The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 04, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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|-rfC ©8 Since your Nood ,s your llfe 11 behooves >’ ou 10 keep it pure. That person who goes through tha world without regu- CS) Lb Wmm I I v m iarly purifying his blood gets an affliction. Nine ailments out of ten have their origin in thin, impoverished blood And to [ attempt to remedy them by preparations recommended especially for them is to lose sight of their cause, and the relief is not permanent. For instance, an ointment may be prepared that will relieve eczema, but this ailment will have another outbreak. Dvspepsia may find temporal relief in certain rem edies—so may rheumatism—so may scrofula, cancer, erysipelas and women troubles, but the final cure onlv comes when the blood is purified. Pure blood builds up the constitution. Pure blood strengthens your digestive organs so that food becomes nutritious and dyspepsia will disappear. Pure blood is clear of all acid from which rheumatism gets its start. Pure blood contains no poisons that gives rise to cancer, eczema and scrofula. Pure blood disposes ot the causes of a thousand pettv diseases that render you uncomfortable and unhappy. Graybeard Is the PUREST BLOOD PURIFIER Made. ll has cured Csncar. It hae cured E> sti*. >, ji, . lift'd BhfuniAlluai nan rured Catarrh It haa cured Mind you, these were tit. trifling atl r mi. but enrr on* on ellment which ,-tora had failed to cur*. my beard 1* mad* of fresh herbs. b!oa it> and barriet* It contain# no morcury potaah. For eradicating old and <l*ep a led n Ilmen is a* Cancer. Catarrh. Ecx* , J Rbw umatlem Dyspepsia. It haa no , al on earth You want nothing else to Try nothing eUe Nothin* elaa lo r ..ary. In Graybeard you have every g to build you up and make you atron. ~ than vour disease It will .rush out - disease It will leave you aa you wera ~1 .re the allrn r.t selxed you. net* la nothing a hundredth part aa g ..1 aa Oraybeard to do this There la .aiming mad* like Graybeard-none ever H I be. It la one ot the great invention# • . the world. Catarrh of Stomach 1 .ike Graybeard and know It helpa me r ore than anything I can get. I have ca tarrh of the stomach und can’t And any mg to relievo me but Graybeard "EI’NICU FOCNT' ' N •'L*evi... Ind." A Drummer Cured. Mr J M lirown. many year, a drum c-r in Dotxavlll-. Ark , writ*. "I have : n troubled for a ion*: lime with rhruma r itlsm In my f-*l and Jolnta IVh-n I .at I ould not fit up without rtprr • -iny .• rt'iit poll) Wh-n I dool on my i: any length of tlm,- 1 win romp-11-d • i ait down and even even got no relief U spring this ailment im/rewa.-d I be Kan the ur? of Orwytward a few k since and am pleased to say that t v I mi all right Nothing ever gave me l .!ef but Grayboard A Conductor Cured. I Mdiraolcd cold a few yfara fg work ! .• uti the bridge grur over in Alabama t r J was laid up with rheumatism I tried i .t many remedies all of which n*fniM i> "pllrv** rm but none cured me A id g-x*l u far an they went. but <li I not iro far .ugh i r. ard cured me before I had taken * -thud us much as of other r©m©dl© Wm W MrDANIEL C. R R. Conductor. Get GRAYBEARD at Drugstores--$l a Bottle-6 Bottles, $5. Or write to Respess Drug Cos., Props., Savannah, Gal iM: THE ATMENT OF CONVICT*. j Aurliih Mmlm That %r© Followed In IMflt r< nt Coantrlr*. From th*- New Y*rk Free*. abolition of the lockstep at Sing 1 mmunity In the slightest degree. I am v Mi gto >*♦* what the Star of Hope shall ' i • o -<•> übout it It 1a hard to lmng ne ' 1 njj the s.ime old Slug Sing without or many >*ars it we* ih- dlstlngutsn • ure .-i N* w \mk> me hodoftr*'*t nvi t# In the famous Philadelphia i which In arly days of the cen *rtr i tel the attend n of the world. •i* isolation and elleuce w**re the i * Th* onvlct was placed In a cell free v nttUtel from tlov . well warmed •cd, l ut he saw none of the other • i ! * l*\ lay or nixhl. nor ould he dls hc plivi an l ir ailment of the 1 i:g llis in* hl* h*- ate alone In his l. *n n divine service he was hid : and cur tains. l-ttfay effe’a Opinion. I fi\• *t•' often \l*|fed this prison, anl • ‘ • •► Ms belief that the pi Inc.pie was not • protract* and sdl'ary confinement, •►pinion, causing; insanity. Exi*tl i '♦*♦l t Itcit he watt wrong. #° lonic prl'.*ner w > kept at healthful la n F i k r the convicts worked to u l In goii.ic to and fro marched • ingul tr fashion with hrxlles close r ,m i- ks moving ?• one. and • h • rr.-altlfne would tak* up hi* plats lu? hen, with ut stopping or drop* f l*n*, itiiing Its contents In his hi rs. Neither silence nor soll ♦ * w enforced in American prisons. Ihe I 1 1 I tiavion l ode. 'li ha* produce I few Blaster men " * ■" ‘'l Livingston, ar.d II l pa*t tin that hr should havc pro|<o*cd ''Hi r t c .iplt il punishment nil ' ' Hunt for life In a call paint*l *■ " i in ■ plmph on ihe d'r for the 1 r hinder at. 111* food the coar l mJ n.u.r hi* rail a llvliik * I* the man who wrote the f Andrew Jak.on. repre 'i 1 I-m pi re Stale in Congr***, wa* ■ r f New York. rolled Stale* B<-n*i -1 ’ i l*.nii*lana, Minister to f'ram r. r ' of Stile, *tr. While hi* rode ' dirt. t|y arc pled hy lui*tana ml i . | i..y|-latinn in *rveral rour.- '"l part* of If were adopted en ' man inula. Il<‘B*rntr*l of ('rarity. ' lining rrnrl In Ihr lnrk*lrp. man, and in I hi* humane ' n* ah ill further he 1 s "' k ml the whipping poet I ih ut 1831, while abroad 1*34 r, K In i halna, or glhhetlng, for -1 -mute In-aih hy lormre wa* ° r *' the beginning of the nine. ' ii'ury, while a *t p hark to 17MI r*hn*m*nt* of cruelty that ih. civilised world lo hlueh ■ hu untie** year* We have nv llluMrallon* of Chlneeo '' 11 ey *rem merciful In com ' me:hod* adopted In part I ‘l'ldled while rare*. i •x ■ tuple * of killing hy ' Iron roftln of l.v*a." the la Vl*rge." the ■ rhamhre a Hie "hermlrle* •• in the Iron prisoner wa* laid ao that hr I l d> -rending hy an almort movement until It rrushed luf laallng eevrtol day* and 1 ‘ halier de la Vlrrge" the . • wot el to the bottom of a I and Mind*folded The band m 'ed from hi* eye*, he wa* 1 down a long corridor and h.aain matue of Ih* Virgin, Letter from Texas. balllnger. Tex . Jan. 2Sfh *'l thought I would write ynj what your wonderful Grj> ©curd hn* don*? for m I had tu!.irrn of the hand about .15 year*, and ©uff#*red a great deal 1 have tried mans kind a of medicines and have treated by doctors, though all of them fa* ed to cure m Arxl I being e© old and my diaraae so chronic. 1 didn't think there was any that would cure me Hut more han 2 year© ago I had very plain sympiom© of cancer on ms r*** and face and decided to try Onyheard r.ot thinking ihar it would i*v my catarrh as well as ■unerr I bought a bottles from Mr Pierce, and less than 6 cured me This has been more than 2 veare m<o now and no symptorna of the old have appeared I can pralae Oravbeard for what It haa done for me F*er*oos r;#ad never think they are too old for Gray bewrd to cure them T am now 75. "MRS. KUO DA DEAN.** Graybeard Cured Him. ”1 would here aay for the ber.aflt of the public', that I was troubled with rheuma tism In my hips for three months, and as I handled Graybeard I concluded to give It a trial I took two lwattles and a half and was cured I do believe It to be a great mod! In* "Aleo Sister DeLoarh t.k it for paraly sis and U helped her surprisingly • Rev. A. It. STRICKLAND, "Easterling, Ga.” Eczema. Do you know when you have ©cirma * Do you Itch? Is your *kin rough? In warm weather does this stinging sennit ion Increase? When you scratch do lurgt* bll* tors and sores form? I>o they torment you when you work? Kcgema Is an outbreak of bad blood A person afflicted with ecsema cannof take undue exercise without aggravating the Itching, or g**t worm In bed without feel Ing on Arc The blood Is uflarm* with the peculiar poison that cresfes the disease and calls for a powerful alterative to re move It Nothing short of a BIOOD MED ICINE will accomplish a cure. Eczema. Lafayette. Ala., May 16 t have tried your Oraybearrl ami know for a truth that it 1. effectual It rVir-d me of eczema nmi a severe at tack of indlgertlon. I do not hesitate to recommend it. AH who try It here will not be without it B. A JAIIRLLL. which stood In a niche at tne end The Instant hts lips met those of the statue a trap door opened under his f.-et and he f-’l . n a wheel of spikes sot In motion by an unseen agency. Ilritlsh hoaellles. Ito !lng to death was a mode of • apltal punishment In Kngland in the rt ign of Henry VIII. The “ehumbr* a crucvr" ava* a French variant of tie- Kng llsh cust-m of press'nif to death, the *-, hamhro" h. Inga shallow, heavy chest filled sharp stones. In which the vic tim was pack'd aid hu'btl alive The ••hermlcles" were a favorite of the In qulaitton. The prisoner w is fastened by the ne k to a mattress, while his l>s“ w.-r, crushed two gteat logs of wood, on the uppermost of which sat the • x eculloner. The ri k used In Ktigland until HMO. wh re It wa ni by the name or the • fhuke of llxei.ra DaughterTh Hrltlsh we e fad of "hanging, drawing and quart, ring.” Thr ilnimltß. The ■m.irzoiata" wa- an Italian barbari ty. The victim wa.- U.rne to a scaffold and foie, dto his kill-1. As he attempted to rl- the txecuiloner -truck him in the lift temple with a ma . causing him to drop Ilk- an ox and roll over on his back The executioner then drew hi- knife and with single atrolu of nod throat, an I, mounting on hi abdomen stamid vlo 1,-ntly with Ills f- ft. At . very -trake a Jet of blood sprang from the wound I have s. .-n hogs killed In die country In similar fa .hi n Th. history of Venice 1- full of killing by Inches in the most diabolical slyles llrenklnu on the Wheel. Ilreaklng on the wheel wus the climax of torture In France. The victim l*eing IIMI to the arl el Ihi exet ntl'yrer with a ,tw , places each, then added two or three strokes on the chest, after which the prl oner wa* allowed to dir In prare Some time* he lingered three or four day* l-e --forr Ihr vital spark fhd When Chari.•* XII of Sw.ilrn hail Palkul. Ambn**edor ~f p.ier the Ureal, broken on Ihr hl dl*ml**etl the om . r of Ihr guirl fr m the army for allowing Patkul * head to be *trurk off be foie life wa* extinct, it Home anil %tirait. The Hrlllah Invention of blowing from cannon I- ntir of Ihr more horrible form* of puniehnvnt ever .leM-rd hut I* rul'J'l" gaied India, and I* apologlied for W hen the gun* went off in the He|iv Muilnv • hower* of human fragment* tilled 'he elr A little more than one hundred year* g • * thief w i* burned il the .take In Merlin. The awful punl.hne nt of peln- forte el dure " wa* Inflicted on aile* t'orey at Hdl ,i,i Mat. hu a;*: ihank* to the pr.aohT* He wa* *lmnped lo a hoafd whlcn wa* laid on Ihr ground Then a door wa* Ml'"' | from ll* hinge placed on him ir*l loaded with none* taken from thi in eperchl*** agony ho died So I lie a* 11X> a man wa* pr*-d lo d*ath In Kngland. They laid on hint tlr*t !•> pound*. • "* n * *eron.l li, then IW. making In all *<> pound* A* Ihi* fail'd Anl.h him in ad ditional Mi pound* w .* ''l' l '" h '' executioner, who weighed eboui -I" 1 * hlmeelf on the board tniMllral'i t holn (iang. It 1* right hard to comprehend lhat lea than ninety ytar* ngo the Connecticut Stale prlon wa* the mouth of a foraak. n copper mine. ... ured by a trap door ami .lew ended by a ehali Sen trie* *u*l about the yard a* the prisoner.came up to work handkuffd. fell-red and chain.-1 In pair* to wherlhairow* h'avortte l , ntt*hment*. gnmi of the favorite mole* of punl*h meni were crucifixion, the garrme of Spall", the how -airing of Oriental d-*i o*. the auger of the Piralana, the ax of Bng- THE MORNING NEWS: TUTUS DAY. OC TOBEK 4. 1900, a a iut eua wa oao eeea.r .rrus.* > . * sswusy ©OJWIIG3 & ®KM) LEV, ....... ’WHOLESALE - • * Fruits, Produce, fQT)cy Groceries, Jobbers, taa COMMISSION MERCHANTS 13 WCST MirCHtLL ST*CtT J * .(/ rmm ......... I’ir. -£4th|. Respites Dnn C#, 4 Dottr Sirs:- 7or thrs yr X sufferec great pun and annoyance frea Catarrh and Blood Poison and found no reaedy that would relieve eo. ORAfKEARt was recommended to ne and three tottles a>*du a now nan of sie X actually weigh 20 pound*wore, and ry hoalth is wore vigorous than for yssra. X think It Is the greatost renody that 1 evsr saw. Yours Aruly, Minister Cured. Dear Friend*—l aufTerM more nr I** all the tlm* for ion yeir* with rheuma tism. trying many remrd*a, but falling to perfect a permanent cure So I expert*l to live the balance of my day* In p*in. Rut I began taking Graybeard. not ex porting to bo cured of rheumattam. but j hope to be cured of tetter on hand* and neck. And when I had only taken It botllea all my rheumatitm was gone That wa* near.y a year ago and I hava not had a pain from that raure since. Th© tetter on my neck and ear* disappeared, my gener al health hta been better, and I weigh 30 pound* more than I did before taking il. No doubt Greybeard will do all that I* claimed for it. S. If. WHATUCT. Atlanta. Go. | l-ind. the guillotine of France, ©mothering in a qUAgmlro ItritJiln>. ©awing In two. exp*ing to the hot ray** of th- run aftr ehnxing off the eyelashes, I rot*.-! lament, keel-h luling, rment. atoning, vs.i klng th* piank nl tying up by the thumb*. The < % htne*c chain a victim *k*vn and let water drip on hi* forehead until h* go*‘a ln*an- How f* l , romolr- Mlrrp. M L. Rayne in Chi go Tlme*-Ilerald. If you have ever lain uwako a wh !*• ©low hour*. lying with wtde open eye-* nigh* liMtenlng to the rlo k striking *h© and aonae* |*reti*rnaturally acute ro that they every sound, or In a el |en< . deep that the beating of your own heart wa© all the sound you heard, then you will b Intereated in a reh* r*l of methoda for pn>moting sleep, which have been of pra-tteal to oth* r eiiff- rer* from Insomnia. S'* ep cannot !*• han<llwl or controlled Ilk* any other habit of the nervous organ isation. It should b* healthy, happv and a* n itural as breathing but It will not hear Interference and the moment we In gin to analyse It that ni<*rmnt It I* be yond our graep In vain we turn the pil low and hunt for i c<ol place, or Imagine florka Of sheep going over the stile-* o' dreamland We repeat from memory all the “(*•< *?’’ of poetry committed in our © chon l day*, recite tragic line* from Khake©|w nr**, and soothing text* from th- Kittle. nd softly i lrctimnavlgate our rra niurm* with ©oprlfl' lingers end©, and are more wid* awake th*m before. Then |ms •ibly u . old rompres.*- at The base of the brain is followed by a blissful fa*rlod of oiil\ion and red Hut tak**n unaware* sleep, mvthologlral ly a i.vile- and aprkdous a u woman, cun he caught and held by a spell Hieep . harm* an he purchased of English gyp* *h s tor silver piece They serve a* • delusion to cat h sleep off her guard and chain her to the pillow. The patient of i distinguished English kvtot and *ai*d he could not Sleep unless he coukl rir*t toueh * lamp \"** three times A literary man of Ig*n*lon always read sixteen first lines of “I’aradlss Ist" by candlelight afier going lo bed He never goi any further. heeoue he Invariably blew out hi* indie and fell aaleep Ml the end of Ihe eixteenth line. Ird Koeehcry. the Kngllah elit>*mnn. re. *ntly menitoned to hi* friend. Ml*hop Creighton, that he could not aleep when overworked. Dr. Creigh ton replied that he never suffered ftorw aleepliwene**. a* he had a aure remedy "Whenever I feel weary." he raid. "I lt down to write a aermon. and urn aaleep in a few mlnui***. If, however. 1 com* m(ii eto read ncrmon lam off In a very (mv Rfcondi "Ah! mv lord," replied lrd ftoaehery. "of two evil* I will . noo*e ihe |ea*e Much rather woukl I go wl'hout aleep Ilian read a aermon!" Another .offerer from Insomnia rannot gel a wink of aleep If he happen* lo for get lo place a handkerchief—which ha never uaea—under hi* pillow, line alngu lar no la that of a man who cannol deep uniil he ha* Imagined himaelf a mil lionaire and he*towed lga. le* In a will Oh all hi* needy relative* Thi* la oppoaed lo the Tlplure lexl whl-h n< the sleep of the tailoring man I* aweci, bill iha abundance of the rich will no* auffer him to aleep Apostrophes lo aleep are found In Ihe page* of all literature and there are few of our goat poet* of either hemlaphere who have not enriched Ihelr volume, by i.l. • or sonnet* to deep: "ome sleep: O aleep! the certain knot of peace. Th. tutting ['lace of wit. Ihe halm of woe. "I in r~-x man * wealth, the prisoner". re l.aae. The indifferent Judge between the high ami low Dr. William Hammond, who wa* at Picture of Health. "Oraybeard did me more good than any thing I ever 11 ■ k in my lift* ! was troubled with indigestion, •hortix'** of breath, and was given a groat deal of rmdlclno by my doctor, but It did me no good I ©aw Gray b* ard advertise*! and bought It. and It eurrd me 1 began to gain flesh am) weigh twenty pounds mors than I did a short time ago MM J O BROWN. ”127 Lge street. Montgomery, Ala." Sound and Well. "I had conceeMro ©f th© stomach— acuta Indigestion East August when 1 wa* ao bad off. I heard of Grayb©rd and g** ray daughter and son-irvlaw to aand for the modi cl n© for me It did mo more fhnn ©B tire doctors .and I continued Us use until now I am sound and we|i, I am truly thankful for the discovery of m> great and wonderful a medic In* * •‘MRS MARGARET A OUV. Mt I Vila Tenn. on© time surgeon general of the Tnlted j States army made a deep and studlad In vestigation of the cause* of wakefulness, and de bled that It was th** r* ilt of too much blood in the blood vessels of th© hrnln ll© found that sleep ww the r©- sult of diminution In th© quantity of blood anl advised warm foot baths, high pil lows and other lessening effects Apprehension -If only such as children feel and which Is torn of th** darkness will banish sleep Prayers for sleep have been said In th© churches for centuries: old hymns "offer their rhymed |*atltlon* "If In tth right I sleepless lie With heavenly thoughts my soul supply.’* Sweet, natural sleep, in whl* h the limbs relax the mind b©cn* e a blank, and the comfortable sens© of r*-st and well-being takes possession of the system: when nature cradles us Ilk© a trilie in !?■ mother’s arm*, and w- have no r©m©m* brance of th© past, and no bar of th© fu ture. that is the boon heaven give.- in ex change for the care* that Inf* e• th* lojr l*ln© pillow* are re< *>nimen'lcl for lns*m nia. hut I would as easily sleep on a drumhead, for the vole** of the forest keep** murmuring of d© r and ©(©•• kle i trout, and t!e pungent odor etirn all my mental faculties Into h homes * k longing for the tree top* and sei* m- to own dering If 1 had b©n a bird in n prior St Ile of exl*t©ne. * The |>t|.oW of *Ot*," called for bv the old sailor In the marine hospital would be more to th© purpose The a© me *'charm*’ ore |* reon uses to Induce sleep might lainleh It from another Derby, the English prime minister, after returning home from an exciting de bate, however late the hour, w* are told read for some time a work that dealth with a snbj© t the opp*t*tt© of • discussion in Parliament. I/>ngfeliow took a walk to prom**© sleep. an*l was nearly alwa\a successful, even thotigh he had taxed hie brain with anew poem. The provoking feature* of sleeplessness Is that the suf ferer who nid nods in < hur< h during . dull sermon, nmi would give kingdom for place to lay his head while h© took forty winks. Is wide awake a* soon as that troublesome hiud I* consigned to its proper pillow A luxurious apostrophe to sleep gives © clooter of those dumber blossoms which laid on wakeful eyes charm them to drewrn** Now through this m*l*noho!y and silent land Sleep walks diapbanoua-vestured vague ly fair, A*lthln her vaporous robe—and on© dim hand Much asphodel and lotua flower doth hear. Going lov©ly nnd low-lidded with♦ tsw I Of dull red foppi©s in her red-gold hair. Remember thl* No other medicine has sum a record of cure© as Hood's Harsa parilin When you want a good medicine, get Hood's— .% Ilel;el*ua Smoke. Th© Herbert Bpen sr Is an elegant cigar and is truly • delightful enjoyment t© tnnale th© fume* of this fine tobacco; It l* avbilarating and dellclou*. H e that the name of Ueroert Spencer la on evary wrapper of ©very cigar, with out which non© are genuine. The Herbert Hp*i.*er cigars ar© only sold by th© bo%of 60 Conchas at &0. and Rerfectoa. U6O at Uppman liras , whola aale druggist*. Barnard and Congrats etrreia of this city -od. —Physicians In the state prison at Co lumbus. O . have Just t iken a fifth flngep from the band of Will Byers, a onvlct Byers I* serving a term for robbing the mails ar.d found that hl extra flng**r in terfered with hi* work in the gloat shop u* the ptuou i Dyspepsia. Bloating after eating and a feeding of wrlght in ih stoma* h are dyspepsia © syni|)tocn> eructations of gaw-wk k stom ach, heartburn, vertigo, ail com© along. Sour stomach, headache*, general depres sion and great visrvoua condition follow W© bear women wav that they cannot ai©ep, and that they f©el light->ieadel a* if at time* they must fall. We hear man say that they cannot work The stoma* i# out of gear, they are restless and ner vous and form the habit of drinking. This 1* dy*p©isla— It can b© cured Greybeard la a safe for this ailment It make* foal nutritious arid strengthens and invigorate* the digestive organs by purifying th© blootL Don't hesitate to take Ik CHIME 1% PAH Ik HIGH MOTC. tSucliras kfenla Jewels Worth ffW.ftOO. >lHri|ui Trlea Petty llurglnr>. Corr* |Mnd* n n New York Time* I’arl*. | 14 The Pari* press hit* lie# n unduly excite*) thl© week by tw* criminal * , a < *e* in whbMi member* of "the 11 ig Llf” tlgnre a?# criminal.©--one a Duch ews and th* other Marquis. The noble man Is th* Marquis Adolph© de Nanieutl ly. of an ancient and honorable family, but the Du* he*?* has thu* far managed t* keep her name off iii- poll- # r#* rds A* her t rim*- w .-•* engendered by vanity ©ti*l no? by want, and she ha* ma*l© rvtituGon. in© mntt*r will prolmbly n*© go any further It Is an extraordinary little story. h*w ©v©r, an.l another m*rnber of the nobility figures In It. a Count*-©!*, thu© rac-lng It quite above tne level of ordinary police case*. The t *4>uiii**swhose name Is alo wlth h* l*l, visited her drr*mjk*r, In the Ru© *l© la Falx. • week or ten davt* ©go for the purpose f try ing on a drt— Bhe was on her way thrugii I’arts fr**rn Trouvllh* to her * hat*-au In in* * #Mintrv, and hen- e she jewelry to the value r aiioiit |Sn - •m* with her It wa* in a little Russia leaf tier bag. tvnlHi i a reuiatkahle one with • secret Hasp and the owner s ini tials engrave#! thereon While *h*> was trying on tier *lr©*s the Countess laid he little i. ig down on © table, and. In th# excitement of being fitted, forgot si! alMMtt her Jewels and drove h**me without them. Remembering them immediately on her return to hei hotel, however, the Countess drove >;i k to the Rue *|e , I'aix. and found thnt the Russia leather l**g had *ll- pt*eartd. Th** dressmaker wrung her hand* in d©*|i©tr an*l summ*H ed all her worst, g peopl*-. hut nobody had seen the hag n*v body knew anything about It. and whl h wa* perhaps more imtortant. nobody showed any signs of guilt The Oountesa • ould only go home and cry after hav ing described her lost Jewels to the f Il # magistrate of the district. .M Faaehard Wednewlsy if'erno.*n of this week a venerable #■ Hes last b *p{nrd in M Faschatd’s office and placed the lo*t Ris s!a leather hag. with it* contents Intact, upon the magistrate's table "I would like to le allow* and to gn without making an explanation,” sold the priest. ’The matter 1* a very p-ilnfu! one.” I’re and bv ihe msgisTrate however, the reverend gentleman said that the Jewels had U-en stolen by one of hi* parishioners, a Du hess well known In fashionable so- Hety. o- to whose- Identity hla lips were *• ld by th* -‘•ret of the confession il The Duchess, although herself the owner of jewels more leautlful and * ostlv than those of the Countess. Is a rival of that lady in "th© Hlg Llf." and. the bag on th* table at the dressmaker's after the fountss had left, could not re bt the temptation to p‘->s-ess herself of m Btiv- th.n," th. rrl'‘' <1- t*rl. ■ Ih p<>r U<lv nt known tnom-nt , pcc. Bit-rlnit or waklnn h*r clrmr *[*- [rs hrlorr h-r ntl .hr r* hrr.flf In court. In prison. unO Hnaily In hrll Thl. mnrnlnc .hr r.m.- to mr m. 4 ronf-WM#. My lip. or- .mini n to hrr natn- hut hrrr I. thr lltttr h,,. It h„ not hrn oprnr.l," Thr win.- -vrnln, ■ .prci.l mr..rn*rr took th- pf' l tou* Runli l-thrr to thr t’oilltr.., *n<l to*l.v h- wlth'lr.w Iwt hor*. o' lhft ,Kln.t tt prr.un or p.trttony unkmiwn.** Th— it- of th- Mr<|ut. dr Nrt-ulfly It. worth ronldttlon. principally h-. r,tt— h<- wrnt out of thr u.ual lln- of th l)lliih-<t vlllxln. and. In.trad of (otn* In lor Ulamotni. and bond, in bit own at U- Rheumatism. RhemaUetu originate* from ©xc©wa of •ekl In (ha blond Ivnpovariahad and impure bUxJ It uilnki different putt* of th© body It In sometime* in the mu ©claw timeln the jmrt* surrounding th© join*, and sometime© in (hr* joint* h©r.<* t?i© namo muscular and articular rhaufiiatlam Whan In th© hl|> It Ih nIM *■ lath* rh*u martini whan ivt (h#* muscle* of th© \m k. lumbago Oft an when on© g'***© to r!p from vlttKig or rtUftH’ing (h lUtklfii "calchli.g >• pp \#r#* that ihay noma tima cry out in pair* Tl.c bat and joint * ara Msmctlmcn swollen without at drat, ranting any ptrttruUr I*iln Thin lymptign la wifliciant The ml mvnt la getting n ttart on you Thin it tlio tlm* to t.ikc Gruvhaard Tlia tgfeat euro for rhaumtlltm It a Ihoroitgh hl'tod clrantlng Onl'hs-ard la a known upeclflc *for rhcij- VTWHfrm It check** tba formation of acid, rilttolvr* the add depanil an*l |*rodtcet a normal and rich flow >f I>ik>l IHmi’l hwi* tata to sk for It A Boy Cured. Mm Hill rmldlng at 10V% W MltchaJl at res.* Atlanta, gave Graybeard to her tun who wAn forns) to atop work on account of m severe attack of rht ufnaUani. and tl cured him wound and well Lost Use of His Arm •‘Blnce taking GraytwarA I hav. regalnw.) uee of my arm whli-li wa. he.ptrw. by rhauwi.itUrn. W. C. FI.KN NI k I .N. "Kttisetun. Tex. Yoti Get Strong. Everybody who takes Orayboard tells us they get (*timnger They eot im>re an*l U *kw ng make them sick Thl* is the •• cret of the curative pow-**rs f Graybeard Th© fttsl thing It do#-* Is t* make you go to eating Ymj will rat nor© than y*u have eteti In mmttiw. and >mi will find It will not hurt ym aw II used to when >m at© heartily By making >ou cal II mak* -* you atronpr It tnaksa you stronger a# the new blood and bot> and tissue |a*gln to bococne pari am) pur ©i of you. anl If you are aflltH**) with ©egaauft you will firs I it gradually disappear The same way with rheumatism catarrh, dyspepala. cancer. In elawt. Gray beard makes you stronger than your disc**© and uruabaa out your dIMSW. Gray beard Did It. ’’Like all others who are so unfortunate as to liernm© a prey to Indigestion an*) bowel troubles. I tried various medicines and a number of the beat doctor* to treat my cs*#. but found only temporary relief until Oraybrard was ddwovtisd TU*i tuwde JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From thr sinal ©eletirated msnntxrtarrri, both Mre-proof aud burglar proof aafea and vault doora. Wr carry aa latmenae atack of Fire-proof ©afea. Anr atoek ew bracra m very rlrgaul line from 7<s to 4,fNN> pnanila, in* Inalvr. • I tig Ic Mini doable doora, ©nil © vlalt to our ralablistemral to In spect tbeac clegnnt anfra will be aoarcr of macb prtlll ©ad Ia - ■ traction to oar friends. The priee will be aa low oa ©ay really Fire-proof Safe ©aa be in it <le, and oar motto la Uuallty and ©nfety of the Drat Import an©©. gend or ©all on aa for farther pnrllrulrs, catalogue and prlrea. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safe*. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. faW r 1/uM.xJyv/Mjcr Cxi/</crru<i '/£/;/'' Twice the price could buy no better. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah Agents. locrall- circl. d-r-rlil to th- IIIMnc of ■ t>—P -lrh- In Ih.- mr—i. anrf tiurxiory In nw;i -hop- In th- fwor-r ipiri-r. If h- hai ti— n • mor -xf-'tl-n- -rt Ihl-f h oughl .till lo b- t llh-rty. for hi. tlon wa. null* n'-rkl-nt,l A —l I'rl d-l-rltv*. II m. wa* znpplnir about 1 o'clo-k Munrtay morninx In a lllti- r-.ta'irani In Ih- H-il-vili- rtl- Irlcl. wh-r- a-v-ral nf Ih-*- ma!) t.ur *lrl-* h-rt r*r-nily 0"-urril A< a tabl rrar him .at h- nohi- Miirqui. ai Ia ••pal." who w.r* lookir* ov-r a numta'r of watch*. In ih*lr rw*..lon many. In tart, that th- iV*i—lv thounhl Ih-r- w-r --m- than any two m,n <ould fto—ihly need to tell the time by, When they went Catarrh. Th© thrwf, p<*at-natal rtdty bronchial tut* und air •'alia of th© lungi nr© lined u ih n network of dtulcota td<Md vaeeelx When the hi.od it pur© thaw blood ar* healthy and vig<wouu and exud** m i xia wbt< h i a>rhjataa tha ail la*- ai<© n>d putt • ■ them from tha fact* of col l dual. *t When th i awl m Impure thene vaaili tv *•• • w*i tf thv|r fV'li wta atrtieiura, ig % . c to carry ll They beooma cloggad und lian. s* r* euita .ttarrh Gr..\ • rd pufiflaa th# blooil Invlgorafa# th# yiM .il blood vessel© und enaMat then* t dl harg** h© foul blid and rw ©lore© health Catarrh will not rs;st whan the blood ll pur©. f Ugly Ulcers. D* r l*rl. i !* I have h* on Aiifferlng ?l year© with an ulcer >n my ankle Hum© time* tn bed tmeUnii'i on crutchea I used remcflle# of my own and falling t© mgkt •! i fcllad !• tMartml pkytf* 'lan© Tl *' all ©aid that they cotjd curt rne hut found it t<> l>© of a itubbom fur*' nnl f illewl I *.iw Urgylwand advert to* and and I bough| four lxtttie© of It. two box**© of th© pilh* or© box >f the ointment It cure*! me well And I have one bottll left 1 * iy that I am well—not nearly well hut entirely wall, ll ha© hten over twelve month** and no r mptin* have returned I !>!** the ©ufTermgr will and ue I hive* line it, h©va faith In It arid la < tired. Mr* JANE GEORGE, Ro< kvalr. T*nJk I etna being manufactured by frlenda ol ndn© and knowing it to le mad© from part malarial of the fr* *t. wus n*lu*ed to giv It a trial 1 i:s**d It six w*k according ts (Hrr. tloni, and at tl**m m*i of the tun© I ft It as Well aa I ever did. •O. A PUETT. Ex-Alderman Hutl< r. Gk" - Rheumatism. Rhetmoifl* Hwelling In tl t leg* la eurafl by Giwyt*eard Mis Brown of Butler. Oa., waa afflicted with rheumatism. It caused tr gr*wt pMiu Her suit#*rnent Is that tee legs swHksl to uiiuatmi *l*#* She wis not able to relieve the atlinent until she |rorired Oruytaiird Bhe in tuw sirs.l and xIL A* Id In th© blood (traduce* rehum tttsm. Nothing I* h.ilf gno*l aa Gra>beard for rheumatism My wife wax afflicted four voar* with dsuiiiatltin and I wa© not able to find anrything f rdb*vc her flh© took Oray trtMfl about a ir.or ih #i:l *-*-fned to t© as well as ever It cured our lithe foci of th© Hllm* tit Wo cuiutol pralo© Orayheard 100 much. <ll9O BOOTH. | ?Ctii souvilW, Via.** | out the detective followed them, and twen ly mlnuu - alter aaw them forcb the door of a fruil shop. Hr aommoned aaalataac*. and they were raptured Inaede the build ing. The companion of Ihe Marqut* turn ed out to be a we l-known achool teacher, who until very recently had been In re celpt of n high Milary In an academy In the Minih of l-'falter Five thouaand do— iur" worth of properly wa* found In the poaaeaalon trf the two men. • —Oeologlcal eurveyor* appointed by the Brltlah goveniment de<dare that recta have been discovered In two toralKtea In Burmah con laming payable gold 7