The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WAS MARRIEO TO THE GIRL in 1*90% ii\* %f % 111: % AIfPI T I 111 \l I \ IH. .Nr and ften*n I Imut I • rmiirr In Ihr Hmu IlnrringlHiflliiilMin Hurl. lln<lon Declare* ll*- Was I nder I onirml M ith III* %A |fe* I'nmil* %it • l.lir With llrr—llf \l* I* ll* III* if Hu tli* Mmmil* hi Hit nrrnl \•' l ii ■ * tlnn.,J fi il f .el m 1 i* * Point Im*(i• H ■ ftb*l i H|f:nion hj I Wm • Jt was . -? • -men? fr in H it.* . ir \i\or of tn* ii< l u i t to Ih* d)'lnx H -'-I i w i*m l' bird of the girl .* • V f* ft. fhf 'll. * rum** ' *i ' • * Th* unM it: •• biding up If. 1 \* * 1 ti and fr * >R| th* |uh|;> ’ • i Hii ■ mil.' i the r.i ’..*• rtf t ’:<* clllti'tilt Ir hi* mens 11* *** m* w . *•• mirt I t * thr* kr 1 un.pT ,m ne.-umi* 1 n.itn* hit w, 4nder n Mr* • up h<* m*th*r and tut ■ r*r n-it t> I;v** u th her In lil* statement lie <*.iv in suhstar. <■* I • i i ro to w i * . t thr girl and bring her t<* I. I* ni.t in i live with her He replied f at to* w • un der * *ntr. f with her mo* ml 'nh-r lot to llv# with th .;!• in J w i! ’h* r* fore i * Harrington th* n |r*ft the plo Intend 1n to itmif i a k and blow Huilioti'f brain* out H* • am** l>• k • day or j*o laier. art ! .ift*r Hud-on * **• n i nf<id to |fo to W t\ t • *l4 r** f-if th l rl If iTlt : ton dhM h- |>l*?. ' ir 1 b*mn Mtp t Hud *on Mtir * 1 lh fir** with a |i-4‘d h* b**k from a draw ll.irrli.g?**n dl*d ia? Sun Ut Hudson** dr-nth la fimnn ni.i .! *x|" *■ 1 He w ►hot throuirh th** ibd'irun II 111 \ HIM. Il< KI T. I)rl) I niiicii Iti tlie mint of the \ ofe In Tlot ( niinti. At ktirti. t**t The length of t * • confusemi in i*> p Fkd •-••un % The eif -tlo i marmg* r* 1 i* ’* • tin I*l to ft uteri the omit In the time flxetl !>> law There u. re ftftY-cigt ' • am* -on th* ticket In Hot ownty amt • ter tlah be: ween kn*wl*a and Palm**r for th* l*egt •l t 11l e Controller W rl* l received i yest#rda\ from Hon. R T F rori-h* chairman of the Floy*l Executive tom mitt*-*’ .*k ing trsat h** ex:end Iti* * * in** •e the <oun' ■*( th* R*m** box <oi!d i;**? j***s{;il\ he tin!-* ***l t> n*ot m rqiir*** b> law Controller Wriah* wir**d thn* there wis no iut norm if low for teiMhug the rim** Vi* • I’halrman Ivl Brown, oi th** Stt • Kxe*utivo ('ommn tee. received i Pmllar tHAgram fr* in ChHirm*t. pou hr :inl he promptly w r*s| the follou li "lion It. T Fou**h\ chairman Kxc**u tlve Committ lt‘*me. On , inAtru't mt • ger - to mak **mpl* *our.t ar *1 male return!* .-** .*non an [neilld* but ink* *ie ej*sar% time to make full atai * orr#*< • return Abo\* itlven after full n**uPa tior. K T Brown Vl* t'halrmin" When axk 1 on what he l*i**-*ri th*-** In struct low* ‘h iimwu Blown re| h*l that It waa bae,j the a* n*nul |*r*>jltlon that th** !.w n**lth* ' <* • *t.i.• • n u quire what ie lmp**-*l!|e Mr Itrown aai'l "Although the point l* . i* a on* havlnc •►m** ui* to-day for th* fir*t tlm* l far a* 1 know 1 arn *nvin *<l that them if t* <l* hut to tli leh ih* count, no matt*r h*u |on it t.k* to ito It " Pol M m: %|i l\ ill** ill tft. Ilralh ln(rnrni*il l|*r** Xchunley I il*l lit* I’nt on Trial. Atlanta, flu . 0t .1 II S hool* y, > poMier in th* ragular arm . , w e foun l dead in at Fort AlcPhereoii ihi** morn Ins. He wm* to h\- been tried In the United Rtate* tv*urt r * *|ay on a * hirßc of SendlrtK <*he . tie f*t. through the mail* to <*ity Itecord* r N It Hroyi* -* M'hooly wwh convicted before Judge Broylei* nome time men for Hahtim? on m dm; •ar and went t( the et* Uad* for twnnty-tlve *1 \ ll* u then a 1 tiler. I>urlnK th** lme it win said he uro’* ti numl*er of nl •n****. •> th*> it. cor* I* i calling him vil* nun*- *nd mak lng threwtH. *■ Irmp* ctor Barrer u .** put on the cane In i ldß >n to th* elrnilir.; . of Bchooley'ft han*lwritinw with that of the ohwee. letteri*. It wan that he hi I made !hr*** agiin.i th** r* • -order while in the atte-k id* He w. klv* n preJimlnary *.ef..r. I'nited Commtaaioner Colqul t and in default of i tl twt bond wan commit?* 1 t.> Jail. Hater he made bond and w rl* • •and, r*4tirninr to work at the poet -■■■■- wili. i him. mi * Ordinary of Fulton tountv Will llc uln on .Inii. I. Atlanta. Oct. .Y- Th* ordinary cf Fulton rounty will bndn to codec* tux* on doc* after Jan l, u< cordlnK t* n*' law i * %'! n the laid m .on ni the le Th** tax waft in for • Ui i >*ar, t.ut w ng to the tun*' Intervening ?h* i*i Nut* oi th** law ii the day f* for th* collection. Attorney f* neral Terrell tuied that it fthould I" ;"- tpon< t until Jan 1. Ord|nury-el* • V*‘iikt'. u ha*, annooi .and that he will i . th- lav Th* tax is $1 on male do*.t an*l $l on f**mal* loui Before the low hcc*n* • f ffe<*tlve In each of the ountic** cf th* *-iit* t l•* r**|Ulr.d that It be i<l>toed b\ the grand Jury The crand Jurtee In the majority of the count t**p have pa-**ed upon It f.avorftblv. and the law will pin f 'allv b* otn* ef fective throughout the . ntire etate The revenue which Ip to h* d* rived fr >m ll* tax will go to the echoo) fund w hi< h will be materlallv h\ It TUP KXIIAT IP TUP !.%%% rhynirlnn heulenml for IVrftirntlmi *t ( rtiuinnl •i|* rit lm. Atlanta, Oct f> -In th** City Court of A'lanta to-*iy. !? ?1 XX <ardener wa convicted on a enury* of performing crimknal operation *ti i wornnn nimc.i Benjamin cf Mobil* Ala IT* wa** .n* Im'**i to |■. Hue of p or perv* twelve month a tr iti *oun?\ . mngn * Th** eon*en-e |* fi'C full I'm;* allow cl u - der the law <lnrden*r' ntfomev g*e txM.ce of a mot! •*i for m new trial !•> . 1.11 I) .1.1,1 11.1.. Sir, P. W. Murah of if ion to 1% Not Expect*-*! t Live. Atlanui t t * K XX’ Magfth. one of ' Atlanta, ie riii> Ui ii hip home on " aw canixM *•**. *-*r Hi i r*,.*u • , H . t , He la 76 yoara of a*** Mi M irth iwtar)- liahert the firm of Moore. Mareh A- Cos whl*f, wax .h*M.*\**d r*-. * ntly on n count Of the death of Mr M.-.r** rilea t ureil \\ tfliout Ibe Knife. Itching. Blind. Ilb edlng or Bmtruding j pile- Your drugglat will refund your rrmn* y If Paxo Oimtuviu UU9 to cure ywu. I m ceou -ad. 44 Example is Better Than Precept ” It is not zufut %ve say, but *vhat Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. Thousands of testimonials are examples of ivhat Hood's has done for others, and ivhat it <will do for you. Bcrofula Running pcrofula aorei mud** me shunned bv neighborft Medical treatment failed A .alive urg**<l in* to try H n.d s Harsapari i* Ind s*. and in few m*>nths th** aore coit)pietly liexl*a|." Man. J. M. ll4T*’i? Ktna, N If Inflammatory Rheumatism * Twi atta< K* af th** grip ,**ff no* with influmm*. tor> rhenrnutlfltn. Am year*- old, but liond'M Saraaparlllu * *ir* and me and I can climb Mai r-% ai;d walk anywhere.” J. Lovt* LAXb. C ' Fargo Are . I.afTalo, N Y. *3lpod A rSa hUifrii \ll7a • P;H r rw User III* n*r Irrit t t\% nt. I • >y . ?*• *v- nu. ilo*.i •>! IM.IM ft %Ml ♦ Xltft MHO K PH. Prelght Trni** I rnbe| Tnurlher *>it lli •* I en fr*• I TentiiJJe r;,i o. • r At x7X o’clock hl ; ti.iin No }" l,ngl*r Cither wood i<l an ex*r,a going w< *, Pi glneer Uvermu! era**h*--*I ?•■*•!her fan? mil fr*un here Tram N-. to i. >l orde !•* meet the extra at I*#vist*>ro and wax runtilng it full *i**ed when th* train in**t The fault * * m** to be w ith the . rew on ?h** trait! time we-i Both tl engineer ar I firemen Jumped, will h wa** all that mvhl their l|ve-< The enin*. now He under x*me twenty-five <ar splinte r***! ind aim**- .it of view Th* r * i- piled within a r.nllu ** f jOl* feet • ixr*n. am and two r.gtn*- - M**et of th* mi w* r* loaOe i with (dg hot hut .-orn l merchandise i att r*l the Wte k ! arx** wr** king • t*-w - are .it w.-rk n I • xpe to c|.ai the tru.h to-night l*a -*etig r tr.duft w*r.- to day trnaferr**d a th* wr* • k and w** r e not e**rl*>u. lv del* •■*l tiii?i*td* * f <i few brul** re*alvvl by J irnptrik. no m was hurt It Ift .* Hd to h t\• b**n •in* of th* wotftt fr* ighi wr krt it. th** h!*tor> of the • * ntrai Hallway. HIPI ll' Ift *l ! Ml 111 ft I>F ft ft. Hentalnft of l*ov. Trtt|e V\ 111 lie Hentxel to liultllti. IMihlln t*a . tiet ,*—Tite this ounty Wednesfloy resulted no *>ver w-Meimingiv in favor of the I w*tn<*> rat: ticket thtt* I? Is probable that the Bopu ;Ih*!*. a** far u 1 laiutetu* la •coticorned, wi.l go out of Ixininetu*. The very atmnge.-t men tin Populist party ita l wer** put on lift ticket this year and all were d-l*it*d b% an average majority of 704 ’rhls l* an in. rease *ver lkiw of 141 the I> m*- rati*' tnaj rity at that tine- lioiiot Previous to lhSPi the county w is Popu list. Mts ll>!mft Conrad of Winchester. \*a and Mrs Atrgtcta F \X yn* and Mai J(hn S Bryan, th* thr*e surviving grarxl • hlklren of the t• ** lo\ tie** M Troup have given their permission ** tt* Young M n’t* Itu-ln* longue of Du?ltn ?• re move the remain** of the difttinguleh***! dead tb'orgtac from Koeemount to l>ub in. ui and the necnoMry artangements for dolt.g * ar* now I*elng rfe* ted by tli * Busin* *s I*eague - ♦ "i ' PON \ 1.1 Ml.’ft Mi H lll'.lt. iiiitn* Parker on ’l'rlnl itf Wiivtieft tvnro for m fterious I rime. Wavrt* Nr*. *li. f■ .* \ngua Parket .•f 80-k> Ford tli s<>n of th* tr-n-*tir* of Sc riven county, ha been on trial het* to-day for the nnr*l* r of Fk*ren.e John on. a i . girl. >t Mxlvllle. in Min IX5*7 The ftt i * theory is that P.rk*r went t* Mtdvllle to Induce the lr! t return to Rock I'ord. where she had been t*ured. and w.nrn she refund to go with him. hr* dr**w hi- |dat*l and blew her hr.itm oir The def*‘nlat t *nt-nds tli it i ti'-gro Imw who went to Mhtvtlle wilt him aftu the girl. *ll*l th** shooting He i*h*v on his siatcnent ind offer* no • vtdem e The -e will g> to the Jury about tot o' I*v* k. a verdict of guiltv la exi>*- ted |x>ft*ib.y with a re ommend.i:ion. t IMH.PH %Ml MOW illll SINIKP They Were t.liru n Ureal Oxntlcip b> the I'enplr f %tkrn. \?hen- f*a . Ot. f* -Oo\ A I>. Can d• i and Con^itftssman \N illiam M li*w ard i Ulress* and th*’ voters of Northeast Georgia this morning from • platform erect*>t on llroad street. Th* -ft* dlattn guistad visitor** were the gtiefttft of the Bryan and Stevenson Club, and were rs ortrd by It auu Htrong from the Athen • urn It* |ire.*-ntativ** Burnett Inlroduc***! tin ft** gentlemen, who ui* *ntliuslaatl il % re c*d\ I Gov. Candl* r confined himself to state Issues. .- in* -ting the l>eniMiutt fniiiN md Congressman Howard s}ftk** **n Issues. Both of them were uiv en an ov.ition. It was a gieat day for IVmocru*-y In Clark county < 1 I Minin % \ I Mll'.’l T Boren 1% eater, an Itnltnu of IVacoti, Win* ’lerribly lulnred. Mu on, Ga . Oct —Wh.if promised to lc an Italian vendatta between Roc o Syl vester and John Casaeirio. two Italians, this morning seems to have come to an unexpected termination by the fatal In juring of liocco Hy Ives ter to-night He was trying to mot a big fmlt sand, und It fell *>\*r oti him. hr* (king his ha k and ptrrallslng his llmt* There i little hope of hf recovery He arid Cas**e!rlc had fallen out nNuit some real estate transactions, and the Mayor cxpris '1 fear thl- morning that there would be con siderable bloodshed hc ause of their fill- Im: out. hu Hylv v ter's accident appears to have pui ••op t*i ho-tdHU*- IBOUIOIV W \ft IH I.AU'JI. fttentnftltlp'ft Xun-irriiNl < nlifted Some ilartti at .larkinniltle. Jx ksonvllle. Fla . Oct. f The Clyde steamship Itoquol*. New York to Jai'k s nv lie, due here this fig. has no* arrived. T • r-* ar s veril Kaatern tourists and Florida pe pie on hoard and there vu* som* a irm tn the city during the fore noon but lirlr ar the day the *fc*m*hlr put In at Charleston tw.nty-etx hours late <m*i Cap* Kemble nutltled the of (1 lals here that *h d**lav was due to a rough voyage o.d high wr nds The fro. quOl* will artlv- to-morr w morning, thirty hours i hind hedul . but all w**||. TO <llll- % ( til II IX OKI: (MY. Take I-axarlv* Brom*> Quin in* Tab>t All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure K VV. Grove * signature is oo each box. Sac.—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: SATT RDAY, OCTOBER C>. 1900. Ml ftT HE film 1 I % Ml-It. ruruiiriMernsni of ftfady *f Home V.llerstsrr a* Ksiorf. Kmory c**ll*g, Oxf*'rl. *l. fk*t. i.- A movement has t*eeu In-tMut**! at Hmory j by Prof 'V. I, \V b* r of Ui* department **f Kfigllsh* which will li* *>f gnat interest to people of iltt-rary t • -1* s* ill over G- or gsi. .n.d which will |ro*iu * r* suits that i l b* of li-ttfig l*en* f t to oil Kmory *ulent - The purpo.-* of thu*. mov* m* *d to pro ir- md -t up In rolu ida .f (*•tidier Hall a frpip a "f the bus? of Kidney Lar:i*r by Key -er. Th* -uc* **ta of the mov* merit wi o ur#*l sin** trie .-enlor Has hi> tak* n th* matter In bind tn*l •rrartg' merit- have Im c-Ii mod** f**r the r.n i.g of ! # nc* •.* try funds The (in vading *>f the f' l-t wt i < k* pl* • gome tun* i**wardii the ' losing of the fall term and will be uniqu*, a- wdl i- im*'r si tu ti, o* • it-ion It h probable that t half hod'lay will i,* given l*t the unvnlliai. and in th s ev* nt tin el*b*trat* pi**grumni* Will i*e airingd and an ad*lr* s Will le deliv r* 1 by sum* eminent Southerner Mil* .f th** m ini *bj* is of tti# depart in* nt of Kngi>n at Kmory is to rente among fh- y .aing in* ii **f tn* South proper r* ' ••gnitlon of tiie and other wni*r -f aelr nadv* land. With this purpo,-* In vi*w th*- senior las- of last y* tr eompile i a bibliography of Georgia hook;-, which will he published ar soon • ir i completed \V hil* this h r ' no? complete It already contains twice as many iiames of Georgia h any entim* ration h* retofore immj*l. A priau has been off* r* i t* the senior l.*s, fr #h* last essay on the subject Mr* th Houth Pro*lu * and Poet *• * Thl** | essay will require a great *rn*unt of re- | se rch in;** ihewr tings of Southern poets 1 a • well u a g♦ **m 1 knowledge a t what ! p*K-?r\ i- * ••rdlriu otl * i** * * ihu,ti* x large |.*>r cent of the member of th** I das-* hav* entered ?h- con'e-*? and the : result w ill be W l*ed with Kr* a? infereftl The prlx** offer*-*! will conulftt fa seise- | tion **f r? indar*l literature **f a \ ilue of tdi dollars. These \ iriexis influen*-*** will un*loubt *'llv < aijse t fie Kmory boys to begin a clmir r s*ud\ *.f the NK rlttng of *heir fel low countrymen an*! will be of great ben • fl* in < a using the peopl* of Georgia to ! reallx* fhr th*-y have a native literature j utifturpa*se*l the world over lildli BOIIi 1% % W El.l*. ———— Believed B*ddle %V n Murdered I hllil Threatened With l.oekiaw. Tennlil* , <#i Ocf. &—J*>* Hi Idle, a harl - color* l man. w i- found dead tn a | well two mil* from here t**-d.*v Riddle ftold cott*n her* u few days ago. and li Is supposed that he was murdered and robbed and thrown In? > the well. The coroner !<* holdli g an Inquest The little won of fr J R Biirdett# is i dangerruisly ill He 1c threatened with j In* kjaw a r< ‘.-ult of * * i lentiy sti king a pitchfork in his foot. The Vtilt- In Hr* an. Pembroke Go Oct. !> The state TVmo cratlc ticket had no opj** sit ion tn Rrysn rounty. Th* following county officers wet* elected For <tdl* ary. XV. B Bragg, representative. 7. P V/ilßams, sherifT W J Hhumaii. tax collmor. W. I, Bpeer; county treasurer A O Yanbrackle; chief C M louggan. There w* re about voles polla*i M 4NH|AOKI. CUARK-NKWKLIi Sept w* ntleth !'■**. in Baltimore, by the Rev Dr Malt hU* D Rilm o< k D#an Oiirk of New York to Joaephlfte N* woil of S4v .11.ikih, Ga. • PECUL kOTICEI. i im; iitrriv \ 1 i.m \ll r ;* %\i> 4. him F.iti:. Fancy Baldwin and Ben Dxvltt Aim'**. Malaga Grw • > Farcy King Fating Apple#. extra fine Fan**y Drljwnh anil Niagara Grape* „) rent* biDktM. Fine Ripe Banana* Juai In. \i w 1 ro(i fr* *h Coro.uuit .* •n* h Fancy Ixdig land Ro-. Potatoes • heap Fin** Yellow Yam and While Ha tot Po tatoes. Fine Baltimore (freah) Tomatoes. Fin* N* w III* i* |m k, extra value. Kxtra New ||e:nl Rice 75* pe.k; a leader. Fine New Dried P* ** I>l |Va he# KV |h. .Mb Fan* v Table Peaches, heavy ayrup, 15*' * ill N**w Oatmeal 7 pounds for 25*. New Pfncafaple Che* -*• fO- each Our !*♦ Swiss Cheese pound. 7 rake* <Yh hr *"1 Clr< us Soap and I <iutrt bottle Heat Blue, u I for 25* THINK OF IT’ New S. R. Bit. kwheat a 11*I New Georgia Syrup. IN MACKKKEU Kxtra flu* lot of N. w No l Market* I Just In. 15*- 2 for 25c; i*-oi each. New arrival Forth ah. 10* |er * an. C A DRAYTONOROCKKYCOMPANY Q S Van Horn . Manager M W I %*T TH%I\ i|:HYI< h 4l\ T%\T v\ UTRU. Kffectfve Oct. 1. anew fast train, ''The Savannah Kxprwill hr op*rit*| he tween Albany and Savannah. Ga., on th*' follow I Off s hedul* : la av* Albany 12.30 n*n. Weave Tlfton 1 n p m. Arrive Wav ? 4 •** p m beav*' W iyun. 4.10 p m. Arrive Savannah 7 op m. Time Albany to Savannah, six hours and thirty minutes. B W WRKNN. Passenger Turtle Manager. •T%TK %MI4 4H\T% Tt\K. lint . om. e Collector Sian and County Taxe. Chatham County. Oa., Savannah Oct 5. 191)0 The digest l* now open fo the roller lloh of th* above tnxe on all p operty. real and | reonal. the *f* rifle fa* on pro fe* ion*. also the I-NxII Tax for Klu itlonil Purport* on all Male Realdent* * r the liy 1 and county iu* n th** up** of 21 in I * *d yeur- 4 ftl •*• it the Couit Ifoupe. Hours, Jr h m. 10 2 ; m .IAS J M IOWAN Tax Collector, C C. Dll lit N\ linn relarnert to the city ancl rrntimeil praetiee. M*t24 1 U MITI4 K. AH bill* against the Norwegian haik Iwitona mu.-1 U presented at our orti •*• liefore 12 o clock m this day or paym> m thereof will he debarred STRACHAN A Cos. * 'onii'gnre* Savannah. Oa . Oct . 150* no 11 1 All per tons ar cautioned against har boring or tranting; any of the crew of th*- j British etearnehtp l.ever a, neither the j • apiain nor * onsignee* will be r sponsible 1 for any debta contracted by them BAJIXARD A CO . Con* gn *■# VITII F. NM'her the master •wt* ra tor • 'n elgnee of th* Bri'tsh steamship i> an will be responsible for any debt* contractu! by the cINW. J. liAJAIDTON, JAM ter. THEORIES ABOUT CA TARRH, Veeullar Idea* Braardlng a f'ontiuon lliaeafte. Mark Twain’s cure for a roll In the h* id wav i .topi* , but • Uirn (try ri fe tiv in hiH own •** • M plan wa* l* eat nothing whatever fur twenty-four h.j'irs or presumably until th** trout 1- ha 1 dump!** ared. Although not abb to cterik from |**r -*ra! ei|er,ei . i* to th* *-ff** tlver -of this tregtcm*nt.*it * txinly has the merit of • x’reme economv. but P o', tir- t* us • hat the applteafton of it t-* i * of r.tisal catuirh might atier.;ei with dif ficulties Caiatrh a 1 everyon* know * i.‘ a hroni * •old In the head ind Mr Twain’s tref n**nJ. If • ft ho all b come fad. wou <i mak*- of u. a i; a*l ai of fat* rs: an irnis •tnulaßng the ♦ xampl of th* immoi*al Tat ♦ **r who i hi* v* I world-wide fain* by fa -ling forty day * iarrh I?* certainly b* - omlng a national 41-* imi nr*i there l- little doubt but Iha ’ • rror** m diet, p.irilmdar.y over-t (ting is a very mmintHi cause. M*>st p-opi**. however, ate more interest cl in the cure if the troible that, in th ins* und m* rd**rn meh**al k*den e h•• prolu**d more .-ffc-tlve and less h*ri>i* r rn* lie thsn Mr Twain s Gu.a •• o| Is a n*-w rem*-*l> . very effective In some forms of Catarrh Kucalyptol Is snoth#r whl* h on acco<tnt of lt antis* ptl* properties I** very valuable whi> many •v ver*- • isc* of Chorrdc Catarrh have be*n entirely cured 1; he - irgulnarla or •x --t- • of Bloodror ? nlarc XX'ith a year an enterprising *heml has combined nil of three remedies in tab let form, palatable at I onvenient n*l tlo- superiority of this tablet over ether catarrh remedies Is t** apparent that all druggist; now carry them in wto k to sup ply the p<>tolar demand Thev are alhd Dtitart’s Cat irrh Tah>*n an*l it Is doubtful if an*, medicine has achieved i |iopularlty In - . short a time as this Sturt * Catarrh Tablet i ar#* used hy thotisonds of traveling men because they can be carried in th*- po ket and u.-ed anv t!m** and In anv q janiity being fre.- from rornlne. nfitate or an poisonous drug They rpar the hod and throat from the disgusting secretions of catarrh, very often h i few hour- time For nasal Catarrh they ar far superior to anv !( lion or o ntment ?b it * of which is often as Inconvenl* nt and n nosing i- the disease Itself For roughs, colds, bronchia! catarrh an 1 • it irrh of the etoma h the-* tablet* rive Immediate relief m<) n permanent ettre where lotion-, douches and Inhnl*ts mak > no impreftiofi whatever This preparation \* a horn to at irrh - iffrrer it I anv druggist will te|! vou that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets Is a remedy that has to stav APKCIAL XOTIC’Eg. leICY %%’ft TABLE D’IIOTK IHAXKRS. s(k' - DIN NE R —.V** • Dinner I to 3 and <v to 9. &aturda>. Oct. ♦> Clarr l XVlns. 80 U P. , Sra-hrttl. FISH. Tmujt u la Norm ir.d> a Is Mot ft**o , fiJirftl '1 ornate* f. Qutn Oliveg. i.’h*i¥ Chtaiv Yli\*l PI- klea. KNTREKS Cslf s Brains in B itter a I t Que* and Fritter-. Wins Sau'S. ROILED Gold Band Ham slid Cibbug*. ROASTED. Prim* Rib* of fWft f. Dteh Gruvy. VEGETABLES. Mashed Polaio**. Gr***n Peis. Rice. Ik>il*d Okra, Sti-wed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND lESBHRT. I*em*n Fr* un Pie. Assort*'! (’ukes. Cheese. Crack* rs. Raked .X|plo Pudding. Stiver Sauce. Drip Coffet*. LEVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congr*—?♦ Mrset, wist. ftPKt I %L NOTH K. City *>f finv.irn.ih Office Cl**rk *f Count*! - . Oct 5. IXV A va* aney having orotirr**! in the R*ir<l of ih** Com mb- lone rs of Pilomg** bv re;i son of ch** death of Commissioner J J Wilder. wn*l by virtue of a resolution ilo|a‘d t ,i m* • ting of f'ouncll held on the evening of ihe 3rd Instant Notice Is hereby given that an election will be h* Id at the next regular meeting of Coun cil. Oct 17, s p m . to till the unexplred tr rm ck •a ft loti* 41 by th* death of the suit*! Commissioner Wilder. All applications to b<* filed on or before 12 n> of the 17? h Instant WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council NOI 111 ro I% \ BAYBBI Clry Treasurer’s office. Mzivnniuih, tij., o'“t. 1. 1900 The following luxeK ar** now due REAL EBTATK thirl Quarter. 1003 STOCK IN TRADE, third quarter. 1900 FT’RNITI’RK err. thirl quarter, 1900 MONEY. MORTGAGES, etc*., third quarter. 1900 A discount of TVIN PER CENT will he 1 owe I upon all *f th* above if pay ment is male within fifteen da> after Oct 1. C. 8 HARDEE. City Treasurer. H M i: X111,1.1X., It ICR FLCH R, lilt a: 4 II H I’. XX* have .in. w mid with all modern pr*> ss* •* tin*l machinery, and are now real> for hustn* **. Ws solicit your put tonage and Invite rorrespondeiD e; riot* chaff free to patrons. THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL CO., T M Cuniitngham. Preskleiit. John Screven, Jr , Manager. \\ IYTRB Two thoroughly ornp**?rnf Rl.*e Millers. Good salary ini permanent position Will be given to c ri|Kible men Ad*lr*a* with rofeienres. PEOPLE’S INDKPKNI >KNT HICE MILL co L?d . Crowley. L|. *T . tIIDM.ICM. Rice held Imb. fat |*>u!try, heavy beef, vfimblfj, fruits, order* tilled as curly a? received "Phone* aU. M B GARDNER IIV *TKH*. f>V*t*r* In any style her* now. G*| 4 dinner for SSr. Meal thkel* enable you to board her* cheaper than you can live at t-om* JOE. CHANG. Prop., 11l Drayton reel. M INTEL*. t.H ITEI tan TILING. We have the largest (took, prettleat de nan*, lowest prt.-e* Call and examine oori before buying Beautify your new house with pretty mantela. ANDIIKW HANLEY COMPANY. Ot It LIEN I. Dual, money a! six i*r .ant. on real estate security, BECKETT A MECKETT. Attorney* at l*,w and Convej aocera, PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber Belting and Packing’. Builders’ and General Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Rifles, Pistols and Ammunition. Rope, Tinware, Stoves. —AJVENTS f'OK- - Fairbanks’ Scales. Austin's Crack Shot Powder. /Ktna Dynamite. Fuse and Caps. have: vou have vou CATARRH ? I RHEUMATISM ? THEN TAKE Frank's Rheumatic and Cararrh Remedy. It will positively do you more <;ood than any medi cine ever sole. Price per Bottle, 6 Bottles for SB.OO. WHEN CURED YOU REMAIN CURED. LIVIIMCSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch 301 Ball Street. •FUCUL KUTItKik HOW %Xl hill ftt W IXbt: M'ltlXGft U %TBM l I HfcS. There i but oi reason; The water le h natural diuretic. Get hold *f that phrase tn its full mean ing. If you i* ..>* Turn o Altrmsthy; "Nature’s way of > tire of dlaeiae lx bv free diuresis And Av.-norugger Nature ar**s for tie kidney.- That ts health" And Bi har HeaH i imposalblo if the dlurs-*lcs he neglected And •'.* reason for faith in the future of the Spring? Ibn Jiihtir wa wont to say to bis pa tients 1 S- e \|c* a I>|- " The Suw'ancn Spring i.ft the Ameri. in Mcc ■%. Sec the ajirlbg Live XX e are tending our p fients to Fk>r’wi for their winters Be part leu in and s| lf> Suw nee Springs !*ii? if in th!* way Tie water bus n se lective a tlon on ?he kidneys. The ex cretion of the so.ld matters the ure.i.urlc • id and extractive rnaftcre- is tivreosed by It In other words, if twnsce h* elimination of the products of the in • reasiftl ineuim**rphos!B of And yet no tco that this is <k>ne without any impairment of the quality of the ikK*i or any lowering of the forces of the or ganism Prink the water unsparingly* Drink it ad itbi'um The more the better Be per sn-feut. liberal and faithful in Its use Prink It regularly system.!rjcally. day dev if ter Iwv Re a Puwanee Springs Water inebriate AH you cm dr;nk at Uvingston’s for sc. I*AI LDIKti OF 1.0 (U ISLAND 4 ELK. UI4ATKD PIPPIN APPLE CIDBR. This pur elder la eivrd on st tine; aou the American line, 4*mi at the Waldorf-Aa to la and leading r.miily grv. cn In Naw Yo k city I’auldlnffs Pippin cldar la made from the pu t Juice o( hand pi ked apples from ht own mill on the premises. It Is abeo lutely pure a|*f>le juice, and all the efTer v ac* nc - is natural and we guarantee it to be the ih- least cider In th- world. Leading rh\ s lar* in New York and Brooklyn reoommsnd this cid*r to their pa ienta Its p*-rf* ct putpy Is guararitewi It. Ia iMlng h Pippin cider, only L*>ng Is land Newton’s Pippin* are used The ap pies arc left on the tree* until late In Oc tot*er when tr.ey are hand picked and place<l In a dry room to ripen faul ting says "the a| pi* s are th r ugh ly cruahed in his own mill and the juice pressed out an*i run Into sweet clean casks" The difference be*ween crushing and grinding ajiples is very great You will snow the difference between cr>.ah*d H| p* s nd ground nppl*s if vou take some s'ctus uni chew them, vou will find that bitter taste which Is not with Pawld ng’s crush and appl*s This cider has not the **xtrem* awfte?ne*s of the Buaset cl i*>r. and eve r\ one will rind the Pautd *ngs Plpplt) cider Just right to take with d.nucr. LIiTMAN 8800. Bo I# Agents In SavaunaK • AVAKNAH FOUNDRY AND IfACBIM) COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern and Western manufacturera Repair work oc Ebg-nea snd 801 l ere NOTICE. We ore n*w moving our Wholesale De partment to the commodious quarter* 127 Cong res street (formerly occupied by M Drvfu.. and w ill be in perfect shape in • day*. an>i b, pleased to i-rve? friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY. I \Mt.l V\ AltP-HUt SE %Mi o| - FIGS to rent, located head of Broughton stret, on XV. si Rr aI. now o, cu fuel by the Savannah Carriage and \Vg*>n Cos As they will g.v** up business in tin cpy on June 1. I of fer |i for rent from that date H. P SMART till. MAt TO CLEAN CAM PET a. Tl*a only * lo get your carpet* pr, p. er.y taken up, cleaned and taken are uf fur the Summer l< to turn the Job over to tn. Dteirlrt M-sa-ng r and Delivery C . telephone t. or cad at tl Monlgumery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work I’rtoee reasonable They aim pack, move and ■tore furnl’ur* and pianos C. H. MED LOCK. Pup* and Mgr. mr AND ItF.-PHEIIED BRICK. We manufacture and sell all kind* of fancy and re-txeaael brick, pavlrg and but nnr brlk* Our common brick <ir th* test for h.p| ting pu pone . b Ing lar*r than other kilns make, anj cheat er See mitip -and price* SAVANNAH WILDING SUPPLY CO, Congress and Drayton a re t* Nntta N ATI ftF I* A m HER tR TICI.K. Bom* people are satisfied with envthlng and other* not tire aili s*tpf\ hut I .en come as reir satisfying e\crytlv *ttn the line meat- at my stall* in th* city Market, as It I* possible to do. To-day. Prime Reef Mutton and Vesl l.imb Matchless Corned Be.ef. etc. Both phone* SM. -,j|OHN IT.N'K. AMISKMKATS. gAVANNAH TMIATtkT” Five Nlehta ■'onimneing Monday. 00l R. PBRI CHI-nBLt.tXVt <-0. I’r-s.ntlr.g the Coinedy-Dr,ma. A (JUILTY WIFE." I. idle, free MoiHlay nighi ttlih every P*M il Ke; Dally n' l:ne. ~ . ~in menrtna Tueeday. ai’siAClt RUTICCI. PF.opi.n who nt y A tloll.,re worth of grocerlts here hA heller have t WI) n„ r aet lw-k. le We .Uhi i kive yroeeriew away oh. no, but e have a w>y of Afretohlnß .|..llar. ih.t l eppredatr i by our ruiromer* We ,e:| ncMhlnß buf (he be-t. Hh f’kg- •elf-raUlne buckwheat n **lt> I>Hio seir-ralattip buckwheat Rlh pk. eelf-r il.ln* htickwh.,it ?..■ Sih pekae freeh o.tnieal jo, Honey drip Syr u* can.. ... blc Bvaporatcd peachty. t"-r jaein l ioc Fancy Pearl I lyafer Cbackt r.-. per Ih Inc .'racker 1,•,- 1 per pound .. i, New Mackerel, fat H n<| J’licy. J for .. New Saraloaa Chips, je-r |toufi<l . 25c N. w i lies, . i h ii ■ New Sw lev Che.-se, fa r fmtiitU 3. c Delaware and Nlaanr.t ifra|c t 3k- Fancy Orana-e. .Vxen - At— JOHN T BVANB & C*).. Conprees and liariaird efreele. 2 'Phones. 2AR. , TO-DAY APPLES. Extra Fane)- BALDWINS —at— -35c PECK. THE S. W. BRANCH CO. corner Drouahton and Whitaker. Rhone a Tii. WE ROAST COFFEE Fresh Every Day. HENRY SOLOMON & SON, liny nml Jefferson Blrrets. •FECIAL NOTICES. PINE (WPPBK. Do not full to try a pound of our famous Moinett B Coon Java c<>fr*e. We ar. ex clusive agent* for It. 'Phone* 107. JAB J JOYCE. P S Remember ttile I* headquarter* for tins t-'cf. rlw-neld lamb, ttt |,>,.| ry Anyth!"* you want ut any tlm, .it ~ny time of day. RONDS IUB( tItUX By the Atm rl, an Bonding and Tniat c on.pany of OAltlntore. We are author ed to • ute locally (ltnm-dlately upon application!, ad bonds in judicial pro c*-dlt.g* In either the state or United State* courts, and of adm.nisirators am guardian* PEAKING A HI'LL. Agent* Telephone SL Provident Bulidtn*. MAT I ItHUM.S, dATTIILMtII. Have your* and feather* ren ovated by our medicated steam procea* before a Chang* In weather take* place. tThe only plant in Haiam.ah.) It over come* all linpurttle* and rrnew* life and volume In all bedding material prices on renovation of feather* a* t low- pe,j* W id. bo's ter r- r, ptl'aw* SO Cotton, moo* and hair mattresses made lo order Fine work low price* Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTHI-.BS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell phone 113 L *si Drayton street. LEOPOLD ADLBII. JNO r [v , , Prealdenl * r H ELI.IB, UARRON . w,' Vk-e Pic The Ctiaftiani Bank Will be phased to receive , of Un innn Kirn. . '* and Corporal ha w. liberal favors extended l nmiraaeaed eolleeilon ferliitles Inn proirpt returns w n<MEsvMttKPMnni ■\l MtD>t t odroi SDUI mAH 11 H. Ly o\ nt i-oMi, Fafely Depcri, Rox„ , n d Vault, I. rent Corn solicited * The Citizens Bank *• SAVAAAAAI. CAPITAL SSOO.GOa A<UH- M w (h _ (ftv M(U4 ttakk.N, iSSIBCM. kallc-AU ANeuu •* MereS-wia, Uaak, -ud ,u„ Cwr,w. rations. Cwll-elloua* with -ht.t, -ud dlapateh. Ihlereet e-aii>o„naed *aarte,|, all-w-d sn depo.lte la ear Xariau ftH*ftni. Safety AA-pwait Boxee and |i., ua Vault,. HH A RTI.EV A hRIMAKK Pee.,*.,. MILI.N H. I.AHK. Vlee GKltntiF. C. rNKKNAN, Ca.hiee. GORDOV L. UHOOHSH, A—,, ta.hi^ SOUTHERN IAN! oi uic oiu-i. 01 Georgia. Capital (.vn.ftt Hurplun anJ undivided protti, p,,,,,. DLPuol ioItY UP' IHb STATE ur GKOItQIA. Superior fuclhuvft lot (i aitss.'tiug u •siwi * Panning t ( olisclions n.jtit* on all ioiius a* • -aiul* through bank* ui i Utuker* At-i.oUl.tft oi liai.k-', Dtiukeii), M •> and other/ noli Msu DviiOftlt Boxvs for rer. t Demi tmerit of Savings. Intermit payaias quarterly tie.le Si* r !i<g Exchange on Londoo a snd upwards JOHN FLANNrRY President. HOKAFE A. CRANE. Vic- PresklcnL JAMES SUU.IVAM rsht#r II H KOTOR S JNU FLANNEKY. WM W GORDON E. A WEIL. W W GOHD* *N Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN V EGAN LEI' ROY MYERS JOSEPH ITIIST H P SMART CHARI.F3 EI.MS EDWARD KELLT JOHN J KIRRT iiiWUti CAPITAL, f.T.V>,t>t>. Account* of banka, merchants, corpora non* and individual* eoUclted. Savin*, Depat tmem, Intereat paid quarterly. Safety Bcxea and Stcraae Vault* for rent. Collection* ma le an all points at rea •or.abl, rate* Draft* —old on all the chief cities of th, world Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH 1> weed, president. JOHN C. HOWLAND. Vico President. W. F. McCAL'LEV, Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Cap.tal Idti.iM, L'ndivid'd prohta tu.iM, Ihi bank <-IT<rs it* service* 10 corpora tions. merchant* and in dt (duals. 11a, au'horlty io act a* executor, ad ministrator, ifouidlan etc. 1 eu-e drefis on the pnmlpa: cltlee In Great Plituln an I Ireland and on th. Cut.tit.-nt Inter * 10111 °r -ompotimlcd quarterly oc dep ell# In the Savings I tep.ll tm-nt. Ftf tv Itoxe-! for r<nt. HFNRT Ill.l'N. Pr.eblent OE'I. W TIE T'EM AN Vice Prec.dert JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WAITER F HOGAN A„'t Csahler No IMO. Chartered, HIM —TIIK— His Nil II OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. GO, 01. SURPLUS. $10,50. I NITKD STATES DEPOSITORY. J A (J. CARBON. Urs Id oi. BKIKNE GOKJX)N, M * President XV M DAVANT. <’ashl<f. Ac*-o*nts of l-unkft and lar.kftrs. okt- Chan’s nnd mriortitlona rc*lve<l ujv-i thft ruojr favorable t-am- ror.slstent with sifft snd ron rvu’ivs bar king THE GEORGIA STATE BULDIW AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1. VuRK HTIUIKT, WEST. • li;n CBNT i- r annum allow*'i 0 di’iiODiit- withdrawable on ilmnm >. Inter**' crr!tt*! quarterly 6l*i:it (?KNT i**. annum allow* 1 ° * of even hunlr***l-, wllhdN** hM* at annu.'il i^tUmlj* OKO \V TIKI >KM AN. President. H. H hKVY. Pr*‘blrnt. K W. I K!.l*. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR . Tre,**ur*r FOR RENT" from < >ct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Ctutham Real Estate and Im provement Company, It BRYAN STREET, EAST Vim w®. For eale. a Foroallh Newspaper Folder, will fold sheet 7.XU. It p In good order. Price tIOO It coat originally fl. 100. but we have no uee for It atxd want tha room It occupies. * *H l > It will bear Invaluable adjunct l *r newspaper oiSot. | a Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah Ga. N Morphine and Whiskey UN Its treated wttlnait pail ■* ass