The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 02, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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WRENN ADVISES MERCHANTS. ,u nil * <Ollll.ll HK T> UET ( , M ,.\> II lH null’ FAIR. Ilallroada •*•■ Tbrlr hrr. rhr , will lilrllr (hr Karat Üb. , r .ll, and ra* *• ,rat-Tfc*y Haic OI a < ••■••• Mai<-- Mbllr HrrrhaaH ami lloirl, M(l , r wade \ Anuiianrniiral. ,~ „f ala— Hmrofcaats *bnald Hrlp , ,1 ■■ I.rrai Ha of Vlallara and *bap|M-r tar Ihr Ta W aaka <l ,arnival. Col. %. B. rm p w. Wracin, pax.ongcr traffic ~... of the Plant Byatatn. h* M*ra ■ worktnjt l ip lHen.iuno- lor fain* v.ila thi. I aro Wrll worth und ho commando plana to Savun , , fmm that, a. ti. mon. would „• . , roault In a groat many vUllor* aarira hare next month to |\rtlctpata . .. pleaeure that will bo afforded hy Vv K. with tholr ani. at the o t me. apen.i their momy with mar , for all manner of good* ani aup tVtrnn la not merely pitting hack a i ia King Of eouree. he api>reelatea the . iu the railroad la to derive from ling the heavy passenger train.’ that re ,uo<l by the cnrnlval. and he ■< that everybody known he la tnter ar a rallwa< official He dea not , t others who re mtrnt'ol to bear ojnlen of inducing the crowd to He iiae outlined a gvetrm of advrr g that will < .at hl company heavily, . o iwlnted dodger*, hangera aO'l „ unot. he will add the auavlty and ad , , . of hi* traveling i>a**enger agent* i indue* a largo attendance. ■ ■Th. merchant* of tha city ahould not ~ i|Mie the railroada to do all the work t, .riling vt*itore here.' 1 aaid <’ol Wrenn , y arke.l ua for tale for the rarnl v iind wo gave them a low one Now ... ahould put thetr ahouliter* to the * and help get the crowd. It I* not i for mem to rxpeot the railroad* . ini* the entire burden, though he I -.t g>T official* are realty to do the r 1 VVO hftV! heard nothing of huslne** men r hotel* having cut their prior* for the ..nival The ratlroada redueed lhol r ,ii I eeem to b<- doing the work and r:i y the I‘gpoiifte of getting ihe . low’d the hotel* and merchant* are to get , r 11*1111 price* with a IllUe iroulde merchant* can help out th*. *th. m , Hi. and * much good can lie done the pcroiial letter* or circular* they ~i o il a* by all the advertising the rail p .**s• do. Y!#r< hunt* ihoul<) take* their lftifrr? write lo all their ruirtomor# in the try and *mall town* of thl* aeetiorf * !i letter* would have a great of ■ ion, e. aid lho*e who rece Ive* I them v .it |t||nk enough of the indention ex • .. t them to vi*t Savannah t accept. I. -tine from Nov. 5 until No\ IX. thi’ . rtr. il I* to la- given Ju*' at a linn when . farmer* ar. throuxh with lh’ rush of i otion harveat. and they are then t . m|y at leisure to admit of their get - t, . ■ ff for *ueh an enier’alnm. nt a* tin ■. !. nil** In fact, put to them prop . l > the merchant*, they would Jump < ' ance to romr to Havannah •r> should l ike hold w ith a .lilt work foi the *uree** of the car- Of course. H I* for the Kk*. but for the and for the entire city I ** wont get all the money that I* made. The men h*u* will come In • ~r .hare of It. The people from t nailer cities and town* and the will eagerly w.-lcom.* a chance to r buying In the city, and now Is a . to work up a great Mg crowd that a, , . here for two week*." sin: took in* a hat. !.. a Savannah Man InltTrulfd lh#* I'Naarnii*'*■ u I* min. \ 8 i varnish merchant, Just bi‘ k from h , Nt’W York, tells an interesting of an experience on crowd**) Hr ! train To give |*>lnt to the story n, . f \x> understood that the gentleman Sou hewer by birth and I raining- Tm 8 ivann.ihian was busy with bis .light- the clothes lines of house l ast which the Elevated hurn*n i,.> ntown and the flaring advertlsemcnt* t . i inU lllsh the rear walls not afford* * him very great entertainment. Ills .' ntion was attract*.). however, by the i ti 4 lad ■ • 1 ~v h ' •nt Instinct of a gentleman, one of i Southern type that does not care to ••i sitting while a lady slands, the Si inrahian promptly row with the pur- I ol offering hie seat. A . exotic of the Houthern cotton field, i •wever, had put in an appearance*. Mak u .-t low and offering his mat to . iiv the gentleman turned to fhdl im her where It was situated. Judge < mionishnvnt when h observed •t. ide e he ha l Just vacated with w of turning H over to the lady i ■ n vnolly a i propria led by a it. ii y-looking colored woman. ii i th gentleman recovered 1 the sho* k of surprise the Impudence gave him. he said: “Here, get i. > <u of that.** You gave It up." was the reply, the •• upon? sluing serenely In the There was that superior look about r * *t -temed to th gentleman to tv* ' f recognition of the section from tiled and an Intimation that I u w ..if p whitt tras i W IMAGINARY. ' 1 1M...rt..., Which I. by *hr Hc.ult of Imnalnallnn * .My many netvoua prop. .offer " -üble. ptiteiy ImiKtnnry, dUcu.i;. *M only in the mind of the , a "■1 >u,h Iroiihl.ii furnl.h fertile th quack a. well a. for faith "•I Christian Helene* treatment it. (her* la one common ami an dlwii.e which la In no aanae of i Imaginary and that la I'llra. ff' n-ra do not need a phyali tun to 11 what I* the matter; there la no > about 11. Neither will a simple Inlment cure It You cannot ie *' wufT.rar Into believing he la >1 becauae the |>alii and ItrhlnK h he huffen. la not imaginary •■I lie cured by Imagination. A ! "ly moat have unmistakable •huat reUava the tMln and core • ■”"* apacttly or u will be con " I "inn of 5719 avenue, "rite. "I Jrri Indebtfd to the .'ore a tlmuear.d tlnv. for ii lief and permanent cure of a * of pllee j a., cured perfect 1 " *’ cent box and more than thai •hree of the 1-vranud. left of I did not need to use • 'he l*t ram Id Pile Cure U the 'hlrqr of the atre and I shall cer •iiniend It to all aufferera. facturrra of the rvramld Pile perfect liberty to refer any and I will gladly anawrr any 1 am *o grateful for mi 1 tot all pile sufferer* to flr.d , teller.” *e the Pyramid Pile Cure tor box and aw It eontalna no t. •*'* or any polnon whaterer, la " ' ' "**e aid reliable. Most everybody knows something about Old Virginia Cheroots as 300.000,000 of them arc being smoked this year. Ask anybody about them, if you have never smoked them yourself. They have made their own reputation and their own place in the cigar trade, wholly on their merits. Three good smokes for five cents, and no waste 1 Three hundred million Old Virgmu Cheroots smoked this veir. Ask your own deler Price. 3 for 5 cents. * Z BEE HIVE, ■:g&Sk: . N. SCHUTZ, St. Julian and Whitaker Streets. Ladies’ Muslin Underwear in Abundance. Good material we l mad*. n *ly trimmed girments prtrwd lower than you ran buy thm elsewhere. laUdles" Muslin Chemise. embrold*r> an*! hue trmtn*<l . JAr laAdlri' .Muslin Chemi** #mbr*uierv yoke 23*' l#K*lteC Muslin round N#k* tucked, embroidery and riffle insertion loHieC Muslin Chemts*- tucked. i.~• rf!*.* 41 and emhroid* ry irimnnd 4f*c leAilitV Muslin Dmwers, tucked. plain hem lor Ladles* Muslin l>r.i*-rs. full wi*Jih. %%Ath floim. 21c MiiMo Drpr. with r.imbrl* tl*> •> ♦*. Isrt irlmmr-l Muhllii Dr.iVfiv, tu k**t. rmt*rouk > \ trfcmrnrat 21*' laadk ■i’ • amhrli' rmbn-lla l>**rs. tu<*kel irul ibroW©o' flounce I.ndlo*’ Muslin rcvrs. w 11 ma le, .. ’rti Ladles’ Cambric Cov s. V nr k #mbt hi* r> nnd la<*r- tnmrn-'l !*t Ln<liss‘ amt <Vk>r*d Mor#*#n I cor.lcti fVuncs ... tfttr laMdirs' Mrr criffd Satetn Vndsri'klm. in black ai>j solid cn|.>rs. tlnlshe<t with d<*cf pls?t-l flounce $'.45 closed to-morrow (Wednesday) on account of Holiday. # fum de Hotlth dat colored ladle* In rc vl*e*'tcrs nt th* No'th." “Yft*. I know 1 <SM, but It td give it to thtt lady “ Then the vuman tvot rt lug Fig wrath l*egan t< and * * ' L*nk here. <so yon know what w* w-mj l *t <> you if wo had you vrh* rr I * >m# from V* \\ would havig y*>u N*w >• g**t up out of that s*#at, do you lv* r Thi- 1 with rin ing I ml'otion. hut tic woman *tlrr*d not. Dui went *he arm of th*- gentleman. tid It i- • pretty ;*. oj. 14* caught the woman by th*- *duuld#r an*l lift* I h* r from th* .-eot - Madam*-. h*v> tn.- 4 pla- • lie mild ii bln niont **Mirtly ityle, turning to the lady, and th* scat was a * ia* I Th# oth-f pa-Rcngcr- m-env I to wonder what a<irt of a wil l m *n had i-**mj turned lom 4 ** among them. From th* lirft th*- l*rorccdlng had hr* 1 a Htratig* one for a Now Yot k elevate*! train t i wDn- and It Im am* * v# rt!Of:g* r 9 It progressed The culmination l#ft ihr passengers star ing Wl’cti th train arilv-d at *♦•• ’r‘t where th* Havanr.alilan wan t* alight, h*- went t*ra the door. The guard said "Well ••it - , I le t you arc from th* Houth. I want to nlak** Lands with you, if you don’t cnln*l.“ They etv-ok hands CHIMP HITE 4 * liHAHTHn. Meeting* nml ( ngtriulona • %Ylii*h They llnv# ll#e \ lit l*rl*r*l. Excursion rates on Ihe rertlfl' at** plan for ilelegat' s ntvi niemh# rs aitwuHng th* f*>4lowing metHlnga and e*nwntiona hove l>#'en arrang#*#! under th* rubs f the Houtheaetern l'a*> ng#vr Afiwciatlotl In lon V#*t<*rarih I’niuti En impmei.t a? i Woman'a Veteran Relief I rilon, Washing ton. D. <*, Oct. National A-isociat I*jki of Demo* ratio Flubs, guadr* ? nlal Con vention. Indianapolis. Ind., Oct 3-4; Grand l >K ig*-. F. A A. Aihlrta York Masons. Gainesville. Ida. Oct $-14; the ducka niauga and <’hat t.a nooga National Park Comnihslon Hneiety, Army • f tl# rum berlarw!, <2onf**derate Veteiana South. Na tional Aflaoclatton Spanish War Veter ans. t’hatianooga. o*-4 JLII. itmual meet ing Con* at# tate*l Older of 1100-Hoo. Dal Tex.. l>* t. !*-U. Woman's For* ign Missionary H*>c|ety, <lm innati Ifratu h, Fast Uvsrp 01, . o* t. >-IJ, Middle Georgia Baptist A- lat ion. kigtotiton. o<*t Bfotherlvo and *>f Ht. Andr* w. Ri*-hmon*l. Va. <>t. h*-14; luisviil* Hors*' Hhow Aa*> wtion. laouisvlt * . #* t. 1..-D. National Retail Carriage and Har ness Dealers Protective A- socUtlon. N-w York, Oct. If*-J**; annual meeting \n*M> an Oas i.ight As*>claU*>n, Denv*r. * t 17-3. Carollton Union Baptist A-wlah n, Tal )apo**a. G Oct. Is Mlasiotiary Coun cil |. K Church In 18 A. L vulsvlll*. Oct. 21-27*. G* >*rg!a Feleration of Women* Clubs. GrlfUn. oct. -Nov 2; Byno-l of Geoigla. Prenbyttrian Chur* h. Mill#*!ge viife oct ll*Nov 4. Houthw*- t Georgia Conference, A M K Church. Fort Gaines Nov 7-14. Houthern Hurgi*al and Gynecologh al Ass >elation. Atlanta Nov. 13-15; (ieoigla Chrl-tDn Mi-slonary Con vention, Augusta. Nov 2>‘2 ftOOD TMItEE LhFA. I*lnnl Sy.tem. !*.< I.Uir ’'nil It. ►. * I*. lalrri'H...' Th- (.a'l'ifr trjc n' of tho I’l.nt By*t< m. Iht* Atlantic ' Llii" in<l Uw Richmond. Fn dertekfborg iirl Potomac hav.. rnt.-T. 'l Into *•' ar-ro. nt by which milrasc ,h ' ** ,,er •* inter. hanK"'ll. A mile.*.- b" k I.hikM ■nvwhrr- nUmk th* line of U*r '■ yveiem in h ood on ■ • ntoj kn l on the Richmond. He lerk kabur* un Potw The uni. I'>k "HI frum Tinipu •> M mlxoimry to Richmond or Wa.htnktoii The asre.roefU lcame ef relive yealiTday In" rchaiweaWe mllea*e h look hn ardently de.lred hy thoae who *rave a ‘ .1 hy Ihl. .-a a. A ■ e,ai a-ree inriil of 1 road in H .th. .eie.n 11*i,t would gladden the °( ni men. hut. a. Cher, reemx to ■ no nroaoect of xettlmt that, they an- Joye-1 io have the thre line, mentioned akr.-e !o accept mllcae book, .old by any one “wlthlli the 1.l few week, there Pa. b..n quite revoluti n 111 the m*' l " ZZr tKiOka Not 1® elnoe the hooka rn,h7 at savannah old he u,.d 0.,1> ttpot, the line, t" *hk h .hey The S.wttd Air IJM mad* th* hook. B ood on the Seaboard |>r per. the ...orßlo anl Alabama and the Florida i rrtra< and P-nlnaular The Plant •y*‘ n -one Yhe SeaN.ard one tetter hy maktnir an Interchanaeahle mllev** aFreement with other lin*. MR. WIIIUKT Ik tillHhK. Men Plant Ryalem IHvl.lnn Snpeeln lead-nt *>abll.he.l In **• '<•*• Mr. W. H WrtM. newly appointed .u --perlntendent of the Ktr.t Dlvl.lon of the flant By,tn>, aaaumwl charge of hU of- THE MORNING NEWS: TEES DAY, OCTOBER 2. 1900* flf'c in Bavannah yesterday. Mr. Wright } *:* master of trains on the Hccond Division His promotion is to the position relinquished by MsJ. C. 8 iiadsd* n of Charleston who has retired after many years of service. Mr WrifN has ostablbhad his office in that formerly oc< nplcd by Mr W J Hay low*. superintendent of t runt* port at !<*n. who. in turn. ha- removed to ths nffi •* •hat ws occupied bv the general super intendent of ihr- Plant ftystem. Mr W It Denham Mr Tienhsm has lit- quarters to h upper story of the gen era I office building, occupying the rooms that were used by Vice President 8 H. Knott, while he was omnetel with ths Plant System. Mr. W. Huston, who was Mr Knott's hlef clerk. is filling that position for Mr Wright, who w .11 lmtn- Pter the uffsirs of the First Dtvlston from htiVfinnah, Instead of from t’h irleston. ss <itd MsJ. Hndsden. The other divlson changes snd appoint motifs became effec tive yesterday on the system. O. A A. KI(1 It SI on. l arge < rnnil Was llriaghf In Yes terday from lions the line. . An excursion of ten cars was run Into Atwntwh from s!nng the line of the 1 Georgia ord Alhsmw y**terlav, arriving hre enrly in ftw* momlng The business had been work*sl up well by the represen tative . of the SeitMxrd. and there wrie a large number of passengers. The rmr hsn’H mxi hotels nap a benefit from the visit of the excursionists The rAilrowd* have run many excursions during the swimmer and tlie businees has bet*) better thau in many years 1% CNAHGE <P TKRNmi.9. 'I r. Prank J. Kg an >tale Assistant INrlston suprri ■*nlent. The .ipiointment of Mr Prank J. Kgan a *-si-tsnt supeiintendent of the First division of the Central Railroad b> ame *fT'< tive yesterday, and h* sasotned the dutbs of the posit loti. Mr. will bo In charge of the Hivanmh terminals lie Is a son of President John M Kg an of th. Central, and has been In ffie mploy of the company for some three years Ms li i- !•n connected with the engineering, and th* general sui** rlnt* nd- nfs depart* m< nts. He has many friends w'ho will cungratukite him upon Ids promotion. Hates \\ 111 Hr the Same. Mr. J. C. liOrd, chief rate clerk In th' ptssenger department of the Plant Sys tem. has r* furred from the mass meeting of th* lin north and south of the Ohio river, ,nter* .-ted in winter tourist an I hone-seekers' rates He announces that tares corresponding to those of last sea son were agre*d upon They will te* cime effective o t 15. Mr <* W Murphey. traveling pasweng**r agent of the Houthern Pa*lrt Company, return* *1 yesterk*y morning from H*>u #on. Tex., and reports that the -torm rUHen |M>rtion of that state is rapidly re . overtng from demon I nation Texas and oil th** Southland (his season Is • xfe< ting a larger numb* r of winter visitors than UMutl. and Me mmptinv to meet tlw* de mand, has decided to operate Its famous tr ain. Bunset I.inured, trl-wc* kiy. com menting Nov. 9. tnr*UKa the season, in st* a*l <*( semi-weekly, as heretofore. The lUiltlmor** and >bk> has nlace*| the largest single or br for cars ever pin ed by any railroad *• >misny, with the Prsss • and Bte I Far F >mi**itiy of Pittsburg It Is for 4.000 gondolas and 2.000 self cl* aring bopprr cars of I<y ao p tinds ca pacity each The price was fl UK) |*er c* r or Hdfiff.fWO for the lot To manufacture them will require 100,00 tors of steel The . it; will be turned out and delivered ss toon as mad*.. The **m* company ha** also booked i*n order for 7k) cars for the I nlon Pa itlc and Fh for a road In South Africa during the week, the whols ag gregating over $7 W.aoo mid* WITH POLICE. Only * few Arreata Slndr I p to an P.nrly Ilnur This Morning. Th# business of the poilcs and the de tectlves yesterday was unusually Sight p.> much so thit only seven prisoners wrs reported up to mj-might. Annie O'Connell, asuf E-ins Herd, both colored were arrested by Patrolman T J Ferrell, on ths hsrge of having robbed a white man ol last Sunday The wo men are ntmtier* of the <letnl-monde an * Ist in Yams craw. Thr man went Into their houe* Slid While there, lost bis money They will be given a hearing lie for# the Recorder this morning. Ths other prisoners wars arrested on minor charges. AT Till’ TMKATtm. Holm#** mo Idmtrwbly I'rrftrntrd I'lim , Mr. <Vr*n ci* stlon 4>f th# .Vtfctl'# **®htr|o*k HMtnr I# >tt# of ih# most dcltchtfuMy iut#r*tsnii r 1 #n*r tsinlPK enartettrs trbieh rm>*|#rn lur# of ib# im'si riosttt years brought forth. *nl f or this reason If no ruber If m.Kht bM\e been e*|Ha'!es that the The ater vroukt ha\e been crowded lasi night up- n th* *v .'su*n of the firs* proecntatlon of (he p.a> in The aisliencc sa- n* i small one. |i *a Ifue. but It was < rrutnly nr>' l*ra as the play itcj-erted lv ser*ral thuiK operated nuatnsi th.** It s sarm iilulit lor on** and then tb* •*!mis sion |>rl wits but a dtJlar It t* hard to ** wh> It l*e .<**. hut It n** n n**\erihslrs> lo be .% i * *1 liwt for .* show to ha%e a irallv hl>; h*>usf ’kaat H n * -- ‘r\ to 'hatgc dollar iihl a half When ft * l< i> price is pul on |erforron lt ABBfii* t> tnsf!re eonfldeti'e m ihe theater KOin? ptiblli , t l**ast. t f**rt th* p**rforni uu*e. rennet imes. that confide iko is sn.iken arterw iri‘ There ah hardly boa rlotibf, thw the | !.ty wa * ener ill\ #nJoysl <•'•! ther* will i.4 he m*i\ bright#! *r Im ••♦ r i-mn this Th* lranntisiion s* been rlons hv Willi tm Ohlettr* •* master hand at that sort of work aod the rrtsult is one of the t ievercst and moji: refin** I m* that haa rst’cntl* •♦•* n pm* duefd ft her lor k lliltne.'. Is of conr**\ the main rol“ In the pj.*y. but it *!•*> i.ot over shadow *thrrs mo nu-i It never *ll*l b om** i !* ar that jhi kst >f paper** was worth **o mu h mon* \ and wh% so mar.\ (fereOfta * ioiiUl t*e braving death and oth*r thing-* t* * u;ie th* ;n. but th wa- but it minor d*ta;l ttf**-r all Th# plav is a |*r ihar one The curtain ri -and d* s. cr.ds upi. *a h a t in total darkness one Invariably watrhee an* I wait.** for the r“ jort of n pistol. anl the of . knife driven h'*m*\ but though there are pistol* ga.ore, amt knives too, the audh iu e is i • v<*r mad aviai* of thetr iktilh tse Anl this is oc.e of the brilliant str**kt'B of the Ist Tha* delightful sensation rvh h begins to t'..**>e through on# mt the lieginnlng **f th*- plai Is not allowed i b. brokrn I* verge# upt> tt lots of times but It never COniee It* A StiCt Another tiniqii** frtture of the play Is • hat lo\ • figures in it !#•>* promlnen'l* probably than it does in iny other plav that h-s ever be**n written In f * r t love ator> of Holmes and Miss Faulkner Is so vague is aim*.st to tw* unnotb * able. Th#* company is #ne of Frohman’s and* nil of the chara*'ters were cleverly hm dle*l Mr Cujrter Hasting* as ftrterlo**k Holmes, the cool, clever, farse* tn and eourageoua let* .-ti\* . wia • ellent. In* dead. Every role Im fad. .* well car rled and each and nil of |g > ompany Id their own w y . ontrlbuted largely to the splendid production. Mr '"bur's* Firm Ing who bad . minor rol# ha* many friend* in Bnvannah. number *#f whom were present nr the performance AI G Fields mftnstrets will be the •• traction ar the matinee to-day and to night. One of th* feature* of Fiekl * min strcle ia th# i .ai lini*** of thelt p*rforni nce A tribute may i*e |*ail Fie hi In thl-*** n ll# !*# not permit anything which an in the sllghieM *l# gre# shock or offend the fastdl*u He play* to a class of ihr a ter r#*#r* wh> par ronl*e few other minstrel entertain nimts Ladles go secure that they will tin*l nothing hut what I# clean and meri torious This hn a ways been hi? 4 r#.*ord a re* ord of which h# Is Justly proud, an*! whhti he can h*- d*pend*-d on t* main t.iin The long and menu wuleb he ser\**> up f• his patrons 1.-* fill#**! with dishea new and piquant bu* no* on# of them leaves a had taste <‘leanHoes* g*- hand in hand with enterprise and orlgi naiilty with Field T-morr>w nigM “The H* lie of New York" will Is- the attraction Trie part of Violet Urey, th* Halvation army las*. Is being ployed thi- a***n by Ml** Ueulah liodge w!m> i'* making de ckled Impression In the |art Mis* Inslg. Iteorw a striking resemhian*#* ’to h#r pre de Kdna Miy ai *1 it is strange *t* lucid#* rice that the two prim i lonnns w**r# schoolmates during girl ho* si days Bhe a comp.inUd Mis* Min - io I/mdnii are! urlersttidied the leading part during th* laondon engagement. If is stat**l Ihai ar on of the performan*-*w of “The H !!• when the stalls were filled with a brilliant audience. Miss Hodge apj-arM in Mi- May’s place a* Vlb*f Orey. and fh* change m not discovered but by few f the auditors, *#* complete and clever wi the Imiwraofiatioti. Charles Diokoon. who plays the •>-\nr rob* In “Mist.ikes Will Happen,'* which will he seen Friday night, is responsible for most *f #he play. It was hi** lng*ntu* brain which involved most of th* situa tions iK w# !l a :h‘* greater purl of the di alogue “Mistakes Will Happen" h been one of the greatest toughing ain .**.- that the stage has seen '.n recent years. II Al> % I,HE % 111 COST TOO HI ll. John f.rwddlck Explained %%! !•• Paid fur •• A Simple l.lflle light." John tJruddlck was on trial in the 8u perlor Court yesterday for assault n-l battery, the ime*-utor lMiig l>l Tllltnan. a neighl>r of the defen*lant Both m*n are white and tho trial was not entirely without Interesting f*a*tures. x The SHUslttfw to Tillman's fn e upon will-h the barge of a~ ult and battery was based, were Mid to have resulted f.orn Oraddick's ffst In the early morning of July 15 The trouble |t was clear, was Hindu* by Tillman referring to sonie hody a- m peverall)-iwlje.-f lv *•! liar, but there was • difference of opinion mi l evi dence In the mitt* r of the i*etHn to whom this J*xniiil eplthe? had issn applied t)rad*li* k clalme.) ihe honor for himself while Tillman end his remark referre| to some unknown person, vv no had made some It • orrect at* merit about himself an l r*rtaln chickens that ha*) Ih** n kill'd At any rate Oraddlck anoaphed him anl did It again IP re the evidence again di verged, there l*elng some talk of pistol* drawn by l*oth parties to the controversy tiraddlrk caught th*- ar of t #> jury wh* n he came to make his ata'em*nt * n the stand, "flcntleiwn." he - * Id. after r* tailing his version <f the d!fh ulty the Recorder rtned me five dollars for <lisor ib'rly < ondu* I. 1 hs*l to pay for iso war- DR. STEDMANS Teething Powders The la in on - Aid to Male and PainlcM* Tccthliiß. CM by mmihrrt th* u**et4 Sier f*r osa rtv V* vc* Dll. WTKPMAJf havlog epene*l a t*rmacb office In Amertee.<vnet4eraUy rwfueee the met of tt*eee jaxtly celebrated |smdere They are put up to ytliow wrap per* The trade mark, agum laocai. TRADE t* r, o every packet and on every pnvier wMrt move ie getmlne A packet rontattuns nine pmrder*. !# At y*ur druggis'*. or mailed pnstpaed ou receipt of price. Ssod for boost#! .Wefneoo't .Vuraery Doeior ’ Addreae 4. ii MvSAITKR. W wet Jekaeew at., ilewmteee. Pfclla . I*a. BoM hy 1.1 PPM AN BROS.. Sav.nnkh. O*. J. D. WEED * CO SAV ABRAM, OA. Leather Beiliog, Steam Packing & Host Aawit. (or NEW TORE WITBBKh VSi.TIN'O ANL> i’ACKINO COMPANX. Duffy’s Pure Matt Whiskey lha Won*• Famous Matficmaf Whir say. Tke onb aosalutely Pura Halt Wh<*kf ir tkr sorts o*er 7.000 Ooclara gretc rtbe and rercmrwnd it lb. W ’’.lard II M-rae, a liiitliirunli'*.! |i!;i*.ran of Nr* York, Amerlnm l'r. ter Biirea . of lister • Meiirs,aod a rotistiitrng hen* *: .f ii> its. rrim. ' CINK **‘->ld siaaMped si* rs<*h It ia i.l a v‘.is*oat p*itn*l cf trash,pnlem sud s-*p# 1 u*e It In lab.*ra tory work, bees- mm hjr It I get the tn<e pi.rst.*J, c ral etfert *f a purs liquor When r,ere*<*sr fopmurine. I wriUMhettame m fn!l. Instead . f writing ‘silts, fro tornti. (I would that ee*f | iit*> < ’sn dt.l th <• same All Unigalsts *i*4 *ro. en *>r hre*- m plain psrk ait' •?'■ tmtfie ktedh *1 Hukl*t *eol free Write aa lladt Mall Vthlakrt t o Ha. heeler. A Y. routs that Tl .man wore out against me am! f pai lmy lawyer sln I have already glNen up s2l foi a simple little light ai 1 never ua#*l anything hut tm Hat** “ t *o:rt un i Jun a* I ** . ; *!■ r\- smile I and th# verdict th. r* lt**r w.*- a foiegone conclusion. Th* to k *>n > < little while to niak* i not gudt)*. KolU’UOr • b*i* a! Osborne pr.>* ate ! for tlr ftwte. whlie tit•• defciidant was represented by Mi John B fit*hwarm MM AI. Plait SO > AI.. Mr U F. Vnen *l Atlanta Is at the flereven Mr M Pill >t llluffton i a guest of th# Pulaski Mr .? K Maner of Onifiett is a gtissf of the Pulaski Mr F M tlr.fhn of Oxf*rd i registered at the Pulaski Mi L II * i *nn f Seville Is register *1 it the Pulaski. Mr, T It Hlappey of Hagan is a gueat of the S* revn . Mr S V H**vt of Live Oak is register- Mr W T J* i kms *f ViTiha 1 reglsta ed at the Hcreven. Mr S <i lug of HaiHlersvtlle is a guest ol the 8. revert. Mrs Ashmore ha* returned front a Miinrner In Uetrolt. Mr. C. 1. fsis**on “f Jone** Island Is a of th** Hcreven Mr B IV llemhrt f Port Roywl Is rej; latere*! ai th** S reven. Ir r> E M- Ft hern of Daisy ts reg t'ercfl at th- He raven Mr VN II Collin* i Mt. Wrnon is reg istered at the 8< r* v n Mr *i A I*•well of Fair Illuff. N \. is a gtiesi of th* flereven. Mr Jose|hiis Camp of Hwainel>oro la r*glst*r#M at the Hen-vet; Mr. and Mu II c* WlUtama of Liberty City are guests f the Pulaski Mr and Mr* ft.*lert M Mack of Char lesion are guests of the Pulaski Mia* I*#*abouillons atri\ -i front New York la # nlgtil on the Knneas City. Mrs \V T Olheon orrlv*d frm New York on the Kansns City last night Mr. John R Sharpe .f Balnhrktg# Ot r#glater#d at the Screven yester*lay. Mr Jhn II Wrignt has returnenf lo th* city after :t pleasant visit to Arluvtta Mr. O M B*rung w.* . pa* enger on the Kansas city from New York last night Mr. John 8. Keane of Jacksonville wa* among the arrivals at the H< rev# n yesier day. Mr J K Young of Valdosta was among th* arrival** at the Pulaski yester day. Mr P It Bcrtr.ett nt Hague, Fla . was among tlie air Pais at the Hcrt-ven yes’er la y. Mrs. J. K Ful:*n an*! Miss J Fulton retiiffi#*#! yesterday fiom C’ltatta nooga. Tr. Tht#* N Baker of lliggston was im*nir the arrivals at the 8- reven yes terdoy. Mr and Mrs II A M* lot* hern and iiklren of Way* ro .> at* guests of th* Hr* veil. Mrs. DeT Bhackriford and Mister F 8b a eke I ford of Cumin rland at* guesta of the Puiaekl Mr and Mrs. Frank L Pickering W-ft via the Central last night o visit relatives in Memphis. Mr and Mrs L C Downs have re lurried to the city after epemiing the sum rner In A Hunt a Jristb*# M N uightln was among the pas s*-ngers on the Kanawa City from New York last night Hey. J L. on*! Mrs. ffcully were pas *ng* rs from New - York on the Kansas City lust night. Mis* Hautll 11 ils h**lni*r has return* and from a summer at Taliuiait Falls and at llendersonvlll#', N. C. Am*.Mg the piiaaengers of th** Kansas 'day last night were Mr and Mrs K. A Wefl, and Misses J. >in#l It, Well. Mrs A Khrli *h, Mr M J Khrilch. an*l Mis- Marie Khrilch arrived from New York on the Kansas City last nigh* Mr and Mrs C M Gilbert. Mr H J Oilhert and Miss Mary Bell Gilbert were passengers on the Kansas City last nigh* M*-er*. W. T McGU*hsn. w M Brad |ey, and G P Morrow of Pembroke w* r * ammg th# arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Messrs II F Powell. C. H Hmith. M M' *nd J. H Woof ten of Towns s**iv am*r*g th# guestt of th* 8* reven yest*r day. Dr. II 8 CoMlng will leave for the North to-day on rh** N* no he. tm his re turn he will he accompanied by Mta Co|#l- Ing an*l children. Mr and Mrs. A Ferst and Master II Ferst, ills*# M* - ’•r* A M an*l I. Ferst. were pa-*# ngcr* on th* Kansas f*!ty from New- York last night Mt- Chris J Melvin, who has been spending the month of September at 'ldiomi*-t**n. Ci '**!. curly h•* returned to th# city mu- h improvwl by her trip Mrs lul> M Warfkd*l a**l Miss Wf Held, who rm< ved to ltablnv>re fr*>m 8a v.mnih nearly two years •* have re urn #**l to thi* *ity. and will r*H<it on Ifwher sham st*'*t. n*ar 's*ion. They left many frlenls In Savannah, who regretted their departure fot Baltimore, aial a I will Join in welcoming them hack. tin mhi:\iiif*. Th# steamship D H Miller. Capt pe. ters arrived the morning a' 2 o'clock, from Billlmore. I linin Letter a-lie#ne Art* M.2?1. The city Exchange #ub.- rlptions to the tlalveaton fund to date, of the Benevolent Association and other sour**#*, amount to 95 Contributions are com ing in rather nkwl> now. th** only one re ceived yesterday bring sti.2f from Jilts NVllte OppetJiHm. ohtalne*! by mni of - hail) letter It ie probable hat on Mavor Myers leiurti fr*m New York hi list will b# * lose.l and the amount In hand forwarde#! to <*av*ton. An a-Mittonal small contribution from Ht- Stephen's Eptacopal Church, through ’hv Morning News, ia Uwiuded in the fund* A FESTIVAL OF STYLE. The new >;oods now arriving in our store rooms are models of style and fashion. A visit to Kckstcin’s is an essential part of cnrrrO! Itfi in Savannib! Always “Hie Best Store ” Roeckl's Famous Kid Gloves. The Celebrated Munich Glace kid Gloves are here again! Only to he had at Gustave Eckstein & Cos, Korckl’s kid (.loves lor Lillies, in Rtaik, Wink, Pearl, i.rars. Stales. Mmlet.reens. licds, at and SI.SO. Roerkl's Soedc t.loves fur I. lilies, Kiark and (.rays, SI.OO. Roeckl’s kid (.loves lor Mis>es, in new colors SI.OO. Ladies’ kid (.loves ol a very superior make, 7S cents. Glorious Black Gross Goods. All the ‘‘Celebrated Makes” ar • represented here! No room for Shoddies. Our stock is “The Very Best.” Inlanls’ Silk laps, new and dainlv "Ik to 12.00 imams’ Silk Konnets. wink and lanty $1 to v.SO imams' Hand knit Sanines, all sios lo $1.50 Infants'Hannel Saoines, newest styles $1 lo $2.00 Inlanls' Shod and I'loakN 1 Oitln; Sacqtks 25c Garments at Half Price. Ladies' Suits and Jackets, also Misses' Keefers, selling 1 half price and less! Take advantage and buy now. hie lot Misses' Jackets, a gilt at $2 50 Fine lot Ladies’ Jackets, a gilt at $5.00 Superior lot ol Misses' Jackets, now SLSS Superior lot of Ladies' Jackets, now $7.88 Ladles’ Tailor-made Smts at $5.41 and $7.88 SILKS! Sint DRIVE AT 59c Black Taffeta Silks, Peau dc Soie, Gros Grains, Satin D'jchesse, Bengalincs, Armures! All new! $3.00 White Blankets now at $1 HO $5.00 White Blankets now at $3.40 (>oc Wool Press Goods, drive 39c SI.OO Wool Dress Goods, drive (>9c $1.50 Infants' White Dresses at SI.OO GRAND STOCK “TABLE LINENS” Mail Orders receive prompt and careful attention! Store remains closed Wednesday on account of holiday. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. Jb mrft wEPt 1/a/t . yyotMJcv, r /£/J^ Twice the price could buy no better. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah Agents. To Save Expense of Moving, we have decided to soli entire stock of Furniture. Carpets, /V\at ting, Shades, etc., at slight ad vance* above cost during Sep tember. lA/111 he- Ira store, 112 Broughton, west, early In Octo ber with a full and complete line. \A/e oan fill any order Now. Coll and see us at old Post Offioe fc>ulld!n*r. LINDSAY & MORGAN YOUR CATERERS. An Open Letter Jasper Springe, IMr| Savannah. 7, imio. t oluuiltla Krii* ( nmpaar. savannah, (ea.t Oatlrnra-1 hat* been Buffering nllb Chills and hm (or morn than Ihrrr months. Hava fcfrn under treatment of several doctors, tried ■eteral ■ii-ralletl (hill Toalra, none of *rhlf<h hcnelllrd imp. lnal I trad one hottle of vour knllh'a t It 111 nod Kaiar Toritr, find within three data I (all uiurh brttrr, and after ■■aina the second hottle I am nlad to aa > I am rnllrelj- eared. I write this an that )oa ntaj hr able <n Inform others who nta> suffer and aaanre them of a enre. Verr tralr nnra, t signed > hikiiy TtiEn tH. OLD NEWirArERh for r oar’* at (iualosaa Office Morning Nswn, Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Trxa* Hu,t ]*roof o*. CoaxNralMff nj, Cow K ev<i. Hiy. Oraln, Bran anff Frrrl, of all kind* (or alork and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Trlaphonr 22J. Ilk Bay (tract. wat. W. ROSS (jRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Aqent, RtILUtY A*D Mil.l, IIPPLICI, rrovldant KulMlnc. Bavamtab, Oa. •—■ 1 ■ - rG/-CM!E liJmwf IMUCIION. A PERMANENT CURE of tfw root iihatlnat- caw<a of (tooiwrhwa ofl Olart. r.aran.oM In from a to <1 dar,; an nlk-r InutowM rr*|utwd Hold by all <lr i(gt**a. old NKWBPArirns. mo for ■ cssta m {Justness office Morning Nswa. 7