The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 09, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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VOUTSEY IS NOW ON TRIAL. HIB * JI HV FOH ~<it:n:i. W hiikh. u„.i t . 1.. l(l<*hnr*e (hr Jtir* i,roll nil Thai Yhr> Wrrr : | r . lt . ovrrrlr.l—N* WMh *• iImI iiollon lo Dlif <hr hnr*r. , ( i, idii rrrr >.H anilalnrd—Wt'Krn- II a* Ihr Huai Imporlanl ’j lh- -Male—Hla Kvl iti-ncr. nr Ky.. OH. I—The Youtury r.wlnv to-day aurl rrmatk |H*i '* “ . w ir mule cnee the <xaml . , ttiine*e will t uken 111 Fiankforl le m rnln to view the arena of In* ~ | will nol return before 1 1.-Oniony of (lie mi Im iineere.' to-day and l-r.l||ht ii-tantully Mron( acnlnei Yout atiorneyw are coaitldent of ilia , , , reeumtulun of lor parllclpa , , j,. murder fullon onl Ooldrn , leMlfy - lo Youieey’e talk rirH bullel# and hi- recn n< y. . from John Tower* . , wm completed to-day ■■■. Henry E. Youtaey on j i-r" or helntc a principal In ■MK of Uov. Ooebel The tal*- , wort and Commonwealth'- At- I 9* ' I- ~dley prcH'wded filth the oprn * . ,t ment The defense move.! to di* - jury on the ground that the . • ,ir* all Democrat* Judge Cin- Jf a-rtubd the motion, declaring that I tfc . , . r.dant i* Indicted for murder and | p,.; jor Any political effen*©. v * r motion wan then made by the I asking tlmt the commonwealth I f j# vi ether it will try Youtsey for act : ♦Htng the shot or for aiding and the man who did fire the shot ja j .> the attorney* for the state re pvl • hey simply wished to try Yout*r sf :<r rhe Indictment and let the jury ( iy whether he tired the shot A demur- 'then filed by the defeqse on the •rosi.| that the Indictment named no me V ■ r,g the shot, and that It did not uf f j#r: > describe the offense charged igalfist YoutMf. I afternoon wesskMl Judge Can tr tl ermled the demurrer. Taking of "r ny was then begun. The mod <rr • r* evidence wa* given by McKen- I p. T. 11. who was private secretary to I w t Taylor in January, who said: [ Suninhiv. Jan. 27. my attention was Its i to Youtsey by Treasurer Day. tn it • *i*tlon room of the secretary •<( ll** was sitting by the m:#Vll© win gxv wi• h a gun in his hand ! had juet IT’ •- l the room. I had s#-en ho no* arm*'*) ■ n :* hall and they amid there w\i* ! in the I.*©gi*l<tur©. • 'ow Youtsey in Calais Powers’ pri- I tat- .fllc© with a gun sitting by the I lit low. The window was raised n lit - IHe ni l the curtain {Milled down I asked I b. n t what he was doing with that gun. H* Mid: T • re Is trouble up there.* pointlttg to th*- l -i'.tive biil!ding. ‘I don’t Intend o n i <ny trouble, but If ll start* I will t* i ar*d for It.* He pull*‘d bac k a long >i ! taudtng against the wall, dlsclos me Ktii)!*, and said to m*-. 'They i l < \vi . la a brave man. hut when h* it>e signs .if troub'e he hides his I Just after that Powers him** If and Youtsey again said he would rt anything, but wit pr partnl for I * and him h ought not to think ting out that window, and You!- • l ’That's right, it woubl never eft Powers timl Youtsey In there * r I ime out. ! saw Youtsey again and • • v morning before rjoettel was sho*. H* w is out in the *m4ln hall near t ic tv Inor of the executive latilding <*a .*■ I*, were w i- present and Youtsey nsk • u> If w* had any chance to win the -t. Wfieri I told him thee attorneys * e hopeful, he seemed satisfied and k-d towards his offiA-e. I was In my *' next to the Governor’s ofTW when t t was tirel Someone said :i man **“ ea I lor>kl out my window and • * a man 'ly ing on the pavement with ’ l k CTiknn near him ” • nere took a re'e*i until 7:Sb p. m. H Matthews, assistant secretary of * • under Powers. *vld Youtsey ini>‘ his offli e aUiut a minute after the ■ ' hk with a pistol In his hand. Some * minute* after the shooting Matthews I open the transom and climbed nto ►wers* office, saw a rifle lying on hs near the west front window, an r•r lining ngain st the wall m..l a car '■ In the southwcfit comer next to the •<* He said after Youtsey was *’ r *d he told him that he knew the win.low |n Powers' office w*s not hut bolted down on Jan. 30. imm BBTfl BKA It U’BB. TnKn.llne Hji.l kmi.ll Hint nt \% titt** and marks. ‘J**k#onvJlle, Oct. % A special to the “ in lon and Cftixen fiom Bt. Augu#- flhf >ays: *• i t threatened to terminate In a serl 0 ight between a party of young whit n ‘ -t l.i number of negroes wjs check *l i North City late last night by the arrival of Hi* 1 police. A young !- > was walking on Ban Mirco avenue * ' ao young ladle*, wrhen he was in l l*v a iw no. according to hi- atate r• • A light follow***!. In which a H*or? ' (;!?.** bia-lea took p.irt Fenc w.-ro the we. t |M>ns u*e*l. and some W*w> w ere de tit City ar-l coun ,v - Wt w. re soon on the spot, and the h t vmjp speedily nettled THK D. imBTOX A CO• laenrmrated tn >rw York With a < npltnl of lIt.tNNMHNI. ' ■**">’. N. Y.. Oct. f.—The D Appleon 4 of New York city, with a capital of * • w*is Incorporat*d with the secre ,rv of state to-day. ITie purpeaea for it Is to he formal are to pur'ahw(. * 'd carry on the book, printing 51 ' f i it'hln* and business of D ' ■ r a. <’o., the Appeton Manufacttir '4’ 1 tnpany arl the A. J. Johnson Com * " * l to continue and carry oti puNi* ’ • b* retofore owne<| and carried on ■ tUi < orpora lions. WILL HIOK l\ FHAKCR. " 'anlerlllt llnanaril Jocks '•c- Jo>nt*a Srrvlrei. N • York. Or t. * -William K. Vendor to-day klorrU I'ark rnKK*d J* k*y • Joyni to ri<l hln hor.m In Franc*. Jj -I * >nl * "-lory h not horn nm<lo put>- ir !*■ Ik flirty Hood rldrr. iind tf 1 n, rdly t>r .ocur<l for lo*. than ll<>,- p, s '* r . particularly If he hail to ijo to >*•' Mr. Vandrrhllt wltl put a uf raccrt on the French turf. A TONIC Horsford's Icid Phosphate Half , teaspoon in half a glaaa of refreshes and invigorates the 'mirr system. A wholasome tonic, e ■) un ntmr Hmran'i on oraptwr. If I plenty of Duffr'a Malt Wht.key, * iBIIMHaTA and Uke It regularly Bythlatlma . X-WomUti- R B llTall' gw ! war willing to do anythin,; for /A--. VMHBSZa relief So the dear old u ; au ti.oukli Bf Wa ||W M l>e I* out a wliUkev doctor, ordered M me to begin at onoe wtth two table |Sra^aa!^^ We have thou wooofu laaa a doae every two hour* \ \m •ami. of taaUroo "** ht I4W o.and Irntno V, Dial* from grate <1 lately to Improva, aod now. \lUlg/ ful patient* who ERk from that tlnic. hare been cured of KjRIMMk 1 *?.” ■’^•• th e altnjwt at Consumption itae fl ■ Well a. I ever could, and l>r ( *ar mv lun^. bv Duff? s Pure ■ fi fc rn L|fl| healed, except one dull pliw* id tb® right Wai,wh T ..k.T ■ ul v 'r Vw od,h *v h r^ l tientlmuen-I hail <lo not know whether Ut il t* froiny to let me oet aconah for threr vaar* effect, of wrll or not • hut * humbly trn*t He will, and I ,h ’ under (io<J. >our Wh W ,,h„ mvaelf In April lS?I lie, .me m n _ aaed tuy Ilf* thti. far, ami IM ao weak I waa imable to work I ES flB ■ ■ bad lkun a year „o I would w* examined bjr two bPC9 Mg pkj ‘“ v, ‘ 1 J.’iiJ I*'* 1 *'* t ,nr who told me 1 hml lirunctdtl. INfe K I-'Tfrnmv „o sf very bad They advlmd me to uae its (2 fu §,' " . ' S ( UoiTy’i Malt \Vhiakey but I wa. ■ U ■ Mil 1 “iV.'reT'.Vt.Jr*^'. t w .'i’itT.’ “ *o bitter aMalnst whUkeT I would not conaent. laai'a.d liafi. By AdkuM khtb la.t I had fltone no far a* to be 1 .wr buttle or the .eiOwtMr.. unable Ui|ft my breath, except with difllcutty- piepiietary r ve.,ue nunc wa. very low. I tbouitbt* could not live much aa.m/ m ■ _ louser. Our old phy.ictan, Dr TW. Campbell, b,. .f Q m of Knenry. B. C., examine.) my lunx* and told vy |r|t ■ £C'< ' M me the riaht one w* very bad. and the left one WSfeS SEI! V= ’ *<i! but a trifle tletter, but tbal 1 ba<! ruoii .b liiuvk fHWf II HuM Bn W left to live a Rood while yet if 1 would take ” ” ■■ ■ K m All Aninda. .oil pern <,r direct, eipreu (aid. (1 ■ bottl.. hen,l for free inadlcal booklet. W CURES CONSUMPTION. Yll Kk, ox* of <mr g rt un'rr* for whig, * urkrr. gc., sent frse to any rwulsr of UiU pwpsr DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO.. Rochontbf, N* Y. XO (iHOI ND Foil COHPMHT. Kills nf knutli < orollna's (r|rvnnr' Is \oi SnalNlttnl. Washington. Oct. * —The attention of the stats deportment has not been 00-o 0 - flcially attract*d to the reported complaint of W. K. Ellis a constituent of Senator Mt-lasunn of Siith Carolln.t. of ill treat ment at Constantinople; hut as the bur den <>f the omplaint, a** reported in the newspapers. Is understood to he a search of his person made by tha Turkish au thorities. It Is not likely that Mr Ellis’ case will have any standing It Is declared to he the unquestionable right of any government to search per sons entering tlplr port ut*>n suspicion, ami this right is freely exercised at New York and other American |*rt*. In our ease the search Is usually made to guard against smuggling while detention* are based upon the application of the contract labor and Chinese Immigration laws In Turkey detentions and he* are usually for the puriMtse of Identifying would-be revolutionists and preventing th** Introduction of seditious literature. Hence It Is Inferred that Mr K lie. for some r*a son. had managed to fall under the us pidon of Turkish official*, who have their sple* jn adjacent European rountiles, but a* long os the search In hie case conducted decently. It Is said that he will have no ground for complaint HOI AT Y NOT PA 111. sailor* Have Not Net Received Th**lr Prise Roney for Hantlago. Washington. Oct. —ln view of th* nu merous Inquiries on the subject, the navy le|artment has authorised the statement (hat up to date there has been no distri bution of bounty money to the officers and crews of the American squidron which destroyed the Bpanlsh fleet off dan tla go. 'Hie matter has been pending In the Court of Claims, ami while bounty money has U**n allowed. It has not been deter mined what th* amount of the indlviduif allow Mure s shall te r whether the ul ow ances shall be pad by tb* Court of t'iaim* or the navy department More over. even after the** qtieetions have been determined. It wtll b* necessary to secure an appropriation ly Congress to naSe the payments to be paid, so that Ii wtl. be w’veral months at least before these can begin. PROSPKIIOI a l> THE HOI TH. tarod t ondltlon of Nffalr* klio?% n by Trenanry Nhlpmcnt*. Waehlrßlon. Oct. R —The ehlpmente of money lo the New Orleane, Rt. lule .in-l ( hlcngo euiv-treweurtM for (he movement of the cotton crop continues from the treaeury. The ehl|,mem for to-.lny A (400.(MO. On Saturday l-t the total utiip mente for thin on amounted to 11''.- 140,000. axatnet sS.4£t<M® for the same pe riod of laat year, enotvmx an Increase to m-iriy mire the former mo in< Of ;h“ trial omotini New (Trleone hit* received The treasury offlrlals rexervl the ahtp m-nts os showlny an unuauallv prtwper out* condition of atTutro In the South. TORPAHITti THK WHITE HOI <li Getllna the Wnnslon Heady for the (■resident's Itetorn. Waahtnxton. o<-t. * Preparatinna were maklnx at the White House to-day for Ihr return of President and Mrs. M< Kin ley from Canton. They will rej. h h< rc early to-morrow morninx The work of fltllnx the mansion for the winter tataon le Juet now hexlnnlnx. and will have to hw ronl.nued for some time after Mis M■- Kluley com. A cabinet meeting wilt he held at !lt regular hour to-morrow mornlnx At le.iet half of the cabinet mentis re are here, an I wii RO over all Important queetlone with the Preeldenl. DKI IDKI) FOR THK t til MU,. Penns. I vnnla Members nf Jnnlttr Or der Urrliantr. Not Sustained. Ptttehurx. O* ' *-The case of the Penn sylvania member* of the Junior Order of American Mechantca who oppested a •pedal assessment and other charaes In auxuratrd by the national council, was deckled adversely to-day by the Suprtme Court of Pennsylvania. In the opinion Justice Itrown says that the national coundl can enforce the col lection of the tax against every stnt. of the order, nn! ttdds further that If the irc-ney canno* Ite collecteil from ttte locul councils as a body, ths m<tn h. re become tlahle for th asses-m-nt. I'HOtl A PK.IIIMH R TKIP. Knappen Itrouahl '• of n hnp posed Polar Expedition. Mlnneafolle. Oct. * -H.irrv S Kruip pen, a new-t-xiter man. returned today from a perilous trip to the Hudson Hay country. It) which, with nine whit* men and elxht Indians, h- -ailJ U 0 mi" up the twti shore of that art at Inland set. Mr. Knap|n was a-i urtd by Eski mos whom he met. that a "aky>'-t! ha-l come Into the region on the .xirent nor the,e-t shore of the hay two years be fore; that It came to around, and thit the auvwges who inhabit country had killed the while men In It. This he believes, wa* Andres's iiolar expedition. Hesrrxntlons for IPtll. Washington. Oct. *.—President N K Younx announce* that the following reaer vwetona of National Agreement ball play ers have been made for the season of l*M: Ylrctntw Norfolk—P J Conroy, tleorxe Ro-hell*. Hen Heautnont. N J flulllvan. James A ttmlth. E. M UrKixan, William Butch. Henry Delsel. F Hemple man. lk Uurratt, kid High, Rvel tjtlll gan. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1900. M THKMK t <ll HT COAX OX Ell. Nrrl) I mmr and IMhrr* of ImportaiK*? Irr tn It** C'oa*ldrrrd. \Vai*hlnglon, Oct. k Th*' Vilf*d B**t*a .Supreme Court *onv*ntl to-la>. All the member* of th* court were pr**ent except Mr. Juhtlce Gray and Mr. J untie* Mt Kn. na, art* *lj**n at Yirgimu rtpnngi*. The docket will be .illed to-morrow. Next Moiel.iy IfoiK tior Qennal 1 11* * hhl* of thf department of Juet be will *uhnlt a motion relative to the Neely a*e now P rwling befor** th<" court on ail appeal from the d‘-H*toti of Judg* Wtllarr of Neiv York, denying the writ of habeaa corpus. The mot lon piolxibly will be to advance the cas<\ The d*|*artm*nt of Justice le wry anxious to secure a decision upon th*- m;iin stitutionality of thf l.w tinder which It la proposed to •xtta lite Neely to Cuba. There is |oMhlllt v. however, of u dls mlssal of the *p|H-als, uwlng to the differ en e of opinion wnlch prevails us to the exact legal statu* of Neely. The application for a writ of hahe** I'orptis liefor* Judge Wulla •* was male ij*on the Theory that NHy w.*h then in the oulo*y of tho l T nlt*sJ vnnr -hoi. under n |iro*< ss to t*e taken to Cula while Jutbre loicomb, before wlkicii the **r!giruil ]*?<>(- *tingH took i k’. Inals fa that Neel j* win iot In the custody of the I'nlinl HtaiEs marshal, but wh* held *n an order of the court iti gantlehinerx pr.*- • edlng*. If *ho Supreme Court decM** that he wa** In the * letoi)* of the l’nlt**d Btaie* moislMj. the VHjrt will l>e in a |Httlt>ii of th** I'nHetl State* nvirshal. the -■*urt will i* in 4i position to past upon the coriMtltutionah y of the law, at*l dl l*o*e of the matter If not. there is no !•■**• -for* th* court, and the matter wi.l have to I** tlismleseal. Dnder a recent act of Congress, Solicitor General Richard* will move for the dl ml--al of the suit brought against the stabs of North Carolina, South Carolina, I'loiMa and Ismisiana to recover the amount of certain bonds issued by these states and held by the Cnlted States. The tond* were Issued before the Civil War aid the controvers\ over them is of long standing. The amount Involved Is over a million dollars The mot ion t* dis miss will i>** made in accordance with the specific direction of Congress W % NT* TO H %IBK COTTON. Germnay Is Non llepetidenf for Her Bwpply. Washington. k— "If, for pome rea son. Germany ahould tw cut off for one year from her cott->n supply, there would to* a crisis of Incalculable consequence, ’* says Dnilatl States onsui Winter at Annaherg. in a report to the s*aie depart riuid upon the cotton consumption In that country. In order to against any possible exigency, the Getman Colonial Anno- a atlon, saya Consul Winter, recently sent , • peiltlpn to th imfvt rial chancellor re- j questing that every mentis be used lo 111- 1 trodu<* cotton growing into the different German colonh s where climate and poll favor. With tb- ex • ptlon of uis.ut |l7. ,f > worth of cotton grown In one llfl'e • olony. Germany is entirely dep ndent upon the I nifed Htales and Kitgl m*i for thl* com modity. and she .-oneum more of It than ' any nation of the continent. This ne- j counts for her desire to produce h' r ow n cotton. “Germany, France and Ei gland.“ * y* the consul, “have never forgotten the days of the Civil Wat. when the:r cotron su{>ply was completely cut off t*y the bloi kade of the Southern states There Is a tendency, he says, on the part of cotton Indusrrl< to gta\Uai‘ lowi’d the centers of f>roluctiun. th?t Is, the j t'nitcsl Si.ites, England and th© East In- - die* Th- shlf'ln-,' of cotton m 1 sand manufacture* to these pom* saves time ani money, and the problem wn! h con- ! fronts Germany is to insure a cotton aup- 1 ply that can le ahaulutely dep* tided upo.i in peace or war. ti. 11. 11l- %Nt II till) IIK %11. He Uhr ii lliuli bithurlty n Hall road ItntrN. New York. Ort % -G. R Rlancharl. former commissioner of the Jdnt Traffic Assoc*.tlon, died a* his home here to-day after an Illness of several weeks from a complication of diseases, lnc uding ner vou> prostration and erysipelas. Mr Ulanchard was 0® years old He wa? a railway man a I his life, lie b gan a< ,i . lerk In In *he *mfl.y of th • t’ln! aid Chicago read He was sub sequently connected wlh the Ohio and Mirlpidppl. the On ral Ohio. Halt mor and Ohio and Erie r u*ds. he* omlng vl e ’ ptesldent of IheK*lo In Ikst lie r> came a .ommiMiloner >f th*' *Vntrg| Traffl As<o ilatton arul thru ch.itiman In PtlSs. and was given clvirge of the Joint Traffl A*- | m> I ion iinDl l w.i • m> vrd. He waa rcgsirtlrd as or e of the higher lit on ties a rallwi.v ratra in the country. MHIONMN AT t ANTON. Opened the It* pfthllrnn l mpnl*n Amid IlntlMaHlasni. Canton. 0.. Oct. B.—4letator J*pooner of Wls *>n.*ln. opened the Reptibllcan ram pilgn in :hU county to-night with a most enthusiaeiic meeting The big hall was crowded, and hundred* failed to gain ad mittance He spoke of ex-Prescient Cleve land several time* in connection with the money qi* stlon. awl of ex-President Harrison’s a lmirltratioo. and b-Jth names tvrr< gree'ed wlih most enthusiast! p -p’.ause The address covered all of the . sues that have been r.ilsed in rhe cam inign. mo-f of the time being devot-d to the currency question. Nlnmaon ffas n t nld. Wooster. 0.. f(. I—Hon. E Stevenson. I-emocraile candidate for vice ptreldent. unable to leave hete th • moinlng to meet hie engagement at Orr- Vlile, O . owing to h severe cold. He will endeavor to resume b*a campaign tour to day. howsver. IS ON IN MARYLAND. Continued from Firs* Page. only as one of the stalwart leader* of the state, but of the entire nation ** dor ikons arraign*-! the Kefnibllcan isirty for mising and exp. rating an |m mense iMmpsign fund, which, he h -Uretl, could only be used for Immoral purposes HAN NOT ftOONIUNBO. iiiriMan Denies Itrporta Nflale (an rerntag Him. Wiiphlngt.wr Oct x Ex Senator Arthur I*. Gorman of Maryland to-day authorised an absolute denial o published rejort* that he had resigned from the Democrat ic National i\*n.miner ml from the oher political remmittees of which he Is o member Regaidit g published st.aenients that lie had informed ex-Gov Bton<- of Missouri that Bryan had no chanig of ©lection, and that he iGormanl was lirM <f the whole campaign, Mr Gorman said. “The report Is a fiction, as 1 never made such a *tatem*nt nor have I ever entertained such a view.” ft POKE TO OLD FRIEND*. Rryan Nay* Vlrtory Would lie Per tain If Klerllon AA ere Held Now. Haletn. 11l . Oct. g.—William J Bryan Itegan Ms week’s work with a speech early 10-day In this city, his former hem* Friends, many of when* had known Mr Bryan from boyhood g ive him a marked reception. Since yesterday visitors had been coming from surrounding towns. Mr. Bryan began hie speech at 7 o’clock, and talked nearly an hour He spoke near the Court House In which hi* father held court from Ikfr* to 1*72. ani tn iwhlch ihe candidate< his first political speech twenty years ago He referred to hts boy hood days and frend* with much feel ing. , Mr Bryan fald In juirt: “If I wanted to derlare myself a great man, thl* Is ths last place 1 soil'd come to make ouch a declaration, because you bava known me from my boyhood, but If nny one warts to declare that I am a laid man. I want him In make the decla ration here rather than any |da<-e ear T hardly feci like unking a polite al speech here, for this I* s sa*re i spot to me. Here ny parents ,*re burl*d. aid iiere I leiirtml the precepts which I have tried to follow 1 know the ;*rople here and know* how .conscientious they ar*. When I see the picture of my opfioncnt tn the windows of the Republican* I know how const lentipue they must be .ind how certain tlwt my election would te injtiri ous lo the country, or they would not ex hibit the pictures upon the occasion of my return to my birthplace. “It 1* lo these Republican* that I desire to apteoi When I return to Balem I find vacant chairs, i And tfi.t site e my ia*t visit Republican* and I>©morrats hive passed away. And they have bean cross ing over into the tau t whec* differences In politic* do not divide them. I wonder If It Is not possible for u* to so under stand the issues that (here will Is- ica division here." Mr. Bryan told of the au c. * of the meetings ut th other place?* vl*ftod ty him. and the enthusiasm with which h h.H been received. “If the election were h*‘!J to-day,” he sail, “there Is no doubt we would have a majority In the electoral college and on the popular vote. Hut the R.q*ubllran managers are now collecting from the monopolies s larg** campaign fund. They will buy every tote that can be bought. They will coerce every vote that can be coerced. They will intimidate every labor ing man who can intimidated. They will bribe every ©lt( lion Judge that can he bribed They will corrupt every count that can be corrupted. I do not understand how It I* possible for the plain, every-day Republican to close his eves to what Is go. tig on. when he know* that if he aids these Influences to carry the election at this time, the same mean* can b* em ployed •. carry of Mr election*, when those who are eiipporttng the Republican ticket to-dav will be opposing the Kcpubll an ticket.” fill Vt> ( IttAMKO KUYPT. The 4'aarfldnte Tlmronshl) AAnrbrd Sou l lie rn 1111 ti <il. Ht. IjTtul*, 8 Thai pir* 'i!*r por tion of Illinois known a* Egypt wa* prrl tv thoroughly ranvaewu 1 by Hon Wiiilam J. Bryan to-day Th© print l| a! ©lilts of eleven of th* aoutham counties of the ► tote and three of the ronr* **ional !!*- trlct* were visited aid larifc audl<n<* * ad dressed at the various stopping pis a Fourteen address** w*r- made from 7 o’clock In th* mornln*. when the flrs *|je*ch ai Haiem ws* delivered, until h train bearlnr the nominee and bl* patty pulled out of Alton at n©arly % mldnlght. A e\*ery meeting the candidate w.? grteted with hearty demonstration*. East Bt. luU afforded h unique **•**- t*( le w hen the Br yan train at rived There wa* no genera! information In that c'ty concerning the time th <te3lr Bryan w * to tench there, but the announcement ha 1 lict n made that Col Roo- \elt would ppeak there at 8 o’©lock. When Mr Bryan arrived nt 8 I'. o clo k the Governor Lai >t melted th© Hy. and a* s cun*equ*-n. • , msuy who came *o hror him, remslnes! t o greet Mr Bryan The people rushed after th. Bryan car a* it wa- t*elng switched about, "yelllnk mad ly for him nJ demanding a *p*erh When the <ar came to a stsitdsifll there wh* a general rush for itie platform wh*r< Bry an *tm>l. wlh renew * Id. mini- foi a epee di. Thl* demand M. Br>gn de clined to r#'|*nd to beyoi.d rxplaiul g why he could not *| esk 1I- raid: • The Republl an isndl ai* tot ihe \• * )>rtskl<n< y I- snnoun and t* speok here •*>- night. It le ht* night, and l do not woh to Interfere In nny way with hlr meeting I want you now io il*teti to the other * de. and when you have heard from that rid., ,ift >oii have from our*. 1 want you to de. rid* between u an to your duty Is.” The i tow.l * heeitd the brief eje" h lust ily, aid U.en M: Lryan gr e;* and •- m. y outstretched hutids ns h© ouM rca h Th#* whole eouth of Egypt wos well rep resen t*d In t'iilro when th* Bryan train arrived there to-day. Mr. Bryan * speech devoted mainly to the trust*. Among other thing* he **d: “The Republican party ha* not ful ft’led it* prom! e I# will not do anything of pernuirent and lading advantage to the great majorl*?* of the p*opl*. and the r**- on I* Hint li I* to-day controlled, guided atid directed by organised wealth, and combined wealth demand* mi equal wctilth, but pper'al prt?r||ege*. and every privilege granted by law #o these gr* tt combination* I" taken from the pcopl# Whenever you And that . few people, by operation of lw. are gaining an advan ig* . you may rent assured th*t h<t ad vantage |* coming from somebody. •The trouble 1* that the g<>vernmen gather* a little from each perron and dump* the whole imount Into the lap* *? f 4 w. and the few ro e|ye ft in large (mount. nnd you see the evidence of these prosper*'-, whl> the little I* collect©#) from each The Republican party I* for getting the man from whom It collects, nr hi l* |t t ike* cure of the man who re civ# * AH over thl* land are home* of forgotten m#ss. men whose rights are *H* regarded, men xlw*# Interest* are ie >rrf#*.f tecfni*e of the deman'ia made by comhtned capital. ••We nr© not enemies of honestly ac quired wealth No #we who wants to eat the bread he rorn*. anl to earn th© bread that he eat*, need he afraid of the . I lores* of our tlckes The only man who needs to fear Is the man who wants io the bread that somebody els© earns. and wants to eat It without paving for It." INTERESTING AT ALTON. rassagea Oat of the I saat Order Oc curred . Alton 111 . fet R At Alton Mr Bryan aj* *<e to thousand* of people His au dience wa* sold to have item the largest ever *.**mNed in this city. The meeting w.i- tn the upw sir. end Mr Hrvnn -pofc < with bis hut on. Home one yetted Take off your hat like Teddy did ” Mr Bryan did not however, comply with thl* re quest He had scarcely begun speak'n* when he f.mnd (hat the bunting on the st.ig and sPind cut off Ms view of the *dteuce H* pixituptly tore down the obstruction act was variously regard.*d Rome . tied "Don’t tenr dwn the flags." other* “i>*ar It <V'wn, It ie where It ought to l*e l iken down.” Air Brymn made no refer rn.-v to these remarks, end when h- tied concluded the dismantling iwcs-to* suflt clently to answer hi* pur|o*c, he went mt with hi*- s|eech. H|Msktng f the Republican contention of go-td times Mr Rryan said ’ They tell tis that we are loaning money tn Europe All of you that are loaning money In tCurtg>e hold up your hands Not a band wm up. and he exclatme.l * Titett It Is them not we. who are loan ing money abroad “ Mr Bryan spoke for about forty-five nilntite* and at the conclusion of the speech returned to Ht ljouls for th* night. ITINKR ANY IN NEW YORK. Hr) art's Prospect I% •• Dufies NN 111 ft*- Aledc Ivuott ti. York. Ocl. * The Democratic State Gnmmlitee will glte out Mr. Bryan's Itinerary In this state In detail to-m-urow ll will give all the place* a which he will *|>eitk and the time he will r rnsln In each place He will ep*ak In flfty-one places, and orrup\ five days ex. lurlve of New York city anti Buffalo. THK AHADK OF I.INfOI.N, Hooeevelt Ksrsnok inumrnli fur Sent Intent. East 8t I*ouls, tct B— Gov RooeeveH to-night concluded his 1 smpalgn tour of Illinois, speaking In thla city to Ihe larg e.-t aiMltevi. • assemble*! hers since the M-*- Klnley-Itryan campnlgn of four years ag> Varum* Republican organtxnflons of hb city, end Ht. Louts vied with ea'h other In do'ng honor to the vice presidential candidate. Gov. Roosevelt bet raved no signs if weariness, notwithstanding he had male a speech In manv town* In he state en route, the most uo*ab> of w’hirh was at Springfield. There the <k>vernor refrained from discussing finance, trusts and such topics, devoting himself exclusively to the life achievements of Abraham Lincoln, of whom he said “He sacrificed himself In death that hi* |.eople should know, not only liberty, but the union that symbolised order ns well. Fundamentally every great question that arises can be erdved by following hi* a.I vice Lincoln r ime <o prominence by hi* great debate with I keiglaae when they were opposed to one another, but when the l ‘%-f of the flag w.* nt stake. Douglas* turned and upheld the iusnds of his great rival. 8o have we a right to appeal to the In>mo ra t.-d*y to put patriotism almve partisanship.” Immediately south of thl* city the Roosevelt train wa* stopped for orders. An Incident of interest transpired ni this point. It was the arrival and nothing of William J. Bryan’s specai train north bound Immediately alongside the Roo-e --ve|t special. Th*- Bryan train also had stopped for orders. Th* candidate* did not see each other until their respective‘ were p**lug slowly, but as they passed they recognised en?h other In the dim light from the car windows, and each leaning forwntd waved hi* hand in salutation. WHITE SPOKE TO H I DENTS. Scheme of lmpfrlllm He *•!). t an nul Hurt Hie I nttnl States. Ithaca N Y . Oct 8 Andrew D. White, amba**ador of the t'nl#*d Htafe* to Ger many and fli*t prastdent of C'omell Uni versity. delivered an address to the stu denis of that Institution to-day. In the course of hi* remark* he touched tifon the potltlcsl Issue* now before the people He sail that Imperialism never came from the legitimate extension of ter ritorial tines No republic had ever fallen a* a result of the poilcy which the Unlt **l Sta*e* now pursues The fame poMcv ha no: Injured Franc© The imiertal|sin which we have most to fear, said Mr. White, is that of tfemagagultm and the arraignment of class .iga'nst class and section against section lie drew a distinction between ptio cracy. such u* cklatcd |n the Florentln* reput;tc. an.l the rb h In this country to day He s,i|| ve have no ptutoesrey. for a number of lorlihiui which have accu mulated tiav© 1# ©n gradually d!*|er*# and. arl in many cases contributed to lienevo* ,etit (MirpoMs 8< fur as trusts ar** con cerned. this disea-e Is not pcullar to rhl* country ilonc It Is tu !>e found in nil parts of the commercial world, and most enrefuf diagnosis is ne essary io determine upon n irper remedy To -peaker censured these who profms*-.| rem •Hpes for such evlla without flrst esr< h ing for causes Amta*.*.dor White wll’i leave Ithaca to-morrow for New York, where he wilt *©t sail for his post abroad ■o IM ?UM it ? i!• PAD I ' % That I* AA haf Aenstnr Frye Declared nf * amilrn. Camden. N. J . Oct. 8 —Senator Frye of Maine addressed a mass meeting here to night, presided over by Senator Sewell of X-w Jer.-ey, In pari as follows: ■ "In IWH Mr. Cleveland wa* sleeted and the I>emorralc fwir'y w i* in full (Onfrol Before that r©rty had done anything a fearful panic wa* precipitated > * the dls | trust felt by th© bust nee* Interests In this <#unry. and W' bank* falbd and every Industry In he country felt the sho k “In IKW William M Klnley wss #!e ted. lie 1* u- good m President In hi* turn- was W ishtngron In his, or Llnc;!t tn h* Prosperity cam* b* k t* stay unless the Ame i lean peotke should elect llryan. “There Is no Demon ratio party uf-uu}. It U now known as Brynnbm. and down our w.y the Demo rut always put on their pos'ers 'Bryan meeting ' HeUlorn lo you se© he word T># mocrstlc.* Hryanisin has swal owad the D(fiio ratlc part).” ISII.I. WII.I. TIKK I'UIT. KVntilm WII* llr*l|i Ihr llrmrtrrnl* In Ihr l'nnii>>>,Kn. ( hli ago. Oct, E— Ex-Bnator Davl<t tt. Kill of Nrw York. If U unofflrlal))) an nountr'l at Iwmwrailr nailonal head quarlrra in thU city, will lake an active l>art In Ihr prril*lcniial <mnpaixn In the VVr: At ihr irv|i>rl of the Cook County Drmrerallc Committee Renator Hill ha ronerniro lo make an vMfeae a) n meel- Inx in he hrkl In Chlrax". OH, U. He will filer, be ihe principal | eikr at Ore meet ill* of Oct 1 Hri ween ihoee Uatee Hen aior Hill will mak* aeveral aMreaae. ft [ tarloua towca id ImUaoa. WOMAN'S DAILY GRIND A young lady from Donvor, Colo., wroto a lettor to Mrs. PinKham, which ajitly picturoß tho condition of a groat many young women. Hho nay : -- "Tins ia the first opportunity I have found to write and thank you for the your VagotalibtSMßWunil hu diiM m*. I feel better than I have for year* It aeems a • seven any*' wonder’ to my friends Where I used to be pitied, everythiiiß is the opiKwite now, and there ia not a duy hut what Home one wants to know what I have done to make tnyeelf iiok > welL “ Before taking Lydia K I'uikhain'a Veip tahle Coiu)K>und I had oon ■tnnt headach wae >-oiiMtij>ated, hloateii, eyea weak and watery, bearing* do—ii pains, paina in the amall of uiy liaek and right side ; took cold very eaaily. which always cuu.sed intenae pain in the ovnriee, and I did not want to (fi anywhere or ••■e any ooe I —ns called rna, hut I eeold not help it, , feeling a* 1 did. 1 could not lift anything or do any hard work without suffering for day* afterward* Menstruation laated for eight or ten days, the first three or four daya lieing alinoet nnaUoi pain day and night.** Whnt a picture this iw, and how unnecessary! Head tho lottorK wliicn follow and boo how oany it i to ovorcome wotnun'H suffering when you go tno right way about it. Nothing in thin wide world has relieved so much fomolo suffering an han Lydia K. lMnkiiiuii'H Vegetable Com pound; no medicine can produce such positive proof of cures and good results ; therefore, no other medicine can bo “ iust as good.” Women should insist upon getting the med icine which has the best record, and wuich, they and every druggist in the lnnd know, lias no equal. Miss Thompson's Pains are Cured. "Drab Mrs FiskH4M;—l want to tall you —hat I.vdin E. Plnk hnin's Tegetiilile (Joinpound hna dono for mo For aoverul yrara I had tiuffarod with loan of appetite, nauaea, vouiiting, oonatiiatiou, palp: tat ion of the huart, hoadacho, |Miine iu nearly all (wirt* of the body. My phyttician •aid it wii* only indigestion, hut bis mndiciue did not help me any. I began the use of your Vegetable Compound. I have taken four bottles and now those trouble* are cured. I cannot praise it enough.”—Miss tlEl-IJ: 8. Tbomikon. Box 14, Acuahnet. Mass. Just whv Miss Thompson’s physician diaprnosed her troublo as indigestion it is hard to understand. Tins mistake, however, is frequently made. If you have any doubt about your case, write to Vfrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for her iroo advico. She will understand your symptoms at onco. Miss Scholtea Tells of Suffering Overcome. " Drah Mrs I’inkium :—I write to let you know that Lydia E Pink ham's Vogetahl* Compound has cured me of painful menstruation from Which I suffered terribly. I really believe that I would be insane to day if it had not been for your medicine I cannot praioe your Compound enough, and feel that if all who suffer from female troubles would put themselves Under your oare and follow your advice, they will find relief from their sufferings "—Miss K K Schoi.TEß, Mt. Oliver, Pittsburg, Pa. e Srnftjft RFWl^n R | I I9 1 111, TY the renutn**nriof th#* irfitimoolal lauata iH U £ P 8 I mo mn *oistsntly PuhHaklag, we have I* •"111 deposited with the NVtnnal City ll.*nli. of Lynn, Mass., fs ■, tt 3 1 | | I| | which will !># paid to aoy person wbc ran show that th© above teuimotue'* are not genuine, or were nsUI hed befor-j ohLumog the writers’ spacial permission.— T.vuia K ,’im am Milicu i to. Ml itiiKnci) a m iiit. dull„ .lenloue nml -hot llrr nml .Anotiirr AVumiin. <VMumhU. I'.i . i ? William Mott <f Norfolk. Vs . thl- evening shot and kll •• I Mile. Alberta, a | s tm >. with whom h wa* traveling mlmui th* country ani dangerously wound#**! Mr* Elisabeth Hielnbauer, with whom ttic roup!#* box'd* ©I here. Mile. Allicrta. show* fal nun* wa* Anna Furlong, was S7 years obi. Moil |< Jk Her hoax* 1* In Chicago. Moil say-* she has a husband, a h> *l man and sou. named Brennan, living ai lta)onne, N J. Moi rn#l her a year ago at Dover. D#d They ha? be*n traveling from pk • to p!n e and f-r (he past tw month* nava had palntl -try off!vs In lam* a**ier and Colun<hla. leie|) Mott had become very Jeglpua of the woman and this evening, aft* r drbtk- Ing all )•> went to their room and ha I an altertutlon with her Mrs. H'elnlNiuer attempted to |mi< Ify (hem. whereupon Mott Ukkii to fir#- from a C alibre re volver. Mr* Htrlnbaipr f* Si lo th© floor with a bullet In tier sioino'h .rod ano her In her head, and Mile. Albei a was * :ot three times In (111 h#od and biexsl Bno died Instantly. Mrs Hielnbauer was taken lo a hospital. Mod surrendered and talked *#>olly • f ih murder. regnlilng that he had shot Mi 8 # inbuutr. whom he said he hk#*.| ani saying that he had Ixcoroe ilie*l ##‘ M l Altierta a bcklereet* and could stand It no longer. AA AA AN ILL 1 ll STENT. Nolle© of Ifls Intention Nerved ! pun apt. AA II). Dartrm. Ga , IM ft —Oapt A C Wylly. the nwly-e!ect<| rltrk of the Hunerior Court, wa* *erv#l Baturday with nolle© of conteel by Judge 8. A Way. the pr©s •nt incumbent, who wa* C’ajd. Wylly** opponent in th© e.redon la*i Wednesday. Judg# Way hinge* hi* hope for •ac cess upon th© allegation that one of th#* managers of the* election at the Darien precinct was n t a freeholder He asks, through hD attorney, that th# relurr* fr#m the Darien precsncl b© thrown out. If this should be tlon* Judge Way would b© ©l©ct#*d by a majority of twelve, t’apt. Wylly and his friend* contVnd that nil the managers of th© election were free holders The po nt at Issue will he deter mined by ihe question whether or not a person owns red state In the senac of the elec-lon law when n© ha?- paid for It. but ha* recalved o d*#d*. Mr \V A Wilcox, on© of Darien’* vet eran business men Is having his store and hotel r©p*lr#*d and renovated. He Is making ii any changes In (he bultdln? which he h.s ■*> long used as a store ar.) hotel. AA. 11. Rlaaell Dead. Ban Francis o. Oct 8 W R Blssell. © railroad man, well known throughout the United Btate# died f cancer at the Southern Pacific Hcapita! In this cltv, aged M years. He was auditor of th#* Mis souri P*< Iflc for five years At the time of hi* death b© occupied a prominent |o. sltlon in the fre ght department of the JBoutham I'on 18c, Ill* MOtir. H I* I M HUIUBO. lliil tin* Time Hi* llml llren Ibieot birmcil it ii From the You lll'* Companion. A well-known port tell* a story of the Oral time be ran away from home. Ho hail lain deeply nfT* ndol, by -om-iliing done In il>* hoti-ehold. and hi- decided to ■lull lon-tfr a place where he an to little appreciated Bo lie link a la-t lon* look at Hie okl plane look* and at he barn. Hie pump. the * 111* kens. Ihe pig. the tlooratep, thefiath to II * ha■ k gate Kvery gian* e wa> a fare well. lit- wandered out Into the wide, wide world. Thai la to way, he went down the road, lie walked until he came lo a great .lift d.trk fore*l Tl r- had lieen *\ * alien Ii ha*l been merely llanaon'a grove, and In eaay walking distance from hla home. Ilut oti ihla day Ii wan weary leaguea away and he entered Ita -ad shad** with the feeling Ihnt he had renounced all Joy I loom went hy. Happier folk ate In their home*. The wanderer brooded a lona and raw the hla-k night rome along Ilka a Herre anaconda and ewallow everything. II- h* ird the night slim-*- He had im mcasuruhle thought* and had Ihe painful delight of feeling hlmaelf grow old. Hut aa the world lay In alienee better feeling* ram* 10 him. He felt that he n*l been aelh*h In thinking only of hla ofTcnwr. How would Ihey be able to live wttnout him a home" Wia It not hla duly to atap a.rovs Ihe awful gulf that yawned lie I ween him and thoee he had once loved an*l for give them ar.d return to romfori them? a generosity which auggered him he left the gloom of the foraet and return ed along the wide path* of the* world to Ihe Old famllar s|kii -which h*- had not laid eyea niton for three mortal hour*! lie entered hla house. Hla father *• hie mother rewln* hla alaier at her studies No one looked up. No one apoke. His coming made no aenaitlon He had returned fiom hla wilderness and no one waa Ini ere a led ilia heart awcdled to tiurating with Injured vanity and Just at Ihe moment when tears appeared lo he a neeeastt> ihe Maltese entered the ro -m and with roo-e compass lon than her betl-r came and rubbed her length affectionately ig.ilnsi thr boy"s leg*. He heaved a algh—auch a algh aa war fares know—and a.ild In a done of solemn remlnUM enre: •I see you h ive the name old gray cat!** DRIVE* l**tai: HY A JOKK. Nome tilrl viade a vianlae and Hti morlat Hud* Hla t.lfe. From the Chicago Chronicle. Beattie, Wash., Bept. 9.~Aa the result of a practical Joke. Pearl Boyd, a pretty voting glil Of Nome, la now a ravin* ma niac and her lover. Paul Laird. Ilea burled in a rutclde‘9 grave pe.irl waa noted for her Intrepidity and declared that nothing could frlghlen her. lailnl determined to acare her and It la ■aid cut the hand from the body of a dead Kaklmo, which he found lying on the tundra. He look the hand and placed It in ihe gln'w bed. When ihe young woman discovered It late at night her reason lied Wllh loud shrieks, she sprang upon Ihe tr-d awl tore the hand to piece* with her teeth. Laird, who wautied the ecene from outside the window, fainted, and when he moavagwd (,u; a bullet through hla rakh 5