The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Image 13

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PAKT two. I A Revelation of the Unusual. ■velopment of the “Opening” Into a Continuous Performance. he few days in the Millinery world styled “opening days" have grown into a series of days which have packed our Millinery Department as eager a crowd as the initial “opening" day, Each day seems to spread the contagion of desire, as 'tis bruited from one to the other, of iiperlative splendor of the array of Millinery which we have gathered under one roof this season. We are proud of the exhibition. e Creations in Bonnets This Season Are of More Endless Variety HH Before. arsrl a SYMPOSIUM OF IMPORTED BONNETS AND MILLINERY. A Silken Story. II tv.,nl**' Cloth, li differ- - .... . —~ ll ■'-t -—' =g as-- - —= SB We have endeavored to cater to every EXCLUSIVE! Our stock this season is brimming | trm* flnt.h. n fin. q'utllty of ill Wool HomonjHm*. Flak'd l ... ... . , , ... * “ l ‘* ,luc, l ~om *“ >i.oni <hovto. an •** j type of face. The most capricious wo- over with sparkling styles and original 60c 0 „l man in the world can find here, we think, effects. We can satisfy the ultra smart -—• • * - "“"soc ! „ „„ **** a ll , k . -‘JR* woman as well as the most conserve- „ „!,Hc a satisfactory solution of her troubles. a* " , * < * jc * l fT °° i • ® • n* of Oolf Plalda, extra J A TT- tIVO. *° Cioff Capra and raJny-day aklrta K')C gl 00. All the newest shapes and effects in W An endless variety TRIMMED HATS, £?Coques, Breasts and Wines. JSPJI $5.00. $6 00 $8 00 ... -a-- ~.0... Avery large assortment of Fancy The line of Ladles’ Untrimmed FELT SVT“ ■“"”* - —- DK COODS. Feathers, in exquisite tinges 25c i HATS at 60c is superlative. *Oc. est Una of Black Onnda n the TafTeiaa In Bllaae-eardMt and Paktn .-ranch Plagonal. Camel'* Hair Special line Stitched Golf Hats. SUITS ANY TYPE But why mention any specific bar- *pe.lal)y adapted for walat*. KedOiMt a. Venetian, new tfailn Fared , from ISc to r"— Children’s Mexican School Hats. OF FACE. __ gam, when they are endless? h.k nv i inisr nnnliuiu * inin ■ mil Interesting Corner Art e *v. Fancy and Plain Klhhon*. in •’ 4* nnrt W>; all new liiadffl, just nr *l r*;uler value. S6<% 15c only. *->w Fancy Stock Collar#; all styles, a aut. 25c. Ila of V#lv*t Stock Collar*; *ll col rr * while thoy law, 10c. rit t-Vhia, whlto aid black, pl*ln r<l Hr. y. From 50c up. * •* Full Length r r l* ail (Xklora, 25c only. r * T.iren Center Plecaa; drawn f ‘ Ir ’ renalraance. from 39c op to s*o.oo. THE GEM OF THE WARDROBE=A SILK PETTICOAT=See Ours, LADIES! ft Small Things That Make Lite Pleasant. I'm ' There is hut one store in Savannah to buy ' i House furnishings, China and Glassware, that jpgvg j is, if you want to save money, and that place is our basement. Good, strong, well-made Washboards, Qa worth 15c, goat Oil Iv/Gyv Mouse Traps, 3-hole, worth sc, at 2c* ; ,1 Strong,well-made Kitchen Hatchets, worth toe. go at Sc each IT Mrs. Potts’ Nickel Plated Sad Irons, 3 in a set,with stand.worth * 98c, goat 79c Bet ~wrn Granite Iron Wash Basins, not it seconds, large size, worth 12c,g0 Si l\ a * sc each /, —V\ * t this week only, white enameled Jardiniere r* 1 '•ands. worth 49c, go at 23(‘ 9 * P* ~~ q Braxs Onyx Top Center Tables, worth SS, go at S.J.SO each. Only a few more. W e hrve not the room to publish our China and (Mass l>e partment bargains, so give vou only a lew. Tumblers, like cut.c full tire polished and finished, not the >;bcp kind, hut the good ones, worth 4Hc dozen, goat, per set of six, on rtonday only, 10c each. 'L. 4 :T*' • have I SO.OOO Odd China Plat.*: nttd room tor nt wak: Urr 'hm at one price instead ol lOc , Uc. I Sc. Ic. vou have >our choice lor * c#nti each. XDLUSIVENESS OF STYLE IS THE PRINCIPAL CHARM OF OUR BOX COATS THIS SEASON. I* the Best Sl.oo Glove on the Market u tial and^jQ Stitched ’ : Jlatoannali Muffling ffoto£. Toilet Items. Mnn*n'a Boratod Talcum Powder . ,12’V Packer'* Tar Scop IS o Cutlcur* Soup 17 c I loser amt Gall*' Snap 12 C Colgate's Turkish Path Soap, doarri 33 c Vloioite Soap, 3 cakes to box, 0n1y..10 e Violet** Toilet TV liter, l.iraa bottle eprlnkler lop. botlle .25 c Pine Triple Extracts, In all odor*, bottle 15 e SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1000. Elegant Suits ■ ■ 3M? V*W 1 .aches' PlaUt Back T.alny Dwv SklrK J * rows atltchlng, Imh-sI seam*; value I 1 lairtl#*' Heavy Ptatd Back Golf and 1 nSf ' * Rainy Day Sklr',. every iwm .trappM jB with six row* stltclilna; value 110.uO, ? Mlaaee' Tailor Made Still* In r'overt and Venetian. Cost Komaln lined. new flare ** SIO.OO. Ml—e#‘ Tailor Made Bloum Suits; |vrt- Illy velvet trimmed, blue and vnode, f.a re I sidles' T.iitor MsH* lllouse Butte; hwivv Attn pehb!#> rhevlot. hiouj* patln lined, tilrfh military ul* trtmmel. fttltcheO 1121(1(1 Value $1“ •>. Domestics at Unmatchable Prices. Domestics at prices that cannot be duplicated iu this city. Standard Apron Ginghams, assorted colors and checks, best quality dress prints, 2 1 /'t to 10-yard lengths, 03p Simpson Sons’ best prints, standard prints, garnets and new blues, 39-inch percales, regular b) 4 c qual* Cp ity - Ju Yard-wide Bleached Shirting, (>! 4 c quality 5c Yard-wide Masonville Shirting. 10c quality 8 'Ac 42-inch best quality Pillow Casing, 15c kind lOc 10-1 Bleached Sheeting. quality Mo 10-4 l‘. ppcr.ll Bleached Sh<c'.lng, 3rt< quality 2IV Outing Flannel*. 12V quality #l*2 Flannetetx, French Flannel Mylei, for Wall*. lrc ', K.-iqiifa, 16c quality ...12V JSe Quality Kiderrtown* l*c. SSc quality aolld color French Flannel*. In all the new ehadea .43c LINENS. fatten Printed Doyllo*. <loxen S&e ;>•> luunnak Napkin*. II <*o quality .a 760 64-Inch Blenched Damn.k IV- quality 25c Mnrh all-linen Oatnaak. 4.V quality Mr Bleached Hut-k Towel*, 6c quality 3V IMrv-h lllenchad Twllleil t'ra-h. 6. quality IV l arge alge l.lnen Huek ToW‘l-. 16c quali-y 10c l.lneii Hu. k Towel*. Hem*!llched, worth Sic 1* Tailored in Fashion's Latest. a The Suits WE PRESENT THIS SEASON HAVE A Paris-Like Dash and grace about them that is charming and fetching in the extreme. SThis fancy Willow Koclver, full roll, the regular five dol* lar kind, will sell them while they last, only.. 52.98 This new style Hook Bed, [.■■■I?TTTTTTT?' ates * P atent > guaranteed 55Er*l., [not to wabble or rattle, TtlUUllcomplete with spring,brass trimmed, as shown; to start them, will sell (25 other rallies just placed ftP QQ on Hoor) for only wU*uU A Ladies’ Toilet Tables are the thing. No bedroom com plete without one. A full line displayed. This one, in gold en oak, one drawer, worth *10.50. CP AO Only 00.40 Indlei' Taffeta Bilk Fn<Wi*klrt*; *rad Mated •rrordkm pleated flo in e Hurt)* at W <op ai.d botumi, dust ruffle, new ahmiea, ¥ Vfl Ladles’ Merrrla<l IVtii.oate; three #c ordeon pleated fl>iftt< e. g iJBi-V I*edlee' Taffeta Water* entire wel*t %***J&Fy and aleeves turkd, ahaperi collar, Mr*. u-4 $5.00. ms*k v ladles' AI4 Wool Plsnn*! 4Vl.t, hand- i .... ■dim front, 24 row* of Mllchlng. • Ml****' Fl*l<l I'anuia Ifatr Shirtwaists; ftf ' gilt button*; chic, $3.50. JM: 4 \ Monday. we Mn.w the ewell novelttee AHIA - J / . Nowmar Ii ’ *tf <*i| *e. Newmarkets, Uok , I# end Reef ere. HANDSOHE FURNITURE! A BUSY SPOT —IS OUR — Carpet Department. Pacts speak mar, powerful than wsrds. And that ih* patron*** of Savannah lit erally crowd* us Into working day and night, tells ll* own atory. < "if AXMINSTKR CARPETS am beau- Hfut. W* are *lUng a good HHI SBELB for 49c. INGRAINS for 39c. Grand Stock of Lace Curtains. This new, rich cov red, reccoco trimmed Lounge (no see cut), scroll woodwork, handsomely carved, 30 inches wide, new style small square tufts, patent buttons will not pull off. spring head and edge, fast colors and thoroughly warranted, worth $20.00 Only 312.98. Mg Rockers Left. Will be sold Monday to first thirty-three persons. Leather seat (genuine), in Golden Oak or Cherry, handsomely finished and carved, arms bolted with invisible bolts (new) ft#) PA worth f5.00; Monday y/, OJj PAGES HI TO 24.