The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 06, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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, I to work • ■ ** ~,u ([ on wak periods until lrw .i period nxport*r* wore Uvt-rpool to-day Instead of ' l , k ■, -Murphy ft Co> rot rotten tn Liverpool unchang t 1 (B , a |*. U.OIU hale*. Future* . , w unchanitl. advanced 2 ■ and iml c oeod about 2 point* closing pri.-** Receipt* jU: ,. to-dwy. estimated tot**/ 1 * „ ;j . Keek end 38.08(1 name „ noli utcd tote, thlt* week , i t 174.000 I** l week. and 232.<U) 11, wvmpothy with early od, r po<>l this market opened w nt ■ higher, but r*a ted on re ,,,„j free selling for South n ' ’■-* * * . ~, t. ttl I KU I t>rro> HEPOHTI. y. ik. tt.i. I.—For tho week ei.d ->, . r. ’i y ; i , at all U. H pori* dur *,,V 309,f1m v .. .* ,• ail F S port* tlur- U! IV*-k l:n>l >•**( 251.71 M !{■. io thl* lat*‘ #77.441 , ~ ta f ilm* •latf 4.i*l j . tor 11* w***k --to ' y\ u.r panu w$ ck last yir. .'.VJt'-i to thin date 4.V4.4*1 , i*rtf to ?am* diite Übl . , r . ♦>45.400 .* . a ail U S poil* 4S7.*M < i .ill l* 8. port* iwm<- iims war *.\MV k t all Ulterior town* 2** 513 i* 0.l Interior town* ?*me ■ -.( v* r 4>-,4W *t * k at IJvrpoot 171,f&) i- • < it Ltvrriool <ain** tun* |.i*r ... .. 714,<mi f. r■: Am-rl- n afloat for G. ll nf Am* r* tn iflout for G. Ll. lt year WO.OOa Fom punitive *iatmcnt of no? receipt* •f nil the port* riurinir the w-k nil rue h • ! • n *v*nlnK. Oct. 5. 1900. and during the % • v%-* k l#t year. 1890-00 ton 4 * • N-W Or Jean* '121.992 >.§S5 M * | ll.V* 5,171 11 . amah V.M4 53.470 W :n.melon J, 3IM U S7'< Norfolk 124.209 13.2i; 1 i t)more Sftg 1.5*7 N-m York | it l.air, w r uDiphla Xtf .Vi I ♦ Hoy a I j I 2.2*$ }Vn*i Mu I h irmwlrk 1.500 7.jg 0 % vjw>rt N* vs '.. ]is I' t Arthur ..j.. T->tal 309/19* 251.715 ' • p piratlvo htatem n of ne a’ all the p< from Sept 1, iJMO, to Fri •*veiilng Or t 5 limn and from Swpt to Friday. Oct. t. 1*99 Her*lptn -ln< e Sept l— ~ IDOMH IM-OO I Oliver'on 77777777 M. 239 .117.775 ' N w Or e ins j 902 334 234.949 .‘avarnah .... i 221.12* 2r>,"47 ! rharl*ston 42 Ss* 41.v0 I Wilmington vm.29.5 70.539 **' rf lk J C7.V.1 42*57 Jia t !more j R 37 4 *25 New York j 1.774 5.7*. IWt n j 3.R99 3.43- I‘hlladelphia j 1.455 2.81* )’* r Koval | 9.54'. Fen*arola .... j 1.540 l:nin ivt- k 1,500 7.901 Newport New* 1 | 701 ‘M k of coiton at all portc O- . 5. !9, In ih- ano day o! ih( week la t 7* 4f: !’• * t* ll9OO-01 1999-00 j •\ rirlean* HP.*42 2K.9N j 51. • . 11,100 23.595 •>r 90 844 113 095 1* %4.'*4 105.979 • * . -t. n j 22.1* 27 57' V\ Jiir.jeion j 20.470 23.403 N • it !k 21.504 23 79) N-w York I 83.119 131.43 u Or-r Fori* T.VC lt SIR • al 7 137.883 982.915 ÜBHTI.It * *T m MKM . 1 inures Mmviinu I bo* World!’* Visible of < of ion. N f- w Orb an, Oct s.—S**t* rotary Henter'h '•''•mini of the \jlb> world's xuoply Hi v*s an incrrasr for th* wrok Just clo* • i of ..WJ97, against ,n fncronse of 221.h1i • i ar. The total visible H 1,658.24<; • • • • i:>t 3.!> a i.2 last year Of this, the fo ol of American cotton I* 1 244.24 ft. against . • k/j ia.t year, and of all other kin Is. l r uritng Egypt, Brasil, Ind a. etc., 412.0r*> • gainst Mil*** last year The total world's '1 -hi •• .upply of cotton show a decrease lomraiwi with last year of 1.49. TM. °f th* world's vlflb’i* supply there Is •a afloat ai.J held in Great Britain and f-Uitlnental Europe, 736.00 ft hales, against 1 'll OUO l ist year; In Egypt 42,000, against last ygr In India yO.OOO. against last year, nrcl In the United States • ’“•o against 1 144 last year. MWTIvH'S UKKkl.l niTKMIAT. New Orleans, Oct. r.—Beor tsry Heater’s ***ki> New Orleans Cotton Exchange ’it*mfnl shows for the five days of Oc ■ r an IncteasM over last year of ,Jl tin- i|ay- of the season that have • 4ipe the aggregate 4* behind the 85 of last ytar llt.OOft. Th< mount brought Into sight during if ; i j>t week ha- been 414 321. against 410 - for the* seven days • tiding Oct. 5, last i *r. movement since Sept. 1, shows re *,,f ■* a* all I’ntted Stales ports 577.141 fcgaiist 974.t>y last year overland across Ml i.‘s‘pp|, Ohio and Potomac rivers ’ N • thern mill- awl Canada, nm, • ‘lnst v lost year. ' ’'ilor stocks in *xces;< of those held • <>i t!• ■ hmbir tn) ft•?. Ufa •41 Kiln t 192.007 last year. B>uihern mill 1 Kir y 140 209. against 151.534 last year i irrigri > xports for the week have been ' ■ kl against 100.015 last year. Northern mill takings and Canada dur b £ me past seven days, show * decrease • H-IW as compared with the correspond •f. period last year The total takings \rmriran mills. North and South and • ’ 1 *• f hus far for the season, have ' ” • :;-M74 against .106.417 last year • t k .■( the “c ib ar I anl the tw**ntv- T r) * hdlng B>utht* n Interior center . • h ua-ed during the week l'C,73* ' ' against in Increase during the cof- J . r.dlng period list s ason of 129,&KJ. DRV 440410 H. v Vork, Oct. s—The demand for luown rot ton. r-ax l'cii alow lo • * ' price* arj tlrmiy maintained * I I 'niton* are Him, hut quiet. Ib u!t >o buy nn<l mill tendlnk up lr ‘ 1 ><her rourae color. I cottomi lira : I't til r uth? (Irm, but uulrt Print - ' ctijmi uncharged Linen, .irr *t|f- K under fnr.'l*n *dvl< ea. Burial** are •mltiM buyer* Market bar* of ouppiiea. NAVAL ITORKI. Friday, Oct. 5 ~ rIP ITS TURPENTINE—The market * Pna4 Arm t -d .>• it .w, . cnt* . *'** t-’f -!’• c,y*k. and < toxed firm ‘‘ ,n K" with no further rule* re- Tlic demand w** moderate. , 0 f turpentine for the week e ~l it atl( | (hp cx(K>rt, 4.7*14. The ex i-, -* 10 New York. I.MI. Interior. " *. end Liverpool 2.5&.-,. , ' N ' The adtance in roalne to-day f- I'ure of the local market, Wi v w •■ n, "P IS cent,. M. K. and * ' n cent,, an I I. K. 5 emit. itx>ut the prlcra that the pn- I '**'" ,f "•* Pt I*w .lay* ware ‘•“•I "iron .I7^ ,PU rf r<> * ,n * f °f *•> week t. _ 14 : barraia, ami the export, 11.- - . evort, wcn , to Ntw york l ts/3/ MURPHY & CO., INC., of Trad- Ilttlltltitg. Savannah. Prlvat. wlr< a dir. t lu New York. Chicago and New Orleam. COTTQi. *TO K- .M> t.Htiv New York ofllce. N.>, 1 br.udnuy Office. In peln. ipal ttle throughout ih South IVrkc for out Market Manual and book containing lntrucUon<i for trad.r. Philadelphia, fftl. Haitlmore, interior, 1,13*. Br.m. n, 3.0.VU001e 3 rT:. Hott. rdam 7,‘tTu. Trle.te, i.twtu Quotation^ — Al the * loep of the murk'' 1 , to day the following quotation? wi u t.ui Mined tit th< Board of Trad. Sidrlrr Turpentine—Klim .1 3S>. • with e. of '.’ll raeke Roalttf firm; t>a|. s Cl. A. B. C— I! a. | |i . , O I t K 1 *. R I X. >1 1 To R 14" N I #i ti it, w 0... ; ■ !I 16 W W Satin' Week I .art Y* tt- Spl'lt. Turpentine—Firm at IkSr; .Ml lio*i(i—Firm; *ale> birrcla A. it 4V I 9. | sl2. I * I*s K 1 3 * F 95 M 1 I " I on x . , • h G 1M W (l 2Ci II 1 9> \V W 3 4 • Receipts l’ni Urrk. Spirit* Receipts past week , 7,134 19.44.4 Same week l i-? year .. *>.151 21> P.iporfw la -* week 4 7>4 21.a. Same week lo*t >*ar j 1. •> 15,271 M\ m<*nt N w York I,o*l 1.899 JVllatlt Iphwi mi llulttmor** 1 527 Interior 49* 1' s liremen 3..a < ktOie . 3.*7 Hotterdam 7/70 Trieste !,vi Llv*‘rjHAOl 2 B*s Total 4.791 31*339 It t |t* nul Stock■. R**< elpt* *hlitnen- and sto k fr >m A| r:l 1. TO* to date nd to th* cor re -p nd.n* date of litet yen 1900*1901. Spirit* H. In Stork April 1, 1940 . .. 2.197 14.:..V*1 K* .. !\ *l this H'*< eive.| previously 227.957 sU.7ia Total 337,31 H C73.^. Kxport*— For*'-gn 147.192 294.21.1 N* w York 22.0:12 70 721 Cca>twi.e td Inferior 27.595 1vt.191 Total 197.120 541.133 Stcck on hind This day ... 40.198 134.5.52 1*99-191** Stook on hand April 1. 1*99 .. 5.594 111.39; lIH-tlvel thl w* r*k H. 1.51 21.40* linflvul previously .. ..... 217.56* 571.374 Total 227.315 7M.17u Kxporte— For •■urn 147.624 775.944 New York .. .. ‘24.723 Hs>> .?♦ Coartwisa and Interior 23.031 167.279 Total 195.37S M 1.762 Stork rn hand 21.937 152.408 Charleaion. Oct. s—Turpentine firm aeked. Rodin *tady. unchanired. W'llml*-icon. Ofi. 5 Spirit* turpenun- Him .>b / o3 I gr; r*clpte, 75 cask* Itoain stead>. $! I.*'ul 2f>. r. elpt*. 353 Crud* turi>enttne quiet. sl.lo‘u2 10; re celpt*. 41. Tar firm. 11.40; receipts. II New orl*an-. <>jf 5 R .ipts U< In 792 barrel*, turpentine. ?>;. *xjnrt}* non* FIN \\< I 41a. MONEY—TIie demand keeps fairly up with the simply HANK t 'LgKAHf NOB- The bank c h*ar ins* durinff tt- past w'- **k were 17.9NW.- 77 51 against $3,132.2.4 23 for th orr* * ponding period laat yar. and sii 9s for fhe cor res pond tnjr period of I8&f Fl* ir ng l> Hay*— Saturday .. ..$1,133.575 44 Monday 1.772,117 7** Tuesday 1.133.40) 7h lay 1.2v5.579 27 Thursday 1.342,779 9! Friday 1.113.254 5> Total $7,990,707 54 KOKKKIN KXCHANtJB - Market u* weak t'ommercial demand, 4.83*. *d* ty day*. 179%. ninety day*. 4 78. franc*. Tails ail Havre, sixty da\ f, Hwl*, sixty day*. 5/7 R**lgian. 5 24%. mirks, sixty day*. 93% ; ninety days, 93 8-18 c. HOMKRTir EXCHANGE -■; t,inke ar buying at 3-16 discount and *ell- Ing hj* follow*: $25 ami under. 10c* pre mium. $25 to SSO. 15c premium. SSO to sl*. 20 * premium. SIOO to S2OO 25c premium S2OO to SI,OOO. par. SI,OOO and over. 1-16 di count. fIECT*RfTTKS- There is hut little doln;: now—money rullnr close. Quotations con Untie rat Iter nominal Stocks. Bill. Am Augusta and Savannah R R ....108 TT) Atlanta and West Poln4 174 13‘. do 6 per rent, cert fleata* 107% Augusta F.i-uory . $0 ** rpiz rs Hank 130 I’2 Chatham Hark UO% 110’.• Chatham R E A I Cos . A $6% 57% do do B &5% $6% Eagle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos ....105 Edison Electric Blum 100 * ,,P * Wntcrprlw Mfg Cos 90 103 Germnnla Bank Georgia A Alabama 25 27 Georgia Rill road, romraon 310 215 Granitevllle Mfg Cos 160 U*s J P King Mfg Cos 100 1 Langley Mfg Cos H 7 LK) Mfirhuc* Nuttonai Bank .... ... 110% HI National Bank of Savannah. 145 150 Oglethorpe Saving* and Trust I*B lb* People's Savings and Loan 101 1 (, 2 Southwestern Railroad Cos 107% 108% Savannah Oast Light Cos. .. 21% 23% Southern Bank 15° FV Savannah Bank and Trust 11l 116 Sibley Mfg Cos. August* M 90 Savannah Bra wing 95 IW> Bonds. Bid. Ask Chnr., Col Ac Aug let 6a. !90> l‘ r I‘*6 Atlanta city 4-, 192*2 104 l‘”W Augusta city 4s. 1927 105 I'o do 4%- 1925 ID HI do 7s. 1903 106 106 and • Al Mid 5-. tnd'd. 1925. M A N 95% Tn August* Factory. 0 l** r ' ent Tls I*4) 110 Druntiwtck and Western 4a. IMS 41 W C H It & Banking collateral 5 92 W C. of G let 5. 30-year gold, 1945 r. 4k A 119 121 c. of G con. 6s. 1945 MAN. 92 9; c. of O. Ist Incomes, 1945 39 60 do 2*l Incomes. 1945 —lO H do Id incomes. 1945 ® 6 C of G fM CL Ac A Dlv) 6s. 1947. J. 4k J *> C of G (Eaton Branch). 6s. 1925. J. A D M City 4. Suburban R R 7s 109 BO Columbus city S*. IW9 Charleston city 4e. 1945 101 Esgle A Phoenix Mills 65.. 192$ T*s 104 Ed Lon Electric Illuminating 6a..l'd M 6 Enterprlae Mfg 6s. 1905 JW JJJ Georgia Railroad 6s. 1910 B 4 115% G S Ac F 1945. J 4k J 81% IL% Georgia & Alabama lat ss. 1946 104 N* JOHN W. DICKEY, Muck and Bond Broker, iHtIUTi, GA. Writ* for Ltat. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER (\ Rkto. Georgia slate 3%*. 1930. J. A J 1 M A N 104 108 do 1915 117 U 9 Mat on illy 6w. 1910. J A J ....116 119 do IV. 1136. lan |ar IC7 MO cK*eaii flleumehlp s*. 1996 .. 100 ltd Bavannah cih ss, quai Gv'tober, 1913 IW>4 111S da 5, quar. Novembor. I*o.* South Carolina Mate 4%*. 1933 ..116 11$ Klllle.\ 91% Cos 6s. 1903 .101 Mt* South Hound • ... 95*4 K 8. F A \V gen nii’y 6*. 1934 123 124 do do l. i sb, gold 1934 110V* 112 H do Bt. John Dlv Ist 4 s * Hki4 94 N* w York < ’ t 5 Tt ■ tot a 1 1 ank s*u • Inge ot the Kim i ll citify nt th Fnic* • State for tin we*k. end* lO* 4 were $1 n6.{ *: ~417. a de • * of 7*' p r ia • i nit it*i wi.h the . orresfiofiding w* * k of 1m year. of New York City the to U *l*wrT s were pis’..'et{.c*s, a decrease of * " !* r miu N’t e York. Oct 5 M n y on *'ll firm - eci * • |w*i Film- mT> antlle paj** r % per cent Sterling exchange weaker, with actual busii* s tn bankers bill ut st-M% f*r de mand lit*! at $4 l*l%'!-4 for sixty da>*. pM'tU rat*-?* $i \2,r i >2* and M'OylM l -. commercial Mil*. |i >vh hi Btlv r c* r -11 mm *( bar allvei *♦ s. Maxi can dollar*. -'* Ooveinmeni t>on* *•. >t idy. *t ite i***nis iructlve; iwilto.* I bondv. Irregular HUM K** %M MOMIJ*. •■ Ihe I'lomliik Hen % y nt ltenetlni Front lies* Prices. Nf w York Oct s—The stock mark* • ontlnucd irt ,4hnw th* ffectH of prof** i-iornl ojHtatlon.- for the advan •* to-da\ N*-w f)tnts of streuath d* ve.,pl un*!* r •* • sluffing op* ration f the bn party and the sustaining Influence thus Alford **l w is t,k* u >f to raili*e In stock*, which t.av** alrtady h.*l their al -\ a n*e, l>l*tin tlon wn thus made even In stocks oi the same groiup. as, lor ln*laiU’<. In the steal and iron group when- National Steal and Tin Fine, which have hid their (total(• i<har e, hung back while other itv m.H i.v of th* group were pushed for war.! Kven T* nn - e (*o.l. after an op- nine Jump of 2 j*ointe under the stim ttlti of tlx * irpr ed ihori wtrtt Kd iM'hind (h* oth*r* It was pulad up in sympathy with the general rise. Imt * 1 *>•■ | with n mall n* t The buying of St* *1 tr.d Wire was the mt ••<>n*D4c uou.'*. and llfte*l the stoi'k nt one time 2% Directors of the rompanv w re quoted #s expressing the belief that |>ersoiis who .-okl out last spring when the ruy< al cut ss I- made In pri *> of th pnslu. t wre trying to buy ha* k the|r wtork A num ber of the -r. 1 slock* saved i net gulri of over a point. In th railroad list there was tho sum* disposition manifest to tako up now stocks for the mlvari' * nnl those were ej* ted. for aid h the borrowing den Mind indt at* lha? there ha** been i large sbr? Interest Faltlm r*- and Ohio. Northern Pacific. Mlsaourl Fae|le and Burlington are in this •!..-* Th* r** was conspicuous buying of Pennsylvania and rumor* were revived, such as wre heard when the vi-t proi*or?ton of *h \ ear's earning* first lMy,in to be understood of an Inereaaw In th* dividend tale Gossip cm the flt*ek Kxvhang* ttrlbute<i th** buying to the same Interest* which w-re active In h prevlout movefn*rt Some strength wu hown by Bu/ir l*e<ple Gas and Brook lyn Transit. In all of w hich dealings w* r# large, but th- tone w- feverlah and Ir regular. The market closed iath*r heavy <ti Ii substantial t a lions fnun the best The preliminary’ estimat* *>f the weekly • .i.-di chanf• s w# re rather disappointlng to Those who have figured >n heavy ofT- - to (he for e. to*;iri> depletion of the m-M y Mtpply The net i-- to th** banka In ab*i i-, *• xpeet* and to Is nearly ss,m*o.non. Th* l.irgt p.i\rnnt of gold hy the sub trr usury on last Friday is x pee ted to fig ure partly in thl. week's wiatement, un de t the system f computation by dailv av*rag< But even with this allowance It will b* H*n that th- Inroad upon the surplus promix -•* to b alw>ut a large as Ism w-k To-day’s m-mev m irk* t rots tinuid lirrn and >terilng exchange react i 11. while dib-ount* were asi r in loot - don. Ti** Imnul market continued Irregular on a small v*4uni* f dealings Total sales, par value, $1,130,0*). l’nlted State* bon !'> • n,< -i * bhans. Itu'ludloK Atchl#H., 7.935; Altfilson lr- ferr*l. 11.870; fTi hko. Burlington anl Qtiin* v. 12 *>* . Manhattan, 10,490, Missouri Pacific, 9.550; Northern Pa lfl . 15.570. IVnirs\ Ivanla. 27.0*2; St Paul, 8.575. Smith in* Pacific, 10,630. I’nlon Pacific. 36,550; \tn f m 11-- ;• **. Amrl an rtte# I and Wire, 12.5*). Brooklyn Transit, 21.1x5. |Vo ple’x 6.175. Sugur. 14.<j50. Tannaaare Coal. 11.990. N*w York S o k Tl*t. Atchlxm 2x * # t’n. Fa sh-% do prf 7u% do do |rf. .... 74 B. A O. 71% Waiiash .. . ... 7 (’an Fa. 87 do prf 18% <*an So 50% \V. A U F . 8% C. & 0 2x% do *lo 2nd prf. 33 c. a. \v. 10% Wl*. Cen 11 C.. B & Q 12*.% Third Avenue .110% C. In ! K !, . 21% Adam* R* ..129 do lo prf f*4 |Am. Ex lfl C & K. 11l .. 96 |l*. S EX 45 C. 4k Nx 161 ty] Well Pirr ...19$ C.. R. 1 A !M06%,.\m. Cot Oil ... 33% C.C.C A St. b. 61% do do prf. 8H Col So Mi Am Malting .... 4% do do Ist prf .3* do *l prf 23 dodo 2nd prf. . 14% Am. Smelt. At It 37% I). & II 11*> do do prf .... M% IV. 1, A W ...173% Am. Spirit* .... 1% I). Ae It < .... 10,% do do pi f. .... 17 do do prf *5% Am. >t*l 11. .. j>% Krie 12% <k> lo prf 67"> do Ist prf. .. 34%,Am S a W. . 3.1% <. N. prf 152 do do prf 74% Hock coal .... 13 Am T F. 31 Hock. Vai ... 11% do do prf 82 111. Cen. ll**% Am Tob 91% town Cen 17% do do prf 129 do do prf 39 Alia Mm. Cos. .. 4 % I, K. A W. ... 30% B. R T 53% do do prf 91 C. K A Iron .. 33% Like Shore Con. Tot* 25% b. Ac N. 72% do do prf 77 Man. U . • 91% Fed Steel 34 Met. St Hy. ..151% do do prf. .... 65% M- x Cen 11% Gen. Electric ...136% M A St I*. . 54% Glucose Sugur .. fn% do do prf 91 do do prf. .... 98% Mo. TANARUS lni‘n'l Pajier ... 19 MAO 35 do do prf 63 M. K ft T. ... IjMl.dP <i.if 1 d.i do |>rf .... >‘(t Nil 111. r*-div. N. J. C 1.13 1 , ,1(1 do prf, .... <:* v Y c US Niil N. ft W 3I T ANARUS do ,lo prf sc lo <lo prf. ... Nat. Btl 2*, 1 . ,\o I’a IW, do do prf .... M .lo to prf *' N Y A. B m ft W i" 1 . No Ant H' Ore H. ft N, .. (- jl*a. Coatti .. ~ ,'ft do do |>ff *tt (.<• do let prf . K. P.nn.ylvanla ...Ui t o do ind prf. Reading US l a Mall . Sf 1 : do let prf. .. f.'S People". tl. .... Bt. .lo Ind prf. .. Js ; > I* a. Car *•’ R O. W MS Pull Pol. Car ..IM | do do prf #" 8. Ro|,e ft T. ... Ci Bt. U. ft 8 F.•• 1S Htiaar llftfc do do l*t prf. M‘,l dt do prf 117 do do ind prf. >♦ T. C. ft Iron .... W>, g, L. aw 12 L' a. leather .. I>>, do do prf .. 29 do <lo prf .... **' U, pul ll2\ C. 8. Rubber ... 2*S do do prf. do .k> prf l at P ft Om. ..110 L'nlon ... 7i'i *, Pa. W. I ft 8 12 j So Ry 11% do prf !U(4 do do prf M jp.C.C. ft Bt. L. 61 T ft Pa. .. .... 1* Bonds. 1’ g. !r ret. )M . K. *T. 2d Kilt do t'OUP W ft O. -e 'I do an, re* 10 N Y. C. laf .lOb'. do la. cp. ... 1\ X. Y C. O ta 121 do now I*. re*.S’.f North. Pae. 2a f '( T , do new . Cp.Ut | *fc> MSt do old to. reg IHVN. Y„ C. * St do old to, c p.myj idJUla e Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Ixtuirt Savannah on *th Vl-iulim Timc-Oi * Hour Slower Than CO Time Schedule* in Effect Sunday J u.e 10. !90>. * K ' ‘R 1 \ ’TOTI i. i;l \J* V ,\ 34 No 38 n> Sav im ail Ar 5 :om 3 lspni (15l Ta il) l illl 4 21 prr 4 2Aam Ar Bla k l.v •*♦)! 1 >7jvu 6 Us|un 6 ioum Ar .. .. 8’ lumbi* l*v 1 sim It 2*sa n 9 10l>m 9 45am Ar (fharl*u* Lv • n x .cam 11 44pm 12 3s>m Ar Gr* c ■:. i,v ; i* t in n*i Tnuam Ai No f Ik Lv 8 (^n 12 51 .am 1 3spm Ar I’a i\ - L- i i** 6 "Oam *• 2.5 pm Ar 111 .tmond I.v . -*}rn 2 t arn 3 4l|-m Ar . l.yn- hburg L u * Mn 1 25am 5 35pm Ar Ch rlo:'esvilie Lv *•• in 12 i, *.i 7 35am h ,d*{*m Ar ... W uiku-h Lv \ TYm '• * -- 11 sm *2 '6am Ar . Fhtl i> ipfiia . i.\ ( u'am ** u^pm 2 i'3pm 6 .3 i*r Ar .... New Y*tk Ia lt*,nn 5 2 pai 8 3Upm 3 m*|m Ar Ho*tun Lv -♦ • kK* * iui No". 36 ’ TO THU SOUTH AND WL. T. No - Tln > 12 20.1111 Lv ~.7~T7TT7TT7T7. T tiavam \t loum { Ear*tern Ttm ♦; .>*am Lv Coin ni i I.v 1 25*m 9 *arn Lv Sp •:t inburg Ia 6 \|*m 13 10pm I.v’ Apll Vil e Lv I 4 02l*m Ar Hot Hpniig** Lv 11 4.> un 7 20pm Ar • Ki*)xv4ll** Lv v 2 .tin 5 10am Ar L'-xlngion . Lv * 7 4.5 am Ar .. Fm< Inn.iti Lv x ulpm •> (• pm Ar St IdOUls ... Lv s t*am 7 ;<(Mm Ar l*mC\ |> Lv V 4 am All train* arrive and depart from the Flam Syatem Stuiion. TH 140Utill *AU SI.UVICE. ETC TRAINS :U AND 34 DAILY .NEW YOLK VM FUlill).\ i:\l'l:)>S V*-*fl hub*-1 train-, wdh Fullman lUjorn S'.pi, C*> miw • r.n-in nah in-1 New Yoik Cocrm t- >t NS ■* iik mu \v .. . i : vj i t L- (•' Ihillm. n Sl* • ping Car between 4’harhdt- ar t lit hin lid an-1 < iiail.U .nut Nor folk Dining Cars serve all meal- between S v inimh and Wu^hlngtori TRAINS 35 AND 96 DAILN THI. UNITED STATES I ASI MAI!, Y-Mthuted limited trait ‘.carrying Fullman Diawlng K< n cur* heiw-en i?,iui.n,n ,in,l New York Inning Car * rv* ail in- aL Ihivv.# S ivaniui and \\ an n !.-n. Also Fullman Drawing Room Sl-epln,* (%r iw•*♦ u Kiv int ih anl Ciiuinna l. through Athevllle and The Lm<l *f ti*** Skv For eompb-te Informal lo< as t rate*. x*h*|ub **t apply to l ORUOVBR Ticket Ag'id Clan Sv tin S-.m-u JAMES FREEMAN. C P nd T. A.. 11l Hull strec: Telephone*-Bell. 824). Georgia v>i , S H HARDWICK. A- jdMant (Ft- ll Fi-*eng*r Agent, Atlanta. L.i. hs. teg. . .112% N A W C 0* - .k. 5s coup .113% Ore Niv l*t b' D of C. 3 ♦>, 125 do 4* l ,r ”i Ai h.g n 4 99% Ore S. L 6* 1'27% do aIJt 4e *k* con 5s H- j Can Sou 2d. .ld>*% R* *-l tj*n 4i- - ' of *t* 5s Hlu G W Dl j con ■. 93% St L 4k I M do let Inc. . 39% con. 5h l‘9 and 2*l Inc. bid. 10 St L A S. F C k t 4ai* 95% gen <% 12 , do 5* 118 S* Paul eon 16H r. A Nw C 7s 139% flt P , C. 4k P C. it Nw. fl F. j let 87% Deb s . 13u Bt P . C. A F Chi. Ter 4* .. 91 ! 5* H k, t Col flou D A* R. G. l*t 102% Sou Ry & • b. 4* 9HVS H A T 6s Erie Own 4 6$ T. A P l*t III s .* F W. A D C. I do '2.s 6i let 71% Union Par 4* . 10- Gen Elec fig .113 JWabawh l*t . ID low.i <*efi. Ut 110 ‘k* 2*l Mrt'i K C, P A G. |We*t StH)r* 4s* 111 jWisc Cen. 4* hi L A N V 4j %% Va Cont • 4 N- w York. Oct. 5 —Standard Oil. 5360 537%. Mlßn J.UM.Ot a MARKET*. Nt* Th*o quotation* a*e revised da;*y, and ait as t ear a- poxelble In accord with the prevailing wholesale prl ep official qu -tatlona are not ti*rd wt:en they disagree wph the pri ♦ whote -lirrn aak 4 uuiitry nud Northern I'roduee. Pttl’LTßY—The market i* steady. Quo tation Broiler , 3 ( a35c. p r pair; half gr*wn, 4 4|jt> , three-fourths grown. s*sf tkk . hens. 6-sif7Dc; roosters, ducks, 60075 c. ge we. 76ciu$1.0O KGtJfl—Steady at lIU BUTTER—TIie tone of the market In firm Quotations Western creamery, 24%*' New Yrk #late dairy, , 17 , *|t,i22%c. extra Klglr s 2l^:!sc CHEESE— Market him. fancy full cream < heeee, 13%** for 30 to 22-poun<J averag , 284j3*H>und average. 13c. F.arl> % egelullea. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, $2.00 sa< k < ’ABHAGE—Mi7 • per head. ONIONS--Yellow. In barrels, $2 00. crate*, tor; red. $1 00*1200 Hreatlalafls, llit> and t.rulu. FldOl’H M irk'*t Mi .nly. patent. 44.u0, straight, Hl',, fancy. $4 <*>. family. 13.75 MKAIs Pearl, |*er barrel. |2 7',. f*cr ssek. f! 30; city meal, per u< k. lo|ted. fl 126. W4it.r grnind. 4126. city grits, a k. 41.25; p*-url grits, lludnuis', per barrel. 12 per sack. $1.30; sundry brands. 41.25471 sack t’OHN Market firm, white, job lots. 63c; cailuad lota. ;2c; mixed corn, job, lots, 6-c; carlcmd lots. 59c RICK MarktH steady. dcmanl good; fancy head. fancy, s*^c. l*rm* f, Oood 4** Common OATH No 2 ni*c.| carload W*. . joi hits XVu :?•- . white clipped. 4‘n . Job .J7r ItRAN- Joh lots, Ss<-; <arli<l lot-, IS) HAY Market steady. No i timothy. 92*,-c Job; t 7 car*; No 2. Nm* Job, oars fln him nntl l.nril. RACON—Market flrn>. I> M c. n sides. . D. H I elites. 9%fiHkc (Eastern, ac cording to average •**.•; l> H 9\ff •*\ (Western); smoked (\ R. sid- 9 4 tf IIAMS- Suitor cured, IJtUl3*4r. EAR I > Pure, m tierce-. kV'f* % ; in p)- pound tins nrwl ft*ioiind tut compound. In hv*; 50-pourai ting* and gu-pound tubs. 6 \r. Siugar mid Coffee. *, Cut t “W 1 1 I F1..11 : A t"ru,t-d •; w I'onfc. tioncr*' A■; Ti I'owdi red UVI Whit- Kxtru 4' ‘tv XXXX. pnw , d.....Kxtra C 5.58 OranuktHl ... 4.4?tioM*n C ...... .5 7R l'ulc *a Yellow* i.w Mould A . A.iSj COFFEE— Mocha 2c Prime. No S ....1114c Java 38*' ifjood No 4 ... ,1114 c Paaherry 14>VIFiilr. No. 5 ..Up Fancy No 1 . 17Sc Ordinary No I(|t4c Cholc, No ? 11*4c'common. No 7,.ift' IlnronHrt nntl llultllnic Aappllt*. LI Mix CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT Alatiama ar.d Utorglo lima In fair tipinuno and wtl> ui M. c*m, a twrrrl; aprcial calcined pf.i,l*>. II.(II pe- barrel, hair, 4fl!.c Roed.lln cemeot. carload lota. ,pedal: Port rand rrtnent, r*- ■ all J 1 earload loir *2'e2SO U MBER r O. n VUHIUI SAVAN NAH Minimum, vatd rii-* SiO krjfl: pi; car al.l* MZ.iue 11.00 different all- . $ 404 015.00: *hlp atock. |IC nOol* ft>. ,nwn tla*. hewn Hew 75030*' OIL-Murkat aiaady. demand fair; ,Ik nsl. 4IA/*>c; Bui VireinUt bla k ullc; lari). o*'; nealafoot. 4l7<*': machinery. ! . lineet| oil. raw. Hoc. boiled, (Ac; ktrooar.e, prlnra whlta. I Zc, water while! lie: Pratt * aatral. 14; deodortxel .10.*> Kosoline druma. llVkc; empty oli berrela, delivered. *sc SIIOT-Drop. *1.50. B. S. and larva. !.:; ehllle.l 11.75. IRON—Market very ,leadv; Swede. Mac. NAILS—Cut, 57 00 bate; wire, |J *J Iraee. BAKIH'.D WIRE-13 60 per IJO lerunda. elralkhl *ood* 3010 c. augur bouae n>. 15030.' OUN POWDER—Per keg. Auatln creek ehot. *4 00. half ke, K. quarter k**,. •i 3; champion ducking, quarter kece. 13 3: Dupont and ttaxara ,mokeleee. halt keira. $11.15: quarter kK*. 1*75. 1-poind c*nl,ler. 1100; le* oer cent ; Trole-iorf emokalee* powder, 1-i>ouih] can,. fI.OO. 10- potiml can,. 50c pound. Dried and Evaporated Fruit,. APPLSN-Lvaperalcd. 707',xc, aan-drlod, 4SS A FBI' OTH Ev apor.itctl, 9s4c pound, mctai Ine . lot' RAISINS L L . $2 00. imperial cabfnete, $2 25. t<> . . >|iound'boxes, h*.* 1 -, (Hnml FEA MES Kvap* rated, lulled. 16%c; unpeal- and. v'yt9c FEA Its l.'vai>r.ate<l. 9c r rulta Mini Aula. APPLLS—fc. .riy Nurilic-r?. vatlety, $. . b Sm) BANANAS sl2Tmjlso bunch U'.llt>N6 Maiket eti l> at s.' n CO< *OA N1 * TS- s.l 7&|i 4 t' PEANUTS- Ample stock, f Mr demand, market firm. t.ncy h iul pi k- I. Virginia, pt-r pound. 4%c. hand-picked. Virginia, ex tras, 4c, N C H.--<1 pe Hint* 4c NUTS Aljnonde. Tarragon* 16-'; Tvirae. 16*. walnuts Full h, 12c. Napl- 12<*. pa < n*s 12 . Braxlls. n , ft I beTt*. 13c. ss,rt *1 nuts. 6t,-poun<l ami 25-pound boxes. 12c. I nduu liNMMiug and T’lea. BAGGING--Market firm; Jute. 5%- nound t%< large lota •%■ . email lota, i-pound. H\-u9c. Itt Pund. 8%445%u; no* Islam! begging. 12%- TIES Standard. 45-pound, arrow, large lotr>. sl.lO. email lots. $1.50. Hall, lliilra U uul. SALT Demutiu t fair and the market steady, < .itiuttu lot*. l(J-poutM) bu/lau •ack*. 44c; 1< pound cotton mu- k. 45c, 110-|K)und hurUp ai-ke cotton sacks. 49W*: 7i-pound tairiap au- k* 66c. 12f>-pound coiton sack 56c, .'at |mi iml burlup •• a• ks. Ks* . IIIIKS Market firm; dry flint. 13%c; dry ealt. ll%c; gr**u **tted. 6c. WOOL- Nmln*; prime Georgia, free of sut-d burrs and bla* k wool. 19c; black. 16**; burry. 10c. Wax. 25c. fallow, B%c. Iner akin*. 30c. HIM ELI. % M OI 6. FISH .Mackerel, hull-burrels. No. 1. s.* 60; No 2 U<. No. 3. $6 ut). kite.. No 1. $1.40. No 2. $1 2.*. No. 3. K - t'-hI!Ik0 l-|tound l>n ki ■ . 2•l*- ut b 1 bricks. • Hvnok >l herrings, p-r box. 2*> . Dull q her ring. m kvs, sl.lO, u**w mullets, hud barrels. $i BYRUP- M *rk- t quLt G**rgia un-1 Florida sytup. inlying at 25A|30c; erlllin; et Z2ti& . s igar non • at 10915' HONEY l air demand, strained, In bar rels. rj.fjtvv gallon High wine ti 26 (M MN IT4EIt.HTM. f'OTTON Mivartnuh to linston. p*‘r rwt . 25* . to New York. p r cwt . 2ts*. to I* i 1 it*i* l*‘ If *hl a | r bale. $1; Baltimore, 41. FOREIGN DI It KUT—Bremen. 55c; Llv er|s*-|. 55- ; Hnmburx. 57c; Genoa. 65**; Vfarce lon a ?)■ •; Manchester, Dm*; Havre. C7c; Antwerp, 57*. FOB Eli IN IN DI l< EUT—-LivarpoOl, 73 Manchester. 65 nominal; Hamburg, 65c; Havre. 7H . tlenoa. 73c; Rival ami St pei>r*bitrg. 75c; Antwerp. tV. LUMliEli Hy Hail - Freight* dull; to Baltimore ih! eastward. $4 *S) to s>.<*) |er M . It hiding Portland. LUMiIEB Uy Hi-urn Savannah t Fix tlmor* . $5 <*). to F It K. or B, A O a- ks. s' .V, t* Philadelphia. 16%c, per cwt . (4 1- un i •* foot); to New York $6 V per M. $7.25 to dock, lightered to Hotnn to dock $v 50. NAVAL STORES The market |s firm m dlum nlxe va es' ls. 14-•"in~C<*rk for -a-hr* .is •-) p-r barrel of 110 pound*. *n-l 5 per o-nt. primage Spirit*. 4s 9.1 p*r D gallon* groex. and 5 per -*ent prlmig- Dirge yesselM, rosin, r%-; spirit*. 4* 2d Htfwm Ilr | r IPO pound*- on rosin; Il*‘r on spirits. Suvaiinah to Boston, and 9' •*i rosin n-l \ < on sf-lrtt* to New Yoik (ill 118. I'llOl 181038. KIT. New 3*ork. t t. 6—Flour nsg|e<*(M. held H*srpjiM ihove bu i■' view- on nv grade* ltye flour s'-'.idy (’omi ns* il qii t Rve steady. Harley ft uly; bar ley malt dull. Wheat-- Spot *teady; No • rel H3%c.; uptiuus w- kene*l a lit t T fo*diy, an-1 w* i • • x*reme!> dull Tr;*lei* f->und selling motive" ill lower cable. w- #kn*o of markets in spL of shower jrei* small e- * M*arl - P anama * a --or •• r.f out s'He * palliative *upporf. nn<i in <r* ggr- -iV- \u ar action*. They final,y r on /*overifg. nd closed firm it i partial L net b. Iln* ; nr h i% ni iv M * *• 90% Ik *tnbwr IM Corn - Spn* dull. No. 2. 48’v; option l pretty much all T*. w-i- on h steady bu st*. r*fl tine a well sustained r ah sit i rut ion od molcmfr nemandw from shorts. t< fa • of r *• elp *, tire weather and |ow*r abo*. closed aieudy %r net decline. May. 41%< . October, tft'-c. I)*mi#r, 47%* quiet; No. 2. £s%c; option* very quiet and hireiv steady |t*-ef (|is|et; -if rnnt* *i**ady. I*rand *ol>cr c|o* l. $7 75. r fin* I quiet; conti nent. *7 95. Pork fbmer; family, $16..Vfi17.60; short nr $!4 'Wi 17.00, me*- sl4 odf 13.4)0 i’-ie flail ami weak; larg wuftte. 11- small. 11%Q11%c. Tailow quiet petroleum weak. * Rosin st* 1\ Lf; '9 \ Turpontin- firm. Rice si .dy. flugar Raw e*ry: fair refining 4% centrifugal 9$ test. 4%c; molusse* sugar 4c. refined easy. Coffee- 4tia quiet; No 7. Invoice. B%c; mild; Corkv. The rr.Hrket for lofftr future* o|a*n*i steady • an advance of 5 point* on brl**k locil ami llht to rlti buyin*. promrHnl b> llrmrr Kiifop* ,n -nl.l. -ban -ipf 'M an) Knrmlly fltm <lvt* < - from prop r.ntfr., Klnallv . a...1 off uml r profit t.kln .im) clo‘l I-I.'.'ly with |>rl r, um-hnnrrtl to 5 |llity Inw. r Total *!•- 8f(.350 ha*. |n. rluftlns tft-tnbyr hi V I.V-; !>:rnlrer. J 7.31 c; Mmx'h. K*k .iron*, utatr iml Pcnnaylvanla. IWiJV. W**l*m, U%mc I'ouiot.i quiet, Jersey, ll.OOCl.SO; Nrw Plant System of Railways. Train* Ojyr;t*l In 90th kief Id tan Tlmo 0.1 .* flout Plow r Thin C%v Tuaa 32 6 78 Norili anl South. 23 5 | i BEAD DOW N EffsctlVr Oci 1 Isaw~‘ 14F AV FF 12 30p 6 45a > iavu S • * ....j..., 4 lsr,- 10 o)a 6 .jm Ar (‘harlepton. I.v 11 lf-p 5 501 3 19, .. | *• 3 23a 7 2.p Ar Itb'hmond Lv 9 •>. 6 4*|. 1 7 Ola 1 -6*i, Ar . V\ -tniigton Lv 4 1 iCp ~ , ... . j . x 30n 1 08a ,Ar Baltimore., . Lv . a 1 4*i ... . .... . lu 35a i .s). Ar ...F dla|. phki . Lv, 12 N 1- II !2li • l IT- ! <ll Ar N w York Lv ’* 25i * ... 1 | 8 ..up .F*JM| Ar lU atun 1. 1 4>‘pl2uiit . . K. 1 ,t it n..nh Tt .} , .! . | 1* U'p 25p 4 10a 5 * 15 Lv S -v.iMtiah Ai I"H i; lo- 7 t,- 12 h*i 10 15a 8 10p 5 10 .Vm 7 22a *, -a At .. Wa m. I.' I<> lap 9 45p 4 l 1 rifts !• I p 2 151 * jV | 2 ’.sp Ar Thoin.i ,1 . Lv b Inp ♦ I•( 6 lot 3 1 • 1“ 7 40| 12 .SU 9ua x all. \r .. J*4*'k *>n 1V iT.•* Lv ' , 7 <f| 2 X Ok t . <*• 1 . t p . ot|. 1J c, 12 U.p Ar . T.-kiM • Lv .* 25;* 4 fa>| 2 35a 1 251 \ -0 * • 2 2>p *2 201 Ar (iNltir vIU- Lv . . 2 40p ...... ( ...| 3 IK|. Ar tV ii Lv ’ 4 1 . to -H-lu -p \r .Si Uct !iiih Lv *i (*.p 7 ;xa in mp , r**p 1 • uop Ar i unpa I.v 8 00.1 so* X tvt> * 00.* 8 3r-o ’* >, 10 'l* lo 3*p Ar iV’t I mpa Lv .Um 7 3lXi j 7 2spj 7 2bp I Ua I lei 1 |oi Ar . Fu li Got da Lv .. | 4 a&p 14M5.t 16 45< Ar .. H* Au >IUm . Lv k 2**p 6 j , pip l ira 3 2f.p 5 20. Lv .. Hav muaii . . Lv to t5a(U 19a. ..... ... j -T7171 6 4Sp * i;.r 4 fs|> Gu Ar . J- , ‘ , Up . |,\ M ."l ift , r .*| ; v .|. 7 10a 6 >.*p S iif.i \i llrnn-vvi- k Lv Hi 9 u-p * .... } NORTH WEST VND SoFT||VA*FST j Via Jesup 16 l • Yin Moni Til . t<)p • .*'*m f,v Savannah Ar 10 l• 12 bn •*m v <n I.v Savannah Ai 1 1# 16a 1 <• ip 64* A Jeaup Lv, v2O 10 U)j 8 10a 9 2"|> Ar sFtg mry Lv 7 46f>Ul Mpu ion 1 i;p Ai M -n Lv l o*u ' -)s> 7Mp H Ar Naxtivl'la Lvi 9 oOx, 9 21a . 2*. ■’ .Vp Ar Lv 10 45| 12 dtp 2 SOM 12 Dp Ar boutavlli* Lv 2 •dm 9 lip *4m X 4*|- \r Uhn'rooga Lv 0-P 6 42w 7.a 4 Ai Cincinnati Lv 11 <*y 5 f&p 7 ;Ui 7 4Ah Ar !ao|vll * Lv 746 if 7 46( 7 >._ 7 16p Ar fit. lajui - Lv 3 55p] % iia 7 -0| 7 4-a \i l- Inn all Lv 85,7 <V ' (LAN) 7 04a 0 nop Ai* St L-ui Lv *M6$! 6 Oki 7 22a .... Ar Ht. ixiuli Lv U $ 71 a 2. 10|V \I Dhleag.* Lv ** 30| 9 HOj* j j LM A 0.4 R | j ¥>., i:.|. I.v tiliUM Ar IA r.,. II -A, *"* Ar thl..*. I.v T to|> I .’ftp s o'.|v 7 1%. Vr \-.fitph'- I.v kill, * CO). I 4 l_'|‘ .tl'.. At Mobil.' I.v 12 j*i> T U .'On 9 isa 7 Hlu \r Km.m 1 yLv 6 0| H 4op . Sup 7 4na \t N Orleac L' 7 Va, 7Fp j nu|. • Lv Havarinah Ar 10 15a!13 10a Through Fullman Sleeping Far Servhe j l 4Vi 12 .Vb* Ar . Ylf’on . Lv 316 u 5#V ! .5 *;,.i lop \r l imn Lv 12 01a 3 4fcp i North Lilt an-1 W - -F and to Florida 1 J 5 20p Ar Uotumbus Lv Ilodou Fiun-. no* m ole at Furl Tampa with tt*amri fr K-'V We* and Havana. Leaving Port Tamp* M*uidiv Thurmlavs ut Saturday* nl 11 O* p m j ||. Folhetmt*. I F A E A Arman.l <My Tkf Ag lv B*>to Hotel. Phan* 73* H W WRENN Pa enger TrufVl* M*n;yer Bavannah. Ga HcDONOtGH 6c bALLAMYNE, V ’Nj. ■ Iron Founders, machinists, lit., k.M.i t.m.ft..., ..!■ fl.trr. of Miitluu- Ml .*<l I’art.kl. CIWIIIM. -tfllMl ..J 1.1. , ton MliU, Mill nd ! •.. l-taa -II.K, *<•. TELEPHONE NO. 123. York ll *kwl 2'a; I<-n* IrlanA $1 •*!.' • :, i.t t ItlMtrr ■•.■ !.h ., bkii-lr: otHl* .miry llMiSIr. Irtnul* firm fon.'y homlpli-krtf. .lom.fttlr, 2>,tl < quirt, I,wir lrlan.l. prr lo*. Ii :.'ru 2 a. I r.lKUt* to ljvrr|*>!. rot ton by ittcnm. I’^kOc. tnrru- *kko on,. Sow York. f I 4'ottonernt oil rta .jotrt on j.t.Mtipt .f.'llvrry. For l.irr phtp rn. nt* bityrt* .not arllrr* wtMr a r*m apart I’rlnto autnmrr yrllota. T7.f.T7*4* pron^.t; off Hlironirr j'rllow . totJ kIH. , prlfttr wtntrr yollow. 41t|4- . prim- wtilto, tolllc; prlmr mi. 115' < mt inn tMKHirra. rhlrogo. Ort 5 Whiut wa* irrrjntltir I, it t,ritr*l film toward th*. .‘ltd on a<**l . rib .krtytti.l and lo vini*iti) wttb tto* .:iMk(t.l of ik-iobor pork, \ov.-mb.-r lo*,- l V.r, ovrt y.'.t. td.iy t'orn .-10.0 I i'itrla.tligr.l O.l** l.mrr ProftlaloiM for January tlrlivory fmtlf, litKhrr. Th-. Iracltn* future* raiinnl a* follow*: Oprnln# lllghr.l. laxtrret Clo.r No 2. Ort. ... 751. 77 75*4 77 Nov .. 77V*'i/77*, 77*.tr77Y, 77 77\ l.r .... 7* -17X1, 7S 77S 7SV,a7k\ f’orn No. Oct ki to*. **>‘ Nov .. :t7N 3T7> Ti\ 10. S4 7 b* K 3l\, **’ Oat* No 2 "I .... • . Nov. 22*4 225, 22t07?* 224**122** 1 *’ 1 22 T 4 22 T 4 22Stl22\* 2.‘ 4 Mrat Pork per bhl . ii H3 oe Ht u p |H ■ ’ Nov II 7>4 12 W> 11 2l* 11 Ml Jan 11 U 12 0U II 12 UU I>l nl. |m r I*l lb - 0,1 7 2’. 7 77' , 7 22H 7 27'j Nov. .... 7 271, 7SO 730 725 Jan t> 97', 7 oo Sl*'. 7 oi Short Kthx, |**r 10' Hat.— Ort ... ho2'. It f)7'., 7 * ifl’i Nov . 71.’ 710 735 7 ST. Jan 6 .72', * ftt -4 * fash quolatlona w. ro a* follow* Flour *t* N> 3 .print!, TJ'y'ii77. ; No 2 rxl, 77'*3i7tlr; No 2 rom. 4t.'. No 2 y. How . orn. 40*41141r; No. 2 flat*. 22','0 •iv , No 2 whlto. 2:', No 3 whit*. Wyb , No 2 ry*. 52i . bartr >, fair to ,bol .■ mnltltlff. f." ‘ ••■■■' , No 1 tt.n*. ■.l ft'!!'*. No 1 Northw*wt*rn. ft <l4: prim* timothy IISwU.’.; mo* fa>rk. t* r tmrr*t. sl4 00*/ It raj;'l |*t lou jaauml*. $5 27/(1 to. phort rlh* at.|r (loom ). $* *<S; dry xali.'l (houttbr* (bOJttol). fl'.oto, rhorl *k!*x (l>o**-<l). $* raff/* fti; whtoky. tavrla of lil/fh win***. II 77. \\n\ WITH Kill II tMHYT*. If*nry Vlmil* a l.rral Itrcoril nl th<- Vlorrl* I'nrk H.rtt, N*w York. O t Henry'* rkltna wa* th* f*atiirr of the raring at Mo: rl- I’atk loot;,y. Out of five mount* h* won four and ftnl*h<l thlr.l on'-*, a rrror.l to fa, proud of. Favor lira, tor th* *'<o*ttl day m aurri -*‘on. woo half III* rant. yiro liar* Hurdl*. on* n<l on*-hatf mil** .W ilt : Mur.". 7to J. won with lame lilr. 7 to 2 and H lo 5. M- ond. and If. 7! i, <1 20 to I, third Tun 2 47-4 H<- ond Itarr llonnlla-rt Han*M*np M* and u half furlong* f>r Harlow. 4 to 1. won. wl h T* lanvoi, 11 to 5. and *v*at. ood. amt U4in*llli. 5 to t. third. Tim* i je. Third Rac* —Fort fk-huyler. *l* furlona*. • Him Itlmtln*. II to 5, won with Puptl. , k io 5. a*. "o*l. and l>olanV. 3 to 1. third Tim* 1 BV | nt BftCt Si v fT I • ope. I to l. won. Witt, Th* tlold't: I'rlnc. to 1 ur.d 2to 1. arcond. aid Lord Ptpprf. sto 1, third. Tim.- 1:12", Fifth Ha k Oti" mil* Radford. ! to 5. won. wlUi Support, k to I and 2 to 1. **r ond. and Usil*- Rg nt, 5 to 1, third Tim* 1.12. Sixth Itar* firandetard handicap, on* mil* ai*l furlong Irurudve. 11 to 5. won. with Fa von I u*. * to 5 and S to 5. croud, und fharrntu*. 7 to I. third. Tim* I:HV THOTTI'.O Iff 'J:O7 FI AT. Cknrlry Hrrr Mad* a H*pnrd for llltn.rlf and for n liar*. !.*xlngtt>n. Ky., Ort. s—Th* tra*k wa* fa to-day, and game Fharley lt*rr hrok* th* tra<k r**ord for a rac* by going th* nrrond ht tn th* 2<W tro! In I;07 flat, whlrh I* a n*w r*rord. alao, fur the llttl* hu Ido* trotter. 2 0* trot, pur** t'herlry ll*rr won thrt- *tra!ght h*at* and rtn • , fSrattoti Roy ***ond, Oayton third. Tim* 2J*ly; 3 <ff; J <* Th* Wtlvon pur.r, s2,ooij for 2: part-r*. Waiter won third, fourth and nfth h*at* end race, Saul **rottd. winning ttr*t h*at Cuba third Th* Admiral won *rond heat Tim* !tlt't: 2 4M,. 2 11',; 2-15. 213', 2 21 trot, pure* II.OW Holly Mldw*ll won M . ond. Ihlrd and fourth h*nt* and rar*. Bell unward aecen t, winning nrt h*wl, Sprlngdwtv thUd. Time J HU, 2 U*.; 2:15. 2.15, % %tfYca7 flchedule* Effective Fepl. 10. 1909 Train arrive t m.ti sl* part from Ontral Htaiion. W®pt Umkhl, fool of l.lbarty atrrrl *hh M*r! Tltr.* On* hour alower thaw rlty tint* la-av* Arrive Hwvapnalt: ttavannah: (Auguata. ItoON, AtlMtak ” 4 45arn ' ’ovlngton, Mmig*vtll*j* upni land all Intwrmediate paini| jAugu-ta Mo*an. Atlanta,l |A th*na, Montgomery. Co-j •J OOpmflumtoie, Htrmtngham A*n*p 40am Jertcu,. Kufeula and Troy.| M topm| bover Accwmmeda non >t7~toaua oeptnl Ouyton Dkinar Train |t( a*ra 'Dally. tlCxrapi Sunday BBT WREN SAVANNAH AND TYBKH. 75th mrrldtan or Savannah city lime. I,I.AVK SAVANNAH Monday only fi 2J n nt Daily except Mto/day 9:30 tt m Daily 300 p ai LEAVK TYBKB. Monday only 715 n m Dally except Monil .y io 35 u m. Dally 6:30 p m. <oni*rtto,ia mad* at terminal point* with nil train Korthweat. WeM and Sotilhwral. f Hl**plng car* on nlirht trulna b*tw**n Savannah ami Augu.ta. Maron, Atlanta and lllrnttngham I’arlor car on day train* between Ba vatmih .Via. tat and Atlanta ror cornpl*t* m format ton. o*vhedul*a. r *„"* " n 2 • omoffiun*. a/'/dy to W BREWER, ('ll) Tl' k<t and Tae*- rngrr Ay nt. 107 Hull atr*et. J V c R i| l l < t , | N |^Xl ,K ,> '' rw *' T,rk# < Ag*nt. D HEINE. fi*n .Sup*rlni. nd*of. Havannah, Oa. rajmnEp [imited Trains Double Daily Service Th* short lln* to Norfolk. Washlngtea, tti e‘,w'' York sod r MoOtTKa M *V a l. ity u 3SpmfiTt4pm Ar u A L Ry 4 3tm 4 Mam Ar J* h- 8 A L MSr 11 * 7 h ,n " ““I- Ar Durham. 8 A. L. Ry.. T luam 4 lfpm Ar 8 Al, Ry 4 11am 4 Uum Ar Richmond S. A U Ry 5 15am 6 40pm Ar Washington. Henna.. 4sam 9 Mpm Ar liallimor* Henna. |io 08am 11 Mpm Ar Philadelphia, Prana. |13 17pm 3 6*am Ar New York r*nna | I 08pm ( 't-m tt N'o | Lv Savannah. S A t. Rv r U *ipm if Spa Ar Port.month, BA I. Rvl 7 00* m| 6 Hum Htruniera leave Norfolk dally, eaoept Sunday, for llaltlmora. Phlladnlphla and New York, and dally for Washington. The aliort 100. to Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7 25 a. m . arriving at Montgomery 7:4t) P m . at wti /li point close connection 1a made wt/h th* L. ft N R R. arriving at 3lohlle 3:06 a. m and New Urlcana 7 40 a rn The short Un* to F'-rnundlna. Jackson ville, Tampa and other Florida point*. j- fj 0 nyHoTif I. Savannah, ft. A L. Ry| 6 (Bam I Iff pm Ar Ftmandlna. 8 A.D.Ryi 9 Ssan> o6pm Ar Jacksonville, 8 A l„Ry 9 loam 7 40pm Ar Tampa. BA.L Ry j 5 30pm 6 Suam Magnlftc t. Pullman buffet sleeping car aervl.e to Washington, UaltUwore, Phlla drlphta und New York; alao to Jackaon- VIII* and Tampa. Dining car* from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York Huff*! parlor can Savannah lo Mont gomery. For additional Information apply 4® Ticket Office. Bull and Uryan street*. Phone 18. J. D. WEED * CO PAVASSAM. OA. Leather Belling. Steam Packing & Bose. Agenta for NEW YOMJC MUBUER BKDTINO AND PACKING COM PAN t. 9