEY Ft'RNIBHED ROOM. WITH out hem expoauni and modern conven iences, neat Park Extension. Address, c omfort. News ofllce. “large nicely- FTRNISHED ROOM for one or two gentlemen. Southeast cor ner Elberty *fld Habersham. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms for gentlemen; all convenience*. *O3 president, west.,. FOR RENT. N1 'KEY FURNISHED room, with Are place; use of telephone, end all convenience*, at 304 Oglethorpe avenue, west. NiI'KEY FI It NISHEI' ROOMS WITH hath, gas ami ptnaxa; rent cheap. 302 Habersham street. FOR RENT. A EARGE DESIRABLE furnished room. Theater square,|!2 month. H , New*. A PLEASANT ROOSf POR HF.XT, AT 1211 Whitaker, well kept. In family of adults. F"R RENT, THREE OR pril'R CON n In* rooms; hot and cold water. No. 121 Second Rtreet, west. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen; hot and cold hath same floor. 31* Tattnall. FOR RENT. ROOMS LA KG E AN I > amoll. furnished and unfurnished. 11S Oglethorpa avenue, west. “FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM, coy. venlencea on same floor. 212 IJberty Street, east. "one nice”EARGE FRONT-FT'R nlshed room; also a flat of three rooms Apply quick, they are cheap. No. 110 Stale street, east. FOR RENT, FIRST FEAT. 3 ROOMS No. 113 Hull, wcet. Apply at same. FOR RENT, TWO ROOMS. 6"0 14RADY street. "THRKE _ UNFURNiSHKD ROOMS TO rent; convenient to Plant System. 534 Tone*, east. TWO EARGE ROOMS. EVERY CON venlence; also one nicely furnished. 245 Jefferson, corner Perry. TWO ROOMS roil RENT TO PRl vat# family khuu ehlldrcn. No. 1111 Lin coln street. V “FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RKNT. tnti large and on*' small furnished room. Just pul In good order and all new and tine furnltnre. for gentlemen. Three thlr ’.en Broughton street. weal. “LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR - 2 cent lone*!, or ladles, with piazza; us.* of bathroom and telephone. 413 York streel. west. Fi >R RENT? SEVER A L~( 1 SRIBH BN ran secure pleasant room*, neatly fur i Ished and kept; convenient to bath; with private family. 109 Liberty, west. TWO FU RNIBII HI Rot >M S"( >PBN INO .util and east; hot haih same floor; pri vate family. 419 President, west. "TWO KI.F.OA NT SOUTH FRONT t.enw, nicest location In the city; gentle men only. 32S West LRierty. FLATS roil RUNT. ""for ' RENT? HPLEN I> ID FLAT Vi VE rooms and l>ath. 11* State street. *t; large rooms and every convenience. J. E Fulton 4fc Son. I; RENT. FINB Font ROOM flat, facing South. 10* East Taylor. *FOR~ HENT.” FI.AT ANI) HABEMENT to small family. No. 12 Jones street, east. "PARTLY FURNISHED FI.AT. OGI.K thorpe avenue, east, corner Abereorn. A,>- ply 125 Broughton, west. DKSUIAHI.E” FI. AT. NC >RTH W EST corner Barnard and Harris, low rental to gaud tenant; also several rheap tints northeast comer Drayton and Broughton streets, all reeently renovated. Youmans & Demmond. FOR RENT FEAT. ONE DF.BIRABI.K flat with closet*, bath and modern eonven tcn. es for light housekeeper; 110 per month. Corner Taylor and Tattnall. FEAT TO - RBNT~ 1 TAYLOR. COR ner Abereorn; also large airy basement, cheap lo desirable tenant. FOR RENT. AT 110 DUFFY STREET, east, parlor hat of four rooms, kitchen and closets; good localityconvenient to cars. *FOR RENT. CONVENIENT FIoAT. to couple without children. 235 East Gor don street. FOR RENT FEAT OF THREE room* and.hath. *6.Bfc 407 Third street, east. FOR RENT. TWO NICE FEATS. Ml Roiton, east. 115 for both to good tenant Apply at premises or Standard Candy < o. FOR RENT. FEAT OF ROOMS ‘TO desirable party; private family. A|ply Tattnall street. "for rent. DELIGHTFUL FEAT; re* and hath; cheap to .lestrable tenant. Corner Bryan ami Abereorn. DESIRABLE FEAT. FOI'R ROOMS, nice locality. 4>t Kant Hunting-lon. “second fi-oor feat of four rooms; hath and ptazzu. at 119 Jones street, east. _ _ FOR~RENTr*DKBIH AREE FEAT. 11* State street, east; large well arranged rooms; could be furnished If desired; Lain end all modem Improvements. J. K. Fulton A Son. FOI’R CONNECTING ROOMS 1313 Barnard, between Henry and Anderson, lower floor. sl3 00. DEBIRAREE FEAT OF FOI'R CON* no ting rooms, with conveniences; private family. 133 Elncoln street. FOUR ROOM PAREOR FEAT. VC Eighth street, went; Immediate po#-s --ston. Apply 3><s Broughton, west. SIX CONNECTING ROOM*, with hath, llrat floor; Lyons* block; suita ble lor any purpose John Lyons. PARLOR FLATJoB BENT. 310 EAST "glethorpa avenue, opposite Colonial ''irk; genilrnsen preferre<l. Y)R RENT. MODERN NEW FEAT Jonr-si street. In private family. AJ 'I ws Melluotte. News. PARLOR ~ FLATS." CONNHCTING r -ms. for housekeeping. every conv nl " e Stables, 404 State street. ' OB RENT. NICK FLAT. 2 or J room* utfr Jones and'Abereorn treele. AppU Ac. 124 East Jones. _ FOR BENT. A DELIGHTFUL FLAT o' t onnoctlng room* and bath, on second ti'*>r of residence 203 Gwinnett, neat to F-ottinrd. Apply on premises or to V*. J. Ms illy, Jr., 80 Bryan, east. you r.Bi-iwtnt. Foil HUNT. NEXT To THE CORNER of Congreta and Moutgom rv > r * 'hree-atory brick house First class condl lien Apply to j. M. Hcltnktn, Wbltaku Liberty street*. FOR Rt:%T-RO(|M I FOR RENT, RESIDENCE lit OWIN- Jb It street, et, near Park Extension; live Ualtooms. ill conveniences; moderate J E. Fulton * Son. I "It RENT. RESIDENCE 16 ANDER *on street, can; |2u per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. NEW RESIDENCE. 7 Second avenue, east; near Bull; $22 per 1 J K - Fulton A Son. FOR RENT. TWO-STORY HOITtETB* Taylor street, eaat, lit per month. J. B. : Fulton A Son. 1 ' * RENT RESIDENCE Hl' HAUL, ■treel. weal, near Barnard: all modern Im provement; purer loin mb. etc; 331 |>er month. J. E. Fulton A Son. l td: RENT. RESIDENCE. 113 HENRY streef, west; all conveniences; $27.50 per J. E. Fulton A Son FOR RENT. TWO-STORY “ON"BASE ment brick residence, 330 Harris strew, •‘■id: large yard; *3O per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. v FOR RENT, DESIRABEE HOUSE. 11 Park avenue. m,|, hot and cold water, nr.d all conveniences; good location, 320 per month. J. K. Fulton A Son. _ 711 MONTGOMERY; DELIGHTFUL 7 room house; bay window, bath, gas; 313 1"3 Park avenue, west. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABEE RES klcn.e, 118 DtifTy street, east; all modern Improvements; moderate rental. J. B Fulton A Son. FOR RENT. Ri:sn>i;N<'E nil BULL street; 120 per month. J. E. Fulton A Ran. for RENT. RESIDENCE 113 DUFFY si reel, weat, near Whitaker; nil conven iences; *2l per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. y FOR RENT, RESIDENCE.* F8 PjUi'k avenue, west; all eonventenees; |22 50 per month J E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT. No." 701 BARNARD street , corner Hall, now being thoroughly renovated; possession given at once. Ap ply to Wallhour A Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. 407 PARK west; poaseasion given at once. Apply to Wallhour A Rivers, Drayton and Bt. Ju lian *4 reels. FOR RENT. NO 113 JONES STREET, east, between Drayton and Abercorn ireets; possession given Oct. 1. Apply to Walt hour A Rivers, Drayton and St. Ju lian streets. FOR RENT. NO. 266 DUFFY street, east, possession given Oct. 1. Ap ply to Wallhour A Rivers. Drayton and 84. Julian street*. FOR RENT, ni HALL* east; - rooms; hot and cold water; elegant local ity; also 442 Price street; Immediate pos session. Apply to W. W. Bwlnton, 393 Eighth street, east. “for KENT, NO. hf> YORK STREET, e,*t, between Lincoln and Habersham street; possession given at once; rent cheap to desirable tenant. Apply to Wnl thour A Rivers. Drayton and St. Julian street*. FIVE NEW HOFBKB "N TWELFTH street, five rooms esch. They have modern conveniences, and are desirable, only *6 each. Youmans A Itemmond. “FOR" RENT. TWO-STORY HOUSE." W Congress street, east, inquire 424 Preat dem street, east. NEW HOUSE ON FLORENCE Street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. 17 : 732 Owlnnet4 street, east. s*: 528 Park avenue, east, new house two stories. sl7; 1211 Barnard snd next one, now being painted. 322; 213 Henry, east, *3O; ion HetnT. east, twelve rooms. 130. You man* A Demmond. Provident building. FOR RENT iia FART HENRY street. Inquire on premise*. “FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPTABLE party, my resilience, northeast comer First and Drayton street*. Apply C. W. Howard. No. 302 Bay street, east. “FOR RENT. THOSE TWO VERT DE slraWe residences, with every convenience. Wabtburg. near Jefferson, at reduced rents. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. 51* AND 723 MONTOOM ery near Huntingdon, and 515 Bay. cast. G. H. ltemshart, 13 Bryan, cast. “<■<mMoriibus - house" at“thun derliolt; most desirably situated, with ample grounds, lnqalre 214 Bryan s4reet. cast. FOB RENT. 1014 JEFJ ERSON EIGHT room*, .ml 3l>l Waldhirg, west, seven rooms; also parlor flat. Apply 1012 Jeffer son. KOI RENT. A 8M A I.E COTTAGE with shop attached; southern part of efty. 16. Peter Reilly. FOB RENT. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, all Improvements, ill per month. Apply 555 East Huntingdon street. FOR RENT. THAT DKSTRAREE house No. 125 Überty street, east; will be put In flrst-ciasH condition Apply to Nicholas Rang. 39 Barnard street. “FOB RENT, a" TWO-STORY. SlX room house on Habersham and Fifth street. No. 1905; desirable locality. Ap ply next door; rent 110.00 par maoth. “FOB RENT. COM KORTA BEE HOUSE No 217 Waldburg street, east, between Abereorn and Uneoln, flrst-elasß order and condition; every convenience. Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modem Improvement*; In good r, pair. 305 Jones, east. Kolloch & Screv en. _ FOR RENT." LARGE“RESIDENCE, 20f. Congresa street, e*st, southeast corner Abereorn. M. 8. Baker, Agent, 234 Ogle thorpe avenue, east. “FOR RENT. 5-ROOM HOUSE. BIS marck. near Hurrough, 17.50 a month. C. Mendel. 5* East Liberty. “FOB BENT NORTHkAST CORNER of Third and Abereorn streets; new house with all modern Improvements. $3)00 per month, w. C Frlpp A Cos. “for RENT. no’ ”V) ANDERSON, street. SIO.OO per month. W. C. Frlpp A Cos. __ __ ""FOB RKNT. NO. 100 JONKfI BTRKET. eiis! With all modern Improvements. $35.00 per month. W. C. Frlpp A Cos. FOR-RENT. "A DESIRABLE COT tage on Whitaker between Sixth and Sev enth streets: eastern exposure; all modern Improvement*: $22.50 per month. W. C. Frlpp A Ok “DESIRABLE HOUSE. 431 BARNARD street facing square; possession Oct. l. Apply j. c. Posted, 12 Bay. east. “FOR RKNT. RESIDENCE. SOUTH w,-t comer Perry lane and Jefferson stieet In thorough repair Large yanl and out building- Apply rooms *2 and 33, Cltteea*’ Pack Huiidms “*,j| BAY. EAST NEW HOUSE. ONLY !5 per month Y- im .na A Demmond. “FOR RENT. HOUSE 109 PARK AVE „,,e west Apply l Usrnard. corner Tay ,KOR BENT. DWELLING ON EIGHTH street, near Ln.oln; po-sesrion Oct. 1. Apply R B- Claghorn. llOJlryan. east. Full RENT. 517 AND 519 DUFFY nest. rooms and bath: tlrst-cln**; *l* l*er month. . J. Mls ■ . ■. -u . Kill ItEM-fIOHE*. '. i’ ~i ti; n*rsrfi it aiikkt. stand for almost any kln.l of huslnesa'r'twenty dollars. Peter RelP.y. *K!IP RKNT. REAR HALF OF STORE ,7 c£ire*. sire*., west. Apply In front "'Zii rent, suitable run store or Ofll ' • "thea-t comr Montgomery and Perry street lane- - u n rent.-a'-fine business stand. 231 Broughton street, west. Apply to 21X Congress sttcet, wesu ' THE MOHNING NEWS: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1000. row Mb: XT—a Tones. FOR RENT. FIRST-CLASS STORE. Si* Abercorn street. Apply 14 Jones, east’ FOR KENT. DESIRABLE STORE and dwelling, northwest comer Duffy anil Jefferson streets; living apartments can be rented separately. J. E Fu,ton A Son. FOR RENT. STORK AND DWELL Ing. all modern Improvements; southeast comer llmroug h- and Waktbiirg; *25 a month. C. Mendel. 353 K*t liberty. FOR RENT. STORE SOUTHWEST corner Whitaker and Liberty streets. Ap ply I* Liberty atreet, west. FOR RENT. STORE, 113 ItftoUOH. tom street, cast; possession Immediately also several drslmbl* residsnoeti and flat*. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan atreet. as at FOR IIKST-lItrEUAMOII. T^rrirupNT^TT^^^ my store, suitable for lodges, ofll. es, etc. Arthur PstHseh. pawnbroker FOR RENT. LARGE GROUND WITH hi* stable or, Hunltngdon street, east of Price, I. r>. La Roche. TO RENT, STABLE. 22 HARRIS! rOR IAI.K-NBiL ESTATE. TWO-STORY SEVEN-ROOM FRAME house, 215 Tenth street, near Barnard. cheap. W. C. Fripp A Cos. FOB SALE. THIRTY-FOOT" LOT. faring west. Whitaker, between Eighth and Ninth street. W. C. Fripp A Cos FOR HALE. 00-FOOT LOT! BULL. BFN tween Ninth and Tenth. W. C Frtpp A Cos. FOB SALK. NO 122 EAST DUFFY! northwest corner of Abercorn; a liargaln. W. C. Fripp * Cos. FOR SALE. DESIRABLE HOME AT While Bluff, cheap. W. C. Fripp A Cos. FOR BALE. DESIRABLE HOME ISLE of Hope, cheap. W. C. Hripp A Cos. FYH4 hale! FOUR HOUSES ON Purs* street; a good Investment. W. C. Fripp A Cos. “FOR SALE. BRICK BUILDING "ON large lot on Hay street, west; suitable for wholesale business or good site for bak ery. W. C. Fripp A Cos. FOR SALE. ONE OF THE MOST DE slrable residences In the vFInMy of Gwin nett and WhPaker streets. W. C. Fripp A Cos. ' FOR BALE. THI RTY"I*I FOOT LOT on Gwinnett, between Abercorn and Lin coln streets; is a bargain. W. C. Frtpp A Cos. “for hale." EIGHTEEN (inf lots'on Gwinnett street, east; good Investment. \V C. Fripp A Cos. | “FOR HALE. FINE RHICK REBI dence on Jones, between Drayton and Abercorn streets. W. C. Fripp A Cos. “SEH IR A BLE BUILDING LOT ON Brady street. W. C. Fripp A Cos. “FOR SALE. THAT DESIRABLE HER Idenca on Gwinnett street, between Aber corn and Lincoln, conianlng 11 rooms, bath and all modem improvements; lot 33x110; now Is your chance. W. C. Fripp A Cos. ' AT A BACRIFKTE. tt-FOOT LOT ON Gwinnett street, east of Savannah, Flor ida and Western Railway. W. C. Fripp A CO. FOR BALE. FIVE HOUSEB“ON ROL ton and Atlantic avenue. H.ono.’no; this property will pay 10 per cent, net on price asked. XV. C Fripp A Cos. FOR BALE. SOMK DESIRABLE IN vestment property on Ogee.-he* rail, near Laurel Grove Cemetery. W. C. Frtpp A Cos. “FOR SALE. 2Hv 212. 215 RANDOLPH atreet, also 710 Jackson atreet; 4 large four-room frame dwellings, lot 136 by 32' * rents 32S month; will sell all to quick buyer at 31.8 W; the biggest snap o 4 the day! Platshek A Cos.. 110 Bryan, east. FOB SALE. 220 BOLTON WEST. FINE *-story brick tenement, at low price, riat shek A Cos. FtR SALK. LOT 30 BY 96. SOUTH we*t corner Ninth and Lincoln, on that magnificent terrace, for 1*50; a great bar gain! Platshek A Cos. ■"FOrTba I -PL 522 GW INN ETT." BA ST. large two-story frame dwelling, lot 50 by ion. only 33.500. on easy terms. Plntshek A Cos. _____ AT AUCTION NEXT TUESDAT, twenty-two acre* of land In city limits, facing east on Spring street, and west on Style* avenue. The Union Terminal Com jmny propose running through this land to get to the new union depot. If you want a bargain you cannot afford to miss this sale. Youmans A Demmond. Auc tioneer*. “at AUCTION NEXT TUESDAY. LOT 4 Calhoun ward. *ox9o feet, facing east on Lincoln, north on Taylor and south on Wayne streets. No hotter opportunity every offered for a fine building site for a row of tenement*. Youman* A Demmond, Auctioneer*. l A T AUCTION NEXT TUESDAY, twenty-flvo acres of land, ami Improve ments thereon, now being used as a dairy, situated on the northwest corner of Ogee rhee rosd and Charleston and Savannah Railway. A verf valuable property; would make one or more desirable factory sites. Youman* A Demmond. t “AT —AUCTION NEXT TUESDAY, ISO feet fronting on River street, between McGuire street and private street leading io Gorrle Ice factory, with the Improve ments. one brio* building now as a blacksmith shop. Youman* & Dem mond, Auctioneer*. "IF YOII WANT A HOME SEE US WE have many desirable ones which con be si', ehesp and on easy terms Youmans X 11. mmoni • ' ,F YOU HAVE MONEY TO INVEST It will pay you to see us. We have good, new property which will net from 7 to 15 per cent Youmans A ivmmond. _ -vTfu SEVER HAD A BETTER OP port unity to buy a desirable 1M > ban now we have the choicest on the nmrket. The Prenderiast lots are cheap and from ev ery standpoint the most desirable for the ,r ‘ sv Hie u* liefore they are all sold. Th? future of this location Is a*.ured by 7he pir.les who hav. bulk. Youman. A Demmond. —. “THAT ELEGANT \/YT FRONTING on Überty St. Patrick’* Church. I D. I-aRo. he. _ “TWO-BTORY. NINE-ROOM DW DLL ,„g pistsee UP "ml .k>wn slrs. together wait lo:; non I. D. lotßoche. _ 717 WEST BROAD STREET. IN •pltgidld condition: very cheap. I. D. I-*- f("* I “FOR BA!-E.“lEA'fl ACRES SAW MILL or croestle timber; tr.lntng not neceeeary; ir.vo.l (reck; no swamp on It* margin* and ,„ard shlig.lng l-olnt. run. fhmogh territory. Ad-.rc- 80, 53. Oka hutnik. Fla* __ FOB BALK." AM IDEAL HOME ON fte.-ond* avenue, near Abereorn; eaej terms. J K. Fulton A Son. "FOR SALK. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE lien v Street, near Abereorn; s3can " -aev term- J. E. Fulton A Son. w,p —ALK. VACANT LOTS. CORNER H its-rsham amt Ninth streets. J. K. Ful ton St Son. - “for sale. TWO TWO-BTORY houses. Henry street, near West Browt: an excellent Investment; easy terms. J. K Fulton At Son 4 FOR BALK. HANDSOME HOME. 4M Gwinnett, west, eleven rooms, pwpercl; moilern imiwovements; lot 32 by 131; can bulhl two houses In lane; cheap. Y. . are News F .SU.I. "N 1.A91 TERMS. MOD ern ttn-r.otn house. *ll room*connect and all arperate; three large halls; bath room, ate 413 Henry street, east. Apply at Launsy Studio, a Broughton, west , FOR *AI.E—REAL RftTATB, FOR SALE—I AM INSTRUCTED TO sell ITttt Habersham; this Is a good, com fortable house, containing nine room*; owner withes to leava the city and must sell before going; look at It and give nse a bid; Instructions are aell. B, G. Black, 3 Bryan, east. FOR SALK. " SOUTHWEST CORNER of Tenth glut Bull, lliat s|U.-ndld corner. 40 feet front, for 32.500; If you ever ospeef lo own a Bull atreet corner this look* like a chance for you; the lot la cheap K. Cl Black. * Bryan, east. FOR SALE. HEAL ESTATE, IF YOt? And anything In my advertisements that strikes you and you haven't lhe time to • all on me, drop nr a line, wtlh your ad dr. ss, and * 1 wtll call on you. K. G. Black. * Bryan east. FOR SALE. BLOCK 0F"12 IjOTS. SIX on Tenth and six on Twelfth, very cheap to quick (Hirchaser. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan, cast. FOR SALK. CORNER BRYAN, TRICE and St Julian, two houses, one hrtek ttvl one wood; wilt sell one or both; very small cash payment; these house* face St. Julian, good renter*, and room for an other house. E. G. Black, * Bryan, east. FOR SALE. 30 FEET ON NEW Hous ton, bet ween Barnard snd Whitaker, splendid location for investment or home E. G. Black. • Bryan, east fFOH HALE BEAL ESTATE; I AM exclusively In the real eatst* sales: If you wish yours sold I can hsndle It for you; satisfactory price* assured. H. G. Black. 3 Bryan, east. FOR HALE RESIDENCE ON TAY lor, near Drayton, small cash payment, luilance arrsngsl aatlsfactortly. E G. Black. < Bryan, east. rtR BALE A NICE - DETACHED reeldeau-e on Uorvlon, In good condition; ■rill make delightful horn a E. O Black, 3 Bryan, eaat. ’for SALBrta'HOUSES ON BOLTON street, east; one year old; all rented; an nual rental t; will sell cheap B. G. Black. • Bryan, east. FOR"SALE." REAirrarfATTßi 1f wish to aell your real estate place II with me; prompt attention to all buslneoa; quick sales assured. E. O Black. 8 Bryan. east. Fon bale! one of the last lots left fsoln* the park; I will give a bar gain to s desirable purchaser for resi dence; tenements not allowed. See E. Q. Black. ( Bryan, east. E"R BEES A BARGAIN IN A~“- story Harris street house. See E. O. Black. _ FOk'saLE. FIVE - HODRHB RENT Ing for 33f> a mofMh. for 32.UF: you can figure the percentage ot> the Investment K. G. Black. 8 Bryan, eaat. FOR KALE.' AT THUNDERBOLT * room house on two lots SOx23D, 33*n cash, balance on easy terms. E. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. “fob SALE. Vk'K HOME AT ISLE OF Hope, on easy terms. See E. G. lUack, 3 Bryan, east. FOR RALE A HENRY STREET residence for gtn that can't be equated E. G. Black, Bryan. eaW. “FORSAIcE OR RENT, AN ELEGANT Eighth street residence on a *V-fH cor ner, owner leaving city. See E, G. Black, 6 Bryan, east. “FOB BALE OR RENT THOSE TWO four-story residence* on southwest cor ner Hall snd Rarnard. being thoroughly refiovated. E. O. Black. 8 Bryan, east FOR fUI.K. SIX NTJW HOUSES renting for *ll3 a month; well located; are rented to good tenant*. E G. Black. 6 Bryan, eaat. FOR BALE. 80 FEET ON nVLL Hi Ml Ninth; nice site for your home. E. G. Black. FOR SALE. SOUTHWEST CORNBR Abercorn and Third. 90 by 7*. two-alory shanty, price very low. E G. Blrnk. FOR'BALE, NORTHWEST CORNER New Houston and Waters avenue. 90-foot corner. E O. Black. 8 Bryan, *at. FOR BALE. SOUTH BAHT AND southwest corner* of Henry and Paulsen: give me bid. K. G. Black. 8 Mn*n. eaat. .F"R SALE. ST"RE AND TW< > NICE houses; centrally locat'd, good Invest ment; all In perfect repair. E G. Black, NO 214 Oglethorpe avenue, west; conve nient location; splendid property. 1. D. I-W- Ro<‘he. H“farm Street north; also small house on Mil! street; good Invest ment. I. D. lot Roe he. “NICE TWO-STORY RESIDENCE N<> 522 Jones street, east, and the dwelling In th** rear; price, twenty-flve hundred; live hundred cash und balance on monehly In stallments. I. D. La Roche. AN ISLAND 'CONTAINING FlFTY seven acre*, roar ThunrterlroH; beautiful river front, 11 planted In oysters, near dwelling, and fruit on place; price $2,500, 1. D. La Roche. “THAT LARGE BUILDING AND LOT on the southeast corner of I-umber and Bay steeel; It will pay 9 per rent, nee on the Investment. I. D. L*Roche. “NINE NIUE DWELLINGS. NEW AND tinder good rental, paying 10 per cent, on price asked. I. D. I-a Roche. “six" DWELLINGS AND STORE GN comer of William and Farm street, cheay; splendid Investment. I. D. I.aßoche THREE GOOD FARMS NEAR THE city, containing respectively, *O, M and #6O acres each; partly cleared and balance In timber. I. D. La Roc he. ONE OF THE FINEST' BUSINESS properties In Savannah, on Bull street, the principal thoroughfare; a rare chance for a man of means. I. D. La Roche. "LOT*BOUNDED"BY TAYLOR, TATT nall. Wayne and Jefferson street*. $5,000. I. D. La Roche. 4M EIGHTH STREET. WHBT~BKVEN roont dwelling In nice condition. I. D. La- Roche. "TIMBER LANDS F< >R~SALE- 1 -n i . million acres of virgin tlmbereal lands tor ►ale in Florida; In tract* to null purchaser, hy Campbell A Doughtry, Jacksonville, Fla. FOR BALE. A LOT "FOR TWO HU N drtd dollars: easy terms, on Ninth scree*, near East Bruad; no city taxation. C. U. Dorset t. FOB BALK. LOTI ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at $3W> each; will soon be advanced to $325; when a lot ha* been paid for I can arrange to get a home bulM. C. H. Doreett. "FOR SALE. THOSE 1-OTH ON NINTH street, near East Broad, hav* only been sold lo flrst-cles# parties. \-ho will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The term' are very *a*y. end they ere cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C H. Dorset!. "FOR BALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no etty taxes, at s2#o each; iwenty-Ov# dollar* cash, and easy monthly payment*. C. H. Dotaatt. “FOR SALE. “THREE FINE LOTS, corner Barnard and Eleventh. Whitaker and Eleventh, and Whitaker and Twelfth a. H. Remshart. “FOR SALE. NEW STOCK OF DRY gfxjd* and notions: will sell cheap. Corner Arulrson ami FflW* street*. "Villi sale. DESIRABLE HKSt"- demc. No. 127 Gordon street, west, front ing on Chatham Square; fifteen room*, hot and cold water on three floors; cold water on fourth; dumb-waiter; stable room for two horse* and two vehicles, with servants* quarters, etc. Apply on premises. _ “$13,400--FOR SALE. ONE OF THE nh eat residence* In the city; lot, 43 by 130 feet; on a wld street; In a nice neigh borhood; hot water system of heaSlng. electric bell*, fan# end light*, burglar alarm; nice garden, large yard, with t ble. Address P. O. Box m, city. <( FUN I ALB—II 1C Al. Ml tig. LOT 32. CRAWFORD WARD, BE tween Hull and M<T*onoug)i; four houses on East Broad; two frame houses on MiTionough. rents SIOO per month; price, $3 .ton; city valuation 35.5®. 310 Ogle thorpe, east. FOR SALE. ONE COMFORTABLE, two-story brick house with all modern Improvement a. convenient to business. Ad dress Cash, care Morning News. “FOR SALE. ONE CORNER LOT 90 BY 60 feet, or can he divided Into 30-font lots; conveniently situated. Address Quick. Morning News. FOB SALE. IeOT 30X125. FACING south on Eleventh sireet, near Hatnaid tl Mendel, 3d Bay, west. •us *■ I —*c • --- 1 1 WIIVMHAZEL: THEBkPIS WITUII hurl and wltcblwuel una ts made to cur*, the otlur I* made to aell, put a lot i# of ours by the eld* of one of lha Other kind, e give you all thn quality and all the quantliy Heat your money en titles ye>u to a pint for a quarter lvrsee’a Drug Hi nt, Henry and Abercorn, Whit aker and Taylor for hale, upright piano;Hood as new; would change few horse ami bug gy. “cows FOR RALE. IP YOU WANT - A good milk cow. re a* .Heebie, I can supply you. fall 471 West Boundary “AUCTION EVERT TUESDAY AT Younglove A Sipple's; If you need a gexed work horae or a ge*.| elrtvcr cheap, call there. AHII AND CYPRESS I UMIIF.R FOR sale- 160.09' feet of ash suliabla for wheel wrlghts carriage makers car works and Interior houee finish Also cypress lumber of ell slsea We have resume.] rutting our famous brands of cypress shingle* and will eocn have a full line of them for aala Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. NOW IS THE TIME TO PUT IN YOUR supply of wood feer the winter Sne.leker A 00. will furnish you with oak. pine or light won.l, sen ret or slick. Georgia anet Bell 'phones, 7*9. “SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try If; you will be pleased FOR SALE. CHEAP, A BBCOND hand hlcyclr Call at Plant System Din ing Room* Monday. . FOR SALE. BY A K WILSON, 223 Congress atreet, west. 2 Ms In Bonaven ture Cemetery; lot southern portion of city; walnut glans door e-ases. show ranee, line walnut sklehoard. antique' furniture tine modern furniture anet a variety of goods, which must he sold to close con signments. and peey storage. “KEEP IN MIND LARGE B\LF. AT minion chol.-e furniture, corner Hall artel Abercorn. Frteiay nest “FOR BALE UPRIGHT PIANO; GO"!' an new; would change for borne and bug gy. See It at 1111 Montgomery atreet. FOR SALK. ONE YOUNG MULE AND on* genfle horse, cheap foe cash. Apply 21 Broughton, east. “WILL BELL AT YOUNGLOVE A SIP plea action on Tus-eday, one Jersey row; will ralvn In about ten days; milked on Inst cglf sixteen quarts. FOli SALK. AT A BARGAIN, ALL th* liiml*T unM In Mfifftnit th# Interior of Trinity Church; •* now. Arply J M Hook. 213 Whitaker or Trlnlly Chunh. # "FOR SALE. 14 NEW WHEELER A Wilson. No 9 ball bearing machine* at .-oat; it draw style, $22 50 : 4 draw. $25 #0; drop bead. $25 0(1, sold to eloaa out. Ad dress W. J Donnelly. Darien. Ga. FOR SALE.A NO.l GREEN GROCERY and butcher shop, flrat-class fixtures. An old established trade See me at one*. Ad dress "D,*‘ oar* Morning News. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, NO 3. In escellent comMtlnn; cheap to quick pur chaser Address "Hoo.” New* office. “FOR RALE. A FINE JERSEY DULL, or will trade for cow or hay; *ee him, he's a t—auty. 471 We*4 Boundary. $lO. #0 FOR A DOMESTIC HEWING Machine; sls for a type writer. The Furniture Exchange, 113 Barnard street. FOR“*ALE." ONE TYPEWRITER IN good order, price $25. 1111 Lincoln strooS kjOEP IN MIND LARGE SALE AT auction choice furniture, corner Hall and Abe room, Friday next. FOR SALE. RAZORS, AND SAFETY raxnra. honed straight, and edge sharp ened. concaved and hollow ground cut lery. ami cash registers repaired and re plated, with a silver bronae plate, *teel heel plate*, and raxor strops; best for sharp edges. Orders left care 11 as la m A Cos . No 147 and 149 Mull street. lo’ave your name and address on articles to be repaired. Robert McDonough, Savannah. Ga. "“PARTY DISCONTINUING IIOI’BE keeping desires to dispose of gna Move, walnut side-l-Hird, (hand ma<b'). and va rious fMbte and ends for sale cheap. sls East Überty. "FOR~SALE."ONE PRINURfM ORGAN, suitable for small church. Sunday school or private family; a bargain. 115 Hast Li berty. “NEW RICE STRAW. $2 Oft PER DOIT b! horse load Apply Iteptfort plantation NBW RANCB— RICHARDSON AND Boynton—'Perfect No. *; owner won sev eral month* ago at Masonic Fair, hut L’.r. never us*d; will Ml ch*-ap 6ir cash. Ap ply to S. N Harris, 9 Park avenue, east. “for SALK. A FINE IIAt’KIIOX TUR pcntlne farm, on line railroad, new 20- barrel still, plenty shacks and other build ing*. private siding. #-crop yearly, 11 virgin croiMt, plenty timber, paid for. lo cut IS crops; full equipped, and at work; will sell now or after gathering scrape and dip. Address C. R. <>.. Tilton. Ga. FOR— SALE."WELL TRAINED ENO IMi setter, retrieves: hold* shot; range* wide; very steady and true; satisfaction guaranteed. Box 350, Rock Hill, 8. C. “for"balk A gas ST()VE“can"be seen at 41# Jones, east. "unredeemed' PLEDGES KOR ■ale: Call graph typewriter In good condi tion; headquarters for unredeemed Smith Si Wesson and Colt revolver*. gun*, watches. Jewelry, sewing margins# of all makes, at Uncle Ikes' |n shop, cor tier Congress and Jefferson street. "KEEP IN MIND LARGE SALE AT auction choice furniture, corner Hall ■ml Abereorn. Friday next. 11l SISEJI* C4OAHCRO. HUBINSCIMI INVESTIGATE- IF YOU want an absolutely safe Investment, that will pay you more thttn H per rent . drot> ns- a card, with your address ami I will • all to see you. A. J. lais-<cr, lock box 1. or call oilice No. 9. Provident Hull ling “•’HONEirr SPECULATION BEND for my ’ method” of ”Security Invest ment;” If you are satisfied with reesonnblc profits; Investment* by this method In stocks and grain, have earned In 80 day* more than a mechanic earn* In •>. Send for free parts ultra; customer* ami hank references. Richard Join* Investment Broker. 40 Exchange Place, New York. ' Lost aVd rotTo! '7?srr^n?iuDAY^Tri r i:r^ silver purse; reward If returned to 217 Gas ton street, east. "FOUND. WHITE MALE SETTER dog, brown spots; owner can have name by proving property ami piylng expenses. H. C. Hlattner, 22 Eleventh, •**. pm aniM.. ~>ir??s®Rirpuas6i^^ to your Interest to let roe give you *n es timate on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specially, a* I am a practical plumber. No guesa work to endanger your life. Wiggins, phone Bit, Georgia or HeU. KDKATIOUL. HAVANNAH A<*AD K3l V THK TMIH i> ••MxtrMl tnnunl newton of th Hovonnah Atwlnniy pomroiinT Oct. I, for c*>ll*fr or hiMlniNM; rproUi primary nihl Mr.immar Rrhonl . Applv • ( 134 IloU for rai|of(ur am) ppr cUil farm*. John TnlUfrrro. prtn.*|pttl ~OCT if Perils W ANTKh KNOUfIH, From h. mwi. S->'unl avrnur and Abrr corn Mrs Oars Mlßrt NRL.I* (lAIIgLAHP Wt!4g OPBN •<'hK>l Oct. 1 •( lurnarj ami ll**nry at recta ' %’Sn vii * inkMj • Kxrnm Plon. tin.lrr tlm direction of Allan I,Win Hr Ita. !•*• o*t. 72. at \9 Raat Jom*a s’.rtrt; aprctal In rntUi||. WAV ANN AM AKV Wllhlna will rcip h*r art arhiM)l at lha TANARUS lfir AcAdrmy.Oct. I larxf, atudloa. anil a thorough I'qulpvnrnt of lltrr c.iata. modrU. rts- ls/i(•'it mrth oda In nil hrntv-lira of art taught. A|ilv nt Ttlfalr Acadrmy. or ll** Jones Mrcrt, #*aKt. SAVANNAH jk’llOOlg OF VhYHH’aT training, un.h r (hr dlrm-iloi of Mina * hnrltm atul Mlnr Thuraday, Oct. 18. ni no Writ lalu-ty rtrert. new courarn ihU Mtnoa. \V H I4AKKH WI UL HKOFKN hi* rrlr*t firhool at €l3 Dray ton *trr#t, Motulay, Oct l. cnrcfui Inatrucilon given In rh’imnlary ami colirgiatr Non hr*. MIBII McIIOUY WIIsIa RBOFRN IIFR pchool on Monday. Oct 1, ai 8 Taylor at reel. wont, around door from Hull airrri. JOHN WIKOAND. JR.. I*l ANO IN atrudor; kglnnfru ami mlvumM p'n*lU rrcrlvrd. AiMr# %n 34 llarrtr atrrrt, wcrl MISS AGNES LYONS WILL NpF.N her klmtcrgarton and primary a>hool. Oct. M, at 421 Aherodm at reef. HPKCIAL TO CITT BTrORNTR Twenty per cent, dlacount to city atuih'iwa. If rntrr roorv No money rr qulrr! In alvancr Not MtinOwl <|ult and no pay. 1 iraughnn’* Practical Hu.flnraa Collate*, Odd Fa I lowa' Hall, corner llar nanl and Htatr atrrria " MIHB F M KFleleY WlIJi RKOPfCN j4*roaU at H hool Hall Oct 1. at Ktrat and lUhsr*hm rtrrrta. MIIB WOOIdHOPTRR WIIX RROPFN her primary a< Im>ol. Ovt 1, at 110 Holton •trrat, **aM MUMS I Mill W V* ARFfWdD WTtJL ratnrn to tha city Oct. 1. ami In praparad to flvr piano lraaona. Irat of rrfrram •• For further particular* addresa #Ol N Calvrrt Mr-rt, Halttmore. M 1 MIBB I.ANNIAI Will. HEOPKN hrr klndrrgwrtrn and primary achool, Wrdnraday. 3rd October. Apply at 1 Duffy afreet, eaat. M Its A Ml( AM WUeL REOPEN IIKR kimlerg.irien achool at 41‘i Kaal Taylor. Oct. 8. “mIHR FA IIU WIIsD REOPEN fU'HOOL Oot. 1 at Waldburg a tract, fourth ilnor raat of lllm*ham MI SB CAAIPIIKI.T, WILL RE"'!', her ae-honl. Del. 1. at Nb. 7 Henry ilrwl, exist, srliutars pi spared for tha public schdoU. “mISH HARTRIDGE. (V ABBA it "A. ">. will re .'i'e-n her school < ><"# i, corner Gas lon and Habersham aireets; Mia* Hart r:dgw will he assisted by Mies Want. (Veesar A. 11 1. Mt* Uewnella B. D'. , Mrs Merk Gorfaln, vocal muste; Mrs. Georg* Hchley. Iniemuneeilal music; Miss Sura i'harßoiv calnalhenlc*. For further Informal l*n, seldress Miss Harlrklge, South Drang*. N J THE OGLKTHORUE SEMINARY will reopen Oct. 2. at M Drayton streel. Savannah, G* . for feartlculara, address Mrs. I -outs G. Young, principal. auskuiaa ROfiSiH with leoerel In private family; everything flrst-rlas*. W. K. I. BOARD-NICE HOO3fH AND BOARD; reasonable term*. Tottnall, 3rd from LI - fieri y. "Southern room, furnibhbd or iinfumtshed. with labia board. No. 20 Macon atreet. east. A FIRST-CLASS I’RIVATE FAMILY, living aoiilh of Dark Extension, but con venient lo business, will lake several Imaidere at reasonable price; satisfaction guarantceel. Address A. If. D., care of Morning New*. GOOD BOARD; NICJO ROOMS; <T-7N < nil locution. reasons Mu rntcee at 323 Har ris street, exist. TWO OR TURKB Ri'ARDKKH <’AN secure board In a private famiry; refer ence' required. Apply 315 East Ltberty. "wanted, hoarders, vrnnf or wlihout rooms, at 131 Montgomery street. A NICE ROOM WITH BOARD; BBBT lew elli y; all meslern conveniences; very leueonalde. PS Atiercorn. "for rooms and board“aPrLT“AT 131 West Liberty, Iwo large room*, oije front first floor, one aecond floor back, with all conveniences. IF TOO WANT BRIGHT. ULKAHANT rooms and flrst-clas* table, come lo 207 West Charlton sireet. TABLE BOARD, BY YOUNG MAN, nt 312 per month ({hlo, this office. IF YOll WANT BRIGHT, PLEASANT rooms and flrat-clasa table, come to 307 West Churlton sereet. MlM'EU.*nori. HAVB YOUR HOURS TAINTED with German ready-mixed paint, entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adntna Taint Company. ________________ "[mint FORGET wiIBRB TO CIO when you need plumbing work (kata; our workmen are th* very liaat; prtce# low. A. C. Prleo A Cos., State and JflTrrwn; 'phones *6*. "SCHOOL BOOKS AT lIAUK TRICE, •lid trade In your a at Tarver'*, York and Jefferson. THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 1U llainard street, ii>s cash for all kinds of furniture. i "WANTED, ONE THOUSAND IMS', ary people at the Southern Grocery Com pany. lit Barnard street. ~MEA LA FURNISHED CHEAP IIY best colored cook In city. Front basement IS I.iit'v. waat. t MATTRKHSKB RENOVATED" AND ItA turned same day. Hi work guaranteed Telephone 4143. "MATT It EASES RENOVATED. *l6O up; returned same day If desired; tiave Champion machine, leave* no dust or lumps; white mechanic* only. Fox's, Whitaker, re ar Oxlrtltorpsv H A VKYOI'r' WATCH K 8 ~AND~~JEW eIry repaired at reasonable prices, by A O. Guerin; he has been with J. 11. Koch over twelve years. 11* Whitaker street; upstairs fp"YOUR MACHINERY IS OUT OF orders and needs to be prattaoM, cleaned and repaired give me a chance at the Job. I will ik) same at reasonable figures. J. F. M'-Aiillffe. 49 Drayton atreet. WE SI 11.1. SEWER I'ICE, ' EI.T'E pipe, lire clay, fire brick at lowest price*. Adams Taint Company, lot Congress, weal. “CARTIER BREAKING VP HOUBE keeplng can et cash for their surplus furniture at tha Furniture Exchange, 113 Barnard atrewt. "a BOTTLE OF FINE OLD CROW will be the thing these day*; none no pure a* at William Dlera, West Broad and liberty. _ ' MORE THAN one HUNDRED * 'ENTS In every dollar of your hard-earnrd hard cash at the Southern Grocery Company, lit Barnard street IJCOLHYKiII NO; GET FOX’S " BID, save you nearly half; no walling; white mechanics only. Whitaker, Bear Oglr ihorpa, , Ml SC* LLAg BO OS. '"we ijo^plumbintT work or uj, kinds and can figure cieae with yotet gtv* ua s ail when In nead. A. C. Prioa A Oa, State and Jefferson, plum so M. GTPBINK IS THK HKBT WALtT'rrN f-h mad* Adama Balm Cos.. Bavanaah agents, IM Congrea*. west. WH CONNECT AND DISCONMIIDB ranges. our (elumbaea know (hair teusl noea. end our price* are. low) II will pair you to give us your work. A. C. Files A Cos , mat* and Joffereon; Ball and Qsae Klu 'phones 858, "stove and TbANor, wore or a£L kliieta promptly attended to by D. N. Ttuemaeon. agent, the stove expert; I alao make a specialty of eirh.uigtngi a toe of gtia ningea In otork cheap; If ywu will giva in,' a chance I will eava you mutwy. 34A Went Broad street, Bell 'phone. RUBY CARRIAGES RF7NOVATBD like now, tipbolMtrrlng, mutiu* nuktiif our e|eex laity: about half HreeijglitoM sireet prieexi charged. Fox a WIUtakOR ne*ar OKbthorpa “REDUCE Turn LIVING expenbbb by Inveetlng your hard-earned herd cash with tha Southern Grocery Company, U 4 Barnard street. iu you have any broken lA tlcl.'a that you do not care to repair, ora J F. Mi'Aultffe. 49 Drayton arrant, ha will takn them. "THE FURNITURE EACH AND eTTiI Ilgrnunl bag brgMln In Imtul furnituri' RHCEIVEI• A FULL I.INB OF lb poriexl ate,l ei>>mca*l woolene. eulta mad* to order front 315. Eleg.utf pants, $4; also Cleaning ami etvalng A Gets, the tailor, Jefferaon and State streets. HAVE YOUR STOtVES BCALRB AeND house hold repairs done by J. F. McAui- Iffe, i Dravion street. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I'M ready with spring stock af umbrellas, par asol* repair ext and recovereei; loe-k* and kaya. M l"mlnlts. corner Oglethorpa- Itarnai'l Georgia I‘bonn 1059 STEP INTO MY BTDRK AND GET A Untie of fine old I.ewta 'gg; remember It la 88, and not urn* other brand; Old Crow la great, try li. William Diem, West Broad and IJberty. THE STAB THAT LEADS T 1 IBM all. New Deuneetiu Machine, with ball bearings Renton & Bor. FOR PARER If ANGER ’aND~I'AINT er gef Taylor e aetlmalae. You won't re gret 11. Painters' supplier LADIES. HAVE YOUR FIVE CRR pon anil tailor mad* elresam dyed by new oxadye proe-ese, guaranleest*not to shrink or get out of shape New York Dye Works, Whitaker and State. 'Phon* hi THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IS being lurned out by Forest City laundry. 'Phone 11,75 Fflß FISHING TACKLE, NETS. ETC., yo lo Cornwell A Chtpmkn. ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RE paired while you wait; all work guaran teed. For poor people free. Penfon A Hon. WALL PAPERS, PAINTS. VAR nteliaa. kaltondn** and glaa* and good mechanics. He* Taylor, K. of P. flail WE CLEAN 'TJTTHBS BY THE RE aordnee antiseptic process. Try u#. New Yeerk Steam Dye Works, Whitaker and State. WE GIVI YOt KITHI I: l-.'.U :'-T! • ar gloan finish, perfect work. For**! City Laundry. Park avenue. f 'lt HARDWARE AND '966l4'(fe to Cornwell A Cblpraaa'a. SINGER NEBDI.ES, TITOBB“ FOR five renla; gill oil with doxan frea Penton A Son * NO BOTCH. NO IfUMBUO!" BUtT’A tltorotigh iiilnter. paper hanger and dec orator. Taylor K. of P Hall “•PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST CITT laundry They will call for your linen Immediately WANTED. YOUR OLD MATTRESSES w> makn over for you. tl; lairphatte 4141. WH RENOVATE 11ATTRI TABES; wool, hair, cotton or moas, |l; i.b-pbono 4143 “CAR/Pl*7T34 AND RUOB CIJEANKD ON fho floor Uariebin carpe4 cleaners; telo plinno 4143 LET US ‘oi.EAnTtOU 14 OLD CAIL I Vis clean and new for the winter. Part*. lan carpet cleaners: telephone 4143. I“AM NOW AT 414 WHHT HROTTGH tun; ring up 2464 If you want to have your furniture moved * lacknt for shlfiment or storage; I guarantee prices the same, au I .In the work that's given to me. A. S. Grlflln, 414 llroughtnn street, west; nutt tresaea nuulc to order. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING given pcrannal attention, at Koch A Syl van's, 48 Whitaker. “SPECTACLES of thb best GRADE at mixb-rat# price*; ayes tooted frea. Koch A Sylvan. " GET YOUR WBDDtNO PRESENTS at Koch A's. 48 Whitaker. They are beautiful and cheapi "laihmh. IT DOEBN*T COST much to have a fine hot. "Id ptimve ,i tv I feath ers dyed over by the only expert feather •Iyer South, our Lather dyer panecs for new work. New York Dye Works, Stats ami Whitaker. "and! n!~n i< mSSSSr. agPlvt! stove expert goes to any part of tbe city to look after rrfalrlng ar exchanging stove*; glove* at the very lowest price*; ring me up, Bell 'phone, or call 148 Weat Broad. "LANOWKLL TRUNK WORKS BEI.tJf, repair* ami moke* trunks *t about halt Broughton *tiet price*; special else*, and aatnfJn cases * specialty. W. V. Jordan for several year* at Havinmuh Trunk Factory, will tv glad to see old patron*. 210 Wbllakar street. ■OK KANG EH AND HToVEB, UOTO OjnwaU A Chlpman. CHOICE “ELEGANT, RECHERCHE cut glass, silverware, china, bric-a-brac, Friday next. Hall and Abercorn. s,non 25-CKNTB I/HIKINO "OLAHSRS to go on Monday, only at 10 cents each. Cull and see.uur s*< lop buggy, open bug glee from 328 up. M. Nathan, No. 224-2J4 Congress street, west. *A CONUNDRUM: WHY WILL great many owners of horses pay as much to make their horsea suffer from 11-flttlng shoes a* It would cost to have the Job done by an expert horwehocr and there for". done right; 1 guarantee tha lit and work every time, the horoe- Hhoer and tttler, J.-ffcrson street, boar Liberty. .Sj WATCHES, CIXJCKB AND JEWELRY rapalnsl pr.wnptiy ind thoroughly by A. a. Guerin, formerly with J. 11. Koeb, US Whitaker street; upstairs. “CHOICE - ELEGANT. ItEci | KRCHIO cut glass, silverware, china, bric-a-brac, Friday next, Hull and Abercorn. Positions T-orf- t ' r ® ECURED * B/Aetu’eWttJe asxslf Young Men li|9gg' f 1 Women i j '"Vfta ourpMctiegl I Business (odrse pICHMOPfOjj r Business fJorntmarf/fa | II COLLEBES I I MUrCdakgak AtoinMruJt,-J/aSt | 5