The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FLORIDA’S SUNKEN CAVES. I M %l.ft %Tt II %!.• -%TI Mi:# I %l *- i.j> i% mi: ukomm.k %l i mii- U ftTIOV Kink* \V lit oh Hrciinr l.akr*— llitn f li* W lM*r W an*r l \*arl> ;t.v I'm Deep—The •*lll* Jum'*’’ \ MiiMrlr*. From th* 1 Nth York Time.'. Much Inter* I- gri.eraily a#**** latftd with unu-ual feature* of th*’ **nhr sur face, and Ilii I* esq*-'tally true It IhM feature* are onneu | with thing# ihd phenomen.l b*‘l**w the #urfu Cater. • -•- |ie ;*.|v and cp aid ext ! : *‘ne- an lth v e affording opportmu i f* r adventure, wr- Interfiling to every*- i many . |er <.r. iOnl<l* It |>! . mi* • nt rvrni# In hi* Ilf t. hav* vitlt* I t • tam i? Mammoth •nd Fur.iy mvf Ti.* Grotto n*- of Italy, rontalntna stratum of irhonk* •rid over It* M.rfa . ha* I* me fammi the world over itvl n my n tender heart ha* pltle.: thr poor little d*g )>•' th* oM < heni . *m xk - tell i th* ' ve attendant would I* nd into in* j* )'**t to a hot. how th- lift, ttdow would he- Com“ n ; hyxl'< *nd ti at th* man could it* on in safety. Htnk# or atnkhoh a* geoiogiat* ti- nr* orally de#:s?.uf th-ip at* * uni id d-pr* alon* in the urfa of the t round, and •re nwntnitnly * 1 b\ the {Hiluig in of cave- They ilway oruir in • region* Limestone I* w*fl ruck and therr-fore ea#)l\ worn a wav hv the action of w .it- r. hetu manv lime.-tone le d> I* coroe III.■• w#ih fltuutr* ■* no r*. r#ve, *n du to th* trgdli'g h* tton of the water |M##tng i! rough t.* m When •* av* of consider *.:< #t/* i n*.r the #urfa**<\ it raof will eventually on “'tint of the wearing at lon. he ome •>. weak to *up- I* *■ t itself, and la.l In. alal the hole thu> fortmd will l a ink In pfta* **- where atnk ate of common or. currenre a farmer It* not mirprieed to find that a so* tlon of hi* w *gon rl ha* drop |m) a f> w fee during the night or that anew aink ha* form* i In one of hie Hel l* The resonant round* time* heard where country ro#H had over limestone rock* Indicate cavern* that may fall In at any lime, and drop the passing trav eler into the hoi* Mo#t atnkr have dry bottoms. but aome of them contain water. ♦**>• tally th#e* found at low level> The pink* of eoaet region-. therefore, generally have water In than), amt aome of them mu* # larg* that their water area* are frequent y railed lake*. Florida an (hid enter. The KlMte of Florida I* an odd corner of our domain. It haa many peculiar and in* eretlng geological a* well a* phy#lo gr.tphleai Future# It i? well known to geologists that henenth the orange grove*, melon and pweet |*otito flekla, Indued, tin der the entire randy aurface atratum of this penlnpula. at a depth varying from a few to a hundred or more feet, 1* an lm inen*e bed of erocene line *ton* the solid foundation upon which Florida aurface material rent* Thl* I# known to !>- very pervlnu* to water, and In many pla<-e* to b** honeycomt>ed by cavltie*. cavern*, nl varloui other charactenatb of the erod ing action. In evidence of fhl* Florida well digger* Inform u* that In pinking well* Into thl* rock their drill* frequently make *ud ten drop*, fulling at a ilnsl drop from a f**w Inch**# to several fe<t. The*# eroded pla* *a must contain lakes, wells, nnd atreama Innumerable—stream- that vary t - . water to pwihll rivers following course* many mils* long through the dark |* page*. It Itf obvious therefore that *on ditions very favordhle to the formation of •Ink depressions eg|t In this bedrock hence sinks are numerous In Florida, and they are ftaind all over the state. In Alachua there .ire proliablv more sinks than In any other part of the state; Indeed, they form a conspicuous feature of th surf "f th ' nglow. It I* In thl- county, seven miles north of Gainesville, that th* ver\ large sink known a* the "I‘evil s Mill Hopper'* 1* found This is regarded as the great nat ural curiosity of th* region, in*! Is quite a resort for picnics and tourist*. Th* 1 *‘Hlg Jug" I* another sink In the same county, remarkable on accoun* of Its occasionally draining completely a large connected lake, leaving the lied, containing thou- PKtnds of acre*, a gr* t prairie And it was In Alachua county I hat u few year* •go th* earth gave w •> under the track of the Southern Itatlroad. and the night irntn pl’che.l headlong into th*' hob (hue forme*!, which w*s about seventy f*et deep, completely wrecking the engine and cara. Fortunately, however, none of the passenger* was nerloudy Injured. The Disappearing M* am. An Interesting few lure of e*n‘* Florida •Inks 1* that they erv. •* drainage r>e* ervolrs for creaks and rivulet* A nota ble example of this *• sink hi <rang county into which a Urge stream fV*w* and disappear* compbily without caus ing the water In the lake to •!*• Hut Florida Is not**d especially lor her deep sink*, nnd following 1* • description Of < ver\ deep one. said to be the de**pest on*’ iti the world, whk'h w ** recently ex idored and measured hv th* writer wwl several asstsiants. It Is In the lake le gion. aboil! tour mile- northwest of > Undo, and contain* a small take present tng a beautiful surface and plctureaquo •iirroundlnK* Home people living near the place asso ciated conakleraob mystery with th*- sink on account of the suppose*! depth of thl* lake, and this m>>**ry w . Increased l: crude aoundlng* m*le by curious visitors and the speculation* to which these sound ing* gave rtf* One |eft*on lhl s*t reat n the bottom with a hundred-foot line, nn I another, faking to find the depth, came to the conclusion tha* the w iter wis s dense at the great *f pth reached by he lire that It prevented further descent of the weight, nod her*'*- that the bottom could never l>e #•'Hal; o'hers were sur* that th* hoi- n.* taittom It may be interesting also to state that In regard to Ihe He* of th* sink, random local opinion flxee its origin t quite a re cent date. Ac*si*!ing to lhi* opinion ,i fine orange grove !■ ludid h*- placa with in Its area tnl portion of the grov* was theiefor* swallowe<| up when the •Ink was formed. The place* is pointed r,yi wher* ;he hour* stood t an wa** 1 ted by the owner of the grove The üb surdity of this opinion b* m* evident when It is known that there gr* l pine tree, nearly two feet in diameter growing lr the sink, and that year* would proba bly be re*4Uire.i for th* trees to growr to this sl*e. A short time ago small prty from the Bolsntiflc ilepurtmcnt of Hollins Collage •quipped with a long tarpon line nisi b# ivv weight foi 1 plummet, standard ther mometer aome engineering ipparatu etc., vtailed the sink for the purpose * f •olvltig the mvatcry of Its depth a*d m ik ing a general scientific exploration of th* place Depth of the fink. py means of a raft hastllv constructed of dead bay trees found in the basin nnd laun h*d upon the lake, with two of th* party nlmard. the water-hole was sounded nnd found to reach the great depth f j|*i r* fe*t. Mud was obtained from th* bott* m by means of ho’.uw % >ilnders wit! Incurved edges attached to the sounding weight, and a **mr*ie of water w < se cured from n*ur ftte lot torn by sinking >i boitlo provided with nn tutomatlc piston valve. -e.'S*ntUlly a tube attached to th* bottom with a cork ao adjuste*! that i> No Qripo, Pam Or dtwomforl, no irritation of th<- In ttti!<‘-tni (Katie, prompt, tlioriiurb bi.jitblul clean, 114'. lien you Uk Hood’s Pills feuld by all druciit(. 2i ccoU 1 wviiJd l** forced Inward by th* water pi*-sure, admitdng wa’er Into th* !*ottle Th* ahape of tl* **i*r Imslu was lcier mined by further It wbw found to have a somewhat cotu.til form at the top. and to •!**< * iw| with lolarat* \ uni form dlam**tsr, but with many <4vern*jua an*l shelving Irregularities Thr tiiiii f *r *-f th* ink w.i found to b I*** f* t n<l th* diameter of the Ink* within it 163 feet. The jwirt of th* h*in rot • >ntalntng w if* r Is covered wiih •aw paltTHdtrsr h, bushes, nnd *••.• |dne and other ire**** In the sanl> hank of Ihe dry |*rt of the Istln *r* f'ju**ntly *> urrtng leposlts of • sandy *l and of disintegrating raialstone. in*l h Ivlng 'ion*- project# Into thr lake for it onalderab>- <* l*el*rw tl.e surfac e f the water Th* r are several *|iring* In fh* basin near th* margin of th* lake, and It wa# estimate*! that lh* rontnnt Inflow from them would he equivalent to • stream >f water about three inches tn diameter, fl'twltig at th* r*f* of Hv* mile- an hour Thr |,*vrl of the water within th sink w* found to t# nearly thlrtv-or* feet Ih *w the water of the n*r/>t lake, ihut fits* fe*t from Hie sink A* the w tetr* of all the ink* s In th* region stand about th* *am* level, thl gr* si dlf feren* •• of level indicate) that th* sink Aat**r has n ronno tlon with th* iak* The wat*r *hfatned from the loltum *f the sink Ink* contained a Inrg* ctmount of air I* wa- found to !•*■ 21 d*H*r**e harder than . . ample from th* surfa* * aid . d* gr* - harder than the spring w t ti*r running Into the lak* Thl* *ilfTer ** In hardnA- is due to conta**? of the Vat*r at the htwrr |Htrt of the hike bob' with Itmeston#- A* t* Its origin and geolngl wl feature*, tids alnk loe- not differ essentially fr*an ther sink** found In Florida and else where It must have been form* and hy th* wearing a way of subterranean ro ks. • using the f*rmtng f u cave, and the folitng In of this cava*, Th*- great depth of the Orlamlo sink In dh ate# merely extended and deep ero sions Into the limes ton* bed- The wa ter flowing Into It mils’ be carried eway by channel# worn through the limestone, and him' r* appeal again a# spring at a l-kwer level, or In river*, or even in the o ran That it goes to the ocean Is. how ever. Improbable, a* the level of thl# wa ter I# fr**m sixty to seventy fee* shove tlr ea level. A NIhUOH TO llFit NIRIR. I.nrk* lira. Ilnrimnn of l.ynn. Mns . Mode Ptolr lletr l Wealthy lira. Porter. From the New York Journal. liVnn. Mast . Kept. 27.-Mr# Ora Hora nai> of this pi •* e. the wife of a grocery etark. has. a *rdlng to her own atory. I*een ma*l< the sole heir to the millions of g*l Mrs. Willim Porter, who now ilee at the point of leath. Mrs Horwnsn has heeti nursing Mr# Porter in the seri ous lllnep# from which she I# now said (o Ih dytitg. an*l out of gratitude Mrs Porter made a will in her favor Th* will t* said to devise real and |Mr#on l pregw-rty to the amount of more than • million <loliar. Mrs. Homtwn I* 21 years old. and her hu*t*aiHl. the grocery clerk. I# >• years okl Hhe at ftr*t refused to talk aboti: her good luck, hut after some ier#iß#l,an •he rose from her chair, and going over to the bed. |>ul|el from bsiWMO the mat tresses pa|*erw showing that in n safe de posit box in the Old Colony True* Com pany she had lep*k.-it#sl SM.Ofm Mrs Hors man Mi.l Mr# P**rer hn*l made hrr a present af the twmds *#n Kept. 5. On He* 1. -h** sal t. Mrs. P rter *-xe utel a will taming her as her sole heir. >o Hlti I Inherit. Mrw Porter has no relative#.’* sahl Mr# Horsmaii. "her last, i son-ln-lnw. dying sum** tlm** ago I nurse*! her and *h* took n liking to me I .lon’t know how tru* h properly there is. hut I suppose over a tnilHcn It Is iaipli In r*sl estate, some >t the Hack Hay In Hoston anal (•nine In Lynn ■Whet 1 took charge of Mrs Porter -h* was suffering from trie first serious II! nan she had ever hod in her life She had nobody to turn to hut servants, and she w is vary grateful for the . are I gave her. She liked rne so well that she me to cluing*- mv nom*- to her#, an*l prom ised that if 1 would look after her for the rest of her life she would leave ne her property. "My name was Flirt bet h Wakem be. for** marriage. Now ! sign mvself Kflle I'.Hxtibeth Porter Wakem Mon*man. Hbe maik* her will on Bept H and we were tfrukl eh** was g<dig to die then "The will was witnessed by her serv ants and three lawyers I have seen It I wasn’t able to continue nursing her bcc.tusc of sick ties*. Init I go In town o fi<‘ h**r every day. "1 had a fall on an Icy sidewalk and the first two fingers of mv left hind had t> h* amputate*! m*l ti piece of my hip taken out "Hut I am always lucky. ! gas horn with a veil Four policemen were jwte*- Irg They pi kerf ns* up and the city of Kostan paid me SS.MO damages. "What am I g**tng to do with all the money? It Is my duty to look after Mrs Porter, and we shall live quietly for the p, esent 1\ 111 l->lieate tier Husband. '’Ultimately my husband will go to col lege 1 shall repurchase mv grandmoth er's estate at Auburn, on Fake Maasa heslo. mii*l shall bull*l a home, in Dorchester, where m*. mother, father and the four children will live with i." ; Mrs. Horsman refuse*! Mrs. Porter*# present address, saying any #h*** k would kill !ver. The Heel l*r* srri|ift*n far Malaria, Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove s Tasteless Chill Toole. It Is simply Iron •nd quinine In a tasteless f>rm. No curt —no pay. Price 60c —ad. Thr "W hlw" of a llaltler. Will Sparks In Alnslec's. "No matter where man may go or w-hat may befall him. he will never feel the sam* throb a# when he first hears the whin* of a rattlesnake, follow*d hv the hliMod-riitdhng lilsw that denote# th* ter rible creature is about to strike The danger from the rattlesnake is a- great to-day a# It ever was. and the man who starts alone down any ra-k canyon t* liable t.* m-et one oi more Generally •(waking, the rattlesnake give*# warning when It h ready f*r business, but it hap pens that thl* wtiming b* se|lon given until the man is quite close -often to*a * lose t*a rscap* Of almost th* same caler •s the r<* k#. the snake lies pra. tic *llv con* ♦ a led from view. an*l th* s llt> the traveler knows of Its presence I# th* dvi*!- l> singing of tlie rattle*- Fnlesw the man has h ir*l it before, h* will not 1e able to locate it. The terrible sound seems to mingle with the sunshine, and the be wlUhred m.*n Is us likely to walk into the Jaws of dcitth as lo run In the dire tlon of safety t'nle*"* med.ul aid is at hand very shortly after the oite. death I# sure to follow An -awfU. -b ath It Is; the Indian* say the most awful death a min ran (Mr. "Ilaaiflaa the th# N* a M*'x lo cn*l of thr Rocky Mountain* I* hW#*Ni with th* tarantula, th* *rnrpton an<l th** 1 Than th*r*’# th** #lli m-nist#r m*l many t#>l#Jfiou! itsunta Of #!! th#**' n* eßtl|ifd# I*. p#rh#r> th* moil to h fra#* l. i'H'.jua# tt I# the most ontlfu). it l ha' a hlhlt of Itvinc nmong the cetl *.tr rafter* of oi*l alo'e hou#e*. At night • hen a man l wleeplnf. it Irop!*. and If tt Atrikt# hi# laxly It leave# a wound that take# month* to heal provided #om#* l*|oml do#*Yrder doe# not Vvelop and kill th# m.i* The alia mn#ier enerlly ikwa not hit# unlee* teased. The feOrnlon nnd tarantu.a Inflt< t wounds more fxttnful than dtngerou# ” —"A# I c *tn* !y th 4 * kitchen window, Jan*. I thought I #w you on a ynun# man'# kne**!" Well, ma'am. It is an artist fri* nd of nun*, and 1 hve b ttttx atving 4)iit) # Itw sitting#. luu THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1900. a Albemarle ir v/ a Hotel, Madtsun Square, West, N. V.. 0. B LIBBEY. Prop. The 10-atfon of this hou Is most de sirable. b*dng central to all place# **f I muse merit, in*l to the shnpidng district. rtp*. ml attention i*all to the cuisine. A numb r of very destrahla suit* s I** rent for th* winter. MAGAZINES. Continued from Seventh Paged torla." showing the i: r* * * -t* ;*■ in h H*# r retreat. H* irvakcs • strong defese *f the Ho* r .*•' a p*opie, MMI say "I had com** preju*li * and iKu them believing them to i>* all th*- Fuglish press nnd mv Fiurilsb frteiaiw nnd pamtni mem-1 found thefn sri*t:- to th* llmr of their own d*sa*lvsi.t *c magnanimous to their ifle Rites. lnb i**a dent and kindly ’’ Walter A Wyckoff. suthor of "Th** V\*rker#. *>n m*ies ms ex|*rten* ** in the Arcfj. , glvlnc at, u* * ount of the |/e and tim interesting Arctic Hchlsn!en> and •1* > titling Idem. IVary’a winter-quarter-* i'i*J his pnpat at ions for u dash to the Pole John H Spears’ pa|er*. "Th** Hla\e tnal* In America." nn* conclude*l with an a * ount of th final kuppreaston of .e horrlbls trafh Walter Apple*on Clark • v *f'tinin # his remarkable illustrations to th*’ Serlew The fiction of the number Includes = story of a • otivlct settlement, by Llovd < >#hout* he st* jeon of 8-\ ••rv-eri ■ harl* H-rlhner's Hons. New York The following ire some of the special features of the American Monthly Review o Review • a character sketch of Adiat K. Htevenem the Democratic and Pop ulist x*! *> for the vl> > pre#iden**y. bv Mr HtevensonN old law partner. Judge Jam**# H Faring; a "ketch of lgrd Htissell, the late chief justl*'e of Bngland. b> M’ T Bt*-ad. * eerles of papers writ ten In re(l> to the question. What roital Mr Bryan do if <|* Pr*viident?—in lialing in outline of hts pro|Misv| Phil- H pine poll* y. by Kdward M Hhepard n pr*s#*rtatlon r*f the RepuMlcan. or Mr- Klniey almlrvts*ntlri view of Hryan s financial programme, hy Director of tie Mint Roberts, and of the Democratic view, b\ Dr Churl**# H Hpahr. an*l a setting fortn of the antl-troot expectations re garding Bryan's dealings with the trust problem hy ex-Aft*>rney Gvneral Frank B M*nna' of Ohio The Review of Re view# Company. No 13 Amor Place. New York <lt) Th, rvtAh„ r ntimh-r of MrCtur' opon Ith an arilrlo on Tho Biral.*y of Na tional f'ampaljtrM," attraetlvaljr lllustrat ** h >' Jy Tho, ■howlt ir Ck.v. Rooaovrll nnd 8 n.itor Han na in conference at It-publican National H-xdiiuart-r,. anri the .ttikliut y original portraits of C evelaivd, Blaine, Quay, Cro ker. Bryan and orhefs, lend especial In terest to this i.ip*r on the tactics of par ty manager# In the pre-ldcmDt campaigns of the past twenty-five years. I‘r A. Conan Doyla 1# a contrlhuter to this Issue His "Home Fesronw of the I\ar." which Is a critique of the bearing of jhe Hrlti*h trno*s In the South Afri can anuaUn *xiv.*e# the faulis of the various branch*-* of the service, and ad van* • a s*>rn> what startling plan for Ihe n organisation ot the armv The fiction of th*- number lm lu<l*s sto re# by An*ta Fitch. fJ*l-tt Burgess. K Hough. Fatith Wyatt. Annie Webster Myra \V Jarrell and Joslah Flynt an l Francis Walton. Mrs. Fitch's "The |,dy With the Waterfall" Is Illustrated hy 1\ alter Olacketis. the young artist who*-** Indlvhliiallty of sty 1- has lately brought him Into prominence. ‘ The Horse-Thief." by FT. Hough. Is n Western story, told with remarkable bravado and w’tth rol licking humor of style. Thf f>regoing are ot|\ a few of t tie good thing- of the number The H 8 McClure Company. 11l 15. Hast Twenty-fifth street. New York city. T!e nn st striking characteristic of Alns oe‘s for October I# Its variety of strong Action. "The t'olotisl'a Fast Campaign,' by llrand Whitlock, I# a stirring, r calls ti atory of politics In the Middle West. "A Matter *f Twenty Thousand," by Joe Flncoln. I# a mirthful sea-serpent yarn "The Re leas* of Five-Sixty-Four," hy Dabney Marshall. I# an afTcctlng tale of B<>uth*rn convict camp; and "Sister Taylor’s Registered letter, ’’ by Himuel Min*ur Peck, Is as deliciously humorous #■* It is true to life. "Flttle Muck ’ Is nn animal story of the cattle ranges In the Far West, full of warmth and sympathy. It sound* anew note In American story telling Reside#, the e\ *r-readuhle "Tale-i of l!i* CThemls‘ Flub" ure repre#**nted in anew enigma, and Itng. Gen Charles King's "Ten Years’ Trial" Is at flu* m*t exciting period Street A Smith, Ilk Wil liam stree*. New York city The Codnopolltan lor October ha# a very full and ottr.i -tlva table of con ents A valuable article is hy I#icu* W. C Rivers. F S A and Is entitled "The Or ganisation of the Russian Army " An other valuable article |* by Cromwell Chllde and Is entitled "Great Proh cm* In Organisation ’* The Action of the num ber is of a high standard of merit, and deeply Interesting. Altogether the number is one that Is likely to find favor with the public. The i'o*m.|X)lltan, Irvington, N. Y The Alkahest for September Is such a numj-r •< JuetiMes the opinion that this mag.i sine is now on a firm footing. Its appearance and articles Indicate that tt Is i p-o'f# rou* puhit* adon. ft l.* certainly growing in favor with the public. The Alkahrsi. Atlanta. Ga The Conservative R*vlrw for September hts a half *!oxeu \et> valuable articles. In this number th*- second purl of the au loblogrsphy of Col. Rfchatd Mai *mi Johnston appears. The Ncah* Company, 111 F:ie%enth street N \V . Washington. D. C. The American Artist* Series Is contln n* I In the <K-toler Truth with an aril |* on William Verfdanck 111 may. Two of Mr Him* y’ fine picture# are ri privlu*-*'*! In color to accompany the article, and there are also black and white illustration- and HOSTETTEI^ - a portrait of the arttif This number <d #o the • ond Instal ment o Mr Boston Harrison s arid* on Finland; George Ada. author of "Aril*" anl the famous "Fables In Slang," contribute a brassy arti> le on CtP g .. which :s lu iy illustrateel In D<th coloi ao*l hla*‘k arid white Th**re .re other ai*elal aril*!*# good fl. tion, nl jKMtry, and th* uauai oior ;•*<> and department*. The #u|p * m**nt i* *i reproduction u< Mr- Percy do ran * anvas. "The Tryatlt< Place" Truth. K*th Street and 4 h ave nue New Volk The Womans II tne t’cmporiFn for Oc tober fully sustains this magatlne* repu tation for ex*a lien* *■ Tn* number open* with an aril* I** ty the <‘Oiint(-s M.tgtl. formerly Mrs. Tom Thumb entitled "The Recollection* of a Midg-t " In this she telle of her travel-* with her caiebrat* l a* a museum attraction, makes known bow he came to b * all**! General Toni Thumi*. un*l dw* lie upon her uuJi en* e with Q ieen Victory aid her me. *lng with Gen. Grant an*l S Ht and with Pr st dent Flncoln. Woman a Heme Companion. Bprliigfleld. O. The tanlks Home Journal for October has an Interesting table of contents, tmong th** articles ai- the following "The Story off Young Man," by Cuftord Hoanl, Kiixu th Stuart Ph* Ip’s new icivek "The Si* of Mary th* First." "A Story of if*autiful Worn n. "Blue Rlvte Hear Stories." by th*- autho •*f When Knlghthuol Was in F'l w r." ire all begun In this number "Roman**- of Borm Bout hern Homes" gvea on* filtii|*iM* of social life lu th*- South lelur* he war. an*! "Th*- F>ng:tig* of a S luded Girl * and A Minister Am >ng h* Cowtisys" tell of achievements In !*• • °| ot.sta. b- Th** lanlles Horn** Journal. Philadelphia hi i. in % Murr-Mumb rum l* mii nad %Vlillo#-k slt at Fta#*b IMher la %ll thr t ars—NV hitlM*k Dead. From the New York Bun. Lebanon, Ky Sept JE-Kor the first time in two years M W Penn and J. F Whitlock met yesterday afternoon The meeting took place on i crowded passen ger train and a pistol duel followed In the presence of a score of women Whit lock died with hi# boots on They en countered ea It other on the pal form of oaf Whitlock saw Penn flrj-t an*l stared for him Penn apparently did not jvlah to fight, for he tut net and ran He pas#-*1 out of the smoker un*l into the baggage car ahead. As they neared the forward end of the car Whltlo**k fired Then Penn turned :! fired #hl an*l idvaaceil toward Whitlock who began to retreat slowly. Through three coaches they fought, from the baggage car back Into the parlor car. The shaking of the train which mws now running at full speed. si'<oilad their aim and the bullets flew wide of their mirk. Passengers ducked under the sens and got out of the way as best they coud while the bullet# snvishe*! windows #nd mirrors. Conductor It W Strong entered the smoker Just as th- men did at and a bul let stnuk hltn In the leg In th*- fir-t coech ba.-k of th** smoker Whitlock start *h! to run having ts*en wounded. Penn, who had also received a bullet in hls left arm. rushed along after him. In the ladle coach, near the rear. Whltloc'k turned for a last stand The truln was still running rapidly, but on a straight pie* e of track Penn stea lied himself against a **at t oli deliberate atm and put lhr**e built# In rapid succession w t bin six Inches of each other Into Whitlock*.- br*-ast. It was good shooting. Whitlock threw up his arnw and fell fdrward In the aisle. *le*).l Penn put up hls weapon and #urrend*r ed himself to the pasaengera Both niei had emptied two revolver# during the duel After th** fight was over It was die* ov r ed that In addition to the wound In Con ductor Strong’s leg. three passengers ha I been hit In the "Jim Crow" car a ne gro had been shot through the i*od> anl in the next car back a woman's arm ha 1 been dipped an*! a baby bad u slight scalp wound. STOPS TIIF; COI till lID WORK# OFF THK COLD. Faxattve Broroo Quinine Tablets cure a *d<l In one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 tents —ad. - | ftlict IAL NOTICES. TjabyTtViiij: ii’hotk dinnkr^. 50c—DINNER—Me Idnner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9. Monday. Oct. 1. Claret Wine. BOL’P. Noodle. FISH Tenderloin of Trout. Tartar Sauce. Potatoes ala Gastromme. pickle Reels. Queen Olives. Chow ( how. Mixed PhkleS. ENTREES Calf's Head ala Portuguese Rice Croquettes. Wine Sauce. HOI FED Gold Band Ham and Cabbage. Rt ‘ASTKD. Prime Rib# of Beef. VEGETABFHB Mashed P** now**. Sugar Corn Rite. Stewed Tomato* I *. Bake 1 Vnmt PASTRY AND. DESSERT. Cocoa out Pie. Assorted Cake#. Cheese. Cra- kers. Cabinet Pudding Vaulda Sauce. Drip Coffee. LEVAN’S CAFE AND RESTAFRANT 111 Congress street, west. IftTl Rl • l SOT If l Interest on deposits In th* 1 Savings De partment ot th* People'.- Having* and Loan Company for third quarter lfcrt) Is now due Present your pase book# and get credit for same. E F HACKETT. Cashier. Oct U MM dtkhfat toticm. THE OGLETHORPE SAVINGS AND TItTST COMPANY Savannah. <ia . Sept i9n Depositors will please ja# book for entry of Inter*#* for third quarter, UglO. which Is now dm and pa>able on de mand JOHN M BRYAN Cashier HUE MILUMI, RICE I*l.ol H, RICE CM %FF. We have anew mill with all modem processes. i*d machinery, an I are now teady for business. We solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; rice chaff free to patron# THE SAVANNAH RICE MIFF CO . T M Cunningham. President. John Screven. Jr . Manager. kPEf I %L >OTIt K. Pursuant to ret-oiution of B**rl o Manners of the Harmonle Club, tne *c. lowing outstandh g bond# have lie* drawn for tdempt Oft, an i art < I• !i |*t #*'<';••. > t ( I • n-ur. r . ; flee Nos TI 71. 51. 75. 41, 120. W TZ. 33 '.- 111. M. Hi. 7. .15 and 112. Interest •*** from this date. HARMONIE CFFB. Oct. 1. 19rt BAMFEF STERN. Sc > it piKia has returned nnl resumed hls practlee. The Quakers Are Honest People. Th, Quak.r Hcrl §Tonlr la not oo.y • blot.) |Hirltl,r. but a Liiood inakar (or Pa>. IVrtk ,n I D bl i.i -.l ;>op> who hare not ,trnlh nor Moot I It ort. a, a tonlo. it ai*,t lion, cures dys pepsia and l*nd • ireng’h and ton# to il.e nervous system It Is s tne Urine for weak women. It •• • purely \rgetabie BMdkiflt st-d can be aksn by tb mod dsUcats. Kidny Du •ases. Rheumatism snd all diseases of th Food. Stomach ar.d nerves aoon succumb o its wonderful effects upon the human qittin. Thou “and* of peope la Ctaorgka i commend It. Price fi 09. QUAKER PAIN BALM Is the tmdlclre that the Quaker Doctor made all of hls wunderful k cuim with. H e a n-w and wonderful rn* divine for Neuragtt loothache. Backachs. Rheumatisn Sprains Pain In Bowel*. *r* fsrt all pain .an be reiievtd by tt. Prk 25* and a* QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP. * meaivattd soap for th# skta. scalp *od cocn.usxior Free 10c m raks. QFAKKP. HI aFING SALVE. vgro fable- ointment for ths curs of tetter, oo tema and eruptions of tho akin Pries 10c s box FOR tfqi.E BY ALT. DRUGOFYTE MEET I ft Üb. (hOHGI t Mls rOHIt 41. aOCIETY. The regular meeting of this s*#'eiy will be held thl* (Monday) evening at 9 o'clock at llodgson Hall T P RAVENKF. Recording Secretary •FH BAl* vu l it bft. NOTH F. TO T%\ PAYERS. City Treasure! s Office. Savsnnsh. tin., Oct. 1. 1900. The following tuxes are r.ow due: REAL FTATR third quarter. I9on STOCK LN TRADE third quarter. FITRNITFRE. etc., thirl quarter. 1900 MONEY. MuRTOAGES. etc., third quarter. 1900. A -lie* ount of TEN PER CENT will lu* al owed upon all of the above If pay met is made within fifteen days after Oct 1. C S HARDEE. City Treasurer. HTBHKAT YOTH E. Savannah fiepr 29. 10nf) The Cltlssns Bank of Savannah. Savings Department. Interest Jor third quo rter 1?m I# due ami payable on demand. Depositor* will pi**e leave thefr bioks (O have Interest entered. GEO. C. FREEMAN, IMI-IIKAT NOTICE. The Ofmi tnls Bank. Savannah. Ga Oct 1, *IR. . Interest for 'h** third )uarter 19U0 on I‘(o#it# in thr Savings Department i# now *|ue and payable on demand. Depositors will please leave their hook to be IkiUik ed JOHN M HOGAN. Castiier. IXTBHKKT NOTICE. I**partm*nt of Saving*. Southern R ink of the State of Georgia. Savannah, Got. 1. l*w. Interest for the third quarter of iunn u now due nrl will ie isii on demand l>e|>opilors Will plr.ise leave their hook# at the hank to be balanced. JOSEPH CorPS Accountant. INTERBfIT NOTH E. Savannah Dank enii Trust Cos., Savings Depart men*. Savannah G Oct. 1. 19*V Interest for the tnird quarter of the present year Is now due and wl I lie paid on demo ml. Depositors will ple.-ise leave their pass, looks at the hank to be balanced W. F McCAULKY. Cashier. MISS VIHCIINI % ASHLEY. Teacher of IMano, lias resumed her classes In Sight Read ing. Ear Training and Time Beating. Studio. 20 HarrD street, west. lill. VI A) 1U 1 LI.AN i Mtl'L I 9 TliO only way to get your carpets prup •r:y takart up, • leaned an t taken are of for the summer I# to tur> the job ovr to Ih*- District M aa t g r .*nd Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at H Montgomery street, aid the> will rtwko you an esti mate on the cost of the work Price# retsoi at b* They l#o iwck, move an ) •tors furniture nnd i lanoa C. H MED LOCK. Hupt and Mgr. t \ttcii it iiibttoi al \ \i> -i run to renF located head of Broughton strvft. on West Brood, now P ck) by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos Aa they will give up bu*tne* in tt>* city on June 1. I of fer It for rent from that data H. P. SMART MONO* KXfciCtTED py the American Bonding and Trust i'otikpatiy of Baltimore. We are author - tii to #*ocut locally llrnin- dite|> upoo application). a I bond* in J idi Ui pn>- c .-ding* to either the stole or Unltd fi-Ate< courts, and of administrators an t guard! -rt* DKARTVO & HULL. Afreet* Telephone ?14. ProvMant Building Ol It I I ll.\ Is Loan money at* si* per vent. on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys at Law and Conveyancers. NO i i* • Neither the captain nor the agents of the British Me unship Jessie Will he re sponsible for any debts contra* ted by the crew. WILDER A CO.. Agent*. Oct. I. 1900 NOTH E. Neither Ihe **aptnl nor the agent> of the British steamship Thornley will I* re l>nsiM> for any <l* lt* contracted by ihe rew. WILDER A CO., Agents. Oct. 1. ItflO. PUITBNBHI' AHt imn>v nip. PLIES, Cement. Lime, risster. flair and River Sand. Piompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Liuyion and Congraaa Phone AID. NOTH E. A 1* Again* t the British steamship MRi><Oi omo Mann, maaier. tnux b- j*r* - •ented a* our offh e hy 12 <. lock thl* day. >r payment **f sam will >#• debarred. \v \\ WILSON. Agent. Consignee, i S-ivjnnah. (la., Oct. 1, 19 EDISON III* mII uit MIR %TI!NG I O. OF MV ANN AH. The iu tuber Inters on the outstanding * txmd* of lids company will be piM he tw < u the dot of Oct 1 and 2*. inclusive, on presentation . f c.nipon* at the M r !::* nt.* Situ Mal li. nk of Rtvannih After o t Jfi they will b* paid on pres ntatlon j In Boston. Mas*.. at the office of the Am- j erican l>on and Trust Comiwny GEO. J. BALDWIN, Prudent, j Aifl'E9fFT9, gAVANNAI! TiUSATHK. REGFFAR PRICES TO-NIGHT, "The Greatest Dramatic Triumphs. *' CHARI KB F ROHM AN pc -* lit* WILLIAM GILLETTES New I )ur-Act Drama, “SHERLOCK HOLMES,” w ith all scenery and effTecta exactly as In it.- run of 35 week# In New York City Ut season savannah theater. TI-*:sr>AY MATINKK AND NIGHT. < > T J. BIXTEKNTH ANN CAL TOIR The Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels. OLDEST' BIGGEST' REST! 50—PEOPLE An Entire Train >f Palace Cars! The in. ft expensive orgunlxu'kxi of the kind In ex late ure Wach for the Mg street pag> ant Prkee Mat tne. 75c. our god 26; Nigh*. IF 71c, s<k! and 26c. gAVANNAH THtATEH. WEDNESDAY EVENING. 04’T 3 Mr. George W F*l*r*r present a the fa mous London and (’usino Theater New York succe#. the \ BELLE vQjßs' NEW >5, 55# YORK. p r j .Nn. fl r*A. 7V. .W „ r .d JRc tit 91ftLAS NOTICES. PHONE 499 or 700 and our wagon will respond. VC '(/aum/vy imiAL MIIKI.V rxmrTTrr^uj URATCU PIPPIN AI-I-LK UUEI. Thl, pur< cider la ~ri4 on ,t imin on th, Anicrican line, and ■■ liu, \V*ldurl-As> to la <*n ! U-ad.tMl I irnlly grocer. In Ne* to k city I*lll In.* s I tppin rid,- 1, mad, from th, pui, }ul", 01 hand p.i ked at ple, (rotn hl own n.tll on ihr yranili>. It t, ebao lutrty pure .|>|>i, juice, and-. 11 ihe cfFer v a ■ DC' i, natural, end w, guaraniM II to l>e th, .h Ice,! ■ Ider In -h- worl J. Ueadiop |>hy, tan, tn New York and Brooklyn recommend (hi, elder to their pdHenU It, p rl'ci ptitlty D ijaignoal. In Paul-ling' ■ Pippin cider, only i- Und N,nton'e pippin, we i-m-4 Th* ap ple, aie lap on th, tree* until late tn Oo tohar whan tiiey are hanu ol ke.l and piace-1 In a dry ro m to rip* n Paol llr* aav, "th# appl-a are (h r u*h ly crushed tn h. 9 own mill and the Julea pr< sa- <l mu jin-i run Into aweet clean caaKa" Th, dlderenra between cruahinc Slid grinding apple, I* very cleal You will Know ths dtflt renie between crushed npp ea md ground oppl. a If you take aome aiems and chew them, you will ®nd hat bit ter luta winch I- noi wl h Pauldlnc’, crushed apples Thla elder has not the extienp la e'ii' >■ of tha Kuaaet cl ier. and eY.Tvone will flr.d Ihe Pautd >ng • Pippin elder Just right to taka with d.nner. LIPPMAN HROB , Be Vs Agents In Savannah. I*ll KKF.It VE YOIH nIUIIT By wearing glaraea that no* alona eh.Me you tn aee. but correct every defect that may ,xis*. There ts no gueaawork tn our met hods We hav, the lateit and moat flpprov.-d aclentlflc apparatus for accurate eye test ing. W* make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services o( a physician we will frank ly tell you ao. Our crystal lenaa, are perfect In every reaped, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to the kind offered as cheap by the ao-called optician, ot Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses as a aid, llna. DR. M SCHWAB A BON. Bxclualv, Opticians, *7 Bull Street. N. B —Oculist prescriptions Ailed nm. day received. Repairing don, at short nolle,. kPF.t IAL \OTI( K. If the party or parties who rjimo into pcN*se#>lon of th# papera from our eaf** on Sunday, the 15th tn#t., will retuin them to u# by mail It will he appreciated by u#. *u -i no quextion# w!U be ak#d. SOLOMONS COMPANY. irariAi • - Itouuh It ier. Wanted to buy. twmtyfflve thousand hi.: t* In rough ri •. In nny quantity. Highest tnuk-t priee paid. Apply I HIFVFHBKHG A CO., rare H.ivannah Rice Mill*. Havammh, Ga. HR. 1 IN MWtTV.R llo# returned to tlie rttv and reaatned prsrller. MATT Ml ftftlCft MA l tlu Have >our nmiir** ova ted by our midualeJ team procass hefoie a change in weather take- pla<*. (The only plant In Huvannahj It over come* ad impurities nnd renew* life and volume in all bedding material. Price# on renovation ot feanura a* loUwa l.<•*! 13 64), bu Mr SI. pillow* 5o Cotton, m-a# and hair m.ittreeneh made to order Fin# work, low prlrea Work guaranteed. NATIONAL M ATTIIFHS AND KKNO* VATINO CO.. Bell phone 1136. S3l Drayton atreat. DOOIIfI, HASH. B ft* IK lift. .ftrd everything In the building mate rid line. We are he tdquarters for these go d*. with the largcFt nnd m #t com plete Ato k tn the bouth. ltuy While pine Door#, Ha#h and Blinds for new hooia. ANDREW iIANLLY COMPANY. LEOPOLD ABLER. JM R DlUy.u pr. .went. < C 8 EULIH. BARB'IS t aRTjr Vic# prealdaal. A i t ..g,,. ' The Chatham Ban's savannah Will he pl-aw) u recelv th, accounts ol Mer di int. Firm,. Indlt .uai*. La o g. an*l C’orjoi rttiona Liberal favors fit#n<iJ. UnfuriMNfd collar tlon f* iltltea. i nirjr . frg prompf returns SEPAHATEiAVIN'iSOtPARTMENI IMi.KFVI lOMI'UI NDFali Iftl \H 1 LH. LY ON I)BFOiiT Paf#r D#fy>slf Rnxca au.| Vaults for rent Corrcspondfnca solid* 4. The Citizens Bank Ok BAXASSAU. CAPITAL. SSOOOOO. IISSM..M U.M1..1 ....... Uuslueaa. Sul.cits Aeceaot. g ladlvldaala, ■ •Mkaal., Disk, sal wigs. Carpe- MUssa. Cwllet'Hnn, kaailsg with safety, and dispatch. Inter.-.t eaaspnnnded (laflrri, B*wed ea In ear laelaaa Uewartaa.n t. ••tetr Itsgwlt Bases sad ilsrag. Vaults ■MANTBRY A. RKVItARK. Pksagd— t. MII.(.8 B. LA NR. Vice PreaMewt. GKiiHI.R r. PRRRMAV. Cashier. gOktMit l_ onooVEg, Asst. Caeglw, SOUTHERN BANK ol the Stule ol Georgia. Capital Isou <m Burp:u and undivided pr0f11*...,. DD’OdllUltV op I tit. o L'A IH C f OLORGIA. Superior fa tlittee to. n.i >arilng a General to ki .g Business Coilections n.ude on ail points a. -esalbft* through narks an,l banker,. Account ot iwugb. tiunkulr Mulctiant, and othrts eoh.tted dale D.poult Mutts lor res.t. Department ot Savings, Inters at payabls quarterly Sells Stirling Exchange on London Q and upwards. JOHN FI.ANVKFT President. HORACE A CRANE, Vlr, President i JAMES Sft.t VAN Cnhler. DIRECTORS' JNO. FLANNERY. WM VV GORDON. E A WEIL W W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN DEE ROY MYERS JOSEI'H FERBT H r SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EtiWATin KELT.T Tons J KIRRT iilitiiii CAPITAL, g.’t.VJ.UUU. Acrnunt, ot hanks, merchants, eorpora nrtm and IniUvlduala aohcltedL Sailnxs Lepar t merit, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults lor i rent. Colleotlnna mada on a! point, at rea i ma,able tatae Drafts void on all ihe chief citle, ol Ihe world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President. W F. licCAVLETY. Caehler. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. cap.tal IhJO.oe Undivided prottta 6t).b Thlr bank offers Its service, to corpora tions. merchant, and InJßlduat,. Ha* authority to act o, executor, ad ministrator, guardian etc Isgu.e drafts un the prill Ipa! dries In Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Cuiitlneat Inter-a: r!d or compound'd quarterly or dep >stta In the Savings Department Safety Boxes for r- nt HENRY BI.UN. r.-all-nt. OE<'. W TIEDEMAN Vice President JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier -WALTER F HOGAN. Ass’l Caahler No IMO. Chartersd. ISM. THE HIS Midi Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. MI.O-. SURPLUS. HOO.Og. UNITED STATES HEIHMjIToRY. J A.••-. CARSON, Ira id at. BKIHNE -iOItDON, V|.-e President. \V M HAVANT, Cashier. Ac o inta of hanks and hankers, mer chants nnd cnrporallnn, received up-o the moe- favorahU- term-* corelstent with aife and eons.rva>lve harking THE GEORGIA STATE B HI DING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposit*-, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly S PER CENT, per annum allowed oo deposit* of even hundreds, withdrawable at annual pentode GEO W. TIEDKSIAN. President. B. 11 LEVY. Vic* President. E. W BELL. Secretarj c O ANDERSON IR Treasurer OFFICE. IS YORK STREET. WEST. FOR rINTT from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Larpfe garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Heal istatc and Im provement Company, 14 BRYAN 4TREET. EAST lo Mipei Piste. For aal*. a Fereailh New.[ per Folder; will Cold Sheet Cilw It I* m good ordar. Price lUO It 00*1 originally tU. bul we have tx. uo lor It and want Ui# room it occupies. It will bear mmluabl* adjunct tn aay newspaper ufflox A ddreaa MORNING NEWS, a fftf TTI f