The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 12, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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FINANCIAL and commercial ,N nITMMi DIP THE COT *' nI I HE* * IKKKTIIHK I |'\\ 4RH. g r .pO**c *" l•l* , ■ r P O " , •• ,hr ... Drop U'il ■ Decline %m' rl< ■ Point* • the Opening, , . , to.rd I‘iH I P— ptrlt* Tur. .old at :w* €>tn After tkr I' ~„„_lllah Grades of Ho.ln. V,i. -I •"• Trlnrapfclr Market*. The Morning New* Office, Thursday, Oct. 11. hull element In the cotton fu „ to-day It tea* a matter of (•r* "•* . idy In the boat. At the open at a splash produced by our the drop In Liverpool. whl< h , i, .ted to iipeet th* average craft. , , licit application of oil on the ,i water* quieted the el!union and market a turn the other wav v ... ,>penlng from S to IS paint* de f.. .wing a decline yesterday of 3J ’ , , ~ ia. It looked like the believer* hand-to-mouth policy, und the , .... r a Mg crop were to carry .The drop tea* Liverpool - * re > our decline of yesterday. tha> , ,k* going off tne equivalent of 3" ,i more thin the American market* r* .i*t of co.d rain*, ontl poe.lhlv :n many *ectlon* of the cotton , ■ . Impart.d a etrengtlienlng effect , . market, and price* kept working , . an advance of 3 and K point* • , . I above yesterday * closing - * market was Inert, and with • xception of an advance In P*onle' which moved up briskly, there wrere l * unge* of consequence during the , , !'he balance of the list failed In re - , rd to the advance In this stork Money ~ n a* |:. m I . to 4 par cent 1 fin exchange was steadier, but fell * iroly In the afternoon on rexwrt* • ,• of gold in London were up a t t penny for both gold bars and Amert .ar -aglea • pirlt* turi.-ntlne m irket broke n< -Ing call, and w**nt iknm again af . . . I'.sinn Prices opened firm at 3s' j , m l . losed ttnn at 3S', and 3S' s c the dosing It HIT sal.l sales I made at 3s cents Rosins a.lvanced, i, the higher grades The following i i> of the markets will show the ton.- •i I ;uotit!on* at the dosing to-da> : COTTOM. e . ,M<on market ciose.l quiet and esy tr„t unchanged to-day. with the mirk** "rominally unchanged " The demun.l ngnt and little business was beine rtr in sin quarter, Rale* on the spot sere 11 bale* The day's receipts were 1. holes, against 4.971 last year, and :■ \ear before last The following were the official spot quo ta c at the clo-e of the m.uket at tha Cotton Exchange to-day: | This l Last ! day. j year G- I middling 19% * l’i<> Middling lb 6 13-1 ci J.- a m|.kllliig 9% S 3 IS G. - t ordinary (.. Mat et quiet and easy . sale- 11. II r.all R.-. el|*e. Exporl* and Stock* R. elpts (Ins day lb. 131 !: ■ - ipts this .lac last year t ill 1 .lay year >efore l#**t 1.5€" R* . t since Sept, 1. 1990... 273.752 Stm* day last year 24" .414 I' reign exports 10.901 I ... export* 13d t kon hand this day 9" ttl ft tt day last year —... 105,229 K . Ipts and R*o< k* at the Ports He • ~*:• <hls day 54.41S H■ •* ( ,ts this day lust year 2*.235 1. t this doy year before last.. 64.165 T - ■ receipts since Sept. 1. 1100....1.155.5*12 b lime lasi v ir 1.130,(51 l*n time year Iwfore las. . ...1.353.1DT k at all ports 10-.tay 457.179 t* - same .lay last year .... 777.497 !>.■ v Movements at other Ports.— Gih stor. Quiet: middling U), net re <• in. 75.1; gross. 1" 753 sale*. 1/00: sock. lev,. An: '■ * Orleans- Kas> , middling. 9 13-I>i. S' ock 1*5.323 M>e lie Ku*v; middling I"; net receipt*. 4. gr, ~- 432; sale*. SCO: stock. 17.109 ■ larlest.x. q il< . middling. 9 7 : net re * , 1.502. gross, 1.502: stork 9.5*12. mington—Firm; middling lot*, net i • ipts. 72,. gross. 726; stock, 29.718 V .folk—Qutei middling 10; net re -3.163; gross. 3.063; sales. 242, slock. 12.4 V i. • nmere Nominal. middling. 10%; g ■ ss, 430. stock. 2.495 N- York—Quiet; middling. 1911-14; net < ■ r 21". gioss 3 632; sales. 188; stock r 375. Heston—Quiet; middling. 10 13-16: net le*. 1.552: grass. 4,252. Philadelphia—Quiet: middling. 10 15-16; lei receipts. Oil, gross. BiM; sales. 2.15.7 I*. !**■ ola—Quiet; net receipts. 6.376; *raa ilv Movements at Interior Towns ' igusia—Quiet: middling !•%; net re • pi. /y3; gross, 2.251: sale*. 554; *l.ok 12 ssfi M'mfihls—Steady; middling. |9%: net re " 51s . *213; gross, 4.365; sales, 1,750; sba-k It 437 s- Louis—Quiet; middling. 105; net re -1 'O.. cross, 5.477; stock. 14.714. > IhnatV-Qulel; m..idling, lb 1;, net rw rstpts .ilv. gross, 319. stock. 4 914. louston—Dull; middling. 10: net rc '■ Pts 23.405. gross. 23.402; sales. 24"; gtock, 41 .46 aviiHvllie—Firm: middling. 10Q. Krpr rts of Colton This Day *Hf ,!or-To Oreal Brllain. 21.373; con llrent. 5 fc. New i>.leans—To France. 4.300; ronil er I 6 s7l Mobile t'oostwlsr. 300 ''harlealon—tloasiwlsc, 754. Norfolk— coastsrtse. 3.507. New York—To Oreal Urltaln. t: contl beat. 421. Totul foreign exports from all ports this f <r 10 t’.reat Itrlialn. .W.'i2; to Franca, Ihe ,on ikiem, 12 *9; T"mi foreign export* from all ports thus *J r 'Ni* week. To tireat Rrltaln, 172.64; to l'iar 12701; to the continent. 34.743. e foreign exi>rts since Sept. 1. 1900 11 Itrlialn. *65.227. to France. 63.057; 1 ■ ' ThttnMt. 246,065 n > l ~rk. fact. 11.—Spot cotton closed 9 ‘ .In line: mkidllng uplands. ' mid.t)ln> gulf. 10 15-16 r-; sales. 16* tales -!*!en. K C . Oct 11 —f'otlon. quiet fc, dd: ~g. Hit ISLAND I 4ITTOY. ’>•* a out aw follows J. 'Mas .grades re,'lve<| TANARUS! C 23 L* r ' 'teorglas 21*4 .‘ r * r hotce 21 32144 p “ H and Stocks. — ; i9oo-i Im^jo I*'* ’ !tt week ....j ‘ r.l7' iftk past week :r. K 73 L ’hi* season i 2.627 11.061 f , *' It**' I 1.104 2,115 * ' han.l j 3,0 m 7.574 tOl ItIN Hd l It US. 'tsrket Steady at a Yet Advance f :t* Pot n la. ck. Oot. 11.—Much activity pre 'he cotton exchange to-day. Tha idvl e* showed that the Engllsn >-s. t’e sm even more surprised hy bureau report than was the pnri* r “‘' nl this country, th* L.var •*!.; "V‘f' h * tn * IJflliQd. or the equlv* •*, j. potnu more than tha decline MURPHY & CO., INC., Hoard of Trade Building, ftavanaeh. Private leased wires direct o New York. Chicago and New Orleans COTTOV TOt ks AMI I.HAIV New York office. No. (1 Broadway. Office* in principal cities throughout the South Write for our Market Msnual end book containing Instructions for traders. In the American markets yesterday. Trading here tills morning siarte.| a; a de, title of 5(i15 point*, but the mark. 1 Immediately bec.inu very strong ai.l enormously a live, price* moing 11.1 E points Irnm th.- lowest th. ti.i l. being Influenced by estimate* |K>lnttng to .1 Ic. • heavy movement of tne crop the remain, der of the week, also by the for* east* of .oil) rains over the hulk of Ihe c.aton helt. an It" rested iPmnmt for e|wt .01 too In the South for export a.- well 1, for horn.- consumption, talthough at low,, priced, and more encouraging new - the 1,'.0n goods market. 1 country latter th. markei In- urn. Ice, active In vi. w of recent tremen.lou.- el.'a. •, with Southern mirkete ilnally stHjwlng an Inc,(nation to yield The trade was nervous up to th. very 1 lo of business, with the murk* very steady at a net advurs e of .1 to * polm, FI.I < II 4TIUAU IN FI Tl HUN. New York. tbit, n Colton futures opened steady and closed at. ~dy Price .l* follows: l Open High Low Close 1 . tary • 1 • • ...... February .... 963 972 96D 9?.* March 966 9*l (9 61 tMI April 9 66 9 79 9.6* 9 79 May 966 9 M 9 j 9 79 Juno | 9.65 1 9.76 9 ;| 9 7m July 1 9 win' 9.74 954 97s August 1 9.15 9 55 9 4*v 9 56 Srptrmlior October . .... 10 01 Jo 19 9 < 10 1R November j 9 70 992 97b 969 December . 9 64 9>2 9.62 9 42u 1,1% r.HPOOI I IITTOV FtTt HFfiS Liverpool Oei. 11. 4 p m —Cotton, spot, moderate bume*,. price, east. r. Amorl •au middling fair. 617 .251. go and mhld In 4 3-16d. middling 6i,.|. low middling 5 16-ltid. good ordinary. 5Ad; ordinary, .'d The sale* of the day were 6"iO dv.les of which .’MSI were for .|* • ula'lon and exf-ort and Included 5.9* Ameri.'in Receipts. 5,- i6i bales. Including 4.a*. Amort- an. Futures opened ea*l> r an.l ciose.l steady. American middling. I m . . vtolwr - 404/5,41d. s. ilers. .e toher-Novcml" r 5.2*05.30.1. buyers; Novemtar-D*cemb. , r, .5.211/5.25(1. buyers; l' ■ nilsu-January. 521p5 22d. buyers. January-Februa. y. ..INI value. February-Maich. 517.1, e-ti ers. March-April, 5.15.1 sellers April May. 5 135 14d. buyers: May-Juno f>l2d. buyers. Jurve-July.slOAii.lld. buyers: July-August s,flid. seller*, Atigusl-Sep.emhei, s'Vsd, sellers. 4KW OR LEAN % COTT4SN HTI'BE*. New Orleans. Oet. 11.—Cotton future, closed steady Ifctober .... 9 71Tf 73 February ... 9 56h9 .A November .9 574.9 c Mai h 9 5989.6.1 Dw, ember ...53.51 May Jamtary ...,9 .534/9.54 COTTON I.F.TTKH4. New York. Oe/. 11— Murphy A Cos. say; The bureau cotton reiwrt. which re suited yestenkiy afternoon In a decline of 4C J pound, was as much of a sur prise In Europe, as It proved to be here. .i;d the foreign markets this morning de clined IS to 15 point*, or the iqillvalent of Jo points more than the American mar ket dul yesterday. Uverponl s|sits were ',d lower at 6'd. will, the sales at . >0414 4.ofi bales The local market opened at a li-polnt decline. The market was .c:|ve and the volutin- of trading on 1 large s ale There was considerable buy ing based on the hellef In a rallv nnd a report that N'etil will his posi tion. Liverpool was a heavy seller of the spring months. The rumored shipment* of RT.'iilO bales to Liverpool yesterday over whelmed thai market und together with the bureau report, and the large eetimo.ed receipt* for to-day proved too much for a market that wa* heavily long. This morning advices from Memphis staled mat !f the frost hold* off two week* looker there will be a change In the crop esti mate* in mat locality. On covering ny shorts, all p.ltion* dosed steadier In tone at an advance of some 5 points over yesterday. New York, Oct. II —Huldtard Bros. & Cos. say: Opening at a sharp decline ,n .in-wtr to the demoralised market In Uv erpool when the enormous shipments of the last few days exerted u dc;resslnj( Influence our market gradually advanced .0 above Ihe closing prices This advance was due to Ihe sharp-buying hy the local trade who decided that Liverpool would react from Ihe decline of the morning It I* thought the Insight movement for th week will show about 4R0.0X1 bales South ern markets were lower, but our local operators expect a sharp reaction In Llv. erpool to-morrow In answer to the In. provement here to-day. f’rop advices con tinue on the same general tenor. ISRY (#tMH>6. New York. Oct. 11.—The market to-d*v h. shown h fair demand for cotton good* In tno* lines. Brown sheetings and drill* continued dull b.i: bleached cottons and coarse colored goods have been In some what better request. print cloths firm nnd In print* the market Is stiffening, tpnghim, very firm Cotton linings are firm In Maple lines Market on hosier, yarn* I* Irregular, but for cotton weav ing yarns firm. THE HUE MARKET. Advice* from the Bomb note free move ment of rice In every quarter; planter* marketing with deliberation, prices taut. In fact, mid-way .grades srrld mutch—up quire ',c. as . umpired with prtaes fort night ago. The season having opened on rational hast,, by Ihe exercises of a bll of firmness, full fair figures have been maintained Emboldened thereby ttve.e la manifest disposition toward a hlgner plane of values which Is calculated to give pause" to the movement As yet. only the nub en.l of the erop his been deoil with and rondillons favoring In l int Ihe demand ha* practically kept pace with Ihe supply. As above alluded to. In Ihe rext few- week* there will proo ably be * lessening Inquiry and liberal arrivals of the Bouthw estern crop This will give a supply which will outrun the Immediate demand, and lien will come Ihe "tug of war " No matter how great Ihe desire to cell for full prices. HAI6HT& FREESE CO., 53 RROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Branch Office*: 85 Slate street. Boston Maes ; corner Itb and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. Pa CONNECTED BY PRIVATE WIRES Stocks. Bond*. Grain and Cotton bought or sold In any amount* for cash or on margin of 5 to W |>er cent. FRACTIONAL LOTS A SPECIALTY. Accounts of $59 upwards accepted "Why Slocks Are iK>lng lllgh-r " Send lor our special letter Peu*d Mon day. Oct. s, giving our view* on I . sub ject. al*o for our 4uo-pc *l ; isirued GUIDE TO INVESTORS." giving full data relative to all se* irllb deall In upon lb* exchanijes m.ilb*l !r< Al-o Dally aixl Weekly Market LelP r JOHN W. DICKEY, Sleek and Bnad Broker, ALGI9TA. GA. Wrltr for Llat. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1000. ihe greater need of cash may compel . Mil r- gardles.s of normal worth. Aside frren the matter of nece#lty, there is • n tu.ragemenl for holding and for a • ontinuanre of present policy of market ing with deliberation. High price* |ue v*H and are promised In potatoes, lean*, etc—all of which should cauee an !n --1 1 t*i,*l connump'ton of rice. NAN Al. STORK*, Thursday. Oct 11. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The t-.rpen .In* market broke to-da. on a check In the demand from the quarter that was U|tporlUig the rl-1- The opening wee firm at 3R 1 * cet.ts, with rales of (Id cask.-, and the doeltig tlrm at 3*4,pJR I **-. with further sales of 350 It wus understood that sales of u cone deruble lot wer. made after Ihe closing a: ;> rents. ..nd that fact >r* were quit, willing to let go a: this price One I tree huyet was In Ihe market for *up pli* . .ltd the fan other* wanted amall lot* at good price* about the *amr time, .1 "unis largely ‘or the recent Imoroi- • ment It Is not the general lmpre*tnn that the present decline means <ny very material le. csslon of the price. Itoweyer* to-day were 1,315, and the ex pert* 7,isft. lii>BlNß—The advance In high grade rosin, was the feature of the local mar kets to-da At the |M>nlng water white Jumt ■ I 25 cents, w indow filas, St cents. N ■ IM*. and M 5 .<-nt. The market appeared .■> lx- very Urn. at the advance The den.and wa, reported fair The day's receipt, were .:.234 ami the > xportr 1.4(3 I'rp-es ■- follows Tar llrnt. 31.d; receipts. 101 A. M. C.. 11 At I }l 5 D ... ID K 1 90 B ID M IK F 1 40 N 2 15 •; I 45 wo 3D H 1*• W W 2 75 Nava! Stores Statement- Spirits Kneln Stock April 1. IDO 2.197 143.506 Receipt* to-day .. ■ 1.345 3.231 Receipts previously 23*933 546.592 Total since April 1 242.475 692.332 Kxports 10-dav 7 605 1.4(3 Exports previously 199.724 551.0*4 Export* since April 1 307.339 552.527 Slock on hand to-day 35.146 129.M5 Stock on hand t ime day last year . 14.015 152 752 .'hath -ton S. C., Oct. 11.—Turpentine, tlirn, 37Lc. Rosin, steady, unchanged Wilmington. O, t 11 Spirits turpentine firm. 3*4/366*0. receipt* 64 Rosin steady. (1 <501.30; receipts, 405. Crude turpentine tlrm, 31..A)Q2 30. re ceiids. 09 New Orleans, Ocl 11 —Receipt*: Roatn. 365 barrel*, turpentine. 75; exports none FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with Ihe supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Market Is very weak Commercial demand 64 616*; six ty days. 34 77*,; ninety day*. 14 7664: francs. Pari* and Havre, sixty day*. 5.25< dw .es sixty days. 35 2R<* Belgian, 5.23 5-16. marks, sixty days. 93 5-lic; ninety days. 92 13-16. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE Steady; bank* are buying at 3-16 discount and Ball ing as follows 125 and under. 10c pre mium; $25 to 350, 15c premium. 350 to 1100. 20c premium. 1100 to (300 2So premium; $360 to 11.000. par: 31.000 end over, 1-16 dis count. SBCI’RITIES—Very Inactive and dull, with nominal quotations. Sloeks. Rid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R. R ....103 ID Atlanta and West I'olnt 124 19! do 4 per cenl. certificates 10764 in*!* Augusta Factory 90 *6 Cltlxens Bank .130 133 Chatham Bank 10954 11064 Chaiham R. E. A I. Cos.. A 56>4 5764 do) do B 55<4 5664 Ea/rtc and Phoenix Mfg. Cos 106 Edison Electric Ilium 100 106 Enterprise Mfg Cos. 99 103 Germania Bank .129 131 Georgia & Alabama 25 27 Georgia Railroad, common 210 215 Granltevtlla Mfg Cos ID ID J P King Mfg Cos 1® 103 Ifitngiey Mfg Cos 117 120 Merchants National Bank 11054 HI National Hank of Savannah 146 150 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust . .lU6 110 People s Savings and Loan 101 1® Southwestern Railroad Cos 1076* 1066* Savannah Gast Light Cos 246* 266, Southern Hank 15" 166 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 113 Slhley Mfg Cos. Augusta 95 9h Savannah Brewing 96 100 Rond*. Bid. Ask. Char.. Col. A Aug let ss, 1900. 106 106 Atlanta city 4s 1922 104 106 Augusta city 4s. 1927 106 107 do 46*s 1925 110 111 do 7s, 1903 105 106 and(. 6s, 1913 119 121 Ala Mid. ss. Indd. 1929. MAN M>* 100 Augusta Factory. 6 per cent..l9l3l® 110 Brunswick and Western 4s. 196 R .11 93 •' R It A Banking collateral is 32 93 C. of U Ist s*. 50-year gold. 1945 F A A 119 121 C of G. con 6s. 1945 M A N. ... 92 93 C. of G. lt Incomes 1945 SR 40 do 2d Incomes. 1945 10 11 do 3d Incomes. 1946 6 6 C. of G. (M. U. A A Dlv) ia. 11*47, J A J 90 91*4 C. of O (Eaton Branch), is. 1938. J. A l> D 34 City A Suburban R. R. Ut 7*.. 109 110 Columbus city ss, 1909 106 107 Charleston city 4*. 1945 101 102 Eagle A Phoenix Mllle 6*.. 1938... 106 106 Edison Electric Illuminating 6a. 104 106 Enterprise Mfg 6s. 1908 102 1® Georgia Railroad 6*. 1910 114 11564 G 3 A F . 1945. J A J 112 1126* Georgia A Alabama I*l is. 1945 .104 1® Georgia stale SQ*. 1930. J A J...M3 1W do 3>*s, 1915. M A N 104 1® do 4145. 1915 117 113 Macon city 6s. 1910. J. A J ....116 113 do I6*a. 1926. Jan par 107 1® Ocean Steamship s*. 192*4 102 1® Savannah city sa, quar. October. 1913 11064 11164 do 6f, quar. Novembar. 1909 ...!®64 11A64 South Carolina male 464*. 1933 ..116 113 Sibley Mfg Cos 6*. 1903 101 108 South Bound 5s 96 37 8.. F AW. gen mfge. 6*. 1914 122 124 do do Ist ss. gold 1934 11064 H 364 do St John DIO. Ist 4*. 1934 . 94 96 New York. Oct. 11.—Money on call firm 1>,931, per cent.; !a*t loan at 36* Prime .mercantile paper, 60k per cent Sterling exchange weak, after llrmne** with act ual business In bankers' bills, at 11 23N demand and 14 *4 for sixty days Poar ed rate,. 14 Sift! 3164 and 14 * 04 356* Com mercial hills, II 79QS/4 79*4 Silver certifi cate*. 63*,4/(444r. Bar silver, 3D4c. Mexican dollars. MQc Government bond* weak State bonds weak. Railroad bonds Irregu lar. STOCK* AND ROND*. The Market Inert anil Failed to Respond lo 14 lee In Peoplee Gaa. New York. Ocl. IP—The ntoek market fell Into a comkiion of approaching stag nation during the latter hour* of th* trading The undertone we* heavy, th* dribbling of selling order* finding no *up |fi>rt whatever. The trading between the hoard room member* made up the whole market The movement in People's Gas was made conspicuous The pressure against the Mo- h was continued early In ihe day. but th. lar*. who have sold the slock con tinuously for some time past. be. am* dle quleted later In Ihe day over the extent of their commitments and e vague sue plcton the' the Ga* In Chicago was not a, unrelenting as made appear on the surface. The published report that the Ogden company wee buying Its additional equipment from sources dominated by in terest* friendly fo the People's Gt* Com pany wa* ihe cause. From SIS. ’he low Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 9th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower t Than City Tim. Schedules in Effecd Sunday June 19, UV. KMa£> bofc’N~ ‘ Iv> Tur Eari t.i \c up Vo m" no 26 ' (Central Tm> > Nev 361 No 33 12 36pm iFSoam Lv Savannah ’ 7. Ar -:omi 115 pm j I Gai-tern Time I 4 21pm 4 28am Ar BU-kvlde l.v 3 Wem 1 <7pm 4 Obpm 6 ham Ar Columbia .. l.v 1 :>im !1 25a n 9 10pm 9 46am Ar t harhate l.v —pm loam 11 44pm 12 2Jpm Ar Green-boro . .. Lv 7 Wpm •* 4*uu 1 ouam 7.~ ... Ar' Norfolk Lv 12 s;am T33pm Ar Danville lc • 4"i>tn I >491 * 'bm e 25pm Ar’ lit hmond Lv l 2 4bam ,1 41pm Ar Lyn. hbur* lo 352 pm 2 <v(in 4 35am i Dptn Ar Ch Ml svlllt In 2pm p. "• 7 35am sopm Ar 1 :< I tm I-• n 9 15am 11 35pnr Ar I- '.unori Lv 522 mi * 27im 11 35am 2 Ar . .. Phila.h Iphia l.v 6nam 6 Oaten 2 ®pm 6 Sam Ar New 6.ak l.v 10am 326 pm • 30pm 3 80 pm Ar .. Bo*ton !•> > oopm l Warn Vn 36 ~ TO THE NORTH AM' 66 1.-1 N035 || (Contral Time,) l| 12Dam i.v 1 K.rc K D* Tim. I 6 3oam Lv Columbia In I inm 9 Mam Lv rtparlanbutg U 6 lil"" II Mpm i.v a h- yII • L\ I rtpm 4 u2pm Ar Hoi Springs t.y II 4' m 7 JOpm Ar knoy > HI- l.v 6 liarn Ar l.cxlnglon L' 10 .%>< 7 45am Ar Cincinnati • L' * utpin 6 90pm Ar . St Loul, . . l.y x iwam 7 50am Ar l-mi,villa l.v 7 4.5 am All tram* arrive and depart from the Ham System Station. THROUGH CAR SKR6'ICK. ETC TRAINS 13 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FIXIRIDA EXPRESS 6 cell billed limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cats between Say m nah and New York Connvts at Washington with Colonial l.xpr.■ tot Ho*ha> Pullman Sleepitig Cars between Charlotl* and Rlchmotal and ' hart,.tic and Nor loik Dining Cars serve *ll meal between Savannah and 66 a.-Tnugton TRAINS * AND 36 DAILY THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL 6 • sllhuled IlmMed train*, carrying Pullman Diawtng Room Slrepliu: car, w,,n Savannah and New York Dining Cars eervr til meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Weeping car between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and The Land of the Sky For complete Information as 4o rates ,< hedutes, etc . apply to G. GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant System Siatlon JAMES FREEMAN. C P and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Telephone*—Bell. SSO. Georgia. 850 , . S H HARDWICK. Asalslant General I tssenger Arni, Ga llnl. Ihe sto k forged steadily upward* to 85%. with symptom* of Increaelng short Interest The close was at Ihe highest with a net gain of 3% Nothing could more strikingly demonstrate the In ertness of the general markets than It* utter failure to respond to tht* rather sensational movement The dullncv* at the close wa# unrelteve.l and Ihe day * net changes were mixed and entirely Insignifi cant The money market showed a rather re actionary tendency. 31* per .m r *‘ pr *'' sent mg Ihe maximum rate, compared wtlh t per cent, yesterday. Kale In the day the rale ran down to 1 3-14 per cent . but as tht* cam* after the principal demand had been satisfied It was not .onstdered as a fair Index of the ruling rale De posits at the üb-troa*ury for transfer to tbe Interior fell to below a quarter of a million of dollar*, the movement to New Orleans and St Imut* being merely nominal. Foreign exchange also steadied this morning, but fell away again In the afternoon with the news that the price of gold In Ixmdoft had l>*en advanced another half penny for both gold bar* and American eagles The rise 4n gold neu t rallied Ihe action of the governor* of the Bank of England In retaining the dle <-ount rat* at 4 per cant. The conviction is general In Wall atreet that considerable gold will com* from London later In the tall, that Is. supposing the extraordinary movement of cotton and Ihe resulting de tmand for currency from the Interior con tinue* To-day's lull In the currency movement la considered only temporary and the day * quiet market for cotton af ter yesterday's wide fall In price Is re garded as only a coincidence, but these Incident* are suggeMlv* of the dominance of the cotton movement over the whole money and financial situation at present Any considerable reaction In the price of cotton or any marked falling off In the foreign demand, even at present prices, would promptly alter the whole outlook in the International money markets. Business lu bond* was very small and prices change* Irregular total sales par value 3896.00" V. 3 new 4s declined 64 per cenl. on the last call. The total sales of atock 10-day were I®.- 400 shares. Including the following Man hattan. 14.196; AbTilson preferred. 5,226; Northern Faclflr. 10.239 Missouri Pacific. 6.4J0. Union Pacific. W. 575. Brooklyn Tran *ll. 6.525. People's Gas. 44.225;, 6.725. New York Stock Llat Atchison 27% do pref 526; do pref 636*!Tax. A P*> ... 1364 Balt A Ohio . 69%,Union Pac 57% ran. Pac .... 85% do pref 736 J Can. Sou ... 6" 'Wabash 7 Che* A Ohio 2TV do pref 17’4 Chi Gt 6V 10% Wheel A L E s'. Chi.. B A Q . 124%: do 3d pref ... 33% Chi., I A L... 21 Wise Cen II do pref 53 Third Avenue . .I®% C. A E. 1. ... 96 Adams Etx ...123 C. A Nw 159% American 150 C., R I. A P. l*6iUnlted Slate* 45 C. C. C. A St. Well* Fargo ...124 l*outa 61 Am Col 041 .. 31*. Col. Sou 6641 do pref 8H do lit pref .. 34%*Am Malting 4*, do 2d pref ...14 do pref S'i Del A Hud .. II Am. fl A R 37*, D . L. A 66*. . 1746,; do pref 88% D. A R. G. 116, Am. Spirit* .... I do pref 88%' do pref 17 Brie 1164 Am Steel Hoop 18*, do I*l pref ~ 33%' do pref (7 Gl. N pref .168% Am 8 AW... 32*. Hocking Coal . 14% do pref 73 Hocking V 33% Am Tin Plate 31% Illinois Cen ...114 | do pref XI lowa Cen 17% Am Tobacco 89% | do pref 39 do pref 129 | L. E AW .28 Ana Min Cos. . 426/ do pref 96 !Brook R T.... 5164 i Lake Shore 3® iCol F A I. ... 53% L. A N 71 'Cant TOh 26% i Manhattan L. . 91%i do pref 77 Met. Sf Ry. ...149%'Federal Bte*l .. 3864 I Mex Cen 11% do pref 61% j M. A 81. L. -M l‘*n Elec 124% | do pref 916, Glucose Sugar .. 49 Missouri Pac . 49% do pref 98% Mooli- A Ohio . *66,' Intern Paper .. 176/ M. K. A T. .. B%| do pref 63 do pref 27 |Laclede Gas .... 68 N. J. C 133 Nall. Biscuit .. 53 N. Y. C 1236* do pref 87 N A W 34 Na4l I>ead 17% do pref 75%! do pref 89< North Pac. .. 48% Natl Strel 24% do pref 68% do pref *36, Ont. A 66 306* N. Y A 8....119 I ore By. A N..43 North Am. 14% | do pref 74 ; Paclfle Coast ... 516, Pennsylvania .129% do Ist pref ... 6.1 Reading 15% do 2d pref .... 66% do Ist pref ... 64% Pacific Mall ... 30% do 3d pref ... 26%' People's Gae .. 36% Rio O. WK .... 49 |Pressed 8. Car 38% do pref 9 | do pref 756, S< LAS r 10% Pull Pal Car. .I*s do let pref 64', R AT. ... 62', do 2d pref .... S3 'Sugar 115% St L . Sw 11% do pref IK. I do pref 2*64 Tann C. A I. . 65% S* Paul 111%: U. Leather . 9% do pref ,169<, do pref 63% St P AO. ..lnx U. 8 Rubber .. 39 Sou Par 326,! •<> l>ee* % Sou Ry ll%Weet#rn Union .78 Bond* U 8 reg 3a.....!% M K A T. 3d*. 65 , do coup 193*, do 4s 90S V. S. 3s rag. .. 103% N. Y. C. Ist! 63% dw 2s. coup ..1U9% N J. C. gen. 5* 123 do new 4*. rag 136% No. Pac. 3s 64% do new 4s, oou 133% do 4 1026, do old 4*. reg 114% N. Y. C. A St L do old 4s cou 114% 4* ... 195% ; do 6e. reg ... 113% N. A W con 4* 96% i do 6e. cou ... 112% Ore Nav. Ist* 190 D. of C 3 66* IN , do I* 1% Atch. gen. 4*.. D |O. S L. 6* 127 do 4* MS do consol 5* . . .113 Cof Q. 000 is. 31%,Read. gta. ... 44 , do Isl tne bid 49 tlt G 6V Ist* 99 do 2nd Inc .. 11% St L A Ir. M t'en So. 2nd* 1U64, ron-ol 5s ... IDS', A O. 46,* 9*% St. L A Sun I do 5a 119i. general Sw 122% C A Nw. con 81. I', .oneols ...169 7a 139 I {lt. I*, c. A P C. A Nw S. K | Ist* 117<4 deb. 5s 130%: do cm 119 Chi Term 45.. 91% So Pac 4* 766* Col. So 4a 79% So Ky. 5s ItW D. A H. G. Ist* lm S Rope A T 6s. 66 do 4* 98% Tex A Pac. Ist* !12<4 Erie gen Is 686, .In 2nd* 65 F \\ ID; C i Hui M|| Ist* 716, 6V*bash Ist* 117% Gen. Elec. 6# 117 do 2nd* 101% lowa C. Ist* 11l 66' Shore 4s . 113% KANT 4 9K>, 66 13 Onl I*l* . 33% M A O. 4s Old 84%. 6'* Centuries ... 90% New York. Oct. 11 —Standard Oil 55<4r 558 MI9CKM.ANF.OIa MAHKF.T9. Noie.—The*., quotations ar* revised dally, end are k-pt ks user a* possible In accord with III* prevailing wholesale . prl-es. Official quotations ar* not used when they disagree with the prlees whoto ealers aek < ..untry and Northern Pratlacr. POULTRY-The market i* steady. Quo tations Broilers, 3>035r. per pair; half grown. 45050. , three-fourih* grown. 6&t( 60c ; hena. 65076 c; roosters, 4"f160i , duck*. 60075 c: geese. 76cfl|! OU. EGGS—Steady at 17c. BUTTER—T7> tone of the market la firm Quotations; Western creemery, 19q| 24%r New York state dairy. 17448226*c; extra Elgin* 21038 c CH EESE— Market firm: fancy full cream cheese. 13%c for 39 to 22-pound average, So3l>-pound average. IJc, Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES—Northern. *2 00 sack GARBAGE -sfl7c per hear! 9 ONIONB-Yellow. In barrel*, 32 W. crate*. Wc; rerl. |l 9002.(0 Urradstuffs, flay ami Urals. FM>L'R-.Market steady; patent. 64 40; straight, $4 00; fancy. 33 36; family. 3. tier barrel. $2 75. per sock, 31 :*>. city meal, per sack, bolted. 31.30® 126. water ground. 11.26. city grim, sacks. $1.26; pearl grit*, Hiidnul*’, per barrel, $2 86; per nek, sundry brands. $1.2501.30 sack CORN—Markei firm, white, job lol*. 65c: carload lol*. 62c, mixed corn, job lota, 32c. carload lot*. 59c RICE Market steady, demand good; fancy head. 6c; fancy, 664 c. Prime 2??? $6404% Common OATS—No 2 mixed, carload. 34%c, job lol*. 26036 c, white clipped. 40c. job. 37c BRAN—Job lot*. Me; carload lots, 90c HAY-Market steady. No I timothy 92%c Job: 87% cars; No 2. *5 Job. 82% car#.’ Haena. Ilant and l.ard. BACON—Market Arm. D. 8 C R able* 9',03%c. D. S bailie*. 9%0i0e t Eastern, ac cording to average slxe, |. p bellle!. 9% 9% - (Western), smoke.) C H side- 9\ft 9%c. HAMS—Sugar cured. 12',013%c. I.AKD— Pure. In tlereea. B%|/S 7 *c; u, jq. |oi>ml tins and art-pound tubs, 9f/9t,c compound. In tierce* *%c; 50-pound tin* and D-pound tub*. (%r Sugar and t ogee. BUGAR Cut loaf 6 28, Diamond A 5 gt, ('rushed 6 ts '’onf>- tinners’ A 5 la Powdered 8.13 While Exlre C.. SVI XXXX. pow and . 6 16 Extra C r> 47 Granulaled .. .6 M, leol.len C ........S.U Cube* Yellows !.i' Mould A 6.31; COFFEE- Mocha 26c [Prime No. I ...II c Java 26" f ilond No. 4 ... 19%c Peaherry II e Fair. No 5 ~ lo%c Fancy No 1 ..12 iqOrdinary, No 610 o Cholc# No 2 1164<~| Common No 7. 96^- IlnrOsvar, nnd Sluldlna Snppliea LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEilENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair dernano and soli at 3b cents a barrel; epeciei calcined ptaster. II a) pe- barrel; hair. 406 c Roxedsle cement 11 3901 33; carload lota, special. Portland cement, re tell. 33 a. carload lots 32 <*q2 *• LUMBER F O. B VESSELS SAVAN NAH—Minimum. yard eties. |lO 6ogr|i (g>; ear sills. $12.50013 00 dim ult sixes sl4 00 01109; ship atock. *l6 0001*00. sawn tiaa 18 090$ 60. hewn ties. 35033.; OIL- Market stesdv. demand fair; sig nal. 46060 c. West Vlrglol* bla.k 9012a; lerd. 6* '. neeiafoot. Ouo7Or. machinery. If 05. V; linseed oil, raw. 66c. hulled. 63c; kerosene, prime white. 13c; water while. 13c; Pratt * aetrel. 14; deodori*,j ,t wV n gasoline drum*. UV4e; amply on bxrrals. delivered, 66c. SHOT-Drop. 31 30; B. B- and large, 3X.D (hilled 3176. IRON-- Market very stsadv Swede 5%c. NAII.S—Cut. *2 60 base. wire. 12 85 baa*. BARBED WIRE I8 60 per DO pounds etraigbt goods. 23030 c; sugar house am leases. 16039 r GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack ahot. $4 00 half kegs. $2.25. quarter kegs, 31.26; champion ducking, quarter keg*. 32 26; Dupont and Itaaara *m>kel**a. half keg*. 5’1.35. quarter keg*. 35.76; 1-po-tnd (anlster*. $1 90; Ist* 26 oar rent : Troledorf smokeless powder. l-pound cans. It 09; 10- pound rant. 90c pound Ball, Hides and Waal. SALT—Demana ts lair and the markei steady; ranoad lole. 100-pound burlao sacks. 44c. 109-pound cotton tack, 46c, UO-pound burlap sacks. 46%c; 110-pound cotton sacks. MWc: Z26-puui,d burlap sadu*. lie; 136-pound cotton sack. Me; 250-pound burlap sack*. Me. HlDES—Marks* tlrm; dry flint. 13%e; dry tall. ll%c; green salted, (c. WOOL-Norntnei. prim* Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool. 19c; black. l(c; burry. 10c. Wax, 36c, tallow, 3%c. Dear skins. 30c. Plant System of Railways. Tram# operated by 90tl, Meridian Time- One Hour Slower Than City Tim*. $2 6 Tv North and Mouth 23 35 slf READ DOWN I r ■ • 11l 8D t’F. 12 Hp mi ■ i'<* i.v Kivannak ..1. Ar ?u, 7fA 6 19|>| 1 i— i I9p in ;tai 6 23• Ar Charleston ... Lvl’lt 15p 6 60>| * lop .......j.... j 3 23a .... 7 25|> Ar Richmond... Lv * Ufa 6 4p, .... j 7 ol.i .... .11l Tup Ar . Washington... I.v j; 4 Ksi, J 07pj |....0. 8 Sue ,1 ®a Ar . .BattllWon l.v , 1 66a I 46p j j Ilf 7Mi A, N'wlork Lv 9 36p| 8 sSa| ..| | 3 39,> 1 Oup Ar Ilnsl.Mi l.v 1 uo|> Uixmi j | 15 y S3 23 'snuih - M 22 j 22 13“ 3 r.|> g Ida. & 29a 115, Lv Sivahiuit, . Ar 1 iwa,l3 ]• 7 ot> 13 I"# to’lii 8 !0p 5 4t>i' 10 65a| 7-a '• >* Ar .. Weyi roe- .. J.y to 15p 9 C.p 4 lop 9 65.1, 7 9b* I USe 9 >'P 3 lip 2 1.. p 2 16|v Ar . Thom.iavllb .. l.v K|p ( 10|>| j 6 ltd I 3 lie 19 JUp 7 4<v 12 50* IK Ar Ja. k onvllle l.y xop 7 45p 3 (iq, sun* 5 ux, M* sop 3%*12P 13 p |Ar ... l'atatka. *.v 2 V.p 4 fsipj | 2 23*1 3 3ka 1. . J IBp 3lp Ar .O i l.v ... ,| 1 4>,p’ I 10 s>l> 19 ■r Ar .81 I'al" bur# Lv 8 00). 1 | Itt V Tail " l.y . 1 x Mp| fip Bkm 10 Nil 10 "p l" Yip Ar U"rt I imp.. Lv 7 m, | 7 2fcpj 7 26p 1 uv, 1 to, IUK Ar Punte Gord" l.v ; 1 4 Isp| 10 4.4 10 1., Ar ...Hi. Aug ,-1 111. Lv t, jq, | j 5 ivp 3 tee 3 V.p 1. 20a Lv Savannah.. .i |, v P> 1,1 :; !0i ... .. .r.~-|T7.“ - ( 46f> 6 16a 4 Mt.| * 40"' Ar . J *up .. . Lx I 90a in 6op| | |......* s fcp 7 I'XI 6 i'.p 8 'b-i Ar Hruiu wUk |,v 6 40a, 9 0%>|,......| j NORTH WEST AND SGETHWKRT ~ C, 53 Vki Jesup 16 136 16 x, Via Mm,igomery 18 | 0 .dp '. "i.i l.y Bavennah \> 19 15* 12 u>Tp X 10.1 Lv Huyaiuiuh A, 10 lia, 1 uVi ..IP 6 4", Ar .leaup Lv B,< 19 ,'6h> x tile 9 3), Ar M'lCinny l.y 7 4hpj!l 3ta 3 181,1 I |;.|> Ar )|.n..11 l.y I 2 jjp 1 nip 8."1 Ar Na.hvllle l.y 9 nra' 2 21k iop v ' % 11*91111 I 0 ttp 12 ftp SOB li -•!* \r 1\ ill** lev' J Umj I 13p -I ■ ' \i * • i ouk l.' S ttp < i,xi \ I net final! Lv !i onp b 4bp 7 iV|* 7>• * \r !/#vilivll!#* !.% 7 4.V*' 7 7 -X>*, 7 lif Ar Mt. Imnil.# Lv , I S ZL* 7 30p 7 4.V* Ar i *ln* tnnatl lev i 7 h ! (b. K N.) j| 7 C 00p Ar .S*t Inulx 9 l&p| I (Ma 7 SJij Ar St. t/otii* Lv !Npl ; isn R 10* \i no Lv > IQp 9Mp m a f j 5 40, I U.p l.v" AlUnta Ar 19 Ssp It 30, * <M* * IM> Chicago . Lv| 7 OOp, IMp vll l 111 V 111 mi \,\ N n, •00p t 12p '' > Nr \l bit# I*' . J fJVp 13 4S* 7 Ite Ar KiHM*f!l7Lvj C 30|| t 44f$ hSp 7 Al N < i.* * " R OOp & KMI l#v ' 12 I*W Thmufh Pullman Hl#pini Car Hrrvlca 1 12 *H> Ar ..Tlfton.. Lv 2 IRw 5 t 46.1 2 lot' Ar Albany . laV’UOl* S o North. Kaaf and Wrat. and |#y Florida f 2*>|* Ar Columlwm lavr|| ..... j'.OtDft ('onn#HlottP made at Port TainiM with r H mall m'ifnhlp*i of t\m ivnln#>ular ansl Occidental Mtcamahlp l4nc, h aviriKpurt Tampa Monday*, Thurdaya and Saturdays at 11 ffl i> m J. II Pnlhemus. TI A Ward Clark. City Tkt Agl . D" Hot" Hotel. I‘hone 73 B W WRKNN. Paseoiger Traffic Manager, deyannah. G McDonough & dallamyne. Iron Founders, IVlachinists, ttloafysa.ltha, tawllesasekaa*. atsxlt rl.irr. at *<•■ ear *** Paalable •*•!•■**. % erlleal >./ Tee Maaatag y~"W§ l> kills, I, ai , atm a*d Sfc* Hl# Fat Is ye, ate. ■ i.%v it TELEPHONE NO. 123. pal" •■( Nats. APPLES— Eefly Northern variety, 62-260 3.60. BANANAS—6I.36OI 60 bunch LEMONS Marks, steady al 12 9003 ®. COCOANUTB—B3 7604 09 |e rIW PEANUTS—AmpIe atock, fair demand; market firm, fancy hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 4%c. hand picked. Virginia, ag- Irax, 4o; N. C. aeed poenut*. 4c NUTS- Almonds. Tarragona. 13c; Ivlcas. I*c; walnul*. French. 12c. Naples, lie. pe can*. 12c; llraxlls, 13c; filbert*. 13c; assort ed nut* 66 pound and 36-pound box**. 12c. Cotton Hauls* and Ties. BAGGING—Market Arm; Jute. }%- fund. 9%c. large lot*. B%c; small lota, pound. k*,090; 1% pound. B%|jg%c; **a Island bagging. 12%c TIES- B>ano*rd 46-po'ind. arrow, large lot*. II 40. small lole. 11.60 Urlrd aod Kvapuraied Fruits. APPLES—Evaporated, 707%c. sun-dried. 5<VU< APRlCOTS—Evoi>orated. 9%c pound. Deelarln*-. 10c KAIHINB—L. L.. 32 00; Imperial raMnets, |2 SO; baiM*. impound boxes, xqy%. pound PEA''HER Evaporated, joaled, 13%c, unpealed 8%09- PEAKS—Eva|>raied B%c. MMIBU..49ROI'I. FISH-Mackerel, hull Uirrel*. No. 1, s*.>, No 2. $7 on. No 2. $5 75. kH*. No. 1 *1.30; No 2. 11.10; No. 3. Sir. ielfish, 1 pound br, ke 6% . 2-pom>d bricks. *c. Hmok,*! herrings, prt box. 17019* lliilcn herrings, In keg*. 31 10. new mullet* half barrel* . SYRUP Market quiet Georgia and Florid" yrup. buying at 2X020* . selling al 32035 c; sugar house al 10016 c. HONEY - Fair demand, strained, In bar rel*. 65009,' gallon. High wM> hast*. (1 28 OCK AN FREIGHTS. COTTON -Savannah fo line*on per rwt . 35c; fo New York, per rwt , 20c. to Philadelphia. pr bale 31; Baltimore, || FOREIGN DIRECT Bremen. Sic; Liv erpool, (sc; Hamburg. 67c; Genoa, B.Y*; Barcelona. 7r; Mancheater. 57r, Havre, 67c: Antwerp, 57c. FOREIGN INDIRECT Weak end nom inal lAveri**,! 55c; Mancheater, Hl'- Hamburg. 65c; Havre. 72c; Ge noa, *n*’; Revel ral Hi Pelersburg. 7tX'; Antwerp. 66c. LUMBER - By BaH Freight* dull; lo Baltimore and eastward, $4 60 to 68 00 per M . Including Portland I.UMBKB -By Hfeem—Savannah to Ba'- tlmore. 35 00; to P. R R. or R AO dock*. 16 60: lo Philadelphia. !(%". per 'Wi . (4 pound* fo foot); fo New York. 18 69 per M. 37 26 fo dock; lightered to Boston to dock I* 50 NAVAL STORES The market |* firm; rre-dlum *lga ve**el Hoaln—Cork for order*. 2* 8d per barrel of 210 pound*, and 6 per cent, primage Spirit*. 4* 9,1 per 4" ga Ilona gro**. and 6 per cenl primage latrge veoael*. rosin. b>; spirits. 4* 3*l Steam lie per 100 pound* on rosin; 21%r on spirit*. Havannah to Boston and 9%c ot, ro*ln arid 19c on *t>irtf* lo New York OR 4 IN. PRO VISION*. ETC. New York. Ocl. 11.-Flour, barely steady and lower to sell, without noteworthy de mand Rye flour firm Corn meal, easy. Klee, easier. No. 2 Western. 18c. Barley, steady. Barley mall, dull. Whaat—Spot, weak; No 2 red. 89c; op tion* steady and for a fin*- were firm , belter htle cable* than expectal. light epee ulxtlve offering* and heavy seal* nr I clearance* In the afternoon, however, liquidation again broke out. Inspired hy bearish Argentine table*, and th*' close ws* weak al %h% net decline. March, 84c; May. 83%c; Octolier. 78%c; December, •>%<-. corn—Spot, weak option* market open ed firmer on the bullish government re port and steady cables, hut later suc r,imbed to prospective liberal receipt*, fine weather and the drop In wheat. Closed easy at a partial %> net decline. May closed, 41%c; October, 4* ; December. 42c Oal*-Hpoi ea*y; No 2, 28%c; option* nominally eaeler. Beef, steady. Pul meal*, steady. laird, easy. %**tern steamed. 17 5307(5: refined, steady Pork, quiet. J Tallow dull; city, 4%c. Pelroleum. quiet. - m*• '• Roln, firm. Turpentine, 4204Tv' firm Coff**'—Spot Rio dull. mild, qttle* Sugar raw steady; refined, afeady. The market for coffee future* opened steady MilO lower end rob'd general! easy under local selling following general ly European and Hrvxlllan cable* con tinued heavy, receipt* at Rto and Han'o* diwppnlntlog spot demand nnd ahaenca of public speculailon. laical sport* were about the only eutqwrt of the mnrke’ The close wa* t'ady with prlcca 6 point lower Total *ale. 12 999 bags Includirg October, 17 90; November. 37.19; December. 37 39- Egg*, strong: *Uie end P*nn#y|vania 20071-. Weatern 1604*%c. Potalne*. quiet. Jerseys. 11990130; New ~ (Conutiued on Hutu Page./ 01$ Vgeorgia rvco. y Schedule** Effective Ptpl. 10. 13® Trains arrive at a nd a- t*art fnxn Contral Station West Broad, foot ot Llbarty atreet. *9th Meridian Time-One hour slower than j city time. larev* Arrivi Savannah: Savannah: I Augusta, Macon, AllantoJ ’ 8 liam.covlngtigi M:lledg*vlllei*B 00pm land all intermodule point*: jAugu-t*. Macon. Atlanta.l ’ _ _ lAthetie, Montgomery. Co-I ** ®%n|lumbti#, Birmingham. Am-|*>, spam forlcu*, Eufaula and Troy.| F'**" AcoHnasxtauon |TT t(aa> fl *9pts| Guyton Dinner Train. jl4 Mpoa •Daily lExcept Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBEB. 75th meridian or Havannah rlly time. LEAVE HAVANNAH. Monday only (.25 u m Intily excapt Monday 9.30 a m Dally JOo rj. BL LEAVE TYBEE. Monday only 7.16 n m 1 rally except Monday 10 X a. m. Dally 620 p. m. Connection* mad* al terminal po;nta with ell train* Northwest. Went und Rnulhweal. * Sleeping care on night train* between Havannah and Augusta, Ma*on. Atlanta and Birmingham r“ r " ,m a * y ,r * ,n between He varinah. Me. on on I Allnnta For complete biformatfon. aevhedulea. r V'* " n ‘* 'Onnrcftons, apply lo W. O BREWER. Clly Ticket and Poaa enger Agent. 107 Bull atreet. TSZ,\ N J Y * K " rpni Agent. i. .. Uaerenger Agent. ..wrv H L N T r>N ' Tr ® Manager HEO. D. KLINE. Gen Superintend ant, ftavannnh Ga. /^^yVESTIB ul tt> Double Daily Service Th* short line to Norfolk. Weshlngtoa, tn* I ' hll * ll,lpla *- Nw York aod - _ . ~ j No* 44 rNo IT Ar n7^" n fi^ h • Y rX L R> Kpm U 69pm *' Cos umbta. 8 A. L. Hy 4 ttpm ( 30am a. J5 h ' H A. L. Ry 11 27pm U 60am Ar Durham. 8 A. L Ry 7 20am 4 l(pm Ar Peieraburg, H A LRy 4 12am 4 ttpm Ar RJchmuml. 8 A. L. Ry 5 15am 6 00pm Ar Washington. I’enna 8 45am 0 30pm Ar Baltimore Penna lo (13am II 26pm Ar Philadelphia. Pnna .. I? J7pm a Mam Ar Nw York Panna....... 3 (ttpm C ll*ra ~ ~~ No 44 No If Ly lavmnah. 8 A 1. Itv u 6pm 11 Mpm Ar Portsmouth. 8A L Ity; 7 00am| 6 60pm Hteamer* leave Norfolk dally, except Sunday, for Raltlmore. Philadelphia aod New York, and dully for Washington. ' * '~ ~r —tt-.s-s—b The short line to Montgomery. Mobil* and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7 X am., arriving al ilontgomery 7:00 p. m , at which point cloae connection la made with the L. A N. R. R., arriving at Mobile 2 9ft a. m. and New Orleans 7 40 a. m. Tha short line to Femandin*. Jackson ville, Tamp* and other Florid* points. fN0.37T110.1f tv Bavannah.'B. A L. Hy 5 Otoml t Wpm Ar Fernandlna. 8 A LRy 9 25am: t 06pm Ar Jacksonville. 8 A. L. Kyj i 10am; 7 40pm Ar Tkmpa. 8. A. L. Ry....| 6 20pm( ( 30am Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping car eervlc* to Washington. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining car* from Rnvanneh to Hamlet, and Richmond lo New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery. For uddlttona! Information apply to Ticket office. Bull and Bryan street A Phone 28 J. D. WEED <t CO UTAIIML OA. Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Bose. Agents (or NEW YORK RUBBER pkJLXLN'G AND PACJUNQ COMPANY. 7