The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 PLEASED BY THE MAJORITY. GOT. f %Mil I*.H IT \VA L%M <• I It Tl % % I IIK WSD. BlfltmrM ?rr IHe Muli lpnl Kle— linn In lllania Mnnll* •irl In n HfHlng of lhr I'lniUltr l onimlt lee— 4 barges of I in lint In* Been lloughi-Ma) Mima %4*nrl nn Oath Thai Me Mart llnnght Nnnr-Mlrr ■ nil Mi t* Hr 11, Brother# ln-l.w, nnd Defeated llmnrally < dtdafe# %re Sor r—M llr he I1 Gave Oaf n Matemewl. A-rlor'a tvt * ‘I v indler H hlgh ly gratified over *-i ft of the More e Inotlon Heir* r•*| < li- from Athene, O* . where he arc*.? i" *• rid th* eargl v*> In n ou: the el#- -tJon, h* Mid Trve Detwnt majority wn* aver* larrnr fhn I *• * i* l The flr#t NdlTliU 1 nf’** the #**•’ I|*l 1 If 60nw Alt in’er Inf- rm .**< ex ept in the case of two ■ oii u ' increase the inai'tTh i lit* I •'■*’* In only *hr>.( half n mar \m they did two yen re a arc* If the Democrat# hn-l p< anvhiii c like in* r norma) \ofe the majority would hive i>-*n Fonno or over hail all i lifioo !h* fTM'ter n t.aMit t>een eettlevt m* # primary. • The extren— apa f l v in r< tinl tti n Hf v -ti wn* do* to th *♦ feelßiif of (wrtality Th • w • no flgh*. at-1 tns people *<vj.rt r t xol* Ti e* i lea of the ri4a e.'a e~j* tally ah'*rt in their |>allo'irir There w**re |ea that). *w tsareiy MU of rh* vo n ri-t $n Atlafi-< .deverirmh A.► ■* ‘'*'ir- bue or Mow. Ji fh* count) riirtrlr's voting #a tj-.*re*r the r*r ; nt,.*i hm |l aa abort them ai- S’ill wrl|rnnK there was tu fight on *\ -p tn n few count)#* for )o i4 **ftt the majority wmjt in-4, iaror than I ripened ** ■llftrrarM Appeared. The bltterne* eneen<l*rrt In the rt*y •lection ynet*rly manifested itself io- hiv In ahe mrii . ft . i > Hive f*ovnmlttr> at whi* h the returns were ronsolldate*! There w**re charge# mart* that many of the eanrtMaie* who had been jojrr* ssf ui In the cont**t , of y ferity hi t openly used money had viol it I rvrry rule inerte by the committee lor th*' govern ment of rhn |rimerx This - irne when Attorney Hubert <"tiltiers * committee msn from ?h# Hex enih Word. de. ! irert that evert' men w o w.m elected on ye terrtay should he m *l# to swear that be bad not used money a a means of secur ing votes. At this Juncture, Mr Donald Bain tirose •nd said “Kvery *ti*- of the ru r -ful ognrttdaies. fr<an M xor down, ent out boodle end bright vo:. I* n't perjure themselves “ While the di us ton was going on MJ Mims, who hart approached th- clerk s <l##k. said "It will give me great pleas ure to sign the oath ' H- - ailed for a blank and signed It Immediately aft* r the charge of Mr Bain. MaJ. Mims w**nt over to g**nti- man’s and 'k nnd told him that lie had not used money or any other lmprxpcr to - un* votes MaJ Mims spoke pleasantly to Mr Haiti, but in a determined voice Mr Bain made a quiet r-.p|y, an-l the matter wuh i-huml over Bart Moort esl-te between Frank I’ nice •rd I R Mitch* 11, two of the defeated mayoralty candidate*. They re bnrthers- In-law aiil are •**. • dlngly bluer towards each other ov.r the ejection. Bice de •dared to-day he will n- v* r -iv.ik to Mitchell again Mlr hell knew h.- • ouM not possibly win Ht save hut r*imlrei In the r>e elniplv to help bring about de lea* for his brother-in-law- Mitchell gave out i etatemant today, saying *i was ht a ten be auee I hod r.o corporation and to money hehtml me. Hlce arel Mims each had!-ti ba k of him If I had hid a corporation 1 might hove been eleete*! I ha*| money, but f did not choo-c to u* tt In purch - Ing an office. I believe ther- were 1.. W ward fie*|rr II Us* variotis pf-lls y ter day and that mean- that IVs men were bought Of the ton c.r|M>ratl<>n .anil dates. I am glad that MaJ Alims w- n I voted for him and am delighted tlati he got the race. He w .1! make a hrsi-cUHi mayor.” WON Willi MIA ov\m:h i p. Vail l.ed the Hunch In the Hteeple ehnse n t Morris I'nrl*. New York. r.-t ♦; The i'*,.*l ridden by bis owner. Mr Hmlth, won the . tramp on •teeple-ha- - it Motft Dark to-day ov.r •he trying distance of three miles ami a half. This fixture %\ . ih* feature of the day s racing, ur.rt It reMilhd In a stirring a* niggle. First Race—4b vert furloi g Rush, 9to 6, won. with Oodfr IS to 1 and .1 io 6. second, and Jo*- Krty, l* to J. third. Time : :i%\ huntei i tp ocia mile On* * k Queen. * t* 1. won. with Ktilashaii-lra, . ven. 12 t > -- oml and Kama ■ third iim l "■. Third Id ace Nut>iy handicap, K. 11 pee course, six furloi It. 11.. o. 7 to 2. won, with Waterc-rtor. 7t* 1 and t. 2. e* •>nd. and B* hi <; illant 4 to 1, *h|rd Time i fft* Fourth Ba The Frmmpion steeple chase, three and u half mdrs The Fad, 15 to 1. son. with Plato. *. to nd 1 to 2, second, and IVrlor. 1 to 1. third Time 7 12 Fifth K. ■ Six furlong Bolling Boer, 860 2. w.-n with Htlits-elf. * io 1 iiml .( to 1. second, and Billionaire, x to 1. third Time i m Hixth l(a< e -One mil* Kinntklnnlek. 5 to 1. won. wlh lie>ro. g to f an*l 2 to second, and Trie Amaron. 7 to 2. third 1 W*% l.nrlllc e Herttrd. Kx . Oc*t 6 The Ira k x\a.- In fine shape *rnl verx fa t this afternoon luellie th* fai-l n*a owne*l h\ C K < Rilling'- of t’hb a*** wnt to boil her re cord Of 2 * i• • wagon 1 hnbh*l the mil* In 2 '*7 flit. tiring . new mark (or herself nrt th* woild i* tr-*tting record *o wni'i'Hi driven tx >i The J-di * b-it . -*l trot, pure 12 om Contrail • vx-t ihr.* * .a* t t>* ud the r* * . !'•>* Stir Joe Wat's • 2x. |i purst . $2 **■' 1-attth W won ttitr-l fourth miwl fifth heats au l th*- r -e, Flirt s* --Sid, winning fln-t I * •.. t. f'hora third. Th* Maid won *..• t.d h at. Time 2.07 V. 2 '7*v .’•<. j 2 Wll.l si %\| | tilt 2:S f l >H. fir* Imlhiml (Iniwers lletcrmltieti t< Hold 4 olton for That Prtee. Valdosta. (*.i . O* t. 6 -The He a island Cotton Growerh As -* lalton lia.l a meet -Ing here to -lay. and after bearing re. ports from every •>*. tion as to the con dition •! tiu :**!• . th** A4l ry Board •dvised that th* pri* e ). *d\ar.ced i Cffl f e It !. fc believed that 25 cuts will l*e the ba*is for sales le-for** many days, as re port- ludl ite „ very stnnll • top Chah man B. F Jones of the a lxi-ory hoard made , ringing **pc*ih at to-day'.- meet, tng advising the farmers not to sell for less than wenty-thr* cents They unanimously to hold h for that price. % Irtlm el Thief. Oartmatt G*i l. • While Mr Lan ai n tJur*b*n wst *r the r-.c.-tion wa arobrr from hi- house do due a# lo guilty person has been <J.a .utuwJ. " A Fair Outside la a Poor Substitute For Inward Worth/’ Good health, inwardly, of the kidneys, liver and bowels, is sure to come if Hood's Sar saparilla is promptly used. Tin* M<riir- ■ fair nuuidr, and ■ fon—qurnf vigor in lh-' frame, with the glow of health on the cheek, food appetite, perfect dlgeMion. pure blood Catarrh I have had no return of tbe catarrh —hi h troubled me for year, alnra Hood Marsapsrllla > ured tu* ’’ Mae Joa Maarta Waehtnaton St. ->Kderi,bur N Y Dyapepaia t'ntspllcaied with Meat and kidney trouble I auffered for year, with dyapepM, with eere paint flood • f'artaparllla nad me itre-if and haarty.“ J B KwraTot. Main Stre. , Auburn. Me Jibed.i rSg Uafrauffu it ft**** a Fills il**r li t ? • nor Irrltatiu sn4 miy tn*rtu U U4* wtib M ) • Ksrsspsdi^ •reeuL aoncica. nkh pin ivi %f % nKHvit r* u\ pmnt avaTPm. Effective Oct. 1. anew f**.f train. "Th* Savannah Kxpr* * ’ will l*c operated be uewfi Altanv and Savannah. Ga.. on the 1 following schedule; Leave Albany 12 V n n Ix’axc Tlfion .. IVi pm. Arrive Wav cross 4 pni Leave Wavrross 4 19 pm. Arrive baxannah 7 00 p m Time Albany to Savannah, six hour? and thirty mlnutee B W WRFNV, Passcrger Tram-" Manage? lI'KJ I 41, NOTH K Subscribers to the S.ivwnnsb Ledtir* Fouraa can change their tickets for rr served seats, for the season, at Young Men's Hebrew Association Hall, 11* Lib erty a'rec. west, on Tuesday an*l Wed nesday. Oct. 9 and 1. I y to I|-N a m and .1 to 6 p m No person allowed to re. serve more than five tickets (10 seats). The box *h*et will lie open to the pubib Friday, Oct. 12. e me hours. artTi*; nm cm >ty tavrn. inoo. Office f"oilertor Hiaie and County Taxe Chatham County, Ga. He vane ah Oct 5. 1900 The digest la now open for the collec tion of the above taxe on all property real god personal, the si* uflc t.ix on prv vlso the Foil Tax for Education'll l*urpo> on h ! Male R* sklent* <'t th- citx an*l county between th*- age* of 21 ml ail vears Office at th* Court Hours. 9 a m to 2 p. m jas j mcgowan. Tax c*4lector, C. C. ffPRf I %l. NOTICR. The firm of Gustav* K k.iteln A Cos ha - this and ty been dissolved by limitation. Mr Emit Kck-ialn retiring. Tha firm name wHI remain un hanged They will a*eume all ItaMUHes and colle -t all outstandtr g a'oounts due the old firm OI STAVK KCKHTKIN 4r CO Savannah, Ga . Oct. 1. 1900. ml m ■ ■ baa returned to the city anti renamed practice. NON It i Neither the ma-trr. owners nor cot signer of the Bttdsh steamship IVan will tie responsibe for any debt*, extracted tiy the crew J HAMILTON. Master mill L ItFJIIoI II M\r Mil I linn OITMM. TT T.HDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Oct 9 and 10 4 Broughton street, west, upstairs I %l. MITII E. Neither the master n*r <'oilgnees of the British steamship Blake moor will be r* i*aelb|e for at.y debts contracted t*j the or* w BTRACHAN A CO. Consignors. Savannah Gu . 0-*t. 7 19u) ML PAIOB Im* rrtorned and reasmnl hi* practice. NOTH R. Neither the mm-ter no ■ <*t igne. f th* British steamship Isle of Kent. Suthcr land, master wi.l he r*-pHu*ttl* for *n> debts contracted by t* a <>f -a and x* I J. F. MINIS A CO. (VxisiKfk * - Mhtl \ INCH Nil 4 ISIII Ii . I rnvhfr *f I'imn, Ha* resumnl her t lasses In H.ght Bea*l ng. Ear Training and Time Beating Studio .’< Harris *trret. w* * NI'KM.M %\ A OTIHIFV *re now showing an elegant !m< of Trm ttUd Fathrn II H* n *1 Ho: n t f MIB. • H% It 1.l * l MIF.L. \ o*al 11 ml 10, • IHI KINIiM 04 14*1’#** Midl*n iirnur un*l street*. \ 1 or k. |)U W t If 11*1 !II % • 41 It a* returned to the city and resumed practice. mnw Ilir<”hln(r #ool, > n%U n.rrwr Hull ,nl Al > renin !•••<. mut r*mo, ibrm promptly nioinn, 1 D LdRocHE. Auctioneer \\ ft-; HIV AM) I ELL REAL EbTAIL. Negotiate loan* on same at 5 |*er cent and collect Represent Th** Trav*L era' Insurance Cos., Occident and liability departtmo') Hepresant th** N* w York Undorwrtttfw 9 ft Iff* **n * u p-e t the Gre*nw;ch Kite Ins Cos R. pr* -ent the l*honlx Mutual Life Ins Cos. All bu-l b* - entrusted to u; will b* ap|*’e a c*l. and will receive prompt md careful at tenMor No 2/ Bay street, eist Tele oh one M* W. C. FRIPF A CO. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1900. DEATHS. SMITH l*l*d Mr V* i m Hmlth. wife /*f Thomas I Smith sit*r ef Mrs John \V -n d:<d mi J’orrsmouth. V., H*pt 2f> *, dirt w.i * I ti? l*rt s* pt H in Oik Grove • rmeiery. Fort-mouth Vo ■KETIIUH. xma; It *fa 11 %ter eh oofs' N tsoelstloo sf 4 a nnnli. An lrr-| cr*a* f 'oil m* *" rnr of this <>n l .'fh*r i -a- nt .. will t**- bed ot Mogel |*• on \\ dre#'! ix evening next, Oct. t*t v j*o<:o*k. K **ry ntorib*r of this Sf-Otlot:*n !s r\\ eru*l t* be pr*oeof ee matt* *• **f I tv. |*r r miu * to every rrtil mar t *c of h' Uy wllk noilto before hld mselliag. By order >f the l-*r*e?d*nt HR; GARDNER. Becretorv. TO Tin: Ml 111 II 4NT or w ANN % If. You hove doubGets seen tne Hnnour'e rnei.t of th** >roid Oirnlvol o:i4 Street Fa r to h*- i.*IJ In this city Nov 5 to 7 Uf .hr ih: oueiuec- o' the Benevolent and hat* live Order of Dk* Tfi- Vitioud •nr five leoturee will ex coed anything • x*r attempted in this cpy Any refiptlng wi;l r>' devo *1 entirely to cbr - t *h!** purpe** s Th** preoen* pr:c** of cut ton fa plo* •**! the farmer ord rojntrv m*rchont In u letter finon :al c-oditXH) t;.st, ever le-for- wMhln the feir't thirty xearn The r* u -i rst*s nl ottrortlons ff* re| to visit-rs -ho . 4 bring I rg* r*>w is in *he r|ty If |irofer steps ar • taken to Induce them to come The larger tf, number the gr-*aes’ tns benefit, to ' xou, Iti order tho* ro one ?* left unturned f ei.thu*/- ur friend# In O'llacocit terrl '••rx. you ar** sirii- *?ly to .i -i t-l h in*** ? i t f tti ner /mt* ;t th* le So * H>te| o< W*<.<Uv, t*• lO 1 *o*l st fc '• p m . t- llsf u the he*st means ar-*l • etnort < to pro-luce the fteeired • lit# If you are interested in your own i * e-s and tost of your city ie present KXK I'TIVK COMMITTEE- W J VVat-oi, J A G jrr.u . J I Kirby. W I Wimp H \N Palmer W W !*t.rr R L Folding. L 1 Maxwell. G HEVBF.N Ri TLi;R. S*6ctwtary SPECIAL VOTICKIa I.IA AN'** TARI.F. II'HOTR DINYFR*. 66 DINNER -Mr Dinner 1 lo and 4 to 4, fuirtay, Oct 7. Claret Wine BO I P. Diamond Back T*rrapin. FISH. Trout au 'ourttoilllon. potato*# ala tlasttomme Sliced T*matoewith French Dressing Queen Olive* Chow Chow*. Mixed pickles ENTREES Bluffed Tomatoes, with Shrimps. Spanish Fritters. Hum Sau cm ROASTED Prime Riba of Iteef Diwh Oravy Br.sst ot Veal, with Dressing. VEGETABLES Mashed INtMitoe*. Sugar Corn Stewed 'romattres. Rice, Baked Yams. PASTRY AND DEBBERT. Cpioat-'M Pie. A#w*rt*d Cake*, ("heeae. Crackers. Ice (‘ream. Coffee. LEVANS CAFE AND RESTAFRANT. 11l Congr#* west. now mo win 'i w am i; MPfIURG# %% %TBH UHI n There i but one ardttmi reaaon The water |e a tuitura] diurcti ‘Get h*.*l of that phra** in its full mean ing, If you pi* aee. Turn to Ab*‘rnsthy Nature s way of cure of die*?*** Is hi free lliirenl*.'* And Avenbrug*r "Natut** ar*s for the kidney- That ts health” Vr.l Bichat H**atf.i is lnde>ssible it the diuretic* be neglect art And the rev < n tor faith in the future *t the Spring * Ihn Jtibalr w i- wont to aav to his p. Gents: "See M**.a Die” The Suwanee Spring ks the Ameri in M* ea See the spring Liv** Wo me sending our pi • ient# to I krl*li for their winter* Be pxrtlctilnr arl sje Jfx Suwranee Springs* Put It in this wax The water hus a f leetlve action c*n the kidneys. Tt?e e. eretlon of the * ,i*l matiers the urea.uric •i1 and exi tetive nvitferw—la Inoroasel i*x It In other words It causea le •rtlmln tkn of the products of the i t reused m*'amorphsl of tissue Anl vet noil* e th.*’ rhl* D done without snv lm|s*trm*nt of th* quality of the hlnod. or Miy lowering *>f the forces of t i or ganlsm Drink the water unsparingly Drink It ad libitum Th* inor** the heifer. 14*' per ststent. liberal nnd fnlthful m its use. Drink it regularly, systematically. *lay day after kx Bea Suwanee Spring.* Water Inebriate. Art you •in drink at Liv ingston s for . ntl.M ItVK BM It *11.14 1 By weuring gla ses that not aba a enable you to are. but correct every defect that may exlsg Theie la no guesswork In our met .ode We have the latest and m*>at approved scientific appaiatu* for accurata eye test ing We mnk* no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you ■.# and the st%Ltf of a physician we will fiank !y tell you so Our cry Hal terse* are perfect In every respe* t. being ground under our own su* t*ervision They cannot be <omparq.l ‘n value (o th* kind off- rsd as heap by the wr-called optl .ans or Jeweleis who ban lie Inferior glsHaes as a *Jd Una. DR M SCHWAB A SON. Exclusive Opticians. 47 Bui. ftnwet. N B.—Oculist prescriptions fill'd sa*n# •lay received. Hepaltlng uone at short not lee. I•* M\\ YORK W wirt .it nd tee Carriage Dealers* ‘oiwenllct. t l*e it* ..1 in N x\ York on '* l&th ?<• t* porch. >' ?*w ;ir and n •y *iy|' • for f I and pring bju in* - \\ •* will lie p.f iv*| to have any one k -itihg -m* filing n* tx in .. t * ill oi ■ i nnd w w .i! put* h.i • t to ex • minatloni .inv style of x* hi* le wanud We si I be glad t. havt you . >m* .imiiii-! ny time ihh* omiru we k sort *.k to us W• wrt i*tum with Mini* -'.irtUng tybs. im| w- ! In „ il to *x* it. any * ht. for . o*l Horne I-.- will Ik* on \hi bn ion >• i oure t* (omm-iiu). UHEN K ELMAN CAIiRLDU AND \N AGON CO "Cp-to-I Ate \ eh,, . n*l ll.itr* . ’ no i it i; to l %\ |* %%EH w. city Treasur* r*s olffee. Savannah G.i . i t. l Duo The following tx*> r ms i .. REAL ESTATE third n -rlrf 19m STICK IN TRADE third quatle !’' I THNITEHt e*. -bird quarter. .•*• MONEY MORTGAGES. . tc . third quarter A <lis ount nf TEN PER CENT will Ih* al.owd upon all f the above If pav mer.l Is made within fifteen ilix- after Oct 1 V 14 HARDEE. j City Treasure:. MT( 111. %LE Ol* SHhKIA, 1 will have a special sale of second hand wh*G this week. Wheel# fr rn k' to THOMAS' BICYCLE EMPORIt M. 114 Jefferson street. r- V i ggMWMHT' * ■ rar 011 rrtN 0F BKA,NS HAVE YOU HAVE YOU CATARRH ? I RHEUMATISM ? THEN TAKE Frank's Rheumatic and Catarrh Remedy. It will positively do you more good than any medi cine ever sold. Price $1.50 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for sfi.oo. WHEN CURED YOU REMAIN CURED. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Braath .101 Bull Street. THE NAME AND ITS FAME ROUND THE CITY ARE THE SAME. AI'KUAk XUIIOBL i^Z^iTTkiTNV“arFTi Thla wx‘**i>tional opportunity of axur tng h*' finest and llgtrt#*** road on thn mnrkM will not Ia at lot g Th# * ,img public r#•!!# that no <*hmr l#al er nita *b| fo off#r au< h irwturv mcnt* U> advlo thaw who ar# In of McvG* to call at ono# and #** uta th# b##t on 'ho market at a cheap wh#*d price We wwnt to taflk Grea to you. W* r*' Mg#na for the H F Kw*)rl'h Com* * rvy of Akrufi. O . ami lh# first in the .a.mth to oocopv that coveted p*#ltlon. We at <* therefore In m pcaltkm to giva the pubA*' f.i6 baneflt of our buying In kirge quanGGga. Goodrich 4lr* at and in . cia# by t no otn#r eo •him |# no cith#r- ao caay running Our price# r< 6s follnws T‘>#* Goodn h No 19. tha tire for hard The (aidrich No 999. tha lira for e**y running. $lO P*t pair. Th** Palmer tire, the finest in the world. $lO far pair. Our prltw ire $2 per pair b-#a than other# r# seising of atmlUr k rak* We want ycur ro know thir we have oh# of the beat **qii.(> l d repair shops tn th# -vmntrx and that our me hanl-s nr# the most ekit fill Here your wheel will r#- elvo tle proper amount of *vire. and nYt # h.4iidt#*l by cheap and inexperienced Inltor. Free air for all. R. V. CONN BRAT, 3K*r.4A Bull street. \\ lio \Ol II DNI (rtillTf If th* d* - r. the iMitrrt and the dnig *• a*•*. satisfaction I# guaran te.*<i Bril'g your prescription* to ti# and •vp the benefit expected bv yourself and * ie d*e tor. by havlt'g them properly fill -1 with th** best obtainable drug# an*l chevnl* al*. iMn’t f*rg**t to send yotr s?iirday order# -atlx for . tram and #herl*ert. a# our large ly Increased trade in thl# lire require# an * ir:x know.talge in order to supply the demand MASONIC TEMPLE PH ARM ACT. Phone 542. nit f ii; it mi it* %rn:vriov Now that I am #et€le<l In my new' afore I am fully prepared to meet hU my old . uatomera and friend#. owing to my moving the work hs not received the prompt attention I would w ah. But here *fter. m# everything t In hmooth-mnnlng ord#r. work will be attended to promptly. If v#* i at n nee*l of nrxthlng for th# bl y. b*. all arnnn.l nnl f t me and you will find pn ea to suit. DANIEL A HOLLAND, H rttafe Btre#4. Elaat "Tire# blown up without p.iln NOTICE. W# ore n*>w moving our Whole# le De partment to the commodious quarters 127 C.-ngr* '- street tformerly o* upled by M Drxfu.. and wi.l he In ivrfe.'t shope in few day*, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY ’•%* \n\%ii ftTKAW D% • WORKS, .1 \M LH \Y ILK I NS. I Top Dyeing of exerv degcrlpikm. Finest i ur t * urtain* handle*l without In jur laidt* die *.- g|o\ • ; and feath er** dyed n*i leaned as new Getitlemen a uits i>d. steam *|eMne,l and preaaad. 21 York street. we*t. Opfaisite new pnwtoflhe. (Scotgla 'phori- IJH4 \i IMRD. Two fhorough'x competent P;* e M <* *; l < *ry m I i’#rmin#ut potlßon wli b- given ( • ipable me* Adlr*- with reference#. PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENT RICE MILL CO Ltd . Crowley. La %\\(M \( FRF NT. I will serve meals her* after during winter Lorn 6 in the m rning urtll $ • t nlgt.t JOE CHANG. PR* >P Sat) Fra !#co Restaurant, 114 Drayton street. •riCUL nOTICM. HEAD THIS. Mnirr bloat Bros. Cos., Savannah, Ga. Geaflemen—f have been a great • offerer from Indigestion and anffer a great deal. Heard of yoar Vege table Hitter# through a traveling salesman ta Baltimore. I prseared a bottle and ttad It gives me great relief. I certainly recommend tt to any one suffering front Indigestion, Yotars respeetfally, CHAN A. CRANDALL. Aaaapolts, Md. RTAR* Brstsaas OBiUHSt Rooms 27 snrt 29 Provider* Building Day an*l Night Reunions Fall snd Winter Session now tn progre## Stenography, rMunnoti Graham aivd Pitman), *TN'p#wrlilng English branch*!. Bookkeeping. Ivcm4n*hlp Indlvklual Instructions. Fhort. thorough, practical course#. Lite**t and tes methods. Our various rt#p*trtm**if ■ rs except tonally, thorough and <x>mi>let#. and are under the personal supervision of the ptincl -I**l Bludenrs prepare-l directly for hunl i;e# Call and examine the methods and workings of thla college If you ore employed during th# day, attend our pop ular night senaion Send for catalogue. M E RYAN. Principal. HEAT CM A9ERA. Try the combination— a comfortable seat, elect rlv. fans and a delb lous cool drlna. CONIDA'P SODA AND AMF.RBBTS are Juatly popular, they are cor rectly served and the best mads Till Ol H NEAPOLITAN ICE t REAM For Runday delivery leave your or ders early in the week comd.a;* h i: i ream palack. RICE MILLING. RICE Fl.Ot H. HICK 4 HAEF. W# have anew mill with all modern processes, and machinery, snd ar# now ready for busln# # We solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; rice chaff free ro patrons THE SAVANNAH HICK MILL CO., T M Cunningham. President. John Screven Jr . Manager NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trustln gany of the crew of th* British steamship Aldersgate Willi# master, from N* wcaatle-oi-Tyne. ns tio -i bta • f their contracting will be pgfd by master, owners, or by W W WILSON Agent. Consign## row; to MU Krlnr nt* v.ur furniture to he unhot etetet, I I iv* Juft received the ttnet line of roverln** mid curtain* tn Savannah Furniture le.vvln* my houee ie a* front an j new unit a* pretty. DAVID CI.AHK, 111 Jeftereon r 3 Remember I mike mttrr<*es KHKIUKNrt I t‘t.l Preemption* tilled anytime, day or main We compound accurately. u*e only Ih* beet dtu*r The only wide awake pharma v In the enu hern errtlon DARK AVBNDE PIIARMACT. J L. Unman. Prop. Corner P u rk Avenue and Barnard elreet* Phone IV* IT JOYCE - *. Beet Ri.ette.d Lamb, beet fat Poultry, beet Reef freeh Vf*tehl**. floe. Frulte. Phone 107, JAS J JOYCE P 3 —Remember at my place you *et what you want at any time of day oil! CUM** Loan money at *l* per ..ant. on real eetat* eecurtty BECKETT A HEOKETT. Attorney* at Law and Conveyancer*. 9 ost men when they Me If you’ll look over the town and compare every other Three-fifty Shoe with this one, you can’t help buying ours. fOOTCOVZRERS ToauMaNKIM* PHONE 383 And Let Our Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell's Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.00. nr I 0111 nr n O nn iSWblUker Stmt ULLoINuLH & uUlf FULL LINF o? CL/TrET WINBS Bl SINC.S9 SOHt ltS. sollcTsilver We ere fonetently eilillnK to our nl reedy Ijr,- rtork of rtolld Blivrr the latrat <iet(rnp end ere,-lons lo Ptlv-rware from the lendlnir manufacturer* Nothin* fhal iroo, larte and lon it *- perlenm rould euint< , ,i haa been left un done to mako our atork h harxlaome and oompl—e -one couM d*r!re. A.LDesbouillons Jeweler. No 43 Bull Hreei. Wedding Gifts. Are aeldom epr>rr laird M they are not "rlltht." Wa have been at eaperta! paln.s lo provide a fall Btork of "right' ni.VBIt WARE. CIT GLASS, etc., from which tele none may he made. The neweat. freaheat. moat etylleh peiterne And the prices are right. HUNTER & VAN KEI’REN, , Jea-elere. 143 Bull street fie. I’hone 1 Our Stock of Wedding Gifts • a very full, tbe newest things In ebnpea and finishes. Nnntple pat. ferns sent In advance nf tbe regular • teck. A afwrfy tn tbe Art of Allver smlthlag. THEUS BROS. * Ten-Oollars Spent UDNEIE'I PICTURE ** RUE FfICIORY will make your home an attractive one and give ll an air of retlnement. We employ nothin* but eapert work men thee will not botch tour work a* other* do. Our *ioek of Moulding l ten time* larger than that of any of our com petitor*, and our price* are the low. at known : TO 107 CONOKF.SJ* ST. WEST REMOVAL iXOTICE. We have removed our e-ock of electrical good* electro-platlng p int etc . from 112 Drayton treet to V) Drayton rtreet. where we have greatly tncrea*ed facllttle* for rervtng the public In all kind* of electrical work and euppllea. Electric Supply Cos. IF YOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work. rdet your lithographed and print—) etattonery and blank book* trace M.wwlng News. Savannah On. mM koticm, HKS THK KIT( HER rum, DK< fMK* T,HT !t generally because h work I* (sard for the want of a good Rfove or Rant' Have you *e-n our new stock of Cooklrg Stoves and Range* R I>. OLANCT A CO . 11*1. 11* Whitaker street. HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED OKARMA’S, BELL PHONE II9S FOR RENT, from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply Tbe Chatham Real Estate and Im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET. EAST in Newsooper Pniisen For sale, a Forekltb New*(wpr rwder. Will (old eheet Ka4w It *• In good or*-' Price tlO II oast originally H.l® bJ ' wa have no uee far II ud want th* r• ll occuptaa. It will be an Invaluable adjunct *■ new ape par alßee. t | C l Addraae MORNING NEWS, lerciac*. >• Water Colors. Bruihe*. Eawl*. Naw Moulding* Portrait* enlarged ORETBNF * rn - IM Whitaker. OLD NEWirAPEIH for ■ oaotA •* Bunt nans Otßee MnraMg Nar,