The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 09, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 CANNOT HAVE THE CLOCK. KIIiHTH HTHFt T HI II.IIIMi I HM IT i:t for xi h %> iimiithii. • hmrr Nr|irl .V --win 4 bilalrrn In (h— xrtonolx, I Dorr Thun Iml -nr—llll liT>* lor Whom Fln*e innnni Hr Fnnntl. I itnntri XrhiinU ifcim nn Inrrrn*- •fl f Irnrtnnrr—'Tn >'• Xrliwol tl (i ■ Ifli nii • In Ihr l nunir) *inn Hi Hr I *MM|ilrlrl— iMii'mi' Trnrlirrr I* Qrf *• %firr Third lrr. Thr Ontotrr m'-ftn* nf th- Mn.,r4 nf Kduratton lt m#ht. .i~ ml mark>l by Hiiy aiirriHi lr >u. hi S i|*i A•*l‘ morr . rr port lha* t!■ r* • r MR < n.!ilr*-t rnrollrd In thr I'ilMl' . booth ll *k whirl! war UK in ■x. ■ *<f '>• rnrollmmi ul the •aMTi** tim* * "••r M4t“ Of ttii. j uunUi 3,4*. 'lr hllr, nnil 2,1-> rolorrd. Ther# are Mill -l* ii.imr* on thr —aliiriK Ht. thoujrh of ihi- mirnlr r f hiv* I" rn provlilrd nil |*l.o * r n* 1 hotilr nut al* of ihr itt'trl't in who h they rrnldi lr iv ii. I y# cirtlilnn Wlihmi* thr hoot* md lor whom thrr* I* lllllr pro. I# ct of pro \ id Inn pin i-r. Thr *u(itrlntrfi lrnf I<l Hint Ihr r# port* from Ihr rounliv n-hooln w. rr nol nil in >• I, hul ihnt llr r. |ir rr ■l\ r.l limliime n Inrrrnnrrd anrr .lon *■ Th<- nrw nrhool tnitumtc al HonalH-lln. will lr • omplrnd thl w.*k aial r hool will open there Monday. Tht nrw bnlldliiK a' South Nrwlimion lr In .ourrr of • onrfru I on, nn*l will lr r-mlv for *• i|win. y wilhln thr nm* two or thru > k Hup Anhmorn rr port'll that Ihr or iranlzatum of lar r |mh*lx hia.l hern * * i • . %v..rk <1 Ho a nrw’ tylnn I'rl , , . r k to now in a ■■ fa> lory rtali-. The oontrwi* for furmrhimt r h.>l mr pile, lor in* i. ir w. n aw ii.hal •••• In lon* tm 111* Momuoli'lni "i of in*- * *om future Oil Hlippll' Hoar, hol.l h'l'O H ft* I f’OVC • \Vi,l! mAt II II I *’ • |ITN>I * . |i'AtkHUT> M 8 A I* A H k I I oud, D T I pr inf ft**.' Morning News. and M S Ar 1 \ ID k Th* r*ma > 4l)Oli of Mir--* id* \\ *lf*\ tea- her **f the tn t*i crwk* In the H-nrv (Krfr! Hchool, wiii I arid •••*•■ l and (ironwiikh * w*n uiino,in • ) *•* *r*i tn§i> The v ilk y crraletl lv th#*p* i . •.i .* * 1 mt!f *? ,\lk- I'l - Mhiii n • - < i *nt IHt fu r ii lh- V i ii >’f•*• >* • m i •• Jli'n illi <il t*v Mi M A (i Hyriu- M\% ■* ,• I ilutf tt* iLhI* 4 " 4 of .*•* ! !.*n I** < hih uho hv* *• r * I lhr. full \* ii - ni'<l wia I ■\ • i’* l* • n lronu*!t ltv i' ‘kii fh* I.m ' i" v tan< Imi o rmrliiK. l* s!•* p* m* • >;m Ttirr* I . nl on If * • !• * ft i r ;i* vs ill !• iff* l-I hv H - In r i-• Hen lofor* ih p “f .* i-mm t*.ntir>* rid l* * n li’n fot • • t V. I pi* for tho ■ 'oil*l rti l $. o f.r lh< Ihlrrt y*.ir A l•*l*'r Wi* r • in* I Horn th** S.iv.m t,,ih Trad* w .ind I*> i A* < mM>. p • l*> tiiK a rlroular from t•*- lm* raii* *l T i** I’lilon. hikik (hfti th* lkwipl of K*lu niton linl<l i- imlf il. • m tht* t>< 4 hoN c>| an. h !>► •!• only . .u | mil • • I hj flrnv tmploy in* uni cm in* n Th l* tt i *v • r* ‘lv*'*l ..*• ifnim i"i Tht* qu*atlof* tf pnivnltiue for plnrlnu .t clock on the Righth rtit** t S. hooi hiitld- Injr w.n* brought up. . <'omrnunlcation liiiv iiifi ld-*i i r**iv! from th* - • its In refrfn<*e to th* matitr Thf building commit fee. to which the mater had l* * n n T*rrel. rn o T!tl that tin plan of the build *ng did not lend It-elf to a c ipkda for u clock or other purpOM> aid that l*e jki.ipx t“tc conatru* tl n of the huttdin*; wan not pu- h to* to permit of h a fitruetlire The w** a *r*lins |> Inptnif ted to Inform th* Mtivor to ihl* effect, It having been "tel that lh city ehOUld furnish the cl.*- K nhould tin* IlfMrd cf Education provide the tower I*rrf J H Woo* I of the High He hool. fr*j*e*red h-fore th* Board and or k # *l ht* claim* for an In- reaac In ealur v The mutter was referred to th*- Finan* <*om mince Vic* 4 President H*uepy rei>ort*t that he lia l vieit#*d th* school building 4 in com pany with the *up* riraendent on S* i* *!?. and that he had found all the building* *n m*od nrd r and In for use Vico IT* aden* pr v sldc*l at ih** meeting M.r *r being still absent from the city The icher nu mb* r> of the board pr*r*-nt w **r. t'.ipt ll*r.ry Hlun, Mr I>** Bov My* is. H -n H Myers, M. A. O'Byrn* *mi . and Mr P A Stovall. THK 4 %\ I'HH M 11. - Mrtnn* Hair u I'rrmll Which the Mm %or Ilia* %• Revoked. The Mormon ciders are Ft 111 in tne i*y and determltwM to st ly lor* 'I icy put up quite nr argument with M)'or .Mvfrv ynMtnlav as to their right!*, the liberty of free spe*-. h. and th right of ever\ mfin t worship <•*! * , cording 1° the dicta?- ■* of hk* own eoti siietica. and incidentally to perouade other people to worship th* *ani** a iy. The Mayor imh somewhat surprised to find that th*- i l*l' r had n |* mlt to preach on the ntwta, It Imi-I been grant d from the clerk* office by instruction of Ailing Mayor Tlhlhiuui d.> ln*t week A* the ro**n iready had permit the MAvor <l*hMfl not t revoke It for the prepent any any. holding the matter under tvh Wm*rK for a day oi two Th elder a will not lie permit t*l to pell their literature on the sireeit*. how* v* r "I have not rtvok*d tin |H-rniif held by the eld- rs," paid Mayor Myers yester day. "I atn very mudi Inclined to re voke all permits for street pr aching, how*yer. In the huainepM section at any rate. Busi ness men object to tl crowd* which anth er and besides I should think that there are other section* .f th* city whore mis sionary work Is more n*• l*l and likely to prove more . ffectiv*- If th< Mormon? arc permitted to discourse n the streets they will have to keep mui of th bti-inev- dis trict. They Will not Ik# allowed to .sell their llUrntnr* on the street*, as there Is no ordinance permitting >u. h sal** They can put It on sale at the t>ok store*. If they wish, or they *an hire . place and run their own hook ** Clark of Council W P. Halley when ask* and about the permit l*-u* 1 to th* alders, recalled that Acting May or Tied* - man had telefthond him late one after noon last week that he had fob! two in*n Who bad calltd on him that they could get a permit to preach on the streets As It was rather late. Mr Hailey left Instruc tions with Deputy Hernandez to |s>ue the permit, which w s done Neither Mr. Halley nor Mr Hrrnandz knew that the men who obtained the f*ermlt weta Mortn-.n elders until yesterday. DROWftFD I IIOM mint ••HIP. Three tiailorß Fell Friim the lo Ten and Two Were Drowned* Two sailors. Joseph and Michael Keat ing. were drowned yesterday morning about 10 o'clock from the British ship L.even, lying at the Savannah, Florida and Western wharf Three sailors, including those drowned, were on a scaffolding alongside the ship craping and repainting her side*, when the scaffolding careened and the men were thrown Into the water Charles Robil lard. the third men, was saved by some of the workmen on another boat, which was nearby. The body of Keating waa recovered about 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, near the place where he was drowned He will be buried this moioii.g in thv Cathedral Cemetery* N x t ITPi TITIdi AHIT It Ma> Imr I'.ighih property for % v I'arpoara. Judge H* br*Kk heard evidence and ar i Kuntrnh >e t• il.y morning In tie *t#e • f lb* l‘* Mple . Has v a I !-• in *in* 1 I-any against the M i\ir and A.d*-rn* n of ii*. . ,t> of Sivhi.i t. tin- appli atlon t* for in Injut • .-n r -t* .lining tlo* tty from the M- tl*a *>f th* rngtio hou * on l.'itfhth st**i itid ftarnard i i**- t* nt** ar *J it ti-i w ti w* mad* tl * ptayer **' i>* p* tlnori. wa r* ftp-* and rh <pi* ' "I. at 1 >.* wi"> w i* I her j or n t the city w.i- ilm!‘**l n Its u~e of ti**- lar*.| to th* o|** till.a ■’ whJenmg of i I.Ulith ?• tre■', whir a t f** *ompany •**- , t* f i* •* w • < ti- 11 v .n l m * t*• * ity deni* and Thr lma?i*n. It wai *i*f v nd-*J. w m i the ordin.iie * of <'oun ll pro vatu g f r iUr pur* h . • *f U.- property and Hi* deed from th* company to the It wt * ori• * 41 . .| n leh !f of the - tty that there w ■ # . i* - : t* . •• iimi tnir• i ii|e*n its ii< WliH* t *n w *r a i* Hal In ii<* d*‘* Ila it the land ad * en j p it- 1 ' ►• *1 l*r if;- i * lal | rf>* • * ie wi• n* • xpri - * :* i.atu* fhal t*-‘ ,v # hot j I*l |a* i !.| * >i I ■< i • • land f*> no *tii*-r Aw th* 4 ***h 4 r >iulr* s i •H* linn atioti lr and • I • ' a f* • m|*.* fhl must I** Par n*l *tlr** flv • vpr* * • t JiKig** Sf-ahrook hd no fttlflculty i* d* 1 **laitng !h r* vva r*ti*’h * edition in ill** 41* *. 1 uruP i c on -Ph'i Ht lon ai *1 !■ r - fioli.g th** in **** rv Injutx't am Thin, how* v* r p i* * - 1 . • -tr| nt!i * • pro ** I lei - .. I ih* apph* itl*. f** *• |*tri**nt Injur fiu w;'l com*- up ot th* licit t* rm j of irt P.i*h* rit .it or th** * • wdl h t k*-ii Is i *a hill of * \ *pt im ,w to the Htipr no * 'our . 1•. oril- < < *w• v* r, that fr- **m{* *ti' in . - <*• p. i* I In st i |ti* th** cl v i M • M ini*- pr - Si ♦•ti* p r pit* lt, fhtit i ha*l I** n t*r iv t.allv pa I* I This *ti<m u,is t*km t *- *• Iv. • of 4 ‘ll \ VMocro. < \ dam* WO** ?I’**<l ►* ' \ h • I*• i • •• i tf\ *t rh* t• wtis to* etipnlatton In rfo *l* * and Ifni ji it fp. n • -f •r * -it v >t. f* It ti.i • it*> might n.iv* -* * o trusl It olid • t**l *n thin a 'ni* tktn F*r the* J i*.t 4 #; i- *.ff* r t t* *ll w*i mob- but \ lh (M-rigMtnv did et l-**i in ht*l to • * *-pr it Th** city r*rat*l-*l Its offer a a.I t fi** n •*!* ***lv.i<# •* * *oi * 4 Ih*- l.hfhlh r-To't pi*|H ft\ !>. it . ino-t valuaPP* t nr |t pur h *'l all of which, however, it pud th** earn*- Hat pt i> • of St *-nt.H |r ( square foot 'ln* \t*f*i- •• *ii i nrgtimeni -i • t •in m. * uio*l >ii of the morning e* earn *1 Mo- hup* r. *r %*i 11 Th* arg'i j n *it lr la** **rni*.*n\ - w.* ttyni* 4 by Mr tieotce W Ih' kett *nd that f*r the * tty •'-v t’!t\ At ornev Snitiihl I. Adaim*. llAmtim U HIM \\l> MET. th < ni*lMil Kliuwrra PrcdArtnl f**r I'o-duv hut \t u l.iiwrr 'Oiuperii furr. Huvnnn.ih bad another hot os wr|j w-t *l.iv yet<-r*i.y. coot|aralively *p* k lug The max .muni temperature wns dn gre* *n*l th* minimum 7 * giving * in- an of 7s. whi- ti Is *.t d* gr * a .ilm>v* th* nor nial Almost ev*i> *l*. winco th** be ginning of the month tus *x<** l*i the rx.rmol In temperature by to 1* degrees, j and it k • < •iniuiat* I to at tow iimoutilfl j lo .7 d* gr- * s for the month, and !l degrees | f*r the v*ur Th** rainfall yest* r l.iv was 3#i ln**hes. who’ll gi\* to tht uwtnth an * iimula e.l x* s of .•'*'* incht-e. and to the >ear an a*umtiU(ed shortage of ti ft J lnchetw The slat** fote. u:t for to-doy is f*>r gen eraily fotr weather, except o- • uaional ehow*ra )ti the - * To-morrow #-x p* t* 4 i lo Im- fur Fresh north to west win-ie may l*e # xpe t.i \ IHIT t> I’l. 1111111% bIMThRA. I’lfty of Them Will Arrive In hmvnii nnli Tit-day, Ti- Kl-vrida Pr* * \ ontioti will ir rive i; Hiv.j. nah i • ***n 10-ti.ty h\ the S' .ibound Air lan* an*l wid i*muin her** mi l| t> morrow noon, trnen It will 1-hv* lor PolumiHa. Thet*- ire about fifty p#v>pl* |n the |xir tv •• ii.'litig a nimv**-r of ln*ti* <n their arrival this aft*-moon, they will U t*n •l* i* I . troile) tki*’ over the clly by M* i la-f i* u oi 1 1 *•* Savannah, Thun derholt and l j*l* ~i Ho|n lUUwhv. anil whl veil • i* Oc an .kr*-umithip ('nm|Mny ari-l Men-uants' and Miners* termlimls. To-tiy t th* > will stt*t and the Th* it*-r by invilut ion of M.inager \V**is. To-morrow the ißn> will Im* given a trip on the river, will vt*M the H* (hoard Air IJn** terminal’- and will !• tendert*d a lun.-.i by the Morning N* w • A kri:m oi I*ll i/i: i h.iiis. Aow tteing Arranued in the Anotral Alhlefte t lot* fr I lib Winter. The Austral Athletic r*lub Is arranging to hv* a eerier **f pugilistic bouts during the coming season, and with that end In view I nw in commun ation wltha num ber of weh known fighters, among them Marvin, and Dun Free*lon h* .ivy weights; Austrnlian Billy 17*1 wards. Pa*idy Walsh, Amos Smith and ior O’Brien, welter weight Tno prim tpals and dales will h* m.i*i** puhll* *m soon as arranged. In case th* club will inist on the Iron iMMind contra**! was used in th*- t'oiaoran- Vtitrallan Tommy Williams fight a f*w *1 iv- o.,**, making It |s*ssih|e f*>r the referee to declare the fight off, >h*u! I •dther man have the upp -.‘trance of fak big HP MIM MG VATt RK9. 'lr. 4 illln' l*etltlons feir Afreet Hnll> *un Franchises. Mr .1 H Colbna hand* I to Alderman Dixon. < halrnian of th*’ Street and Dane Committee of Council. yesterday, a petition favoring the granting by Council of bis petition for certain at root railway franchises. The j>e tillon Is one circubit* I in the bu*ii -'*• • i*n. and- <*rw tins about -'** signatures, including nearly every prominent business man in the iit\ Another i-etltlon. *-1111- Mining about sf*n signatures, will be hanlf <l tn shortly. Th- s.. ond petition was mors generally dr ulat-d than the ftt' 11. -I -aitalns th* slgnatur- s of it tiz* ns generally a* well as a number of business and prof*-**tonal men who were not seen win n th*- fit >t petition was cir culated. TH RIB II A1 * \\ II 110 l T FOOD. ’I-rrllle In Which the Plain- Id Pannil the *niiliulit Oct. 5. Copt Wilson Curtis. *>f the British ship Hlnlnfleld. whi- h arrived Hund iy from Philadelphia. r*|*orts that on Oct while In lat .> JM north, and lon 7.Y111 west he observed a vessel flying distress sig nal:* and hearing down on her found her to be the sailer Sunlight of New York hound for that port anl twenty days out from Hnyfl. She had run hort of i-rovis* lons and the rew if the **me y>he was sieht*d had been without ftml for three days. She was supplied bv the Rlntnh*ld and conilntied on her course The ftunlight is owned by A S Whitney of New street. New York For Kidney Diseases, Nervousness. T’rlc A- td or Rheumatism try Saratoga Aron dack Wafer All you •'*n drink for five cents at Holoction*’ -Bug slot*. Bull and hJlWldOfl MilLUlt.—ud. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1900. TO CHANGE TO ARTILLERY. i.l %Hlw WIAT TO I I'.IVE THE IN- I' ANTRA **•. A It i;. Hratilalins t ailing t n" Senator and ltrpreewfatl% e Trimi t hatbam to InlriHlnrr n Hill, flealgwwfln the vmunnsii liilnnirrr Guard* a ltl -tallon nf lleai) Artillery, m -|IH. and of t'naar Hatlrrlr*. Arni*d with It IHr %—lie a v Ordnance mi l ari "rr* vm Affords Mpporiwntff fur I'mct ler—Rea ul n •!*•* Adopted AA II liout llluaent The Sav tr.rcih Voluntrer Guard# passed a resolution, tin•nlmousiv nnd fPttllv *i a- orp 4 - meeting last night. . aldng up*n th* 4 -motor from this dii* *i,i ,ii * i** repr* - .a *t • a from ah!'* , - . -, ... fcJMwmbly to Intro du- e .t bill at tlie . omlr.g sc--smn. so .* tom ke it * .. hi taiionnf b* ivv artillery. cnmfM H.d of four biitt*rle. armed with rifles ” The r* *-union was Introduce*! by Copt V It Stephen w * a *-• onded In Fol. WHliiint Garrard, retired, who m *le a s’roiig p* • h In favor of It* adoption, and by several oth*i and. .** above stated, w.*s • arrled wPhout a illsaentlng vote, The pijrposc trie resolution cmliodina Is ii< n# w thing, bu* otic that h h l**-*-n off dl* •u*-***| in th* 4 iujfi* lls of the G.itd among l*oi h *ft r * and men. *-v**r lit • t ie return f the battalion from P term **f s.-tvi •* In the Spanish-Amerl* an war. The r*>-*-Pit sm war introduced when Mai Th*'*fiaa Screven, who preskied f th*- meeting, asked if there w.* any new tMi-*lo u* *••• brought to tie <tMention th** i- ittathai Without further into lu- 4.i than the sui-hh-N that t* had a r*- oiotkm b* *feslr**| r In'rcafuce. lAnpt Sfepti* tus i*-*it nl ria>\*l the ndoptlon *f the following U ir*a-k it Is to the interior of the Hint*- **f Osotrla. thnt a mu h tt 1 * i tnt- H**n of th* Htaf*- Troop**, shall h* tr iiii ••I in the u,. *f heaw artillery for *•( ikf-iu* Ami wh* in* hl rommtnd h - ser\e<| • luring the Nvll War, both at Savannah nd in iji* 4 hartsrar of *hurlej*ton, hr • lottalion of heavy irtlilery. thereafter. .•Im snvlia- i*i ih* Army of Nith* in Vlr gim infantry Aral whe* l Is ns I* sire to b# ( r nut *u ly *l* nominal* *1 in ihe st ale l**i • a*■ a battalion of h*av> irtfU-rv arm**! with rifles,'with a vi* w *f putting itself in '-i *iii|on fie fgnd at ih*- <a I **f th* slat* In am * tn* rg- i \ for s- r vi** m lf* uditig the *-f of Georgia, as w.-ll as to |M>rform any other mi l ary serve <l-sli* 4 l lv fh* slate, with profnpi ll* - tni lls|ml ’h 'Therefor* It la resolved, first that ap plic.ition n mad* t* fh*- **i *r!tl A"-til bly of Georgia at its *om tig e*—slon. or * • ir< of i I**- i Mil ha -It *. foi i * obje*t ih*- .i mend men t of th* charter of this milttarv <-ori*orailon mr* as to milk'- ll a la ll tfion of heavy artillery. * om|os and f four batteries, armed with itfl*e. • S*> nr*d. That the - fimiandti.g .inl • * oltl* lo president f this on is i*d t* make publication, as ***on as possible, of th** caption of •e o local tlll. In conformity with law Third, that the senator of the First district and the repressntil\ss of Chat him county are reipvifully requested lo Introduce #u< h a local bill and press th-- v.ims to p i --.***. if in their Judgment, the <nii b- < -ompHtihle with the best tiitsr * M of the - late " In >uppert of the resolution Col Garrard *4; lfKat the project I* not new In any *en After the return of the battalion wh*n th** decond Georgia was mustered out of the service of the I’nlted Htates, the question had been igltated. but ft nan rial and other considerations had Impelled its postponement to a more suitable an.) auspicious o canton That occasion, in his judgm- nt. hud arrival 1 1 | undoubtedly true Col. Osrraid sild that the battalion tr |eat. *>f heavy artillery is tie**derl by the state, to man trie heavy lotteries In the for e have l.*en • nMtshed oi its bonier*, and tost tbe d* -Ignatson of a part of the state for* * - for this pur|*ose would cotwlu* e materially t* th* Interest* of both the state and Federal government Bimllir corp* tuvi l*een organised In N*w York. Mas-a. hits* tt“. *nd other etofes along t !u* At laid! sea hoard and have receive*! uniform en mrag. inmf anl o*‘tlve and cheerful a- -tarv *• from the depart men of war “There I* a modern fort, with modern guns, at Tylee," said Cos!, Garrard. “and the (tpportunities for the battalion be coming f.itnlliar with artillery' practl * at. I the tuanag*no tit of heavy ordnance could not I*. better | was In conversa tion the other and. v with the commanding officer of the garrison at Fort Acraven, and he assured me that lh* national gov rnment would welcome the design .itlon of stn h a ct rp* from the atate troop*, ami would most willingly and gladly do all It • -ontdstently and properly coukl to make the leavy artillery of real military utility "Instead of encampments at tSr .ffin the batishort could go Into imp on Tvbee in daily reach of the Ikg guns of lh- for A*<|tialntaiK*e with their intriewtes of m*'< hanism ould and would thu- b* a qtllrd and in the • vent of war with a foreign power. theie wouhl he . f>rc , f stat* troops that couM lie detailed for ta< defense of tl** harbor of S \ ann.ih. "That the contemplated t hange would r* dun*l lo the advantage of tie tKirp*. I think the!*- vain i* no doubt The huvy artillery t* rrgark*l a* tiw* most dost raid* branch of the Culled State* army and the tin*' thing would Ik- true here. In th-- -tat** m!vi> • The corie has t-erve I t artillery in th*- past, with credit and lla ; tlnctton, mi l ifhotihi It return t • h s ! hr an. h of the service the crimson .-irlt-e. | the lsadg*‘ of the artillery, could he re tained without a ju--t on h t. 1* pu> lth*ty. 1 s* coml tit** re.-oluiloti." There w is no further discussion, the ! question waa put and th*- resolutions were j ,-arrad lnme*i‘.tely afterwards the meeting was placed under reason, subject to th** call of the chair. It Is reasonably certain that the action 1 *k n by th** Guards will Ik* ascribed in some quarters to a *l* sire on th** part of Its ofllccm and men to resume th** orps* lost Individuality, due to Its merger In the First lbgiment. However. hte may h* 1 her** w is nothing said on the subject at tin meeting the arguments outlin'd above lKing all that were used in favor of th* plan Despite the tndemen- y of the w- ither ift),- m-*ilng w a com!*aratively large m-. hut of the main who wen present few iihil any |>nor information of the in ter* ion to In oduc the re solution Nev enhe * - P met wit > instant favor The tluirtb continue i in-“r#Ki-e their memlicr-hip. tw**nt\-tin**** appllcatton* whi h tin*l been passed by th** board of ! officer*, being favorably acted upon a’ the meeting last night The greater p.irt •>f these w*r* fur Torn pan i*- A and C. vrhh h liave t*- r lately especially active in increasing their enllstmaits. FOl It POI.It lill ATR I HO. Three Ollier* Appointed and tworn • a. Four members of the po; e force were 1 fried b\ Miyor Mvers*yesterday for \n rl*us |nfr ictlons of the service Tie men or** S M. Davis. Martin. Cameron .nd Braszell Da via wa given a pre vi<*.s h Ming ftaturdav but h:s case war* j continued The Mayor reserved his de ! vision. Tut It is thought fr*>m the nature • of the evidence that w * given In the trial, thu the majority, if not all of the men. tried will he discharged Three new poii ♦ men were sworn in nt ♦be City Kxrhange Thev are Ituf 1* , Merchant, Harry B. Fender and J. J i wane yj j *TAA A** PRINTF.II IN ATLANTA. Rev. John l>. Jordan's aeration I pn •* A Furnace of Knrib.** Rev John I* Jordan s rrlti al and ajs pre uatlve s* rrwn upon ' A Fart * e of Earth.” Hallle Krmlrde Rive*' new novel, is gMsrdng for H * if tn audience ir. Atlan ta h* w* II .* * that w a h ft tuady h ar*l the sermon and th* larger on* which read tt in th*- rolumns of i ie Morning News The Atlanta -n-trufion of yesterday prints what purport t * be exfr*< t from the sermon, though th* y are not all re-og nlxabl** by ths* who heard the dlMOure. as a tun I > having fallen fr*m Ir. Jor lar. - Pp* 'I • ..i tj- I* start* out in bold. t*l a k t \ f*• t? foi lows Ofi Sundav < * 7th.. the Rev John l Jordan l I*, pastor of the First Bap tl ' *f Stvaiitrah. <t will preach * • rrnon tif*on ’The Motiv*, Te..-hlng and Mora *-f ‘.\ Furn • of*h The new en*Mtlona' Hex-novel, by IfaJllc Ermlnie Rives." Th* rfl* lo proceeds with what as h.n* lw r*ti stat* and, purport to l>e extra- ts from th- -rmoti, though, ■ also >* ttd tfwy nr. nrd re by Ir Jordan's congregation her* ■,M . * * nij hh * been drown j*e. tal ly to t t* vi by *h* pp* aran* *• of the n* w novel by Halil* Ermlnie Htvr. en tltb-l A Furn.i *• of Earth' In New* York* 44 of m* tr*>|Hi|itan newspapers and perfo*t< F hove b cn devoted o dls- *f its problem l’*pular opinion had token two side some condemning the book without qualification, oth*r •* eagerly championing it To**l*v we hear g r* llhraiy h • forbid If# en tran* e on moral ground . to-morrow we shall if praise*! from sources of un questioned authority One v** *• calls It on*- of th* pure-t aid strong* t biok> of r* *nt \ ar- another !• !.r* - it a shame and * reproach ’* llimfur* It J - tt> etory f th* 4 struggle In th mind of t v* ng girl of spiritual tenden cies. between -pi ritual and b.*dl!y love |* puts in i* * th** form <-f vivid I-ve-sto-y the Poihne hi*’,i tha ’There 1 .% natural la**j\ and there is ,< spiritual body' In mm. g.i ih*r of uhl' h Is to !• fo-gotten, neither the ii.intil which is ■** be ruled arl gall ♦d by th* soul, nor to be piivifle-l aid *leveiO|w.| In ‘A K itna e Of Earth.’ which I the nrls-m of the b**lv jir-*l by thr dam*— of the *arthy j nolo a of love. ' Tit*- tHSk 1 full of the fire of human nn'tir* but P Is not for tli it nation to .*•■ ranikmiiol hastily It l> not in for hu man nature to tie aroused The qt; •o i ln,\Vh*r*. w,v th* **park that lit It from heaven **r from h-IT Our human bodies w*-i* given u with a purpose hat well tinderHtorMl the dlanitv of passion, Tht w.i- i* * t torn In . t dmv but t*i >. u• 1* r-1 aii to use . and to nri-*M- Tin if** th**-* 4 t*i w hom p*4 -loti is a foi hid • leri word. Hu h will Her. •iv . -n --*l*-mn Ihi.- l--ok Rut ther*- ar*- who w ill reach leep**r for It dn- erlty and truth Their own h* rf- wI) tell them that It d*’ls with r* alltie* which every one fa* • - at om* time In her life In th depths of her own sou Huch a on* 4 call follow' t<* tn* 1> rder lanl **f ♦ vll twhere the l*vs*k P ads I ert with.ait cross!uff over, hi permit the tires to kindle with out iillowlng them to consume •ne cm fo||w tin Margaret* of the printed pig through her struggle with th** pardon of th* b* dy. through her wictch*- ! ml-in *e|>t tndlng of the Plan, through her flight from her lover s temutatlon. ihrotigh her emotional agonies which she tmagin* * to t> sin. through her sacriflc** and martyrdom and Hnal understanding, with an uplifting sens* of the vi-dbl* pur ity of th* pictured char * 'er and anew respect for the truth and beauty of wo manhood •‘Of such a boo* It does not matter what critics say in condemnation Its human ity will answer for it Spiritual love needs the furnace of human passion Except the silver abide in the furnace, it comes out not sliver, but dross FROM IIIKIMMimo l.t < barleatou I nmmnnil tin* Thank* for the Georgia Ha**ara. At the quarterly meet ng of the ttcorgla Hu*-, irs lat night, th- rnoop received for mally a handsome memorial from !h* v Pal metto Guard*, of t’hur l- ston. descriptive of the cordial friendship vesting between the two > ommands and extending thanks for courtesies shown by the llussura to ahe r'harlexton * ompanv When Admiral l)<*w#y waa the guest of •he city last spring, there were visiting military* commands In the city from two states that came to t.*k* p.irt in the pa rade given in honor of the hero of Ma nila bav Ka**h visiting command was entertain***! on that o nston by ne of the lot'a! oimp.inii anl the Palmetto tiuanrle fell to tn** lo* of th-- Hussars The\ were entertained in old-t me Georgia style, at the Hussars Club and they carried b< k with them to Charles ton very pleasant memories of the trip for which their Savannah hosts were In large part esporsiblr The m- mortal of the occasion they b *v-** sent *o Sav innah Is h *nG>m*iy engro^-e,| an*l framed nn*l beside* bt lnf appreciate I by the lltts.irw . , memento of an tv oaalou they. .> well MS their guests fuun*! more than usually pW.i-ant and m joy able will make an attractive ornam nt for the walls of the lub. At the meeting last light notice was given of Intention to !n:rodti e at the next quarter!* meeting. In January, a rtrolu* Mon an ndtng th** * >nsrtuik*n. sti as ** separate the offices of cap aln of tn* tr*sp an-l president of ti’e -lub The cap tain I* now ex -officio the president, hut (’apt M YJpm has found th* duties of th* two offi- • .- something more arduous than a proper attention lo either the one cr the other renders wi- 1 It Is it hi* suggea tlon that tte ptoj *cd amendment will b*’ fntrodiK'ed. PLANMMi T< IHISK $541.0410. Mercer I nlv*r*lt! May 4*et glfl.CMMi From Rockefeller. Rev John P Jordan left last night for Ma<*on. where he w ill attend a m*f ivsf to-day of the KndoWm*-m Committee t te U ard of truwtes of M* t < r I’nlverei t\ of will.-.! he H a member. Th** Kn downment Commit t*c. of which Presj *len P. I* INdlock Is chairman, bn-* In hand the matter of raising s.v- nm en downvnt fuiid for the university. Mr. John D. R*•< kefelicr. the Ht.imlsnl Oil magrat** having offerrst to donate $1 ,♦ on to the university cn-fowment ptovMtiJ the trilSt-e* WOUI-t fuse Wlt.iUl V given Mm** The committee, consisting of five mcmlwrs, his this matter In hand, and will endeavor to devise ptitu for se curing It. ARAFAT IN 1 ARDFATON. Aapf. Mnunlrr Atlendlna 4 nnxrntloit *f Assoclatloa of Tire Cnulnrers. Sup# John lv Maguire, of the fire *le partment. is absent in Charleston, where the annual convention of the International Association of Fire Dnglneer* convenen this morning Sups. Maguire is anr mi- r of the committee on exhibits and w n| over aheal of time in order to a*l-t In !o>>king after thi lns|-ortan part of the convention work. The convention will hold ssssltvs ♦o- Vi\ Wednesdax Thurs-lav and Friday Resides t • *ri*-iv business (-art of •t. programme, the citizens of t'nar eston hav> arranged a senes of pleasure trips and other entertainment* for the member- of the association and their famllt-w A Charleston estimate pla-e** the number of those who will be in attendance at ahaut kid. Fife Is so short Cook s Imperial Fxtra Dry Champagne will help you Vo enjoy it it aide and will prU.-*d. CENTRAL’S ANNUAL MEETING. niRRf'TORA ANfl OFFICERS TO BE 1 F I.M I KO ro-IMI. President DiSS and halrman Han- ! •on AA 111 Make I heir Annual He. porta—l be Road’* Hnalness f*r the A car Hu* Hern n satlsfaHnry one. A lai nnri In tlie Hn rd nf Hirer • ora * Re I tiled—No 1 hana&ra In f*r* |ert. Either In the ll**ard nf IMreetnr* nr Aiuma tlie Officers of the t cm pan y . The- annual meeting of the stockholder* of the iV iif.ji if Georg Railway w.!l be held thU morning and will h* follows 1 by the .ii rual m* titig of the b<**iri of *ll - Th* latter n**tlrg v%o**'d lave t*een n* I I v*si* ? ii> bat for |h* fa ? that i her* w * not a quroum of tne dire tors In the city * The chief business l*efore the an imil me* dng will h* h- I •on **f officer;' and directors for the *n uii g year Tne proxy for the Mo* k. whim Is held by a Noitbem •ytid-ate, will b* voted probab ly hv MaJ J I ll c on. • i.iirmnn <*f the Imard. or by President Egan, or l**ih. the proxies being frequently *nt to m*re than >n* m*min r of trie hoard. It is not tv* pr red mat fh* r will >* any * ha? ge In either Ih* 4 office i .-v or tii* dir* tor -of the company Ther*- Is * va ancy in th** 1)0.11*1 Of direclOl I:J* ;o th*’ *|eith of the lt* pr- >!•• -.t Mr II M I’omT wh i Will Im* Hi led ai th* ni**-u g I* it it n-I known wtu w IJ b* I for the in y Probably the hi f f-ature of Int-r* st ie fore i tn*-* ► wilt i** th* r- din- of th* annui. report- <*f the pi -id* n an*! *h-- chairman of the board The.-** re|K: l> w I ne. x,-aril> nak* .t good showing fr th v*ar in* hiding lnci* s*d hiisintc-s. by , reason of ih** l i t th.ii nl th** pievtouiv ! *|iart**rl>* ni**ting of tne b*rl • dividend of |* r * *nt up n the liret preferrul Income bond* wa> dc- I r*-*l. b* lng (lie largest div id* n! on these tiorwls Min-*- the reo ginls.ilion of the proper?v Egan will doubtless ie üb| i< r* |Hrt consldernbc itnprovcaivnt in the physical *o.idlflon of th*- property. *’VA hil** I • innot giv* .my for* a-t: of my report. said President Egan \*-terhiy. 1 ililnk th* showing mad* w .11 be n mi Isf ictory one * W** have had a good \*-r > l-'i-in \\> could have handled mor* *f *miis. . but f re* •nt dividend on th* first income bond- spt-ak fr Itself. There bus b*-*-n a **onslderahle Improve rn* nt ?i>-• phy; al condition of the property. ml th* *utl*>**k f*r rite coming year is n v*'. v - *♦ sd aery one.” Presklent Egan s * *1 he anil’ipnted no change- tn th** j*ers*nn* ! f the officers of the umpany us .l result of the, annual me*ting. Although there wow not quorum of the Central dir* tors, meeting* of th* N* w* England nnd Sivar-mih riteamship I’ompnnj and f the Gordon Press were held The v s in th* 1 former board woe* filled by th- election of MaJ .1 V If u .<**. to mi e.l the in ie H M Comer Mr Egan w.- e#e. r*| presklent, •n*l Mr T M. Cunningham, secretury'. Th* <i*don Pi**.-> lias hern owned nn*l op* t\ *h* o • nt Hu-onishlp Com pany and for numlver of years It h.n nr be* i *-ociM*lered necessary •*> hkl an nual meeting- The charter his recently been renew ***l. however, and it was neces sary to el* r anew board of dlrectorr Tiie dire* tors elected ore MaJ. Hwnaon i Mr Egan. Capt Henry Blun. *oi a R Uwton and Mr T M Mr Egan wan ele- ie| and Mr. Cun ningham. peCYet ry and treasurer. MAI MAVK A FOOTBALL TC.AX. % Movement mi Foot to Organise One in Time for the I'lkv 4 arnhsl. Th* re qjlte a likelihood that a foot bail team will be organized In Savannah within the next few days. Savannah has always had a large number of the lovers of this gam** ard thM number is constant ly being Increased by th.* young colleg* m* :i w ho have imbibed a lov of the gam** fiom their school expetlen-'s A number of the-e admirers if the .H|ort will hold a meeting probably to-n.ght, to see if a team cannot be got together and drilled in lime to play a number of games this w Inter. A voting man. himself an ex-player of S* wanew. -aid yesterday that there was a great deal of excellent material for such a team here, and that if th- men * an be got together and properly drilled they will be a match for any team in the state A- soon as th- exact time and i-l • - of the meeting is d-• il< and on. a call will be Issued to all person* Interested In the game and from those that respond. It U probable, that the team will he picked. A team lias be, n pi k**i from a militarv rornpanv of Jacksonville, nt -I has s-*nt a challenge to any Savannah team to play a g ime here during the Kiks t'amivai This nratter will in* brought before th general committee of the Klks, and th* % may deide to have It as one of the at -1 tr<- tions of the t'arnlval F4R 4 RIM IN AH LT. The 4 rime I* vaul ♦** Have Oecarred Wiintlnv at .liiaper Wprlnic*. Grim.nal ass.iuli upon a U’-year-old girl Is the charge upon which Benjamin L Jones was yesterday committed to jail Roth of the parties are whit* an.l live at Ja*f>er Spring- The girl, Decline Powell. u< cording to the story r.f herself an-l her mother, went Sunday with a girl friend to visit the Ja.-qicr Springs <iub House, w here. It seems, Jones is a kind of watch man The children went In the morning and th* Pow*ll child stayed ►<> long that her mother l- urn- anxious about her j the more so a h-* had seen the friend It hat ha-1 a ompanled h* r ‘laughter, tak Ilh car for home. Finally she went to the Fclub house, mxl there found her daughter In a very excited c i dltion Yesterday when the girls fithr wen horn* Kvelln* told him that she had been u*-aul:*d. and i ;irn* l Jon* t* a th* nun i had l*en guilty of tli- *i-ei. Jon-s was arrestevl bv Gffl or# Frank MrCoy and 1-ouli- Kndres and t>r*>ught to th* city on the 11 o'clock car from Jasper spring*. file was t ikon to the office of Magistrate <; !v B**v.ins wim tnmJt!.l hint to Jail. Jones d< nU- lb*- offeti#** an-l says that there w* r* other persons In and about the • lub house the entire rime that th# child was th-'r** and that they can bear witness as to his behavior. Fiery Movement lion* When you have rheumatism Muscles feel stiff and sore and Joints are painful does not pay to suffer long from this dD ' ease when It may be cured so p.omptly an-l perfectly by Hood— S This me*ll Inc go*s right to th s,*ot. neutrahx* - th** - idlty of the blood, which I causes rheumatism, and put* an end to I the pain and stifTne**. Biliousness It cured by Hood - Pills. —ad. The Miannih conservatory of Music Is now open for the reception of pupils Thorough Instruction given on pianoforte, violin, singing and harmony Bes illus trated italogue. Prof W Mehrtens. Director —ad ... Are lon an Admirer of Fine Glass es a re. If you are. Sternberg A ro.’s splendid d|r£|gy g| £u<fUsa wul uncxca; A GR AND OPPORTt NITY'. <*■■lit, for ■ x|,rlri* rrofrlool •*04.11100 Wltb.mi 1.440 of Tlmr From U orb KUu. olliinm Ullnil t nntnt. The Morning News begins to-day a moat attractive voting *ntes AVe will give ten fr echokirehlps in the well-known internal:<*nal • orre.-pondeiv-e S'hools of S i tnf on. Pa , to the ten persffna aecurlng tlie m*vt votes betwen now and Nov. I.V Th* ten (re** s holarshipe *omprlse co ire* of study In (l) Mechanical Rug!* neerlrg O Kl* 4 * trlcal Engineering Imlud ir g i ornplete set of electrical apparatus tor the work of tne * ourse. Hit Architec ture il Civil Engineering <*Ai H.nitary Plumbing. Heating and Ventilation. <H Chemistry, l7i t'omtntr* kil Branches. <s M 'i.inh al Drawing, including a compete outfit of drafting Instruments and mater i.*l- value*i at sl2.&T* to use In the work of ih*> ourse and afterwards In draftmg i* m work i9i Architectural Drawing, in hiding a complete outfit f drafting In irum* no an*) materials, valued at sl-’&**. nt is+- in the work of the course and aft* r w irds tn drafting-room work and (l*l hr - i lic.-ign, in* ludlr.g a complete de- Ggntng outfit, valued at ST "h. for use In ia** work of the course If you s* ure the largest number of v**tes. you will have first choice of the Tm Fr*-C Scholarships. If th# next larg *>t numt>**r the second chol*e. if the third Utg. -i. the thlri choice, and so on. # n ■ iis s to the ten receiving the most votes. Through one of these Free Scholarship* you can. by t few months’ study, pte pare yourseif for a salaried position Equipped with the thorough and practical . iu* tti.'ii that will he given, you *an < t.•* 1 y s. ure H situation, and by subse quent study can rise to th* highest and most protllabia and Influential positions. It will not be necewoary for you to leave home .ind go away to echool or college, to Hike u|i one of these Free Courses of Hi idy You will not even have to lose a eitigle dav from your regular work. You > tn continue lo support yourself at your present occupation, and will be taught through th* mails by experts In the hran< h that you se|e*'t. The instruetion Is thorough, practical, and successful. It will qualify you for advaib work the *ame as If you went away to college. Thousands that have received this Instruction are Ofcupying re s|onsible and well-paid salaried positions. <n*i rapidly rising In life as . result of the education received by correspondence. The only limit to the high positions you • an attain will b*‘ that eel by >our am bit ton. Any one can enter this Contest Both men and women take up th* various pro fession** for w hich thoe Free Scholarship* prepare Young people, parti ui.irly. will r* |* great benefits from the Courses M ch ink * and olerks will find In them an •*H-y way to secure advancement or o change their work None are too old to be helped by them ens of thousands of men and women of all ages .ire si cessfully qualifying thetneelve* for professional po aitions through study by correspondence. This Is your opportunity. Seize It. and get a good dart In life. Take hold with ihe determination to win the Con list and *.*■* ure the untold b*-neflts of a professional education. The Bound Volumes. Electrical Appa ratus. and Drawing Instruments which go free with the Course*, are on exhibit ion in Adler’s Broughton street window. A HORAE** MU) FLIGHT. Deenrred on Drayton Afreet V ester day and Reunited In a Number of Accidents. A runaway that did considerable dam age and • ame near resulting seriously *o j number of person.**, occurred yesterday afternoon on Drayton street A hor-e attached to a wagon belonging to a ptosterer named Jordan, started to run south on Drayton ©tree* from near President. At Oglethorpe avenue, the driver was thrown out and received a number of painful bruises. The hors** ■ ontlnued south until Hull street wa* rejrhsd where, running ln:o a telegraph |m>|# the |tod> of the wag*m was torn off ami fell up on the tddewalk. narrowly tnl-ving a colored man who was passing With the wre. k of the wagon stili titched to him. though the shafts were broken and dragging as he ran. the hor.*e swerve,l to the at~t side of the street, running the wagon into .* ba- k that w is - rinding near the Catholic Library As ©o. iaiion Had atsf a wheel of that vehicle continuing this mad career the thorough 1\ frightenerl animal jammed his trailing wreck it Liberty and Drayron streets, into buggy. In which were Dr W. 11. El liot and Mr*. Elliott. Mr- Elliott was thrown to the sidewalk, hut fortunately t cetved only a few bruises Dr Elliott remained in the buggy which from the force of the collision had an axle broken This collision proved too severe a strain on the harness hy which th*- runaway horse was fastened to th*- wagon, and it parted The wagon by the force of the blow re etved from the buggy w*as swerv ed completely around and thrown across the street, while the horse, freed, contin ued south. The runaway occurred at a time when Dryaton street is usually crowded, and the wondr Is that threre were not a number of serious accidents. KAU HRIDBB. Kind. delight nnd full M*.*pure of tlon In |rweni! pupplied u tn* reliable oUi Houm of ftternberit A Cos. HAndeomept display Kv#r ik*on In Havannih. Dlrnnondf, Silverware, JfVM-lry. Novolt lon. <'iorke. Watohoo. anil Kino <*u: Olimm ifa. Pri c* vory roiwmnable. * >Uf gold pirn ha>rti for mrti, -£*i \\ onilrra Will >ifor t>o. Brother*. wholesale druggist*. Llpproiin block of thl* city. are giving away tree, a pkndld regulator clock nearly 3 f*et high. with calendar attach moat ali*o three dozen aatnple bottle** of I.lpj man- liver nil la. fro.. io tho j MJr . , nan-r of thro dozen Llppman* chill an- 1 fevor tonic. Thin celebrated and renowned chill tonic te * Id with a p attlvo guaran tee. ’ No cure, no imy/' and tho price and p|z is Hi® name aa otfer standard chili tonic p. This great exp np# Ip undergone simply to Introduce I. ppm ms chill and fever tonic, the beat In tho wor.d —ad ■ ■ i Pehoul *nppllee. Just received a la.-** and assorted .up ply of school ha** and school supplies, all at cut rate*; from 11 nt up; alao. uaual larijr stock of all tho school hook*, now itwd In t'halham county, at Kmill, New* I>p*t. 45 Bull street, fhvanath, tia.-ad “It fared hr." "Orsyboard bmk* up rheumatism on me.” says Mr. Chaa Thomas, the jew eler on Whitaker street.. "And put me | n better Health than I nave enjoyed In a lon* time.” Take Oraybeard Pills for that dlny feetsne—Lo appetite, and follow |t u with a bottle of Oraybeard It la all you need. Repe* Dru* Cos . aole props Savannah. Os-ad. * o ■ —He—How I envy the man who just sen* the solo Bha—Why. I thou*ht he had an exceptionally poor voice He—Oh It len t his voice I envy, it s his nerve- TllfiU*. . -w w OUR “Osceola Patent” Team Harness for Heavy Hauling Has No Equal. Get Our Prices, Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FR.ANK. SILKS. The most complete selection r „ m suited in a line of Hllks absolutely ing In variety and beauty All the leading shades in Taffeu <, a rv) ttc. Fancy Silks for waists 63c. Black Taff.ta 4Nv Halin Duche>s# to $175. lIHhM t.oofta. Everything worthy of attention tr •*! year's productions. All the new coloring# weaves and fnbti* A sto 4 k worth >our while selecting from. Bla* 4 k Cheviot Hcrge. spong*M and shrunk. SN*. worth 7.V Imported Black Crepon 75c. $1 on, j . Cheviots, Storm Surges. Rrh iar Henriettas. Ropiin* and other fa y weaves at |#>piiiar prices. Venetian Cloth, all shades. S!.W wortn $1.25 Broad*'!oth in all the leading shad s $1 on. worth $1.25. Hi <Mi* lot h tn all the leading aha u, $1 27*. worth $1 s*i. Poplin*, all color*. JS.c; worth Hon M-in* h All W 00l Homespun 63c, worth 85 cents. 54-lnch All Wool ladles' Cloth, ah shade.-. V** . worth $1 nil Fancy Plaids, suitable for chi Miens school dresses. 12V*c l WV. FL lANI'.I.KTTfA AND OPTING*. The newest and most popular of th *r*a!*on's good our assortments 1* r t complete an*) the pric*w* very a tractive An assortment of Outings at 10* All color* nnd pattern.* of Cashmer tt worth 12V Fancy Flaneletter* IT 1 ,* 4 and 15c, AAtllf i: tiOOlix. In this department we have u *1 •he choicest line* In the city. Our W ts <*o Ih are alw iv# g oi an*) rehar>le T- wear's stock 1> \erv pretty, uni ther* u big values in every Item VN'hlte ln*lta Linen AG*’, worth lftr White India Linen lbc; worth \2'*c. White India Linen 15c. worth 20c. TABLE DA Al ANK AT U*RV 1.0 AA I’ll M E*. Bleached Tabl* TVirnask 25c; worth 5<V. Unhieached Table Damask 25c; worth 32 *-ents W-Irnh Brocaded Tabl© Damask 39 , worth 4% 70-inch Brocaded Table laimask 4N , worth ©Ac Rh-lruh Bleache*! All Llnan Table Dam. a*k 35i*. worth *M> 72-inch Bleached All IJnen Table Dam ask iN . worth ©7* 72-Inch Bleached All Linen Table Dam ask ttc; worth $1 Rff. 72-lnch Blea .hed All Linen Table Dam ask $1.00; worth $1.15 RPECIAL HAIK.AIN IN NAPKIN* Fin© !mportei Tabl© H#t*. hemstitched and fringed at 50 and up. L At B C l HT AIN* From 75*' to $7 on. All new this seisor, L ADIE** *KINT*. Hilk and Flannel Waists Please exam'n© ours before purchasing You’ll t>© pleased ATTR At Tl A E PRIC’KA IRK THESE. rur tegular $175 Whit© Bedspreads f r $1 25 All our best F*C Shirtings this week **v\ A good \aid-wide Bleached Hhlrttng :or AGc. worth ft'-c. 98x18 Fringe*! Damask Towel* 12V. very cheap LENT*’ PI RNMIIINt. DEPARTMENT. Men's i’ndervest at 49c; worth tt*. Men's Fndervests at 75c. worth $1 hA. Men's Rol Undervests nl $1.80; worth $1.25 Irawers to match Hue line of 1-adie.-’ Underwear from 49c suit t* $3 50 All styles collars and Guffs at 10c n*i 15. A regular 3.V Suspender for 25c Men * Working ffhlit* at all prkes. th* kind n-e(ief| A good Unlaunderad White Shirt for D * ‘anion Matting, ranging in price ir m 25c to HO* xand Smyrna aid Moquette Rugs In ai site-. Tapestry Carpets, frtlh new good* Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and Barnarl *ts. •( HUOIA A.ND COLMCUEI. TIIE SAVANNAH PREPARATORY *4 HOOL, MILITARY. OPEN 04 T. H. Mr Strong has returned to the cltv and may b* seen every morning between * and 2 at the school building or the northwest corner of Barnard and Harris streets Ormond B Btrong fCornell). Head Master. A school whose instructors are univer sity men familiar with modem methods, and men who have demonstrated thetr success s teachers in preparing boy* for college and business. A school who** 4 dip *- rna Is accepted In lieu of examinatior tiy many college©, and slrnw ha© the highesi endorsement by the presi dents of Cornell and of the University of California A school whose director*, ar* am*Hig the most prominent mn of *h© •tate. A school where your boy receive personal supervision ami en couragement; where he could obtain * thorough and systematic training In body ami mind; where he could prepare nl* lessons for the next day under an in structor's care In the afternoon Just as b© would at Hie best boarding schools. nd where you would have no worry short his asso Iffteti A GROWING BClfO* L BRENNAN BROS* WHOLES ALB . Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. bay street, wsm. Telrpbes.taa. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Tease Fuel Proof Oats, Cosat-ral*> Rye. Cow Peed. Hay. Grain, Bran and Feeds of all kind, for stock and poultry. T. JJ DAVIS, yX‘ItP&W S3. UJ B*l