The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 08, 1900, Image 1

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morning news v ln< orporatad IBIS © j 1! KSTII.U Preuldent. asks FOR MORE A!D . ,L\M% iiito\ \ppi:iu „ K n ar ok i.U.VBITO. f ( £W houses are needed. „ ,P, Oil OK *1 PI’I-IB* O'K.'i)* |H\l MIR DKMRBU. A4irr .. L.nrrt fcy .hr Prr.Mr.l of ,!, it.<d (rMM to UmbfrmPß. Hrtlnrr er* and Other*. (-••t.i!fii>n * tthrtni Oe*erlbed •<! (He >eee*afly for the Tliiug* Hi ii. • iel i:%|lalned—%*|*roAcl *i H , H i<>r leave* I'ropli KKftosed. .ion, Trv.. Oct. 7.—Mis* Olara j r ,. t relent of the National Had r iety. ha* issued the follow in* in the manufacturer* and ouid i?4i >f :hc country. In which sh** them for awl in the way of ,t io ii* used In the building of I !or those who lost their all ir. t l- -tvei l .-form. M.initfanturm otnl I>ealer* in ... li inlnart. Builder** Material!* . hoifl Good*, and to the llu*i , Mi n In Gen*nl of t he United a, • inti*tnm—-Thin unfortunate *ea . J and town Iwd four freek* ;ig< B 'inn of about 40,000 person* In & .n*l night it 1* wtlmatwl that B v Tuiirly 10,000 of tlH*f were t!Tf a e and or killed by the fury of the j Tii*er bu.MMnprs were largely elate 11 . roofed; this broken rock and i it have been burns) through like cannon shot. The bodie* j badly mangled. Ullevc il 1* reliably stated that th* not on*' houae in the area of the t mi [damaged by it. A large |r#ipor t .. fiioee peiMMin formerly occupying entirely without home* or even i save such an person* nearly as d~ ■.;•• as themselves ran ofTer them t r * r i’lly, to their own great Inconvenl i . I coat. num*er of this homeless class I* c*i at B.U3U or mur* Winter is les# months away. Although a mild i vtll! snow and ire are known If tents would protect, which the\ .• |; in-, the seat and th* quicksand * I Ii i hold them down, the first north . *i leave their o* u|Mnta as utisbel t* i oefore and hardships, folds, pneu i .. and <onMim|lion would finish shat t • n has left. übHantta! shelter must be had *• i (or these people, and it would t be the dut> of those on the t i o put the ia ts In an intelligent ; re the people o' the country not heie aid ('unnoi see for them* n-t who could not comprehend i • seeing •i th - view, ihe National Red Cross ) • ih the co-operrtfion of th*- general < * tee. obtained estimate* of the lest *► of the vicinity regarding the i< 1 neds tor the construction of the v nnml**r t f houses, tenements . for the suitable sheltering of •w unsheltered thousands of suf f i reopif. fdl.-wlng summary t ■■!;!,> the lumber and building ma 'hat wni and h* required to shelter V<" per-* n* in the most ordinary < >ry. weather proof houses, built r m nl'tcka of tenements: . n . lumber, spruce or pine. S.Vflnn :x\ l* fet long. I.OOP pieces long; 3.&TMS pieces 4xK. 16 feet long. • e* 4x4. 16 feet long, piece f- r long. la.flOft pieces. Ixl2. 12 feet piece.- Ix3. 12 feet long 3T.4)b :\%, w feet long; I.<W> idece.*- :x4. • |o.g; 90.000 pieces, Ix 6. 16 fret mi I and grooved flooring. W.d 11 Ixo. 14 fe- f b ug; 4.4W1 wlrslow in 1 sash 2 feet. 10x4 feet 6: 4 ♦** * • imi*i and door* 2 feet Mx6 feet 6; 4 * iing s, ;i-inch, and screws; 4.000 I * irvl staples; ,V.oo bra-k for chlm • squarea of f*lt rrotlug 3-ply; 60 d* tny nails; 17 kegs 20-penny nails, j’.ters tools for lor* carpenters i bedding. < hairs, tables, t rn.-kery, cutlery, and sewing nix ifhdeiM to furnish about Ton four ouses In a mod* st comfortable man t- * 4.non dwellings and nil of their w re absolutely washed away or piles of wreckage—a wor*> tha ► m - . a in# na e io the safety of 1 ’ lining ionion of the city. wrought by th s*orm In •* at one* was much larger in loss ri pro|K*rty than at Johnstown, 1 ' .<•#. a Hons in money so far have • I inn-third lr - * for both the city : * i ti 'and than was given at Johns t* ri. 1 ‘ i* the bountiful outjKHiring of the •’ g*-nerrslty lws enabled the g* n- I'unimlttrc and the Re| Cross * and Hm* hungry, clothe thf- naked *' * • i* r the streets of Galveston |ar * I *'<blc. nothing has as >et l#e#-t w i*l r-instating th** Impoverteiie.l ’ • tn houses where they can os > e nnr) enjoy the slight mms u 4 * • forts of which the storm > and thrm. f "' five purpose of awakening of the Americttn poop ” *r appealing to their iountlfnl rescue thetio sufferers from 1 • 'bhipe still confronting them that stairmen's have been put material namM. It Is be;icve*l ' 1 nnd 1/- ail-inn.l w#wibl prefer , ’ a large portion of ih** lumber * r ilkilnc material and household • t mm* fr**m those states which I ' ' “h articles. "Amctican National RfdOross, , c Barton, President, k ' ; ‘* n Barton, Secoml Vice Presl- TUB HOI MMIIV, Sa r Hrinrrn IVfndurn* and \l#*n >*n stiii %d|u*ietl.* t ,r •* Nwaragua, via Galveston. . ‘ * • ape# i.i 1 commissioners ap ,,y the governments of Nicaragua iur •“ to fix the boundary he * states, n matter long In * u *ve i ondiided their w*ork the result being satisfactory to v<, rnments. * *rne r *one tit lliMint 7.lah. rn O f 7 —To-dny the blsnop of !n the Hrne of h* Tope, and ■ '•mv e of the German consul * , “ r nian ptlgiim-, laid the corner- TAN ARUS,)“ ‘ hurch which is to be erect ,nt oh the site Abdul r ‘-sented to fcmperor Wlllt.ims on II j. 4 / not tbe lager’s viait to le Jsatiannalj Morning Wctoi u m s % I' % tit iiu;<Tii. Met all.igh Makes a lle*i|cd lleinaiid I gnu l**very. New York Oct 7 Johi Mc ’u ligh. state superintendent *• th, non* fur th Metropolitan district to-.Uy *ent out sev eral letters the .utnorbie of ihla city, tuuching on th* coming elettion*. In a letter to Chief of l 01l e Ik v. r> Mr Me- Cullitgh cal!-- that ufh ial * ittentlon to llu* fact that th* do' of registration will fall on Oct. 12 *in*l U. and Oct 1!> .m 1 a. ami says The past experience! of this department demors*rates very dearly that the source Of the ib I Kin eh men- *>f the franchise In the . tty of New York .ire chiefly found In •he p**4room>. gambling house dl o derly lioiim*. houses of pr>stiiutioii. *a iour s run in Ur th gtilss* .f hotels in cr der to evadt* the provisions of the ex ise law. mid dive of even ba*>*r sort Mr ih*n. -i •m' length. *le t •!I:- the * - -*fu! |* **ecutun of illegal voter* and their *in>ors after the de lion.* of Novcrnbei isflh. and r* | atten tion o the foi that ilie evidence in th**c • Mow * and that they wa r*- *ngtneme l by persons having official connection with the city government, and that the voter* were drawn from the houo* quoted In the abstract of th** letter- given above. lb then sav* that he has lately cause 1 investigation to Is made of su* h re sort* in th** ci.y o' New York m*l ha* In hi possession sworn affidavits *t ibllsh- Ing violations of aim* a* every provision of law jii.l ordlnan •*. re aring to -u *h pla- ex. a majority of which are on the blast Sli below- Fu iri**en h sire.* arsl from which ire r'<*rufted ;h* gstiga of float* rs <md r**p*-.iter* who w- rk in con nection with tfi* habitue*, employe* an I hung♦*e*-04. of similar resort* in the old and n*-w ’ Tenderloin*’ nnd o:hcr parts ‘f the city From the evidence that I a** come Intu my p*Hses*|rn. h** says. I am convinced that an organtx**! Ht**mpt • beii g *o colorug’ illegal vot r* for the rw xt gci'.nil clextton in a:.d from these places He says If prompt action Is not taken by Chief Devary in suppressing these r* sor - he will Invoke the tl-l of the Stilt authorities., who are *p • (ally *m|ww*rel by law to pro-a-ed in these matters If** al>c xlls attention of the chief to the law which dire.-*-, the police officials to c ause an investigation of- a h name r* r Istered and ih* penalty, for th- neglect of *uch duty. His b't r dus* s with i demand that th*- * hi* f and the ntemliers of hi* command shall giv* to the super- Int'-ndatit of **l* lion* all the aid in his power in *hl> *lr* , H>ti Hi •ommunl . atlon to th- chief is followed by another to each captain tn th* territory' name*!, which practically cover** th*- a im* ground, and also o similar letter to Mayor Van Wyck. \\ irKD 4H T % F \MII.V. Husband, ftft If•• anil Four C hildren Killed in n *toru*. Biwabik Minn Oct 7.-Saturday a tor nwW* passed through a Finlander settle ment on Bike river, about two miles nbnh of Hiw ibik. wiping out in entire family of six. husband, wife and four children Owing lo meagre jdvi-'cs their nam- .- con not h* Darned The body f Marowttx, i man that was missing yesterday after th© tornado pas- M-d Itiwahik. wa* found i quarter of * mil*- aw v from his house >n th** rock In a horribly mutilated condition William (filmstrocn mother tornado l *im. who had his skull fractured, died last night at the hospital h*t*. The tornado whi- a rac*l In this vicin ity las* evening w*- the most violent e\*r experienced hereabout** Tlie storm ott a pathway 150 fee* in or kith through the northw♦ stern corner of thi* town, omplctely wrecking the buildings siruck Tha shaft house* and buildings of three mines, which -ro*sl in the p.ifh of the siorm. w. rc r-*lip*ed to kindling w*ssl The firq>crt;. oss i- **sUmot*-*l at foot) 175,(110 to IKUY.irWi. and th* known fatalltl©- number nine, with i score mot** In- Jured some s* v* r* ly. others only slight ly. In addition to those killed, four jer sons were severely Injured an*l about •w. nt\ five ott)ers m**re or less severely cut nnd bruised Toe engine house f ( the Duluth. M* s .!.* and Northern H.ilT ad wa -om pi* i*-]y wre ked. rw4 a number of loco motives and cars were shift**! from he *ra* kH and poun*lo*l into ts. rap iron Ore engine was blown from the track 1)0*1 two m* n were pinned underneath B nnd horribly burned by ihe escnrdng steam Revrra 1 cars blowi from the tracks were found In Duluth mln* pit. hundred- of feet away. Many of *he building- de stroy. and were i.w* by fhe mining compa nies and tenanted bv the employe-. The duration of the tornado was less than five minute ll was preceded by at> unusually severe thunder and rain siorm Th** henvv rain h • f!.*odol many of the o|M*n pit mines, and th*y will be unable to operate for soo tlm*. hokib ii ft ft .^mirriii: %u:n. ll©ported That They ( nrrled Many of Their (iuiu. fgondon Oct ft. —lt I estimated, accord ing o the Bletermarltxburg *-or respondent of the Daily Mad that from 4,000 to r.,000 j Dvrs have i*tr*.itd from rilgrlme' lt*st. north*-*st of Lydenburg. wish four Long Toms .m*l twemy-two other guns Th corespondent utnlersiauils that (heir Long Tom ammunition Is alm>M exhausted. Mftll l t) Ft>ll FNGI.ftND. ft (.rest Vteerptlon ftwolts Ilia Lon doner* nt Home. Tape Towi Oct. 7 Th- City of Volunteers sail***! for England to-day. their •lepartur** being attend**! hy n * one of trememious enthusiasm. Sir Alfred Mil r. In the course of an (*Mre*r thank ing them for their service* to the empire, told them that a still gr-ater reception awaited them at home Fnraialnjt the Boers. LviV-nhnrg. Tu#—lav. D, ’ i G'n. Uml - f-r’f form >i NVii iiurxilltlg th*' B v>r> Ihtougn I'llgrtni'H R#xl nml Ki ug* r.'t 11, I- ROW ROOT OkriSUX manhlng orihrd Th.- Hocru now her** have mad* a stand. Roberts ftNIII Noon Leave. Ismdort <>*'t X —I/ml Roberts. Gte Dally News annoui>*ea. will leave Smith Africa during #he I*► we*k *f *s to - The authorities have de<-i>te*l to limb the . mher * f colonial troops, who ere to be th© Queen’s guests in Dondon to sa Hostile Meeepllon. London. Oct. 4-Mr John Alexander Dowle of Thlcago. who recently cam* to Lniiand to prtvmote the Zionist movement, began hip campaign yesterday It St M*r tin's town hail. Ixardon. meeting with rather a hoatile rxcepiiou. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1000. WAITINGONM’KINLEY I'lU yiDHT I** i:\rn TF.II IN w \m- INtiTON T4l-M:iHOM . CABINET TO CONSIDER CHINA. DkVKLOrMKIT# NOT l.tmklJ) FOB HKI'ORi: TUB MKbTIRIG. QurMlan* l , reeuted l> the French Note to He (atm- over—■Some Frt nrea of the I iimmin Irsllun He* •iiilr*- ftii Immediate tclhm—TliU (•livemment U<|> Not 4 oi*ider (rr twin uftg<-at(oii Fsvorshly —lm perial Family llan*t Mefttrned. Wm-.ilnßion. Oel. *.-I>ewto|iHfHl* of am n>na<|iMK- tn th- t'hti.ia.' altuiltkMi .•re no* for unit! aft.-r the return or rrekient McKinley to the He t expected on Tueelty momin*, an.l on the nfternoon of that day • ultit*t tiut wl.l probot'ty he h*-Ul. when ttt.- tloete prehente.t t>\ the Kfrnrh note will be aone over tn an informal way Ttte Kreeh ratte recently wMretw I to the Power, i, not rrKHrt'l a, Jurt ihw of pre-wlmt neeeaalty for action, a, ecvetal irf the tut Hon, Utter-,ie*l have alr.vl\ ln true ted thetr representative, in Pekin to axeeriatn whether th*’ tm|oTtal .diet lont ph-tely name, ttve p.-r,onn deaervln* of punUttiment. and other f.olur., of Pi# French propo-P oontatna propoetthma which ran remain In abeyam e Thl, a ivernment may not . on,tiler a rtouly the pronorltton which look to the |>rv<hthlti<ai of the Importation of .trma int. Chtna and the d.-m.tntllna of h< forittn ,tlon. Interest, meanwhile, 'en ter, tn the report which Mr. f'ottr-r will make reaaitllna the ad* nttaey of th* tuir.- tahment, to he nteieo nut l\ the Pltlne. r government to lh.e e peraott, who w. r. it etrttnioiital In the liox.r revolt, anil the future comae of thl, government may de |W-nd largely on what the Inveatlaallon, now belt', eonduete.l (level, p No advlc-. have come a, yat from Mi Pony t on thl, aubje. t. *>'" thl, I, not -urprlalry. na 111, work to he undertaken I* of . on, liter atile ni.anltude The war deptrtment omelnla expect that all the American troop, to be aenl from Pekin to Manila will he out of Phln.t by the ,'iat Inat Such effort, a, have tieen made Uy the elate department urging the return of the family to the capital city e—m up to thle time to have h.-en Ineffectual The laat offit-Uil advice, of Mlnlater Wu. now a trout a week old. Indicated their In tention of going to Slnan-Fu In the prov ince of Hhei HI. which ta further to the Went than they now are The fact thai the iding governor of th" province wa, directed to refrain from all extravagant PI epa rat Iona" In making arrangement* for the Imperial family la to Mr \\ u a mind an indication that their aojourn at Stnan Ku ia to lie hut temporary, KtH'KRfIH IT\H Hl.* MB. \itniea Thttae I hlettr Heaponalhle for the Hover VI tt, eme lit. Pekin. Oct. 3, via TVn Tain. 0.3. . via Shanghai. Oct T.-Hy n Imperial l-cre. . I,atied at Tal Yuen, capital of th. prov tnce of 81. dated 8. pt S. Kmi-ror Kwang 8u denoum e, the Boxer move ment and designate, for pur.tahmem nine ringleader* He acknowh dge, hla own fault and rebuke* himself, ‘th h*- pla< e, th* t hief blame upon the print t, and no ne- who lartlelpeted In the movement arwt protracted It. l-rlnce Tuan, Prince Chung. Prince Trail I den. Prince Tsai Ylng. Duke San Kang. Ylng Nlen. prt-tddcnt of the . nsor 11e ntul Chao Shu Chlao. president of the bovtd of finl*hment. are nil deprived of their title,, retnovetl from ofh.t and turned ov .-r tti variant trial board - for lutther penalties Prince Tuan, by the term, of the dt.ree, I? to he tried by the board of • ln Copies of the decree have hen receive.l here, and are act epp-d a, genuine. It t* report'll ihui Tung Ku ll,lag ha, fb t to ihe province of Shan 81. f-.trine punishment Th.- Impression Is ginwing that the Imperial governmen' Is making an effort Io til,per*, and punish the Box er, The imperial troop* w rio were set n Monday near Pel Ta Chit ire ttetlev. { to have been > oncer nt, I In this movement The n'ling viceroy nt Tien T-ln was no tltl'd lhat orders had been ir-tied Io tlls ,ar-( the Boxers bill , rid he feared to send -"it tro.>p be.auae of Iht presence of the alil',l force,. An extended Japanese retxtnnol,ranee south of Pekin tiinoveted ili enemy This afternoon the Amrrl an itot.p. were review,l hy Gen. Chaffee in front of the Tempi*' of Heaven. All Ihe foreign naff* were present. ( The foregtStig torro‘raiea the off! lit I advice* rerelvetl lasi w..-k from Dlr.stor General Shrng by Mr Wu. lit* Chinese minister at Washington, and liy the lat -1.1 lotntnunlt att and to rite department of slate. NEGOTIATE AT TIKV Talk. Probable Tl|<A* 1.1 "'ll Meet IB- liters Th*n*. Istndon Oct. S—ln a dlspolrh ftotn p. kin lo Ihe Times, .laid Oel. 1. Dr. Mor. rison says: •'ll look* now as If M D-Gler* (the Russian minister io China) would n-at*- llute with IJ Hung ''hang IP Tien Tsln. The American withdrawal will fa. Illtut* Htirsla's negoll iFotiX ton'-rnlng Man t hurt i. All the mandarins lit l’ekln have de , dned the Kmpre-s Dowager's orders lo proceed lo Tml Yuen Ku. astlglng various prelexis.'* According to Ihe Shanghai correkpond ,lll ol Ihe Times, wiring Ist H Is an nonnee.l lhat Huai Tapu. nephew of the Kmpres* Itowaser. who wa* dismissed by Kmietor Kwahg Hu It P*>. has ,ucce.,l - Prlif, Tuan In rive Tsung I.i Yeamen. and ha, also I ■veil appointed rietierads'laio of the Chinese force*. rep.avtag Gen. Yung Lo. I.EKT TIIA TSIA. 1.1 llnuit t linns on His Way la the f hlnese t rtpltnl. Trsn Tsln Saturday. O. t S —LI Hung Chang, whose view to l-ektn apparently (vad been postponed Indefinitely, left this morning for the Chinese capital. The live Belgian engineer* and fifteen mieslonarle,. who had been kapt prlson . r* for m.tny-week,, at Pao Ting F*U. but w,re recently under orders from 1.1 Hung i Chang, who directed lhat they have safe escort to Pekin, refute to atari, fearing treachery on to* part of th* Chmcac • cort. Tha eiphlH'Xi to Fao Tina Pu b mm* !'hrtlil*fil t. "mr: to-morrow (3u* <liiyl It in rcfiortr*! h,x: thr iux*r- have placed improvod KdlkMftll on (he prnnel aiiul lo tk-fpoil (h- town, idOxuiKh a 1 really pra-- ts* ally <k**r(rti in mil u>a*ion of 4he j*x>. jt* :*•<♦ atiOA-k The hav*** lur t ij*hf>t ih*- aaoort I>r U liung OtuinK to Drkln. RBUBIeN ATT44 K!#ll % TO\\%. Troupg m llonu Kmk In II -mII n<- for ft i! Baurramcy. Hong Hon*; Ort 7 Yewtrrday 1 W r*b- aton'M th* tn.irkrt loan of Kat Wun. 'ißht mil*”* north coat of ban 4'huti. hut n*'r* ihfiXKol The people of San Chun J 1 their ex pectins lo b*- ai iMCkpd ul*o. The tro*n*!* here are bJlnff held tn r#alt m*e* fr any t-m rudu v. and the poll * for*'ea alon*: the Kowloon frontier have •ft-n inmaxpi) 4tK If Xf ft Na : i HF.4 KKO. Forced to Retire lief ore on ftrmt of M.fMMI 4 hlnnr. Oct. x—T lu fhamlard h* the ft*lM*winx from Tien Twin, tiatetl FTkkiy. < h' (. b : “A German force >xme into colllaion with K.onn i'*hfneae t ib*ev'rlbeAs a- Boxer**, .if w mil*** eg with of Tien Tain thin morn ln*c Th* German* wen* cha*kel ami compelKM to retire on Tien Tain "There rt-.ewn to believe that tho CtilneiM- in ihtr 4m wore not tiojcr, but wer*- Ll llunir Chios* veierattc. h:a# had \n nlcrl to wall near here m vi- w of the |*Att>llliy lhat Ihe forelxner-v would lar hla i*r.nrew to the capital." FHF-f lltF Foil TUB M IYTOft. British Tnii|iN Have Been **o |n atrueled In 4 Idsu. I/mdon. 0* 4 ft Th* Morning Post ha* the followUng dispatch, dated Oct. i. fio ii Matow, on Ihe PH Ho Sir Alfred Giml* © (fhe British com mander), has retuineJ to Pekin. aft--r issuing orders that all 4lie British troop . except th** \\ *-l Hut ftft ei lieglment, shall prepare for the winter. Tti*’ American m trine* from l*kln have arrived here Axn# of th** French troops an- leaving " TOW 111 lift NON!* ft II Ml,, Flforts to Nave Her ftft ©r© Friaatrat©4 hi >*|tittll% ftft ©athrr. New York. Oct. 7—The British team*-r Kr.lcrht Templar, t'.ipt. Finis, which ar rived to-night from North Shields rtp*>rta that on Or# i, tihe sighted the abandon ed British ship Nonpareil, of London which left New York, on B#p. 10 for Sourahaya, Java, ind w ik abandoned on Sept 22 (’apt. Finis tent a boat to the Non pareil and It waw though possible that *n© could be towed into pore There were only fourteen Inches of water In her hold. A volunteer crew was called for. and af ter pu'ttng them aboard, a hawser was pased to the vessel. She was towel from > p in until midnight when th* weath er became very squally with heavy rain At 2:15 a. m Oct. 2. the hawser |arted Th© Knight T* mplur stood by until day- I ght when Ii was deckled to take off th© volunteer crew and *©utile the vessel Bhe wan set on lire and In a short time was a mass of flames It wo thotigh that she would eventually sink as th*- water was washing around th© hatches. The Nonpareil was fired directly In the tn k of vessel** bound to and from Kurop© and about 1.3 m miles from New York Bh© was anew ship and was laden with (wse oil Her owners were the Standard Oil Company. The crew of the Nonpareil wer© taken tff by the steamer Cilengoil. which arrived her© B©pt. .V> from Bey rout. ft UOftSTKR BX PI/SSIOR. Mnuailnr of I'unmVi f Dyna mite ftft ©nt OR. Evirieth. Minn., o<*l. 7. Be\*-n thousand, five hundred |ouuds of dynamite m th© fmwder magazines at the Spruce mine, about i h,*lf mile from town, blew* up this afternoon. A hole on© hundred feet square and twenty-live fe*t deep marks the spot wh re the nmguxln© stood The fort e of the explosion was so great that there is not a piece of glass over a foot square within a redius of two miles of th* mine. Practkally every win*low and mirror in Kveleth was broken The lo**s in the town is estimated at |S),MI The damage to the Bpru< © min© was about*i, the mine iat>oratory nnd warehouses being totally wrecked At least wro hundred people were mor© or I* t*s seriously hurt, iieing thrown down by the Minii-k or hit by shattered glass The explosion whs ploinly fell at liiwa- Mk. twelve miles distant Its cause has so far not l*e©n ascertained I An unknown man w IS seen near the magazine a few minutes befete the expios on and hm not been -*n slnra. DIED l-'llll 111.11 111 11.1)1* EV * ftlolher ftriopfrd the l.asl Resort to (ill** Them I Dial New York. Oct. 7.—Driven frantic by th*- cries of her children for food aft* r they hr*l had nn* for forty-eight hours. Mrs Mary Haybold, wife of Andrew H;ybold. n m*- liana- of Yonkers. N. Y.. hanged herself In her tom# to-*kiy # ap parenlly to let her Ilf© insurance go to provhl* for her ch4klren for a shott whlk longer. Mr Hay bo:* I was an Invalid and too weak to work and Mrs. Htvhokldld what sb© *-oukl :o keep the family |>rovi*led for. but the strain wo- too much for bx. AA A1 THE RAITKHA TEHIIOH. * llneterloloaclent Kxsmlnalloa allowed I leaf I* Do© to th© I'lm u nr. IxMidon, 4)* 7.—A l*nct#rio4o*lcal ex - arnK.ntion ha- ••• -. "rna I* it) the case of 8. am* n Garnett, who arrived at Newcas tle. Bep*. 23. on a vessel from the Rio de la Plata, and wen! o Lianduff. Wales, where he died lnt Thursday, supposedly of fever The results show uumls'akahlg (hat the disease was the bubonic plague. DIED OF TIIL Nt Ol H(*K. The at f*laao4v. Glasgow. Oct. 7.—A min who was brought here from Govan on the Clyde Just beiow Glasgow, and received at the hospital on Bept. . died there to-day of the bubonic plague, -4 RAN DOWN THE SHAW mMUMIIP II ft Mil ION "INK ft 4 41 ft|.-ls ftlll.N K IIOONBH. LIVES SAVED BY THE LINER. THE WRUfK I*Hah IN TMF \ft ftl Ol kHll*ft. Two ft FMla f olllded In m Hrarj l og 41 IT \rihenf End l.lahtuhlp—4lld Dominion l iner Kept Her fttmr In 4 lie llreneh I'nfll he Ichoonfri 4 rrw Were *n %eil—fle Then Hark ed ilnf and Ihe Nrhoourr ftft eat Don n. New York. Ov*t 7 - The Ol l Domltttai 14n' oieamnhlp Hamilton brough' n tlna port to-d.iy. t aja Smith and neven m*n, who xtn|>rbed the .-r*w of the I'hilxd'M phla nt hooner *\ A H'taw omi •! frotn I’hliodeiphla Hi Frovlthirr with (om of coal Th* venal Itep on iho latu>m with .ill kftiM net aiht mast* mi ki'l4 twelve feet out of ihe watr .n fh*- t out-*** **f <-A>MFtadee veaaela. The *<*hoonY n.o **ut -town in the <|enie ft-g by lit* iroit a*Hn of th*- 11 .• rri it* • three min * from Kortheoot Kcid iightahip at 7 oCM> k thl* morntnu The Hanrilton wai* on her n.iv here from Ntvrfolk with over len abtn p*-mn. I#h | atal j* geiiettil .nrgo Sh* wtr* at fen knot*' ap*e| when the n- i-ltt OA-rtrt*-d Tin* arhoonrr wa** lioUling or nhore -m.I ftoulhram. TF* k>*kout ki tha e* l**H>r* r wa* blow ing th* foghorn at in tervnla. an| h* •oukl hear the xvhintle of th* at earn, hip before Fh** !ooni*i up io tn* fog The mate. William llowictt. h**l Juat • ome on dc-k from below when the iig hull of flic litter Np|*ercl out of the fog ll* Ni her nt the ; hj>* moment that the lookout man nlghied her. Tlvlr alwnita htouKh* ail the m*-n on the aai.lng i-raff on det k A moment Inter th** *fm f th* Hamilton *r i he 1 Into the Hhaw imtdfhipM on the atarKmrtl aide The blow wax u-rrifb-. anl the hig lin-r • ut through the >*t rtoorn-r tn the weather *!•!• of the hatch At th* game time th* main nail fell a<'roa? the lliier'ii b*w. tarry Idk away com* of her rticalna After Milking the Hamilton kept her no*e in the breach, while the men on her threw rope* to tho*e on ihe echoon er. One man graeped a heaving line an i Jumped into the water He wa* much *x hadated when pulled on th* deck of the liner. The other*, with the exception of the ateward and one eeaman got aboard ►afely on th* rope*. The la*t two. when they *w that col Union could not le avoided, launched a yawl boat. They mic ceeded in netting It in the water half full They were in danger of getting cruithed by ihe Hamilton, but got her free. While the men were being readied by th* ropes*, an officer and burnt' a crew laun* bed one of the Hamilton boat* and. putting out. re* ued fhe -two men In the boat A* aoon a* the wrecked men were all on board the Hamilton, ehe backed away from the Ahaw which eank alm<*Jt ii.irn* diately HU Fivr.ll TMI. Hill 41. l*ftlH. Frlsre ftlhert aal Ills Hride Wei romeil to llrossels. Brussels. o**4 7 —Prince Albert of R©. glum, and his bride Duchess Elisabeth of Bavaria were received at th© town hall this afternoon. The royal procession was warmly acclaimed by ihe populace. The B*h la 11st m**mliers of the municipal <oun dl wer© atisent from the ceremony. ftft'hen ! was over the royal couple ap peared on a hnl*-any facing th© square, where school children were assembled to fn© number of R.flft) The latter waved thousands of Belgian and Bavarian flags, while th© onlookers generally ©b**ered and waved handkerchiefs The children then sang a popular pa triotic hymn, while the Prince and Prin cess reviewed them As th© tto©ialli* kept their promise nor to d* monstrat© In favor of amnesty and universal suffrage and as no hostile manifestation* were mode, the royal procnesimi went on foot to the Bourse where It was re. e|v©d with great enthusiasm ■"■ —• • ♦' • i ItflDl LAI 1% THE ftfOMGI K. None < ailed to i Inim Hentnla* of Matilda ftelsrs. New York Ort. 7.—The body of a young woman, who committed *ul kb* H.i ur<kc. night In the Grand llot©l In thl© By. lay on the marble ski') at the city morgue to day. No one called at the place to l.lrn tify her .n*l give her burial, two* dt*l the police eg pect any one. The letters and pm>©r* fouiwl in hr • lothlng. with thr©- letters. wtMten by her on th© hotel stationery la-fore dr ink a *l**sriiy * 4*l appear to |iro\ • •wlthoiit doubly that (die Is Matilda Nelstm. the young Bnr*flsh girl, who no toriety In IRK by suing th© •••tat*- of Austin Corbin for s'.,#■•. •*) the oh-4h *f allege*! v©ri*al |*rofnises made t*# her by Mr. Corbin. Th* *W*r)* alleging bin* k mafl. won a verdict Among the pri©*rs foursl on th© oody of *h*■ woman w.i v r© ©!|H fr slb |M to her a4frn©\ fia* < oiehje-tfng th- ©a.-*** Imairy* t tb© <*orl).n ©s at©, atxl several letters from lawyer ami newspaper clqqrings *onremlng the trial. HIVRN4 ON Tltl. It I*E. tffrent Dlstrlcls Inundated by streams In ft|e!©. Tampico. Met , Oct 7 The INinuco and Tames rivers, whk h empty Into the Gulf at this place, ai© on one of the biggest rises in their history, and great damage has bee wrought by the floods In the pop ulated and ©ultlvated valleys above here Al one point near Fhlla station, on th© lln© of the Mexican Central Railroad, fh© Tames river I* over fifty mile* wide, and has swept to destruction hundred* of houses occupied by M*xLan farmers pnd laborers Many cases of drowning are re ported. All th© tributaries of these rivers In the south and ©astern part* of (he state of Ban I/its Potosi ar© out of their banks, and have washed away whole villages nn<l ruined thousands ol acres of growing >rop a * SENT TO REINFORCE YOUNG. lnnrß*‘i(( ( HiirrulrnlinM In %rlh rrn l umn-€ onalderahle ftcnul* Ink and *Utrm!*hlna Manila (•* 7 Four Hoop,-* of cavalry and two tomp.itii' -of inf.intiy hav* r t ntly rein for*-*! (mi Young in Sort turn l.uson where ihe limurnub .r* cmicen traiimc in (he mountain* of North in I South llcro proviiit p*. under Ih Kader *hlp of .ftgbi .i' th** exoommuuleate I priest and i • or^ndf Oen Titiio at.l ;• i VllUnauva. whohi-1 be* n quiet for j**-nt-* itm* re now hi,\ ing Mien* of Ixt omliiK a* five, an the and of th* rainy •*.-*on ppi*a*h* n lf laie there ha* b* en coti*derabl woouflfig and *klrmi!*ldnJ in th** tr>*vl •** of Aiwa and North I!*••* though with out dedalve re* ill- li I-* obvftcHiu. how ever tti.ii h maneiiv* •*! fh* Kiliplnoi ar* mure -killful than formerly, and tool I. Yi*ki tacii. of ih* AliierUxtiiH ai! la lug follow l by them S**ur Main hi th* virtual f*in*ler of Uftt* *o- abed KilipliM* government, who Kw captured l\ tl- Amerl*un* !'•*- cetivl*er t inl hk*-tl in Jad in Manila !)*■ I*e-n lib* rated Am h* i)*l nlWiiv* h eiutentiy refu *-d • toko ih** aib of l* iegianco ft* th* t*n4iil fifttalea mvern m* mi h*- Kid maih ilmd Ine retw*tatl*n am* tig the Fliiplnow a* re-oliit* iatriot. Th* v now Ih -lev* t >it be !)••*• ♦ e*l a prixni* tn.!*r*t.n*ling wih ft)** ftiti-n< an nutbrltH** uhli'li .-nn - <ur'l hi- reie.i-* . ill<|, W)-*a|lienll} he it • kel (!)•• f ht* |opulirl \ although h- I* -till *on- *• • •re*| ih H iik*r of (he t volo tlonary element Thl* we* k th** rommlwMon will !*•, the work of revlalng lh *rl(Y makin* I)--* of t:e reaulfn *f the inv eotlgatlon f th** army Uwnl in thi** #llr*--:|on il - the Inieniion of the i- tnunlo lati lo give Vmerl an tral* o bet let ohan <• thnn It h.M hereto for* enjoyaxl owing (* tin hUh dutiea The trane|Mg’ie Bummer m l ft’enuw have ‘albnt for !)• inland of off the went count of l.ngon, • art ylng two I><•.tniton* Th* f*n*r l. already or riv**| there The tr.maport will reinforce the Twenty ninth f’nlted Btate** Infonu* now tn .Mnrtnduqu** Hl* Id)It in j4.00.n m. Mrn. nutf rfteld Read a Vllapwieh 'that Mnini 4*mml \rnx to ||-r. fh I*.ml. Minn i*t 7 Through the puhll atlon of • dispatch from Mllwin k-** in m-dav M I'lone* r |'rr*. Mrn II K Ihjtterflel.l of thin city ha- dlmoverc I that vhe In S9R.4D) wealthier than ah* had im agined. Mrs* Butterfield wa* formerly Mine B* lie Griffin of Minmapoll*, inrl In Iflp). while upon *n * x<urakn to the Batin - **t. **he rti* t Thoma P Markin of lfc*Mon Their acquaintance wa* later carried on * ty ni.-ai! i,f i’Orr,s(,ml,n '' r'. 11 ihsy l*. .m<. nxg,i Shortly nr ihs rngnf rnsnl Mis, Griffin visits.! N-s Entisn'l with h,t mother iinff Ihe we.liHng wss ffxeil (or few months later Sh< ihrn returned horn- lo |>r*|>jrs (or the weti! Shortly after this Markin i ■ atta k. l hy severe hemorrhages of Ih- lunge an.l died The night before his death In* sent for a lawyer nnd ho.I l-.lm ex.- die for his atha". *.l a unit cl.tlm de< 1 io u mining properly in liMndurn, winter, a, rill, result of syn.ll. nle n|eraliOß:. ihe |tr|M.rt\ gr. illy 111. r. in value, an.l ihe atlornev. who le now i.ra.ii.lng in Detroit. Isurtie.l ..( ihl, fn < SII.I <m ,',n mur.h'atlng with *he eviull. ate. w . offer ed r>-"W> for n quit i-tolni d-**,t from Ml,, Griffin AM tie, of that young lady hud however, been leaf Mrv Butterfield on reading the rttspun li prinle.| tnatay. nt onee umk sieps to es la risli her kbiitlty and will shortly re •eive the ismarti Her is a rletk In 4 mll road freight Til THA I'll GET THE WILL. The linrn ni©nf In th© Hire 4 as© ftft 111 ll© 4(|||g|||, New ft'ork. Oct 7 AIK rt T Patrick •ml (*hirl* F. Jones, attorney and *© - ret ary, r. *• pec lively f..r th© lat* ftft Ilium Marshal Rice, whose rhe* k* they ai .1 * us***l Of forging ar- still In th© Tombs, whllher they w* r© ©ommht*d In d* f.ut of lio.nro IKill each on Friday last. At tempt will be made to-to*row by th authorities to obialii phts*‘M.jhi of tn* will allege©*! to have been drawn by Mr III* e. In Which he gave to Mr. Patrick bis entire fortune after dividing abou s.>♦■,- •W .imong hi* relatives. It is th© Intention to submit (hi will as soon an it nm t*. olrialned to th ntteniion of th© han twr.t Ing *• x peri * to d©t*rmlt>*- Its genuine!)*--* In th© meniitlm* . th* ©x|m r( aMI *-ontln e their • xarnlnuGon of th* all*-.*-I forged h* • ks and the i*s un)-nts which purpirr to assign to Patrick the entire Rlc© es ' tat* All of th* have Ken *t© lf©d j fraudulent hy 11 least five expert- but no attempt hue been malc to *llik (a* r (hr author Of Ihe alleged forgeries. It Ift ft I.H ft %%toN4. FIRMER MF.ft, *P)m4• l (iaverumrst Is 4 onl<|erltib Ihe NltUMlloa. Madrid, Oft 7 Th* .Hpanlsh govern ment Is devoting sertoii* consi*P ration to ih© rivalry the fishermen Long the 1 Galician c*ast. which ©uitnlnat*-! yester day In firing ©n th© Kpanisli gun •***( ft'ssco Nunex *k lliillhjo. ms sh© was leav- J ing Dm- |Krt of Vigo Thsr© Is apparent - ■ ly no in* miis if removing th* hitter feel- I Ing ltw*n those w h*> use out -of-dau iishlt)g appartu and thos* w tu> e mploy th- lat**t con tti van • -* A Ib|Ntt( h from ft’lgo says that th** na val commandant of th* |**>rt. who was at tm k©d yesterday. a.r* nl> t abled. t*sk refuge *n a (J* tmnn warship an*l h strong es©ort was neetletl to protect him asainst the pofnilo* * on goltig ashore. 1q 1 t # HOftKI % %II I OTTON MILL*. Financial anti Industrial Report Front Ih© I Ilf of ft|©%l©*. M©xko City, Oct 7 Exchange on New ft'ork hr- fallen from 110 to I*2tiX. Bank ©rs <lo not anti* Dot© a *t* al\ rfs* in .diver. Th© demand f* r Mexican doilaia for China ontlnue* There Is s*m© talk In cotton manufa©- tuntig clrcbs of a-klng the governm**tit to remove th© duty of seven cents per kilogram on Irngorted cotton, but this re lief would not help the Gtnation much Th©e cotton manufacturers oho pr©par long .I*o lor thl ranking high grad* of their foresight Everywhere mills are running on t educed time Hanna and PET*. <-*iExn. o#t 7. Senator Hanna, a-com pntA rty Senator Erj’r cf .Main# will *n | jto South D.tkoia aiwl N<-t>r.iti n#* , ■wk Th#j- rxpaci to have Chicago Mon- I [day morning. J DAILY. A YEAK. . 'TN 18 A FtlBY WEEKLY 3 TIMES A WI.KK.II A YEAH SHOT ON HIS TRAIN H.NOHIOR I. ft TTI MOR B Kill nil ON TIM. kill THKNftt l( ftll.U 4V. WAS MURDERED BY A NEGRO. 'ii itiii nrM ftft MFsftijftd 4 mm: Ni; ft 14 mil ft* vi k. Negri* Vl*nrdd fla•• I'rain anti Hr- Dinlliril n flir |t*pff>!|int iht* f ilnrinr ftft licit lie ftft nt* ft**• f*tl. In 11 * tn<• re ftft n ’lnlaed lo llrnns> wick. I)u( IMctl 4(1011 ftffrr Ilia ftr rlval—Men nml lia I **fi in Pur* anil *f Ihr ft|i*rd**r**r. Brute w. k. Gii *- t 7 Vmduotor Ma rl* •. I altlrmir* **f ih** Southern pMwn|or -• r\i ** w**g mur icrrtl i>\ an unknown •*- xru to-nighf lailtlmnr** w i * brought d-*wti by i its allbrr pl(ol ball fir* I through Ih** ahd*mt*n l\ a il* ;><*raia criminal who wa* at tempting to M*il i rid# int** Mruna w IcV I h** ahonttng o • tirrrd ii**ar th* four mil* ro*“* ?!)■ Hmifhcrn "Jerkwatrr" wh puiih g Into Brunswick Th- negro then dung beiw-ecn ih* -ngitie n*i lag xag* c ii h f*( thn • qwancr* of a mil** hciora h* leaped from th* awlflly moving irnin Into Iht* bu *n - u*l *ll-a;!*•.rad (’otvl irtor laattlmor** w.ilk**! into tha baggtig*■ ■ (H* i) and fell It'.ro (h* artna of ItU flagman William llrock. and with a xroan and exet imaUon. "(ih, lardy,* # it.k lnt nnc ion-* * Th*- train wax stopped ind l-aitlmor*- # t*n‘V*rly lai| u|xn fh** floor. but hi** condition wa* so th peratc thnt th*- train w.** imrn**ilataly siartrd again at lull a|-*'*l an*l cam** Into llrun* wick with ba til mor* hwly regain ing conge loumu* A* th*- dght **f r* * a c aaniad fn** hla ayaa, Fufttnan Brook laanad ov**r him. ami ih<* *han living man bri-dhal a w J|*|>C jid in* )*• of love t hla wi to and two litila children. coftMgning to Mi friend’*i car** f*>r th*m i. watci> and motw \ Af the d* t* tha train w* half. u.*l Hr II *#.-har i. H|Minld to th*- hurra ■ ill fr it)*<4k-aj oil. l-*l’*w*‘*l i' Hugh Murforxl, of th* H*wHh*rti> ataff. Th**v did ail t*- tor th* wounded nmn. but wll bout ivall Over Brunswick th* newa apread with ** raulditv th-t lh!url)#*l tn*- i*ca*’*f l • dm of tha Pabbith evening, and in sny mert volunteered fhelr *■*tvi ** i- Hhenff Barrta to Join in tn* hi c with log and gun for th** slayer *f laltltnurr Ganara! Act m randier of th* #4*utharn tanlara*l the train to th#* ahorlff * whlia others battened to the liverv at atria*, re cura*| h*r.•*•-(* and were r**oii tn ih* agtddla on tha chaaa after iho man who nre4 iho fatal ehof From Flagman Bro. k an l Mr C. O Jones, a pae •tiger, *i- alie of fh** murder were obtain* and a* Follow r: Ttia negro got on the abort lint |*B.eng*-r at the glx rnll* croe-mg lie wa- olmerved. and C'on ducior ls* um>rc, m com, anl*.l by M#Mn Brock and Jon* , opened the door and called to him to come In th** coach. Tha negro w.ia then a winging on the right hand *h|e of the forward end of the l*ag- K-e coach, facing the rear of tip* engine, lit* shook bln head when * ailed to from (he car, and Conductor Baltimore, un it* rlanding hie motion in in* an a nod of acquiescence, walked tack Into the • uach and w dtod f*ir him t show up The negro not filtering the door. C'on dUCtor laftltimoie atepind forward again with th*- teniark that he would gel him. Sh ort. Jonea and Hr** k warned him that hey hl observed the negro dnw a pis tol, and orivlMd Lattimere not to go out of the door The brave conductor replied that It was hla duty to collect fares from every one riding oil hi* train, and a a ha Maid thl. stepped out on the rear of th*? engine. The n*gro in th** meantime had crossed over to the right side of the coach, and wax hanging to a side *up|Mvri with one fiHvt on th© *tep As leottlmor** • tiled him the negro raised his gun and bred. I#at ilmor** then adapte*d b** k into the coach Into tha arms of Brock, mortally wound ed. Th** negro clung to hfs |mritlon for a distance of three quarters of a mile, and than Jump*d into the bush©** as tha train oiowed up at -• switch. Th© negro struck th* ©witch falling, but recovered himself and ran off Into th* woods. The train aah tof*i*ed briefly, hut Baltimore's con dition and the fact that no one on ih© (rain was armed caused the train craw to rush Into Brunswick with their wound #d chief. lie dad shortly after talng .ir rM to his home, (inductor Latnmore tii-l run freigha anti (atssenger trains for soma years on h- Routhern. between At lanta and Brunswick and waa one of the most popular men on the road. | I.ll*l n\ 0M.114 *|4 TANARUS( 4 otINKHS. a> a 11,- Hna \n( AAtrk*.l fin# ol lit# Pork Markrl. I'lon Oct K. - Sir Thomaa Linton In the couro* of an Intirvlrw (hat appear, m the Dally Kxprraa I hi- morning, de nle, any atlcinpt to corner pork tn Chi* cago. He say*: "I have never yet tried Io corner food On the contrary, my object ha, atwav, been to lower rather than to m!*e food price# VAhal happened wa, ,Imply thl, I re* elved a large government order, com pelling me lo keep hlg xiot kln reaerv*. My huyera In Chicago bought extenalve ly. an.| conaequirntty 1 hold a rather hUt g.r ,t<k than u,ual. "It I,*' htilnr„ lo execute lav r, ntract*. and thetr execution will not af. fret the .American public at all. I ob ject to comer* on principle " I ten far 111 tt ll it Mailed. London. Oct. 7 The Hnmhurg-.Amerl can ateamer Deutachland, Capt A her,, which lfi Hamburg ycierday for New York, ami wa, roportr.l a, having ground ed in Ihe Ellht. .ailed from Southampton to-diy. Ilroixhl 'lore Than W,IHH.OtIO. Baker Clt>. Ore.. Oct. 7—A dDpatch ftotn London l ite, that the Red Roy mine, neat Ihl* city, ha* been aold to an Kngltah ayrxlicatc. It I, said th# purchaim price ta In egeeaa of two tutlUon dollara.