The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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the YOUNG MAN AND HIS BIBLE , j. SMITH'* SBRMO* AT '„„ T PHK*HI TBHI %* *HI HIT*. _ k , .ui.jrrl C ho.rn at th- B-qn-.t of (h , ~rrflr) nt ,hr ' • "• *'• (( Mill Kona CTaaaas This wr ,fc for lh- **'“*•> " f "••• " %f . t , Tfcrlr Ma ( ImhwA-Thr u „, in On l I* *> IMalyln Ih „ M _lU.|lev- K,rr,.hln In th „.Mr-Ma Has !•- Ills . ((lr , ltejncf la 11| inr> l Joisahn vthur J Smith of tho First in Church. delivered n scr , night on the “Young Man and iskill* *l* his tsxt. I'salms Wlipi sltlial hll r<*** msn - may' By tqklnic bl ther"- or ltr* > thy wor<l " H-v. Mi ,i.<l by a tv of Introduction. that -i hnl (Hl* **rmr*i In arcordancp , i rwju-M from Mr. Johnson. *•<■. ~f the Vouna Mon * Chrt*llon Ai~ aM.b institution to , t , ,nif*l lntd- ctai*c Ihl* wi-nlt. Snilin -iwkn of th- help MV* ll*- it, i h—n to him In th- |>a*t as mini iml snlil hi* I* on* of , irtii-st Mipporlnm of t:i* ns*ocln. hccau.t h- wjs al on- limn cn* p -I .n the work In N’-w York amt In n ba* sermon Mr. Smith spokp about thousands of young men .n* th* Mr—ts of nil rHl** ,n towns, men who n*■**'!*i| to have , w s rbansed. ’ The way referreil to text hi- s.ii#l. "I* m.m's wav iba , , . , sin And a* all men have tranv . t tiirtl's law they an all winner* an I .1 m-tng ThP lII' I# re e ls this kl It li j*ls ovrr Oslvary by the t’rfts* of i Th<- 1.l ssl of Ji***u Christ. (Sod’s hi . jeanseth ue fiom all sin' It I" , w. pks heart to flol's word lhat s *n tni* way.'' i, ~ itntr t bsl * word a man first of all i.■ j. t.i b-l|p'p It Dint be a J-bollln g. , , ip it to piei-ea with yotir penknife t thrown J. nah over, but reject t at .ailing It a myth, for many a |o r alias m ule shipwreck of hb- spiritual t.iklna that a* his llrst step. Don't *,* timbraland everythin* you se.* In , lilt. .* lt iltsl s hook and you aiS ~ , min What you can't understand, ionp; Halit w'UI come lan*r. -e-ond Plata- slisly the Whl t. heed it until you study It to i w whiii I.** In it. this diligently and industriously man *in succeed In the builfla* it id unless he I- Industrious. N*lhor . mm sucirrd In Ihr spiritual wwd he diligently atddles the Bible. Pe • . matic about your Bible study Ha\# j .n and work t*> I Read it oonaacu- Study it topi. lly hl‘graphically, lively and sympathetically thorough in your study lon t be • hr*.* 1 Gold dust Ih found on the • it C.|** Nom** but the nuggets , found down deep In the ground in ihe x .1 1 k Spurgeon naltl: "We need to .1 y nilft." The* true beauties and \ i|:h of ihr Scriptures are not found on ! . surface. p. nguliir about your study. l>o It 4 1\ ik** the llstlnns (Hve tha best ;r*i of th d.ty to It. John ij.ui.t v Adams forme i this habit n i etudent in Harvard College and fol '••I It a congressman and *j prei* a- til -.ns Stonewall Jackson's dally habit -nd the early morning hour* rad • . tw Bible and in prayer .. ii unliurrledly Tnke time for it. do i rushed; if you do. no profit will ,of it >a Meditation.** tome one h.s* -is almost i lost irt Our ability • . t.p u in) think Is departing from us u the busy days. We are almost Inca* iu •• of proiongeti ih* 'at on dlvln** *ut- Thls is one gri-at reason shy there >. littl#- growth in gran .it prayerfully, they are Gods secrets hi i ar* revealed to the hum de. prayerful t;...rt Kvcry young man who desires n aave hi- *av rlnansed. should come t Bible with tie Psalmist s prayer. • iHn Thou mine eves tb*it I may behold v. • ndr >us thing- out of Thy law.*’ , heeding tK-d’s word Wi should finally • I*l*l Vlt to our own lives It's plumb *. to our crookedness ft is a r rror to r-v* si our sinfulness: It Is a . U(I to give light to our path, when the V.V su ms dark By hiding It In our ' uts w- hhve victory over sin It com i ris ui- in life, sickness and death. Kc ioh me Thy P ' k." said Sir Walter tf. ns he lav ii|on his dvlng bel. to a old friend Lockhart. “What book ' Mid I stick hart. “There is but on** book for lying man. said the man who stotel • r among literary men of his day. an ! u lio had had millions of readers. “Thvre but one lKok. th* Itlble Th** music at th** evening service *a* • ic lally good. Miss Summ.Tim’s s#lo l ort-ver With the l>r<l." and the duct w**en Mrs Summerlin ami Mr Byrnes \a •re grimly .n Joyed. Besides tbrs* Mi Kline will sing next Sunday i t The pastor announced thin I.** •1. Mnd to sea full attendance on Wed i vUy night, as he has something (- ta! to sav about the work of the fu’.. uii*l winter. PITTING KTRKGT lOH>F.H. N Dangerous I'rin'Mci* lu** l *"* w h*clt nn Ordinance I* Needed. Tnfr* 1 I* in iirxnnl nH for a niw li* regulating Ihe use of vehicle* on the treets. .r for n stricter enforcement of i*i*- present law. The rule of the roa*l keep on the right able of the striel* an I ■ f (he Mjiurnt* —In pretty generally observ • I ■ xr. p In turning street cornet*, when ii ... very m i>l*>m observed, either by drlv h of teem* or by bicyclist*. The won tier Is that more accident* do not occur a.- an null of Ihe "culling across" etie I turner*. Probably nol one driver or bicycle rider Ii live hundred. In turning ■ street cor ner, doc* not ''cut ecro**' <>-e to the curbing or sidewalk. no matter whether going to the left or lo 'll* right In turning to the right It i •h* |.r.i|er thing to do. bin It I* safe to -a* that In 4Mt ■!**•* out of GOO, If a driver ■*r hi, v. list* were . omtng In the oin*<>- elte direction and the other leom or W • uni tia in the way. he would go a* done to the curb a* he could get ir. many clue* the ordinance* require driver* and cyclist* In approacbtng "*re* i rostdng to croee on the right to e opi lte id*le of the street, Into which ey are to turn before riding or ilrlvlng n th it atreet. ftuch or-Mnancew, not onlv tat but ire enforced In Philadelphia. Port I i.nt cure |* taken to nvoal "b-nt* at atreet i roeelug*. anil the law In- cutting corner* la slrlclly rn f"rc#d. AT THE THKtTRH. ' I'' rnelil-fieltlenl t'nmpnny Will tlpen It* Engagement To-nlgltt. h Peruchi-Hrldrnl Compnny will he 'l a five nights' engagement at the •iter to-nlgrtt. presenting the eomedy •t am.!. "A OulMy Wife." Ladle* will a tmlitr.l frc. to hl* performance v 1 every ier**on having a paid JOc ticket ,r " rveif before < o’clock. company will give matlnet* dally. r ’electing to-morrow a: S o'clock Tor M *nv will present during |ta atoy h*r* nIT. f " ilowln * repertoire: "The office '. "The Fatal Card.'" "Monte Crls '•'trta Are Trumpe," "A Kentucky Girl " Manager Peruchi |>r>mise* a )l*t ■ of sitecialtie*. ii nd vaudovllle features f I •irusiMii strength The Pickert famllr. a i vtuiisvlllA tvam of five p**j*!e, who nave created r) good deal vf inter. . hive been ewptclnlly engage*! to do their 'lever batwtwn acta Exchange* give the ,om lany ox cel loot not lee*, an I patrons of the Thtwter may expe *t g<M*t entertain* menta The prt< ee will le 10. 3) u M | n cent*. , 9 , PROkPI l(o| % SR.ISOX % III'. %f>. IrnOlr Manna* r Jack Talk* of the Vlualnea* Oatlnnk. Traffic Manager P F Jack of the rtin System t* at his post ofter spending s*v era! week in the North Part of the dm* Mr Jn<k was at Like Chamidain. and after leaving there he visited Montreal and Qu< tie. I look for a good business season in e\ery line * y| r Jack yeterda\ The fie.>n,e ; the North are so full" assured of the re-elect lon of Mr Mc- Kinley that ihey look uprti It a* a mil ter. of course, and the ele<*tlon promises o have bus a barely perceptible effect up*n bustnes* Ten ret it* cotton nv-m* proaperliy of course, down South. ani the good effei't* wall be manifest In ever*, direction T.i higher price of .-niton wdl enable the farmer* to Uv In larger stocks of fertllixer?* for th* neat crop, ard this will furnish <*kfltionai lajsines* to h* ralioaid* "* It Ivlii* remarked that lncreas#l pur chase* of frtlllxer* ami a l*ra rnoi' of cotton might not be a g. oi thing for the farmers. \lr J<n k repl hI **l don't know' iiboul that A heav> rop would not bring as good a price per Iwiie a* the pres* <*nt crop but then, after two shott cropa. the world will tbmhtle** he r* idy to ab sorb a large crop nn*l the decrease in price* will be slight. Beside*, having more money and being more Independent than ever before, the farmers are In let ter coiwlltlon to tuts* n iurge opop than they have e%er t>een As they have learn ed to live eon mically. an 1 a* they wl I have cash to pay for their supplies, the next crop will !*• raise*) very economi cally.** Mr. Jack doubtless forsee* #rt common wlUi many other observers, that la will be prat lea lly tmpn slble for the average farmer to resist the temptation to |Ht in for a large emp next year Most of them did so this v*ar as a matter of fact, and the combined effort of Providence and the weather bureau were nee led to hold them down. The earnings of the* Tentral of Geor gia Hail rood for the vra-ek ending the third week of September, were |IS2.Th. ag lnst 9U9.2M for the c*>rreejsin*ling tn riod of last year, and $4.373.14H from Jan 1 to the of the third week of Hep ember, agains# orjn for the corre sffonding period of I*!‘ LOCAL PKRKOKAL. Mr Gordon Keller of Tampa ip regis tered at the Screven. Mr H D. Htannard of Atlanta. I* a guest of the Pulaski Mr. i'hn R Moore of Msoon I* reg ietererl at the Pukakl Mr CWfton M Tilton left last night for <‘harlotte, where he will irpend it short tlm** Mr R O. Jones of Columbia was among the arrival* at the Bcreveti yes terd.iv. Mr Frank S Love of Augusta was in tiie city yesttnby, a guest of tha Screven Cap! Sam Baker. *ddier and lawyer, who first visited this diy over fortv year* ago. * lgjin at the Pulaski, where lf- first put up. Time has dealt very gently with him The friend* of Mr Joseph E. Hartv, win* ha* bren seriously 111 at hi* home on Habersham street, wilt he glad to know that lie 1* sonn-what improved, and hi* physician* are hopeful of his recov ery. Messrs Robert L CokJlrg and Marlon Lura* returned last night from a trip through the Northwest, including Chicago and Indianapolis At the latter place they attended a meeting of the federation of lem**ratlc club* as representatives of the Biyan and Stevenson Club of this cltv Mr Louis D. Morgan I* back In Savan nah af’er an absence of two years *|>*-nt In Ikwton and New York Mr Morgan s friend* will be pleased to know* that be will now make hi* home in Savnnnah. Hi* brother, Mr. Thomas S. Morgan. Jr., 1* • iking quite an active part In the present lo|itlcal campaign In New York, and 1* thus becoming well known in the metrop olis. (ITI BKRVITIKS. The llo*nl of Education will hold lt O. lober meeting to-night | Tim IPUT EVEN. I hlrnaii Took liar t.nm- and lairln nall the Other. Chicago. Oct. 7.—The first Kamo was an cx< Iflng and sharply played article of ball, Chicago winning out In the ninth on two gift*, a sacritl e ami a hit Cincin nati took the second by pounding Hughes all over the Held. Attendance 2.WIU Score: First game: R.H.E. Chicago 1 0000 3 0 0 I—l 11 0 Cincinnati . tt o t 0 1 o 0 o—3 7 1 Itatterles—Garvin and Donahue, Hrclt enatrln and Kahoe. Record game- R H E Chicago ...1 0 0 1 0 o—l 5 1 Cincinnati 2 1 1 1 0 1-7 II I Itatterles—Hughe* and Donahue. New ton and Kahoe. Nearly Mobbed the t mplre. St. Douls. Oct. 7.—l’mplre Kmslle called the game In the seventh Inning to-day on account of darkness H< was nearly mobbed for doing so Fully an hour after the game was called Iho run was shining. ■Hid it was Just os bright s when the game c ommenced Tim. ly hits by Wil liams ami O'Connor, won the game for l'lttshurg. Attendance. 3.300. Score R.H.E. St Louis 2 n •> ft ~2 9 2 Pittsburg 3 0 (I 0 tt 0 I—3 6 1 Itaiterle*: Young and Crlger; Philippi and O'Connor. THE FHfWI'HUA* <• Jaenaelln Oat Rode I eager and til ers at Paris. IVirls. Oct 7-A large crowd witnessed the much-talke.|-of match to-day. on the cycling track, between ihe French. Dims and American cycling champion* Jar quelln. Myers and "Tom'' Cooi>er. The race, which was In three heats, was won by JacQuelln, first; Cooper, sec ond. ate! Myers third The winner wtto rude extremely well, received a great ovation Irom his compatriot* The distance was 1.333 metres, and the best time 2 minutes 3 3-S seconds. Hull). IN ll III! RECORD*. nistanre* the Athlete Threw Ihe l'i and llt-Ponad Shwl. New York. Oct 7 New world's records for putting the twelve and stxteen-|und shots were made by Dennlw Horgan at the benefit game* held to-dav under h auspices of the Pastime Ath.etlc Club st Ita grounds. Horgan put the twelve-jxMtnd shot S3 feet. 9V, inches, or Inches fur ther than any other athlete In the world had ever done before In putting the six teen-pound shot Hoi gun adde.l half an Inch to hla own world s r#drd of 18 fe*< * niche# THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, OCTOBER 8,1900. M INTa to i.LT gMi.N.tMMI. H. H. Farrar** Intruded Suit Aanlnst the touthw Mlrrn It it 11 road. The third step in the tficgt im|*o tant railroad litigation which ha- been com menced In ihl* section of tne state since the receivership of the Central Railroad, was liken H.iturdax sav* the Macon T 4 - graph, alien the attorneys *f the plilntlff filed with h* clerk the Swj*nor Court an amendment to the care of R M Far rar \*. the Southwestern Railroad Com pany. This Mil: wa* commenced in July INF.t It ha* been postponed from time to time, but the trial will take place at ’he apprbachti.g November term of Blbl* Sa in rtor Court Tile rase i* a sequel t the Central raiii ad receivership and spring* out of the iroublt* and compllca’lon* with which the Southwestern Railroad fell lnt* at that time The H ul: will be a matter of kern Interest to a great number of peo ple. especially to those who were *n* k holders of the Southwestern during that receiver-hip a* it is *upio*ed to offer them an opi>r?untty to re<o\er norm part of their lis.-ts The plaltitlfT **!* up in hi* :*etitlon that when the re >rganlxatton >f the Onthil Railroad tfM*k place, the S uthwcMern rt and ed th- larg* sum *f 4 tv.lK.l 4 in rrmprombi of th‘ rental* which fell due during the r • elv* rshtp, hut which hid not been paid lie alleges that the Hr uthwesiern Rail toad was |eaa ed i the Central Railroad in '***. :ut that according to the terms of the b a*o. the rental was to he |>aid directly to th-* stockholder* of the c>ni|an> and not ;o the company itself The lime for pa>men: was the months of Jutie and December In every year The following ixtract from <hc laise is set out In the petition "And the r.tkl the Central Halltoad and Banking Company of Georgia hereby o v -enants and igrre* to atvi with th* said the Southwestern Railroad ComiMiiy that -luring the months of June and !*•• tn every year during the continual)-* of ti e term herein gianted. It will declare and pa\ to the stockholders of th* Kou*h w stern Ruiirunl CompanN ltvll**i da whi*h shall bear to the dividends declar ed and paid to !•* -wn stockholders the ratio of ft ••* Id. tha' Is to s> to each share of flouthweeietm Railroad *tck for every ROdtslare-l nl |i l t*> ‘M-'h ahara of Its own sto k an-l that no semi annual dividend so )eclared ind pdd -* the stockholders of the flouthwe- ern Rat road ComiKiny shall b- less than at the rat* of 7 pT centum per annum on *he par value of their stock The plaint Iff clatma that a** the sum of P*T..IM was | aid to the Southwestern as a 5 |*er cent, compromise id the un told dividends due during the receiver ship. this sum of money, therefor* -II not belong to the flouthwestern Railroad hut to those teot' who were stockhold ers in the Southwestern company -luring the receiverahlp at the time tl>* re>gulr dlvkfends should have been paid The |>etltlon goes on to state that the people who owned stocks at the peri -ds when -llvldeiwla sh>uld have been paid dl l not lose their rights afterward* selling their stock, but that they were, and ore still, the true owners of the IskvlM-.M. In proportion to the number of share** he4d by them. It seems that the Southwestern did n*f deal with this money according to the i* - tltloner's idea* of what slw>iki have been done, but paid out s3ls.oob of It is a divi dend to those who were atockhol-ler* Dtsc. *4. IWV. ani al*- a Unit 137 u GM" in fee*. .V)mmlsslons. etc., and tdd aside about Sfß.tna n? a reserve fund In the treasury. The |etitlon claims that this was an Illegal and unauthotixed diversion of the money from It* true owners, and soys that the true owner* of th* money are the i*e>p|e who were sls*kho,ders in the flouthwestern on Dec 31. INS 2. June 3. IMIS Dr* 31. IHH3 June 30. I*o4. Ihc. 31. \m. June 3h. IH. an.l Ie- 31. That those who w*re sto-khoklers on Dec 31. IW-* were entitled, under th-- aettletnent with th* Central, lo a dividend of per rent on thetr stock, or s2."* I" r share. ! -Sit of the fund, and this applies whether they afterwards sold their stock or no*. Tho name. It is contended, is true *f ho**- who were sto k>*b'rs on Jut--' A* IKI3. Dec. 31. la. June 3(>. INW. I>*c. 31. iskt and June 30. ink... all of t*•*** b-- ing entitled to SS.fiO |M*r share who were st<H*kiioMers on L>e 31. l*of. are entitled to a dividend of $1 i**r share. The of this will la*, if the plaintiff wins to give somotrdng in the way of a dividend to those who were compelled to **ml th**tr sto k during the Central'* receivership*Vecause ot the low price to which thie sto-k fell at this time. The plaintiff Is repraacnied bv Measrs Henry A Alexamb-r of Atlanta, an-l (k**)rit** 8 J*nes of Macon, and the flouthwestern Rullroa-1 by Messrs len. mark. Adams A Freeman of flavannah. • rwl Hardeman, Da via A Turner of Ma con. The Bouthwesiem Railroad Company has filed a lengthy answer of m**r** than eighty typewritten pages. It gives a full history of tne Southwestern Kail rend’a l*'' to th** Central. arsl tie •lun ger that threatened road during th** receivership of the latter road, when in attempt was made to foreclose th** tripar tite mortgage ogiln-r th* Southwestern. ani co se I that road to pay these lmnl -which culminated in th* decree rendered by Judg Jackson of the Supreme Court of the I'nltcd Slates. oid*'ring th* South western road to l**‘ sold to pay one-dhird of the tripartite mortgage, or one-third of lit.oiVi.fnD The answer set* out the settlement that wis made with the re-orgamx*d company, on the basis of & per *ent. for defaulted letitals. and claims that the money real lited from this settlement belonged to the Southwestern Kali rood. and not to the old stockholders, as claimed by the plaintiff The Southwestern further contends In its answer that the |>etlUoner ami ill others who may have been entitled to the money have lost their rights by acquiesc ing in th** conduct of the company, and that all It d‘d in reference to this money was ratified by unanimous vote of the stockholders at the meeting of Feb. 11. I<*6. ond by the stockholders accepting the dividend declared on Dec 24. 1995. without making any protest. Resides this, numer ous other pleas are mole to show the plaintiff and th* other stockholders are not entitled to tills money The answer file*) Is a strong and able presentation of the claims of the Southwestern. The amendnvn’ undertake* to answer many conditions of the answer, and says that the ratification claimed by th#- de fendant company for its arm was unau thorised and void, nnd that the *tx khold ers have not lost their rights thereby. This amendment prays the court to aje polnt a receiver, who sha I proceed to col lect the various sums ! of money due the Atockholdere. with 7 per cent. Interest. It also prays that the • *npany rnny be com pelled to discover under oath the names and addresses of all the stockholder* who are ntlll*d to dividends that have never been paid, and the money be (mid over to them While the nature of the suit cannot be more learly stated In limited *pae. the above l* sufficient to show Ms far-reaching effect him! tne wkleprtad Interval It will create in the state I* •*: HAH PLEAT! TO DO. Kept Rosy During (he Early Morning Honrs. The police had quit* a lively time early yesterday morning when shout fifteen prisoners were brought In The greater number of tnem were on tie usual charges of disorderly conduct though one or two tutting serai*** were reported, non** of a serious nature, however. The run ceased by daylight, and only a few were brought In between that time and midnight last light. Aiattlc Andenon, colored, wag arrested by Patrolman Lovett on the charge of as* a.iulttrg and cut Ing Hicks Bdwkgds ah.***i( 11 o'clock a (ifliv and West Broad streets Kmlt Britts, a while stranger, w •* sent la by Patrolmen t’ronln. on the ctiarg** of vagrnney Htshi was first found lvlng on the street ;ind claimed to be si. k Before ii doctor could h* had. however though he re.i!ly w s sick, he had droid I*l IO gf* out Ikf the city, and when neil fotitiil he was in an empty freight car H' w*ts then sent to the barracks and a diictor sent to treat him He will |*coh ably np|ar before the rivorder this morn ing Another white man. Milton f’.irk was giro arreftt*! * yesterday H % is charge ! with breaking opt-n the door of (’barle* r, Clark Pstroimm Coffee maie the ar rest KOH LOt %K. T%\%TIOV School Commissioner 4lenn’s It erooi mentis t lon. State School tom min-toner Olsnn In hi annual rejH.rt to be eubmPtnd to the leg Isloture this nion*h. will cii Ia rumler of im|H>rtani change- In the elil school system On of them is lo al tux.ition. which he deals with at consUle rable length, and another is computaory atterala(<*♦• on the s ImoW* In the mi'ter of taxation the c nuni--smer says "I all your alien ion to the ochod ;>ot>ulatlon of *.< h suit.. the totid amount of school monei expended by r.* h sia'e th* amount raised In each sat by I* cal and t.y st<e tax. (he am nu t eXiHn*l**d |e*r apKa of pHuilotlon. and the amount ♦*x|**nd*d U|xm vich child enrolled in h* e'hool!* of every state Tnls information is compiled from the list report of I*r. Wlilkm i Hart t. . a t 'ommi**toner o Filucatlon This report show‘s that all the Male* In the t'nin *x c* jt a suial. Kroup of Southern states n*w have a nine months' absolutely free term for all th* children of cb<ol Mg • ■'*>(kl.t has only five months' terms, M-issachuse.-t spfndi ku* I<* every '*a* for each child enmJlml Bh and lei n I spentis tMJ. New York $34 .'A while Geor gia spends f* 31. Asa matter of fact Geor gia spends on her country children each >ar les- han *4 for each child enrolled Georgia provides lor . ich child of school age Ift, while Massachu-etts provides for *a.'h child *.f school mk* $22 H. Rhode Bland sl4*2. N w York $l4 9S Nearly all of the Middle and Western state- spend ten times a- much per child of school age as Georgia spends The tiachers In th**se systems receive thra* r.<l four times as much salaty as our teachers receive. In Massachusetts all ti.e s lmol m*m*y Is raised by lo a! tax. while in G*orgt near ly four fifths of the n*on*v 1- raised by state tax One-fourth of New York's school money is raised by state tax. the other tbree-fourths by local tax In most of the states from one-third to one fourth of the money* is rals.d lv sta*e tax ami the t* ance Is required by law to b# raised by 10**01 tux This is true In every section of the country cirffrt In the gouth. In every Houthern state except Ixiulsiana. Arkan sas and Florida the money for school purpose* Is raised la.gely ly a general State tux In Florida the sat* nro% ides $1 ux per child of school and the coun ties raise SV4I per child of school ag*-. In most of the state*, the state law .;.• h countv or school district to raise the lu ai tax lefore 1* can arilc|tvTtc in tip* funds provided b\ th- state for th** ad ti es 11 on cf the children The question I bring fo the l*egistature of Oworgia Is this, boa not the time n*w* tx>me for the general assembly to paas a law requiring *a h ooufity in this s( ie ?o >ewr a jstrt of the gem rol burd -n of taxation for the edta atuai of th* children? I would not insist upon a large local tax to siart with but nobody could object to a general proposition like thi Require each county to raieo by local tax at least me-fourth as n*e*ii money *s th** stale provl.b-s This entail amoufit would not le laird*nanme upon n\ coun ty In the state of tleorgla Kven th small counties, many >f them, have not heslta!*l to tax fht*msalvcs as mucli *s or tyt.QOO in one year to lati! Ia House nr a Jail. If the §>eopl* run lw‘ tinvi localiy to buy.d jail for h* chlUKren after they have growrpi up in ignorance and vice nid gone to the hnl wh> e/toubi they no* tax th* inselv. *, to build school houses and prolong the school term and secure a capable teacher to save the children? For Over Fifty Yeara. Mrs Winslow's (toothing Byrup has he#n used for children teething It nod he* the child, w>flens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Dm rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle, -ad. PLTITIO* FOR IhIt'ORFOKATION. GKO KOI A. CHATHAM COI'NTY • To th** Huia*rlor Court of said county: Th** petition *>f Henry tllover Thomas Young. Thomas W Williams. Rlh rt L Drayton. Daniel Jetiklns and Charles Bquire. all of sal*l county, shows that pe. tit loners and sued others as they may d**- -Ire to asssiciate with them desire to be incorporated for the iteriod of twenty' years, with privilege of renewal, under the nnm** and style of “Th** Kvening fall Aid and ftoclnl Club,” tla* place of busi ness to he Sivnnnah. Oa They desire to b** Incorporated for mutual benefit, |*r te. Ilon and enjoyment of ihe members of sold dub. and not for pecuniary gain Wherefore petitioner* pray that they may he incorporated as aforesaid, with privi lege of buying ami selling real hixl |*er iirotierty. with power to assess and *"Ol|e "t dues, fines or other obligations tm piased upon member* under the rules of -aid dub. to pay death benefits, sick ben efits to members. is* such by-laws may Im* conslsten* onl proper, and gener ally to have all powrers anl (irlvlleges al lowed corporal ions by law WM II BOYD. Attorney for Petit loners Original filed In office dept. IS, 1900. JAMKH L MtTKPHY. Dcfuitv Clerk. H C’.. C C LBQAt noth ki. NGTICK To DKBTGRd AND CRKD !T< GUI OKORGIA. CHATHAM COt’NTY -NO. t ee is hereby given to all f* rsons hav ing demands against William F Dunn, late tf Htid county, de teased, to pre-ent thm to me. pr er!y made out. within the time prescr.b*d by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all |>er sons indebted to Mid deceased are re quire*! to mak*’ Immediate payment to MHB ANNK DI’NN, Kxeutrlx. Havannah. <'• i Hi* ltss "gEOROIa. CHATHAM C<H NTY - Whereas. Philip M Ru-sell and Waring Russell. Jr . have appli*>sl to Court of Or dinary for Mters dismts-ory ae executors of the will Of Burst) J Woodfleid. de ceased Thes** are. therefore, to cile an*l *lm*a - Ish oil whom it may concern, to be ami appeur before said court, to make objec tion <lf any Uiey have), on or before the eighth day of November, next, otherwise said letters will be grunted Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this, the ■!xtb day of August. 19nu FRANK K KKILBACH. Clerk C 0.. C. CV N<(TP i; 1* ’ DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEOHOIA. CHATHAM COI'NTY - N>tlce Is hereby given to a.l p*Toii* having demarsia agaioat Kbjo'i Crawford, late of so el county, bceis#d. to present them 9o me. properly made r*u\ within th* time prescribed by law so as to show their character nnd amount; n1 all per sons Indebted to Said deceased are re quired to make immediate payment *o me NANCY C. CRAWFORD. Executrix. Savannah, Gu. ( Oct. 2, VMO. CLASSIFIED AuVhHIIStMENrS. nCMRONAL Y Ts A SIM I^NDID make up Even your mother would have never known X V That mustache * great Who upplh'd thai outfit"* The Georgia ha:r expert, Savannah Hair, Jewelry an-l Shaving Supply House, the place for ev erything pertaining to hair, whether to remove superfLmu* or unstghtiy hair or to replace what ag* r l- kn*w h.* -*gus el t- prematurely U* 1 i*rdered from him hr-*ugh th* mail thi* mustache, wig an-l whisker* aid they came O K J t’ST ARRIVED. IKH’KWAV 4Yfl tors t-!.\ ni L \ .tn's cafe. 111 Congtc street west THE FCHNITFRL FXCH ANt IE. U3 ll.trnti'l street, buv an-l sell*, til kln-l of second-hand furniture for cash. 18 Ynl'H IRON SAFE FIRE - PROOF" fl'iflel Af have a standing offer of $' uni for everv safe of thetr* that •locs not preserve its content* On*- safe wu.*- tn burning debris lit hours When t iken out th*- h- ** had t- l*e turn- I on I* When opened, not a page wis di* "I . rel. not m record -wt. n*t a b strove-) If you wont security, buy a Stifle! & Freeman safe C P. Miller, agent. YOI' WILL LIKE TIIK MILK FROM Sprit.gfield Dairy. tt‘ rich and pure, try It FI ‘UNITER E rpIIOLSTKHFD MAT trc*ir* renovtte-l. Antique furniture r* |H)ih* , *l furnttin- i-a-'ked and shipped In lcm manner Sni-1 me y<ur orders. C p Mil.* jflint FINE RICKFIKIT r AMB ker every day. best of all othsr In marks! BONE FLOI'R. JMNiFND BAG. *'-* leave or-kr with E Movb*. U> |4ragh€on etrM‘t. -sst. or 114 Park avenue, •sist. J. Gardner, agent IF ITH REGS YOTT WANT. YOU CAN get them %.*brsper from Mc<*lllts. SPECIAL! AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, ladles stxe. st l? J W. Tsople. SCHOOL BOOKS NEW AND SEC onl hitiul. Mll aiel ex-**l Barnes' 2nd Reader. 20 . 3rd R aler T-*. 4th Read er. .V*o. Reader. 4-V. Lincoln's l’h\*Mo gy, 40-*. Ist Stepping Stones Literature. In*l Stepping Stones. .10 ; 1 Tineas Arlthmiitlc. I.m . Montgomery History, ax At Gardner's Haxsar I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton, rtng up 24 R if you want l have your furniture moved or racked for shlpmen? or sf>rag I guirantc pru*- the same h> I do the w->rk hat s gl\**n t m* A S Griffin. 414 Broughton street, west, maltressre ma-b* lo order. MILLER’S STOVES \ND RANGES give satisfactlt n The Magnetic. F;-*-n rilsl. \% al-lorf. King, and other good makes at reasonabb price.- 2>7 Brough ton. wvst KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS I'N siiri assed for richness; delivery Is per fect; phone Stf SEE MILLER FOR oFFU'K DESKS’ ofTl.e tables, offl e mat-lng office shade*- 2ft7 Broughton. West WHEN YOU SEE M GILLIfI SIXTY Inch *9 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It, will sell In any quan tity FOR FLOR A L d'ehTgNS. FFT FI/>W • rs. points and bulbs fr-m ta*laa*hlg‘s nursery. isave onters with K. Moyle. 1 Broughtoti street, east. J G-irln**, agent ” "FURNITURE MOV BD WITH CARIO." Is a sne Islty with MeUllSa ~MILLER'S NEW STYLES IN CAR pet*, mat'lngf. linoleum window shade* etc All work done in first* a** style 207 Brough ten. we**t SEE THE JEWEL - STOVES’ AND ranges for snle by J. W Teepls; also sgent for Insurance gasoline sto**e *M'QILLfA IS CHEAP ON RttGS. NETS, lacs curtains. Immmodu, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suitss. and furniture of every <V* rßaton. ”$i 4m BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last Larg- s-sorttmpt ,f rockers, divans and easy chairs. C I* Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the eountry. # r*e from *ltv drainage impossible for milk lo become oontamlrafed. by Impure odors; If you want |tire Jersey milk, phone 2H' De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed M GrLLIS MOVES. PACKS. HID PA and stores pianos and fSTSlIara; best work only; no "Cheap-John" prices no "Cheap* John" Jobs $1 on FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS, whila they last C P Miller, agent M'GILLIS LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. $2 Mi FR ART SQUARES WHILE they last Big assortment, ill arsleM of art square- rugs. mats, portieres. C. P Miller. ag*nt ~ M'GILLMI SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna pHlmw for 99 rente. MIUMCAL. IK YOUR feat are troutilLg you. call on me and I will give I curs Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain, charges reasonable, -an give the best references In the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets: telephone 2tt. Lem Davis Surgeon chiropodist help h twtai-ti 'TvanteTT pltmheiis 8* hrodcr’a. Amcrlcua. <la It HI t "KI AVK It S WANTED AT PAR lington. H O. Flynt HulMlng and Con* atrucilon Company. wanted, brick layers parpen tera. p.aaierer*. lilackamlih" and horec ahoera. wheelwright*. tullora, German ankeeiters, 11 <- and log chO|>pera and a.iw yera. mill tignda; a**• lluber, 317 Weal Hay. Jackaonvllle. waT-nman. ' wA NT!-:D RV AN dl*b established wholesale tea nn*l coffee house, a bright experienced aaleaman t•- quatnted with the retail grocery tr.nle 111 H.ivannah an*l vicinity: lller*l profstsl tlon to a man of push and ability; dale ex|*erief>* e, by whom empioy<*l. etc. Ad dress Importers, P. O. Ilox 3XI, Phil adelphia, ACTIVE MAN: *>> MONTH ANI> KX penaea: permamnt position: *•*perlemv un use tutsan * jcr*. "a * .*, 231 8. I - Philadelphia HEI.I* n ANTED— FEMALE. ~yvA>prynT^lTi : DrT~wHmrT7mr^ assist with housework. Pall at 22*1 Hall street, east. “’wanted" a WOMaTs' TO rook and wtiah. uniat *lw* lie good buller. Apply lh" Jon. * igr- . l, west. IIoTEI- EMPLOYMENT AGES' V *l7 West Hay. Jacksonville, white man and wife mill (warding hoo*c MO.OO: white wo man rook. Fllshugh. SIS: boua. k* eper. ta ble girl*, maids, laundresses, cook* EiVt I*l.OV *IEAT WANTED. A YOENO I*AI>Y DESIRES A PO ahlon as stenographer and typewriter. Address Mlw* M K T . M Eighth street, earl. *A BUTTLED WOMAN. fWHITEI wish*** a situation in * private family "> rook and matt*' h*TW*lf generally useful, or to take race of no Invalid lady. Ap ply lo Charlton street west. *i^— ROOMS W ANTED. LARUE FFRNIWHBD parlor. |oea'e<| between Ahercorn. Bar. nurd. Jones tret* nnl <tgtethnrpe ave enoe. Address "8." c.tre cl News oflive. atatgig taring by the year. V% ANTKO—HIM. KLLINKOV9. "vva\ ri D RMALL IB>TEL i $R l<>atdtug house to run on |**rv*niage for th** winter • r th* v* u by a mao nl wlf A'ltlriM llox 11.1. Wombnunt, Ct. "WANTED. I.sno LIVE PIGEONS. AD dress B W Sperry, Duval Hotel. Jack sonville. Flu. WI W VNT A Nl- *E GPNTLK IB RSE for it ia*B must be gm*l s.* an*i a g*ml trial required, must b* i lor-e with style, no other wanted A*ldr*e* James Thomp son, general tlellverj l'o*4*>ff|ce IF YOP WANT GOOD MILK OFT IT from S|aingflkt Dairy . It's rich, pure ami wholesome. ~IF YOP WANT A PLACIX TO DPMP earth, dirt sand, manure esc free of charge, just at • tty limits hauling over hard rad write or telephone Brown Bros., cotne. Amleiaon and East Brood streets FOR RRNT-ROOM*. FOR RENT. TWO FRONT ROOMS, furnish* and or unfurnish* and use of bath with or wdthnut hoard fa-ing Park •* t n l i No Drayton stre'-t ELEGANTLY FFRNIffHF.D FRONT room fur •'ounle nr two gentlemen, every modern *xn\enienc**. an-l first class at t* nil<*n also single mow Private family 3t Hubei Inm near Broughton Room FOR RENT CONVENIENT T> Piant Hystetn and J.>n**s east TANARUS) RENT To GENTLEMEN ONLY, nicely furnished front nxini IIJ lufT\. . ***t "Nit EI.Y EI’RNIRIIED ROCTII front room •* on** or two gentlemen 122 T.vl**r Mr‘t, \%#wt Ft iR RENT TWO NICE ROCTH roonu s. < ond floor hath and l*dlet, mie dollar per w* **k, furtilshed. u nice ten aim 4*C Win Anderson stie**t M RNISHFD ROPTH I(Oi M FOR ONE or tw gentlemei. hot water and gas ‘JR Jones, near Barnard NICELY Ft’RNIHHED FRONT room* hr g-nt|emen all conveniences, > ii waul FI % I * Fflß lIRYT. to small family No 12 Jones street, east T t RMNT A FLAT F 3 ROOM ft. OR wti; reti4 singly. Apply lhf* lVrr\ i-tr*'*'*. %\ * it PARLOR FLAT It? GWINNETT, west. pow*t—s|on nw or Nov. 1 Refer * n< e** # x*hunge<l. FOR RENT FLAT OF 1 ROOM* AND both 4* k 109 Tklfd Btrust, east • oil MINI HOI Siva KoR RENT. 17 Pt’FFY HTRKKT, east. isksseaskNi at af* Appß tleorge L Garmany. agent. 1*; llrvan street. sst FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOCRE. No 217 Wablburg street, east, between Alert*orn anl Ijlncoin, first-class order and condition; every convenience Riant rent to right tenant Estate ftatomon Cohen. West Broad ami Bntughton attests FOR RENT. DERIB ABLE DWELLING with all modern Improvements. In ga>*l repair. 3W Jones, east Kollo* h A Rcrev t). * FOR RENT LARGE RESIDENCE V* Congress east, southeast corn* r Al*rftrn M 8 Raker. Agent. 234 Ogls thorp* avenue, east m rnu RENT, 319 ~H ALL IvART ** r*Nun*<. hot ami .'old Wat or. elegnnt local lt> . also 711* Hatasrsham. irnm*liate |m*s aerstoci \|*|*l\ \V W Swintigi. W Idghth street. ••!*• ~ Ft)R RENT RIX ROOM HOCRE ON Six h street, sl*t A|q*lv 340 West Broad street. T J Grice 'FOR RENT WI4 JEFFERRON t rooms. newy reptlred. also |arlor flav Inquire. 1012 Jefferson. “'NICELY Dh’ATKD KI.KVF.N ROOM residence, stables and outbuildings D l< Lsatsr ruil HK3I-BTtINB. FOR RENT. HI ORE ROCTHWERT (ornT Whitaker and Liberty streets. A|- ply 18 Lib try atref, w*st FOR RENT. HTORR ROCTHWERT crner Whit ik*r an*l Liberty streets. Ap ply in Liberty street, wet FOR RENT. PTOBE. 11. BRoCOh! t*g) street, • .st; poase slun Immediately a! o Mtmrtl drglrahle residence anl ffnta. A|p!y A Wylly, 12 Rrymn atrsat. eiat roil HK-T-MIM KLLAAMI *. Ki ill KENT. LA Hi 1E IIBHEND v\ II il Ilia Mia tile on HtiiKlnickkn * I mi, east of I'rlre, I, D. l-rßo*'he. Knit RENT. DESK ROOM. FEKNIBII rd; location Bryan *lreel. eaa*. molcrat. rate*. Addrea* Ik-.ka, N-wa office. full IALK-HKAL in aim. ~7oiTrirAiTEr^ULoUKTHr^wcryrm^ dred dollars; easy larma, on Ninth atree*. near !Un Hruatl. no city taxation. C. il. Dorset! RESIDENCES AND It ILDINO LOTS for sale all over tba city. Robert H. Talcin. real eatate dealer. No. 7 York afreet, weal. ~ EOlt HAL!., MITH ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad. n L> each: will soon be advanced to 1273. when a lot haa been paid for I ran arrange to get a home bulH. C II Doraett. for rale, those >/its on ninth aireel. near Eaat Broad. Hava only tieen •old to ftr*(-class parties. v*<o will make good neighbors, and none other ran buy The term* are very euay, and they are cheaper than any utber tn the vicinity. C H. Doraett. "for HALE. LOTS (IN NINTH STREET near bias! Itroad; no city taxes, at IN# each; twenty flva dollara cash, and eaay monthly payments C. H. DoraaAt. run lALg-gIIUCLU.MCOIIi. GvtTOHHAZkari^TllEßL^isrnrmJHr haxei and wltcnbaael one la made to rura. the oiler la made to aeli, put a lot:la pi oura by the mda of on- of tha otter kind, we give you al! the quality ard all the quart!>y that your mosey en titles you too pint for a quarter Her*** a Drug Htr T‘ a, llenry and Abercoru, Whit aker and Taylor ■"itEMINUTON No 2 TYPEWRITER IN tlrat-rlaaa condition, for sale, cheap. Ad dreaa Machine, New* office. FOR BALE. LARGE. I’AYINO“”LIV ery etable. Itorgaln. Addreaa J W. Kim brough. Webster, Fla. COWS FOR SALK, IF YOfT AVAN'T~A g> • and milk -ow r* a* nub*. I can tuppiy you Cali 47! West Boundary. “aHII AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR wfete IfiO.OW Del of ash •ullabte for shwl. wrlghts. carrlag* muter*, qflf work# and Inlsrlor bouaa finish Also cypr#s* lumb#f of all *lx** We hxve r*um**l rutting our famous brand# of rypre shingles and wWI soon have • full llrw f them for sate. Vate Rove I MancfnrtUe'tng Company. -SPRIKCFIEIaD DAfRY IS NOTED for having rb'h. pure milk, try il; you will be iJeafte-l I*o IT VXD rOt'XD. •h flotur-lax night, n roll of five, trti an-l twenty <k>liar bills, berween City Market acl ll.thersham ami WaVlburg str-*-!. party having earn#* In toHr f-ossesslon will |tease ce>mmMrt it#* with "Ltw car-* -J Morning New*, in-1 ge iil-eril reward anil be nek***) no qu#*t!nn LARGE LIVER AND WHITE pointer dog, *traye-l from East Park • venue list night Literal reward if re turne-l lo J, B Ollveroa. •OAXona. board, homelike; termm reasonable. Tati nail, third from Liberty. atmoN baler Trite day. AUCTION SACeT large l.nt *f Furnlturr— ill K .mb. t .11. IMHtmOTT. % act loaeer. Wl.l sell MONDAY. *th. at 22 Congr gest. II nVka k x WtPow Rockers. 4 Mir rors. 2 Baby Carriages. 3 Walnut Bu reaus. Refrigerators. Ie llo\e ?.! Chair- I’hnmbi’r R* t. Table**. Hat Racks Ward robes, Haf**, Htuings. Mattresses, Chiffon iers, H<s>k caaes. oil Hester. Carpac* aud sumlry other art! DOANDINk. PRIVATE FAMILY NEAR PARK would a*'. - mm*lute three .r four gentle men. with nice rooms, ami first class ta ble board Every convenience Addreea Home Morning News IF YOC WANT BRIGHT. PLEAftANT room* and flrst-claas table, call at JOT Charlton Stieet, west (Soon TAUT.if. NtrK ROOMS, splendid |o<n*tlon re.teotiabis rates, at 3JJ Harris atr* *l. *asl Pi t MHIMI, rCvTfCir^rs to your im**rent to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing new or old work; repair work a *(*.-. -laity, am I am a practical phitnlw-r No guess work to evwlanger your life. phono ftff. Georgia or Bell kin KLbAlhOl ft. JCHT ARRIVED. ROCK WAY OYfL ters to-day at Levan's care. 11l Congress street wi st HAVE YOCR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed palm, entire sallsfaAlon guarant***d Adams Paint Company. “lT IH NO TROCBLE FOR I'H TO Efb llmate on your plumbing work, our plum iters or** first cla-s and our work gtisrunteed, l*t us *kt your work and save you money A C. Price ACo Phones 6.'4, State and Jeffei*<4l str**ts. WANTED. ONE THOCHAND HCN. grv |wopl* at the Rout hern Grocery Com pany, 114 Barnard street WE HELL HEWER PIPE FLCFI pipe. Dr? clay, fire brick at lowest prieas. Adams Paint Company, HM Congress, west. MORE THAN ONW HCNDRFDCENTS in every *l*>lUir of your hard *(|rned hanl a-h at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard atr* et IF YOC AIIE IN NEED OF FlliHT rlaes plumbing wrk of snv kind. A C. Prl* e A Cos will il>> It hr*ap*r for you than el—- !*hnm Htat- and Jefferson afreets GYPHINE IH THE REST WALL FIN- Ish mode Adnma Paint Cos., Savannah agents. 1&4 Congreas. west SEE OCR STEEL ENAMEL" BATH tubs, only lionn dollars. * flmnt< • *he* r fully furnished A c Prl* • A Cos., State ond Jeffsragn streets ph<Nie fife REDCCB YOCR LIVING EXPENSE# by Inventing votrr luml-eamsd bard cash with the H*utharn Oroegry Company, 114 Barnard street Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands In Savannah. LROAL SALE*. BANKRUPT BADE OF A BRETS. SA VANNAH BOX AND BASKET WORKS Under and by virtue of an order grant 'd by the Hon A H Mel>onell. Ref eree in Bankruptcy, In the matter of W. II Bellinger. Bankrupt, the undersigned will sell, at public auction, on the prem ises located ui the Louisville r ‘id. In the city of Savannah. (#•.. on Monday. Ort. 15, 1901. at 11 o’clock. (Savannah city t!me>. In the forenoon, a lot of machinery, tools and MpiuirnttiH for th** manufacture of lioxra. crate**. barrels him) IxtsketM, among which are Titus Veneer Machine; Titus Adjustable Head Saw, Haw Table. Haws. Hand and Power* flip pers. W A It llolfnc Double Surface Planer. Put-Off and Heading Haws. Al lington A Curtis flower System, com plete; Hot Air Dry Kiln; Pulleys, Shaft - In. Belting; Basket Forms; Barrel Lath* nnd Hoops. Orange liox Heads; No 9. Iron Wire. Tacks, Nails, etc, etc. Private setled bids for the whole or any part of the assets will lie received by the underaigtied, up to October 10, at 10 o'clock. In th*< forenoon, which will Is* opened by the Referee at hi** office. No. 4 llryan street, east, at sold time and place. Right to reject any or all bids re served Terms of sale: Cash. Property may be inspected and full list seen, by apil>lng to. JACOB OA2SAN. Trustee, 14 Provident Building, Savannah, Ua West End Street Car goes to the Fac tory. LEGAL NOTICKI. NOTICE of ihe first meeting of creditors. In the District Court of the United Staten, for the Eastern division of the Southern I Metre t cf Georgia. In tmnkruptcy. In the matter of Jas II Abbott, bankrupt in iMiikruptrv To the creditors of Jas. H Abbott, of la* Roy. in the county of Appling, and district aforesaid. • bank rupt Notice is hereby given tha4 on the sth day of October. A D 199). the said Jus H Abbott was du'y adjudicated liankrupt. and ihnt the first meeting of hi* creditor* will be held at Brunswick. In Glynn county, on the 27th day of Oc tober. A. I t9U). at 10 o'clock in the fore noon at which time th** said creditors may at loud, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee. examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly ccmo before said meeting. A J PROVATT. Referee In bankruptey. Brunswick Oa . h.s the sth day of Oc tober. lftOtt ED WELCH VS ROSA VVELCfL— Libel for total divorce. In Chatham Sit pcrlor Court. December term. 1900. To the defendant Rosa Welch, you are hereby commanded to lx*, mid appear at the next term of the Superior Court, to he* held in Chatham county, on th** first Monday In December. 1900. then and there to answer the |h iltloti of plaintiff in the above ease. In default of such appearance the court will proceed as to Justice may ap|x*rtaln. Witness th* Hon It. Falllgant. Judge of said court. This the (sth day of October, 19UU. JAMES K P CARR. (Seal I Clerk B C.. C. C. On. "gKOROIA. CHATHAM COUNT?.— Whereas. Emma Robert* TV alt hour ha* applied *o Court of Ordinary for letter* of administration, on the estate of Josiah Law Walt hour, deceased These are. therefore, to cite and admonish nP whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the fir*t Monday In November, next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness. he Hon. Hamp ton L. Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the sixth day of October, 1990. FRANK E KEILBACH Clerk Ct. Ord’y. C. Cos. "GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas. Elisabeth Coughl in has appliod to Court of Ordinary for I- tters of ad ministration de bon!** non on the estate of Thomas Wall, de* eased. These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish all whom It may concern to be and *r*|*ar before said court to make ob jection (If any they hove) on or before the first Monday In November, next.othar wlxe said letters will be granted Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 29th day of Hentemher. 1999. FRANK E KETDBACH. Clerk Cl Ord’y. C. Cos. 3