The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 04, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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C I T (IKK HKSVF.H tL MILK*. Irmmtrr of •r* **•*- '•' B> ~r ikr "llwrr Hallway. Mr XV. W. Oortlon. Jr.. h ruirnwl o i.• rltj atIKT a of *otnc ly tn N .,r;v, ,-arollna. Mr. (Jordon r.turnrd l>y w- , ot Allanta. wlwr* hr nwiirwl (hr urtrr for the tUivannah Wharf anil Ter min.i' Railway Com piny, advaruaemont B ha.l boon rtmnhm for lw roqulr „l tirno In the Morning Now*. Th< .ompany ha already built lit lino T , it tha ronnr.ting link between the <>ntral Railroad and tho riant Syaiom iVnlral extended Ita Rlvor atraat to Ea.t Ray. whoro tho work war , „en up by tho Savannah Wharf and Terminal Railway Comimny onl eomplel f. Tho Junction with tho Planl Hyrtom ro that line runt to Ito wharvo* war ,■. iod. tho now company having to h.ukl only one mile- of railway, probably . thortoal atrotrh of eloam railway ctwnod by any company whoso sole po „ don* It roproaonls. ,-,i cokms for the conr.octlng lino w-r U.a.k- by the City Council months ago to ~.,r W. W. 1 lordon, who dcMrcd th- work primarily for tho bonoflt of tho flor don wharf. A otlpulailon was made that (ho lino broom* a common carrier, to hlrh Iran. Gordon agreed, and the plan tar (ho nrganlxatlon of tho company was .wrrlod out. tho work An tho lino going on I" (ho meantime Tho mllo of track, with •ho right of way. cost approximately *>.- m Tho lAlipuilan railway with tho Rrob (■ ngrtaglan name has boon ro.chrlstonrd b. thoso who havo to refer to It as tho •Dwarf railway, there l>olng in this a j.snWeroe to the real name arid an lm- P 0.1 dimension that Is more rommenau r,(r with the actual lengih Truffle has han xolng on oyer the lino since Us com pel lon . and an arrangement will ho made „..,h other eompenle. whereby the Sa vannah Wharf and Terminal Railway Company will derive a revenue from the r ,ro that are handled over tt track Th. I ew company will have no equipment or - Ire Mick of Us own. and will merely I irnlsh th track for the convenience of i .. line* between which It furnishes cor.- re-lion. Thl connerUng link has been the mun< of removing the necessity for the long detour that had to be made formerly for (Me transfer of cars. Between River ...eet and the Plant System hefore the ci.nectlon was made, eight cr ten miles K*d to be traversed. The "Dwarf rail road decreased ihla distance to one mile. WINDING I P TIIK WORK. Georgia rasstraelloa Company Will neat on Ita l.anreli. MaJ. A. H. Johnson, chief engineer for the Georgia Construction Company, Is closing up matters with the contractors engaged by the company to build wharves and sheds and dredge slips for Ihe Geor gia and Alabama Terminal Company. All of the original comra.t* have been com pleted. and settlement with the contrac tors Is now being effected. Me). Johnson sill w>on return to his home In Virginia, ni l the stupendous work he has directed on Hutchinson's Island trill, he declares, he his last. This was h promise h mad* himself when he wound up a great under taking for the Baltimore and Ohio, how . -r. and hi* love for engineering feats rial again Induce him to postpone his re t recnent. T r Georgia Count ruction Company will .••I Hu citPtonrr with tli** adjustment of i*< a mint* with It* contractors and the minding up of Ita affair* with the G#*or ,• , irtf) Alabama Terminal Company, by i% .. h th** Hutchinson*# Island terminal# H . owned and for which they were built b\ h** Con at ruction Company. It Is said charter of the company will be our , a©d by another tiesiring to fitter upon T a way ami other construction allowed ,r ikr the charter. President John M. Egan of the Central Railroad was In Atlanta yesterday on business. THE CAlin: >OT K!VOW!V. I'lnnf OfUrinl* Do >of Know Whnf < aua*l Joln' laliantl W rprk. • of the Plant System have no* W the <ut* of the wreck that <>■- -red at John's Inland. 8. C.. Tuesday j *:ht. The dlvUl'tn airperlntSndent visiter) i * scene with a wrecking crew but did tot learn the cause The track wj* *'.<*> ked for but al>out four hour.**, and i eof the passenger trains wire delayed long. To Itorrnn |3,OOU,INNI for Two Years. The Keaboard Air Line Railway has sold to John L. Williams & Hon of Richmond; Mlddendorf, Oliver & Cos. of Baltimore, and 8. D. Lorlng A Hon of Boston, 12 000- i" 1 of 5 per cent, two-year gold bonds which are due on Oct. 1, 1902. Thene Naids wr- to supply fund for new motive power ar,l equipment, heavier rills and Increas ed terminal facilities at Important ;• I for extraordinary demands during ihe first year of the consolidation. They have • security a deposit of 94,000.000 of the t f t mortgage 4 per cent, bonds of the be.iboaril Air Line Railway and the goar- of the Raleigh and Oaston and the y ielgh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Companies. -eager ami ticket men from all over Ce I'nlted Htaten will gather In Buff do t I*s for the purpose of attending the 1 ‘ r, v fifth annual convention of the Am’r -1 an Association of General Passt-nger and ket Agents. Upon the docket or** s*v ,fd subjects of importance for discu*- n The ee-sion- will he held at the Iroquofr Hotel. Among the SUbJe *ts whi, n are down for settlement are the following. * Anti-scalping legislation t fl fh** hands of a standing committee of the chairman of the several territorial i*.isenger assocatlons. who nk f**r further time at the last meetl g ’ • I. The lust meeting adopted tie owing “Resolved, That the plan by only the perfect safety paja r sh •*! • and for the Issuance of interline t! k** s * Mended to Jnn 1, 1901.** Home further i* necessary, as some Importint will Imve the paper In use by mat time. ‘ “ It largement of the usefulness o( 1 • lattcn—Committee. Messrs. l or I, and Flanders. Weeks. C. H. Lee, * ,1,,! ■ Turk. Richardson. Townsend, 1 ' f ' Knbkern and McLeod. ■th. Issuance cf compendium of pa*- v ' -*r rfit* * ami dlvisbHts—Committee. Lynch. I>avi, Connor Wood, 1 *' l Townsend, Kniskcrn. Whitney, a *’*d ltyan. • v • is for the consideration of ;h© Mton have been proposed ns follows: * l v Commissioner L P. Farmer. of the * r 'k l ine Association. “Prosecution of • k t Forgers.** ' c |; K. I’sher. “Placing orders for • ’ ' 1 Tickets by Wire,** and “No Con '• m mi Rates he Made I*©** Than Fare • ' “n -chitd Between Jan. 1, and Aug. I: In Kach Year “ p 'V, it Kniskern, “The Issuing of ‘ r 'Lr Hate Hheets Once in Hix J ' ■'*- Suggest May 1 and Nov. I.** J s L Hooper, “A<l ling an insurance ' Vlll> to the Association.** , ' - ,J *l. Carrel, “Khmtnallon of Brass 9 ** tw Baggage, Both Local and For- Bi'Ale Flyer" sleeper between Ht f ',‘ * n, l Jacksonville, which has here ru via Like City, will here t r * run via Yaldcsta and the Atlan i, al ''ksta and Western, making con , *’ the union station at Ja:k --v“ ‘ with all Hum. AT THE THE ATF.R. ••The Belle of \en I ork" Played Be fore a Lame Audience. •‘The Belle of New York,** one of the Casino suocesset. which has had a big run In New York and lomlon. was prenenied last night to a large audience. The music of the piece Is by Oustave Klrker. and the book by Hugh Morton. It Is fashion ed after the other Casino success** "In OflV New York," **The Telephone Girl" and others of the class which arc present ed annually at the c*tm> In Na York There Is Just a semWince of story and plot—enough to make a grand work for h* pot-pourri of bright and clever hits that ku to make up the who.* For on* to enjoy and appreciate It to the utmowt It Is almost necessary to be a quaint rd with the way* and pcopl* of New York, for there is a strong local color to it. The piece was splendidly staged and the costuming was handsome and effec tive The horuses were well drilled ami the hits and gags were mostly clever and up-to-date Miss Beulah T*odg*\ who eared for the orle made famous by Edna May—that of the Salvation Army lass. Is a winsome, pretty girl, with a sweet voice ami pet He figure. Her solos were well received, “Follow Me" being particularly good. Edward J. Connelly as the Kk-*r Bron son; Arthur Dvagnn ns iillnky mil. and George Taliman as the young spendthrift, were all capable. Mae Sailor. a "Fin." was a very dainty bit of femininity and sang very sweetly. There were a num ber of amusing and ludicrous characters which were properly cared for Flo Peory as Mamie Clancy gave the beat representation of a tough girl that has teen seen her** in a great while The dam lug of "1 at Belle I aisle," a dans* use from the other side, was a feature, and she was compelled several times to re spond. To-morrow night Charles Dickson will be seen In “Mist akes Will Happen.*' An exchange says of the play; "If there was nothing more In *'M ©take* Will Happen" than its second act <the stable scene) It would he worth braving a blizzard to see. but there are In this play many more things to make you laugh After you have seen it It you will say ghat there has not been so good farce-comedy here tn many moons The fun Is brisk from start to finish—lt is nn excellent vehicle to bring out the strength of the clever company with which Charles Dickson has surround ed himself. Every scene and situation Is amusing and the greatest care has been given So details." tIYB I**l ED A* A DDH ESA. Republican Electors *cnd Out Owe to the Voter* of l.eoriln. The Republican electoral candidates of Georgia have Issued an address to the voters of the suite, urging the support of the Republican national ticket. The chief argument advanced 4# that the vot ers should do this for business reasons. Th© Republican ideal of government la very tersely set forth in the third para graph In which It Is declared that "we be lieve thaf nations are but traders on a larger scale.” President McKinley Is commended for giving positions to Southern men In the volunteer forces oral "thereby affording the South nn opportunity to prove Its loy alty to the Union " Figures are given to show that the country has been very pros perous under the Republican regime as against the opposite state of affairs under the Democratic administration. The posi tion of the party on the trust question is also aptly expressed as follows “We denounce all trusts formed for the purpose of suppressing competition to un it, cv-sarlly advance prices, but we rec ognize In great combinations of Ilk* In terests. the extension of that principle In btirlr.r## which demands the largest pos sible production at the smallest cost; which, when honestly conducted, bene fits the consumer,, and which, by the re port of the United States commissioner of 1 bor. has proved of enormous profit to labor, both skilled and unskilled. Increas ing the wages of the former by 19.39 per cnt and of the latter by IS. 17. as mparrd with the average of wages paid before the omblnatlons by the Interest* which compose them The address makes th#* remarkaM© as sertion that the South has iwnrfllod more by the policy of protection than any other we.iion. and that farm products have ad vance*! as a result from .V) to 1W per cent. It Is argued that a change of administra tion Is undesirable from a business stand point. and It Is an* rted that this Is the one overshadowing qu*wtlon and the sole question worthy of ‘onsSlcratlon now The address Is signed by the fir publican candidates for electors, J F. Ilanson. John Oliver. Henry Blun. Jr . J K. i*ct*r 50H. W. B Beymour. K N ("lemence, II L. McKee. T W Thurman, Charles Adam son. D. F. DeWolf, A. J. 8. Hall. B. B. Vaughan, W. li. Cook. they resisted utiikit. Tiro Mm Fought the Patrolmen \\ hn Took itii m In. James Maguire n.| Pat Kearney, were arrested last night for being drunk n<l disorderly In Ihr saloon of Chari** Tousaalnl, at Price ir**t an<l Oglethorpe tivenue Thr men were not only Intoxicated. hut showed a decided fit 'lnclination o be taken to the lock-up. an.l It look live poll.-emen to get them there. A further charge i* matle against Kearney that he assaulted (i. F. Puff and alo ehoked r.itrolmnn I>. Jermgan, one of lhe arresting officer.. Owen St Ilea, colored. * nrresled hy J C MeCarthy 4 the reguest of J J Murk ley who charged him with lllegMl voting Prank Morgan. John Courtney att.l c.eorv. Praaler. all white, were arrested hy Patrolman Tulli* on the charge of beg ging on the etreet. There were a few other arrent, of no .pedal lni|>ort*nee. CII MUM Al. r tK* TO-IMT. W. C. fiootlenough I* llf Tried for Aaaanlt "• Hatljrr. A number of criminal caeca are a.gltrn cd for trial In the Superior Court to-day .ind geverul of them, very probably, will lie tried and determined. Among lhoe aa- Flinnl I. the case agaln.t W C. Oootl enough. who I* charged with ai.aull and battery alleged to Imve Itcen commuted on a negro woman. The other ca.e. o he tried are not of ere It Intern>t lining tm.ed largely u|a>n the row which Ihe wore dement of the mgr.. poiuilHtlon of the city 1. ae.,t t0m ,.,!(„ provoke and then .uffer the legal con.ccjuenee.. wilt MIT Till* AKTBHWMISI. Member, of tl.e Fore.* Pity ■" Are l.reotly loiere.ted. Cooelderablo Internet among the mrm- Imr. of the Kom.t City Oun Clu'. ho. hec„ hy Ihe .hoot that I* to he held iht. afternoon at th- ground. The commli" e h.e ortMOged th* handl , alal oil la in readlnca for th. l* event. Dr F C WMmm I* h* ecraic man In the footing. The memher. m begin to Male away l ,h ' t \,.T,;'|a o’clock, and It I* eapodod tlwre wll Im a number of them engage.l In th. . on te.t. or on the ground, to wrltnew them. —llerlln’* hlghe-t bu!ld*o apart P"m the Chur, he, |. the llk-.tory high .him net of Ihe electric elevated foad houre. t.nly two church It. that of Ihe new cathedral. > fe‘ t ■ > that of the Kalxr Wlihclm MvmorUl Church. i¥> feA THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4,1900. BUT ONE POPULIST VOTE. Continual from Tenth Page, rior Court of Chattahoochee circuit, W. B. Butt; Judge of Superior Court of Cher okee circuit. A W Fite, judge of Supe rior Court of Coweta circuit, t 5 W. Harris. Judge of Superior tVmrt of Northern cir cuit Horace M. Holden. Judge of Supe rior Court of Oconee circuit, IV M Rob erts, judge of Superior Court of Hmith western circuit. 7. A Littlejohn. Judge of Superior Court Stone Mmntoln circuit. John 8. Candler; solicitor general of Al bany circuit. W. F Woolen; solicitor gen eral of Allanta circuit. C. P 11111. solici tor gtneral of Augusta circuit. J 8 Rey nolds; solicitor general of Blue Htdgc cir cuit. Thomas Hutcherson, solicitor general of Brunswick circuit, John W. Bennett; solicitor general of Chattahoochee circuit, 0 P Gilbert; and! Itot general *'hro k* e circuit. Bam I* Maddox; oll< itor gen eral of < oweta circuit, T. A Atkinson, solicitor general of Flint circuit. O. 11. B Hl*dworth; solicitor general of Macon circuit. Hope Uolhlll. solicitor general of Middle circuit, H T lUwlings. ao licit or gemral of Northern circuit. P W. Meo*l ows; solicitor general of Ocmulgee circuit, H. O. Lewis, solicitor general of Oconee circuit, J. F. Delotcey; solicitor general of Huperlor Court of Patauln circuit, J A. Lalng; solbdtor general of Bu)Mirb>r Court cf Rome circuit, Moses Wright; solicitor general of Bu|**rior Court of Houthern cir cuit. W. E Thomas; solicitor general of Superior Court of South western circuit. Frank A Hooper; solicitor general *f Su perior Court of fit one Mountain circuit, W T Klmsey; solicitor genernT of Bu l>erlor Court of Western circuit, O. 11 Brand The vote cast wa an ©aceedlngly light one. I.* out of n total registration of 1434. The registration given Is excluaive of the names stricken from the rolls l.v the registrars, who complete#! their la bor* Just the .lav preceding the election They had stricken forty-four names from the list, most of which were droip*d be cause their legitimate owner* were dead The percentage of registered voles voting was about 29 per rent against SM per cent In lftis and fr?** per cent In 1M In these former years. h w*v*r. the conditions were somewhat different and tlx* Inter* st taken in the election vry much greater than was the ca*-** this year In ls9s 2,081 votes were cast, and in 106. .'..4 9 The e ectlon was th-- quotest that Ba vanoah has known for a number of years, there being absolute!# no irace o # excite ment, and only the very faintest quiver of Interest discernible about the polls at any time during the day A squad of ;*o- H< emen. under th-* command of Lieut owen F Reilly, was on hand to preserve i order and keep the peace, hut Its ser vices were not needed Order, for the time, looked out for Itself There was a ml Id row on th* ste* of the Third Dis trict box Just before the polls closed, hut It ©mounted to little, and was uuh klv suppressed. The poll* were closed and the voting stopped promptly wt the appoint ed hour. 624 o’clock. city time. hut for an hour or mot* j before that tlm#- there had been only an occasional voter who was anxious to de ! posit hi* ballot The weather all day had liecr almost constantly disagreeable and fhere w* re many, who might otherwise have come to the pods, who did not care to take the chance of a dren.blng simply j for th* purpose of advancing an M*-al, while they were quite conscious that their votes could serve no useful purpose In oneervlng the real interests of the party. Democrat!-' success had l*en an •■‘•'Hired fact from the Inception of the campaign j and the op|H*itlon in Chatham founty de j Renerated Into Just one adverse vote. I These conditions were too thoroughly iind ! too generally understood to Induce aub ! stantlal business and professional tn* n to endure dls vmfort at the polls. The managers and clerks lagan to count I the ttallnt* Immediately after they had | closed their windows, and by 9 o’clock the ! work had been *ompletel The return* had all been made up and the . onsolhint ed lists turned over to f*ierk <5. Reulten Butler of the Board of County fonimi*- sloners. The list will be forwarded to uay to the ofH* era who. the latv requires, shall be furnish**! with copies. After everything had been done and everybody connected officially with the election had departed, the vicinity of the Court House a|f*e.ired scarcely more deserted than It had since the early morning. MM 41. PRRMAAL. Mr. O M Riley of Brighton I* a guesl of Ihe Screven. Mr. tiuy Carpenter o( Atlanta Is regis tered at Ihe Pulaski. Mr. Thro W. Martin of Atlanta Is regis tered at ihe Pulaski. Mr. J. D. Overstreet of Summit Is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. W. flver.lreet of Statesboro I* a guest of the Screven. Mr. Joseph Hull left last night for At lanta via Ihe Central. Mr O. Noble Jones left over the Central Inst night for Athens. Mr. R. U Pritchard left for Macon yes terday on the Central. Dr. W. C. Hobdy left via the Southern yesterday for Knoxville. Mr. William la’Fils of Jacksonville Is registered at the B<xevcn. Mr. 8 K Theus left via the Plant Sys tem yester lay for New York Mr. <• W. Owen* will sail on Ihe Kan sas City to-day for New York. Mr. F 11. Christie of Jacksonville was a guest of the Ihilaskl yesterday. Mr II K. Ransford will sail for New York to-day on the Kansas CMy. Miss I.a ura l>. Poe of Tampa was In Ihe city yesterday, a guest of the S< reven.- Mr 11. Is. Roberts of Statesboro was among he arrivals at the Screven yester day. Mr, I>. C. Powell of Malden Rmneh was among Ihe arrivals yesterday at the Pu laski. Mr J. T. Griffith. Jr . was among the passengers of the Central yesterday for Macon. Mr and Mrs J H Miller of Moultrie were In Ihe city yesterday, guests of the Screven Mrs. Thomas llunter will he among the passengers of the Kansas City today for New York. Capt. <d. 17. Reach and the Misses Reach will he among Ihe passengers of lie- Kan sas City 10-d.iy for New York. Mrs. George Mastlck has returned home at No. Ulrerty street, east, after spending a pleasant summer at Asheville. Mrs. D Hecht and her*daufher. Mrs. A. S. Faber, will return to thl- city after „n absence or five years on the next trip of the City of Augusta. The Augusta Herald says: Mr. Fred 1,. g[th leaves to-night for Savannah. He has been appointed agent for Southern Georgia of the Augusta Debenture Com pany. limited WJlth headquarters at Savan nah The Herald recommends Mr. Speih most kindly to the |eople of Savannah. He Is n gentleman of strict in’egrtty. of enterprise add e*ergy. young men whir has done so much to push Augusta forward. nd has done his fuli Share In* that direction. He has ns many friends In Augue’a ns any cltlgen hero, 1-tery one of them, while regretting to lose him. wish him every possible meas ure of highest success. —The Kanins City Journal recenlly printed a letter from u former Kansan who was In Galveston at Ihe time of the hurtlcan-flood. and who had some thrill ing experiences. Among other things he says: "First we took refuge In a church, hut a brewery whleh was te-ar by looked ,o me stronger and I movol ihe firnlv over, though Beatrice did not want to go had a sentimental Idea that the churrh would he the best My Judgment was cor root for th* church foil and the brewery •tood," WMMn's Fact Tellx itt mn story. A lnugh is often a tie on a woman's lips. It belies the |>am which is tearing at the nerves. But the eyes have no jwrt in the laugh. Their purple rings speak of suffering. There are fines too about the mouth which only patti can give. Manv women look for wan! to a week of such misery each month. Three months of each vent are firm up to suffering. It weakens them. t age* them. It tohe them of wx'tal pleasures and family joys. Can there be any excuse for such women who fail to trr Dr. l*ierce's Favorite ITescniition i It has cured thousands of such sufferers. Cured them perfectly and permanently. It cures ninety-eight out of every hun dred who give it a fair and faithful trial. //• j sun- to help. It’s almost sure to cure. -I had fatlinir of interna! organ* and had to go to bed every month bad irregular monthly period* which would wrtnetimr. la.t ten or twelve day. " write* Mr* Alice I. Holme*, of Cool.pHug Street. I'montowu, l‘a -Had in dtirestKiu *o trod that I could not eat anythlna hardly Dr iherce a Favorite preacription and ‘GoFuen Medical IMacovery ’ cured me." Free. Ir. Iherce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to [>ay expense ‘f mailing only. Seim /l one-cent stamps for paper hound book or 31 stamps or loth hindiug to Dr. R. V. l’ierce, Bu&ato, t{. V. CLASSIFIED AuVtKfIStMENTS. PE 11*0* A L. for >b f* a ilay.s more; but nt 111 havt* time to find and a handsom** engugom* nt finger ring, an <*verlatlng, good-luck brlngttag. plain gold Anger ring Bp* lal aale this w*k of plain and fancy i*et gold finger ling* Solid gold iqn'ofiit I*'.* fitted with t>e*i Bpepcrn#' lew*#**, either for . hort or long -ight, 12 60. Frg 'i*. -’n Eaat Broughton Hair. Jawelrv and Hhavlng Supplv llou*** Mall orders promptly tilled “it SHOULD SUE MILLERS FURNl ture; now cut etylra f‘>r bedroom, dining room. i*iiior. In oik, walnut and mahog any; Mlller e prices and frtn are rea ponabl**. 207 Broughton, went. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Sprlngtield Dairy; it'* rich and pure; try It r SHOULD SEE MILLERS NEW wtylea In carpet*, marling, window ahade*. art aquare*. ruga, lace curtain*. sc.; Miller'* price* and terms arc reasonable JUT Ilrotighton. weet. FINE RICE FIELD ra MB AT BA ker *,' every day. tvest of all other m at* In market , IF rrs VIUGS Y*>T' want YOU CAN get them cheaper from MeOlllle. O' C MATHEWS. REAL ESTATE Collecting Agency, 16 Eaat Bryan atreet. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rocker*, ladles' size, at $2. J. W. Teeple. H‘ *iß K)L BOOKS NEW AND BEU ond-hand. *oll an*! exchanged- Barnes* 2nd Reader. 20c; trd Reader. 2Rc; 4th R ad er. 35c; f,th Reader. 45c; Lincoln'* I*h>elolo gy, 40c; !*t Stc|q>lng Stone* Literature. 2fr-. 2nd Stepping Slone*. iOo; Prince* Arlthrnatl' . 15c. Montgomery History, g* Al tlardner’M lktz<ar. r SIIOCI.D SKI. MU.KKR S STOVKB and ranges; the ts-st makes at reasonable prices. C. P MlHer, Agent f BHOII.D SEND ME YOPR OR ders for upholstering parlor ar.d dining ro-mt furniture In hailier. silk and other fab rics, In the best manner; curled hair, moss and cotton mattresses renovated, all work well done and eatlsfactlon guar anteed. C. P Miller. Agent. OI.D NEWSPAPERS, sno tor It cents at Busin**, Office Morning New* IlhO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last C. P. Miller. Agent WHEN YOU SEE M Ot 1,1.13’ SIXTY- Inch V> cents rugs, you will buy them. Just cati’t help It; will sell In any quan tity. ••FPRNITURE MOYF.D WITH CARR" is a specialty with McOtlMg. ~BKE THE JEWED STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for In-ursnee gasoline stove. ""DUTCH AS’ll roman hyacinths. fri Easier lilies. Jonquils; my own ImgHvrratlon; for good results plant n-‘W A C. G*lm hlg. opposite Catholic Ceme tery, Gardner - It.ixaar, agent. "U SIIOCI.D SEND YOU It ORDERS for tuning and tejmlrlng i*lanos and or gaits to W. I*. Manning, with C. P. Mil ler. Agi-fit; prompt atienrlon to out-of town orders. C. F Miller. Agent. ~IS YOl’R IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? Stlffel & Freeman haw a standing offer of tl.UUi’ for every safo of their make that doeq not preserve Its eontenls one safe was In burning debrl- US Irours When taken out, the hone had to be turned on 14. When o|e ned, rot a page was dis colored. not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want aecorlty. buy a Stlffcll A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, Agent. M UIDI.IS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, lac, curtntne hammocks, water cooler*, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every dee-rlp!on MOIDLIB MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and 4ores pianos ami furniture; best work only; ro "Cheep-John" prices—no "Cheep- John" Jobs fl IS HUYB NICE RATTAN ROCKERS, ladles' else; large a- -or! m*n t of rockers, couches and easy chairs. C. P. Miller. Agent. ~IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lltnngraphed and printed stationery and blank books from Morning News. Savannah. Go. OCT IST I WILL MOVE TO 411 WEST nroughlon. Ring up 2PH If you want to have your furniture movol or (Xl' ked for shipment or storage. I guarantee price* th same a* I do Ihe work Ih it's given to etc- A S Griffin. Ml Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. M OII.LIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. I’ SHOULD SEE MILLER’S OFFICE desks, offh-e tables, office chairs, offlm matting, office shades. C. P. Miller, Agenl U WILL BOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly need something In my line; U will save money by trading with me. C. P. Miller, Agent. M Cn.I.lH SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna patterns— for * cents. MEDICAL. LADIES! CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are Ihe beat. Safe, re liable Take no other Send 4c stamps for lairtlculur* "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Phllada., Pa. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cur* Ingrowing nails, corn* and all dl#eaea of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; ran give the beat reference# In tb* city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left as Ltvlngstofi'e drug store. Bull and Congress as reefs; telephone M. Lem Darts, surgeon chiropodist HELP WABTKO-MUR. WANTED. TWO TIN HOOK era; kmkl |*> to right men. 140 Whitaker *tr**ct "wanted. WHITE BRIUK liAYEHS, carp# nt* ri* and plasterer*, union pay. Ing Job*, black-nilthM, Herman bar kee|*ers. Ivookkeeper* and i*ten>graphcr, tallorn, wheelwrights, tb* chopprra. Huber, Jl7 M eet Bay, Jacksonville. WANTED FIRST ULASS PAPER hangr*. 82 fd .i day. Addre** E Hoyle Or Son*. Jackeonvllte. Ila WANTED. A WHITE Wild KAN write an*l make plain figure*. IT Uongre?* *trcet. wept. "wanted, man upright char n'ter. to manage bttflnesa of old estab lished honae; salary slh per w* ek and ex pense* payable inch week direct from headquarter*, expense mom > u lvam el. |H>*iiion permanent: raferenc#* Standard Hotter. yl t'axtott bulldl- g. Uhl go. A YEAR EASILY MADE BY hustling agent*. Itamlhng out white and fancy rubber collars, cuff* ami necktie*, patented and guarani***! g*Mls. our cam paign tix* are winner*; liberal commUsnat. ex.'in*lve territory, send stamp for q** ckil plan. term*, et . \l \ M Mfg. . Sprtngrtekt Mur* “wanted, well dressed young men *0 travel; expense* paid; eall at noon or after 6 p m 311 Montgomery street. W. I*. Smart “WANTED. FIFTEEN BRIUK LAYERS, three months’ work, gn*>d pay. ;l*o planer man. A H. Johnson. Tampa. Eln “WANTED. V RELIABLE AND IX p#rietti •*• clothes presser with gu**l refer ee.** Adit. v* Uurr> HELP %Y %BTKU—KEM MINT \G I NUY. 31? West Bay. Jacksonville, want* I. male and fem.ile cook- chamber mai U. table girl*, laundren*.*-*. house *t % . East and West coast Florida abo Georgia TOOK FIRST-rT,ABS COOK WANT ed LPA Fifth sir#***, w**wt WANTED A WOMAN TO WASH AND , iron In yard Applv 2116 Bull *ui*t. WANTED. UOIxORED WOMAN FOR position at lsl* of l!o|*e. Apply at once E. O Hlu>'k, N>. Bryan str*- t. **as XL'... 11 ! —" ' "" """" ""■■■■ '■ AGEMH WANTED. AGENTS ARE COINING MONEY selling "Story of th Galveston Fkod." "ofSciiil. beautifully Illustrated. 4*lo |mk**h. retail price only SU2&; outflt b free. 10 cents for tnaiitng n premium given to ev ery subscriber. Terms l>eiter than any other publisher; freight paid; credit given Addr**w* qb k. It 11 Woodward. BaNlmore. “MAN OR WOMAN. TO EMPLOY AND superintend agents, 150 per month and • x pense*. experience not required; perma nent. Zeigler Cos., 902 Locust street, Phil adelphia. LMPI.OI KENT WANTED. wants employment as waitress or chain l>er mold 122 Houston. “eMPI-OYMENT WANTED. EXI’ERI #*nce*l business man wants i*sltl*n with good future, as of!t< a man, or assistant matiagrr A*ldr*'-s Box 40. this office. 1104141* W.I4TKO. WANTED. PNFURNI3HHD 801 ’Til room with hoard for married couple; stilt* price and location. It TANARUS., <erc News WANTED—*II9C'KI.LAXKOVS. WANTED, I..VW LIVE PIGEONS, Al dress 11. W. Bperry, Duval Hotel, Jack sonville, Fla. WE WANT A Nil'll GENTI.K HORSE for u lady; must he good size, and a good tils! rrqulmt; must l<c a horse wlih style; no other Want'd Addr,t-- James Thomp son. general delivery, Posfofflce. IF TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, ordei your lithographed and printed stationery and blank hooks from Mcmtng News. Savannah. O* IF TOP WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy. It’s rich, pure “ml wholesome. “IF YOU WANT A PI.ACT9 TO DUMP earlh. dirt, wand, manure, e4c., free of charge. Just at city limit*, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bios., come. Anderson and East Broad attest* roit RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT, TWO FRONT ROOM 8. furnished or unfurnished, iim- of hath, with or without Issirtl, faring Park ex t*n*lnn No. loot; Drayton street FOR RENT, FOt'lt PNFPRNISHED rooms for 11.1. Apply 141 Ahereorn street, or Knights' Pharmacy. -ROOMS l-'T'RN'IHHED OR I'NFUR’- nlslied; with or without Imard. 26 York treet. ca*l. FLATS FOH REST. “Tor iTent! all modern Improvements; new hrlek house; private family; reference*. Call 2N3 Jones, east. PLAT OF FOUR CONNECTING rooms with hath, second Hour. 3H3 Gwin nett. ut. next lo Barnard. Inquire on preml-" or of \V. J. Ml-, ally, Jr. “for RENT. FLAT I tot 'MS, SOS lull. nanl street. Apply lo fl. C. Mathews. FLAT SIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with hath, first floor; Lyons' hloek; suita ble for any pur|s>se John Lyons. FOR RENT SPLENDID FLAT, FIVE rooms and hath, 118 State street, mat; large rooms and every convenience. J. K Fulton & Son, “for RENT FLAT AND BASEMENT to small family. No. 12 Jones street, east. FOR RRBT—IIOtIiM ~Tvo7T~RKNT to AN ATvTHnrABLE party, my residence, nnrthea t corner First and Drayton sireota Apply C. VV. Howard. No. Sfri Bay street, east. KOI! RENT. 17 Dt'FFY STREET, east. posM-selon at o). e. Apply George L. Germany, agent. IS Bryan street, ea-tt. I ■ lit RENT . i rAIU.K HOUSE, No 217 Wahlhurg street, east, between Ahereorn anl Lincoln, flrsl-clasa order and condition: every convenience Itlgtri rrittt to right tenant !*>taie Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modern Improvements: In good r< pair 308 Jones, east. Kolloch & Screv en. FOB RENtT LA ROE RESIDENCE. 2D6 Congress sir's t, 'east, sotithr-esl corner Ahereorn M S Baker, Agent, 224 Ogle thorpe avenue, east. [good Positions U- < -. < '‘t§ ECURED Young Men afH; 'Women Y ■ * i*l|f ourpMchc*! Rusir\ess (oUrse pICHMOHjjv i "BUSINESS Gam/ma^fUa' COLLEGES I SmJforCalaiffm roll NKIU-4TORKI. or oftl *. souihe ist corn* r Montgomery and Perry street lan*-. FOR RUNT. STORE. 113 BROUOII tn street, eoat; |***aae*alon Imm*dt.itelv j 4I o *f\e r MI and al able re*idenceg an I flats. Aiply A. Wylly, U llryan street. •set Pull SALE—REAL EAT ATE. tired dollars, easy (erma, on Ninth street, near East lirx*ud. no city taxation. C. IL Dors* it TWO ELKtIANT DWELLINGS ON Duffy stt*>. Im*iw*'*'i 1 Drayton and Ab et* orn pir* i'i!* I. D laittiM'he. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTS • I.* . r •war tIM t Robin H T4etn. real eatate dealer. No. 7 York street west. FOR SALE. LOIS ON NINTH. NEAR East Itroad. a4 4-'* each, will soon b*i advanced to 8*226. when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home t v’ H Dorset! “for SALE THOSE LOTS ON NINTH sfriNd. near East Brood, have only t>een •old 4o first-class parties, *'Ho will link# good neighb*>rs; and none other can buy. The terms are very e tay. and they are cluapei than any other In the vicinity. C II Dorset!. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at t*N each; twenty-five dollars cash, nrvd easy monthly payments. C. II lKrsett. “Foil SAUt-JUISCBLLAABOUO. InTTul is S^TTuTT h*iz<l and fvltcttlmsel One i< made to ctuw. the otlnr is mad** to sell, put a tot is of ours by the Fide of on* of the otlnr kind; w* give you at the quality and all tho quantity that your moiry en titles you t* a pint for a quarter IVer**-* * Drug Si r*#, Henry and Ab-rcura. Whit aker and Taylor PURE JERSEY MILK AT 25< PER g 1 lon. 2l* DufT>. east. Bell telephone HORSES HORSES. HORSES, CAR loa 1 hot **•-* consigned by .1 \\ l*VrgUMUi, Lexington, Kv . will he **.*l*l b> Young love uiul Hlppl** at atMioit. Friday, o* t &. eleven o i'l#M k. tills load i'(Htiinli of fancy road homes, loppy sa*ld4erH. matched Iditni*. and g"**l w*rk lur®* COWS FOR SALE. IF YOU WANT A good milk cow reasonubie, I can supply you Call 471 West Boundary. ASH AND CYPHERS LUMBER FOR •ale 180. Don f. of ash sultablo for wheel wrights *an luge maker*, car worha snd Intetlor house finish. Also cypres* lumber of all size* We R&ve Y©turned cutting our famous brands of cyprewo alilngles and will soon have a full line of fhem for sale. Vale ftoval Manufacturing Company. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try It, you will be |>l*<a©d. ■OI’CATIORAk COLLEGE MOVED DRAUGHONS Practical Iluslness College moved t> Odd Fellows' Hall, corner flarnarrl n*l H*nfc streets. Finest hull In the city. Twenty per cent, discount to th*****’ who enter this week. J T. Brantly. Manager. SIMA r ED. STRAYED FROM FERRIS' MT. • nur S’Uih Brood #fre**t lane and Mont - g.*ni*r> trii’i*, Tuesday night, on#* email black mu •*. Apply at lot or Airnar's PI n am MiH • u i. IM LOST AND rot AD. LOST. DEPOSIT HOOK NO. 74*1, ChuthAm Bank. ss< reward for return t* • Imnk U )ST. POINTKR IKKI; SI*OTTED, liver and whit* , answer# to name of Dixie. Liberal reward If returned to Will iam Latflmorr. ’lost. FEMALE COACH PUPPY AN •wet* to name of Bah* Reward If return ed to II F. Kurk. Anderxon an*l Aber rOffl streets. FfMTND, HORSE AND BUGGY AT Broughton and West llroad street*, own er can have sum.* by applying to Cohen- Kulmuit Carriage un#l Wagon Cos. PM'MMML -mThTehn^plXul^^ to your Interest lo let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work: repair work a specially, a* I „rn a praeil al |iliimtT No gin s work lo endanger y< ur Ilf*. Wiggins, phone rOY Georgia or Bell Mist ELLAS PAWS. “Tiavk vofr hTTThe pXTnted Willi German ready-mixed paint, entire sini-tu Hon guaranteed. Adams I'alril CaMRUiy. • “don T FORGET WHERE TO OC when you n""! plumbing work done, om workmen are the very best; price* low A Price A Cos.. Stale and Jefferson, ■phones 6M , PAPER HATS MADE to ORDER at 305 Tattnall street. WANTED. ONE THOUSAND IIPN gry pirqih- at ihe Southern Grocery Com pany, 111 Barnard street. WE SELL SEWER PIPE. FLUE pipe, tire clay, fire brick al lowest prh-es Adams Paint Company. I*4 Congress, west. MORE THAN ONF. HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard en-li ill ihe Southern Grocery Company, |I4 Barnaul aireet. wf. DO PLUMMNO WORK OP ALL kind* and can llgur* close with you. give us a call when In need. A C I’rt " A Cos., Stale and Jefferson; 'phones 6,'JI. GYPSINE IS THE BEST WALL Ish made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents, 1W Congress, weal. WE CONNECT AND DISCONNECT ranges; our plumbers know Ihelr bud lie -and our prlcis are low, II will pay you lo give us your work. A C. Price A <•.. Stale and Jefferson; Bell and Geor gia 'phones 01M REDUCE YOUR T.IVINO EXPENSES hy Investing your hard-earned hard rash with th# Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street Norwood's "Satire" For sale al all Sews Stands in Savannah. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. At'fTIOI SALES TfllS DAY* handsomeTurniture AT AIfTIOY. I. 11. I. i IKK IIK, Im lliinc.r. On TIirRHDAY UOHNINO. OrG I*oo, ,t It o't UM'k, ni premUcx No. 1U (1. .rtnr(avemiv. I will 11 fi.P i mtti to the hlKhrm bUMvn*. all the Hu*- tiold Hint Kll. hvn (•'urnttura rornalnc l, con.t.ttnx ot very handaoma r...m rtnllva. l'<irk,r HilH-a. Hair Mim M.iHr. • Lai " Curtilna, M.illfiiK. I'l<mr. .. Kun y Ho. fc. r, .n (. r Tutdad, dHrNui 1 Kltafl.lon THntii, Tuhlo and llijilra. Cro-liarK. lltawwir. rl, . tn foil, avp-yihln* found In a well ftirnlahad houac. AUCTION **!.*■ nrrnr. day*. CHOICE FURNITURE. in i. ii. i a ion in:, on FRIDAY. 6th October, IW. at 10 o'clock. I have received ln*iructions to #ell by nut tlon th* * ntlr' household furnittiir *n •he pr* mb*’ - N 2M. corner Hall aid Ah* rvom ttreet**, of Masalvs IliK Rack. Easy Chair Mahogany Ta ble. Picture#. Ilall Rug . ltru#*#i* S *lr t'arpet. Lounge. Itt * - Fcmlrr*. Flru e*. |tl*#|iie Figure-. Ornuilo Table*.l fxi’r Sllver-piated Candelabfa l.aiui*#. Ebony S'and wiih blue* k* til*. Nay French Mantel t'.ork. Kmiii y Ta’!•>-. Itronso Va-* , Dining Tab**-. Chairs. Ituffet. Irish Point lon* Curtain#, Library Taht*. Walnut Desk. China Close I#, Kb*- gun: Cm Ola#'. SUvciwat*. Coins, lAn#n Shal Kx|m ft lv** Refrigsrsior#, .Antlquo Liu** Dinner S**rVM*c Oak and Walnut Bo<*k t !%'•*•. If# volume.-* of Standard Works, l.’ngravlngs. Turn*r's Work* and English Art Sqiiar#--*, W riir>h*?. Ileilruom Suite*. Springs. Mattresses* etc.; Gat Stove, St-‘l l< time ond Kitchen UtSDSiIS, ard nxiny other hat looms •rtklre too miinemiiH to men?lon Huhlter Plants. Ferns Palm#, etc. One tin** 7 Octave Upright l'*aita. Coat 8 fat Abercorn cans pa*s the door. An Open Letter Jaaprr tprlnga, ll* mean Uiannah, <*., Sept. TANARUS, IYmmi. Colnnihla Drag I ovnpmny, Sasannab, (4a.i Gentlemen—l have been taffrrlß| txlth I hills nn#! Fever for more than three month*. Have hern nnder treatment of severnl donors, fried several ao-rallrd ( hill Tonlea, none of vxhteh benefited me. At Inst I frnl #me bottle of ynnr smith's 4 hill miml Fever Tonic, and within three day* I felt much better, and after us!n the second bottle I am clad to *• I am entirely eared. I write this •a that >on mny he able to Inform others who nmy antler and assure them of a core. Very truly ynra, (Signed) MfcYEY TOKTTEH, BRRNNAN BROS^ WMOLKSALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. til HAM 9TKBBT. WmX. IH.cA.aa XXV SEED RYE. GEORGIA SEED RYE SOUTHERN SEED HYR TEXAS RED It. P. OATS. ' HAY, GRAIN. FLOUR. FEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CHEESE. BEANS. PEAS. W. I). SIM KINS & CO. LEGAL SOTII ICS. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COPNTY- Notter t hereby gtvgn lo nil person* hav ing demand* ag|n>t Whipple Aldrich, lab- of said county, deceased, to present them lo me. properly made out. within Ihe lime prescribed hy law-, o a< to show their character end amount; and all per „,n-< Indebted 111 said and aie-l are r*. qulnsl lo make Immediate payment to me. Savannah. G*., S*-pi 4, IF*' JORDAN F. BROOKS. County Administrator. 15 Ray st.. w. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY- Notlcv 1* hereby given lo all persons hav. Ing demand' against Frank T. Lincoln, lai. „f raid county .Ip' cased, to preaent them to nic. properly made out. within the • Ime prescribed bv law. so n to ehow their chalacicr and amount; and all per sona Indebted lit said a- cearej are re quired to nerii- Immediate payment to me. Savannah. Cla.. Sept. 4. I*XI JORDAN F. 14ROOKS. County Administrator. I* 14 01*41 SALS 44 A VIED. OFFICE OF QUARTERMASTER. Fort Fremont, 8. C, Oct. 2, IM(l. S**aled proiroa-tla. In irlpllcate, will he received here until 12 wen, Oct. 22. !. for con structing two frame buildings. Envelope* containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Construction." addressed Stanley D. Kmblck. 4J M Information furnished on application 3