The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 11, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 FLAGS OF ALL THE NATIONS. rt>OA rm O* HOAIt AM) f\l AR\i;* AT WA) TMQKI. Ifow th# W ofLrtl In l.niullni TbMr NRillM-IHtlcalllM WHb A\ !>!(<<• They rh<tr<| #*H fh rr rnj.f -OnmpaHtom of thr Arwlfi. Apld4lt) MorL of th# Imrrlcnn ( lit *r th# 41-dl*r -dl*r Itiromimralilr. CtnM|Ai Incd of ih A*t- Mted Tongku, China. Rfj*t. I—Along the Im piovi>d *iil rt iu> wha V*- which lint tr # p*.-ho r xer si tht point ll# dozens oj *un u* little *t#*n*cr • aid junk l * dls charging ax ary • noc-hal.f variety or £pU. An U>ff 1 cut*tram in thr six.ft tu.l irii.tu* rnuruif, aie dozens m >r* wallint, wharf r om to ditch urge c-iijj *!• lltdf stream it alive with fit r*k he r to Tim 1•* n, ard from tier* up t Hafcm, for thr nation** of the wrrlo ore ruirJtg In supplies to !•< 1 is# arml* before the ngUI North Cbu * W<ei > a 9 th* t.artxn and stream I w m et*anitmp and Junks. tamper. ] f*, a* <1 toga fly th • (lag* of run Ui if. u..J iy on thr* drck> t h Hu rtf*i Americans, white-uniform* l Fu*lv.*i. sturdy Gct'inani. Industrial. InoefatigamJapan#*# -bury m& ants •*> • *w. sin.' i.o word to *n>mt, French l.r *.ut s ftWis, lihrxjrkas, of a-1 branch*:* * i ifrvhr I**: ar.d night the 101 l go*v* • vi h thru Mind r* of rood*' IsUjnng tn * of thr * nquerors. and the groat pi - cJ ul I* tn. hoiitf-lilgh on ti Rryfv *, #em not to bo diminished f u little cargo boats ply out to ti c .10 I.oo*'. twshf# mi;#s r#aw.rd from *l*aku, ard laden dorp with th# cargo** *•** iiocf m <lu*chH*g* and from th** hg trans !• rt*. labor hark o.rr Dir treacherous bei and feel their way up the winding Pri-hn t Towgku. junk*, xvph hug# squiu> sails of m.iMing. cr##p b d.ltld Uietu in ondl#*s pro*sslon, for mothli.f will float t. pressed Into tervlo* tor th* transshipment of cargoes, tally vessels l thr llthin. rli’aft can I-*.** the bar at T**kti At low water a st“m l-.unch will a ’ ag.ouiul, and at dead high tide ihr. * if at hrat only scant eleven fwt *f water over I: Only at onr tide m tr.e twenty-fjur hours <an vessels pa*" for tl.r nu t t;lp 1- d.*r.grous to even the mwt . kuird of Taku pilot* Irtu i the fort at the mouth of the riven to Toijtku is h.*rdiy a good r:fte shut ru- h** crow' fhe#. yet by the ilver It 1* a , - .1 four mie or more, and the tide runs like e mill race. A narrow and serprn hi" hann< i. m swift current, la k of w. erf room, scarcity uf v< mm> n an l a r-c*ctnv ciirrwip .in M*ni of th *lllll ulties wnlcn the I'owers have ronitet<l and are and lly surmounting and mere haw been remark ably little friction. One thing one 1* plentiful, an*l that la labor Coolie* with out mifn!**r arc to le had. aixl they n> tie' euvlnr f*atuiee of the eituutlon Tt.e railw v i uttllte| a** inj h a* jna f. . | trenspsnitlst i*. liitk • ttiari Aid imtruvl .ite hui*ttiej ar* iaoltd over it. One tra k. hastily con e'rut'tol. ema’l care ivnd light ugtne*. an 1 under Ku>elan coniiol. ll l nit used ftr transport utlon ptrjorc It 1* inunnc’ by Ku**un eoUl *t from the i Trane-Siberian Hallway, and all things . conshlered. la conducted In a very ere :lt ablc manner At each bridge and culvert j t* h Kuselan outixmt, and the whole line | 1* patrollel. At Tongku the Amert.'an* hire s>- cuiml about the t>st w (wrtutr*- The wharf ox:en<h< well ou tat mini. n<) I* ac eewMt tit low tide, while there is plenty of room for <H,c-harl rnrcoee HsJ Huti liMlhMtner. the commissary ofthcr In churire. has itivuttxf Ills foree between here and Tien Tsln. ami iwirplle* ore be intr handled vary expwllthnialy. The w hole of the V.-rtow ami ifhlna seas has been scoured for vessels suitable for the work, snd Ihe I’nHist Slates nuthorltles have not come out tehlnd In the scramble. The llbersl waxes (Mb! coolies ami ns llvo boatmen have (riven us a ureal nl -vantaKo. l*oth here and In Tien Tsln. At the same time, our treatment of Ihe na tives has been iruld ami humane, the •oMlfcsrs in charge of the aungs appar ently regaiellntr tho Chinamen s great fun The Russians are inosi severe In hamUlnir native iahor. end the swonl belt or bayonet ficibhanl 1* lh? uxual form of pen*u*i>n. II hiii been . woimlm lui rare of tb supply deptrimnui of the armies of ihe world and he I’nliwl State* haw ahown up splendidly. Thing* are c-ondu trd with a vim and rapidity in strong contrast to lh allpahod nn*tho.U of moM of the i.ation*. and the result la Phovn m the quantity of supplies now a cumulating up-river uml In the storehouse* hero. From all comparison*. however, ihe Japanese muM Ik* excluded In all dp>irl* ment* Hi*- Japanese army of o*vtj|tiou work* ilk? clockwork To ihe observer no hitch 1* visible. Their rommlxary 1* iu.tgt*r In variety, hut v.iM In quantity; and almost * very other ri\er t raft file* ttie- while flag with the red t.trgei of the Mikado Here It float' from doirnx of craft, or many wharves. ami in Tsen Twin It In everywhere to be seen. Coolie* by the thousand labor under It, mtd lona line* of them, with carle, barrow- and acting o* hearer*. trot In t'ontlaiMMlf •ireitni, tran*irtlng the Inevitable mit* ting-* ©vered bale#. No one know? what the matting concern la. but whatever It cnay be there are thousands of lona of It. The Japanese army work*—in all the term Imp Me?, it work? by nlirht and by lay, silently, swiftly, like u hug* muhlne withal It* parte in order Pay after day, the white-coated Util* soldier* swing hy. In squad companies and regiments, and disappear up country. Their disci* (•line la strict they are well clothed an I cared for, ord the -other nations wat k at first gives warning appears, help nature a little with Ayers fMm pectoral I Don’t delay until your lungs *re 1 sore and your cold settled down I deep in your chest. Kill the enemy I before the deadly blow kills you. I Cure your couch today. I A 25c. bottle is enough for a f common cold; a 50c. bottle is bet- I ter for bronchitis, asthm*. and | colds that hsng on; the dollar size ;1 is most economicsl, especially for > I old cases. PERUNA HAS BECOME A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY There I. no other thlm? th.i Ih- houho!4 nrl worir than Rood fnmt'.y medicine Thtre nrc a thoutan-l .t ' l iCmenta I hot arc .uie lo ej.rlnß UP ffe- ! > '<y* J \\ 7 i r i •'-/ \-- -; AtRS. JULIA C. BROW.'. family rrmoly If any member ... i. •,t y feel* b.i-lly, ratch cold or suffer any pliy.-i. il nl - ienl. !’<run.i bill.* • u - bs.-k lo health In a f. tar days I tin I It apl-ndh) In hk. of In.i. -*;.tton. or any Ir- k iturllle* of the atomich." Very truly. MRS. JULIA r BROWN. Aiiirr.-.r IVr i n Medicine Company. Colutnbua, Ohio, for a fire catarrh book them ctirkm.'ly, <! then turn to \lrwr the HliK,.|. Ail the joidhrv * t th < xar arc*ntiv inm to man wttn them In nurntK * now hut lot vhu hi <1 Ti* n Ttin in I IN kin are but o.i' M|iiafo in me f*.*dn- e chc k> r t*-..rd I'iotn ti.• •.*rtli c< m* va :ue report' of ihn lr-.tmh ol Itu-elans m.i lii,' In M ii.< hurui. and on the * mie wI l ftv rumors of thoue itMl- f Jn|in e Imdli 4 at remote tslnh in t'hlna ,nd K Uui h ait rumor* from ; fat kiful.tanl vol I •t t. • t 1 in i. Her** In t 1 v il ley of the IVi-ho I* reality and n* on •rn mv which forn* In in in ) !<>. liach day brines In* quota o. fr< • 1 tro j if all nation* except Ameri .in*, an i < h day bring* tt: little fl**t unll the ail* chorige off T.*ku I.* a gnat city of whip In etn am. h hind the Taku torts, w-hl ii they rslui cl and uv< r v%h:* h mv\ fly strang* nt 1.1 lie th* fleet of llght tlrafi war vessels and torn do boa a Their on. e w hite and #rhrtenli;g print Is yellow and brown from the muddy water and OUtwld* the great men-of-War aid cruiser* swing Idly at are-nor fl*et* of dingy tran*|K>rie neetlltig tinier cover o th* ir gunr AetHre, the tlden Mill • art Ut the dead, busy ll*put> h b*ati* puff Up and down the river soldi**!# *1 * ark an 1 burry up country. It I# wir wit heart th** fighting. Here th* ntl*n# M**m tr.iirunr an*l stripping .lk giant puffllliHt. C/a #a* k>*. with #ltirly, baggy little pjnle-. client Sikh*, armed with *wrblne, pen rMm*'d lance. uihl revolver. I .rt>an ■*! Ohoorka#. Imr# -I* gg*d and lithe; quick moving Jup- aiml heavily-accoutre*! t**r irKtn** throng the narrow. mu*k)y atr**i* and fill lire outgoing train# It I# a inld tary luibel. and the native* watch th- In |ourtng stream *rf their conqueror# wl.h Chinese lni|a##lvene*#. In |ioint of avulry th# Husaians at this writing probably outnumber all th** r#t By far th# majority of their tr**<*iw ar# mourned, whl h gives them a dec*•!•! •dvnntitg# In this land of n** tnns|rta tion Tii# Japan"?**- come next in num ber of mounted troops. Ttu'c# Is a> ap liarent lack of artillery, out of ixopor non to the total of troops. Th# OerttMins hive landed a few batteries. nn*l th# British have landed few naval guns on Improvised carriages Four American si#g# guns were sent to Tien Teln this w**#k. with ammunition. Hut few troo|>* nr** kept in Tongku. Th# Taku for la at the mduth of the river •ire pretty well garrisoned by the nations holding them, hut the men r# hurrbd forward as soon as Itided This 1s al most h necessity because of the lack tf camping grouawfc*. Tiatgku is merely a colb-ctton of on* storiesl huts on grourwl slightly above th# water, while on every Md# str* :ch th# great flats. 111-smelling plains of reeking mud and shallow talal pool*. *>ver which the allies ti*Min*l* *-*• In 18til Under th** hot sun they throw off miasmatic vupots and make Ih# t*mu almost uninhabitable The advent of cool w* at her Is eagerly look* <l forward to her# to improve the healthfulncws of the has# and facilitate the work As a rule, the river does not freeze until the mwklle of December, nnl there ar# .iUut ten weeks of p|ei*int autumn wather. At present th# fuel situation Is receiv ing much attention. There Is some coal on hand here, which has passe*! into the pos session of th** allies, the United States •♦•ctlling a fair shar* It Is only it -Utl of what w ill b** n* # I* *l. however. anl with the food question air* uly practically set tltd, fvcryotir Is devoting all energy to landing ftiel The sear city of vessels In thrs# wafers makes the problem a grave one; especially, a* there is absolutely no timber In this section of ('hint. It l* I#-- lleved that even with the best efforts, ther*- will he n scarcity and with the > w;cr of th# winter In this it gioti much suffering will ensue. I OVTtiST 0\ FN TMK HI( K U II.L. Ailnnii Rml Hl* Wife On Mot Want Patrick n IJirruliir. New York O r 10 Formal notice was given to-day that h content will follow the attempt of Patrick to probat* tin will of Wilt turn M Rice, In which Patrick Ip routed as the residuary legatee-. Two •• f flciavtttf w re died In tne clerk * office of the Surrogate'* Court. protecting again*! the appointment of I’atiik a* *xc uior of the eat.tie. Thin affidavit was m U* by Charles Adarns and wife of Moticlalr. N J In hi* affidavit Mr Ad inti*, who Is In the law office of Julien T Davis. nay* that h<* Is a creditor of the - ate* of Will iam M HI e (or services rendered to Mr. Hi. e at various time* *ln e u.i, 5 UHt? Neither Mr. Adam- nor lus wife were re lated to Mr. R! . Icit Ati Adams' father and Mr Rice were frl'S.ds of long Hand Ilg. Mr Adorn* suld to-clay that !)♦* drafted the codicil to the will dmwn In IW atitl now In the ptaifMlon of <*pt Hiker and under which the latter has lieen ap|oi!it*<l udmlrv'strntor In Tex i- Mr l(tc< asked him to leave (dank spare pcj thni iKinu • iid amount* < <.uUJ u 1 1 . p’rted. Mr. Adams continued "lie was a very accretive man and did . - ... I*la ed In the codicil or what amount* of money would he hit to the -• .• . n That codicil ha* disappeared, although 1 am |K>*t*ivc‘ that 1! wa Me* u't and Later I l*erformed various ?*ror sstonal dtith* fa Mr. Itlce in connection with the *>il. against the legatee* under hi* wife'* will Mv father and Mi Hire left Mas <h i sett* about the same time, and went t T* \a together." -Otlhcrt Parker ha- lately compute he llt*t novel he ha written la mor* hn two >*are It 1* called "I be Uli Tin lUi No Turning." and. like *- much o. hut waik, It Ucradn with life in Quebec. THE MOItNING NEWS. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1900. * in l:>c prompt y r. .tev*d b) rucb n Sue. A family itmy have a c'o.l .n near at hand. In tvhom they ;r< al eonden. e. yet a hourehol.i I y .an rot be spared. ;u{hl hoaiseners backlnß lOURh. n the head or catarrhal Indlßaatton, .M* h 1.0 OM SiHlLl think Of Otllihß idly physician, may l ia , .mp!ly iud mlilßU" 1 by a family mril Inn. •na his found Us way Ihoue of bouseho N \Vc arc r.celvlnir • :s from a multitude of Iht'lUgent n No: i Hoath, Ka t ami West. • feel that t .cy .. ul ! not ke< p lious .nr 1r n.i rolloaflnk Is a sample w kind of leitera: r~ Jiiha C. Brown. Ker f iry Her eral \V, 1. Melon < irrl*. No. 17, I.ldles ti A It., cf I’ccatonl-a. 111., f rrural Moil Ine Company, f’olum '. <>. ■ I ■ men “t l ave used Peruna In my for the | art four yi are. nr.d am r*. jrt ly ronvini ol that If Is 11 reliable m:ws moil iVAVt itoaa. ne Nrsrn Killed and Another Wounded ni llel.ean'a mill. Wsyeross, Om.. Oct 10 News has lust reached h*re of the kltllna of one nejrio nnd the woutidintr of another, at Mc- Lean’s turpentine still, in CnfT.-e county. The colored people Rave a festival, anti while the enjovmetit wais at It far lit Lis.* MeOrlff etepp..| m and nuked for his Wife Ale* Britt answered. "I reckon silt ’s at home ” whereupon MeOrlff pulled hat revolver and flretl upoti Brill He was struck In the lower |-art of the wroth, and .lie.l in nhout three hours. A‘. XI - i JirlfT walked off srtnte one f|re.l at h m a stray hail srikintr Rosa Jrdtnson. colored, and she may die. MeOrlff mail, hie es : . Ope. The Satin* Mnnufactorlnjr f'. mpany Is r reel InR the to .a primratorv to puttli r up the litthts for lllumlnotsttß the fair ?round* They will put In four lar*e arc liKhts nn<l eißhty Incandescent llßhts. A Methodlat Church with foart-en nt -m --tjers tins he<n oryan s.d at Ikiwidn The *eii*.,n will he opened l,y the Way j cross Lyceum Asaoclation nett Monday 1 nlßht The attraction trill he tiurrett IV Servlss. In the Romance of Travel nnd History. Illump nnted by Art His subject is "Napohon Bonaparte, .he I,a*t of the Csesarj." The manat', ment of the Lyceum announce that they will not tie able to supply all ! applicants for season tickets, .oslnr to I the limited seattnß capacity. The Woman’s Foreltcn Missionary Con ference Of the Waycroas District u in session here. The meetings will ennllnue until to-morrow night. The stockholders In the FiUn Rroa CL trar klanufaciurlnp Company will hold a meetlnß t.-marrow night for the puriiose of formal orannuntlon. fASIAVA-RKO IIKKF. * •sstNsfsl r.xperlnteat „ s<4Uu Itnl.lnu In Fl..rl<ta, From Jarksoti vllle (Flai Tlmes-fnlon. The bulletin Just Issued by the Florida Rxperlment Station written by l*rof Ptockhrulge. desorlding his exiiertmrnt In ffHallnjc native steers on Florida feedstuff*. Is replete with Interest and Instruction. It Is evident that tho butcher has about rtnched the end of hl< roi* for new cattle ranges There are no more worlds to con quer. and mankind has come lo a point Where M more Intensive cattle-hretvllng system must la- pursued and better results achieved out of what ranges we have, Florida has millions of a res which are not tialuru l> ven well adapted to ,(ock growlng They are thin and sandy, and produce a spare and rather jejune crop of f"t IK. Til. coaaava plant comes In here with |ie, ullar appropriateness and value l-e nuse II produ- . - Its feed - rop uh.ier ground, and not above the surfa-'e. where It would be subject to the Slime unfavor able influeii- ee which affect the grasses i Hss.i\a not onlv does Its work under ground. but It delights In sandy sol!, pro udest a fair degree of fertility Is supplied. The*,* millions of thirsty, sandy a.-res can. by ihe Judicious un> of this plant, he made to produce feed that will fatten A lifff nr mum to the acre, where the native fora*? or even < ultivuted grasses would not sus l tin a beef on ten Here* The c iv, plant i practlc ally a re in ve granary It# tuber* .an be dug and fed out any day of the year It I? tt per ennial. though dying down In our climate and coming ufre-h from ih? root* each spring. but the root* live on. like ih? Texa- mesqtilic. and grow from yrar to ycir Thu- they can he drawn In mid winter or In midsummer, anl the stump or the cane* returned to the ground a* a ?eed foun latit n for another crop. It would probably not prove profitable to dig and replant In rnidxumtn r, but It ha* been don? m• e?aful|y at l*ake Mary. Another pli axing clrcumstarn e brought out by Prof. 8t ckbrldgc's txpcr.ment w • ti.f fa* t that the succulent root of the c iw-Jtv.i develops a Juicy. tender beef, which I? mu' h reh.-hod. The market-goer# -f iak City, without kmnv,..|**- of Us character, eelecicd the cassava- fed steak* and r. a* in i reteretu e to the drier and fitter grain-fed <u *. It ie tju: turnip* on which they un lirgely f l— a* Knglatid • ir.l.i t *r \n our *r-it Amerh tn cereal which imi art to KngilMh Houthdown mul ti n .1 euc ul-n•- aid a toOth*omenen* that nimli It tin dtdUht of gourmet* a I over the world. Our lighter xnivnly land* are not particularly well adapted to the pi •ilui tlon of • orn, last when planted In ca**a\a ..n acre Hid yield, with the il*.\uthm. an amount of fe.d*tufT ly If n*it quit*. equal to an acre of out In Kentucky In feeling value. Till* l* a • onaevaMvc tNllnatr; nthu-la-tir et**a \ i advo i— place the \ iiu ltlgh*r. Many of our .-attle ranging on river bot tom** *erk no -inali pint uf thlr loutite under Hater. Bo in ca***va they will have a l-ihture which la under ground. <*HaiUftva die* not make u bal.iitced ta •ion; It tro efroiig tn cailH>h>dr.iie*, iM-lndpall) xiircii. Velvet tamp fu*tlh i lie nrfitnl prot- UJ- to r *tor the ha lane ; • vjether they cOndtute i |* rlec: ?t ck *atton ('Ho.iva 1* a noll-depleter, rot *e verely *o. however; velvet l-an are a nil reatorer. Hy growing the two in nl • rnaUmr ucr*alor>, the farmer cm feel lard urd frd hi* cattle eimuhaneoutly hauril n n liiJiMietloti. • hi • *go. <*t. 10.— Ju*lg Kohlfinn*. in the ’tilted 8* *te* liietrlci tV.ur* to-day. li ned o temporary injunction te#train ng . M. Htona and other* from dlatrlbutlng quotation* oX ih Chicago Hoard oX Trade. ( lIhTOHI UK • Mnt. II IRT. M Hip Uiirltl Ila* fb** •lorj of Ihr Wo man in ilr hrhrrlbrr I nr. N* w York. O-t I*> H*hr* ihfr il frfl it lon *• ■ th# World to morrow u ill ray that .Mr H*rt .*• r#al nam* I# Anr.U Jwi*p, ivho #■ horn in Knoxvlla% fnn.. Iwrnty-four* ago. tni h.v )A#r not irr. Mi-. .Vlargar* t Jon#* aft* r th# d#ath of h* t flrrt hurband, mar uml “Jm* k“ Hrown • w 11-known man of Knoxville Hit*) **f nti intbr* nilal fmil> fur matii >**ar# lar.*l poor. - ' A* ni** Jon* ■* .1 cording to thL- nt t#nd*d tin* Knoxvlll* Hlsth H< and *n tiie vairll’t rian of h#r cla*!*. I* -oil to lav# boon .t wun-brftil lautv, with Titian l) tir an I regard* d.*• tb ir* t lle*t **f a’l th- High S'hool gi *lu.jtP: At the ugv of lxt*en #ti** uL-jii>* ir#*l frm t* r I <>ne Th* .-*aruh<*l for a long tirn* f*r h*r ant #v#n tioiltU**! th# I*oli* of the lulte l rttsiito try to find j her. Through .u .l.b nt* w.# *IJ *\ * *#<l to Ih living )n Knoxville with If rtnirp wh* fm.illy rmrru and her. T move*l lo rtf. Ir*h)1“ .iikl thrn to Igu;#vl!l. Al isoui-vll.o A twin rut a wid* i#a n in #oi'iety, and the m#inh* t# of ih* I*#: I n j f'... iii*i Kenton Club® of that Ity ■ •!<.voted to l#r *\ft#r n- L<jtii:ivill# exfo'rlrn-* ' the j coufd#. Sharp 'stem.* to have dl* i;>r* .r*<!, whj;* Annie ; >idd#nly l#ft i r r I'lrviiin.iii. • where, on u - ount *f her rat 1 b* tutv * m*l h#r r duratio and th# fa t that #h# 1 apparently p*i#s*--.l large #um# of non#y. #li** #uru.*e*]*Hl tn m king h* r aa\ , In *onie #i*m* eir< le* In that city. loafer j #ho appeared in W #itigton. nnrr** #h# m*t Kdnu Fay. n beautiful and educated yoiiJ g woman of N#w Orleans, an*l tn# two be-am* acquainted \s th m/in> publb* ! m#n In the qrlnfr of th two wmi earn# lo N w York ami i#dd-l -*: \\ -• Flltlaih atr##t. H#r# Annie t. atne .) - j *|v#jlnt*l with a number of m* in flnan ! dal cirri* and -•• m i to i• • . r tin r 1 comp my. It wa* at Orav#*rnd h th# spring of * Vi-', that hr flt: n#t lA hrdl* r. j who #iia Introduced to her by a you g i banker. I>uring h# horn# #h w #*#.! of Hw n. w ork i a:- r had * < t fa “myMteriou* l**auty In b a k' who w.* |ia I*l lo Ih- th# beat dt#•.*<) woman a* he hor## #how Hut th# only thing th tt could I*# learned about h r .i- that #h# u.i rtoppim .i or of the up- ton hot#!;' and was eon#*antly a<v* npti rd by Wall Hired men. Shortly after th# girl’# dh ap;*earan *# from Knoxvlll-- the mother <li*l o( a brok en hrart and I* ft t* Annk* con#ld#rabk* real # **tat# lying out#i*Jo of th* it \ On Monday of thi# w#* k. and juat before th# i #tory of S*dir* ib* r'a defalcation • nin out, a I* tt#r wns v* dvd In Ihl* city from a ! well-known Knoxville attorney, offering a reward *f sp*> for Information regarding Arni# .Tom *, whether *l* id or nllv* Th-* letter #*id that a Knoxville #yndi ate d*— ; #lrH| to obtain ponr* Hil rn of ft* pro;- rtv ' left by Air#. Jon#*, and Ann * * #*gnaiur it** h#Jr p.n* n#ee-*nry. When informed I to-day of this Annie w.i - *urnrl#rd to I* am that her mother I* f uu> eHtat*-. The qu'-stion now nrl#ee whether th# Kliz it* th|Krt bank will enabled to at tach this rt al rtat# A* the f. rt# of th# Ufa of William Hehrelber reach F!l*.l>#th from N* w York, th# amazement grows The Idea of the quiet voting fellow going to xurh #xc##*** Ht-t m almost In ndlMe He w* i never known to ki anything w tong in Flizohcth nral lie never corutorted with th* fu*t eet. ln*tea<} of spending hi* sal ary it. Filial *ih w *h lavish hand, he held onto th** sma l amount he received, and by thoa# who knew him and were a shot la to I with him. he war considered j vine# ’ Hr was th* Ideal of th* pcor. j hard-working young tank Clark. Hie trips to New York dt*t not attract att-ntlon. bec-aua# h# seldom If ever went out of F.Uabrth by train, lnitead. h# would board a trolley car ns if going for a short tide and go to Newark or to Wav erly ah! .it **lfhr etailon hoard u train. Just whut amount he stole 1* uncertain Frwddent ll#klrltter. when ask#*k u-day what the amount of flchrelber'p Mealing vas. refuged t* say H# w:s asked If it was UlO.uxi. H# rcpMe-1 it wa.* not. Or.# of th* director* of the bunk is au thority for th# statement that the known amount Is ll't* nm Th# examination of the books is still 111 progress. DANISH WIAT IXDIM. ll#lies rl Ther Will Hr gold to the I nlleil Aiaipr. London. Oct. 10.—Deferring to th# moot * and purchase of rh# Danish West Indies b/ th- 1 i lt'<l fit at##, ih# ('opct.hagcn c*>rra ei*on*lent of Ih# Daily Telegraph *ays “T*- renewed regoihitlona will result I believe. In th# pur. ha . Th*- o|>;>osltlon party In th# Danish govern*!)' n piri a ment favors the tnans.ictlon. hut urg * ih# government to obtain a larger p 1* than the I’nlted Htote# previously offered It Is uraler*to*l that Amcrl* a wishes to use t Croix as naval coaling station. f-- Auhlrsl Wnr -int.ip Trr. Now York. Oct 1 —At ihc mo>- ! IHR of the boor I of ir.t.t. jin t |ins|>cri> | lion, o rcsoltnlon pr-i.-nie.* and ndojwod p-rtalnin/ to the r. o 1 th* stamp ta* A commttt. cof mv. n was appointed to co-cp#. ao with o,h-r assor-I.Mlons working tomn! th<* of th* law’ JJn.nii.un Is I'Vrhtr. Washlnßlon, 0.-. in-Admiral S.impaon * i> tn th* city 10-doy. and hta f*.>l)l* ap p*:iranc* canned some <onr*rn to his filands IBs health his b.rn falllnit for mori- than a, an.l whit* nat afipr*. clahly worse, the last n*nth or so shows ih> signs of Improvement. THF. BIGHT THING. % V-w t ntnrrli i nrr, \% hleh l Hnuld l> I omlniA to tlie Front. For several years. Kucalyptol. nu.'iiacoi *nd llydrastln have been r* < ognlz# I as standard remedies for * atarrhal troubles, but they have always been given sepirit* |v nd only very recently ar ingenious chemist suceedwl in combining Yh> a m to. j g*th#r with other antiseptics into .1 pleas , ant, effective tabled. Druggists se|| the remedy under the name of Htuart’s Catarrh Tablets and it has m#t with remarkable success in | th** euro of nasal catarrh, bronchial end ’ catarrh and In catarrh of the stomach. Mr F N. I tent oci. who*# address i care |of Flak H use. Troy. N. Y says: WMti J i run up against anything thin Is g**o l I j Ilk# 10 tell |*rj* *- t>f It. I have be#n trou ! bled with catarrh more or 1* ■* f. r som* ; tlm*‘. |ast winter more than ever. Tried J!* veral s .--called cures, lint did not g**t I any b*-n**llt from them. Alsjut six weeks I ago I biught i Cos cent Ihix Of Stuart’s (’aturrl) Tablets ard I *m g!*id to -ay I that they have don# wonder-* f r m# and I ion ’ h'sttale to let all tm frbnt* know that Stuart’s <*atarrh Tablets wrt th# :ight *hing Mi t■**. J 'h inovi of hotel Oriffon VV#st 9th stru t. New Yok F|ty writ*-* l Ihry# cothmenerd using Stuart's Fatarrh TibUts nnd already they have given me better results than any catarrh cure l hav# ever tried \ !. pbj li .IT. Ol I . ■ bum '• th# use of flmart <* Fatarrh Tablets In preference to any other treatment for cotarrh of th- liea*!. thr*it orstomn' h. He claims thy are far superior to In halers, salves, lotions or powder, and are much mor# convenient and pl#iftit to tak# and ar* o harmless that little children tak them with b nefit r they iODiiin no opiate oa n. or any poison ous <lrug All druggist- fdl Stuart’s Catarrh Tab lets at k) rents for fu I s?xcd rut kage atul they ate probably the safest and tuoet redabig cura for any form of catarrh EDUCATIONAL VOTING CONTEST. A FREE FDUCATION . . FOR TEN OF THE READERS OF . . The Morning News. Thf. Morning News has arranged with the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa., to present Ten Free Scholarships to the ten persons se curing the largest numbers of votes between now and November 20, 1900. Th# person receiving the largest number of votes nlll have tb# choice of onr of thr following ten arholn rshlps. The person reeflvlng thr nrat largest number of votes, the second choice. The person receiving the third Inrgest number of votes, the third choice, nnd ao on until thr ten per sons receiving Ihr large*! numbers of votes linvr each selected n heholurshlp. I Free ftrhntarslitp tn Me chanical Knnlnffrliiff, including tn.Mroctlon I# arithmetic, for mulaa. g#*>m#'rtcaJ drawing m# han !<! drawing, geometry anJ trigonom etry, elementary mechanics, hydro m*** hard* . algebra, logarithm*, pneu matics. h#at. strain and steam en gine* etrength of material*, applied mechanb-s f-bim boilers, machine de sigr, ami dynamos and motors. ’J A Free Wcholnrshlp In Rlee trlcnl Fnglneertng. Including instruction In arithmetic, farmuta# g'ometrical drawing, m#- chamuil drawing, geometry and trig onometry. elementary mechanics, hy d-omcchanlca. algebra. pn* umatlcs. hsat. steam anl steam engines, strength of rnater ais. np pit# I mechanics, steam hollers, ma chine design, principles of electricity, el# trie a l measurements applied elec tricity. hatltrleg. electric transmission, electri* railways, electric lighting, de rig y of continuous-current dynam*>- el#ctrlc machinery, design of continu ous-current motors, principle* of alter i atlng-* urrent apparatus, design of al ternating-current apparatus. This H -holarshlp Idudea a Free Out fit of Flectricai Apparatus, with which to do th# work of the course. ;t % Free gcholnrahlp In Ar rhltectnrr. Including Instruction In arithmetic, for mulae. geometry and mensuration, geometrical drawing. architectural draw!ng.orTMm#nt a Drawing, advanced architectural drawing mnaonry. car pentry. Joinery, stir building, ornamen tal irouwirk.roofing, sheet m#lal work. EACH COURSE IN BOUND FORM. Eurh of thee# rours#* will Include ih# Instruction and Quertlon Papers arvl Drawing Plates necessary to study with, and In addition a complete set of the ram# paper* handsomely nnd durably bound in leather. Including a l*ook of For ntuas and Keys for the whole work of the course, for us# as reference books. •y. Cut out the attached Votlnat f'ou- TJ pnn nnd mall or brlnu It to rhe hus- AIUW tneas ofitee of the MORNING NEWI, havaUDah, Ga. to F.arh C'nupnn mnt bear the name • f the peraon far Bhom you nhli to Vote • Vote* will he rrrelved until mid night Nov. 10, ItMMI. !lO|K BTRAKGR At t IDEXT*. Orart, Throw o V*„fl OR Coor**. Bntlrr 41iI|hj' 4'r*w fio* Rllod. From tho N*W York I’r*,, An arßiim*nt ußtilnat women wearing | ror,*m was .ilTorrtfd recently by th* **- |jcrlen-e of the ,team,hip C*tllla. At tlrt It would not ,*em po,lbl that a woman'* comet couljl Jeopard!** th* wk j iy of o ttne. lark* pa„en*er ateamer. yet i such was the fact. The second mate reported to the master, ' Captain Allen, that the compau* had ,ud jlonly cone wronK. that the needle * swlnßlrut aimlessly al*out. three or four points to the I ft. then as much to th* rinht. It was Imrnsslhle to steer A course, and the ship was disabled. Running to th* wheelhouie Captain Al len found the . ompass playtnß Karnes all : of lls own accord and the quartermaster at hts wits’ eral. Two women were tand li.R there, hy permission, to see how the ship was steered, and nfter a moment’s tboiißhi the captain a.-ket them If thev \ wearlnc at**l <-orset This they readily admitted, and told him also how mueh they admired the ship's machinery. The chief enstneer laid Jusl been showln* rhetn the electric llßht dynamos S.-> the v tiole trouble was explained The dyna nr* s had turned the sleet ribs of their corsets Into sttonr maßnrts. atul these, c mlt-R near the ship's c >mpass, attract. • i ttie needle, the'point of which follow ed their movements like a pet animal The fair passen*ens were requester! to tro below am! iternßne'.l*e themselves. %Yltle 4 rets a 1.0 Ittlnd. There ore cases on record where whole ship's companies have sone bllml Hllnd i.ess Is an affllc'lon anywhere, hut al sea It Is a fatal one. If the o(fleers are blind thev eannot re* th" "rune; If the melt ar* blind they <arn I steer the course; If the j .oik Is hilt and he eannot 'ttjk the f-c| Hitch was the case of the ship James Rltnp. 'on Thi‘ crew cattKhl the stranße disease on the African coast and one try on** Im*- ' nine tiltnd After itrlftliiß about the ocean tor many days the crew recoveresl thetr slßht am! hroußhl the ve,,'l to port In safety. A well-known case of a ship's company r. li.R Irllml Is that **f the slave ship l.e Kodettr. which stllstl from H**nny, on th*- weat eoaist of Afrli'a, tn IMS with a crew of mm and a cargo of ld> slaves. The dis ease appeared first amotiß the neßroes. line moment a min would be apparently ps welt as ever and the next he would he ■ tens hllnd. with wide-open and very brlßht eyes A blind stove was not the article calculated to hrltiß a htah prlc- In tlie market, and the ship belnß short o 1 wat<r the captain cone.tried to save water and Ret rid of almost worthless eartro at the same time by throwtna the slaves overboard as fast a, they became blind. Heel PR that he was likely to lose his whole canto he stopped that, and re- I the slates, hoplna that fresh air 11,! exerrise wou.d prevent the spread of the disease, hut hv this time all the slaves were blind, and a* they were mona< led ti-aether they b*an. In their despair, to throw them*!*’•* overboard In p*lr. To electric-light wiring and b*-llwork. plumbing and gasflttltig. h*-*itlng And ventilation, pointing nnd d-'corailng. estimating and calculating quantities, history of architecture, architectural design, speclflootlona, building super intendence contracts, permits, etc., and architectural engineering. 4 % Free heholnrabftp In Civil hnslnerring. Including instruction in arithmetic, for mulas. geometrical drawing, mtvhan* local drawing, g* tn#try and trlgonun eiry. elementary mechanics, aigebna, logarithms, hydraulics, rnrumatics, elrm*>* graphical stallcs. strengtn of matt-rials, analysis of stresses, pro portioning the material, tletalls of con struction. detabe. bill#, and estlrmiies, surv#>lng. lat:d surveying, mapping, railroad location, railroad const ruction, track work, railroad structures, drain age, r-werage, streets ard highways, paving, water-whtels, hydraulic ma chinery. water supply and distribu tion. irrigation, heat, steam and steam engines. et#ani lioller.-. to'omotlv'S, dynamos ar*l notor>. electric lighting, electric railways, dexcrlpttve astrono my. elementary chemistry, g*-ology, blowpiping, and men era logy. r % Free Acholuruhlp In *tnnf tary Plnnablng, Heating, nod Ventilation, Including Inetructlon In arithmetic, g*ometrk'ol drawing, mechanlcl diaw ing, iTK-nsurailon. mechanics, plumb ing and dralngage, gas nnd gaa-fl*- tlng. wiring and bell work, principle of h*ating at I ventilation, steam )i#at*ntr, hot water! h* at ng. furnace heating, ventilation of buildings. discourage such r waste of property the captain shot a few of them. Th- #rewr presently caught th# disease and almost all of them become blind. It was then that the stricken ship spok# th# Spardxh nlaver Uon. Th# captain of th# called out that himself an*! all his crew were fufferlng from to:al bllnd ! nr as, and b#gg mI for thr Frenchman's help No holp could l# given in 1 th# Hpanish ship was never h**ard of again As |. i,. i<.. i.ur #i*- raaehkd tha \v#*t Indies, steered hy on** man out of IS2 who still had the us# of hi* eyes. ll* brought 11)# vessel Into the harbor of Guadalupe, afld directly afterwards wtii blind. It Is r.ot known whether these people recover ed. Who waved the Other, A curious suit for salvage wa brought In th# courts in this city several years aco A brig bound for this port waa struck by a terrific storm In mid-ocean and so shattered that sh# w ts kept from going to th# l*ot*om only by constant l umping and It wa evident that even this would not k#**p h#r of! >at long In h#r distress a bark was seen bearing down on her and th# crew were wiM with Joy as they saw their deliverer from a watery grave approach. To their surprise a.-* th# hark cam# mar sh# hailed, and a f#ebl vole# from her decks said through the speaking trumpet that th# cr#w of the vessel had been stricken with African mast fever, not enough men were left alive to work ihe ship to port and those who were alive were very sick Th# cap tain of the brig asked if there was enough strength left on board the lark to get a boat to the brig a** his iff its had been :mashed. With great difficulty three half dead scnr*-rr*>w s of sailors manage-! to launch a boat and puli her to th# sinking I rig Then th** crew of th# brig took charge aid soon ferrbd themselves and thetr “dunnage’* over to the Itark. which they manr.el aid brought to New York. When th# A| tain of th# kst brig arriv ed in this port with th** hark h# lmm#d lately lib* ll#d her for sa.vag*- for bring ing her in Th * captain of th# l*ork, who wns on# of her crew who had survived th# fever, objected, s-tying that in reality he had res*-tied the captain an*l crew of tn# brig. an*l they had merely worked their passage in bringing the bark to port. II was a very pretty case but eventually was settled out of court In IS9I th# • i#w* if th# German bark 1\ alll-ohn r #lng the Atlantic’ from Ha vannah. caught -••m•• jnrang . unknown fish In th# Gulf Htr**am. The fish w*-r# folsonoun. and the whole ship’s company of fourteen men were mad# helpless with horrible pain and swelling of th# body. ! Th# captain savs tha’ ?e tim*-** he xig naled to steamers fur h ip wlttniut one j of thun stopping to give of Twice th# helnli-s vessel w#ath#r#| se- ' vere storms hut In tim# ih# sufpli#s of j ftxsl and water failed ar.*l the hark, drift ing in midc’C m, seemed Pkely soon to ! In- manned only by th# lea l Bo tht' bark was found by the German !n#r Bpree un i !r Haenel sent In r beat to h#!p. He found rhe r r #w suffering fr.*m s. m* hor- t rible *lis*9s# and enormously -wollen. but •' ceded ir Mixing the lives of ft IT except one trar. rhe mate, who dl*d in hts arms. The Bpree sent a supply of food and water, and the bark resumed her voyage ft \ Free Scholarship | n (hrmlifry, including Instruction In elementary algeiira and trtjr*)nom* tri' functions, physics, theoretical chem istry. inorganic chemistry, qualitative araylsis. organic chemistry, and quan titative analysis. 7 % Free *rtinlarhlp In t om merclal Brnnchea, Including Instruction in arlihn i . spelling, vertical or slanting penman ship, grammar, punctuation. |. • r writing. single-entry bookk# piry. double-entry bookkeeping. open n: closing. an*l changing t>ook. .u i stenography. K .% Free Acbolarahlp tn We chnttlrnl Dninlni, Including Instruction In arhhrn p~, formulae and men-uration. geom-tr *l drawing, and mechanical drawlr.. Thi* scholarship Includes a Compbta Drafting Outfit, retail price f) % Free Krhnlsrablp 1a Ar rhlterfarnl Vlrnnlng. Including Inairuction in arlthmedc. geometry and mensuration, geoni' iri *| drawing, architectural drawing, on i mental drawing end advanced *r hi teciural *lrawlng This B'holarshlp Includes a Comp >rafting Outfit, retail price, sl2.tV* IO A Free Aeholarshlp In Or •inmeatnl Ilealtfii. Including Instruction In geometr’cal drawing, freehand drawing, hlsi r ornament, composition, and spplt#*i rj. sign Scholarship Ine lodes a Comp!- ’ Designing Outfit, retail pi Ice. Uf a ON EXHIBITION IN ADLER’S BROUGHTON STREET WINDOW. The Hound Volumes containing the In struction and Question I*ap r. of th* c e courses, th# Drafting Outfit*. KiecirlCMl Outfit, and Designing Outfit, fo le gtv* n with th# courses ar# on exhibition In Ad ler’* Hull street window, st'.d the public 1* cordially Invited io come and see them VOTING COUPON. Nome Btree4 ond Na Town nniTiaii turn onicnitfr rn. Retlrlnje Off!-er* nnd Other* inlly (Employed Ilenertr*•!. From the Laaidon Standanl. The wueen Imi* approve*! a royal wr -j rant to amend the r gulatlona of th b r of outfit allowance and gratuftlea ret>r.d j officer* and other* p?r*on* rpe< ialty f " ployed a* officer* at time* of n.n?i r ! emergency. The following mi!’ l '!' ! 1 * are to be mad? In the warrant for th? !• ! ar*l noti-effective pay of the army, with d | feet from the l*t of October, I*!**; ‘l* A.— : An officer who retired with retired p* ' j gratuity. If *p?dally taken into emi "’ ment during a national emergency, or ri ving with the embodied militia. *h4 ! l l granted any Increaea of retlrel py r gratuity for which hi* further ? r ' * (excluding any period for which he i ** retired pay) may qualify him. Thli -hi no# apply to officer* who pa> u Article ttt (Hi 6bi H —An oflWr, of the reserve or not. apeeially tnltui . employment during a national ?im - ! rhall. upon erwatng to draw fu’ jay , emit led to u gratuity of £ 10u. a I *' •he flret twelve month* of servh • ■ | ther gratuity of HO for ea* h year o' -c 1 i at home, and £IOO for each year f abroad, portion* of a year being* tl t th* Mim* rale, and aubjcct to the ( • ; lowing condltloiK-: 1. That the officer serves for th? • period of hi* engngt'ment or of th- •' gancy in respect of which he |* emp uni*** a shorter periol I* *pt*ciali> proved hy the Secretory of State. : i fi ’ gratuity .-hall not be given to an , !?i ‘ who obtain* an lucres**- of pen-! gratuity ur.deV Article “6*l A, or t *' ' Peer |iald under Article (M H. t ■’ lowing officer* sre eligible, provkl* ' they fulfill the altove i indltlonr H’ “ rf plrr>e*l retired officer*, offl • r* of **' ! *[ militia, except tho*? of the p* rn >’ •tuff; fflct rs of auxiliary fore** upon army *erv!ce, ex-offlcer* or appointed t< military |x*wlt 1 n* In inu*' 1 f ree* or In colonial force - paid • In’F army rate*.** The followirg wi I 1 ( M-,tutei for Paragraph CT>: “An who ho* retire.l from the army IN* auxiliary force*, and 1 taken i' l pkiyment with th* regular for* a time of national emergency. '• f granted. In nld of hi* outfit. * " ,,T,> exceeding (I<H Thi* rule loe* n* ! to officer* who are at time of re-*w:- f ment ti|on the effective esfgblUhn* • the army.** , In rexpect of “eg-ofllcer* or H v llj r * * |f pointc to military |o-*ll Hla 1 force?,*' ment lone?) In Paragraph r . II above, an ln*ru tlon from th? • mry for War *!at***: “OfT* r emi' ( p the nova! Reserve regiment*. , ofh Imperial Yeomanry or pro *d n volunteer* upon active *ervl- * “ j.y elided among ho* ?nttt cd fo '' “ ~ v nr..lsr Ihp sho\ c (, A.iv ui.itrr Ihs abavo rocn a-.ot K „, IssuoA by tli- or 1 f maks Ih* Anal paymam of ,j the officer concerned, without Ahorttir.*