The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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„ , , T ED-IICtUWM. JOIN man op means in large * u * ,r Mn * ero * “** r c,,y \ ji ___ -virß PROPERTY to BELL, WE • having large call* tor good paying Tournan* A Demmond. P v \m TOC TO "VISITPHILADKL •.MitaI Room*. J* Brou*hion atreet. 1 , ‘un your teeth examined free of * . and broken down teeth extracted L’“s7e*e. look for *Urn and name. V SSTBD. IU'JUtOW ONETHOUSAND ... - ,„ r . cut. Intereati easy term'*; " , w nh s},ori policy Hartford Life ln * ,! „ co Hartford. Conn . collateral ~ i> reference*. Jolmaon, care New*. *Ve WANT TO BELL YOU A HOME. .. ~‘ma Other property which will pay ° ~ ~r three times whet you net front ; , n.onry in hank; call for parilcuiari. m* a l imH , 4RTIKS INTERESTED IN THE Of timber for lumber or lurpen ,, ~ut|wee. will And It to their Inter . , v, rite T. E Biggs A Cos.. Ocala. Fla. V K NTH>, ALL OPIUM AND MOR . <tr* to know that wc guarantee a wrcinent cure In twenty day a for S2B V , r * no pay. Rent flnanotal rofer i- . given and raqulrej. We mean bug y,. Address the Tllden Company, 1W g..rth Foreylhe street. Atlanta. Oa. PROPERTY to'handlk. we I more applications for houses from r .1 tenants than we have houses to sup ylv. Youmans A Demmond w anted, small hotel or btwrdiri* house to run on percentage for l£ . winter or the year, by a man and r v Address Box 11$, Woodmont, Ct. *tVE wantVnice gentle horse •f a lady; must be (tow! stxe, and a good tru required, mu*t be a horse with atyle; ~ nrher wanted Addrees James Thomp w, general delivery, roslofflee. 'IP YOU WANT YOUR PROPERTY pr. pr!y handled. *ee us; we can save you mete than the small commission we ph.irge and only put flrst-elas* tenants In vi ir houses Youmans A DAmmond. “if you want good milk. oetTt from Springfield Dairy; It'a rich, purs and * .. -otne. “IF YOU WANTT>LACh TO DUMP airth. dirt. mnd. manure, eec.. free of rhsrge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, writ# or telephony Brown pros . come;- Anderson and East Broad ttteeta. UiiNEV TO LOAN. - "m^NET^AI>VANCED ON CITY IM provd property at low rate of Interest. I V I-t Roche. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property, one to flee years; low rate of Interest. J. E. Fulton A Son. 1 ■■■■ 1,1 —" 1 . roil fIRNT—ROOM*. I>R RENT. TWO FRONT ROOMS, f.trlshed or unftimlshrtl; us* of bath, with or without hoard, facing Park ex tend on. No. 1088 Drayton street rooms'” furniswuT'or unfurl r <hed. with or without board. J-5 York Greet, east. I.AR'I E ALCOYEDR ISO M 7 FRONT pi visa. 5 Gordon street, east. TWO LARGE ROOMS. EVERY TON- V.rlenee; also one nicely furnbhed. 23.', Jefferson, corner Perry. ELEGANTLY - FURNISHED FRONT room for couple or two gentlemen; every modern convenience, and first-class at ’■•itlon; also single room. Private family. 3d Hihersbam. near Itroughton. I:' AUTIFCL7 LARGE NEWLY FUR ri-,',1 rooms, with or wlihniM board. S2l lUrnard street, facing Pulaski square. Private family. NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM to rent, 1(B Perry street, west. - UTH ROOMS. NICELY FURNISH eI 1 East Harris. Si UNFURNISHED \NI> ONE ' rtitshe.l room to rent. 3ns Itolton. east. VICE FURNISIftcD ROOM TO RENT. I per week .122 Montgomery street. FOR RENT. TWO REAUTIFUL CON- tng rooms; gas, bath; cheap to de sirable tenant. Corner Abercorn ani Bryan. -'TI'THEnN ROOMS FURNISHED OR unfurnished. both on -am.- floor; flrst r',1 #s t iW* hoard. Murmt mw!. FOR RENT. NICELY' FURNISHED mom 401 Liberty street. east. ’°R RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS lor gent !ftn. 106 Oglethorpe avenue. east. NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT T * in with gas, hath and all ronvonknrr& or MOM floor. No. 11l Liberty utrcet, MSI RfOM FOR RENT CONVENIENT'TO T ant System. Ml Jones, east. FOR RENT. OVE or TWO ROOMS TO r-nilemen, strictly private family; refr me*. A,hires* Comfort. Nears t.fll e FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. 4M Itsrnard. corner Tayior; tingle gentleman Pfßfßrrfd. TO RENT, TO GENTLEMEN ONLY, o ely furnished front room. 115 Duffy, east. TO rent. FURNISHED POCTII reent, one or two men; moderate terms. At ply 130 Jones atreet, west. ■NE or two DELIGHTFUL ROOMS, f.rtiished; convenient to hath; gas and ' ' trlelty. Apply No. 2d Eighth street, mt. TO RENT, LARGE. NICELY Ft’R h "I room with hath on same floor. No lams, between BuU ttwl Whitaker. I "I! RENT. ONE LARGE FURNISH e.I southwest room. 3!s West President Street v ! FLY ' FURNISHED SOCTII * rnnm. fo or two R*nt!#men. J2J tor si reel, weal. N ‘ELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH onvenleticee. with or without board. East Jones. ■ARG E UNFURNISHED FRONT , T ‘ ! ' r,t Boor, or wlthotst hoard 14 t'arnard street. ’ BN l SHED ROOMS FOR RENT “.AT e miithwest corner Jones and Hull 'Ofaposlte Christian Association ' I nti.emen. BUIT OF FtTR e.| rioms; also single room 108 Gns ’"n east. FURNISHED ROOM FOR private family. 41* Hist Jones sir. t ’ 't RENT. TWO NICE SOUTH de l”’ *' , ' on ' , floor. bath and toilet, one ~ r •' , ’ r week, furnished, lo nice ten *C West Anderson street , ' ' l: ft ENT, HANDSOMELY Ft’R '**' south rooms, for gentlemen tOS street, west. ,/ 'lt RENT. THREE ROOMS ATI* w *** 1° K*nt!emrn, rlth#r Finely or with hoi n.J (||d wit V ' ''R RENT. 3 DELIGHTFUL UNFUR room*. 12* Taylor, corner Ab*.r- KIR USD s>' 1 1| ROOM • IR ONE ' * hn| water anti k • 20* J' *•, ntmr Harrar<l. 1 FURNISHED ROOM FOR „, '■ "llemen, or ladles, with |>l:i*za; use r , ’’ ’’ r ‘*>m and telephone; hoard If 413 A’Of k sire# t, a est. , .’j ,!nß ROOMS COMPLETELY FUR- . * or lilfHt honM*kr*-pinif, linen. i f t * rii p *®Vf, %\i convenin'.?#*; u#o 01 family' n ii. r^ f r ,w r” 'Acbanged; prl\.u lv 1W Unroln *tre?t. , *fe LARGE connecting Mr J' 0 P ' r monih . tW end cold baths; ‘7 n *'N nv * rooms. |2u. wlh or wkb **#> Coraw Btetv and Monlgom- FOR RENT—ROOMS, ''NICfTTuRNISHED ROOMS.' REA aonable rent; for gentleman only. 213 Broughton street, west. FOR - K ENT. - TIIREB BEAUTIFUL rooms furnished or unfurnished, newly papered and painted to party without children. Apply 111 Waldburr atrect, we*;. ' ItMDßinAm.n ROOMS FIRST AND second floor; with every convenlencea. IJI Abercorn. norner President. _ i!aROL UNFURNISHED FRONT room or two amaller ones. 215 Perry, wtsu. ' F‘R"RENT FURNISHED ROOM - AT 23) Taylor street, east. REFINED PRIVATE FAMILY CAN accommodate single or I sen vout.g men with delightful room; private bath at. taehed: hoard If desired. E . News. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms for gentlemen, all conveniences; cheap. SB President, wrat. 'FOR RENT. ONE LARGE ' HALL room, southern exposure; bath on same floor. Apply 20 Harris street, west. FOR RENT. ROOMS. SINGLE AND connecting, furnished and unfurnished. 115 Oglethorpe avenue, west. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT with use of hath. 408 Broughton street, weal. A NICe VuRNISHED ROOM. BUlT <i i tor two young men. In private fam ily. centrally located. Address C. B . care Morning New*. FI XT* FOH RENT. Tour J FLATTEN fine location; low rent. Platshek A Cos., Bryan, east. "FOR RENT FLAT AND BASEMENT to small family. No. 1! Jones street, east FLAT. SIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, first floor. Lyons' block; suita ble for uny purpose John Lyons. FOR RENT. 13988 FLAT ALL modern Improvements, new brick house; private family; references. Call 2tß Jones, east. TOP FLAT. FOUR ROOMS." UNFUR nlshed 6 Oordon, east. DESIRABLE FLAT OF FOUR COW nectlng room*; all conveniences; private family. 132 Lincoln street. ' FOR RENT, DESIRABLE FLAT four rooms, bath and plaits. IIS East Jones. FLAT THREE ROOMS ALL”CON - venlencea; central, beat locality, $11; no children. 409 Charlton, east FOR RENT HANDSOME liOWER flat, 302 Hall street, east, five room#, privilege bathroom and convenience*. Ap ply J. J. Oaudry, ISO Bay atreet. east. FOR RENT. FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS and bath. Habersham asid Taylor. PARLOR FLAT OF 4 rooms, all irodnro conveniences; g> and nelghhorhowl. 207 E.ghth street weal Apply 30f. Brough ton street, west. NICELY FURNISHED FLAT. OR rooms, with gas and !wh. for housekeep ing. See Habersham. FOR RENT. DIvSIRARI.E FLAT~“111 State street, east, druid be furnished if so desired; hath and all modern Improve ments. J. E. FMlton A Son. — NICE. CLEAN FLAT. AND FVR nlslied room, to rent, without children 424 East Macon street. FOR RENT. FIVE ROOMS. AS FTeAT or singly. Address R 8. V. P. NICE 3-ROOM FLAT TO RENT. TO parlies without children. IUB Hull street, west. ’ FOR RENT. A FIaAT, WITH ALL conveniences. Apply 211 Bolton street, west. FLAT 3 ROOMS. REASONABLE 397 Harris gtreet. cast FOR KENT. FLAT ROOMS K BAR nnrd slr'et. Apply to O. C. Mathews. PARLOR FLAT. 417 GWINNETT west; |H>s.e*slon now or Nov. 1. Refer ence# exchanged. — FLAT FIVE R'KIMR, BACK STEPS and cxcltiflve use and halh. 217 Woldhurg *trcct, west. T. ■ RENT - FLAT FIVE ROOMS; 43 Lincoln street. Apply 3u2 Broughton strf**'*. east. “rnWRKXT FLAT of 3 ROOMS AND loth; |ti.m. *a7 Third street, ewst. BEAUTIFUL PARLOR FLAT FOR rent; 3 room*. largo pantry and hall. IS ‘A I*l7 llaltetwham street, to parties without chlelren. For RENT. 3-ROOM FLAT: NO CHlL dren In house. No. 113 Hull. west. FOR RENT. 7 ROOM FLAT, ALT, modern conveniences 733 Duffy west. Apply on premises. FLAT OF FOUR CONNECTING rooms and hath, second floor of 3f# Gwin nett. next to Barnard. Inquire on prem ises, or of W. J. Mlscally, Jr. FOR IIIM—Min *l-8 for rent to an acceptable party, my residence, northeast corner Firm and Drayton streets Apply C. W. Howard. No. Si 2 llay street, east. FI *li RENT. 17 PUFFY STREET, east; possession at on,-a. Apply George I. Germany, agent. 16 Bryan atreet, east. Kt ill BENT 1 ' IMKI iHTABI.E HOUSE No 217 Waldburg street, east, between Aberctirn and Lincoln, flrsl-cl.asn order and condition: every convenience. Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton afreets FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modern Improvements; In good r, pair. 308 Jones, east. Kolloch A Screv en. "FOR RENT LARGE RESIDENCE. M Congress street, east, southeast corner Aberrorn M S Baker. Agent. 22 Ogle thorpe avenue, east . Foil BENT. TWO-STORY' FRAME house. s (fl Congress street, east. Inquire 421 President, east. ___ “nut KENT. M HALL. EAST. * rooms, ho: and cold water; elegant local ity, also 71* llihersham. Immediate pos session. Apply \V V\ - Swlnton. 3* Eighth sireet. east “fob RENT, a small cottage with shop attached; southern pm of city. S>. Peter RetHy. __ I KENT. THOSE TWO VERY HE. slmole rosuteneea, with every convenience. Wnklbunt, near Jefferson, at re#luce>l ■ 1 Peter ReHly. — F< lit RENT. HOUSE. 1 PARK AVE nue west Apply 4J4 Itarrerd. corner Taylor. FOR RENT THAT DESIRABLE HE.-* Idence lit! Duffy street, east, near Aher corn; all m#*l<rn Improiemenls; mo-Frste rental J E FultM) *— FOR BENT. RESIDENCE 1314 BELL street. s2h ier monlh. J. E. Fulton A Son. KOU _ BENT. R ESI DENCE NORTH west corner Duffy ami Jefferaon streeta; hath and all conveniences. s2u per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. ■ Full KENT. RESIDENCE 3uJ NEW Houston street, with large yard and all modern improvements; 127, per monlh. J E. Fulfon A Son. FOR RENT TWO-STORY HOUSE 121 t Montgomery street, n#sr Henry, 310 per month. J B. Ftilion A Son FOR HUNT. RESIDENCE 1* ANDER son street, east, near Bull; all conveni ence*; CO per monlh. J. E Fulton A Son FOR RENT. NEW RUSH>K.Ni E* 7 Second avenue, near Bull; hot and cold water. 323 per month. J. E- Fulton A Son. THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1000. Pf)ll KKiIT-aoiSEI, FOR RENT THAT SPLENDID REBI- , dence 114 Liberty street, wokl. suitable for physician's offleva. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOirRENT. RESIDENCE 11* OWIN'- nett street, east, near Park Extension; live bed room#. nil conveniences, 33S per month. J. EyFulton A Son FOR RENT RESIDENCE X# II ALL *treet, weet. near Barnard, all modern Improvetnems, porcelain tub, etc . 131 per month. J. E. Fulton A Son "FOR - RENT HENRY •treet, west. In perfect condition, 127 Id per month. J. H, JMlton A Son. FOR RENT TWO-STORY ON BASE men! brick residence. S2D Harris street, east; large yard. S3O per month. J E. Ful ton A Son. 'for rent, desirable”housbTi* Park avenue, east; hot and <*>ld water and all convenlen-v*; choice 10-atlon, S2O per month J. K. Fulton A Son. Foil RENT TM 'V-STORI HOUSE H 4 Ott atreet; targe >nl; $lO per month. J. E Fulton A Son. ‘ FOR RENT, LARGE HOUSE 40* HHV an street, went; $23 per month. J. K BNil ton A Son. “ELKCIANT NEW HOUSE, SUITABLE f r small family; Eighth street second door weet of Lincoln. Good neighbors. C. 8. Wood, owner, 222 Ray, east. FIVE' NEW 110 l SUS .iN TWELFTH street, near West Broad, with modern con veniences; the best hou*es In the oily for the money, only IS. Youmans A Detn mond “TWO-STORY HOUSE IN WEST SA* vannab. only 37; I4Cf Florence street, new house, ofilv |7; 752 GwlnneTt street, east. $8; 531 IVirk avenue, east. new. 117; 1211-13 Barnard street, now being iwlnted. $22. 108 Ninth street, east, to good tenant. $25; 701 Barnard street, now being thor oughly repaired. $4 7ttt Barnard atreet, 335 Youmans A Demmond “FOR RENT DWELLING ON F7TGHTH street, near Lincoln; Immediate posses sion Apply R 8. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, cast. 'FOR RENT. 818 NINTH STREET; IM mediate poeseseion. Aptiiy R. 8 Clag horn. 110 Bryan, east. >OR RENT. 512 ELEVENTH STREET, west. Immediate possession. Apply R. 8 CTaghorn. 110 Bryan street, east. FOR KENT. 3 2 HENRY. EAST Ap ply- on premises. 'FOR RENT. BIX ROOM HOUSE 3!" month; Habersham and Fifth atree'a. !**> Apply next door “FOR RENT. SIX ROOM HOUSE ON Blxth street. IK* Apply 340 West Broad street. T. J. Grl <i “for RENT. 1014 JEFFERSON. 8 rooms. new;y repaired, also ytailor flat. Inquire. 1012 Jefferson. "NICELY 1/X'ATKD ELEVEN-ROOM residence, stables and outbuildings. D. B. Lester. 'TO RENT - NICELY”I.OCATEI>” STX room residence. 224 Anderson, east. I*. II Lester SEVEN FOCUTEEN 'MONTOONIERY. north of Gwinnett, comfortable 7-rootn houie. Inclisllng loilh; gootl condition: eighteen dollars 103 Park avenue, west. "TO RENT. SOUTHWEST CORNER Habersham and Huntingdon street* Ap ply Bull and Blxlh street# 'FOR RENT. M MONTGOMERY, near HuntlngAoty and 515 Bay, *tet. G. H Rcmshart. 18 Bryan, eii-t. Volt RENT. BIGHT-ROOM lIoUSU. with store and four a. res of hind at tached. on I sruleMHe road. Prendergasl A Ganahl. 6 Bryan street, eid. “FOR RENT 101 PERRY STREET, rost. comer Drayton, now undergolnK re pairs Prendergasl A Ganahl. 6 Bryan street, east. "for rent iii.biant dwelling northwest corner Eighth and Drayton streets. Prendergass A Ganahl, 8 Bryan street, eaet. FOR - RENT SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE 1012 Montgomery street. Prendergaat A Ganahl. 8 Itryan street, east. “for RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RES Kfence northeast corner of First and Drayton streets; hits all modern Im provements. Apply to Walt hour A Riv ers. Deny ton and St Julian street. “FOR RENT! 407 PARK AVENUE, west; possession given at once. Apply to Walt hour A Rivers. Drayton and St Julian streets. _____ "FOR RENT. NO 11* JONES STREET east, between Drayton and Abercorn streets; iwsseselon given Oct. 1. Apply to WaHhour A Rivers. Drayton and Bt. Ju lian streets. FOR RENT, NO SOS” DUFFY street, east, possession given Get. 1. Ap ply to Wahhrsir A Rivers. Drayton and Bt. Julian streets '517 DUFFY, WEST. SIX ROOMS AND bath. 314 per month. W. J. Miscally. Jr “FOR RENT 107 TATTNALL STREET, fourth door from Liberty; very desirable for hoarding house. roit nut-grouts. "^ORnfuTNT^XltToiucrirG^ST^LOC^ tton for any buslne.-s; reasonable rent. Plotahek A Cos. "THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE PE slrea to rent to a desirable party, a por tion of Ita establishment; a hairdresser, manicurist, or seller of ladles' patterna would find the location especially desir able. _ RT< IRe“a NDP WELL! NO FOR RENT gmsl business locality; low rental to good pliant. Jefferson and Gaston. Foil It K n't THAT I iESIRABLE store and dwelling northwest corner Duf fy and Jefferson streets; moderate rental. J. E. Fulton A Son. "FOR RENT. STORE V* BROUGHTON street, west. Apply 4** Broughton street. “for RENT. STORE 112 DRAYTON street, recently occupied by Electric Bu|>- ply Cos. J E. Fulton A Hon. “FOR 'RENT. 128 BRYAN STREET, west, store formerly o. -opted by P li Ward: Immedlote possee lon. Apply It S Claghorn. 110 Bryan, east. 'A WELL IJH'ATKIi GROCERY store and fixtures, with two rooms adjoin ing. suitable for light housekeeping, for rent; rmall stork of groceries for sale; easy terms. Just the thing for young cou ple beginning life. Business. News. “a NO. 1 BUSINESS STAND. NEAR Ocean Steamship wharves. Far partic ulars address Stand, care News. FOR RENT. STORE SOUTH WESJ corner Whltakrr and L'berly street* Ap ply ii Lin ttf atrxat, mm FOR RENT STORE NEAR MARKET, sn excellent suite! for almost any kind of business; S2O Peter Reilly. ■TORE FOR RUNT fW6 BHOW windows; plate glass, yard In the rear. 2* East RriAjghlon. 'FOR REN T. STORE AND I *!VI9L>L- Ing. all modern improvement*; soul ieact eorner Burroughs and WaMburg; $25 u month. C. Mendel, 85$ East Liberty. FOR RENT. SUITABLE Foil STORE or offi -e. southea-t com r Montgomery ar.d Perry street lane. FOR RENT. STORE. 11l BROUOII. Pet atreet, east, possession Immediately alio d'slrnhle residences anl flel* Apply A Wylly, 12 Bryan atrest. a* at - —ii ... ii. ii " i FOH Hi!%T—OFFICE*. ip^mrTFTlOOMH~oc! cupled as dent'si's office for the past ten years; line location, opposite Chatham Bank and facing on square; reasonable rent to desirable patty. Apply John Sulli van, $5 Congress, west. , FOH HKII OFFICES. FOR RENT. TWO KOOMB, SUITABLE for a doctor's office; also stable*, at 2UJ Liberty street, west. ;■ - ~ ■ ' - FOB Ht IT-kHI KU.tMtOU. able (or theatricals, hulls, dancing school etc. Apply to J. B. Tyson, room 4, i*dd Fellows building. , "for* RENT BTARI.EB. APPLY” 408 Bnntghton street, went “FOR RENT LARGE GROUND WIVH big stable on Huntingdon street, east of Price. 1. D. Li I to*'he. “FOR RENT DESK ROOM FURNISH' ed: location Itryan street. ea*t; mode rut rates. Address Desk*. News office. FOH SAI.4C— REAL ESTATE. LK^AT ACREH well fruited; nice eight-room house, will exchange for city properly. E. G Black. 8 Bryan, eaet. "FOR BALE. RESIDENCE ON HENRY! near Abercorn, s3,**>; 1 defy any on* 4o duplicate the offer. E. Q. Rlack, 8 Bryan, east. EUR SALE OR RENT. REBIDFNCT, iKWthwest jortirr Eighth an*l Drayton. B <• Black. 8 Itrytin. east. FOR — BALE. THOM TW*> FOUlT story bricks, aouthweet corner Hall and Barnard, being put In perfect oi*t, pries low. K G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. . FOR'BALE. FIVE NEW HOUSES'aND brick store on n corner, store four stories, arranged It) flats above, all rented; are me If you wish an Al Investment K O. Itla. k FOR SALK. A NEXV~~REBI DENCE ON Second, near Abercorn; eome and let me tell you about It. 11 G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. FOR bale! BOUT II east and southwest eorner of Henry and Paulsen; also northeast corner Atlantlo and Hen ry; give me an offer. E. U. Black. 8 Bry an, east. FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE! TaM now exclusively handling real estate for sale. If you wish yours sold, allow me to list it, I will give U a push. E G. Black. 8 Bryan, sast. FOR SALE. 80 FEET ON EAST BIDE of Dull, north of Ninth. K. G. Black, 8 Bryan, east. I-'OR HALL NO INB HABERSHAM, corner Second Tills Is a good, comfor table house; contains nine rooms; owner leaving the city; quick sale desired, look at It and make offer. E. G Bla*.V for hale. Southwest corner of Lull and Tenth. 42 feet by 110 If you ever expect to own a Hull street lot this Is your chance. E. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. ”FOR'HALE, BLOCK OF 12 I.OTS,”Wx on Eleventh, *!* on Twelfth Th#n* kx* r* Mwwn H.iriuirit t*n*\ Jettrrmm. B* G. 6 Hryan, eaivt. KC HAI 7kTCO I\ .N KH H H VAN. FRIGE ant St. Juttan, two on wood, facing Bt. Julian. Thein* hounfs r*r t HI am I then* l rwm to build an other houav, lot >x9o. E. G nia< k. € Bry an,'rant. FOR BAH!:rD*P<M>T IAJT ON NEW Houston. Iwtw'<*n \Vhltk*r and lir nrd; noct hxntion for home or tirveNt m*nt i*rofxriy. E. <l. Pluck. FOR HALF ON TAVIX>R NEAR Drayton, mmll hrlc-k houiw*. renting for umall f*h |sa>mcnt, Im.hiica on tlmo to ult; nice h-mc K G. lilack. “FOR SAI.F **N OORDON. BBTWRBN Mnbsrsluim .nl a real n4c#> <te tu hed requiem-*; goosl neljrhhorw, Jind 1n perfect condition. E. O. Black, 6 liryan, east. !•'* *R BALL.' (INF. OF THE LAST I.o'TB left fa -Ing the |>ark. will build a house to suit pun baser; only small cash pay ment required. E. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. for sale, four stort brick on Harris, between Drayton and Abercorn; sl.<*) i ash. balance 8 per cant.; a big bar gelt* to parlies wishing large house See me about this. I will tell It all to you. E O. Black. * Brynn, east. 'for BALE, FIVE HOUSES. NF.W, renting for s3n per month. 32,1t‘ pint cash. t<a nnee 7 per rent. Figure this and see what It pays; must sell at once E. O. Black, 6 Bryan, east. FOR SALE. ' THI NDERrifiLf-COT tage on two lots 50 feet front. s3nn rash, balance monthly; aond place for chickens E. O. Black. 8 Brynn. east FOR HALE. ISLE OF HOPE HOME, cheep. K G. mack 8 Bryan, east. UoR HALE. AN IDEAL HOME.'(IEC -o*l*l avenue, near Abercorn, easy term* J K. Fulton A Son. FOR SALE. two' TWO-STOUT houees. Henry street, near West Broad; easy* term*: sn excellent Investment. J E. Fulton & Son. THE FEMALE) ORPHAN ASYLUM managers, deeping a change of location, direct us to offer for sale the property southeast earner Oglethorpe avenue and and eat Hrn.-nl street, now occupied by them, this Is a line site for n hotel, and the building I* well adapted for that purpose. J. E. Fulton A Hon. YOU NEVER HAD A BETTER “op portunity to buy a desirable |o4 than now We hevn the choicest on the market. The Prendergasl lots are cheap, sod from every standpoint the most desirable for the money. The future of this location Is already assured hy the parties who have built. See us before they are all aold Youmans A Iwtntnond. FIVE NEW Tll'ltEE STORY BRICK houses renting for *lu per month: well located; a capita! Investment. (16.<m You mans A Demmond. Ik You'll AVK MONEY TO INVEST It will pay you to see us. We hav# good, new property which will net from 8 to 15 per ceju Youmans A le-mmond IF YOU WANT A HOME, HEE'UB. we have many desirable ones which Wc con sell (heap and on easy terms. You mans A Demmond. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN THE real estate line, nnd several genuine bar gains. I-et us know what ydfl want, we can supply It. Youmans A Demmond. IE YOU WANT SOMETHING REAL choice let us sell you one of the Gaston street h<jgic- They are cheap, and there Is no belter location In the city. You mans A Demmond. IIOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY A lovely home for S2SO cash ami only S2O per month; we have It; call for particular* Youmans A Demmond. WE HAVE JUST HAD PLACED IN our hands one of the loveliest and most modern up-to-date homes, owing to own er breaking up housekeeping It you want something better than Is generally offer ed. see us. Youmans A Demmond. Ft 111 SALE. 1 :tf> RANDOLPH STREET, south of Anderson, well built 3-room cot tage. lot 59x100: room for another house; price $io0; term* SluO cash; balance" f!0 month. Platshek A Cos.. 110 Bryan, east. FOR SALK. ELEGANT BULL STREET lot. 30x110, facing Tuomiw Pork, only sl,- 5Ur; mak> na Mai! Platshek * Cos. Foil hale. :,i tenth! WEST, large 4-room house; hewt condition; arte sian pump In yard; lot 30x120; can build more houses on It; price only $875. small oust* payment; balance $lO month. Plat shek A Co* FOR HALL in I>uuKyT EAST; Tn flret-Xass condition: two-story residence; large lot; on.y $2,2M). make terms. Plat shek A Cos. FOR SALK. LOT ex>. SOUTHWEST eorner York and Price, with improve ments; room *o build more; only 33,5 b); rents |35 month. Platshek A Coy FUN SALK—NEAL UTATE FOR HALE SOUTHERN FRONT IkT on Ninth, near Aber orn; 22S*#4; only 3450 io quick buyer. Plutabek A Cos. FOR HALE. 30 BUILDING I/ATS 80X 110 r4i h. 3 milt*** from rity on Imvml road; S2T !**• coNi; *- 1 month, n> I*latiihek ft <\>. ""FOH SALK. I*4 rr MX9O. WITH IM f>roY<sfiifnt. rrnttnf m |4h month, Vmn fown 4 Uf lor pnr- Unuair* Pltrtrfhrk & Do. FOB BALE rHOfIB KLFXI ANT hom*i in 'Tfynap (krdp*v.“ llfirhth <vw!. a' Niritain prtof; will bulk! you u hotnr I’liititipk & Do. FOR HALL. It HARRIS EAST TW'' story brick dwelling, lot 30x10b, only 32.3 M) | Platshek A Cos. PSS s\; i 117 CHARI/TON! - ! i cosy txn>slory brick dwelling; all eom- I forts; large lot; price s2.tM>. I’lutshek A Cos. ‘ THAT ELEG ANT I*OT I RONTING sixty feet on Liberty street. Niljoiulng Ht Patrick's Church I D. la*Roche r\Vi>-sfirmy NINE-ROOM DWULIc j tng. up *nt down rialta. to*Hhr with lo*. |7w I I> UllOihP. ”717 WBHT HROAI) RTHBET. IN KpiNxUf) t ofidlMon, very cheap 1. D. Ia liorhe. NO -’li i>iflethrrpe nventie. wpaf, conve nient lo a non. rpiendkl properly. I. D. 1 ja il* *. he FARM BTHKKT NOSTH; ALSO email ho\iee on elreel. good InveeL men! 1 D. LiKoche “NIDE TWO STORY RKSrDKNDK NOT m Jonee etreet. eaet. nnd the dwelling In the rear; price, twenty-five hundred, five hundred oah and balance on monthly !n --etullment*. I. D. LaHik he. “an ISLAND CONTAINING FIFTY*- •even acre*, n* er Thunderbolt, beautiful river front, ell planted In oyatere. near dwelling, and frull on place, prior $2.j00. I. D. La Roche "that large building antTlot on the iouthea.Ht corner of Limbtr and ! Ray il r wt; It will pay • per rnu nee on the Investment I. I. Lnßoche. “NINE NIDE DWKI.IaINMH. NEW AND under good rental, paying 10 per cent, on price aeked I. I). laßoche. SIX DWELLINGS AND STORE ON corner of William and Farm etreei. chea| . •plendld invoetrnent I. D. La Roche. “three good farms near the city, containing reaped I vely, 30, *; and 6W> acre* each, partly cleared and balanca In timber. I. D. La Roc he. ONE OF THE FINEST Bt*iifNESS properties In Savannah, on Hull atreet. the principal thoroughfare, a rure chan* • for a man of ineana. I D. liHoohe GaOT ROI’NDET> HY TAYIAiR. TATT nail, Wayne nnd JcfTcraon atrveta, |T>,FO I. D. Laßoche. 0G EIGHTH HTREEtTwkst,~flE\*EN routn dwelling in nice condition. I. I>. L Roche. FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN* fired dollars; easy term*, on Ninth atraat, near East broad, no city ta&atlon. C. IL Dorset t. HEtIDENCEB AND BIfILDING IX>T for aala all over the city. Robert H. Tatem. real eatate dealer, No. 7 York •treet. west. for sai k Lots on ninth, near East Hroad. a( |A>O each; will iooii be advanced to f223; when a lot hxa been paid for I can arrango to get a home bulß. C H Doroett. EOF HOSET>#TB ON NINTH ••reel, near East IJr ad. have only '.en aold o nrat-claM pirtlea. C**o will ndi good neighbors, and none other can buy The term* are very eaay. and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity C. H. Doreett. "FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near Eaet Broad; no city taeee. at each; twenty-five dilar caah, and eaey monthly paymenle C H DUNN# FOR SALE; UN EASY* TERMS MOD ern ten-room houae; all rooma connect and all aeparate; three l*irge halls; boh room. et<-., 418 lleriry etreel. eaat Apply at Launey Studio. 21 Broughton, west. FOR SALE. LOT *>Xl2s. FACING eoiitii on Eleventh atreet. near lUirnord H .\l*i.*le| HI Ray. tv. t J SMN FOR SALE ONE Of THI nlccet reekkncea In the city; lot, <i2 hy 130 feel; on a wide atreet; In <i nice neigh borhood; hoi wafer ey*tem of healing, electric belle, fane and light*, burglar alarm; nice garden, large yard, wtih ata b|e Addrcii* p. o Bom Col. city. TURPENTINE. WE HAVE A GOOD location for large operator.. Gifford Com pany, Jacksonville. FOR SALE. A FINE RaV'KROX TUH pentlne farm, on line railroad, new W- Imrrel still, plenty sharks and other build lng private siding, -erop yearly, II virgin crops, plenty tlml>r. paid for. to rut IS crops, full equipped, and a( work will sell now or after gathering scrap* and dip Address C R. f>. Tlfton. Ga two" elegant dwellings on Puffy street, between Drayton and Ab ercorn streets. I. I>. 1 a Roche FOIt SALE, 19008 ACRES SAW MILL or criwstl* timber; training not necessary, good creek; no swamp on Its margins and flowing toward shirgdn* point, runs through territory. Address Box 52. Oka humpka. Fla FOR RALE. OR RENT. A REACT! fid home nnd out buildings at a oacrl fire, Mr? Ninth street, w^st. FOR SALK FINE PIECE Of PROP erty adjoining Tjfliee depot; splendid Yrusl ness slsti'l. I I*. Ia Itoche. 'FOIt SALE. THREE SPLENDID lots, corner Barnard arvl Eleventh. Whit aker and Eleventh, and Whitaker anl Twelfth O H Bemshnrt FOR SALE?'A NICK RESIDENCE IN •outhem s* ciion .fin city; larg- ground.; vely daairable Ire ition; house recently built, nnd rnretern In every way; an un usual opiortunlty to secure a rtne home Address Home, Box 10. care Morning News. (TOM IALk-imil*LUslo33. IB WITCH baxU and wilchhaxcl One Is rnado U> cuiw. the otlxr la triad'- to sell, put a hot-.ia of oura by the tads • t an. of the other kind; we give you all the quality and all the quantity that your musty en title* you In * pint for a quarter, Persse's I tru* Stcr s, Henry and Ab-'rcom, Whit. nker and Taylor. "for sale, gas STOVE. side hoard; parlor organ. and several articles of householff furniture, to cloee out. 31". East Utn-rty. ’ f|.y'OND HANDED SHOW CASES and oounters for sale cheap Savannah Hair. Jewelry and Shaving Supply House 'REMINGTON NO. $ TYPEWRITER IN first-class condition, for sale cheap. Ad dress "Machine,” news office. 'REAL ESTATE OF y\LL KINDS, homes, lots and Investment |irot>erly pay ing sto 15 per cent. net. Youmans A Demmond. PIANO I'<*B SALE. APPLY U A IV Laundry, office Bull atreet, opposite De Soto. FOR KALE. Olio FRY AND GREEN grocery; established trade. Climax, care News. — WRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE. TERMS rnssonabe. Apply No. 1005 Abercorn * >e TWO FINE MALE FOX-TERRIERS, i months old; $5 e.i h; can l*e seen to day at No 15 Eleventh street, east. For further parlb-uair* rod at 14 Drayton street. Peter G. I .cist. ~NEW RANGE RICHARORON AND Boynton Perfect No. *►: owner svon sev aral months ago at Masonic Fair, but has never used: will sell cheap for cash. Ap ply to 8. N. Harris, 9 Park avenue, east. FOR AUk-glKg|4JißtOll. for saT.k. onf; ThTtbi^Ttelixuv' heii.i parrot a fine talker. 1M Oglethorpe avenue, w**t. FOH SALK ONE TOT’NO MTLK COW. aleu one heifer calf, from a twenty quart cow. Apple 34 Ikool avenue, eaet. FOR RALE. TIIOROrGHPRED HUIJU Terrter puppy; two fmmtlMi ukl. Addrea* "Baaton,** care of Newe. TWO-YKAH-oLD STANDARD BRED filly f*r ai.e. cheap. pound and broken to harness; aold only tr ranee I have too many on liand. alre and dam Iteat frotting bhvMk known; aeen corner Tenth and Jefferiton. IF YOt? WANT A GOOD LIGHT. BT’Y our 'Tnc.irxleecent Hum#r, M will fit any numter tw k* roeene lampn. bur ner and chimney COe; e**e the one n em hihitlon at our etore, one carload of bog gle** wrtll tv* enltl at a eacrlfloe. M Na than, N* 294-N Dongrcee afreet, weet. BIG LOT OF STOVES AND RANGES 4o pell ch aper than the cheupeet. Your old onea taken In em* hinge. It will pay you ti* emanilne my atock I nlac lo re pairing tn the beat poaMble manner, ni.ik ing your oM etove or range gocvl t* new at am.ill cost. Igo to wny (Mirt of city to make estimate* I N Thomason, Agent, 14* \VVh4 Broad. Bell ‘phone. “REMINGTON NO. 2 TYPKWRITRRIN Mrat-claea condition, for rule, cheap. Ad dreati Machine, Newa office. Ft>R SALE. LARGE. PAYINO-I.TV ery etuble. Bargain. Addreaa J. W. Kim brough. Webster, Fla ITRE JERSEY MILK AT Z> • P I*7ll gi ion. 21< Duffy. ea*t, Hell telephone m COWS FOR HALE. IP YOtf WANT - A good milk cow reaaonoble, 1 can supply you Call 471 Weet Boundary AHI! AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR •ale i& fe#i of aah oultable for wheel wrlghta. carriage in.ikeie car worke and Interior houae ftnßh. Al*o cypreaa lumber of all atiea We h.*.va cutting our famotia branda of cypreee ehtnglea and will eonn have a full line of (ham for aele. Vale Ro>al Manufacturing Domnany. SPRINGFIELD DAfRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try II; you will be pleaded LOST AMD roiAg. AmT^wTnTE pointer dog. mrayed from 4d Eaet Park avenue Uat nlglit Liberal reward If re turned to J. II Oliveme. pointer dog. anwerw to name Duke. Re • w.ili hour ie Rlvere, 101 St. Julian atreet, eant. LOST. IT.On REWARD TO THE PARTY that either hDn*; - the log. nr that can In form me where I can find eome and hy getting him. n amall black 4#*g with long e *ra anawerlng hy the name of Pea ey. 213 Broughton atreet, weet. UST’ DIAMOND RING ON BRODOH ton. Hui! or Bay. w*et, yieterilajr after no*a) Reward If returned to Mlwi I‘ersia Jonee. 6St l*kii*t Bneightrai IVooW no Tin. (Tiafham Bank. 00 reward for return to bank. ~LOST. FOX-TERRIER BITCH PTTP py. an*were to name of “Spot.” Reward will he paid If returned to W. K (rrady, 112 Bay atreet. east. guAHunte. ii<vomokKliel with tMiard and room, pri vate family. Apply to 43T Ylatferehana " PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS~WITH boanl; hometlkc; terms reaaonable. Tatt nall, third from Liberty. A FEW GKNTIeEMEN DAN GET nice board, with large, airy rooma. 224 Sfiite atreet. weat. REFINED DtM’PLE DANFORT LARGE nicely furmahed *uanh room with hoard in private fnmlly; pH borne- comfs3re og4,sthor|H* avenue. ttef. near Bull. Home, care Morning News. • WANTED. TWO Oft THREE BOARD era. phnaant rnoma. SIT* East IJberty. PRIVATE FAMILY NEAR PARK wonUl ficcommodnte tliree or four gentle-, men. with nice rooms, and Ural claim ta ble hoard. Every convenience. Addrcaa Home. .Morning New*. IF YOU WANT bright, plearant rms nnd firat-rlaa* table, call at 307 Charlton atreet, wett. PARTIES iTeSIRING PLEABXnT room- with board, c*nv**nlent down town, ehould apply corner Broughton and Aber corn. GOOD TABLE. NICK ROOMS -plendld location#* reanonable rate*, at 222 Harrt* atreet. Kill CiTIOtiL. MISS HARTRIDGB, (VARSAR A. R I. will rr-opefl her S'diool Oct. 4, corner Gas lon and Habersham streets, Mias Hart ridge will he assisted hy Mias Ward, (Vasaar A. It ). Mlsa Cornelia E. Lee, Mre Mark tlorfaln, voeal music; Mr George S- hley. Instrumental mu*!'-; sllos S*ra Charlton, calesthenlcs. For further Information, addres* Miss Hartri.tge, Roulh f>range, N. J. Alisa Ellen Morel, freehand drawing. MRS A - ! II WAY. 11$ HENRY. BAST has open'd her classes In voter, piano and elocution. Was educated la Macon, Ga., Nashville. Tt-nn , and Boston, Maas Eight years exputenre teaching tn various large colleges. In the South and East. Autill cants can see credentials and receive In (prmatlon by rat ing. “THI: SAVA N N All SCI IOC JT, OF PH Y S 1-al Trnlnlnjc l**Kln Ita t+catul inor ThurNilay. Oct. 18. at Y M. II A ivm iMiNium, 110 I.llwrty Ptrrei. wrat. 'ial omireuß. AUo ar< h|ry. I>hf kfl tnili I'rulur th*t manaff* m* nc uf Ml*ae* Kara Khariton n<l H* Ilr ‘ MMK. AOEEE It VAN RWHT/TFrii ly #•* that nli* haa rfum#l h**r claanca In Krrn h n <i muslr; liir-t lt n l lw i*i method!* employer! ; thorfHixh In nr no firm; nrwl clunr leifinn*>. Kor full iMrilculara call or Hnl>fn>hiiin atreet. "BTIDIO OF Ml Hir AND EL/"*’!?, lion, 19 Ferry itrret, wejit. Mrn # Filvn- Teii!**lal‘, vch nl Instruction; M'na K<llth Teualal4*. m'lriflohii and iM.ino; Mlhh Mar lon Cooper, elocution. OuHar and banjo leKNona can b# arranired for. OpenlnK re ception. Werlnerflay. Oct. 91. TIIK JUNIOR Tit AI NINO C|,aS OF th* Kate llaldwln Frt® Kindergarten la now forrnlnjc. •■! ta only a few vacant place*. Application* for entrance ahouM ii# made at once to MtM M. <J. lU< kue. VA Huntingdon atreet. cast, Havannih, Oa. BPIX’IAIg T< CITY HTUDKNTB Twenty per cent. discount to city Ftudenia. If enter anon. No money re quired In ndvjince. Not *atl*flr| quit and no pay. Drmughon’a l*r i<'tl al HuNlneaa Colleger, Odd Fellows* Hall, comer Ilar nard and State afreets. "BAVANNAII HCIfOOD OF KXPREB - under the dirertion of Mla Lillie He. Ilg. Uln on Tl at 19 Jones street. H|>ecial classea In reading WANTED, PUPIL* Ft>H THR PIANO Meglnnets a Trrms reasonohle. I M Hosenfeld 101 East Duffy street. Bell telephone 1570. JOHN WIEOAND. JR. PIANO !N --strus t*r; l*eginners and advanced pupil* received. Address 24 flarrla atreet. west. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. KDICATIOIAL. MISS CM ARI.TON WIU* RBOPIH her klnfnxirtMi, 1. oornar TUks and Drayton Hnets. ART SCHOOL. Apna r “l-o - 3Crit Wilkins, 119 He At Jure* ni in tom* Guxir.s. '^VAN7EJr^X77 J fSxUHRI>7NCTBD^?SSo! rooter and *nek op-rotor to hn<*e sale of eto.*. Mate prevloti* *xperl#*ro; foe particular* a(ktred> C. J, Talloa. sofl Mar k's street. San Urenrfßro, Oil. ADDITR*Naf. capital. •amtUBD. St(V'k companies orcantxnl; busineM soi l privately; stork and botids underwritten; iiarantrr.l and sold on commission; mert turloiis Inventions flnanreit, Daniels A Company. 8 Wall street. Now York; also I .option, Philadelphia, Atlanta, nnd (km l'*lWll. Into. “ilgni:.<r~* sPßcruvnoM;" siiXb for my- • metlmd" of ''Security Invest ments;" If you are satisfied will* rroson al*|e profits; Investment hy thb* metJosl In rla-ki and (train have earned tn 39 <!**v more than a merhanlrr enrns In ff>. wnd for fro* pur 15 nl-ire. cuetomera and Eink referenre* Kl.-hard Jonee. Invest ment Broker, *u ExeliaiiK* Place, N*w York. GUIT WORK AND M t ilttlY; MAKE your money work f*r you; 10 per rent. I*er mont I* easily and honestly earned on yoor savlmrs. $259 will earn you 325 per mositt*. MOO sx Hi earn ymi KA per month; this I* ro scheme to s<-t **hi to pfnra your fiiml* with us; you liarolle vouy own inone4 no risk, w<* eeial >x*u full instruc tions 4*11.1 nil ne ssn- i<per# lor roiidut-tlnff the Ituslnrea fnsn your home fill's* 111 your own rommunlty; our rharyea are only 110 for start'll* you. Ad dress the National Employee* loian As (trlsilnti, 1505-8 slaul*nttaii hulUlln*, Chl .'i*o. 111. —-* — ll Pl.t xinixt.. TnVTd!TtN~iT!u2iiuNG Tt^wTl^eTß! to your Interest to let ms (Ive you an es timate on your plumbln*. new or old work; n-palr work a spr, tally sa I am a practical plumber. No *ueaa work to e**.lan*rr your life. W!**lns, phone f7. Georgia or IleU Hlirt!M<sno3A vfw oivb yi>u raTHrart^noMrarftc or lose tlntsh. perfect work. Eoreot iky lat undry. Park avenue. KOCH * BYEVAN, 8 WHITAKER have Just received s large assortment of small fancy *IM clocks. NO HUTCH. NO HUMBUG! BUT - A thorough painter, taper hanger and dec. orator. Taylor, K. of P Hall THI) STAR THAT EEAIIH THEM all; New immrwtln M .<Hiln#, with lull l:..rlt)|ro Prllton A Son WE Ct.BAN UI.OTIIEH BY THE RE aoroln." antlsepflc process Try US. New York Steam Dye Work*. WV.ltaker and State. FOB I-JSIIING TAI KEE. NETS, ETC.. *•> to Cornwell A Chlpman. A BOTTI.K Of 'FINE Ot!d TROW will he the thin* these days; non* so pure aa lit William Diere, West Broad and lib erty. KADI E.S AND i lENTI.EMI3N’! Fsl ready with si*rln* stock of umbrellas, par asols repaired and recovered; locks and keys. M Domlntlx, corner Oglcthurpe- Bomard. Georgia ‘phone 1059 BTfIVE AND RANGE REPAIRING OF every name or kind promptly attended to by D. N. Thomason, the etove expert, t also make a specialty of ex hanging, bl* lot on hand at lowest price*. If you would save money call at 148 West Broad. I *o to any part of city to exumina and make estimates. Belt 'phone. HAVE YOUR HOUffB PAINTED with German ready mixed paint, enttra satisfaction guaranteed. Adams Point Company. ' IT IS NO TROD It l.i; I tilt US TO Es timate on your plumbing work; our pluinilera arc tlrst-riaea and our w.irk Kiiaranteci, |.-t us do your work and aava you money A. C. Price A Cos. Phones 85$, Slate and Jefferson street* WANTED. ONE THOUSAND IIT-N --*ry |*eotdc at the Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 Barnard atreet. •PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST CTTT Imundry. They will call for your linen tmm* dlalely. GET YOUR WEDDING PRESENTS at Koch A Sylvan's, 48 Whitaker. They are beautiful and cheap. LOR PAPER HANGER AND PATNT er get Taylor s estlmatse You won t re *rei It. Painters' supidliM. “ATTACHMENTS AND MAOTnNE“nre paired whip you wait; all work guaran teed. For root p. ople free. Penton * Hon I.ADIIX HAVE YOl'lt PINE CRE p-xi anal tailor rnado atreweea dyed by new ox a dye proceee guarantied not to shrink or get out of aluipe New York Dyo Works, Whitaker anal Bt ate. 'Phono 913. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLaH, GO to Cornwell * Chlpman's. STEP INTO MY STORK AND GET A Imttla of fine old I.ewla '88; remember ft Is 'BB, amt not some other hrnrnl; <Md Crow h* great; try It. William Dlers, West Hroad and Klberty. WK SEEK SEWER PIPE, FKUB pipe, fire elajr, (Ire brick al lowest prlcas. Adams Paint Company, 104 Congress, west. "MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every aladlar of your haral-earned hard cash at the Southern Grocery Company, lit I’.tirnard street. — IF YOU ARE IN NEED"OP FlßST elasa plutnldng work of any kind. A. C. Prl e A Cos. will daa It rhewi*er for you than anyone else. Phones 658. State and Jefferson street*. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK Il being turneal out by Forest City Laundry Phone 1575. ' WATCH AND JEWEKRY REPAIRING given perouial attention, at Koch A Syl van'*. 48 Whitaker. FALL PAI’KRH. PAINT*. VAR rDhse knlromltK* nnd glasa and good mechanic* See Taylor. K of P. Hall BINOKIt NEEDI.E* THREE FOR flee e. nls; gill oil with doxen frea. Ponton A Son FOR RANGES AND ttTOVBft GO~TO Cornwell A Chlpman.' GYPSINE IS THE BERT WALK FIN lh made Adams Point Cos.. Savannah agents, 104 Congress, west. SEE OCR STEEL ENAMEL RATH tubs, only SIO.OO dollars; estimate# cheer fully furnished. A. C. Price A Cos.. Stale and Jefferson streets. Phones 85$. REDUCE YOl'lt LIVING EXPENsia hy Investing your hard-earned hard cash w-llh the Hoot turn Grocery Company. U 4 Barnard street. Good Positions! I*i ?^a( .c<^ECURED‘|J 'WuFj° u NcMa| Women A-]oti,eourpractjc*l pjCHMDMQ. BUSINESS*/ • Va' COLLEGES.! t/A*i/AS,w '/tf! W far Catalog , ■■■■■ m>~* mi m , 5