The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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many miners meet llir ,M. AT .TBAVrOT OVEH ~n i-' i-kh cumr wrrmm. TH £Y held secret sessions. AV HEtCH TO T ANARUS" * IMIE MITtTAMOT. .vase all"" hc problem With Whli-li Un ire riinlrnulrd l’ropoa iill,* oirnl*rx, mm It Mauil*, |UW “ * Ha. , ,i _ i>. ii.iltc Time Should 1- IH'P 1 r„.|."> "*"• 1,.. Oct. 12.—Eight hundred v.’n minor*, who hold In their rower <o .aid or continue the * , ,<tl miner*' strike, which has i ..<re lor more than three , . • in convention here itnluy for of ronal'lcring the 10 per , , i,iv4nee In wage* offered by ihe 4 unit nlJourcu*l until to-morrow i .mi.k any action on their era- opoaittM. to-day'a seoxlotm were devoid itlon. and rpetM'hea by many of , ,t . tite on the mine owners' con- It m> not <‘Xpeciei that any* .*, u w Jil be kme to-day outaUk* of r , ,i x.-tiange of views. The conven . if r It w:*n permanently organix**). „. , . • \r<t ee!*ion. but It wax learn f'.ifi .authoritative *ourc#*H that noth ,v t ill finite naiture Wiia aoffvcOted. „ iM bad to a solution of tvhiat w mln**rx. a knotty problem, pr ■ . !*;• trami i>f the r*m.irk* of the ! it wam a<ih<red that (lu* ten j. .i • i-ro| o*hion. Q!> it now atani*. lan • han< c of being accept. <L Th •i nied. It wan learned to b- a*- i i imou* thit the ojienat'rs ahou it • -.i v. m oni-ee-ion* on the other riv -• re the tnereaxo la accepteal y • uorkT*. Great itreiii was laid (4 r i salty of abolishing the sliding • . . t s.itietituting therefor* u tonnage f. it which to fix the rate of wages. T r *>irlon of having th*' operators c • ii ilx*-d time for paying the nl also thoroughly alls* ussed. -l with nothing but a more llbei j; ,ii •• in wage. mod*- of procedure Is matter ; w occupying the attrition of • i r . siders. In case the convention . o ii definite uinkr standing a>n some •;* ; • . t ;on, the question lias been a sited t, operators will be a<l vised. In view , u t that the latter have repeated- I Ii ,y would not rccognlxe the t t President Mitchell will not dla < t i! phase of the question, and none flf • • • *r labor leaders will venture an \a l>rflnit<* < onrluxinn. the present convention will not • i definite conclusion is the g neral - >ft- night. It Is the opinion of several r . i I,or leaders that the convention t pr* sent constituted Is a little un * :)• There waa a movement on fo >t t -*t4> br Its object the submission of r . irious proposition as they arc hu* *. •* < by the delegates to a committee i by the convention for condhr ■ vu committee to riport to *ithcr th or i second convention. Thl* move ro-' t however, did n*u gain much o.' a .'nme of the delegates think t at tfi- ole subject should be left In the 1 : the nati-uml offleeh, ns hlntc 1 .it i*r- dent Mitchell In his brief remarks *t * .re the convention went Into ce r- t Mr. Mitchell Is very popular i the miners, as shown by the m ni displayed as he delivered his opening address. The l*rcMllcnt*i \*ldre*. l'i- dent Mitchell mllcd the convention to order at 10:23 o’clock ami addressed the delegates, saying: the first time In many years the * rt< have recognised your demand* f'.)i iter conditions of employment and I * ft* red an advance of 10 per c *nt. in >• wag*-.* J .an well aware tha* this is not satisfactory to you. You i f* it. and with Justice, that a definite l- iof time should lc named durli;; this a*lvance should remain in !otc*v Y xperlence where wages rr based v. n -hdlng scale baa been so un*.ui*fac tO HI that you believe it lidii g scab- m**tho<l of detar r r.g wag Oft should aboUahed j t ilo believe that the law* of i-t i 1 vanla shoul*l bo obeyed by til** * >mpanles, sn*l wages Ih paid twice * ck. ,i. >ou reserving the right of spend er earning* wherever you choose Whether it is better at this time to • iron a compliance with all your ■ r i- is a question which you. who c Inter eat e). are culled ti|on to * -j I’< rsonally I have hoped that w *y~ -i )m able at some time to eatabHah " rjm metho*t of adjusting wage dlf i <o*i r- K>ns. where employers ami mln * . gates m*t In Joint Interstate * <1 r;on. and like prudent, senslhb* men mutually agree upon n scale wnlch rtmalna in force for on y**r i ■ 1 • nt orsanluiilon ■* p(T i cl by |'b •. . i ion o f President Mitchell as and John T. Ih mpsey as fec it t man Mitchell’s first act ytrsi i telegram from Samuel Oompers. ( r ‘ 1 . i the American Kedcratlon of ** follows: • r of the miners if the cause Whatever the decision reach * r ■ >a the operator’s offer, the fu b brighter, better and more ' • miners, their wives and * hU !< I humanity will be the gainer. vy to the assembled delegut** 1 ‘Test sympathy and co-operation union member and officer of the i Federation of Labor We all I . 1 work for your success." • v r Hon went into secret eask>n r : 1 otc adjourned to 9 o’clock to • MNiitkn wiT.ussm. # "'ln B inn' Will Oprnplrd hr A ,r *tl of the Probate Clerk. I v *‘ k. Oct. 12.—Probate Clerk “Wash ’h* surrogate's to-day ex -1 *he -übscrihing witnesses to the late Collis P Huntington. The ‘•r* Maxwell Bvarts. George K I Andrew A. Vandeventer t th witnesses swore that the 1 * for probate had been signed by In his presence and that the * *■* o all cipfiearanees, in good * condition of mind. No objec *en filed to the protait** of and it probably will be admlt- i Every Moiher, Expectant Mother : or Marriageable Girl 1 enn have a practical treatise cm motherhood, telling w/ about MOTHER’S FRIEND” (that i ' \h**\ ill save months of pain anrl trouble*, ren*. **• ' \ bv sending name and address of self or friends to S. \ \ m BwmuMMUtM re. ! ‘ r,w . X- L - Tin worid can product nothin like ‘ Mothcrt frkad. J r^yhUk T ..'U, NOTI?t PROM \\ %YCHO*9. —— I Ktnawsr and it Plght PnrnUhed \in ii-i-in in i fi, r < rmda. VI aycroes. (3a.. Oct. 12.--There was nn exciting runaway and a lively fight, bo h at tlw* same tint*-, on Plant avenue to-day. A fine black hAr*e Ih longing to It* n Jone s became frightened ami made a dash down the lane. Turning the corner at Hardy <v Moote’s store, the huggy \v • wrt* ked and harness ilemolifhed. The fight attracted a larger crowd. K. 11. Hun the plumber. Involved In a quarrel wih Itese Murray, who h.ol been working for him. over money due Murr.t- 'Hi- \ OtiXtd, a'l M:. KfCM N* |Ci fvet! a severe pommeling Th* opening eervl- ts of the l>istrlct Kp w*,rth League conf*r*'ii e wire b* :l ihi> afternoon at Trinity t'hurch. A large mini tier of and .' gates arc in attendance, and more art* * xpr i* I to-morrow. A re vp lion will Ih tendered th*' visitors 10-nlght at the handsome residence of Mr. atul Mrs. W W Sharpe. Mr. J. W. St Mi k land, the genial hosi at the Phoenix Hotel, who his U*n qu.te sick ihe |mst two or three w* < k*. Is c.n siderably better. The Way cross public school.* are being more largely attended this year th in ever liefore. The daily* attendance at the High School exceeds .V.O. Duke Academy, at Huskln, closes its summer term to-night, with fcn entcr talnmeitt. A big dinner was given to Its patrons to-day. It Is given out to-day that the City (louiu’il ha* leased for the term of one hundred years, the small triangular point of land at the corner of Plant avenue am! Tcbeau streets to George K Youmane. W W Shari • W. A Miller. They ure to pay the city Si’* a year for 100 years. TRIAL U %* kATI!IPAt'TOIIV. OMivlitl* Seem to He Pleased With tlie \\ iMCOitsln. Wa-hlnctou, Oct. 12.—The nfflrlal report of the trial trip of the haitlerhlp WUcon sin off Ixiwer California iR eonlatned In the follow in*: brief lelesram received by Secretary le-ntr from Admiral K-inti. eonunandlnK the I'acitlc elation at Satita rtnrba ra: "\Vleoißln eompiet-Rl Rattßfaetory of ficial trial, maklntc 17.1 knots, subject to tidal correctlon." The Secretary also received this morn •lnc the follow Inc trle* fp-m I M Scott, president of the rnlon Iron Works, which constructed the battleship: /' The Wisconsin pre-nts her r- cord I*‘*l maximum: average for S3 knots, 17..1; average durlna trial 17.25, suhji t to -sot rectlon* Not • hitch. A sp!**nilll ballle wMp. We concratnlate you. 1 ’ Secretary lona rcpll-d at once to Mr Scott n* follows: "Telesram received. Conßratu'.alions re ciprocated.'’ VETBHAVt OF Vlltt.lAlt. Pincers Elected to kervr Ihe firnnd Camp for a Year. Richmond. Oct 12.-Th* Oraml Camp of Virginia Confederate Veterans at Ht Pin ton to-doy elected the followlnir ottl e for the ensutmr year: R. V. Maury. Rlehmorst. card eom m.indrr: Thomas W Smith S •fTolk. fl-st lieutenant rran.l commander; Jamas \lc fllll. Pidaakl. scon.l lieutenant rri and commander: Th.ama< I> Ransom Sia n ton, thlr.l lieutenant prand eommunder. Thomas C. Morion of Staunton wa elected Inspector aereral: Washlnaloa Taylor, quartermaster general; Rev. J H Uetc. Winchester, chaplain xeneral; I>r John S Powell. Oeeoquan. s'ir K con ireii enl; Thomas Ellett, Rlehmm.d adlutnnt aeneral. Petersburg was unanimously scleotcd as Ihe next place of meellnif There was a parade through tho streets this afternoon, the camp having adjourn ed Anally, and to-night o holt was given to the sponsor*. PIIII.IPI'IAE TAHIFF. Its Revision Discussed at the Meet ing of the Cnhlnet. Washington. Oct. 12 —The cnhlnet meet tug to-day developed nothing of special Intercet. The time was largely occupied in a dteouesion of the .revision of the Phil ippine tariff now In progress tay the Phil ippine f*nmmleek>n In Manila. The annual reports of the member* of the cnhlnet were talked over Informally, the President expresnipg the wish tho: a synopsis he furnished him as soon q .-onvenlent for review In his next mes sage to Congress, which Is now l log out lined It Is expected that he will .levot • a considerable share of his lime, prior to his return to Canton, about ten day* hence, to work upon the message. COM) BE!At* Ef>. Great shipments of the Precious Metnl to the I nltrd States. New York. Oet. 12— Freres an nounce an importation of 11,000.000 In gold on the steamer lea Rretagne and*> on Ihe steamer St l/JUls. both vessels leavtng Europe to-dny. Kuhn. leb A- Cos. have engaged J.VP.nno gold for Import. J. Hr W. Sellgm in A Cos will receive 1250.- OO) In gold from Germany, shipp'd by the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der lirosse. a to tal for the day of 12.750.000. The Hank of Rritlsh North Ameriea to day received advices to the effect that Klondike gold to the amount of Mw.noo had been coesiirned to that hwk. Of this sum 130cooo Is expected to arrive to-dny. SELECTED JIDUE lift AY. Hr Will Fill Clevetand'a Place on •hr Trihnnal. Washington. Oet. 12.-U Is understood that the President ban selected Ju'.g*- fleorife Gray of Delaware to represent the Pnlied Bute*, with ex-Preeldent lienja mln Harrison, on The Hague permn*nt arbitration tribunal Judge Gray Is a former eenatorfromDel aware and a Democrat He was a mem ber of the Paris Peace Commission ami is now a I'nlted States Judge for the Third Judicial Circuit. Ills selection wll! not in volve the surrender of that position. Heirs Killed nt n Vrnlle. Columbia. 9 C Del 12-A real old time row, as depleted In the minstrel* o'- urted at a "lint supper" In Gre-nm|. county. Ed Slmmoi und plephen Hay were the swells of the occasion, and thee, were both throwing themselves at the' feet, metaphorically -peaking, of a dusky t,elle During an Intermission, when the men were on the pl.ixxa Simmons JoMled Ray off the steps K.n's rotor wos and he came hark at Simmon*, who, how ever, dropped the cold steel when th-> i-ome to close quarter*, and drawing hi* pistol, shot Ray dead. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1000. But the bl, b.U ,pot i. not .he kind of a mirk moil men like. Too manv men in their twentie* are bald. This is absurd and all unnecessary. Healthy hair ahowa man's strength. To build up the hair from tht zz’.wz m&r* .r u ,n:r. Hdll P ¥l2or that ■ "always.” And it curea dandruff. II M ■ boot*. Ail <r*t|l>u. “Mr business calls ine out among ttraagers a great deal L vroi.iU artually (eel ashamed ? \rry time! would take off my tut, ray hair *< to thia and th* bald <*f >our llair % than three months ag*>. Today I find 1 lure as fine a head of hair aa I ever lai. 1 tell everybody what I used, and tber say • it must be a won derful remedy.* r * ugo. Ysahl, Dec. 14, ISA*. Chicago, IIL W*a have • hook on The llair and Scalp which w* wi l rnd frea m>on re<iuet. IT v do not obtain all tho beortlt* vn x pectesl fr**m tlio ui of the Viaor, write tha lloCtor about It. r|.| r* k (| Dk. J. C. AVtK. Lowell. Mu. DUN S REVIEW OF TRADE. t Improve, l*nf • l•• Mrlkr lai(*rffrrrl \\ llh llu> iiii-HH < oiml llli*ii*t lima rry lx I'rom !•<*!. Ni*w York Oot. 12 —R. O Pun St Co.’ Weekly Hevk-w of Tra in to-morrow will pay: Mora MviFOnxblo weather hod Important Influence throughout tho country, hut the coal strike continued nx tho restraining factor in huxlnetr. As npeculatlon every wherc lr* on a small ►•ah- the effect in minimis* 1 Lower i i* * r-* 'fitly f#r some Iron products have L en without *ll - , turtiinpr force, oral the firmer market f<*r : print cloths, and ftronjr quotation* for lumber, show in xnmo *lin tion In the nrat ImlustrUs n small Increase In*! is apnble of raixinu prlcen. Th** situation still promise* a recovery when politico mi l the strike tire settleO y Fear cf tlfcht money has mtide some men hesitate, but higher rates result from the activity of the movement of co:ton nl high price* In th** South. At the moment the movement of gold ' from Ktirope haa tend* l to relieve the ten -1 slon In New York, and Ko’al is still rom- I injr from Auxtralla. 1 Fir iron prOfhinlOA hu been further I rediii-etl. to the Iron Aire. A j rmtlfyinr future l th** evidence that upt* l a in cot umers* hon<le are |ov gu.cations of Iron products nre steady, ami foremen buying: continues, two con tra* ft* of imi'ortanbelntc place*! Much disappolntnvnt wits a|tnrent nmomr cotton tnnlers. when the nfliri tl . rop report nppeared. for the anticipa tion of a Rle>my report tool put the up t*> It cents. When the statement In lieatel a point improvement* in Texas in September, prior* dropped sharply. Wheat also declined w.ihout the aid of a gov ernment report, fiomsstlc *x>n*lltlons are generally aatlsfnctory. and foreign crop nf>w* cheerful. <*orn remain* steady in the face of the decline in comfit ion. Failures for the week were 223 In the I'nlted Htnts. agninef 161 lust year, nn<l .!>* Iti Fanad *. mr ilr* 1 * 27 last y* ar. X AMK9 1% Tllfi • %l/L OF FA MIL asli itiut**** fl*ed the l.lxt of Thirty H ho \\ ere Fleeted. New York. (*t. 12.—The election In the I fail-of-Fame contest wa* concluded to day. when the -Senate of the New York t/'Diversity assembled an*l passed upon the list of eligible* übml<t*.| to that body. The total number of names submitted to tho one hundred Judges was 252. Though tho standard of eligibility hae been placed as low n* R 1 votes, only SO of the nominees hl reached that stand ard. The following were accord** ! a place on the tablet* of the Hall of Fame: George Washington. 97 (the ftill vote), Abraham Lincoln. iw>; Daniel Webster. W: licnjamtn Franklin, IH; F S Grant, J*2. John Marshall, 1*1; Jefferson, fx; Ralph Waldo Knvr*on, *6; Henry W. Ixongfellow. fi; Washington Irving. HJ; Jonathan Ktlwards. f2; I>ivld Cl. Farra gut. 79; F. R. Morse. 79; Henry (Tay, 71; George Peabody, 72. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 72: Robert K Lee ; pet r (*oo|er. Horace Mann, *77; Henry Ward flee*'her. t*L K!l Whitney. W. J im*** K-nt. (T; Joseph Storey. 61: John Adams, 61; William I*7l lery Fhannlng. f.9; John Jams* Audubon. 37; Rlla** How*;, 53; William Mor ris Hunt. 32; Gilbert Stuart, 32; Aaa Gray, Kx-President Cleveland*/ vote to-day wns: Bnmtiel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Jay. Jefferson, Lincoln. Mid Ison. Wash ington. ll* did not voc for Monroe. Washington wa "v*d the honor of first place only by the fact that *'hlef Justice F. T. Nichois of I/miielana scratched both Incoin and Wtbsirr WILL okt thk railroad. Tutlahaxxee low IKegnrds It as nti Axxured Fact. Tallahassee, Fla.. Oct. 12.—1 t seems tho: Tallahassee Is to have another railroad to g*ve her a northern and western connection. It Is now an nssured fact that the Georgia Pine Railroad will be extended from Rain bridge to Tallahassee. Dr W. L. Moor, who has had charge of the matter in the interest of Talla hassee. left to-day for Halnbrkige. whor** he will mike the neressary arrangement* with the Georgia Pine people Work will t> commcnce<l on the exsenslon at once, and rapidly pushed to completion. Several months ago Tallahassee voted in favor of Issuing l*mds for an electric light plant, to be owned and operated by the city The Capital (*ity IJght and Fuel Company Med a hill In tho Circuit Court praying for an injunction to re train the city from putting in the plant The court dl*mi‘*<l th*- bill and refused the injunction. The Light ami Fuel Com pany appealed to the Supreme Court, whp h has rendered a decision affirming the *b ree of the Circuit Court, and Che f.jiy will at once commend** operations to secure the plant as sp**edl!y a* possible A 7-year-oW n*** girl was kiiletl in tha northern portion of the county last Sun day It Is claimed- that th*' killing was done with a gun and the girl's head was nearly blown to pieces. A cutting affray occurred In the neigh borhood of Iske lamonia last Hundsy. lr which Cooper Robinson was danger ously cut by . negro n*iml Cason, with out prnvo. ation. It la claimed. Cason la under arrest. The ritnte Normal and Industrial Ctd h-g#- for colore*! student* has ooind for ihe new term with a rompNf faculty and about seventy-five students, whkjb Hum 's r will be greatly augmented duriog U present monUr Fall and Winter Suits FOR AAEIN. The best stock we’ve had. All the novelties, all the staples, cverythinfl all wool silk sewn, and made to perfectly fit all men—anv man not actually deformed. You’d pay twice as much to the average tailor and get less satisfaction than our famous ready-to wear clothes give. MEN’S SUITS $7.50 to $25. All made by the best corps of tailors in the land. Come let us show you, for example, ten or fifteen styles of new suits at Twelve Dollars, or as many at sls, $lO, $7.50, S2O, $22.50 and $25. Young Men’s Suits at $5 to sls. Men’s Trousers at $1.50 to $7,50. Boys’ Suits at $2 to $7,50. jT\ _ •f j 'O rJ- sa. yy V .7 IANi MIS T I One egr p ' a ' n Price Figures. - O intoTIIKHIIIMHJ lir ST. IMHtKW. 11. r. I lnnrr of Snvnnnnh I. Ini.mi 1 h,* Vlcr rmittrill.. Rirhmond. V . Ort. 12-The Rrolher hoo.l of St. Andrew In the I'nitwl Stwici. will hold It* next ntuuml convention In Detroit in mkt-Juljr. uni.** th* executive council of ,hc body should decide other wise. The ffucotton wa* brouicht up dur t,,K the *.-**lon of ttie to day. Philadelphia and Detroit helm,- the compettioi* lor the honor of cnterteln- Ini; the convention. The convention recommended that the Another Surprise! This is but a sequel to the sensation created by our Great Sale of a few weeks ago. Its success was so pro nounced, and it met with such an eager response that wc are induced to place again on sale on SATURDAY, the 13th, and MONDAY, the 15th, THIS ARRAY OF REAL BARGAINS. Men’s Suits We have picked out about * etyle* of IS.M and ROM) Huit. Aa Ihe lot* are fall we make a sacrifice in price In or der to close tho entire lot oul. We offer them for Saturday and Monday at $6.90 Men's Suits Every want can he aatlefled In Ihla lot of aulta. Cnevtota and Woraleda; dark and llkht make* to fl, and auil moat ev erybody- They are aplendld vaiuea el tlO. sl2 SO, bul they go Saturday and Mon day al 8H.50 Mens Suits Our atrongeat line I* put into Ihla lot. Nothing twit fine Worded and Caealmcre Suit* Ibal formerly Bold at *1 and fit No need lo wear eneap clothe*, when we offer goods like thea* J*atur lay and Mon- Sl-'oO next mHlng b h#l<l In Detroit. It bvin* •iovflopwl riurliuc Iho dboimlon that bet tor results probably wouM arrru*> from a con vent loti in Detroit, where the llrotherhoo*! lx not xtrotix. tbiiri In Phila delphia. where It baa rearhrvl a bixbly •ucceaiiful condition. About 400 person* were In attendance upon to-gay* xe*#i*n of the convention. Report* w**r* aubmlttcxl In the Junior 4**|xirtm*n on HI Me da** le**n*. army work in Ihe nrmf, mwl the rule of the xervlco. (’otwldpriblu intereat wa#* *nown in the |nl-nnme*f report, which re.*otn m*n*k(i lirat ihe reMniement of rule of xervlee In* noi pre*e<| mi (hi* time Thl* riort wax a*k|M'l. The offb r* of the convention were In- Men’s Suits - All of our 12i. tUSO and li&Wt Her rin thoor. Cheviot an.l Worsted -100 num erou* to mention, for Saturday and Mon day al S*M>B Saturday We mike our fir*t offering Men’s Fall Overcoat*. Among them you will find tha jw e|| t.iilom In*. Top Oats an I (’he*|erfie|<l. Overton and llrown Covert*, dark. Kray and black vki unfinished wor sted They are the Inst value on **arih at sl2 SO and fU.tu. Hxturday and Mon day at 510.7S MEN’S OVERCOATS Never in the hl.lory of thl* country Wa* atwh offering it Overcoat* al Iheae prh-ea. glum irxl 112 U> lan and gray col or*. also black and gray .tripe* in Mel lon* and Cheviot*, al 5K.75 M ft aULL SXSi A Beautiful collection of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Fancy Vests. Hi i me Benin Our display this season sur passes any we have made hereto fore. We show many new effects in shapings and combinations that are well worth seeing. The va riety is very ranging from the modest tones to the most mag nificent colorings in silks ever shown in this city, at 50c and up wards. Men’s Fancy Stiff Bosom Shirts at $1 each, in all the newest stripes and colorings, long or short bos oms, slotted button holes. Mail'd to-day They nr* a* follow* Pr M'fervt. William C. Htiirin* of Chrtat Church. New Haven, vl* e pretKlenta. IF A Koblnxoti of fit. Andrew’* t’btireh. liouloviUc; Charlea ff. Bh>>maker of Trinity Cfiurth, Pitta burg. Ihi ; nl IF F Finney of <’hrl*t Church, flavannab. On.; *• reary. Duff Greet* Mvnar*l of 8t George' * (*brch. New York, aaaixt nut *e-retarte*. K. L Mi'IHNHIM of Kt. Andrew-e Chur*h, Ky . nl J (’. U tttor of th** Chureli of the Na tlvhy of l t hltxrV'l|hl Nearly |,4in men aaeeniblwf at fit. Paul'* Church at 7 O'clock fhfta morning to at t#n*l the- corikorale <-*umnunion, the cele brant being ftiehop Gll*ori of Virginia The aervlce w*a* mo*t lm|r***Hlve. To* night there wmi a pihH< meulng of the MEN'S OVERCOATS gievlot* and Scotch weave* We have mad* an extra aelecllnn In thl* *lyl*. They were lo have been eold at I* .V) to gincn, hut you gel them Saturday and Monday al $5.50 PANTS Men'a Ail Wool Rani* In grey and black alrlpea and plaid*. Worth t. and t3 f> Saturday and Monday al SI.OB PANTS Rani* slrteely all wool, aroraleda. cam aimerea and chevlola In alripe* aryl black, clay weave, Ihe fi.oo awl ROO kind. Sat urday and Monday at $3.00 k his insis. Fancy Percale Shirt Waists, navy blue, with fancy figure effects, sizes 11 to 14 years, 25c each. Puritan Blouse Waists, 3 to R years, unique design, fast color, good value, 50c each. Laundered Percale Shirt Waists, new patterns, some with attached collar, others with neckband for white collars, all sizes, 50c each. Mrof h*rhMt at whtcfti Blahop Hall of Vermont iMiverH nn nddreni on *'Th# Younff Man of Our Day." iiwniunini nr MtnnttOß. 1 llortnra Will Try to <rnrr Wrrfloal UaltliHaa. rhattanno**. Trnn . rvt. U.— I Tha Trt iMnlo Mxtii-el HoiTcty of Tnntmr, Ala bama ami Orornla. |n amnion In ihla oily, ha lakon atom to aaoura madloal iajrla lallon In ihnao thraa ai.itoa for Urn pnr (>••• of roenlxllnir or problMlln Iho mar rU*a of liaMlual rrlmlnala. poranna f -nii’lad with incuraWa <M*oaam. ilrunlurUa *l vlotlma of harmful dniyi " SHIRTS Men'a Pin* Colored Percale (HUT Roa can Hhlrta. open hack and front, fad col or* Worth lino, for Thia Salo 75 cents UNDERWEAR Men's Fine fleeced Dined Orey Shirut and Drawer*, Iwwjnd aeama. mealy fln. Ished. Worth 75c, foe Thia Sal* 48 cents ' UNDERWEAR Wright's genuine Health Cnderwaar In Shirts and Drawers. Siiurday and Mow day $1.25 a garment UNDERWEAR Men's fln* material Wool Shirts and Drawer*, patent aeama, hand-made. Worth |l. Saturday and Monday 73 cents each 5