The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 06, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 SOUGHT DEATH IN SOLITUDE. ivt’iriDF or t. o. itkGi.MTT i% A%00D% HEAR HIT* OF MOI*K. Hod) Mad F.v Ideally eea There for aereral Its>•— Kmlot Formerly a Drummer for Red Hill fta*l Lost His Position—Mia Identi ty Discovered Frnui Letters Found In His Poe Lei—Has a AA tfe and Children in Atlanta—‘The Hods Will Aof lie Disposed of tnlll These Relatives Are Heard From. Charier 41 Rnfiett r*f Atlanta l**rniei ly a traveling man for lie*l S* ul Lv# was f>und *Wed v enla i* th* wkln near Baker t*n- r,g. within stmut n quarter of a mile - t fh** Savaftnafi. Thun derbolt *nd Isle >' H*c* Rh iw.iv The remain# we * d." <' ered bv ' Major Andensrvn. n *s<***l man. living near Bainffi v . vn> wn / i*b# ring s*l Th* body was 11 o • lu*le*r| a spot that, but for sn a* id* nt it [*ro4mbly n* vei would ligve hirn f*ar.d Anderson t* *1 of hi find to Mr A M Barbee at l#ie of Hop* .*nd h** fn turn notified t • *roner *■** t* The i*od\ wie found aliout 10 1* io* k oral ihe coroner rag* bed there aitfiut n<Kri The body wa# unr* ogmxuide. evidently having been there for several days. The identify f the mati wa ♦ ‘tMbi4#hil ty tfj‘ mirtri •< * • or* a number of lett* i> whi* h wer*- fouml m the inner pocket *f iu~ *>ii Tliajga no Tangible evkkn*** i* thin • ffa t wl# found near the body. If I# the theory of the coroner nnd tli>*< who have #een the Lsty that the nun # Lath wa-v bv euk'ide. and this thcor\ is strengthened I y the in vest ig;i :ion# that war® made Inter If th* man committed ei*. kle and there is littlv il übt that It* id th* Miot he * hoo.-c. for ih deed i * wild and lone eome a one a# he * oti.d have e|, t* and In *h* farthest pari of 1 damp meadow 4*.tout n qianrter • fa mile from th- Isle of Hop# Railway tr.* k overgrown with t 1 1 S'nib (•aim' tTo and <D ft- I lore and there with clump- *f #rn ill pin* the Ikmlv In' The man bad • Bo * •*•* .1 -t*ot near 1 -light hollow and under the fall* t i* . then folding hi** -sit piliuwwl- a > a rest f r hi* b* ad. had -wallowed p* and lay dowr. to lle \Vh n found, the bodv was in an easy posture .t# tliough death bad come easily nnd ther** hu*l hern no S'ruggl* Tti* magi lay • r hh back with hi* arm* lying i*ll) at Ll# *d* . a tel hi right leg slightly drawn up The body had beep horriblv and ia ed froni natural *au*** and by Hi# # aveng*i# of th*- air and wo*m|* When a Morning New# re porter visited the pla* *. one of th* -* black ** sv*nger-. ihe *mly living thing In eight, was i* rch**l on 11 limb, k***piri£ a grue#om** vigil almv- th** dead The |c:t*r* that were found in the p-k*'t of the deod min e coat Lire the aklreps f .1 Savannah hou#**, and when be retim ed to the Itv the coroner . all-**? nt the a*Mr*•-# *n*l founl lhaf Fnglett bul lieen a b* irder ci* r# for #.*m in ♦ wi*h hi wife an.l children, but had sent hi** fsmilv to'i Miwnit tw. w***K# *t" He. tdrneeif hud t* cn nii**eing in • Bttfiday Trier** were two letter* oddr ed to him, rw| these the coroner o[K-ie.y and found them ta he from the man# ivife ji. Atlant 1 The tell a pathetic torv and throw some lighi *k the mans Ilf.* a>d his probable reason for taking hi# life In the first of the letter*, dated Sept. ST hi* wife tell* him that she enclose | two advertisement* and asks him to wnswer them *- he might ther*b\ secure a . , ce|ye from him which she a l %vi# the blue* letlet #he had ever seep *nd * k**d her *'imtniiiieatlori with a pa thexi. oiumol to him to le lirave .m*l courageous In a later letter, dated Oct 3. she told him that #h** had L-**n 10 1 man om hi* behalf and thought if h*> would write he could aecure a posit (or In thfa letter a* in the former *ne *h t**M iim how worrS and #h w . an*l ak and that h write at once Eng let L eald 40 have be*n seen Vi#| on riundsy when he left hi hoarding hou#e Both M ## 1 * Bar tne and Wlllet# of the Die of Ho t # Railway have dl* tinct rc oli.. n, i H #tranger who went out on I heir car during the carlDr iarr of the week though they r** no sure about the day. and who got off at Itak* 1 # Crossing Neither of them have any t.,o| lection f hi# having come back lo the city, however They think that ther* I# Ilftle <l*Mitt that ih* [Msienger wa* Kr* lett. tut they i*N>k particular nml e <*f Mm because they *.iw that h- wa* a string* r nd it Is rather an unu#usl thing for any one no* familiar with th*- tuirroun ling country to get off it th-- < r**-#ii.g. Another fact that hiii k them at th time wa* that th* man did not ask that th*' car he stopped at Baker # Prowelng tmt apparently got off without my <l*!i nlte end In view, and fi**rl) h* an • the tar had wto#prd to allow another pa* *a ger to slight The coroner will not hold an Inquest New* of the man’s death ha# been wire*! to Atlanta and the coroner expect* to L advised '> Mr* Kngiett, or #<m of th* dead man’s rdaftvi n to whut ds-iw*#i tlon shall L made >f the liody It 1# thought that B would b best • bury It where It wa# found ind where it now in*} pending the expend Arlnnta u Ivh c. t ‘41%4 UK 111 A 4 |,t It PI L1.1'.11. Thirteen f lla 4 olored llabltnea Ar rested niml Will He Tried Tn>(lni Twenty-five prisoners fa **l th* H<- corticr yesterday morning Of thej thirteen had been arrested in Conx>rdlti Club, a |la e*n New sir*-* ( They w**r# all charged with disorderly conduct. Tin case was conttniH-*!. Nellie Hnellmmi and Ho* 4I Carter th* colored women, who ar- charg* lhy hi rte Hayward with having it##auit-*) her the night before w**r found guilty nnd given r**nttmi of tio. or fifteen days each The H* > ward w>mat v i u<i|iHk; and H|uaily gulP.y of creating th* .|imurb ane*. and she wt* gv n a like sentence James Dupre, ih*- white mm. who ih* •light before w in |*>o drunk t> tell wh> re he llvrsl. was given ten days In Jail Of the two men Who w* r urn*-f*d \V* d nesdav night for indnir drunk ami rui#ing s 4Hs turbanoe .it Price street and Ogle thorpe avenue, only om- show. | up. th* other M-nding a drstor’a .rtlfl<*at tail he was too 111 to appear The om came to court was given a sentence of 125 or thirty days FLORIDA FHIT4IR ** 4 oA||\|,. They AA 111 A Lit Naxannnli N*ki Week nn Their AAay to 14 Icliniml The Florida Pre* i.ition will sp. n 1 next Tuesday afternoon and Wedne-day morning in Havannah on If* way North to Rlchmon*!. The Florula editor* arc t ik ing ten days off and will #|m nd th* time In Havannah. Columbia. it Heigh t< tul nrouml Richmond. The party n irnb-1 about fifty people. Including a numier of ladies, and will arrive here about nmn Tuesday remaining until Wednesday noon J I* traveling by the Heabcard Air Line While here the visitor# will he giv. n a trip to Tyber win visit the- Beak*oard T* r amink*< in the wharv- with a • rip on tn^river, wiu be given a troll#’, ride over ihe city and lo the resorts, and will be otherwise entertained. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry 4'bampagne Ha* no superior. A large yearly increase ia Its swics says so.—ad. J4IHN HLI4.F. 4 A I*TI HFI). AA s* line o| the Three Aegroes In f4r• • and tor the Aturder of i urnrlnr. John Hlige. the negrn who was with He*born Hayes and J*e Lloyd when Hive# shot Mmormon Varnedot on th* Savannah. Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Itatlw y some m*nths ag*> arwl who wa# lndtcge| by the Grand Jury for murder w ij% brought 10 the Barracks las? night by J. F Adams of Bulloch county ltlige up to the time of the shoot ing or elevator hoy In the OrM Fellows’ building Aftr the shooting he skt|*ped out an t had not been seen In 4he city un til brought In last night Mr H M Icfton of t Hav itmah. Thunderfolt an*l Isle of Hop* Railway w in telephoned last night *f • tic arrest, nnd will Ik at the Barra k* this morning with --♦•me one who will L abb to identify Hlige Of the other two men wh* wa re Indicted f'.r the murder of Varnedoc H ye# h*s a!r4wly been tri**l and is now under n -entence of death. While Lloyd is still In the Jail iw tiling trial TOO LAHLI FOR Ml 111 NOISIK. A 11 **ik It en * of le l*h I Isilelph la -Vs vaiinali Line. 4*4 In (|slrtly. The steamship Allegheny, the rtr-t vss -* If the n* w Merchants and Miners line L*w*en Savannah itnl Philadelphia rn up the river at 5 .0 o* l k >*sier la\ morning and entered her berth at th* • *m( docks witLiut attra* ting any m*irke*i alterdlon Hil t B e Allegheny < otne up later In the day there would have (en whistle- ami waving flag# and hunting 10 hail her ar rival maiklng mh It <ll*l the resumption <*f ira W UMkfi’n Piiilad* l[*mn an*l Savan nah l*v tm#ii)<* of st*-atriers i*eiMUng a five*! ’ *db li wa. #* *arly in the morning, however, that the office* along The river front w*r *le ertxl nn<i those mlnmiol the tug and #'*am-hl|*# In the hartror Jiad not yet su < * edd In wiikitg the cobwelm f sleep frt*ni their eyes Thus l wa that tb* Allegheny was suffere*! to ltq> anchor without note* and with out exclb ment. f.ipt Kn** hsit r. in < ommarsi >•( the Allegti*ir.. **|Wte*l that hie M.iutM'h ves- I ltd ha*i a plea.-an' voyag* although In* aid ••11 (|*’l ivh! sm* #vi n hour- by r*•*!-. ii of a f*ig which overtook htm in ti*- ‘.i\, jii****it ten miles off t’ai* Hen • Mef ft wa n*-* *>s4try ** tsi inchor n*l r* rniln st;ti*i**ry until ih*- fog liftel. and tn* Initial trip to Savannah was linglh*'4ie| L iti-e of till.-* Ih t. Th* Abg i* n> arrled kv in first-clae- I 1 -ng rs arsl what *•1 *t Fa*t**r all***! 1 latriv g*H*.| cargo f*r Ihe first trip.” I wis of livet stfi*| * har* ter. Ling largelv *.>mp*>seil of merchandise for th* lM)era .of Savannah and the interior Aims k tt>** shipment- w.l aie of 1.2U0 i>arr 1 -of sug t Although there was no noise attendant upon the Allegheny’s arrival In the har •>or, the m* reliant# of the city are niani f*>Hng th* Ir itt* i-t in th*- new Bn*- and their desire to advance its Interests In a manner much more substantial. This I# evidenced by the -tz, of the cargo which • lie Allegheny will tarry back to Phila delphia. when she s dl# tht afternoon. It con#!-i# principally of cotton, lumber and naval stores, the three gr*at staple ex port* of the |s*rt. Of cotton ther* will be hetw.en #(x and seven hundred bales Hev eral pa.-s*ngera hav* a!o l>ecn book**l for the return trip The Berkshire. he second vessel of the r*ht)adelph*tfevmnnh fleet, will sail from the former |ort this afternoon The nature nnd site of her cargo is not known here, hr from the tnteicsf that the t'lty of Hrotherlv Love f# man:f*-*Tlng In fhe en terprlsr It is surmised that It will be as lurg* certainly ns that carried by the Al leghany For the Berkshire'* return trip. a quarter of a million feet of him b- ha a I rea*ly been listed for freight. —.— 1 A| A A II AA F. TIL I IN4L AA it* cross mid Valdosta Fairs I on. siderliiu This Attraction. Kffort* are L ing ni.d** to arrange for tilting contests at the Valdosta and rose fair next month S*# r tar> W \Y Shar|*e. t*f tb*‘ Wayrro*** Fair Astab tWn. •:*•# written i'pi A. tiordon (’a*- Is. of this city, commander of th*‘ Lib erty Imlepcndrnt Tro*v. asking for in formation a# to the n* ccwsary #tepw in Ik* taken to bring iho tilting irom# to the fair in hi# ity and th*- conditions which would b** requltsd by tb* team** • ’apt ricj- D 1..• - replied, giving the de sired Information and stating the condi tions w he .OfiMders |ece *#ary I’rix* ** iAid be require*!, of course. h th* tronj n want sotu* Incentive f.r tilting i 'apt I’assels is of the opinion that If th* d* #!■* ! i ditlons ar* *mp!led with that there will be no difficulty In secur ing 0 number of teams from tha First Cavalry l think we . n count upon eight teams if sufficient Inducement* are offered.*' #al*l Capt. Cassels >est#rda% “I 'Ount upon -•curing three t***rn# fr*m the Libert v In •lepemlent Tr*Mt*. two from the Liberty Guards, two from the J* #up troop and ,He from the Georgia Hussars. The IJh erty teams are in go*#l shape, iuixing dene -cm** g*M>i tilting recently, and I have no loubt that the other team# would give 1 k*n#| m< ount f thcmeelve# Cap# <*a*s-l# think# there Is n kh>*l |wro*|K> t that lotli the fair association* will 4ik* advantage of th optortunit) to *vur- th* tlltcrs. \A . It. I.FAKIN’'* inivlllOA. Local PoIHIcIn ns Are AA nlerliig AA ha 4 He Intends to Ho. Savannah fioitticlans arc awaiting with conskb'rabh* tut* rest the return to the city of Mr \N I! le-aken, who has re* elv#d the Hepu dican nomination for Congress from this illstrii't. but w lui has not yet publh ly *r formally sttifad wheth* r or not he wtii accept. The politician* are anxious to know what Mr L* aken Intends to do G*’n**rj.- I> there warn# to L* litll* *loubt that he will a< unlcae there I# a material iiang*- in t*i* situation, by Is meant the .[[•* inn.** on th* seen# of sorn* me willing to m cept the nomination in whose favor Mr l*ak* 11 would is wi ling to re- Ur* Tint* *u* ramors on tb* streets, which. If correct, would m *k* this retire ment of Mr L'aken and the substitution of another • sndldote n*t at all !tiuro!* Ide Mr.*n wa* In Baltimore yester day. but he is expected In with in ihe n*x' day or two it 1# probable that he will then i-ldr* -- 11 formal letter ; th Repub,l> an Ki itlve Commttte* notifying ir- iatt*i of b# receipt *f th* letter advising him of th* nomination nnd iNiveymg either .L >•;*tan. e r dc,'’li mit ton of the honor MAN It A A F OAI.I T HHFF RFA *. I'oatolHce flx II enter a* Must (Hve tip Alt tilhers. postmaster Doyle has been informal by the department at Washington h* un der the postmaster General’s recent or der. no renter of a postoffice box can hold to exceed three keys Asa resu.t of this ruling those having more than three keys will have rents refunded when the key# are returned, nr.d in compliance wirh the ruling box-holders holding more than three keys will be requested to return the excess keys in the near futur* THE JMOKNING .NEW S: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1900. MADE A GOOD BEGINNING. riH*r WRW *#' . mooi.i \ HATI**•'.%*TOM* OAK. low Jhnni .74 Hkllr hlldrrn In tHn rtif Pl*—• H*tf llrr* Konnd Inr Krnrl* Onrlnai Ihr Hrrk. 11*1 Tt>*rr *r- Hill run. on Ihr WnlfliiH 1,111-**T * Thnr Will Hr .lvrn Plam Art Hrpk-Thr Trnrhrr*' >orinnl I Hfor**nliP* nn.l IH.Iil-* l*n *rr llnna. In< l. Mrrllnn I *4rrl*kl*li Ihr Viol) a* *omr qorilln* l-rrtl- Krnt t* lla W ork. Yearerdav closed the first week of th#- %> hools for the new wr-nool year the clos ing * vef• of the we. k leing the me*tlni: of th* te her*' normal lass in the after noon There was a full attendance of i* * ers. and *• pleasant reunion wws held after the reparation of the summer The me*aing *vf the class proved to be an Important one as *evfml innova’iotis were |ntrm|<i #d by Bupt Ashmore The chief feature of the meeting was the di viskon of the tea'her* into sections The High ft- hool teachers were placed tn a section by tnemseiveo. and will study qurdionn per’slnlr.g to their own work Aneaig the grammar schocl teachers, each grad*- war* rotistltuted section. With the exception **f the first and grades whl h were omblued In on# ser tlon. K’h s*- flon will he presided over by o pnm ipa For the convenience of the teachers of the afternoon schools, their normal • kses will be he| t j Tuesday at 10 o’cloik. while fhe othci tea. her> will m# et Friday afterrumsi as usual At the meeting vesterdav nfternoon. the High S* f >| no tion discussed the ones tl li #f I*i - < |p| tie mm the ftesult Of Self ti ivernment “ The l-’irst and Brcond grade tea. ben* of the giammar echruil* were Instructed In methods if teaching prim ars reading The other grammar schools discussed meth#sls tvf teaching arithme tic Various other >ln#s of study* lertain- Ing to the work of the teachers, will he ?ek*o up during the year. Superintendent Ashmore believes that this plan will re sult in gr*-at benefit to the teachers, and It will arouse In (item a renewed in terest In their work We have l*e#-n over thl ground be fore." said Siq.* r 'intend- nt A'hmore. “hut a number of new t#a<-hers have come Into th*. school* who are not acquainted with the work and the older t I'-her* need arousing nnd freshening up on some lines ** Kuf***rintendenr Ashmore ha** not receiv ed comple'e reports of the number of chll dr* n In tli* schools at the end of tha first we. k A.•> there were |,&K) children in the white schools on the first day. and a# U-4 cards of ndml-s on were issued •lur ing the week, li l fair to presume that ther* are .1.4574 White children in the rliv school# less on* or two who may have possibly dr..|.K*l out Th* waiting list I# mill a large one Of the 49f. names enrolled U|*on the waiting ll#t ltd w re provided with place* In their # *hool dis* rid# nn.l aDxit rhlr v of h* rs were placed In schools ouishle the dl-tri t. leaving ab*ut ittn on the waiting list. “The number of children outside of the schools is probably larger than this.” said Superintendent Aehrnore. a- many parents have doubt|e-s failed 4o enroll the name* of rhelr * hlldren deterred by ihP announce ment that there t* no room This Is a mistake A great many of these children will t*e pla- ed. perhaps all of them Probably fifty .ard or admission will he leaned to morrow There are already grades in which there are aw* ancles, but no appli cant- It might he that the children whose name# have nor been enters*! would Ik* lire vary ones to fill these gra*les “ In the effort tn provide place# to. many applicant* possible a number have leeti pj*- % ed In * hool# outside o' their district* The *up*rlntendent will begin thl- week a work or readjustment, transferring the children as far as possi ble to the school* In the district* In wlheh they reside The question of not e.*parai Inf -mall • hlldren of the svme family will have to *** oonsid* red in making this r# adjustment, however. As soon MS all (he reports are Ir> said Huperlnendent Ashmore. “I shall tabulate them, thus ascertaining the ex act condition of ea*’h grade in every school. Then I .-hull proceed to fill up every grade to the last scat leeway was left when the cards were first issued in order to allow for readjustment, and it I** likely 1 hat places will* be found to slip In a good many pupil* ” ■ We have made a very satisfactory be ginning." su’d Ruperlntendent Ashmore. and the work of the fitst week wa* all that could he exie. t**d The teacher# found th*- work of organisation very easy, much more #• than usual, in fact There was little difficult) experienced on this score Th*' afternoon schools re work ing nicely end there \* |ei* complaint on this score than m'ght have bene expected A number of parent-. In fact, have re quested that their children be placed In the afternoon school*, their ohjei being to have the children remain at home to help €hem in the morning ’ Ruperlntendent Ashmore considers the beginning an suspD'ou* one and predicts a good year's work for the schools. r AAA MIIIORIIt PIT 4N INK KF.T. Lent Atones on (iomls T hat He I’all ri| < Meport to (lie Bailee. P Mann, the pawnbroker with whom J*m F'tasier colored, pawned the valua bles Halt he stele frKn Mr F. A Well, an account of which ha.- been published in the Morning N* si. was placed on the Information docket yesterdiy, charge! with cursing anl abu-ltg Mr Well, aist with violatit g the city ordinance that re quires all g> **ls pawned to 1> ret>orted at th |sli* e tairra* k- Previous to the confession of the butler that he is I stolen the goods from Mr Well that gentleman went to a number of pawn slioiv-. Manns among the number, and u#k*d If such goods a# be had lost which he de# r.bed. had be**n left with them Maim state 1 tha’ #ome of the good whl h Inciub and a pair of curtains and a valuable taM* cloth. li*l been pledged with him but had been afterwards r deemed After the n*gr- confessed he also gave up a number of piwn ti* kei#. among them thos** for the articles mention* and. which had been | awned t Mann s pla* e. and which he had not r*d'cmel Yesterday morning Mr IN e 1 went 10 M inn to se cure his property, and it was then that the troub.e o**curr***l Mann will ’k- given a hearing this morning before the Recor der F AIR AA I ATIII.H I'lniVlfaKtl. tint the Temperature 4 oMtlnue* Hluh nml There Is •* *tghn of l p. After the long s|el! of rain Savannah Is promised fair weather to-day and to-mor row Thai Is ihe forecast sent to ihe ob server law? night. The high (emperature continues however, yesterdays nmlmum being is*, degr* *s. which with a minimum of 7* also high, gave a nvan temperature of H' <l* 4i* *-;■ away shove ihe normal ft'r. Fntrcv AAtngs. I 'e. rommenclng to-day at KrouskofTs. the lades will firi full line of fancy birds and wings at the exceptionally low price lO*. others ask IS*' and F>c tor the same good* Kxoutkoffs wd. DRAIM TNR A I I-Ft. ATIOAt. I> •ini Telegraph 4 able 4 n*i|inn> Ftlea nn Anf*r In Court. The answer of (Ik Postal Telegraph Ca ble Company 10 the petition of ihe Havan nth, Florida and Western Hallway, for an Injun* • on restraining the former com pany from * ondemn'ng part of the la ter's right of way. for the construction o' h telegraph line, was filed In the Superior Court yesterday'. The telegraph * f*mpany had begun con demnation proceedings for this porpoee. 10 connect the town# of Albany. Valdosta and Thom Seville with the rest of its sy trm. when the order of the court. emi*or ally restraining the proceedings, was granted. In its answer to this petition the tele graph •company a(ta k# it *n the ground that, it #e 1# forth no enffl* tent causa of a tloti. tM* mlieges any suffi l*-m ground for th*- gran* >l a writ of Injun- lion I* s denied that the <Ol idem nation proceed ing* mil'!, of legal ne*-e-slty. I*e His I • uteri n the sev*ral r*Minilew In wnlch ibse portions* of the rui|wa> e compan)'* right of way sought to le c<>i,*l* mnl are kK’ted but avers, ofi Ine contrary, that the Xu|erlor Court of this county, in which the pr. n< ipal *ffi* e f the railway • omjnnv is io* a ted. Is the |.rof.*r and cor rect trloui *! fr*r (hi- purp>K* Crther object lons to the establtshm* nt of the Hue sre *le. hired to Ik* unfounded and some of them absurd As for th con tention that the • of m tele graph line would .• iang* r*Kis. bv o n son of the fart that the poles might b* blown a n*s- the tm ks and so produ *• wre k* whlk* It Is almltle| this le within the ** i|m of fh* bar* posslbibcles. It i# al leg* <1 that the po-.-ibllity l#* so remote and contingent uftnn so many imlikel) happetdug'. that It is not even an ele ment of damage, much less a reason for the I*su4- if n grit of Injunction. It U absurd, too, says fhe answer. t contend that ihe telegraph company W* likely to lnter|Mc*- unreasonable objection*- to the removal of it# pob #, whenever they Interfere with the railway company's bus iness The <lefen>iMnt Is engaged In 1! operation of a great system of telegraphy and not In the gratlfl* atiun of Us pas sions or the siti#fa< t|on of Its caprice, and it I# foolish to believe that M would do anything In such contingencies other hn what is fair ami rigid The legal presumption, says the answer. Is (hat tins company will do that very thing Many of h- .allegations In th*- petition of the railway company are m • with 1 simple denial The answer is filed, on i*ehalf of the defendant, by Messt# J It Mclntosh nn*l <Jarrrd A- Meldrlm. >|4>||4>\ \\ \s IMs V| | **|. |l. Apviearnnce to lli-niiir Was n AAuiver of Imperfect Urnlrr. Judge F.iiltgint passed two orders yes terday in the .-ase of 4*har|ea Moyer, re ceiver of the Htevens-i.'iark Company, against Frank II Clark and the Ha van ish Foundry an*l M. hlne Company. These dismiss certn’n motion** and o\er rule certain dmurret filed by the de fa ndants. It will Ik* remembered that this Is th* case In which the ro> elver was required by an order of the court to liisttlutc a *utt igainst Mr. C ark in*l others. f<r the recovery of certain moneys allege.! to have been improperly ptltl out Jut i>efore th- ie lared insolvency of the gtevens-4'lark Cotnpanv The defendants ti in merlon to dis miss the petition for lack of proper set vice, but as they had already appeared and filed a general demurrer to the pe tition. Judge Fal lgant decide*! that this action was equivalent to * waiver of service and dismissed the motion Demurrers hud also been filed by the defendants, based on * large numb, r of alleged legal insufficiencies in the petition of the plaint iff The petition was aniend*'*| and Judge 1 all.cant bed that the amend ments cured all errors save the failure of the plaintiff to #e out the order of Incorporation of the gt*ven<-Oark Com pany and the O’Mura Foundry and Ma chine Comptny. *f w hi-h latter company the fA\anr.nh Foundry aid Machine Com pan) is In *e*rn the successor To make this final neeesary amendment the pi.itn liff is allow• and by the curt until Nov. 44IMICA4T At.AIN AAA AI4IM.D. 11. 11. levy A lira. •* Faralth Flre iiimv* AA Inter I til forms. The contract for the firemen's winter uniforms was awarded vesterd.iv to It H I>ev y A Bro. The Fir* Committee or Council, de* Died ifier some dls- ission not to open the n*w hid but •** take fb* o. l bid# and • • ept the one next iow* - to that of Mr Deters, who threw up hi# onrract. This wis ocre* ahle to the bidders. There was some question a# t> whi h was Ihe lowest bid Mr H H Lew Insisted that hts hid bid not been cor rectly calciil ite.l by th** committee A recalculation proved this claim 10 be cor rect. and also showed Mr Levy to hav* the lowest b.d his bid t*elng Jus* and oents below that *>f Mr l> < o|*ol*l Adler on tb** total amount. The award to Levy A Hro Includes th* entire winter equipment for the firemen with the exception of the blue flannel shirts, the <ot)tr.i>t for which w * re ef nil) .1 ward*.l by the Fire Commitie.- lo U.irfunk* I A Mon# Mr. Peters stat*l yesterday that It was th* wlth.lrawnl by the committee of the shirt order which nus*#l him to tlirow up the firemen * l on tract He stiil ha# the police con tract . *l\ MON I tt** 4)N TUB 4. A\4 Joe \A I'nnni) 4.ullty *f 4 Iteaf inv r •! Awltiilllnu. Judge Norwood tried a number of rrlmi ntl cases In the t'lty Court ysicrdiy morning and several additions to the chain gang of the cdintv was the result Among those sent 10 the gn.g was Joe Williams, charged with the offense of cheating and swindling William** was found guilty of selling mule to Marlon Owens, which he repr**enteJ t> Ik* suin I anl knew 10 Ik* full Of defects. Judg Norwood Inflicted a sememe of six months on tl* gang The defendant la* this c.#e w is r*vr**- sented by Mr II Iv Wilson n*l tne trial was |ni< resting At times ii wa# rather more so. t.AHDMIIt s It a/. AH 4 L4MED. Levied on I ntlrr n lllAtrees AAnrrant From 4 ity 4 onrt. R. Rmlth. tlealer in Florida curiosities and notions at 12 Broughton street, east, where has been conducted what I# known :# ‘'Gardner's Hussar " was dose*! yesterday b> virtue of a dtsirc*# war rant sworn out by th* *#* t** of Kdward C Anderson. Jr., for rent The rent al leged to U* due is al*out 1275. It Is understooil that the estate aL*o holds a mortgage and that thi - will be foreclosed to-day The store ard stock were taken possession of by Sheriff K>l ward J Whelan of th* City Court. The 4 r** or the Poiiml "The Cross or the Pound: Which?" A • •Ik on the modern civil!**Mon in India with application to the Hindu and Hindu ism Pen and ink sketches by Irving W and Price 50 cents. For sale at Ks tlli's News Depot, No. 45 Bull street. Sa , .aunah, D4.-4KL BRYAN SHOWING STRENGTH. NKW IONK DCWIfTI AT* ARK* \MIHKI\(> I*l K K HBA VERA. Minor kvrra Iteporta a Live Isterrsl In the t ampalan I" *br Metrop olis— Democrat# Will Kaslly 4 prey the 4 tty by a Urge Majority. Hut Hr !• Afraid the I p state Nepab liean# Will Hr Too Wurh for Them. Hsnltera Favor MrKlnley’a Hr rlerfloa. Want Southern 4 l lection laa> Improved and Hepsrf 4*e real I'rtuperliy Over the Whole 4 ou n t ry . Mayor Myers returned yesterday from the North after an absence of two weeks During th*- greater putt of this time he has been In New York, looking after the affair# of the t übai;* American Mamifa • urlng 4'ompany of w hich he is presklent, Mr Hlgn Myers, the vi e president being absent on butdnes- of th** romiany In Kurope. (m his wav South. Mayor Myers stopped in Richmond, and attended the annual convention of the American Hunk ers' Association Naturally, the readers of the Morning N* we are more Interested in knowing Mayor Mvers* view# on th* political sit uation than almost anything, just at present •The situation has changed somewhat alm-e my former visit to New York, a lit tle over a month ago.' said the Mayor There Is a more active interest on both sides and a man *1 k*# not have to read the papers to know that an election Is on Hryan Is gaining that l In New York city Tammany I# honestly it work and the Democrat* will easily carry New V>tk by a much larger n• Ji tty than they gave Mr Hryan in l v > Whether thi* majority w ill be mi flic lent to offset the Hepublb an majorities tap the state. Is the question Candidly. I do not think so. People whom 1 met front up the state (aimed that there was no change in conditions there, and that the Republican would pile up their usually heavy majorities above the Harlem “While it 1h true that n great many Democrats who voted for McKinley in !►? will vote for Hryam thi- year.” said the Mayor, "the business men. as a whole .ire just as soildlv against Hryan ns the\ ever were. They are not #o much for M Kinlev as they are against a change in admit *t rat lon at th*- p* * art time The\ fear the effact such* • bange would have on business and especially on the money market Th*n too. the people of New York, t attl- ularlv th* budi -s men. are fav rab*- Y*> expansion and the Issu** of Imperialism docs not weigh a# much with :hn as It might llrvan will carry New York city. but wha hie majority will be no o*i* an sav At the Bankeis convention • Hi 'i mond. th*r- were many Democrat#. but the Milk of them were for M Kinlev. Be ing bunkers and *u**iness torn however, lbe:r \!* H■ C 4 lid i' ll' hi tgllWt as a ifo index *f tne pub*i- sentiment in he -e.*tlo*iS from which thev • ame Then* were between and W 1 <Ws gaies In ottemLin-• at th* convHitlon. nil sections of th** country being w.-Il repree- nted Mayor Myers a Mended i .l delegate from the Georgia Bankers' As so* tution The National Hank of vann.ih. of which he is president, is also a member of the national association • The convention was a very pleasant and 1 very eatlsfa- tory one.” said the Mayor No business of special import une was transacted, unless the unani mous deman I of the convention for the repeal of the war tax •an be considered •1- h W> are tired of paying special • ixes for th** malntenan e of war which was de*-Jared ended ong uco. .vn*l one which hears csp4Ndally on the banking and bu.-.*>• Interests •On the usual roll call for inquiry as to th** condition 01 th** -•?•*- represent*.!, every report wns to the effect thai su 1 n era of proaperit) hal never beer, experienced before, an I that all d:sses of people, the furmet - .ind the working men as wfll as the business men and the •ankers, were .Mug well The claim was made i*efore the conven tion that oti account of the defective collertton laws |n the S*rMithern states it is difficult to mike . lie< :ion* makimr |r nev.-*.ir\ to charge a higher rate for money loan*#) In this se ilon. The South ern member* were urged to bring this matter to the attention of their law makers for the purpose of se urlng such hanges in th** luw> as to nvk* |>st*ible the prompt collection of hojiest debts It was urged thut such uti improvement In the :rms would m.*ke it ea#ler for person** desiring to secure money for m inufa *- Turing and business purposes to do so. Mayor Myers said that he will have i conference with <*ongr**s#mn Lester at m early dote in referent e to :-eouring • U-eper water for the harbor imn:MMM’ moi id not pay. Drrlii ration in Af tncbmr nt Filed Anninl Joo|ih Iron 4 ontpany. The de< Lrat ion In ntta hment in the • a.**' of Thomat K Henley against the Una*' Joseph Iron Company war MM In tha Superior Court on yesterday, • which tribunal the at(a< hment origin. ill' sworn out against th* defendant. before Magistrate M Naughtin. mad* returnable The ilei In ration in attachment alleges that the defendant I# Indebted to the peti tioner in the total sum of i 97. for > rap iron tools and other article# sold or lent the one to the other timing the month of February of the present year It Is • barged that the Isaac Joseph Iron <’om* [any. through Its representatives, has onelstontly and Invariably failed and de cllnsd to make payment for the goods *> purchased tr to return tho*** thut w* re loanet) it by the plaintiff The declaration further alleges lad faith oil the |rt of the defendant. In that the scrap iron which a> sold It by the plain tiff w# first weighed and then mixed with iNh>r Iron during his ab.-en<. the defendant then declaring that the actuu, number of tons of Iron hod not been tie. llvered and the plaintiff, by reason of the mixing with other Iron. inning unable to identify hi# properly and cause it to be reweigh* and Further bint faith Is alleged •*> reason of the defendant's failure and refusal to i*il> for th* property delivered to its agents. For this alleged iad faith the plaintiff lairns that he 1- entitled to reasonable attorney*' f#* Incurred In en tering his t.gnts. which are fixed In the [Minion at lie. Tin* attachment, when sworn out be fore Magistral* Naughtin. wa# levied up on certain property of the defendant, which was replevied by it. Mr Abe S tin* kehiteimer a# surety on the replevy bond. It i# against the bool thus given that further proceedings In the case w 111 be had The Isaac Jos* ph Iron Company, the de fendant. I# a wealthy orperotton of Cin cinnati. whi**h Is repr* sen ted In Savannah and thl* section of the South by Mr. Jo- Wo if The .*ii[win> ’# manager Is \*ll and favorably known In Savannah. The best that money van buy should he your aim in choosing medh Ine. and this Is Hood's Sanu|>arilia It cure* when others fall —ad. Pnrinnnir Ire the Itrldes. Whose presents are selected from Stern berg & Cos e grand collection of diamonds diamond ornaments. Jewelry, silverware and gold and silver novelties Sternberg A Cos s ctr glassware display charms and surprises in Its volume and beauty Call an*! look over our new ilesigns and the k>w- prices on absolutely reliable goods Old gold bought for cash or exchanged for new goods, —ad. THE WORLD’S FAMOUS CONSUMPTION CURE m bo J'r., rlNo.l h. loading doctor, for a.rt, (..if • j „ the on), .boolutely |)>tvo. ln*!,„r.Uu, .tlomUnt and lontr All dru,,t< .nd (torera ot <Unol II Ml . tattle Write w. oar free medloal booklat DUrrrs MALT WKIJKZT CO . K*che,t,r. I T. rut; ML IF* WOT KASII-V. Ilrfratrd thr Hnl. In llnekrf Hnll at Ihe V. M. C. . la.l Msht. The flrat ha-kef hall * tme of (he eeaeon tt.r f>la\e.| ut fhe Y. M C A last night between the • R.l” and Ihe "Blue*" and resulted In n vteuiry for fhe latter by a wore of is to 19. The game, ehi. h wa* called nromntlv at 9 o'clock. *ae fairly well attend#'! While the majotlty of the |.layere hare had little practice elnce the eertee of laat seae n wa* cloeed. they *howed up In very *oo.l ehape and played a etronit. If not a particularly aklitful. *itne The he*t play* were mad# hy Courvola let- of the ••Blues.” who put up hi* u*ual ,n.d *ame. an.l erored 19 of the point* wort hy hi* *ld • Rotereau of the "Med," made ihe nnt hUtheet score, 10 The line up of the teams wa* as fol low* Blur* Beil* Ulton tit Center Doty. W. II Klton. W ri*ht forward Rotureau C urvolsler .. ,L~ft forward Patterson Isovrll rl*hi ituard Chandler Hunt left ituard Rlshton lart Rome I* the first of a series that will be played hy three team* tlur liik fhe winter month* Another |.etw,,n lite Keds” and the "Whites” will I*, played Friday nitsht. ihe next ladles' . vetting . # CiEO. lB( KM\N’fl • IKK. oprn To-night. Improved and Re fllttrd. With Vrrivan • lrf. Beckman's cafe nn*l restaurant will open to-night for the reason. The ktten cn has lw*en overhauletl, new appliances f*>r steaming nnd broiltng provided, and o!n#-r accessories added for convenience nnd % fn*iilty tn sup|4ying Tree, v in. the noted chef, will hav#* charge of the cuisine, tit id will personally prepar# all orders |n the best and latest styles The second story has been reov Med and will >e ready in ti f#w divs for ex iusive use by famt.ic* ni private tmrties. My reatuurant his always had the rep utation of furnishing the iest and latet*' in the market, which will he fully sus tained this reason Tresvan makes a specially of preparing suitabv dish*s for •f*licnie stomachs, aid even the most fastidious can be aeaur#d of i-attsfn'tlon Oval era are received dally bv express tnm the (lulf *oast The finest meats will b- secured from Northern nnd West ern markets. nn#l no pains will lw* spare*! i*> prepnr#* everything 1n the J>eNt style < Aim*- atul .a full supply of all #l# lira iej of tie ****.ison will be kept on hand (>r <k‘rs for priv ife parties, german** and so cial affairs w ill Ik* furnished on .short no tice #n.| at reasonable rates Those who have patronized me before will need no further invitation, and tho>-e who have not done so should not fail to •to so now Very respectfully. George Beckman. 112 and 111 Whitaker itreet.— ad sale of Hrnil>.(i-U fir Itafa for l.ndlea anil Misses. nt Special Mlf I'rinn nl Kronnkoft'a. The Ito.-1 stitched hats. trimmed. In *ll olors, II 4s. others ask $2 25 Very rwfll Hilt *hafl felts. polka dot trimming. Si W and $2 23. others ask 12 V* and 1.1 50 Bnffllfh felt short bark trlmm rd wl'h | l ilted satin and frit pompon, the v rv latet n vlt\. 12 23. others ask |3 Ort Pearl and tTister frit walk ng hats, fine 1123. the same qualities as oth ers ak |2 <0 Bpccial sale for to-day. Kroutkoff's ~d The Hnmnniili l onirnatorr of Mmlr 1 now open for the reception of pupils Thorough Instruction (ivrn on pianoforte, violin, stmton; and harmony Her Illus trated * .ttalogue. Prof l*eo \Y. Mehrtens. Director, —ad Hi nl. t.loser, Heleitftflß* Optlefnn. Can l>e consulted f his office at Htern berr A Co.'s, No. 117 West P rough ton street, from 9 n m. till f* p. m —ad. "Orayheard Is a family medicine with us.'* *a and a prominent business man yes terday “My wife It. and 1 optics •n. is enjoy Inf hr* ter health than for years. The children keep well by (akin* It" Grayb-ard may be obtain'd at all drug •tore# or write to us for It. Reaq*eas Drug Cos. sole prop#., fl.tirar.nah, Ga. ad. % l)el:cloa Smske. The Herbert Spener Is an elegant rlgar and ts truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fumes of thia fine tobacco; It ts exhilarating end delicious. Hc*e mat the wna of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out whl'h none are genuine. The Herbert Bpencer cigar* are only sold by the box of Concha* at $3 50. and Perfectoe 14 50 at Dippman Proa , whole sale druggists, rurnard and Congress streets, of this city —ad. ••It r urnl Me." “Oravb*nrd broke up rheumatism on me." say* Mr Cha*. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me in bolter health than 1 have enjoyed in a long time." Take Oraybeard Pills for that dine feeling—Dost appetite, and follow it up with a tiottle of Grayheard. It la all you need. Re* pees Drug Cos., sole props., Savannah. Git.—ad. M alklna lint Hair. Ppe Ist early foil value* In ladles and mlase* walking hats, special sale com mences to-day at Krouskoff'a. Walking hats, all mors. Krouskoffh price. 43c, ohern a*k 75c. Walking hats, dotted bands, ali colors, others usk $1.2-'*. Krouskoff’s price, 9fcc Walking hats oil colors and trimmings 73c, others ask $1.25. value.-* In French felt walking bats |I.SO and $2 ‘0 qualities, same #• other - ak $2 .'*> and $3.00. Krouskoff> —ad. i Hi* h CSSS | ll|>|||||>R. Just received a large and assorted slip py of school hags and school supplier, all at cut rates; from lo cents up. aiso. usual large stork of all the school book*, now used in Chatham county. t F.siiHp New Depot, 4.> Pull street. ftav.mnah Ga. -ad Velvet ftihlion Hale to-day at Rrons knffa. No. 1 black velvet rib satin back. $O - pleess. ISo No 2 block velvet ribbon satin back lft >ard ps s*. 3fc. No h black velvet ribbon satin back. l<b I > ard pieces, Ri jU*kvrr a.—ad. Albemarle Madison Square, West, N. \. t 0. B. LIBBEY. Prop, EVirwuely o' th• H*m,. f The lncatrort nt thl* hou I* elrahle. blng central to all place, amusement, and to the •hopping and wrlct Special attertlon firt to tn. culalr. A number of very iie,yai..e xu, t, rent for the winter. 8.. I. 8 L Of HOPf Ry WOO 8 8 Rf St II1.1)1 It For lale of Hope. MoM>;omery. TVisr... bolt. Cattle Bark and Waal tud Haliy except Sunday, Subject t„ c ur,, without notice. ** Isle or hope." I. t'ity- tor I of H j L.V Isle of H. ... *0 am from letup t ? vu ri for li., , 7to am from Tenth gOO am for T-nth *® am from Tenth 700 am for Tenth 14 am from Holton sOO am for T-n'h in ®am from Tenth |lO 00 am tor Tenth 12 Wn n from Tenth 111 Oo am tor Uoitoa 1 14 pm from BoMoti (11 30 am for Tenth 2 to pm from Tenth | 200 pm for Tenth *SO pm from Tenth , 2to pm for 1t..,, , *0 pm from TenUt j *oo pin for Tenth Ito pm from Tenth tpm for Ter. *'ptn from Tenth ! .0 pm f,,r Tentit 7 M pm from Tenth | 700 pm for Tenth * pm from Tenth |soo pm for Tenth 9 30 pm from T-nth j S 00 pm for Tenth 10 Jo pm from Tenth HO 00 pm for Temp J** Pm for Tenth MOXTQOMKRY. Lv city for Mong'ry f,> _ Mom*om7^" 1 .90 am from | 7 15 am for Tenth' 2 pm from Tenth !115 pm for Tenth *-?*. pm om T, ‘ n,h opm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. ' J. <lt> tor .at t'.irn l.v . atlle - Park ' C SO am from Bolton | 7 00 am for Bolton 7 M am from Bolton i I 00 am for I;.,!. a 1 00 pm from Bolton , 1 So pm for Bolton *SO pm from Bolton 300 pm for Bolton 7 00 pm from Bolton I 7 SO pm for Bolton S oo pm from Bolton t S So pm for Bottao Till NPhlßboL, Car leaves Bolton atreet Junction 5 M a. m and evary thirty mlnutaa tnereaftei until 11 SO p. m. Car leave* Thunrterlyolt at * 00 i m snd every thirty minute* thereafter until 12 00 midnight, for Bolton Mreet Junc tion FREIOHT AND PARCEL CAR Thl* ear carrlea trailer for passenger, or all trip* and leave* weat .id, Q f rll> market for Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate point* at you a m 1 00 p. m . 5 00 p. m 1-eavea lle of Hop* for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate pomti at tOO a. m 11 oo a m.. 2:40 p rr. WEST END CAR. Car leave* wot aide of oity market for West End :0# a. m. and every to minute, thereafter during the day until 11 SO t>. in. Leave* West Fnd at tlO a. m and ev. ary to minute* thereafter during th* day until 12 00 o'clock mtdnlrht H M T.OFT<-n flea Mgr An Open Letter •i~ Jasper Springs. (near) Savannah. Ga,, Sept. TANARUS, litOO. Colanihla Drug i nuipany, An van nata, Ga.i brntb'men-l Imu lirrn Muflerlng nitii i hills nnd Fever for nr* than three months. Ilarr imu tinder trratnirnt of several dortora. tried severnl so-ealled (lull Tonies, none of which heueflted me. \t last I • red one bottle of your Smith's hill and Fever Tonic, and within three days I felt ranch better, Mn <| mftrr using the second lioltlr I aui glud to sny I am entirely cured. I write this so that you may hr able to Inform others who nmy suffer and aonr* them of a cure. \ cry truly yours, (Signed 1 111 aN It 1 TOBTTBK. BUILDERS’ HARDWARE —AND— WAGON MATERIAL. nm iiirs s* 113 flrougtou Mreef, Meat. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texae Ruat Proof Oats. Coat-ral and Rye. Cotv Feed, Hay, Grain. Bran ar.d Feed, of ali kind* for dock and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 223. 118 Bay street, weft. flh CHtCHCSTKtt’ff SNOLION PEriNYROYAL PILLS u ln M>n vi —i4 o*.u- wo* Hh biM nDwti 1 tal* *••• oilier Kcb*e• V 1 Mi9f n...t •"<! ~r I / - nr **•■* ‘'..ii | w V-* l*srtleulsrs Trt)mo***sl V XT *4-rllor fWr Lseiow-s* ‘' f 'e fc* #•- -X; % if. loro Vtsit- lO.gSTraiIS|OO.OK * , f m l si) lrofttea ktlrSratrr FNemlrsi ' boso*9r *M# ■*nsrx. r* •ova L. 8. Sr .<•(••( A Cos. s kMt Df •'** U r *#*** DONNELLY DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. OA. rRIIOS, SEEDS. ETC. Stall order* solicited. Hell phon* Ct. P/ 8 --Sand for ir* aample F. * ”• Dyspepsia Cure.