The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 15, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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the weather. fur Monday and Toesdav ,l.l Houth Carolina: Fair Mon j 7oe-,la>. 1 lrt>(. variable wind*. ** -..jrWo: Generally fair Morv • rain In extreme aoulhertt por (air. light, variable winds. , Florida: Fair Monday and l,i. -day; tight to freah northerly i tJ y’a Weather at Savannah: v v , iUI i. mperalure 3pm .80 degreaa , irmperaiure J a m... M degree ( i-mieralure I® degrees N m,. •i-mp#rtura decrees * .1 temperature .... .... 2degr<es , ad excess at nee Oct. . £4 dogre a . jied excea# since Jan. SO Inch O Inch .. i M 1 3.78 Inches , rlnce Jan. 1 7.01 In* hea !, |x>T(—The hlghl of the Sevan ai Augusta, at Ha. m. i7sth me " . . yesterday, waa 7.4 feel, a risa i~i daring the preceding twmty- L.'h. .re- • ,Uona taken at the same mo , ,f time at all stations. Ocu It. 1900. n mi i iiliun lime; ” s of Stations. | T | V ;Rain . < i.mily | M | 8 | 04 ' rk city, raining .j S3 | It , .02 p, , i tita. cloudy > ( 6 | -06 , son city, cloudy .i 6t | 6 | .00 N , clear I6x L | .00 I, clear I TANARUS 1 It | .00 o t vson, clear | k I 6 | .00 , . i. Me. clear | t* | L j .*) K clear I*B | L 00 ton. clear | [ L | .00 , tear I 68 I 8 | .00 \i,, i- a. clear I *1 I L j .00 ‘gisonnah. clear | 68 | L. | .00 .i . nvllle. clear | 72 j I, j .00 > i-r. dear I 80 6 I T w \., t. |>t. cloudy ....| 78 | 8 |].3B ,- rt ni clear I 7t | 6 j .00 \i ,i, c.ear I** | l 00 >i i *sinery. clear | 70 i l, oo V K ts.rg. clear | 6* Calm .00 V a (Irlnms. clear j 70 I I, | .0# veston. clear ...| 7t , H .00 , mus Chrtetl. clear ....j 78 | 13 ' .00 Pa ‘line, clear I *4 | I, j (• M-mphls. clear j 72 i L | m.all. clear 66 Cnlm 00 )• M.t.Mrg. clear j 62 j I. | .01 ! itfa'o |>t. cloudy J 88 | I, | T ;.*i ■ ■,t. clear | 6* I L | .00 ig.i clear | 6J I. *K> Marquette, clear I 60 | la .00 I'aul, clear j 66 | 8 .00 Divenport. clear I 66 Calm' .00 a- Louis, clear 73 j L j .00 K 111] . |enr TO | 6 i .00 >; iiioma. i*t. cloudy .....| 66 J 6 T • illy, clear j 86 | L | .00 . I latte, pt. cl'dy. ! 73 . L> i .00 w. n Boyer. Forecast Official. THE KXGLIXM or BJGUUD. itmrrlnin Visitor's Hard Wrnllf \\ Itli <><ld Words and Phrase*. From The Boston Transcript II Isn't alone the accent, nor yet the In .-linn, which make* the English of the l . h puzzling to American ears. It Is l wry definite and Inflexible way of say l-. iliings. They sp> ak by a rode. When n it "a dull *lay. Isn't It?" When tv th- rmometcr mount* into the eighties lose." The weather l* “thick" when mist creeps over the landscape, or so long as It does not actually rain. , London landlady, one scorching July I 1 observed that the morning was Could you have seen the stare of * -bred itm tzement wish winch she re ; i irreproachably, “It ts dose." you I not wonder that I registered a vow to m my own methods no more . i the expressions are not only un- Am< -I aniy uniform—they are pretty unl ficrily un-Amerlr.m Ordinarily, that is ■ ‘I the trouble there Is about It. The phrase lrnlUglhle enough, but strange For w ir. n you are told that the yel moh of public-school bo>w who pack ■' trains on the tlrst of August are going 1. re for the "hauildays." you gel a m*e i>- iry shock We have the holidays so •I- associated with frost ami Chrtst . mg l hat It I* hard to realise that the * I* I may l*e properly appliwl to the dog Again, when the landlady at an Inn. a answer to your request for rooms, [' ps out her ready-made phrase, “We’re • up' ' there Is no ehance for misunder ding Ho with “Are assurance.” "men t . boy." "keeper-ling." (guard rtng.l •■et led" (folding bed.) etc., all very al. no doubt, but likely, nevertheless. hi tire t you meet them, to give your brain a turn. N> and then, however, you encounter > xprrsston by no means simple of com l> • vision When on the dtssy top of mv London bus an Inoffensive-looking F> hwomnn turned to me ami said stlff- Pnank you!" I did not understand he- Twice she repeated with stem cm- P "Thank you!” and half rose from ■a* Then I saw- that she wanted to I me. The remark was a request ths ■i ’lme. a command the second. Bui h pray, was an American to know that"’ E- 'n (he simple words "up ' and “down" I' l too much for me when I foun.l th-m marking the platforms of a suburban (' ti Bring hound for the north I *- "l the side placarded “I'p trains.’ I' r ■ ntly a |>orler came to me and de i>‘ I abruptly, “Where for?" “York." I A shade of melancholy rrnwi'd hi-* I* You'll 'ave to croas the line by the Miss, this I* the hup side " J pro '••I I is going duo north, and would ' means take a down train. “Well > In going from I/ondon. he'ant you. retorted the porter, as If fhat ret ■•l i* And. Indeed. It did North, south. ' nr w-rat. It's “up" to Eondon and ■o' io everything elae In the Island is another occasion 1 came near being I !•> death by a pursuing hansom. 1 •-•••. f -month. I stood still when the r veiled "HI, hi!" To me "hi" meant. I nil. there, I want to spesik to you." * ol.lete anil Mesm Honndnhont. ■< <h*-*e mystifying phrases I noted ary. and unraveled them new* l>v ’ w-rn "steam mundaliout," "a 1 Rivaling.” "annual sermon." "cu " I "chocolate san twlch." The I ote. It was layer cake Tim investigated and found It lo he a m The annual sermon I found did not moan onlv one sermon ' fall I bought, and U proved te Lastly. 1 refused to have ary io with n et-rani roundabout when • it to be a rampant merry-go , ‘ " 'he whole, | had little serious ' ‘ 1-1 underF-iendlng what was said to ' sc.led only a little ingenuity and v h i<etlons to get at the meanings ~ n •' utn- to making the English un r,t b'e however. M was a very dlf ' urn tier I found them anything but interpreting unfamiliar phrases after repeat'd failures lo per m" ' *' ’ conductor to "let me out" rossing that I learred to say , r , •own." which workfd like a e-Wed a hooking clerk for stop n.,. 1 ’ Hr( * he stared In amaxr -1 night "break the Journey" If I what did I mean by stopover"’ - ri trip" only served to elevate CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. r - Kind You Hare Always Bought Ell KBHw m The trade mark design % m shown above and below iden- % m tifies the “In-er-scal Patent % m Package,*' used exclusively by % m the National Biscuit Company. % m This package is the only method of / preserving all the goodness of the best % m baking and excluding all dust, moist- % m ore, odors, and germs. No matter how % m far away you may be, the delicate crispness, m flavor and freshness is brought to you as if % C the baking was just drawn from the oven. ■ % These are the bakings you can now m \ buy in the “In-cr-scal Patent Package:” # \ Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Butter # \ Crackers, Saltines, Banquet Wafers, # % Sultana Fruit, Graham Biscuit, # % Sea Foam, Oatmeal Biscuit, m % Ginger Snaps, Handmade # \ Pretzelettcs, Vanilla Wafers. # Always examine the ends of the m % paekagr before you pay tor it —see m that this seal is on each end. m % NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY g : PROPOSALS WASTED. ""PROPOS A LKOKVK?"- sels Nantucket and Cheyenne—Re tied pro posal* will lie reeelvol at the Navy De partment until noon on the 14th day of November. ]>. at which lime nnd place they will be opened, for the purchase of the l' 8 vessels Nantucket and Cheyenne. They will be sold for cash lo the person or persons or to the eor|tortit:on or corpo rations offering tae hlgh<-i pr.c.- there, for. A separate proposal for each vessel bid upon must b.- submilted In scaled en velope. addressed lo the Secretary of the Navy. Washington. D. C.. endorsed "Pro posals for the purehase of the U. 8 8. ." (naming the vessel for which offer I* made), and each pro;i-*al must he aocompanled by a satisfactory cenl ud check for no( less than 10 [>er cent, of the amount o' the offer. On application to the Ngwy Department, forms of hide and bonds, together with the t.-rm -and condi tions of sale, also a printed lan giving general Infortnailon concerning these ves sels, will la- furnish’d. The vessels can be examined at any time uf’er thl* dile hy applying lo th- Comm.” <1 in’s of the Navy Yard. League Island. Pa sand the Naval Htatlon. Port Royal, 8. C.. where they now respectively lie. They must be removed from the limits of said yaid and station wlihln such reasonable tinn as may be fixed by the Department. The Department reserves the right to with draw either or both of th* above-named vessels from sale and to reject any or all bids. JOHN D. LONG. Secretary of the Navy. October 11. 19un. everybody's eyehrow* I soon learned to replace It with "How much for the round?*' Nobody understood me when I asked how many blocks or squares II was to 'he cathedral. Bui If I said "Can you direct me to the cathedral?" out came the con cise reply: "Top cf the street, second turn ing to the left. You can't miss It.” In Warwickshire I Irb and to .• nd my too rim beraome trunks ahead by express The porter assured me this was Impossible— U)rrn was no such system In i nglai l "Freight No. he didn't know any thing Bhout freight It ook the pen etration of the hot* I por’rr to fathom my dlffieilty and supply the neigh- wo d-. "goods train " In London I attempted lo buv a pair of silver cuff bottom* "1 don I think we have the article, madam." all the perplexed clerk. "Sleeve hullo -?" No better. "(Niff link ileevi links Mil no sii.-eese, "Things io fast n sour cuffs with'" ! cried at l ist In d* |s ration 8 ow ly a light broke over his countenance "At!” he exclaimed, "you mean soli taire!” and he didn't menn diamonds, cutl er Again, needing n paper fan for s'e.smer nee I lnqulre*l at a pharm i’-eutl and- hemlM shop Where fens were to !>*• foun I. and was dire* ted to n fruiterer and flo-l t bard by. An unlikely pi a a*, though* I However. In I went and demanded a fan ••Censlnly." raid Ihe obsequious xhcpk *p er, "but do you require one In a not They thought I aakl "falrn to rhyme with bairn" and that In their dialect Is am-llad f-e-r-n. Only by ao'ing "* hn " Should I get What I warned. I hastily explained and wa* directed io the estab lishment of II Quick A 80”. silk merer s linen draper*, haberds-h* -s. nn-l uphol eserera. where I found my article In the Ironmongery departmsnt. Ther* if a certain amount of pnhofo: n\ to be derived fr m all thi-. In lh* flie* plare never expect an Englishman to m* • t you hslf way In Ihe strugclr for pcaplcu- On the Invader mu*' lie lh* 0n..-* <f accommodation Therefor, s* I about ac quiring (he language as promptly s io* !bie, plrk up Ihe accepted Knali h phraa* tm th** arrant, and evwi the odd upward Hit of tha arntence. and your rrrar.r** through the Island will be wonderfully smoorher than that of vour wool.n-he.Ad countryman who refuse* to abate on*' tittle of hi* Yankee vernacular —"Would you take our darling daugh ter from ue?" tearful.y asked the mother ••Why— er—yes." replied the star’l* I youth. "Thot's my Idea l—l really badn t contemplated taking the whole larolly you know.' '—Chicago PosL . '1 HE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1900. LEGAL NOTICES. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Wherva*. Elixalu-th Goughian ha* a|*|'lia<l to Court of Ordinary for letters of ad ministration <1 l*<*nl non on the astatr of Thonuis Wall, drepsaad. Those arc. th refor*-. lo clfs and ad monish all whom It may concern to be in l ai*i>* nr before sold court to make ob jection (If any the) hove) on or before the flrsl M nday In November, next.other wise said letter* will he granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 29th day of Heotemher. 19<k- FRANK K. K KILHACH. Clerk Ct. Ord’v, C. Cos. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- In Chatham County. G* orgla, Superior Court. June Term,l9o6—Charles O. Dooley vs. Mary A I>ooley. Libel for Total'Dl voree. To Mary A. Dooley. Defendant Y’ou are required to be and appear, either jiersomilly or by anorney. at the next Bu perlor Court, holden In anil for said coun ty. same being the first Monday In De cember. INKS-then and there fo answer pl aintiff on th- merit* of the above stated case. Ira default the court will proceed as Justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. R. Fnlllganl, Judge of said court, this 11th day of September. 1900. J. L MURPHY. Drp Cierk. S C.. C. C.. Oa. TIIO3. L. HILL. Attorney. NftTICK TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT • ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Notice la hereby given to all persona having demand* agatnsl Elijah Crawford, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out. within the lime preserlted by law. to as lo show their character and .amount; and all per son x Indebted to said deceased are re quired to moke Immediate payment to m- NANCY C. CRAWFORD. Executrix. Savannah. On., Oct. 2. i960. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY - Whereas. Emma Roberts Walthour has applied lo Court of Ordinary for letters of administration, on the estate of Joalah Law Walthour, deceased. These are, therefore, to rite and admonish oil whom It jnaay concern te lie eand appear before -.aid court h* m ake nbjectlean (If any they have) on or before the first Monday In Nov mbyr, next, otherwise said letters wall be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hamp ton L. Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the sixth day of October. 1900. FRANK E KBILBACH, Clerk Ct Ord’y, C. Cos. legal sum. bankrupt sale of assets. SA VANNAH BOX AND BASKET WORKS Under nnd hy virtue of an order grant ed by th<- ll< u A. II MacDonell, Ref ,r<e In Bankruptcy. In Ihe mailer of W. H. Bellinger. Bankrupt, the undersigned will *• R. t public in lion, on the prem t-. r* Iccnted on the ls)ul*vlll*' r <ed. In the city of Savannah. (Li., on Monday. Oct. l:,. 191*1, ai 11 o’clock. (Savannah city time). In the forenoon, lot of machinery, tenia and apparatus for ’he manufacture of hoxe# crates, barrel* nnd baskets, among which are: Titus Veneer Machine; Titus Adjustable Head Saw; Saw Table; Haws; Hand and Power Cllp- Pr* E A B Holmer Doub'e Surface planer; uui-Off and Heading H.iwsisAl llngtot) A CuGla Blower Bvsinm com- Hot Air Dry Kiln; Pulleys. Shaft in Belting; Basket Forms; Barrel Laths srd H oi*-. Orange Box Hsads; No X. Iron Wire; Tacks. Nall*, die., ate. Private sealed bid* lor the whole or any part of the aaeets will be received by the undersign* I. up t . October 10. at 10 o'clock In ihe forenoon, wnlch will he o *nei by- ’h* Referee •* hit office. No. I Bryan e'reet. east, at said time and place. Higrt to r.Jtct any or all hldx ra served Term* of sale: Cash Property may h* Inspected and full list ~, n by applying to. JACOB GAZAN. Trust e. it Provident Building, Savannah, a* Wext End Street Cxr goex lo th# Fxc aorjr. MK MI win. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE October 15 to .10, inclusive. Kent. Slightly Shop-worn and Slightly facvl Pi.tnoK and Organ*. All High Grade Instrument* in Perfect Kcpair. One Price to all with legal inter cat on deferred payments. t* the only really fair way toaell Piano* and Organs. Upright Pianos. Schubert Plano. Style I*. No 23305 figured Oak rae. largest s*xe made. full l.ngth Music Rack; Con ttmioua Nickel lllnaes, Boston Fall, Elab orate Carving: Latest Improved Mando lin attachment From our reni aiovk. hi perfect oondlilon. l ard otily ala ■non i ha. Regular Frlca Mb'. Mala Price. KM. Wellington Piano. Blyle D. No S9T Oenulne Mahogany Caae. double ve neered tnalde and >ut. Largest Stxe Made: Full l-ength Monte Hark; Continuous Nlckle Hinges, Boa ton Fall, ivory Key* From our rent atork. In perfect coudltlon, L’ard only aeven montha Regular Price tt< gale Price, . Klngabury Plano. Style E. No 16661 Medium 81a<- Mandaome oak Caae: Three Pedal*. Roalon Full; Contlnuayua Hinge cm Fall Uourd. Full Length 31 uale Rack Rented one year. In perfect con dition Regular Price *3OO. Rale Price. lIH. W.lllngton Plano. Style A. No 17300. Medium Rle. Mahogany Finlnh; Full Length Mualc Rack. 3 Pedaln; Honor Fall.ln aplendld condition. Rented nlna month,. Regulor Price. 3250. Sala Price. 3130. Schubert Plano. Style 17. No. 20316. Ilandaomely Carved Mahogany Caae. largest Hite Made. Full la-ngth Mualc Rock. Contlnuoua Nlckle Hlngea. Roalon Fall; luteal Improved Mandolin Attach ment. Peed aix montha In perfect con dition. Regular Price *IOO. Rale Price 1296. Schubert Plano. Style 17. No. 22684 Mahogany fare, midi a above, adghtly shop-worn. Perlect condition Regular Price *4no. Bale Price. *335. Klngabury Plano. Style 11. No. 28700 ■urge,l *4ge mad* Mahogany t’a*e; Double Veneered Inakle ami oul; Ivory Key*; Contlnuoua Nickel Hinge*; Full length Mualc (tack; Three Pedals; Bos ton Fall; Dulcet M..01e Pedal; Patent Repeating Action; New Improved Beale Slightly ahon-worn—can hardly be told from Piano direct from factory. KfguUr Price *llß. Rale Prlca *36 Klngabury Plano. Style B. No. 28001. Same aa above. Regular Price. *J7u. Rale Price, *3OO. Klngabury Plano. Htyle it. No. 3*B>6 Same a* a love, except liandnomr Bufl Walnut 'ahe Regular Price. *375. Bale Price. S3*.. Klngabury Plano. Style B, No. 38748. Same a* above. Regular Price. (335. Sale Price. *385. Organs. Windsor Organ. No. 110171. Chapel Style Solid Walnut Caae. Eleven Stop* anal Coupler*. Swell and Orrat Organ; Klv* Octaves. Second-hand, but In good con dition. Worth New. *66. Bale Price, US. Heady Organ. No U®l7. Parlor Style. Walnut Case. TZ Stops. Seoond-hsnd Fair eondltlon. Worth New. NO. Bale Price. k>. Beatty Organ. No 11383. Parlor Style. Walnut Case; 23 Slops. Second-hand. Fair condition. Worth New. in, Sale Price. 19 75. Taylor A Farley Organ. No. 25592. Parlor Style Music Cabinet In top: 5 Octaves: 5 Slope Second-hand Oood eondltlon. Worth New. sk*. Sale Price. $lO. Standard Organ. No 51X53. Parlor Style. Musk-. Cabinet In top; 5 Octaves; Ivory Keys: Z Stop*. Second-hand. Oood con dition. Worth New. S4O. Sals Price. $lO. Estey Organ. No, 1156X4. Ckaprl Rule Walnut Case. Nine Stops; 6 Octaves. Second-hand (Jo! condition Worth New. S7O. Sale Price, S3O Estey Organ. No. IX7H4, Parlor Style. Music Rack In top. Slops, Walnut CaF*. Swell and Great Organ Fine tone. Second-hand, hut good condition. Worth New, s6>. Sale Price. $25. Gem Organ. No 6464 C. Parlor Style. Walnut Case; M'-sl<- Pocket In top: 10 Stops, Swell and Great Organ; Neat Case. Worth New. sffi. Sale Price. sls. Sterling Organ. No. 65172. Parlor Style. High Top; l-orgc French Beveled Mir ror; Handsome Bracket and shetf work. Walnut Case; II Stop*. Couplers, Swell and Great Organ. Worth New. $55.. a bargain at S4O. Chicago Collage Organ. Style S.No. 173513, Parlor Style. French Plate Glass Mirror In top; Wal nut Case; 10 stops. Coupler*. Swell and Oreat Organ, t'sed three month* Worth New, $55. a bargain at S4O. Kimball Organ. No 116595. Large Parlor Style; walnut case; Hurl Walnut Panels In front; high lop; 10 slop*. Couplers,Swell and Great Organ. Second-hand. Oood coiulttlb* Worth New, $65. a bargain at $45. Mason A Hamlin Organ, No. 157909. Par lor Style. Walnut (’use; Music Pocket In top; 6 Stops. Great Organ and Swell; luimp Stands. Worth New. $56. Sale Price, SX. New Organa. Slightly shop-worn. Great bargains at price* quo'ed These Organs fully guar anteed for 6 year* hy the CABLE COM PANT. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN. Worth 8 lie Price Style 115—No. 19.’4t $75.0) *sf,> Style 115—No. 196177 75.00 U *0 Style 115—No. 197224 7500 f,vi Style 115—No. 196’M 71.00 55.00 Btyo 9k No 197239 65 00 mm Style 50—No. 195177 5500 90.00 Style 10—No. 197224 ........ 65 09 Style 60-No. 19722S 65 00 style 850—No 1*6723 125 f 60 60 Btyle |s—No 166767 65 09 70.00 The price quoted Organ* Is for Spot Cash, but we will se l for same price on time with addition of 6 per rent. Interest on deferred payments Term* $lO and 58 per month or one-half cash and one-half in twelve months. Grand Pianos. Halted A Davis Concert Grand. No 3X1)46 Alandsomo Rosewood Case. Carved Legs and Lyre Slightly urd but good as new. Overalrung base, finished over aa good as nee With new ha-s strings. Worth New. 37.*> The greaiesl bar gain In our eiorc at 3376. Square Pianos. J 4 T FV*her I’Mno, No H indwim* !tos< Hotiii Cinr, Cirvit) • ihl Lyrr. OvrrAtiunK li.ip-*. Full fltltd Key lioant. Ivory K* y*. H- k nt lotusl Ui • irumrnl. A Uiriti.ii and( 17*. WorrfMfr Hquare I'Uno. N. .MM H<ntlM>m Lliilil Rowirooil i'hiw; Over strung Itiisß s. \on OciAveft, lvury 000 l comlhion. NU*® Tone. A t>rg tin it fro. Htefff A]iiim * .ino V very tine Inutrument. Well worth $->>. a lurraln ni s9l llallett A Cumrlon Square l*tann, No.SHR Hllfl Walnut C®*, Ivory Key*. Oxer •trung ilu**; Seven OcUive*; Hound Cor ner* A bargain $lO. Wake Square I'Una, No Ml. A hjrg.tln • I s3u A r>unhm Square I'lano. No Cl* A tk.irg.lllX Al 4~> Haoafi A VUven B*(iiare Piano, No. &14 A txargaln at f> Smith Htjuirt' Piano, N*x 11127. A Nr* gain at sls. other harg tins In Square Piano® Pre'e* quoted are lor cash, lull we wxlil sell on terms of #lO cash .m l $T* |>er moniti. with addition of 8 |er cent. Interest on deferretl p.iynnnlf. CABLE PIANO CO., 14U and 118 Whitaker St., SAVANNAH, GA. CLASSIFIED AUVERfISEMENTS. mmivtu "DULL RAZtIRS CACHE SHARP talk; avoid both by having your rnxor ground. hond. sat and to shave like new. by the old experienced barber. 28 East Broughton Hair. Jewelry and Shaving Supply House, the place (or (Inc raxor*. sirups and shaving oiilllls. barber chairs for sale or rent, barber shops t*ought and sold IS VOIJIt llti'N SAFE FIRE-PROOF 1 Ri lITel A Freeman have a standing offer of *l.o*o for every safe of their make that does not preserve ltg contents. On* *•*(.. was In burning debris 113 hours When taken out, (he hoae had to be turned on 11. When opened, not a page was discol ored, not a record io-t. not a dollar de stroyed. If you want security, buy a Sii(Tel A Freeman safe C. P. Miller, agent. MORPHINE. OPIUM LAUDANUM cocoa!ne habit; myself cured, will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary R Baldwin. Box 1213. Chicago “lIOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing? lei ue put II In shape, *1 per month Sterling Pressing Club, U Yi*rk, w “YOU WILL LIKE TIIF. MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; U’x rich ami pure; fry It. FURNITURE UPHOLRT ERBD. MAT tresses renovated. Antique furniture re pollsned. furniture packed and shipped In heal manner Semi me your orders. C P Miller, agent. RONH FLOI ’R~;“30-I’OI’NI' RAO. Mr leave order with E Moyle. 10 Broughton street, eaai. or 114 Park avenue, eaat. J. Gardner, ag-nt. “if its ruos tou want, tou can gel them cheaper from McOlllla. SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, ladle*' aixe, at *3 J. W. Teeple. T"AM NOW L< e-ATKI* AT 414 WEST Broughton, ring up IIBC If you wan* lo have your furniture moved nr packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that's given lo me A 8. GfHßn*4l4 Broughton street, west; mattress* s made to order MILLER'S STOVES AND RANGES give a.itlsfactlon The Megnetlr. Econo mist. Waldorf, King, and other good makes ai reasonable price*. 3/7 Brough ton, weal HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing’’ let us pul ll in ahap*-; *1 per month. Sterling Pressing Club, 19 York. w. KENSINGTON FARM MILK IB UN eurpassed for richness; delivery Is per fect; phone. 2146 REE MILLER I “It OFFICE DESKS office table*, office mailing, office abode* 3(fi Broughton, west WHEN YOU REE M GILLIS-'RIXTY- Inch M cents ruga, you will buy them. Just ean't help It; will aell In an> quan tity. FOR FLORAL DESIGNS. CUT FLOW era. plants and bulbs, from Oek*-hlg s nursery: leave orders with K. Moyle. In Broughton street. eaat. J. Gardner. agen*. "FURNITURE Mol DD W’ITH CARS. " la a etMclalty with MrGtIMo. “MILLER S NEW STYLES IN CAR pet*, matting*, linoleums, window shades etc. All work done In llrst-c!aas style. 307 Broughtrti, west. “SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sala by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insuranca gasoline stove. “m'OILLIB IS CHEAP ON RUOS. NETS lace curtains, hammock*, water cooler*, pillows, picture*, stove*, bedroom eulte*. end furniture of every description “HOW AROUT YOUR WINTER clothing? let u* pul It In sh*p~; *1 p r month. Sterling l-reeelng Club. 19 York, w *1 48 BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large aseortment of rocker*, divan* and easy chairs. C. P Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation lb the country, free from city drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk. phon.< 2345 De livery prompt; satlefacllon guaranteed M UtLLIS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and at ores planoe and furniture; beat work only; no "Cheep-John" prlcee—oo "Cheep- John" Jobe. *IOO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTB, while they :aat. C. I* Miller, agent. M'OILLIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. 32.(0 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they laal. Big agsnrtnu nt. ell grade*, of art squares, ruga, mat*, portiere*. C. P. Miller, agent M OILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrne pattern#— for 89 rents. SUMtiL HOW ABE YOUR FEET? IF TOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all dlaeasee of the feel without pain; charges reasonable; ran give the beat reference# In th# city; pa tient# treated at realdenee#; order* can be left *4 L'vlngston'a drug sfoee. Bull and Congreea s4rete: telephone 133. lan Davie surgeon rhlroppSlst HELP MAVTEP-N4I.R. WANTED. SHOEMAKER ON NEW work and repairing at or re at 209 Jeffer son afreet. Savannah. Ga BKICKI-AYERR WANTED AT OAB. ton Is. N. C. Flyr.l Building and Construc tion Company. “WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS 17EL1.1 ble turner for both outside and Inasl work; eleedv employment eteie wagr* expected J E Kurhler, 330 W. Forayfu street, Jacksonville, Fl* “WANTED A FIRST-CLARB HORSE •boor. Apply Wbllama • treat. IIKI.I' IV tITKfI—N4LR. WANTED. EIIUIT-CI.ARB MACHINIST at Mlngb-dorff A Co.'* utilchlno shop, 510 Indian street, WANTED. BOOKKEEPER BTENOG iwpher. druggist, laundry machinist, bak ers, bricklayers, mill man. lie choppers, cypres* and pine log i hoppers, sawyers, orange i*ackrrs. Iluhcr, 317 Weal Bay. Jacksonville. “OULORED MAN BOBER AND mtstworlhy lo prepare for traveling Salary and rgi-enae* lo t*cg!n. Enclose ad dress, and envelope. I'rrsident Macllrady. 356 Dearborn Chicago WANTED. TRAVELING SALESMAN for slate of Georgia; give reference!. El l*adre Cigar Cos.. St lx>uls. WANTED TRAVELER TO BELL Cl tiers, syrups and cigar* Apply Interna tional Table Supply Company, HI Louis. Mo. liiwLl* WA3TKO-PKIIAM. vCanteiT capable ~ glbl FOR general housework HM Broughton atreot. cast. WANTED, II O U S E K E E V E It S clerk*, alenographers, eomp.inlon*. ladles’ maid*. nur*e*. cooks. lanndreaes, wal- Itesse*. chamlu-imaids; all pail* of Flor ida and K->uih Oeargtn. Iluhcr, 117 Wesl Bay street, Jacksonville. LHI-MII KIT WANTED. 'TixTTTfmTNrTfp LAY htendgbX' pher <tc*lr< s |H*sltlon; can furnish type writer. Addrtss "Index," rare New* It 011 VI > VI ANTED. WANTED I “It nlshisl Hat of four rooms atul a kllehrn. Situated between Liberty and Anderson and Bull and l*tlce. Apply "C." rare News WANTED— HIM KU.IIKOH. UEItFEi Ti.V~ FItEHII eggs for family ns*-, will lake four .kuten weekly nt K*a>*l |*rlce. Apply 110! Ilalier > elreet WANTED To BUY FOB CASH A nice small house, either frame or brick, must he good location. A*Mrrs* Home, care News. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK, GET IT from Sisingheld Dairy, It’s rloh. pure and wholesome. if rou want a ri.Acyi to dumb earth, dirt. sand, manure. <>4c., fra* of charge, Just at city limit* hauling over hard road, anils nr telephone Brown Bros., curnec Anderson and East Broad streets. Foil IIKNT tiooxt*. NICELY FURNISHED IUKYMS. southern exiaieurr. modern conwnlem-e*. 310 Jones, east. NICELY FURNISHED lto,.\| ALL conveniences. hot nud cold water; 368 Barnard, near Liberty, NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH room to one or two gentleman. 122 Tay lor street, weal. FLATS FOB RENT. FOR BENT FLAT AND BASEMENT to small family. No. 12 Jones street, east “FLAT. LARGE AI.COVED. AND TWo other r<*mis tinfurn! h*sl ■■nnnnctlng with bath. 7* Gorrhm street, east “FOR RENT FLAT OF 4 CON N EOT lug rooms ami bath; 3ttt Gwlnnetl. west; n*-xi to Barnard; Inquire on premises, or of W J. MDcally, Jr. l ean bum f-(ii ls FOB BENT. TWO-RTORY It ESI • de-nce; t>ay wln*B*w, south front; has and < e>td water; convenient to three car lux* and I'ark Extension; rent *96. C. H. Dorset i I “It BENT. 17 DUFFY *THUKT east, paessesslon at once. Apply George L tiarmany. agent, 16 Bryan street, easl. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 217 Waldburg street, east, between Ahcroorn and IJncoln, flrst-clasa order and condition: every convenience Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Bnaughton streets. “ FOIt BENT 1014. 8 ROOMS. NEWLY reiHilreal. Inquire 1612 Jefferson FOR RENT. RESIDENCE 3HMMALL east; eight rooms, hit arsl cold water; • leganl locality; also 716 Habersham: Im mediate |M*e**lon. Apply W. W. Halat ion 268 Eighth at reel. east. VUR IIKM—aTORKI. fpTuTHWEST earner Whitaker and Liberty streets. Ap ply 18 Liberty street, wesl. FOR BENT. STORE, 113 BROUGH ton street, rsat; fmaaesslon Immediately also several d<ati able ra<ldencea and ffata. A t p)y A. Wylly, U Bryan atraat. •sat. FOR BEST-MISCKLLAKBOBS. “7^rrpTE^’TßETrrr ; StrTMr^TFi : icß for rent, corner Brotighlon aitd West Broad streets; formerly ocrupied by the Siivannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. II I'. Smart. FOIt RENT. DESIRABLE” OFFICE for real estate or Insurance. Apply lo Beckett & Beckett, 24 President street, east. FOR RENT. SUITABLE FOR STORE or office, southeast corner Montgomery and Perry street lane. FUR SALE—BEAL U 1 tTg FOUR HULL STREET CORNERS; Third, Eourlh, ttlxlh and Tenth streets C 11. Dorsett. “bull STREET LOTS between Thlnl and Fourth, and between Fifth and Sixth streets C. 11. Doraetl. EXTRA SIZE corner LOT. THIFI- Iy-flve feet by one hatn.|re*l anal twenty two. Jefferson and Fourth. C. H. I><r sett. NORTHWEST CORNER 1/T SEC. ond and Barnard; the only corner on Bar nerd unsold. C. H. Dorsett. FOUR I JITS ON WHITAKER AND Second. Including the corner, for *2,*09 C H Dorsel t BULL STREET RESIDENCE; HIV rooms, besides pantry, hath and kUcheti. and large lot for *2.506, lime or cash. C H. I>or*ett FOR A TWO-STORY R Evi dence. No 1710 IlnlH-rsham. with a few hundred dollars caah; balance ran be paid monthly. C. H. Dorsett. RESIDENCE No. 306 YORK WEST three stories on lasemenl; two Imth room*, quite low in price. C. II Dorset!. A SPLENDID CORKER IA)T, 40X115 llal*ersham and W.ildi-urff, *2.500, a great Imrgaln C. H tDoraett. “a NET RT" PER CENT INVEST • m*-nl for 37 060. business and reelderc* property. C H. Dorsett. NEAT EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE ON King street, near Barnard, no city taxes; lot 46x96 C. H. Dorsett. FINE ItES4IHENCE SITE ON TENTH street; north front, between Bull and Drayton. C. H. Dorsett. A TEN It* >.*M RERIDENCE ON Gwinnett, near Montgomery, for *4,(l*) C H rmrselt EIGHT THIRTY-FOOT' LOTS “N Minis street, near New Union station, for *4.0*41; no tletter piace for small dwellings C H Doraetl. FOUR ACRES OF I-AND NEAR THE city on i*aved road, shout half mile from trolley line. C. H. Doraatl. THREE-STORY RESIDENCE ON haaemenl; near Ftorsyth I’ark on Rull . ttrart, (rootlnc aquarc. C- 11. Dotiatt. AUCTION 841.C1 THIS DAY. nwjXErTOP^ESKTMOir" < %*•:*, ri it \iti hk, Jk r ai enoi, c. ii. donuitt, A#nnf#r, Will Mil Montlay. IMt. u( 22 ConfTMi, w#N(, at U o'' % kH*k; A lot of fin** fiiriiltiirr, roller top mahoicany 4<thl<* rari**fii, Arucora ruir, wurlrolx#. rxtrnaion tuiq#. muilc tin, crockery ml RUfxwir®, oak bureau# ih*ln, louhkc*. aha<l#a, fancy chnlro ami iHblfx, 2 Iwmkii i'lnsi, muhuK any crnlrr lablr, willow of-tie#. mt- Ir*®iB, crib, r frlicTi*tor. ennmel Move, rnnen of blarkina, iinufT, mak'hea ant aundry other irtifki. yilH* K4TATK. AN KUHOANT HOMS. NINKTT FESBT front, aeven r>3ini!*. on • afreet one bun •lt e*l feet witle In aiuthfrn pection. C. 11. Doroetl. - kl 1 A l.< T F(K TW<) HtTN dred dollara; eay term#, on Ninth nrwt, near Kant liruad. no city taxation. C. If. Dorsett FOR SALK. LOTI 7TH. NBAR Kaat Broad. a4 e#rh. will aoon bp advanced to s22s. wti#n a lot hap be#a paid ftr t can arringp to a bump bulH. C H Dorset! FOIt BALK. THCWE iaf#TH ON NINTH • ireri. near Kaat llroid, have only been •old 4o flraf*ela!a ptrtles. rHo will maka pood nelphbora. and nona other ran buy. The terms are very ropy, and (hey aro cheaper than any othsr In thp vicinity. i II I *raptt. FOR BALK. I-OTH ON NINTH BTREKT near Kaat Dread; no Hty taxe. at s?* each; twanfy-llv# dollars caah. and #aby monthly payments C. H Itorapft. RKBIDKNCBB AND Bi’ILDINO I/yni for ppla all over the city. Itobprt IL Tatem. real potato dealer. No. 7 York •treat west. ~FOH ALK OR RENT. m-ACntO farm with hiuae hri| out buildlnpw; ,r K •'Otalitkin Apply 67* Hlttriri street. ~ - ’■! I'UH lALfe-kIHIiLUIIBOUI. BOV It KM. THK roIHIII KINO* TRY It when your favorite mn ty falls, pt 2-e Ihxlil#* oddrd to a pill of honey tnaken a •tdriMlid mixture for Infants an.l children IIKNZOIN II ALM MAk KH THK SKIN like velvet, for atc ly druggist or pt lien* ry anil Aberrom I'erase I>ruK Stores, Whitaker ami Taylor streets TITRFKNTINIv LOCATION FOR sale, IK crop* ftret year boxen; acre* round tltnlH f , m $| A) imyt a*re; $2 per thousand boxes for 1e.e4l timixT. plenty of limber to In pot. in five inlls of ral> road, will plve |iosNepslot> n*wr or nt * ml f season Add res •* Hound Timber, ea# MornliiK New j*. RINK WOOD. 6a OKNTH iZadTs loads. sl-5 M 7 Hay. east. “FIRE PROOF dAFKR WR CARRY A fine line of Are proof safes In Mo k nl ill tlm*s The |*artleii can *e# xactly wrxat they are irettitut Our prices re as low as manufacturer* Ml It, with freight adxf ei| Parti*'# InteresfeAl. w*hi* wish a good tiro pnxof safe. Will do well to inspect our st(M'k lel|tf*tnari Hroe.. Lippm itt block. ia*‘ntti for manufu Hirers "Foir BALE CHKAP. BAI.OON CON nixtril with barfier sbof*. must sell al once, *4l u iiiiinl of KoInK Into other business; corner Hroughtoii and Houston •tree#. Savannah, Oa BPRINOFIKLD DATRY IB NOTKD for havlna rt< h. pur# milk; try It; you will bp p|en*cd ■UANUIIU. FI'RNIHHKD ROOMS. WITH HOARD; also table ttoMrdr. H$ liberty treet, east. "HOARD ' FRONT ROOM* WITH goml board, table boarders deslrol. Tat nall. third fruni Liberty. *"NIC® ROOM 6; HOPTHBRN KXPOB iire. good tpfde; central location; reason side rates, at 222 flurrio east. l*l.r vi ItlXte. MODERN PLUMBING IT WILL DM to your interest lo let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work: repair work a apeclalty. aa 1 am a practical plumlier. No guese work to endanger your life. Wiggins, phone flff. Georgia or IWU MinCKLLAXBOI'X. CALL ll’ PERRY A RENTON. IF you are going to move, shift or siorc fur niture; Hell ‘phone 1124. ~ HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED will) German rendy-mlsed paint; entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adami Paint Company. 'sanitary Plumbing" oas and steam fltttng, only experienced men em ployed. allow us to glye you a figure on your work A. C. Price A Cos., State (ind Jefferson street*, phones, 656. “wanted, one thousand ntitf gry people at th* Southern Grocery Com pany, lit Rornard street “PERRY A RENTON IVITJ, ltENO vata your old muttresses ,m<l furniture, make goott a* new. at very Utile cost. WE SELL HEWER PIPE. FLUE pipe, fir* < lay. lire brick at loweat prices. Adams Palm Company, lot Congress, west. MORE THAN ONF, HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard cash at lh* Southern Grocery Company, lit Barnard street. PHONE 556 BELL OR GEORGIA; AND let us (Reconnect and onnmcct your range, repairs of any make furnlahad for your stove or range; expert workmen only em ploy*!; can flgnre very close A C. Price A Cos., Stale and Jefferson etreets. PERRY u RENTON USE SPECIAL care In moving, shipping and storing furniture, 'phone lilt. OYPSINK IB THE REST WALL* FtN- Ish made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents, 101 Congress, west. “PERFECT GAS MANTLES; Mr ~ 15ft 2tc and 35c each; all guaranteed gas lamps the very kitest make*, put up |n yowr office, store or reahtence; only T?> cants; If your old gas burners need re pairing and overhauling, telephone. 655 Georgia or Hell, and we will do Ihe rest. A. C. s*r!ee A CO.. State and Jefferwm streets. REDUCE TOl’R LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned hard rath with the Southern Orocery Company, 114 Barnard street Norwood's "Satire" For sale al all News Slaads in Saraonab. USUAL NUTICW. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS OEOROIA. CHATHAM OOP NTT-NO (lca hi hereby Riven to all penoni hav ing demands against William K Dunn, Wile of said county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out, within the time prescrib'd by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all per sons Indebted to said deceased are re quired to make Immediate payment to me MRS ANNE DI'NN, Executrix. Savannah. Os., Sept. I. 1800. jm ■■■ ■ Morphine and Whiskey hab nnTTn i <u nested uiii or I1 U 111 111 confinement cnie Kuarso -111111 lUI teed or ao pay H H VKAL. lii * II HI N.n *r Lit Ms Springs mb- W ■ ■ V minim. Bar t AlPteU, US. 3