The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 03, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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SPOT COTTON UNCHANGED * vialtKF.T rUMM (fftlET *T Wl'f llttH PH Kit*. Col to a Kilnrri o 12 i£i Points. I>ar Largely i WiiUfrmr Demand and Faoinklf Wfilbrr •I urpriiiinr Mridr at T t'aata. Firm md Ini luiinvit-1 - ,„l and TrlrariMhlr Market*. The Morning New* Office. Tuesday. Oct. 2 The cotton luturc# miikct closed steady to-day at a decline of 12 and 22 poliun. Tltlp due largely to the tnudcrulu de mand for lottott lor export, nnd more fa vorable weather new* The local *po; market dosed quiet and un hanged, with a lair demand prevailing. The day 1 * re , eipta were 13.3U5 Bale*. The spirit* turpentine market opened tom at 3fi% cents* and closed steady at 37c. Sales of a .onsideiable lot were made at toe opening price, but transaction* were moderate at the closing The roam kn , lowed 11 rm and unchanged with no transactions reported. It Is currently talked that sales ere being made right along quotation*. The following resume of the different markets will show the tone and quotations at the closing to-day: I'OTTOV The cotton maiket closed quiet .ml un <hangd to-day. with a fair demati i pr*- culling, Bales oil the *|iot were 33.* loti-a The reeeip s were 12.2X17.. against 10.717 last >ewr. and 13.9k.'. year before last God middling f. o. b was from 1'", to iVi*. The offering* were said to be free The in I Ins lion of holder* was to ask better, however. and the chance,. aie they will hesitate übout doing mu< h business extept at what they believe to be the beat obtainable price*. The following were the official apot quo tation* a> the dose of the mrrket at the Cotton Kxchange to-*tay. ~ ’ ' | TWsI Last j day. ! year. texvl middling b' 6 1-> 7 Middling 10 t-lff l*>w nuddling lU-KHS flood ordinary i 5% Mnrket. quiee, rale*. SJS. Havannah Receipts, Exports and Sli* k.. Receipts this day 17.305 Reeeipis thl* day list year W. 715 This day year before las' 13.905 H. cipts since Sept. 1. IffO 19*.5*7 Hume day lest year 112,934 Coastwise exports 1.777 Htork on hand thl* day ff"-785 Ham* day lost year **.*74 Itecelpt* and ffsocks at the l\iris — Hecelpla thl* day 5**49 Itecelpt* this day last year ••• 47.241 He elpts this day year before last.. *.'.750 Total receipts since Sept 1. 1900 . 714,00* Same time last year *91.132 Same time year before last 1.1*2.749 Stock at all port* 10-ilay * XX>.2o* Stock same day last year *97.29* [.ally Movement* at Other I‘orts ■ yalveston- Firm; middling. 10: net re celpia, *.391; gross. *.391. sale*. 177; stock, 67 I*s New Orleans—Quire: mld-ttlng. WV; net receipts 25,(01. gros, 24.272. sale*. 2.250; sock. IS2.9*V Mobile—Quid: middling 10; net receipts. 2.4*1; grows. i,491. sales, ;*>. stock. 9.n26. t'harlewlon-yulet; middling. 10; net re -1 elpt*. 1,581; gross. 1,5*1; sale*. 75; stock. 23.054 Wilmington Firm; middling, Iff 1 ,. net receipt*. 4 341; gross. 4.241, stock. 39.553. Norfolk-Steady, middling, lo*,. net re ceipt*. 4.0*6. gross. 4.096; gales. 432; stock. 19 *94 Baltimore —Nominal, middling. 10*4: net receipts. 2ff). grosa. 7*4. stock. 1.479. New York-Dull: middling, lb*.: groas receipt*. 7 470. sales. 115; stock. 30.252 Boston—Quiet; middling, 1"'. net re elpis, 3*9: gross, 764. Philadelphia—Quiet; middling. 11%: stock. 1.225 Dally Movements at Interior Towns— Augusta—Firm, middling. 11 3-1*; net * —'*4pfs, 2.9**, grosa. 2.9**. sales, 592; Mock. M 40* Momphla—ffteady; middling. 10%: rte> re ■ .pta. 1.M6; gross. 2.224. sales. 4.210: stock. 12 435 St Lout*—ffteady; middling. 1H; net re retpta. 99*. gross, 2.647. a.lies. 732; stock. 16*8* Cincinnati—Quiet; middling. lt)%; net re reipfa 912; gros*. 912: stork. *.*53. liouaton-Firm; middling, in. net re ceipts, 26,538; gross, 26.538; talc*. 708. stock, 34.927. Louisvltle—Firm: middling W*s. Export* of Colton This Day.— New Orleans—Continent. 611. Mobile—('oast wise. 1.350 Savannah—Coastwise. 1 777. Charleston—Coastwise. 90U. Norfolk—Const wise. 2,19)8 fv>s York—Continent 2.58* Boston-To ttreat Britain, ff'J* Total ftarelgn exports front all ports *hls day To Oreal Rrltaln, 63); to the contl nen. 8.3*9. Total foreign export* from all rot 1 * Ihur fsr thl* week; To Oreat Britain. 25.817: I|, France. 21.*37; to the continent. 112.610. Total foreign exports since Bept. 1. 191 T.p Ur-at ltrltaln. 13*.171; to France, 45,- <ty. t 1*1.451) COTTIW. The week s receipt* were *53, against 3.- 119 Ins* voor The sales were .'<M. against 2IF last year. Prices about as follows: 4 rirlitat (grades received) 21€j23r Fancy Georgia* Jh 1 Exm Choice 2044121 c. Fancy and Extra Claolre (leorgla* are th* basis of quotation* Some old cotton was -old below the above price*, but 21c 1" given as the actual price of Fancy and Extra Cho4fW Georgia* It la unusual to re elve Florida* at thl# season, but some of these grades have been received and 2 122. i>#ld The receipt* are so short o' ’a*’, year, and advices from the Inte rior r. so exceptionally bad that these Ptbes are regarded as reasonable 6'7. to the continent, 193.659. t OTTO 9 FI TANARUS! IIB*. The Market Closed steady at 12&1456 Point* timer. w York. Oct. 2—The cotton market o; 1 ed steady at a decline of 12 points, ' *■ shies being disappointing and early * > t* - i*> ntin* to large receipt* Lnter r i b* were more favorable and the move n • r.t f ,-otton hardly Justified the early c*r- Muons. Buying became quite gener ' n*pb uoualy for Wall street a count. " 1 r rt-o moved up 2 to 4 point* from ' • petting Again the feeling turned eaa r 1 ' 4 business dragged In anticipation ! bureau report. Thl* sal reepond -111 advance of 21j.l points, after ® il h the market became positively weak I r t-uewed bear confidence. Price* ' )kc from 9 56 for January to 9 75 for that I ’ttion The trading was of a local char *ur H< pert* from the ffouthern apot ' l fk- t showed a le# aggressive a- mand 1 rather more disposition to aell but no " " The run of private ctop gossip 'lvorable There was considerable ll the afternoon on the Idea that ' ‘fk*t had been overbought The closed steady 12 to 72 |*olnt* net 1 IlfTl 4TIO\ <8 l> 4’ITI IIE*. , ) N ' W 5 "fk. Ocl. 2.—Cotton futures open , ’ "ly at the decline und closed sgeady. "I*n 'High Low. Close 9 88—9 9.78 9"~uT .. ■ fy 9.86 I 9IK i 9.77 I 9.90 a!" 985 j 89 I 9.76 | 9.81 ,| 9*2 | 9.83 9.81 | 99) 7 1 9*B | 9 8* . 9*3 1 9*l I 9.83 j 9.87 j 9.81 J 9.51 MURPHY t CO., INC., Board of Trade Hufhllni:, Savannah. Private leaatd wlr* dlrtxt to New York. Chicago and New Orieana. COTTOJI, ITOt V.N %M> DRAIN. New York omcc. No. il ttrikidway Oflu-ea In pnnnpal cliiea throuirhout the WrMe for our Market Manual and book containing instruction* for traders Au<uat j !.74 9.74 9.G9 9 72 September ...j .... j .... .... j .... October .w... lu.3t K> M lo.w | io. NovamlHT ...| 10. OS 10.04 9>* 993 licccmbcr ...| 9.94 9i j97t \ 9.^ MV Eft pool. nnioN ii ti luv Uvcrpool. Ocl. 2. 4 p. m.—H|ml. rn9.|i rat - bußtneap; prlc*** at- idy; American mll • lliittc. t**<l Th* ml(>r of th. day wer< 7 - "W ba!***. of w hlch !<** xwrc for ►p cu- Utlon and export and in -luded Am arlran Futures opened quk t and>. American n>id<iHns. 1 m Oci>U*r. S.tld. cHlcrii < H'totOT'Kovcmher. jy | J 44J. buyers; Novemt*er*l h nu.*i. i 7%i k:ci*|. buyers; Decern her-January. 6; id. sellers. Jantiary-Kihruary. S ►. u er*; K. brur> - Mar. ti. . lu|. eellern. Mareh-Aprll bJ9fio.2td. seller-; April- May. .V.M buyers; Ma>-Jun* S J.l. . • ll ers, Juii-July. -4*l, buytrf*. Ju!>- Auginil, ;j.l. se|lers. New Orleans. Oct. 2 —Cotton futures i loeed au a*i> ctober 9.77<i9 7H February ~..9.*t|9.d2 November i*4 Man h V tL’ti9 •< Dic'mler S9 April H' i :* *4 January ... 9.Xn9May t 63b'* d4 t m roN i iin. New York, Oct J.—Hubbard lire* A Cos. say: Kuio|e ll*t not ih|9onl to our ad* vanco of yesterday fhouKti maintaining . wld** |*arliy above the Amerl< m n.rk* t n ihlin* • xport* is to ship and lender In laiver|ool at a profit. Out mark* f ha- ut times shown great tv* akn • as th* hedg -* from exporter.- cairn* ui*on the market which has lMN*om* long as a result of the bad crop report* given by the govern ment This allowed the poi-iitnn of the lo cal market had • hanged from king t •* iowest to Uing w>u <Hi a pgirity with th*- Houih rn markets espe tally for huh gra !*•* whh’h are close to . price to t which they can be bought here Trad* t are il|*|iom and to buy on every w ik s;*ot because of our snwill stock and the •Un ger of frost. New York. Oct. 2 Murphy A Cos mv Cotton In Liverpool after advancing icai led and stands at the chs# I*4W lo 2-Aid tvlow yesterday's prices, near months showing th- most d* lln\ This market oi*ene| t>out ten points low r with h* \y trTAlulng sales, partlcul r|v months, for Houthein a -ount. After Hr?*f hour of th** session market rul'd steady owing to absorbing demand de pits liberal receipts at imrt- pointing to about S3>.nno this week, ag ilnat 227.0*> last week, and 2K2.OUJ ►.ne week a year ago The wt.ifber bureau will Issue Its last weekly report about Ipm to-day and It may have worn* Influence on the m rk**t If very bullish In tone. Heavy receipt* and continued favorable w* ath* r over •h* > belt may cheek speculative buying but '•* will revive on any Indication of bad weather or prospect* cf early fr>>st The monthly bureau is expected intbe bullish Cotton since noon was raide*i by the hears because the weekly weather report from Washington, though bullish In t*ne. did not attract new buying It admit.-* to rapid progress In picking but also Inti* maieo it will be over unusually euily. In dh at mg small top r|*. inn uoihm. New York. Oct. 2.—The chief feature of 11he market to-day bus Iwen the advance of half a cent per yard in Fruit of the Loom and Lonadale 4-4 bleached cottons. The trad* has xpedted these advnn* es for some time past There has been no change In the of the general demand, business being quiet In nil lines. Prints firm at previous prices. Deinms an* oc casionally advanced **o to 4*e per yard Olnghams 7in* hanged. Print cloths qutel. but very firm. NAVAL ITORWI. Tuesday. Oct. 2. BPIRITB TFRPKNTINE—The spirits market opened firm l*-dy at 18% cents, with sal* -of I.l*B. and cloned steads at 37 cents, with further sales of 17.* The demand towards the dosing was fair, though it was not as brisk ue It was during the early part of the day. and for a tlm* after the dosing on yesidJiy. Th* day's receipts were 1.879, and the ex ports. 4:* ROBIN.—The rosin market close*l firm and unchanged to-day. with no sales r* - l*nrted For the past two days there has been a strong undertone to tlie market. ,nd current repot is hav e it that sales are being made right Hlong on • basis above quotations The day s receipts were 8.- l.V* and the exports 9.N97. Prices as fol lows: . .. A. B. C *1 > *k; E 1 35 M 1 <*" E 1 41 N I 1 4 5 W O *<►) H V. 1 45 W W 2 3 , |{r.-p||>i* Tuesday— Bplrit*. lt'**tn. C R. 8. A. * •> Siearnsr Day * Kxpnrl* Tu'-ndny— 8. 8. Birmingham. N. Y. .... 190 1.1C7 Nor. lurk 14. D. MHrrlf .... , Roilerdam Aua Prl*. Zenit. Trieste.... ,W l.** l " Naval Flores Statements— Splrlty Ho*ln Stork April 1 IS* Receipt, to-day , - w * f Receipt, previously 731.2*8 518,9*1 Tot*! alnce April 1 234.364 667 646 Exports to-day ♦*' Export* previously 198.1 W 519..16 Export* alnce April 1 193.544 539.613 Stork on hand to-day 41*20 12*.n33 Slock on hand same day l*V year 29.825 148.188 Wilmington. Oe- 2—Spirit* turpentine steady. ; receipt*. 25. Ho*ln steady. *1.10lD; receipt*. 7. Tar firm. *1.40; reeeip**. 65 Crude turpentlno quiet, ll.lAfI3.10; re- CSlplS, 1 (ft New Orleans, Oct. 3— Receipts Ko.ln 221 Barrels; turpentine. 62; expirta to Ilk van* resin I'l Barrel* Charleston. Chi. 2.- Sidrlta turpentine drm. 364- asked Rosin steady, unchanged. FIJI IH'UI* MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up I with the supply. ! FOREION EXCHANGE - Market weak. Commercial demand. I six ty day. 4*04; ninety days t C l -: francs. Farl* "and Havre, sixty day*. . Swiss, stxty dav*. 5 264: Belgian. 5.24'3: mark*, slaty days. WV: nines* aßv *8 43 .V -1 Ax' DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; hxnka are buying at !-! discount and sell ing follow* 825 and under. 10c pre mium 825 to S3O. IV premium. to *U. *oc premium *IOO to *3H 25.- premium; *2tw to I.oou. Pr. Il.ff*) and over. I-I6 dIa "sKCI'RITIES—There Is hut little rlnlng now— money ruling close. Quotations con tinue rather nominal ntnrlss. Bid. A*B Augusta and Savannah R R I l * JOHN W. DICKEY, Blorlx and Rond Broker. AlGt BTA, 04. Write for Llat. THE MOKMNG NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOHEH 3, 11)00. Allan' i Atul WfM Point 124 IX <k> |s r cent tfrt.fl tiic* .107'‘i WJl’a August.v Factory k> W Fltlxcn* Punk 4XO Chatham Hunk IG9 1 * llOVi Fhaihum U K. A 1. Cos., A V** tlo Uo It . iS 1 ! P 4 Fagb and Phoenix Mfg Cos.. ..10ft ISdlaon Klwirli Ilium 106 i Knurtiriw Mfg Cos w* U 2 | UcrtiMinla Hank ..1 29 121 j licorgl* A AUb imu 2i 27 1 Ccorgbt Railroad, oimmofl 210 21i i (Iranlfcvillr Mfg Cos Ititl I*6 iJ. I'. King Mfg C 0..... I‘*) S i Langley Mfg. Cos 117 120 Mcrchtin National Hank ill I National Hank of Savannah . 145 156 I Offkihortx 1 Saving* mul Tru*t .109 110 People'* Saving* und an .101 Htt SouthW'c.sitcrtt Railroad Cos 107** Savannah Gant Light C> 214 Smith* rn Hank . ...166 165 Savannah Hank and Ttux: 114 116 Sb*l-v Mfg Cos. Augusta. .. v> 90 : Savannah Hrvwing 65 100 Honda. Bid Ak Cbar . Col A Aug lat &a, 1960 ..Kg 106 Atlanta city 4a. 1622 '.104 104 Augusta city 4*. 1627 lu6 107 *l° 1926 110 111 tlo 7*. 1603 .606 lid do 1613 119 151 Ala Mid . inii’d. 192*. MAN 9&4 l‘b Augusta Factory. t per* 110 ltruiMNw lek and Western 4a. IfHx . 81 Ki C R R A Hanking collateral 62 63 C. of <} Ist s*. 50-year gold. 164;’> F A A 119 121 C of Cl. con. &u, 1646. M a- N 62 6.4 C. of t* Ist incomcf, 19k* XJ 4<l do 2>\ Im om* •*. 164i 10 11 do 3d Inoomcs. 194.** & 6 C of ti. <M. tl. A A Dlv> sj*. 1947, J. A. J 60 614 C oft; (Fat on *Hr anch), us. 19J9. J A D. 63 94 Ct> A Suburban R It Ist 7a 106 110 columhu* City 6a. 194 144 107 Charleston city 4s. 1646 101 I*3 Ktgle A Phoenix Milia Os,. 1928. in* 10a Kdlaon Fleetrlc Illuminating tia I**4 10* Enterprise Mfg *a. 1900 102 Wt flaorgla Railroad 6*. Itio 114 116% <i H A b 1646. J A J .111% 112% Georgia A Alabama Ist b*. 1646 I**4 1* Georgia ante r.%*. 193*>. J A J 107 *lo 3t*s. 1615. M A S I*4 100 do 4%a. 1915 117 118 Menu city 4a. 1910. J * J ... .114 11* tlo 4 1 a 1626. Jan par lt/7 106 Gc*an Steam.-hip 6a. 162*4 106 1 ( 0 Savannah * Ity sa. quar. Csctober. 1913 110% 111% do *-, quar. N\>v ember. 16U.1 .. .106% 110% Bon I h Carolina state 4%a. 1933 .110 UN Slbb-y Mfg Cos. 6s. 1903 101 106 South It**l*ll*l 6w W'-i W S., F. A \\ gen tm ge. Ha. 1964. .125 124 d* do lat sa. gold 1934 110% 112% do St John lMv 1M 4a. 19M 94 6* New York. Oct. 2. Money on *ll firmer ar per cent. Prime mercantile pa per. 5R% per rent. Sterling exchange w*ak with actual bllla. 64 56% for demand, and at 64 81%a 4.81% for sixty dgye; pouted rates 64 4 82% and 4lkh4 55V.. *>mmer* lil bllla. •4.66%U4.*1. Silver certificates. <H|66V. Bar silver. *vt.. • Mexican dollar*. She <rovernment bonds were steady. at*t*\ bonds were ina<alve, an*l railroad bonda were strong. 9TOCK* %Ml H0N166. I nfaxorable i hnna<* In Strike On!* look ( auara Hen % in*-***. New York. Oot. 2 -The proCaaalofial movement to advance price* which was the conspicuous f* atur of yeaterday'a atotk market, waa not In evlden**c to-day. The promoters of the movement le6lled from buying ato ka on a large scale, and during th* latter port of the lay they r*-- fraitied altogether from supporting the market. There waa no formidable ael lng pr**a aurr at any tim**. an 1 the decline at the last was on very light dealings. Imt the market proved so soft that at the doer* n number of prominent stockf *how**<l net k-‘-ex of from 1 to 1%. with the tone 4ieavy Fnlon Padfle Itself, which waa made the center in yesterday's movement for the advam e Is a point lower on the day on much smaller dealing*. Th** s*ev'k nevertheless retained its prominent place In the dealing* The extreme dultrf** of the market at th** decline seemed to favor the bull party. *r> that th*lr change of pol icy was the mor** difficult of xplunatlor. Th' factors upon which they relied yes t* nlay to help the advance continued in for* • for the most part of to-day. Pos sibly the unfavorable apect of the pio poM*i coal stnk* settlement hod assum*d a rather m>r* poaltlve phase to-dav. and Lackawanna and New Jersey Central sored sharp declines ihough the number of shares transferred was so -mall as to deprive ih< changes of nil significance. The only Incident of the day which re sembled aggressive action by the bulls was th#* marking epuf railroads controlled by the Vanderbilt, or afhUit**l Inter ests. The rate for call maney held at yes terday's high rate and perhaps-disappoint •tl some exp* latlon that the rate then w * due to passing causes. Including pay ment* dm*, amounting to over 6fi.<vx>.oon on subscription* to new lialtlm**ra and Ohio stock, which w• underwritten at NO The payment of government Interest at the sub-treasury brought some supply of money to the market. Hie'rling exchange also continued ! downward course, and the imsted rates were another %c lower lolloping yesterday's %c reduction. The eqaunimliy of the foreign money markets In face of the threatening approach of exchange to the gold Imitortlng point finds no adequate explanation, hut foreign twnker* adhere io the view that gold will not cegne In, In spite of to-day'* further decline In discounts, both In London and Berlin. There were tome marked advance* in price* of bond*, hut the market was not active or very broad. Total sales pat value $626,000. F. tv bonds were unchang ed in bid price- Total sale* of *to ks to-day were 155.- 4* shares, including Atchison preferred. 7.765. Chesapeake and Ohio. £.825. Northern Pacific. 14.£V>, Reading first preferred. 7.lJ*>; Paul. 7.8£0. t*n!on Pacific, 21.867; Brooklyn Transit. 8.125; People’s Gas. 6- 160; Sugar. 18.635. New York. O* t 2 -Standard oil |5 34%fr 5 2514. New- York Stock IJet Atchison 57* do do prf .... 77H do prf Wo Wabash ..... ... 4>, p A ff*'* do prf 17V ran. P w * u K f a „ go N* 1 do do 2nd prf iPt fa (1. 2T,’4Vl* Cen ... 11 ft; iv .Id Third Avenue . Iflffiff r p A Q ....IT#, Adams Kx 123 f lnd. A L. .. 21 Am. Eg. ~ .150 do do prf .... MH IT. S. K*. 45 f A E IH *ff Well# Fargo Ex 123 a Nw 161 Am C*t. till .... 23% C It I A P • -1f , 4 , do do prf. .... *8 rrc A St. Is.. 2‘ Am Malt 4 fot So M* do do Irf. .... 21 do do let l*rf 37 Am. Sm*lt. A R. 84 dr. >k> 2nd prf • H I do do prf. _.. 87% e, a H Iff* 1 ’ Am. splrtte . 1V li L. * W. ...174(4, ,)o do prf 17 ti A K ° .... I* 4 '* Am S Hoop ..... 17't do do prf **'>' do do prf <4% a-,lr ’ o,> Am B & W ... *)’, "ilo let prf ••• ® :,l * dr do prf. 71** O X. prf m Am T P 38*2 rt-.-k Foal .... 13 do do prf. .... 81 Hock Val- '** Am Toh % ,vn " Sl 7l <lo do prf ... m Ivwa cm > 7V Ana MH. Cos. .. 42 ‘ prf * R T , F A W S' C. r * Iron ....II LE. * pr f ' M Con. Tob 24% l ake Hhor# .... S 4 * do do prf 75% . ~ 8,- ...... 71 -Foil. Steal sl*4 M. 0 I, T 4 ’ *> •!-> *rf V* \t. t Ht RY- •• 147 Gen Electric . ISB I,’ ivr, * ,, *'Gluco#e Sugar . 48% *. pt L Hl *' do ‘to prf ... •> .V, ; .rf ••• H Int'n I Paper .... IMk " n ®4 loxclede Gas .... 88 K *T. Bid Wi do do Prf do do prf. ... 86 Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Dvpart Savannah on t> Ih Mrrldtan Tun, OO, Hour ISV'I , Than Ct ly Hum shi*u!M In Kffrct 8u I.u> Jun* Iff. IHO. -RSaT>DOWN TO 111 K B 181 u U it "No.M IDa 8* if ~~ |, N. Si NaOl <1 I) (Cvnln I Tuna.) ) u B>|Mn l] lhm l{ Lv srv.i.i.uß Aro 5 lAainl || (Ea.lam Tima ; 4 Xlpm 4 78am Ar HImoX villa I,\ I Vimj 1 Tfpnx * i'*>ian 4 lilani Ar C>4uoibU Ev, : % *m,U Ikxn :<Bu 9 sum Ar .CharßKlc 1-', * s&*-m[ 8 !*am U *4im> (7 38(im Ar Ort-an.baro Lv|; 7 lov'n| $ *Bir.i ■ u . a. Nar folk i If&iam i Bx;i.'Ai ...'717.77.; D.n villa 1. > Mian, "> *Offam . JffpmliXr Rich mond I.v UEpnvii dpm 1 ham j Upun Ar 7. hi- g ....7777. I 4 85.1 m 5 55|>m ,Ar hanoi (..villa l.v| 3 (aidDlU bpm 7 Sou in b uqm> Ar W.i-h melon I.v I: !suiH[ 8 ian ff 15am 11 Soian Ar Baltimore I.v 8 "3am • 3Tjni 1186 am 3 f*,mi Ac I*M)lrU>lmv .... I.v 1 $ (Oam (Bpm 3 *51111; 8 73am Ar ....Nviv York Ev '.* 8 38|m • : ii'im Ai 8.41011 I.' •• 1 '• 1 No * 11 TO THE NURT H AND \sh*r. ti t*oM ll (F nua I Tim. ) ________ H U 89*1)1 ,Ev *BY I aaah A' 1 I .oam it (E-aiar n itomi.) j! 8 h)am jLv < olomßia I.v'| l iuam l.v StHniaaiure lav|j 8 Jiff* 13 lu|iin I.v .5 Ash-villa t.v|| I*( o3pm Ar Hoi •vrm*a L> 11 )A*m 7 Xqn Ar K>x villa I.' * 'S>m 8 Kini Ar Kravlnatnn Bi l* 88 im 7 46am Ar (tnolnnall B i * IlOim At 1 •novilla I.v , 7 pm foniiin Ar r-r Loala . Lv|| 8 dram All (rain, arriva and dqurt from Hi# Flan) Syatam Blatlon. THROI'OH CAR SERVICE. KTC. TRAIN'S 81 AND 14 BAIJ.Y, NEW YOR K AND FIAHUDA EXPRIOBB VaaU bulad limllni Iralna, allh Fullman Draw In* BW-riaii* Caia .(•• * ,tlt oah and Nrw York Conna ix at Washington wllh FomhiUxl Kx|irv a loi hemton BulUnan Hli-afUn* Car# balwaan i hir tul <• and RB hraond anj i h irtoiiv and Nor folk Dlntra Car, trrvr all mvala l'wa#n Savannah md W valili.amn. TRAINS * AND 8S DAIRY. Till, UNITED BTATEB FABI 3IAU. V.arihulaS llmiia.t iralna. rarryiiia l'ullman Draxvtn* R<a>in Slaeput* (xn Iwiaraan • annali and Nvxr York Dlnln* Car* arva all ra ral. la Savannah and Waaliln, trm Alao rullman Dranln* R. m 81a-pin* Car' bvtwvtn Savannah and Cincinnati, through Anhavllla and Th# I.aial -f 'ha Rkv •• For t-ompla). Informallon aa to rat'd. avheula# ale., apply to O GROOVER Tlokr ) A<-nl. Han( By airm Blailun JAMES FREEMAN. C. P and T. A, 141 Bull slraat. Telephone-Bell. *sl. Georgia 85*1 B H HARDWICK Aaalamnt On.ral Paxa.-ngar A*.,) Allanl.i Ox N J C IJ* | Nat. Dead 1” N Y C unt .1.1 do li f N A \V ** Nut. Sterl do 'lo prf •*', do prl' • * J No Pa N y A H . do do prf .. .. *S No Am }•'* Onl A W y-., cnaat . Orr R AN .*-; ,j„ i.t prf *• do do prf 7* | j n d lrf *3‘. rannvvlvanla 1-TV. p a • M ‘ H. adlng >'' Ga* . do l?*t prf ...e4 * p |>|r . *•* do 2nd prf }• „ r f do do prf *) a A T *'* 8t I. A S F .. 9, £ IP., do do lat prf . 115 do do 2nd prf. 325. c & Iron - S*t D- *** ", ~'•* leather do do prf - ■ „„ ... ...Q do do Prf - 1 , 1( fdo nrf S' p.* u Bn K > R d o rrf M ‘‘ do do Prf “• c a 81 I- **> T A P ‘♦n* • in Pa ..-'2. Bonds f 8 2-. ref.raff J<a N V- < do eou. J # o do 3s, reg I*. xs ♦•l 4 f do 3S. ,o^l N ” A 4 , 1U,% do new —J^ N -V°C * Bt. q„ 0.-w 6U do old *a. mg *\ 1 * con ), K>y dn ni l 4*. rm, £ <K r N.v I*l* "** dn sa. re* j., *„ . ...l’, 1* -’•; 'jfit# "do do con 5# M 2;. r of O. cnmS# J* 1 * "- | & Ir M (lo m Bld. 3K W „ 108(6 do 2nd ln< •• ■*' . ~ a F C, n . B I*4 C " m!; Jv . ons tff. do do .a _VM ih, P c. A P C A N con re 139 • * • lI7H *>*' 8 F ,„ !v"doi 5a Chi. Term *# -■** J*® . 5 . l(W’x (50l B ** _ K ,# aT. 4* s - D ;.... Tm'Wabi.alv Hl* •• } r :T ,r,a-i”Jva. ,n ßtre 4.•iiltri LV N* I'n* *- Wla. > >*' H ' v k a-T 2)vl M\v*. Can.urta# do do 4. I*. _Thee quota!lfi* are r*viand rta'lly and are k pt aa nh.r a, po--dl.le In arcord *1") th * prevailing whoteaal- Official quo)allona are no) used when they dl*a*r#a wllh the price# Whol# .alert, ask Country anil Surtherx. Produce. POULTRY- The market Is steady. Quo tation* ltrotler*. BoalV per Plr. half grown 4'4irb". three-fourth* grown. 56x fOc hens. ■ rooster*. 4ufeic. duckw rtVB7V- geese. 75cti$l.u EGGS Steady st - BETTER—The tone of ths market Is Arm Quotation* W#*iern creamrrv. U*w 24%c New York state dairy. n%4i22%c; extra Elgin*. 2M25c CHEESE—Market Aim fancy full crevtm . heeac. ll4c for 30 to 22-pound average. 2SA>- pound average. 12c. Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, 12.00 Back CABBAGE-57c per head. ONIONS—YeIIow In barrels, 82 00, crate*. 80c; red. $1 90ti2rt) Hreadatulfa. May and Grain. FLOUR—Market tueady; patent, ltd. straight. 84 18; fancy, ft (; family. UV. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. 82 75. i-er *ck. 2130. city meal, per **. k. bolt'd. 112"® I. water ground. 31 25; city grit*, safk*. 31 26; pearl grtt*. Hiidnut*', per barrel, >2 55; per sack. $110; *undry brand* 31 25® 1 th sack COR NX.Market nrm. white. Job lots. 5c : cat load lots. 83c; mixed corn. Job lots, 82c; carload lots. Vre RlCE—Market steady. demand good; fancy bead, ffc: fancy, f'ye Prime 5 Good 4%44% Fair 4 4‘4 Common 2% OATH—No 2 mixed, carload. 34c; )*B lot*. 25c. white clipped, 38-, Job. 38 cur*. BRAN—Job lot*. 95c; carload lot*. *oc. HAY -Market steady; No. 1 timothy. 82**c Ji>t); 87% car*. No 2,85 c Job. 82% cars. Ilacon. Hama and Lard. BACON—Market firm. D B C It Sidra. 4Jff%c; D. B bellle*. 9%ft!or tEaa'ern) #■ cording to average *lte; T> S belli**. 9,0 !t%c (Western); smoked C. It. sides, 9*41 *•*• HAMS Sugar cured, 12'-,a 13'4>. LARI> -I’ure. In tier. ea. Mjß%c; In 50- pouud tin* and lu-pound tubs, B **d9- . compound. In tierce*. 4%c; 50-pound tins, and 80-pound tub*. BJ4c. ffugar and t sgrt. BFGAR- Cut loaf 883 Diamond A B*3 Crushed ff.W.Confecttoners' A *2l powdered .6S;Whlle Extra C.. 598 XXXX. pow'd. .tl KExtra C 693 Granulated *4Oolden C 5.71 Cubes 8-68 Yellows 5.68 Mould A 8-61; COFFEE— Mocha 38c Prime. No. 2 ....UVie Java 28c Good No. ) 2144 c Peatierry 14%c Fair. No. 6 lie Fancy No 1 ....12V*o'Ord|nary. NOB 10%c Choice No. 2 11%r’rv,— mnn No 7 .MV ilaritxvart and Maiding auppllea lime. CALCIUM. FLABTER and CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lima in fair dxcnxna and salt at 85 cants a barrel; apecial calcined piaster. tl ffO per barrel; balr, 4(15c. Rosed*lo oemcat. carload lota, .pedal, For trend cement, ra tio $. -lit lo id Bit < I I.FMHKR F O I) VEMSELS SAVAN NAH Muunmni. yard alia,. |U) kuxrll (k); car alll.- Bi2.4euG.ffff. dlff*renl alxea. $i)01 ti 18 Pt. al ip stock, lie '.'a 18 Off. satin tia., I. tt-u8 6e. hewti tier. ~-0-O Oltc-lttrkei steady, demand fair: sig nal. W--t Vlrglota Bla k 9\il3a; laid. 88. . 1 'ulaloul. ti-jiYff. . mu iilncry. it fi„, . lined oil, raw. liiij.'. I,d|„ 1 7;. , to roswie, piitna wiltw 12 it iter whit* 13 . I'tatla aatrah 14. deodorized alova ■aaollne, drums, 1 *V,' . empty oil Barrels, delivered. 86c 81KFI Drop. |1 8). U P and lar*a, i r| cßllla.l 11 Ti. IRtiN-Markat vary ateadv; Hwa-la. yep- NAIUB-'fTut. >250 ha*e; wire. $2 86 totaa HARMED WIRE 43 60 per 100 pounds, strata In n<aiß. StuffU . sugar houaa nai las..-. IM)S>- GUN POWDER-Par keg. An.tin crack ihotVHOO. Bu.f kegs. 12.25. quarter k-ga. |l 35, champion ducking, quarter kegs. S3 25, Dupont and Hutard smokeless, half keg,. 11l 35 quarter keg*. |573; 1 i. ind canister.. 110): lei 25 par cent : Troladorf smokeless poxvdar, Mwn3 can*. $1 oo lff poun.l can. laic pound. Dried and E.aporalcd I rulta. APPLES- Evaporated. ToT 1 m. sun-drlevl, t’-AC' APRICOTS Eva|*orated. *4c pound, nectarine . 10c RAIBINB- I 1... 12 00; Imperial caMnela. 1215; liaise to iam ml lioxe#. ,yKiy pound. PBACHER Evaporated, iwaied, lot,, unpaal- and Mtauffc PEARS— Evaporated. e i- rntla nnd Nuts. APPLES—EarIy Northern variety. J 2 35® son. MANANAS- II ffr.n 1 60 bunch, I'INEAPI’I.ES—Extra largo Ahbakaa Cayantiea. 83 6u p- r atandard crate, amail Bad Bpatd-h I: >U2 50. LEM 1 1N8 Market atv.tdy at 83.50. ('(H'OANUTH tl ,-ji.t 7 • |>< r hat PEANI'TH Ample stock, fair demand; market firm fancy hand-picked, Y'lrglnl,; per pound. 4!ic; hand picked Virginia, ex - 4rs. 4c. N C seed peanuts. 4c NI7TB Alnuimla, Tarragona. 18c; trleaa. |*c, walnuts. French. 12--; Naples. )ic. cans, 12c; Ilrallla. 7c; fllberla. 13 aawirt- Al nut- Sff-pound and 25-prvund tioge-i. !2c Cotton ksgglug and Tie*. BAGGING -Market firm; Jute. 214- pound. 9V,' . large lot* tVffc; small loUk 2-pound. 88,ftffc. l\ pound. I'vUß'4c; as* Island bagging. 12l*c. TIES Standard. 45-po-md. arrow, larg* lots. 81)1 small lots. 21.50. salt. Hides nnd Wool. BALT— Demand is rulr anti the marks! steady; carioad lota. 101-|ioutKl Bui lau Backs 44c; itsi |tou(nl cotton sack, 45c, lit)-pound burlap tuteks. t' l ,-'. 110-pound cotton sack. thUc: 28.-t.-imd lotrlap aa- kg. I6< . Üb-punl cotton sack, 88c; 3JU-pound burlap sacks 85c. HIDES —Markoff Arm; dry flint, lSVkc; dry aalt. HVkc; green salted. Bc. W(X)L—Nominal; prime Georgia, fra* of sand Burra and Black wool. Iffi, black. 14c; burry. 10c. Warn. 25c. tallow, JVc. Deer skins. 3Dc. MI('ELI.MICO( 8. ri SH—Mackerel, half-tssrrele. No. 1. |i* .8); No 2. 88.(8); No. 3, 88.50. kite. No J. |1 tua No 2. 21 26. No. 1. 85- f.alMan. l-l-uia* lirlcke. 4Ve . 2-taiil Bricks, tk'. Smoked herrings, per !>*. • Dutch her ring. pi kegs, 11.10. new mullets. Bail barrels. 832 k). SYRt'P M trket quiet: Georgia an.l Flortdii syrup. Buying at 24t.10c. sailing at '.2tu . sugar non." at l 4 *): !c HONEY—Fait demand; strulntol. In bar rels. BaftffOe gallon High wine Basle, 41 38 Ol P AN I HEH.ItTB. . COTTON Savannah to Ratnti. per rwt . 25* . to New York, per cwt., 30c. to Phllad- Iphtn p r bale 81. Baltimore, tl FOREIGN DIRECT- Mregt. u 5Rc. Liv erpool. 55c. Hamburg, 57c; Genoa. 86": Barcelona. 7U--; Manchester, 58 . Havre, 67c. Antwerp, V 7 FOREIGN INDlßECT—Liverpool, 7*c. Manchester, 45c. nominal: Hamburg. 45c. Havre, 78. . Genoa. 73- ; Reval and Hi. Petersburg. 75e, Aniwerp. 42- . Lt'MHKK Ity Hail Fr-Ight* dull; to Baltftnore nnd etv-tw red. It r J) to 84 tg) per M . Including Fortland. Lt’MHKR— By Steam Savannah to Bal timore, I'i'ff. to P H. R or B A *> dm ks 85 .Vi; lo Phlladelpnla. l*Bkc, per t?wt.. It pounds to foot): to New York, 14 Vi per M. 77 25 to dock, lightered to Boston to rioek B V NAVAL STORES-—The market is Arm im-dtum sis* vessel# IB win—Cork for orders. 8* ad per barrel of 3|o pounds, and 6 per cent, primage Hplfa*. Is ltd per to gallons groas. and 8 per cent primage large vessels, rosin. 3a; spirits is 3d Steam 11c per Its) pounds on roeln; 21V on spirits Sai'snrah to Boston, and ffV.c oti rosin ami 1< on *|-tr*ta to New York t;it ilk. I'HOt lalOTia. ETC*. New York. Oct. 2 Flour steady, with a moderate trade, rlosli g uns. ttlml with th<- lute Break In wh-at Winter straights 25 Vcf/.l 45; Minnesota |iatert 2) 31414 5) Bye flour, quiet Corn meal, quiet. Bye dull Barley, steady. Morey malt, Wheat—Spot, easy. No. 2 red. 81*,--; oo tlon- opened easy under realizing But ad vsncsd larer on a live demand from shorts. Inspired by llrm cable new*, more rain In the Northwest, foreign hurlng and rumor* that the Argentine crop had suf fered ftotn excessive mine. The market finally Broke under a large Increase In world s -locks for ftt* week and cloned weak >*4ltxc net lower. October closed gya,,-; Ire-ember *25,. Corn B|ec Arm No. 2. )►•; optlona were m m most of Ih- sesalon on covering, higher cables, smaller country offerings, tin- early w heat advance ami wet w, uth*r W. st sffec Ing shljanents. Closed firm net advance OcCottar • oaeal 4tk-, Decern her. I* 1 , 4 Oats Start, steady; No. 2, 25)j)t25x.c; op- Uuns dull but steady wllh other markets. Plant System of kailways. Trains Operated by with Merkßan Time (die llotit Bl.iwer Than City Tim* 32 7B North mi l South. 33 25 4 | REA| DOWN Effective tt. I 1 t*.)7* HEAD (’P 17 Ilia u ' i Soi mi. is 11 t. ■ ... Iffp 8 £L< . ... 7 2-. pAt . lilchmond .. I.v X 05s • )*i> | ~! 8 ,)8i i td.t \r Italttinore ... I.v 2 55s I 4-uc :.. v ...i 10 25* .oi Ar ...Philadelphia,,, Lv 12 op II 33|. ; . ... j. I !5p ... 7on Ar N-* V.vrk Lv ff 2*|> H f.50 —...( 8 Alp . . 4 ivq> Ar lui.tmi Lv I ■)■ u<ont I I ii aa x it 23 'south re m ss w ~ dip 325 p Bit a 5;8 at 3 l.'ui Lv Sui am uh Ar 1 4 *hi 12 hti 7 Dhi 12 iff* in *'-t M| • p A Wsy. ro** ~. Lv lu Up 4sp 4 Iffp • 5.5• 7 I ir.i 9 :op 2 l.’p :■ I p ' ’ sp Ar Thomtsvlll. ... I. ff 10p • lap 4 18' * lo* I Iktp 7 Iffp 12 Nit 9 -at Sid )r Jai k lonvlll*.. Lv 8 dtp 7 tup 2 dtp 8 iou Jan l :tap I i4'l3 C2|i 12 pAr ... Psla'ka Lv 7Mp t fop ..... :’l' 2 > - 12 21M.13 2tH q 2 3np 2 .up Ar .Galnesvilla ... Lv . . 3 lop ...._ ..._1.... .. .. . . j.......j 3 IS). 3 Iff)- Ar ..Ocala Lv 1 *tp *.... ... 10 5)1 Iff up Ar .SI I’al horg I.v 4 00p 7 :)ua lu (**p Iff Offp Iff 4 *>p Ar Tampa Lv 8 diu 8 tvki .. 1 8 txip 4 flOf* 8 .htu.lff .:'♦)• 10 ff'l 4 Iff 30)► Ar I'ort Tnnpo I.t 7 -a 7 30-r 7 7 25p IKn I lu.i 1 lai Ar Punt.t Gordo . Lv .a ; 4 2&|> W til" 15 \ i fl kuguslltw.. Lv 8 9ffp| ff Iff * 1 , Oip 3 Bn 3 25pe Too I.v >*iv,tnnah ... Lv 10 Ikr.lj Iffa, |. ..... "Lip tlln * t>p 882a At .. . J-*ip I.v s -imlu top > .ii 7 loa * Tip 8 04a Ar . llrun*wl. k Lv 8 40a > tfi) ; j |- NORTH WEST AND -B M' riTWMST ~ \liJ. . 11> 14 St; |. ; , \ r tu Motitgotm ry. 18 j Tff . oop 5 .'".* Lv Savannah Ai lu !5o 12 list - '"h- 8 loa I.v fluvanoah Ar lo 16* 1 fl'S ff t;.| 4 )ivi \r .. Jeaup Li BAM Iff Uh 8 nia 28)1 Ar M't* nt'ry To 7 4fip 11 55a 3 Ulu, | lf.p Ar . Mo. "ti Lv I(V . q. 7 top 8 60, Ar Nashville I.v uffu 2 31* 5 2ffa 3 lo|> Ar . AllalMo Lv Iff Isp L o.|> • .eat U 2up Ar laioisvlll* l.v, 2 .Tax lip 9 45u 8 4op Ar Cha’noog i Lv " dip ff 450 7.■ ! t u'-p Ar Cincinnati Lv ,11 <k>p 5 7 ..op 7 501 Ar .Lnulavll:. Lv 7 451 7 45|. 7A 7 Iffp Ar St lauils Lv t Sip; 8 33a 7 3ffp 7 45u Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 30a- 7 dtp j tl, A N 1 7 Ola limp Ar .Hi Louis Lv I.V 8 Oku 7 S2u Ar Hi luisu* Lv| 8tp...._, 7 l.'.'t 5 Hhi Ar Chk-ago Lv BMr 9 d)|i | || (M * O.) |f | sr, ) ir.p l.v ‘ Atlanta Yt Iff )> II :ti " "*-• ,f ** Ar . '’•>* *•* •** 4 1 k 05p 7 15a Vr M-mphls. Lv 820 9 a). 4 I2|- 2 (■-' i Ar Muhile Lv 12 58p 12 Iftt • Mbi 7 in* Kan udtyLv h 4 7um vr n > 44 1- n- Lv 7 v.a 7 tip .op -jna l.v Stvannah Ar 4 Through l’ullman Sleeping Far Hervlce 1 I'.o 12 *up Ar Tlf on l.v 1 IY* :> Sqz 3 45a 3 lup Ar Albany Lv Iff Ha) 2Mp to North East and West, and to Florid 4 6 2up Ar t'ußimbua Lv,, I '**> Connection* mud - al Ihirt Tumint wrlth al-atnere hr Kit West and Havana Leaving lh 4 rl Tampa Monday*, Thursday* and Saturdays nt ILttt p m j II poltiexnu*. T F A . E A Armand, City Tki Ar* De flnto Hotel. Phona 73. M W WRENN Passenger Traill 4 Manager, Savannah. Ga McDOI\OUGH & BALLANTYNC,. Iron Founders, Machinists, “'••L.isllk., XXeUer mff •.. m I. eI. of ''•■"••• h7* art aa a tartaSl. 1ea1 44 * 4 , v.etleal ** J 1 I* ... Ia x W^rlllllljjSCu Vara XX l Ga. mil •"* l. aka Hl.a. r.Ur)., eta. TELEPHONE NO. 123. r Reef, steady. Cut meat*, steady. land. |trm ( Western steam $7 75; P-tlro-d. Arm Pork, tlrm i'll"-.' llrm; larg* white, im>MUS4ct small white. 11(.4)11%* Butter; Barely stead) . Western cream ery. 174)22 . state ilatry. IMyofflr Egg*, steady, etan- and Pennsylvania. 185171, ; Western regular parking at murk. 13(4)118c I’nlaloe*. quiet; New Y 4 rk. 11 .0)11 *- 4. Ling Island. 1.5ff175. Jersey aareets. 52 26412.75. I'eunut*. steady, unchanged Cabbage, qitk-l, Isuig letanrl. per 180. 1150*128 Cotton by st'-snr lo LWerpitol. 50c. Tallow, steady. peirob um. easier. 1 4 lined New Vork. |7 . phlladelphla ttul Balllnuire. $7 Ui. do hi Bulk 2495 ftosln. steady. Tur|>entlne tlrtn. Hire, Arm. Coffee Spot. RWv steady; No. 7 Inyolre. B>, tnlhl slendv : Cordova. IP.ttHc lu (uri-s opened st'-ady st an advance of 10 lo 2 lints and further Improved 5 point* on foreign buying and hs-al , itverlng. fol lowing higher Havre anil Hamburg cxblew. Demand w- met chiefly by one house, heretofore thi principal seller throughout the season ' Confidence Siam what chaohad 1,,, lonilnued heavy rreelpls Closa.l steady at net advance of 20 10 25, pxtlnta Total aale* 3X.7t0 hags In- Biding Novenv ta r 17.15W2V)). lie- ember, 17 25417 36. Jan uary $7 2807 40 Sugar, raw Arm: fair reAnlng, 4l*r. ctt trtlugaU W lest. sc. xnolssara sugar. c. roll tied, steady. CtITTOV HEIM* OH" N‘-w York. Oct. 2.—Cotton*** 4 1 oil was very slow again, but steady tor prompt de livery. t " Sober anil November quot 4 * from 36- to 38, Prime sutnrrur yellow, J7c; off summer yellow. ***•'*; *";^ r y.ilow 114H2 4 '. prime whhe, malic, prime in ftt 1. 12*; IIH 6UO %6%llKlar. Chicago, thl 1 -Wheal llrm early l.ul turneil heavy 4 at the large woilds vLIBh increase. Noff. mt* r closing >,)t under y- slcrday Corn eloxw-1 %c higher. n el- 'town pro*! io*i - 2'y hlh4 ' Til* leading future* rangeit os follows-. Opening lllghaat. Ux-sl Close Wheat No. t lAl 7ff%478*. 77*4 78% 78%i7t% Nv 77%4|77% TP*. Tl 77% lac .. 7XV-i7k% 78% 7T4 TJ%4i77* Corn No 3- Oct 2*%4i3944 3>4 *9% Nov 37V. 37% 37Vi *7 Ire 4 34%4t 3T. 35‘4 34% l% Oats No 2 Oct- 221.4122% 22% = _. “ Nov 22%t122V4 22% 22%^. lre< 22 u'22' T ANARUS, 2T.4123 =3% E%r% Mess Pork |ier hh_-- (VI 112 70 812 90 sl2 7A sl2 *0 un. ::: U 75 Lard, per 100 lbs.-- „ OcT 7 3. 7 7, 7 30 7 70 jai, 8(0 •* •!'-* * *7% 8*• Hhor) Htbs. per WO lbs.- Get .... 805 *7* ** Jan .... • 8 33)4 830 30 r*h quotation* w-re a* follow* 9 lour Hrm No 8 *pr!ng wheat. 71Vtf7T% . No. 2 re,. 78%4.78c; N 2 corn. 2 yellow F'.BlO'y; No 2 No 2 White SdlWe; No. 3 white. 14%< No 2 rye 51%c: f'r • Ing barley. M6- 4 * 4 '- No. 1 *' 151% No 1 Northwestern. $1.58. prim* Itmolhv seed It 258)4.W. mesa pork, per lisTel sl2 BXO 13-* ,0 " r — 4 "447 26. short rib* sides. r<yi. dry salle.l shoulders. <**• a mi., short clear skies <ho*A). $8 70. Wlsky. basis of high wine*. $1 27 * ' ” A Delteloaa BtxtoUe. The Herbert Bpen *r la *n elegant elgar and 1* truly * delightful enjoyment 10 tonal* Iff tome* oi this On# tobacco; It ui avbtlsrallng and delicious. Hoe mat the name of Heritor* Hpencar I* on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert Spencer rtgsre are only redd By the bo* pf So Concha* at 88 , and Perfect 4 ',*. $4 90 at Utipman Hroa., whole sale druggist*. Barnard and Congress al rests, of this city —ad. ••Greybeard I* a family medicine with aa," aid a premlnmt btislnaa* man yaa tarday My wife takes it, and I notice at,, is enjoying be"ter health than for years The children keep well by taking 84." Orach- ard may be obtained al nil drug stores or write to u* for It. Kaepoaa Drug CT>. sola props . ■avsnnah. Ga. -ad. “It C urad Me.” •‘Greybeard broke up rha'imattem an me." eay# Mr. Chan Thomas, ths Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In belter health than 1 have enjoyed In a long time. " Take Oreybeard Pills for that dlsiy feeling—Lost appetite, and fallow It up withs bottle of Graybedrd. It Is all you need Raspree Drug Cos., aula props.. Bsvsanoh, Ga—ad. • fEpS mGCORGIA . > / Schedule* Effective Sept. to. IM*. Train* arrive at and ikinrl from Central Station. Won Broad. toot of I abort) etreel. •Oth Meridian Tim* On*' hour slower Hit* etty time. * vr ~~ AgTfV* ’ Bavannahi Savannah! |Aiigui>tj. MaTon, Atianta.| * am;< ovlr.gtuti, MlHe4gevllla|*l ot>pn jand all* irolntaj lAuguota Mu< on. Atlanta l jAthena, Montgomery. CO-| •9 Birmingham. An-|1 (Dam [ericua. Kufaula and Troy J l Mpcn| borer Anrn—ndaiion \fi asm tl apa>| Ouyion Dinner Train TttTSpm *1 rally tKxrept Bundsy BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBEEk TSlh meridian or Savannah city time. U.AVK HA VANN All. Monday only 0 X’> u on Dally egeept Monday H3O a m Dolly :i o p m. LEAVE TYREE. Monday only Tl 6 a n> Dally except Monday 10 .36 a. m. Dally 6:10 p. m. < onnei (lone mad* at terminal paint* with all train* Northwest, West and won l hwnr <p Bleeping rara on night trains between Savannah ami Augusta, Mam, Atlanta and Birmingham Parlor rare on day train* between a vann.ah. Mar nn and Atlanta ror 1 complete Information, evhedutes rat** and ■ onn*-tlon apply to W. O. HRKWKIt City Tbkrt and Paaa en**r Agent. 107 Hull street. j'’c ,, |lA r .'. N J r r! <K *’''*• T, '- k '' Agent, tiipa Truffle Martugfr, THEO. D. KUNE. Gen Superintendent, Savannah. Ga. /^^.Vestibuuo EffiKlTte (IMITEO Double Daily Service The ahort line to Norfolk, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York —* the Boost. | Na'rwrw I. Savannah. 8. XTCTTyu pm,U MjiiS Ar < olurabla. B A L Ky | Mpm Mam Ar Raleigh. 8. A. B Ry l[ Mpm II Mum Ar Durham. 8 A. V. Ry 7 Mam }pm * r ':T t "' ur ' HAL Ry t Ham t Mpm Ar Richmond. Si. U Ky I l&am 6 **nn Ar Washington. Penno t 46am Mpm Ar Baltimore Penn* nn ogem II 3St>m Ar Phlledelphla. Penns fij J7pm 1 Mam Ar New Y.,rk Vo No M tvßavannah. S’A L, Hr II Mpm 11 ioptn Ar Portsmouth, S.A_L Ry( 7 *tmj 1 Mpm Steamer* leave Norfolk dally, eicepg Sunday, for Baltimore. Philadelphia and N*W York, nnd dally for Washington he .in Une to Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7:S a. m . arriving at Montgomery 7 to p. m . at which point cloea connection la made with the L. A N. R. 8.. arriving at Mobile 1.06 a. m. and New Orleans 7 10 a. m. The ohori line to Pemandma. Jackson ville. Toanpa and other Florida points ] No. # No~*T Lv (bovannah. ff K 1,. TLyl i Qtam I flpo Ar Fernandlna, H A.L. Tty > 36am I 06pm Ar Jacksonville. I.A.URf • 10am 7 Mpra Ar Tampa. 8. A. L Hy .. [ 6 Mpm • Mam Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping car service to Washington. Baltimore. Phila delphia and New York: also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining care from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery Far additional Information apply to Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan street*. Phone 9 J. D. WEED It CO ■ataxia*. QA. Lealber Belting. Slum Packing 4 Bose. Agent* for NEW YORK 6tUß MARTIN U AND PACKING COMPANY. 9