The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 16, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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VI ITK WILL HI IM> IT. iMlon ITahlrm *rt lied nl l"t --„ unl<> n depot question, which , 4 subject of agitation for bo ; ito have reach*d a happy , r in-t President Egan of the , ;,. o rsia. who rtv'ently returned , on (,.rerice hi I<l last work be i. pi* sentativea of the railroad# unmltolon appointed by the j , in,, thr matter, of which Gov. . hair man, report# that the i tn a fair way of settlement. ] r.:nl*'!->n wl’l recommend to the , that it make u*© of fund* j. . 4 - - iai. and drawing a low • M-*t. lor the erection of anew In Atlanta suitable to the ttafllc there. The cost of • i ure Is estimated at between I u *j f>.uUo. As the etat owns projKrty and cite ard desires , : to it. It would ©imply he im , own property by the erection j l l”pot A contract would of t .j ..:• >1 of the railroads whi'h ! the required hnnual rental; on of rental. Mr Ksnn states. 1 .in which chiefly occupied the This proposition had pre- 1 ~ n submittal by the eommis -1 th* railroads* hud announced * tin •** to pay an annual rental i > 5 per cent, of the cost. Th , • .|.-rnainhl ;fi |er cent rental • railrou l |eople thought rather j %v.* decldel that they siouUl mntser under <*m si derat lon and iter Moat of the railroad* have favorably, and Mr Kg in sail . w.i satisfied that all interested | v l *k> so. solution Is a very satisfactory J ..I Mr. Egan. “It Is true that cf Interest demanded Is rattier n re in fact, than the state Is j milled to. 1 think, but. in our de ni of thts Atlanta union de- ! • <*n. i\* are willing to agree to 'ifiy urrangement which promis 'd • tory settlement. Th*' state will \ , c vlng its own property and r- fair and so cannot 10.- . •• If the depot had been owned ! i ill rood© they would have been ! i I to improve tt long ago. hut © ■ • wn*d by the si.itr why this was mother matter ." .ipproval of the legislature wi'.J be | i ary. of course, in order to carry the j c- n into effect. The average j • legi ia* t |s |n<*lmed t look ■ i ujKUi any movement which in- t putting out motley for the benefit i • failroadt- hut tn** report of tn© <>n with Gov. t'andh-r's ndor-e--iv -iv .1 go u long ways toward ratts i ii iheir scruples in th* matter. M r IM. Faulkner, traveling passenge** • of th. f'Uni System with head at Tampa, is in th* ©l:y to r •hiring the next month Mr J. II I mu-, the r*wMent traveling passenger w io will, during his .absence from ' ' mih. travel in the interest of the System, through North Carolina S •;: h i "a roll via. '• %.** .it %in it (|,\^kv Mil) N. junior department of the Young j * * hr.-tian Association Is a very tm- i I ,inf rari o. ars chdlor work It D f > r ' '*ern the <ig*> of 12 and 16 1* takes hold of boy* at formative i*erlod of their fives an I *• i md* them with proper Influences. 1 ffers to hoys u r n full of games, m crolartl. crokmcD, checkers, ©t?.. "•II supplied reftdlng room, Inciud ng i paper* as Youth's Companion. 8u > j at and Ht. Ni 'holas; i library of over i • volumes; three gymnasium classes u ' k. under the sup i vlai- n of a sktile 1 | . shower, ami tub baths, atal for j ■ wli.. are s* Inclined, ,t If,hie ©la a h will be held on 8 tturduys at 12:3 i • **'k. M- m her ship in the junior *l* partmem Is i • to any hoy of good character, te- : *- less of his religious hli*f. U|on pay • i .and ih.- annual fee of % lloys are <v allowed in the building at night after • lock in winter and h o‘* lo ‘k in turn tn< r. hoys In ih- gymnasium are now 1 nag h rn-. lv* - for the gymnast!- • ‘dtion in which they will take an in- -ting part. This exhlbidoai will be • n Nov. 2. Th* work of th- bays la I < has alway proved a credit to t ir Instructor and to themselves*. i:iaol(|M H !%•* •*% I t M. IKK IKK.** j I <tm-To I'riHoaier* t linracd Willi Vnrlou* t rime* Tried 1 mli*r<ln). Ii th. words of th sporting fraternity I'- rd*r II art ridge had “a full house” > r t \ morning when h* Iwgan court, r* v. re forty-two cases on the docket, it fortunately for the court officials none prisoners was charged with any • rtous often.**, so there were no very and t dU’U* cases. ! aml Norwood, colored, charged with I hng Gtorge Kindali. also colored, from wagon and attempting to cut him. was •• a sentence of 12 or thirty days, l iKuiglas. white, arrested for strik • child of Mrs. M Whelan. wa • * * I to |ny floor spend fifteen days b th* lock-up. b- he-k(. colored, arrested Sunday on -ft- of shooting the cow of I Wlll- w -*s turned over on a magistrate s t. charging him with malicious • t'harl. s Ward and Moses Gra l red rharg**l with throwing b. t •>* street.with the further charge Ward of having on his person a • • ! weapon, were g von each I2S or '' •• y rj i yji. Murphy, colored, arrested on the f the theft of a bicycle was re • ! to the City Court. I’tn.n r. ii \i \ ni and DAi. ”■ the I'riaoiier* Are gevernl tmrged W Ith Offcnsss. and deb*'fives did a htbk \ <• rd.iy as th** result of whhh o r will have an unusually |arg •' ! whbe. was urr*st<d b Do •' *rl i a h 'tise !n th*- 'Cr.iW, i M n escaped convict fr m Bry td will be t imed over t> the * here as foon as they >eud 10. Ini whbe w* sent In by ? Jernigan. chrrwl with the f r ire i loihe* ( om J in* But 1 *'h* * nrresf b> the #ame of!l?e •i ■f j .|4) Thomts. a eoore.l loy ' r ; and with fas and r<kl,-- *e negro wan riding a M yrl* • ift*-rnion on Bull street and ty •ni* *• ran Into ir I kno ke I ■ *r bicyclist who preferred h ’“•'•’lost him. 1 -> a young while man, was f*a romin I*. J Hmlih oi - 'f the theft of brass from the •rn Codon t* I Compan * <•( *th*r prisoners wcr. ir minor charg* .- Hill lte|ea*el on llonil. I who vus urteste,! in Bruns wk‘ ;igo. I t the offense of “ “‘ter aluren*€'<l to anoilnT, -ht to /tivannnh und commit*#d u.. yesterday, giving , ,r “ of for his appear ' f \ ’' Xl ftttn of tne trailed States Lourt. “Good Night.” How few wonu-n know what it i, to have a good night; a night of sound, restful sleep. They smile and aay " good night ” in clieery tones, but when the chamber door closes behind them, the Kittling dro(>s off. and allows the lines of suffering. Other women nave had the liad nights changed to good by the use of Doctor lherce's Fa-oritc Prescription. So ntav you. Ninetv-eight times in everv hun dred it perfectly cures diseases of the delicate womanly organs. It ltuilds up the nervous system, puts flesh on the body and color on the cheek. "Faroritr Prescription.- writes Mrs C N Anderson, of Rockbridge Baths. Rockbri<!ge Cos. Va . "Is a God-send to weak and sickly women, restoring health without subiectmg their nerves to the shock of an examination " I was all run down in health- could not work hut a short Jhilc without resting Was so nervous at ti**ie thit I could not even write; bad a very* poor appetite I decidrd to write to Dr Pierce and state my case I received a favor able reply, and commenced taking the * Favorite Prescript ion ’ and ‘ Pellets ' Took si* bottle* of'Favorite Prescription.' one of 'Golden Me<li caJ Din ivrry'aiMl oat viol of • pellets • lo> now work as well as I could before I was taken sick I think Dr Pierce s medicines the best in the world for sick and nervous women • Doctor lSerce’s Pleasant Pellets are specially adapted to the use of delicate women. Easy to take, gentle in action. at tiil; tiik 11 ut. 11 is ii fo nl *■ I'ruil nrtiiMi of *'|*rlvnle •V• IsAllen” Till* \\r**k. Among th* rhnradcri In Charles* B. Hanford's nw pl.iy. “Private John Al ien," which Manager \VeB announces .> the attraction for Frldav mid Saturday r -two .ir* quite unftimliinr to th*' stage, and *n*- that js among the oldest of obi friend*. Th** two first mentioned are those of John Allen hlnwdf, and the wi k**l wornm of the play "Berate Stokes." To Mr. Hnnfotd belongs the credit for exidoltlng in thle pr>luctlon a politician, and nn adventuns.s who while lieing in u cord with fact, ar** out of traditional . ne- John Allen Is not the ttunii-sp ak ir.g chln-whlskered. cheaply; char u ;er that niway.** * ••lines to mind, hut a patriot of the hi*;:.* - moral qualith md Intel!** dial He Is active In politics. Ihhiiui# he lMllev**s in ih** righteousness of the .ihml reforms he advocates, and puts his love of party next lo his love of country and of horn*- "Bessie Htoke*" b- none of your caressing, serfientine sirens, w*oo lure men to destruction. She ie i g-im ding woman, rather trH'iint<l to he loud, and w n Command of poker slang which would command raa|M*ctful iftention from a Mississippi river card sharp In lnya g**n** by. The discovery that she hns a conscience surprises h**r quite a- much as it fk>s the audtenc". She |s m*re amusing thnn coarse nnd awakens c*-nuine sympathy in the pa thetic strains. The familiar character is that one with out \\ iich ;• play of Southern life would ** compiet* the fevotH) colorsl house servant "t i.l Si." In "Private John Al ien a in *t genial s|ierimen of his kln-i. full of th** naive philosophy of hie r * • and be irlng himself toward the family wth that respectful fambiarlty winch, although th*’ alncerest homage, wed never h* tolerated or understood in * Northern household Gentry s Pony and Hog Shows will by in Savannah hr.-e days this week, giving two |.erf>rrnan • s dally at 23n f ni and sp. m .it Hm usual place. Prof. Gentry has added this year a drove of baby ele phants to his show. Th* elephants are diminutiv. in Hie ami g.*ntl and easily approached, and form a great attraction o the children who visit the show The *1 * and ponies have always been he main attraction In Gentry's shows, but he baby elephnnts are rivaling them In th*- favor of the patrons of the exhibi tions. TO *Tt in rm (iOYKRAHPAT. Tlie Purpose of the •• Aaaoelntlon Clt> i ounril** at the V. At. f\ A. There Is a growing conviction that voting men should become !nt!lUnf|v 1 acquainted with Kdh the practical work ings and the umlerlylng principles ©f * Ivic tffalrs—national, state nrvd munfti pul There |* also nee.l that they learn :ho moral fact that a vita! r* atlon ex ists between elvl*. 1 righteousness anl po llii ol Hfe nnd liuslness The Young Men's Christian Associa tion. with Its large constituencies of young men. an*l Ms educational facilities and methods, is just the organization for conducting such a work. It has recently organlz* ! an "Association City Council'* which meets every Tuesday evening ond takes up th* study of municipal govern ' mem. Th** main features of such study I have lieen found eminently sue several cMle* It enb*xlles at least a chree-foM purpooe: The gaining of theo retical knowledge of civic and municipal adminisiraion; ti |ractlce In the rule* of parliamentary usag* and pubic speak ing and a knowedge of the city soclologlcaly. Thus It combines in a mtliner the good features of the "Practical Tilk." the "Literary Society." | the "Promt Imy Problem Club" and the i *Clty Council" In a hlngl*- organization | Tin* club Is form l from the members ! .if th i ion and takes the form ' oigatdzatioti similar to that of the city's 1 governing body. 1* has .ts mayor, chair- I man of i mtnril, clerk, treasurer, city at t torn*' and !ty marba! The ;rlnripiil • ntnl!' - ure npt*o|ntel and from tim* jto time they present ’in'* for cert tin i tbltu - thought n*. *s-,ry for the city's i* The round! Is formed largely ~ f young m**n who are either law vers or ' in low .tints Any young man however, who Is nv'mifr of the association Is J invlt* I to join or to attend the sessions t ATIIKim AL OIK* Ahi HKCITAL. AAIII Tut**- Place To-morrow MM ntttl Promise* to Hr n 'lueee**. The re b and to be given to-morrow nl/ht it ih* Cathedral of 8t J- hn the Baptld on the ©< a-lon of the opening of the nev organ, prom's* -tobe a m *t • njoy .I one. and on - tl’it will b* excellent:y a - Mr. J I/vik Ilrowne ti c organ ! * l§ h been lcnr*l In Havannah b** y o"c. rocim ion wttl In ir I I ■*' • ' ,h|by as a musician too well k own t neri */mrn* n* Mr- M > O'Bren. to *, come highly reccmmen*l*d. while the oth r IMirtlclpanti* in th* 1 programm* . who ie | all local singers, are too well, and favor ; iMy known t.> nood an Introduction o Ia Savannah audience. I Th* sale of ticket* has been all 'hit could lie expected anti the rr e| ts w I add considerably to the organ fund, rh# oncert will begin promptly at & o'cltcz THE MOKNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBEK 10,1900. A \ 111 sTttlt II II ATtt V t apt. I\flUliitrii** Gift to tli* Itrum ami Haul** i ori*. Capt. Henry Kolshorn has presented the naval battalion drum an*l bugle corja through Us director. Mr. K. V. Pelt th*' drum major's ha*on which was used by the drum majors >f the ttecomt and Third Georgia Heglmttita during th* rfpanieh- Atnerlcan war The baton was firs; a part of the equip memo; the hand of th* Second Geoigu and many of the Savannah boys have seen If whirling In the hands of the drum ma jor as th** band l in review while they htnod tn line on parade On the mustering cut of the B** ond Georgia the t aton wa- passed over t>> the Third Georgia llegtment and •o.'tMnpanlf I that r< giment to Cuba. Cap Kolshorn falling heir to It when th* ieg intent wa mustered out at Augusta. The drum corps will have h* satisfaction of marching be hind a baton which bus some historic as social lon* at least tITA HHKAITIfc*. The opening ►olret* of the Reddlck- Dancing 8 tool will t.ik* pi.ic* r The Catholic Library Hall Friday night. The Journeyman Plumbers Vnion N 18g will give its flist annual ma*qiiera.!e ball to-niorrciwt night at the Catholic L brary Hall. Reoerved tickets for the Caihodral <!• dlcation are now on sale at Connor's book store. It i Mated that about half the seats have l*een (Ibps**! of. A white man who fell Into an epileptic fit at Bull and Broughton streets y* sti r day morning attracted a large number f peopU A number of the pa-*ershy as sisted In chafing his wrl*s an*! face until the* ambulant * arrived when he was sent to the Savannah Hospital A drunken man on a restive hore at tracted n great *l* ■ I of attention yester day afternoon a!ou* :t o'clock on Dray ton street. Th* man w.s drunk thut he could not k*ep his s* at without the greatest efTort At Taylor street he was thrown by the h't** but received no In jury and managed to mount and continue his Journey. The new firm of Johnson Moore A Cos., announcement of which has been mad* In the Morning New will take over th* biokerage and commission buslties** >f J B Johnson. The new firm onslsts of J B Johnson. A B Moore and K G M IVmald. The Arm *f Moore A Cos. will •onrlnu* the hay and grain htisineas lndepen*kntly. The McGuire portable fumigating ma chine was given a preliminary trial yes terday afternoon in the yard of Magistrate Richard Wickham on Bryan stret. Mr McGuire, the Inventor, whl arrange |* given nn * x hihithNi of th* machine within a day or two before a number of dociors and others who may have an lnt**r-st in th** work Ings and result* of his Invention. LOCAL I'FRAOA AL Mr 1. 1. FI s of Atlanta Is a guest of th*- Pulaski. Mr. W. A. Varnedoe of Tampi Is a guest of the Puta.-kl Mr. It D. Fry of Alligator Is n guest of the Pulaski. Mr. J. II Them is of Columbia Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr B P. Maril! of Statesboro is a guest of the Screven* Mr Grant Wilkes of Atlanta Is regis tered at th* Pulnskl. Mr J. W. Winn of Dorchester la a gue-t of the Pulaski. Dr. Thomas N Baker of Hlggsloti Is regist* red at the Scr* veil. Mr. James M ltlxoti of Grenville, <ln. Is a guest of the Screven. Mr Wliitam Hinders n left for At ant i yest* rday via the Central. Mr. G. AN Tledcman 1* ft via the Plant System yesterday for Philadelphia. Mr Thomas Martin and Miss Martin of BlufTton are guests of the Screven. Mr T. R Harris of Jesup was among the guests of the Screven yesterday. Mr. W. S. Bcnneit of Augdsta was among yesterday's arrival* at the Pu laski Mr. J H Harts*ll. representing th** well known advertising house of N. \V. Ayer A Son. Philadelphia. |ient yesterday In the city Mr F. (’. JfufTman of 'he Bos toe k Mid way Company, which will furnish . num ber of the attractions at the coming Elks' Carnival, is registered at the Screven. AN ill (.he n Hall. The committee appointed from the Police Benevolent Association to give an entertainment to raise fundi* for the as sociation. met Ht the harm ks last night and *! bled to give j hall on Thanksgiv ing eve The plac* w i,l be deckled on later. —Dumltigh—"He tor Is trying to tie funny about my poem because 1 ‘stone* and *one.' There Is something In i*>try lieswles rhyme, you know Synnex—^"Generally. y* >; but not |n yours, Dumletgh."—Boston Transcript 3.. U I Of HON fTT AND C. 8 Si R'T tllitUL l.t. For la!, of Hop, U jnß.>nirry, Thunder bolt. Cattle Dark and Weal End. Dally except Bui.days. Subject to change without notice. J.t imv tor I ol *1 l.v of 11 oi* < *> im from i -mh | uu om for itolion 710 am from T--nth j 6uu am for Tenth lam from T<-n,h 7 Ou am for T-mh *IS am from Uolion *OO am for Tenth MJO am from T,*nth 10 00 m for Tenth 12 0) n n from T- nth |ll 0u am for Bolton 1 li pm from llotaon 11 30 am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth 200 pm for Tenth 130 pm from Ttnth , 2 „pm for Holton ,> pm from Tania , tou pm for Tenth 110 pm from Truth Itt pm for Tanth *JO pm from Tarith J• uo pm for Tenth TJO pm from Tenth 700 pm for Tenth JJO pm from Tenth 1 JOO pm for Tenth JJO pm from T-nth f<o pm for Trmli 10 Ju pm from Tenth 10 (f< pm for Tenth 111 00 pm for Tenth MOHTOOMKBT -#v *',iv for Uiiim ty l.v Momanme- , J JO am from Temh , 7 IS am for Tenth 2 JO pm from Tenth ! 1 IS pm for Tenth tJo pm from T.rrli 00 pm for Tenth cattle park. • ■ • it> tor i at.Parm Lv. Ca< le l-aru (JO am from Itolion 7uu om for llolton 7 30 am from llolton j * 00 am for Holton 100 pm from llolton IJo pm for Dolton 2SO pm from Bolton Sno pm for Dolton 7 00 pm from Bolton I 7 *0 pm for Bolton 300 pm from Dolton *SO om for Bolton '1 111 MiKtll-oL, Car leave, BoMon ,treet Junction il) a m anti v*ry thirty minutaa hereaft*r until II SO p. ni. Car leavea Thurwlerboll at * 00 a m ani avery thirty minute* ther-after until 12 no ml-lniicht, for Bolton tareat Junc tion. I'ItLIUHT A.ND I'AItCLL CAR. Thla car carrlea trailer for pa.nenjfrr, on all Irlpn ond leavea etit .Me of city marhet for I*l of H.-ne, Thur lertiolt and all lot-rmedlnta points at 9 UU u. m.. 100 p. m . S W P- m Ida of Hope for Thunderbolt, city M'trite, and all Intermediate point, at SOO a. m 11 00 a. m. 2<o p if.. WhitiT L.ND CAll. Car leaves wi.t aide of city market for W*t Kr.d *;• •- to. and avery * mlnulee thereafter durln* the day until 11 SO p. m Leavea West End *1 * 20 " a”* l ary a) minutes thereafter durln* the day an 111 UOO o'clonk mldnlrb t. 1 M. LOPTON. Oea M*r. Clergymen I’m- Daffy 's Pur* Malt Whiskey in their homo, •nd t it Is s blcMiag to mankind. £ \ Meade Center. Kim Bro Your favor with th** em lo*ed slip t* St ha* I Ihe la* i are theme Mr wife ud au invalid l*r several yuruml on our lan ' ir \ <'waneKltKn. ucd a vrrtaln piqurilMi vl ii vftv steal r beneht lam a I'reahytet laa I ■ man.ib <r • l \ not V)l Medi me. but I am not I ITa afraid to aay that Dufli * For k-*5 V ■ mu j aud Dufl>‘ Fare Malt ilil, IM ■ NVhiakey are the pares! and * J H rr.c >t effective prepra(K'ti a* ** hi medi inca I know of, and my epe*ienc*lsaliri:*om* lam a temperanc e man, and never used, ant! would never advise am man or woman to uar. any Into*leant as a beverage My recommendation ©I f>utl> *s Formula and Wafskcy wat made after a thorough knowledge of their great value as medictrioa. The statement was mads deliberately and baved uion facts, and 1 do not hesitate to stand bv it The manv temperance rren who have written me untht* vut*ev t l not verm to realire that 1 was a temperance own be lore many of them were Urn. bl&vctely yours, B. MILLS, P B. DUFFY’S PURE MALT WHISKEY Iw THE Till F. ELIXIR OF LIKE. It Aid* IMgratton. Stlltndatw the Blood, InvlgorwteS the llraln, ttutht* Nerve 1 la •ue. 1 om-* nptho lle.ti t and Fra longs - Ufa. >t Cares Consumption. Every bottle of the genuine hewn* * medicine reve. tine atsmu. AU dmggtst* and grorsra **r direct tn pislu ps* aage. eprve |*ul<t •liualiotlls Hew re pf tmitatton* they are tnjurtooa hend for fres knilcal I**oh!rt. Dsffv Mall AA btakry t *>, UsehrMer, X. Y. LEGAL BALKY. TRCSTEK HALE Coder and by virtue of the power aiul authority v* t*d in me, th* urb*rign*d Jomi N. <le|l, trust*uihl* r that certain h *vi of truet, from Helen M Loveilng. Lile| the eighteenth, filth) !' of Au gust. eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. (IB9M. and recorded in the clerk's *ftl ** of the Superior Court of Chatham countv. In record lnx*k of Mortgages 4 D's, folio 296. t. m|. (the salt*) Helen M Lo voting having made def.iuit in the payment of th*' .md interest. n*l obligation' provided lo Mid d***d) I will sell, ai pub lic outcry before the Court Hour* 1 door. In Chatham county. Georgia, on th** flr-t Tueeday In November, being the elxth (tth) l t> of Novemlier. nltudeen hunlr*-d anl during the usua! an*! legal hours of -stlo. to the highest and best bkl dvr. for cash, all th** following described lot nnd p.ircel of I md. with the improve ment* thereon, to-writ: All th*t tract or jKirrel of situate, lying and l*eing In the city of Bnv.mnah, uM rotintv an*l state, an*ft known on the map of raid city .*> the western one-half of lot. number six <6i, Crawford ward, con - in in mg it frontage of Thirty (.Nil feet on Oglethorpe avenue, (formerly S*’tth Bro.i*l street), ami a depth of ninety t9*) fe-** to n lane, and bounded north hy ogb'- taorta* avenue, east hy eastern n*-half of os Id lot. houth hy ii lan** aori wwt hv l**t number five t:>j of sal*l ward The KHk) w -i-rn on* -half of said lot number “ix f*). ('rawfor*l ward, is subject to nn annual ground rent of twelve 2-l** dol lars. payable to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah Together with n’l and singular. the houses, buildings casements, rights. m**m brs and nppurtenar *e thereunto belong ing. the pur noser paving for tl(l*T* nnd revenue stamps. JOHN N GKIL Trustee IN the District Court of th*- Fnlted State** for the South# rn District of Geor gia. Eastern division. In the mitt*-r of J, l(. Goo la in, hankrup'. In bankruptcy l'ruler an*l by virtue -f n or*le, pa.-sg*! on the 17th day cf September. 19". by A II Ma 1 *011(11 refeir-,- in bankruptcy I will sell on Tuesday. Nov. 6. 1900, at the Court House In Ch.athum county, within th* legal hours of sa’e. t the hlgheri bidder, foreash. the following pro;** tv of siil*l bankrupt estate, to-wlt; l*ot mini her 21, Cummins w iri being number 213 Third stree . east. In the diy of Savannah, In ('tiatham county, together with the Improvements on -am* It.ght t*> reje t any or a'.l bids reserve*!. The above prop erty is sold fr#r from all liens and Incum brances. NVM. r HARDEE. Trustee. legal lAUTIi K. >H<ii C' ( ? I?ATiTa m County.—ln re New York Boat Oar Com pany vs. I*. C. Uuniiiolil *ii *l Wiliuim II B lllr.g r. Action cn note and contract tn Buperlor Court of Chatham county. l\ imi er term. 1. The |f mdants, I*. C. Rumbokl and Wil liam H If* I Inger are hereby required |**r sonally. or by attorney, to lx* and appear at tlx* r.ext term of the HupcrDr Court of Chatham county to be h* I I m th* llrst Monday, being the third (3rd) day of De c*mb*-r next, then and there to answer the plaintiff on the merits of the forego ing petition. In default of such appearance the said (<urt will proceed as to Justice shall ap pertain Witness the Honorable Robert Falll gant. Judge of said Superior Court, this the 6th day of 8 ptember, nineteen hun dred (1900). 8 L LA/.ARON, A’tom* y for IV tit loner. JAMES L MI RPHY, Deputy Clerk, 8 C., C. C., Ga NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice Is hereby given t* ail persons t ( gv Ing demands against William J Marly late of said county, deceased, to present them to us. properly noa-le out, within th * tim** presari bed by law. so us to show their character and amount. nnd ad ier sons indebted to said deceased are required to make tmni*‘diate payment to us Mary Ellen Horty. an*l .Marl** fiarty. Executrices of Will of William J. Ilarty Deceased. Savannah. G . Sept. 5. 19bi. STATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM County.—Jacob Shelloian has applied to Court of Ordinary for an order requiring Mrs. N 11. Burroughs, a Imln stnurlx es tate J. II Burroughs, de. . a w ed. to make titles to five (.' acres of land nt or near Burroughs Station, county and state aforesaid, to him These are. therefore, to rite nnd admon ish nil w hom It may concern to be nnl ap pear before sn!d court, on or before the tlrsa Monday In November. 1100, to make objections. If any—otherwise said order will he granted Wltnesa Hon. H I. Fertill. Ordinary for Chatham county. Georg, *, this Oct. 1. ltan FRANK K KEILBACH. C. r 0.. C. Cos.. Ga. "GEORGIA. CHATHAM COCNTY— Whereas. John J. Morris has applied t'> Court of Ordinary for letters dlsml-**ory as administrator on 'h<* estate of William Morris, deceased These are, therefor* . to sl;e and admon ish all whom it mav coiuern to be and appear before *4d court to make objec tion Ilf any they have) on or before the 17*h day of January next, otherwise said letters will be grunted. Witness. #he Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the lath day of October. 19i'X). FRANK E KEILBACH. ('lerk Court Ord'y, C. Cos. DONNELLY DRUG C 0„ SAVANNAH. CIA. DRUGS. SEEDS. ETC. Mall order, solicited. Hall phone *7J 1\ 8 —Sand for Irau sample K, tk P, Dy.pepsla Cur*. . Empty Hoqsheads. Lauitly Molaavta Hugahrads fa© •ala b j c. m. Gilbert & co. OLD NEWSPAPERS. JJO for a col*, si Ruainooa OOc Mora gig Nawa. CLASSIFIED AUVtKfiSEMENTS. I'RIISOIAL. TTa/a mir T^aTtgT^HHARP talk, nvi*i| unh hy havtn; your rnxir giomit, honed, set and miivle to shave like new. hy the old experienced liarber. 26 East Broughton. H.ilr, Jewelry nnd Hhavlng Bup|>ly House; th* place for tin* razors, strop"* nn*l shaving outfltw. bartarr c hairs for -ai** or r* nt. barber shops trought arul sold. "Ts \Ol RON SAFI BMF Htlffel \ Freeman liav* a standing offer of ti.otft) for every safe of their make that dors not pu rerve Its content.** tt raf* was lu burtiing lehris II hour* When taken out the hose had t * l*e turned *n B. When ojK-fied. not a page w discol ored. not a record o*t. •> a dollar de al rove I If you want security, buy a Htiffel A Freeman safe C. I*. Miller, agent. YOl’ WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM S;imgfu M Dairy; It's rich atnl pure; try It NOW 18 THE TIME. SEND I H YOl It old - uil to Is .1, tried an*t it-<ti'*l .<jiHhern Pant* ('. next to Levan's con gress st. Harry Th*u**. pr**t Mf *H FI 11NE. OF! L M LA I'DA NT M <> .min#* halut. m> *lf -tired, will inform you of harmless. |< tman* iu horn** *ur*. Mary 8 Baldwin. Box 1212. Chi- go FI RNiri RE ri’HOUnKHKB. MAT tresses renovate*!. Ant que furniture re polished, furnltur* |>ai kd and sht|ped In lest manner S#*n*l me you* orders. C F Miller, agent. BONE FLol'R 3‘-rT>l T NT* ItAti. Rave order with E Moyle. !•) Broughrui street. asi. or 111 Park avenue, east, 4. Gardner, agent IF ITB HUGH YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlllls. HFECIAL. AN UNLIMITED HUPPI/T of ni e wili<>w rockers, ladles' atxe, st 62 J W Tespie. *| AM NOW DM’ATKh AT 4M WEST Broughton; ring up llw! if you want to have your furniture moved or parked f<*r shipment or d**nge. I guarani©* prices the same as I do tho work that's given tome A S. Grlflh 111 Broughton sti*et. west, mattresses mud** to order Yorii OLD WINTER SLIT MADE new at S*uth*rn Bants Cos, Cougr*>s h 4 next lo la van's. MILLER'S STOVES AND RANGES give satisfaction The Magnetic. Econo mist, Waldorf, King, and othor good make** at re ionabl* prices 2V7 Brough ton, W*JHt k knh i not* Tn fa it m MTlkih* FN- Hiitpass***l tor ilchnes", delivery Is |w-r --f< ct, phone, 2345. SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS, oflica tabl©", <dfi *• matting. otYK© shad* d'7 Brought i w t WHEN YOU BBE M'OILUH* HiXTT- Inch Vi (tnii rugs, you will buy th©m Juat can't help It; will oeli In auy quan tity "for FLORAL DESIGNS CUT Fl>>W ©r#. i'.ants nn*l bulb* from <• !m*lilk'* nuriurry, leave order* with E. Moyle. 10 Broughton ttreet. *.!. J. Gardner, agent "FURNITURE MOV BP WITH CAHI9," la a ©i**- inity with McGtlihi "MILLERS NEW STYIaES IN CAR prt*. mat ing-'. linoleum", window shad©", ©tc All work don© lt flrat-cla>a ©tyla. 207 Riought<ll. west. BEE THE JEWEL " STOVES AND rang©# for ©l© by J. W Teepla; alao agent for gaaoline Move. M GILLIH 18 CHEAP ON RUCMI. NETS. U'•< curtain#, hommocka, water cooler*, ptt.ow•*. picture*, stove*, bedroom suite*, and furniture of ©very description. 4ft BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERH while th* \ bmt l*iirg* a*#ortm©nt of r**ck* ri*. divan* and ea*y chair*. C. P. Miller, agent KENHINGTON FARM 18 ON AN elevation in th© country, fro© from city drainage. fmpo#*lbl© f*r milk to bacom© rontamlnat©*!. by Impure odor*; If you want pure Jersey milk, phon* 2345 le -liv* ry prompt. *atlzfa©tlun guaranteed. M GILLIB MOVER. PACKS IHIP9 and •fore© pA#no and furnllurj; beat work only; no "Cheap-John" price*—no "Cheap* John" job* 61.00 FOR WOVEN WIRE COT. while they latt. C F Miller, agent. IC’GILLIS* LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. 22.50 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they laM. Big an***rtm* nt. all grade* of art ©quare*. rug*, mat*, portiere* C. F Miller. ag*nt M'GII.LIH SELLS aiXTY-INCII RUOB —Smyrna pattern*—for VJ cent*. flftlbUlCAJU. STUTTER IN< (TItKIM)R G- W Randolph of Ht. Ixmjl*. * aatonlehirig the people of the South with h.e wonderful cure** of stuttering, h*- cured <V>| Willi*- Jone' *on and nephew -it Columbia. 8. C.. *ui many other* recently; he i* at th* A.lierm irl Hot©!; leading pujn r* all over th*' 4.inl nr© loud lu hie |>ra!*<*. Write him <tt one© for |*arncular, (.'oltimbiu. 8 C. LADIEi] ClilC HEAT EJ ILJBH Fenny royal Fill* ara the best. Hafe. re liable. Take no other. H*-nd 4© stamp* for ixirtlcular*. pliellaf for Ladle#," In letter by return mail A*k your druggiia Chichester Chemical Cos., Fhilada.. Fa. HOW ARE YOUR TEICT? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nail*, corn* nnd oil diaea*©* of the feet without pain; charge# reasonable; can give h© best reference* in the city; pa tient* treated nt residence*; order* enn be left n< Livingston # drug More. Bull nnd Conrr©** *4reef; telephone 293 Lena Devl surgeon chiropodist IIELI' YVAVTKO—IIAL*. 'T7TThria!XYTß?s'~\r^ lonia. N C. Flynt BuLriing and t onstruc tion Company. GOO!) HTENOGRAFHKrT NONE other ncl apply. Salary. 675.00. M , car© Morning New*. WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS llOßSE shoer Apply 519 William* itraat. WANTED. FIRST-FLASH MACHINIST at Mingledorff A Co.’* machine shop, 510 li.dtan street WANTED. BOOK KEEFER BTENOG rapher. ilrugglid. laundry mMchtnUt. bak er*. bricklayer© mill man. tl© chopper*, cypre** and pin© log * hopper*. *aw'v©r#, orange i<a<'k*r*. Iluber, 317 W©*t Bay, Ja>k*onvllle. UELF HA6TBD-neiMUk WANTED. CAPABLE GIRL FOR general houaework .'O3 Broughton street ©a*t WANTED WHITE GIRL TO IM) *-ooklng and gemral houaework; German l>referred. Apply 21f* Bull street, near Seventh *trt. A SETTLED WHITE WOM AN TO ar© for Invall*! o> ; must be utrong and bav© good reference*; #*#©l wage*. A|>pl> F. O l©)X 352 WANTED. FOUR LADY CANVAS ner©. goo*l mot*©)* for huetl©r© Apply 429 Weal Broad ©t. WANT ED EX FE Rfl: N K I > Cf >(j K ; ring reference, good wagt-©. Apply 32t! Oglethorpe avenue. WANTED. HOUR K K E E F K R H, clerk*. *t nographrni. covnpmlon*, ladle* maid*, nurse*, took*, laundresses, wai tt ©*©*. -handiermaid* . all parts of Flor ida and B)Uth G**>rgU* Iluber, 317 West Bay street. J*ck*oi.\l! 1* IAIIT.OV MKVr %V ASTEU. FJ T rR?”sTEN"- ographer and good #crH*. having refer ence. want* poadlon. Tarver*# Employ fiKtu Bureau. EMIM*OYNKW U AYTRD. HITI ATION WANTED BY HOY OF !6, active, energetic ami qul It I* artier; wnob - tie hou* preferi > I F. 11. K . care News. A RELIABLE rfILoTT? ! WOM AN with good referencew wants place as • h tmherm.iid or nurse. *2l E*t Gwln tH’ft street. Htu nica ivaukl). WANTED TO RENT lu HM ALL ' house*. 3 to 4 rooms each; tnu*t Is ehenp, will pay rnt weekly. A*ldt RcllaM%" Morning New* HOtiMa w y>n:i). ROOM* WANTED TWO OR THRRK uiifurnDn**l neat huidne-s portion of dt) , lent moieratr. Addre-s "VN or ’ u \VI'ICI>— MUM BLL.IXKIHI*. v \ . i’ ■ 11 > 111' V l < lit <'ASM A nt,-,. .mail hmi.r, rllhrr (rum. or lrl.*k. I inn.t in- ktal lix'dlton. A<Mi< Home. 1 .•. NH IK Aol WANT HOOP MII.K. Ht-rr IT (torn S|M|n*llrhl Dairy. If, rich, pure anJ ; wholesome • IF YOU WANT A FLA CM TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, sic., frea of charge Just at city limit#, hauling over i hard road, uni?a or telephono Brown ' Bros,, come.’ Anderson and East Broad •traata. ■ " ■— FOR HVAT-HUOMI. NICELY KERN 1811 ED ROOMS, ! southern rxpaurp.’ modern oonveniancea, 3t Jones, east I. RENT fiooMH FI HNIWIKn **r unfurnished A|ply I‘fc’* lVrrv st. ELEGANTLY ITUNIHHKD HINGEK >r dotibl* nsmi. with or without tmard Every comfort Private family. 3* Hab ersham. near Broughton NICELY Fl* lIN 1811 ED ROOM. ALL convenience©; hot and cold water; 96 Barnard, near liberty. FLAT* rttlt HEAT. "TrdTTuTvr'lTAT^A to small family. No. 12 Jone* street, east “for RENT FIJkT OF 4 CONNECT trig room* and Imth. 203 Gwinnett, west; next to Bum ml. inquire on premises, or of W J Mi*- ally, Jr. FOR HEAT-IHIt IKA FOR RENT. 17 DUFFY HTREET, • ast. at mice. Applv George | L Garmaiiy, agent, IH Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. C IMPORTABLE IIOUBK. N 217 WaJdburg street, east, between Aberuum and IJncoln, flrsi-elasa or*l**r and condition; every convenience Right i*nt to right tenant Estate Balom*ui Cohen. \\ * *t Broad and Broughton streets FOR RENT. DESIRABLE IBM'SE fronting An*ler*on street *•> liuol. A|*t>|v 115 Anderooti east. FOR RENT FINE BIX ROOM HOI HR Anderoofi street east; fifteen dollars, • heap. D ll Lester. run it'.ii-iTOHki. i orn* r W hitaker and Liberty at reel*. Ap pl> Ift Lib rty street, w.^t. j- and; RENT ft ITABLE i)R 11 • )RK or oftbe. *outl*at corner Montgomery and Ferry atreet km© FOR RENT. STORE. 115 IIROUOIL t<#i atreet, * oat; pogaeftslon Imundtitely *l*o several -I *t ■ able residence# an I flata. Apply A. Wylly, 32 Bryan atr*t. eat. rtm HHRT-MISFKLLAKBOI I. RENM\ TWO NBtThTILS near Maiket; rent very cheep M J Doyle. Mark*-! square. ‘'LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE for rent, corner II rough ton ami Weal F.r*l street*, formerly oc*t*pi©d by th* Hovannuh Carriage and Wagot Cos. 11. I*. Sin art Foil SALE-REAL KftTATK. FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars, easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Bruud. no city taxation. C. IL Dorse tt Volt HALE, lA>T ONTmNTHrNEAR East Broad, si 62© each; will soon b* advanced to 6225; when a lot ho# been paid for 1 can arrang* to get a home * C. H. Dor—lt. * HOftl LOTH on NINTH •tree!, near East Ilmsd. )ave only been •old to flrst-cl*** parties. will mak good neighbors; and non* other can buy. The terms are very eoay. and they are cheaper than any other In the vicinity, j H PgptH FOR SALK LOTS'on NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at !* each; iwenty-flv* dollar# cash, end *oay monthly payments C. H. Lor*att. "RESIDENCES AND BUILDING for sale all over the city. Robgrt H. Tstem. real estate dealer. No. 7 York atreet. meat FOR SALE OR RENT. tft-ACRE farm with house and out bulbllngm, r n good condition. Apply f.7ft Stewart street. - LOIT A.M> FOB Ml). river. on© lox containing an organ. Owner ©an oht.rig by proving own ©rdtlp and piylng nil expense*. On tmard N**rw* gl in ship Thor. auAHUiik. FI RNISHED ROOMB WITH BOARD also table liuarder*. 11® IJtwrty treet, e*t. BOARD FRONT ROOMS WITH good hoard, table hoarders desired. Tat nail, third from Liberty “"nice ROOMS; SOUTHERN EXPOS ur©. good table; central location, reason able rat©*, nt 322 ILirn* atreet. east. Klllt ATIU3.IL r tYT'Ti^tTriN^r^TiN^T ll**h bram-he*. Latin; careful Individual Instruction. Apply for term© J. E. Harn, 123 Oglethorpe ve. west, Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. (OXPOKDS $2.00 A HALF DOLLAR SAVED ALL ’ROUND. GEIL & QUINT, 205 Broughton Street, West. At mow SAIiBA THIS DAY. ADM INI ST RAT 0R S SA C£ I. I). I I HOt HB. auctioneer. t>n TITiHDAY. the I6ih day of October, IPO. at 11 o'clock a. m . 1 will sell on tha premise* that g< nerwl stuck of gtssls. c*nel*ttng of dry goods clothing, who a, hats, notions, vails* * fan* ) ani! nl furnishing* bnfether with show ca* *, rafes ctNinb-rs, h* m and general store Matures, contained In store, corner of Hiott© and West Broad sire* t* lt ely u - cupl*| hy 1 kii Ago**.-. d* *-isd Terms, cash. Stuck an i** iiu;< Iml on ippll- ation lo the auctioneer. J K II ROOK H, A'lndnlstrator Estate lion Ago ox FOR IALk-aiU.LUMCObI. Ho\ REM. THE COUGH KING! TRY It when y.*ur favorite rrm *ly fail", a .a bottle add’d to a gill of honey tnak- a splendid in xiur* for Infants and * hlldrsa BENZOIN BALM MAKES THE HKIN Ilk© velvet. fir sale by druggist or at Hen rv i(il Ab* i ei I*, r-* Drug Store#, Whitaker and Taylor streets ’ FOR SALK, ft ACRES OF FINE RIFF, hay. 65 per acre. B. It. Cooney. Thun derbolt road. ~FOII SALE TWO VERY FINE COW'S; must be sold at ontc. M I. Doyle, Mar ket square. FOR SAL K 7 MCI A: S I, A RGB. smooth mi*l© ar.*l some *d* .(• mule* and h*x * a Savannah Sa • and Boarding Stables. FOR SALE. AT WIIJ4ON S AUCTION nut wardrotM- walnut mat il* top tat>lea. w • Into Ih-*| iM>ni Millie*. cherr> mliuft, ok sideboard, a variety of furniture, arpets, h* atlng stoves, etc , which roust l M;a. BUGGY ROADCART AND HARNEM < heat* Savannah Hal© an<l B-*aidlng B tables. TURPENTINE LOCATION" FOR Ih erot* drd year boxes; 12.00 1 a re* round timber, at SI -#• |>er aer*- 6‘ per tbon*an*l boxes for leased timber; plenty of timber li Ir got. In five mil** of r <1 * road, will give |oses"lon now oi itt end of season Ailiih-s'* Round Tunis i, •a a Moridng News. FIRE l*Rt M)F SAFES WE CARRY A fine line of ftr#* proof safe** In ©lock at ill times Th© imrtle# *an se© exs*'tly What they are gcitMig Our prices nr© as low -* manufat turers sell it. with freight a*M ©d Fnrtl©# Interested, who wish a good fir© proof safe, will *b well to |n#|©et our stock Il|pmai Itros . l.lppni in li*h k. itg* nte for manufacturers. FOR HA LBf~(’HEAP. HAL* n*cted with liarber "h'h*. most -©II at on* * on it * ount of going into other lnislri* *. corner ltrmghtoti anl Houston •trM Siv imiiih. Gi BFRINGFIELD DA FRY IH NOTED for having rich, pure mUk. try It, you will be PI.I >1 111 NG. MODERN PLUMPING. IT WILL. lIK lo your intercut to let in five you tit m llnulc on your plumbing. now or old work; repair work * specialty. aw 1 am a practical plumber. No nucha work to endanger your lira. Wlgglii*. phone fin, Georgia or It* ll NII('ICM.AKBOl r ft. CALL I-p PKRItY A lIKNTON. IP you rare going to tiiov* nbKt or aiimc fur nltur* . lull phone 1124 HAVE YOI H HOI HE PAINTED with German ready ringed paint, entire aattflfacilon fuaranienl. Adutna paint Company. " H.XMI \ ItX * PL! MM N G OA W'D atenm lifting, only experienced men em idoved. ellow ua to give you a figure your work. A C. Price A Cos., Htute un<l J* fr**rwn atreeta. phone*. (Ul. "“WANTED, ONE THOUSAND fltlK'- gry pMiple at the flout hem Grocery Com pany, 114 IRrnard afreet. ~PKRRY A RENTON WILL RRNO vale your 01l m.ittr.aa**a and furniture, make good arf new. at very little ooet. WE HELL HEWER PIPE, FLUE pipe. fire clay, tire brick at lowed pricae. Ad.itna Paint Company, 104 Congreug, weet. “MORE THAN ONB HUNDRED CENT! In every klLir of your hard-earned hard a-h nt the Southern Grocery Conpr.y, 114 Itarnanl afreet PHONE AVv HULL OR "GEORGIA. AND let ua (Reconnect r**l connect your range. re|Mira of any make furnkahed for your atove or range; expert workmen only em ployed; can figure very rloee. A. C. Price A Cos.. Htate und Jefferson afreet*. ~PBRRV A lIKNTON USE SPEC! At. rarr In mmUiK. rhlpplntc anil ilortn, furniture; 'ithonn 1124. OTPSINE IS THE REST WALL FUf lah mini*- Adama Palm Cos.. Savannah •cmti. 104 Concraaa. wet. PERFECT OAH MANTLES. !.- IS.. Z- un<l X*' aaeh; all Biiarantired gun lamp* fhn very htnl mukra. put U|> In your oftl. r, atorr or r<->U.h-ni--; only V, ißtita; If your ol<l g a* hurnarn na~l rv* palrms n<l ovvrh aiillOK talrphonr. f.A Georgia or Bril. an.l w* will do Ih. rent. A. C. Price 4k Cos., State and Jefferaaii atreeta. itSDOni Toi'it i.iviNn EXPCNIM hy Inventing your hard-earned hard caah with th Southern Orocary Company, 114 Barnard atreet Good Positions II b/AcilVeVid, Otoif ~ Young Men "'Women L ‘ ■ pICHMONOo I "BUSINESS { €/ammia&%v I COLLEGES.! ndsjtwp/fy | Smikr rmi ■ l ymr IF TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL •nd work, ordor jour llUiorrtpliM ond prlnlrd aiallonrry and blank booka from llornlnc Newa, Savannah. Ga- 3