The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 04, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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SPOT COTTON MARKET EASIER. I'ttM r „ IM IU%URO WITH * ,;, RBPURTKU KIIR the Day. Av Orttt * ■ - h - *-rkr Hr. ported Horln* lk Enrly Hours, ,|, r Drmnud l.laht Towards lh , tloa<—l otto* Futures Steady * Kl of I’ololo—•••'!• Torp< otior Firm "I :*% • 11...1ii> Firm and I nrhuttard—Lo rll| ad lrlr* Market*. The Morning New* Office, WfdDMKki), Oct. 3. Ttir indifferent rj* mand lor cotton t*>- p ,r.> ihr clorln* hour* livdny die. k-d trading pending developments With the I. ( that prlcr* may K# oft exporter* J, out of the market • X'-ept at price* 1.,0 hot holder* were willing to ac ,ri t No bugmea* w* reported on the r ot. There wa* eome activity In f ob. i ding during the early hour* at l#bl* Ural !"%,■. but toward* the closing holder* would not accept le than S-lt>, while buy er did not ere to ;roy over 10%c. which , s ,j,e price It reporte.l they were 11 bill g The rains were reported to be pretty ygieral In the cotton **,'tlon* of Georgia nd Alabama. *ccorUing to telegram* re i r.ved from eeveral section* during the cay. "he cotton future* market closed steady a- a net rise of 5 and 9 point*. Price* . .iw.d a tendency to move up at the , nit g hut thl wa* rhe k-<l by selling ly Southern eximrters against purchaser*. t v market ►<o-s twed , onMderahly, with r ■■ trading ai no time very active. Prl %ie advice* from l.lver|tol lndlcate.l . 1 .-her market there to-morrow ■re spirit* turironttno market closed I m at 36% cent*, with a fair demand , -.vailing The roln market closed Arm and unchanged, with no offlcml sales re ined, but with considerable business be l ti done on private term* It was said was not at price* a* high as l*iid yes , lay. however. The wholesale markets in the main unchanged. The follow- Jl K resume of the different markets ylll arrow the tone and quotation* at the clos ing to-doy: COTTOXI. Towards the closing trading tn the cot ton market was rather qui* ro-stay jY! ** were undoinge-l. with the official •.] easier No trmuwotkw* were re. I-tried on the spot, nnd the demand for ; o. h. *hi|anent was said to be light. Irortng the early hour* Iran-actions tot f o. b. delivery rang.-! from 10 5-16 to •oc for go.i middling, but the market t lies! easier Inter. When exporters de lin et to pay above lftt.c, wblch was under foot to be the price bid. No cotton seen ..l to be offering, however, for less than 5-J* The dn\ * recelpxs were 7.955. against f last year, and 7.010 year before last Tno port re. el pi* were <7,751, against 12- <d7 last year. The following were the official spot quo tation* at the close of the market nr the Cotton Exchange to-day: | fli*TUa* t | day. j year. lined middling 10 5107 Middling 'lO 1-1* , I.nw middling 9 11-1* 6% • eiod ordinary s‘* Marker, ensleri sales, none. Savannah Receipt*. Exports and Stocks Receipts this day 95S Receipts this day last year 9.1J7 This .lay year before last 7.01# Reeelpt* slnoe Bept. 1. 19U0 3*1.543 Kamo day last year 193,6*1 roas'wlse exports 2.3*6 P'lv-k on hand tills day *6337 Bam*- day last 07,011 Re -elpU and Blocks at the port*— Receipt* this day 17 r.l R. Ipta this .lay last year <2.017 Re .ipts this day liefore last.. M.67t Ttval receipts sin-e Bept. 1, 1900.. 771,7... Same time last year 933.179 Same lime year before last 1,216.122 Sn-k at all port* to-day <I9.VW Sro, k same .lay last year *13,737 r .ily movements nt other port* ■. ilvesion—Firm. mi,ldling lh ; tier re ceipts, 7,19*. gross. 7.19*. sales. 26, stock, (* ttt, \, w Orleans—Quiet; mbklllng. 10V: net I lpt*. 20.3611 gross, 20.361; sale*. 1,330; at.* k. 151,154. Mobile Quiet; middling. 10c; net receipts, 5” gr-es 9*9. sales. 700; stork. lft."H. irrl.wton Steady; mi.fclllng I'*-; net , sipta, |H; gross, tan. stork. 0.058. lVilmaigton—Firm; tnl.Mllng. 1"% c; net re. ■ Ipts. 4.9*6; gross. 4.95 X; stock. 41.501. Norfolk—Steady; middling lOQc; net re • it*. 3.1*40. gro-s. 3.940. sale*. 2.193; stock, Halt Imoro—Nominal; middling, l#%t ; •lock. 1.179. New York—Qu|e hut steady; mbMllng, genes, 3.00; sales. 52; stea k. 26.153. l oston- pull; ml. Piling; R>V; net re ceipts, 1,113; gross 0,441. Philadelphia—Quiet; middling, ll%c; rock. 1,225. Pally movements at Interior towns— August * -Quiet, mbklllng. !#%<*; net rr tetpt*. 2.6*9; gross. 3.179; sales. *65. atock, Memphis—Steady: tnld'fling, 10 3-16.-; net r- fps.s. 3 507; grosa. 4.110; rale*. 1.500. •uv-k. 25.373. lsHit- Btendv: middling lft%r; net re ' ;•■ 1.069; gross 2.76n; siles. 300; atock, innal*— Bteodv; middling, lotjc, net I ■ |w 1.204. gross, 1.2*>4; slo.‘k. 7,122. Houetnn Plrm; ml.klltng, l#c; net re r* is 11.910; gross. 12.910, sale* 596; slock, Iciisvills Firm: mbklllng. 10Sc. I ports of for ton This pay— '* < -ton To Great Britain. to the • ntinint, i.*49. New Orleans—Coastwise, 2.166. **' i nih -Coastwise. 2.3*6. n irf.ok -fVNistwtaa, 1.*91. New York To Great Britain, 5.617; to ’ ’ '>m,n, nt. I.**). ' and feign exp**f9s from all porta this teal Url'aln 9.922; to tha conti nent, 2X13. ’ r ' 1 foreign exports from all ports thus 'tr i hi* xve, k To tjreaf Britain. 35.569. U> *■• *' . 21,437; to the contlnenr. 164,499 ' ' '■>' foreign exports since Beiit 1, 1900: ■' Great Britain. 11*.093. to France, 45,• • to the continent, 196.60* SKA IMLAKD COTTOS, T.. we. * receipts w. re 653, against 3,- 1,1 ■ir The sale* were SM, against - <l-5 last year. 1 ' '• ait as followa: “ii, igraxWw received) 21fr2J r'arey G.-xrglas ; 21, i <nt Chol.-e .2#tjtl2le 1 " v n 1 Exint Choice Georgias .ire *• it (tootstwin* Borne old cotion ** '* below the atiovc prices, hut 2le 'n. ihe ictiial price of Fancy and ' r ' 'h e e G.eirgias It I* unusual to ' <;v. I u.riVis at this season, hut aome - 'Jhese grade* have been received and ■*’ PM The receipts are so short “'' Near, and aelvlces from the inte. ■ "x. optionally bad that these ire regarded as rewsonahle. OTTO* Ft Tt H I*2*. Market Closed Steady With l*rire 8((# Pnlnfw I p. n Ort. 3.—The cotton m rkM '• tlrm nt on arlvnnce of *hl3 points. afi**r opening nt n decline, r p* ulatlve Intcrcet here while elni •horm rovct\ The opening ml *4* 1 hecked by itelllnff by exporters i*urrh.M#>rs in the Houth. This I , * a p*irill rMPilon In con ‘Jli r cporu Uiai cot* MURPHY 6t CO. t INC., Ikxirvi of Trado Hutldlnc. Savannah I’rivate lease*] wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans € OTTOS, ITO( K* %%D t.HAIN. New Y.*rk olh-• No Cl llmadw ay. Ofßt'e* tn prlnct|al cities rhrough*ul the Pomh Write for our Merkel .Manual uni book containing instructions for traders. ton was heading for New York, which of fered u better market than Liverpool; thus promoting some inert i-* (> h small stc**k at New York At the sam* time crop count* averag'd quite as well ms heretofore, with som* ronlr.i-llt tin- to d.lma that the crop wai* t. be pit k* <1 nr. 1 out of the way With phenomenal dlwpat h. Prices sold off 4'fiH points from the opening bests, but again the market relit* and. on the actual movement falling below esti mates. The upward movement was fur ther stimulated by private c bl* - fore casting a higher Llvecpool market In the morning Trading wa* or no time very active. Local trailers bought most of th otton sold on l-lver|s>ol helges. There was also some desultory buying by Wall street partle#. The South bought while the Hot it hern spot markets were generally unchanged. In one or two Instances a shade lower Th** final phase- of the lo cal market reflected a disposition to hes lf fe Th* close was steady at u net rise of points FIJ I Tl 4TION* |\ Ft TI HI * New York. Oct Ti —Cotton futures opened firm and dosed steady Prices as fellows: Open jHigh L w ;Close xienuarr T !“" 9 *\~ fix February S.!W j§ fw <> **> *♦ */* March j a ftt |f 9A? fS7 April j9f* J 991 !Ml I.M May 992 j 9.93 !82 !• a7 June j 9fl ssg July f ft fit j) k'i ♦ Mi August' j 9.7 H f 7<4 |9 76 ft. 77 Fept*mher ...| .... j | .... J .... October .. .. lft.2* 10 31 jlO 24 10 .*9 November 1* <*4 10 ur> 9 M 10 00 I>eoember . . S M 9 9,1 j 9i2 917 l.ivrrpool t otinn I ntnrra Liverpool Oct. 3 —Spot, moderate biel ness and prl-es barely stedv; American middling, The sale** of the day were *'.ooo baies. of which were for specula tion and export, and Included ?> 300 bale*. American. Receipts. bales. Includ Ing 4.00 American Future* opened quiet and closed |Ulet. but steady: American middling, low ml<l dling clause. rW’tober, f sellers; rWMnher-November. M2ffr> 43d s* Mers; N> vember-December, fi 3*id buyers; TVcem ber-.lanuary. 8.325i5 33d seller.- lanunrv- Februnrv. buyers; February- March. ft.t7'a*V2H<l buyers. Mur h-April. SJf6JB| buyers April-May. &.24d buy ers; May-June. h 23d buyers; June-July. .Vf14T6.22d buyers; July-Avigust. buy ers New Orleans. Oct. 3 —rotton futures closed sfe.vlv October 9 MflO V* Fehruarv .. 0 COv'-ia Nov* mber . 9 (u ,i*i 13 March . .. t 7ft TDecember ..9 *4419 * April . 9 • 7> January .. ..9ft4n9BsMay f.ftftfr.t 70 COTTON I.KTTF.RS. New r York. Oct. 3 Hubbard Pro A Cos. say: Foreign advices were distinctly more than rxtct<i and our market responded quickly km it dcNss t> || advb * h favoring an advance At the open Ing the Offering** were b\ exporter* purcthasers In the South These hedges were the main supply, is the lo cal trade are now not willing to be short over the period when frost Is liable to oc cur. On the 4-ontrary the tendency is to buy on every depression, though the con stant selling by exporters has ln -r-nsed the amount of contracts. Intimations* are. heard that some high grade cott-.n 1* |4ointlng this way on account of th# wi !• dlfferenes as compared with Liverpool. Trading has been on a limited s ale n l the market is quieter though firm with the trade expecting bett* r foreign advice to-morrow. New York. Oct. 3 Murphy A Company say: Colton In IJverpool unchanged on •|wta. middling 6%<l sale*. 9,t>** hales. Future* opened unchanged, advanc.l 2-44d. reacted and stnnd* at c oxing 1-64 t 2A4d below yesterday’s price*. Thl* market (•pero-d lftff 12 j*6nl* higher, owing t" Ni ter I,lx>rpo<ll advices, than egpe 11x1, hut rcacti-d on local selling hex'.luse of an ab sence of outside huslne.* and stand- at nnigi a Nun 5 |*xlnts n hov. 1 yesterday h closing. Fort receipts al#it s"" , t' .gtlnst 51,11, last week and 42.M'# last y. ar Tl#* crop advices from the Allan'!, b.-lt |Olnt to a smaller yield lhn last year Liver pool lalleves this ciop will trot excel nln# and a half million, hence I- bullish. The col lon market sill. 1 # noun lion ruled llrmer nwlnt to less desire to ro ll m l some fresh buying for continental, Houth em anil Wall street. Houston ree. Ipts promise to te moderate l morr ■ esti mated 9.19X1 lo lft.tXX'. agatiisi 15.7*0 lust xeir. New Orleans f#r to-morrow esti mate.! 13.06# in 14.'*n. agalnsl 5.10# a >' ir ugo Prices now are eight til ten |.lnt* nver yesterday'# close Shorts nervous on talk manipulation October this market. DRY WHIIP. New York. Oct. S.-There was a slim attendance In the mnket to-day. Ob rervance of Yrtlt Klppur. or Jewish Day of Atonement a number of buyer* away. Business wus on a quDt scale In all departments and without special f-a tijrc Other adv tnces r*'|*,rie.| In blew I#,l teutons but only In accordance with those made yesterday. Urlnt cloths m.ttke „U#l but t,rm Men wear wo.len and wt.rsit.l go.ds division showt llnulrol bust n.T* and ttreguD- prl, -s Press g.rols an* gen**rally qulri. naval utoiikh. WftffnaMtay. o t. 1 SPIRITS TURPENTINE-The aplrllx market opene.l firm loabiy at 36% . exit xxrth sales of 3"n cask* reported, and < los e.l firm, and unchanged, with further sales of 4.1, The demand was fair for both foreign and .kmi.-stk- shipment. The in qiilry iroh. a led that the market a* In tlrni I*>*!tloti ai quotations U w,i* re[-.rt(.l |„*t ia.n* extend'd oxer '■*’ rah.# pert lon ol the turpentine oelt. which nnv hav# some effect In Imirortlng atr.ngth to the situation. The .kt> * rexeipts wert 1,063. and tho exports .54# ROSINS The rosin mark*# cloeed Arm ,ii M | unchanged, with roi "til ll sales r* l*,r:(d It l* still currently report.G tua hus.ttesa Is being done on private I‘Ttn but It waet said this < at price, slightly below what was pakl on yesterday. The demand for nosln* *es-m* to Ite pretty gr*l. nod It will not la. surprising If th# present level of prices Is maintained tor a tlm# The day's receipts were 1 612, and the exports 74# Prices ns follows: A. R. C *1 I * “ p 13> K 1 •" p 1 25 M 1 6' F 1 4ft N 1 ‘9 f j ' 145 W O 20) U Iff W W ... 3, Receipts Wednesday— . Spirit* Rorln CR " M S . F. and W. 662 S A. L .... 332 Export \NVdnp'lay— -8 S Texas. Baltimore H S Texas. Philadelphia S 8 Nacoochee. N Y 7.4 ft Naval Stores Statement- Spirits Rorln Stock April 1. IM# MW 11- , <Vi Receipt* tnaky l'# s J ' *i* JOHN W. DICKEY, (Mark and llnail Broker, f HUI ITI, 4* A. Write for Elat. THE MORNING NEWS; THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4. IDO3. Receipts previously 232.147 MS.l4ft Total aince April 1 236.447 t*.m Exports to-day 64ft 74i Lx (tort* previously 113.644 639.413 Kxports since April 1 194.‘>54 640.363 Stock on hand <>-duv 41.3C1 129.13 ft Bt-> k on hand same day last year F.7M 1&1.XE3 Wilmington *>ct : Bplrlta turt>cntinv, 4<M7c. receipts 4^ It in steady. I 1 * l 9a. receipts 3ho rru#le turpentine qulat, II re cdpt*. 47 'Par him. fl 40. rce:pta. Hft Pharl'.-tou. *ct. 3 Spirits turpentioa firm. 36W0 ai<ked Rosin steady, unchanged. New Orican- oct. Kcelptii: R*sin. 216 barrels. Tu: |* ntinc. V). exports, nona. I l\ \N4 I 41.. .MoNHY The demand keeps fmrly up with the supply. KidHKMIN KXOfANOE Market m wok Cornmcictal demand. 4vi , six ty <! . 4 l 4. ninety dove. 4 73)%; fr.uh Fails ond Havre, sixty da vs, ft 23 Swiss sixty 'days. 6 J6*%. Belgian. marks, etxty *U>*. WN'i ninf*y day-. W ift-16* . iHdMICETir EXriIANOR Rteady; banks are buying at 3-16 discount and sell, ing u follows S2ft ami under 10c pre mium. s2ft t< Fv*. 15e premium, ftftft t<> |l6O, 2< premum. flt'k) to BWi. 25c premium; J2fto t, si.xx*. par. fI.OOD nn*l over. 1-16 dis count B 1 *rn!Tir*B There ts but little doing now money ruling close. Quotations con tinue rather nominal Mucks. Bid. Ask Augusta and Ravannh R R . Ift* I*v# Atlanta and West Fond 124 do 6 per cent, cert fl wtea . ..107Vj Augu-ta F i dor y .. Mi W ritlxers ltnnk 13ft 132 Chatham Hank lftftS llftv* Chatham H K A I Cos A . do do B 554 s*’4 Kagle an 1 Phoenix Mfg Cos . 106 F*Fson I b rf' Ilium lftft PTnterprise Mfg Cos 99 102 (Jermania Bank 129 11 Georgia a Alabama 2ft 27 Georgia li.iilmul. common 210 215 Graidtevtile Mfg Cos ... 100 165 J P King Mfg Cos lAO 103 Lang.ey Mfg Cos 117 130 ftferchun ~ National Rank 1104 ill National Bank of Kavannah . ..14ft INH Oglethorpe* Bavlngr and Trust ..103 lift People's Savings and Lan lftl 168 Sotifhwegtem Railroad Cos 1074 1064 Havannah G*t Light C* 344 384 Southern H.nk l.M* Iftft Bavannah Bank and Truat 114 115 Stt*4ey Mfg Cos . Augusta kft 9ft Savannah Brewing 95 100 Honda. Rid Ask. '"har .Cos I A Ail*, lot s*. 19## li* lwi Atlanta city 4. 1922 UB l<*i AuriiM* elly 4m. 1927 .UK ll>7 •l<> 4‘yM 1925 110 111 do 7i. iSTO ...10C. 106 do 6m. 19H ... 119 121 Ala Mid sm. Ind'd. 192*. MAN 9*‘, I>D .VtigUMta Factory. 6 per i'i.nt..1915 I'D 110 Brunswick and Wralern 4*. 19. x . XI hi ; r It B A Banking . ollat-ral fc> 92 93 jC.of *5 Ist JO-yrar gold. 1*46 F. & A 119 121 iC.of G cqn. sm. IHV M A- N 92 9:t C of G. Ist In* omcM, 1945 X* 4# do 51 Income*. 1945 1# 11 do 3d Income*. 1945 6 6 j C. of O. CM. O. A A. Dlv) s*. 1947. J A J 90 91 Vy C of G (Eaton Branch). s*. 1936. J. * D 93 94 City .V 11 It IM 7*. . I'D 110 t'olunihUK city s*. 19D I<*s l'ff CharlMMion city 4*. 194.5 101 l'(2 Eigl< A Fh.xenlx Mill* m.. 19> HB 10* Eißron Kle, trie lllumliiailng <*..l#4 106 Enterprise Ml* 6m. 19: 102 103 , Georgia itallroad 6m, 191" 114 ll'H G B A F. 1945. J. A J lilt* 112* | Georgia A Alatrarna I*l 3*. 1945. .104 I***6 , Georgia stale 3i,m. 1930. J A J. 106 l'ff i do 3',fc*. 1915. M A S IM 106 do 44.. 1915 117 118 1 Macon city 6*. 191". J A J ...116 It* do 4>i*. 1926 Jan par l'ff 1" Ocean Bt< amshlp s*. 192* I'D I<B Huxannah clt) sm. qtiar. O.‘tober, 1913 110 H lllVfc d.x 6s, quar. Novtmher, 19#9 ...l'O'.i 11" H South *'a rolln* slate 44,*. 1933 ~116 11* Sibley Mfg. Cos. . 1903 I#l I'D South Bound 5* 9f>sj B . F A \\ gen m: ge, 6*. 193 t 123 124 do do I*l sm. gold 1934 .110 H :im do Bl John Ilv. Ist 4m 1931 94 96 • . . ~ \ . . , er at 2 ! ,-i2j percent Prime mercantile ;..iS 3 per <ent. Bt-rllng •* Rang*- w*ak, with ■ lual hualn'-M* tn I.ankerM' hi,l n t $4 64', for demand, an lat ti MVti t ilt, for sixty dax* Posted ran 44'277 t 2* and it ►" . t-"; Commercial bill*, tt .O' . : I • SI I X • r -I "•!• ■*'■'* t*s Bar silver. 6* ,* sl< *' in ilollars. 4t>c. Gi.x • rnmetit Im.iuls steady; state bonds In active; railroad bond* Irregular. STtH KX tM> HOAD*. tlesnmptlon of Hull t rnsade Rrlxe Shorts to t over. New York. Oct. 3 —Wall street was eon sldetably puttied by the teaumptlon to day of aggiesslve tadi s for the advance, nfter the hull campaign, projected on Monday, ’*• • mod ytwterxlay t>. he ahan (toned. Ilut while the motive of the buoy, ant rl-e was diffletdt t ■ discern, the force and the piofsirtlon* of It were sufflcletilly Impressive to take the • ouiage out of the b'.ir puty and to Induce heavy covering all around The small bear*, who had resumed op .mtbios for the de. line yi strrilav were the lirat to fall xl ilni* to the maneuver of th> hulls, who, however, gave Indica tion of being after larger gam.-, and pur .ip,| ih'tr advantage with great rontt drnea *nd abounding resources. They drove some long standing short* to cover and ultimately eff*ct*d a buoyant rise In the' whole market, which closed strong and active at the highest level of the day end ut net gains ranging from 1 to over 2 point* for a large number of ac tive sto ks. opening decline* tn a number of stocks seemed otdy to afford the better vantage ground (or the adxance, whh h was thereby mad - the more Impressive Inquiry of commlmlun houses tails to dnd any tracer of buying order* from outside source*. and opinion is agreed that to-day’s movement wa* practically In professional hands A long p rststlng hull Interest Is supposed to haxe been Joined by s.sme of the power ful operators who have recently returned to the street for a camiulgn against the shorts. stocks which have r" ently been the spe cial target for bear attack reflected the no st urgent demand to-,lay. Missouri l’o ctflc. will, h Is a leader of this . lass, showed gathering strength during the day In ■ i-nncctlon with voierduy s annual fronting of the rto ktiolrtera In the Kt ls.u.s and B.mthw'st'-rn Italioad, the ac tion at which I- supposed to foreshadow more Intim-xte relation* between the Iron Mountain and S' Bouts Southwestern railways. From the early low point 511*- sourl Pacific wa* rarrhul up S> per cent. Burling! n also reflected a demand of a large outstanding short interest, and was mark'd up an extreme 2’a Baltimore and Ohio. Northern Raelflc and Eoulsvllle were also prominent In this class, hut the mov. ment gather'd force end hrtvirtth ~nd ultimately spread through the whole list The most buoyant period of th' market was du to the circulation of a rumor that I‘resident Mitchell of the mine worker* uni n had cal -d the c •*! strike off which <ompleted the discomfiture of the shorts Even Tenner* e Coal, which had sold d-.wn S l . rn the fear that no dividend would he dec)rred at 10-mortrow’* meet l g r allleal four txxlnls, and Buga- which had fat • n 2\ on account of the demoral i*.d condition and the d-ep cutting In prl <t In the reared sugar market, railed lasral market for time loans rontlnued firm and tito mi’dntum rat for call loaax Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on Vlh Meridian T*me - On* Hour H ow* -,t i- I Than C 4 t> Time Schedules In Eff>cl 8u nday June 16. 1999 itBADDOWiI TANARUS" Ml I 1 as; HKAtM'P tio *4 1 .Nxjx 44 j] N- x, 5. l (I (Centn 1 Time.) || J U JUptn.U SmbiiLv Savannah Aru 9 Man>i J l4#an (Aastsrn Time.) j 4 21pm 1 4 JRam Ar ....Ulwokvlll* I.x 1 iDaml 1 Tfpm 4 Ut,pen 4 10am Ar Cxdußtbla . Er t afeimdl Hs,m 9 lOian > 4e.un Ar ..x harhaie l.v 9 55pm, loam U 44pm i2 24pm Ar Oi-oiisl*>ro l.x 7 lOpmf * 48am I 90. m Ar N*r 1.-.s t. 12 51am I .“*ptn At t>.m villa . Ex 1 40ia 4 sa u r O' .in 6 A||| Ar lUcf niond ... I.x 12 tlpn, 11 Opi i 1 Him J 42tm _ Ar l.yn hburg I.x " l,n 4 5 35pm), Ar Ch*rl#t tesvllle Iv| 2 lßi<€i ’ 9*pm T 460 m ■ Uq>n, gr W i-h liguax l.v II I A 9 Ifcam ll man Ar Baltimore l.v 9 '.lam * ITpei 11 Mam 2 5S,m Ar PhttHdelphta l I Cgpm < 21am Ar New York l.v '2 Wum 1 36pm 130 pm. 4 uOptn At .B-anon l.v (. '9*in •4d.M11 TO THE NOltT II ANl> \V EST. II Nu (I (t'rniia 1 Time) U 19am,[Ev Savannah Aril 8 !#•*• |) (E .aiar n Ttmo.) 4 *oam Ev xol ,mt nt t.v, 1 *•“> 9 50an, Ev Spn'taht urg E* 6 .6pro 12 10pm Ev Aabevllle Ev|| • ttan 4 02pm Ar Ho Spring* Ev It tfcutx 7 20pm Ar Kn>xvllle E* Aim I 19an, Ar Eexlngton E- to 30pm 7 45am Ar cfncinnatl 1- ¥ * Ofhen TKk.m Ar l-auiavllle l.v) 7 4*pm 888 pm Ar St I.oula l.xl'iOsara All trains arrive and depart from lb* Plant flysttm riiatlon. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS 23 AND 34 DAIEY, NEK YORK AND Ft*'IIIDA EXPRKSB VasU hulexl limited trains, with Full man Drawing Room Sleeping itu betw>-* Sivan nah and New York. Connecia ut Wnshingtxai with X o.xMilal Expre-s f.,r IVwtoo Futlman Bleeping Care between ,'h.roH* and RI bn -i I Cfca loti# and Nor folk Dining t ars serve all meal* twiwewn Savam.oh uiui Waahlnglxtn. TRAINS M AND M DAIEY THE UNITED STATES IASI MAH. Vatlhu'-d limited trait.* carrying Pullman Draw ng Room Sleeping x'.tr* between Si'annah and New York Dining Car* serve all meals between Savannah and IVhlncton Also Pullman Drawing Room SlwpbgCar- between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville nd "The lexnd ,>f 'ha Skv ” For complete Information • to rat a, schedule* etc., apply to O GROOVER Tick'd Ag-nt. Plant Bv stem St.itlon JAMES FREEMAN. C. P aid T a. ltl Hull street. Telephonea-BelL 459; Georgia, *s# B H HARDWICK Asl*tnt General Passenger Agent. Atlanta Ha wa* advanced from 2 to 25, per cent . with the maximum unchanged at 2X*. per c* nt Bond* were not mu h aft* cted b\ the activity in stocks and prl-e ■ hange* were mixed Total sale* par value pxxji.ivn U 8 bond* wero ttnch.tnge<l In the hul price Tha total sle* of stork* to day were 4#l,it) shaies Including Atchison. It Atchison prefcrod 19 ,n, Baltimore :.nd Ghlo, 7.7'sv Burlington Manhattan. X.21.V Mls*iairl Paclflc 3,1.99.5. Residutg. 10.- 93*. Southern Paclflc. i;*i. t'nlon I’nclHc. Utiw,,. Tolaicco. 8.125; Brooklyn 15.45#; Pc l p’e * Hi., 13 77# Sugar. 36.531. Tennesaee Ccal and Iron. 27*4# . N*w York Stivk Elat. Atchumn 264, |’n. Pa 56 T ANARUS, do prf 7"A, do do ptf 73St B. A ft 7" Waba-h .. 7', fan Ta B6>w| do prf 1 Can Ho. 304?, "* A 1. E. 6 l * C. A tt 241, do do 2nd prf 23 1 - C. G \V 1# AVI* C>n II C, B A Q 126 Third Avenue . 11#5i C. Ind. A l„ .. 2IS Ad ims Ex 123 and I , p, r Am Ex a.. 188 O A E 111. ..96 C 8 Ex 45 C A Nw 16R. Well* Fargo Ex 12-t C . R. I A P. li6> 5 Am Cot Oil . 34 CC C *St E. 63'. do do prf SX tVI So ,V S Am M illing t do do l*t prf. 37 * do do prf 22 do do 2nd prf 14H Am Smelt A R 36, DAM HI do do prf sxx, I*. E A \V I73'j Am Spirit* P, D A Tt. 0 19% do do prf 17 ilo do prf. ... 67\ Am S Hoop .. lx'i Erie rn, 'to do prf 65 do Ist prf .. 344. Am S A W. . 31 I N. prf 151 | do do prf . 73 Hock (A*al .... 13 jAm T Plate 2*i, Hock. Val 324 j d# do prf ... RI Jll fen 116 Am Tob 9i lowa On 17S, 's> do prf 12* do do prf 39 Ana Min Cos. . 4; E. H A W 29 II H T W, do do prf ... 9(1 |C. F. A Iron . ti 1 * l.ak.- Shore ....195 'Con Tob. 24% E A N T 2% do do prf 75\ Man I* t‘u Eed Steel 32 Met St Hy 149 do do prf Mex Cen 11 Geo- Electrl" ..136 M A St I* ... 54%, Glucose Sugar .. do do prf .... 91% do do prf Mo Pa • 5#% Infn’l l*aper —l6 M AO 34 do do prf .. ..62 M . K AT. .... 9%j I-aclexle Gas .. .. 6*% do do prf ... 27*. Nat Bl* :i-’ . N. J C 133% do do prf .... 65 N Y C 129% Nat 1/ead .. . 17 N A W 34% do and • prf ... 6"% do .lo prf .... 77. Net Steel 20, No Pa *4! do and.. prf 63 do do prf 69% N V A B US Itnt. AW . ... 20% No Am ’* orx It A N .42 Da Coast M do do prf 76 do do Ist prf kt Pennsylvania .. 12*% and do 2nd ptf. 6t Reading 16 \Ua ■ Hail 3"% do Ist prf. ... 55% People * Gan 6. ti . and prf W| i’ w 1 .'t r r G W M% do do prf 73 do do prf .9" Full- ''" r • ISJ St E A S F. . 1"% S. It ope A T. .. 4 . do do Ist prf .64 Sugar .. U 5% do do 2nd prf M%l do prf g, E Sw 11% T C. A Iron do do prf ... >\ V S Eealher 1". St Paul 112% do do prf 6x do do prf. ...169% U. S. Rubber 2x% gt p A om. ..110 | do do prf *'• Ho. Pa 53% West Un. 76 g., By 11%R IA H II do do prf 52% do prf M% T * p 15 P.C.C. A St- D 49 U S ref 2s reg tot M A O. 4s .... *>% do coupon ... 11*4 IN Y. C. lets.. I"*% U S lb. rtg I#9 N J. C, gen. 6s 12! do 3s. coti|i I'D'. No Par. 3*. *t% .let ro w 4s*. reg 1344s do 4* l"2 t, do new 4s. oou 1344. N Y. C. ASt do oid 4s. reg 114% E 4* l"6 do old 4s. cou 114% N A W coo 4s 96% do .„, reg 113% Ore Nnv I*l*. 1* do ss, coup.. .113% d° t* 1#2% D of C. 3 65* . 123 O S E 6* 126% A ' do adj 4* * ’Read, gen 4* . *T C of G. con. ss. 93% R G W 1 *t96 •lo lat Inc 36% St E. A Ir. M. do 2nd Inr l#‘i <**l*ol 5s I<4\ Can So 2nd* Its,% St. E A San F C A O 4 1 * 9*% general 6s .123', do 5s *. ..117 St P consols 166% C A Nw. con jftt P C, A P C A Nw H F do .5* ll'% .l.b’.’.s 12# SB U* <■ 7'% Chi Term 4* ■ •' Set I4y. 5* H-6% Pol So 4* 50% Roi’v AT 6 65 DAR O. Ist*.l'd ;Tx. A I’. Ist. .113% do ts *"4l Jn ' l " Erl.- gen 4 U. ’*# 4s lot , F W. A D. C. | W abash Ista ....117% j pl< ’ 71% do 2nd* l#l% Gen Eke 5* ...US W Shore 4s ....112% lowa V Ist* 112% wts C lat* H% I. A N. U 4a.. **’• s'“. CenlurhD ... 69% M K. A T. Ms- 1% New York. IK4. 3—Btandard Oil. 525%<j 536. MIM-KEI'AAMOI a hahkcts. Note.—These quotation* are revised dally, and are k pt •• na*r a* possible tn accotxl with the prevailing wholesab prl e* Official quotation* are not used When they disagree *Rh the prices whoia salers aak Country and Northern Produce. POITTKY-Tli* market .# steady. Quo tation*. Broilers. fl*sc. per pair: half grown. 47^5#': three-fourth* grown. 56G 69c. hens. 65g|7k ; rooster*. 4#tiaoc, ducks IO ■ 75c gee*. , 75ctl|: l6> EGGS Steady at 20c. BUTTER—The ton* of the market la firm Quotations: Wastern creamery. lQ 24%c New York state dairy. 17%H!2%c; extra Klein* 2W25c CHEESE—Market flint: fancy full cream thee**. 13%c for JH to 22-pountl average, yxCtJO-pound average, 13c Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, |2# Mfck. (’A)IBAOK- lg|7, per )t** ol ONIONS Yellow In barrels, fcfllt. crates. !•*'. red l!9tv,>2*n llreudMtMlt*. lias and Grain. FEOUR Market sSeady, patent. 44 50. a'r.iigltt. 14.15, fancy, 94 <•. f indly. $3 75 Ml AL Pearl, per h.irtel 4-’ ?■ per *a k, j4l city tr.. a per t k. Itolted. 41 -X8 , I 25. water ground. 41 25. city grits. ► k I! 25; p arl grit , HndnutsV >er barrel, 42 s.;, per uk. |! .1"; rundry brands 41 27 tl •a. k COHN Market Arm, whit* , Job lots, 65c; c.til"*d lots. 62c. ntlxtd corn, job lots, 6,‘c. carload Ittts, 59c WOE -Market steady, demand good; fancy head. 6.-; fancy, 6%c. Prime ,£ flood ..<484% K " ,r 04% Common jt^ OATS No 2 mixt.l, .arload, 34, , |ob lots, 35. . white clipped. 36 , Job 3t„ ... r , BRAN—-fob lots, 9. , carload lot*, 9".- HAY- M arket -teu.lx . No l timothy, 92%c Job; 67% cars. No 2,65 c Joh, K 2% cars llAenti, llnnx* and l.ard. BACON Market firm, DSC r *Hen, 9%u9%c; It S I elite*. 9\(floc (Eastern, a" • or,lit,g to average -ig*. D s tn-llle*. 9% !>% (Western), emokixl tU aide*. 9i,ft 9%. HAMS Sugar rtire.l, !2%tf)3%c EAKl*—Pun. In tlerc.s, 6%|6%, , In 6ft pounil tins and gt |*.un.l tub *x,,i*,.. compound. It, tierce*, i,\ , 50-potii*l ttiut, nnd gt-pound tub*. 6%c. augur it ml t ollre. BUG All- Cut loaf 8.63 Ihamorwl A tfl <'rushed .6 63 four*, tinners' A 621 I‘owd. rt il 6.51 W hilt Extra C... 596 XXXX. pow’d.. 6 7.7 Extra C 593 (lrantil.tted 6.43'flolden C 579 Cut*.* 6 56 Yellowa 4 *3 Mould A 6.5 x t'(iFFEE— Mocha ... 26c 'prime, No t ....lltyc Java 26. 'Good. No 4 like IVaberry 14Vt< 'Falr. No. 5 Be Fancy No 1.. 12%c1. irdlnary. No t I#We Choice, No 2 ll%c Common. No. 7,.|0c llsrunan ana llulallng happtlra El ME. CAECIUM. PEABTEH AND CEMENT Alabama and Georgia limit In fair dent urn* and alt at 4# cent* a Uirrel, special cab lnx.l pt islet. 41 uo per barrel, huir. 4',,’e Rosedaht cemeut. 41 *A(I 35. rarlosd lota, special; Portland cement, re tail. 42 25 lots. 42 06(2 30 EUMIIER F O It VE3SSEEB SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard su.4lofc>(gD.D); car alili 412.404114 90 different elan, 41400 4)161X1; alt Ip atock, 416 '**'<ll6 00. sawn lias F '*!) kt; hewn Oil*—Market steady, demand fair; sig nal. tUufcoc. Wot Virginia Pl.t k. Kl2c; lat.), s*e. neataf'MSl, o<x(i(s . machinery, 14 fl2e.:. linseed o||, raw. 67% , bulled. 7k'; k'rosette, prime while, 12 . w.tler while, 13 ; Pratt s autral, 14: deudortxe I stove gasoline, drums, ll%c: empty oil barrels, delivered. (I&c. SHOT Drop, |1 30; It P and large. 4179 chilled 4175. IKON Market very steady; Swede. 3%e. NAIIAb-Cut, 42 90 base; wire, 42 35 heoe BARBED WIRE 43 50 pet 100 |.roods Stralgnt go.*|s. 23(u30c. sugar buusa nan laese*. 15*13#,' GUN PoWDEIt -Per keg. Austin crack shot,--It IX) half kegs. 42.25. quarter kege. 41 25; champion ducking, quarter kegs. 42 25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, hall keg*. 4U 35 quarter kega. 4575, I (grind canister*. 41 00: leas 25 tier cent : Trots,lorf smokeless powder, 1 - (round cans, 4! 00. 19- pound cane. Ist,, pour,it Dried and Evaporated Fruits. APPEKB Ex.iporated, 7ti7%c, uun-drled fc'-AC- Al’it 11 OTH Evaporated, *%o pound; nectarine*. 10c RAISINS I. E . 12 00; Imperial cabinets, 42 25: to..*.' Vi pound bozes. se6%t- pound! PBA' HKfl i:va|>,ntted, pealed, 16%c; unpeal'd 6%tj9. FBARB Evaigirntad. 9e rrttiia and Sale. APPEEB- Early Northern vatlety, 42.25 t( 4 no. HAVANAS 1125'-/! 50 bunch. PINBAPPEEB— Extra Urge Ahhakas Cayennes, 43 sft p> r s 1 mdard rate, ama.l Red Spanßh 4 <*Sf2 SO EKMONS Market steady at 43 50. Coi'OANUTH 43 704(3.75 per 100 IT.ANIT6 Ample stork fair demand; market firm, fancy hand-plckcl. Virginia! per pound 4%c; hand-pick. and. Virginia, ex tras. tr. N. C seed |*anut* 4c NUTS Almorda, Tarragona. 14c; Tairas, IS' wnlnuis. French. 12c; Naplea. 12c; pro cans, 12 Brastls, 7c; fllb, rts. lie; aeaor*. ad nut*. (*, (*>,ttid and 35-pound boxes. IF. Cation bagging and Ties. BAGOINO— Market firm; Jute. 2%. rsund. 9%c. large lot*. *%c; amull iota, pound. 6,t(*c; 1%-pound, 8%0*%c; sag Island bagging 12%c TIES Standanl. 4fc-(K>'<nd, arrow. Urge lota, ti 40. small lots. 41.40. salt, Hides and Wool. BA'.T Demanu is lair and the market steady; car road lots. Its, pound burlao sacks. 44c. 100-pound cotton sack. 45c. 110-pound burlap sack*. 4a%c; 110-pound potion sack*. 49%, : TTS phiml burlap oa< kg. Me. 125-p.>un.: cotton sack, 56c; 2M pound burlap aacka 65c. HlDES—starke# Irm; dry flint l*We; dry sail. ll%c; grgen -alted, fc. WOOD—Nominal; prime Georgia, frea of sand burrs and bln, k wool. 1 * black. 14c; burry. 19c. Wax. 25c; tallow, 4%c. Deer skins, Ec. ttlMi'Kl.l.4 VKUIg. FISH- Mackerel, hulf-lmrrets, No. 1, 49 i. No. 2. 5' 00 No. 3 . 46 50. kit*. No. 1, 41 to. No. 2. 41 25; No. 3. K 5. Codfish. l-p<m") broke 6'V': 2-(sound bricks. A Smoked herrings, per box, 3c. Dutch her ring. in kegs. 41 IV. row mullets, huif barrel*. 4: 3' STRI P- Murk*! qul. 1: Georgia and Florida syrup, mixing at 2*4(3.*'; selling al 324)35, . sugar hou' at lob 15c. HONEY Fair demand; sugiood, In bar rels. 5541616' gallon. •ilgh wind basis, |1 24, Plant System of kailways. Trains opera'ed hx 90th M. rl llan Time on* Hour Slower Thun City Time. 22 6 7x North arnl So,ill. 23 35 5 i __ Rj \ll D"WN EfT"in. 01 t U9A READ 1 f 12 5 15* I lua ITv Kavannah . .. Ar|! 2 45a 1 10a! 6 I9p, I t 19p 10 JOl 6 hi Ar . Charleston ... l.v, II 15p • 591 3 lop | 3 23* 7 25p Ar Richmond .. Ev 9 05* 6 4*p I ... 7 Ola ...... H Top Ar ... Wa eh Ing 10n... Ex 4 "u* 3 4V7p .... . , J....... 6 aim .... 103 1 Ar Ball!more.... l.v 2 5.5a 1 4*p ... j j hi 3.V1 ... 3 73), Ar ...ridla.leliihla l.v 12 3W> II 2t|> t T 99a Ar .. N*w V.xrk Ev 9 ' . - . * 88p 4 88b Ar .. Ib.tun .... l.v I MplJUnll ... ..| ! I, a :r 5.1 23 Booth 7* 2: 32 16 5 Dip 1 g‘.p 6 Its. 5 Ax* 2 17*i Ev .. S.iv itingh ... Ar i '*'• 12 loi 7 (■>.. 12 I,a 1# 'sa 6 I#,. 5 top 10 5.*, ;> 6 Ar .. Way to**... I.x 10 IS| 9 4 .(• 4 top 9 6.V. 7 >*■ 1 1 ft.t 9vp | |sp 3 I'p 2 !5p Ar .. Thotn.isvlll* .. l.v 6 10|* • I "P * Ifc* 3 I>x p, .'j, 7 (Op 12 so> V ..... Dm Ar .. Jo. k-ofivllle . l.v * Kip 7 4.. p : W|. *'*'* 5K 6 It) Dip 1 99p 12 iff# 12 UC|> Ar ... I‘ala'ka I.x 4 25p 4 7.M ... 2 3.5a 3 35,* 2 lx',.. 5 41)11 Ar ... Sanford . . I.x It Kp . I! #i l2:*i ~J 3 yip 2 -Up Ar .. Grtlne.vllle .. I.x .... 2 40p | | | 3 It.p 3 !6p Ar .. .Heal 1 .. Ex .. 1 40p j | hi i.ip 10 .. pAr .St I'et.'ialrorg Ev 6 (Xfl. I I-...... ... 7 sk* 10 #op l" "up 1# oop Ar 1 aniiw ... Ev * KS* 6 00#, 6 6 6#i - P I inn I HI. 1 1 10a Ar ..Punla ifcirdu . Ev , .... 4 Ssp| 10 45.1 1" 4.1 Ar .. S'. Augustine . Ex 6 2"(> 6 3ip .^... 5 i.'P 2 15.1 3 25| .. 2"m Ev Savanliiah .Ev 1017.* 12 10* f. .1. * F'p 5 1.5a 4 r*V|. 6*6. Ar .. J. sup . Ev 4 24)a i# I x :< ;Mn *ttp x i4x 1 At Brill wick I.x • to* 9 Otp i I NORTH WEST and SuI'TIIW I.ST 15 53 VI, Jesup 16 7 !k; 13 35 Via Montgomery 16 I7* "tip r. ~Ex Kavannah At Ift 15a 12 10a ■'#t> !' l.v Savannah Ar 10 15* fOO 6 tap 6 41X1 Ar Jeaup... Ev .4 20a 10 60p X 10# Ar M tg'mery l.v 7 45p|1l 2i 3 in, | 13|x Ar Maroo . Ev; I l6t 2 *3, 7 lop 6 50a Ar NaahvHle Ex 9KB 2 21a (I, 3 .qip Ar Atlanta. Ex I" 45p 12 <Y*p 2•*l 12 Sip Ar lenibxvlll" Ev 3 Vat, * IJp 9 45a! x 84, Ar Cha'nooga l.v 4 ft..p 6 4,’-! 7 flfa 4 #7p Ar Clnclnn it! l.v It "ti 5 4(141 7 7 **l Ar .lovilavllle Ev 7 Fro 7 45p 7'2oa 7 16p Ar St. I*.ula l.v, I 55p| * 23* 7 Sop 7 47.1 Ar Cincinnati Ev 6 30a, 7 t*H* | (I* A N I 7 (Mu 6 top ,Ar Ht l*d* Ev ls*i' 6 "Ai 7 33a, Ar St l*rouv Ev R o#p,. 7 Ifvis 5 Itg, Ar Chicago Ev | 6 JOp 9,14. j (M A <) ) * || j 5 41.,. 4 I6P l.v Atlanta AUIOSsrH 49u '*. # l*P Ar Clib ago E* 7 "#P 1 *#P K <v.|* 7 IS.* Ar M#*mphlp Lv * 20* 5 OOp 4 1 .1 ftft.i Ar Mobil#* lv 12 Jip 12 Tft.k 9 4&m 7 Iftw Ar KaiMuoritjrLvi *!• 9 4&| * T4v Ar N Orl*ni Lv 7 &&•[ 7 4ip R (*i|* .* ywi Lv BavafWtAh Ar lift !&• tl ’ft** THmuftb rullm m r*r 1 Ain 12 ** Ar Tlfton . Lv 2 f A%> 3 4&a 2 1 Ar Albany .Lv 12 Ala 2 4Aii to North i inJ Wmt. wnd to F)orl<U .. ( k jup Ar Columhim f!ft AD^ i oin*<*ilotm mdp ai IVri T*n|w with •learner* fr*r Key We#t ftO‘l ll.ivna. Igeavma l*‘rt Tampa Monday*. Thur*4asw ami tUlurdny* at ll ■> p tn I II Toll crmi* T I' A 1% A Armand f’ltr Tkf A De Hot** Hotel. Phone TL M W WRKNN, Piorngpr TriWi Manaicor. tiavanoah. <J* McDonough s ballantync, Iron Founders, Machinists, “‘***u.lH,. Waller avail ere, ili ilittn .t x,*u,,.,. are *<t I'enaku WagXuroa, Verllaal >ud lap 9“*“i"i 'x V trora *llll., * M- ., Hill * l eaa. Ska til.a. rlle*. elk ! *>l"' TELEPHONE NO. 123. Ol KAN rffflltlHTX. (’OTTON —Savannah to lUaton, p**r rwt . .to N>* Vorll. p*r Wt ?Or, to PhitaMlHphla. r l*.|p. fi. lialtlmora, $i KnKKION DIHKfT—Hh*. Llv f*rjKMl. C6c; llamhurf. Mu, <!*noa, Ato; Harcrlona. 70 ; lfanrh*pt*r, Havra, r.l*'. ArowiTji, R7r PORTION !NI*!HErT- !slv#f|>nnl. 7*rj Mmoh*tur. f'" nornlnal. Hambura. Wc; Havra. (hnon. 7J<*; Koval a tul Ht. J>tprilmra. 7fcr. Aniwflff. (*&•' LI'MKEM Hy KrtM Errtjrhta ttull; to Halilmor** awf Maw.ird, $4 Ni to fA.uft (n’r M . Ir liKllna l*rtlruf LI'MHEH Hy t* tram Ha\-annh to Ha’* (Imora, ff.OO. to I* H H or It AO ilorka. V* lf>; t I*hlli4*lphla. n^r I'Wt., <4 |M>iindii to foot); to Npw York. I; rn par M 17 2fi to .do*'!* to Hoßton t* 4o< k 18 NAVAL BTOHKB Th** market la Arm; nv <llum nil* vpmpl* or*Vr*t >• %l |**r barrel of 310 nn.| i> per rrnt prlm*4l* HplrMa. 4a Ski k’lll.-rn aroN!*. .ini* & par r**nt primir fffirao v*'r,*i*lp. roalri. k; npirllf. 4a 3tl Htrain Ur |**r lAA pound* on rorln; on apirlld, Havannah to Boa ton. arul .41 roaln and on rplrtta to Now York 4.11 %l\. ETC. Nrw Y*rk >rt .1 Flour markrt havinx .tli* i'lv %)• I th**lr r ml*, buyer* h*lil ..fl aaaln to #lay ami th* cnirk**t wa* f nirH*i*a **x<’*|>r for Ita Rlfaillnraa. Ity# fliHir, flrn **om ni*al. Arm Kv\ dull llnr>y. trr>ria**r. Ftallnf, 4317 IT **. Har is v malt, ilull. Win .•• H|wt. Arm; N- 2 ra#l <■!► Ilona wrrr Irregular. o|>rnlmr firm* r ou ■ ovninif. thav i ipprknfwl n ah>rf (•ii k tutelar llM.i|i|Nilntlnc oahlaii. unload true nn l Nmull outlliln aupfHitt. N*xt r Kpondlnc to llfhl r vrlptf and a *■! t-anh ’••munl at H. I**hilm, aup|>l**m*nt*l by rain |H*s*llotlona for th*- northW'-M iinl lo t nt biiviriff for Mh acmiinto. th**y tumad H'rona mi,<l i loaad v*ry firm a* \‘fi%* n**t ftilvunur M ir< b rkF6*d WHfcu; May. W,v , ortobrr, WV; f•acombar, WV' (’urn Hi*ot. Arm. No. 2. 4V. option** a**ru irefiamlly Arm .ill day tn m* tlv* . ovrrtnv .f %rly d' hv. rlfK. bad rro |* nowa from the corn hell, a bin ral rash <b umtMl Went Mild hlahrr cabin*; cloned Arm aiul V%4i%c tml M'lvnnt * May <lo <1 41V- totn-r < 4*'iV . December ckiawl. tC'+c. 4h Spot, Arm, N* 2 !?**c; of llinM IM.I mvp but M**ad|or with corn, Itcof. firm, i'ui m'-at?*, ataly. I(rd. • trong; W'*i**rn cioitiiHl October • Wilted, 7J*L" 2 . noihlnal; r* An**d atrons. oon ilncnt. $* i:. Houth AmcrU an. $T*. l6ind, 4kk4S fork, afrona; faroily. |i 'iIH..VI; phort clear, sl4 14.d0 Tallow. Arm; pettoleum, eaay. Tur l*entlne, F nt|v Rice. Arm Mutter weak; craamarjr, 17tj2>; atata dairy. liVktTwlc. Cha*a-. ataady; targe white, lHfcidJlVt**; .’■mull white, Il'ffiillV . I!kkh. Arm. aiat** and I’*n nay I van la. ’.Mi2lc. W•••tern r'K'ibr mark. L’MilA I'oiatora. ijulct; J**racy'a. SI SO New York. |1 mi 1 *>. leitnu lal.iud. Sl.frmi.ft; Jcruffsy • went a, 52.804E12.7S Mohcko, ale i<ly New Orleana. open krtlln KfMjtl |< choice*. Uttlfr-. fVtnula. Ptn.idy fun y haudidcked, 441 2 t df4< dull. Iru( Jwlanri. i-cr ino SlJOfllS. i 'otton, by ntarn lo Llvcri>o>il. 4 Coffer H|n> Rio, quiet. No 7 Invulrr, I 1 4* . mild. (f a4|> , l ordova, 9\'al4c. Tho rn.nkri for future* opened at*a<ly af 6(i lo f>olnta decline mvml ruled quiet aral weak under lo ti I 100, foil* *w lua unaatlftfa'tory cabba and an IncraiM of ktr.rflrft Uikh in world a vialbln Inftead of tia.ofio to 790,090 pre dh itd Traillna wap entirely lo al -m l th undertone w< ak in an tic Ipa Mon of h* .ivy new < rop movement Cloned at* dy at h loea of S to 10 polufa. Total al# -* Lift,7l6 b iv*<, Int'ludlmr rirtoher. $7 10; bourmbtr. at S7 2r*tT7 90. January, 7.MS. Huair. raw, atMdy; fair reflnlnff. 4%i-; t entrlfucal. M ft and, k. Moli**n uirar. 4c. Ite An# I euirsir weak and Irregular. Htan dard A. tZ,B6; confeetloneni* A. $5 L’; mould A. Sd 00; cut loaf. 4 16; rrunhed. Id 18. |ow derwj, 16.66. Kranulaieii, S** 7i, and cube*. la-90. 9KBD Oil.. New York. Ocl. I.—Cotton rend oil win upheM by thn a(rength of ho* product*; prime i'rule barrel*, nominal; prime *um mcr yellow. 37QY7off *umrm*r yellow, 34ti&’tr; prime winter yellow. 411742 c; prim*- wheat, prime meal, |2i oft. < lilt lltft >IIRKBTB. Chicago, Oct % --Wheat wa* Irregular, but closed e(roT]g. November, SUV high er Torn cloned unchanged and <at* Vic up. ProvlilOQi i.loaed, 7V|4llOc to 27Vc higher. The Icasllng fulure* rarur*d aa follows; Opening IHghefft. Cloning. Wheat No 1 Oct. . 7M* 77 T**% 77 Nov. 77VJ77% 77% 7*'\ 77%H77 * Dec 7k 4471% 744* 7&S 77% 79% (.'urn No. 2. Oct k* 4*% 4*>% Nov 3751F37% 39 27% 27% | CouUoued ua 0$ % E Ym j Schedule* FIT relive hrpi 10. IM Trains arrive at and and ,art frnro Central Station. Vat Proud. foot of I chert y etrrel *>th Meridian Time -One hour slower Uian etty lima I'*'* Arrive ’ Havannah: Havannah: lAugusta, Macon. Allanta.l " * txamJCovliiKt.m, Millrdgevllle •* on%na _____ land all Intermediate points] IA nan la Mi on. Atlantal ' | Athena, Montgomery, Co-| •a OOpmjlumlme. Birmingham. Am K OOum __ Jarlciia, Kufuula and Truy.f tt Wiptni Dover Accommodation n o<inj Guyton Dinner Train! jt Mpaa ‘Dally, IRirrpi Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TVIIKB. TStii meridian or Savannah city time. UiAVB SAVANNAH. Monday only (a . m Dally except Monday 330n. in Dally 3.00 p nv LEAVE TYIIKK. alonalay only 7:16 a m 1 1(11 1y except Monday 10:25 a. m. Dally 6:20 p. rn < nnnrrtlona mad- al lirtnlnal points with nil trains Northwest, West and Southwest. a sine,,in* cars on night trains between Havannah an<l Augusta, Mu.on, Atlanta • n*l htrminfrhnrn Parlor cars on day trains between Sa vannah. .Ma>,m and Atlanta Kor complain inrormatlon. a vhedules rstes and .XMin— tl.ats apply to ,ne eV"‘ KVVKH ' < •“ TleU and P.aa *n**r Agent, 107 Hull street or ] V r R H*i , i I f N 7 Y ? K ‘ T ‘ rh * f A**nt. HINTON, Traffic MannKcr THEO D. KI.INK, flan Superintendent, Savannah. (It MM [IMITED Trains Double Daily Service • ,hor l ">'’ lo Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia. Now York and in* lum. ! Nt w Na M i: Savannah. 8 A. L Ry Q Sspm,ll pra Ar Columbia, H A. L. Ity 4 Ppm 4 Kara Ar Raleigh. H A. L. Ity . II I7pm|ll 00am Ar Durham. 8 A. L. Ity 7 >.m| 4 lpm H A.I,.Ry 4 ISaml 4 ttpra Ar Richmond. 8 A. U Ky 6 I6am| 6 4*pm Ar Washlnglon, I'enna 8 46am, > 20pm Ar Haltlmoro I'enna Mi (Bam,ll 3pm Ar Philadelphia. Penna... 12 77pm | Ham Ar New York Panna. 2 Ulpm, 6 Uam No 44 No M tv i*vii>Ali. ■••A. ! ipm :i pm Ar rorismouth, 8 A.I- Hy| 7 00am 6 COpm Ht utiters leave Norfolk dally, except Sunday, for lialtlmora. Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Waahlngton. The short line to Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 726 a m„ arriving at Montgomery I¥> ft. m , at which point cloae connection te made with the L. A N K R.. arriving at Mobile !:6 a. m. and New Orleans 7 '4O a. m The short line to Kernandlna, Jackson ville, Tampa and other Florida points I No 27 No J: I-v Savannah 8 A. L. Ry 5 Mam 7 OTpen Ar Kernandlna. 8A I, Ity 3 25 am #6pm Ar Jackaonvlllr. H.A.I, Ry 2 10am 7 40pm Ar Tampa, 8. A. L. Ry — 6 20pm 6 10am Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping car aervt.s to Washington. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dtntng cars from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Havannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply o Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan streets Phone J* J. D. WEED * CO •AVARRAM, 41 A. Leather Belting, Steam Packing A Hose. Agents tor MEW YOKE RUBBER ÜBLTLNti AND PACKING COMPANY. 9