The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 01, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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TWO KILLED. MANY INJURED. . t , f p *.*,:-.*: wiuvtkho is IX OkUHOU tkbritohv. Trn.-Wa I n<l" Ik)' Tender Henke *•: ,„ r .....ner llosen Mere -lore or Inlnred, Only * of Thr... I. Sertoaalr „ ur f.\lrrrk Or.-urred m XX alr xx hleti l> • *'*•• -lotion. . <*. T.. Wept. JO.-The nortO u, ~ inrough parwenger train for Kan ( , l,y. on .he Santa Fe u f du |w*r# wi 440 p *n • wm n ,1 Witfrtoo, a flag *t f lon „ MMltfi Of Guthrie to-night. and two * i „ri were and u <k>*en or n> r , n *>re or le# Injure** <*<\u| re Thom** Mayer. Oklahoma , me* Kdmund H**k. Jomh. Tex Injured— Jgme# Black. Jonah*. Tex., H rm broken; i :dw*r*l H. Cook. Okla horn i •Hv |re#ktent of the National Hank. ~ .ut about head an*! back. Injured. >n— Vandovar. Kay county. .Missouri, .. m a*lly cruahad, and hi# 9-year-old r an.!#on Boy had hi# cheat Injure*!, prob ,v fatal,)', c. T. Bmith. Texa*. hurt „ out head and body; J. H. Lyonx, Guth , moulder li#lcated. George H. Willla. ,rl\ head cut and one ear almost cut * John Wilkin. Chi**go. cut by , n > •* M Nell, Derby, Kan, Injure*! it out head r. tram left Oklahoma City forty-five , tute* late, and war running forty-five , ,4 #n hour. Engineer John Haln felt ir md found the rear truck** of the !er hrokrn. He reversed the lever and mp'cd to stop the train. In u few .. nd> (he hagg ainl expre#* an*! moil were off toe trick, and n moment . ■ • the smoker wa* forced Into the air l the momentum of the train behind, i ~*-1 over and turned up#kle down with u ra.Gi. The day coach follow lux left truck, partialis', and then the whole ♦<i ix r* *he Vandever boy attpear*- ♦ standstill None of the eri>u*]y hurt, I ,ji j r I nil • . SHOT ( OMilt TOR. Il* t|Murr*l Arose thrr n I'lillimin SlfctUnM * nr Ticket. I ;i lelphla. Bopr 3h—Julius 'Washing:* km .f New York, a colore*! porter or the }'! • • i (Cxprcaa on the Penney I want* Kail r to-day ahot and seriously wounded ' i Hindie, the Pullman conductor of the tra n. whose hotn*- is In this city. Ac •tpUnfr to those on U>ar.l the train * • iwfuclor and the porter had been miellng all the way from Washington h .i after leaving Theater the dispute - ■■■■• ox r a ticket. Hindi** is sild to have tM fje porter that he was done with him and when the train reached Philadel- I it - would have him |ut off W • itngton after #om* further nrgu r drew a pistol. Tiie conductor ran t r ti#h the car but was shot while In the r jrrow pasmg -way a*ij**i' ing th** draw i*k *oom of the car. The negro flrvd a., n but without effect. The shot tiiat y . k Hindi* lodged in the back near the lungs The jtorter was overpowered and t b*M>|'ien!!y locked up. The company's i . - i* it made an examination of Hin d * woun.l are! expressed the opinion ♦ would probably recover. The Pullman car in charge of Conduc* t r Hi idle was Httu h**d to the train at Sl'fni b'B. Term. (\ WIHKI.KHH TKI.KUR \PII V. %n lulprraf inu Article In llir Nrn Nn%al %it it mil. \\ -htngton. Bapt 3ft-The Naval An nun .-■ published by ihe office of naval In t. „.*#•* contains among other Interrwt ■ . .irticb * on# by Lieut. VV. L. Howard mmartstng compactly the Increase of r.i .1 Mrcnglh effrotal during the |xist >* ir by the* great maritime power*. A topical article of value la contribut ed t\ Lieut. U R. I>e Btaigucr on the t of wrlreless telegraphy. This p it*-* just what each of the naval power* ha i*Mw* toward* the utilisation of Mar < 1 - discovery ami embodies a thorough r-view of the state of the art of long tlls ** wireless transmission by a romp* - ••at Orman authority. In general It ap l*ur* that tha experiment* have resulted ■ifaotorliy, and tty* British army In t* *uh Africa by the us** of kite* for the ■%e>r*l wires have managed to transmit r * vage- a distance of K mile*, or more than 10 mil#** further than the dl*tan<c whim separates Tien Tsln from Pekin. wTOHH OA Wi:\H IN COAST. Several VeMeli Went Naliore nml Mm I Property HiimNgeil. *n Francisco, Kept. 30. —The steamer 1 •oa brings n<*w* of a storm which w i tging along the Mexican coast when ► died for the north. Heveral vessel* " ,r * driven ashore, the German bark P ♦ l*e|ng a tosl loss Kept. 15. The *• tng day Max itlan was swept and tt* kage wa* something fearful. H* '• were blown down, roofs were lift* • unrooted, telegraph wires twisted r i v. 1 , swept from their mooring>. FLAN* (TOM % 14 AII.RO % It. • lark t'lanrlna on l.lae from l.o* • ngrlra Cos Salt l.akf € Hr. ’ tg Kept. 30. —The Time* ll* mid to. *l 4 - Senator W. A Clark of Montana '• ‘ mv . ►ruMimm*f*‘d plan* for the hwiki f the L#*s Angeles and Salt Lake , , ' v itni-oad. after consultation with L.k. I 'tty and I.o* Angers capital* !* who ate in churge. " ' chi,-f piomotor Is H. C. Kerens. K* I'-'Ub, H**[>ub! can national com 1 t*rrr (in f r om Missouri. Construction r ‘ i e yronrHP In expenditures. m 'Til or COL. I). H. MI.I.IOTT. vv l| Know* Mallroad Wan F.xplrrs In ( hurl* •tun. ♦ r * Sept, tft.—Col. David H. K f : agent. Cbarleatlon division of ' s ' * •mi Itallw ty. died here suddenly ■' H* was n ttlve of Alabama, hut > widely. He was connected ■* ' ”* ,v e land department of the Plant '*e. f t many ye r* nnd latter y came '*• s 4 ithern. He had charge of Plant * * in all expositions held In quarter of a century. Merrivers for Trsetlsa 4 ompany. * ri ' ••>.. W Va. Kept 30-The col r,f Ihe Montgomery Hanking and umpary Friday was followed yes l ~v the n(polnimert of receivers ' 1 Kan.iwha Traction and Rleetrtc t ' r !• whi h has been building in e’.ec r ’d through Fayette county. The •*? the hank are stockholders in */* ompany. The bank baa not , u * ■' • •t th# de|os4tors wsild he paid ''"p. M.nrd HpM.rk.blp Vlg.r. e *'*Pt 30 -—During tha beatification t • * Fra*s|. one of the first chiefs ■* r of oratorlans, at f*t. Peter** * this afternoon, the Pope ven* pr^l r ' ''fflgy of the new saint In the tbou*mml. His Holiness dD MUSH, ,<fXkJr liable vigor and refused a- I AMR HATH TO MbHT TNAMOtttt. That la All Bid haiiiplon Corbett Would Huxs in *>. New York. Kept. Jh -James J. Corbett, at one tme cmnirhn of the prise rink, returned from Europe to-day on the Cam pnla. The only one who met him hi quarantine was Ms legal representative. Km.tnuel Krtend. and he and ths tighter held a conference whil** the ship wo groping her way to ner dock through the fog Corbett said hurriedly to tin rc|*ort ers: a "I have com** bark to meet any charges which may hr mad* against me. Thut is ail I have got to say. and that Is all I am Koing to say.” In unswrer to a request for u statement later. Corbett said “You can come tip to my place If you want to, but, It will do you no good. I'm not gang to say a thing. And even If anyone meets me later. I’m not going to talk ” t'orbett was asked as to the alleged • • okdn*ss in his fight with McCoy, his domestic troubles, etc., and to these, as toother questions, he refused to reply. It is believed that all difference* he (ween Corbett nnd his wife have been set tle*! Husband and wSte dined together at n restaurant, and later appeared at a pia e >f HiniiMerm nt. It i* now taiid tlxat Mrs Corbett wtll not press the divorce suit she threaten**! ’o bring f’ORRRTT AMI \\ IKK RRCO\tlI.Kl>. Wlmt **lie Hrlil %Imul Met oy Plxht *hr \t 111 %*w Vleny. New York. H* pt. JW —Corbett to-night made the following statement: "My wife nnd myself have income re* - onclled and I am glad to say that in the future we will have no more difhcuiib s. What she said *boiit my fight with McCoy whs said under the impulse of the moment when he was led to believe that I had desert-I h**r and she la n*w prepat-d io deny such stories i* were to!d t her by m-n In this city who did a!l In their power to H-|ianite us. They were endeavoring to secure cettan legal fe* a and stopped at nothing to a- omplfeh their ends. There will Ih no di\ r • suit, I can assure you "Any time I enter th- ring I do so to win. 1 am not in th* business tot my health a lon*. and if any man wished n* lav down to me I gue.-* I can staid for It. I tm out for money and th* *n!y way I can get it Is to w in any tight 1 can. Evwry hody will admit that my tight with Mc- Coy was .a good on** and I think *a one went away dissatisfied.'‘ l\ IXTK.HIAT til* milMXOi. Hex to I,opes, < (iiitidnnt f Aaralnaldo, 1 llt Vmerira. New York. Bept. —• xto I/O peg. for nerly secretary and confidant of Oen. \guinakk>. arrive*! here fo-dtty on the t'unarder Campania. invitation of Flake Warren, .and he ex pert# to exp)tin to the |ieoplo the Pdtpin on* side of their fight with this country. While coming tip from quarantine, L*>pox gave out tic following signd statement: My obje* t In visiting the Fnlted Btate* !*• not to Interfere In Amort o politic*, but solely to t**ll the Ameri< n |***::c what rtr Fllipirw'S in reference to :o the future government of our country. It has been said that my coming to Amer- I* a 1 In the Interests of certain j*en**>n nd parties. We. as Filipinos, know no lairties In the Fnlted State#. We have oniy on#* ilcslre. via., to seek justice for our country. “Those* who desire to give us justice ivlll no doubt be lid to know the want* and conditions of the Philippines. All we want Is peace with honor to both parties, and I hope to be able to show* that the condition* of our country are such as to fit its for the maintenance of that iiwle* pendence.” Mr. Flake Warren. Lope* and hi* secre *ry left at 3 o’clock In the afternoon for Boston. PRKAt lir.H IHF.n I > t 111 IK 11. Hr. Gilbert VI. l.r'K*>r. I’li.■ il tn it) frf>m ll<*nrt Trniililr. N-'r York. Bopt SD.-Tho Hrv. Dr. r.ll brt H. firPory pasranl 11 way ro-ilay tn ih<‘ proH.nce of his oomrrrgfttl''n at Ih" moriiliiK *pnloe In Hf Stophni’a tho •li.t Church. Mitrlili- Hill, at Ihc ui'|-r *ri' 1 of iManhi'taii l.lnn.t. Physician* ha*l iiraxl Dr. flrcgor)' to re tire from active church work, an ho haj lon* Iwcn a sufferer from heart trouMc. Or. Darllmtlon of Klntt'a Hrl<lc, who aiicndiiut I>r. .Ornrory, yesterday warned him aaitln*i jr< o hln* to-da) The <*|er s;il*l to lila physician: "I prefer to meet death In that wov to rctlrlna and rhlrklna im duty In order to live longer ' Dr. (Ircßory waa ft years of•-. He had no* |iet ached In St. Stephen’s fer three Suudaya on a ‘count of heart at tacks. but when word war passed around that he would resume his duties to-day the ehtireh WHS nilcl. Th- service had proa 1 eased to the elnelna of a hymn which precede* the sermon. Dr. tireuory ■ roee and rc**l three verses of the hymn. Ireglnnlna:? " larvc. Divine, All !>>ve IJacelllDf.’' While the music of the anthem tilled th chinch Dr. Gregory was noticed to seat himself and then fa.l limp ov* r one of the arms of the chair anil he died a few mkiittgg biff nr: nii:i> Kitti’i utii’i.Kjy. W. V. Wolcott Mod a.VMI.tHH With 111 to ol the Time. Indianapolis. Hcpt. .-W. V. Wolcott of Boston, died at Ht. Vincent Iloapftil from a stroke of apoplexy, suwolned on a III* Four tram yesterday. Mr. Wolcott located in tvt. Isruls ahoul thirty years ago. He became a member of the turn of Wolcott & Hume, publish . rs of the Journal and Times of Hi. Douls. and was later pr.-.dent of the Ht. Dulls far Coupler Company. He owned lar* interests In Missouri *tn. nun.*, and at •he time of hi- death. ae senior partner in. I tanking hrin of Wolcott * Cos., with offices 111 Hosiun n*l New A .. rrch of Ills effects trough! to H.:|H tile r„, t that he ha* in his vails.- V..,.5. In government bonds ami about W.OUO in cosh osi his person. isnai IVople’s Temperance I nlon. Kansas City. Mo.. Hcpt. pt.-Thc ''“ in * i I’cople's Tcmperan.'e Vnloti • losed to nlahi with nn ndutess l*y MDrahall Hhunts, the national pres* lent. The mees ing t.iace of the nest convention wns mft to the Ksei iitlve Committee of th.- union to be d* lied tvlthln the nest flfiy *la> Kltehcner Stay Him. Ism don. Oet t.-The Times, In an edi torial teferenoc this morning to the ap pointment of U.rd Hotter ts as . omnia,el cr-ln-chief, hints that D *1 Kitchener will come home to assist him at his new |sr,t SICK HEADACHE Korsford t Acid Phosphate Soothes and strengthens the nerves; relieves pain in the temples, depres sion and nausea. Genuine bean seme Hwiwtn’i on arrapper. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1900. COLORED MASONS' BUILDING. 4*r%m Loma: w ii.i. mh;t i\ it AM Kit It I h Three lltindretl Drlrantea nnd OlH erra Will t.ntber There Thla Week-\enrly Voters \r* Vteglatered In <*Kmtrr t annty—l*ap uliata W 111 Hiiptmrt Hrn*H*mtle Nominees lnterim** t otton I4e erlpfa ,r*i%|itu |.iiru* r. Amrrlruf. (}., riept. A*. The txvlored Mu son I • Uraml l>*lge of Georgia meet# ir annual -enclave in %m* rlcus this %ve k od the laii> session# will l*e liekl In*the spieiMlal buthliixg * reeled by the (itutid IxMlge, as in industrial # hool and bom** for the children of d* eased m*nl**r Th** buikling |s of hrb k and stone, •*! will cx>st, *>mpl*ted, |JU.*IOO It a* th** put of the Grand laalgs to )tol*l nil of it# annual sessionh here in future. nn*l have genera! supervision over the industrial sehiol and orphanage. Three liurdtrd delegates nnd officers will attend the ••on davs this wtek. tlraisf Master Terry of tVdumbua. presiding. Mayor lllion ho# hern invited by the local lodge to deliver the n.|dre# of w*l<'ome to the Grand lsirige on Tuesday. Nearly 2.200 voters arr registered for the state and county election on Wednesday, nnd a nearly soil*! Democratic vote will be l*oii*d as none of the candidates for *>oun tV offices ha# opp*sdtU>n. Hon J K. Hays is the nominee for senator from this, the Thirteenth District, while Messrs \Y T. Lane and B. L. Joiner will represent Hiimter In th** lower hou.-r. All the pop ulist# votxng will support the Demo*'ratio nominee#. Receipt* <*f t otton. Just fhh hale# cotton were received yes terday at the warehouse in America#, which make# the total warehouse or wa* gon recrfpt# to dat. 1&.0 0 nearly equal to re**eipt# at thin fbte last year In addition to this, very large shipment# of cotton have com* direct to the Ameri ca# t'ompres# Company, hut as the rom pany ha* de to nwik. public the re ceipts, th** total ••0!t n receipts for the town cannot be n-certain* and, hut will pro!*- ahly ex* e and J.’.OOU bale# to *iate. and ma> reach *ft.hi or more f*;r th** season Ten cent# w* freely paid for cotton vester d*: Th. high pri * pM f**r cotton this fall Is having a wonderful *ff t upon business her*, and both wholesale and reinll hous s have #ll the trad** they can handle, es pecially the wholesalers. Fash I# In svl 'ldi* upon every hand, and bta and mort gage* have been cane-lied, and the sea son is one of greit prosperity THE CANAL C4>MWI*IOX. nmi .lohnann Informn • lon In Atlanta. 3h. - Kx-B#aai or Pa*ro of Florida, niwt Pr of. Emory K Johtvann. rnmpo*lng .1 vub-eommtttrr of th* l**th mkin Canal Commission, now touring fho Bou4h. *futlving thr condltiofi* boaring on th* offert of th* ron*tmotlon of tho Nicaragua t'anai on Boaiiha’rn tralt\ ar rivnl ham to-night from Birmingham Tv-morrow n 'ommitte# of oltistn* will th*m n1 glv* tlw Information by thv sub-f'ommitt#**. WILIi RK RENT TO ATLANTA. Branch W 111 lie Taken Them for 'nlr-krt |l nu- At hen*. G., Befit. 3 William Branch. negro, who Is charge I with the mur tier of a whit#* man and an Mtt*mnt to mtirder two other white ieron* In Elbert county la*t wet k. wlil be tu nt to Atlanta for safe keeping. Ju<)g# Rorso of the Bu perlor Court, has order*! the sheriff of tills county to transfer the prisoner at once. A special term of the court will he held to try Branch. Fire i Mll> tile. Midvilie. tin . Kept At about 11 o'clock last night fire broke out In Mr. J B. Murphreta’ kitchen. In n very abort time almost the entire population of the Imn ill •! th* lire, doing nil In I poorer to save the content* of the dwell ing house. The Are had made such prog re* when discovered shat H was Irnpossi hl#* to save any of the buildings But by the prompt action of tho*e who reached the burning building soon after the alarm waa given almost everything In the front part of the house was removed before the roof fell In. The *uppo*#*! origin of the Are whs a defective flue. B idding and furnMure were Insured Married at Fxerett (It). Everett City. Oa.. Kept 3f> —Mr M. W. Patterson and Mis* Hotlle Pender were married her* this morning ♦ 11:Sh o’clock. Rev. J. N Tlppln of Mi Pleasant officiat ing. CHARGED WITH l>% N % WITING. George Auderaon Arreafeil for mow ing I p a House. Columbia. H. C., Kept. 3a—Friday night in Laurent, K c.. the home of Mary Bridge*, a colored woman, was blown up with a dynamite bomb The whole cky waa startled by the explosion and the house was demolished The woman wa* aw*ay from home, and no one was Injured To-day George Anderson, colored, wa* arrestVd for the attempt. He wa enam ord of the woman, but she rejected him na he ha* another wife. The day before the explosion he threatened her life. Canadian* *mII for Home. f’ape Town.'Kept %) The Canadian con tingent. under Pol Pelletier, sailed to-day j on hoard the transport Idaho. The people of Cape Town accorded th#-m a splendid impromptu reception, the Mayor voicing the thank* of the city for their brilliant services In the field. Slmb>- IlnMirr Tool. Ihr 'lull. tinier. I! iho. Kept. SO.-The Onlerlo and Huron ta*e wa* held ii| to-day eeienty mile* 0111 of Ontario by a lone highway mun. The rohher Mrtppcd the tuaec hy flrlnK a hoi aorow* the road. Up de itvruled the mall, which ww Ihmwh out The stage wa* not further undented II If not thought much of value wa* secured —With the beginning cf the pre en* •choot term ihe leaching of adenography bookkeeping. typewriting and other hra* he* usually laugh! In lHt(lnes school* has been In Induced In Ihe pubfl *< hoot" In many cities. rhlcagn la am in .' th- number, and there ihe Inr.nvaljon l ih< eubjsct of much comnv nt generally In opposition. Thl* lal developmerii. It | argued. doe* not (land on a like focf tnr with m.mual training The latter ! not a teaching of Irartea: ti I* a training of Ihe *ene an I a development of la l.nt ability. The other, on ihe contrary, I* Ihe fltllng of per*nn, el public eg. pc nee for wcll-deflned occiipallon* It I* a ecrlou* blow at private "ohool establlsh e.l to train people to he stenographer* and hook keeper*, and It 1* likely to work lo Ihe .fetrlment of tho*e now employed !f< such capacities by supplylog mor* labor of thl* kind than I* nae led. Aa the I’hl ,. ,•* objector* My.' thl* depar tr • In hoo! method* can only te Justified i< the hri *t*p in Ihe development of the public echool *y*iem Into the fltllng of pupils for work In all walk* of life. MM KM TIC It HliOT L%WTt\. *o Hay a a lleliirned alller of lh Rlexentli t a\alry. B-ilt Lake, Ft ah, Bept W.-lami Mayhu, a private In Troop |, KJeveoth Fnnel* * Cavalry, who returned from t o Phllliqdnc# to-day was present when G* u. H* ur> W LiwlxMt whs killctl Us' Ik * comber near Han Mv*g* Me saw the shot fire*! and dr* ate# that the min w ho sun ed the rill* wa- . deserter front the Aimrl an army. He s.*l*l "(ien. La%vton lo>k our troop, the Elev enth Cavalry. .** s< .utn wltn he came down frem the north to capture Hon Ma le**. He |Hi*< n*i ito* haul** for Dec. 19. •ml on the nlgig iafofc it 11. SO. we pro c*d**l toward th“ town, traveling tw*nt> * three miles We leached the outskirts f the city at daylight, arid tiring began atHMir x o’cUw'k "I *ua with the sklrm**h lint* within llTty >.itU* of Get* and wc saw a man in bi k trHis**rs. showing conapl itotndy among the white uniftum*- of the Insurgent ofti *is *otn* out *n th** tower *4 Its* church He surveys*! the groui.d on which w. sto**d ver>'uHy. th*n nis#*l his muskei and tlt*#l At thst In stant G**ii Iwtwton. who was dlunotmlni, moved his hand across his far* mt* If to brush away an Insect and sink to hi.- knees. *'\V found In the ,burch about 100 yard# of t|egrnph tape, which Interpreted #lHwe*l that Gen Del Pilar *n*l an Amer ents. That night wurl was brought In •can had bom in omniaiid of the tnsunr fnun the insurgent Iln- that they Intended capturing lotwion's Ikxlv We knew thHi had It not be*n an Am*ti an in that • nurch who saw him fill the Ftllptnos would not have known In *..- dead MOLDH FOB MkVBH UOM.ARH. Heherwe IMrnerr<l to Pat lino Money In f*ale#tin. New York. Sept. 30.-Chief Haxsn *f the Secret Bervhe, statitNi***! in this city, was to-da) |oa< e*l pt pu- esslon of two moi*!s for silver dollar#, which were dis covere*! in i #• an< remarkable man ner V\ hile fleoFge F Haves, a nurse, who left New York with the New York Jour nal nd Ad\ertl#er relief expedition, was busy asaorting supplier on the lo< k of Galveston, a f**w <lnx- <. h* came across a package whlrn ha! s**mc pecuiMr mark ai it He thr* w It Into a wagon, which w is taking medicine# to a relief horpital Here p whs of** tie*i and th# m<>i<l- li*- • overed There was niso the half of •* ilfty-doilar lull |st**l on a slip of piper. Hidden In the piper package ther** was a t>*>!* tvhich hud: “He sure and see that get# plenty of drugs. If you !nti she won t b* able t d<* anything.” The packag. turned out to have been s*nt from this city to Galveston on a s aamshlp that had left New York and touched at no other |*ort hief Hasen tali In regard to the mat ter. The counterfeit*r# undoubtedly Intend ed to take advantage of the situation in Galveston and run off a large quantity of bogus silver dollar# to circulate In th • flood of money following the relief of th<- distress.” The discovery of the molds Is regarded as mportant by the secret service people In that It denotes that there is a coun terfeiting gang In New York, poaslhly with branches all over the country. RKM LTK N THE IMAHOND. Chicago and M. l.nwU Each Won anti l.oat n UR me. Chicago. Sept. 3D—Both teams won and lost In to-day'* double Iteadvr. Ht. lamls won the first gam*' by good iasc run ning. clever sacrificing, and few well hits. The I or. lls playeid poorly In the Acid, but won the* game by hard hitting Hughes clearly out pit ‘bed Hughey. At tendance 7,*). B*’on : H.H K. Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 El 11 2 Ht Louis ....D 0 1 1 ft 0 1 1 ft—4 Ift 2 Batteries: Taylor and King and Nlcolls; Young and Orlgcr. K#*on 1 game Chit ago 0 0 0 2 0 I—4 • 4 Kt Louis 0 1 0 ft ft ft- 1 5 0 Batter!**: Hughes and Dexter; llughey and Robinson. 4 isclnnnfi Ural Pittsburg. Cincinnati. K* id 30.--With two out nnd second and third occupied. Wadddl Tulb• a wild pitch whk’h lost the game to-day. Kcore: R HE Cincinnati ... 0 ft 1 0 0 ft ft 1 2—4 * 1 nttshurg ...ft 1 ft 2 ft ft ft 3 * 1 Batteries: Scott and Kahoc; Waddell and Zimmer. KAILHBAD WIN A Ml It HIE. Warner M. Ne%boltl Killed lllntsrlf lit llinnlnghiini. Birmingham. Al .. B *pt 30.—Warner M Newbold. eu|ierinlendent of the K**uth an 1 North and Birmingham Mineral divisions of the Ijoutsvllle and Nashvlll#* liailroad. committeil suicide at his residence In tha city to-#h*y by shooting himself In the mouth with a 3*- allbre pistol. Mr Newbold lost his wife some month* ago lie was about f*6 years of age an 1 has been connected with the railroad company for many yagra. He was prom inently mentioned as a probable ,u •■**** to General Manager Metcalf of the I/'uis vtlle and Nashville yesterday morning, who recently resigned to go with another road Mr New hold came to Birmingham from Kentucky. He waa interested In many en terprise* and wa* • onaldered weabhy The remains were taken to Ixuitsvllle at 12 25 o’cloc k to-night for Interment. DEMON ST It ATKIN IN MANANA. It W* to Express Satisfaction With Iteeenl lm Reforms. Havana. Kept. 30—To-day’s demonstra tion orgaulxed by the Notionalists visited th#' pjtlace and afterward* the r**ldenc * f K* nor Miguel Gent r. secretary of jus tice. to express satisfaction with .h** r* • cn law re .ol ms. Hereafter Judges it ihe court of first Instance will no' be nominat'd, bui wIJ b* chosen by * xnd natlon. After 1 andldate he* b#*n se |.r*d his name w ill app* •' In th* x. tte f<T twenty d.ya; and any one know Ing anything against his moral qualify a lion* for tlw* posit loci wIW i*e at m* to lay the matter bslor* the proper authorltue ■ ♦ * Hlmli Heerbftl h> Hultnn. f*oi*tantlnop|e. Kept. 3ft.-—The Khah of Persia arrived here to-duy and w* r*- retved by the Kuban with elaborate and brilliant ceremonies. Every Mother, Expectani Mother i or Marrlayeabie Girl! can have a practical treatise on motherhood, telling t / ! X Pv\ will save ninths of train and trouble), sent, free, ] 1 \ vhß \ by sending name ano arldres* of self or friend# to ' \ ' 'll \ Tllb llStaltM lirU UTOR ttK. tllaaO.Sa. !Ti J ¥l. n-- The world can produce nothin* like • Mother s Friend.’ ** #** *'•” SrtS by bad Drasskt., •!... fat !>r ptot "• w"tt Tilt: PRKSIDfckNT OF FM %Nt K. Mr. I mile l.onltri a self-MadMan Ills t arrrr. H H VlerrlKH). m Bu*ce#s. "T*‘il th youtu. men of Am**ri- • that th*\ should h r*miKl of their ln*l the Ia and of rtpportutiK' nn*l say a- that tbr young in* * of Fro w io re amt** *##* i* ti'. \. * < i\sl much in- Mir x- • .in ( w. -i I* * •* is i <t Ft an* * wh* - e* if - u ** iMUbel, who wa * * n • a t irn t hi woaUt; s.i s>< s wr*> left hi# n.’ 1. •* l.c M.irsan muiy years ogo t* * .ir\. oiit a car. .i ultog. i .*r pt. tureequ. and ;*- . |e> ilon i * th* l prr-- |d**t, y o' t tie i iuhll • Fch V pir.i. M ** *he or wait • ttaimph of I’m • |Vm<* - rc\ No #Mh# r ruler of #h vnlatll * ex.cpt F iu.. I tad kiuil: fr*ii ihe htirnbl* • pinks *>f Fie l>.urg* ol* ;n Mines of i#hsv, Atid no ruler hi- glvm ,’<*dtr satisfaetk>n to ii| < xc pt ih** sidy KoynHitf. How very lik>- an Nne*rlcatt he M*#*mcd as h* r. e an*l came forward l* . orli.dly shake m\ h.nd and Impilr*- If I w.*r< \x IF He *tetka Fngii-h t*>tnewhai imperf* -t- Iv, yet he hw* all th * cpytousu* •* f % oamopolitan. mmgle.l with the sturly x*frtie* of ,% v< ,f-m *,|e man There Is a th<ugh#fuln. s> |c in*, la. ini *xpressi'i. tvhhch Impresses one most forcibly Earn ed #IK energetic in manner nisi quick tf* grasp Ideas, he s<**ins appre ciative of the trust reposed in him by ids f!Jow• .'ountrymen n I anxious only to prove his fidelity t> them rtvnt. at least. Is how I r* ad his *♦ ( It shit . m tit# f, . wo*tiler fulix strong fa if |s, a t .ountcnni e fud of dignify, patten,.* and klndti* a My boxhoo<l ■ ' tie repcate*! after me wlfh a srnil#* and a slight French shnig It was t.H> cofTim.iripU. e to lie of mter r#f t. your renders for |t wa- a box h*sv.f of toll aid hi ter disaffM>lntm-fit It gave me Vigor Of laxly, th.t 1# an. .* ho- am ♦hing els* !* hindered m<* Not I knew to my own mind what i should like to do, what career In lib* I ought t pursue, did I exchang * ,::ai ph>#i. a! x'. arln. - for ho,.e an*l happiness.'* ft did not seem |sa*s|ble that the de termtnnd-looklng man b* fore me had ever hern undecided ahnur anything for long. n*l yet my very text question elicit*-1 the fh* that hr* t.o had | •vt through tn nient#. even *f.\.* and motuh#, **f |nd* cf*|*rv ' Th u you werr douldful at first as t > w h .i , in-, r you should select • Rvwry young imu." h repdrtl gravely "ha# to go through the experience of . hoosing a profession, ami usmtllv i |a n* t a pleasant time for him He think* of adopting <ne carnnr one day. hut ihs n**xt titornlng tie has defermitod to b** something els,* Then a third vv rrtileo ojwi,h It*. If tn lit. tin inin.iti<>n amt he it,*-1,1,t to ,t. none ~f ttn**e n1 -eltlex upon mitn* tm*li-*N or prafo hion entirely different from any he h ever ennrtdered It I* n happy time when a young man hue *l*,| led one— 1 1 *f alt what he w.tniN to do, I have been Ihronah the experlenee mrirlf and have not fonrotten hnl my feelings wer.- It waa like a calm offer n .form when I made my c;hn!ee. I had ettmethlfiK definite then io work fr and eotllil go hea.| un hesltailngly What . all nee.l la M>me thing to work for. When we have that w . .ire very happy I think the mwt glorious year* of my life were the <>m which I w ia el niggling for • Itrglnnlng in my tareer." Ae a lawyer M lenthet waa not at ft rat | ft brilliant success. Years of !m#*ii** ap plication were needed to |x>lUdi his mind and put him In competition with tlc keen end witty leaders of the French lair. “You must have been very ambitious.” I ventured. *’jiwl must have worked very bard to o< so much.” “I have worked for every foot of prog ress I have mad* since leaving the furm.” he replied, earnestly. **| felt certain that I would fail miserably In life If I remained h farmer, but J knew, on the other hand, that J could not win professional success without working even harder. Well. I paid the price cheerfully” ”Do you think hard work Is all there Is to sure. v-w inning?” es. if the Work Is apidled to a proper career -a well-rhosei) one. There must Ik*. first, a tit selection Many persons work In the wrong direction. Men try to Is lawyer* when they should Ik* farmers anal farmers when they should Im* in som*' university rending law It is unfortunate Indeed when a man Is mistaken In his vo cation. But. assuming thnt tie h* chos en wisely, my rule Is all-powerful. I never knew any geniuses thus could get along without It. Every one whom I have ever met who has attain'd success In anything tells the na me story. The young man who sits and egp#*cts to have thing* come to him And* out hi* mistake soon Mis when n young fellow has a lnudabtc ambition ami bends hi* energies In that direction he is reasonably sure to win.” ”1 suppose |t Is m**re difficult for n young man to win hero than !n America” I said. ”1 would not say that.” was M Ixmi het's reply, 'for I am sure there are many opportunists In France. It 1* an old country, but there are always n*w open ings for ambitious boys Our Limoii* men disappear. a*l others must rise to take their p'aces There Is no country where tle chances for distinction are gr#**er Iti literature and art. while Ht mechanics new o|w*nlng* are occurring all the tlm* Every year. too. liter#* are more ad vant ages for |*>or loya. Here in 1 aria nn am bitious hoy can receive the best |to**fhlc 'ducatkei without rest, and there are chance* for persona) advancement which w* re unheard of vfheu I was a ly There Is hardlv any reps n wh\ a young man should rot prosper row . If he la ambitious and p*r*-evcilng and willing to make som*< sucrifl*es he will have no difficulty In at (airing a fair measure of success '* “M Loti 1s t gets all his giiodn# s* from his mother. ’ a palace depend# ui told me. •What a heart of gold 1* hers!” he ex claimed “Why, If anv tuan In .all I*' Marann ge*s hurt or a child has the croup there is that old r s wife on hand to aid and bring medlcln and be a mother to <ll the people ” Th * pea*ant w<mn la* become nlmo*t a* famou* the world over a* h r h*nor#A son. Kc<r< * lv anything J*#* I* *0 priular aa man who love* hi* m#>dhvr. That tnuchee the chord that vnak*a tha* world** h#ort* vibrate n uni *e If re* -*ll* Gar field In luguiatrd and k hi* mother, •nd McKlft • v the Babbalh aft* r nomina tion -*co ting hi* mother to the car ll M Lotilet’* f fthfr'i farm wa* railed “lot Terraii*c," ”1 am proud.” th.' I*rw- I it nt re *rtly raid, “of hiving b *en horn on a faim. and I hope nne d.y to gis back ih'r* It I* my foi ib at wl>h to cloa#* my la>*a amcnr my own peofde on the firm wh< re I wa lorn.” —Rev. Futher M. J Mamlle. C. K V.. preeklent of Kt. Vltteur'a College. gr •*. in., ASehrate) hi* illter julll* th other day- Tin re w** a large me ting of ih#. alumni followed by a banquet at which Fa the * Mar* lie waa ir#***tite.l with m puree of K.ftOu. the gift of the alumni - -NS. Y>fA y/y ////< tsf 'sa/uvjai Twice the price cou\l buy n bettor. LII'PMAN 11KOS., Savannah Agents. BLOOD? Tbfp 1 a picture of per* m>t mu .■ mine ruble by Shattered Dyspi-pela, the Blues, or any of the munifold di-run#emeata (f ' caused by weak or impure blood. jr L*V ' ®** e *" an| hition. f Af-AsAil * She iu bntidsomc. She la happy. ■ i,. Rich blood counting through her J eeiiiu maintains her magnificent flw ' ''* Ktf won-.anli.xxi, wtirdinif off the in | ] gag numerable (liscmm< to which a W ° mtl> H auacep* Pr\ r\ (LIPPMAN’S GREAT RFMEDY) is the ideal medi- Le cine for women. Ita use innureu health and theaub a | a | a atnntial nttrnctiveneas which health alone can be atow. P. P. P. is,he prenteat Blood Purifier known to l dicl science, curing all Scrofulous Affections, Dyspepsia, Rheums* tl£m. Catarrh, Neuralgia, Malaria and Nervous Derangements. . ,f. P. P. la Bold by all drnKKi***- fi a bottle ; sis bottles, $%. •] BROTHERS • f *Lirru*V i Savannah. Ga* JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes Kroan (hr moat rrlrlirotril mitouliirlurrr,, both hr,-proof ,i proof nlri and vaolt door,. Wr parr, atn ioimmar Hurt, of I’lr.-prnal t,lr.. Onr alack -m --lir.rn o vrrf rlrpool llor from TOO to 4,<MM> pound,. I.Flß.trr, .1 ng Ir nnd duuhlr dooro, nnd u t>ll to oor r.tnbllnhmont to In ,,rrt thrir rlpK.nt i.lf. will hr n o,frr of much pro*! nnd !■- ■ trnrtlon tn oar frlrnd*. Thr prior will hr na low na nnjr rrnllr f’lrr-proof *nfr rnn hr mndr, nnd oor motto la tfoolltp nnd Mnfrlp of thr Aral Import nil rr. Mrnd or mil on na for further pnrllrnlnra, ratalnpnr nnd prim,. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers * of Fire-Proof Safes. To Save Expense of Moving, we have de-olctto sell erritire* stock, of Furniture. Carpets, /Wat ting, Shades, etc., at slight ad vance above cost during; Sep tember. Will he- In store, i \2 Broughton, west, early in Octo ber w/lth a full and complete line. We* can fill any order Right Now. Call and see us at old Rost Office huildlng;. LINDSAY & MORGAN YOUR CATERERS. THE L IDA PALWtBT. *le Make* Two Mondr*l Dollar* a NN .ek. Harvey Kutherland In AlnslM'i. "Kb# ~ w la#ly with n pah* and a prf*- lierou* present Hhe make* about tW a week from the ••xer l*e of h*r ar*. Hh# h id prims of palm* all over her room, hut 1 did not f*k her for a reading, Because I had in my pocket a typewritten copy of ihe Him*' ‘spiel* that she u*e. Hhe go* from a. man whom my spirit-control* tell in#* wae once a boo Ma< k later a page in •he VTutted Btate* H**n<e. and a protege of a senator who |lv#*#l in one **,#. and r'prphital on*her H# h;* ptniee*! t. Ibe Miirmni rland now. but my cplrft-eon trol* *r-m 40 niy that he h.<<l red hair. Toe i-ag*’ fell upon evil ilme, nnd did a little race-track touting and hWlrailing He got to be doorlend* r for a p.tlmlet and obtained a copy of hi* spiel. If 1* v#ry eomplete In It* direction*. It beg.ns with? ttood-morn Ing; nice weathrr we r** hav ing. Ik* you wl*h u full reading'*” and go** on to the end: ‘Good-morning. Gall again.* In th.- ’spiel* the client wrpe* hi* name, parent* living brother -and ulster*, and h > wl*h on an ordinary pad. whose hot (cm end U held with a clip. The client tear* off the leaf puts It in til* pocket-book, and the soothsayer takes the pod. and Is iilled from the room long enough to read what the carbon paper two sheet* below ha* manifolded. Then the nrvKhaayer com# baek tnd tell* what the •plrp-oontrnU h ve told to the er#*i *- onishmnt of the elt#*nt. who knows he ha* his original writing in hi* i*:s k**' j The ’spier dot*n'l call him a client, j though In he directiona It aayf: ’Hand | the sucker the pad.* etc. j “The ‘spiel’ advisea that everybody be 1 SEED RYE. ononoiA skeo hye. BOUT HERN HEED RYE. TEXAS RED li. I*. OATS. HAY. GRAIN, KDOUR, FEED. FRUITS AND VEUETARI.ES. < TiEERK, KEANS. I EAS. W. 1). SIMKINS & CO. 1 ■" - mm*- t CUSS YOURSELF! / ! str*X I loffiiit for f tMo.\ I dM-1, •>.., 1,1 ft.m■.!!<„, L-r M y imnti'o or (Ml 1 - OFOMM. „f in n.kl,rua, i'~sl r ’*”*“ .nd n„ Minn Lu’-UT-HH.I UtwckOo. •■*•* i.'kooonn. V Act'Oiii o.r ’“J H.M UrnnM, V x. #.*- 7- 1 f •' n * • pi.'-* .n.n, t. m pr J t*f lF.ri. - Cucilw ml nn rnn# ...I*l that hn will livn to tv M ynarn old. *n tuil If 'th!- i)U<-kr* ■ onm anolh.r limn h will find wnrlrmutlou of hi- provlou* n idlnK Ttier- t. o.> d-tuurr, I) My,, of two ■‘.•miuirinu tno rnadlnan nnd *llnco\- , rln* ihni • tv*)' are Identical, het-auao If 1 hoy hid iiuf enough for that th*y would not an near (He m." —Alfred It- I. i Mkl fo hav' made mil lion* more rapidly than any other man. lie 1* euppoccd to be ihe rlcheat peraon In Ih" world, owna.arveral South African M" rnd !• Ini end t* oniy W yerra oid Hi* whole f 'lutu of waa made In twniy-nve ycara. and hi* Incomr t* ‘enough to mtkt ten new imUtoaairea • vary day. 5