The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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A yellow fever cure? rl|t x* rtOVKENMBWT iWiMOI A large chime. tl( rr BrlU*Mki •* Vera Crwa wlll ~P | Carl of His *rl*o • Oare. ,„,, g Italian HpecdaUafa Hraa Proves !*urr esafal l HitHf-KlTf ivr ( rot of th* taaoo. •“ , sosi* Which W*H Declared Hnpelc**. ' Mexico ronspoaitnct of tbo jMew York Herald. m hundred thousand dollar* If th .. which I>r. Anrel Belllnaaghl. a , n Italian fprclallft. may win aa the ■•ooverar ef a acnim which cure* yel t lever. a, v ,ral year* a*o th* Mexican govern* . i mode a standing offer of 1100.000 to dlaoovaror of a remedy for yellow ( ~r. w hich every year la epidemic In th* rW ,r ■ iulf port* and on the laihmua of Tyhuantepe* s- v ere! eminent apeclall*t* hav* mad* :merits at the port of Vera Crux since . offer w* made. Not until thl* *um rer lid any of the seruma experimented , prove successful In virulent ca*ea__ At est. however, the remedy ha* been found experiments conducted et Vera Crux ~r , under th* *usptce# of th* sovern p .., Hoard of Health. The coromlealon ,inied by the hoard to wltneea the *x r ment# ha* Jul teport-d favorably ur cn thalr result. l irt of the bt* prix* wlll be paid to !>• do tor at one*. H* has been asked to further experiments In various ferms of the disease at Vera Cru*. and If they are successful It* wlll win the entire prix*. saves a Hopelres Case. In Juno last Hr. HelMnxasrtil cam* to the ettv I.' Mexico eo obtain perm!seism from yovomment to make expertmeo'* at t*r iYux, where the yellow fever was • ryu resting. WMIe Ir. HeHlnzasrhl wj* so ,:• liter the customary formalities to bn ,ntu. :l with, Dwvld Ktlputnck on American, who had com* from the Ixth ,va Mis listen 111 with yellow fever in Its neat virulent form threw or four day* after arriving lix the city. He sir taken , ff* A men coo hoapltak evher* hi* case ws* pronotai ed hope Isa*. No t-ase of yr..ow fener wbfch had developed in thla a uido, having been contracted In u a IV. r altitude, had ever been saved Hr A. tv. Phisosw. ttw phyateten in crane* of the hospital, sr*v* feunnwlon to [*? Hclltnz.iaht to try hi* acrum upon •fie pstlent Hr UelMnsatrhl vi*tt*d the jwtieol on tho fourth <iy of ht lllne**. aPer all hope for Ivla life had beset given ■ a The natl*M bad the bti'k vomit, a temperature which 1* con*lk*red fatal, hh system! west* thoroughly pwrmeutfd with st... ,! vans, and the aceloei of the kidneys wie entirely atoptxdl a symptom which le dwavs caemtdered fatal. PrfiMcnl IMm InlrrMtrd. Dr'it Injected twenty grains ff M<* serum on the first day ho vtslte ! the pn?i*nt and pile In reducing his temperature and pulse. On the second day t* thlrtv grains. on the third day nxty amlns and on the fourth day eighty grains. On the second day the vomit disappear * and on the fourth day the action of * kidneys was restored' Three days U’*r the patient was discharged from the Capital. This remarkable achievement, which i cabled to the Herald exclusively at * e r me. hastened the action of the gov cr* menl Board of Health in granting per !-n so I>r. Belllnxaghl to make hLs 'xp*nm#tts Vera Crux President Dina he. ame personally Inter red In The matter and sent for the doc tor In an Interview with the President. P- Belllnxnghl explained his serum and Pi theory fully, nnd the President took jtr*sf Interest in U. A- ommission was appointed by the tw erj m*nt Board of Health. which accom r i*Mi Dr. FtelllnsnKht to Vera Cruz and afforded him every facility to make his ; <*rlments. The serum was tried on f*a • • ft In the military and Han Sebastion ''••pirnls. and in 85 per cent, of the cases it was sticcesaful The usual mortality in y ow fever cases Is ft) to so per cent, saved Pten In l/Nt ftfn*e. All the case* which Dr Be! Hr sag hi filled to save were those 1n very advmc- j el stages of the dlecas* In m>l the rises I which Injections of the serum were mtde In the tir.-t stage* of the disease the r• • nt was convalescent In from one to i t ir days, and the recovery was complete. In the cases taken In the second stage of the disease, or. as the doctor expresses after the m* -end lnje iloo, when the is permeated with the toxin, the progress of the disease was stopped in o?n four to eight days, and the patients r* overed. Tie third stage of the disease Is when *ts action of the kldnexa Is stopped v, n the disease hr reached this stage ds <h had hitherto been regarded as ccr- Dr. ltctltnzaichl nivel several cunfs * : h i*d reached this stage In explaining the theory of hia dlscov *•' Ir. Hehtnzaghl says: •• ser. t herapetith treatment of dle originated In the theoty of Immunity its own property from bacteria. Itio -- l law teaches that each microbe t' i i n it ; cultivation substances ca i le of opposing Its development, or neu- M K Its action. Roux. In the Rud.t --t" ongms. thua explains the forma* • -!••> || ■ TANARUS! ■ 4il.ltoxll ( I’i | i on I* mMIIus) is derived from the tox.n n bacillus) by a trtinsformaiion In - 'Hiism. This Is proved by the slm of the toxin and antl-toxln.* • r-fnre, the quantity of anti-toxin in ‘ • 'nod Ims to be in proportion to the * induced toxin. Action off the Arrant. Ir* toxin works as an excitant upon H•* *l. which secret* the antl-toxln. That *’ '"'ln Is a cellular product was prov- K m|erer. who found that the yolk 1,1 r immunizes its antl-toxln, wh re- H * ' " dte floes not. The theory of a •w f*vtr serum is that of tmmuniza n f * f he cell hy anti-toxin and the ex property of the phugn ytes. two w hi -h enter simu!tan*H)usly Into i " f'r the defense of the organism. *v experiment* In Vera Crux I 1 * ed to examine the action of the ! !► r the black vomit and other Phenomena. The Mack vomit la i Mominsijt symptom of the di case, lie emetic properties secreted by ***'" bAcillus The firat vomits in snrxu are alimentary, afterward • 1 last bilious. The gnstrorrha* h!trk vomit. Is due to the grave produced by the toxin upon the 4V tn ous, which causes an extra t( n °f the blood In the gastric or f action of the gastric Juice upon ( "* which has penetrated Into the , 'rings on the gastrorrhagta. Al* * # <! ow fever, from the point of r mttrmolog v. Is a protoform fgfl Ihm la alwa\ s 1 n,#, r.rihagla (emissions of Mood) t, 'trorrh.igia are sf>mctlmes absent, 'smiting never. R, ppel I'rogrsis of Dlaease. hen, to ba observed waa the n if - ’ f th ® ttrum tipon the vomit. In |n wrhich the serum ir,v. w WM9 •PPlled hy me the first •M ’ n ntvtr f*M*d to atop ths vom* rO -HL v * t,V> * ln tptgwatrlc ths y ll * topped tha program of M* - of serum ' cr dlo-varculr apparatus woe h*,.‘ f*** **taady the action of the r "*r>| 4r * 1 Ita movement a to a l& - . The frequency of the pulse ***• Utitsd waa gradually Tea Lost vears. |[f Figure it for vouraelf. From the age of fifteen to jKTfI that of forty-five * woman Mm#H give* one third of her time jflpfi to the suffering incident to the recurring periodic func- jDTIf; tion Ten ream,f fnffermgl jKfW And this condition of thiuge Hi is popularly accented aa nat- [ ural. and endured aa a fetm nine disability fot which JO*■ there if no help! I* thore no help? There is help for every women and for almost every woman .perfect healing in the use of Dr. Fierce'* Favorite Prescription. It insure* regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heats inflam mation and ulceration and cures fe male weak news. It is a temperance medicine—.non-alcoholic ana non narcotic. "I wws so weak t did aot have breath *t> walk across ray room ’ writes Mist Isabel Mlilrr of New for.Vldrove Callowsv Cos It?. • Mv periods occurred too often and the hsm orrnage would be proloa red and the loan of I blood wry sncraalv- 1 ala" had spells which the doctor said were fatatin* Alt 1 did aot gsi:, strength from one monthly period to another . was very weak and nervwue all the tins Was confined lo mv bed for three months and the doctor lold me I would new be any heller I lived In thla way from six teen vearaold to twetitv-three I was at last advlaed by a kind friend to try Dr Pierre's Favorite Prescription, which I did and be fore 1 had taken two bottles of It I could work all day I took In nil as* bottles of the favorite Prescription and about fire vials of Dr Pierce • Pellets I used no other medicine I have never had a return of this trouble since • dim mte hod and th* arterial tension aug mented. ■'ln on* css*, on th* second day after th* fire* injection of Ihe aiitl-> *-Uow se rum. oim! after th* pule* had fallen from 112 to fot, It *gutn run up to I®. T.vl* whs tin* to th* appearand* of th* Jaun dice. Thts Ih contrary to ordinary j.a dlce, tn which th* puts* fulls lo *• and *nvlim*s as low as SO, a mlmii*. or even leas. Thai Is on account of the morhiflo entity of th* hemnglohlnlral Jaundice. owing to IneuflV'frnt hepatic non. accompanied by th* cellular d* t ruction. “Kurorts hsv* tht far foiled to ohfiln the reaction of the hll* plcrnent of th* urine 1n the yellow fever patient whl-h ha* completely Jaundiced. Many ohser vatdona cor,Arm tho opinion that the Jmin •tlc* In yellow fever Is du* to the colored mutter of th* blood being transformcvl Into hn*mnphaeln. Three Casars of neath. ••n*nlh from yellow fever I* produces] from three causes: First, by Ihe primary Infection, produced hv the toxin *r<-rrtd hv th* specific bacillus Henml hy the secondary Infection before th* specific tnclllua ha* finished Its cyclic evolution, caused hy th* deep levinna pmdu *d hv th* toxin* In th* liver. The liver Is con aldered one of the principal mecir* of de fence a train-1 the dlfferonf mlcrohlan growths. When lesions appear In It the organism Is Invsdrd by nttmerou* mi crobes. which take th* life of the pattmt bv aeptacemaia. Third, death can alao b>- produced by poisoned urine. "If we were to make an InveeUgatlnn of all the deatha which are registered In an epidemic of yellow fever we would find that the greatest number of them are due to poteoned urine Thl* dlfferentl*! dlag n.wls Is difficult to establish during the life of the patient on account of the *vm|> tom* of yellow fever and the [Rilroticd urine. Alone, the bacteriological exami nation could show evidently one of the three Infection* which determine death Clinically, with more or - lea* approxima tion. It r*n be established that In faial ,-usea of yellow fever tha predominant symptom I* insufficient action of the kid n*y- w “In the epidemic In which I mid* my experiment! with the anti-yellow serum, according to the de* la ration of th* com mission nominated by th* Hoard of Health of Mexico, this was th* predominant symptom The action of the serum In the mosi aggravated rases was to restore normal action of the kidneys with from on* to three Injections The tpiesllon of the action of the serum upon the albumen Is yet open to discus s on; but. basing my statements upon the r-aults of my experiments at Vera Cm* I can say that when Injected during the first period of the sickness, when there it* yet no giuv* lesions Iti ihe kidney*, the serum prevent* cr modifies the for mation of albumen, but If Injected after ft* albumen has declared Itself, II has r.o retroacllve effect. “The action of Ihe aerum upon the headache, th* uplnal pains and the pains of the lower llmhs te rapid They Inv.t rlnbly dlsappeated within a few hours af ter th* first Injection. "Th* action of the eerum upon Ihe tem perature of Ih* patient Is parallel to Its action upon 'he jsilse “The Injection of the serum early In the, course <f the disease Is Imperative. In /the cases wher* Ihe Injection was made •luring llie first period of the Sickness— that Is. before there were any appreciable lesions In III* hepatic apparatus—the pro gress of ihe disease was stopped In from one IO four .lays. In cases where Ihe?* were serlmix lesions It required from four to eight diy* lo slop th* disease. *nd Ihe danger of mortality In such case* I* much greater." Career of Dr. Belllaiaglll. Hr. Helllnzaght was born In Italy In IM-l. He wa* educated In Kr.inre. and studlxd under Pasteur In Itti he went to Monte video. Her* he was a professor In the Montevideo Bacterlologl, nl Institute. In 1*0", lie went to Brazil, where lie was associated with Ihe eminent bacteriolo gist. nr. Fcllp* f'aldas. Together they es tablished .in Institution for the study of bacteriology and Ihr manufaelure of se rum a Rio Oran do del Hur, Hrasil Here li e began the study of yellow fever and experimented with serums until he discovered the one which has been thus far ao successful. the I'ItOSPEtTOII. Not One of n Tlianaand Ha* Ihe Sec eniarr Itnallfleatlon*. Will Sperkx In Alnslee'*. "But If a man loves adventure he can nn<! nothing that will ©ff-r •© much to ratlsfy hl pMision © Ilf* *1 mining *ihl proi*t*rtln#. itslventurer excgllcnco of R©<‘kot. Krom thr moment he itarti upon hlJ* ch r**r m the mounmlns. l***ving him :ho collation ©f eolork-Mi ai*l wind-bcnt m nhantic*. ‘ih© city, ©^ven ture© greet him **t *v*ry turn \* ne© hli* way lhro**n * wlldem* * *f io**k wi tree®, having lr-ft injure trail far behind, wver on th* lookout for a faint algn of out*-rof*- plng of the prerloua metal, hit p©n?ag* la •.moat ur© to b© dliputwl by wli4 But an ©xclu*m*nf there la In aweklng for golrl It l* atronger ©nd more tnirnae than that of the gambler nt the table aieklng hie leat b>ller on th© turn ©f a carrl Th** proirp.rtor may be pennlleea, he may h*ve put hi* |©*t cent Into the grub that la now f©a ©ned onto the b©rk of hla Nrro; yet one atrolr© of hl plrk Mi Mkely to unrover treamtre that will transform him in#© a mUUooalra. Ha all* <*>wa lo a meagre THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1900. meal. cookM over • rude fire lK*tween a lew atottea. knit © 1 the tlmo febta edout him the priweiice of gold I'erhapa tla fire |e bullt # on th© ©4 of a ielge thtt la ‘chockfui* of goM; i>arhaie he la lifting on a n© out -cropping that 'a ©imply covered with artuiM ©tonea. per- Ipa there la gold beneath the btg tree Juet a- roaa the ravine. Gold may be ct'rrwlfcere. If li© can only find it. He im:et nnd It. Butely iu s lurk it not leva than other rren’a. Aihl eo he goea on. waling the loft teat (“iikii. tvher© a now Ilea ail the year nrounal nd even hi© heavy blanket* are not eufTlnetit to keep him warm at night diving into all ports of cavern© ©rut rift© in ihe rox*k. exploring cavee. only per* hap* to be ch©ae<t out by wild beaa* oc - cupant©. braving u thuiaand dnngrta that he may hi! (tie mean© of paaeing the reat of hla <l©va In eaae. "And how doe* it all end? In ©om© caae# ih tiering jn>?*p*vtor who aett out alone meet© hi* de©th mile© and rmtr* aw©y from any turnon being How. no* iitaly ever knw Hl© Mie* may never •e found. He diviiipuui, a* i.-umpiolelv at* Im<4 winter'* it now But aliouM the jn-vtapecior ©trike It rH'h. hi* adventure© will go on aa long •a he remain* in the Kooky Mountain© If hi* find t© worth anything* ©a a 'poor man*© claim,' he will put up m rude <**iMn ©al go to dlgglr.g. conr©illng whit gold he take* out In © pla© aecret t© nimaelf. Itu he wtil have to guard it ail the time, for covetous miner© who are iot fortunate wtMikl not he©Hat* to take hi© life jf th©\ coukl get poeveeelon *f hi© little pile of yellow’ metal. Mh rifle must l* hi* •-on©*ant -ompanion. ©ml lie mutt b i ■ ©.)y to use It at Ih* firm algn At night h© moat aleep with one ry© open. If a atr.inner approaches th* •.•bln he moat be r©alv to dispute hla tight to be there The f**w veara a man n) put in at thte kind i>f life are m<©*t wearing, and, aliouid tn© prt©pector eon* fjuer all itek ar>d get b#,*k to hla native (own with a ‘pita.' hla friend© will look •U-on him an an oM man, though he 1* mill under forty Only the unknowing one© will envy lila fortune Th© man who ©ark© in tha developed mines la ai*o liavlng adventurous experl • nee© all th© tun©. The tunnels, shafts nnd drift© are Held© at any moment to • ave tn and bury the worker tinder ton© of ro k Or perhnp© he may be tmpnnon °d wlihout food or water, and pass many day# ©f horrible ©differing in darknees and alienee.“ UKtcmi; THK ICK auk. flelloa ©f'nrgetfen Period T-'oiiiill on l.ntf laland* From the New York World. The scientific i xpedltlon frtm the Rrlt- Ifh Museum, under J**an Nkale Gomard. hns le**n excavating in nd during the two month© for tra e© of man'© exl*tens© fo th© glariiii lerloil, dfseoverwf veeierday fhat a xon© rontalnlng relb-.R of the bygone ag© run© in h lln© du© aou(hw©ct from Greenpolnt, Brooklyn, through .Mblland Beach. Htat©n iKland. io an oppoait© point on the Jer sey ahore. Thay found along this line ©ton© Imple ment© of various kind*. In th© “bo wider w©th.** known to geologuu© a© being p© (Millar to th© gin ! .ii i*. rlotl. thim proving that man ©xtateri b< for© that period linw many year© ago it 1© difficult to figure, but If i© variously e©tlniute*l a© extending uny wlier© from 40.000 o 3f©.oi© year© back Prof Gomard ha© I©*eri t arrying on hi© Investigation© In Gr©enjo nt for two month©. Tuesday afternoon he and hla © fiHtank© were compiling data on th© result of their work, with th© aaalatanc© of n !©>ng Island maj. at hi* rooms In the H 4 Nlcholaa Hotel, Washington Place. HU aaalatant called to hi© atienflon that 4h© iciru at which th© various relic© hal been found ran in a direct line southwest Acting on this ©ugg©< tlon ho ©ef out with a party yesterday morning and sighted a point on Midland Beach across the bay. directly in th© line. Another point wa© sighted on th© Jersey shore, and yesterday afternoon two expedition© ©et out. one un der Prof Gomard. and another under J Brakon Kerr. Karh carried signal flag© with which to wig-wag their discoveries to th© other party. They started work In ©igh# of each other anl th© excavating had progressed no more than half an hour at Midland Beach w hen t ©tone knife wa© unearthed and th© surrounding “bowlder wash'* proved that the man who had used It existed before the ice age The discovery was wig wagged to the Jersey shore and h few minuses later a like mes©sg© cum© from th© other party Among the relics found was a skinning ©tone, n ©tone knife, a chipped ©tone pes tle nnd a hammer Prof. Gomard will continue his Investi gation© nnd hope* to e©tahll©h accurately ihe line reached by the great glac er whl h geolngi*© tell us ©wept down from New England ten© of thousand© of year© ago. carrying nwsy all vestige of animal ami plant life. —“Beg pardon." sold th© postal clerk who had ©old her the stamp©, “but you don't have to put a five-rent stamp on a letter for Canada “I know." ©aid ©he. “but th© shade Jum matches mv envelop©, you know."—Phil adelphia Press. —Rev I*yman Abbott, th© editor of th© Outlook, has been chosen again n© on© of th© preacher© to Harvard University, to serve one year !>r. Abbott I© very pop ular ©t th© university and ha© been a preacher to R probably more often han any other clergyman. FIVE DOLLARS A BOX. The Price Cat *o Flgare With Him. • I want to ©ay for ths benefit of some poor dyspeptic that Stuart's Dyspepda Tablets will give comfort and a cure every time Five dollar© a box would not ©top my purchasing them should I ev. r uffer again a© l did for a week before us Ing them. • The one 80-cent box I bought at my druggist’s did the work and my digestion Is all right again Many of my neighbor© hav© also tried the©** tablet- and found them to b© Just u© represented, and Mr. Elltns also wants me to us© Ms name in Indorsing Btuart * D)*p*pla Tablets Htgned. A Klim© nnd rha© F Bussell. As*t. Postmaster. ftoulh Sudbury, Ma*© Mi© Ja©. Bartcn of Toronto, Canada, writes: For eighteen month© I © offered from what 1 supported wa© bladder and kidney trouble, an 1 took medicine from three different dot tors, without any ©ign of cure I felt so 111 at la©t I was hardiy able to and > my werk 1 thought I would try a box of f*toart * Dyspepsia Tablet© and ©*• if they would make me feel better, never really thinking I had dyspepsia but after only three or four table:© had been taken all th** acid trouble di*ap|cared ard then I discovered I 1 ad had acid dyopefwda.whll© th© doctors had been treating me for kidney and Mad der trouble and one of them treated me for rheumatism Mv digestion I© fine, my complexion d* ar and I am able to do my work and low- spirit© ar. unknown to m -1 am ©o thankful fur finding a cure ©o good and ©o pbwf-ant to Ike m© Btuart © r>ysp*ft* Tablet© I am surprised at the g< they havq./nad© In me. A i druggist* ©ell and recommend Btuart’© Iy©pep*la Tablet*, her-au*© they contain only th© simple natural digestive©, ar.d taken ft*r meal© prevent acidity *.nd cause prompt digestion and assimila tion of food physicians everywhere Indore© them b*- rgit©© they are a© ©af* for the child as for the adult; they ore Invaluable for sour stomach, nervous dyspepsia, heart, bum. gas on stomach and bowels and every form of stomach derangement* “77” Th* ■•* at Seventy-Seven** reader* the system I aip *vylnu to Ihe (b.airabl. weather. COLDS Thrr* are mnra Colds cooliacted before th* tire* ar* lighted than at any other lime ffffilntr for hours In a cold room - rldlnjr In an open ear—a*|>o*ur* without prop, r clothing, all land to bring on a chill, or chilly feeling, lh* Aral sign of taking Cold. The prompt u* of "77" roatore* th* checked circulation. *tarta the blood cirurelng throiigh the vein* and "brook* up" the Cold cr attack of Orlp “77" con*l*t* of a small vial Of pleasant pellet* and Ilia Ihe vent pocket. rVictor book mailed free. At dnig|il.'<is. or eenl for 24c Humphrey*' Homeopathic Medicine Cos. corner William and John etreel*. Now York HOW THE TENDERFOOT RODE STURGIS. Away alorg In lf*l. Ihr cowboys who war© looking *om© * WO h©ad of rat tl#, th© property of th© firm of Cody A North, near th© c©nt©r of North Plat*©, a ‘‘landerfoot,** as a gr©©n hand 1© ra||©d, mad** his appears nr© upon th© iren*. It waa ro uncommon thing for vlskora to tha Wart to ©top off at North Platt©, a© that pise© u th© ©nd of a division of th© sys tem of th© Union Paolfle Railroad, aom© to ©njoy th© kind hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Col. Cody and their charming daugh ters. Arts and ora; other* to ae© Barton Jtr K©lth‘a herd of dOßltdlloattd btiffaJo or th© horsa and cattle ranches In tha vi cinity On th© ©ccaplon of tha visit of thla "dudlah” Individual, th© foraman, Capt. North, w iu not In lh© ©w©etr*t ©f hum ara. a© hc 7-UP outfit hud picked up ©om© of th© men ho and tu© right-hand man. Ituck T>l*r, had figured on getting, ©tul w© %v imi hi h.i\F to ©tart shore hniM|©d. In i day or so up the Plttfto rlv©r. via Hln ttiHu'ii ranch, through th© bad lands, by th© head nf th© Hlrdwood and Willow Isl and. to th© aforesaid starting point. Thl** was it <il-.ipioln*m©nt quit© wif!l rk©nt to Justify Pap In going shout “Ilk© a b-©r with n *or© h©aL Wall, a© I said brfor©, "Mr Puda” with n (’hrtoty ©tiff hit. u boiled shirt, with lmm©ns© stand-up cam© to th© camp. and. of ©ours©, no a©p©clsl. noth © was t.ik©n of him, any mor© than of doa en© of other©, except, that some of the boy© parsed a few remark© lo each other upon hi© get-up. Approaching the cook, who trim mon keying about th© fire, he ©aya, “Mister, which of you might be called the boa©**'' The “chef" ©hawed h:m "Lula*" as w© called Cop. North, and ©ay© h* “I heard ov#-r ther* at th© saloon lao night you wanted a man? 1 cam© over 4o the Job." Cap, looked at th© Chrl©ty stiff, silk tie. ami hi- | retty clothes, etc . end then h© nays quit* ©lowly, “and what kind of a Job might you be looking for?** "Why. punching cows, of course." said th© stranger. • . , * “Yes. ’ ©aid Mr. North, “and what do you know atout cow punching?" “Where might you hive punched cow©’*" "Oh. down In Missouri.'* ea> he, smil ing most pleasant. Now, a© a matter of fact, there ain’t no tow punching down In Ml©aouri. that state l- pretty much of a hayseed state, and a regtiltr meeting pla © for suckers, greenhorn© and tend* rfe*t, ©o when Mr. Uhrlsty Stiff ©aid he came from Missouil, Cap. looked at him and ©Aid. “and what outfit did you work for down there?" "Well, I work"! for my Pap. Pap had night onto twenty cow© and I bad to drive them down to Spring river to water; Pap u©ed to ride the old bay, and I used to rld< Molly, nomatlme© I u-*d to rldo Jim. the mule; oh. I've hnd quite a lot of r.dlng I hav*. 1 can tell you. My Maw ssld I coukl ride w#-H ’* "That's ao,” ©aid North; “well, I guess I haven't got to Job for you" “What." ©ays (he dude, looking mightily surprised, ' perhag s you think 1 cant ride? not goed enough? “And that's no He," ©aid North, who wa© getting a hit tired of him “oh. but hold on." ©ays the gentleman, “you haven’t ©e’en me ride; give n** a chance I'm pietty hard up, and I want a Job." “l*ook here." said North, “you ride that bald faced bin k-kln ('omancha bronco over there, and If he don't chuck you. I'll take you on. and what a more, I'll give you top wages." Now thla ©am© bronco was a regular outlaw* and man killer, and there wasn't a cow puncher In the outfit of the year be fore. who could stay with him if he too* tha notion, and one morning h© actually did pitch Buck Taylor, now one of Cody'© Wild West rough riders, hemft first Into Dismal river He also puxzled other bronco twiaters, who were m sloucheta either. ll© wa© vk oup. hbitir striking, whist ling, snorting terror, ami • f<r bucking, whv. he’d sooner bu> k than eat. W© called him “•turgls," us Uody A Nqrth got him from tho Hturgls range |n 'So. It did seem ra*her mean, low down, to run th© stranger up again** such a ry- Jono. but ha ww© ho precious green, why h© Just Jumped at the chance “All rtght." says he. “you'll glva m© top wage© If I rid© that hors©?*' “Yes,’’ say© North, laughing to himself “And p’raph you wouldn't mind buying m© an outfit too as I'm brok©.“ said the greenle “I’l do that.'* says North. I g'*a* stick ing planter la pr©tty ch©ap. whispers h© to tm bov© who waa standing round tak ing It all to “H©r© Goorg©." rays North “you go •rl h©lp Wily N©wnMii -wtrh Bturgi*, aatfcll© mm and bring him round her© " Th©y Muon ran hin in from th© cr ox rai©l him. threw; him. Utndfold©rt Min. iw. ©ae% matter. an>!l©4t ai l brought him ivuiml to th© groenhoin. What a funny aad*!l© ' aava he. “dear m© I don't think 1 <•©* ride on that ttur.g Pap'p Midrii© mm'* Hk© that, b© aides I generalh mil© har©taick©hl when I wa* at tkoene. Woft t mf of you gents • ak© it olf?“ Ho wr© took off th© aaddl© Th©n aava he “l ain't used to that kind of a brldl©. Pap had on©, though It wa*n t that fancy kind, but I generally ■♦©! a rep© round Molly' neck, or n hal ter. plea*© take off th© hrtdi© " Bo w-e took off rh© bridle, hut It waa ro easy Job. as oid Hturgts wa* waltxlng round In fine style. ki< king up and ©trlk tng out. ami ©mating ad the while to beat the band or four of a kind. Tha Mlnsourl ha>*e©d * eye© began to hulgo out *om\ and aava he. “That aeem>* to he n pretty unary kind of a horse I guas* 1 mas have s tittle trouble getting on him. getting on seems to b© th© trou ble with in© “ 'Yea.' aavs North, “that doea seem to be the trouhl k . but eons© of tha bO>• will giv# you a leg up If you like " "Oh. rvr'.“ ms* he. “my Pap used to *u\ that walking ©a* gm>d enough for me If I couldn't get on my horse. I guess I .an hove n try at him If o/.e of v\*u gentlemen will lerul me a pair of * S w© gave him a ialr of spur© ar.,l he Pls them on and slides up to id Hturgia whll© us bm© ni t fall ilmrii and dl© a laughing. nc,l tli© bronco was darn - ing round them with hi*© laid lank and a considersbl© ©mount of wblt© In his ©vee. when all of a audden that crasv tenderfoot rushew at him grab© him In Ills nuns, scramble* on hla hack anatchea th© hackamorc rope from Ih© lioy* and turns him lo>se Him©©, talk about • circus, there w© had It and no mltakc Ther©© rkxi It of ‘dual, snorting** and yelling© old Hturgl* hnr'king endways, ©tdeways ©-d every which wav*, while that gre©ihorn frnn Missouri Just dug spurs Into his sides and iaothastrd him over th© Itead with that there Phrlsty sttfT hat. Now North Platt© school houaa ww* c|os© by In thos© *H\s and what do©© th*t hl.ime<l galoot do but rid© k©rimash through th© dor and Into th© room, and tu© first thing w© know and then© was th© kid*. Just a hoi dug out of ih© winders ami th© whoolmarm Just a yelling blue mut ler She. being © pretty girl, w© lost no tim© In going to her relief, hits before w could get there out comes mister man. still Ismbnstlug sway wuh his Ghfiaty stiff, while old Hturgls lo>k©<l rather silly, with a kid's slat© hitched to his off hind font and hi* mouth full of copybooks nnd such Ilk© truck. Not satisfied with this Rturgt© Jumps oxer n fence into th© sheriff's garden sod in going through th© clothes line©, h© managed to get entangled in on© of th© sheriff's nightgowns much to the nmus* - ment of Mr. ind Mrs tlroner and th© rest of us. But In spit© of all his efforts, though he put In his very best lick*, h© was unable to pile that greenhorn. Probably th© hat Talk About a Circus. There We Have It and No Mldnko paralysed him for crw horse© ar© no< used to urh trimming©. At any rate, after bey had charged round for a good twenty minutes, and fairly discouraged old Hturgl©. he rode up on the Htdcwalk and into “Pullet Proof Perry © saloon.” right up lo the bar. nnd. ©ay© be. (throwing on© leg over the horeo and sitting ©ldewak©. with she remnant of that hat perched on old Hturgl©* ©art. Well. l>oy©. I .guess th© drink© are on f’ap thl© t me; dVi you get thl© mutton headed coyuae from u Platt© bottom sheep herder'*’* U turned out later that he weren't no tenderfoot At all. but went through th© performance over a let h© had wlth-dtuf falo Rill, that he could fool Cap. North, and he did It effectually. He wa© the Wyoming Kid. on© of the best All-round eaMlemen In that territory and ms a bron o busier whose f ime wa© universal In all th© West. Needle©© to ©ay me all enjoyed the Joke, and particularly th© Captain. IIICUCJAH \ nr CHINA. II Vs a Well NriMtgnlsrd and Orann- Iseil InEtltuf ion. From th© l.ondon Telegraph Beggary In ihe Chines© mpira i a high ly organ xed Institution, and a perfectly re©pet table calling Like n 1 it her In !us trles, it ha© It© trad* society, and th© king of the txggar© 1© a local |©>wer of no in* aa orler. Th© menda aid has hi© ap pointed place In th© ordered © hem© of benevolence, whit h h© Chines© have baad© the first of the five constunt virtues. In Pekin and in of er walled Hl©* the guild of beggars levies a kval rate on all shop keep, r© and Well-to-do re-1 lent©, which I© In the natur© of (ompiuniinir for the •*rr'> gifts" that would otherwise b* exacted ac cording to custom day by day. H<qus>©utg that a trader w* re so 111 adviced a© to r© fuse lo jwy the rarognixed nx. he would b© surround* and by a crow l of rogue# an l vagabond*—of lh© class aimed at by our own mediaeval statutes who would soon reduce him to charity and reason Th© Rev Arthur Hrnlth tell* an amusing story to show' the danger© of unr©©d and rasual benavolence: "A missionary living In an Interior province wan ask© I by ©cme native gentleman to do a kind <•* for a poor beggar, wiio wuh totally blind, and restore him to sight. It proved to !*• h t-ase of *#aracf, and • x< ebent vision w © ©•cured. When the result t*ecane certain the missionary wa© waited up sty the ©ame gentleman, and told that, a* he hid destroyed the only means by which th© blind man could ©t a living-that Is. by l>cggit g it was the duty of the missionary to make It up by taking h m Into employ ment SS S gatekeepe- ” Kike everything else, “tha practice of virtue" In China I© laid down by rule, and If a foreigner ignore- the regulation he doe© so a’ hi© One of th© sights of *h© Imperial capital Is th© Bridge of Beg gars. and on Its di apidared pavement there la sn accumulation of filth and mon strosity that has no equal, even In eastern Kurrp© Every deformity and ©very muti lation hy which our mortal clay can b© bant and baatea out of Ail Ukvnta# to tha godlike type is on vl w drawing attention to It* peculiar horror* by tine easing lamen tad* n ©r-l utK h*- k I aolb ltatb n In fact It w*4i**l b© dlffl i!t for the moat morbid and rallstb' of Artists to tonjtir© 14* a seen© more repulsive to th© modern ay# and the modern stomach Perhaps it t* ** well that M /.els has never traveled to th© far east l.©prnsv an.l smallpox ar© hut ordinary Ini tdents of city life, which neither Attract nor surprls* th© native wayfarer, nor even, after a time, horrify th© stranger within the gate* Beggars have their conventional costume like all o'lier grades of society It Is not that th*\ are | o:©r than any othsrs of the i ooli© class prolalih they are l©s ho but all must he habited In th© foulest and flimsiest of rags, torn and ©t into a hundred rent© and ahr©tidings Th© very hair must be malted and dust -b©gi Its* and tVr’i nly. as 1 walketl th© street* f IVktw th© very sent of the beggtng fraternity wa* a pirwerful motive of aimrgivlng flat on© might b© rbl of their variation upin the normal a*mosp!i©r© of t’hln* lies lie* the Udsterous vagrants, male an.l f male, there Is th© novice in ciUirse of inilnlng, and no and vice of an hereditary ptofisrl n I* nsglei’ted or forgotten one * I I 1 walk©*l over In the street* of a liy, wrapped t| and covared from head tu foot by Ihe coarsest of reed matt mg Ml that ws* human In th© filthy bundle tbat lay prone across the pavement wa* i mail voice that wa* never stl l Return It r a <me and 1v• Inter I found the same bundl© In the sain© place How it had b©*M> fed, how It had breathed, w.i* an unfath omable mystery: hut it wss. and tlicie. 1 Imagine It Is even unto this day A p* pic l* ?• be Judged not only bv it* way of living, but bv it* way of dying If it .11 not lo said that nothing boomer th© t’hlm s© sow* II In Ilf© 1 * lh© leaving of It. ©t |\i*t It Is ini© that th©> lav down their II -§a nng wdl Quiet, dignified nd r© sign. .1 th© t’hlii©*© manner of meeting death, th. |)ctir and |a © of which th#v ©♦•©m abb- t f retdl with at rang© ©xactl ttid© As revival.sts would say. they hav© wanning*, and a Pelestlal will take leave of his employer, round off hi* duties and 1 art on a f*r Journey to hi* own horn.* th© Instatit h© aspects to liehold death’s awful visage, and this expectation l set dom dlsappomted In th© classic of Filial P.ety It Is laid down that of th© 3.00> crimes thrr© I* no on© greater than dis ohdime© to parents, and of the HD vlr -1 afom fl hil conduct Is th© . hlrf To provide a fither or motht i with a fit and proper f iner©l U ih* whole duty of man. for which anx Ok* rlllc© is excusable More than probable is it that the lucky father of a f mill) finds hluiself In |Hw*sesshm of a ( offln presented to HMti hy hla son. and euphemistically ailed th© * boards of old uni " cm - “lh© • lothes of old age," but If tie In< not thus blessed a dvlng man will go and order hi- own coffin to nutk© aure 1 of Mm be,ng >f -tandmd make. An Kngllslt railway Inspector In Chlh-I*l told m© that a week or two h©f r© on© of his C'hlnese foremen frit himself to la dy ing of opium poisoning Th© man mad© no fuss; |i© quietly cam© to the offl*© and ask cd for a work s leve In order to buy and fetch his own coffin H© went ©nd re turned within th© w©-*k. and at th© hour b© had himself appointed quietly gave up the ghost. FROM YOMW AYR NOINTABH. They Wapply Ice to lirope All the \ ear Hound. From the Iganlon Kxprens We have all h*ard about Greenland's Icy mountains, but Norway's are a trifle l* familiar to u© by name, despite th© fact that they are of far more pr act leal ©ervic© lo us. for In summer and wlnbr we draw our h • supplies from th© mountain lak-a of ttiat -ountry. Th© lake© of crystalsdear water r© hlgn up tn the mountain© and are ©urround©! hv counties© pine trees that grow to a great hlght. Europe's !<•© ©upplv from these source© i© control led by syndicate* The Ice, whb h la considered by experts to be the flne*C In th© world. 1© cut up Into huge square hu{*d bkx-k© by mean© of idows con ' strticted for the purpose. Th# •♦ Mo* k© are ©(-nt down Ihe moun tiln-©id© on huge slide© Owing to great length lh© lea often acquires an amusing veloidiy ere It reaches the In ,loM*rai pool, outside which the bulky be ©hll© ride at anchor awaiting their rod cargo**© In spite of the©© arrang* menta it souicilm©© com©© about llutl the k e sup ply does not continue altogether unlnier luptiNl, for, apart from the occasional de- Ih> of -hl(-. orxbT© some time© .?#•• which necessitate phenomenal quantities being cut from Up- lakes, and when this o cur lifter u drouth th© demand quickly ©*- <-©©d© the©tipp;> und ©- arclty ensues. That I# why we often have to pay d* ar for our ice, even In winter time. ( Imnaed Her Hind. “If© all right. Mary," he ©aid, pleasant jy. mC c rdlrK to Tlt-Rlt*. "Go into polltm. If you *nt 10. But r?m"itil>?r on* thin* that < *rio il*t* will h •tier you a* ...nit a* yon')* a caniilfrate.** "I rton'l < jre." "Aiul they'll put yottr picture In th* pn p<r with your hair out of curl and your hat on i riKik*.! " "Do yon think they would do that?*' ah* Inquired. apprehenlvely. "Of router And they li make your Pa rle rimiH |.ok Ilk* .ralloo and aav that your *e*lk!n roal le an Imliallon.'' "William. ■’ eh* wild, afler a thoughtful pauee, "I Ih'nk I'll *tay here and make home happy ” —One of the new* thlnit* In the Jewelry line thl* eraeim I* the In t rod II et lon of <le!l --r-ilrly rarvnd Ivory Into Ihe bite Of filigree work with which women dolltclu lo adorn ■ I ■ 11:i■ - AUCTION MLXI rt Tril* DATA. AUCTION SAIeT ■ arse 1.0 l of Fornlforr—.*ll Klwda. C .n. DOHBBTT. Aortlowerr. Will eel! MONDAY. Xth. at Con,re. w*l. 11 o'clock. * Willow Rocker*, f Mir ror*. 2 H.iby t'orrl*x?e. 5 Walnut Bu reau*. R*frliteratr*. lco Boxe, SO Chair*. Ctismbcr ftefe, Table*. Hat Rack* Ward robe*. Bn tea. Bptln*. M*ttree, Chiffon ier*. Rook Case*, oil Heater, Carpet* and ■undry other article*. AMUBMCm. gAVANNAH THAATEH. Fv* Nlfht*. rammfnflin Manfi*r. Oel. A FHBIIYSHDIIBUHBVI CO., Fr***ntlnc th* f'omvdy-rinim*. "A CIFIL.TT Wirt.” lei,Hex frv* Mtwl*v m*lit with *7 Pi,l .nv- ilrkat I rally maim***, com mvnrln* Tu**4*y. ifK, 1.1. XOTICCA. ’ II A IIH AI'I’I.I., a2O Meat llronahinn •trvvl, CARRIAOB RKPOSITORY. AB'ht far fallawtr.c raamjCscturcn, mah* >our !•• Ikm from .hero. Mavir. Colufnbu*. Buckaya. Fraxlrr, ■ 'Ol Hand. Wat-rloD, Waiartowo, Wail roll. Ho. k Hill. Old Hlehory. Mllhurn am* Flerenea Firm \V Full and .mnplrla Una of Hsrn.ii, Ul*'*, I.ap Rotorv. tic Kt-Uay flprlngflrld Rubber Tlrea put on • 1 ahort niMtce. ■ AVANYAII rotNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, liulldara of Marina and Stationary Bailers, will furnish eallmaiaa on new nark la <ompetition xvlih Nortbarn and Weetxro manufacturam | | Repair work on Enplnaa and Hot;era < KNIGHT'k I*ll ARM ACT, OPEN AM. NIGHT. Reef. Win* and Iron 7Vi Roach Hall (•uaranteedi. Kko K It ■ 1100 Tnl,*iint Powder, hnraied Ao Palmer** Tonal Water* . Mo Kaipty i'|M.ulea, ItXt for An T. I* Dyspepsia Tabtat* Proa Imported Caatlla tkrap Afro Inxe.-t Powder, P. It. A Cos foo Truaae? Mb to AVOO ftyrlnae*. Fountain 75c to I* OD Thermometer (Fever) lA* to U <AI W* tee,l In everything In our line. KNIOIITR PHARMACY. , is. Phone 539. Hell Phone fill. Hl* OALI THP) Hl'vt UINUICH At. AC. Tha beet Is the Whooler Rrand of Oal faat tl Inaer Ale, made by W healer A Ca, of Belfaal. Ireland, from the celebrated ciomac dpriuce of Inal city Thexa •pitn<* are Ih* property of Wheeler A Cos., hr nos no other Ginger Ala manufao lurar in Ireland has thoaa water* but themselves Th* Whealar Ginger Ala la made from purs Jamaica Ginger Hoot and not from Red Pepper, aa other* era; ona I* dalalerlouv—th* other la a tonic. For Heallhfulneaa and Purity lh* cel*, braird Wheelar brand of Mel fast Ginger Ala is tb* hast. UPPMAN nnOTHFR* ■ole Houthem Agenla. B.ivannah. Ga. 1.00 K. Th* fln*t llna of Mantala. Tiling and Orates In the city Price* rock Rave money by seeing our goods before purchaxing elaewhar* SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Comer Congress and lJrayton. Phone Alt TANARUS, IttUMT IPilltOt HOTEL, l.atirr, Fla. Situated on tha hank* of the Suxranea river Climate unequaled. No mnlart* No moequltora Coni nlghta Mitel hatilthful and delightful r**eort in th* South. Wafer curee every known disease Hoard (lfr per week Special rate for commercial man of S2 per day. which Include* transfer. Tnhlo nnd accommmlat'one strictly frrat-nlaae. For llluetraled |i*mph|et nddrees Bn wanee Springe Cos . Sown nee Hprtnga. Fla. ANDRBW HANLEY. Mgr at uHim;n'x. Rice-Arid lamb, fat poultry, heavy beef, vegetable*, fruits. * Ordars nilcl aa early aa re-alrad. 'Phone* S7S. M S GARDNER I,A MtatC IUIII.HUI it; AND U - ncM to rent, located head of Hrou*hton •treet. on Weat Broad, now occu pied by th* Havannah Cirri*** and Wax on Cos. Aa they wlll *i* up buxtiie** In the city on June 1. I of fer R for rent from that dato H. F. SMART. j i in. aa) to t ua.\ cAitriuTt. Tha taily way to gat your carpets prop ary taken up, • leaned end taken care of (ur tie aummer I* to turn the Job over to the District M<as*iig r and Delivery Cos., telephone i . or o;l mi 33 Montgomery street, atui they will moke you an esti. i,,at- on the cost of tha work Prloaa reeaonaMe They also pack, inoya and Store furniture and plan--a C. If. MBDbOK. Hupt. * and Mffr. illlHl TITO Hy the American Bonding and Trust i ompany of iiaiumors. We are author ised to ex* ute lo< ally (Imm diately upoo application), ail bonds In Judicial pro c • dltigs In either the state or Unltsl o>ates ourta, and of administrator* and guardians nrAHINO A Ht TX. Agent*. Telephone 3fi. Provident Build!**. M %TTttfc:**K, IIA ITMIJAKS. Ilsvs your mattr**aes and feathers ren ovated by (sur meditated steam proves* before a change in weather takes place. (The only plant in Havannah.) It over comes ail Impurities and renews life and volume In all bedding material Prices on renovation of feather* aa follows: Beds 13 (A bolsters fl. pillows Uk'. Cotton, m<* and hair mutt rennet- made to order. Pin* work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL# MATTRKHB AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell phone 11M. 131 Drayton street, hi LHki 11*1 t trs, I.tterty and Whltakar. The only up tc date cafe suitable fog select parties In tha city. One block from Da Hot©. Phone m J. H. HELM KEN, Pro* RED HEART, • m * The bear of .11 b**.r. I. —RED HEART.— • All cood pvopl. urtnk It. WM BRICKKN, Hinipr. JUNO BREWING CO. , Phone MS. IP ITU hit B. UK HAVE IT. Bulk Ollvp. 2fc- nd 60c quart. Itnportrd Edam net Bwl>* Ch*>r. Cnnntti Blr*hrrle, Pitted Ch*rrl* and K-d Ra.ptwrrl**. Krr.h Prwrvnl Kin ond Orange C.lKornln Kv.por.frd PMdM. Itlo |b Than. 965 HARPER A M A RSH At J.. *. ‘<t I Itl ON. Gl Wilton t RflBT, REM I.ERS. Llltr'y r.d l'r.ylon. Hnad quart.r. for th bmt brand, Counlrr trad* aoUcitfd. No rh*rg lot jug, , . ebon* tU. * ' -<- a 3