The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 01, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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LOCAL lEIt*OV%L. yr* J r'ow of Is • cu*t of h* Pul***l - b B*finett Df AnJtricui U • £ Jt >,i of th* PuUiki M *p AM' Minor of ChorUoto® It ft _ ae# , of the Pulotkl. Mr E. V. Campbell of Jxcluoiivlilft U *t the Pulatkl. Mr J U Exirowkh of Bruiwprlck 1* xt the Tuloekl. M, R O. HkVllemar of Amortcuo U ff *. pcored ti the Pulttkl. Mr f* J. Herman of Sanderovtilo I# f#g ,M.rrd *t the Bcreven. , j|. #IK t Mr* F W. Phlftorer are l ‘ l( st* of the I>e Soto. Mr T B. fttookhouoe of Dillon. 0. C.. lf ot tho Pulaski. Mr nd Mr*. M lull's of Brumirlrk + registered st the Pulstkl yesterday. Mr T. S M Munu* of Atlanta wj BV OV.g tho guests of ths Screven yeater 4ft > • Mr M P. fleewart 'of Quitman woe among the guests of tho Pulaski yoster u Mr W. F Moore of Brunswick was , ( nv* tho arrivals at the Pulaski yes terday. Rev. J L Scully of Bt. Paul's Church i expected to arrive to-day after a vac*- t on of several weeks enent In Toronto. Mr W. A. Reaves, of fhe Wesley Mon i)mental Church choir, who *an* tho of t rtory at last night's services, sang ex fpttonally well the tenor solo. "And X. John. Saw the Holy City." from Shelley's • inheritance Divine.” He received many congratulations after the service. |.\ THE H %11.RO AD WORLD. Items of Interest In Savannah and Elsewhere. A careful comparison of the speeds • ie by the >est railway trains of the w rid. according to the York Tribune Railroad statistician, fhow* that u* the pre*<u>t time the highest honors •rn hebl by the United States and France. England comes thlnl. The em- I htate express. In the United States. • raver sea 4*o mile.*. In eight hours and rtf feu minutes, making an average of 1t.33 m - an hour. This train Is compelled to >,j k*n spaed no less than twenty -eight • owing to the number of crowded streets through which It passes. The em j. • Mat#* is beaten by two French trains The "Hud" express, on the Or . .in and Midi roads, between Paris and p . onne. runs 18*14 mile* In It hours and milplte. The average Hr*rd Is .VI 1.1 in • •** an hour. The Orleans road alto hi* a tr. tn tetw*en I’arks and llonbtiux n*. whose ttm* Is •> haunt and 4 1 mln titej. or 54.2 mile* an hour France has r -ui trains that make even fetter speed :han this, for distances very fnuch less tnait iho>e just m- ntloned. ami yet ex .< ;mg one humlreil miles Thr*e of them speeds here developed are id. 7. ttl 57 1 and 57 7. Rut when it come* to dis tu e o f Jess Iran one hundrel mil#-*. Fiat e retires to the second place She l.i* more than a scire of trains that de :• a speed of from 55 to 01.5 miles an |inr in runs from 25 to 9 mile Her fe**! r* ?d for short distances l on ih#- line U \ en Morceux :nd Bordeaux Hfiere €7 j mile?* arc traversed at an a verb#*- *■’ miles an hour. In the Unite-1 sirs the New* York Central rivers the S m i# * between Albany and Utica at the t *•■ of 55.8 miles an hour, and *0 mil* s I we n Syracuse ar.d Rochester at 67.1 t Rut the best American speed has i *n made over the Reading end Penn* r-lvinla roads between Phllade phia and Aiiintlc City. The former line is miles ng and the other '9 Several trains a >J •. have been running for the last two or three yats at an average sp ed of 55.5 in.:*.- on hour. Rut there were two trains • way on each n ad went faster • .it a mile a minute The schedule ttn* f fao Reading road wris 55V* miles in SO it' i utes. cr at the rate of •##>.* miles an !rur Fog. two mntPhs. though in IW. the I: trg flyer was ah#*-*<l of schedule tlm- ” but *wo secular d\s The actual turning time tanged fr n 41’h to 49’- m:n --n The speed w.i* more frequently < \e than h* low an average of 70 miles T.v < ** It was 73.2. on • 73.6. and once 74.4. The earntvigs of the Ontral of Georgia F way lor the we k ending the third s k of September were 1152.774. against II • 2P2 for the week last' > i and $1.372 146 from Jan 1. to the ettl of the thlid week of Hentembcr. t > i in 1W The in<’rea*e In the earn ii- f> r the week In question 1- $13,461 BUTE! TIVF/a 111-: AO H T OKI'. hor> I lint n I lilcago flank Presi dent Received It by Express. From the New York Huh. t’hi- ago, Sep*. 2s.—According to a story P* i *# ntly afloat In this city since Mon *iv the recent absence of a well-known tl isinker was occasioned by the shock F * • eived upon opening a peculiar look- Vw i. kage that am- to him by expre**. lb ■ ind that It contained the head of a "n linlirectly employed hy him to secure ’h. ipture of a tiefauiting clerk The de- I' •r. alleges! ro have fled with 0,4*0 • -1 years ng . was traced to Onsta lb r* Where fruitl s efforts were made to Fit ainnit his return to th* United *c- Angered at the j>er*lsteiicy shown 1 l:ink the absconding clerk Is said • f -v written and ftant letters o the of!l --•• of the institution and to his former f w employes, with Ihe result that It Is l orders were given to a detective t bring him to the bar of justice <d to kidnap him to get him out of bast* Rle I if* Mvn, It |* declared, went to the *"*" “ ' • ipture him and the next devel r m pi th#* *tory 1* the rumor#*#! nr- Uv.ii of the detective'* head. Two utorieh ” • t remarkably rimllar a* to detail, u #• in ora fugitive I* ollegd to ' • ma le Cotta Illca hi* refuge, while 51 'K to the other h# 4 fled to the Bar in a i| (he iwtur ea*eiitlabdetall* h ourd* ar. llentical anl both are ir dateo Chief of Police Kipley. A * UhleY Placek and (*hlef of De ike Colleran are oil anxioua t#> ■- n u • rtifh 1* in (he tale. Each a*- '‘"t hrMancy that the Boxer hk i** r' i* not true, yet It continue* to fr * * tn#-mire of credence with many that the ohvlou*l>* expedient <•' bank president and detective •##e wot Id le to keep te ciiae ’ ha tl Ing had actually taken plars. 1 ' * mmrdlßt* reprs*snlatlvs of ths 'l'partmrni or tho Amrrlcan * '' Assoctatlon wr aro employed hy sa.' said Wllllsm A. Pinkerton nf hat 11*1 I know of but * * "■ 1 f has an nbscondlnx employe In ' ''•> B " None of our mn Is mjeslnx. * ' ■rllsvr the rumor lo he without ''ion In my opinion It I* Ihe oui c *ih of ih<- recent exchnnxe of a KO.- *' ■ 1 rise nu the Burllnifton Railroad for ' ' '■* |ia hnp of pai>er. Thaf crime "npareil on alt side* with Kdwln • rawfortfs coup st Ihe Amert <"il National Bank. New York. ' 'lfhi year* uqo. , i** !rd. a former slrrel car con - *rd a position a messenser " > snk and after s while s IfOOTO of mulllslerl hill* Imrusied to his •:-d shipped to the United States CASTOR IA for Infant# and Children. Wnil You Have Always Bought ' ' rei *7 W. J., w j < - v-*a*. -v f— ■ on* a Our W4MSI y m— _ -y # mw mf ### L : 1 —' mmmmm UUAL tOllcL*. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas. Isaac llxkett ho? applied to Court of ordinary lor letters dismtssory as adminlstritor on the e tato of Andrew J. Clayton, and ce.ifed. Thse are. tht ref,re. to cite and ad monish all whom It mav concern to be avid p| ar lx fore sai l court to make ob jection (if any they hw\e> on *r liefore the fir“t Monday In January, next, other wise said letter- will le grafted. Wlme the lloiorabie Hampton L. Ferril.. erJimry for Chatham county, this the 2lth -lav of Sr; t nib*’.. 190. FRANK K KFIMIACH. Clerk Ct. Ord'y, C. Cos. “GEORGIA < HATH AM COUNTY Whereas-. Jordan F. Rrooke. has pp i**d to Court of Ordinary for letters dbmls sory. as exe<‘titor of the will of Murgatot B. Brooks, deceasecl. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern, to be nnd appear lielote saul court, to rnnke ob je. tloo (If any they have), on or before the rtrst Monday in January, next, othet* wise said letters will hr granted Witness the Hon Hampton L*. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chii'ham county, this, the 29th day of September. IfOO FRANK K KBIHBACH. Clerk (*. 0., C. Cos. Treasury was transformed Into a pack age of wrapping paper. Crawford went to Hnndura: and engaged In banana pant ing. He was hounded ln*o confessing his crime and restoring $34,000 of the stolen money. I think some am- with a know! edge of Crawford's career set afloat the story now circulating In banking and po lice circles In this city.” Alexander Ross, formerly as|*tan4 po lice cblef. now head of the Metropolitan Detective Agency. s%vs he has no defln'te Information concerning this specific case, hut Mr says It Is by no means un reasonable to believe that there U some foundation for it. "A number of parallel Instances can be found In the hMory of American private detective agencies," said he. "Only com paratively recently an express messenger AM from the East with a large sum of money and too!' refuge In South Amerk An operative w ; * sen* to try and bring him back He reported everything In read iftess to a omptlsn his purpose and then dropped out ot sight, never to be heard of again. The messenger Is still In the enjoyment of his plunder. Home day he will he brought to the Imr of Justice." THE WEATHER. Korr-o*! for Monday nn<l T io<lv: For (JrorcU nnrl South Cnroltn.i: Fnlr Monday ami Tuowlay rxerpt nhowrra mar thr roart; llitht to frrah northot-t to rant winds. For Ka.irrn Florida: S'Kiwriti Monday ami Tuesday; fr<h northerly mrln, t> albly becotnlmt hri.k over touthrrn por tion by T un.doy. For WiiMoin Florida: Mottdav and Tuesday; IlKht to fresh north to ml winds. Yesterday'* weather at Savannah; Maximum tempfrature II | m . SX degiers Minimum temprralur® a. m .71 degreea Mean temperature X d.-xiee. Normal temperature TANARUS! degrees Kxies* of iemi>eralure * degree* Accumulated ex> e.* since Sept. j KM degrees Accumulaied excess since Jan. j 31 degrees Rainfall <* "’ h aNormal '• — r ** Dotlclen. ;' elnee Ke|.t. 1 1 73 Inehea Dehclen-V since Jan. I K* 77 Inches River Report The hlghl of the Sgv.n nah river at Augusta, at * a. m. <7Tlt me ridian limi t yesterday, "as ®- •cel. Observation lah' n at the same moment of time at all stations, Kept. 30. IP, X3IO p m.. 751 h meridian tinu “Name* of 8ta:lon. T ? Rain Ronton, cloudy I •* •** New York city, cldy * 11 ■]* ' Philadelphia, cloudy **• * Washington elty. cloudy 7 a Norfolk, clear ! * "® Hotlera*. clear I ][ , j® 00 Wilmington, clear A U no Fharlotle. ■ l<r * ” Raleigh, ptly. cloudy .... TS * I Charleston, ptly. My. A ~ Atlanta, clrar * " Augusta, ptly iloudy .... 7* t. '* Savann.tli. clear <’ ** Jacksonville, raining ... ' '* Jupiter, cleor >. * Key West, clear Tampa, cloudy m J* •** Mobile, clear *• '* Montgomery, clear **- J- * Vicksburg, clear [* New Orleans, clear **| j" ® Oalveston. clear J 2 J* Corpus Christ), clear - >*• * l’aletlne. ptly. cldy *- '* Ulnrlnnatl. c-lwar J* ' nttxhurg Var T nuffalo. clear *’ * * Detroit, clear ** '' Chicago, clear • * Marquelte. cloudy * '* |Bt I’uul. clear J* • Datrenpoti. clear 8t Igruts. clear •" J* Kansas City, dear ‘‘J • Oklahoma, clear I<* j i>odge city, ptly cldy J North Platte, clear i ” i '* H. B. Boyrr Earn i Forecaet OS •• —The lawvton Chronicle *ay* that P!r Arthur Sullivan 1* on* of the wealthiest music,„n- In Europe. From the Savoy operas ha Mill draw* a princely Income. ! and many of his onr continue to pro vlda him with aver welcome checks every quarter. A* a man ef buslne-a he hss few rival*, and the director- of the Crys tal Palace and those of the Snvoy Hotel know well hi* mathematical abl.ltj? *nl hta shrew dne* ha- lately re tired from the hoard of Hopson.) A Limited, th#* muik ftubllahara. owinjr to his inahtllty to autnd regularly the duec- I tors' maaUaga THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, OCTOBER 1,1900. CLASSIFIED ADVERfISEMENTS. FERSO3AL. TTi'rnTNs sTTkkmk for a few day* more; but still have lime to tind and sell a hanosome engagement finger ring, nn everl isling, good-luck bringing, plain gold Unger ring Special sa e tHI.- week of plain and fancy >et gold linger tings. Solid gold spectacles titled with best Spencers' lenses, either for short or long sight, 13.50. Fcgea*. 2S Fast Itrougtiton Hair. Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. Mall orders promptly tilled. r HHOt'UD SHE Mlt.ljrn'S PttßNl lure; newest style* for bedroom, dining room. i-irior. In oak. walnu* and maliog any; Miller's prices and terms aro rea sonable. 307 Hroughton, weal. YOt' WU.I- I.IKK THK Mlt-K FROM Springhcld Dairy; It’s rich atal pure; try It. r BHorun beb mu-i.erb new In cariiets. mailing, window shades, art square*, rugs, lace curtains, etc.; Miller s pries and terms are reasonable 3U7 Broughton, west. FINK RICFFIKI.D r a Mi: AT HA ker s," every day, heat o( all other ruralr tn morkot IF ITS urns YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from Mcrlillls. SCHOOL BOOKS—NEW AND BEC. omf-hand. sold and Barnes 3n*l Reader. Jc; 3rd Reader, ?V; 4rh Head er. 37k-: Reader. 4.Y ; 1-lneotn's Physiolo gy. KX ; Ist Stepping Stones l.llerature. IS.-, 2nd Stepping Stones. 30 ; Princes Arlrhmatlc. 15c; Montgomery History, <k> At tjardner's Haxaar. U SHOULD SEE MII-LER S STOVES and range,, the best makes at rrasonatda prices. C. P. 31 lll< r. Agenl U SHOULD SEND ME YOUR OR dera for upholstering parlor and dining room furniture In leather, silk and other fab rics. In the heat manner: curled hair, mosa and cotton nut:tresses renovated, all work well done and satisfaction guar antecd. C P Miller, Agent. *IOO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last C. P. Miller. Agent. “WHEN TOU REE M 011-LIS SIXTY Inch *9 cents ruga, you will buy them Just can't help It; will sell In an> quan tity. "FURNtTt'HE MOVBt) WITH CARE.' Is a Specialty with Mcailila. “DUTCH AND roman HYACINTHS fresiiut. Easter lilies. Jonquils my nwr ltrr.srriotlon; for good results plant now A C. Oelschlg. opfM.-ttc Catholic Ctme lery, Uanlner's Haxaar, agent. U SHOULD SEND YOUR ORDERS for tuntng and repairing piano* mih) or gan* (o W r Manning, with C. P MIL ler. Agent, prompt attention to out-of town order*. C. P Miller. Agent. 18 YOUR IRON SAFE FJRB PROOF? HttfWel A Freeman have a piandtng off# of ll.orii for every *nfe of their make tbat doe* not prenerve It* content*. One *jf* waa in burning debrl* 113 hour* When taken out. th* ho*e ha#l to be turned <m ti When oprned. not a page waa dit colored, not a record ioat, not a dollar (In niroyed If you want oecurlty. buy a Btiflfeil A Freeman wife. C. P. Miller. Agent. M dILIJ kP ON RUQf NETS l*r* curtain*, hmn*o.k. water cooler*, pillow*, picture*, alove*. I--Groom suite*, and furniture of overy dew-rlplloo. M GIL!.18 M 3. SHIPS ard More* |4no and furniture; best work only; no "Cheap-John" price*—no "Cheap- John" job*. HAVING SEVERED MY RELATIONS with MoKane HoqiUil, I have opened a private aanltarlum and training *• hno! tor nur*e* and ml Iwlve* oti the AtiKiiata ioa I Will furnish • ftl lent nur*c* and mtdwlve* reasonably. Call or addre**. in Montgomery itrwt. Alb- Woodby Me- Kane. M 1). SI4k”BUYB NICE RATTAN’ROCK E RB. ladies’ *lse; large of rjcker*. couches and easy chair* C. P. Miller. Agent. ‘ OCT IST I WILL MOVE T 0414 WEST Broughton. Ring up 2bV4 If you want to have your furniture moved or packed for *hi;ment or Htorage. I guarantee price* the same a* 1 do (he work thit’* given lo m* A 8. Griffin. 314 Broughton itrcet. w. #t; mattrei*e* made lo order. M GILLIB- LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. U SHOULD SEE MILLER'S OFFICE dc*k, oflh* tabi*s. office (hairs, office matting, office shade*. C. P. Mi.lvr. Agenl ~U WILL SOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly need with thing In iny line; U will save tr-ioiH y by trading with rot C. !' Miller. Agent M'GILLIR BELUI SIXTY-INCH RUOB —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cent*. "~I HA VE REMOVED MY OFFICE tht* day from 2b2 Ray street, west, to 65S Liberty street, east. 8. Mendel, real es tate agent. auuucAL. IK YOUR r**t *r* trouhltnc you, call on m* and I will give you rellof: I euro Ingrowing nail*, corn* nnd all <!lo*a*e* of th# fert without pain; ohnrgca r#aonabl#; can glv# ,h* t>#*t r#f#r#nc#a In th* city; p llrnla treated at r#ld#nee*; enter* ran be left at Ltv#nr*ton'* drug *toee. Bull and C*nrre .treet*; telephone 293 Lem Dart* ur*#n ehlropadt**. m il- n aa ii i>—nut. ling ton. 8 C. Klynl Building anl Con struct ion Cos. •4 Ihreo month*' work: good pay. a!o plan, r man. A H. Johnaon. Tampa. Klo "WANTED - dOOD WHIT* BBlCK laycr*! 33 il choppers. V> good plarterer* mill *iiperlntendlt. tailor sl3. Herman barkeeper It-’, wheelwright, camp black mitti Wm. Hubor. Jaekaonvllle. KH WANTED TRAVEUNO SALESMAN; mue* l- Ivone*! and energetic, give refer enca*. fcl fa'll a Cigar Coau-atn SI. Louis help wasteo-malb. WANTED. AT ONCE. COMPETENT bookkeeper; mut Its accurate ami good penman Address IVrmanettt, care News. WANTED. A BUTLER APPLY TO 112 Jones street, west, on Tuesday. WANTED YOU NO MAN EXPERl enced In *<l.t water serving ami some knowledge of retail drug business Ad dress. with reference and amount of sal ary expected, Leake A Me Nall. Jackson ville. Fla MEM* WUTBD—PKMALB. ~\vTnTKiT WHITE ANDt^tILOItET' women rooks, hous.-malds, lahle girls, laundresses, etc., Ormond, Son Mateo, Tampa, Oxford, Drayton Island liartow, E.iglr Lake. Wm. Huber, Jacksonville. Fla. _ WANTED,OOOD COOK WITH FIRST cI.t-.s reference. Apply H>9 East Taylor street. WANTED HALF-C.ROWN” OIRL TO help In kitchen. Apply, after 9 o'clock. 25 West Perry street. EXPERIENCED COOK WANTED AT 2flS Flfih street, west. MWt'l.OY AK3T WASTE It. STENoTiRAPIIER age sixteen: want* pradilon in morning or afternoon. Address “Bright." enre Morn ing News. WAITgD. TWO-STORY HOUSE WANTED (with lawn or gaiden preferred t. In good location. Address Good Tenant, thla office \\ A3TCb-m>CBUakNBO3k ~\VANTEt^idoTdVhnF*IGKONS. a'd .ires* B W Sperry. Duva: Hotel, Jack sonville. Fla. WE WANT A NICE GENtT.K IIORSE for o lady: must be good stge. and a gooal trial required: must be a horse with style: no other wanted Address James Thomp son. general delivery. Fjpatoffiee. IF YOl WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springh.ld Dairy; It’s rich, pure and wholesome. IF YOU WANT A BLACK TO DUMP earth, dirt, mini, manure. ec., free of charge. Just at elty limits, hauling over hard road, writ* or telephone Brown Bio*., corn*. Anderson and East Broad street#. row BfAT—BOOH*. '^THTYnjTThTErTtKAUTrFrTrF^ room, enuthern exposure; convenient to bath, with hot and cold water, every con venience. to gentlemen, with nr without hoard. lIS Went Gaston street “NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH southern exposure aml modern conven iences. near l ark Extension. Address, Comfort. News office. “NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room* for gentlemen; all convenience* 90S President, west. THREE UNFURNISHED BOOMS TO rent, convenient to I’lant System 331 Jone*. ea*t FOR RENT; SEVERAL (IENTLBMEN an ee- ure pleasant rmm*. gi- Atiy fur ntehe-l amt kept; r<aiventent to hath; with private family. lU9 IJberly. wel. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS OPENING -ouih and east; hot lalh Ham.- floor; pri vate family. (1* President, west. * vi' FOR Rems*. FOR RENT SPLENDID FLAT. FIVE rooms and hath, 11* Stale ureet. al; large room.' and every convenience. J E Fulton A Hon. FOB RENT FLAT AND BASEMENT ? o 'inn 11 family. No. 12 Jones street, east. PARLOR FLAT FOR RENT. 310 EAST Ogtethor,** avenue, oppoHtt,- Colonial Dark, gentlemen preferrod. FOR Htevr—tmL FOR RENT. 315 HALL EAST. *- r.*>m*: hot and cold water; elegant local ity; a Iho (43 ITtec afreet: Imtnollale inn*, -evslon. Ap|>ly to W. W. Swlnton, 3)x Eighth atteel, east. -fob rent to an" acceptable party, my rerldcm-e. norhea<t eorner First and Drayton h rerts. Apply C. W 11-iwaid. No. 2U3 Bay atreel. east. “COMMODIOUS HOUSK AT Till N -terholt; most de'lralrty Hlliiated. with ample ground*. Inquire 211 Bryan atr.-el, east. Ft>R RENT. Iflll JEFFERSON. EIGHT rooms, and JOl Wal iburg. we*l, seven r joma; *U> parlor dal. Apply 1912 Jeffer son. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 217 Waldburg street, east, between Abercorn nd Lncoln. flr*t-ela*s order and eondillon; every convenience. Right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cos lien. West Broad ami Broughton atreMa. FOR RENT, DESIRABLE DWELLING with ail modern Improvements. In good repair. 308 Jones, #a*t. Kollo< It A Screv en. FOR RENT. LARGE RESIDENCE. MB Cong tea* atrcei. ea*t. NUtiWitt corner Aherrom. M. 8 Raker. Agenl. 224 Ogle idorpe avenue, east. roll HK3T-STOME9. i-d on Slate and President street*. Tn rear of Whitfield Uulldlng. splendid stand lor -mall business. Apply W. M * W. E Coney. "FOB RENT. STORE~AND DWELL ing. ail modern improvements; southeast corner Burroughs and Waklhurg; 823 o month. C. Mendel. *s* Eat Liberty. "Fon BENT." STORK. 115 BROUOH ton street, eaat. poge**lon Imme'llately also *evoral *t*attahla residence# and data. Apply A. Wyll>, L tiryau gtreot, gaa< rtiß HE9T—MHCBIunoVI. 'Tf7TiTEvfrSTAßLr~*r^iTaTirTb roH balk-real estate. IFi mber'T.a nds koiPTlalk^une million acre* of virgin timbered lamte tor sale in Florida. In Iructa to suit purchaser, by Campbell A Doughtry, Jacksonville. Fla. TWO ELEGANT dwellings on Duffv street, between Drayton and Ab ercorn sirret* I D LaHorhe. FOR SALE. ONE COMFORTABLE, two-story brick house with All modern improvements.convenient to business. Ad dress Cash, care Morning News. “fob SALE. ONE CORNER LliT. Ai BY <0 feet, or can be divided Into SO-font lots; conveniently situated. Address Quick. Morning News. FOB SALE. A LOT FOP. TWO HUN dred dollars, easy farms, nn Ninth sireea. near East Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Dorsal t. TURPENTINE; - AVI HAVE A OOOD location for large opi rator UifTord Com pany, Jacksonville. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTB for sal* all aver the city Robert H Taiem. real Calais deaisr. No. 7 York •treat west. “for HALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR Ea*t Broad, at U each: will soon bo advanced to 7235; when a lot has been paid for 1 ran arrauga to get a horns built. C. 11. Dorset! "poll's ALE THOSE 1-OTft oN NINTH street, near Kaat Broad, hava only been sold to first-claaa pirtln*. iT*‘>o will make good neighbor*, and none other can buy The terms ar* vary easy, and they era cheaper than any othar In ths vicinity. C H Domett “FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near Ks*t Broad; no city taxes, at It* each: twenty-five dollars cash, and *uy monthly payment* C. H Dor*#lt. ROM -* ‘ * **“■* *-■ A -fc'ltlfl. WITCH HAZEL! I HERE 18 AV ITCH haxci and wltchliaael One Is made to euro, lb* other Is made to sell, put a tot:la ot ours by the e.d* of 0 f the other kind, we give you all the quality and alt the quantity that your rnouey en title* you to—a pint for a quarter Iters**'* Drug Btor<a. Henry and Abercorn. Whit k*r and Taylor. C*OWB Fort' SALE IE YOU WANT A milk ow rr-aa<'ih>, I can stipply you ('all 471 Weal Itaumlary. ~ AU< *T!ON KVKIIY Tl KHKAY AT Youiurlove St Sipple'#; if you neet) a roI work borne or a driver cheap, call there. ami and rvunroß irvuin ron •als> |Oja (• ei of anh auhable for wheel wrtghta, <ariia*> maker*, car woika anl Interior hooae flniih. Al*o rypre** lumber of all aixeii. We tv&va returned cuttlnic our famoua hranda of cfproaa ahinirlea and will ooon have a full lina of them for aaU. Vila Boyal kfanufarturina Uompanj. 81* It INO FIELD I>A IKY 18 NOTED for hnvlna rich, pure milk, ry It; you will be plenoed. Wllsi; SEldls AT YOUNGLOVB A Bir“ plo'i action on Tueaday. one Jerwey row: will calve In nbout ten daya; milked on Inat • nlf elxteen qiiarin. I*.\ KTY DIBT-ONTINITINO IIOUBE keeping dcairm to fllepner of gas atovc, walnut aide-hoard, ihand modej, and va riotjM o<hle and end** for rale cheap. 315 Hunt Liberty. ~FOn H.\lsK ONE PRINCBOO Biiitalile for amall rbureh. Kunday 'hnol or private family; a bargain. 315 Kaat Li berty. PM >lll\(.. to your iniereal to let me give you an #b 11mate on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa I am a practical plumber. No gueen work to endanger your life. Wlggtn*. phone W Georgia or llelj. ■EDUCATION AL. COLL KG H MOVED DRAI’GHON'B Practical Ituaineufi College moved to Odd Fellow*’ Hall, corner Barnard and Bt*te street? Finest hall In the c'ty. Twenty per cent, dinrount to thooe who enter thin week. J. T Itrantly, Manager. MIBO AGNEB LYONR WILL OPEN* her kindergarten .ind primary achooi. Oct. $, 121 Alereom atreet. SPECIAL TO CITY BTUDKNTB Twenty p'r cent, dlacount to city xtiidcntß, If emer noon. No money re quired in advance. Not Katlwfleit quit and no pay. Draughon'e Practical Bu*lnen* Coll*ge. odd Fellowe' Hall, corner Bar nard and Mtate atreeta. MIBB MOREL WILL REOPEN HER school of drawing nnd painting Oct. 1 at 19 Perry atreet, west. SJIHB FARR WILL REOPEN SCHOOL Oct. 1 at \Y ildburg atreet.fourth door cant of Haherahnm. gIIAUDIg*. tral location; reMson.rblo rale* si 332 Har ris street, east. ITRAIEU. Reward If returned lo 431 Henry, weal. LOT AND rillvu. PARTY OWNING PACKAGE HKEC and pork left at my house Saturday hy mistake, will call for m<- titsl pay for ml. A. J. To*hach, 37 lan coin street. LOST. - A GOLD WREATH PIN" ON I'lHirlton to Jones, to Haliersh.-im and on Gordon. Flml< r will please return In Hereven House llurher Shop. Mint ELLA*Edit 9. HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint, mitre aatisfa-dlon guaranteed. Adams paint Company. DON'T FORGET WHERE To GO when >ou ne„l plumbing work done, our workmen are the very treat; prices low. A. C. Price 4k Cos., Slate and Jefferoon; 'phone* .W, IF TOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work, ordei your lithographed and primed stationery and blank books from llcmlng New*. Savanna h. Oa. 'WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUN gry |aoph at th* Southern Grocery Com pany, lit Barnard etreet. "we SELL SEWER PIPE. FLUE pipe, lire elny, lire brick ai lowest prlcM. Adam* Paint Company, lot Congress, west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard rash at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Rurnard street. W K l*i PU MPING WidlK OF ALL kinds and can figure close with you; give ua a call when In need. A. C Price A Cos.. Stale and Jefferson; 'phone* ug OYPBINE 18 THE BEST WALL FIN- Ish made A<lsms Paint Cos.. Savannah agents, 104 Congress, west. WE CONNECT AND DISCONNECT ranges: our |>liin>b>-r know their bus)- ne*- and our prices are low. It will pay you to give u* your work A. C Price A Cos. Stale and Jefferson; Bell and Geor gia ‘ phones ttfi. "ir TOU want good material and work, order your lltnographed and printed stationery and blank hooka from Morning New# Savonnoh. Go. “REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXTENSES hy Investing your bard-earned hard cash with th* Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard streqt •piicne urn for fork : t Laundry They will call for your linen Immediately FOR RANGES AND STOVES, QO~TO Cornwell A Chipman, PETITION FOR Ilk CORPORATION. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION Noth* of intention to aiq>ly for ralimad charter After four week*' notice by pub lhatlon purMiant to tiectlona 2159 et a -of the exlMlng Ottftc of Georgia and the amendmenta thereU>. the under lgned a 111 tile. In th** office of Ihe Becr**- tar> of State, a petition for the inuorpor* Hon of a railroad corporation, of which th following In a copy: fltatu of Georgia, ('hatham County—To the Honorable, fhe Hecretary of rttafe for the •((• of Gi*or gla The |N'titi>n of Wm W, Gord>n. Ibdrne Gordon, W \\ Gordon. Jr . G A Oor dn, J II Kinile. W } llarrieon. It C HarrlM>n. K Hunter. Thom.** Hunter. 14 M Peek. W Q Hughes and Joeeph A. lowan, all of Havannah, G , repectfui ly ahowii: Find That they deelre tv form a rall rt*at orporation purNuant to the provtN kWM i>f the Act of the General Aeaembiy of Georgia, approved I lev 17. 1192. Ur 1A92. |*ag*B J 7 cl ecq and the anictHlmrnta thereto tgi.l T hat the nnmrvof the company whhfi ttiev desftre to have Iru'orporated will be the “HAY ANN AH WHARF AND TFdIMI NAL RAILWAY COMPANY * (There Iwing no cxiatlng railway cor poration of that name in the state of Georgia! t Third the naid ratiroad will be located entirely within th* limim of Chat ham county. In aald •talc, ami It* length (Ml near aa ian be • --tiniand. ell le one 'yi. running from the track of the Central of Georgia Itaiiway Company. locat'd on lot number eighteen of eetate of D I*a mar. on the aunt wide of l<andol|th utrect. in tle of Matvaimah. to the track* of the Havniinnli, Florida and Wealem Itall way Company, k atct\ nut of the IllJbo canal tn aatd county and elate, together with the n*e*ary awltchee ami spur track*. *o a* to facilitate ttie traneactloti of hu*lneu* of rul|rtaq| * omiaiitlce with •a* h other, anl with the pro|erty tn *ald ily. UNIDI) and *tate known as the Gor don wharf Th' gliteral direction of *all road will ta- eantrrh and wr-aterly. and It will run from lot niimiier r ighteen of eatafe of D Umar to the wharve* of tha Plant Hya lem of llailv%a>*. and it will •xnn*t t the River atr*>i track of the Central of Geor gla Hallway Contioiny with ttw track* of the Hjtvantuih, Florida and Wentern Hall way Company. Fourth That the amount of propoaed capital iw k of *.ilt| company will ls> twenty thou*and ipunn dollarß, hut the fwlvllege I* drdred of iricra*tng the name to t wo hundred th>inar4l ()2ix>.fen hdiar*. dlvhh and Into hare* of one luiimli* •! (slui dollar* each. All of Bald stock to Ih com mon Htock f equal diKolt> Fifth. That petitioner* desire to tr !n --cor|mmilut| nh aforeeakl for tin- period of on** hundred (l<vn year*. Hlxth That the principal office of the propoeed corporation t* to he |>. aied in the dty of Kavannah, Chatham ounty, Georgia. Heventh That the petltionera do intend In good faith to go forward without de lay, to o lire HUb*url|Mton* to the capi ta! ator’k. coiiPtruct, equip, maintain ami ofM-ratc Bald inllr*Mtl Eighth That |r{|(|oner* have given four weeka* nolle** of their intentton to at|dy for a charter by the publlcatkm of thiN |elll|on. In one of the rwwepapar* In which the nherlfpa advert lor men l* are pui>ileh*<d in *UI county; ociot a week for four werkw, before the ftllriK of till* iwtl tlon Ninth That your (irtltlonere have an nexed hereto an affidavit made hy threw of the pernon* forming aald c mipnnv; that the name* *ubacrlhed hereto are the gen uine signature* of the per**>n* named In the petition. 4B require*! hy law. and that Ihe fa tn ntaterl In Ihl* |>etlt|on are true, to the beat of their knowledge. Informa ilon and belief. Wherefore your petltionera pray that they may he in orpnrated under the law* of tht* state, and that a certificate of In ioi|>ratloi to* Iweued to them under the great aval of the atate a* provided hy law WM W GORDON. By Wm. W. Gordon. Jr., Attorney In Fact. KEIRNK GORDON. WM. W GORDON. JR., G A GORDON. J II KINZIR. W G II \ Hit ISON. H C. IIARRIOON. It HUNTER. TIIoMAK HUNTER. II 51 PEEK V g llt’Gll • * JOE A LOGAN GEORGIA. CHATIIWI COUNTY To ihe Superior Court of said county: The prltlioh of llrnty Glover, Thomas Young. Thoms* W William-. Robert L Drayton. Daniel Jeuktn* and Charles Squire, all of said county, shows that pe titioner* and such others as they may tie. sire to associate with them, desire to he tmorimratml for the |s-rkst of twenty years, with privilege of renewal, under th*- name and etyle of “The Evening fail AM and Ssh-Iml Chib." Ihe piu-e of busi ness to be Savannah, Ga They desire to be Incorporated for mutual L-nent, pro le 3|on and enjoyment of th- members of said club, and not for pecuniary gain Wherefore petitioners pray that they may hr |ncor|>orntrd as aforesaid, with privi lege of buying ami selling real and per sonal property, with isswer to assess and colle -t dues, lines or other obligations Im posed upon im-lwbers under the rule* of said club, lo pay death benefits, ah-k lien otlta to members, pass su< h by-laws oa may he consistent nnd proper, nnd gener ally to have all powers and privilege* al lowed corporation* by law WM II BOYD. Attorney for Petitioners. Original filed In office Sep! 15. linn. JAMES L. MURPHY. Deputy Clerk. S C.. C. C. I.KUAL AOTICICI. GEORGIA. CHATHAM Whercns, M A O'Byrne, has applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* <llsmis*ary, ts guardkm of the person ami property of .Mamie RUnrhard. minor, deceased. These are. *hcrcforc. to cite sod udmon l*h all whom tt may concern, to he amt upiM-ur before said court, to make ob jection Ilf any 4hey have), on or before the first Mon lay tn January, next, other wise said letters will lie granted Witness, the- Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county. Hits, the 39th day of September. 1970 FRANK K KKILBACH. Clerk Co.c < '-> oionaiA ''itutham couni t Whereas. Jordan F Brooks ha* aiqdloit lo Court of Ordinary for letter*, dtemls aory as admlnlslor. c.1.a., on the estate of Mlntle Graham, deeeaseel The-se are. (herefore, to cite amt adm-ai- Ish all whom It may concern, to he ami appear before raid court, lo make objec tion (tf any they have), on or before th first Momlay In December, next, other wise- #td letters will he granted. Witness, the Hon Hampton L. Ferriu, or-lkiary few Chatham county, this, the 31st day ot August. 190 u FRANK E KKILBACH. • 'leik c. <> . c. Oa. GEOROIA. CHATHAM COI'NTT.— In Chatham County. Georgia, Superior Court, June* Term.lPX) -Charles O. Dooley v*. Mary A. Dooley. Libel for To’al Di vorce, To Mary A. Dooley, Defendant: You are required to be and appear, either personally or hy attorney, at the next Su perior Court, hnlden In and for aald coun ty. same being the first Monday In De cember, 1900— then ami there to answer plaintiff on the merit* of the above stated case. In default the court will proceed as Justice shall appertain. Wltneaa the Hon R Falllgant. Judge of said court, this Uth day of September. 1990. J L MURPHY. Dep Clerk. B C, C. C„ Ga. THOS L. HILL, Attorney. IT TOU WANT dpOD MATERIAL and work, order your Utbographed and minted stationery and blank hooka trow Morning New*. Savannah. Ow . AVCTIOK IALM rt rrMC RATI. 0 NESTOR DWELLING AT AHTTOI. l. D. LA RO( IIR, lartloaeer. On TUF.BDAY, fhe 2d day of October, IW. before the Court Ilouee door, at 11 o'clock, I will ael* for caah. No €2<i Zubly street, went of Firm. Thla email ho.-a I* never vacant, and la renting at $5 i g month. LCUAI. ROTICKI. Wherena Janie Elmore haw applied ta Court of Ordinary for letter* dHmiaaory a* olmtnl*trafrig on the eetate of lletda Elrnore Thee are. therefore, to cite and admon l*h all whom it may concern to beard *in*c.r t*efre atl court lo make oh>r - tlon iff any fhey have) on or before the nr*t Monday In November* next, otherwiaa *atl letter* will he granted Wit tie**. Ihe Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, thla the Sl*t day of July, mni) FRANK E KKILBACH. ciartkC * c c. GKoltGl \ • H \TH AM COUNTY— Whereia Julia Emma Smith lia* applied to Court of ordinary for letter* dlamlae ory a* executrix of IN' will of John D. Smith, deceased Thoae are therefore to cite and admon th all whom it may concern to he ard appear before eakl Hiurt to make objec tion (If any they have) on or before the Drat Monday In November, next, ocherwiaa akl letter* will be granted Wltneaa. the Honorable Hampton U Ferrlll. ordinary for <*hatham county, thla the 31*1 day of July !*•) FRANK K KEI Lit At 'll. I. rk c* O , C C. ORORGI A, CHATHAM POI NTY - Whren, llenrv F Wllllnk. ha* aspH*l to Court of Ordinary for letter* diemtti *nry a* almtnl*lrator. on the rotate of Henry F Willink, 8r . d*t ca*) The*# are, therefor#*, to cite atal admon ish ail whom It tnn> con* ern. to he and i Pleur before *<tll #-ourt. to make objec tion (If any they have), on or before flr*t Nltn<iay tn I*ecemher, next, otherwha Mtnl letter* will la* granted. Wltne**, th#* Hon Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, thS. ttia 31st day of Augito* !9U) FRANK K KEILHAtHV. Clerk C O. 0 tv> GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY— Where** M A O'ltyme ha* appllett to Umirt of onllnnry for letter* dlnmieeory a* iidfninietiator on Ihe e*tat* of Chrl* Mur |4tv, #lei’#*a**J The*#* are. therefore, to cite and admon. bh all whom it ma\ concern t tie and ap l**nr t*ef#re *all court to make obj#*. ti.H tif any they have), on or before the flr*i Monday In December next, otherwise aald |e(|r>r* will be gr.title#!. WitneMg. the lion. Hampton L Fer rlll. ordinary for Chatham County, thla tta 31*1 da v of Au*u*l. m*> FRANK F KEI I /BACH. Clerk Ct ord'y. C. Cos. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Where**. Henry C. Ifeiii*|r No appd'*d to Court of Ordinary for letter* ditunt*- aory a* #*xe# utor of Ihe will f Richard A. Haiti, tie# # aae#l. Tftoaa are, therefore, to cite and gdmon- Inh all whom It may concern •< b* ami ap pear tiefore *nld court to make objection 4if any they have), on or l#efore the Ath day of DovmNT next, otherwlae aald letter* will be grunted Wltneaa. the lion Hampton L Fer rlll. Ordinary for t'hatham County, thla the Slet day of Auguat. 1W FRANK K KKILBACH. <’t ord’y, C. Cos. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Wtierea*. George 8 Johcaoti ha* applied to Court of Ordinary fdr letter* dt*mla ory a* admlnletrator on the eatate of Ste phen Johnaon. defe # #r< The*e are. therefore, to cite and admon- Uh all whom It may concern to be and appear before mild court to make objec tion (If any they have), on or tiefore th* flr*t Monday In December, next, other wlae aald letter* wt!) Ie granted Wltne**. the Honor abb Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, thla the Slut day of Augu*t. IN FRANK %: KKILBACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. C. "oKoimiA. CHATHAM roujerY- Wbsren*. Jontsn f'. Brook* ha* nppitp.| to Court of ' <ltnnry for totter*. <ltrols mnry s* sdmlnlstrator on the estate of Clinton O Anderson. 4e<-eaae.l. These sre. therefore, to cite oral jitßxm lh alt whom It nwv eonrern. to he anti Il|>tnr before HSkl eourt. to mule objso tton (If any they have), on or before iho first Momlay In lb'-ember, next, other ws*e salt] letters mill be arantetl Witness, the Hqn tlsmpion L. Ferrlll, nnlkiury for tTistnitn eounty. this, tho 31t day of Auxuet. Hast. ritANK K KKILBACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. Cos. NitTß’K T*' DKBTI >llß INI) CREsDs ITORB (IBOBOIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.-NO ties Is hereby tftven to all |e-rson* hs- Inx tlemsntls axxlnst Wllllsm F. Dunn, tote of sold eounty. deceased, to prosenl th.m to me. proierly m.ide out. within tile time prescribed by law, so a* to show their character and amount; and all per son* Indebted lo sqltl deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to m , MBS ANNK DUNN. Kxet-utftt. Savannah, Oa., Sept. S, 1900. GEORGIA. CHATHAM OOt'NTT.— Wlirrriiii, Kltjaheth Coughlan H|*dled to Court of Ordinary for Setter* of ad ministration dr tionln non on the Mtate of Thom** Wall, iFceaaed. There *re. therefore, to Hie and *d h ell whom II may con- It to Mil ■ JrHlon (If any they hovel on or before the Hr*t Monday tn November, next.othgr wlre raid letter* will lie granted. Witness. the Honorable llnmpton l Kerrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, t hie the 9th day of Haotemher. 1> FRANK K. Kteil-HACK. Clerk Cl. Ordy, C. Cos. GEORGIA. CHATHAM mINTT.- Whernae. P. J O'Connor haa .tiedied to Court of Ordinary for loiter dtrmtraory ar executor of the will of William O'CoW nor. deceased. Them are. therefore, to cite and ad - monteh all wlnitn It may concern to ha and appear lofere raid court to make oh - Section (If any they have on or before the drat Monday In January. n*xt. other wire raid letter* will be granted Y\ linear the tlcmrable Hampton L. Ferilll. ordinary for Chatham county, thlr the h day of September. IM FRANK K. K ELI,BACH. Clerk CJt. Ord’y, C. On (1 BORGIA. CHATI IASI COI'NTY'- Wherear. Jordan F. Ilroolut. haa applied to Court of Ordinary for letitera diaralr eory. aa executor of the will of Marta E. ‘McNulty, deceased. Thetio are. therefore, to cite and admon- Irh all whom It may concern, to he and appear before reel court, to make ob jection (If any they have), on or before the tlrrt Monday In Jamiary, next, other wire raid letlerr will la* granted. Wltneaa. the Hon Hampton I, Pgrrlil. ordinary for Chatham county, thla, the 9th day of September, isno FRANK B KKILBACH. . Clerk C. O , C. Cos. JOHN G. Bl TlaEu/ —DEALER IN~ Palnta. Oils and Ulaaa. Hash. Doorr.Blind*, and Builders' Suppllea. Plain and Decora tl*e Wall Paper. Foreign an.l Domeatln Cementa. Lime. Plantar and Hair Sola Agent for Aheallne Cold Water Palm Congress etreet. weal, and l 81. Julian street, rat, 3